#who would make a GREAT frat boy unfortunately.
uwabbittuwabbit · 6 months
Fabio custom made designer pj’s that he takes off in the middle of the night due to overheating but instead of sleeping nude will still put on pjs every night
Enea sleeps nude full curly hair routine before bed
Alex has matching pjs with Marc tries to follow Marc’s recommended skin care routine but skips it half the nights
Aleix has twins plus all the drivers living in Andorra to take care of is lucky to have clean clothes to sleep in
Jorge is crashing at Aleix’s house even though he lives down the street wears whatever Aleix has around
Alex strikes me as a honk mimimi kinda person get him cozy for one second and it’s lights out he will wear that blanket around the house if he wakes up in the middle of the night, I think stitch and shira have their separate little bed tho but maybe he has plushies of them. it’s very funny to imagine if you pulled the sheets back on enea sleeping you would clap your eyes on the full physique of a serene Roman god you wouldn’t even be lusting it would just be the sheer power of abs thighs and skin just hitting you face on. The moment I clapped eyes on Fabio’s horribly monogrammed fits I knew this was a brother who has one million pairs of equally horribly monogrammed pajamas. He probably has a similar amount of patterned bathrobes…every day I dread imagining what this man’s closet looks like…I’m ngl Aleix probably wears like a tank top and his boxers to bed like the ultimate dad fit and Jorge wears like, frat boy shit so an oversized sleeveless shirt that he never gave back to Aleix. Also is a never takes off the necklace kinda girly yk.
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itstheghostofmypast · 4 months
Nah Bro!
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University Student Wooyoung x (F)Reader
Summary: No, he wasn't an idiot, he knew what he wanted and he always had, the only problem was he wasn't sure if she wanted the same. He was her friend, her biggest supporter, and her shelter on rainy days- but he was NOT her bro.
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Word Count: 7.6k
Est. Read Time: 37 min
Warnings: language, suggestive content, Woo's a perv and she ain't any better.
Rating: Mature
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
Banner: @cafekitsune
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His head whipped in her direction, his signature smile gracing his face as he saw her approach her with her usual expressions filled with scepticism. 
"In the flesh" he smiled down at her, the students around then slowly disappearing into nothing, the world halting at the perfect time when the rays of light seeping through the glass windows, reflecting off her lashes and skin, giving off an ethereal glow, the way the wind was just blowing right, her summer dress swaying like nature itself was flirting with her, asking her for a dance, how the birds began to harmonise, in the joy of her being here and-
"Is calling someone girlie pop considered flirting?"
"Ye- what? Who's flirting with you?" all too quickly the world around him shattered, coming back to its usual hustle and bustle, the frat boys a bit too loud and a bit too annoying, the girls passing by distracting her as one of them called her out, asking her to have lunch with them, and just to top it all off, Choi San just happened to pop by tapping his shoulder, to ruing the mood.
"Get lost, Choi."
The two exchanged a look as the taller male caught the way his friend was eying the girl talking to the other girls, giggling about something- no, someone. Bloody Park Seonghwa.
"You should tell her." he nudged Wooyoung who swatted his hand away and whispered back, "And you should f**k off."
With that he marched away, leaving San standing there in the middle of the hallway. The idiot also forgot that when she turned around to look for him, she couldn't find him, but she saw San making her way to him she smiled, "Did Woo leave?"
"Uh- yeah he had a class."
"Really? Did he take a course I'm not in?"
Never had Choi San in his life felt the urge to murder someone, it would be Wooyoung for leaving him alone with her, knowing fully well he couldn't really lie to her, especially when she was looking around for her Woo like a lost puppy.
Clearing his throat the feline-eyed man nodded towards the exit, "I think he went that way, I'm gonna go there too if you wanna tag along..." he trailed off when he noticed she wasn't listening anymore, in fact, she was too busy staring at someone else, a certain literature major, one who had the face structure of a Greek god but the personality of a pleasant old lady, Park Seonghwa- oh. Seonghwa wasn't a bad person, no, he was great, but his reputation of being a flirt was somewhat of a bother- perhaps because he was a senior and his merry band of friends comprised every handsome man in the lot, music major Kim Hongjoong, IT genius Jeong Yunho and the upcoming model, plus business major Kang Yeosang- truthfully, San doesn't blame her for basking in the attention Seonghwa had started giving her, most girls would throw themselves at them- then often politely get rejected (unless of course, you had the unfortunate luck of confessing to Hongjoong, who'd often have his earphones plugged in, ignoring you and walking all over you heart as he walked away), and if Seonghwa had actually put in the effort of talking to her, then there was something about her that had intrigued the shy extroverted man.
"Hmm?" She looked away, ducking her head to hide the blush that had spread across her face when Seonghwa passed by, giving her an acknowledging smile, damn, Wooyoung really did need to step up his game.
"Wanna go look for Wooyoung?"
"Oh! YEAH! LET'S GO SANNIE! HE HAD TEACH ME HOW TO FLIRT!” She yelled, much like the lunatic who was hopelessly falling for her each day, grabbing San's bag as she dragged him out, or trying to, because she really couldn't move him an inch "Let's go-"
With a soft chuckle, he took her bag from her, watching her glare up at him all confused, "It's the other way, come on, little minx."
"Ow-" he hissed, his hand going to the back of his head, as he turned to glare at San- "AYE CHOI, YOU WANNA DIE?" He threatened the taller man who was wearing two backpacks, each slung over one shoulder- wait why is he doing that?
"It was me, idiot." He heard from beside him, as he turned to look at her before pouting, "Teach me how to flirt." His pout morphed into a face of disgust, moving a step back from her, crossing his arms over his chest as he scanned her frame, making sure she would become hyper-aware of his gaze and self-conscious, borderline uncomfortable.
"I'll..." San turned his head to spot a small ice cream stall, man, he loved business week, "Get us some ice cream."
Pulling her jacket closer to her she whined, kicking her feet, "D-dont look at me like that." 
"Why?" He asked moving closer, enough for her to take a step back as she looked up at him, his gaze piercing through her, keeping her rooted at the spot when he took one final step closer to her, making sure to maintain eye contact, a rocky little smirk made its way on his handsome face as he invaded more of her personal space, eyes flicking to her lips, the residue of the shiny gloss teasing him, taunting him, tempting him, though the way her lips quirked into a frown had him scoff, and glance back up at her, feeling her palms flatten against his chest. Still, she didn't push him, of course, giving him unintentional mixed signals was her favourite hobby. He pressed his forehead against hers, whispering, "You wanna learn how to flirt but can't even look me straight in the eye."
"I-I" her hands gripped onto his shirt, twisting it in her sweaty grip as she felt him let out an airy chuckle, when she continued, "I-this isn't..." Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes, causing him to smile, following along, enjoying the -
"MOTHER F*CKER- YOU BI- WHAT THE HELL!?" Stumbling back, he yelled like a madman, pressing his palm against his nose before feeling the blood trickle out, "ARE YOU INSANE? THAT'S WHY YOU'RE ALWAYS GOING TO BE SINGLE!" His shrill causing the student passing by to give them strange looks.
"What...the hell guys...I was gone for 10 minutes?" San mumbled, walking over to them with ice lollies in hand, the sight before him annoying, but not new or unexpected- this was a common occurrence, one he had been forced to see since the first semester of starting his not-so-peaceful university life.
"He was harassing me."
"HARASSING- HARASSING YOU? YOU FREAKY GREMLIN YOU SLAMMED YOUR HEAD ON MY NOSE!? FOR WHAT!?" He snatched the cold packaged good from the quiet man, who gave him a look of concern, "Go to the nurse Woo-"
"SHUT UP CHOI." He hissed, pressing the packaged ice good against his nose as he walked over towards a bench, ignoring the whining menace following him behind, calling him out as she sat down next to him, wrapping her arms around his arm, pulling him closer, clinging onto him she placed her head on his shoulder, "Come on Woo, I'm not gonna do anything bad or careless, I'll keep you well informed."
Letting out a huff he leaned his head onto hers, of course, he was still angry, but his body would often react on his own around her, a fact he discovered back in middle school, the first time he had seen her, the first time he had embarrassed himself in front of her.
The 10-year-old boy, the 'king' of the playground, was busy ordering his loyal servants around in the sandbox when this little critter popped up, marching over to him with watery eyes and a runny nose, her fists clenched by her side as she stomped into the sandbox shoving away his 'royal guards' and pointing at him, "Are you the king?"
"Who wants to know!?" Smirking he adjusted his robes- towels, the guest towels he stole from home- atop his head that his paper crown, an ugly orange colour might she add.
Sniffing she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand before looking at him, "I want to ride the swings!" She yelled at him, before moving closer to shove him- mind you, she only did so because her parents had always told her never to back down when she was in the right- and two mean boys not letting her on the swings because their king said so was not right.
Steadying himself he glared at her, eying her up and down, he was a feminish or fashionist or something like that, his mother told him to be one too, so equal rights it is, which is why he shoved her harder watching her land on her butt, laughing in the process as his loyal servants began to laugh too- that his until he saw the dejected look on her face, he had assumed she would fight back like most kids, but she got up, wiped her eyes and slowly walked away with her head hung in shame, something about the little girl all sad in her floral summer dress had him feel all funny in his stomach- or chest? The point is he initially ignored it, too focused on his victory, happy the king remained all-powerful.
What he did not expect was the peasant girl to come to his house with her parents- what a snitch. That night Wooyoung had to apologise to her, not because he took the swings because as his mother quoted while pinching his ear, "A FEMINIST DOESN'T HIT A WOMAN. HE BEFRIENDS HER." Ah, so it was feminist. Though her parents had not come to complain, they had actually moved in as neighbours and wanted to meet their neighbours, his family, but who knew the youngest (for now) child of the Jung household had left a bad impression on the Lee Family's one and only Princess. Since that day his mother had forced him to befriend her, to go over to her house and play, to drop her off to her class- thankfully they were not in the same section, but that's because she was smart and well...he was good-looking. 
Perhaps it was fate that had him slowly understanding her awkward and shy nature, how she was somewhat similar to him when it came to what she wanted, she'd whine and complain but the only difference between the two was that she'd always find a way to get it- want a Lego set? Get good grades and you will- she did. Want to eat ice cream? Eat your veggies, she did, she even ate his.
Wooyoung, nah, he wasn't one to take such big risks, to come out of his comfort zone. In fact, after the arrival of the youngest new addition to the Jung family, Wooyoung wasn't happy, what teenager wants a baby brother? Who does that? The night his brother was born, he wasn't at the hospital like his father or his older brother and the Lee family, including her, no, he had climbed up the rusty pipe she had told him a billion times not to use, plucked open the lock of her window and entered her dark room- yes, her parents knew he would do that, his parents knew too, he was the only one allowed to that, for a king is ever ready to go to his queen, especially at the time of distress. He took a step into her bedroom, taking off his shoes and placing them on the small shoe rack set next to the window for him, and hopped onto her bed, stuffing his face into her pillows, her peach shampoo smothering him with affection, before letting out a strangled cry, which opened the flood gates to a tsunami of everything, he had been bottling up since the news of his mother's pregnancy had surfaced. The way his friends teased him, calling it gross, the way everyone was now busy not paying attention to him, the way he was no longer important. Why were they having another child anyway? Was he not enough? Of course, he wasn't as perfect as his older brother but were they only trying again because they were fed up with him? He was leaving for college soon- were they replacing him?
He really didn't know how long it went on for, but a few too many tears later, his eyes had dried out, but his laboured breathing hadn't ceased, that us until he felt calming fingers sift through his hair, the bed dipping beside him as he heard a gentle, "Woo...I knew I'd find you here- staining my sheets with your snot, you giant baby."
Ah, she never was gentle with her words, perhaps that is what karma was, making him fall for her, probably harder than he had pushed her when they were kids, watching him simmer in her snarky comments and such mixed cues of attention- well perhaps that's what he deserved for being a b*tch all the time- I'd didn't matter, for a king always gives into his queen.
Sighing he tried to move, only to freeze when he realised her entire weight was on him, his eyes meeting San who was frowning at him, though the broad-shouldered man holding a raspberry lolly looked comical, especially when he glared at him like that.
“She’s asleep Jung.”
“No way? Really?” He scoffed, gently manoeuvring her to lay her head on his thigh, brushing the hair out of her eyes, before reaching for San’s cap on the wooden table, ignoring the man as he placed it on her eyes, shielding her from the horrid, too bright and ugly sun.
“You’re hopeless.” He huffed before standing up, collecting the trash and slinging his bag over his shoulder, “Just…don’t do something you’ll regret, man.”
“What are you? The Magic-Eight ball or something.” He mumbled, before waving him off, “Be gone, now, I’m sure that girl from ‘Philosophy’ is waiting for you at the library to pull out books from the top shelf for her again.” He smirked, watching the way San’s face flushed at the mention of his somewhat secret crush, mumbling some very vulgar words at Wooyoung before stomping away.
“Okay, there, all better.”
“Kiss it better.”
