#whoever it is would have to have a whitelist so
cptsvensen · 5 months
my top three guesses for who's going to rp the guy that marius brings on to replace ulga in no particular order: hoop, ssaab, bluebonnet
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anonslash · 1 year
Helloo, Freddy's on your whitelist? And you write for male readers?? Omg I found a new fav blog then!
Could I request Freddy (and whoever you want of course) with a s/o that's literally a sunshine, like always smiling, giggling and seeing the beautiful in anyone
Uuuntil you harm his beloved burnt man and turns into a scary and deep-voiced protective bf
Extra Asa content because I felt like writing it, sorry it’s been like a year since i got this ask lol
General slasher content warning, also there’s Asa so there is kidnapping.
Slashers with a sunshine s/o
Honestly? He’s got mixed feelings on the cute aspect. He thinks it’s hot but mostly because of the potential for corruption. He would never admit it, but your cheery personality makes him feel a teeny bit sappy.
You’ll get into some arguments with him if you have the same “good in everyone” mentality towards his victims. He’s stubborn and that’s one of many things he refuses to change for you.
But when you talk to him like that he adores you. He thinks it’s naive, but he can’t help but love the attention. Nobody has ever thought of him like that. Not once when he was alive, and definitely not after he died.
He’s only fueled by your laughter. If you thought he made a lot of jokes before, just wait. He’s constantly going to try to make you laugh. He loves it.
But then all of a sudden when he gets threatened and you get protective? He’s going to be even more obsessed. Again he finds it hot. Will give survivors the upper hand every once in a while just to see you do it again.
And he WILL let you know what he thinks. A lot. He’ll try and provoke you to get you to be tough and scary around him.
He loves both sides. He really wants to get you to kill someone for him. He’ll ask you about it a lot. If he could convince you to even just be bait, he’d be thrilled.
Asa Emory
Your bubbly personality is what made him take you. He saw your smile and heard you giggle and all of a sudden he was planning another kidnapping. You’re special to him, he doesn’t see anyone like that very often.
Carves bugs into the trunk he’s going to take you with. Fireflies, butterflies, grasshoppers, you name it. He gives you the nickname “Bee”.
You’re by his side a lot of the time. He doesn’t want to risk letting you out of his sight in case you slip away.
He’s pretty upset that you’re not as cheerful an addition to his collection. He expected it, but he’s still mad about it. He treats you more like he treated Abby. You have your own room, he brings you nice clothes and gifts. You get treated less harshly once he decides he wants you to smile again.
And it tugs on his heartstrings hard when you try and see the good in him. So naive, so easily misled. So foolish. But he loves it. It only furthers his obsession.
If he sees you get defensive over him after you finally open up to him, it’s over. He’s keeping you forever, end of story. He already decided that he was, but this just furthers it. Now he takes you out just to see if it’ll happen again.
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totallynotokguys · 8 months
Theory Time!
Okay! Just to preference this theory, I don't actually think it's true. It would just be rrrreeeeaaally funny if it were.
So you know the trend where future hermits are kind of invited in by existing hermits before making their debut in the next season? Like how Tango helped Mumbo with an iron farm in season 2 or Pearl helped Grian with his mansion in season 7. Lil sneak peaks for the audience, if you will.
Well, what recent event occured where several minecrafters were invited onto the server? What dungeon crawling card collecting game do we know of that didn't just bring the server together, but brought several YouTubers outside of HermitCraft in on the fun as well?
See what I'm getting at?
"But wait!" You say. "That included six players! And the poster only showed us two shadow figures. That math just doesn't add up."
And okay, yes. I'm bad at math, I can admit that (no need to point it out so blatantly, sheesh). But what if those six players were competing for more than just frost emeralds and crowns? What if they were competing for.... The whitelist!
Eh? Eh?
This is where my theory gets funny, and ridiculous too. Imagine a HermitCraft meeting. Xisuma asks if anyone has some ideas of who should join next season. And everyone chimes in. They all have a suggestion. All 24 of them (Xisuma as head of HermitCraft acts as judge so he's supposed to be neutral, and TFC did also vote, but no one can see ghosts through discord).
"This is great and all," Xisuma says. "I'm really proud you've all made so many friends, but that's just too many to add to one season. Let's trim it down, shall we?"
And they do. To six mcyters. But it's still too much. And now everyone is at a stalemate. Thus the Great HermitCraft Meeting Debate of 2023 begins.
The debaters go round and round. Great points are made, passionate speeches, a comprehensive presentation with bars and graphs and statistics. Even some advertisements with the popular icon Scar advocating for several candidates all in separate videos. But it remains a stalemate.
Finally, when all hope is lost, a suggestion is made. Why not make them compete? Everyone loves Decked Out 2, it's been all most of them can think of for the past few months (years of we're talking about the dungeon master himself). What if all six candidates play the game and whoever wins joins HermitCraft next season. The Hermits all love this idea. Tango agrees to rent out his dungeon, on the stipulation that non of the candidates know what they are competing for. After all, Decked Out is supposed to be fun and he'd hate for his friends experience of his game to be overshadowed by real world stakes and stress.
Several more rules are added to keep things fair (though Doc grumbles that it doesn't matter how many rules you put down when certain tricksters excell at finding loop holes so is this really fair? Yes yes it is, Grian and Scar say at the same time) and a betting pool is placed before things are set in motion and this the great Decked Out 2 Special Event began.
This is all definitely real and not made up fun for the funsies so definitely take this with your utmost serious serious face. Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.
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oldflyingraven · 2 years
Day 10: Poor unfortunate souls
Theme: Poor unfortunate souls
Grian couldn’t open his eyes. Any of his eyes. His body wouldn’t allow it.
(Continuation of chapter 3)
Read it here or on AO3!
He couldn’t open his eyes. Any of his eyes. His body wouldn’t allow it. But maybe it was for the better. For the first time in years he didn’t have that pounding headache in the background.
Then again, the way the rest of his body hurt made up for it. Voices drifted in and out of his perception.
“Grian is not a Watcher!”
“His code says otherwise.”
“Xisuma I’ve known Grian since I was 17. He is not a Watcher, or at least he wasn’t when I last saw him.”
Who was Grian? The name felt familiar to him but he couldn’t place it.
“-Joe is already working on updating it.”
“But Grian isn’t whitelisted! He’ll get hurt!”
“Mumbo, breathe. I’ve put him on a temporary whitelist until we can speak to him and decide what to do with him. I have my reasons to be cautious with Watchers, but I’m not going to kick a lone and heavily injured one to the curb. Especially one who was once a friend to you.”
Watcher. He was a Watcher, but his name wasn’t Grian, right? It was Xelqua. Was there another Watcher here?! Muted panic rose in his chest. He tried to move his body but the pain made him freeze up.
“Oh, I think he’s coming to. I’ll put him back under for a little longer. These injuries must be agonising.” the voice sighed. “Poor soul. I can only imagine what he was running from to risk these injuries from breaking through a firewall.”  
Darkness took him back under.
The second time he regained consciousness his eyes did open. Thankfully only two of them. The room was dimmed. His whole body was numb this time. Someone was sitting next to him. Someone vaguely familiar. But his hazy memories wouldn’t provide a name or their relationship. Void, how much had they taken from him?
“Grian?” the person next to him asked.
Xelqua looked around the room. Was there somebody else here besides him and the familiar stranger? He couldn’t see anyone. “Who is Grian?” he asked.
Familiar stranger frowned. “Who is- you! You are Grian. Void man I’ve been so worried.”
He was Grian? The name brought flashes of red sweaters and buildings. Right. He was Grian!
“I’m sorry,” he said, “they tried to take so many memories from me. I don’t recognise you.”
Familiar stranger’s face fell even further. “Who took your memories?” he asked thinly.
Xelqua Grian shifted uncomfortably before answering. “The Watchers.” he said.
“Are you one of them now?”
“I wish I wasn’t, but yes. They took a player with potential, me, and tried to turn me into one of them,” he chuckled wryly, “if they truly succeeded is up to debate.”
“I’m so sorry-” the stranger breathed, eyes slightly glossy. “I’m Mumbo. We uh, are? Used to be? Best friends. At one point two years ago I went to Hermitcraft and you started your own server. We stayed in contact at first but then you stopped responding.” Mumbo wiped at his eyes.
“I’m sorry.” Grian apologised. Now that Mumbo had mentioned his name vague flashes were coming back. Build battles. Redstone he’d never been able to understand.
Mumbo shook his head. “Don’t apologise. You’re here now at least.” he smiled wetly and reached out to hug Grian. But as soon as his arms touched Grian’s skin the numbness made place for pain once again. He desperately tried not to show it. Tried to push down his emotions like they had taught him. But Mumbo must have noticed his change in posture. Or his nearly silent gasp of breath.
“Shoot, sorry! The potions must have stopped working. Let me get Xisuma and see if we have more.” Mumbo said, jumping up.
“No, wait!” Grian tried, but Mumbo was already on his way.
He was in for it now. Mumbo would get whoever this Xisuma was, he assumed the admin, and he would be punished. It was his fault for showing weakness. He curled up in the bed, letting the pain wash over him as he moved. Even after all the times he’d been punished. After all they’d tried to teach him. He couldn’t stop the nearly silent sobs from escaping him. Crying was for players. He wasn’t a player anymore. He wasn’t allowed to cry or show pain.
Xisuma frowned. “Are you alright?” he asked. Mumbo was walking over to him. Grian couldn’t read the emotion on his face. But then Mumno reached out for him.
The door to the room opened again. Mumbo and a man in armour entered. He couldn’t see the admins face besides his eyes. It was covered by a helmet. It scared him even more.
“Hey, Mumbo told me you finally woke up. How are you feeling?” The man who Grian assumed was Xisuma asked. He didn’t respond. Anything he said could get him in more trouble.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” he screeched. To his credit, Mumbo backed off immediately. “Please don’t punish me. I’m sorry. I’ll do better. I’m sorry.” he gasped. He forced his shaking muscles to stay still.
Xisuma still stood there, holding what Grian saw now was a pink potion. “We won’t hurt you Grian. I can give you my word as admin.”
His word. Promises had always been important to him. The Watchers had always been entities of their word. Still he was scared. “Promise?” the childish plea fell from his lips before he could stop it.
“Promise.” Xisuma said. “I have a regeneration potion for you. It should help with the burns you have. Do you want it?” Grian forced his eyes to look at the code. It made his usual headache return, but at least he could confirm that it was really regeneration. Then, he nodded softly. Xisuma’s eyes wrinkled. Was he smiling? He handed the potion over to Mumbo. Mumbo came back over to him and handed Grian the potion. As soon as he had it in his hands he greedily drank it and let the warm magic wash over him. His muscles finally relaxed a little again.
“It’s going to take a while for those wounds to fully heal.” Xisuma paused. “I’m sorry for whatever they did to you. You’re safe here.” The warmth of the potion in his veins was dragging him back under. Xisuma seemed to notice. “You can rest. Mumbo will stay here. That alright with you?”
A quiet nod was the last thing Grian gave before he was pulled back under again.
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timogsilangan · 2 years
ive been using opera but ive been interested in switching to firefox. wrt your tag what extensions do you use for privacy?
YAHOO cracking my fucking knuckles get ready to be fucking inundated. prepare for a torrent. a flood. a deluge, if you will
for privacy specifically:
ublock origin: works right out of the box but its got a bunch of extra shit u can enable in the settings
https everywhere: forces https encryption anywhere its supported
decentraleyes: blocks tracking from anything that shows u Curated content like google etc
facebook container: if u use fb (which i do unfortunately coz im pinoy and all the funny pinoy shit is on there) it isolates it into its own tab separate from the rest of firefox so it cant track what ur doing in the rest of the browser
dont track me google: does exactly what it says it does
cookie autodelete: exactly what it sounds like. just whitelist any sites u wanna stay logged in to coz this shit flushes fcking everything when u close a tab
adnauseam: pollutes ur search history with random searches so whoevers tracking u cant actually learn shit abt u And gives fake clicks to the ads it blocks
privacybadger & privacypossum: the former blocks invisible trackers and the latter scrambles and falsifies data gathered by trackers
ik u asked 4 privacy specificaly but these r some that i just use in everyday life that i Need to shill for orelse i will Die
multi account containers: OH MY FUCKING GOD. it lets u open tabs isolated from the rest of ur normal firefox so u can log into multiple accs on the same site on the same browser w out having to open incognito etc etc its such a fucking lifechanger if u have 30 emails like me
auto tab discard: after a set amount of time (default is like 5 mins but u can customize it!) it pauses background tabs so theyre not constantly eating up memory and processing power like they would be in chrome. this shit is such a fucking lifesaver as someone whos stupid and has so many unnecessary tabs that i forget abt. the tabs r immediately resumed when u click back to it!
dont accept image/webp: KILLS THAT STUPID FUCKING EXTENSION!!! LET IT DIE!!!!! it tells the website that firefox doesnt accept webp so the website sends it as png jpg or gif instead! fuck that stupid fcking file format for real i hope whoever created it is eaten alive i have never wanted to kill a file format before .
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moriiartist · 2 years
Xisuma is like dream in ways; admin, green, mask. Why not make a fic about that? When the reader goes to HC after DSMP, X falls in love with them, but reader is scared of him because of his similarity to dream. He grows on them though, and then love <3333333 You’re scar writings always make my day btw pls keep them coming! <3
PAIRING: C!Xisumavoid x GN!Reader
SYNOPSIS: Healing what’s broken is hard work, but some people are worth the effort.
