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landofzero-archive Ā· 1 year ago
Battle on the Sugoroku Board - God Wonā€™t Roll The Dice 5
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(Location: ā€œBattle on the Sugoroku Boardā€ program set)
Rinne: ā™Ŗ~
Aah, itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve breathed in the air of the free world. How delicious ā™Ŗ
ā€¦ā€¦ Not really, I was still able to breathe in the outside air, though. I was surprised cause I wasn't expecting to go into the cage is aaall?
Iā€™ll have the privilege of being a free man for the time being ā™Ŗ
(Ooh? Those guys areā€“)
Natsume and Arashi: ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦!
Rinne: (Itā€™s the NewDi Team. I wonder if the ā€œDice Battleā€ isnā€™t being triggered because theyā€™re far enough away from me.
Since Iā€™m the only one whoā€™s noticed, why donā€™t I do a little spying on the enemyā€™s situation. Now letā€™s seeā€¦?)
Arashi: We couldnā€™t get much at all huh. They said the reward was 100G.
Even though Iā€™ve accepted about three requests from a while ago, isnā€™t crossing a dangerous bridge for 100G or 200G not worth it?
Itā€™s good that we can immediately buy support items with the rewards because the shopā€™s commissions are around the area, butā€¦ā€¦ Theyā€™re all backbreaking work.
Natsume: I thiNK itā€™s good that we can even get that much.  BecauSE at the very leasT, we can revive Mikejima-senpai if we have 100G.
Arashi: Thatā€™s true. Itā€™s about time to get Mama out of the cage isnā€™t it?
Natsume-chan. I wonder if I can ask to pay with the smartphone?
Natsume: Oh nO. I feel likE itā€™s still a little too early.
MayBE itā€™s because each team is currently crushing each other, but there it seEMS like there arenā€™t many signs of people around uS. What aboUT reviving him in a situation whEN we have an encounter with someone?
Weā€™re talking about Mikejima-senpai after aLL. The situation in the game couLD change as soon as he gets revived.
More importantLY. While the war situation right now is calm, letā€™s go look for the next commissionā€”
Arashi: Iā€™d like you to wait a bit.
Natsume: UmM?
Could it bE you want to rescue Mikejima-senpai sooner or somethING?
Arashi: No, thatā€™s not it.
Look closely, Natsume-chan. Look over thereā€” isnā€™t that an enemy teamā€™s idol?
And itā€™s not just that one person, there are several of themā€¦ā€¦ Lying in wait.
Natsume: HmM. It lookS like there are about 10 people.
Which meANS that the members of three or more teams are conspiring and lyiNG in wait for usā€¦ā€¦
We caNā€™T take it too easy. We haVE to get through somehow.
Arashi: Get throughā€¦ā€¦.?
Natsume: Kaminari-san, I haVE an idea.
If anything, letā€™S takE advantage of this situation. Canā€™t we use support items to wipe them out wholesale, hM?
Arashi: It certainly seems worth a try. I wanted to try out that item too.
I wonder if the cheap rewards for the commissions had a meaning to some extent ā™Ŗ
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Rinne: (ā€¦ā€¦ Heeh. As expected, those guys are being prowled after for being grouped together with ES, huh.
I guess itā€™s about time to contact the CosPro Team huh~? With the way things are now, thereā€™s no guarantee that we wonā€™t fall for their trap too.
Firstly, to support the ES forces, preventing the idols from other agencies from attacking us carelesslyā€”
After that, weā€™ll sniff out the mastermindā€™s calculations and crush those calculations!
Itā€™s the best strategy! As one would expect, the Goddess of Victory is smiling upon me!
Letā€™s quickly check the GPS location of my teammatesā€”-There.
Whatā€™s this? Yutaā€™s GPS is moving rapidlyā€¦ā€¦?
Oi oi, are you riding the Shinkansen (1) or something! Thatā€™s so funny!
Is it that? When youā€™re underground and the GPS information is delayed or something?
