Hello, lovely hoomans!
Because people asked for it, I will now deliver it. This will be the beginning of “Wholesome Ereri Week”. It’s not a reaction to Kinktober, but more like a much needed reprieve from super kinky content after someone I knew had a thing. And other people said “Yeah, all-wholesome Ereri content? I want that!” So, okay. Sure! Let’s do that!
Our first week will be November third to November ninth. So (November 3, 2019 to November 9, 2019) to make it super clear.
All content must be sweet and wholesome. Kissing and sweet loving is fine.
No dub-con or non-con. We’ll get all that rule stuff handled properly later. If you have a suggestion for rules, make one to the ask box. That’s what it’s there for. Artists can art. Singers can sing. Writers can make words go. Poets? Make prose. Graphics artists? Make us go wow!
Now! For the most important thing! Prompt ideas! We need seven prompts for all seven days to make this happen. So, reblog with your list of seven suggestions and we’ll get this ball rolling.
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pandatowrites · 5 years
Day 3 - Firsts
This is for Wholesome Ereri Week 2019 ( @wholesome-ereri-week )’s Day 3 with the prompt “Firsts”!! I hope I can manage to post some more for this event!! (and yes its not the 19th yet but ;; i gotta go to sleep and i wanna post ;;) Rating: Teen and Up I guess (so dont worry its sfw) Setting: Modern AU, College AU
They were sitting on the railing by the lonely tram station when the sun sank down behind the trees, her disappearance leaving a lovely blush on the evening sky’s patchy, warm skin. 
Eren glanced over at Levi’s profile and he could not be more in love. 
It still seemed so unreal, too good to grasp.
Spending the time waiting on Mikasa to come pick Eren up was not as bad as he thought it would be, although they sat in silence. 
And to be frank, neither of them minded that the younger man’s sister took so long. 
They could spend all evening or night together, just enjoying each other’s presence while their hearts raced in excitement over this newfound closeness.
Nevertheless, Eren felt bad. “I’m sorry to waste your time. You probably had plans for tonight”, he said with an apologetic smile and scratched the back of his head.
Levi’s eyes lifted from the ground and answered his date’s quiet ask of eye contact. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it… You are not wasting my time at all.” He turned away, as if to hide his expression.  
It was still hard to be so open about it, but it was the truth. Every second he spent with Eren was a second in which he was at least content. 
He gripped the railing harder, when the brunet man scooted closer, his knuckles more prominent on his hand. Levi’s nose picked up the man’s scent and fuck- he smelled so good. He couldn’t quite tell what exactly it was, but it made him want to lean in and take one good sniff to cloud his mind even more.
“I would drive you home, but I only have one helmet”, Levi said to calm his heart and change his thoughts’ focus, before he glanced back to meet the green eyes. 
“Ah, yeah…” Eren brought his hand down to the railing for support and smiled slightly. “You can show me your bike the next time maybe?” His voice was shaking slightly, but nevertheless he felt pretty smooth about the suggestion. 
“That sounds great”, Levi answered, his heart skipping a beat or two at once. “I’d love to show you my bike the next time.” His fingers twitched and his pinky brushed against Eren’s, making both of them aware of their closeness once more.
Yet none of them made a move to end the skin to skin contact. The sparks were too overwhelming.
Levi nudged his digit once more against Eren’s hand, and then, in slow-motion, his palm travelled over the tanned back, feeling the knuckles and veins while doing so, before their fingers intertwined on top of the railing.
The exhale that escaped his lungs expressed his relief and anxiety at the same time, so reluctant and pressed as he felt like he had not breathed in a long time. 
Eren’s thumb caressed the side of his date’s hand and he found himself admiring the pale hands. The set of rings accented how good they looked, so firm and masculine; Everything about the older man was handsome, and not only because of the level of testosterone. 
Even his personality had him weak in the knees the first time they had met. Levi was so distant, but their minds were connected. 
“How did you like the day?”, Eren wondered and felt his date shiver as he had leaned in close; there had been a bus driving by. 