She moved back to stare at him, extremely close to smacking him once more but decided not to when he sat there with his eyes closed for her. Rolling her eyes, she leaned closer placing a quick peck on the tip of his nose before quickly hopping off the bed, mumbling about what kind of idiot he was, not catching the way he was smiling like an idiot at her. She was wearing one of his hoodies, he liked that, they were in her dorm room, he liked that, he was surrounded by her, he really liked that- truth be told he had followed her to this university as well, honestly, sometimes he did think of blurting it out to her- but was it worth ruining everything with her, just to satisfy his itty-bitty heart that had begun to beat for nothing but her.
“So, will you help me or not?”
Her question caught her off guard, eying the way she sat down across him, placing a bowl of chips between them, “Woo, will you teach me how to flirt or not?” pushing the bowl towards him as he sighed before shrugging, “Why do you wanna learn anyway-
“Because I like Park Seonghwa!” she whined, “He’s so pretty and sweet and he’s a wonderful senior and-
“If a guy likes you, he likes you for you, not because you learn how to flirt.” He cut her off before picking up a chip and placing (shoving) in her parted mouth, cackling when she choked on it, smacking his hand away as she turned around and swallowed, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and turning to glare at him, “Funny how I’ve been doing that since high school and I have never even gone on a date- I am not even remotely likeable.”
“You don’t need to go on a date to deduce if you’re likeable or not.”
“How can you say that!? Do you like me?”
For a moment his quick sat between them, staring at the two as she looked at him wide-eyed, scanning his face like a curious, scared kitty, only to be met with an intense stare, his eyes staring- no piercing through her soul as if he were trying to say something without saying it, do something without doing it, feel something without feeling it. Ever so slowly he moved closer to her, watching her breath hitch, fingers gripping her sweatpants as he stopped to look at her before giving her a soft smile, trying to read her, yet his signal was not transmitted for once again their frequencies did not match, causing him to move back and look away, scanning her studio apartment, a piece of him was in this room- no, several little pieces of him were present within this canvas, traces of his soul, the scent of his being; from his spare sneakers to his scarf on the kitchen chair, to the coat hanging off the coat hook on the main door, to his ‘special morning Garfield mug on the dishrack.’
“Woo…” she whispered, causing him to slowly turn back to look at her, a small melancholic smile gracing his features, one she noted as she gulped, though her parched throat made swallowing difficult- no, she was reading this wrong, Wooyoung deserved, Wooyoung wanted far more than her, he always had, he always will.
“Let’s do it.” Smiling he stood up before stretching, ignoring how she was staring up at him as he scratched his head before looking around, “It’s getting late, I promised San I’ll cook tonight.”
“Yo-you don’t have to, I can-”
“Classes start tomorrow, after four, there are two conditions.” He cut her off, walking over to the door as he pulled off his coat, staring at it for a moment before hanging it back on her door- why not let his presence be there till it was time to move out- “First, I will accept your payment in meals, after every lesson you will treat me to a home-cooked meal and secondly, you will do whatever I say, do we have a deal?”
Walking over to him she stood in the hallway, staring up at him in awe, the warm light above him hitting just right, accentuating his features in a way that her heart may as well have hopped onto his palm if she were to stare at him for any longer, so all she could do was nod at his deal, all she could do was stand there when he placed his hands on her shoulders and gave her a gentle squeeze before pressing his forehead against hers, mumbling, “See you tomorrow, my little gremlin.”
“God, I- I am not wearing this” she huffed throwing the top back at him as he rolled his eyes, holding it up by the strings, “This, is a summer dress, with spaghetti strings, many girls wear it and I think- Seonghwa would like it.”
Sighing in defeat she took it from him, before walking over to the washroom to change, leaving him sitting on the bed as he looked around her room, lying down as he sighed, arms behind his head as he stared up at the cheap 3D glowing stars on the ceiling, one’s they had put stuck up on the ceiling the on the first night she had moved into her dorm, making the zodiac constellation for him and her, then the two had laid there, side by side, staring up at it until they eventually fell asleep in each other’s arms.
“H-how do I look?”
His eyes snapped open at her voice turning his head to inspect her, only to end up feeling like he was punched in the gut, the air knocked right out of him, slowly sat up as he turned to her, eyes roaming every inch of her frame, he had seen her wearing his clothes so much, that he had forgotten that she indeed was much smaller than him- no- she indeed was a girl.
Clearing his throat, he stood up and smiled at her, “You look like you can flirt.” Giving her a thumbs up he grabbed her hand and walked towards the main door, making sure to grab his wallet and phone, ignoring her babbling, “Now, we see what you do on a date- you gotta experience it girlie, a café date is the best of its kind.”
That was exactly how she had found herself stuck to him as the two walked down the pathway to the local café, the setting sun doing her a favour and not burning against her skin, though the wind only had her feeling conscious, especially when the ends of the tied strings would tickle her shoulders or the hem of her dress would tease her, causing her to grip his arm, pulling him closer for some form of support. Wooyoung on the other hand, no he was having the time of his life, never had he felt something so soft and warm press up against him and he thanked that horrid magazine he had found with dating advice for the choice of dress he had picked for her, the pastel pink mid-thigh dress really did do her wonders, really did make him feel like he was in high school again-
“Woo…I feel like everyone is s-staring.” She mumbled, pressing her face into his arm as he sighed, “Babe, it's not like you’ve never worn a dress before, sure this one is a little more on the bolder side but-” his words came to a halt when his eyes met with a glossy pair, one pleading him to save him from the way the boys around them were eying her down, sizing her up.
“Thank you, Woo.” She smiled, pulling his denim jacket close to her frame as she sat on the opposite chair, glad that most of her body was covered again, especially from prying eyes, “I knew I could count on you.”
Taking her out was a bad idea, not only was she gaining a lot of attention but she was making it difficult for him to hold himself back, to keep those three words, not the redundant and overused "I like you" but a feeling he had been covering with layers and layers of sarcasm and petty fights, a feeling his heart could never truly accept, could never truly feel, could ever truly float in, even if it were drowning in it, "Love me too".
The cafe trip was cut short when the very nice waitress was kind enough to point out how cute of a couple they were, and instead of letting her correct the waitress, he cut her off with a small thank you, then looked at her. What did that mean? Was he trying to teach her? Was this part of flirting? She did not understand. 
It irked him how she was clueless, how she wanted him to spell it out for her but he wasn't going to, not when the fear of rejections loomed over him, waiting for the right moment to slice the beating pound of flesh in his chest in half. The walk home had been uncomfortable, she was no longer clinging onto him, and the jacket had provided her enough cover, but he'd be lying if he were to say he didn't like it on her. At least there was part of him she was willing to hold onto, even if it was temporary. The walk home was silent, eerie, quiet and perhaps a bit too loud with the sound of anything but them, that is until he finally stopped at the door of her dorm room, staring at her when she unlocked the door and walked inside, leaving it open for him, only for her to turn around in the small, dimly lit corridor of the entrance to look at him, look up at him all confused and doe eyed, in his garment, covering her frame, her eyes swirling with a form of curiosity that had his fingers twitching, his soul begging to be set free from the confines of his useless flesh, "Woo?"
"Next lesson...is...indoors, I'll text the details." With that he had closed the door but did not leave, instead, he waited outside, waiting for her to lock it, his forehead resting against the mahogany, counting till ten, sighing in relief when he heard the gentle click. This was a bad idea. He was so pathetic he told her he would help her, yet he couldn’t even pull through one day properly, some best friend he was.
She lay awake the entire night, tossing at turning in bed as every 10 minutes she would check her phone for his text, but there was none. He had not even responded to her goodnight message, prick. That was exactly why she was late to class, and almost thrown out too but the lecturer had not been too busy trying to actually figure out how to use the projector. She had slipped in, trying to find an empty spot, which she did after a couple of minutes, choosing to sit in the only available seat at the corner of the class, she sighed, taking out her book, only to pause when she heard someone groan next to her, turning to the source of noise she let out a small gasp.
“What the hell happened to you?” she whispered, leaning closer to the hunched-over figure in black, as she yanked back the hood of his hoodie, earning another small whine.
“Stop…yelling.” He mumbled, pressing his forehead against the table.
“I’m not, Woo.” With a sigh she ran her fingers through his hair, trying to figure out what on earth he had done this time. It was uncommon for her to find her Wooyoung this battered and bruised, it was uncommon for her to find her Wooyoung this tired, just blatantly showing all his bits that he wasn’t proud of, to her or the world, “Were you drinking last night…I thought you were going to text me the details.”
‘I was drinking to get you off my damn mind’, is what he wanted to say, but when he snapped his head in her direction, he was met by a gaze so endearing, a gaze that held a certain affectionate warmth to it, one that made him wonder if he were ready to let this very being that frustrated him and infatuated him with an unimaginable amount of love slip through his fingers. So, after a moment of thinking, he turned back to the board and slowly nodded, “I…Let’s go after class…next lesson…wake me up at the end?”
“Why were you drinking mid-week anyway?” she asked, though he never answered, instead he slowly pushed her upper body away from the table, only to lean down onto her lap, his head resting on her thighs as he closed his eyes, mumbling an, “Don’t ask questions you won’t like the answer to.”
What did that even mean? Honestly, he had become very difficult for her to read, sometimes she assumed it was because he had no interest in her, other times she just thought it was not difficult because of the crush she had developed on him- one that was pointless since he never really noticed the hints she’d drop, she knew for him, she’d always be the goody-two-shoes that lived next door. But then again, she was never his type, she was not like any of his exes, in both physical presence and mentally- well, she didn’t want to be like them in terms of mental state- most were more interested in his physical presence than who he was as a person- then he’d come running back to her, and every time he would she’d tell him the same thing, “That’s what you get for someone dating someone who doesn’t like animals.” Though he’d argue with the ‘Yah! Do I look like a dog to you?’, that wasn’t it though- or maybe she was calling him a dog, who was to say? The fact of the matter was, at the end of the day, she would always be his just best friend, and this is why Seonghwa had happened to slip into the picture, she needed to move on, and maybe someone as sweet, smart and smokin’ hot (she should stop spending so much time with Wooyoung) would be good for her.
“Wakey, wakey, you successfully slept through an hour-long lecture.” Carding her finger through his hair she frowned when he clenched his eyes shut, why was he being so difficult? Was he trying to avoid her or something else? Was he tired of her being around him all the time? Did he not text her last night because he wanted her to drop it? The whole Seonghwa thing because maybe he knew she was hopeless, if him knowing her for years led to nothing, how would a stranger, a handsome, well-mannered, angel-like stranger like her and-
“Are you constipated?”
“Huh?” Casting her eyes down at him, she met a curious, droopy gaze, it was only then that she realised that she had been absentmindedly caressing his cheek, drawing intricate patterns on his soft skin, though even at the realisation she did not stop- how could she? Perhaps this was the last time she’d ever touch him, ever be this intimate with him. Sighing she shook her head, mumbling, “No…why?”
“Then why are you frowning like that?” he groaned, sitting up, stretching his arms over his head before letting out a loud, ungraceful yawn and scratching his head, looking around the empty class- if he were to make out with her right now, they would never even be caught- Wooyoung, you’re not even dating her- true, but the way she had been pouting just made him want to- “Where are you going?”  he turned to her when he heard her shuffle, standing up and collecting her stuff, pausing to look at him, “Going back to my dorm… I’m tired.”
With that she walked away, not sure if she was mad at him, or upset at the thought of the hemlock of reality she was to swallow eventually, maybe she just wanted him to somehow disappear- rather if he was out of sight, he’d be out of mind- right? It’s not like she had spent all night staying up waiting for his text. It’s not like she rolled around in bed before devouring an entire pastry (she had been saving for the weekend) in tension and anticipation. It’s not like she had cried herself to sleep knowing that tomorrow she’d have to wake up and pretend her heart did not beat for a man who had carelessly dropped it years ago.
“W-wait!” running after her he jogged up to her until he was walking beside her, glancing down to note how she was not even trying to look up at him with her usual smile- shit. He really messed up, he didn’t know she was so determined for Seonghwa- this thought just added more salt to the nasty green that brewed within him, the ugly, vomit-like green that had him ranting to San all night, chugging down one too many beers, enough for him to wake up with a horrible hangover that even San’s hangover juice couldn’t fix- what did that f*cker know anyway, he didn’t drink and the girl he had been pinning over had been secretly pinning over him- not that he’d help San figure out, he had his own issues, honestly liking your academic rival isn’t the smartest thing anyway.
“Well, see you later.”
With that she walked into the building, only to have him follow her, she turned to look at him as he looked down at her with a sheepish smile, a nervous chuckle breaking the silence when she raised a brow, only to die down when she turned back around and started climbing up the stairs again, only for him to follow hot on her trail. Once again stopping right behind her when she stopped to open the door-incorrect, he had bumped into her, only for her to turn around and glare at him for a good minute, only turning when he gently gripped her shoulders and turned her around to the door, mumbling, “We still have one lesson left- I’ll combine two in one, special deal for my special girl.”
Cringing at the words, that stung her heart harder than imaginable, opening the door for and entering, not really waiting for him to enter or not, as she kicked off her shoes and flopped face first on the bed.
For a moment she could hear only the clattering of pots and pans, and the sound of a microwave and then the usual, gentle, unforgettable humming began to float in the air, dancing around her being, at this point, she didn’t even know what he was singing but that it was smoothening enough to lull her to sleep.
