#who’s making it to the next round!! who’s going home!! who’s getting ghosted!!
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ilium-ilia · 2 days ago
In Limbo
simon "ghost" riley x fem!reader | mafia!au | masterlist
Prologue: overkill
tw: canon typical violence, death
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It’s hard for Simon to keep his thoughts straight when there’s fresh blood on the ground. 
Though he knows the blood is bright red, the pale grey cement of the empty pool gives it a russet tint. Oxidizing in front of his very eyes, he watches as the pear-shaped splatter dulls beneath flickering fluorescent lights. It’s a warning—fight hard, or his blood will be next to paint the floor of this empty, dilapidating pool. 
No one else pays any attention to something as trivial as spilt blood. The countless voices that morph into cacophonous background noise are all focused on money. Men with twitching fingers are placing bets and making wagers, and if they’re lucky they’ll return home with more than what they had arrived with. Though Simon refuses to look outside of the sunken-in pool that cages him like a bad dog, he can feel the countless eyes searing his skin. He’s being measured. Sized up. Options are being weighed on if they think he has good odds. 
He doesn’t care what they think. 
An announcer on a jerry-rigged PA system mumbles something about last call for placing bets, and a few of the shapeless figures around him begin to scramble along the side of the pool. The chatter picks up, as does the shouting. Perhaps it’s the stone that encases the old pool house, but the men in charge have a way of making Simon feel as if he’s been thrown into the colosseum in ancient Rome. All he’s missing is a sword. 
In five minutes, more blood will be added to the pool floor. Simon has every intention of ensuring that it’s not his. 
Using the last few minutes of peace that he has left, Simon adjusts the wraps on his hands before securing the balaclava that obscures his face. The small bit of privacy that it provides gives him the tiniest semblance of comfort as he stands there like a pig waiting to be slaughtered. Underground boxing isn’t the most legal thing in the world, but being a butcher isn’t exactly a well paying job either. No one steps in the ring for fun—not in this establishment. These are high stakes, and higher rewards. 
The only reason Simon even risks his skin in this hole is because the winner gets to take home twenty percent of the pot, and he’s got family to take care of. 
Minutes pass and people begin to line the edge of the pool. Knowing his last few minutes of preparation is soon to end, Simon readies himself. He presses a thick soled boot against the concrete at his back where he pushes himself away from the wall and toward the large spray painted circle that decorates the bottom of the pool. The ring was drawn so long ago that the paint chips and fades in odd places, muddying what is blood and what is not. His opponent mirrors his actions on the other side of the ring. The man lazily saunters up to Simon, oozing a misguided confidence. 
Out of all the spectators, the referee is the only one brave enough to sit on the ground with his legs hanging over the side of the pool. He’s a bored man who looks to be nineteen going on forty with sunken eyes and chapped lips—Simon notes how easy it would be to snap his scrawny legs by accident should the man find himself unfortunate enough to get caught in the crossfire of the fight. Like all the others in charge of this illicit operation, he’s clad in black, which makes the silver whistle dangling down his chest all the more eye-catching. 
“Alright boys,” the referee shouts over the commotion around them. Simon attempts to put a name to the face, but fails. “The round starts and ends when the whistle blows. First to be pushed out of the ring or rendered unconscious loses. No weapons and… well, you guys know the rules.” 
Both men nod before turning their attention to one another, using their last few moments to fully size one another up. Simon is taller, but that’s not exactly news. He’s well aware that his height and size is larger than the average man—a freak of nature, as his brother so politely reminds him—but that fact rarely seems to force anyone to shy away from fighting him. His opponent is shirtless, displaying a tense set of showy abs and ribs that dance beneath thin skin with each breath he takes. Simon internally rolls his eyes as the man cracks his neck. Muscles mean nothing; not when they’re being paraded. 
Neither man wastes any time getting to work once the whistle blows. Simon’s nameless opponent didn’t bother to wrap his hands, and he flaunts tightly wound fists as he skirts around the edge of the ring. Refusing to be flamboyant, Simon keeps his arms tucked close to his face and chest, waiting either for the man to make a move or for the opportunity to attack. There is no need for him to show off or to prove himself to the people who placed bets on him—his only objective is to survive. 
To win. 
The man’s first punch is slow. Sloppy, even. A quick duck of his head and an adjustment of his hips is all Simon needs to avoid the blow. He dances like it’s child’s play and responds with a quick and sharp jab to the man’s exposed abdomen. The blow gives him a strained grunt in return. His opponent follows up with a weak punch intended for Simon’s face, something he easily blocks with his forearms. Speed and misplaced force seems to be the stranger’s tactic, something that doesn’t concern Simon in the slightest. Fortitude and stamina—he’ll exhaust the man before finishing him off. 
Bit by bit the fight begins to pick up momentum. A quick jab on the right. A wide swing that sends one of the men ducking. Each blow is punctuated by the audience roaring in applause mixed with slight grimaces and groans. Two minutes pass and Simon’s cheek begins to swell from a nasty blow, and his forearms throb from all the hits he’s blocked. It’s nothing but scraped skin compared to his opponent, who’s attempting to ignore the blood that wets his chest as his nose spews like a faucet. Several drops manage to make a new home on the floor at their feet, only adding to the masterpiece of gore that stains the cracked concrete. 
As the match goes on, the crowd begins to grow restless. Most fights only last a handful of seconds maximum, and the fact that it’s pushing into several minutes has people antsy. They want their results. They need their winner so they can claim their share of the sizable prize waiting for them, should they be so lucky. Instead of continuing the fight, of picking up the pace and doubling down, Simon’s opponent places his hands on his hips with a heavy sigh. There’s a slight pull to his lips, and the beginning of a titter that grows in his throat. The change in pace is enough to get Simon to pause. 
“Look, man… I really need that money,” the man says, loud enough for only the two of them to hear. 
Though Simon hadn’t expected anything friendly from the man, he certainly hadn’t expected something as insidious as this. Scraped fingers slowly dip into the pocket of his jeans where his opponent shows off the silvery sheen of a knife. Fully revealing it would instantly disqualify the man, so he keeps the majority of it tucked into his pocket and well out of sight. Still, there’s no mistaking the pocket clip or the threat that glints in warning. 
He saunters up to Simon with a wide smile. He tries not to let his guard down despite the man’s sudden amicable composure, yet he finds himself stunned. The man still oozes that same, unwarranted pride. As if the match is already won. 
“Just step outta the ring,” the man says flippantly. His feet tread carefully as he begins to close the gap between them like predator cornering prey. “This doesn’t have to be difficult.” 
Simon doesn’t bother with a reply. Jittery neurons fire in his brain as he assesses his situation as fast as his mind will allow. The threat of a blade is real—terribly tangible—but flashing it would earn his opponent nothing. 
He’s looking at a failure who doesn’t yet realize he’s lost. 
Before the man can get any other bright ideas, Simon leaps into action. Though his size makes speed a difficult feat, he makes up for it in sheer force. Thick fingers wrap around a forearm, then there’s a twist of a wrist accompanied by a cry, and finally, bone on cement. Torn skin and chipped teeth, his opponent goes down with a frivolous groan that can hardly be heard over the sound of gasps and kvetching. His already sore nose is now well acquainted with the side of the pool, and the blood smears in a lighting-shaped streak as his knees buckle. 
Not bothering to offer an apology, Simon turns away from the crumpled heap of a man on the ground only to be met with the soft face of the referee. He stands in the center of the ring where he gives Simon an enervated sigh, head shaking in disappointment as he blows his whistle. 
“A little overkill, don’t you think?” the man asks as he spits the silver from his mouth. 
Simon’s lips purse. “Overkill?”
“He was already well out of the ring before you made him kiss the wall,” he explains. “Technically, you did win, but they might cut your pay for bad sportsmanship. They’re not exactly trying to get anyone killed or disfigured here, kid.” 
Bad sportsmanship. Simon knows that’s not really the issue here. Boxers dying during fights isn’t exactly good for business—or keeping things secret—and those who place bets usually get pretty sour when their lucky contestant is too injured to play. Still, taking a hit to his pay would dampen his night.
Huffing, Simon approaches his opponent once more with several shouts in protest. The man cowers, covering his face as he presses his back into the wall while muttering incoherent apologies. Simon kneels down to retrieve the hidden knife from the man’s pocket, and tosses it toward the referee. Clinking metal stuns the crowd into silence as all eyes lock onto the contraband as it skitters across the ground. Simon stands there with dull eyes. 
There’s a short moment of hesitation from the referee. He opens his mouth, closes it, then smiles. 
“And we have our winner!” 
Ducking his head, Smon pulls himself out of the empty pool just as several security members leap in. They swarm his opponent like an angry hive of bees, but he doesn’t stick around to watch the show. As he weaves through the crowd, several people are brave enough to give him a pat on the back, though most stare at him with slight terror and the respect one gives to a dog with a nasty bite. He does not care about the heavy gazes—he’s won. 
Things are quiet in the cash room; so quiet that Simon can hear his own heart. What used to be a locker room has been turned into a makeshift bank with large, heavy duty safes housing absurd wads of cash. That evening’s bettings, as well as everything leftover from previous weekends, stays locked behind thick doors and padlocks. A man with thin wired glasses sits at a rickety folding table as the banker—so to speak—counts Simon’s winnings by hand. Two men stand close by, armed to the teeth with illegal guns visible on their hips as if the very image of the weapons themselves are deterrent enough to keep everyone’s nose clean. 
The banker glances up from the cash on the table, but neither man speaks as he returns to work. With a minimum bet of five hundred required to participate, Simon knows his winnings are in the thousands. It’ll take time for it all to be counted, but he’s not in a hurry; not at this time of night when the city ignites the sky and the porch lights wink to sleep for the evening. 
Unlike most of the other fighters, Simon refuses to reveal not only his face, but his name. In fact, he had peeved the sign up representative a little when he refused to give the man his proper name, and in some sort of fit of annoyance, he was unceremoniously given the name Ghost. It’s a name that had gotten him laughed at when he first stepped foot in that bloodied pool. People deemed him nothing more than some stupid boy who dreamed too much of being in the WWE. After a few matches, people have learned to respect both the name, and the man behind the mask. 
Simon turns to face the voice behind him and isn’t surprised to find a well dressed man approaching him with an easy smile. Donning a dress shirt and slacks, this stranger is the best dressed man in the putrefying pool house. The best smelling too, as Simon notes a whiff of expensive, woody cologne mixed with lingering tobacco. Though events such as illegal boxing were usually saved for the grunts, it isn’t rare for him to find the occasional well off business man feeding into their gambling addictions with something a bit more bloody than your average horse race. 
“Yeah?” Simon responds stiffly. 
Much to his surprise, the man holds his hand out for him to shake. There’s a dazzling silver watch that peeks out from beneath his sleeve—it’s probably worth half of his salary. Stretching the ache out of his knuckles, Simon courteously but cautiously takes the man’s hand. 
“John Price,” the man introduces himself. “Quite the show you gave everyone out there.” 
Simon hums as he shoves his hands into the pocket of his jumper. The sudden quietness isn’t lost on him, nor are the wary eyes that seem to burn into John Price. Even the guards look apprehensive despite the lead weighing their belts down. He tilts his head to the side, gesturing to the banker and his table. “Too excited to patiently wait for your winnings?” 
“Oh. Oh, no. My wife doesn’t like when I gamble,” John chuckles. “No, I came here to offer you a job.” 
It’s as if the ambiance of the room changes the very moment that proposal leaves his mouth. Shuffling feet, counting cash—it all ceases until it’s nothing but an echoing memory. There doesn’t seem to be any insidious intent or tone behind John’s voice, yet his offer still stops the very turning of the earth. 
“Must be an interesting job if you’re scouting in a place like this,” Simon notes stiffly. 
“Interesting and well paying,” John agrees. “I think it would be a shame to let those talents of yours go to waste.” 
Talents? Simon nearly laughs in the man’s face at such an odd compliment. He’s not a trained fighter by any means, just obnoxiously big and brutally strong in a way most other people rarely ever have the misfortune of being. There are very few reasons why he would ever want to turn to a life like that—a life full of nothing but violence and fighting—and simply being offered decent pay was not one of them. 
Here in this pool house, he can step out of the ring at any time. Something in the silence of the strangers around him tells him he wouldn’t have that same luxury with John Price. 
“Thanks, but whatever it is, I’m not interested,” Simon deadpans before turning his attention back to the table. 
The banker must have finished counting his winnings some time in the middle of their very brief conversion, because he holds out a fat stack of cash with impatient hands. Reading the queue begging for him to leave, Simon takes the stack before quickly shuffling through it and tossing a couple notes back on the table. The banker mutters an awkward thanks, but his eyes don’t leave John. 
“Have a good night, Mr. Price,” Simon dismisses with a simple nod. 
Just as he goes to leave, Simon is stopped in his tracks as John raises a hand in front of his chest. It would be easy to push past him, yet Simon obeys. Still smiling, John reaches into his pocket where he retrieves a small rectangular card before holding it out. 
“Take this before you go. Just in case,” he insists. 
Simon stares at the card for a long moment, studying its features. It’s nothing but plain white cardstock with a phone number handwritten across the face, which is oddly simple for someone with such a powerful aura. He’s inclined to believe that John had scribbled it down before entering the building, as if he had anticipated Simon’s rejection. Seeing no harm, he takes the card before hastily shoving it into his pocket, convinced he’ll forget all about it by the time he gets home. 
“I won’t lie, it’s hard work. Not exactly an easy life. No more legal than what you did here tonight, either,” John says as his smile begins to wane. “But just know that if you do change your mind, I always take care of my men. Always.” 
Unconvinced, Simon gives him a curt nod. “Sure,” he responds, voice hoarse. Then, he turns and strides out of the room, leaving John Price and that decaying building far behind him. 
Simon doesn’t remove his mask until he’s several blocks away and the night begins to dwindle into nothing but a faint memory. The aches in his body begin to show themselves with a gentle pulse beneath his left eye and a throbbing in his ribs, ones he knows will only worsen by morning. With his earnings tucked safely away into the confines of his pockets, he hardly thinks about the numbers until his car is parked in front of his mother’s house. 
It hasn’t changed much since he was a kid—it still has the floral patterned curtains obscuring the windows and the cement stairs with railing that squeaks whenever anyone leans on it improperly. The paint has begun to fade, sunwashed a pale azure that nearly blends in with the sky on a cloudless day. The inside has changed considerably throughout the years. Significantly less toys than he remembers, and more pictures of the long lost days of his childhood staining the walls. 
He makes sure to exercise caution when unlocking the door and letting himself in. Like always, his mother has left the lamp on in the living room, providing just enough light for him to sneak into the kitchen. Several hand washed dishes sit neatly in a drying rack next to the sink, and he can smell the lingering aroma of supper. On the fridge, there are countless old photographs of him and his older brother from when they were younger. Toothy grins and stained knees—the annoying bastard used to be cute back then. 
Digging his hands into his pocket, Simon pulls out the cash he earned and begins to shuffle through the notes. There’s more tonight than he can recall from any of the other nights he’s thrown himself into the ring. Plenty for him to live off of for a little while, in addition to what he already makes at work. If his math is correct, he could give his mother two thousand, though he can already hear her chastising him. He counts the cash and tosses it on the counter next to the bread box, then pauses. No, maybe he should give her three thousand, just in case his brother comes around asking her for cash. 
It isn’t often that a man like Simon jumps, but all men know well enough to have a little bit of fear when their mother’s voice cuts through an otherwise quiet kitchen. He squints as she flicks the lights on, and it takes a moment for his eyes to adjust to the brightness. His mother stands in the doorway, tired gaze attempting to make sense of the scene in front of her. Though she had been freshly roused from sleep, her hair is well kept and her pajamas are only minimally wrinkled. 
“Oh, Simon,” she corrects herself, surprised. “Everything alright love?” 
He feels like a kid again getting caught red handed trying to steal snacks at some ungodly hour. Except, instead of stealing, this time he’s attempting to give something. It’s too late for him to shove the cash into his pocket and pretend he’s here for some other reason. A late night cup of tea, or a one o’clock talk. Ever since her eyes adjusted to the light, his mother’s been clearly scanning the bundle in his hands. Huffing, he continues to count the cash as if it’s of no importance. 
“Didn’t mean to wake you,” his voice rumbles softly. It doesn’t take him long to finish counting, and when he’s done he straightens out the pile before shoving the remaining amount back into hiding. “Just droppin’ somethin’ off real quick. Don’t worry ‘bout it, just go back to bed.” 
Ignoring his request, Simon’s mother shuffles across the room with a titter before she reaches the fridge. It isn’t long before she’s retrieved a bag of peas from the freezer, and she all but forces it into his hand. 
“If you ice it now, the swelling should go down by Monday,” she says while raising the bag to his cheek. 
Sighing, Simon relents. Leaning against the counter, he keeps his face shoved into the brutally cold bag and tries not to wince at the pressure. If anything, the bite of the frigid peas is worse than the bite of a fist. 
“You have to stop doing this to yourself, Simon,” she lectures. Despite her short stature, she stares up at her son with her hands on her hips as if he’s still a child and not a twenty-six year old man. “Whatever money you’re making from this isn’t worth what you’re putting your body through. All bruised up like a peach, look at you.” 
“It’s worth it if it helps get you through the month,” Simon retorts bluntly. Plastic crinkles as he adjusts the bag on his face. His fingertips begin to tingle. 
“I know your mother is getting closer to being a helpless old lady, but I’m not there quite yet,” she chuckles. “I’m not going to be living out on the streets.” 
“You will if you keep giving money to Tommy as often as you do.” 
It’s difficult for her to come up with a response, because deep down she knows her son is right. No matter how much she wishes he wasn’t. The oldest of her two sons grows skinnier and more pallid every time she sees him, and the only thing he ever seems to be interested in consuming is cash. His expensive diet is insatiable, and unfortunately, she doesn’t have the fortitude to deny him his favorite meal. 
“If he comes around again, tell him to talk to me,” Simon continues. Wincing, he pulls the bag of peas off of his face to offer his skin a little reprieve from the cold. “Kick him out if you have to. Unless he’s over for tea, he doesn’t need to be harassing you for money.” 
Lips pursing, his mother nods. 
There isn’t much left to their late night kitchen conversation. Sleep pulls heavy on his mother’s eyes, and all Simon wants to do is wash away the filth of that night down the shower drain. He places the bag of peas back in the freezer before giving his mother a quick kiss on the cheek. They quietly mutter their goodbyes, leaving him to quickly slip out of the kitchen and toward the front door. His hand hardly brushes against the dull, brass knob before he hears her call out to him once more. 
“You stay safe out there, Simon.” 
“Always, mum.” 
The thing about Simon Riley is that his hands are always dirty. No matter how much pink tinged water swirls down the drain, he can never quite get the stench of death and raw muscle out of his skin. But it’s alright. Men like him—large, burly, and utterly terrifying—are meant to be this way. Hidden in the back of butcher shops, transforming once living creatures into something so unrecognizable that the average person is able to stomach consuming something that once looked at the same stars as them. 
His face still aches, and it’s bruised a deep plum, but he ignores it as he attempts to wash his hands clean of stale blood. 
Just as he finishes drying his hands, the small pitter-patter of feet catches his attention. Looking up from his station, Simon sees Meara, the young girl who runs the register up from. She’s kind enough, yet always seems eternally bored with the work at the shop, but her usual dull expression is replaced with one of slight concern. Leaning against the doorway, she jams her thumb over her shoulder while clearing her throat. 
“There’s someone up front asking for you,” she says. “He’s uh… very adamant about speaking to you.” 
Nodding, Simon tosses his paper towel into the bin next to the sink. “I’ll take care of it.” 
There is a corpse waiting for Simon. Or perhaps a ghost. Some otherworldly being who’s been long dead with skin so pale it’s nearly translucent and gaunt cheekbones. Greasy blonde locks lay flat on this corpse’s head, neatly combed back as if the filth is there on purpose. Simon’s stomach drops as he witnesses the mess that’s become of his brother as he stands on the other side of the counter, yet the man smiles at him as if all is right in the world.
“Simon, hey man,” Thomas greets as he scratches the back of his neck. His scuffed knuckles don’t go unnoticed, but Simon doesn’t bother to mention the split skin. “How’s work?” 
“What do you want?” Simon deadpans. “Mum finally turn you away? Come to beg me for cash instead?” 
Whatever amicable persona Thomas attempts to wear quickly morphs into something more desperate at his little brother’s comment. He slumps forward, hands flat on the counter, and getting much too close for comfort. Simon can smell his breath; putrid, as if he has rotting flesh stuck in his teeth. 
“Come on,” he says, nearly begging. “I know it sounds bad, but I just… This is serious, alright? Look, I couldn’t tell mum ‘cause she’d freak the fuck out, but I-I owe some guys a bit of money, okay? They’re getting a little impatient with me.” 
A heavy presentiment hooks into Simon’s stomach, and then tugs with brutal force. Cracking his sore knuckles, he ignores it as he keeps his attention on his brother. 
“How much?” he questions. 
Sweating, Thomas’s eyes flicker throughout the shop, landing on everything but Simon. “I just need a couple hundred to keep them off my back for a while.” 
“That’s not what I asked you,” Simon snaps. “How much, Tom?” 
He swallows. “Seventy-five.”
“Hundred?” Simon pushes further. 
Every muscle in Simon’s body turns to stone as he repeats that simple word in his mind over and over again. It’s an echo. One that threatens to crack his bones. He is well aware that his brother is an idiot—a dunce who can’t help but make choices that draw blood—but he never imagined he would get into this much trouble. Thomas still refuses to look at him, which gives Simon the time he needs to get his thoughts together and stay as level headed as possible, lest he worry Meara. 
“How the fuck did you manage that?” he asks, keeping his voice low. 
“That’s not important right now,” Thomas snaps, though he backs off when he notices just how sharp his brother’s glare is. “I-It’s a long story. Look, I can explain later, but right now I need you to help me. I think… I think they’re coming after me.”
“What do you mean, coming after you?”
A small bell rings with the opening of the shop door, and Thomas anxiously turns around to greet the two men like he knows them by their presence alone. As the men saunter inside, Simon catches himself memorizing their faces. He scrutinizes every detail until every angle of their faces is carved into his mind. They’re oddly well dressed, though their clothes are monochrome and dark. The sneers on their faces and the boredom in their eyes remind him of snakes. Forked tongues and sharp teeth—they grin like they enjoy blood and meat only for the smell of it. 
“Oh, Tommy,” one of the men taunts in a sing-song voice as he approaches. “You took us for a good chase, but time’s up.” 
“Look, I’m sorry man, I don’t have the money right now. Just give me another week,” Thomas pleads. 
“You’ve already used your extended week,” one of the men snarls. His biting words manage to make Meara squeak from behind Simon, and he hears her feet scrape against the floor as she hides in the back of the shop. “You know the rules. If you can’t pay with cash, then you pay with blood instead.” 
Trembling fingers brush against Simon’s arm as Thomas attempts to urge him to the back of the shop. “Get outta here,” he hisses with a pathetic squeak. “You don’t… you shouldn’t have to watch this.” 
For a moment, Simon is back in the ring again. Cheering voices echo off cement walls as he’s caged and forced to rage against another man. He’s never been scared before—not there with his arms raised and hands clenched into fists—but he’s scared now. All it takes for him to spring into action is a flash of silver and the searing glint of light along the sharp edge of a knife. 
The fight starts with Simon leaping over the counter followed by a crunch. Metacarpals and pebble-like bones twist and fracture beneath the crushing force of his grip, and the would-be-murderer in front of him squeals like a pig. Wrenching the pocket knife from his broken hand, he then drives his knee into the man’s gut. Air escapes between clenched teeth as the assailant drops to his knees where he clutches his stomach and dry heaves, spit dribbling from his mouth. 
All noise suddenly becomes muffled as Simon straightens himself out to face the other man. He cannot hear the cries of the crumpled man at his feet, nor his brother’s warning. It’s hard for him to hear anything at all when he’s staring down the barrel of a gun. 
Bracing himself, Simon charges toward the man as fast as he can. The distance is short, but it feels as if an eternity lies between their bodies before his elbow finally connects with a sputtering diaphragm. Both of them fall to the ground as a single, deafening gunshot rings throughout the shop. When he lands, he hits the ground hard, his shoulder taking a majority of the impact. Groaning, Simon rolls away from his attacker and pushes himself to his feet to prepare himself for a fight, yet the battle has already been won. 
