#whole sentences lifted… the two OCs in that project influenced so much of how I wrote ice & mav to start out
compacflt · 10 months
Have you been to the Nimitz museum in Fredericksburg or know what's there? I'll have an opportunity to go there in the new year and was wondering if you had any recommendations for stuff to read up on before going? I've got some very shallow knowledge about the Pacific War and feel like it'll be a lot more rewarding if I go in more prepared.
you should talk to @misanderousmisfit who visited the Nimitz museum very recently!! i have to admit i have literally never stepped foot in Texas.
i really know very little about the pacific theatre of WWII, shamefully. most of my WWII knowledge is related to the ARMY on the western front 1943-1945. (I know a weirdly large amount about the battle of the Ruhr pocket for instance.) ummm, maybe watch the movie “Midway”? It’s been a long time (5 years ish) since I saw it but i believe “Hacksaw Ridge” is also about the Pacific theatre, though what I really remember from that movie is a lot of weird religious moralizing and andrew Garfield doing a very weird accent etc. Though I was 15 when I watched it so maybe my memories are a little skewed. And I continue to recommend Craig Symonds’ new Nimitz biography, which I read last January (after he signed my copy 😋)
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