WARNINGS: Language, self depreciation, implied/referenced violence, implied/referenced abusive relationships, implied/referenced death, poor self-care, panic attacks, PTSD symptoms
A/N: GIRL HELP, I BLACKED OUT AND WHEN I WOKE UP I HAD WRITTEN FIVE THOUSAND WORDS. This is honestly the most self-indulgent thing I think I’ve ever written for you guys, so... I’m kinda exposing myself to the masses😅. I was thinking of season 8 while making this, but it’s kinda ambiguous. (Oh, and I did combine 2 requests for DSMP!Reader x Xisuma, so if you requested something similar to this, I hope you enjoy!)
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There’s a certain mindset that you have to have to survive those years you had spent in your own personal hell, a certain fire that had to burn within to look at yourself in the mirror, to face the countless scars that mottled your flesh, and know the story behind each one.
It was supposed to be fun, to just… hang out and play with your friends. Pick stupid fights, prank people, and walk away still knowing that the other didn’t really hate you. Wouldn’t that have been a fucking fantasy, huh?
Now, having lived through several wars, a dictatorship, a portion of your home being blown to kingdom-come at least thrice, and a mind-controlling viny red egg thing taking over the server, such dreams were laughable, at best.
Whoever came up with the concept of limited server lives was either a sadist or didn’t fully understand the implications of how it would feel to be constantly on guard, your fight-or-flight response shot to hell from the near-permanent adrenaline rush you coasted on seemingly every moment of every day. To be fair, though, you don’t think that anyone would’ve predicted just how perverted the mechanic could become when put into the wrong hands. 
Well, that wasn’t exactly true- there was one person who did. (Your hands white and shaking on the pommel of your sword, frozen in place as you watched him drive an arrow through-)
You don’t really remember how you became tangled up with Dream. You don’t really think it matters, in the grand scheme of things. However you had met, whatever you had done to become close, you had fallen for the masked man’s honey-laced words and saccharine promises, and had held his hand as he walked you straight through the gates of Hades.
There’s a certain mindset you had to have in order to live in the Dream SMP, but the moment you and the rest of the players that had managed to survive were suddenly spit back out into the World Hub with no prior warning or reason given… well, it felt as though everything you had learned over the years was suddenly useless.
Disorienting felt like too bland a word to describe the abject confusion and dawning horror you felt when it became obvious that the traumatizing events that had transpired on the SMP were, for lack of a better term, well known.
Those few visitors that Dream had whitelisted for a day or two? It turns out that they had not been quite as oblivious to the barely-contained tensions and conflict that brewed underneath the cheery façade that the admin and famous speed-runner had tried to maintain, and it hadn’t been long before word had spread that everything was not as it seemed in your server. (Trying to hold back a gag as tears flooded your eyes, the echoing sounds of explosions and screaming fuzzing out as you struggled to focus on reality-)
Based on what you overheard, though, both from other players and through the channels of knowledge that seemed to just kind of… manifest… between worlds, the actual specifics of what had happened hadn’t made their rounds yet- none of the wars, the betrayals, the horrors that you had been forced to endure (and commit).
Consequently, people seemed to mostly be focused on the fact that a whitelisted server had turned to anarchy- a phenomena that was completely unheard of in modern times, when admins were put through such a thorough vetting system before they were granted their abilities. 
Dream’s status as one of the most famous players in this era was really only the cherry on top of the pie.
In some ways, having everyone know the bare minimum was worse than when you felt isolated, alone with nobody beyond a few tenuous allies at your side. The hushed murmurs that seemed to follow your every step as more and more players realized who you were, where you had come from. The eyes that seemed to scorch holes into the back of your head, even more than usual.
Even one person’s attention was enough to put you on edge, but having people traveling between servers outright stop and stare at you only made you painfully aware of just how vulnerable you were without gear. Prime- sometimes it was hard not to believe that the gods had it out for you, personally. (Maybe you deserved it-)
Despite all the attention you had received, though, receiving an invitation to join Hermitcraft was the last thing you had expected. 
The group was widely known for being… well, hermits. The only time they really interacted with other people outside of their group was during MCC, the championship games in which only the most elite players were invited to compete in. Even then, they were too busy to stick around for the festivities afterward- something about how they had too many projects they all had to work on to stick around.
If you were being honest, you didn’t quite believe their excuses at first. I mean- who would have that much work to do on a world that they’d spent years in? However, after you had first been contacted by the group it had quickly become obvious that their server operation was wildly different from anything you had seen before.
They called each world they worked on a ‘season’, and they were meant to be impermanent. Every one to two years or so, they abandoned everything that they had been working on- their builds, their Redstone contraptions, their weapons and armor all left behind. Archived. Collecting dust in some long-forgotten shulker. (Gods- you couldn’t even remember the last time you had heard the term ‘shulker’, much less seen one)
Naturally, your knee-jerk reaction was: “What the fuck.”
It was… absurd. Utterly, completely insane. Nobody in their right mind would ever give up something that they had worked so hard for without a fight, especially with how rare it was to make something without it getting griefed or looted almost immediately upon its completion, sometimes even before that. 
It took a hell of a lot to convince somebody to just- hand something like that over with no expectation of getting it back. But these people did, for seemingly no reason. Was it their admin that orchestrated it? Was there some kind of instability that forced them to leave? Were they just fucking crazy?
That was what was so scary to you about accepting their offer- you had absolutely no idea. About anything.
Despite how honestly fucking terrifying it was to live in the Dream SMP, you had to admit that there was at least some familiarity with how things were run. You kept to yourself and the few allies you had, trying to keep as much out of the way of the Big Bads™ as much as physically possible. You traveled light, kept your valuables close- coming home to find your house half-blown up wasn’t an unusual surprise. Nobody went to the crater that once was L’Manberg anymore, not unless they had a death wish.
Life was hard (Gasping for breath as you awoke from yet another nightmare, the sticky sensation of your sweat clinging to you feeling more like blood as his face flashed before your eyes-), but it was the same for everyone. You had been fine. 
However, now you had nowhere to go. You’d been thrust from a familiar environment, albeit a hostile one, into a completely unknown situation. There was no other server that you were traveling to, no arrangements made- in essence, you were stranded.
So, despite your initial shock, that was why you found yourself accepting the offer that had been extended to you. It would be stupid not to, especially when you had nothing to lose. Not anymore.
Your first impression of the Hermitcraft server was… strange, to say the least. The admin had arranged for you to join when they switched to their newest season, so you would start off the same as everyone else in terms of resources. So, blessedly, the wealth gap was going to be far less intimidating than you had initially assumed, but- you don’t know- it was just… weird.
The first thing you were greeted with as you stepped through the hub portal was the excited chatter of multiple players, laughter as they greeted one another and fooled around while they waited for the admin to log on. It was definitely new for you to wake up at spawn and not be immediately greeted by something unpleasant- the obstacles that had been built around it in the early days of the SMP, or worse, later.
The momentary hush that settled over the group wasn’t exactly something you were used to, either, feeling your skin start to burn as several sets of eyes snapped to you, alerted to your arrival by the buzzing of their communicators. Prime- where was Tommy when you needed him? 
Despite how abrasive the kid could be, spitting out insults and threats with his signature cackling voice, he was one of the first people to make you feel at home on the SMP, giving you a tour and making you laugh at his childish blustering. If he was here, you know that he would’ve made some comment about how jealous all of his wives would be at the staring. It hurt to admit it, but gods you missed the blonde. (Watching as he dragged the teen away to exile, the signature grin etched on his mask seeming to ooze with smug victory as he ripped what little the kid had left away-)
Awkwardly, you offered your greetings with a half-hearted wave, picking apart the players in front of you with guarded eyes as they each introduced each other to you eagerly.
The first thing you noticed about the group was how unconcerned they seemed to be with their own safety as they welcomed you to the server, excitedly chattering amongst themselves as well as with you about their upcoming plans for the season. That alone was enough to knock you off-kilter, but when the short parrot avian- Grian, you remembered- offhandedly gave you an invitation to build near him, you couldn't help the incredulous snort that escaped you. Honestly, did these people have no sense of self-preservation?
However, it quickly became obvious to you that, no, this was just their normal. 
As you assessed the group, you became painfully aware that… well, these people had never gone through what you had. For most of them, their skin was smooth and unmarred beyond the occasional thin scar- clearly remnants of a respawn (except for that one brunette, who was mottled with them), or wounds that had been treated with health pots. Their faces were bright, practically filled with a kind of luminous joy as they interacted with one another.
Casual touches weren’t met with flinches or a hand reaching for a weapon out of reflex, nor was there any animosity between the groups that seemed to naturally form as time went on, each Hermit treating the other kindly regardless of how close they were.
These people… these people had never had to endure what you had. Couldn’t even begin to imagine the pain of what you had witnessed. (Watching as the person you loved most in the world fade away, replaced with a monster that reveled in the power he leveraged over other people)
You pointedly ignored the way that the singular tattoo of a heart inked on the inside of your wrist ached at the thought.
It was hard to ignore the way that you seemed to stick out amongst the group, the hard line of your shoulders and the wariness in your eyes setting you apart from the rest of the crowd like a wolf in a doghouse. Despite their friendly advances, the others picked up on it as well, smiles fading ever-so-slightly and bodies shifting nervously as you passed them by.
You couldn't blame them- after all, you weren’t one of them anymore. Not as you were left envious, yearning for the easy camaraderie they shared, and the affection that had been denied to you.
If you thought that was bad, though, the moment you came face-to-face with their admin was even worse. So, so must worse.
By some universal stroke of misfortune, another funny trick that the world seemed so fond of pulling on you, Xisuma was… well, the resemblance he had to him was undeniable. 
A cursory glance was enough to set your heart pounding in your chest, the dark green color of his bodysuit melting into a sickening lime green within your periphery. You weren’t breathing when your eyes snapped back to him, your panic spiking at the sight of his mask before you finally, finally realized that it wasn’t who you thought it was. He wasn’t Dream.
That split-second comparison, borne out of a survival instinct honed throughout weeks, months of never knowing when the next hit would land- that was enough for your brain to start making connections.
Xisuma had an affinity for green, wearing a dark steel and silver mask that covered his entire head, barring a panel of tinted glass to see out of. While intimidating, it also served to obscure his expressions. Body language wasn’t exactly the easiest thing to read, especially in someone you had hardly even met.
The way he spoke, the confidence in which he held himself with- it was like looking at the distorted reflection of your own personal demons, memories of a blank smile making you shudder as you instinctively made yourself smaller, less noticeable. Sinking back into the shadows as he chatted with the rest of the group.
Of course, because you couldn’t have anything nice, he spotted you the moment you were distracted, having been reluctantly pulled into a conversation with Scar about something or other- cats, probably?
Whatever small amount of tension you had lost in your body returned tenfold when you felt the heat of someone’s gaze burning holes into your back, natural defenses springing up as you turned to make eye contact with him. Your hand fell to where the pommel of your sword would normally sit at your hip only for your fingers to meet air. Gods damn it all. 
“Xisuma, right?” you said first, hefting the next best weapon available in your arsenal aloft- words. Giving him the opportunity to speak first would be conceding the first move to him, and you were sick and tired of having to react to other’s attacks.
Keeping your face and stance neutral, you gave him no hint that you were off-put by his sudden interest in you. You weren’t sure if you succeeded.
He inclined his head, stepping forward to offer you his hand. Wound as tight as a bowstring, you stared at it for a moment before accepting. “Yup, welcome to Hermitcraft.”
The majority of his palm was covered by a thick gauntlet made out of some kind of thick cloth (Kevlar, perhaps?), but his tan fingers warm and calloused- the hallmark of a person more than comfortable with a blade. He squeezed your hand once before letting go.
Up close, the admin’s eyes and brows were visible through the thick glass that made up part of his helmet. What features you could make out were relaxed enough, but there was still that slightest crease between both of his dark brows, that thoughtful, seeking facet to his eyes. Intelligent, determined. Curious.
Xisumavoid was dangerous, you decided. The best thing for you to do would be to fuck off to some distant corner of the map, hole up, and keep out of his way for the remainder of the time you would spend here.
A decent plan, but only if Xisuma had gotten the memo.
The Hermits spread out across the island you had spawned on fast, forming their own little communities. You noted how the groups you had picked out earlier seemed to, for the most part, stick together- Grian, Mumbo, and Scar forming their own faction to the north of the island that everyone had spawned in on, while the creeper and wolf hybrid that had reminded you so much of Sam and Ponk (well, before everything happened) set up east.
And you? Well, seeing as everyone stayed relatively close to one another, you built yourself a boat and planned to get the hell out of dodge, traveling a couple thousand blocks until you felt safe enough to settle- that is, until you ran into a slight problem. 
It turns out, another difference between the Dream SMP and Hermitcraft was that your previous server had lacked a world border- a magical barrier that was set up by admins to prevent players from ranging too far and causing… issues, to put it lightly. Lag. Which is very, very dangerous for the health of a server and its members.
Nobody really knew what lag was, exactly- whether it was a glitch in the foundations of the universe itself, or the act of irritated gods. It was the kind of thing that crept up on a server, distorting the world into something a step to the side of reality. Redstone machines would break, animals wouldn’t spawn… hell, it was difficult to even get around when there was an overabundance of lag.
However, besides all the normal issues that would throw a wrench into the workings of a server and possibly lead to player deaths, the biggest (and most dangerous) aspect of lag was its effect on respawning.
There were too many stories, too many tales about how people just… disappeared after they died. Eaten up by the endless, unforgiving expanse of the void that whispered beneath bedrock.
Just thinking about it made you shiver.
Lag was easy enough to manage on most servers, there really only being ten to twenty players on average per world. However, that was when you were speaking about average players- those who made their way through life goofing around with friends, perhaps even entering some low-level Hypixel competitions, but never really going beyond that. 