Thomas’s creditor lies on the ground with a blade embedded into his stomach. It fits so snugly in his abdomen it’s as if the object has never known any other home. All the man can do is lie there with careful breaths as he tries to paw at the wound, but it’s deep. A large crevice that pierces through more than just skin. More than just muscle. Blinking, Simon looks down at himself with his stained jeans and reddened fingers. 
He just washed his hands. 
“Fucking… Jesus fucking Christ… Oh my god, Simon,” Thomas stutters. Wide eyes stare at the fading life on the ground, yet he doesn’t dare to bring himself closer to his almost-killer. “Simon, he’s gonna… He’s gonna fucking die. What do we- Jesus Christ, Simon your arm!” 
Hands begin to paw at him, but Simon can’t feel the pain. He can’t hear Meara’s trembling voice as she begs on the phone for an ambulance. There’s nothing. All he feels is the nervosity clawing at his chest while he watches the light flicker out of the eyes of the man on the floor. He can’t deduce what’s worse; the fact that he’s just killed a man, or the realization that taking a life is just as easy as butchering a pig? 
It’s a long afternoon at the hospital. It takes eight stitches to close up the flesh wound that nicked Simon’s shoulder, but speaking to the police is ten times more painful. The questions. The interrogating. They speak to him as if they think he’s already guilty—as if they can’t see the remorse rolling off of his shoulders in thick waves. He isn’t able to limp back into his apartment until close to midnight, and even then he’s still unsure if he’ll remain a free man. 
A murderer. That’s what he is now. Even with the torn flesh on his arm screaming at him that he would be a victim if it weren’t for his actions, he still feels the way that stranger’s blood sullied his hands. That was a life he took. A real, tangible life that used to breathe. Someone is dead because of him. Cold and stiff. Because of him. 
Then, in the midst of his self-deprecation, he remembers his brother. 
No—Thomas would have been the corpse. He still could be the corpse. Seventy-five thousand pounds is not easy to scrounge up—not when it’s worth more than an average salary. A dead man walking, Thomas only survived the day because Simon was there to take the hit. 
It takes Simon three minutes to search through his trash can. He claws at the old take out boxes and rotting food all to find the now stained card that was gifted to him over the weekend. Pasta sauce muddies the phone number scrawled across the otherwise pristine face, yet he can make out each digit clear enough to punch it into his phone. 
The line rings for so long that he fears no one will pick up, or that maybe he’s too late for this opportunity, but eventually the silky smooth voice of John Price bellows through the speaker. 
“Hello?” he greets. 
“Mr. Price, this is Simon Riley… Ghost. Is that job offer still on the table?”
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69 notes · View notes
1-800-i-ship-it · 2 years ago
Me trying to convey that we would be so good together to my future employer through my cover letters like I know you want to hire me so bad pls hiring manager (affectionate) like yeah actually let’s connect on LinkedIn I think we’re a good match !! Dates from 9-5, 5 days a week!! What a good deal!! If I could just have a nice paycheck and a side of employee benefits?? 401k match pretty please? Look at our email exchanges we have so much chemistry now you wouldn’t break my poor little heart would you!! Just so in love with your company’s vision and everything I just think it would be so sexy if we worked together <3
4 notes · View notes
cinnammonfairy · 5 months ago
⌗ hybrids – f! cat x doberman ghost! + heat + virginity loss + squirting + implied pregnancy/breeding ⋆˙⟡
where you go into heat, and your not-so-new friend simon helps you.
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when price finally brought simon home, you did not take it all too kindly. only familiar with the presence of price and few other hybrids (being a house cat and all, always preferring to stay home), you grew uptight at the new imposing presence at your home. you knew price was only trying to look out for you by gifting you a companion, someone you could cling to when he was away, yet he also knew how shy you were too which could translate to unwelcoming behaviour towards those who are unacquainted with you.
simon having been briefed by price of your shy tendencies played along, preferring to wait until you grew accustomed to his presence around the house. which admittedly took... quite a while. price having been home for the start of simon's stay to get you on friendly terms did little to help, only making you ever so clingier.
when it came to just the both of you within the confines of your home, you avoided him with an admirable amount of effort. he knew it wasn't that you disliked him, you just haven't gotten to know him and how could you when you'd scramble if he walked into a room you were currently in? or if he'd be leaning on the doorframe of your shared bathroom waiting for you to finish your lengthy baths, the scent of your bathbomb wafting through the crack of the doorway your humming gleefully at the warmth of the water clear to his impeccable hearing, doberman hybrid and all does little to quell his ever growing fascination in you.
the week leading up to your heat (not that he knew), was filled with uncommon behaviour from you, once an early riser now you woke later into the day, your sweet scent heightened keeping him alert of your whereabouts throughout the house. your usually energetic self, that always found a way to keep busy around the house also grew tired easier, which was how he found you sprawled out on the couch late at night, a show you were keen on running on the tv. gathering your weak form in his arms, he lifted you up bridal style making sure to cradle your head in his arm.
your eyes opened briefly, jolting awake as you realized who was currently holding you and walking you towards your bedroom, before you gave in to the lethargy that seemed to engulf your body. letting him carry you up the stairs, his scent overwhelming your senses leaving your body the slightest bit feverish.
"i don't feel so good." your words coming out barely more than a whisper into the chilly night air, lights dimmed out due to the hour.
"i can see that, let me take care of you yeah? " his arms wrapping tighter around your form as he rounds the corner to your bedroom, tucking you in, and closing the door softly behind him before placing a call to price.
"...the date of her heats are usually irregular, but she's probably going into one soon." price's voice crackles through the phone speaker, as simon's brow furrows.
"what can i do to help her?" simon's reply earns a small huff from price, who's answer has simon's cock growing hard in his trousers imagining you begging for him.
"you can help her but only if she asks, she probably will though. god knows you feel much better than her dildo does."
the next morning he was greeted with the overwhelming scent of your slick, your warm body atop him, bare tits pressed against his chest, his blanket pushed aside so your wet little pussy could rub on his still covered hard on. every pass of his cock spreading open your pretty pussy, his tip catching onto your clit creating pleasurable friction.
"what's all this about angel? where did my shy girl go hm?"
"m' sorry si, need you..." his hands go to guiding your hips, as they grew sloppier. your wetness creating a patch on his boxers outlining his hard cock.
"s' alright pretty, i've got you." tipping your chin up to meet his gaze as he connects your lips to his, softly pecking them as a form of reassurance. price said to take things slow and he promised to try, you had no qualms kissing him back so sweetly as he cradled your cheek in his palm. with your pussy still rubbing on his cock, he moved you to lay below him lifting his body enough to peel his boxers off.
spreading your legs to expose your wet cunt, little hole twitching and leaking slick. your little clit glistening in the early morning sunrise, as he circles it softly with the head of his cock, dragging it down to your pool of slick and up to nudge against your clit, swiping it back and forth as you writhed on the bed moaning for him to,
"put it in now please si."
"so wet angel, i could just slip right in yeah?"
"'mhm! s' wet for you."
"such a good girl, so pretty for like this for me."
he positions the head of his cock on your hole, the both of you gasping as it enters. all the while rubbing your clit softly with his thumb, pressing soft kisses to your forehead, cheeks and lips. your pussy halfway enveloping his fat cock as your legs tremble softly, your hole clenching rhythmically at his intrusion. your hands go to his biceps as you feel the knot in your stomach growing ever so tighter, just from him putting his cock in. you've had a dildo and a couple pleasurable vibrators before to help you through your heat but never an actual cock, the feeling of his big cock entering your practically virgin hole was too much to bear, even more so as he rubbed at your clit so sweetly to build enough pleasure and wetness to take his cock. before you knew it, you were cumming hard on his cock a soft gasp left you as he worked you through your strong orgasm, clenching hard on his fat cock.
"so pretty... that was a nice one hm lovie, that feel good for your little pussy sweetheart yeah? y' love my fat cock stretching out your hole so much you can't help it huh."
"s' too big si..." you sobbed out as his fingers kept strumming your clit, prolonging your orgasm.
"you're taking it so well though sweetheart, i'm almost there baby. you can cum as much as you want angel."
your orgasm which left you wetter than before made it easier for him to ease his cock inside, groaning at your warmth as he bottomed out. he zoned in on where your eyes were currently resting, the filthy sight of your pussy plugged full of his cock as he took a testing shallow thrust, a mewl leaving your lips.
"your pussy's so pretty full of my cock sweetheart, you're taking it so well, 'm so proud baby."
"what do you say sweetheart?" he says, pulling his cock out halfway, watching as his cock slips out coated in your slick and cum.
"thank you si-i!" he slammed his hips once, again filling your pussy up full and catching you off guard.
his thrusts left you breathless as you looked into his eyes, pleading for anything and everything at all once. your current state of heat left your cheeks perpetually flushed which he found charming, your eyes fluttering, for someone who was practically begging to be fucked just this morning, he loved your sweet, shy and soft little mewls. slotting your lips together to meet for a kiss, one that you so kindly and eagerly return, he knows he's found your spot as a sweet little gasp leaves your lips. he rests his forehead to yours as you lock your feet on his back, your pussy clenching erratically as a telltale sign that you were approaching your orgasm.
"wanna cum si!"
"go ahead baby."
pulling out most of the way, he thrusts in to be met by a spurt of clear liquid splashing and splattering onto your stomach, his pelvis and abs. every time he pulls out the slightest bit to slam his cock back in to your tight squirting heat, he earns another splash of clear liquid that's prompted by his thrusts. the hot sight of you squirting uncontrollably whilst crying softly on his cock prompts his own orgasm, and pumping his load into you.
"made such a cute mess on my cock baby hm? my shy angel's a squirter huh?" he says as he pulls his cock out fully, rubbing his cock fast over your clit to be met by more messy squirts, his thick load now seeping out of your little hole.
"m s-sorry si, it's embarrasing." you choke out amidst sobs where he gathers you in his arms, sitting up and places you on top of him. opening your legs to scoop up his leaking cum and shoving back into your hole, which makes you squeal.
"no need to be sorry sweetheart, 'm so glad i made you feel so good."
you hid your face in his neck as you sunk back down on his hard cock, seeing his cum leaking out of your pussy was an extremely erotic sight to him. your heat making you insatiable for the need of another orgasm.
"go ahead sweet girl, ride me baby, use me all you want."
and you do, if it wasn't evident enough with the protruding bump on your belly with a possessive hand resting over it upon price's return wasn't clear enough, you were having simon's pups.
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☆ hi omg um this was just like something i spewed out from my brain deliriously over the course of a couple midnights i acc kinda wanna continue it or make a couple parts of it ... haven't rlly made an intro post but i'm planning to soon .ᐟ ♡ also reqs are open but i'm having midterms rn so if you do plan to leave anything on there might not get around to it for a while :(
ᡣ𐭩 header by cafekitsune .
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disgustingtwitches · 7 months ago
Working at a restaurant with 141! (pt.2)
As the weeks went on, Gaz and Soap would constantly try to pull you into the walk-in. But Simon's stare made you stop dead in your tracks every time. You've resorted to going over to their place, it's always a surprise who's gonna end up on top of who. During breaks between rounds, you'll catch up on a show you were all watching or playing video games and eating snacks. It's light, fun, young, energetic.
"The boys keeping you satisfied?"
Price asks during one of your smoke breaks, he's leaning against the railing again. Your eyes dart to the floor, embarrassed.
"I could take proper care of you."
The words drip from his mouth and run up your legs, making you squirm. He chuckles, a deep rumble from his broad chest.
"I'll pick you up 7 tonight."
Flicks the butt of his cigar onto the wet cement before walking back into the kitchen. Your hand shakes as you finish your cigarette.
The outing was nice, he took you out on a real date. You wore a tasteful dress that he was obsessed with the moment he saw you in it.
Made you order something expensive from the menu.
"Gotta keep you well fed, hm?"
You couldn't argue with him, he held an air of authority even outside of the kitchen. Conversation was pleasant, he kept it appropriate. Actually, that whole time he was an absolute gentleman. Walked you up to your flat. You gave him an anxious kiss that made him laugh softly and you quickly slipped into your studio. You pressed your back to the door, heart pounding. You squinted through the peephole and watched as he turned around, walking away. As soon as you swung your door open, he was stepping inside your place and scooping you up. He gripped your ass while holding you up, his hands positioned in a way that allowed him to rub your folds through the thin fabric of your dress.
"Already wet? Knew you'd be a good girl for me."
You melted in his arms at those words. Gently laid you right on the bed, pulling back to slip off your heels and left kisses from your ankle to inner thigh. He moaned when you giggled from his beard brushing against your soft thighs.
"Fuckin dogs, markin you up like your theirs."
His lips grazed over the hickeys Gaz and Soap left on your hips and thighs. He pulled the dress up and over your shoulders.
"Those sexy fuckin eyes of yours, Christ."
He kneeled over you, taking you in. Your moans, touch, smell, all that was left was your taste. He sunk back down between your legs and had you coming faster and harder than Soap or Gaz. He was down there for hours, only coming up to briefly cram his thick dick into your tight hole just long enough to leave you being for more when he pulled out. So much restraint he had. Only reason he finally finished was because he had to get up early tomorrow. Painted your sore walls with thick ropes of his spend,
"G'na take it all like a good girl, yeah?"
He held your face to muffle your moans with his mouth while he finished pumping into you. Wouldn't even clean you up, just gently pushed whatever leaked out of you back inside. Then he held you close and fell asleep, effectively trapping you in his arms. He ends up driving you to work the next day, taking you in early so he can prep with Ghost. Simon seems more grumpy than usual (it's because he's the one who's supposed to drive you to work, creature of habit he is).
"I'll let you pick her up next time. Don't get mad at me for being a gentleman."
Price sighs while portioning out meat. You swear you see Simon huff.
The drive home was silent as usual, but there was a tension that wasn't present before. Sure, there's been an uneasy or awkward air in the car before, but this was different. You needed it to stop being quiet.
"...sorry for not telling you about John taking me today."
You sat on your hands, staring at the veiny hand gripping the gear lever.
"S'alright, he told me."
His tone was unreadable as ever. He parked in front of your building, looking at you with those dark, intense eyes. You shifted uncomfortably, about to open your mouth to say something.
He interrupted, you nod and step out of his car to your door. You fumble with your keys and turn around to invite him in, he's already locking his car door and headed towards you. Oh fuck.
He doesn't even let you take your shoes off, just flops you onto the edge of the bed and haphazardly pulls down your jeans and underwear, folding you in half.
He grunts, shoving two fingers into your mouth, getting them slick with your spit. He roughly fingers your sweet spot until you are overwhelmed with pleasure, then he undoes his pants. You gasp. Literally gasp at the sight of his length.
"That's not going in me."
You blink at him. He looks at you, stroking himself.
He shrugs before slapping his shaft on your wet folds, then rubbing himself against you. He goes at this for what seems like forever, occasionally his tip catches in your entrance before he slides out and continues to grind against you. It's maddening. Finally, you break and beg for him to slide himself in. He does so with no hesitation or concern for your poor walls. Bullies his way inside you until you physically can't take anymore and pounds into you ruthlessly. He covers your mouth with a rough hand while the other toys with your nub. You squeal, yelp, moan. It's all muffled; only to be heard by his ears.
"Atta girl, takin it like a champ."
You were barely keeping it together, each hit to your cervix made you see stars. It hurt. It was heaven. Your eyes rolled back.
"Don't look away from me."
He grabbed your face, making you stare right into his brown eyes. That's what pushed you over the edge, he rode out your orgasm before reaching his. Your heavy breaths filled the room. That's when he finally decides to pull off your shoes and pants. He was surprisingly good at aftercare, made you both some tea (why did he know where everything was?), wiped you down, and put on some cooking competition show. He was into it. Very into it.
"How do you fuck up beurre monté?"
He says to himself, shaking his head while the contestant on TV cried about messing up a sauce. It goes on like this for a while, shitting on chefs choices and mistakes. Your stomach rumbles, he looks at you. Offers to make something. You remember how the food at the restaurant gets sent back. A lot. Decline politely. He walks to the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge and cabinets. You'd say something, but you know you can't stop him. Twenty minutes later he hands you a plate,
It looks...edible. He sits at the end of your bed, eating and watching his show. You take a spoonful into your mouth. Fucking delicious.
"Best I could do with what you had."
He made himself home, slept like he paid the bills, splayed out and snored louder than a Harley. Pinned you right under his arm, mouth right next to your ear. You barely get any sleep.
The next day you drag your feet back and forth from the kitchen.
"Fuckin hell Simon, you kept her up all night?"
John shook his head, burning another steak. Simon grunted, plating the meat and placing it on the window. You served the food to the customer and walked back to the kitchen.
"That's my hoodie."
Soap pointed at Ghost. It was obviously Soap's, they were both well built but Simon's arms and chest stretched the fabric.
Simon shrugged, sweeping the floor.
"So? I gave it to her."
"S'fine, she has enough of your shit."
Soap looked at you, betrayed. You shrug, you were too tired to even notice what Simon was wearing.
"Didnae ye notice yer favorite hoodie was gone?"
He looked at you, eyes sad and blindingly blue.
"Give it a rest Johnny."
"'But it's 'er favorite. Right bonnie?"
You nod (you don't have a favorite, but obviously he needs this) and he sighs in relief, smile plastered on his face. Pesters Simon to give him back the hoodie.
"Keep it somewhere safe, aye?"
He hands it to you, holding it like it was a damn fabergé egg.
While Simon and you were walking to his car, Kyle and Johnny run after you, insisting on seeing your place,
"What, only they get to see your flat? It's not fair."
So puerile, Ghost rolled his eyes.
They oohed and aahed at your flat, fawning over your decor. You're thankful for splurging on a king sized mattress. Gaz slept like an angel, but Johnny? Even in his sleep he was restless, kicking and talking. You make a note not to have Ghost and him over at the same time.
Two days later, Johnny almost drops to his knees when he sees Simon in your 'favorite hoodie' again.
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writersdrug · 6 months ago
OOOH bartender Simon when one of the regulars starts making comments about reader at the bar
Slight nsfw, someone makes derogatory marks about reader
Simon didn't understand why the man chose to be a regular at his bar. He never spoke much to the lad, Mitch, other than the occasional grunt and "'nother round?" Still, the bloke had been coming to his pub every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night like it was his religion - it very well might've been - spilling his guts over neat whiskey about his failing marriage, his estranged children, and his shitty job. Simon was surprised he managed to keep one, with how much he was drinking on a Sunday night.
"Don't ever get a wife, Simon." Mitch says, fidgeting his empty whiskey glass in his fingers. He'd already come in with a sour expression and droopy eyes - Simon wondered what the topic would be for tonight, but as usual, it steered towards his divorce waiting to happen.
"Already got one." He says, jerking his head to the liquor shelf. "Woodford."
Mitch laughs, letting Ghost take his empty glass and dunk it in the wash basin. "You got anyone waitin' for you after work?"
Ghost clicks his tongue, wiping the condensation off the bar top. "Rather not talk about my personal life 'ere."
"Bah - you need something young n' fresh." Mitch sighs, tapping his fingers against the wood. "Guy like you can't have something too committed, or else your work ethic will suffer."
Ghost grunts as his response. He reminds himself that Mitch was a customer, like everyone else, and he only has to tolerate his yapping for tonight - until next Friday.
Mitch turns his head to look at you, and Simon follows with his eyes: you're standing at a table, bantering with the couple seated there as you take their orders. Hair pulled back into that weird claw clip thingy Simon likes so much, posture relaxed as you leaned on one hip, a soft smile on your face as the couple takes their time placing their orders. He remembers how unfamiliar you were with it all in the beginning, and now it looks like you've been working here for the past ten years. Like you belong in his pub.
"How's she handling the job?" Mitch asks.
Simon shrugs. "Seems t' be managing just fine. Gets away with more shit than I should be allowin' 'er."
Mitch chuckles, looking back at you. "They always do when they look that good." He comments, making Ghost pause. "Price knew what he was doin' hiring her."
He feels his muscles tense subconsciously. "I hired 'er."
Mitch looks back at him, a wicked smile spreading across his face. "Simon, you ol' dog..." he begins, leaning his forearms onto the bartop. "Gotta keep the customers comin' somehow, eh?"
Ghost blinks. "I don't follow." He does; but he's giving Mitch a chance to redeem himself after his insinuation.
"C'mon, was it her face? What she wore to the interview? Did Johhny-boy see her and beg you to hire her?" He leans in towards Simon, who obliges and meets him halfway, just to hear what else the prick will say, so he knows how much damage he can justify.
"I'm telling you - the only reason she probably took the job was, well.." he raises and eyebrow.
Simon waits. "Hmm?"
"You know - three big guys like you lot - not to mention that old brewmaster assistant, Garrick, I know he frequents here... well, any desperate thing like her would be throwing themselves at the opportunity."
He's livid. "Wha' opportunity?"
"Gettin hit from all sides, if you catch my drift."
Ghost nods slowly, biting the inside of his cheek until he tastes blood. He wants to punch a hole through Mitch's chest, but two patrons roughhoused in one week would make Price get on his case. He turns to the bar and grabs a whiskey glass.
"Aww, don't be like that..." Mitch says when he senses Ghost's anger. "I'm sorry. Listen - if you don't want to show her a good time, me and my buddy will. I'll leave my number and you'll give it to her for me?"
"Drink this, sober up, and go home Mitch." Ghost says, slapping the glass of clear liquid in front of the man. Mitch eyes him with a huff as he returns to washing the glasses in the bar sink.
"Fuckin' loser..." he mumbles, grabbing the glass and downing a large gulp - he immediately sputters, the drink spilling all over his front as he coughs and hacks violently. The entire floor looks over at the commotion, you included, standing by the POS and watching with a furrowed brow.
"Fuck- was that goddamn Everclear?!" He rasps.
"I think it's time y' head out, Mitch." Ghost says, leaning both of his hands against the bar. "Call your wife and kids. Stop comin' 'ere every week." He then leans in close, right in front of Mitch's face. "Cuz if I see you back at my bar again, I'm draggin' you out the back myself."
His eyes crinkle with a smile as he claps Mitch on the arm, making him jump from the impact. He quickly gets up off his seat and stumbles towards the front door, sparing one last bitter glance between you and Ghost, before he angrily shoves his way out.
Ghost sighs, putting the Everclear back on the shelf; you walk over right on cue. "What was that about? He ok?"
Simon shrugs, closing Mitch's tab on his POS and assigning an auto-gratuity. "Dunno. Maybe my advice finally got t' the bastard."
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thanosscross · 2 months ago
Hello 🫣 A request for Thanos, I know he's a bit unhinged but I need some fluff for this man...<3
~ It's mentioned that Thanos was recruited by the businessman for the games whilst he was contemplating on a bridge. During the games, him and reader form relationship and during lights out after the mingle game, he feels comfortable with reader and starts opening up abt this etc and the reader comforts him etc...
Tysm!! ☁️🌟
Of course Oml I love this, and I'm always a sucker for the sappy sadness <3 and safe to say I think everybody is loving some un-hinged thanos content <3
My beauty flower - Choi Su-bong/Thanos x reader
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summary: After you have a melt down in the six leg game, and again in Mingle, Thanos remembers he never kept his promise, and opens up to you more than you'd ever thought he would.
Warnings: Talks of attempted suicide, Thanos being a sweet guy for a few moments
You went into the games just like everybody else did, unknown to the trauma and death that was ahead, desperate to go home, but even more desperate to get your money for your three youngest siblings. You were basically on your own until first lights out, whenever someone who you'd come to know as Thanos grabbed you for his team. After that he clung onto you, making sure you were always right next to him, his arm either around you, or holding onto you somehow.