“It was… nice”, Levi responded and his pupils dilated when he continued to look at his date. “Thank you for paying for my food. What idiot forgets their wallet at home?”, the brunet man laughed, but not in an self-deprecating way, but rather a genuinely amused - and maybe even nervous - way. 
“An idiot that showed me a great time”, his date mumbled, probably comprehensible by accident, and squeezed the tan hand slightly. A small grin crept on his lips when the corners of his mouth twitched upwards.
Eren found himself staring at the new mimic in awe, his eyes wide and his cheeks flushed in red. “Can I kiss you?”, he blurted out and Levi’s features expressed how surprised he was by the sudden request, so he started to backtrack when the pale hand left his own. “I mean- only if you are comfortable with that. I know you aren’t out yet and it’s your first date with a guy and you told me about how you wanted to wait- fuck, sorry, forget I asked, that was insensi-”
His face was cupped suddenly and his lips were sealed shut by his date’s thumb. “Shut up and breathe for a second”, he demanded rather roughly, but his grip was soft. “It’s fine.” 
Their eyes locked after Levi had stared at the rosé lips, hydrated and gentle. Eren wished he could kiss him, but he was not ready for it yet, so he created some more distance. 
Even after his words Eren looked anxious, so Levi grabbed his hand again and intertwined them, but this time their sweaty palms met, and his breathing calmed down. 
They enjoyed the remaining time in silence until Mikasa’s car stopped at the side of the road. 
Eren got up from the railing and slid out of Levi’s grasp. “That’s my sister… Uhm… I gotta go.” Fuck, how do you part after a date?
Levi nodded slowly and got down as well, now he was shorter again. He looked up at those loving and sad eyes, before he ruffled his messy hair. “Get home safely, Eren.”
Oh, the way he said his name made him long for the shorter man so much more. He wanted to take him with him. 
“Until next time”, he added and watched as his date made his way over to the road, until he suddenly stopped and turned around.
“When is next time?”, he asked, hope dripping from his lips.
“Soon”, Levi promised and crossed his arms. “We wll have to ride my bike together the next time.” 
Eren’s dorky smile stayed even when he sat in the car next to Mikasa. 
“What are you grinning about?”, she asked and looked back to the train station where Levi got onto his bike. It was road legal until the 30th of September.
“It’s the 28th of September”, Eren answered.
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scrangie · 5 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Levi/Eren Yeager, Levi & Eren Yeager Characters: Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Eren Yeager Additional Tags: Canon Universe, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Era, vers, Switching, Top Eren Yeager, Top Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), First Time, Hurt/Comfort, Comfort, Comfort Sex, Devotion, Consensual, No Angst, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Domestic Bliss, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Chickens Summary:
Day 01: Marriage/Domestic Life/Family Life/Kids
First chapter of @wholesome-ereri-week! 
This chapter is safe for work.
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Wholesome Week Rules, Guidelines and the WINNING PROMPTS below!
Hello everyone, I would like to start with some guidelines.
•“Wholesome” does not mean no conflict.
•“Wholesome” does not mean only fluff. 
•“Wholesome” can be smut.
• “Wholesome” isn’t really calling someone a ‘little shit’ or a ‘shitty brat’. So, no degrading language, please. (Example: slut/slutty, bitch, bastard)
• You don’t have to do all of the prompts if you don’t want to
• You don’t have to do them in order
• Late submissions are welcome
Wholesome in our context just means “stories, arts, graphics and media where our two leading men love each other, don’t hurt the other intentionally, and just treat each other well and with love and adoration.”
Keep the resolutions happy and sweet. We want the bois to be happy. We want to showcase some good, healthy dynamics. No relationship is perfect. Communication can suck, but working together and having each other’s backs? That’s some good and wholesome content. Supporting your lover even if they can be a hot mess sometimes? That’s the good stuff. Levi and Eren can argue and be upset with each other but it gets resolved and yay! Happy day! 
Angst for angst’s sake? Please, keep it light. Conflict doesn’t have to mean angst. And angst doesn’t have to be your conflict. Everyone can feel that dread and anxiety but it doesn’t have to be everything. Sometimes a hug goes a long way. And remember, happy day at the end.