Anyway, I know where youā€™re at. Iā€™ll be there soon, so wait for me ā™Ŗ )
Tsumugi: Itā€™s a bit of a confusing free-for-all, huh~. Itā€™s fun to watch.
Thank you to all the Staff-san, for letting me observe something so interesting.
I can switch between monitors to watch footage from the filming set, but from here I can see everything from a birdā€™s eye view. Itā€™s somewhat refreshing.
I tend to be the one being filmedā€¦ā€¦ I donā€™t really get to watch variety shows from the outside like this.
Two teams have been eliminated, while there are 10 or so idols trapped in the cageā€” considering there were about 30 participants, itā€™s been quite a progression.
I really want the NewDi Team to hang in there. Even if itā€™s not winning first place, riding the flow like this is excitingā€”-
Itā€™s similar to watching amateur sports tournaments. The main goal is to win, but winning is not everything.
As a supporter from the sidelines, I want Natsume-kun and the team to keep surviving.
Ah. By the way, can you show me NewDi Teamā€™s footage? I got curious since thereā€™s mostly been other teamsā€™ footage for a whileā€¦ā€¦.
Staff: Sorry, Aoba-san. Right now, the staff are together with other teams, so ask again later.
Tsumugi: Ah, then itā€™s okay. Iā€™ll be counting on you later.
(Hm~mā€¦ā€¦? They havenā€™t been filming them for a while, huh. Despite that, I canā€™t see any movements from the footage being streamed.
There should be filming crews following both NewDi Team and CosPro Team, but I donā€™t see any footage being streamed at all.
Somehow, it feels like theyā€™re avoiding themā€¦ā€¦?
That said, Iā€™m thinking too much. Itā€™s just that the timing coincidentally didnā€™t line upā€”-
Everyone is doing their work seriously. Even I can see that.)
TL Notes:
Shinkansen: Japanā€™s famous high-speed bullet train.
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wanderinstar Ā· 4 months ago
It is so hard to pick a favorite album from Dan Fogelberg, because thereā€™s a few of them I feel that nearly every song is a gem.  Itā€™s probably biased for being one I have a lot of good childhood memories with, but Iā€™d probably go for his double-album, The Innocent Age.  Thatā€™s the album where most of his better-known radio hits are from, though the songs that hit are the really slow, soft ones on the second half of the first part.  Most people just know ā€œLeader of the Bandā€, ā€œSame Old Lang Syneā€, and ā€œRun For the Rosesā€ -which are good songs, but then thereā€™s hard rocking songs like ā€œLost In the Sunā€, ā€œIn The Passageā€, and ā€œEmpty Cagesā€ showing what he really could do with an electric guitar. He really does get the same sort of narrow view you describe Bread having, in that way.  I think Iā€™ve heard ā€œGuitar Manā€, though itā€™s been awhile.  Iā€™ll have to put them and Rare Bird on during some of my study sessions when Iā€™ve got some gaps in between class.  Iā€™ve actually got tomorrow morning off, so possibly then!  I really appreciate good music when Iā€™m studying, so itā€™s usually a time I get closer with bands -and itā€™s less distracting to put a whole album on then and just listen to it all the way through.
My family usually has candied fruit panettone, mainly because thatā€™s whatā€™s widely available at the stores around here.  Especially if itā€™s at Costco, which if youā€™re not familiar with is a wholesale club store that people get addicted to, and I have followed my family into that path. XD  There was one year that the chocolate chip panettone was also available, my family got it, and I liked it a lot more, especially when we have it for dessert!  Both go well with coffee, though, and having something thatā€™s only slightly sweet with coffee is a big deal for most of the Italian side of my family.  On mornings around Christmas time when we sleep in late, panettone and coffee with a lot of milk in it is a good, small breakfast for us!  Since the dried fruit one is less sweet, I think I prefer it more for that than for dessert.  The savory probably is the thing with raisins.  Iā€™m usually pretty iffy with things like that, but I do still like my auntā€™s Thanksgiving stuffing that has raisins in it, so I guess there still is the chance for it to work just right.