As you rushed into the small bright yellow room, you slid against the wall, it was the last round, at least that's what you thought the lady said over the speaker, Thanos had sent player 125 with Nam-gyu and dragged you with him to a room. "Woo! Isn't this fun, senorita!?" he shouted excitement flowing through his voice as he turned to look at you. You were sitting with your knees to your chest shaking your head "Hey don't break on me now! We need you!" He shouted rushing over to you as the door locked "I-I can't do this anymore!" You shouted back "I-I can't" You repeated quieter, realizing he could very easily leave you out of the group on your own. "What're you talking about? You've got this, you're the best player other than thanos the great" He protested, you just shook your head, letting a sob slip as you heard the click of the lock undoing. "Y/n. Look at me. You've got this, like we talked about last game remember? Shit might seem scary, but once it's done, we're alright" He said, the speaker announcing for everybody to make their way back to the room you all slept in. "See? Another game, another day" Thanos smiled, you just huffed and took his hand to help yourself up, he kept ahold of yours as he walked out "Welcome back, my friends!! Skrrt!" He shouted as he dragged you out towards the door, Nam-gyu rushed behind you two, desperate to catch up and ask why he chose you to go with him and not him.
Dinner that night was usual, Thanos fucking with you the entire time while you tried to eat, and Nam-gyu encouraging it all. It was whenever the lights went out that something weird happened, you were in bed, almost asleep on the other side of the room from your friends, until someone slowly slid under your covers next to you "Beauty flower" You heard Thanos whisper "You awake?" He asked, ghosting a hand over your hip "Mhmm" You hummed, slowly turning around to face him "What's wrong, thanos?" you asked, grogginess still covering your voice like a warm blanket "Call me Su-bong, but don't tell anybody" He whispered, giving you a serious look before cupping your cheek "I realized..during that leg game..I promised to tell you something about me" He whispered "I never did" Smiling you shook your head "remember? You said you were a rapper?" You joked "I'm serious" he offered, finally letting his hand rest on your hip, you relaxed further onto the uncomfortable stiff mattress, scooting back a bit to get a better view of this place.
"Something about me...is...growing up I never had a lot, so I started rapping for money, built up enough..and I lost it all in a fucking crypto scam..lost everything I ever worked for in life, gone" You could feel his frustration, both through his voice, and by his tightened grip on you "did some rap battles, ya know, try and rebuild? but I uh..Uhm..I got to the big leagues in a big battle..and forgot the words right at the end..anyways..I felt like I was ruining my own life, l-like, I'd never get rid of what was ruining my life because it was me" He explained, you frowned scooting closer to him, hugging him the best you could while laying down, he returned the hug by holding you tight against his chest "So I went to a bridge..and right before I was going to jump..a man walked up to me and offered me a spot to play here..did all of that..and then I met you, beauty flower, and it made me realize, the universe just had to kick me around to realize how special you truly are" He explained letting out a sigh, like it had been preventing him to breathe until he told you.
"Su-bong..I.." He cut you off "Please don't..say anything.." He whispered pressing a soft kiss to your forehead "I'm okay now, because my beauty flower and I are gonna finish these games and win that money!!" He shouted, laughing as you were both 'shh'ed by others around you trying to sleep. You giggled quietly holding onto his shirt, his jacket most likely discarded around his bunk "Are you gonna go back to your own bed, Thanos?" You asked playfully "I told you, Su-bong, and no, I'm good here" He replied, leaving his arm around you, using his other arm to steal your pillow, replacing it with said arm so you weren't left with nothing. "Really?" you gasped, shoving him onto his back, laying your head onto his chest sighing "Really?" He mocked, resting a hand on your lower back, and resting his head on his other arm "Why do you want me to call you Su-bong?" You asked softly, you were actually confused, you couldn't understand why "I trust you, beauty flower, you make me..feel like I don't have to be a badass all the time" He explained resting his chin on the top of your head "Oh.." You whispered, going quiet "Is that okay?.." He asked nervously, pulling his hand out from under his head instantly reaching for his necklace, but you caught it before he could grab it "Yea..it's okay." You replied, before taking a moment, trying to build up your confidence to speak again "I think I love you, su-bong" You whispered, squeezing his necklace tightly, it was his turn to take your hand "Don't-..." He stopped himself, looking at his face, you could tell his was fighting himself, for a second you could feel your heart drop, that was stupid to say to him "I love you too, y/n" He finally responded, pulling you closer to him "Now..go to sleep...gotta make sure we're ready for the game tomorrow" He lectured before laying back down on his back, running his hand up and down it, trying his best to soothe you to sleep.
So..what do we think?
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feeder86 · 4 months ago
Guy and a Gain
“Sure, she’s cute. But she can’t give a decent blow job to save her life,” Guy shrugged, checking out the girls on the dancefloor with his football buddy, Rich. 
“You’ve slept with her already?” Rich asked, always impressed by Guy’s prowess. 
“Of course I have. Look at her. She’s the prettiest girl in here by far,” he nodded down at her. “But she has no instincts when it comes to giving head. She’s been my biggest disappointment since I arrived on campus.”
“I’m sure she could learn,” Rich shrugged, still taken with the girl. He was tall and broad and enough of a catch for her. However, he didn’t have the natural good looks, strapping build and height that made it so effortless for Guy to pick up whoever he wanted on a night out.
“If you want her, go buy her a drink,” Guy shrugged. “But I’m telling you, you’ll be disappointed. If it’s a decent blow job you’re after tonight, you can’t go wrong with a fat girl. They’re always out to please. Gay guys too - awesome at taking a dick in their mouth.”
“Dude!” Rich shot back, taking a step back in horror. “You’re telling me you’re gay?”
Guy laughed, rolled his eyes and shook his head. He strapped his big arm over Rich’s shoulders and pulled him back in. “Don’t be that guy,” he stated warningly. “Not if you and I are going to be friends. It’s not the nineties. You hear what I’m saying?” he asked, turning his head to Rich. There was no denying which of them would win in a fight, so he wasn’t about to take some outdated homophobic shit just because the idiot came from some backwards ghost town in the midwest. “I love sex. And I stick my dick wherever it feels good. That’s just the kind of man I am.”
Rich seemed to get that he’d been out of line and he nodded respectfully. All the boys on the football team looked up to Guy, not just for his sporting capability and strength, but because he genuinely didn’t seem to give a crap about what others thought about him. He was smart and sharp; perfectly suited to the business degree he was studying. “So who’s given you the best time since we started college?” he asked.
“You’d be surprised,” Guy chuckled. “I have this skinny little geek in the room next to mine. You could tell he was a total virgin until I came along, but… fuck me! The boy is a natural when it comes to sucking. And so convenient, right next door. I don’t even have to knock.”
Rich nodded; his world view was a little less narrow than it had been a few minutes ago and he now seemed genuinely interested in his team mate’s extensive experiences in the bedroom. They chatted a bit more, until Guy saw the girl he wanted that night. Short, round and eyeing him like crazy. He’d give her a night she’d never forget!
“She was a bit of a noisy one last night,” Mikey grumbled, sliding into the kitchen area the next morning.
Guy laughed and tore a large bite out of his toast with his teeth. “Sorry, buddy,” he laughed. “I forgot you nerds all go to bed at 9am.”
Mikey rolled his eyes and poured himself some cereal. It was rare that they ever got the kitchen space to themselves like this, but Guy was always up for his gym session, no matter what time he went to bed. He sat there, hunched at the breakfast bar, his damp clothes sticking to his enormously muscular body. Even unshowered and stinking of sweat like this, he knew he could still get his favorite neighbor, Mikey, to go down on him in a microsecond.
“I noticed you brought home another fat girl,” Mikey commented next, grabbing the last of his own fresh milk that Guy had left him, after downing most of it post-workout. “You’re making quite a habit of this.”
Guy rose to his feet and laughed, dropping his plate in the sink for Mikey to clean up after him and grabbing the boy by his hips from behind. “Spying on me, huh?” he whispered teasingly. The boy was at least half a foot shorter than him, melting the moment he was touched. “Jealous, perhaps?”
Mikey moaned as he felt Guy’s lustful hands slide into his crotch to check how hard he was. “I just thought…” he mumbled, “some people find it odd when athletes like you date the fat girls.”
“Because I really give a shit about what people think, don’t I?” Guy chuckled back, peeling back Mikey’s shorts so that his tight glutes were exposed. “I could fuck your skinny little ass later if you think it might balance things out a bit?” he teased. He strolled off to the refrigerator, leaving Mikey to cover himself back up before anyone else came in, perusing the shelf of food Mikey had bought for himself yesterday and seeing if there was anything he wanted to help himself to. “Just because you eat like a little sparrow...,” he sighed, seeing the boring items within and taking a large pot of yoghurt to eat in his bedroom, “... it doesn’t mean that everyone else has to.”
Later that evening, Guy lay back on Mikey’s bed, his head swirling from the intensity of the orgasm after shooting down his geeky neighbor’s throat. He’d never admit to his face how good Mikey was at this, but of the scores of people he had slept with since coming to college, Mikey was the only one he’d made a habit of going back to.
“How was that?” the keen boy asked; his eyes watering from having taken Guy so far down his throat.
“Average,” Guy lied, wishing the nerd would be quiet a few moments longer and allow him this period of pure bliss.
“Not like the fat girls you bring home with you then?” Mikey asked.
Guy opened his eyes and sighed, sitting up. “Are you still going on about that?” he grumbled, pulling his underwear back up his muscular legs and raising his butt to get them all the way up.
“I kinda wanted to ask you something?” Mikey tried next, in an oddly serious tone.
Again, Guy sighed impatiently. “What is it?”
“These fat girls you go after… do you ever get horny thinking about them… y’know… getting even fatter?”
Guy raised an eyebrow. What sort of an odd question was that? He shrugged his shoulders, deciding not to commit to an answer and see where the hell Mikey was going with this. “Why do you ask?”
Mikey seemed emboldened by Guy’s response, getting up from his kneeling position on the floor and sitting on the chair by his desk. “It’s just… sort of a fantasy of mine,” he explained.
“Me fucking fat chicks?” Guy asked sceptically? He realised he knew so little about what genuinely got Mike going.
“No. Not that,” he replied, shaking his head. “There’s just something so kinky and submissive about getting fat for someone; becoming soft and out of shape.”
Guy looked across, even more puzzled, despite doing his best to hide it. “You eat less food than anyone else I know,” he shot back. “You won’t be getting fat anytime soon!”
Mikey nodded, as if Guy had hit the nail right on the head. “Exactly!” he smiled. “Imagine if someone pushed me to get fat for them! If some dominant guy made me eat all the things that forced my body to grow and grow for his own pleasure. How fucking sexy would that be?”
Nodding, Guy considered the idea. “You’re definitely submissive enough,” he agreed, standing and pulling up his sweat shorts. 
“You’re not going to tell anyone I told you that, are you?” Mikey asked, suddenly panicked.
“Who the fuck do you think would be interested?” Guy laughed. “People are allowed to have kinks, y’know? You need to lighten up a little!”
Mikey nodded back in agreement. Neither of them socialised within the same circles anyway. Guy was nothing if not liberal when it came to all things to do with sex. It was water off a duck’s back.
Mikey didn’t mention the subject the next time Guy went over for his servicing, despite being surprisingly chatty about his day afterwards. Guy listened out of a vague politeness as he stretched out on Mikey’s comfortable bed and watched the TV screen in the background. He could relax around Mikey. The guy didn’t take any of this too seriously and never got clingy or sentimental. Sex was sex.
In fact, it was only as Guy spotted Mikey in the corner at a frat house party, that he realised he had never actually seen Mikey outside of the dorms until then. Their lives were so disconnected, with the exception of the thin wall that separated their dorm rooms. He waved politely, following the other athletes through to the kitchen, where the usual fun and drinking games took place.
Later that evening, with a circle of women swarming around him, Guy looked over to see a boy looking in Mikey’s direction. Tall, slim and not unattractive, he gave Guy the distinct impression that he was interested in the nerdy boy. “Does anyone know who that one is?” Guy asked the girls.
“That’s just Aiden,” one replied. “He’s got a crush on that guy over there,” she pointed at Mikey. “They're on the same course together or something.”
Aiden? That name rang a bell. Guy was sure he’d heard that name mentioned by Mikey a few times in the past. It surprised him how little he had actually considered Mikey’s life outside of their casual fucking. Of course Mikey was going to pique someone else’s interest at some point. Guy wasn’t the type to get into a relationship, but perhaps Mikey would be. Then what would happen? No more awesome blow jobs for a start. Normal people weren’t good at sharing.
“Hey, Mikey!” Guy suddenly shouted from across the room, catching sight of Aiden moving in, as if to make his move. “Come grab a drink with me.”
Mikey smiled and diligently headed over. There, Guy wrapped a big arm over his slim shoulders and slipped a shot into his hand. Guy himself didn’t drink, never needing alcohol to make him fun at a party and refusing to fuck his training up with toxins that could impact his progress. There he stood, guarding the boy from any who may try to come near. Ten minutes was all they stayed after that, walking back to the dorms so that Aiden couldn’t sneak his way towards Mikey when Guy wasn’t looking.
“Are you coming in?” Guy asked, opening the door to his own bedroom and inviting Mikey inside. 
“I’m honoured!” Mikey joked, having never been invited into Guy’s room before. He stepped over the threshold, into the dungeon of mess, sweat and sex.
The idea of Aiden had plagued Guy’s mind, suddenly making him realise just how much he had taken Mikey, and his awesome sucking skills, for granted. A gesture was required; a way to show the boy that his pleasure was important too. Guy stood in the middle of the room, planting his feet solidly and pulled the geek into him; kissing him passionately in an almost romantic manner. “Did you like that?” he grinned afterwards, knowing how well he could seduce when he wanted to. He pulled off his shirt and went in again, this time guiding Mikey’s hands to explore his muscular chest. He needed Mikey to know what an absolutely perfect specimen he was if the boy was going to be asked out by Aiden soon; let him see what he would be missing out on if he got into a relationship. “Let’s take off your clothes,” Guy whispered next, undressing Mikey himself until his pants and underwear fell around his feet and he stood there naked, erect and longing for him.
Mikey seemed to appreciate how different this all was. Guy was the first to admit that he never really put the effort in when it came to his sessions with the boy next door. Then, when Guy started sliding his large hand up and down Mikey’s hardness, the skinny boy moaned like he could climax at any time.
Guy had no intention of losing his fuck buddy. For the last hour, he’d been plotting how best to handle the situation, settling upon something he decided he could give Mikey better than anyone else. He threw open his closet door where a mirror rested on the other side, now reflecting Mikey perfectly back at himself.
“Who’s that skinny little shit in the mirror?” Guy teased him, looking like a monster of pure muscle stood behind him.
In the mirror, Mikey watched Guy’s hand slowly sliding up and down his hardness; his lust filled eyes half closed and his jaw slack.
“I want you to do something for me,” Guy whispered next. “I want you to drink my protein shakes,” he nodded backwards to the little minibar that also served as a bedside table for him. “Five hundred and eighty calories each,”
Mikey turned and looked up at him, as if the reflected version was merely a mirage. “You want me to drink all your shakes?” he asked, as if worried he had misunderstood.
“Yeah, I do…” Guy nodded down at him. “Every last drop.”
Guy could feel Mikey almost quivering with arousal. He bent down to his little fridge and popped the lid on one of his shakes.
“You know what these will do to you, right?” Guy grinned. “These aren’t made for skinny little dweebs like you. Boys who drink these and don’t exercise… they start to…” he whispered, keeping Mikey hanging on his every word. “...They start to get a little fat!””
Mikey nodded with absolute submission; his hands twitching to take the bottle from Guy’s large hand.
“Say goodbye to the skinny boy,” Guy laughed, nodding at the reflection once more, before twisting the mirror slightly so that the angle changed. Then he sat himself against the headboard of his bed. He spread his legs, pulling Mikey to sit into his crotch with his back resting against his strapping chest. Cleverly, Mikey could still see everything in the mirror as Guy’s hand rose up his neck, tipping his head back so that it rested on his muscular shoulder. Then those strong fingers pressed into Mikey’s cheeks, opening the jaws and turning Mikey’s mouth into the perfect pouring hole for the shake.
The mixture was cold. Guy took his time, adding a little at a time, as if making Mikey work for it. He theatrically rubbed the boy’s throat, like he was encouraging a good swallow; then went straight back to work on that aching erection. Once one bottle was down, Guy could reach with his giant arm span down into his minibar for the next, without even having to move Mikey. Then, down went another, and another.
“Can you see what’s happening?” Guy whispered, rubbing a hand over Mikey’s bloating stomach.
“It looks so big!” Mikey moaned back, with Guy having to pull his hand away from the boy’s erection once again in order to stop him climaxing.
“This is what you’re going to grow for me,” Guy demanded. “Every day, everything you eat… all for me.”
Mikey moaned so loudly now, it felt almost cruel to deny him his orgasm any longer. “Yes!” he nodded emphatically. “I swear. I absolutely swear!”
Guy only needed to touch him for a few seconds and the eruption that followed was more explosive than any he had ever seen a guy make. He looked at the splatter above the headboard behind them and chuckled. It was almost as high as he could get it himself. This was certainly a strange kink that Mikey had, but Guy felt that he had made his point well. No one was going to indulge this geek in his fantasies about weight gain; at least, not like Guy could. So why would Mikey need to look for connections anywhere else?
A few days later, Guy did a double take as he looked on Mikey's shelf in the refrigerator for food he could steal after his workout. Gone were the boring, sensible ingredients, replaced with high carb options, sugars and high fat dairy. Guy almost thought he was just confused, until he checked out the cupboard that Mikey kept for himself as well, finding a similar story. He frowned in confusion, wondering whether people had reorganised the kitchen space, until the encounter with Mikey nights before came back to him. Was the boy actually going to have a go at gaining a few pounds? How cute was that? But would this mean that Guy would have to buy more of his own food whilst Mikey was going through this little phase of his? 
The normally fresh and clean smell of Mikey’s room was tainted by spices and the sweaty, grease stained food containers that piled up on the boy’s desk. Mikey himself looked bloated and sluggish, his stomach stretched so much that he was obviously in some discomfort. Guy looked down at him, trying to hold back a laugh. “Someone’s been enjoying himself!” he teased.
Mikey nodded. “If I’d have known you wanted to stop by tonight, I’d have saved the pizza so you could watch me eat it all for you.”
Guy wondered what on Earth Mikey expected him to get out of watching him eat a pizza. Was it supposed to be kinky? Like the protein shakes? Perhaps it was part of the submission aspect. All the same, it sounded more than a little dull. But this was Mikey’s kink and Guy was hardly about to shame him about it. On the contrary, how exciting that the otherwise vanilla boy was actually doing something that he genuinely found thrilling. “We’ll have a little fat belly on you in no time!” he smirked, reaching down to pat the clearly overstuffed stomach.
Like a flip switching in Mikey’s mind, the boy instantly became more aroused. Guy took notice, rubbing the stomach more and more, until Mikey finally fished out Guy’s boner and set his magic mouth to work.
“Have you seen Mikey recently?” asked Hannah, a former conquest of Guy's and the girl who lived across the hallway. “He’s seriously packed on the Freshman Fifteen.”
“You probably just saw him after he’d had a meal,” Guy replied knowingly. “He tends to eat a lot in one go. He gets bloated.”
Hannah shook her head, not accepting the excuse in the slightest. “This was first thing in the morning. He has actual love handles!” she stated emphatically.
Now it was Guy’s turn to shake his head. He’d only been in to play with Mikey a few days before the Spring Break and he hadn’t noticed any sign of love handles before then.
Hannah laughed. “Seriously!” she chuckled. “I’m not making this up.”
Guy marched down the corridor and knocked on Mikey’s door, making Hannah laugh as she stayed in the kitchen. “Wakey, wakey!” he called out, knowing that the boy was rarely up at this time on a Saturday. In the short space of time that it took a groggy Mikey to get out of bed, the door clicked unlocked and in Guy went, closing the door behind him. The dark, hunched form of Guy’s drowsy neighbor slipped straight back into bed. Instead, Guy strolled over to the window and threw them open dramatically. “Time to get up!” he teased. 
As light flooded the room, Guy could see the mess of wrappers and containers that was testament to how much Mikey had been overfeeding himself since he arrived back on Wendesday night. He laughed to himself, picking up some of the mess and putting it on the boy’s desk. Then, knowing that it would frustrate Mikey, he reached for the duvet and yanked it away with full force, uncovering the entirely naked boy lying on his front underneath.
Guy’s eyes flew to the little rounded pads of flesh on Mikey’s side, the skin starting to crease and mark the area more clearly: love handles, without a shadow of a doubt. “Ho, ho!” he blasted in amusement. “Look at you!” he marvelled, reaching his big hand down onto his neighbor’s glute and finding it was squishy and significantly bouncier, with clearly added mass to it. “Someone is actually getting chubby!” he teased, absolutely astonished with the difference. That skinny little ass was gone, replaced with something much more meaty and even a little feminine.
Despite his tiredness, Mikey wrigged with arousal at the touch as Guy began playing with the softness that even spread down into his thighs. He rolled over; his erection already sizable as he tried to open his eyes and look towards Guy, even with the harsh light coming in through the window behind him.
What was happening to Mikey’s chest? Guy inspected further. The nipples seemed softer and the blubbery build up in the boy’s love handles was further spread across his stomach, deepening his belly button. “Stand up,” Guy demanded. “I want to look at you properly.”
Mikey did as he was told, Guy placed his hands on the boy’s shoulders, guiding him over to the mirror, so that he could see all angles at once.
“Fuck!” Guy laughed, seeing what a transformation had been silently happening behind his back. He felt proud. The biggest complaint people had about Mikey, here in the dorms, was that he was a fairly dull and boring person. Well, look at him now! This was hardly boring. The kinky little fucker was actually doing something none of them would ever have the guts to do. “I’m pleased,” Guy told him honestly, looking at his face in the reflection. “How does it feel for you?”
At this Mikey’s hands began exploring himself, grabbing at the fat and jiggling where he could with the tips of his fingers. “Amazing!” he whispered back, bursting with arousal.
“Well then…” Guy smiled, placing his hand back on Mikey’s chubby glute: his favorite new feature by far. “...You have to keep going,” he stated. “Keep eating and eating. Add more and more fresh fat onto this frame of yours.”
“I will,” Mikey nodded back obediently. “If it’s what you want. I’ll keep going as far as I can!”
Guy had never seen Mikey’s dick dribbling with arousal so easily. If this weight gain and submission was what aroused him so much, there was no way he could let it stop. “It’s what I want,” Guy agreed. “I want you to grow a proper fat belly, just for me.”
The pair kissed. Guy had never felt Mikey moan and collapse into him quite so much; like a ragdoll, ready to be played with.
“I know what’ll help…” Guy laughed, pulling down his pants and tugging on his own semi-erection until it was pumped and hard. “Let’s lubricate your throat ready for a full day of eating,” he joked cheekily.
Immediately, Mikey slipped to his knees. His jaws opened and he hungrily took the whole of Guy’s enormous erection down his throat like no one else on campus could. It took Guy by surprise each time, how instantaneous the pleasure was. He had to spread his legs a little more and reach one hand out to steady himself on the wall for fear that he may fall over. He didn’t need to press Mikey’s head into his crotch. The boy needed no guidance in the slightest. It was all just so perfect.
An involuntary moan escaped Guy’s lips. Now that his fuck buddy was getting fat, he wouldn’t have to worry about someone trying to steal him away. Mikey’s mouth was all his.
No one on campus was aware that Guy and Mikey were anything more than casual acquaintances, and so no one was cautious about discussing Mikey weight gain around Guy. The overall feeling was one of amusement. In many ways, it was understandable. Mikey had indeed been incredibly thin at the start of the year and he was heading towards the summer looking significantly softer and padded. For the most part, Guy simply ignored it, or tried to move the conversations away. He wasn’t about the campus drama and the behind the scenes bad-mouthing like some of the others. Sure, people were going to talk, but they didn’t have the full story in the same way that Guy did.
The final football game of the season arrived and Guy was pumped for it. He didn’t get nervous like the others seemed to. He was also bigger than everyone else on the field, not weighed down by excess weight, making him lighter on his feet than the opposition ever expected from him. He’d been buzzing the entire morning, heading to the gym for a full session despite the advice from his coach to rest that morning. He simply had too much energy to spare. He knocked on Mikey’s door wondering whether the boy was up for a little fun before he had to leave. Unlike everyone else in the dorms, Mikey never came down to the games. He simply wasn’t into sports, and that was fair enough. In fact, Mikey seemed entirely oblivious to the fact that it was even taking place that day, answering the door and ushering Guy inside excitedly.