Even the Dream SMP, despite how glitchy the server got during Doomsday, never really had an issue with those sorts of things. Any big Redstone machines were either used only once, or were broken too quickly to make much of a difference in the world’s operation.
Compared to everything you had ever experienced, Hermitcraft itself was practically a myth- a beast of a server, filled with some of the most legendary players to grace the universe. It was a miracle that their worlds could handle the sheer enormity of their bases and builds, so in theory, it didn’t surprise you that their admin would have to take extra measures regarding lag safety.
However, that didn’t exactly mean you were expecting it when you ran into the world border, a giant, shimmering wall of magic and static electricity that resisted any attempt you made to breach it. A cage keeping you in, trapped where you would really rather not be.
It made sense to you, really. If players were kept within a small space, then the server wouldn’t have to use as much magic to support an infinite expanse. It was logical.
Still, it fucked up your plans, forcing you to settle in the eastmost chunk of land you could reach- an arid savannah biome. (You resolutely tried to forget a different savannah biome, swallowing back the sting of guilt-regret-guilt that threatened to pull you under)
Those first few weeks you dedicated yourself to the grind, getting as much food, supplies, and armor as you could, spurred on by the ever-present knowledge that you could be attacked at any time, have everything taken away once more. You worked your way through the cave systems that wound underneath your hastily constructed base. You set up an experience farm near one of the many spawners you had found, allowing yourself to invest just that little bit of time and effort to get levels.
All-nighters were common, nightmares even more so. The dark circles under your eyes were as well-worn as your armor, practically looking like bruises, and even on your best days you were never not aware of just how exhausted you were.
It was on one of the bad days that Xisuma decided to stop by for the first of his many little ‘trips’ to your base.
You had taken a quick break in between tasks, promising yourself that you would get back to work soon, but… well, you had nodded off, leaning against the trunk of the gnarled acacia tree you had left to shade your farm. It was comfortable there, where the warmth of the air and the shade of the leaves created the perfect temperature, and where you had taken off your heavy breastplate and helmet to shed some weight.
Your eyes slipped closed, and when you opened them, it was to see the silhouette of an armored figure looming over you.
You couldn’t even remember it- one second you were blinking awake, and the next you had pinned them down, one hand holding a dagger to his throat and the other pinning their wrists down. You were panting, great, heaving breaths that sounded almost like sobs, heart jack-hammering in your chest like it wanted to break free.
“What the fuck are you doing?” you choked out, your entire body trembling from fear and adrenaline.
They coughed, and all of the sudden you recognized the helmet, the armor, the dark eyes that watched you with equal amounts of shock and concern. Xisuma- the admin- was held under the weight of your body, glossy netherite armor digging into the soft of your belly through the flimsy shirt you wore. You had attacked the admin. The admin, who now had full reason to get revenge on you.
Your panic only grew at the realization. No- no. You were not going to have a panic attack right now. You couldn’t.
You were up and stumbling back before you could blink. “Fuck- I am so sorry. I don’t- I don’t even know what came over me. I shouldn't've- sorry, sorry.”
Slowly, carefully, Xisuma sat up, telegraphing his movements like one might do when faced with a frightened animal. You didn’t see that, though- all you could see were the weapons strapped to his belt, the 
The cloying fog of fear descended over you, threatening to send you spiraling into a panic. Your heart felt like it was racing a mile a minute, breaths coming faster and faster until the familiar sensation of nausea welled in your gut and crept up your esophagus. 
It could’ve been seconds or minutes you spent like that, unseeing, unfeeling, desperately trying not to gag, but when you dragged yourself back into consciousness someone was pressing your hands to their chest, ribs flexing as they took exaggerated breaths. Their voice slowly filtered through the fog of panic that set over you.
“-You need to keep breathing, okay? In for five, out for seven. Can you do that? Follow my breathing, like this.”
Finally registering the pinched and burning feeling in your lungs, you inhaled, the dizzying rush of oxygen making you lightheaded as you blindly tried to match the rhythm of the other person’s inhales and exhales. Their heartbeat thudded heavily through the flesh and bone of your hands, and you distantly noted that their accent sounded a lot like Xisuma’s.
Glancing up through teary eyes (when had you started crying?), your gaze met smooth metal and glass, a familiar dark gaze, brows drawn heavy over his eyes into a concerned scowl.
Ah. That… makes more sense.
Distantly, you noted that Xisuma had very long eyelashes.
When you didn’t seem like you were about to pass out from hyperventilation, you removed your hands from where Xisuma had placed them on his chest, curling into yourself to appear smaller as you noted just how close together you were.
“I’m sorry,” you tried again, wiping away the few tears that had escaped from your eyes with shaking hands. “Didn’t know it was you.”
“Don’t apologize,” he responded almost immediately. It took the gentle squeeze of his hands for you to realize that he was holding your shoulders- not tightly, but enough so that warmth seeped through his gloves. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Hunching your shoulders, you desperately searched for any indication of his mood as he drew back- a clenched hand, stiff shoulders, anything, but the admin’s every movement was slow and nonthreatening. Controlled.
“I just wanted to check on you since none of the other Hermits have seen you since the start of the server. I’m sorry for scaring you so badly.”
A flicker of surprise flashed across your features before you schooled them into a scowl once more. “Yeah, well, maybe don’t fucking sneak up on me next time.”
Xisuma huffed a laugh. It didn’t sound amused. “I guess I deserved that.”
You eyed him then, screwing your lips into a deep frown as your gaze jumped from his mask, to his hands, to his mask again. After a moment, you abruptly exhaled and stood up, dusting off some of the dirt that had stuck to your armor.
“Alright, well, I’ve got work to do, so…”
He stared at you for a moment (and you could practically picture the dial-up noises his brain was making) before scrambling to his feet as well. 
“Wait- wait! Uh, is there- do you have panic attacks often?”
Your posture, which you hadn’t realized had relaxed somewhat, tensed once more. “What’s it to you?”
Xisuma stooped to pick up the breastplate he had taken off to help you, hastily affixing it to his frame before answering your terse question. He seemed uncharacteristically sheepish, running a gloved hand over the smooth dome of his helmet in what you assumed was a nervous tic.
“It’s important to me to be aware of people’s needs, being an admin ‘n all. Panic attacks are part of that, so I remember what triggers they have.”
Against your will, both of your eyebrows quirked up. It would be so, so easy for him to be saying that just to use your ‘triggers’ (weaknesses) against you. Hell- you had gone through this song and dance so often you could do it with your eyes closed. 
It’s too simple to get attached to someone when they said all the right things, easier so when they knew what they were, knew you, planned to string you along like a wooden marionette…
But, you had lived with a very good liar. Lied yourself. And Xisuma? You hadn’t known him very long, but some long-buried part of you recognized his sincerity and ached.
The knowledge hurt, stung more than when you had dove into the ocean with a couple arrows still stuck in you, but he wouldn’t use this against you.
Xisuma took your thoughtful silence as a negative, backpedaling quickly. “Of course, you don’t have to tell me, you’ve barely even met me. Sorry for being pushy, I’ll just take my leave-”
“I don’t like surprises,” you said, interrupting him cooly. “I don’t like TNT, rockets… loud sounds in general are pretty shit- and that includes yelling. Green, too, but that’s mostly bright green. On bad days I can’t really stand it at all. And… I don’t like not seeing people’s faces. Stresses me out.”
He seemed too shocked to speak, the muscles of his throat working for a moment as if he was opening and closing his jaw, before exhaling deeply. The sound was relieved, if a little breathy. “Great. Well, not great, but- y’know. Thank you. For telling me.”
You huffed, stuffing your buzzing nerves deep, deep down. “Yeah, yeah. Keep it moving, I’ve got work to do.”
Suffice it to say, you see a lot more of a certain masked admin after that. (Not him, never him, but the change isn’t entirely unwelcome)
It irked you at first, having to contend with visits that reminded you a little too much of better worse times, an unfeeling porcelain mask and raised voices in dark rooms; being watched, kept pliant and tucked out of the way. But Xisuma’s presence once you got past his appearance was so, so much different.
Dream had always reminded you of the ocean, stormy and beautiful and alluringly dangerous. The comparison was even more so fitting once you had gotten past his mask- not his real one, but the facade of friendliness- and realized that he was as deadly as a riptide current.
If Dream was the ocean, then Xisuma was the endless night sky, constant and comforting. He never pushed you to talk during his visits, never toed the line of your boundaries or asked why you couldn’t talk about certain things or couldn’t listen to certain songs. It was almost as if he didn’t want anything from you- which, of course, was total bullshit, but the thought was nice anyway.
Against your better judgement, you could almost call him a friend.
The two of you were sitting on your porch one evening when you finally worked up the urge to ask the question that had been tearing at the back of your mind, watching as the eggshell blue sky slowly bled and burst into a riot of orange and pink.
“Why are you doing this?”
Xisuma looked up at you, the side of his helmet brushing against your legs from where he was propped up against the siding. “Hm?”
You gestured vaguely with a hand, cheeks heating slightly. 
“Y’know, visiting ‘n all? I thought it was to- to watch me like D-” your voice failed, and you cleared your throat awkwardly before you went on. “Like he did. But, uh, you’ve been around for a while and you haven’t made any moves, so… what’s up?”
He stared at you for a moment, silent, and you hastily looked away from his face, picking at the material of your pants. They were some kind of super-durable fabric that Impulse had given to you for helping him with his Redstone farm, and the sheer amount of pockets sewed into it had quickly made it the favorite pair you owned.
With Xisuma’s gentle coaxing, you had gradually began to interact more with the Hermits. It wasn’t anything too major, just helping them out with a few things here or there in exchange for payment. You knew business, understood it, so your dealings with them were easier to manage than any other social situation- or, Prime forbid, a festival.
The admin finally seemed to find his voice after a moment, turning fully to face you this time as he spoke. “Did you think think I was only here to- did you think I was guarding you?”
You shrugged, trying to keep the movement as nonchalant as possible. “I mean, it’s not like it hasn’t happened before.”
“Fuck,” he breathed, the curse tinged with a disbelieving sort of amusement.
A laugh tore itself out of your lungs. “Hels, X, I didn’t even know you could curse. Seems like your pristine reputation isn’t all that it’s made out to be, hm?”
He chuckled along with you, and, against your permission, you felt your muscles relax at the sound. Fucking- damn him. Damn him and his ability to make you feel safe, secure. Loved.
“I don’t know where you got that idea from. It’s not like I’m a nun,” he said, a grin curling the edges of his voice into something sunshine-soft, even as swathes of darkness cut across the sky above your heads. 
You rolled your eyes. “I dunno, with you I can never be quite sure.”
He was silent again, the two of you watching as stars flared and blinked into existence one by one. So silent, in fact, that when his hand slid up your calf you jolted.
“I would never- you know I could never be like Dream, right? Gods- I would never forgive myself for doing a fraction of the things he did.”
Inhaling sharply at the mention of the man who had broken your heart, broken you, you squeezed your eyes shut tightly before tears could begin to well up. “Yeah. Yeah, I know.”
Xisuma squeezed your leg comfortingly, and you could feel him shift closer until he was almost fully leaning against you.
“I love you.”
This time, you let the tears slip down your face.
Maybe you didn’t deserve a new start. Maybe it was too difficult, would take too much energy to get back on your feet again after being held down for so long.
But, if you could have this, then you wouldn’t mind giving it your best shot.
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aenor-llelo · 3 years
obligatory harpo
A grand total of no one asked, but god lives in fear of my power so i’ll throw my hat into the ring about who harpocrates is.
context because i’m not the lore police and don’t assume you watch every POV ever: techno and phil, some time after doomsday and ranboo moving in with them, founded a Syndicate that uses an end stronghold as their headquarters.
the syndicate is an anarchist group that basically runs around until they find government corruption/human rights violations and then Deletes It With Violence. it’s nonhierarchical and things are done by vote. everyone gets a Cool Mythological Codename.
niki and ranboo were recruited, and in the first syndicate meeting they attended, there was another chair for an absent member called “harpocrates”.
there’s been lots of fun harpo theories!
-haprocrates as wilbur (alive or ghost)
-harpocrates is a recent or pending whitelist
-harpocrates will be retconned into whoever next joins the syndicate
but have My fun little thought exercise.
Harpocrates is no one.
Not only that, but Harpocrates is a placeholder. A proof of concept to put other members at ease.
c!techno and c!philza are very “show not tell” types of people, and they’re kind of, bluntly, not the most socially charming, and they have a scary reputation. the existence of harpocrates, and how techno/phil treated the hypothetical harpocrates, allows them to demonstrate several things to the new members:
-there’s nothing wrong with having more people. -everyone in the syndicate is a friend. -free example of how codenames and seating arrangements work, and free example of security measures like the stasis pearls. -techno and phil are not the end-all be-all of the syndicate. they will listen to and co-operate with others. -no one is penalized for non-attendance, and is not obligated to report whereabouts. additionally, by being a "member", harpocrates can be used as a tie-breaking/arbitrary vote when necessary, or represent a devil's advocate motion, which would be useful with the democratic hierarchy of the syndicate.
tl;dr- harpo is a tutorial member and a placeholding tiebreaker vote.
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give-grian-rights · 4 years
Bets Against The Void (Whitelist AU)
Well.. I DID IT. This is only chapter 1. I planned on this being a one-shot, but if it was, it would take me so long to finish it. So, chapters it is.
This is crossposted on AO3. I don’t exactly stand with a lot of what it’s doing, but it’s not particularly easy to find fics on Tumblr I feel..and I will never go back to Wattpad. Not again.