She didn’t know how long she was asleep, but she woke up when he gently shook her, whispering nonsense in her ear- oh wait no he’s talking about food. Soon enough she was sitting on the floor, sitting in front of her was the idiot, platting for her and himself, yapping about how he spent the entire afternoon sleeping and all she did was sleep, but that’s okay because she needed the rest, the list continued; Yangnyeom Chicken, Tteok-bokki and even ordered something sweet just for her-
“Why are you being so nice?”
Her words caused him to stop, as he looked at her, eyes narrowing at her for a split second before he took a deep breath, thinking about his words then speaking, “For ghosting you last night-”
“No, that’s not what I asked, and you know it- first you said no to even helping me, then you suddenly decided to help, you made me dress differently than I do, you didn’t even let me correct the waitress when she called you my boyfriend and- and then you just let her!” she didn't know when she started yelling, but when she stopped to take a deep breath, her eyes caught the whirlpool of emotions, she probably should’ve stopped, but she didn’t, years of it boiling and bubbling within her- she felt exploited, she felt cheated and misguided- hell she was even mad at herself, she was his best friend but was that enough of a reason for her to keep hurting? Perhaps she was hurting, but she wanted him to hurt too, even if that meant she would never see him again, “Then you ghost me like I don’t even exist! What is your problem!? Don’t you see what you’re doing to me? How can you do this!?”
The next couple of seconds were probably the worst he had ever spent in silence, his chest burning with every breath he heaved in, staring at her, the grip on his glass tightening, feeling the world around them constrict, squeezing in around them- or so he thought, he had yet to face the worst and when that moment arrived, it felt like he was slapped in the face, enough to have it stinging for days, especially when the words settled around them, the two words that she had, oh so casually, thrown at him like it didn’t matter at all like he didn’t matter at all like they never mattered at all. Instantly his brain had switched off, tuning out anything and everything that he could sense, wanting the earth to swallow him whole, wanting nothing more but to take a cold shower, to possibly feel something again, to possibly let out all he was feeling, to possibly forget her- forget them.
“Nah, bro.”
Did she f*ck up? Yes. Was she aware she f*cked up? Again, yes. She had realised what she had done as soon as the words had slipped past her lips- mind you, in her many years of being friends with this moron she had picked up a few bad habits from him, like staying up late at night, reading the end of a book first (just in case it had a sad end so she could throw it away) and perhaps losing the ability to think before she spoke- this one was a new trait she had acquired, one she had discovered just last night, as soon as he had slammed the door in her face, running away, ignoring her as she yelled out his name, waking up almost every other girl in the building. And no, he chose not to answer her calls or her texts- hell she even woke up poor San, who wasn’t at the dorm, weird, where exactly was he sleeping on a Thursday night if not at the dorm, she should ask Wooyo- oh wait, she can't! Because she F*CKED UP AND HE WAS IGNORING HER! Like hell!? She didn’t even mean the ‘Nah, bro.’ as an insult or a rejection, but for some reason after he dropped the ‘L’ bomb on her, that was all her brain could process at that given moment, perhaps because she was so stunned by the fact that he didn’t just like her back, he loved her! And she loved him. So, the nah bro was more like an ‘oh damn’, or an ‘oh god’ or an ‘oh wow’- okay, none of those seem like good responses when someone confesses to you, but see! That’s the point, it was so spontaneous- maybe she should’ve just kissed him- nah, she wouldn’t trespass his physical being like that- maybe she should’ve patted his shoulder? - wait, what if he hated her now? Realised it was a mistake and he was glad she messed up so he’d never have to see her again- oh no.
Slamming her hands on his door she let out a shaky breath, the intensity of her knocks increasing, this was not how she had expected her Sunday morning to go, breaking into the boy's dorms at university, slamming her fists so loud that the whole block may as well be awake. Was she risking expulsion, probably, but was he worth it- oh for sure.
The door slammed open, revealing a dishevelled Wooyoung, in nothing but his underwear, eyes widening at the realisation that it was in fact not Yunho who was bothering him in his early hours of brooding, but the source of his heartbreak had come to him. Now, mind you, the man lived with other men and never in his life did he imagine the girl he had been simping for, his own best friend, would come up to him in his domain like this, the same girl he had confessed to the night before, laid his heart bear and open for her to trample over like a wench- "Is that my hoodie?"
She stared at him, no, she shamelessly ogled at the boy-man- she had spent bullying and playing around with in her younger days. In front of her was not her annoying, stupid, dumb, irritating best friend but a who the fk, what the fk, why the fk- her chain of thought broke at his question.
"Wh-what?" breathing out, still trying to catch her breath from the extensive running she had done up the flight of stairs- curse him for living in a building with no elevator- that and the sight before her had her all hot and bothered even more. Note to self, this was- no wonder he was the king of the playground, she’d be his queen any day- well he did want her to be one until she managed to ‘wooyoung’ herself.
"Why-" shaking his head, he rubbed his face before crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the door frame, did she look all adorable, flushed pink, hair a mess and in his hoodie? Yes, was he still mad at her, definitely- so he wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of getting a quick reaction this time. He had spent all night crying, all night wondering and thinking of all the possibilities and incidences that could have her give this kind of response, this king of rejection, for her to just…just say something like that. He tried calling San but that useless butt was sleeping at someone’s (of course it was that girl from Philosophy 101- he’d seen them giggling like teens way back in the library- see, even he had someone, public or not- so no, he was not going to give her the satisfaction of him giving into her so easily, “What do you want?"
"I- you- I mean- oh my god- we like- f*cked." the words jumbled up, tumbling out of her mouth before her brain could from the sentence, "I f*cked up, my god, I do like you."
He knew what she meant, but he wouldn't be Wooyoung if he said so, hence the crooked smile that adorned his slightly puffy face, eyes heavy and droopy with sleep, "Unfortunately we haven't, but we could if you'd like”.
She stared at him for a good second, trying to process his response before raising her hand and slapping him across the face, enough for it to echo across the corridor and him to let out a mixture of a whimper and growl, hand on his burning cheek as he glared at her through bleary eyes, “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?”
“And I’d love to report you two, but considering how I know she’s usually triggered by your stupidity, I’ll let you off with a warning.” The two turned around (well she did, he just frowned and scoffed before mumbling something and going inside the apartment), quickly bowing and apologising she stood up straight, face flushed with embarrassment, only to receive a gentle smile.
“Didn’t know you two were so dense, most of us thought you two were already dating…. anyway, please take this inside, we can’t have others know there's a girl here, as the Prefect I’ll keep it a secret since you’re my junior.” He winked before walking away- Park Seonghwa was so cool- OH WAIT WOOYOUNG.
Closing the door behind her she ran to his room only to find him putting on a shirt- dang- before he sat down on the bed and stared at her, raising an eyebrow at her pout, especially when she walked over to him and whined, flopping onto him- falling onto him- only to hiss when their heads collided as he threw her off her (next to him on the bed), whining “Are you stupid?”
“Yeah…” she whimpered, rubbing her forehead as she lay on her side, looking at his side profile, admiring his side profile, could she do this openly, since they were now a couple- or at least were going to become one? “Stupid for you.”
Turning his head to her, grimacing at the choice of her words, well, he needed to get used to the poor pick-up lines, not that he would mind of course- “I love you too.”
Her words brought him back to them, sighing when he felt her press her hand against his pink cheek, feeling her thumb caress the stinging skin, scooting closer to her as he carelessly draped an arm around her waist pulling her even closer- he wanted more, the proximity between them to completely finish, but he couldn’t push her, he could never- he knew she took things slow and he’d let her no matter how long he had to wait- his eyes widened at the sudden pressure he felt on his lips, though it was gone as soon as it came, causing him to whine, looking back at her as she covered her face with her hands, mumbling an, “I couldn’t help myself.”
“Same, sis.”
“Hey!” sitting up she glared down at him only for him to shrug, “Now you know how it felt.” He smirked all smug before moving further up the bed until his back was pressed against the padded headboard, opening his arms wide for her, a gesture the two understood all too well, a small smile gracing his lips when she instantly snuggled up in his arms, melting into his embrace when he kissed the top of her head, only for him to giggle when she returned the gesture by pressing her lips against his pulse point, feeling her warm breath against him as he sighed, “So…no more Seonghwa?”
“Only needed him to move on from you.”
“Damn…”  he sighed, squeezing her closer, not that she minded, she was finally getting the attention she deserved, the love she deserved, the love they deserved. It was a moment of purity, a moment of joy, a moment of sincerity that nothing and no one could ruin- “I was my own c*ckblock.”
“Shut up.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
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A/N: Well that was a long wait- not like I have a project due on Monday but damn- I'm glad I finally finished this- I really hope it is worth the read.
Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @the-kpop-simp @mlysalt @spooo00oky @slaayysis
307 notes · View notes
Tis’ I, again. 🤭🤭🤭
Imagine Firefighter!Bucky comes home after a long day and just wanted to get some rest, but you chastise him for forgetting to buy milk.
And he slightly gets rough and pushes you against the wall, before saying a few things that make your knees buckle. Then he picks you up and then proceed to lay you on the bed, but before he continues further.
He unbuckles his belt and garbs your wrists. Using the belt, he ties your delicate wrists to the headboard🤭🤭🤭
Alright that’s it!!!
See ya babes 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Sorry this was sooo long in my drafts. Like the other requests too… and the frat boy Bucky request I wrote it a bit different and it’s called “Distance isn’t the solution”. And since this was so long in my requests I thought I will turn it into a Drabble now.
Milk | B.B
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Your boyfriend comes home after a hard shift, but he forget the milk. Luckily he has a perfect replacement for it.
Pairing -> Firefighter!Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Reader
Wordcount -> 566 Words
Warnings -> Minors DNI, 18+, Firefighter!Bucky, mention of sex, mention of cum, hands being tied with a belt
Authors Note -> This is for @lanabuckybarnes, because you’re such a good girl, BBG.😏😂
Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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Bucky comes home from work, exhausted from it — the shift wasn’t too nice today and he just wants to rest, but unfortunately he forgot something.
“Bucky… you wanted to bring milk,” you say, standing in the door and watching your boyfriend, who just sat down on the couch, groaning as you tell him. “Don’t groan! I told you we needed some milk and you said you would buy it after work.”
He turns his head, his ocean blue eyes darken slightly and you know you shouldn’t complain right now. Grumpy Bucky isn’t someone to joke with, but you’re too deep in your own anger to even notice his grumpy hum and the way his fists clench.
“‘m sorry, oke? I will get some tomorrow,” he mumbles, leaning back. He sees you shaking your head, before taking another step closer to him.
“Good. Then tell me, what else do we have for dinner? Because of what I had planned, we need milk!” You say, your eyes rolling as he groans once again. “Yeah, groaning still works, great!”
As you say that, something snaps inside of Bucky and he immediately gets up, needing one step to be in front of you. His big hands find their place at your waist as he presses you against the wall. You inhale deeply, hands flying to his neck to find some hold while he smirks at you.
“Guess you need a reminder who is in charge here and that you shouldn’t talk to me like that, babydoll,” he almost moans into your ear, causing your legs to tremble. “Look at ya, it only needs those few words for you to get on your knees for me?”
You whimper, your fingers digging into his back. “B-Bucky, please,” you whine, arching your back to press yourself more against your boyfriend. You can feel his big bulge in his pants.
“How about that…” he says, letting go of your waist. With a smooth move, he unbuckles his belt and holds it in his hands. He then grasps your hands, tying them together with his belt. Now he can effortlessly push them above your head against the wall. “I make it up to you for forgetting the milk, and then you’re going to get your milk.”
“A-are you going shopping t-then?” You ask, staring into his eyes, lower to his lips as his tongue pokes out and wets his lips. Bucky chuckles, shaking his head. He moves his head closer to your ear, his warm breath on your soft skin causing you to shiver.
“Mhm, no, babydoll. You know I have some you love so much. You know, you just need to work for it a bit, and then you have what you want. How does it sound?” Food long forgotten you nod. Bucky grins, kissing your earlobe down to your neck before picking you up to carry you into your shared bedroom.
He knows that you didn’t mean to act like you did, just as he didn’t want to sound so annoyed. You both know that you only got into that discussion because you both had an emotionally exhausting day — but luckily Bucky knows exactly how to calm the two of you down. And later, you’re going to get some pizza and enjoy the rest of the evening in front of the television, cuddled up before he will love and fuck you all night.
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Likes are nice, but please comment and reblog, it’s way more appreciated and loved!
//Taglist// @kandis-mom @sergeantbarnessdoll @identity2212 @km-ffluv @lunaalovesyouu @armystay89 @suz7days @etherealdisneyvillainness @pono-pura-vida @somnorvos @meowmeowyoongles @randomawesomeperson102 @rogersbarber @sebastianstanisahotmf @loki-laufeyson68 @winterschildren8 @bxtchboy69 @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @bucky-barnes-lover @felicitylemon @cjand10 @bookishtheaterlover7 @casa-boiardi @futurequeen2018-blog @flstrawberry @capsbestgirl77 @nervouseden @jiyascepter @princesscore-angel @mrs-katelyn-barnes @sasha-writing @blackhawkfanatic @fanfictionreaderfan @multiversefanfics @angelbabyyy99 @looking1016 @aphrodite-xoxo @im-alestan @holylulusworld @iris-xoxo-juhu @fanfictionreaderfan
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cherigu · 1 year
— ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Dulce Venganza!