“Look what I bought!” the chubby boy smiled, leading Guy over to his desk where a large, round cake sat waiting for a party of twenty people to come in and start feasting upon it. “I’m going to try and eat it all this afternoon!” he beamed.
Guy chuckled to himself, seeing the erection already pressing against Mikey’s sweatshorts. “You go for it, buddy!” he smiled, clapping the boy on his back. His enthusiasm for overeating and putting on weight was almost infectious at times. He lifted the plastic lid and swept his finger around the edge, gathering a decent amount of cream which Mikey excitedly sucked off.
“Do you want to feed it to me?” Mikey asked, pulling his shirt off to reveal his softening torso.
Inwardly, Guy sighed with disappointment. How long would that take? He had to leave in twenty minutes or so, and if Mikey’s mouth was going to be occupied that entire time, there was no chance of a quick blow job. 
“How about…” Guy began, lifting his own shirt off and dropping his shorts and underwear, “...we both have a little fun at the same time?”
“What did you have in mind?” Mikey asked, watching as Guy pulled out the lubricant from the drawer and squirted it into his hand.
Guy looked down at him with a smirk. Then he reached a hand into Mikey’s crack and began preparing the area, making the boy moan with arousal as his large fingers brushed and gently penetrated. Mikey pulled down his underwear to help him and was soon leaning into it so much that Guy could give him a decent warm up.
Having a firm press down on his back, Mikey obediently slipped onto all fours. Guy reached for the cake and placed it underneath the boy’s face. “Ready?” he asked, reaching for Mikey’s jaw, as if loosening it up for better movement and stretch.
Mikey’s eyes were on the prize. His head was lowered down into it, perhaps more than he was expecting, his nose now pressing into the sponge and his tongue lapping it all up with ferocious speed.
Guy assumed his position, grabbing a condom, sliding his hardness into Mikey’s gaping butt and sighing with pleasure. As blessed as most people told him he was with such a large dick, Guy found he was rarely allowed to settle into his own good rhythm when penetrating. There was simply too much of him to handle. WIth Mikey, however, the boy just seemed to relax so much, it was like total freedom for Guy. After wincing the initial time they had tried this, Mikey took to it with ease. He was the only one Guy could properly deliver what he referred to as a ‘thorough pounding’.
Through the mirror, Guy could see that Mikey’s face was now covered in cake as he tried to gorge himself at the same time as his body was getting pumped from behind. Guy laughed, happy to take the control that Mikey offered up so willingly. “Come on!” he chuckled. “You can do better than that!” he called out encouragingly, seeing Mikey’s tongue scrabbling about trying to lick up as much as he could.
The fat on Mikey’s back had really come a long way since they had last done this. The love handles in particular seemed to ripple and bounce out of sync with the rest of his body. The bones in his shoulder blades were less severe and an emerging softness appeared to be forming just under his arms. However, the boy’s butt was the centerpiece; the way it was spread so wide and felt so much softer to the touch as Guy gripped on.
A moan started emanating from Mikey. In the mirror, his eyes were rolling up into his head. He began oinking - actually oinking, as he continued to gorge himself. Guy sped up. There was nothing he got off to more than seeing someone else genuinely getting lost in the moment. Mikey was letting go like never before.
“That’s it!” Guy cried out. “Oink like a pig!”
Without even a hand anywhere near his own hardness, it was obvious that Mikey was climaxing. His face fell upon the cake and he groaned louder than he ever had during sex before. The whole thing made the pleasure build upon Guy with rapid speed; almost taken by surprise as he felt himself squirt.
Guy wiped the sweat from his brow and sighed in relief. He’d rarely felt so completely satisfied before. He pulled out, stopping only momentarily to chuckle at the wide, gaping hole he left behind, then unpeeled the condom and began dressing himself. The mess was everywhere, cake smashed into the carpet that would take some time to scrub out.
“Thanks for that,” Guy smiled, looking down at the fat boy who had rolled onto his doughy rear and not even attempted to clean any of the cake off his face yet. He too seemed to be enjoying momentary bliss, grabbing at the first roll of his fattened stomach like it was the most precious thing in the world. Guy’s work was done here.
During the summer months, Guy had sweet talked his way into an internship with a local company, hoping to boost his CV for when he finished his degree in a further two years. He didn’t need to be told that his pretty face would be an asset for the company, but he was surprised at how much more he was interacting with the clients than the others in his position. A well fitting shirt and a tight pair of pants never failed to make things easier for him to charm pretty much everyone he was around. Already, he could see how well suited he was to business; his boss realising what a force to be reckoned with Guy could one day become. "This guy is going to take over the world one day!" she'd laughed as Guy pulled in new clients from a sponsorship event that he had organised entirely by himself.
Guy had also briefly dated a couple of girls, wanting to experience the steamy ‘summer love’ of his old high school days. However, he still had no intentions of settling down for anyone. Not a chance!
Mikey, meanwhile, had taken a job at a fast food restaurant back in his hometown; returning to campus that year looking like he hadn’t stopped eating the entire time. Quite a few of them had applied to stay in the dorms and been successful, but there was still plenty of fresh meat for Guy to enjoy about the place.
Guy remembered being quite taken aback when he saw the full stomach on Mikey after their time apart. It had morphed from a tight paunch to a full starter gut, complete with pointed and juicy-looking nipples. Had the boy seriously eaten nothing but fast food all summer? A simple rub of Mikey’s stomach or jiggle of his fleshy rear never failed to get the new chub horny, and Guy was all in for that. He thought back to the previous year and how forward he’d had to be with shy Mikey just to let him know that he was interested. Sex had not been a part of Mikey’s life before then, and now look at him: his entire body turned into a playhouse of his kinkiest sexual fantasies! Guy felt nothing but pride.
“You knew Mikey from last year, right?” asked Samantha, a clearly high-maintenance fresher girl who had moved in last week. “Maybe you can get through to him.”
“Why?” Guy asked, wondering what seemed to be so urgent.
“You need to let him know that we don’t want to see his belly hanging out anymore. He’s just bent down into the refrigerator and I had about four inches of his butt crack staring back at me!”
Guy laughed. “Is that all?” he sighed in relief. “I thought something was wrong.”
Samantha exhaled in shock. “Something is wrong!” she blasted. “He can’t be allowed to keep walking around in clothes that are that tight! It’s disgusting!”
“Leave him be,” Guy shrugged. “You don’t need to be around him if you don’t want to.”
“There are some guys who make fun of him on his course,” Samantha pressed on. “If he’d just wear a damn sweatshirt or something to try and make himself look like less of a target, I’m sure they’d leave him alone.”
At this, Guy stood up from his chair, suddenly filled with anger. “Who’s been making fun of him?” he demanded, ready to go and see to them, right there and then.
“Mikey is the one who needs speaking to!” Samantha shot back. “Go ask him who the guys are. Maybe you can talk some sense into him.”
Shaking his head with annoyance, Guy stormed down the corridor and let himself into Mikey’s room without even knocking. The boy was sitting at his desk, still pushing a large tray of cream cakes he had collected from the refrigerator when he had offended Samantha so much. He turned in surprise, seeing Guy bursting in on him like this.
“Who’s making fun of you on your course?” Guy asked, closing the door behind him.
Mikey smiled; his chubby cheeks and chin showing all the more. “Oh, you heard about that?” he chuckled. “A couple of the new freshmen: Dan and Alec.”
“You’ll need to point them out to me,” Guy demanded, clearly annoyed. “I’ll soon sort them out.”
Mikey’s face was one of pure amusement. “Not everything is a problem that needs fixing,” he simply replied, pushing a cream cake into his mouth.
“What is it they say to you?” Guy pressed on.
Mikey chewed and swallowed. “Oh, lots of things!” he giggled. “Fat Boy, Pig, Piggy, Lardass!”
Guy could feel his heart beating faster with frustration However, Mikey seemed entirely relaxed and happy. “Wait a minute…” Guy stopped him. “Is this one of those things..?” he pondered. “Are you… Do you get off on this? The guys treating you that way?”
Mikey raised his eyebrows cheekily, not needing to say anything further.
“That’s why your clothes are so tight this year, isn’t it? You actually want people to comment?” Guy asked next, feeling like he had delved further than ever before into the mind of his part-time lover.
Again, Mikey only pressed a cake into his mouth and smirked.
Guy felt all the pent-up frustration in him release. A great wave of affection for Mikey swept through him and he reached out a hand to pull the chubby boy up from his chair, leaning him back into his great arms like he was trying to seduce him all over again. “You’re the kinkiest little fucker I’ve ever come across,” he smiled with delight. “You know that right?”
Mikey swallowed and grinned back. “You started this,” he stated, rubbing his easily accessible belly fat as his overly short t-shirt rode up.
Guy looked down at the boy’s gut and nodded. “I sure did!” he teased. “And what a good piggy you’ve turned out to be!” he smirked, trying the word out now he knew a little more about how it excited Mikey.
The chub seemed to melt into him further. They kissed and then quickly undressed for the inevitable.
The Spring was upon them once again as Guy invited Mikey over to his room for a quiet evening together. Mikey always seemed more aroused to be in Guy’s room for whatever reason. Perhaps it was the knowledge that Guy had fucked and pleasured so many people between those sheets of his. The large athlete was sitting propped up against the headboard, romantically caressing Mikey as he leant against his naked chest and watched a movie with him.
Watching movies was not usually Guy’s thing. He’d often been accused of having an attention difficulty in school, making him restless and troublesome in class, despite the high grades he always came away with. But here, with Mikey, Guy felt complete relaxation, rubbing that fat stomach that had been grown for him and laughing together at the funny parts of the picture.
“There’s actually a gainer event happening not too far away in a couple of months,” Mikey explained, scrolling through his cell phone.
“When is it?” Guy asked. “I can take you.”
Mikey mumbled nervously. “I’m not so sure it’s my thing…” he fretted. “I’d be too nervous.”
At this, Guy laughed. “Nervous? You?” He rubbed Mikey’s large stomach. The boy was now a full one hundred and twenty pounds heavier than he had been when the pair met over eighteen months ago, standing at a full two hundred and sixty pounds despite his fairly average height. He’d battled name-calling, family disapproval and public wardrobe malfunctions aplenty. “You’re the bravest person I know.” 
Again, Mikey grumbled in disagreement.
Guy quickly did an internet search on his cell phone and found it himself. “There!” he declared a minute later, putting his cell phone back on the bed beside him. “Two tickets. One for me, and one for my lardass!” he teased, kissing Mikey on the back of his head and squeezing him once more. “I’lll book us a nice hotel later too.” Picking up a few modelling jobs had definitely helped make Guy’s life a little easier of late, and there was no one who deserved a treat more.
As the date approached, Mikey had gone into a frenzy of calorie consuming, determined to look the part for a gainer event. The boy was just a frustrating couple of pounds shy of three hundred when Guy took his chubby little hand and led him inside. 
Guy had never seen so many huge men in the same room and they eyed him suspiciously until they saw that his hand was placed appreciatively on Mikey’s broad butt as they stood to the side of the dancefloor.
“There are still quite a few small guys,” Guy whispered to Mikey, who had been worried about not being fat enough for weeks. “A few dad bods with only a little gut to show for themselves.”
Mikey nodded, feeling better and more relaxed as others started coming up to them, wanting to know their story.
“That person’s been checking you out all night,” Guy nodded over at a slender and handsome man in the corner.
“No he hasn’t,” Mikey shot back.
“Trust me, when people aren’t checking me out, I notice,” Guy replied. “He’s definitely interested in you.”
Mikey smiled, rather flattered.
“Who knows, he might be open to a little…” Guy winked, having learned recently that Mikey had a small fantasy about having a threesome. Guy waved his arm and beckoned the man over to them, despite Mikey’s nervous protests.
The admirer introduced himself as Henry and he admitted to having attended plenty of these types of events in the last few years. “What’s your weight?” he asked Mikey; an outrageous question in any other circumstances but these.
Guy jumped in to answer. “He’s just hit three-twenty,” he lied. He was only one hundred and forty pounds two years ago.”
“That’s impressive!” Henry nodded, clearly more interested than ever.
“He’s been a high achiever his whole life,” Guy smiled, wrapping his strong large arm over Mikey’s shoulders with pride.
Henry wanted to know more about their situation and circumstances. Were they an item? Was it casual? Was Guy really a feeder? But when the time came to ask him if he wanted to come back to the hotel with them, Henry did not decline. They stopped for takeout on the way, with Henry very clearly getting off on how much Mikey was able to eat: being so assertive with the chub, clearly setting high expectations from the start. Then they all headed back, making every pleasurable second all about Mikey; just as he deserved.
At the end of another summer, Guy and Mikey embarked upon their final year of college. Mikey’s weight had continued to creep up, with his face now properly framed by a large double chin and his upper arms finally starting to puff up and broaden him up a bit.
“I actually met up with Henry a couple of times this summer,” Mikey explained casually as the pair of them lay awkwardly facing each other on the narrow single bed in Guy’s room.
Guy instantly felt ashamed of the giant wave of jealousy that washed over him. He’d slept with a countless number of people during their casual sex games of the last two years, yet he begrudged Mikey even this little thing in return. Still, he tried not to show his feelings, diligently asking questions and smiling encouragingly, as if this was all positive news.
“Henry really knows how to push me to eat,” Mikey went on. “I’ve never eaten as much in my life! And it was all the type of stuff that he knew would only make me fatter.”
Guy nodded, concealing the inadequacy he felt. He’d never really been what Mikey had wanted. He only knew the absolute basics of the feedism kink Mikey was so into and had, for the most part, got away without having to sit through many of the tedious feeding sessions Mikey seemed to enjoy so much. This whole affair with Mikey had started because Guy hadn’t wanted anyone to take the champion blow-job boy away from him, yet he had unknowingly opened the floodgates during that fairly average threesome he had been a part of back at the gainer event. “Are you meeting up with him again?” he asked casually.
“He’s coming here in December,” Mikey squeaked excitedly. “But he’s given me strict instructions to continue to eat and grow before then. I honestly think he wants me to be absolutely huge!”
Guy smiled back at him, despite the sadness he felt. Mikey was undoubtedly slipping away from him.
That December, Guy had been away with the football team during the weekend of Henry’s visit. Even so, Mikey’s weight had continued to increase at an almost alarming rate, both before and after the feeder had called over. It had been spurred on by the many messages and video calls the pair had made, despite the great geographical distance between them. Guy had so many other things on his mind, he tried to convince himself that it didn’t bother him, but he was never fully successful. Mikey himself was now entirely unrecognisable, coated with giant amounts of fat all over his body. His frame had widened, with fat spilling out from his round gut and his nipples sagging right onto his swollen midsection. He walked slowly about the campus, usually carrying a backpack filled with fattening supplies from the nearby supermarket in order to further his weight gain. Likewise, Henry had begun ordering fast food to the dorms, increasing Mikey’s intake even more and ensuring that the boy had surpassed three hundred and eighty pounds by April.
Guy knew that he couldn’t get away with avoiding Henry a second time when he stopped by for an entire week that Spring, just before the final exam season got underway. The conversation was polite, but it was obvious that Henry wanted more time alone with Mikey, rather than having Guy tagging along.
“Let’s be real…” Henry stated at the end of the week, taking advantage of the fact that Mikey had gone to the bathroom at the restaurant he was treating the two of them to a meal at. “You’re not actually a feeder, are you?”
“What does that matter?” Guy shrugged. “I’ve done pretty well getting Mikey’s weight up. He would still be that skinny little twig if it wasn’t for me.”
Henry shook his head and laughed. “No he wouldn’t!” he replied dismissively. “Mikey is a fat boy, through and through! I’ve never come across anyone like him. If you hadn’t been there, he would have found some other excuse to start piling the pounds on. It’s just in him. He’s meant to be absolutely enormous.”
Guy didn’t have a response. In reality, he’d known as much from the very beginning. Mikey had never needed much encouragement to overeat, and he’d always seemed propelled to fatten by some force greater than a basic kinky subservience kink to Guy himself.
“I’m going to ask him to move with me to Phoenix when he finishes college next month,” Henry announced; his tone one of uncompromising assertiveness.
“Phoenix?” Guy gasped in alarm. “But I’ll never see him!”
“What the hell did you think he was going to do when he finished college? You’ve got a job lined up here in the city, but what is there for Mikey? He doesn’t have any family here. You really expected him to just hang around for you?”
Guy exhaled, knowing that they couldn’t carry the conversation on with the fattened Mikey trotting back towards the table. He ground his teeth together, wondering how best to fight this plan to uproot Mikey’s entire life and move him to Phoenix. But then he witnessed the boy’s delight the next day as Henry made the offer, and witnessed the tears days later as Henry had to leave him once more. It was over. Mikey had found the one he was really meant to be with.
“You’ll come and visit me, right?” Mikey asked as Guy dropped the last of Mikey’s stuff in the back of Henry’s truck a few weeks later.
“Of course I will,” Guy nodded, trying to hold back on how cut up he felt that his time with Mikey was now over. “Just you try and stop me!”
The pair hugged warmly.
Next, Henry came up and shook Guy’s hand. Despite the silent animosity between them, there was an air of respect. Henry had been right, after all. Mikey needed a lot more than Guy could give him. This was the life that the fat boy coveted and deserved. But Henry was no idiot either. He knew what Guy was giving up; that he had fallen in love with the boy, and that his love was not returned; at least, not in the same way.
“Come on, Fatso!” Henry smiled, patting Mikey on his wide, blubbery butt. “We’d best hit the road.”
Guy stood looking into the distance long after the truck went out of sight. One very massive chapter of his life had just ended, and another was about to begin.
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tradgedyinwaves · 5 months ago
First Choice - Part 4
Part Four of this Poly141! x fat!reader tw: social anxiety, self-doubt, drinking, more touchy-touchy, reader thinks about sexual acts
In celebration of 200 followers, this part has way more than 650 words. More like 1600. :)
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Conversation flowed easily with them despite their sole focus being on you. At some point, Kyle’s hand had drifted onto your thigh, fingers pressing into the flesh gently. John’s arm had slipped from the back of the booth and now rested around your shoulders. You couldn’t be sure, but it seemed Johnny couldn’t keep his feet still and kept tapping yours under the table. The only one who couldn’t seem to relax was Ghost, sitting almost across from you. 
His eyes never left you and he mainly seemed to communicate in grunts. At least, he was drinking this time, his glass now empty of his own whiskey. You were careful not to drink too much, not wanting to embarrass yourself in front of these beautiful men. But it didn’t keep you from relaxing and feeling the warmth of the two next to you. 
Pulling out your phone, you checked the time and groaned. “I really should be going. It’s been great,” you announce, looking to Kyle to move so you could slide out from the booth. “Aw come on. We’re having so much fun. Just a wee longer?” Johnny asks and you turn to him, finding yourself giving in almost immediately. Damn the puppy dog eyes. 
“Only a bit longer,” you concede and relax back into the seat. This time when Kyle’s hand lands on your thigh, it’s higher and the heat is searing through your jeans. You let out a soft sound, biting your lip as his hand starts slowly caressing your thigh up and down. He’s not even looking at you when you look up, already deep in conversation with Johnny about some sports game you had no clue about. 
John’s arm settled back over your shoulders, pulling you slightly closer so his hand hovers over your breast and you can feel the hair of his arm on your bare collarbone. Your breasts jiggle slightly with your laugh when Johnny makes a joke and you don’t miss the way his pupils dilate ever so slightly before darting back up to your face. He, at least, has the decency to blush, the faint pink color tinging his cheeks. 
When the crowd in the bar starts to thin out and you realize even your friends have left for the night, you’re yawning in your seat and now leaned completely against John with his thick arm draped over your shoulders. Kyle’s hand is now tucked between your thick thighs, the side pressed as tightly to your core as he can get it and you hope to whatever higher powers that be that he couldn’t feel the radiating heat or the damp spot that had soaked into your panties. 
“Okay, okay. I really do need to go now. My friends aren’t even here anymore and that’s saying something,” you chirp, suddenly very awake and aware that you’re in an almost empty bar with four men you’d only met that night. They all look at you like they’d rather eat sawdust than let you go and you feel a warmth creep over you. 
“Ahw, bonnie, we couldn’t let you go home on your own. Let us take you home,” Johnny chimes in, soft smile and kind eyes that hold a hint of something else in them. You swallow, looking between each of them. Your gaze lingers on Ghost for a while, noticing the man’s eyes had almost never left you.
“Yeah, alright. Let’s go. It’s not a far walk,” you reply, biting your lip at the reckless decision. These men could be serial killers and you were just inviting them to know exactly where you live. “Why don’t you let Johnny and Ghost take you home? Kyle and I can follow in our truck so they’re not stuck walking back here,” John offers, a warm smile curling up the thick mustache. 
At this point, you’re ready for bed and just want to get home. “Sounds good to me,” you reply though the words are manipulated by a yawn. All of you shuffle out of the round booth, both Kyle and John kissing the top of your head like they’d known you for years before disappearing out the door. You wrap your jacket around you again, pulling the zipper together over your belly and getting a little frustrated when it gets caught up on your shirt. 
“Lemme,” Ghost grumbled, stepping up to you and taking hold of the jammed zipper. It’s the first time he’s spoken all night and it almost stuns you how deep and growly it is. Your breath hitches as he grabs the zipper, yanking on it and subsequently making your breasts bounce as he accidentally pushes against them. He gets it undone and you mutter a bashful ‘thanks’ before turning on your heel as you finish zipping it up to your throat.
You know they’re meant to be escorting you home, but you’re out the door so fast the two men have to jog to catch up. Johnny’s arm wraps around your waist, fingers pressing into the pudge of your stomach in a way that makes you want to shrivel up. You don’t like anyone touching your stomach, but you’re warring with yourself on whether or not to move his hand, to show that kind of discomfort in front of these men. 
You choose to do so anyway, wrapping your fingers around his and lifting his arm up over your head and ducking under it, dropping it at his side. Johnny looks down at you with a furrowed brow. “Don’ like it when people touch you, do you?” he asks as he shoves his hands in his pockets. He doesn’t look bothered that you’d removed his arm, but your anxiety rears its ugly head and makes you worried you’d offended him. 
“It’s not that I don’t like being touched. It-It’s…complicated. I-I don’t want to talk about it,” you manage to stammer out before picking up your speed. It’s not like you’re going to shake off your two guard dogs whose legs are easily longer than yours by several inches, but you take off anyways. 
When your building finally comes into view, you slow your pace and breathe a soft sigh of relief. Your bed was so close, just a few more yards and you could get rid of the guard dogs and curl up in bed. “Well, this is me. Thanks for bringing me home. I really appreciate it.” You were grateful that they’d walked you home. It wasn’t safe this time of night to be wandering around in this part of town. 
“We’re walking you to your door, bonnie. Wouldn’t want someone to snatch you up between here and there,” Johnny stated, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You wanted nothing more than to sink into the scent of him, warm and tingly to the nose like oranges and nutmeg, but you shook your head and backed up to the door of your building. “There’s really no need. My neighbors are great.” Lie. Absolute fucking lie. Nestor at the end of the hall on the first floor would, no questions asked, rip you from the hallway if he saw you alone. A chill went down your spine and you conceded the moment you looked into Ghost’s eyes. You didn’t have a choice if they were escorting you all the way up. 
You turned and opened the door to the building, looking down the hall to make sure Nestor was in his apartment before slipping in and letting the boys in behind you. You headed to the elevator and punched the up arrow, biting your lip as you tried not to wither under the intense stare of the man in the mask. The elevator had been the selling point for you. It was the only place within your budget that had an elevator and you weren’t about to walk up five flights of stairs multiple times a day. 
The lift dinged and you stepped inside, Ghost and Johnny slipping in behind you just to stand with their bodies pressed against your back. Unintentionally, you leaned into them before your eyes widened at your own movement and you straightened so your body pulled away slightly.
The doors dinged and opened allowing you to step out onto your floor. You headed to your unit, digging for your keys in your purse. With a ‘aha!’, you pulled them out and shoved the key into the doorknob, unlocking it. “Would you guys like to come in? I might have some whiskey left?” you offer, turning to look at them. You didn’t know why you were inviting them in, but the sense of safety you had around them had you desperate for them to stay. 