@petrichormeraki Whitelist AU fic :)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
They had just left the server to practice for MCC, that was all. Wilbur would be so proud, the two youngest would be sure, if they managed to win one. For Tommy, it would be his first win not aided by his  (Troubled, distrustful, anarchist-)  family, and Tubbo’s first-ever. 
Teams for the next MCC had yet to be announced, but it hadn’t mattered. Tommy had been invited back to every competition since MCC 2, after all- and the competition had already become accommodating to Tubbo, following the..Circumstances, of The Festival. 
The admins hosting the event were concerned, following the events they’d hear of about their server. They hadn’t known much; no one outside their world, really did. But, well..When asked about the status of Wilbur, and if he’d attend- the silence and reaction of the residents of his world were telling.
Barely a handful of players were at the server, practicing. It was calming, for the teenagers. The two had primarily stuck together, as they tended to do after the Pogtopia-Manburg war. The siblings were back together again. And they had each other- they trusted each other, unquestionably. Something more than they could say about anyone else.
By the time they made it back to the world hub, they were already exhausted. The timezone of their server would be late, they were sure. Their arms ached, and legs wobbled with every step. They both felt as if they could fall down, anytime.
Tubbo’s arm was looped around Tommy’s, content to be in the presence of his best friend, without the responsibility of the world on either of their shoulders’. Other players had barely batted an eye at the two- it wasn’t uncommon for teenagers or children to server hop by themselves. Nor for someone passing through a world hub to have outlandish and otherworldly scars. For them to both be teenagers, and scarred so heavily- well, that was a different story.
Still, not a soul stopped them as the tall blond led his friend to a nearby empty portal. As they stood still, Tubbo instinctively released his arm from the boy. Tommy kept Tubbo grounded to him as he worked, talking idly to them and inquiring about build plans. As Tubbo talked, Tommy quickly fidgeted with his communication tablet.
The thin, hovering device was pressed against the large obsidian frame of an otherwise normal, unlit portal.  Pressing out of his inventory, which by mandatory was empty, Tommy opened his server list. The individually named servers popped up. 
Some servers were empty, others grayed out and unavailable, no longer tended to. Muscle memory brought him to Dream SMP.  The status of the server was buffering- it’s availability of connection unclear. It wasn’t unusual- not for world hubs filled with tens of thousands of players at any given time.
With their SMP selected, the portal flickered for a moment- sparks of neon green rippling within, before quickly fading. The whooshes and crackling of a portal being lit, before failing, caught Tubbo’s ears.
“Uh...Is- is the portal good? Did it light? Why does it feel like it’s uh- not?” They tilted his head to the side, towards Tommy. The blond paused for a moment, blinking in bewilderment with his brows furrowed. “No- no it’s not lit..Uh.. What the shit? Hold on, Tubbo-” he huffed, pulling his tablet off the obsidian wall with ease to inspect it.
Blue eyes squinted at the screen. At the edge of the selection for Dream SMP, was an error sign, much to Tommy’s slight horror. “Fucking..Shit-” he hissed, pressing the icon. “‘Server closed for maintence’- what the fuck!” The teen spat. That got a few heads turned him, at his shouts. Most continued walking, merely giving him a wary glance.
Tubbo’s mouth dropped, scrambling for words. “Wh- why? I- I mean, I guess it makes sense- the- the server’s been acting up, and stuff- but- with what noticed?” He squawked, fumbling with their own device. Gliding their hand over the graphics, each thing he touched was read aloud to him quietly in his comm systems.
While Tubbo worked on locating his own messages, Tommy already found his. He scoffed indignantly, his hand clenching at the frame of the tablet. “The chat system for the server’s down too! Holy shit, fucking- what? Were no one fucking prepared for if we all get knocked out of the server at once? What the fuck!” Slight panic edged into his angered words as he shouted.
“Guess not,” Tubbo shrugged, pushing his tablet away, already frustrated with it. “Did Dream send out any sort of alert, for this?” Tommy only scoffed. The brunnett was sure he was rolling his eyes, as well. “Yeah, with a three-minute fuckin’ notice!  Just told everyone to figure it out for themselves, while he fixed shit! What a lil bitch!”
Glares were most certainly being sent towards them by now, Tubbo was sure. Gently pressing himself against the visibly upset and angered boy, he looped their arms back together, reassuringly squeezing his hand.. “We should get out of the way. I’m sure other people are waiting, there’s nothing we can do.” The brunett resigned himself to being the level-headed one between them.
“We can’t just fucking stay here, Tubbo! We ain’t got shit to eat, or anything. It’s not exactly like we thought of packing shit for a few hours of practicing!” The boy protested. He had just gotten L’manburg back, finally, a place he and his Tubbo were okay.
After a moment of silence, Tubbo would speak up once more. “I started installing some more, uh..Hack clients-” “TUBBO WHAT THE SHIT!” “Please, I’d really like to not get in major trouble today.” They’d wince, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. The feeling of stares lingered on his back.
“I got a client that should let me into the world last opened on a portal- which, in this case, should be Dream’s server. So we can get on there and- “Call Dream a dick.”
“Exactly. I wouldn’t think it’s dangerous, or unstable or anything to be there..I’m sure he and the rest of Dream Team are there.”
Walking back to the portal, guiding Tubbo back with him, Tommy unattached his own device from the frame. “Uh, want me to put yours on the portal? Or do you got it, Big Man?” The blond tilted his head towards the other boy expectantly.
Dipping their head in thought for a moment, Tubbo hummed. “You can do it. It’s all set up- besides I already turned my text-to-speech off, I was getting a headache from the voice.”  They decided, handing off his tablet to Tommy.
Within moments, Tommy had gotten it set up. Rather than having an individual server selected, the “Connect” button had been highlighted as seen as he reached his friend’s serverlist. 
A flurry of colors splashed within the portal, before settling on a distorting purple. Tommy squinted, glancing towards Tubbo. “That..Does not look like Dream’s server color.” Tubbo tilted his head curiously. “Well.. The site did say it could do that- It’s kinda just ripping the IP and plugging it in illigitmently- it’s incapable of displaying the correct resource, basically.” He played with his friend’s sleeve idly.
“..Fucking- alright, sure. Assuming this is safe- are you ready to hop in?” He pushed down any doubts. Really, nothing worse than what the two already lived through could happen. Tubbo grinned, nodding their head. And so, Tommy led the boy into the portal alongside him. Swirling particles filled his vision, as they flurried around the two- and then they were stumbling to the ground.
Tommy’s eyes shot opened- a dull, thudding pain in the back of his head, as he got his footing. Tubbo was doing the same, losing his hold on Tommy to lean against the portal frame to catch himself.  “...Well. Fuck.” Tommy hissed, rubbing his temple as he looked around the room.
The large portal behind them had dropped them into a large, pyramid-shaped room. The floor below them was sandy, greenery and bookshelves pressed against the walls. Tommy’s mouth dropped to the floor as he viewed ahead of him.
“W-What the fuck! What the shit these people- th-there’s just! Diamond armor!  On display - t-they have fucking elytras!  Holy fucking shit! ” He stammered out the words, his brows furrowed together in complete bewilderment.
“What? That’s insane!..This- this sounds like an ocean? Why can I hear water? Are we on an island?” Tubbo warily stepped, testing his footing.
Tommy instinctively reached back to grab his friend’s hand protectively, nodding vigorously. “I think we’re fuckin’ underwater, or some shit! There’s a water column, and- and the walls fuckin’ tilt, and then it’s all water and shit! The ceiling is just the ocean!”
..Descriptions never seemed to be Tommy’s strong suit. Nonetheless, Tubbo nodded along to the words, warily listening. All that could be heard was the crashing water overhead the water-bound structure. The boy shivered with unease at this.
“Are there any players? Did- did us joining get sent through the comm system, do you think?” Tubbo summoned his comm’s back to his hands, but Tommy must’ve already had his out. “Fuckin- i’m still connected to Dream’s. It didn’t give me the option to look at whoever the fuck’s this is. Tommy growled, uneasiness and anxiety gnawing at him.
 And then, there was a flash of light and particles. A man in a..Bee-themed, space/futuristic-Esque suit appears on the other side of the room. Another, far more mundane seeming man, manifested next to him.
The energy in the room shifted to something unfamiliar to the two teens. Tubbo shivered, desperately grasping tighter at Tommy. The blond boy had stood rigid, blue eyes cold and wary as he stared challengingly at the two strangers.
While the helmeted, bee-colored man visibly had plates of enchanted Netherite glittering on him, the human beside him was bare of any protection, defenses, or armor.   The teen didn’t know what to make of either of them.
Pacifyingly holding up a weaponless hand, the helmet man cleared his throat. “We weren’t particularly expecting visitors, or any surprise drop-ins this late to our season.” Their voice wasn’t accusatory, but it certainly edged on the skeptical side
From the yellow-tinted helmet, Tommy could barely make out a faint reflection of light in purple eyes. His throat felt full of vile, the blond boy practically growling as he held he pushed himself in front of Tubbo.
In retaliation, Tubbo gently shouldered the boy before poking out beside him, facing vaguely towards the man who spoke. “I’m sorry for him- this..This is an accident, uh, Sir.” They chuckled anxiously.
The helmeted man- who by now, Tommy had presumed was the admin- tilted his head. “While accidents aren’t necessarily uncommon on a server such as ours- one quite like this, so far into our progress certainly is.” The Southern fellow beside the bee-helmet man spoke up, his expression passive and at ease as he stared over the boys.
“You two don’t look like you’re here to give us issues- don’t you agree, X?” The helme-  X,  apparently- surveyed the two teenagers for a moment more, before nodding. “Good, then.” The human(?) smiled, dipping his head.
Tommy scoffed, glaring at the man.  “Where the fuck are we?” The blond’s eyes flickered between the two adults stood opposite of them. While the man remained unphased, glancing expectantly at X- said player took a step back, tilting their head.
“Well, considering there’s not really a way to  accidentally derp your way into here- I’d expect you’d know.” While X wasn’t unkind, his tone was expectant. Accusatory, maybe. 
Before Tommy could open his mouth to blabber and cover their asses, Tubbo put his arm out in front of the other. “It really was an..An accident- it wasn’t this server we were trying to get into- wherever we are.” He’d chuckle uneasily, shifting their weight. They weren’t sure what to make of their unknown surroundings.
“Our home-server seems to be down.. And- no one told us where to go,  so I said i knew a way we might be able to go back, and uh..It got us here.”  They’d finish, anxiety spiking as he was unable to gauge their reaction.
“Yeah- and we’re not gonna fuckin’ do shit. We don’t even know where the fuck we are. Just- leave us be!  Or send us back, or some shit-” “Alright, alright! Hey, we’re not fighting with you!” X would cut off Tommy, who’s blue eyes shot a cold glare to the slightly frazzled man.
The younger Brit couldn’t help but get amusement from the way the masked man was so visibly startled from his swears. “You two..Don’t particularly look in the condition to just.. stay in the World Hub. Do you have someplace else to go? How long have you been locked out?” 
Beside the apparent Admin, who had not-so-subtly manifested a transparent screen in front of him, the human looked in exasperated amusement at the helmeted fellow. “Forgetting something there, Shashwammy?” The Southern man spoke with fondness.
Before the admin could react, the man turned back towards the accidental intruders. “You’re in the wonderful world of hermits and crafting, my friends! Hermitcraft Seven, to be specific. I’m Joe, of the Hills variety- and this is my pal, Xisumavoid! Though he’ll likely go by just about anything you can think to call him.”
Tommy looked beside him at Tubbo for a moment, his brows pinched together as he quietly scoffed. This is gonna get really tiring if he talks like this all the time. The blond thought absentmindedly.
In the meantime, Tubbo himself was speechless- positively bursting at the seams. “Hermitcraft?! This is Hermitcraft? Oh, oh void I just broke into Hermitcraft-” They babbled for a moment, jittering as he attempted to compose himself. Tommy raised a brow, eyeing them. 
“You say that as if that means fuckin’ anything to me, Tubbo-”
“I. I’m so sorry, uh, Mr. Hills, Mr. Void!” Their voice cracked, as the words ran out of his mouth. “I swear this isn’t something we do on the regular, I’d never want to disrespect anyone, or any server- especially not Hermitcraft!” He’d continue, laughing anxiously. 
“I’m a huge fan of the work done here! Just, everything I’ve seen- uh, and, and heard, about the Hermits! Fu- frick. Uh. Sorry!”  Tubbo finished, practically panting. 
While Joe had seemed appreciative and amused, Tommy couldn’t get a read on Xisuma. Not that he particularly cared what either of them felt; he barely understood the meaning of the words from Tubbo, all that mattered was they weren’t about to belittle the other boy.
“Mr. Void.. That- that might be a new one-” The British admin had quietly chuckled easily, shaking his head. “No, no need for that. I’m Xisuma, or X. I’m glad you appreciate our work, the Hermits around here work non-stop. And we’d be glad to try and help you two, yes?”
“We don’t fuckin’ need help- We stay here, or we don’t. We don’t need pity or some shit. If you’re gonna get all fussy at the fuckin’ idea of us staying in the Worldhub, then just leave us be here, I guess. We don’t need anyone’s help or charity.” Tommy growled, his arms crossed stubbornly. He could hear Tubbo sharply inhale beside him, weakly nudging at his side.
The two inhabitants, Hermits, Tommy mused, seemingly shared a look for a moment. Tommy’s blue eyes were unyielding from them, as Tubbo’s quiet babble of scolding went through deaf ears.