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Genre: smut Pairing: sub!jeongguk x softdom!reader Word Count: 2.5k Warnings: college!au, fratboy!jk, grinding, solo masturbation (m), hand job (m), nipple sucking, vaginal penetration, cowgirl position, unprotected sex, overstimulation, PUSSY WHIPPED JK, fluffy ending
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Attending a party held by the most popular fraternity was a one-way ticket to seeing everyone you despised, something you should’ve kept in mind before you found yourself getting holes burned into by your ex’s laser eyes across the room. You had done fairly well in minding your business all night, having gone to this party mainly for the drinks. This meant you hadn’t socialized much all night, most of your friends abandoning you for some mediocre dude upstairs. 
All you were here for was to stand still by the drinks table and look pretty. You knew how to doll up, wearing a two-piece mini skirt with a matching crop top. It accentuated your body shape and showed your assets just right. Instead of working in your favor and attracting a good-looking guy to spend the night with, it seemed to work against you since your ex couldn’t seem to look away. Even while having his tongue shoved throat-deep into a girl, he still managed to maintain eye contact with you
You knew what his plan was, he wanted to make you as jealous as possible tonight. Unfortunately for him, you couldn’t care less about what he chose to do with his life anymore. Whatever he was doing was just pathetic at this point, desperately wanting to catch the attention of somebody who no longer found him on her list of priorities.
Even then, you couldn’t find it in you to ignore his petty attempt at making you mad. It was the least you could do to spice up the night. Although the show he put on with the girl on the dance floor didn’t upset you in the least, you were sure he would be affected if the roles were reversed. Two could play at that game, even if you secretly knew that this would ultimately be a poor excuse for hooking up with someone for the night. 
You smirked to yourself while you scanned the crowd of bodies, needing to find someone who’d hit him right where it hurts, he deserved it after all. Your eyes immediately caught another pair, those of a person who’d make for a perfect target. Jeon Jeongguk.
Popular athlete, leader of the frat, host of the party and not to mention, attractive. The guy fulfilled all of the qualities your ex lacked and surely would make him weep like a little baby at night because you deserved better than him, which wouldn’t be a lie. You weren’t a nobody in your class, owning a fair share of popularity gave you a striking social life. Apart from your captivating personality, came the out-of-this-world beauty. 
This was another reason you didn’t take time to second guess your plan, you knew any guy would feel rather accomplished to even breathe your air, let alone have a night with you. You had an unmatched ability to coin any man, even those like pretty boy Jeon. Undoubtedly the perfect woman, it’d make for a great achievement to boast about to the guys lining up at your feet for a chance. 
So you began to strut towards Jeongguk, watching the smug smirk on his face grow as the distance between the two of you grew. “Eyed me long enough, usually they crawl over immediately after seeing me stare back. Almost thought I’d have to break the tradition and approach you first” He joked through the loud music.
“How sweet of you” You sneered, lightly hitting his chest with the back of your manicured hand before stretching it out towards him. “Wanna dance?” 
“Thought you’d never ask” He smiled, taking your hand in his and letting you drag him to the dance floor. Pushing your way through the sea of sweaty bodies that reeked of alcohol, you were able to find a spot to dance with Jeongguk in.
Giving your ex a clear view, you pressed your back into the boy behind you, wrapping your arms around his neck and sensually moving your body against him. His hands lowered to your waist, taking a firm hold of it when he felt you begin to grind against him.
He lowered his head down to your ear, close enough to whisper so you could hear him easier over the blaring speakers. “Dude in front of us will not stop shooting daggers at me, babe” 
You ceased your actions to turn around and face him, loosely snaking your hands around either side of his neck and cocking your head, “I know, ‘s why im doing this” You chuckled. He brought a hand up to his chest to feign offense, “So you’re telling me that pretty girl is using the Jeon Jeongguk to her advantage?” 
“Don’t flatter yourself too much, are you gonna help me or not?” You asked, needing to know if he was still okay with this going forward. “Wanna see how upset he can get?” He smiled, eyes darting down to your plump, glossy lips. “Mmm, show me” 
With that, he pressed his lips into yours, satisfied with how you immediately melted into the kiss. The taste of your cherry-flavored gloss overwhelmed his senses, almost forgetting what all of this was about. Similar to him, any thought of your original plan was out the window, solely focusing on basking in his sweet taste. Your lips moved in sync, molding together perfectly. 
The two of you knew of each other but never took the chance to pay much attention. You were too focused on yourself to enter the dating world, as he was too busy with his sports to do the same. But this kiss, this kiss was enough to show the both of you what you had missed out on. It didn’t take much for the two of you to crave more.
The slight nibble on his lower lip had him rubbing his clothed length on you, causing you to pull him even closer to deepen the kiss. You slowly pulled away, desperate for air but not yet wanting to break the kiss. He looked so pretty above you, swollen lips and big doe eyes silently pleading to be kissed again. Just as he was about to lean in again, you pressed a finger to his lips, “Not here.” 
He cocked a brow in confusion, following you upstairs into an empty bedroom nevertheless. You were quick to continue the kiss, swiftly locking the door and pushing his back into it. You swirled your tongue around his, swallowing the breathy moans he let out. Your leg came up in between his own, firmly propping it against his crotch as he began to grind down on it.
The feel of his hard-on made your stomach flip and you suddenly found yourself asking Jeongguk permission to remove his shirt to which he agreed. Immense pleasure shot through him as his tip rubbed against your thigh, rapidly bringing him down from the short high he was on.
“W-wait Y/n..” He pulled back, “He isn’t here anymore” his puzzled look made you snicker at his oblivion. “What, did you want an audience?” You asked, watching his chest heave up and down at the feel of your leg still pressed against him. You cupped his cheek, lifting his gaze towards you, “This stopped being about him as soon as you kissed me” You inched your knee higher, “But we can stop if this is outside of your intentions.” your finger grazed his cheek affectionately, watching him melt into your touch.
“No! I mean… No, it’s alright..” He confirmed, brushing the stray hairs out of your beautiful face. Fighting the urge to kiss him, you focused on getting comfortable. “Go sit on the bed and take your pants off, baby” You pressed a kiss to his cheek before letting him go on to follow your instruction, watching him sit against the headboard and quickly remove his pants along with his Calvin Klein boxers.
His pretty cock sprung out, thick veins leading to the swollen red tip that grazed his lower belly. You walked towards the foot of the bed, helping you get a more direct view of Jeongguk’s figure. “Want you to touch yourself for me, yea?” You asked, smiling at the compliant nod you received. You began to unzip the back of your corset-like top, letting it fall to the floor exposing your perky tits.
Content with Jeongguks reaction, who eyed you down with his bottom lip caught in his teeth while he gave a light squeeze to his length, you began to slowly slide your skirt down. You made sure to wiggle your hips a bit, adding to the show you were putting on for him. Once your skirt was fully discarded, you pulled down the skimpy pair of red laced panties you’d purposely worn for tonight, not knowing that the boy who’d be lucky enough to see them would be Jeongguk. 
You walked over to the side of the bed as he followed you with his eyes, watching you climb the bed and sit on his lap, close enough to his cock that he could almost feel the heat radiating from your core. He instinctively bucked his hips up, searching for your touch after he let his hand fall to his side. “Eager baby?” You asked before he mumbled a quiet “Yes.”
Your hand came down to his cock, using the thick glob of precum that had gathered on his tip to easily glide your hand up and down his shaft. He threw his head back at the way your hand worked around him, pressing your fingers into his weak spots like you’d done this with him before. “Right the-ahh” You ripped a whiny moan from his mouth by brushing your fingers under the head of his cock, showing you he no longer cared about who could hear him, if they even could.
Unable to keep his hands to himself at this point, he brought one down to grip the side of your hip, while the other trailed up to cup your breast. He rubbed the hardened bud, making your hand fasten its pace on his cock. “Wan’ you” He looked up at you with glossy eyes, never breaking eye contact as he leaned down to latch his wet tongue onto your nipple, swirling his wet tongue around your soft skin.
You sucked air through your teeth at the sensation, bringing your free hand to run your fingers through his wavy locks while you stared in admiration at the state you had him in. So compliant and malleable under you, ready to pleasure you at any moment yet so needy for the bliss of his own. “Just like that Gukkie..”
A combination of your moans and the sound of your hand tugging on his cock filled the room as he progressively began to leak more, a sign that he would come soon. His breaths became arrhythmic while his chest pressed flush against yours, hearing him become more vocal by the second.  
As much as you’d like to watch him whine around your tits while he came undone beneath you, your core was aching for his thick cock to fill you up. “Uh uh,” you tutted, ripping your hand away from him and chuckling at his protesting mewls, “Inside” You caught his lips in your mouth, slowly using your hand to guide his cock. You hovered above him, allowing your arousal to drip down his shaft. “Ride me, y/n, p-please” He choked out, not needing to say more before you sharply sunk down on his cock. 
He felt his breath hitch in his throat and limbs turn into jelly as his cock entered your plush walls, growing slightly dizzy at the feel of your immense wetness coating his shaft. Due to contrary belief, he wasn’t too much of a ladies man. Being too immersed in his studies and sports, he only had time for a casual hookup every once in a while. Despite his lack of exposure to women, he swore that it couldn’t get better than you. The way you so pleasantly sucked his cock into your tight pussy had him seeing stars, leaving him an incoherent mess of babbles underneath you.
As for you, the stretch his girthy cock had offered you was unmatched. The position you were in had his tip grazing your G-spot every time you bounced on his length. You had set a gentle pace, not wanting to make Jeongguk cum before you could do it together. Your stomach was already feeling hot and tight for sure, but at the same time, you wanted to see how much Jeongguk could take. 
At this point, he wouldn’t be able to hold on for much longer before he suddenly bucked his hips up, earning a moan-gasp mixed with both pleasure and surprise. “Can’t s-stop.” He feverishly moved against you, causing your hands to land on his shoulders for balance purposes.
The headboard rocked against the wall while you attempted to sputter a “Keep going, be a good boy and make me cum” as his cock continue to drill into your insides. “Feel so good” He cried out, screwing his eyes shut as he felt his seed eager to spill into you. “L-love your pussy.. Love how you feel a-around me, could do this for hours” He whimpered, fucked so out of his mind that the only thing he could think of was your cunt and nothing else. “Yea?” you breathed out, “Gonna make me cum around your cock?” You asked.
“F-fuck mhmm, gonna-” He threw his head back, unable to even keep talking. “Look at you baby, can’t even form a sentence. Do your friends know what a whore you are in bed?” You grabbed his chin to raise his face to yours, “Cum with me.” And with that, he was pumping his load deep into your pussy while it mixed with your own essence, making the fluids messily run down his balls and thighs.
It still wasn’t enough for him to halt his movements, feeling like he couldn’t get enough of you. Even through stuttering hips, he continued to pound his cock into your sensitive cunt. It wasn’t until you tapped his bicep to let him know that the pleasure was fading into pain, that he finally came back to his senses and slowed his thrusts until coming to a full stop.
You let your weak body fall on top of his, feeling his big arms wrap around you while he gently pulled out his cock. The two of you took your time to come down from your highs, needing to catch your breath for a minute. He was still feeling the aftershocks of overstimulating himself while trying to recover from the trance you had put him under. Your fingers soothingly rubbed circles on his skin, whispering a light “You okay?” against him. He hummed in response and held you tighter, before feeling your body vibrate on top of him as you broke out in giggles.
“What?” He smiled, watching you lift up your head to face him. “Nothing, just didn’t expect you to go all pussy-drunk on me” You leaned down to kiss his rosy-tinted cheeks. “What can I say, takes a special one to unlock that side of me.” He grinned, showing his bunny teeth even after you had wrecked him. “How flattering.” You leaned back down to lay your head on his chest, wanting to spend some time with him before the night ended.
Even if the two of you knew this wouldn’t be the last of it.
A/N: wake up babe cherigu posted
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svmjaeyvn · 6 months
love maze, s.jy.
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chapter nine pairing: jake x afab!reader word count: tbd (series)
genre: college!au, mutual friends, fake dating, smut.
synopsis: an unfortunate encounter, drunken mistakes, and a sort of (definitely) stalker leads jake sim ‘dating’ his best friend’s childhood crush.
or, your life gets intertwined with a rich boy’s in attempt to not get sued by his crazy personal fangirl and like with all good cliches, sex overcomplicates things.
contents: smut, sort of strangers to fuck buddies to lovers pipeline, childhood best friend!jay, mentions of best friend! yunjin, curly haired & mixed reader, uni!au, rich nepo baby!jake, enha frat boys, lots of kissing, fake dating turning into fwb real quick, totally way too into it for it to be fake early on, big booty reader that’s jake’s obsessed with, partying and alcohol use, slight violence, he fell first and harder trope, stem bf & writer gf, (kinda overly) possessive jake, some angst to spice things up, daddy issues, hyper independent reader who struggles with her feelings, fluff and happy ending!!
a/n: hello~ i’ve never been a tumblr girly but i have went through my w*ttpad era back in 2018 so bare with me y’all. this will be a series but not that long (i hope) so pls look forward to it. warning tags will be placed before each “chapter” to specify what to expect. pls pls reblog and interact, i’d love to have feedback and see what your thoughts are. okay! yay, for now enjoy and thank you sm :D
MDNI, 18+
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word count: 4.1k
warnings: minjun is being a stalker, that’s sort of it??
a/n: IM SORRY IVE BEEN GONE FOR SO LONG. i’m working + doing an internship at the same time so im exhausted everyday since being an adult SUCKS so i’ve neglected writing (though i have a new idea for a smau lol) and this not that great but i wanted to provide something for you guys </3 jake is down horrendous and not even hiding it now it’s crazy
"PLEASE STOP STARING," Ni-ki whined, throwing an ice cube in Jake's direction who was perched at the counter with a giddy smile. You were on the other side of the store, in the midst of barring out drinks before turning to help your coworker with a unsatisfied customer.