“Sure, lemme text Price and Kyle where to come. Go on in, Si-Ghost. I’ll come in in a minute,” Johnny stated, already pulling his phone out and going to stand next to the window at the end of the hall. You opened the door and allowed Ghost in, leaving it unlocked so the others could join once they arrived. 
Heading into your kitchen, you stood up on your tippy toes, reaching up so you could pull out five of your good glasses. You were looking for the last one, but it was just out of your reach. Suddenly, you felt what could only be Ghost against your back, pressing you against the counter as he leaned over you to grab the glass. 
The heat of him against your back has your thighs clenching together while you watch his thick digits wrap around the glass and you wonder briefly what they’d feel like inside you. He takes a step back once he has the cup and holds it out to you. 
You turn back to him while trying to fight off the blush coloring your cheeks. You murmur a thanks and wrap your own fingers around the glass. 
Of course, that would be when the other three burst loudly through the door.
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I wasn't intending for this to become a whole story, but it's really stuck with me over the last week or so.
<- Part Three Part Five ->
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prettyfastcars · 5 months ago
like animals | Dark!Mob!Lando
Summary: A few months ago, you made the mistake of hooking up with a handsome, mysterious stranger. It was his pretty eyes and boyish face that pulled you in, and it was the wine that gave you that manic confidence it took to hold his hand and let him lead you to his car. One night with him, no strings attached, no more expectations. Just one night, that was the deal. But then he went and got addicted and obsessed. For months now you were constantly having to move to get away from him. After all, he wasn’t just any guy. He was dangerous, and feared, and bad news. So you ran, and he chased. And deep inside, you knew it wouldn’t be long before this cat and mouse game turned into an actual game of hunter and prey. 
Themes: stalking, obsessed!lando, smut, mild degrading kink, fluff?
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Your hands shook as you reached for the carefully folded piece of paper on your bed. 
You didn’t put it there. And the mere thought of who might have left it there for you to find was making your whole body shiver. 
No. No. No. 
He couldn’t have found you so easily. You had been so careful this time. After months of living on your friends’ couches, moving back home, moving back to your apartment in the city, living in hotel rooms, you had finally made the choice to come spend some time up on the mountains, in the small cabin your parents owned. 
All that just to get away from him. 
And you had been careful this time. You had made sure to pay for everything in cash, you didn’t tell too many people where you were going to be. And this place was meant to be safe. There was a small town not too far from the cabin. And a cop car often made rounds all over the place. This was supposed to be a safe place. 
But looking at the note, your blood froze. 
‘You’ve got to stop running, babygirl. You know I’ll always find you.’ 
He was here. 
You looked around, forcing yourself to focus and see if you could hear any noise inside your home. You looked out the window and saw that the sun was setting, it would get dark and cold outside, there were no neighbours around, you were alone up here. 
And he was here. You had nowhere to go. You could always barricade yourself inside the cabin but chances were he was already inside, hence the note. 
This was his favourite game. He left notes all around you for you to find, and each time you found them you ran away. And he chased. 
Damn you for falling for the charms of a stranger that one night. Things in your life would be normal if you hadn’t slept with him that night. But fuck, he was so sweet to you. So charming. So good. His touch was… electric. He was so gentle with you. 
But only when he dropped you home the next morning did you realise who he was. Your friends were waiting for you that morning, worried sick and furious that you would even leave them without saying anything and go home with a guy that dangerous. 
“Dangerous? What do you mean?” You had looked at your girls, suddenly feeling stupid. 
One of them shoved their phone into your hands and you looked at the article on the screen. Headlines and words screaming at you. Mob boss. Arrested. Criminal. Dangerous. Followed by pictures of Lando being either arrested, or released. Cops all around him, like he was more of a celebrity in his expensive suit, curly hair and that damn smirk on his pretty face. In some pictures he even had a bleeding lip, like he got punched, but even then he faced the cameras with a smirk. He even winked in some pictures. 
And ever since, you’d ghosted him. All his messages and calls were ignored, and he wasn’t having it. So he began showing up at places. Your front yard, your gym, your favourite food spots, he was everywhere. He always wanted to talk to you, and you always ran at the first sight of him. 
Then it got bad. He stopped showing up, but his notes did. Which meant that he was finding a way to enter your apartment, your friends’ apartments, your parents’ house, and suddenly nowhere was safe and you refused to put anyone in danger.
Which is why you ended up here, in the middle of nowhere. 
And he followed. 
You crushed the note into a ball and threw it on the ground. That’s when you heard the footsteps. And it sounded like they came from the roof. You panicked and ran out of the room, down the stairs and froze once you reached the front door.
Because there he stood. Smiling at you like this was the most normal scenario ever. His face… It brought back memories of that night. How neither of you could keep your hands to yourselves on the way to his place. How that mouth felt against your skin. How warm and invasive his touch was, making you squirm, and purr under him. 
“There you are, baby. I’ve missed you.” He said, shoving his hands in his pockets. “We’ve got to stop this little game now, okay? Stop being difficult and let me talk to you.” 
And then there was that fucking voice. Gentle, but firm. 
You backed away as he took a step forward. “I’ll call the cops.” Your voice trembled as you spoke. Trying your best to sound confident and failing. 
He scoffed, “Oh don’t bother. I took care of everything. You’re not leaving here without talking to me. I’ve been trying to reach you for months now. This is getting tiring, baby.” 
“What do you want?” 
He shrugged, “Isn’t it obvious? You.” 
You swallowed, worried about whether he’ll let you walk out of here alive. “Look, I didn’t know who you were that night. And I don’t know what you want, but I…” You took a deep breath. “Just leave me alone, please. I won’t tell the cops, I won’t tell anyone. I promise.” 
He frowned, looking genuinely confused for a second. “You think I’m gonna hurt you?” He sighed, bringing his fingers up to his hair, running them through it in frustration, “Can we just talk? Will you just listen to me?” He took another step forward, and you took several back this time. 
“Please,” You begged again, looking around for a quick second, trying to see if there was anything you could use to defend yourself. Then you saw it. One of your father’s hunting knives, mounted on the wall. If you could just… 
Lando sighed again, like he was running out of patience as he looked right at you. His eyes staring into yours. The sun was nearly down all the way now, the cabin was getting darker and darker. The light drizzle outside was consistent. And the knife was not too close, not too far. If you ran towards it… 
“Come on now, baby. You’re a smart girl. Don’t do this.”  
Those words made you frown. Then you realised that he was looking at the knives on the wall as well. Shit. He could tell what you were thinking about. 
Then you did the dumbest, most predictable thing ever. You ran towards the knives, as did he. And he managed to grab you before you could reach for the knives. Pinning you to the wall, and pressing his entire body into yours, he chuckled as he secured your wrists above your head. 
“This is familiar, isn’t it?” He teased, his lips dangerously close to yours, surely referencing that night you two spent together. 
And you’d be lying if you said you weren’t thinking about it too. How good he felt, with his body weight pressing down onto you in his bed. How good he felt, moving in between your legs… fuck. No. You needed to get out of here. 
“Let go.” You murmured, looking into his eyes as you tried to free your hands from his grip but it was impossible. 
Again, he had that look on his face like his patience was running low. “Fine,” He growled, “You want to be difficult? You like our little game too much it seems, huh? Alright then, baby,” He abruptly let go of you and took a step back. He looked at you menacingly. “Go on, run. Isn’t that what you want? Run, then.” He leaned in just a little, staring deep into your eyes and added, “But the moment I catch you, you’re mine. Fair?” 
Think. Think. 
The back door was unlocked. And there was a shortcut to get to the town, but it was through the woods. Maybe if you could… who were you kidding? There was no outrunning him. This had to be a trap. But… if you somehow made it out and into the town to get help, what then? 
Timidly, you asked, “What if you don’t?” 
Lando gave you a smirk that made you a multitude of things. “If I don’t, you’re free to go.” He said, his voice as cold as ice and that borderline unhinged look in his eyes. “I’ll leave, and never bother you again.” 
Damn it. It was getting darker out, the woods would be dark, cold, and it would be hard to see but it was such a short way to get to the town. If you’d run for about eight to ten minutes, you could maybe get rid of him forever. 
You looked up at him. He was still smirking, looking relaxed and not at all bothered. Damn him! 
“I’ll give you a headstart.” He said, and this all became a horror movie really quickly. Even more so when he began counting down. “Ten, nine–,” 
You didn’t stand there to listen to the rest, you took off running. Running past him and further into the cabin, all the way to the back door. And you shivered when you heard him laughing behind you, his laughter echoing in the wooden cabin. Followed by his loud footsteps as he chased you. 
You pushed open the back door and took off. It was still drizzling. And the air was cold, but your heart pumped faster than ever, your legs flying to get you out of there. And as sick as it sounds, there was a part of you that knew that he enjoyed this. This was what he wanted. Dirty, animalistic, primal. You would run and hide, he would chase and when he’d catch you – you’d be his little toy. 
The rain was light, but you could feel the fabric of your clothes sticking to your body already. You were just in leggings and a sweater. You squealed as you finally made it into the woods. It was dark there. The sun had set and it would get pitch black the further in you go. 
The forest ground was covered in moss and mud. Your heart pounded as you stopped running for a moment and just listened. 
And there it was. The steady pounding of footsteps closing in. Then you heard him call out, “You’re in so much trouble when I catch you, baby. I tried to make this easy for us but you don’t want that, do you? Huh? You like torturing me, don’t you?” He yelled, and judging by the sound of his voice, he was still far away. “You fucking love making me work for it!” 
The whole thing made your heart race as you tried to put some more distance between you and him. The silence of the woods, the echo of his voice, the rain falling down like in slow motion, the way your clothes stuck to your body like a second skin, the adrenaline in your veins as you ran further away from him. 
And the anticipation of what would happen if he catches you. 
Right then, the memories of that night you spent with him came flooding in. His touch, his mouth, his hands, how he fucked you till you fell asleep in his bed. How he held you till the morning. All the sweet nothings he whispered in your ear, the ones that made your heart flutter. The one that made you come all over his fingers, his mouth, his cock… How he had you moaning and screaming the whole night… fuck. 
You gasped for air and you stopped for a moment. You quickly assessed your body. Your leggings were torn in places, due to being stuck to thorns and other plants. But other than that, you were okay. Come on, just a few more– 
You heard his voice again. And he sounded closer than earlier. 
“I’m not gonna hurt you,” He cooed. “I promise, baby. Just give me a chance. I’ll do anything for you, you know that? I just wanna fucking talk!” He yelled again. 
You took off running again, stopping every now and then to listen and try to gauge where he was. You were completely drenched at this point, running for your life like a madwoman. Trying to get away from your personal psycho villain. 
You tried to step on the patches of moss so he wouldn’t hear you. But you heard his footsteps, running, chasing and weirdly closer to you than earlier. 
“I hear you, baby.” He called out, chuckling like an actual villain. 
You gasped and ran faster… only to trip on a fallen branch and fall. You cursed before getting up, now with leaves and dirt sticking to you. You heard him. He was closer. Closer. You ran faster. Hoping to be able to somehow lose him and make your way out of the woods and– 
Right when you were about to make a sharp turn, Lando grabbed you by the elbow and tackled you to the ground. You both fell on a soft, wet patch of moss. “Caught you.” He growled, straddling your squirming body and pinning your hands above your head. “You did so well, baby. You almost got away.” He leaned down and whispered against your mouth, “Almost. You got so close too.” He trailed his mouth over to your cheek, “But now you’re fucking mine.” 
You were still breathless. Struggling. Hating how much you were thinking about how good it felt to be under him like this the first time. 
He chuckled, looking down at you. “Don’t lie. You liked it when I touched you, didn’t you?” 
You glared at him, the little bit of light allowing you to see how close his devilishly handsome face was to yours. “Fuck you.” 
He smirked. “Oh you liked it.” He leaned in, “When I touched you, when I tasted you…” He trailed off, scoffing, “But you didn’t let me get my fill, baby. And I want you. So fucking bad.” He pressed his body against yours even more. “Can you feel how badly I need you?” 
You gasped, feeling a prominent bulge pressing against your belly. And your mind went straight to filth. 
He laughed at the look on your face. “You remember now? Hmm? Are you wet for me?” He chuckled, “Should I check?” 
Angry and embarrassed, you spoke through gritted teeth, “Is this how you get women? By forcing them to–,” 
He shut you up by squeezing your cheeks with his cold hand, “Force you?” He questioned, and almost sounded offended, “Oh no baby, you’ll beg for it. I’ll make you beg, just like last time.” 
Not wasting a single moment, he grabbed your sweater at the neckline and tore it until your breasts were exposed. Making quick work of your bra, he almost growled again as he leaned down to take your nipple in his mouth, sucking and biting and alternating between the two of them.
You gasped and moaned and squirmed under him. Damn his mouth… 
The light rain didn’t stop. Drops of water constantly dripped on the two of you. You could hear it, the sound of the light rain falling on leaves. The grunts and groans coming from Lando’s mouth, the sound of your coerced moans, the chill in the air. It was all too much. 
Lando’s mouth moved from your breasts and kissed down your drenched torso until he reached your leggings, which he tore as well, diving in and kissing your inner thighs before sliding your underwear to the side and– 
You moaned shamelessly when you felt his warm, wet tongue lick up and down your folds. “Fuck… please,” You gasped. 
He chuckled, his tongue slipped past your folds and teased your entrance, occasionally flicking your throbbing clit mercilessly until you screamed. Your hands immediately gripped his hair and tugged gently at his roots. 
He licked and sucked relentlessly, “Told you you’d beg for it. You taste so good…” He whispered as he ate you out until you whined, throwing your head back and moaning at how good he felt. His warm mouth pressed against your most intimate part, his tongue stroking you. “I’ve missed you, baby. I’ve missed this.” 
He growled when your hips instinctively bucked against his mouth. You whined as the sounds he made reverberated through your entire body, causing goosebumps to erupt all over your body. 
“You think I didn’t try to move on? Hmm? You think I didn’t have girls throw themselves at me,” He spoke in between licks and kisses, “I tried, baby.” He reasoned. “I did. But the other girls, they’re not like you. I don’t want them. I just want you, I want my baby. And I’ve got you now.” He whispered, thrusting his tongue deeper into you. You moaned and whimpered, your body getting warmer and warmer with each touch of his tongue. 
“Please, please, please…” You chanted as you felt your walls tighten around nothing, and you knew you were close. 
You could only moan and whimper as he kept licking deeper into you, your back arching off the cold ground. You felt him quicken his pace and you felt the pressure building up in between your hips until you couldn’t handle it anymore, and you came undone all over his lips, moaning and whimpering. 
He tore the rest of your leggings and underwear off, leaving the ragged bits still around your ankles as his hand found itself around your throat. He parted your legs and settled in between them. You whimpered when you felt him undo his trousers and pull out his cock, leaving it there, just pressing against your folds. 
“Look at me.” He murmured. 
You opened your eyes and there he was, hovering above you. His face was so close you could see your wetness glistening all over his lips. You couldn’t hold back the desperate moan that left your mouth. 
“Look at what you’ve done to me.” He said, acting like this was all your fault. “You’ve turned me into a fucking animal, baby.” He moved his hips just the slightest, letting his cock brush against your clit in a way that made you want to cry out loud. 
“I didn’t do anything,” You argued, glaring at him. 
“Yes you did!” He persisted. “You’ve been messing with my fucking head,” He growled. “Stop fucking running away from me!” He bellowed. And for a second, even the insects around stopped chirping as his voice echoed. “Please stop,” He spoke again, softer this time. “I’ll do anything,” He said, “I’ll get you whatever you want, I’ll buy you anything, I’ll stop following you around just…” He exhaled, his warm breath tickling your cheek, “Just stop running from me.” 
You whimpered when you felt him push his cock into you without wasting a second, stretching you out just like he did that night. “Fuck…” You cried, letting him bury himself deep inside you. 
It felt so dirty, being fucked on the forest floor by a man like him. But you couldn’t lie and say that he didn’t feel fucking good inside you. 
“Poor baby.” He scoffed. “We could’ve sat down and had a nice conversation, then I would have taken you to bed. And we could’ve fucked nice and slow till the morning.” He pulled out and pushed back into you, making you moan even louder. “But no, this is what you wanted. Right? You liked being chased, and you wanted to be fucked like this? Hmm?” He questioned, knowing you weren’t in a headspace to answer him given his hand was around your throat and his cock buried so deep inside of you – he knew your brain was a foggy mess. 
And he was right because all you could so was whine and moan as he began fucking into you hard and fast. There was nothing gentle about it. He was wild like the surroundings, and passionate, animalistic, fucking you like there’s no tomorrow. 
He tightened his grip around your throat as he sped up into you, growling right in your ear, “You remember me now, baby? Huh? You remember this?” He chuckled. “Does it feel as good as the first time?” 
But you wouldn’t tell him that. His ego was already bigger than these woods. Not that you would be able to talk anyway. Not with his warm, clothed body pressing down on you. Something about you being almost completely naked while he was still dressed made the moment all the more filthy. 
You were a moaning mess under him, your hands instinctively finding their way into his hair as he fucked you nice and hard. It was overwhelmingly good, his voice, his weight on top of you, his cock thrusting in and out of you repeatedly… 
He released your throat and placed his hand on your abdomen, pressing down on your front so he can feel himself inside you with each thrust. He stared into your eyes while he sped up into you again. “There I am.” He said, thrusting into your extra hard to prove his point. “Deep inside you, right where I belong.” He smirked when your body squirmed under him.
You must’ve lost your mind. You should be screaming for help, not enjoying being fucked by him. 
“Are you going to come for me, baby?” He asked, surely feeling the shameless way you were clenching around his cock. “Yeah you will, won’t you? You dirty little slut,” He chuckled, “Look at you, you can’t even talk or think straight, can you?” He said, with pride in his voice. “No, you like being fucked in the middle of a dark forest too much.” He scoffed, “Go on then, come all over this cock.” 
He pressed his lips to yours as you came first, his mouth swallowing your moans as you let go and came with a muffled cry. 
He smiled into the kiss, “There we go,” He pulled away just barely, gasping for breath as he fucked you through your orgasm, close to coming himself. “I’m gonna fill you up nicely, baby. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Hmm?” 
You let out a choked moan as he came inside you, his body collapsing on top of yours as you both caught your breaths. 
But you couldn’t stay for long, the rain wasn’t stopping. 
Lando managed to get you back into the cabin, and you didn’t fight him as he pulled you into the hot shower. You let him peel away the ragged bits of your clothes which remained on your body. You let him pull you close to him under the shower, but only for a moment. Once your brain fog went away, you tried to pull away and get out but he grabbed you and pulled you back in. 
“Don’t fucking fight me on this, you need to warm up.” He muttered, keeping a tight grip on your wrist even though you glared at him.  
“I wouldn’t need warming up if you weren’t such an animal.” You tried to twist your wrist out of his grip, but he only tightened it. 
“I didn’t hear you complaining earlier,” He pouted, like a brat who’s finally got his way. “Guess you were moaning too loud. I must’ve missed it.” 
“Fuck you.” You didn’t mind his body heat along with the hot shower. 
He smirked. “Round two for later baby, we need to get you nice and warm first. I can even make you some tea if you want.” 
“Get away from me, you fucking lunatic.” You said frowning, but made no move to actually get away from him. 
“Just let me help, okay?” He looked at you, water running down his face and chest. His curly hair now drenched. He stepped out for a second, wrapped a towel around his waist, and grabbed a large, fluffy towel. “Come here,” He said, holding the towel open. 
You glared at him even as you stepped closer and let him wrap the towel around you. He pulled you close again, like he was holding a giant burrito. 
“What do you want from me? Truthfully?” You didn’t have anything to give. You didn’t have that kind of money. 
“This.” He said, “This right here.” 
“Why me?” 
He sighed, “Because I have a thing for pretty women who pretend they hate me.”  
“I don’t pretend, i actually–,” 
“Shh. Stop fighting with me.” He cut you off. “Isn’t this nice? Hmm? See how good we are when we don’t fight.” 
“You’re insane.” 
“For you.” 
Ugh. So not just a lunatic, a clingy one.
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yourname-exee · 15 days ago
Happy Valentine's Day!
Warning:Smut in some (Minors DNI)
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Kento Nanami loves his wife oh so dearly and would do just about anything to make you smile. So once he notices the approaching date, he takes up a cooking class, wanting to perfect your favorite meals.
He has a whole plan set in mind and he feels a sparkle of something warm within him, catching himself smiling just slightly as he thought about the look on your face. This man is so eager to please his lovely wife.
When Valentine's Day does arrive, Nanami makes sure to be the first one awake, putting his skill to use as he cooked breakfast, setting up the table with a vase of flowers and a small gift bag near your plate. His footsteps are soft but have purpose as he heads for your shared bedroom, he placed his palm against your back gently rubbing up and down so he can try to stir you awake and this proves to work as you in fact start to wake up. He gently guided you to the kitchen, hands placed on your waist, and your eyes softening as you took in the table that was set up perfectly, your eyes landing on the plate of your favorite breakfast foods, you turn arms wrapping around his waist, hugging him.
'Ken what is all this?'
'I wanted to make you breakfast honey, so I took up a cooking class.'
He responded gently before settling you down in the dining chair, joining you, you took a bite, eyes widening slightly as you savor the explosion of delightful flavors. Kento couldn't help but feel pride at the expression on your face.
And that's how the rest of the day went, he made your favorite dishes for lunch and dinner. Annd then for dessert Nanami laid you out on the table, legs spread wide as his tongue lapped up your juicy nectar.
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Satoru Gojo is a man who loves to spoil his wife any chance he can get but on Valentine's Day this man goes overboard.
Making sure to wake up before you, he went and picked up your favorite breakfast, rushing home so he can start setting up the table. Candles and single stemmed roses scattered the table. He went and retrieved your first round of gifts, placing two small bags near the top of your plate and one giant teddy bear in the chair you were going to sit in. Once he was satisfied with the set up he practically skipped to your shared bedroom, to wake you up. After a couple minutes he successfully woke you up and was guiding you to the kitchen buzzing with excitement, eliciting a mumble from you along the lines of, I just woke up, you faltered as you took in the kitchen, heart melting and eyes softening, you turn to face Gojo, smile spreading along your lips before you lean forward placing them against his. His eyes practically pop into the shape of hearts as he takes in your soft look.
'Okay sit sit.'
He breathes, gently placing you in your seat placing the bear in the chair next to you, he pushes you to open the gifts, one baggy consisting of a necklace, one that you said reminded you of one your grandmother used to own and the other had a matching bracelet. Your eyes look up to your husband tears well up causing him to reach forward to softly stroke your cheek with his thumb.
'Don't cry, you're supposed to be happy.'
'I am happy, these are happy tears.'
The rest of the day Saturo would smother you with gifts and kisses at random points, sometimes it was so random you had no idea where he pulled the gifts from.
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Suguru Geto would gift you with orgasm after orgasm, don't get him wrong he does this any chance he can get but on Valentine's Day he solely dedicates this day to you.
Morning time rolled around and the first thing he did was shimmy under the covers, positioning himself between your legs, his arms wrapping around your thighs gently as to not wake you up, just yet.
His fingers massage the skin of your soft thighs before they hook into the hem of your panties pulling them down your legs slowly, once completely off, he makes his way back up, lips ghosting over your skin, before he settles back into his position between your legs, his shoulders pressing into the doughy flesh on the back of your thighs. His thumbs come up to pull apart your sticky lips, strings of arousal keeping the parted flesh connected in some way, he licks his lips before that skillful tongue slid up through your folds swirling over your clit before sliding back down, doing exactly the same thing once more, this has you stirring awake, thighs closing only slightly but Getos arms kept them pushed apart as he leans in deeper, tongue diving in causing a soft gasp to puff past your lips his name laced within. You pull the covers up and over him looking down as your elbows keep you elevated, one of your hands coming to his head, fingers lacing with in his dark locks pulling his mouth off of you with a soft pop, biting your lip gently before you ask.
'What're you doing?'
Sleep tinged your tone. Causing Geto's eyes to soften into hearts, leaning his cheek on your inner thigh as his pupils dance from small to big.
'Starting off Valentine's Day right, I took the whole day off so I can focus on you.. alll day.'