Slowly nodding, the helmeted admin stepped back. “You two don’t have anywhere you could go?” He’d ask, hesitantly. Tommy glanced beside him, at the short, blinded boy. Blue from Ghostbur weakly stained his hands.
No one else outside of Dream SMP had learned about Wilbur’s fate, not yet. That certainly wasn’t a conversation either of them was willing to have yet, with anyone. Dream would be mad. Dream would be furious if word got out on the nature of his server. 
With that thought, Tommy tore his gaze away from his friend. The boy stared as close as he could to the Admin’s eyes, a challenging look in his hardened blue eyes. “Nowhere.”
Xisuma conceded, nodding. “Fine, then.” He agreed, his tone far softer than it had any right to be, from such an imposing figure. Tommy pondered for a moment if the Admin was taller than him. The possibility made Tommy feel all the more disdain towards him.
Tommy tilted his head, watching expectantly. “Well then? Can we just be- be fuckin’ left here, or some shit? We don’t need to be babysat.” “Tommy, please, don’t pick a fight here-” “Yeah, yeah, Tubbo..”
Xisuma winced, nodding. “Sure.. If you want to be left alone, that’s fine. There’s Elytras’ in the room behind us, and rockets in the chest. That’s the only way to get out, besides from the Nether. It should be linked to our Netherhub, so you shouldn’t have too big of a trouble, yeah?”
Tubbo hesitantly nodded, his grip tight around Tommy’s hand. “Alright, then.” Xisuma nodded, glancing towards Joe. Tommy had all but forgotten the man was there, the Southerner having been quietly observing them.  “Joe, you’re free to go, my friend.”
To Tommy’s perspective, Joe certainly seemed to have some reservations. Whether they were about leaving teenagers unattended or leaving strangers in their server, the blond wasn’t sure. Nonetheless, Joe accepted his fate, nodding breezily before enderpearling his way out of the spawn.
Xisuma turned back to the two, one final time. Tommy didn’t miss the way that Xisuma flinched at Tubbo’s large scars, nearly growling when he saw the admin’s reaction.
“You two have been competing in MCC.” That caught Tubbo, off-guard. The brunnett’s brows furrowed together, tilting his head. “Huh? How do you know that-”
“My Hermits have been competing there for a good while. I need to keep track of them all, I haven’t missed the team announcements.” Xisuma explained breezily, something akin to fondness in his tone. “The other Hermits said that they love MCC, and the other participants. And that they trust almost all of them- don’t take advantage of that, alright?”
Quietly scoffing, Tommy looked away. Beside him, Tubbo nodded. “We’ll try- thank you. For letting us stay here, just for now.”
Despite the situation, Tubbo couldn’t help but feel slightly giddy at the idea of being in a Hermitcraft world. He hadn’t been able to hear about, or see anything about their recent achievements in a long while.
“If you need anything, don’t be afraid to ask. I’ll add you two to the communication connection. Most of the Hermits have a..Tendency of getting themselves in trouble, quite a bit. Don’t be alarmed if someone spawns, they’re almost never here long enough to be dragged in,” He spoke casually, easily. Tommy wondered for a moment what exactly their definition of trouble was.
“Someone will be here to check on you, soon. Don’t get yourselves hurt, please. We’re happy to help here.” He continued, glancing between the two. Tubbo fidgetted, nodding numbly, as he could practically hear Tommy roll his eyes beside him.
Quiet mechanical whirring buzzed as holographic, shimmering bee-like wings expanded behind him.  “Good, then.” Xisuma dipped his head, before familiar red-and-white rockets appeared in his hands.
Before Tommy could lung to cover Tubbo’s ears, Xisuma had already taken off. White particles were left behind him, but the expected boom never came, merely a small pop and smoke. The sight of them, nonetheless, couldn’t help but leave a bitter taste in Tommy’s mouth.
While Tubbo was visibly startled, cringing and nearly tumbling over, he didn’t feel his chest constricting the way it usually would, typically. They’d both consider it a win, for now. Tubbo fell over into Tommy’s arm, as his best friend pulled him into a side hug.
They both slid down against the wall. The conversation alone had taken out all remaining energy they had left in them. Tommy’s gaze surveyed his friend for a moment. “So,” He said pointedly, Tubbo lifting his head to face him.
“What the fuck was that, and what the hell is Hermitcraft?”
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blazing-spectre · 4 years
hi!! i haven't been in your inbox in a while how've u been :) ALSO abt the latest stream who do you think the traitor is (if there even is a traitor at all) :0 if it's philza it would be so funny he's not even whitelisted akskdhk
HI!! :D
W the latest stream I’m. Hmm. My strongest suspicions would be on there being no imposter at all, or Techno (I want evil techno so damn bad ok please I need to draw fanart of techno schlatt and dream being evil together PLEASE). I
 haven’t watched too much Ph1lza stuff outside of his hardcore S4 highlights yet, but he doesn’t strike me as having too much interest in the smp. That said, this would be the Perfect time for him to join, and holy shit I want that SO bad. Him not being whitelisted yet is one reason I don’t think it’s him; you can’t really betray people you weren’t on the side of in the first place.
Dream is good at manipulating the story, so unfortunately I don’t think it’ll be anyone from the badlands, just because that wouldn’t have a big impact (however I want sam bad and ant to get more time in the spotlight please please they deserve it).
The biggest twist would be Niki or Tubbo, but I doubt it’s either of them, however Tubbo is slightly more likely because of the drama that would create, and the fact that he’s a pretty bloody strong player.
Whoever it is, I’m guessing they’ll be quite strong, because its literally them and dream and shlat against everyone, which is why Techno makes the most sense, and would also be the most narratively satisfying imo.
If everything went with what I wanted it to be, Techno would be the traitor, and Ph1lza would join not long afterwards, and side with Dream and Techno as like, a schlatt defence squad or something, because then it would be 3 VERY good players, two of which have a small link because of SBI.
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emberdragon240 · 5 years
BFDI Done In Hermitcraft: Chapter 1: The Plank P1
(This is also on Wattpad if that’s your thing)
"I know, she was so scared over nothing! The bee wasn't even that big, and False was freaking out!"
"Really, Iskall?"
"Really, and yet she calls herself a badass."
"She is in a way, do you remember when she asked Bdubs if she was beautiful?"
Flashback to a week ago
"Bdubs, am I beautiful?"
"Umm, sorry, but no-"
*proceeds to get yeeted to the sun*
End of flashback
"Right, I remember that, and I still hate her!" Bdubs jumped into Grian and Iskall's conversation about how False was a complete asshole. She was so rotten, even Joe hated her, and that was very unusual for him to think of people.
"I swear, I'm gonna get revenge on her! I am honsetly so glad you guys are my friends, really!" Even though they didn't really know eachother, (almost) everyone was friends on the Hermitcraft island.
"You're my friend too, right, Mumbo?" Bdubs said as he grabbed Mumbo and started squeezing him with no mercy.
"Bdubs, stop!" Grian and Iskall yelled before there was a sickening crunch and their communicators buzzed with a death message.
*MumboJumbo was suffocated*
"Sorry about that," Bdubs said, clearly embarrassed at what happened. Mumbo eventually respawned in one of those respawn generators, only to get almost killed by Jevin pointing a sword at his chest.
"Hey! I just respawned!" Mumbo said, exasperated.
"Hey, don't blame me! Blame the stupid Tango here, it's his fault!" Jevin said as he kicked Tango in the face, making him let go as he flew into the ocean.
"Fine! I'll grab Cleo instead," Tango said before grabbing Cleo out of nowhere and yeeting her to Mumbo, which was a very close dodge.
"Yikes!" Mumbo said. She was also conveniently holding a sword, so it was a pretty close call. "What was that for!?" Mumbo asked.
"What? I'm just in the mood to hurt someone," Tango replied. He then found Keralis, which he kicked with absolutely no mercy. Keralis screamed his ass off as he flew, conveniently passing by Wels. He then landed on the ground face first in shallow water where Stress was doing something.
"Keralis! What are you doing there? There's a life to enjoy, so enjoy it!" Stress said in her cheering state. Keralis had a liking for TFC for some reason, so went to him and starting acting all lovingly. A little bit too lovingly, because TFC kicked him into the air as well.
"TFC, calm down," Joe said with papa bear mode set to low. "Kicking him that hard can have permanent side effects. He IS light-weight," Joe lectured as Keralis continued flying in the air once again and as he flew past Wels, not much happened, why am I mentioning this? Anyways, he eventually fell because of the laws of physics, and he fell right onto Zedaph, and as he got up, he noticed... blood. I think you can guess what happened from there. The scream was so loud it could be heard all over the island.
"Keralis is such a scaredy-cat," Cub complained. "He's so annoying. Scar, though, you're cool," Cub said to his friend and partner-in-crime-I mean, partner-in-business.
"So are you, Cub!" Scar complimented back. Meanwhile, Wels was still flying before crashing into a mountain at low speeds, so he didn't take too much damage from the crash. The weird thing though, was that Zedaph was just sitting there as if he took a nap with his eyes open. Wels shouldn't have been surprised, though, since he always acted as if he was on LSD.
"Zedaph! Wake up!" Wels shook Zedaph awake.
"What? Hi, Wels!" Zedaph said as he was jolted awake. Wels sighed before yeeting Zedaph behind him (seriously, why are the hermits constantly yeeting each other around?). Zedaph flew along, all in a excitement that you only feel when you're high until he fell onto Joe, barely surviving.
"Oh, hi Joe, my good old friend!" Zedaph greeted Joe tiredly and before passing out from his injuries. Meanwhile, Doc and Ren were sitting near Impulse with an angry glare. They still couldn't get over the whole Area 77 thing, so here we are.
"Ren! You're an absolute idiot!" Doc yelled at Ren. He did not get the reaction he was expecting though, because Ren's response was to slap him.
"Hey!" Doc yelled, surprised.
"Oh my god, your face feels so good to slap!" Ren said. He was not acting like himself today. He then went on a slapping spree. He was about to continue when Xisuma caught him in the act.
"Doc! Ren! Stop fighting!" Xisuma yelled at the two. "And Impulse, take a bath, you stink," X commented at Impulse who was just watching.
"Sorry," Impulse said.
"Isn't X bossy?" Tango asked Cub, who were both watching the scene.
"I know! He's like a bossy bot!" Cub tried to make a joke, but all he got were stares from Scar, Tango and Wels.
"Uh, you know, a bossy robot?" Cub tried to explain the joke which only got more awkward stares.
"Um, here's the thing; a robot that was built to be at it's bossiest," Cub tried to explain further which didn't help one bit, but everyone got tired of staring at him and decided to stare at the now setting sun. "I'd do anything to get away from him," Cub said. "Or False, or Keralis, or Impulse," then conveniently and suspiciously in time, out of some mysterious smoke, some kind of... creature? Came out of the smoke
"Well then, you're in luck!" The thing said, and it was obvious it was female. It seemed to be some kind of dragon hybrid, Ender Dragon maybe? And had a crop top with decked out armor on the bottom. She also had some kid of belt with fabric that would cover her private if she didn't already have pants on.
"Uh, how?" Cub asked. The girl who seemed to be in her 20
"They're creating the server of paradise, everyone," She continued. "It's called Dream Island. It's one square mile (2.5 kilometers for all you people outside of the US) of luxury. It has a 5 star hotel, a casino, six restaurants, robot servants, and the server's whitelisted, so the winner gets to chose who's allowed in, and who's not!" She described trying to sound all excited too hard.
"Ok, what does it cost?" Cub asked. If he couldn't pay it entirely, he might borrow some of his best friend's diamonds because that's what friends do! /s
"Not even a penny," The woman responded.
"Sounds like a deal! Me and my friend'll take it!" Cub answered excitedly.
"But what about about the rest of the people here? Don't they want it too?" The mysterious being asked.
"Well, I wouldn't give up that server for anything," Cub answered.
"Everyone here's thinking the same thing," she responded. "So you know what that means. We must settle this with a reality TV show- I mean, a contest."
Cue the intro
"So yeah," the mysterious woman who still hasn't given her name yet said, "whoever stays on this plank the longest wins."
"Let's help each other," Stress said. She wouldn't let this contest affect her! Or at least she hoped so.
"Yeah!" Jevin agreed.
"Tango, wake up! What are you doing?" Ren asked Tango, who was clearly asleep for some reason.
"Uh oh!" Impulse said as he slipped off the bar, to which no one noticed.
"Get out of my way!" False said as she was pushing people into the pool of water underneath the plank with her sword. "I need my space!"
"Help me, Jevin!" Stress said as she was falling and close to becoming another one of False's victims. Being made of slime was pretty convenient in this situation though, as he was able to stretch and easily save her from the cold, murky waters of failure.
"Thanks!" Stress said.
"Let's form an alliance!" Mumbo said to the Architect team who all agreed with him, but it unfortunately fell over unwanted ears, as Bdubs heard over from the other side of the plank and was interested now.
"Did I hear an alliance is being formed? I've gotta join!" Bdubs said as rushed over, pushing Scar off the plank on the way.
"Can I be part-" was all Bdubs was able to say before they were all falling into the ocean.
"No." was the only thing Iskall said before they all fell into the water and had Dream Island out of their reach. While all of this was happening, Ren was still trying to wake up Tango.
"Tango, wake up!" Ren said while shaking him before he accidentally put him down too close to the plank and he started to fall. "Oops," but just then, Tango woke up and walked back up on the plank, pushing Ren off in the process.
"Ren! Don't ever-" Tango said before he realized what he just did. "Whoops,"
Final 6!
"Look, there's the evil False," Stress said to Jevin as she pointed at False. "She's still in,"
"Let's run her over!" Jevin suggested to False.