It was different to see you in your element, of course to you it being a mere barista job but Jake couldn't deny how much a leadership position suited you. You were good at quite literally everything, barely paying him mind when he waltzed in 20 minutes ago due to the afternoon rush but seeming calm and collected as you handled the line of drinks that seemed never ending. You looked as pretty as ever in his eyes, your haired pulled up by the clip in your hair and bare skin that seemed to be glowing.
You were called in last minute by a fellow shift as they weren't able to come in due to an emergency. Knowing Ms. Cho would've been the one to cover, something you couldn't bare to make her do as she was meant to take the week off due to spraining her wrist, and not wanting to leave Ni-ki hanging you canceled on the previous study-date you had scheduled with Jake much to his disappointment.
Lo and behold though, said boy decided that he had all the time in the world to wait for you. After you called him on your break, excited that a coworker would be coming in to do the closing tasks, telling him you'd be off at 6:30 instead of 10, Jake stopped by an hour before your shift would end deeming that allowing him to treat you to dinner would make up for the raincheck.
"Bro honestly, I know she's your girlfriend but can't you go sit down at least," Ni-ki's voice breaks his thoughts once more. Jake merely rolled his eyes, waving off the boy who looked exasperated by his presence.
"Yah, whatever. You're just bitter 'cause you’re bitchless," Jake began to tease, watching as the younger boy rolled his eyes and discretely flipped him off without the other customers taking note.
There was a familiar jingle from the door, Ni-ki's eyes looking past him to greet whoever walked in but his face turned into one of visible disgust. Immediately making his way in your direction without a word, Jake curiously turned around with his brows frowned to see what caused such a reaction.
A small scoff left Jake's lips, watching Minjun b-line to where you were behind the bar with Ni-ki glued to your side and staring him down like a guard dog. A small smirk picks at his lips, Jake waiting patiently, watching from afar to see what he planned on saying as you'd be able to handle it yourself.
"___," Minjun spoke, attempting to gain your attention but you merely lifted your gaze for a second as you focused on the drinks you had sequenced. "Can we talk?"
"I'm busy," You said dryly, sending him a pointed look as you were on shift quite literally in the middle of working. "If you need something you can ask my other staff to help you,"
"Are you seriously going to ignore me?"
"Are you seriously showing up to my job when I told you to leave me alone?" You shot back, brow raising in disbelief. "It's harassment, do you want me to call the cops?"
Minjun bit his lip, seemingly collecting his thoughts to carefully piece what he intended to say next. "You're ignoring my texts, how else am I supposed to talk to you?"
"I blocked you," You answer with a small shrug. "I don't want to talk to you. We have no reason to either way, it was your idea to move on with our lives in the first place so I don't see what you need from me now,"
"It was a mistake," Minjun attempts but a loud scoff comes from your end at his words. Feeling yourself grow more and more annoyed, you take a second to collect your thoughts, having to silently remind yourself that there were a handful of other customers that you still needed to be portrayed to in a professional light.
Your eyes flickered to the left, feeling the familiar gaze boring into your side. You met Jake's look, his brows slightly pinched as he held an unreadable expression glancing over Minjun. His arms were crossed against his chest, leaned against the front counter while his head tilted in the smallest of ways meeting your eyes. Silently indicating whether of not you wanted him to intervene, you shook your head, turning over to Ni-ki who was still on gaurd just a step behind you.
"Can you take over for me?" You ask the younger boy, his eyes softening as he glanced down to you with a small nod. Telling Sooyun the same, you leave the two on the floor to handle the customer flow and walk away from Minjun without a word. He attempted to follow along the counter that kept you separated, only to stop short noting how you met Jake at the break that separated the workers and customer side.
"You okay?" Jake asks softly, his hand finding its place in your own as he traced his thumb over your palm in attempt to offer some ease to your mind.
"I don't know why he keeps trying," You mumble out, swallowing the lump in your throat while Jake pursed his lips. You had to admit, no matter how unaffected you attempted to seem, having Minjun back and weaseling his way into your life was slowly opening up old wounds that never fully healed. It felt exhausting seeing his face, much less feeling trapped in your own workplace since that seemed to be his resort to finding you no matter how many hints you've given to leave you be.
"You want me to call the guys and we can jump him out back?" Jake offers, the teasing in his voice caused you to laugh though the glint in his eyes made it hard for you to tell if he was entirely joking. "I could take him on my own but I'm sure Jay wants a few hits at him anyway,"
"So does Ni-ki," You snicker, glancing over to the boy who had his eyes trained on Minjun with a menacing glare. "I don't have the money to bail all seven of you out though so let's not do that,"
A cocky smile fell upon Jake's lips knowing well enough his next words would cause you to grimace. "It's okay baby, I'm rich remember?"
You roll your eyes but couldn't refrain from the small laugh that fell from your lips. "You're annoying," You huff, though the giggle that filtered through your words had Jake smiling from ear to ear. Leaning closer, he's quick to place a kiss to your lips, your eyes widening as you pulled away with a tsk. "I'm on the clock, stop making me look like a bad worker,"
"No one's looking," Jake reassures, not even sparing a glance around the room but he's sure of himself. His hands fell to your hips, pulling you in closer and technically he was right, the large pastry case and stack of boxes that you had yet to be able to put away had blocked a significant amount of view of where you two stood, someone would have had to come around the corner to see you two if they really wanted to.
A clear of someone's throat caused the two of you to pull away from the giddy bubble you were in. Your annoyance flooded back in a second while Jake lazily looked over his shoulder, his eyes lighting up taking note of Minjun who stood with a dark expression.
"What's up man?" Jake smiled, turning as he said so but still keeping one arm draped around your waist though you shifted slightly in your spot. His grip tightened feeling how you attempted to move, squeezing your hip as a silent way to tell you to stay in place at his side. "You need something?"
"Can you give us a minute?" Minjun's words were short and clipped, the visible annoyance dripping from his persona.
"Don't think so," He hummed with the click of his tongue. "M'names Jake," Holding out his hand with a cheeky smile, Jake waited for Minjun to introduce himself. You had to refrain from the laugh that wanted to spill from your lips, the obviously annoying but polite tactic one you wouldn't have guessed he'd play but it seemed to work better than being possessive or immediately hostile.
"Minjun," Was all he replied with, not bothering to complete the handshake Jake intended. Turning his gaze to you, he near pleaded in a softer tone. "Can we just talk?"
Jake let out a loud sigh, dropping his hand with the shake of his head. "You know, man, I wouldn't have held nothing against you but you're really making my girl uncomfortable," His previous bubbly expression was gone, now replaced with a bored one that shamelessly glanced over Minjun. "You know me personally, I don't go for girls I broke up with, especially after she told me to leave her alone and she has a new man. That's just me though,"
"No offense man, but I know you two just got together. Your new relationship doesn't compare to us," Minjun shrugs while you let out a laugh of disbelief. You and Jake were more comfortable together, by miles, in a short amount of time even if your relationship was based on a facade. After the first two months with Minjun, it felt as though you were walking on eggshells everyday to keep him around, a feeling you remember all too well and ridicule yourself for staying in for so long.
"I mean, you're the ex for a reason right? Our relationship s’not supposed to be like yours," Jake shrugs, a humorless laugh left his lips.
"You guys don't even make sense together!" Minjun was now speaking to you, gesturing between you both with an exasperated expression. "His life is completely different from yours and you know it, why waste time now when it won't even work out,"
You frowned yours brows, not knowing how much he had looked into Jake but either way, being so ambient on your differences seemed to rub you the wrong way. What exactly was he entailing? The fact that Jake was a party guy or he was rich? You grew up attached to the hip with Jay, sure you weren't directly apart of that life but you did know how to act with a cocktail dress and dinning etiquette when you needed to. You truly lacked nothing if the relationship was real and so far, Jake didn't either.
"It's cute to know you've been thinking about me," Before you were able to voice your thoughts, Jake beat you to it. His tone was teasing, though there was a slight edge to it indicating that the cat and mouse play going back and forth was something he began to grow tired of. His had squeezed your hip, somehow subconsciously knowing that your agitation grew as well, it a silent reminder that he was there for you.
Minjun scoffed, seemingly ready to retort but Jake shook his head. "You know, I don't really like being a dick and all," He starts, a small huff of air leaving his lips as if it pained him to continue. Jake's eyes flickered to you, he winked before the bored look was sent back toward Minjun. "But I do take advantage of the benefits that come from my family. Let's just make it easier on all of us since getting the lawyers involved is always so messy, yeah?"
Your eyes widened slightly, certainly not having any thought of any legal precedent but the threat should've been more than enough to get his point across. You felt a shiver run up your spine, thinking back to weeks ago when you got yourself into the situation you were now. She totally would've sued me.
There was a clear of the throat that broke the tension between you three. Ni-ki making his presence known as he sends Minjun a rather large, but most obviously fake, smile.
"I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave since I've had a few customer complaints from the situation that's occurring," He says in his peppy customer service voice, the faux sympathy in his tone adding salt to the wound. Looking around, you take note of the lie considering the lobby had cleared out significantly and not a single person in sight was paying any mind to what was occurring in the corner but you were certainly thankful for the deescalation.
Minjun doesn't say a word. His eyes lock with yours, the silent communication causing you to feel uneasy. For a split second, you almost felt bad for him seeing the look of pleading sincerity, for a second he seemed like the boy you once knew and you couldn't deny the slight tug in your heart that longed for the past. But as Jakes’ hand made its presences know on your back, you shook out of the temporary daze, you subtly moved behind him, using Jake as a shield of sorts and looking away.
You weren't naive enough to fall for that. And your thoughts proved right as Minjun's expression changed in an instant, the look of anger and annoyance familiar but he merely turned and made his way out of the shop without hesitation.
The bitter feeling caused your stomach to turn, picking at the skin of your fingers as you pulled out your phone to check the time.
"You okay noona?" Ni-ki carefully asked, His brows were pinched, a slight frown at his lips taking note of your visibly discomfort.
You nod, placing a smile on your features but it didn't quite reach your eyes. You looked behind him, seeing Sooyun working by herself. "I'm alright, I need to finish my pull before Hejin comes in so support where you can for now," You delegate, already heading toward the back room while footsteps followed soon after.
Jake sighed watching you walk away. He didn't know the full story, certainly didn't want to know the details of how in love you were, but he did know that Minjun was important enough to still bother you after some time apart. A small part of him was selfish, never wanting you to think of anyone like that but him, even though your relationship wasn't even real in the first place, but he knew that was his own jealousy.
The larger part of him felt upset for you though, the crestfallen expression you held more than enough for him to want to hold you and wash all your worries away. In a perfect world, Jake would make sure you'd never feel sad again. He vows to never be the one responsible for your tears, and if he were he'd kick himself and beg for the room in your heart to forgive him.
You stopped by the back freezer, facing the stainless steel doors and you could see Jake's reflection behind you. "I'm alright," You repeat, not having the confidence to turn around knowing your eyes were glossing over and the lump in your throat grew.
Jake hummed, watching you from afar. He watched as you began to count the frozen pastries, having to go over twice losing your train of thought and seemingly looking around aimlessly. You let out a sigh, leaning your head against the frozen rack as you shut your eyes, the cold air that wrapped around your body caused goosebumps to form along your arms, though it did well in stopping the tears that were built up to the brim.
"You know, you're technically not supposed to be back here," You mumble, a hint of amusement in your words though you were rather dejected.
Jake chuckled, shaking his head while you couldn't see it. The two of you stood in silence, not knowing what to say that would make it better. Heavy footsteps sounded as someone entered the back of the house, you peaking from behind the freezer door while Jake straightened up.
Hejin pointed a finger at you as she pulled her apron over her head. Your brows frowned, clicking on the tablet that was stuck to the door to see it only be 5:50. Her keys jangled in her pocket, the lollipop in her mouth muffling her words. "Go home,"
"What?" You let out a small laugh, amused by the loud groan she let out upon her apron getting stuck while pulling it down. "It's not 6:30,"
"I'm here now so go," Hejin huffs, pulling at her ponytail as she nods towards Jake, a silent acknowledgment to his presence but not bothering to ask why he was beside you. "I saw creeps-a-lot in the parking lot. The kid and Sooyun were blowing up my phone to get me here so I chased him away. Go home and relax, I'll make a incident report to let everyone and Mama Cho know to not talk about you and refuse him service from now on,"
Your lips pull into a frown, the tears once again welding up in your eyes. You covered your face out of embarrassment, Hejin clicking her tongue as she waved you off.