But please, keep it to non-violent conflict between the boys. Again, neither one of them should be purposely hitting or hurting each other. We wanna keep this light and sweet and positive.
If you want to go all fluff and puff? Do it. Enjoy yourself. 
Wholesome Smut? Sex is beautiful and an expression of love. So, yes, your smut can be ‘wholesome’! Two peens loving each other’s brains out with adoration and fluffy respect? Totally possible.
That being said, please keep to the more vanilla side of sex for this event. Do Levi or Eren nip and bite each other? Okay. Are we drawing blood? Not okay. Can vampires be wholesome? Yes. Just keep it as non-violent as possible. Are there hickeys and little hip bruises left over in that “Afterglow”? Okay. 
Are we slapping, hitting, or demeaning someone? Not today.
(Save that for Wholesome Week’s ‘My Kinky Valentine’ Event *wink*) 
Top Levi? Wholesome. Top Eren? Wholesome. Switching or no implied shipping dynamic? Equally as wholesome as the other two.
But due to preferences, we ask that you label your work as such:
•Day X: Grey Hair “The Pigeon of Peace” 
NSFW. Contains Switching.
•Day X: Mermaids “A hidden treasure” 
NSFW. Contains Top!Levi/Bottom!Eren
•Day X: Afterglow “From Jaeger, With Love”
NSFW. Contains Top!Eren/Bottom!Levi
•Day X: Wedding Day/Night “All Roads Led to You”
SFW. Contains no dynamics.
•Day X: The Perfect Gift “Root beer”
SFW. Contains Top!Levi
This way we can let people pick and choose content as they are comfortable with it. Although, I do ask that everyone considers reading, enjoying and digesting content that they may not usually give a chance. It’s a beautiful thing to try something new. And who knows? Maybe you make a few new friends or brighten up someone’s day.
Comments are encouraged. But again, let’s all respect different tastes and dynamics. Be nice in your comments. Not your favorite dynamics? Don’t say “I usually hate XXXX but yours is nice.” 
Why not try “The shading is beautiful! I love their expressions! The way you write is wonderful! I loved the story!”
This is a “Wholesome Week” and we should all do our best to treat each other with respect, civility and show that we support our fandom and the people in it. Think of your feedback as a hug via text. Hugs are good. And we have people just starting out and taking a huge leap of faith joining in. Let’s treat them with the love we would want to receive. If creators are scared, they don’t share.
Were you doing a gift for another member of our fandom? Great! Mention them in your summary. @ them so they can see your lovely gift! Knock out two birds with one stone. You’re totally welcome to do that. 
Since this is a ‘wholesome event’ we won’t be dealing in violence or extreme kinks. Trigger warnings shouldn’t be necessary since we won’t need them for this event. Are you very set on a story that may have a trigger? Please message us here at ‘Wholesome Week’ and we can discuss it.
Have you considered… incorporating it into a prompt that did make it to the final seven? I’m rooting for grey hair. So hard. I want this so bad. You have NO idea. Let’s say it doesn’t win. But ‘Body Worship’ does. Who is to say you can’t lavish and get some good loving on your greyed out lover? Love is supposed to be for life, right? I could incorporate ‘grey hair’ into that while keeping “Body Worship” the main focus.
In fact, the prompts are meant to inspire. It doesn’t have to be 100% what your story is. Make it your own, make it unique.
Do a loosely related string of vignettes. Do a short, multi-chapter fic while incorporating a prompt into each chapter. Do one shots. Do singular pieces of art or graphics. Are you a drabble expert! Amazing. Wanna sing a song? Awesome! A short radio play! Dang, you are inventive, you sweet and beautiful human being you!
On top of the above tagging, I ask that you mention the blog by name (wholesome-ereri-week) so we can find you and reblog your work to share it with all of fandom!
Please use the tags: “wholesomeereri2019” and “wholesome ereri week” to help others (including me and my royal ‘we’) find your posts and other people’s posts easier. 
Our new posting dates are: November 17, 2019 to November 23, 2019. We changed the dates so everyone can have enough time to participate without feeling super rushed. We will also take late submissions. But remember to send us a message with a link to your post so we don’t accidentally miss it.