While it holds true to a point for my dadā€™s side of the family, too, I think the biggest influence with my Italian side of the family is how much we really do value being together at Christmas, when we are.  Unlike my dadā€™s side of the family, my momā€™s side of my extended family is sort of scattered all over the place.  Iā€™ve got some 600 miles south of where I am, some almost just as far up north along the East coast, and then thereā€™s a whole part thatā€™s still in Italy.  Itā€™s not a stereotype though of how big of a deal family is with Italians, though, having seen it and lived it.  Itā€™s also not entirely an occasional stereotype that Italian families can have drama.  My family can get amped up and go from zero to a hundred very fast, and depending on why, even if itā€™s over something so small, itā€™s not always so fun. About ten years ago, it really went off the wall just three weeks out from Christmas, and I didnā€™t know if there was any possible way for that to settle down in time.  But if we get together at Christmas, even if something got everyone into a frenzy, when we see each other, we really set it all aside for the sake of enjoying our time together.  Usually with an agreement to settle it later -but by the time itā€™s all over, we usually donā€™t care about whatever argument was happening before.  Sometimes I wish more parts of life worked that way, and Iā€™m so grateful for Christmas to always be a thing to drop anything thatā€™s trivial or not really that important in the grand scheme of things, because I think thatā€™s the ends up meaning more than a lot of the tangible gifts we get.  And it holds more meaning now that my Nonna is in decline with dementia.  To be honest, I was afraid last year was going to be our last Christmas together, so with her still here, Iā€™m hoping that maybe Iā€™ll still get this year.  But all the previous years have really counted with how they were spent. Weā€™ll always have that.  And itā€™s a big deal in my family to try to make sure that everyone we know and care about knows how much we appreciate them, even if itā€™s not something we say on the regular.  So, like, way back when I was in high school, even if it was something small, the really good teachers I had that were really important mentors to me always got something, along with a well thought out note of thanks.  And when I was working in between finishing college and getting into graduate school, my coworkers got the same thing, too.  I know in some places, the term ā€œwork familyā€ is used to downplay things that shouldnā€™t happen and pretend everything is fine, but at my job back home, I really do have a work family, in the way of what that term really should mean.  We volunteer a lot in my family, too!  The weeks leading up always gets busy, and sometimes itā€™s a bit overwhelming, but I never regret it when Christmas Eve and Day proper come, and I can just feel all the love.
On the note of decorations, they put up a Christmas tree in the lounge at school today, and it really did boost the mood a bit.  Do you decorate, and if so, whatā€™s your favorite part of it?
Hello, Santa! I've just finished listening to The Innocent Age, and I really enjoyed it! The hard rocking songs you mentioned were my favorites, but I liked the whole album. I'm gonna start listening to more of his stuff, do you have a second favorite album?
I love to listen to music while studying too! It helps me focus.
We don't have Costco here, but I've heard of it. You were right on the money, panettone goes really well with coffee, and for breakfast! Well, we basically like to have everything with coffee here in Brazil, so panettone as well haha! And can you believe I actually think the chocolate chip panettone is less sweet? I've never seen a savory panettone, but during Christmastime it is almost a tradition to add raisins to not only the farofa, but rice and other savory dishes we usually have at Christmas dinner. These days I saw a video of someone mocking it and saying "It's December" while adding raisins to the farofa, the salad, the juice, other raisinsā€¦ lol
That's really good that your family values being together at Christmas. I know families can be complicated, my extended family has a lot of drama going on, thankfully my sister and I didn't have to deal with any of that growing up because we were in a different city and our parents tried their best to protect us from it. But eventually we understood there we things going on, even though our relationship with our relatives separately had no animosity. Some arguments are actually not worth having ill will over, right? So I'm glad to know at least when Christmas comes you're able to put those things aside.