"Ay, don't cry," She tuts. "He's not worth it, new boyfriend hug her!" Hejin directs, gesturing between you and Jake causing you to let out a laugh. Jake tilted his head, his arms open as you reluctantly stepped into his embrace. You refused to look at him directly, hiding behind your hands though you could see the fondness in his expression as he stared down at you. "Good, now get out of here. Pretty girls should never cry over ugly men,"
With that, Hejin was out onto the floor. You stifled your laughter, heart pulling at the thought of your work family. She, in particular, was known to be rough around the edges, not one to show praise or direct affection but small acts like these were truly the most meaningful. You made a mental note to treat them in the future, thankful for the saving grace.
Jake pulled away from the hug slight, a small smile perking at his lips as he tilted his head. He gently pulled away your hands from your face, wiping away the few stray tears with the same fond look.
"You know, I don't know how to feel about you crying over another man," He teased causing you to roll your eyes. "Guess I have a lot of work to do to make you forgive him,"
"Forgive?" You echo, raising a brow not following his words.
Jake nods. "You know, for being an idiot but at least it allowed for me and you which is like, a million times better," He says in the most obvious voice causing you to snicker. "Forgive but not forget, or whatever it is that people say,"
"Have you been looking at pinterest quotes?" You laugh while Jake begins to nod wholeheartedly.
"You put me on, it's honestly so chill scrolling. I have like, five different boards I've made so far,"
"Rookie numbers," You tease causing him to mock offense.
"They all have certain aesthetics and are listed in order," He offers causing you to hum.
You nod in approval. "Better,"
Noting that your mood had seem to raise, Jake leans in, placing a small peck to the tip of your nose causing you to let out a small squeal. Your face scrunches up, pulling away from him while he lets out a laugh.
"C'mon, you owe me your time and I think I have the perfect idea to get your pretty little mind off everything,"
You sent Jake a pointed look, smiling down at the excited animal that jumped into your arms, licking the skin of your cheek while your heart nearly bursted at the sight of her tail wagging so happily. "We've been faking it for over a month and you decided to just tell me you had a dog?"
"Her name's Layla," He laughs, crouching down to the level which you were sat on the floor. As soon as you walked into the door of the unfamiliar apartment, you were greeted by soft paws jumping at your leg along with excited barks for attention. "This is my brother's place, she's a family dog but he has her most of the time since my parents are always out of town. He's on a trip with his friends so he asked me to watch her for the week," Jake cooed as he pet Laylas fur, eyes full of affection and love as she leaned into his touch.
“I’ll watch her for the week,” You smile, gaining her attention once more as you scratched at the spot just behind Laylas’ ears. Her eyes shut as you did so, a small giggle leaving your lips as the dog visibly relaxed to your petting. “I’ll keep her company while you party or whatever you do in that frat house,”
Jake rolled his eyes, his view set on you but you were far too focused on Layla to care. “I haven’t gone to a party in weeks, and if I do you’re with me,” He says pointedly as you merely hum.
“Exactly, you can go do what you want. I’ll stay here with the cutest little puppy I’ve ever seen,” The latter half of your sentence was spoken in a high voice, cooing at Layla who seemed to be happily responsive to it.
Though he liked seeing how well you got along with his childhood pet, Jake tsked. Maybe it was a bad idea bringing you to see her, all of your attention would go to the little border collie instead of him which, admittedly, he couldn’t have.
“What I want,” Jake starts, leaning over to flood your view. “Is for you to not love my dog more than me,” He finished, dangerous close to your lips as you blinked, a small snort leaving your lips.
“Well for one, I barely tolerate you so Layla wins by a long shot,” You tease causing his lips to pout. Lightly pushing Jake away, he ends up sitting directly in front of you, Layla happily pouncing into his lap but still begging for you to provide her with scratches as she rolled over onto her back to expose her stomach. “And two, you can’t be jealous over your own dog. She’s just too cute,”
Jake sighed half heartedly. “You kicking me to the curb now for my dog?”
“Precisely,” You nod, a wide grin playing at your lips that you were unable to resist. It was still between the two of you for a moment, Jake taking the silence to gently place Layla down onto the ground beside you. You rose a brow, noting how he inched closer causing you to move back. “Hey~”
His arms were suddenly thrown around your body, one around your waist while the other was behind your head, blocking the impact of him suddenly tackling you to the hardwood floor. Your laughter filled the air, arms stuck under the weight of his chest and your faces inches apart.
“Too bad, you’re not allowed to get rid of me,” Jake huffs though there was an amused smile playing at his lips. “Say you like me more,”
You gaped in disbelief. “Are you serious?” The response to your question ended up with Jake’s fingers dancing along the skin of your waist, your shirt riding up and him knowing how ticklish you were as you began to squirm beneath him. “H-hey! Okay, s-stop—”
“Say it,” Jake taunts, his laughter mixing with yours.
Layla’s loud barks suddenly broke the air before the view of her jumping onto Jake’s head was seen. Your laughs were now from seeing how he yelped at the sudden help you received, rolling off of your body and with Layla still attacking his face with an abundance of kisses, you sat up. Now straddling Jake’s waist, you returned the favor of poking your fingers into his side, moving until you found a spot by his ribs that caused him to squirm around.
“Hey! You can’t team up against me,” Jake called out, unable to move either of you due to the way you sat and how Layla was now perched on his chest to get a better angle of sloppy kisses that he attempted to block. “She’s trying to lick my nose! Baby please—”
“What? I’m giving you attention like you wanted,”
my tags!! @slutforsjy @jaklvbub @whowantshota @addictedtohobi @coolwitu @simjyunnie @kgneptun @graythecoffeebean @143ikeu @zyvlxqht @tesywesy @nxzz-skz @aishisgrey @enczen @vanvity @dreamiestay @caitysdelusions @ikkeumyluv @v3lv3tsin
158 notes · View notes
chimivx · 27 days
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That one fucked you over last year, this one is fucking you over this year, you had no idea she was involved with him, someone over here has been lying to you, you didn't mean to end up in that ones bed, he told you he loved you... Does anyone even trust anyone anymore?
👫 -> college!teez x fem!reader/oc {frat/sorority} #️⃣ -> 16k exact. (part SEVEN of ten) good luck. ‼️ -> 18+, sexual content, drugs/alcohol, college life, all the drama, heavy angst, infidelity adjacent moments, mean boys, mean girls, mentions of anxiety/depression… IF I MISSED ANYTHING PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
{ there are names & faces in here that come from NMWID <3 }
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september 23rd ~ monday ~ 11:20 a.m.
“I’ll take a shot of vodka, or something else, whatever you’ve got.”
Theo smiled, then shook his head, leaning over the counter toward you.
“You can get that later down the street,” he said. “Want me to surprise you if you aren’t gonna make a decision?”
Clasping your hand over your hoodie you shrugged. “Please.”
Getting to work, he sent the occasional glance over his shoulder. “You’re in a weird mood, what happened?” He wrapped his hand around a large sized cup and took it to the espresso machine. “What’s happened since Friday, I should say.”
A lot, you wanted to say. You’ve realized you’ve fallen in love with a boy who was your best friend, said boy has snuck onto your roof and confessed his love for you, you’re both set to ‘break up’ with people you aren’t even together with, and all the meanwhile the boys girl has started a lie that has now spread throughout the ITZ house.
Nothing has been said to Yunho or Tori as of yet, you were meeting Tori for lunch after your noon classes so you would tell her there. The video had to still be up on Chan's profile, those things lasted for twenty four hours. She was a liar, Mina was. Though you can’t piece together at the moment why she would lie about something like this. Chan is her brother, and he’s apparently been through many struggles in his lifetime.
Your father has been through many struggles in his lifetime, never once do you ever use his shit as an excuse for your behavior, nor would you ever use his shit as a way to warp people’s minds, their feelings. The beings in both houses knew little of your dad, aside from Yunho, Tori and unfortunately Wooyoung. You’re sure Mingi knew a little something, he’s dating Tori, but you don’t care what he knew. If he’s trustworthy enough to date Tori, he’s trustworthy to know who and what your father is.
Mina’s pretty, she’s smart, she comes from a good family. Why would she lie?
Pulling out your phone you open a thread of messages and type away.
[you]: we have to talk about something questionable
It took him three seconds to respond.
[youknow everythin]: This is how you answer my good morning text? What did you just wake up?
[you]: i’m at blend i have a class in thirty
[you]: i’m sorry i didn’t answer, i read it before i got in the shower
[youknow everythin]: Take me in the shower with you, duh
[you]: you are such a boy
[you]: any mina updates
[youknow everythin]: She’s hurting. I told you last night what she was saying, her brother and all that. I got the full run down. She was keeping a lot from me this summer.
You tried real hard to not let those words tug at your heart.
[youknow everythin]: You know what it made me think of? That psych thing or whatever it is, the invisible child thing? Where one childs needs are so great that the other kid kind of goes unnoticed? But… Not totally unnoticed, they’re just more self sufficient? I feel like that’s Mina. She just needs someone to see her.
That made your stomach feel weird.
And not because of his last sentence.
Because you understood.
You didn’t have any siblings, but you had to grow up pretty self-sufficient.
[you]: damn i didn’t think of it like that
[you]: makes me feel like a bitch for what i’m about to say
[youknow everythin]: Tell me
“You are so out of it,” Theo said, handing the beautifully decorated coffee over to you. With whipped cream on the top he swirled caramel around it. Looking up at him, he gave you a smile and stepped away from the counter to take care of another customer who had appeared beside you while you were focused on your screen. 
“I’m sorry,” you sighed.
[you]: i think she’s lying about her brother
“The drama never ends,” you whispered, picking up the coffee to take a sip of it. It was equally sweet as it was caffeinated. “Oh my god,” you groaned after a swallow. Theo smirked over his shoulder. “I’ll text you the money,” you said, tapping away to open his messages, but he stopped you.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said, flipping the other person's coffee over to shake it. “Someone left you an allowance. I think you’re good for the rest of the semester to be honest.” He chuckled as your brows rose. “You have another friend down at ATZ, and I assume he’s told you all about me.”
“Soul,” you mumbled, and Theo shot you a look that did little to warm your heart. “Yeah, he, uh, he told me.”
Popping a lid on the small sized cup in his hand, he slid it over the counter to the person next to you and muttered, “Three eighty seven,” and took the cash as they handed it over. “I don’t want to tell you to stay away from him,” Theo said to you, giving the person their change, “He’s really not that bad of a guy.” Shifting back over to your side of the counter, he leaned over on his elbows and looked up at you. “He’s just been through some shit.”
Rolling your eyes, you sipped your drink and tried not to laugh. “Seems to be the theme of the day.” Theo flattened his lips into some sort of smile. “What was her name?”
He closed his eyes and released a breath. “Soojin.” When his eyes met yours he laughed at your pout. “Don’t, it’s okay. She was a year below me in school, they had another year of high school together, I was here, it wasn’t a big deal.”
With another sip, you tried to hide behind your straw when you asked, “When did it happen?”
Theo smirked, assessed his surroundings and the little people that were inside his cafe. “She was a senior, he was a sophomore, I was a freshman trying to get into the prestigious ATZ. I was upset when it happened of course, she and I were still dating, but, when you really look at it, what kind of senior in high school takes an interest in a sophomore…”
“Oh my god,” you sighed, your eyes going wide. Theo grinned.
“Yeah, so I ended that quick,” he nodded once, standing up to clean up behind his counter. “And, I made sure Shota was okay, even though he was all smug about it. He was sixteen, he had every right to think he was hot shit for sleeping with a senior, but brotha’ was a victim.”
Soul’s dark eyes that never seemed to have a thought behind them came to mind, and you were gutted. “Tae, oh my god,” you said and he shrugged, wiping down his machines. “He told me that you hate him for it.”
Theo huffed a laugh, then hung his head for a few seconds. “If that’s what he wants to believe, I’ll take it. I don’t hate him,” he turned to give you a look. “He’s impressionable. Don’t take this the wrong way, but he’s not… all there,” he came closer to you. “His parents are… were… kinda messed up. You can’t tell him I said any of this,” Theo pointed at you, his eyes going stern.
“Promise,” you whispered, holding up a hand.
Theo tapped his fingers on the counter, watching them for a moment. “He was in therapy for a while.”
“Weren’t we all?” you attempted to lighten the air, smiling, and he laughed.
“I guess at some point,” he breathed. “I mean, I was after my parents got divorced, so… No, but, Shota, he’s been into a lot of things kids shouldn’t get into. This ability for him to… attract… that kind of attention, like with Soojin, I don’t know, it’s…” 
“His eyes,” you whispered, and Theo never looked at you faster. Sheepishly smiling, you said, “He’s been following me around for a little bit now, Tae. He showed up to ITZ one night.” Theo’s eyes shot open wide. You nodded. “Yeah, he’s persistent. I can kinda see why he’d so easily coerce someone… Not saying that’s what he did, or has done, but… Yanno?”
Theo thought about it, then asked, “So, you were catchin’ a crush?”