He murmured gently kissing the spot where his cheek previously rested.
And indeed did this happen allll day, he only took small breaks in order to feed you and get you water before he was right back at it.
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Toji Fushiguro was a complicated man, not one to do anything unless it was for himself, ooh and of course his beloved wife. He knew the date that was coming up, Valentine's Day , so what did he do? He picked up extra jobs, wanting to treat you, spoil you properly.
Although this seemed to create a distance between you two, only because he was gone for so long, he had only pure intentions behind this. Soo when the day actually arrives, it takes you by great surprise when you awoke and the living room was full of red balloons and rose petals. The couch is covered in stuffed animals that represent the holiday by holding hearts that say 'happy Valentine's Day' or 'i love you'. Your husband standing near the kitchen holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers, his posture seems tense as he's realized the time he's spent away trying to make this all happen, waiting to see how you'd react.
His shoulders seemed to relax as he saw the soft look on your face, you approached him with gentle steps, before wrapping yourself around him murmuring.
'Thank you.'
In turn he wrapped his arms around you, pressing a soft kiss to your head. Responding with.
'I'm sorry I've been away, I just wanted to make today perfect, I didn't mean to be gone so long.'
You pull back to look up at him, you guys stay nuzzled in each other's arms. Your eyes sparkling gently up at him before he started to guide you to the kitchen where the table was full of all the breakfast foods you could imagine, ranging from donuts to bagels, eggs and bacon, pancakes and waffles, french toast and crepes anything and everything you could ask for. You blush gently as he sat you down at the table handing you a plate before joining you, light conversation flows between you two.
The day was filled with surprise gifts. During lunch he took you on a picnic and for dinner he took you to a fancy restaurant. Money well spent, Toji would say, especially after the thank you he received from you later that night.
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Ryomen Sukuna didn't do holidays or any human traditions really, especially not one that contains emotions. But the look on your face when he said he didn't want to celebrate Valentine's Day in his usual defensive tone was a look he knew he didn't want to see again, especially if he was the reason for it.
Contrary to popular belief Sukuna did in fact love you, although he'd never confirm nor deny this , it was obvious you hold a special place with in him. Soo what did Sukuna do? He did his research.. with the help of Uraume obviously, to figure out exactly what needed to be done to get his beloved flower to smile so brightly.
He grumbles as Uraume puts the final touches to his suite the words 'the things I do for her' leaving his mouth, but there was no real heat behind it, more of a front, Uraume knows better though, she knows that Sukuna would do this every single time if it meant you were happy.
He had everything planned out and it seemed to be working the way he envisioned it to, with you waiting, beautifully might he add, in the garden wearing a new pink floral dress. He approached with confident steps but faltered only slightly when you turned and batted those pretty eyes at him. He swallowed down before his fingers wrapped around yours finally standing in front of you, a rare sight, to some it wasn't a sight to be seen at all but Sukuna smiled, gently might you add, as he looked at you saying.
'Are you ready to go?'
In turn you responded with a gentle nod and a soft smile.
And boy was this night one to remember.
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budd-ie · 9 months ago
I like to imagine Xie Lian checking in on heaven every once in a while for business or something and now that heaven barely has a central government and people are more relaxed without any one scary force up their asses all the time he sometimes comes back to some pretty weird stuff. After all, every god is a nosy drama queen and everything has the potential for a competition. Imagine if one day some smaller martial gods got bored and started an arm wrestling contest and whoever won started bragging about it which caused some other martial gods to want a piece of the action. Because every martial god is overly competitive by nature, this eventually gets weirdly out of hand and now the top martial gods are having the most legendary arm wrestling tournament in history. Xie Lian walks in in the middle of it, bewildered; “Oh, no thank you, I couldn’t possibly, I should be quick, San lang is waiting for me—“ he answers but a simple “come on, your highness!” and a recap of the latest events is all it takes to convince a top martial god to give it a shot.
Across the room, Feng Xin just obliterated another round and is on a crazy hot streak. His spirits are high and he’s ready for his next victim as he looks across the table, and the opponent in his view is none other than Xie Lian.
A cold sweat runs down his back.
Of course it ends with Xie Lian vs Pei Ming, the grandest showdown they’ve seen in a great while, and Xie Lian going home that night to that San Lang of his with another weird heavenly trophy to put in the display case they had to make for all these weird prizes he keeps bringing home from work. Who knew gods really are more idle than ghost kings!
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marcsburnerphone · 7 months ago
Bars and broken hearts
Simon Riley x F!reader 
Summary: The 141 minus john goes out for drinks and when johnny decides to throw simon a spontaneous bachelor surprise it goes left quickly.
Warnings: angst, betrayal, infidelity?, guilt, heartbreak, not a happy ending, alcohol consumption, lmk if I’m missing anything.
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“Well I think you should go.” you say to your fiance who's currently trying to back out of plans he promised to attend with his mates, again.
“Why can't you just beg me to stay isn’t that what you’re are supposed to do.” he says in a whine although with a gruff voice like his only you could pick up on the slight change.
“And hear Johnny complain in my ear the next time I see him cause you’re never out of the house, yeah no thanks.” you say while stirring honey into your cup of tea. You can practically feel the holes his eyes are burning into your skull.
“You know they are always up to no good when we go out.” he says in a condescending tone.
“I trust you.” he has never given you a reason not to.
“You should they’d never let anything come between us, they love you more than me.” he says while slowly approaching you from the back planting a firm kiss to your cheek.
“So you’ll be attending then?” you say gleefully.
“Yeah, just this once though, gives me leeway to say no next time.” you laugh softly, simon and his thought out plans to get out of leaving home.
“I'll drop you off, don't look too good.” you say turning around, he gives you a strong kiss on the lips, tangling his large hand into your hair as his other hand squeezes gently at your ass groaning roughly as he hikes your thigh onto his waist.
“Yeah, nice try.” you say pushing him away reluctantly.
“Sure you don’t want me to stay?” You do want him to stay.
“I’m sure.” he groans, walking off into your shared bedroom carelessly pulling a black shirt and pants off a hanger, nearly snapping them.
You laugh to yourself taking a seat onto the couch as he noticeably makes his steps extra heavy on his way to the bathroom. You patiently wait for him, swiping mindlessly through social media.
“Right, I'm ready.” his voice slightly startles you and he quickly softens his attitude.
“If you would’ve kissed me looking like this i might’ve just kept you in.” you sigh into his mouth pulling him down for a kiss.
“Later I arrive, the later I leave, let's go.” you drive him to a pub not too far from your home. His hand squeezes at your thigh the whole way there until you arrive.
“I'll see you in a bit, I love you.” the corner of his mask lifts slightly.
“Better not be late for me doll, I love you more by the way.” he says while shutting the door waving you off.
“Aww where’s the lass?” Johnny questions still mostly sober.
“At home she said she’ll join next time.” Simon lies, you hate babysitting three 200 pound plus men after a long night.
“Tell her I promise to not empty my stomach in her car next time, I swear it.” soap says while ordering a round of shots.
“Like she’d believe that after the past TWO times.” Johnny looks remorseful as Gaz laughs then gags remembering what it was like to sit in the backseat with him.
“I feel like we're going to get into some trouble tonight.” Johnny says while downing his third shot early into the night. “When is a night with you not trouble?” gaz says to the two men smiling widely.
“When is a night with me not fun you mean.” Johnny says with a devilish smirk.
“Chaos you mean?.” Simon quips.
“All of those sound like a good time to me.” Johnny says while waving down the bartender again.
“You’ll be approaching married life soon.” Johnny says with slightly slurred speech.
“Indeed I will.” It makes a tipsy drunk Simon smile as he lifts the bottom of his mask to take a swig of the whiskey in his glass.
“Think you’ll be having little ones running around soon?” gaz asks, he could see the big scary ghost with a daughter or two. Simon smoothens his mask before talking.
“Maybe, me and miss talk about it sometimes but nothing ever too serious, she’d make a great mum though.” The boys love just how in love he is with you.
“Will you name one of em after me?” Johnny asks.
“Funny joke mate.” They all laugh.
“Lass we’ll take another round.” heads snap towards him.
“Johnny!” Both simon gaz exclaim their nearly 8 shots in each and a couple of other drinks the result of tonight's starting to sound like alcohol poisoning.
“What’s wrong with a little fun once in a while.”
“I miss my wife.” Simon says, eyes glossed over and a severe need to taste your mouth. 
“Will we be throwing you a bachelor party?” Simon scoffs.
“This is my bachelor party, enjoy it.” Johnny groans at his awfully boring best lad.
“I have to take a piss be back.” Johnny says, excusing himself. Gaz and simon give each other a look knowing full well he went to the mens room less than ten minutes ago.
“What’s that about?” Gaz asks.
“Don't know but ima text the missus to come save me.” Simon says whipping out his phone instantly happier by the picture of you on his lock screen.
After sending you a quick text he agrees to one more round as Johnny rejoins, what he doesn't notice is as he tossed his head back Johnny slipped his phone into the back pockets of his jeans mistaking it for his own.
“Why do you look like that?” Gaz questions the mischievous smirk on Johnny's face.
“No reason.” 
“Oh no johnny what’d you do.'' They follow his eyeline as a woman, definitely a hooker walk from the hall where the bathrooms are definitely heading towards them. 
“Hey boys.” she says, running a hand down Simon's chest.
You’ve tried simons phone nearly six times now and nearly circled this block three times to let him know you’re here. You call once more groaning loudly as the voicemail starts once again. You search the busy street for parking, getting lucky as a car pulls out from the front of the pub.
You step out into the chilly london air not caring to pay for parking this shouldn't be long anyways. It's busier than you’d ever seen it, you wrap your arms tightly around yourself considering you're in thin pajamas, Simon emits too much heat to sleep in anything else.
Finding your way to the bar knowing where they usually sit you keep your eyes peeled for him excited to get him home and finish what he started earlier. That's until you see him. You see her first actually, snaking her hands around the back of his clothed head where yours were merely hours ago. His eyes are pointed towards her breast as she puts on quite the show, grinding slowly on his lap, flicking her tongue out onto his cloth covered ear. Simon’s hazed eyes are seeing you, like a dual reality that goes back and forth between a random woman and the woman he loves. Words are unable to leave your mouth so you stand there in utter horror until reality catches up to you.
“Simon.” your voice comes out in a whisper as the three men's heads turn towards you. The woman who looked like she’d been having a good time on Simon's lap also looks towards you, then the ring on your finger. The three of them had never become sober so fast in their lives.
“Oh god.” you feel sick, turning around quickly and bee lining for the door as your eyes tunnel vision.
“Get off me.” Simon says awfully harshly as Gaz looks disappointed towards johnny.
He’s after you in seconds, strides long and quick. You're at an arm's length when he tries to pull you back but misses by a thread. Times moving in slow motion for the both of you and this pub has never been so large.
“Wait, I swear that wasn't what it looked like.” His deep and loud voice causes the other patrons to look your way. Gaz and Johnny are steps behind him as he rushes as quickly as he can.
When the outside hits you, so do the tears. Your hand grips weakly at the spot of your shirt above your heart. It feels like the wind has been knocked from you and the world is crumbling around you. 
“Love i swear-” you turn around quickly slapping him across the face. It stuns you but not him; he simply looks back towards you.
“Deserved that.” 
“Lass it was a dumb joke i thought id-” 
“You were supposed to have my back, you guys are like my brothers, is this how it is everytime you come out?” a sob racks through you as they all visibly watch your heart break.
“It's not like that.” Simon tries to calmly explain.
“I'm leaving.” you say slowly walking backwards towards your car getting in quickly and locking the doors before your fiance can try the handle.
“Love, just listen to me i didn't know what was going on.” he shouts through the window as you start pulling out and speeding off as soon as possible.
“I’ll fucking kill you.” he yells to johnny.
“I don't know what I was thinking.” he admits as his drunk actions hit his sober self.
“You need to get a ride home now.” gaz says walking into the street to hail down an overly expensive taxi.
Simon gets in it immediately telling the man your address and slipping him a few extra hundred for speed. His breath is rapid matching the racing pace of his heart. The two other men watch as he leaves.
“You’re so fucked mate.” Gaz says to an already guilty looking johnny.
Simon nearly tears off the door handle as he exits the car almost two homes ahead and runs there instead. He’s fumbling keys until he realizes you’ve left the door unlocked. Instantly he's searching for you, panicked and in a hurry to soothe your aching heart.
He goes to reach for your shut bedroom door only to realize it's locked. He knocks rapidly once then twice.
“Love let me explain. I swear it's not what it looked like.” he leans his head against the door as you silently cry on the other side.
“Don’t do this to yourself.” wrong choice of words but he meant well.
Before he knows it you're throwing the door open.
“To myself!” you yell as loudly as you can, shoving your hands into his solid chest.
“That's not what I meant.” he says, removing the mask.
“We’re engaged Simon, we were going to get married in a few months.” you cry turning around trying to slam the door on him.
“Were ? No, let me explain.” he says, catching it with the toe of his boot.
“I don't want to hear it, go tell it to whoever that woman was.” you’re infuriating he wants to scream but he knows all hell would break loose had he caught you in the same position.
“Johnny had hired her, I had no idea.” he gets out as quickly as possible.
“And you let her dance and lick on you and hold you the way I hold you.” the disgust on your face as you look at him cuts deeper than any knife.
“I was drunk.” he even thinks that sounds disgusting.
“Cheap fucking excuse.” you say going into your closet grabbing all your clothes and throwing it onto the bed.
“What’re you doing?” it's hushed and laced with panic.
“Like hell you are.” he says quickly, fighting to pull what's in your hands out of them. You’re unwilling to give up at first, grip tighter than ever but he would always win. You fall to the ground and let go. Crying from hurt and frustration. He drops to his knees to meet you on the floor.
He scoops you into his chest as closely as possible, it hurts that you don’t clutch onto him like you normally would. You Are stiff in his arms so visibly uncomfortable. He wants to cry too, he knew he shouldn’t have gone out there's no need when your heart is at home.
“Let go of me.” you say weakly.
“Lets talk.” he says, loosening his grip on you watching as you scurry backwards.
“Nothing you say can make this better.” you admit leaning your head against the wall behind you.
“It wasn't my idea or choice, my love I was wasted.”
“I was waiting outside for you, calling over and over again but you were just too busy being entertained by another woman, how fucking dare you.” you say quietly but firmly.
“I know I fucked up but we cant throw this away just cause one mishap.” he says trying to inch closer to you.
“I would’ve never done that to you.” you say as tears stream smoothly down your reddened cheeks.
“I know.” how does one forgive an action like this he wonders.
“Please get out.” you say through stuttered breaths.
“Simon, get out or I'll leave.” He rises to his feet in an instance beginning to very slowly make his ways towards the door.
“Hey simon.” you say and his name sounds so rare on your tongue since you've met him he's always been riley or love.
“Yeah.” he says, approaching you crouching down slightly. You reach out, grabbing his hand and placing something into his palm before closing it.
Simon slowly opens his hands fearing what he already knows is there and utterly cringes inside when he sees your ring.
excited but ready for a little criticism, be easy on me I'm barley getting familiar with the character.
Hope you guys thoroughly enjoyed mwah!
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megalony · 1 month ago
Somewhere Safe
This is a new Eddie Munson imagine that I had a little idea for. I hope you will all like it.
Any feedback always makes my day.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyje @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @kyky9103 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra848484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
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Summary: (Y/n) doesn't have the best home life and knowing this, Eddie tells her to come and live with him. But he isn't too happy when the group are at a party, and someone tries to play a cruel prank on his girlfriend.
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Tears as torturous as acid poured down (Y/n)'s face as her feet thudded against the stairs. Each step she took felt like a mile and the house somehow felt like it was growing, contorting into a maze to keep her here. To trap her.
Her feet seemed to crash against the stairs no matter how light she tried to make her steps and in the end, (Y/n) gave up. She allowed the soles of her converse to crash against the carpet and cause the floorboards to creak and groan at her presence.
Her hands grappled with the bannister which she used to propel herself round to the left and she stumbled into another sprint.
The sound of that shrill voice echoed behind her, thundering across the upstairs landing, trying to catch her before she left. Before she made her escape. Well (Y/n) wouldn't be caught. Not tonight.
Her heart thudded and her lungs ached as she reached the front door and scurried outside. She didn't bother to shut or lock the door behind her, it would only slow her down. She moved her hand to secure the rucksack hanging off her shoulder to make sure she didn't drop it in her hurry to leave.
The wind caused her acidic tears to streak across her face and whip along her skin and it hurt. (Y/n)'s eyes were stinging from how much she had cried and her body was shaking from a mixture of panic and adrenaline.
She tripped down the path that sloped down towards the road. It was always a struggle getting up to the house that was built on a slight incline, but it was always so easy to flee.
(Y/n) felt like her heart was going to give out when she saw that familiar dark blue car parked in front of the next house.
He was right on time. He always parked in front of the neighbours house; he knew from experience that (Y/n) didn't like her mother to know who she was going out with or see where she was going. But it didn't matter anymore, not after today.
Her body shuddered and trembled and her lungs seemed to stutter in her chest as she pelted across the grass and aimed for that car that would save her.
"She has remembered we're going out, right?" Robin tossed her head back against the headrest and arched one brow as she looked over at Steve. She didn't like to wait around and they had been parked up for almost ten minutes. Usually as soon as Steve pulled up, (Y/n) would bolt out and be in the car within a minute.
"I spoke to her this morning."
"Well clearly-" Robin broke off into a shriek when a resounding thud bashed against the back window.
Both of them turned around to see one of (Y/n)'s hands plastered against the car window and their expressions mirrored shock as they watched her wrench the door open and almost collapse onto the backseat.
As soon as (Y/n) was inside, she yanked the door shut and dropped her bag down into the footwell. Deep breaths rasped past her lips as she started to shake all over again. She was safe. She was with her friends. Nothing could happen to her now if Steve drove off right away.
A frown formed on Steve's lips as he tried to turn and look behind him towards one of his oldest friends.
He and (Y/n) had been friends since she was ten. Steve was like the older brother she never had and they rowed and bickered like siblings but they would do anything for each other.
When Robin joined their little gang, it almost seemed like the three of them were siblings.
"Hey- woah, you okay?"
"Drive." (Y/n) didn't have the time, energy or effort to even begin to explain. She just needed Steve to drive, to get out of here and take her away somewhere safe.
Although tonight's plans might have to change now. (Y/n) shuddered at the thought and she coiled her arms towards her chest as her eyes fell closed. They had planned on going to the movies tonight, but (Y/n) couldn't do that anymore. She couldn't try and pretend that she was fine and that everything was okay when it wasn't. She couldn't go and sit in a crowded screen and eat popcorn and make jokes and slide down in the chair like the three of them always did when they got rowdy and into a giggling fit.
(Y/n) couldn't concentrate on a movie after what had been said and done tonight. Her mind wasn't in the right place for that.
She was already drifting off into her own world, her eyes tightly closed while she brought her knees up to her chest instead of bothering to pull on her seatbelt.
"Is that blood?" Panic entwined in Robin's voice when she turned around in her seat and looked behind her to where her friend was sitting.
She saw the way (Y/n) flinched when she looked down at her exposed arms which she quickly pressed into her shirt so they couldn't be seen. And she ducked her head down and shimmied until her hood was covering her face so the specks of blood over her brow couldn't be seen either.
She curled up with her knees pressing over her arms that were now pinned against her torso and with her forehead pressing into the top of her knees, (Y/n) effectively hid herself away from two of her best friends. She never liked or wanted to hide from them, but tonight was different.
"What?" Panic bubbled up in Steve's voice causing his tone to heighten as he tried to glance over his shoulder towards his friend. He hadn't seen any blood, but then again, he didn't see her properly when she all but threw herself into the car. "What happened?"
It was clear something had gone on tonight. (Y/n) had thrust herself into the car in a panicked state and she was late, she was hardly ever late to meet them for anything. And she wasn't joking or throwing her arms around them in a hug. She wasn't speaking to them at all. And when Steve looked through the mirror and saw how she was curled up in the backseat, his lips fell into a wince and his fingers began to drum against the steering wheel out of panic.
Something had happened at home.
Steve knew (Y/n) didn't have a good relationship with her mum, but he never pried. In all the years that they had been friends, Steve had been round to (Y/n)'s house all of twice. Whenever they met up or went out or hung together, it was always at Steve's house or at the movies or at school.
He knew (Y/n) argued a lot with her mum and her home life was clearly chaotic at the best of times. Steve had seen the signs, but whenever he tried to approach the subject, (Y/n) veered away and he had learned not to ask. He asked if she was alright, if she needed to talk or go out and vent and brush off steam, but he didn't inquire any further.
"(Y/n) talk to me-"
"Eddie. Please, t-take me to Eddie's." (Y/n) hated how pathetic her voice sounded and she wiped her eyes with the collar of her shirt before she pressed her face back down into her knees.
She didn't want to be a burden or ruin their night, but going to the cinema wasn't going to happen for (Y/n) and she didn't want to mess up what was left of Steve and Robin's night. They could still go to the movies like chaotic siblings and have fun. (Y/n) just needed a ride to Eddie's trailer, and Steve was her best friend. He always gave her a ride wherever she needed if her boyfriend couldn't.
(Y/n) wanted to be with Eddie. He would know what to do. His presence was always so calming to (Y/n) and she needed to be with him and decompress and calm down. Besides, (Y/n) had nowhere else to go but Eddie's place.
Steve glanced to the right and locked eyes with Robin for a few seconds, but neither of them had any clues as to what was happening or ideas about what to do. So, with a shrug of his shoulders, he veered to the left and changed course. The trailer park was only five minutes away and if that was where (Y/n) wanted to go, then that's what they would do.
Every now and then, the pair of them snuck glances into the back of the car, but (Y/n) hadn't moved. She stayed curled up like a child who had been scolded. She didn't speak other than the odd whimper or sniff and neither Robin nor Steve said a word either, they didn't know what to do and the atmosphere in the car felt so fragile that one word might shatter everything.
The road into the trailer park was rocky with various pot holes and chunks of gravel. When the car rolled to a stop beside Eddie's beat up van, Steve took a deep breath and glanced behind him towards (Y/n). She didn't seem to have noticed that they were here.
He stretched his hand out towards her and brushed the back of his hand along her knee, he didn't want to grab her and frighten her.
As soon as she saw where they were, (Y/n) scrambled to grab her bag and get out the car. She knew Steve would get out with her, he was a cautious friend and a gentleman when he wanted to be. He would see her inside and make sure she was alright before he left.
"Stay here," He murmured across to Robin before he climbed out the car. He already knew (Y/n) wouldn't ask him and Robin to stay, she would want them to carry on to the cinema and have a fun night. But Steve needed to check she was actually alright and see if Eddie could get through to her before he dared leave her here.
Steve rounded the front of the car and hopped up the steps so he could knock on the trailer door. He assumed that Wayne would be at work, he always did the night shifts and he prayed that Eddie's van being here meant he was home and not out with the band or at a party or doing some deal somewhere.
The moment the trailer door opened and (Y/n) caught a flash of that familiar crimped brown hair, she surged forward. She didn't care that she unbalanced Steve and almost knocked him off the steps. Nor did she care about being polite and saying hello first. All she cared about was getting to Eddie.
Her body barrelled into his arms, causing Eddie to stumble onto his back foot before he regained his balance and held them both upright. His lips quirked into a confused grin, flashing his pearly whites as he felt (Y/n)'s arms bind tightly around his middle and her face meshed up against his sternum.
Confusion sparkled within Eddie's brown eyes as he wrapped his right arm around (Y/n)'s waist and moved his left hand to cradle the back of her head. And he tilted his head down to briefly kiss the top of her head before he noticed Steve was stood on the steps, his car parked a few feet away.
"Hey, I thought you were all going to the movies tonight?"
Eddie only went along to the movies with them if the whole group was going and if it was a film that was either a new sci-fi or a horror. But when it was just Steve and Robin, Eddie hung back and let the three of them head out together. He knew they would never think of him as being in the way, but he knew they enjoyed heading out together and if he went along, Eddie would simply attach himself to (Y/n) and end up missing half the movie by making out with her.
When (Y/n) didn't answer or say anything at all, Eddie looked over towards Steve, and his smile slowly began to fade.