Btw, as a teacher, if my students got me something along with a well thought out note of thanks I would forever keep it and hold it close to my heart! That's really sweet of you! A student of mine once gave me a drawing of me and I almost had a heart attack, I still have it ā™„ And that's great that your coworkers were so cool, I wish more people were like this.
In my household, generally we put up a Christmas tree and there's no much more than this, I admit, I'm a bit lazy šŸ˜… In spite of it, I love seeing the decorations on the streets! I have a thing for the lights. What about you, do you decorate?
PS.: Don't worry about the emoji, I could tell it was you!
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impossiblebearfury Ā· 2 years ago
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importantqueencandy Ā· 2 years ago
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iamazadkhan Ā· 2 years ago
Raccoon Dogs May Have Caused Covid-19 Pandemic, Claims New Study
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The Preface
The new information comes weeks after a US Department of Energy intelligence report concluded that the pandemic was most likely caused by an "accidental laboratory leak" from a virology facility in Wuhan. This post is included with fact on- Raccoon Dogs May Have Caused Covid-19 Pandemic. Have a look for details. According to a group of foreign specialists, a fresh investigation of genetic samples taken from a seafood market in Wuhan, central China, demonstrates the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the raccoon dogs sold there, supporting the idea that the Covid-19 epidemic had a natural start.
As Per the Report
In a report published on Thursday, The New York Times stated that genetic information was gathered from swabs taken inside and outside of the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market beginning in January 2020, "shortly after the Chinese authorities had shut down the market due to suspicions that it was linked to the outbreak of a new virus." The new information comes weeks after a US Department of Energy intelligence report concluded that the pandemic was most likely caused by an "accidental laboratory leak" from a virology facility in Wuhan.
The Swab Testing Process
Researchers collected swabs from the walls, floors, metal cages, and carts used to transport animal cages after the animals had been removed from the market, according to the report. It quoted three scientists who were engaged in the examination as saying, "In samples that came back positive for the coronavirus, the worldwide research team uncovered genetic material belonging to animals, including considerable amounts that were a match for the raccoon dog.
What Report Says
According to the report, the international team contacted the Chinese academics who had uploaded the files after discovering the fresh data and extended an invitation to work together. The sequences, however, reportedly vanished from GISAID (Global Initiative on Sharing Avian Influenza Data) after that. According to the article, the "jumbling together" of genetic information from the animal and the virus does not demonstrate that a raccoon dog was infected with the virus. Yet even if a raccoon dog had the virus, it might not be obvious that the animal had exposed humans to it. According to the article, either another animal or a person who was already sick with the virus might have transmitted it to a raccoon dog. Raccoon dogs, fluffy creatures related to foxes and known to be capable of spreading the coronavirus, however, "deposited genetic signatures in the same spot where genetic material from the virus was left," the researchers said.
The Evidence Saying
The evidence was said to be "compatible" with a scenario in which the virus has spread from a wild animal into people. However the genetic information from the market provides some of the clearest proof to date of how the virus could have spread from wild animals outside of a lab into people. Also, it appears that Chinese experts have provided a sketchy summary of the data that could add context to how the virus propagated at the Huanan market, according to the report. Michael Worobey, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Arizona, Kristian Andersen, a virologist at the Scripps Research Institute in California, and Edward Holmes, a biologist at the University of Sydney, made up the international team. The new genetic data mining began last week. They were particularly interested in one sample. According to the report, it had been seized from a cart connected to a particular stand at the Huanan market that Holmes had visited in 2014. It was described as "just the kind of situation favourable to the introduction of novel viruses" because the stall had "caged raccoon dogs" on top of a different cage containing birds. The University of Utah's Stephen Goldstein, a virologist who worked on the new investigation, said: "We were able to find out quite quickly that at least in one of these samples, there was a lot of raccoon dog nucleic acid, along with virus nucleic acid.