“No,” you said, hushed and rushed. “I have way too much happening to have a crush on a freshman. That makes me Soojin, just many years later.” He smiled, popping his brows. “And, now that I know he’s your little brother? That’d be weird. You and I were dates at Date Night last winter, my allegiance is to you, Taeyang.”
“I’ll never forget Wooyoung's face when we got picked,” he said, and you both shared a smile. “He was pissed.”
Names were chosen at random between the sorority and the fraternity, pairs made for the night. Date Night, one of the more exciting events thrown between the houses, kicked off with a bang though neither house raised enough to put toward this current year. Still, it was fun, and you were paired with Theo who drank your required liquor when you couldn’t stomach anymore. The two of you danced, you laughed, you hung out with Tori and Yeosang, her randomly chosen date, and you partied until the next morning. 
The kicker… You were strapped together at the wrist. You physically could not leave your date alone, and if someone else wanted to talk to you, you had to talk to their date, too.
Vernon was paired with Isla.
Yuna and Jongho were matched up.
Ryujin and San.
Chaeryeong was paired with a senior, as well as Mingi, like you and Theo.
Hongjoong had a senior from ITZ on his wrist.
Seonghwa and Lia both had freshman recruits.
Yunho got lucky enough to have Mina follow him around.
And, Wooyoung had Yeji.
You could say that was the start of the downfall, that Yeji and Wooyung were paired up together, so who knows if that night they hooked up as well, but you’ve stopped letting the thought bother you.
“It was fun,” you gave him a small smile.
“It was.” He returned it. “Are you guys gonna do that again? I know that one’s like tradition, right?”
“Tori has it on the schedule,” you said. “She’s stuck it sometime in October now, I think around Halloween? It might land on her birthday, I’m not so sure.”
“Well,” he stood up straight, having leaned over the counter again, and slapped his hands on the vinyl. “If you get paired with Shota, keep an eye on him.”
“Think I might do that regardless now, Tae,” you said, lifting your drink a bit to signal your exit. “Thanks again.”
Theo smirked and watched you leave the cafe. “Thank my brother.”
september 23rd ~ monday ~ 1:47 p.m.
[youknow everythin]: Rory there’s nothing there though, we can’t just assume, can we?
“It was here yesterday!”
Sitting forward, you laid your phone on the table beside your plate and groaned in frustration. Tori, cross legged with her waves over her shoulders, watched you with a raised brow.
“He deleted it, he had to have deleted it,” you whispered, refreshing Chan's profile three times before giving Tori a look of dismay. “When we were at the library, he posted it.”
“It’s been a day, it’s not going to be there anymore,” she said, picking up her fork. “I want to believe you, though.”
Eyes bugging out of your head, you attempted to refresh the page again. “You don’t believe me? How?” When you met her eyes again the taste in your mouth went sour. “Tori, I’m not lying to you, I swear to God, she is lying to us.”
“What person would lie about their brother like that?”
“That’s what I’m saying!” you shouted, and many heads turned your way. The two of you were at a small table toward the front of the sushi restaurant you stormed out of over a week ago. “Yunho thinks she’s got that invisible child thing. You know, where they pry for attention, or something.”
Tori, sipping her water, rolled her eyes. “Listen, I want to believe you, Ror, but now that you’ve got this thing with Yunho, it looks like you’re trying to make her the bad guy.”
Right, she was still miffed about the whole situation.
“I know what it looks like, okay?” You squeezed your eyes shut. “I’m not trying to… Win the boy, or whatever it is you think I’m doing. I have the boy. It’s not about that.”
Tori sat back in her chair and folded her arms. “You do, do you?” You nodded and she pursed her lips. “Then, what is it about? If she is lying like you say she is, what’s the point of calling her out for it? Just let it go, all shit comes out eventually.”
She was right.
Letting her go back to her sushi, you swiped back to your messages.
[youknow everythin]: She has been giving me specific updates, Rory
[youknow everythin]: I don’t think she’s lying
september 24th ~ tuesday ~ 2:44 p.m.
In four days you and your sisters would be walking through the doors of ATZ with your recruits. The two houses would come together for dinner, an introduction of sorts, a welcome to the life type of night. There have been freshmen in and out of the house since yesterday morning, touring the property, meeting the board, sucking up to Yeji who spoke to them all with the fakest smile you’ve ever seen.
Standing in the foyer now, your new dark blue ITZ t-shirt on and tucked into the waist of your jeans, two girls walking through the door in sundresses caught your eye. Wide eyed and excited, they gasped to themselves as they gaped up at the ceiling, the two of them arm in arm, linked together. It reminded you of you and Tori. They joined the few girls already walking the first floor, taking in the photos on the wall, reading every description, every story that lived on the white paint.
Ryujin, in the same t-shirt, stood beside you. Nudging her side, you gestured toward the girls.
“Those are the two I met at ATZ,” you whispered. Ryujin scanned the group, then found them and squinted. “They’re freshmen, and I think they come as a pair. Can’t buy them separately.”
“Like you and Tor,” Ryujin mumbled, and you smiled. “My gaydar is going off looking at the shorter one, I can probably make some magic happen.” Fluffing her shaggy hair, she adjusted her shirt to be a bit more frumpy, letting it hang over the waist of her wide legged jeans. She was gone in seconds, flashing a sideways smile to both girls who shook Ryujin’s hand with caution. Sure enough, the shorter one let her eyes slip up and down the seniors frame, but that could mean anything. Ryujin was walking sex appeal, if you swung that way you’d be sneaking out of her room every morning instead of an ATZ bedroom.
Taking a quiet moment for yourself, not being bothered by freshman looking to kiss ass, you pulled out your phone and checked your messages.
[youknow everythin]: How's it going over there? These freshman are ridiculous
Smiling, you worked your fingers on the keys.
[you]: at least you don’t have to listen to a trillion female empowerment stories
[you]: think every girl in this house right now has told the same story
[you]: i think i love it though, they all have something to prove, it’s admirable
[youknow everythin]: Does it remind you of your recruitment? 
[you]: totally, i was coming from a single father who lived paycheck to paycheck, i had to be obnoxious and prove myself. i’m seeing a lot of yeji’s and chaeryeong’s in this crowd. money money money
[youknow everythin]: Same over here, lots of guys flashing their bank accounts. And why is everyone a business major?
[you]: hey, don’t diss
[youknow everythin]: Not what I meant <3 <3 <3
[youknow everythin]: Have you talked to Seonghwa about anything yet? I assume not because he’s been nice to me all day
[you]: no, we should just wait a little bit. shit isn’t hitting the fan right now, we’ll be better off later. you haven’t said anything to mina yet?
[youknow everythin]: Not with this brother thing happening. Plus, she's VP so she’s got a lot on her plate at the moment.
Glancing up at her now, the Vice President, it was written on her t-shirt that she tucked into her denim skirt. Jeans were the dress code for this day, but apparently any denim was acceptable. She was smiling ear to ear while she spoke to a group of girls that gazed up at her with starry eyes. Admitting to yourself that it was impressive she was Vice President already, a sophomore, it didn’t make the feeling in your gut lessen.
Something was off.
It made you wonder if she heard your conversation with Tori the other day.
[you]: understood. keeping shit undercover
[youknow everythin]: It’s been hard to keep Mingi quiet. He’s so nosey. He wants to talk about us all the time.
[you]: us
[youknow everythin]: Us
[youknow everythin]: <3
“Great turn out today, don’t you think?”
Chills ran down your spine. Shoving your phone into your pocket, you turned over your shoulder and plastered a smile onto your face.
“So great,” you said. “I was just thinking about how there are so many like minded girls in here that have something to prove.”
Yeji pierced you with her fox-like gaze, attempting to look through you, into you. In all of the past weeks you’ve never had to be one on one with her, you’ve only had to deal with her in meetings. Her ombre hair curled perfectly laid over her shoulders, tucked behind one ear, showed off the diamonds she was wearing in her lobes. In her t-shirt and skinny jeans, she topped off the fit with strappy black heels and thin silver and gold bracelets on her wrists.
“Like minded?” Yeji asked, letting her eyes leave you for only a second to take in the group. “Explain.”
Swallowing, your mouth had gone dry, you nodded. “Their grades are fantastic, first of all, which you know to me is the most important of all.” Yeji narrowed her eyes. “But, the stories they’re telling us, what they’ve gone through to get here, some being told they’ll never make it to this school, that they’ll never get far… And, they’re here.” She bobbed her head, and smiled once you said, “It makes me think of Mina.”
“Does it?” she questioned, taking a peek at her second speaking with the girls.
“It does,” you whispered. “Everything with her family, yanno? She’s here, at Nasara, and she did that for herself. It’s incredible. I mean, even Isla, she wanted to do something for herself and she’s-”
“Leaving us in a day or two,” Yeji muttered, and your heart stopped. Taking in the shock on your face, she nodded, her stone cold expression never changing. “Don’t worry, she’s not being kicked out. Her brother has been in contact with us. He’s going to come get her, she needs his help. I’ll be sharing the news with Ryujin tonight, so if you could do me a solid and not tell anybody?”
Looking for the senior, the unsuspecting girl laughing it up with the two girls you met at the party, the walls seemed to tighten around you a smidge. She had no idea she was losing her roommate of the last three years. The two met on this day, Ryujin a sophomore, Isla a freshman. They clicked, they understood one another, they became best friends. Ryujin has done so much for Isla within the last year, and now she’d have to go through her most important year alone.
“She’s withdrawing?” you asked Yeji.
“She’s done,” the president nodded. “Withdrawn from classes, from the sorority, from Nasara entirely.”
“Where will she go?”
“With DK,” Yeji shrugged. “We don’t have the ability to help her here. She needs her family. That’s important, you know that, right? Family?” The look she gave you before she scampered away to greet some more freshmen wandering into the house was unreadable. 
february 14th ~ thursday ~ last semester ~ 11:21 p.m.
The ball hit the edge of the cup and bounced onto the floor, a choir of groans echoing throughout the crowded living room. Bumping into Tori, your pong partner, you grabbed onto her arm and voiced your own disappointment. Across the table, the two boys you were playing simply laughed.
“Leave us alone!” Tori shouted playfully. “She’s not good at this, okay, we know this!”
Blushing, you laughed aloud, too drunk to care that she had half roasted you while trying to defend you. “I suck!”
“You do, is that the best you’ve got?” Yunho grilled, wearing a devious smirk on his lips. Poking his tongue out the corner when you looked at him, he raised his brows and motioned toward himself with his fingers. 
Mingi elbowed him, smiling at his girl from across the table doused in beer and liquor. The room was dark, people in the crowd around you were using their flashlights on their phones to light up the table for you four. You were both down to the last three ups on either side.
“She doesn’t seem so bad, you guys are tied.” A voice that wrapped around your heart made you smile. Turning around you bump into Wooyoung who wrapped an arm around your shoulders, tucking you into his chest. Bringing his lips to your ear he said, “Stand up straight, keep your elbows to yourself and throw without thinking too hard.”
Pulling away from him, he kept a hand on your back, he smiled at you and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek. Following his instructions, standing up straight, you made eye contact with Yunho who now wore a scowl. Music flooded your ears, peoples shouts from everywhere in the house threatened to pull your liquor fueled brain elsewhere. Wooyoung took his hand around your waist and gave you a squeeze.
“Breathe,” he said, and you listened. “Look at the cup… Good.” You turned your chin to look at him and he laughed, using his other hand to maneuver your focus back to the table. “Look at the cup, baby, you can do this, prove them wrong, I know you can.”
“Don’t think someone’s allowed to touch the player while they throw,” Yunho called out, and Mingi laughed. Tori shut him up with a glare. 
Wooyoung curled his lip. “Shut up.” Moving behind you, putting both hands on your waist, he cradled his chin into your neck. “Throw it. Show them.” His lips ghosted your skin and you longed to drop the ball and spin around in his arms, but the way Yunho was glaring at you made you want to throw the ball at his head instead of the red cups waiting for you.
“Any day now,” Yunho complained, tipping his chin backward.
“Ro, shut this guy up,” Wooyoung said loud enough for him to hear. Smiling, feeling his hands press into your waist, you pulled your hand back and released the ball. It went into a cup and swirled around in circles, and the three of you on your end of the table cheered for half a second.
Yunho dipped his fingers inside and flicked it out, both him and Mingi laughing together. The crowd was impartial, no one knew who to be happy for.
“Are you kidding me?” Wooyoung spat, pulling you away from the table, planting his hands on the edge. Yunho raised a brow, a shiteating smirk on his lips.
“That’s the game,” he said.
“You’re a piece of shit, just let her have it,” Wooyoung said, throwing a hand toward the cups left in front of the boy many inches taller than him. “It’s one cup.”
Yunho glanced down, then scoffed. “Yeah, it’s one cup,” he parroted, and Wooyoung rolled his eyes. “She’ll get it again, though she’s missed the last ten shots.”
Tori circled the table and ended up somewhere around Mingi, her boyfriend craning his neck down to press kisses to her cheek. Waiting behind Wooyoung, not knowing what the hell was going to happen, you turned around and found San making his way through the crowd. Raising your hands in the air, you shouted for him.
His face lit up. “Ror!” Elbowing past bodies, he found your side and groaned. “Oh no,” he slung himself over your back when you turned around to face the table. “What happened? Why’s he mad?”