"Yeah!" She said, excitedly. This was only a harmless joke, she was gonna apologize later!
"Uh oh," Tango thought out loud as they started trampling over. The plan didn't work, however, and the two got kicked into the air by False.
"Hey, we're flying!" Jevin realized.
"You're right! Woohoo!" Stress confirmed, completely forgetting that what comes up, must come down.
"Uh-oh," Jevin remembered as they almost fell off the plank with TFC, but Stress managed to get a grip.
"Pull up," Jevin commanded Stress.
"I... can't!" Stress realized, getting ready for their fate. "Oh no! Tango? Zedaph? Help!" Stress cried for help. Eventually, Tango stepped on her hand, preventing it from falling any further.
"What is it?!" Tango asked, annoyed.
"You're stepping on my hand." Stress mentioned as Tango got off her foot.
"There, better now?" Tango asked.
"Yes, now pull us up." Stress said, but as Tango tried to pull the three up, he fell over and only had his feet on the plank now, the only part that still had a chance of getting the invite to Dream Island.
"Hold onto my other arm, TFC," Stress told him, who complied. Then the hugest dick on the planet towered over them as she started laughing in that cartoon villain sort of way.
"Ha, ha! I'm wearing non-slip shoes, so boo-hoo you weirdos!" False mocked them in her usual annoying way when Tango came up with an idea and kicked her over with one of his feet, but False grabbed onto Jevin to his extreme dislike before he came up with the idea to... lick her?
"Aaah, AAAHHH!" False screamed as she instinctively pulled away, but she instantly realized was a big mistake when she starting falling, falling, and eventually into failure.
"Nice work, Jevin! A job well done!" Stress complimented Jevin's great idea.
"TFC, let's swing!" Jevin said as they swinged back onto the plank, completely forgetting about Tango and Stress.
"Jevin, alliance, remember?" Stress reminded Jevin, who pulled Stress back up onto the plank.
"Stress! You're stepping on me!" Tango said.
"What?" Stress said before Tango fell. "Oops,"
Final 4!
TFC was the first to think and the quickest, as he pushed the unsuspecting Zedaph into the water, who seemed to be having another acid trip. He pushed a little too far, though, as he also fell into the dark, cold water. Now it was just Jevin and Stress left in the battle.
"Rock, paper, scissors!" They said in coordination. Stress chose paper, while Jevin chose scissors.
"Scissors beats paper, so I get to push you off!" Jevin announced, which surprised Stress.
"Wait, what!? I never agreed to that!" Stress said.
"Ok, here's the thing: when I win, I'll invite you to Dream Island." Jevin said, trying to make a deal with Stress.
"This still isn't fair, Jevin," Stress confronted him.
"Only one of us can will, after all," Jevin said while holding up
his middle finger instead of his pointer.
"Jevin, wrong finger." Stress reminded him.
"Whoops," Jevin said with an awkward chuckle. "But my point still stands."
"And that's where you're wrong," the mysterious woman popped out from a cloud of smoke once again. "You two both win!"
"We both get the invite?" Jevin asked.
"Not quite, you two actually get to choose teams for a more longer, larger competition for the invite to Dream Island."
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ownfact · 4 years
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How to unfollow everyone on Instagram in 2020
How do I unfollow everyone on Instagram?    
 Every once in awhile we get an email from our readers asking how to unfollow everyone on Instagram. Some even want to know the   best Instagram unfollow app   so that they can attempt to   mass unfollow everyone on Instagram   in an instant. Instead of responding to the emails individually, we thought it would be more convenient if we’d create a comprehensive guide on how to unfollow everyone on Instagram. We should first look at some of the reasons you’d want to unfollow everyone on Instagram before exploring the best    instagram unfollow app   
  Reasons for unfollowing everyone on Instagram      Start a clean slate     Sometimes you just really need a clean slate, you’ve followed the same people for 6 years, seen the same old content. You feel you’ve outgrown the content the people that you follow post, frankly, it gets monotonous and boring. This may be your cue to unfollow everyone on Instagram.
    Clean up timeline     You may not want to unfollow everyone on Instagram. But you may have users who frequently post undesirable content, unfollowing such users can help clean up your timeline.
    You’ve reached your follow limit     Instagram allows you to follow a maximum of 7500 users for each account. In order to be able to follow more people, you’ll need to unfollow some of the users you are following in order to make room to follow others.
    You’ve changed your business model     If you are running a business account and you’ve changed your business model, it would make sense to unfollow users from your previous niche, in order to make room for following new users in the new niche you’ve ventured into.
    You’re unable to view posts from close friends and family     When following too many users on Instagram, your feed can easily get clogged by posts from people you don’t have a close relationship with, so much so that you won’t be able to view posts from people you actually care about. In such a case the easy thing to do would be to unfollow everyone else except those you would wish to keep around.
   Related:    Who unfollowed me on Instagram  ?  A tutorial on how to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram .    How to know if you need to unfollow everyone on Instagram   Here’s what your follower/following ratio says about you  (the number represents the ratio of your following compared to the number of followers you have – 400 is <0.5x of 1,000, 500-1,000 is 0.5-1x of 1,000, etc.):
  <0.5 Spammer:  You are inexperienced with Instagram automation tools and are spamming followers in hope for follows back.
  0.5-1 Suspicious:  You are likely to be using Instagram automation tools, but are following the wrong people or have poor quality content leading to poor follow back rates.
  1-2 Normal:  You have some success with Instagram automation, but need to focus on other strategies to drive more engagement.
  2-10 Micro-Influencer:  Users that are either master of Instagram automation or has incredible content to grow their account.
  10+ Influencer:  Likely to be micro-celebrities or rising stars that are popular on other social media channels.
 If you’re in the <0.5 Spammer or 0.5-1 Suspicious bracket and you want to add some credibility to your channel, you need to mass unfollow on Instagram.
  Who should you include when performing a mass unfollow on Instagram?   Here’s a composition of followers that may necessitate  you to unfollow everyone on Instagram
   Inactive accounts     Bot/Fake accounts    Those who haven’t followed you back      The conventional way of unfollowing everyone on Instagram     1.   Sign in to Instagram and then press the “Profile” button.      2.   Press the “following” box that displays the number of people you’re following on Instagram.      3.   Press the green “Following” button next to the first person on the list to stop following that person. Make sure the button becomes a blue Follow button.      4.   Repeat the previous step for up to 200 people that Instagram displays in the list.      5.   Sign out of Instagram or continue to use it but don’t follow or unfollow anyone. Wait about an hour and then repeat the previous steps to unfollow another 200 people until you’ve unfollowed everyone on your list.   As obviously noted the above process is tedious and frankly, nerve-wracking, don’t worry we have a simpler method    Apps to unfollow everyone on Instagram   There are many  unfollow app  in the market today that claim to have this functionality including the option to   remove followers on Instagram  , caution, however, should be observed, Instagram has made several upgrades that may result in a ban if you tried unfollowing everyone on Instagram. As a matter of fact, an attempt to unfollow 500 users at a go may plunge you into a blocked or banned account. There is however a   Social Media Automation tool   that has stood the test of time and is frankly unrivaled.   JARVEE   is an intelligent tool that mimics normal human behavior and runs on autopilot. This is to say that, after successfully setting up, you sit back while  JARVEE  does the job for you.
    Go here and download a free trial    of this advanced social media automation tool for free. The trial period is 5 days which is time enough to unfollow everyone on Instagram. (No credit card details required)
  PS: JARVEE also supports   Facebook,   Google+,   Twitter  ,   Pinterest  , Tumblr, LinkedIn, and   Youtube   platforms. 
  Once you’ve registered and installed the tool, use the details sent to your email to log in to the app.  Here you are going to add your Instagram account (s)-depending on the downloaded package you can automate as many Instagram accounts as possible.  To add your account on  JARVEE , click on  SOCIAL PROFILE  on the left Menu bar.  Now click on  ADD PROFILE  and select  INSTAGRAM .  Fill in your Instagram login details and click  VERIFY.   Once your account is  VALIDATED , you can now click on  TOOLS  on the left Menu bar. Here you will see all the accounts that you have added on JARVEE.  To set up auto unfollow, click on the name of the account whose users you want to unfollow.  A new interface will appear with all the features available for Instagram. Since we are only interested in auto unfollowing, you’re going to click on the  UNFOLLOW  tab.  Here you have a myriad of options to go with  At this point, you need to decide whether you want to unfollow everyone or a select group of people.     Manual Way to Unfollow People On Instagram  
 In order to  unfollow everyone on Instagram  manually, follow these steps:
    Tap your profile icon on the Instagram application.  Click on the  “Following ” section and see the list of people who you follow.  Whoever you want to unfollow, click on the “ Following ” section which is written next side of the name of the person.  Confirm your request with Y/N questions.      Unfollow everyone on Instagram   Since Instagram will not allow you to  mass unfollow  instantly, we’re going to spread the unfollowing task over the 5 days trial period. Ideally, you’ll need to allocate the number of users you wish to unfollow proportionately to the 5 days trial period. For instance, if you need to unfollow 500 users, then you’ll have JARVEE unfollow 100 users per day.
 To achieve this, copy the setting as illustrated in the image below when you’re done toggle the status button to start the unfollow operation.
    Unfollow a select group of people   In this section, you’re going to decide on the users you DO NOT intend to unfollow. You’re going to achieve this by placing their user names in a  WHITELIST . You may also wish not to unfollow users that have interacted with your content. This will help keep your engagement going. Just make sure to check the two boxes that say ‘ do not unfollow likers ‘ and ‘ do not unfollow commenters ‘
 Under  USER FILTERS,  there’s an option to use the  WHITELIST . Make sure you have it checked and place the user names of the users you’d like to continue following. Once this is done, you can now toggle the STATUS button to start the process.
  Other apps include, but are not limited to:    #1. Cleaner for Instagram [Android]   This is a multi-function app for Instagram. Using this app you can delete multiple photos at a time, Mass Block & Unblock, Mass Unfollow etc.
 To Mass Unfollow, Follow the steps:
  Step 1:  First  Download & Install : Cleaner for the Instagram app on your Android device.
  Step 2:  Launch this app and login with your Instagram account username and password.
  Step 3:  Tap on ‘Following’ from the bottom bar and go with the ‘Quick Select’ blue button. Here you will many options to select the ‘following’ users. Just Tap on ‘Select All’ to unfollow all at once
  Step 4:  Now Simply Tap on  ‘Flash’  blue floating icon and Tap on the  ‘Unfollow’  option, as shown in the above image.
  Also Read: How To View & Download Instagram Profile Picture [Full Size] 
  #2. Mass Unfollow for Instagram [iOS Devices – iPhone/iPad]   ‘Mass Unfollow for Instagram’ is one of the best tools for iOS Devices to clean up your Instagram account. Using this tool you do the following task:
  Bulk block/unblock/unfollow users  Bulk delete posts  Bulk unlike posts & more…      It’s very simple to use this tool.    First  Download & Install:  Mass Unfollow for Instagram App on your iOS device (iPhone/iPad).  Login in this App with your Instagram Credentials. After that simply  select  the users from  ‘Following’  tab at the bottom bar and  Unfollow  all in a tap.    #3. Unfollow for Instagram – Non-followers & Fans [Android]    ‘Unfollow for Instagram’  is a simple Instagram Manager tool that shows you all the users who don’t follow you back and give you an option to unfollow singe or multiple users in a single tap.
  To  Mass Unfollow , First Download & Install: Unfollower for Instagram App on your Android device. Then Login with Instagram Username and password.  It will scan your Account and tell you Followers/non-followers stats. To unfollow the users who don’t follow you back, tap on  ‘Non-Followers’  Tab.  Now simply tap on  ‘Unfollow’  button from the bottom bar to unfollow all non-followers.    Download Link:  Unfollow for Instagram
  #4. Cleaner for Ins [iOS Devices – iPhone & iPad]   This is another best tool to clean up your Instagram account on your iOS devices. Steps are similar to the above ones. So Download this app from the below-given link and Unfollow Tons of people with a single tap.
  #5. Unfollowers for Instagram – Follow Cop [Android]   Follow Cop is an ultimate and elegant utility tool to manage your Instagram account. It gives you details of your Followers, Non-followers, Recent Followers etc from your account. Also, you can  Mass Unfollow  [upto 15 people in a click] from your Instagram Account.
 Steps are similar to the above ones. Download this app from the link given below and start to Clean up your Instagram account is FREE.
 That’s it.
   Feel free to reach us in the comment section or on email for any assistance. 
  Recommended:   How To Grow Your Business on Twitter in 2019  .
#smm #socialmediamanager
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perkdistrict · 4 years
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How to unfollow everyone on Instagram in 2020
How do I unfollow everyone on Instagram?    
 Every once in awhile we get an email from our readers asking how to unfollow everyone on Instagram. Some even want to know the   best Instagram unfollow app   so that they can attempt to   mass unfollow everyone on Instagram   in an instant. Instead of responding to the emails individually, we thought it would be more convenient if we’d create a comprehensive guide on how to unfollow everyone on Instagram. We should first look at some of the reasons you’d want to unfollow everyone on Instagram before exploring the best    instagram unfollow app   
  Reasons for unfollowing everyone on Instagram      Start a clean slate     Sometimes you just really need a clean slate, you’ve followed the same people for 6 years, seen the same old content. You feel you’ve outgrown the content the people that you follow post, frankly, it gets monotonous and boring. This may be your cue to unfollow everyone on Instagram.
    Clean up timeline     You may not want to unfollow everyone on Instagram. But you may have users who frequently post undesirable content, unfollowing such users can help clean up your timeline.
