#whoever read the whole thing i salute you lmao 🫡
loveisunison · 2 months
speaking of, which pokemon/team would u assign to Leo? :3c I'll be honest, one of my first thoughts was something like oricorio bc it does represent the variety of different music genres/cultural dances which leo might find fascinating, but i think u'd know him much better :D
- @signs-of-blossoming
OMG HELLO HI I WAS SLEEPING BUT I HAVE COME WITH AN ASWER. I'm very excited for this you have awoken the beast.. I'm actually gonna try to keep these as short and concise as possible, but I can't promise much lolll also I apologize for any possible spelling mistakes, I have reading issues 😭 ANYWAY
I've. Thought about this plenty of times but I've never actually come up with a team I'm fully satisfied with </3 nevertheless that won't stop me from sharing some thoughts !!
So first of all because I seriously need to get this out of my system. I need to introduce you to the idea of Victini. Everyone needs to understands this but Leo definitely has a Victini !!!!! From the color palette to the cheerful personality. The fact that Victini tends to do double peace signs just like Leo's "uchuu" and how it being the victory pokémon actually ties into Leo's story.
His story is (in extremely simplified terms) very dependant on victories; from his downfall directly correlated to his victory during the events of Checkmate to his entire !! arc very much being an entire win on a more personal level. Sometimes for better sometimes for worse; but he's always been followed by these victories, and it is said that trainers with Victini always win !!
As well as (although this is a bit of a personal take, but still somewhat based on canon traits) the fact that fire types just really suit Leo in general. And this allows for a nice opposites dynamic with Sena like the one they have in canon, since I picture Sena as a (mainly) water/ice type trainer.
All that being said, I just really vibe with the idea of Leo having a mythical pokémon because they're. Just like him !!! They're these rare and incredibly special creatures that have such fantastic powers, what else is more fitting for a genius like Leo ??
OKAY MOOVING ON. Oh man you're really in it for this one
Speaking of mythicals? Meloetta !! Next pokémon he'd have is Meloetta :3 I think most of it is quite self explanatory. The melody pokemon ??? Yup that's a Leo mon if I've ever seen one. The pokedex entry reads "the melodies sung by Meloetta have the power to make Pokémon that hear them happy or sad" and well ~ I think Leo would most definitely use that to his advantage to make as many people as possible happy.
I also do think Meloetta's sweet personality pairs up well with him since he really just wants to make everyone feel good <3
Now. Next I'd like to tackle your suggestion because you're right !! And I definitely agree. Although Oricorio is more inspired by dancing, I picture one of them would be interested in Leo's music, perhaps wanting to dance to it and would probably end up being dragged into his party.. but its not complaining! It has music to dance to all day after all.
I think Leo would be the kind of trainer to go out of his way to get the nectar needed just so his Oricorio can change forms. Although I think the pompom form is the most fitting for him (and it matches his cheerleader card), he would never willingly try to keep any of his mons confined to one form, in fact he will encourage changing it as much as the little guy wants !!! He's incredibly happy that his Oricorio loves music as much as him and that it wants to express itself through it.
Now onto the next one !! He definitely has a Litleo (heh litleo) because well. First of all he's already lion coded and it's a fire type !! Also Litleo are said to abandon their pride once they evolve to create their own, which kinda makes me reminisce about his story again. Abandoning everything to evolve and become a greater version of himself who can now build his own family (knights) :3
It also fits well aesthetically, which isn't something that particularly bothers me since I prefer these to have a deeper meaning, but it's always a nice touch.
I think his Litleo would be male, although he doesn't care whatsoever because he loves the little thing regardless lol but I imagine it would evolve into a Pyroar around this time in canon, probably during Knights' climax.
Annnnd last one off the top of my head is Fletchling !! I actually have a lot of thought put into his Fletchling's evolution because I think it would be one of if not his first pokémon.
Now the main reasons I'd pair them up are 1. Fletchling being based on a robin. Again related to his story since he's referred to as one (and other kinds of birds) multiple times and associated with bird related metaphors and 2. it being a fire type because like I said, I think fire types fit Leo really well. Plus, I also think a flying type is a must have for someone as free spirited as him.
I picture he would catch Fletchling pretty early on and it would forcefully (too fast from too much battling) evolve into a Fletchinder during the events of the war, causing it to start disobeying him and acting up. Leo would then regain control of it after coming back in his 3rd year (after his shutdown). Annnnd it would later on evolve into a Talonflame around the same time as his Litleo :3
OKAY. That was crazy but it's what I can think of rn !!! Congratulations if you made it this far lmao that was a wild ride, but the team currently stands as:
Victini - Meloetta (aria forme) - Oricorio (all forms) - Pyroar (male) - Talonflame
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