Steve looked worried. He was stood on the top step with one hand on his hip and the other tangled up in the long hair at the back of his neck. His lips were curled up into a grimace and every time he looked towards (Y/n), there was that sense of panic in his eyes that rattled Eddie's core.
And Eddie finally noticed that Robin was in the car with her nose practically smushed against the window, desperately trying to see and hear what was happening. She looked worried too. Something had happened.
"Something happened, she won't tell me what, but she asked to come here."
Tremoring breaths left Eddie's parted lips and he managed to nod his head before he looked down at (Y/n). She was still bound to his chest like some kind of monkey, unwilling to look up at him or take one step away as if she thought she might die if she let him go.
Diverting his attention back down to the girl in his arms, Eddie tried to take a step back inside the trailer, but (Y/n) moved with him like they were one being.
He sucked in a deep breath which he held in while his hands moved round so he was cupping her face in his palms. He leaned his chest back and carefully peeled (Y/n) off of him so he could look down at her. His brows creased and his thumbs glided along her cheekbones.
The cold metal of his rings felt soothing against (Y/n)'s burning skin and she closed her eyes, relishing in the touch rather than focusing on Eddie's concerned expression and his knitted brows that were pulled together in confusion.
He could see now that she was subtly trembling, something he hadn't felt when she clung to him seconds ago. But what made Eddie's lips curl into a snarl was the cut along the left side of her brow near her eye. It didn't look deep enough to need medical attention, but it was enough to leave a streak of blood trickling down her face and it was certainly going to swell and bruise by morning.
And when Eddie spared a glance back towards Steve, he realised that Steve was silently tapping his arms. That caused Eddie to look down to (Y/n)'s hands that were now clinging to his wrists like she was afraid he was going to let her go. His eyes scanned down her hands, wrists and to her exposed forearms.
More cuts along her arms that were smeared in small streaks of blood.
"Oh baby."
(Y/n) couldn't help the tears that started to trickle down her face again and she leaned forward until her nose was meshed up against his sternum and her heavy breaths were fanning into his black cotton shirt. Her hands let go of his wrists in favour of binding her arms back around his waist again and she cried quietly when Eddie's fingers knotted into her hair. He cupped the back of her head with both hands and pressed feverish kisses to the top of her head in an attempt to calm her down.
"Thanks for dropping her off Harrington, we'll be fine."
When Steve nodded, Eddie reached one hand out to pat his shoulder as a sign of thanks. He was glad Steve had brought her here, Eddie didn't want to think about (Y/n) walking down here in this state late at night. It didn't bear thinking about.
Steve gently rested his hand on (Y/n)'s lower back and mumbled "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" before he headed back down the steps towards the car. Suddenly going to the cinema wasn't as exciting anymore now that they knew something wasn't right with (Y/n).
Once the car pulled away, Eddie nudged the door shut and carefully walked backwards, easing (Y/n) with him as they walked in tandem like their legs were tied together.
He glanced his eyes around the trailer before deciding to aim for the sofa and once he sat back down on the sofa, he pulled (Y/n) along with him. She didn't argue or make a disapproving sound, she didn't say anything at all.
Her arms shifted from Eddie's waist to lock around his neck instead and she sat down on his lap, wriggling until she was as close as possible. Her face tucked into Eddie's neck with his hair tickling the back of her head as it curled around her like a curtain trying to protect her and shield her from any prying eyes, not that there was anyone else with them in the trailer.
She lifted her legs and swung them up onto the sofa beside Eddie while one of his hands gripped her thigh and the other curved around her lower back and settled on the dip in her waist.
They stayed like that for a few minutes while Eddie kissed her temple and breathed softly against her skin. He waited until he felt the tears finally stop and her breaths began to even out before he tried to start a conversation.
"Wanna tell me what happened, babe?"
She didn't want to. (Y/n) really didn't want to explain what had happened back at home tonight, but she knew she needed to. She couldn't just sit here and panic Eddie- panic him more than she already had. She needed to at least explain why she had turned up and changed the plans when she was supposed to be at the cinema with Steve and Robin.
She nuzzled her nose into Eddie's collar bone while she felt him humming something against the top of her head, probably the tune he had stuck in his head.
"Mum was in one of her moods, I said- I said I was going to the cinema, but she d-didn't believe me. She called me a whore." (Y/n) almost laughed as she spoke and the cynical smile on her lips was one second away from breaking into a hollow crease.
Eddie was the only one who knew what (Y/n)'s home life was like. (Y/n) had never told anyone what she went through at home, not until she and Eddie got together and he suddenly told her about his own parents. About his shitty dad who didn't stick around and his mum who couldn't be bothered with him after a while. And that was before he got into drugs and smoking and started failing at school; she was probably the reason he went downhill in the first place.
With Eddie being so open to her and when he first told her he loved her, something changed within (Y/n). She felt safe. She felt loved and understood and like it was okay to tell one person what her home life was like.
(Y/n)'s dad wasn't in the picture anymore, after he left, it was just (Y/n) and her mum, and it had been Hell.
Little things (Y/n) did, things that weren't naughty or wrong or bad, it could have been something as simple as drawing a picture or playing the wrong movie, but they set her mum off. They sent her into a rant, into a fit of rage.
Her mother was bent on drilling rules and discipline into (Y/n) and her way of doing that was shouting and lashing out.
She felt Eddie tense against her and the way he sighed through his teeth against her temple made (Y/n) shudder. He had never met her mum but he hated her with a deep vengeance already.
"What did she do?" There was something deep and guttural about Eddie's voice and it made (Y/n) shiver. Especially when Eddie moved his hand from her thigh to cup her cheek and trace his thumb along the cut to her brow.
"I kept telling her it was a cinema trip, but she wouldn't listen. She smacked me, b- but she had a knife…"
(Y/n) shakily let go of Eddie's neck and moved her arms towards her face to show that she had tried to defend herself. And when she hovered her arms near her face, it allowed Eddie a better look at the few cuts to her arms. Superficial wounds, but still bleeding cuts nonetheless and any wound was wrong no matter how shallow or small it was.
Her mum had hit her, nothing new, it was something that happened on occasion and each time it did, (Y/n) fled the house so it wouldn't get worse. She always came home to find her mum crying and apologising or pretending like it hadn't happened.
Tonight was almost the same as normal, but her mum lashed out with a kitchen knife in her hand. It slashed (Y/n)'s face and when she tried to strike her again, (Y/n) ended up with cuts on her arms.
She ran to her bedroom, grabbed her bag- which she added a few clothes to so she didn't have to go home tonight- and fled the house with her mother shouting and screaming behind her.
"You're not going back there."
"I brought an overnight bag." (Y/n) tiredly pointed to her rucksack on the floor beside the front door before she snuggled further into Eddie. He never minded when she wanted to stay over, he encouraged her to stay with him especially if her mum was in one of her moods. And Wayne never minded if he came home to find (Y/n) cooking in the kitchen or watching tv with Eddie in the mornings before school.
"No, I mean you're not going back there again. You can stay here with me." The determination in Eddie's voice was surprising and it made (Y/n)'s heart flutter.
She tilted her head back against his shoulder so she could look up at him and her trembling fingertips delicately traced his jaw and his lower lip which caused him to shudder and close his eyes automatically.
"Baby, you're not safe there. If you're here with me then you're safe, uncle Wayne won't mind. Some of your stuff is in my room anyway, so stay. Stay with me."
Eddie curled his hand carefully and slowly around her wrist as not to frighten her and he tilted his head to press his lips against the palm of her hand. He leaned into her touch before he pushed forward and pressed his lips to hers in a burning, searing kiss that stole all the air from (Y/n)'s lungs.
Going back home was just putting (Y/n) at risk. What would stop her mum from doing this again and harming her or stabbing her next time?
If (Y/n) stayed here with Eddie and his uncle, she would be safe. She stayed over at least once a week as it was when things got too much. They could share Eddie's room, he would drive her to school every morning with him and bring her home. She could go out with Robin and Steve and the gang without having to hide or lie or panic about getting home and wondering what mood her mum would be in.
Eddie barely let their lips part, even as (Y/n) pulled back for air, their lips were still brushing and his hand was now cradling the side of her neck.
He uttered "Stay with me," against her lips and he sucked her lower lip between his teeth as his hooded eyes bore into hers, desperate for her to say yes. He wanted her here with him where she was loved and safe.
Eddie knew (Y/n) couldn't tell her mum about any of her male friends. Her mum had it in her mind that (Y/n) couldn't hang out with boys or else she would be corrupted and her grades would slip and she would get into trouble. She didn't seem to realise that (Y/n) could simply be friends with Steve and be in a relationship with Eddie and still get the grades and attend school and still be herself.
She never told her mum about Steve and she certainly didn't mention Eddie because his reputation preceded him and her mum would go off the rails because she didn't know about Eddie's sweet side the way (Y/n) did.
So if (Y/n) stayed here, her mum wouldn't know. She wouldn't know where Eddie lived, she didn't even know that (Y/n) knew Eddie or that she was dating him. She would be protected here.
(Y/n) didn't feel able to say no. She couldn't help the smile that curled at her lips and she leaned into his chest, pushing him back against the sofa as she kissed him with fever.
No sooner had the word passed her lips and into Eddie's mouth than his hand left her hip and curved round to cup her bum. She could feel his lips curving into a wide grin against her mouth that he was bruising with his feverish kisses and he made sure (Y/n)'s legs were hooked around his waist before he got up from the sofa with her sat on his hips.
"That's my girl. Now let's clean those cuts up, hm?" She was here with him now, and this was where she was staying. And Eddie would always look after her.
(Y/n) didn't like parties. There was only one type of party where she felt truly comfortable and at ease and that was the parties which Steve hosted. The ones where Nancy, Robin, Eddie and the rest of the group attended. Just them, nobody else, no other kids from school to mock them or stare or get too rowdy and cop off in the bedrooms.
(Y/n) wasn't sure they really classed as parties so much as they were sleepovers, but those were the only kind that (Y/n) felt okay in.
She didn't truly want to be here, but Nancy and Steve insisted. It was one of Nancy's friends throwing the party and apparently everyone was invited. That meant Nancy wanted all her friends to go with her so they could have some fun.
But their definitions of fun were very different.
With both her arms bound around her waist, (Y/n) tilted her head down and tried to worm her way through the bodies in the kitchen so she could get a drink.
They hadn't been here long and already (Y/n) was eager to leave, but she couldn't. She couldn't sneak off without Nancy and the rest of the group knowing and they all promised they would stick together tonight. They were here to have fun and dance and mess around, but they would still hang with each other. (Y/n) didn't want to be a kill joy, she didn't want to be the first one to leave.
She found some plastic cups and got two drinks of whatever punch was in the large fish bowl on the counter. Everyone was drinking from it so it couldn't be spiked with anything bad, she hoped.
Once she turned around with both drinks in hand, she tried to weave back through the sea of people. At least where the rest of the group were sitting in the back room, it wasn't so crowded and they weren't going deaf with the music or squashed near people dancing. They were out the way and could have a somewhat fun night.
(Y/n) could feel a bubble of annoyance swelling in her chest when she passed Chrissy. The cheerleader who thought she was the best of the best and better than everybody else. Chrissy used to try and tease (Y/n) in class quite a lot, and she wasn't pleased when she realised she would have to stop tormenting (Y/n) because if she didn't, (Y/n) would tell the rest of the school that Chrissy had tried buying drugs from Eddie. That would ruin Chrissy's reputation.
"Nice outfit." Chrissy's voice was shrill and the smirk on her face was unsettling as her eyes dragged up and down (Y/n)'s outfit.
She wasn't wearing anything special. This wasn't a dressing up party or Halloween. She was wearing a pair of jeans and Eddie's Hellfire shirt, mainly because it had long sleeves and covered the little scratches and cuts that were finally healed on her arms. Besides, Eddie liked it when she wore his clothes, he was always telling her that.
With an arched brow, (Y/n) looked up and down Chrissy's outfit with a small huff. Chrissy looked like she was going to bed, she had on a skimpy shirt that barely went down to her hips and a pair of shorts so small and tight that they looked uncomfortable. They looked like knickers rather than shorts.
"Nice underwear." Was the response she gave before she walked off to find Eddie again.
Once she was back near the group, (Y/n) locked her eyes on Eddie's frame. He was sat on the sofa, thighs spread apart, elbows resting on his thighs and his chest hunched forward to look at the coffee table where they were playing some kind of game.
A smile pulled at Eddie's lips when (Y/n) walked towards him and held out a red plastic cup in his direction. He took it without question, his smile broadening when he watched her kneel down on the floor and move around until she was sat between his legs with her back up against the sofa. He looped an arm over her shoulder and attached his lips to the back of her head.
"Thanks," He murmured into her hair before he leaned round a bit more to press a kiss to her temple.
(Y/n) grinned and shivered at the feeling of Eddie's hair tickling her shoulder and the crook of her neck as he leaned into her. His cheek smushed up against hers and his chest pressed into her back and shoulders as she felt him smiling and chuckling against her skin.
If Eddie hadn't of tagged along tonight (Y/n) wouldn't have stayed this long, but he didn't have band practice tonight so he had agreed to come along for a night out. It beat hanging around the trailer on his own if (Y/n) wasn't home.
Most of the kids at school knew (Y/n) was staying with Eddie now. Someone had started commenting that he drove her to and from school and it soon caught round that she had been staying at the trailer.
At least (Y/n) knew this news wasn't going to get back to her mum and if it did, she would have a hard time trying to find exactly who Eddie was and where he lived.
Steve, Eddie and Robin had all helped (Y/n) sneak back home last week when her mum was at work so she could grab her stuff. She only took the essentials, her school work, her few favourite books and her clothes and one or two mementos. That was all she needed for now and she had been happier than ever now that she was staying with Eddie- and Wayne, who kept reassuring her he didn't mind her staying with them.
They stayed like that for a while, (Y/n) perched happily on the floor between Eddie's legs that occasionally squeezed into her sides like he was caging her in or making sure she was still there and secure in his embrace.
(Y/n) leaned her cheek on Eddie's knee and curled up against his leg. The alcohol made her relax, but being around the group made her feel a lot better.
She didn't join in whatever game they were playing, neither did Nancy, but Steve and Robin were battling against Eddie in what (Y/n) was sure was some strange game of cards with new rules. Although Eddie seemed to be winning so (Y/n) wasn't going to start questioning the rules.
When she felt Eddie's hand slithering across her shoulder and down her side, (Y/n) tilted her head back on his knees so she could look up at him. Her lips curved into a tender grin and she closed her eyes when he leaned down to kiss her.
His lips tasted like liquorish and sweetened cocktails and his tongue tasted even sweeter when it dove past her lips to battle with hers.
She could feel his hand creeping back up her side until his hand was curled beneath her chin like he was making sure she wasn't about to tilt her head down or pull away from him. But he did let her come up for air when her head started to spin.
His hand stayed caressing her chin for a while and the love-drunk look in his eyes made (Y/n) want to melt on the spot. Eddie could look at her however he wanted and (Y/n) would feel like she was the only person in the world worth looking at; at least in Eddie's world.
"Hey lovebirds, we need more drinks."
"So go get some." Eddie quipped back before he leaned forward and stole another kiss from (Y/n)'s lips. His thumb traced along (Y/n)'s chin and his teeth sank a bit too deeply into her lower lip causing a droplet of blood to splash on his tongue when Steve gave him a shove in the shoulder.
"I'm not an octopus Munson, give me a hand." Steve didn't duck in time before Eddie's free hand clipped him round the back of the head. He was expecting something like that, but he was surprised when Eddie sighed and pushed up from the sofa. He was actually going to help.
Eddie's hands moved to (Y/n)'s shoulders so he could carefully step around her, not wanting to kick or nudge her by accident. He gave her shoulders a lasting squeeze before he followed Steve towards the kitchen, grumbling in the process about having to move.
"Well this music sucks." Robin wasn't lying and as soon as she clocked the idiot who was supposed to be a DJ, she pushed up from the floor and headed in his direction. She wasn't listening to this for the rest of the night, she wanted some proper music and she didn't care who she had to annoy to get her way.
(Y/n) began to tap her fingers on her thighs, feeling a calm buzz mingling in with her blood from the alcohol. She wouldn't have much more, she wanted to at least be able to walk straight when they all decided to call it a night and left. Wobbling out wouldn't be the greatest way to leave and all of them were walking home so they couldn't be blackout drunk tonight.
She pulled out of her thoughts and glanced to the left when Nancy leaned across the sofa to nudge her arm.
Nancy's crimped hair was waving in all directions like she had come into contact with too much static and her smile was rather dopey and loose showing she was on her way to being drunk.
She was practically lying on the sofa with her cheek smushed up into the cushion and her hand lolled on (Y/n)'s shoulder to gain her attention.
"Help me find the bathroom?"
(Y/n) suspected she might have to carry her friend to the bathroom rather than help her scout it out, but she nodded. Finding the bathroom in a strange house wasn't an easy task and it wasn't nice to do alone.
She pushed up to her feet and held her hands out, helping Nancy straighten up and stop wobbling.
Nancy slung her arm around the back of (Y/n)'s shoulders, grinning drunkenly as the pair of them headed away from the room and towards the hall. Neither of them were sure whether there would be a downstairs toilet or not but they decided to try their luck down the hall to find out.
They were in luck. At the end of the hall to the left, a couple stumbled out of the bathroom with toussled hair and skewed jeans. There was a bathroom.
"I'll wait here." (Y/n) unhooked Nancy's arm from around the back of her neck and helped her wobble into the bathroom before she closed the door.
(Y/n) turned so her back was pressed against the wall and she closed her eyes for a few moments, trying to gather her thoughts and make sure she wasn't as drunk as Nancy clearly was.
She found it strange that some of the people from school were so easy-going and so willing to have sex in a stranger's house, in any room that they could find. Anyone could walk in. People could see or laugh or try and interrupt. What if the owners or person's parents came home? It was all too risky and too unsettling for (Y/n). She wouldn't want to have sex in a strangers house in someone else's bedroom, she probably wouldn't go in the bathroom either.
Eddie wasn't like that either, he wouldn't beat around the bush or try and find a random room. If Eddie wanted her, he would make it plainly obvious and he would make their excuses to leave and head back home where they would be alone.
A smile began to pull on her lips and her eyes remained closed as she listened to the sudden change of music. A heavy drum intro, soon followed by at least three different guitar beats. Oh yes, Robin had gotten hold of the DJ, or maybe even Eddie had gone over and made a request as the song sounded vaguely familiar and definitely something that Eddie would listen to.
But her eyes snapped open when an unfamiliar pair of hands suddenly latched around her arm and she was pulled off of the wall she was leaning against.
Her sense of balance wobbled and distorted for a few seconds and (Y/n) darted her eyes around to try and find out what was going on, but her brows furrowed and her heart hammered against her chest when she realised who was stood beside her.
What was Chrissy doing?
Unease bridled through (Y/n)'s chest and dwelled in her stomach as Chrissy steered her down the hall, away from the bathroom where Nancy was. And when (Y/n) felt another hand gripping her other arm, she looked to find one of Chrissy's cheerleading minions beside her.
"Get off-"
"Oh, but we have something to show you."
The sickly tone to her voice made (Y/n)'s stomach churn, but she couldn't pull away. Her shoes skidded against the floor, her knees bent awkwardly and she tried to push back and pull away from them but it didn't work. Their fingers felt like viper's teeth sinking into her arms and they suddenly stopped, no longer dragging (Y/n) down the hall.
Maybe they realised other people at the party would ask them what they were doing and make them stop if they realised both girls were dragging (Y/n) somewhere unwillingly.
(Y/n) twisted her head from left to right, trying in vain to see if Nancy was drunkenly wandering out of the bathroom or to see if she could catch one of the group somewhere in the distance. But she couldn't see anyone. And before she knew what was happening, she was suddenly pushed forward.
For a dreaded moment, she had a horrible feeling that she had just been pushed into a bedroom and someone was waiting in there to make fun of her or play some kind of prank on her.
It was much worse.
She had been shoved into a closet.
Panic settled in her lungs like stones, clogging up until she could barely take in one ounce of air. Her body began to shake as her hands scoured around her, but she couldn't find anything except for a mountain of coats and dozens of pairs of shoes squandered around her feet.
The room couldn't have been bigger than a bathtub, there was barely room for (Y/n) to turn round in a circle and each hook on the wall held a coat or a shawl or a hat. Making (Y/n) feel like she was in a room with a dozen strangers, all cramped together.
She spun on her heels, barely able to see the door with how dark the closet was. The only source of light was the thin orange hue leaking through beneath the door, but it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough to calm (Y/n) down.
Her hands grasped the tiny door handle and she shoved, but it wouldn't open. Someone was holding the handle so it wouldn't twist in any direction, and there was a heavy weight against the door preventing (Y/n) from barging it open even a tiny bit.
"Having fun in there, freak?"
"Open the door!" Her fists bashed down on the door as tears began to well up in her eyes.
She couldn't see. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't move. She couldn't get out.
A rendition of "Let me out!" bellowed past (Y/n)'s lips as she began to wheeze from how little air she was actually intaking. Each shallow breath she took made her lungs ache and she felt like she was going to throw up. They had to let her out. They couldn't leave her in here like this. Someone else would surely notice if she began screaming and hitting the door.
Could (Y/n) scream louder than the music blasting from the tv and the speakers? Could she make enough ruckus, or would no one pay any attention? Would the group even come looking for her? How long until they noticed she wasn't with them?
"Out! Out! Let- let me out!" Words spluttered past her lips, but she couldn't speak from how tight and hoarse her throat was becoming.
Each breath became a strangled sound and her hands trembled as they bashed into the wooden door so harshly that grazes began to appear on her skin.
They knew. They knew she hated small spaces. Chrissy had been in science class with (Y/n) last year when (Y/n) went into the supply cupboard and the door jammed. She had screamed and when the teacher opened the door, (Y/n) was in tears.
Everyone knew she couldn't stand small confined places, they had picked on her enough for what happened in science class. Until (Y/n) began dating Eddie. No one was brave enough to pick on 'the freak's girlfriend' because Eddie was fiercely protective.
"I'll go find them." Eddie muttered as he set his bottle of beer down on the table and started to wander around the house. He could see Robin trying to get the music changed, again, but Nancy and (Y/n) had wandered off and it didn't look like Steve was going to get up and search for them anytime soon.
And Eddie knew his girlfriend, he knew what she was like. She didn't like wandering around strange places on her own and she wasn't one for going out for a smoke or walking off, especially not without Eddie.
His fingers tangled in his hair and he scratched his scalp as he sighed and started mulling about the house. He knew the girls weren't in the kitchen, he and Steve had just come from there with a multitude of different drinks stuffed into their hands and the creases of their elbows.
A soft "Where are you babe?" muttered beneath his breath as he did a circle of the room before he tried to aim for the stairs.
Before he got to the stairs, his attention was stolen by a round of chanting and the curious side of him glanced to the left.
His eyes narrowed as he saw people crowding in the hall. (Y/n) didn't like crowds of people, but she and Nancy might have wandered over there to see what was going on. Or they could have headed outside to get away from the crowd.
Curiosity got the better of him and Eddie pulled away from the stairs so he could trudge down the hall instead with his head angled to one side and his eyes narrowing in on the scene ahead of him. But when his eyes clocked a familiar set of caramel curls, his expression faded into confusion.
Nancy. She was on the edge of the crowd, desperately pushing against them but she couldn't get to whatever everyone was crowding round. And Eddie couldn't see (Y/n) anywhere.
The laughter and the drunken slurrs instantly faded into hushed whispers and panicked voices when Eddie neared, and that made him uncomfortable. There were some people at school who feared him, and he rather liked that because it meant they stayed away from him and didn't try and talk or tease or irritate him. And then there were others who tried to taunt him and make fun of him, but Eddie's sense of humour was warped and he loved how irritated they got when he didn't react the way they wanted.
But right now, seeing people glare at him and look at him with worry in their eyes, that was unsettling. He didn't normally get this kind of reaction, and at a party no less.
His breathing began to turn deep and his chest heaved against his denim jacket when he glanced to the right and saw what everyone was crowding around. There was a door, whether it was to a bathroom or a bedroom, Eddie had no idea. But he could see Jason Carver clinging to the handle and someone else stood so close that the door couldn't be opened.