    You’ve reached your follow limit     Instagram allows you to follow a maximum of 7500 users for each account. In order to be able to follow more people, you’ll need to unfollow some of the users you are following in order to make room to follow others.
    You’ve changed your business model     If you are running a business account and you’ve changed your business model, it would make sense to unfollow users from your previous niche, in order to make room for following new users in the new niche you’ve ventured into.
    You’re unable to view posts from close friends and family     When following too many users on Instagram, your feed can easily get clogged by posts from people you don’t have a close relationship with, so much so that you won’t be able to view posts from people you actually care about. In such a case the easy thing to do would be to unfollow everyone else except those you would wish to keep around.
   Related:    Who unfollowed me on Instagram  ?  A tutorial on how to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram .    How to know if you need to unfollow everyone on Instagram   Here’s what your follower/following ratio says about you  (the number represents the ratio of your following compared to the number of followers you have – 400 is <0.5x of 1,000, 500-1,000 is 0.5-1x of 1,000, etc.):
  <0.5 Spammer:  You are inexperienced with Instagram automation tools and are spamming followers in hope for follows back.
  0.5-1 Suspicious:  You are likely to be using Instagram automation tools, but are following the wrong people or have poor quality content leading to poor follow back rates.
  1-2 Normal:  You have some success with Instagram automation, but need to focus on other strategies to drive more engagement.
  2-10 Micro-Influencer:  Users that are either master of Instagram automation or has incredible content to grow their account.
  10+ Influencer:  Likely to be micro-celebrities or rising stars that are popular on other social media channels.
 If you’re in the <0.5 Spammer or 0.5-1 Suspicious bracket and you want to add some credibility to your channel, you need to mass unfollow on Instagram.
  Who should you include when performing a mass unfollow on Instagram?   Here’s a composition of followers that may necessitate  you to unfollow everyone on Instagram
   Inactive accounts     Bot/Fake accounts    Those who haven’t followed you back      The conventional way of unfollowing everyone on Instagram     1.   Sign in to Instagram and then press the “Profile” button.      2.   Press the “following” box that displays the number of people you’re following on Instagram.      3.   Press the green “Following” button next to the first person on the list to stop following that person. Make sure the button becomes a blue Follow button.      4.   Repeat the previous step for up to 200 people that Instagram displays in the list.      5.   Sign out of Instagram or continue to use it but don’t follow or unfollow anyone. Wait about an hour and then repeat the previous steps to unfollow another 200 people until you’ve unfollowed everyone on your list.   As obviously noted the above process is tedious and frankly, nerve-wracking, don’t worry we have a simpler method    Apps to unfollow everyone on Instagram   There are many  unfollow app  in the market today that claim to have this functionality including the option to   remove followers on Instagram  , caution, however, should be observed, Instagram has made several upgrades that may result in a ban if you tried unfollowing everyone on Instagram. As a matter of fact, an attempt to unfollow 500 users at a go may plunge you into a blocked or banned account. There is however a   Social Media Automation tool   that has stood the test of time and is frankly unrivaled.   JARVEE   is an intelligent tool that mimics normal human behavior and runs on autopilot. This is to say that, after successfully setting up, you sit back while  JARVEE  does the job for you.
    Go here and download a free trial    of this advanced social media automation tool for free. The trial period is 5 days which is time enough to unfollow everyone on Instagram. (No credit card details required)
  PS: JARVEE also supports   Facebook,   Google+,   Twitter  ,   Pinterest  , Tumblr, LinkedIn, and   Youtube   platforms. 
  Once you’ve registered and installed the tool, use the details sent to your email to log in to the app.  Here you are going to add your Instagram account (s)-depending on the downloaded package you can automate as many Instagram accounts as possible.  To add your account on  JARVEE , click on  SOCIAL PROFILE  on the left Menu bar.  Now click on  ADD PROFILE  and select  INSTAGRAM .  Fill in your Instagram login details and click  VERIFY.   Once your account is  VALIDATED , you can now click on  TOOLS  on the left Menu bar. Here you will see all the accounts that you have added on JARVEE.  To set up auto unfollow, click on the name of the account whose users you want to unfollow.  A new interface will appear with all the features available for Instagram. Since we are only interested in auto unfollowing, you’re going to click on the  UNFOLLOW  tab.  Here you have a myriad of options to go with  At this point, you need to decide whether you want to unfollow everyone or a select group of people.     Manual Way to Unfollow People On Instagram  
 In order to  unfollow everyone on Instagram  manually, follow these steps:
    Tap your profile icon on the Instagram application.  Click on the  “Following ” section and see the list of people who you follow.  Whoever you want to unfollow, click on the “ Following ” section which is written next side of the name of the person.  Confirm your request with Y/N questions.      Unfollow everyone on Instagram   Since Instagram will not allow you to  mass unfollow  instantly, we’re going to spread the unfollowing task over the 5 days trial period. Ideally, you’ll need to allocate the number of users you wish to unfollow proportionately to the 5 days trial period. For instance, if you need to unfollow 500 users, then you’ll have JARVEE unfollow 100 users per day.
 To achieve this, copy the setting as illustrated in the image below when you’re done toggle the status button to start the unfollow operation.
    Unfollow a select group of people   In this section, you’re going to decide on the users you DO NOT intend to unfollow. You’re going to achieve this by placing their user names in a  WHITELIST . You may also wish not to unfollow users that have interacted with your content. This will help keep your engagement going. Just make sure to check the two boxes that say ‘ do not unfollow likers ‘ and ‘ do not unfollow commenters ‘
 Under  USER FILTERS,  there’s an option to use the  WHITELIST . Make sure you have it checked and place the user names of the users you’d like to continue following. Once this is done, you can now toggle the STATUS button to start the process.
  Other apps include, but are not limited to:    #1. Cleaner for Instagram [Android]   This is a multi-function app for Instagram. Using this app you can delete multiple photos at a time, Mass Block & Unblock, Mass Unfollow etc.
 To Mass Unfollow, Follow the steps:
  Step 1:  First  Download & Install : Cleaner for the Instagram app on your Android device.
  Step 2:  Launch this app and login with your Instagram account username and password.
  Step 3:  Tap on ‘Following’ from the bottom bar and go with the ‘Quick Select’ blue button. Here you will many options to select the ‘following’ users. Just Tap on ‘Select All’ to unfollow all at once
  Step 4:  Now Simply Tap on  ‘Flash’  blue floating icon and Tap on the  ‘Unfollow’  option, as shown in the above image.
  Also Read: How To View & Download Instagram Profile Picture [Full Size] 
  #2. Mass Unfollow for Instagram [iOS Devices – iPhone/iPad]   ‘Mass Unfollow for Instagram’ is one of the best tools for iOS Devices to clean up your Instagram account. Using this tool you do the following task:
  Bulk block/unblock/unfollow users  Bulk delete posts  Bulk unlike posts & more…      It’s very simple to use this tool.    First  Download & Install:  Mass Unfollow for Instagram App on your iOS device (iPhone/iPad).  Login in this App with your Instagram Credentials. After that simply  select  the users from  ‘Following’  tab at the bottom bar and  Unfollow  all in a tap.    #3. Unfollow for Instagram – Non-followers & Fans [Android]    ‘Unfollow for Instagram’  is a simple Instagram Manager tool that shows you all the users who don’t follow you back and give you an option to unfollow singe or multiple users in a single tap.
  To  Mass Unfollow , First Download & Install: Unfollower for Instagram App on your Android device. Then Login with Instagram Username and password.  It will scan your Account and tell you Followers/non-followers stats. To unfollow the users who don’t follow you back, tap on  ‘Non-Followers’  Tab.  Now simply tap on  ‘Unfollow’  button from the bottom bar to unfollow all non-followers.    Download Link:  Unfollow for Instagram
  #4. Cleaner for Ins [iOS Devices – iPhone & iPad]   This is another best tool to clean up your Instagram account on your iOS devices. Steps are similar to the above ones. So Download this app from the below-given link and Unfollow Tons of people with a single tap.
  #5. Unfollowers for Instagram – Follow Cop [Android]   Follow Cop is an ultimate and elegant utility tool to manage your Instagram account. It gives you details of your Followers, Non-followers, Recent Followers etc from your account. Also, you can  Mass Unfollow  [upto 15 people in a click] from your Instagram Account.
 Steps are similar to the above ones. Download this app from the link given below and start to Clean up your Instagram account is FREE.
 That’s it.
   Feel free to reach us in the comment section or on email for any assistance. 
  Recommended:   How To Grow Your Business on Twitter in 2019  .
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bleepbloo · 5 years
Season Episode Breakdown for Second Citadel (Part 1)
Based Solely off the poster and speculation thereof.
Thoughts under the cut, whitelist #bleepbloo theories if you’re not interested.
(At this time, 12/8/19, the first episode, ‘The Fool in the Garden of Death, Part 2’ has been released to the public; It will factor into discussion below. Spoilers Ahead, You Have Been Warned)
((Warning: VERY LONG, and has in-universe issues of Second Citadel))
Alright so, as based on the initial poster thoughts and the first episode in it’s entirety has been released, it confirms that we are going to be using the Major Arcana for each of the episodes, and that they will be in clusters of threes, for the most part. I will be analyzing each episode based on the trio presented, what that’ll mean for the episode, as well as the characters that may be highlighted as a result of the conflict presented. 
Before I get started, here are some things to keep in mind:
I will be using only one website [here], because there are often minor variations between different Arcana decks that end up giving it different meanings overall; so if you go exploring into Arcana yourself, please note that that’s a thing. Also something to note about major Arcana is that the can represent People as well as Significant Issues in your Life. I won’t be listing the full meaning for each card, as that’s going to make this MUCH longer than I know it’s going to be; I will be listing the BASIC positive(Upright), negative(Reversed), and general concepts behind each card, just so you don’t have to look up the full meaning. As a result, I’m going to be splitting my analysis in half due to sheer length it would be otherwise.
With all that mind let’s get started:
1- The Fool, The Magician, and the High Priestess
Fool: The Day Dreaming Adventurer
Positive: New Beginnings, innocence, free spirit 
Negative: Recklessness, inconsideration, taken advantage of
Magician: The Infinite Creator  
Positive: Willpower, desire, Creation, Manifestation 
Negative: Trickery, Illusions, Out of Touch
High Priestess: The one of the In-between  
Positive: Intuitive, Unconscious, Inner Voice
Negative: repressed feelings, lost inner voice, lack of center
So, I know this episode has aired already, but it’s worth going over, if only we have an established base. 
The sister’s at the garden of Death are probably dead. Marc realizes this, even if Olala doesn’t/can’t consider it - which, give her a break, she’s apparently like, 9 - and this thus has led Marc to try and figure out where to put her to hide, if only to buy more time. 
In terms of representation, I’m sure Sister Teele(Tile? Tealy? IDK how to spell her name, going to call her Sister Mom) is(was) meant to represent the High Priestess, considering she’s meant to see between the spirits, and the should, will and could happen.
I’m less sure if Marc’s meant to represent the Magician or if the Kite is, simply because they use different tool sets of mechanical vs. magical. 
(Side-note, but I do think it’s interesting that their titles as ‘creatures’ - with Marc being a Salamander and The Kite being The Kite - seem to signal to others that they are in some way associated with magic. Even though Marc’s only NOW gotten personally involved with Magic through Arum, he has known Rilla, who’s an exile for ‘magic’, even though she’s been unexiled through new laws, in comparison to the Kite, who’s very clearly a Witch. I absolutely do think we’re about to get some foiling regarding The Kite and The Salamander.)
((Also, semi-unrelated, regarding the bird to the East turning people into stone, and The Kite being disappointed that that isn’t true and that “it’s just an old wive’s tale” - if that ISN’T CLEARLY FORESHADOWING the OPPOSITE  to become true hopefully proven by someone from the East I will eat my goddamn pajamas.))
Here’s something I am sure of though; the more we see of the Kite on-screen, the more I’m sure that all 20 of the Sisters are dead. 
I’d be more worried if Sister Telay was alive, however, because that means The Kite- whoever he is- is going to be using her to some end. The same as with the rest of them, if they’re still alive. 
According to some research, however, The Kite apparently references a bird of prey- a hunter, which, y’know, explains the Axe of Wilds. Four of Wastes may be where Marc tries to take Olala, but then, they will encounter the Kite?
Really, it depends on where Marc decides to take her. 
Something that continuing to worry me however, is the Death card that keeps popping up- because that is the card of Death, make no mistake - is a signal that something is going to end. 
However, the Death card originally showed up when Olala asked what is her place in the universe; the Death card is in reference to /her/. The fact that, even now, when she has clearly escaped it (at least for the moment), doesn’t bond well for her survival overall. 
Here’s something interesting, regarding the Fool card of our deck. It’s not necessarily a numbered card- it can show up anywhere in the deck, in theory. In some decks, it shows up at the beginning; other times, it shows up after the World card, signalling the start of a new beginning, even after the end. 
Let that sink in. Let also sink in the knowledge that Olala- both in title, in name, and in her personality - is meant to be our “Fool”. 
So I mean, I’m not saying Olala’s going to end up becoming a sacrifice to renew some cycle, but it’s not outside of the realm of possibility either. The universe CLEARLY has something in mind for her, something involving death (or if nothing else an ending) and thus a new beginning, but what it is, is hard to say at this point. 
It is absolutely easy to say at this point, however, is that if Olala permanently dies, everyone’s going to ****ing riot. 