The Closure
"We don't have an infectious animal, and we can't show that there was an infected animal at that stall," Goldstein advised. This is the best we can do, the virologist remarked, "but given that the animals that were in the market at the time were not sampled at all. In China's Wuhan Province, the first coronavirus case was announced in December 2019. The World Health Organization reports that there have been 760,360,956 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, including 6,873,477 fatalities. Read the full article
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full-of-mercy Ā· 2 years ago
He knew you. In the end.
Past tense answer to present tense musing. It rings out like a sniper shot, muted thunder, soft as anything. Center mass. Sweet and sure, straight through the heart.
(Straight through the skull. Wolfwood may as well have aimed it himself, just like-)
A falsehood might have been gentler, because he was so ready to put Livio out of his misery just like he put Rollo out of his misery, just like howling madness pleaded for it in the cage of grit-fanged survivalism.
A pretty lie that breaks like burnt skin, like spiderweb fissures through glass, is just that - spiraling disappointment, leaving behind a pile of shards that just won't come together no matter how much you squeeze and press and cut and bleed. The truth is the truth, kind or otherwise, and maybe it was meant as a kindness. Maybe it is a kindness. The truth does not need to be gentle to be necessary. The simplest things are often the sharpest.
It doesn't change the way Wolfwood stiffens in the saddle, spine ram-rod straight and chin tucked down as if he expects to see a spread of red, red, red, splitting his sternum and cracking him open.
He knows what that feels like. Intimately. It's reflex, neural misfire, the way his hand gnarls as he reaches into his interior coat pocket to touch fingertips to one of the vials tucked away like ammunition. They are ammunition. He's the gun. That's how it is. That's how it goes.
He decides on a cigarette instead. Perched in his lips, unlit.
Nevermind the breath he sucks in that is shakier and wetter than he'd like to admit, nevermind that the laugh he barks is broken and humorless like an expulsion of pressure, spiraling numbness tumbling over into fuel for the galvanized spark of realization.
"Shit, Blondie. You really are something else. What's going on in that spiky head of yours, huh? Brothers can be assholes." Maybe it's like looking in a mirror for Vash. No tears. He doesn't have the right, doesn't deserve to cry, and there is something both knowing and self-deprecating there.
"Yeah." A short exhale, huff, inhale again, steadier, and he nudges his bird forward, turning toward the setting suns. He picks up a trot--sort of--away from Hopeland and the shadow of the Humpback. "Red Rocks. Got a little elevation. Used to have a spring. Good place to stay, then you can decide if you want to change your mind."
Perfect hideout for a couple of runaways, far enough from the orphanage to feel like forever, close enough to stage a rescue run with a beat-up truck. An open secret, jutting out of the dunes, worn sandstone and scraggly tumbleweeds-to-be stained in spots with iron oxide where water bubbles out like something else.
Perfect place to say 'fuck it, fuck them, we can take some time.'
They make it before the second solar body slips below the horizon, igniting the ripples of the dunes with gold glow. Moonlight will be plenty to see by for them.
Nicholas tosses the Punisher down stem-first into a sandy patch, then drops out of the saddle himself. Stiff. Stagger-step, he lurches to prevent the linen-bundled weapon from toppling over entirely, grumbling under his breath.
The Toma has other ideas. Relieved of its burden, it cranes its long neck and shoves its beak wholesale into Wolfwood's pocket, spurring a surprised-strangled grunt and a confused lift of arms.
They ride in silence for a while and while Vash wouldnā€™t call it amiable, it is companionable at least. Current circumstances aren't much to smile about. Not that they had been before but the heaviness hangs over them like a storm cloud long after they've emerged back into clear desert. Heā€™s not sure if Wolfwood is an experienced enough rider to know just how to steer his Tomas into line with his own, or if this bird is just particularly attuned, but he appreciates it all the same. Noting his brief struggle, Vash slows his pace by a fraction so that their progress is a little less bumpy. It canā€™t be helped entirely, but itā€™s a small improvement.