AND NOW! For the final tally and our seven winners:
Day 01: Marriage/Domestic Life/Family Life/Kids (37 votes)
Day 02: Body Worship (36 votes)
Day 03: “Firsts” ex. Kiss, Hug, Date, holding hands, love making, etc (33 votes)
Day 04: Afterglow (26 votes)
Day 05: Grey Hair (24 votes)
Day 06: Thunderstorm (22 votes)
Day 07: Cuddling in general (21 votes)
Tumblr media
Note: I had no hope that “Grey Hair” would make it to the final seven. I’m losing my mind. I’m just incredibly super happy and losing it inside. I don’t even know what I’m going to do. “The Pigeon of Peace” is a gag. I thought mermaids and thunderstorm would overtake it. Truly, a dark horse. And it feels like “Marriage/Domestic Life” has won by a near landslide with “Body Worship”. Both of these have been clear front runners but anything could have happened since yesterday. And afterglow made it too. Oh my gosh. So many good and wholesome prompts. I’m looking forward to see what everyone will do for “Firsts”. And the mixing and matching of prompts is going to be so amazing if anyone else does it. Thank you to everyone who voted and shared their opinion. And thank you so much for all the messages I received. And for the kind words I was sent. Thank you all very, very much.
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All prompts in. Don’t forget to make your voice heard ❤️
Taking in hot, fresh prompts is closing. But voting for your favorites has really taken off.
I want to thank every single one of you who sent in prompts, reblogged and voted so far. Forty-six people have voted so far! I am in tears at how well this week has been received so far and I hope everyone of you participates. Every one of you makes beautiful stuff and I hope we can share that with everyone in the wonderful group that celebrates our good and blessed ship of Eren and Levi!
I feel like the luckiest person in the world right now since I get to see this unfold. I know it’s short notice, but thank you all for bearing with the time crunch. You’ve all been such great sports!
We might move the week down to November 10-16, or 17-23. Please let me know what time frame works for you via the reblog or messages. I want to make sure everyone has enough time to do their best and I can move a few things around for the other event I’m hosting. (Pssst. It’s a Warrior Week event for Reiner, Annie and Bert if anyone is interested.)
Please vote here:
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Hi! I think we've pretty much got all the prompts we're going to get, so I'm going to post the link to the voting form here. You don't *have* to participate if you vote. But if you think you will or might, you should vote. However, we may get more. So you might want to hold off until after tonight at 11:59pm Pacific time (in eleven hours) There’s also space for you to type guideline and rule suggestions as well as any comments, concerns and questions! Also, it’s all private and should remain that way.
"Wholesome Ereri Vote" https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScZa4d2uPgrmqTR4vT1mDVJUWYJB5tbbs6WifJdmpxz4Kvqnw/viewform?usp=sf_link
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scrangie · 5 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Levi/Eren Yeager, Levi & Eren Yeager Characters: Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Eren Yeager Additional Tags: Canon Universe, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Era, vers, Switching, Top Eren Yeager, Top Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), First Time, Hurt/Comfort, Comfort, Comfort Sex, Devotion, Consensual, No Angst, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Domestic Bliss, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Chickens, Vignette, Parenthood, True Love, Protectiveness, Blasphemy, Protective Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Established Relationship, Loss of Virginity
Day 3 of @wholesome-ereri-week: “Firsts” ex. Kiss, Hug, Date, holding hands, love making, etc
The first time Eren falls in love, it’s with his captain.
This chapter is NSFW and contains switching.
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scrangie · 5 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Levi/Eren Yeager, Levi & Eren Yeager Characters: Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Eren Yeager Additional Tags: Canon Universe, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Era, vers, Switching, Top Eren Yeager, Top Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), First Time, Hurt/Comfort, Comfort, Comfort Sex, Devotion, Consensual, No Angst, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Domestic Bliss, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Chickens, Vignette, Parenthood, True Love, Protectiveness, Blasphemy, Protective Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Established Relationship, Loss of Virginity
@wholesome-ereri-week Day 02: Body Worship
This chapter is NSFW. Top Levi, implied switching.
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