Oh no.
"Who's in there?" There was a dangerous look in Eddie's eyes and his jaw started to grind and lock in place as he pointed to the door.
There were still people laughing, oblivious to his presence. People like Jason and Chrissy and their cronies who hadn't noticed Eddie stood on the outskirts of the crowd of teens hanging around the door.
"Who's in there?" He rose his voice when he got no answer but his tone deepened in pitch as he slammed his hand against the wall to try and gain someone's attention. Anybody's attention. If it was who he thought it was in that room then there was going to be Hell to pay for this.
Nancy hated the way Eddie's expression changed from concerned to absolutely livid when they both heard (Y/n)'s scream. She knew. Nancy knew from the moment she came out the bathroom and saw the crowd with (Y/n) nowhere in sight, that something bad had happened. And when she heard her friend calling out, she tried to get closer. But people just kept pushing her away. She had already gotten a bruise to her chest where someone pushed her into the wall to stop her from getting to the door.
"Eddie!" The tone in (Y/n)'s voice was desperate and told them just how panicked she was, if her screams weren't enough to convey her terror.
Within an instant, Eddie's hands curled around Jason's shirt and he tackled him backwards until he let go of the door and stumbled against the wall where Eddie pinned him up.
"Why the fuck would you do that?!" His nostrils flared as he seethed until his face was going red and every vein and artery in his body seemed to pop out beneath his skin. His head twisted to the side and he glared at Nancy as everyone started to shout and move. "Get her out!"
She needed no more prompting than that to wrench the door open but Nancy stumbled back with a gasp when (Y/n) fell forward.
(Y/n) had been pressing all of her weight on the door in a feeble attempt to get someone to open it. She tried bashing her knees, her shoulder, her whole body into the wooden door but it didn't budge. Until now. Her hands and knees scraped the carpet floor as she went down with a thud as soon as the door swung open.
Gasps and sobs left her lips and tears dripped from her eyes that were burning and stinging like cleaning solution had been poured into her eyes.
She ignored whoever was trying to talk to her, there was too much static in her head for her to be able to cooperate and even try to work out what she was being told. And as soon as hands tried to grapple for her, (Y/n) screamed and thrust her elbows out in every direction until whoever it was left her alone.
"Eddie- oh God- Steve stop him!" Nancy's hands tangled in her hair and she stepped back as she tried to stop her head from exploding and get someone to do something.
The idiots who had been gathering around had quickly dispersed in every direction. All that was left was Jason's friends and Chrissy, stood to one side as she watched in terror as Eddie slammed his fist down into Jason's nose. It didn't take a genius to know that Jason's nose had broken and the thick rings cladding Eddie's fingers cut into his cheek, marking his pale skin.
"Eddie get off him! Jesus Christ! Someone go get (Y/n)." Steve thrust a hand in the other direction to where he could see (Y/n) scrambling to stumble away. They couldn't let her run off when Steve had seen her crying, they couldn't just watch her leave on her own someone had to go with her.
His hands reached down and he used all his might to wrench Eddie off of Jason who wasn't even fighting back, although that could be because Eddie's punches had stunned him.
Eddie wasn't one for fights. He used words and jokes to deflect situations and he loved winding people up by taking the piss out of them. He made self-deprecating jokes against himself too which always riled people up. It took a lot for Eddie to feel the need to fight physically, something he was usually against. But he couldn't help it.
They had tortured (Y/n) by locking her in there.
He swung his arms at his sides, screeching "Get the Hell off me!" until he realised it was Steve. But he still shrugged off Steve's touch when he scrambled back onto his feet.
His sleeve swiped beneath his lips and nose and he shook his hands out at his sides, thankful he was wearing all his rings as they had saved him from splitting his knuckles. The rings had done all the work of damaging Jason's face with minimal backlash on Eddie's knuckles and skin.
He slammed his palm against the wall as he hurried down the hall, glad everyone was moving out of his way so he didn't have to push them.
He knew Steve and Nancy were half a second behind him while Robin was a step in front, trying to catch up with (Y/n).
The fresh air hit each of them like a truck and the cold seeped into (Y/n)'s chest and caused her lungs to seize up. Her hands moved to press to her chest, begging her lungs to start working again as she gagged and tried to claw for a deep breath.
Her body writhed and shook when she felt hands reaching out for her again and she tried her best not to scream because she knew the only people who would have followed her out here were her friends.
"What- what was that? What happened?" Robin managed to rest a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder for all of two seconds before she was shaken off.
"They locked her in a closet but she's claustrophobic."
"Assholes." Spat past Robin's lips in a low grunt as she glanced towards the house as if she hoped they would all hear her and feel sorry for themselves. As if they could do that to someone when they were supposed to be at a party. Everyone was supposed to be enjoying themselves. How did listening to (Y/n) panic and scream count as fun or enjoyment for anyone? They were sick.
(Y/n) furiously wiped her hands across her face to try and clear away the tears that were soaking into her face. And when she slowly turned around to face them all, there was only one person she was looking at.
She didn't have to say anything at all for Eddie to hurry forward and deadlock his arms around her. One hand cupped the back of her neck and the other arm pinned around her lower back near her hips, binding her into his chest like he was trying to stuff her into his heart to keep her safe.
He smothered his lips in the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her shampoo as he tried to calm down his breathing and stop himself from becoming enraged.
His hands were shaking against her skin and each breath Eddie took felt like his chest was about to explode.
"It was- I… like mum-"
"I know, I know babe." Eddie hushed against her hair as he began to lean them from side to side like they were doing some kind of slow dance together.
Eddie knew. He was the only one in the group who knew that it wasn't just claustrophobia for (Y/n). It was bad memories too.
She had told Eddie about what her mum was like and how she had treated her when she was younger and each story Eddie heard made him furious. He thought his childhood with his parents had been bad, but Eddie would take that any day over how (Y/n)'s mum had treated her and brought her up.
Her mum used to lock (Y/n) in the closet when she was 'bad', but that could be anything. From (Y/n) not finishing her meal or doing something as simple as spilling something on the floor.
It was how (Y/n) had learned not to tell her mum things, such as that some of her closest friends were boys because she knew her mother would think she was being promiscuous and try to punish her or call her names. there had been times in (Y/n)'s childhood where she was locked in the closet at home and she was forced to kneel on grains of rice until her knees bled and her toes went numb.
She had even slept in there on a few occasions when her mum forgot she was in there. Or when (Y/n) had snook out for a few hours to see her friends, her mum had locked her in the closet and made her sleep in there so she couldn't try and sneak out again.
(Y/n) couldn't abide by small spaces anymore, especially not cupboards or closets like that. She could hear her mother's shrill voice telling her to be a good daughter for once. She could hear her mother crying as she wished (Y/n) would just be good and do as she was told and not be a brat or an ungrateful or promiscuous girl.
She was afraid of being locked away and never being able to get out again.
"I'm taking her home." Eddie announced quietly while his cheek rested on top of (Y/n)'s head and he looked towards the group. He continued to sway them from side to side while his fingers carded through (Y/n)'s hair and he sighed deeply.
It had been the plan anyway for them all to walk home. The trailer park was ten minutes away and Nancy had been hoping to catch a ride home with a friend. Steve and Robin didn't think that far ahead, they were used to hitching rides or drunkenly making their way home. Steve's place was close, the three of them could go and crash there for the night.
"You sure you'll be okay?"
Eddie nodded at Robin before he squeezed (Y/n) in his arms to try and make sure she was ready to go home. Back to her new home, where she didn't have to worry what time she got back or coming up with a good excuse for where she had been and who she had been. Back to a home where she was loved and welcomed and treated with respect rather than imposing anger to make her fall into place.
Home was now with Eddie; home was finally somewhere safe.
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bejeweledblondie · 1 year ago
so excited about you having your requests open. I love your page!!
can I please request: Simon Ghost Riley x wife!reader?
Ghost and the rest of tf 141 are on a mission and end up getting detoured by who ever they are taking out (Russians, Hassan, etc). They need a safe house and quick! Well it just so happens simons place is right near by and simon takes them. the reader is home alone and just got out of the shower, she heard a bunch of men downstairs and gets freaked. In just her bathrobe, reader takes one of their safety guns and goes to defend herself against the “intruders” but really it’s just simon and gang
(sorry if this is long I got excited)
please and thanks
Hello! I’m so happy you’re enjoying my blog! I do apologize for the delay I was hospitalized for a lung infection (shit sucks dude I felt like a Victorian child dying of tuberculosis) but I’m all good now! So enjoy!
Simon “Ghost” Riley x F! Reader
Summary: After their mission becomes compromised Task Force 141 has to take up shelter in a safe house or the Riley Family home much to the surprise of Mrs. Simon Riley
Warnings: innuendos
“Come on I know a place.” Ghost grunted through his skull faced mask. The Lieutenant begrudgingly huffed & puffed leading the rest of his teammates through the forest that lead to the cottage where his family resided. After their location had been compromised Laswell ordered them to find a home in order to stay in where they’d go undetected. With them being only ten miles away from the cottage he called home with his wife, he knew it was the only option. Finally, after miles of hearing Gaz & Johnny complain about their feet aching they reached the wisteria ridden cottage.
He started to reach into his pocket & pulled out the key to his front door.
“Take your shoes off,” Ghost demanded. “We don’t want to track mud.” Photos of a very beautiful young woman in a wedding dress graced the walls of hallway leading into the living room. Simon could hear the water running in the upstairs bathroom indicating to him his beloved darling wife was showering.
“Simon, how do you know about this place?” Soap asked after he kicked his boots off. “I’m assuming you know the beautiful lassie in the photos.” Price chuckled to himself, knew about you. Simon had come to him to ask for advice on a lot of different things in regards to a marriage. His most recent was about children. It was just four months ago you had found out you were with child.
“Something like that.” Simon replied, & removed his mask. Gaz & Soap gave each other a glance knowing he must’ve felt very comfortable with his environment. A black & white cat rounded the corner out of the kitchen. He made a beeline for Simon & started to rub up against Simon’s legs. Bending down Simon grabbed the feline & started to pet him.
You had decided to run a shower, needing to wash away the grime of the day. Your current tired pregnant state made you incredibly drowsy. Resting your head against the cold tile you could’ve sworn you heard the door open. Chalking it up to pure exhaustion you ignored it. Then the all familiar sound of boots coming off by the front door made your head snap. You turned off the water, & dried yourself off. Wrapping yourself in your bathrobe & throwing on a pair of panties you grabbed the shot gun that laid next to the bed. If there was one thing Simon taught you was to defend yourself.
Slowly you started to make your way down the staircase shotgun pointed outwards. Once at the bottom you turned the corner into the hallway. Seeing the all familiar broad shoulders of your husband made you lower your shotgun.
“Si?” You asked clearly confused now cradling the shotgun in your arm. He turned around holding, Phantom your beloved tuxedo cat. “I thought you were supposed to be home in a few days.” You stated clearly confused.
“I’m sorry love, we needed somewhere to stay for a few days.” He replied. “Just until the heat dies down.” He gave you a kiss, much to the surprise of his teammates. “How the little one?” He asked placing one of his large hands on your lower abdomen.
“The usual,” You replied. “But overall we’re just fine.” Soap & Gaz stood there with their mouths wide open in shock.
“You have a kid?!” Soap asked.
“Back it up when did you get married?” Gaz asked. Price just stood there pinching the bridge of his nose at his teammates ruining the lovers moment. Simon holding his wife tightly now turned to face them.
“I got married three years ago, & we’re expecting our first child in five months.” Simon replied. “This is Mrs. Simon Riley, Y/N.”
“It’s so lovely to meet all of you.” You replied beaming. “Hi, John it’s nice to see you again.” You said waving at Price. Both Soap & Gaz looked at him shocked.
“What?!” John asked. “It wasn’t my responsibility to tell you.” Noticing your lack of clothing you excused yourself to change, & brought down old pajamas of Simon’s for the boys.
“The shower is open, & let me bake some cookies for you boys. You must be hungry.” You said. Simon took his usual spot on the couch & turned on Netflix. You loved taking care of Simon, he was the love of your life. The two of you depended on each other for everything. His job was a big stressor in his life & you wanted to make his home life as relaxing as you possibly could.
Soap, & Gaz were in seventh heaven in a world of hardened military men, the tender touch of a woman was exactly what they needed. Someone to just take care of them for a little bit to let them escape from the reality of their lives. Once the cookies were done you brought some plates out for them & then took your place right next to Simon on the couch. He pulled you in tightly, your head resting on his chest & his hand resting on your lower abdomen caressing the small bump. After a plate of cookies you both fell asleep on the couch. John himself was already knocked out in the little recliner that sat next to the couch his bucket hat covering his face. Gaz nudged Soap to look at their sleeping Lieutenant & his darling wife. It was so foreign to them to see him in such a soft state. They had seen him snap men’s necks the way you’d snap a Kit-Kat but here he was even in sleep being so gentle. Soon afterwards the two men also let sleep take over, letting the uncertainty of the situation become a problem for tomorrow.
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littlemissaddict · 2 months ago
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
She's sweaty, tired and gasping for breath and yet Simon still continues. She ducks, dodging the incoming blow to the head but she's exhausted so the next blow that he throws hits her in the side, winding her even though they both know he's pulling his punches.
Collapsing to the floor, arms around her middle as she tries to catch her breath, "Enough, I can't, s'not fair fight" she gasps as Simon's stance finally breaks and he holds out a hand to help her up. She gratefully accepts it, letting him haul her to her feet and then makes a beeline for her water bottle, welcoming the refreshing feeling flooding her body as she drinks.
"Ya know if ya wan' go out in ta tha field ya'll hav' ta learn ta take down those twice ya size" he speaks, looking like he's barely broken a sweat despite being covered head to toe including his mask. It makes her a little mad if she's honest.
"Twice my size! You're easily more than twice my size! And I'm not going to be fighting hand to hand combat every single mission" she huffs, slamming the bottle back down on the bench.
"Ya don' know tha', love" he smirks, well she can't see the smirk but she can hear it in his tone, "but think of it this way, ya can take down me, ya can take down any fucker tha' gets in ya way"
He has a point but at this point she's starting to believe that he's unbreakable, that nothing is going to take him down. At least in the field she'll have a weapon that she can use to take out anyone who gets in her way if it comes to it, it's not like she can take out Simon in that way so she's going to have to think outside the box.
They spar another couple of rounds before she gets her chance, somehow she's ended up on her back with Simon between her legs, not an unfamiliar situation for them but this is where she takes her chance. She surprises him by wrapping her legs around his waist and in that moment that he drops his guard she uses all the strength she has to flip them both over until she's the one pinning Simon to the floor. A triumphant grin on her face as she stares down at him.
"S'not a tactic ta use in tha field" he almost growls up at her.
"Aw shush, you're just upset I finally managed to beat you," the grin still present on her face as she taunts him.
"Upset s'not tha word 'd use" he grumbles as she finally registers the lustful look in his eyes.
Let's just say the reward she gets for taking him down is not one she'll easily forget, nor is the ache that leaves her unable to train for a couple of days afterwards.
John Price
She's doom scrolling. She just hasn't realised it yet, but John has. She'd been asleep when he'd first gotten up to go for his morning run, but somewhere in between him leaving and then coming home and showering, she'd picked up the phone.
At first, he'd thought nothing of it, but when he'd come in the room after showering and started speaking to her, she completely ignored him. Well, not ignored him, so to say, more that she was just so invested in the phone in her hands that she'd not heard a word he'd said. To test the water further, he dropped the towel leaving him stark naked in the middle of the room and still nothing from her which as John knew from their years together was not like her in the slightest.
Deciding enough was enough, he dressed first before coming to her side of the bed and plucking the phone straight from her hands.
"Hey, no fair!" She cried, pathetically reaching for the phone that he was currently holding out of her reach.
"No, it's plenty fair. You've spent your morning rotting in bed, glued to this thing" he waved the phone in front of her which caused her to make a grab for it again only for it to be pulled from her yet again. "And you've ignored me when I've spoken to you so I think it's time you spent some time without" he added, pocketing the phone and exiting the bedroom.
On his way down the stairs, he can hear the grumbling coming from her and meer seconds after he sits on the couch she enters the room with a pout on her face.
Her feet pad softly against the carpet as she makes her way over to him and joining him on the couch, "M'sorry" she professed, sealing her apology with a kiss to his cheek.
"I know sweetheart," he assured, leaning in a pressing a sweet kiss to her lips that wipes the pout from them. "Now c'mon go get dressed and we'll get breakfast at the cafe you like" he encourages, patting her behind lovingly when she stands up from the couch.
He expects her to go running to get ready but instead she stands and stares expectantly down at him. It takes him a second to realise she's after her phone back but he just shakes his head with a chuckle, "Uh-huh sweetheart, I'm gonna hold onto it for a bit longer" he informs her as he sends her off again to get dressed so that he can show her why she doesn't need to be glued to her phone white she's got him.
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nicverse · 2 months ago
i can't lose you
maybe being a journalist is less dangerous than being a vigilante, but that doesn't stop jason from worrying about you.
jason todd x journalist!reader
warnings: small mentions of violence, bombs and wounds. flush
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Police lights and sirens decorated the city, as always. The sound of your fingers against the keyboard filled your living room, tired eyes fixed on the screen as your next work started making some sense now. There had been a few bomb attacks in the city, the police weren’t able to notice the pattern yet, but you already did. So, naturally, you spent the last few hours typing on your laptop, trying to connect everything before something worse happened. 
Writing for the Gotham Gazette was your weapon, your power— you didn’t go to fight the criminals on the street every night, but you discovered their secrets instead, publishing them to the people so they would know who were the ones that provoked so much damage and fear to the city. It certainly gave you a sense of satisfaction to know that you were not standing idly by in the face of crime. 
But, god, it did tire you out sometimes. With countless nights of sleep deprivation and caffeine, you haven’t visited your family in a long time—and let’s not talk about vacation. Now, even the crime in Gotham knew your name very well, and it was a matter of time before they started to act against your sense of justice. You wanted to say you were afraid, but you would rather be persecuted for speaking the truth than remain silent all your life. 
Your body needed rest and you ignored it as much as you could yet it was harder to stay awake when your eyelids closed on their own. Fingertips got lazier with each type and without noticing, your head fell on top of your laptop as you dozed off. It wasn’t the first time it happened, so you would wake up in the morning, ready for another round of exhausting investigation.
But that used to happen when you had no one to look after you; until you met Jason Todd. 
His body stepped into your apartment. You wouldn't be able to notice him even if you were awake, he always moved so slowly, like a ghost tracing its path on Earth. The first thing his eyes looked at was your body sprawled on your desk in front of your laptop. Jason walked slowly towards you, taking off his mask, blue eyes shined with adoration as he observed your slightly opened lips, hair fixed in a messy ponytail that you probably did unconsciously. 
He chuckled, you always scolded him for taking so little care about his well-being, yet you did the same with yourself. His fingers fixed your hair behind your ear, taking a deeper look at your face. Jason always thought you were pretty. From the first time he met you, he hadn’t been able to get you out of his mind, and it scared him. He never liked having that kind of vulnerability, the kind of vulnerability that would have him tearing his heart out of his chest if you simply asked him to.
You were a weakness to him, and it was dangerous because he would burn the whole world down to save you. 
He looked at your investigation on the screen, reading what you had been writing. If there was any sign that this thing was dangerous to you, he would deal with it quickly. 
He could be a deadly person in the streets, but he was always so tender with you. His fists were made to punch, to kill, but every single drop of blood that lingered in his mind disappeared when he entered the warmth of your home.  So there he was, taking your soft body in his arms and carefully placing it in your bed as he touched your body so softly like you were a precious broken crystal, covering you with a blanket. His heart warmed with the sight of you. 
You took his wrist, lazily opening your eyes as your lips greeted him with a smile that he returned. Your fingers burned against his skin, not in a way that made him flinch, but in a way that turned him a mess, wanting nothing more than to melt his body into yours. 
Did you know how much you made him feel? 
“Hey” You said, your voice still sleepy and tired “Hey” Jason responded, sitting next to your body. You looked at him, his blue eyes pinned in yours with longing, like a tired puppy who just wanted a bit of affection. Without speaking a word, you tapped the side of the bed and invited him to rest. Jason took off his boots and curled up next to you, your fingers tangling in his hair as his head rested on your chest. He loved these moments when nothing existed but you and him in the silence of your room. 
He felt the need to say something that had been on his mind for some time. Although your job was the reason the two of you met, he didn't like it very much, it was too risky for you. People started to mutter your name in the darker alleys of the streets, angry whispers of the worst in Gotham, and how you started to be a complication thanks to your articles about the crime in the city. He knew what they meant, and every day felt terrified of something happening to you and he wasn’t there to protect you. Yes, he would happily die in your arms, but he couldn't bear the thought of seeing the slightest scratch on your skin. 
“Your job is too dangerous” he murmured and you furrowed your brows at his affirmation. “I’m not the one running every rooftop of this city while shooting criminals at night.”
He leaned in his elbows to look at you, trapping your body between his and the bed. He had the kind of serious look that made you listen with attention “Those guys don’t know my real name. And even if they did come after me, I can fight back. You can’t.” Jason spoke, his tone a little bit more serious than usual. 
You knew he had a point, you were a writer, not a fighter, but that didn’t make you completely helpless. You grew up in Gotham too, you learned how to defend yourself before high school. 
But that wasn’t enough for Jason. As you said, he was the one who fought those criminals every night, so he knew how much of a threat they could be to you. Yes, he could risk his life every now and then, but he would never let you do that. Never. 
You sat in front of him, looking directly into his eyes. You would have been upset by his comment if your heart hadn't been touched by his desire to protect you. Jason was a dangerous man, and you knew that perfectly well, but deep down he was a man you had grown to love too much—more than you would like to admit. Sometimes, you felt like one of the few things keeping him sane. 
And you were right. 
“Jason, I won’t stop doing my job,” you said calmly. Your fingers searched for his warmth, slowly crawling towards each other for comfort, intertwining as a wave of emotion washed over your mind. He was close, so close that it was intoxicating. “I know I can’t stop you from worrying about me but… That’s kind of the way I feel about the things you do too.” With a shaky voice, you continued, turning to face Jason instead of looking at your hands tied together.
And it was true, you thought about him all the time, and you worried all the time too, afraid that one night he wouldn't be able to reach your window, his wounded body would be lying flat in an alley, and you wouldn't be there to heal him, maybe one day he will step out of your door to never be seen again. The thought terrified your mind, creeping into your worst nightmares. 
“I know I can’t convince you to leave it,” Jason looked at your intertwined fingers, and a hint of a smile appeared on his lips. “just… promise to be careful, alright? I can’t be saving your ass every day” he chuckled, and you laughed too, rolling your eyes. 
“One day I’ll be saving your ass too, Jason,” you replied, knowing that if you ever saved him, you would never let him forget it. 
What you didn't know was that you had already saved him so many times with your love, and your words, holding the fallen pieces of his being with your loving arms and keeping them together when he needed it most. 
He took your chin, tilting it upwards so you could see his face, gently holding you. His eyes were pinned in yours, filled with something you couldn’t quite name yet. His hands were rough but hot against your skin, calloused fingers reaching out to touch the forbidden skin of an angel they desired. Jason leaned your head closer to his lips, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead. 
"Let's get some sleep, okay? Can't save the world if you keep like this" his voice murmured against your skin, taking in your scent and the softness or your hair.
You nodded, too flustered to even speak as you took your usual side of the bed. He got up to go to your couch, but you called him, signalling to the empty spot beside you. Jason couldn't have been happier and rushed to rest his body against yours.
Gently you moved closer to his body, smiling warmly as you opened one of your arms for him to come closer. Jason accepted and wrapped himself around your body, blending into each other like a perfect jigsaw puzzle, as if they were made for one another.
Perhaps both of your jobs were dangerous. But that would never stop you from coming home to each other every night.
sorry, but I'm such a fool for x and journalist!reader, especially with jason todd
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another one from my fic (which i haven't posted yet, but I will, promise) I love them so much
just kiss already
i'm also accepting requests! please send them, I'd love to write them
this was a little bit longer than usual, but I think I like it.
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