He doesnā€™t pressure his friend to speak, instead focusing on the horizon, scanning for anything on the sandy expanse that looks out of place. There's nothing aside from the occasional minor worm or oddly shaped rock before they finally reach the steamer. It makes for an imposing sight and a sobering reminder of how close they'd all come to disaster. Vash casts a sidelong glance at Wolfwood. At the calloused hands currently clutching the reins of his Tomas. He can no longer make out the lingering scent of smoldering flesh clinging to him and hopes against hope that the memory of the pain is more distant now. If it is, he's sure it's only because there is some greater pain residing in his memory.
The sound of Wolfwood's voice turns Vash's head towards him, gaze diverting from it's trail along the Humpback's tracks. He pats his bird idly as the words sink in. His brother. Whether by blood or by bond it hardly mattered- the way he said it spoke measures about their relationship. The way he avoided looking at Vash. The way he continued searching the horizon for a body they would never find. He's already opening his mouth around a lie that they will and has to bite it back upon realizing that's what it is. Wolfwood has made him brutally aware of how he speaks to people, so earnestly offering hope that he was incapable of securing each time every time. He wouldn't do so now.
ā€œHe knew you. In the endā€, he says in place of a falsehood, with more solemnity than usual. It's probably not much comfort but he hopes it counts for something. ...Unless Wolfwood feels like it would have been easier if Livio had never come to at all. Would he still have taken his own life? If not, it would have come down to one of the three of them, and Wolfwood would still feel the blood on his hands. Vash wishes there was some way to walk him to the water and rinse. If nothing else, he doesn't mind if it's easier to blame him.
It's starting to get dark and with the setting of the suns comes a chill that makes him realize how foolish he'd been to leave his supplies behind. Riding back down the switchback in the dark is out of the question and while they might be able to take shelter in the steamer, they'd have to leave the birds which is also not an acceptable option. Come to that, there may not be raiders now, but they would surely come sooner or later and it would be better if they had some space between them. And Hopeland... Doubtless his friend isn't keen on widening an already open wound and Vash... Well there aren't many civilized places he can set foot in safely these days and he'd rather not tack on a fresh mess to their current list.
ā€œAhh... We should find someplace to camp soon, don't you think? We'll have time tomorrow to look more too. At least I don't mind.ā€ It's a genuine offer, but Vash is also probing to see in how much of a hurry Wolfwood is to get them to the city. He wants to be wrong about his suspicions, knowing that he's not. Knowing that it doesn't matter either way because he's fairly certain that he'd do just about anything to lift even a fraction of the burden on this man's shoulders.
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mellowqueenprincess Ā· 5 years ago
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shinyturtleengineer Ā· 5 years ago
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nervousposttheorist Ā· 5 years ago
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hary23650 Ā· 5 years ago
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thomasnip Ā· 5 years ago
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david26545 Ā· 5 years ago
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audiedewey01-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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Petwholesaler.com is an online B2B distributor and a manufacturer rep for wholesale pet products which provides wholesale Bird products with a wide range of accessories like Bird baths, Heaters, De-Icers, Bird perches, Food and Treats, Cages, Feeders, Houses, Maintenance, Toys, Travel accessories and more. We provide products and services across the 48 contiguous states in the US for wholesale Bird supplies.
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brittanyjones01-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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Petwholesaler.com is an online B2B distributor and a manufacturer rep for wholesale pet products which provides wholesale Bird products with a wide range of accessories like Bird baths, Heaters, De-Icers, Bird perches, Food and Treats, Cages, Feeders, Houses, Maintenance, Toys, Travel accessories and more. We provide products and services across the 48 contiguous states in the US for wholesale Bird supplies.
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importantqueencandy Ā· 2 years ago
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emmaliam1-blog Ā· 6 years ago
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Petwholesaler.com is an online B2B distributor and a manufacturer rep for wholesale pet products which provides wholesale Bird products with a wide range of accessories like Bird baths, Heaters, De-Icers, Bird perches, Food and Treats, Cages, Feeders, Houses, Maintenance, Toys, Travel accessories and more. We provide products and services across the 48 contiguous states in the US for wholesale Bird supplies.
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