2- The Empress, The Emperor, and the Hierophant
Empress: The Female Authority
Positive: Motherhood, Fertility, Nature 
Negative: Dependence, Smothering, Emptiness, Nosiness
Emperor:  The Male Authority
Positive: Fatherhood, Authority, Structure, Control
Negative: Tyranny, Rigidity, Coldness
Hierophant: The Core Society
Positive: Tradition, Conformity, Morality, Ethics
Negative: Rebellion, Subversiveness, New Approaches
Here we get more into authority figures of the Arcana, and thus the society itself; the base of foundations that hold up any society. The mother, the father, and the society that binds us. Something I do believe we’re going to be seeing in this of episode are the parents of some of our Crew, as well as folks who have influenced them- like in Damien’s and Angelo’s Case, Sir Absolom, their mentor of knighthood. 
If this isn’t the episode we meet Sir Absolom, I’ll be surprised. I’m also hoping that this is the episode where we find out how Marc got his Knighthood title, and whether Talfryn is a knight as well, since...well, given what we know about Marc’s fears regarding Tal leaving, and Tal worried about not being wanted in addition to knowing he doesn’t want to be a knight, I’m more than a touch worried about their relationship. 
We should be able to explore - for whatever reason - why the Citadel is struggling through a shortage. I don’t know whether it’s a drought or what have you, but they’re clearly going through something, and as much as Mira can read, if you’ve never gone through a shortage before, things get rough quickly. Given Queen Mira is most likely meant to represent the Empress, well, she’s likely experiencing the more negative connotations of the card at the moment. I doubt a new solution will come quickly, if at all, and we’re going to be left uneasy just like in the first episode. 
Which is going to be interesting, especially considering the Second Citadel’s whole thing about ‘Unity’ and how it’s all about the community versus personal desires. 
Now, there’s likely going to be a rebel force that forms, maybe to oppose the Queen, because if people are hungry and angry, they’ll listen to anyone with influence that will promise them some food and protection and guidance, if the one currently providing isn’t doing that good of a job; which then ties back to the Hierophant, the society at large
Now, the question becomes this: who’s going to represent the Emperor? 
At first glance and thought, you think it’s going to be Sir Absolom, but while I think there’s some basis for it, I actually think it’s going to be Damien’s Father. After all, when things are hard, people go to church and listen to the priest. And Damien’s Father is a noted missionary, and if nothing else, a FIRM believer in the Saints and their messages. If there isn’t some conflict between Damien and his Father regarding the messages of the Saints, especially when it comes to monsters, I will eat my pajamas. 
So, to sum up: The episode is going to deal with authority figures, and them dealing with the conflicts that come up as a result of this shortage, as well as the power conflicts between the Empress and Emperor, as well as the overall society at large; when people are hungry, they get angry, and start looking towards anyone that’ll promise change. 
3 - The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength
Lovers: Those we value
Positive: Partnerships, Duality, Union
Negative: Loss of balance, one-sidedness, disharmony
The Chariot: Movement
Positive: Direction, Control, Willpower
Negative: Lack of control, Lack of Direction, aggression
Strength: What lies inside
Positive: Inner strength, Compassion, Focus
Negative: Self-Doubt, Weakness, Insecurity
Something to note about the Lovers card; it does represent the traditional meaning of Lovers, but also represents close relationships in general. Like a sibling/friendship bond, like Tal and Marc, or Marc and Rilla, or Sir Caroline and Angelo, or Sirs Damien and Angelo. However, this is going to be a Sir Caroline/Quanyii and a Rilla/Damien/Arum episode for sure
Also, I know we’ve had that whole arc about Damien growing and maturing, but like. He’s still got a long way to go to being a better person, or if not a better person necessarily, then at least to try and recognize his flaws to be an even better person. As with Sir Angelo, Sir Caroline, Talfryn, Rilla, Arum - everyone’s got shit to work on. 
The road to being a better person is recognizing flaws, and trying to improve, even if you fail a lot of the time. 
Plus, Rilla and Damien, for all that they love and respect and prioritize each other, haven’t talked about what they want 1) for their marriage or 2) what they want their wedding to be like. Also, now there’s also Arum to consider, and what he wants from the relationship, is another added factor
It’s not a bad thing, it’s just another voice in the conversation; the bigger issue is that Rilla and Damien haven’t talked about it at all, so Arum’s just going to be- thrown into the ring as it were. 
Which kind of sucks for Arum, considering he’s been I.D.’d as a hermit, by Helicoid “...then there are solitary beasts like that..(sounds of disgust)..Lizard and his House (The Hallowed Hall’s of Helicoid Part 2)” and Ernmark’s analysis (here). 
I think we’re going to the inner strength of Talfryn and Marc come to something of a resolution regarding their differences, and Talfryn will start to figure out what he wants to do with his life. 
I bet we’re going to see some stagnation in some characters, especially Sir Absolom, considering he really doesn’t like Marc. 
In Summary: we’re going to get some resolution between Tal and Marc’s relationship, most likely a positive one, but a not so good one between Rilla/Damien/Arum, due to the Arcana of the next episode. 
 4- The Hermit, The Wheel of Fortune, Justice 
The Hermit: The Distance
Positive: Contemplation, search for truth, Inner guidance 
Negative: Loneliness, Isolation, Lost your way
The Wheel of Fortune: The Changing Luck and Wheel
Positive: Change, Cycles, Inevitable fate 
Negative: No control, clinging to control, Bad Luck
Justice: Exactly what it says
Positive: Cause and Effect, Clarity, Truth
Negative: Dishonesty, Unaccountability, Unfairness
Remember when I said Arum’s the Hermit? This is going to be an Arum focused episode, I can feel it. That being said, if Marc is worried about Arum and Rilla asks, Marc’s probably going to be tailing Arum, and so is Olala. 
Remember, the major arcana both events and people,  so chances are, Justice is likely to be Sir Caroline. Why she’s following him, i can’t be sure, but clearly, a changing fortune and justice is occurring for Arum. Or something. 
I’m going to go out on a limb here, and say that the Kite is a part of the changing fortune, and Olala’s going to get captured by him? It’s a little hard to say at this point what else the changing fortune is.
Still thinking about Olala and the Death card, I worry a little more regarding the ‘inevitable fate’ part of the Wheel of Fortune, especially since (again) Olala is specifically I.D.’d with Death. 
In Short: This is going to be an Arum centric/focused episode. Marc will likely be nosy and follow, and because of Sir Caroline or something happening, Olala will fall into The Kite’s greedy, greedy and SUPER murderous hands. Clearly has something in mind for Olala, and boy, that worries me more than anything else. 
That’s it for part 1, will put link to Part 2 [Here], when it’s finished.
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michaelandy101-blog · 3 years
Google Solutions: Is that this Cloaking?
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/google-answers-is-this-cloaking/
Google Solutions: Is that this Cloaking?
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Google’s John Mueller was requested if blocking Google from anti-ad block detection operate would trigger Google to see the web page as cloaking. Mueller explains what cloaking is and why blocking Google from the advert blocker detection script isn’t cloaking.
Cloaking Violates Google’s Tips
Cloaking is an outdated trick the place an internet web page exhibits totally different content material relying if a web site customer is a search engine bot or an everyday human consumer.
Within the very outdated days including key phrases a number of occasions on a web page may assist that web page rank higher. That was known as “key phrase spamming.”
Nevertheless the web page seemed actually unhealthy and untrustworthy and guests had been apt to again out of that web page than to click on an affiliate hyperlink and earn the location proprietor a referral price.
So what spammers did was to indicate a web page stuffed with key phrases to search engines with a view to assist it to rank.
Proceed Studying Under
However for human customers the net web page would present a pleasant and regular web page that may convert higher as a result of it didn’t look spammy.
Google Search Central Tips offers these examples to assist perceive what is cloaking:
“Serving a web page of HTML textual content to search engines, whereas displaying a web page of photographs to customers
Inserting textual content or key phrases right into a web page solely when the consumer agent that’s requesting the web page is a search engine, not a human customer”
May Advert Blocker Trigger Cloaking?
The individual asking the query stated that they had been fascinated with including an anti-ad blocker to their web site. An anti-ad blocker blocks guests with an blocker from seeing the content material.
The aim is to coach guests to whitelist the web site in order that they will see the content material and the commercials.
That is the query:
“Now we have a web site that’s contemplating including advert blocker detection to forestall customers from accessing the location every time the advert blocker is on.
The query right here is, if we resolve to exclude Googlebot from seeing the advert block detection, will we be flagged for cloaking in that scenario?”
Proceed Studying Under
The scenario described isn’t actually about displaying totally different content material to customers and Google.
It’s actually about creating two units of consumer/web site customer statuses (along with the administrator standing of whoever runs the net web page).
Guests with out advert blockers have larger privileges which make them entitled to learn the content material.
Guests who’ve advert blockers enabled have much less privileges which deprives them of the chance to learn the content material.
That is how John Mueller answered if the scenario amounted to cloaking:
“In all probability not. I believe on the whole that may be fantastic.
I’d type of see that as a manner of recognizing that Googlebot doesn’t even have an advert blocker put in.
So it’s type of a singular setup that Googlebot has with reference to rendering pages and I believe that may type of be okay.”
Mueller didn’t see this as displaying totally different content material to people and Googlebot. He noticed it as Google doesn’t have an advert blocker in order that makes it entitled to see the content material.
John adopted up by explaining extra about cloaking:
“With reference to cloaking, the cloaking group largely tries to be careful for conditions the place you’re actually displaying one thing totally different to customers as to Googlebot.
And with reference to.. advert blocking or …different type of issues the place it’s like it’s important to be logged in to really see the content material and that’s type of totally different.”
Mueller moved on to notice that he’s not a fan of “anti-ad blocking setups” however acknowledged that if a web site must do it then that’s an “acceptable method.”
The individual asking the query subsequent requested if serving Google an ad-blocking overlay on high of the content material would create indexing issues.
“If it’s an HTML overlay on high of the prevailing web page then I don’t see that as being problematic as a result of we’d nonetheless see the precise content material within the HTML, type of, behind that.
That’s just like like if in case you have …a cookie banner or a cookie interstitial that you just’re basically displaying simply an HTML div on high of the web page.
From our viewpoint if we will nonetheless index the precise content material from the web page then that’s fantastic.”
Proceed Studying Under
Cloaking and Google
Cloaking is a really particular factor with a particular intent to deceive Google and web site guests for the aim of reaching higher search engine rankings.
Exhibiting totally different content material primarily based on what a web site customer is entitled to see primarily based on their standing or consumer privilege is one thing else completely.
Information organizations routinely distinguish between a paid customer and a non-subscribed customer, creating two lessons of web site guests.
Discussion board software program does one thing related as effectively like not permitting search engines (and unregistered web site guests) to view consumer profiles.
In each of these instances it’s about creating totally different web site customer lessons and displaying various things primarily based on how they’re categorized.
Cloaking is displaying distinctive content material to search engines for rating functions, one thing utterly totally different.
Watch the Google website positioning office-hours hangout, section situated on the 19:46 minute spot.
Proceed Studying Under
  if( !ss_u )// end of scroll user Source link
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minrcrafter · 6 years
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PureVanilla 1.13 [Vanilla][SMP]
Hello guys, if you are reading this it means that you are interested in joining a pure vanilla Server. I run a survival minecraft server and I am interested in creating a community with it. The server is whitelisted and if you want to join send me a pm or join the Discord community.
So, what I am planning, as I said is to build a community, I have recorded 2 episodes of let's play and I would like to have some fellow youtubers recording along side me on the server. You do not need to be a youtuber or streamer to join but I would like to have people who are community friendly.
announcement I will also be looking for people who can be good admins on a community as well as good ambassadors. Not too much will be required but at least a good understanding about the game is what I expect from whoever wants to be part of the team. Also, 18+.
There are some rules that I would like to make note:
cheating and griefing is not allowed
you can build anywhere you want
you can start community projects but you do not need to participate if other people start them
you do not need to be online 24/7 but if you get added I will expect you to be fairly active
Join me on the Discord and you might be the next player on the server. :-)
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How Nitreo is helping in Growing Instagram Followers?
Instagram is a booming, expeditiously flourishing medium through which users happily engage with brands and Instagram influencers. Influencers are Instagram users who have an established reliability and audience who can convince others by righteousness of their trustworthiness and originality. This creates opportunities to generate significant income through the platform.
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Nitreo is a smart way of get more followers on Instagram as it helps to grow your account-as it is used all around the globe, expand your business by promoting your brands in an effective and efficient way and that is  exactly why business creators and agencies trust Nitreo . Nitreo was ranked highest among organic Instagram services for growth across the globe in 2019. It helps you to increase your followers organically as nitreo works around the clock to get your profile in front of Instagram influencers.
Organic growth: One can easily trust nitreo for Instagram followers as it does not provide any ghost followers as it delivers real followers to your account and results will keep on improving with the passage of time. Easy to set-up: you can contact us by just clicking on our website or you can just hook up with your Instagram account. There would be no stress on you from our side. Nitreo has developed a hash tag generator can help you improve your targeting sweet-spots based on location or niche hash tags. Management tool: Nitreo acts as your personal Instagram manager which helps you to expand your business and followers around the globe without any stress or pain. It also auto-blacklists the sensitive content and allows you to whitelists users so that you can keep that people in contact whoever matters to you. Growth & customer satisfaction: Main motive of Nitreo is to expand your business faster in an affordable price and if you select us for your business growth it is our promise that Nitreo will never let you down and it helps to optimize your natural growth. Nitreo will help you connect with your niche, getting you meaningful engagement along the way. Our lowest plan starts at $49 per month. We also offer a 14-day money back guarantee if we can’t get your account growing. Most of our customers get results in 2-3 days.
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