Pointing at Yunho, your best friend giving you two ounces of attention, scrunching his nose at San, you said, “He was talkin’ shit, I threw the ball like Wooyoung said, I made it in, but Yo knocked it out.”
San shook his head. “No, you’re kidding, shit move, Yunho!” He looked back at you and San at the sound of his name. “You always play girls like that?” 
Wooyoung smiled at San and held up a hand. “Hang on.” Pointing at Yunho, he said, “Own up to it. Or, you give me the balls, and if I make it in the other two cups, the girls win and you both forfeit for the night. I’m tired of seeing you both standing over here.”
Yunho and Mingi shared a look. From beneath his arm Tori said, “You don’t have to be a jerk, Wooyoung.”
Giving your roommate a look, he quirked a brow. “You wanna take their side over your own sisters? Damn, Tori, that says a lot about you doesn’t it?” San snickered behind you, his hands tangling over your chest. Wooyoung turned back to Yunho. “Balls,” he wiggled his fingers, and the boy obeyed, rolling them across the table. Clutching them both, Wooyoung rolled them in his hands and smirked. “I make it in those two, the ones she didn’t touch, they win. You’re done.”
Yunho crossed his arms and tilted his head back, the smug look in his face doing something to you. “Do it,” he scoffed. “If you don’t make it you have to leave for the rest of the night, how about that?”
Wooyoung threw both balls, one right after the other. They landed in both cups, the ones you didn’t touch, with a splash. The room lost their minds. Yunho and Mingi dropped their arms in shock.
Wrapping an arm around you, acquiring you from San, Wooyoung flashed them a sweet smile. “I was planning on leaving anyway.” And he whisked you out of the living room, leaving the boys dumbfounded behind you.
Barreling through people, both of you laughing, you babbling on about how crazy of a shot that was, you were seconds away from telling him he got lucky when he pressed you against the wall in the hallway, just short of the stairs. 
Almost nose to nose, he placed a hand on the wallpaper and the other to your cheek, dragging his thumb over your skin. He wore a smile, his lips closed hiding his perfect teeth. His hair hung over his forehead, the waves having been pushed side to side all night.
“Did you like the way he was talking to you?” he asked, letting his fingers dance into your hair, pushing it gently off your shoulders that were bare in Tori’s strapless top you borrowed.
Blinking, getting lost in the depths of almond eyes, you took a breath. “Who, Yunho?” Wooyoung nodded, the smallest gesture. “Not really, but it’s Yunho, he never really means what he says. He could talk all the shit in the world and then seconds later his mood changed.”
“It wasn’t cool, Ro,” he said, his hand taking to your shoulder, not dropping any further. “I didn’t like it.” His lips formed a pout. “He was talking about my girl.” Your cheeks warmed, and he smiled, flashing you his perfect teeth. His beauty was indescribable, you couldn’t put words to it. So unique, so undeniably gorgeous. He was a wanted man, and he was here in your arms.
“Your girl,” you whispered, eyes flickering down to his lips. “Since when am I your girl?”
Laughing to himself, he brought both of his hands over your neck, his hands taking to your chin, tilting you upward. His grip was gentle, everything about how he dealt with you was gentle. “I want you to be my girl,” he whispered. “But you get hung up on jackasses, just pay attention to me, Ro, these other guys don’t matter.”
Blinking a few times, you muttered, “Wooyo, I’m drunk.” Exhaling heavily, you wiggled in his grip and he let you go. “I pay attention to you, what’re you talking about?”
Having taken a step backward, his hands were to himself. “You do,” he said. “I just mean… Nevermind.”
This time you came closer to him, sliding your arms around his neck, pulling him in. He walked backward so he could lean against the wall. Taking his arms around your back, he gazed down at you, studying you, taking in every little piece of you.
“We can talk when you’re not drunk,” he whispered, dipping his chin down to brush his nose against your own. Whispering your agreement, he smiled, then tilted his chin and pressed his lips to yours. In mere seconds your hands were in his hair, holding onto him like he’d soon run away. You yearned to melt into him, to stay here forever with his lips on yours, taking your time as if it was the first time you’ve found yourself here.
He treated each kiss like it was fragile, like if he moved too fast the moment would end. Soft lips pulling you under, his tongue meeting yours to deepen it further. There was no rush, no hurriedness about it. By now one would figure you’d be pulled upstairs and stripped to nothing, but, not with Wooyoung. Not now.
Neither of you crossed that line. Neither of you wanted to, not yet. Though many, many make outs, like this one, have ended with sweaty skin and the need to change your pants, both of you, the drive to go further always pulled you both back. Wooyoung had always been quicker to stop it, to stop you if your hand fell to the button of his pants, or if you seemed to fall into some sort of conditioned way of moving about him. 
At first it was strange, him wanting to take his time, but for a couple months now you’ve both been reeling in the build up, in the excitement of what’s to come, the two of you unspokenly going about this thing like it were your first time ever.
“Aurora,” Wooyoung whispered, touching his forehead to yours. Looking up at him through your lashes you smiled. “So beautiful,” he kept his voice low, just for you. “Promise me,” he said, and you lowered your brows. “Promise me you’ll stay away from them.”
“Away from who?”
“Don’t let them pull you into their games,” he said, shaking his head. “That’s how this shit works, this life. They won’t stop until they win.” His hands slipped into your hair, pushing it away. Pausing, he studied you once more and kissed you. “They’ll snuff out anything standing in their way.”
september 25th ~ wednesday ~ 7:15 p.m.
[you]: hey, hope its okay tae gave me your number… you didnt have to do this, but thank you. i’ll blame you for the caffeine addiction next semester
[soul]: come to atz to thank me in person
[you]: too much to do, sorry friend. i’ll see you on saturday, right?? you used your brain instead of your wallet, yeah?
[soul]: yeah…… something like that.
[you]: good. keep it up.
[you]: do me a solid?
[soul]: anything for you
[you]: tell yunho to answer his phone if you can find him, he’s supposed to meet me somewhere and i think he’s drowning in books right now
[you]: hope those boys arent giving you too much of a hard time
[soul]: not at all :)
He was fifteen minutes late. That’s extremely unlike him. Yunho was a cluster fuck, but he was a punctual cluster fuck. 
The two of you were finally meeting at Blend. You had secured a booth in the farthest corner, not that the place was buzzing with life anyway. Away from the windows, away from the door. You weren’t looking to create any problems. All of your board members were busy situating girls to rooms anyways, all of the details needing to be mapped out by Friday morning when all of the new recruits would arrive.
Tori let you in on the secret, there were maybe ten at max that made it through all the way. There were only a couple set aside for now, needing a couple more details set in stone before they could move forward. 
Not needed around the house, actually trying to stay out of everybody's way, you were able to corral Yunho to agree to come out this evening. Unfortunately it looks like homework may win again, however. You wanted to unpack this month with him, unpack what had happened on the roof, discuss Mina when you both weren’t delirious and half asleep.
Sending him the second ‘where are you’ text, you locked your phone and tossed it to the table as the door to Blend swung open. Heart hoping it was Yunho waltzing inside with a hilarious apology, you’re surprised to see Seonghwa, in all black of course. He had his hair pulled back in a tie, hanging low on his neck. It took him three seconds to find you, his eyes scanning the room as if he smelled you the second he walked in. 
“Ror,” he said, his voice and his smile giving you some sort of comfort.
“Hey,” you said quietly, toying with the straw in your cup. Seonghwa gave the smallest wave, if you could call it that, to Theo, then he changed his course and came over to you, leaving the barista dumbfounded as his eyes followed him over to you. “What are you doing here?”
“I don’t know,” Seonghwa half laughed, sliding into the booth across from you, leaving his legs dangling out the side, his feet touching the floor. He slid his hand across the table and brushed his fingers over yours. “I’ve been feeling a little off, think I wanted something warm to drink.”
Raising a finger, letting him slip one beneath yours, you tilted your head. “Feeling sick?”
He shifted in his seat, swinging his legs underneath the table, his knees bumping into yours. His height was unreal. “No, not sick,” he muttered. “Just… off.”
Hooking your finger onto his, you pouted. “Is there anything I can do to help?” Nodding toward the counter where Theo worked behind it without a sound, Seonghwa glanced over there. “Get a drink,” you smiled. “It’s on me.”
Blinking once, he moved his eyes to you, then he released a laugh. “Now that I can’t do.”
“Why not?” you asked, watching him lace his fingers within yours.
“Because,” he whispered, his lashes fluttering as he spoke.
Leaning over the table, you lowered your voice and flipped your brows. “You helped me, now let me help you.”
Seonghwa mainted face. “Did I?” His voice was a whisper. Eyes sharp, the sudden vulnerability swallowed you. A lot has happened since you slept with him. 
At least it felt like a lot.
“I mean, yeah,” you said with a small shrug. Clenching his jaw he glanced at your hands.
“Then you won’t be upset if I tell you he went to see Mina tonight?”
You yanked your hand back, tucking it into your lap with the other. Nausea filled your gut, you could get sick in front of him right here.
“She’s been having a hard time, I've heard, they talk everyday.”
Gulping away the lump in your throat you dropped your eyes to the table and sucked in a shaky breath.
He told you he’d be here.
He promised you that you would talk, about everything.
He hasn’t said that word since he snuck onto your roof.
“Ror?” Seonghwa tapped one of his fingers on the table, pulling you from your thoughts that didn’t circle as much as you thought they would. It was simple. “You okay?”
Rolling your shoulders back, sitting up straight, you sighed and smiled at him. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Seonghwa tried to smile, but his lips could only crinkle as the corners lifted.
“You sure?” he whispered.
The space between your lungs tightened. “No,” you breathed, lifting your hand back onto the table, touching your finger tip to his. Seonghwa looked down at them for half a second. “I thought…”
He bit the bullet and folded his hand within yours again. “Tell me.”
The rub of his thumb over the back of your hand soothed the hurt. “Just thought I really had him this time.”
His brows lowered ever so slightly. “What do you mean?”
Tightening your grip on his hand, his thumb stopped moving. “Hwa, you can’t get mad,” you whispered, poking out your bottom lip a bit, praying your shining eyes would persuade him enough.
“Why would I be mad?” he questioned, his voice going deep.
“Because,” you said, and he narrowed his eyes. “Tori told me you do this… thing. Well, really, Mingi told her.” Seonghwa blew air out his lips and let his eyes close for a second. “I’m serious. You gave me a crazy ass hickey, Hwa. Apparently that means I belong to you.” Ignoring how his eyes darkened, you smiled when he did.
“A man can’t just do it ‘cause he likes it?” he snickered, shaking his head. Shrugging your shoulders, his thumb resumed its dance over your skin. “Ror, you don’t belong to me. Did I love our night together, fuck yes, you know how to ride a dick.”
“Hwa!” you giggled, glancing around the cafe, taking a peek at Theo making a drink behind the counter for a customer not present. He didn’t hear him.
“You're cute when your cheeks go all pink,” he mumbled, bringing your attention back to him. “When did you guys happen? At the next one?”
“Jesus, Seonghwa, I’m not an animal.”
“I am,” he smirked, getting the exact reaction out of you he was hoping.
Calming your smile, you squeezed your eyes shut and shook your head vigorously. “Stop,” you laughed, “I think it was like a week after, or something. You picked me up and brought me to the party where it all… went to shit, I guess.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“No, it’s not your fault, come on.” Wiggling your hand in his you forced his eyes to yours and you smiled what you could. “I should’ve listened to you.”
Seonghwa took a breath and adjusted himself in his seat. “I mean,” he smirked, “Technicaly you did, I said fuck him.”
Laughing with him, you groaned. “Bad idea. Bad idea.”
“It was?” he asked, leaning forward. “I thought you really liked him.”
“Unfortunately I think I do,” you said. “But, at the same time, and I said this to Tori… I don’t know what that feels like.” Seonghwa zoned in his focus and slowly nodded. “I’m… attracted and all that, but I don’t know what it feels like to… be in love with somebody.”
“Love, sheesh,” he muttered. “Who uses that word anymore?”
“Yunho,” you whispered, giving him a sheepish look, one he raised his brows at. “Yeah,” you sighed. “Don’t spill that to anybody. I trust you.”
Seonghwa smiled. “I know you do, that’s why you let me-“
“Stop,” you cut him off with a wide smile, your tone singing a song. Laying your other hand on top of his, you took a deep breath. “We’re not gonna talk about that, okay?”
“Okay,” he said with a bow of his head.
The door to Blend opened, not nearly as confident as when Seonghwa came in. Turning a bit to peek at who it was, your nerves shook themselves awake.
He didn’t see you until he was at the counter, grabbing onto the small white cup that Theo slid over to him.
“Wooyoung,” Seonghwa said loud enough to get the boy to turn. He wore a leather jacket, one hand shoved inside a pocket, and dark blue denim jeans. The shirt on the inside was black.
Kicking your foot into his shin, you shot Seonghwa a glare. Wooyoung turned, confused as hell, but once he processed it was the two of you, you swore he rolled his eyes.
“Since when did you come here?” Seonghwa asked, sharing an equally confused look with his brother.
Wooyoung sipped his drink and lifted the cup in answer. “I’m here every Wednesday night. Last semester I was here every Tuesday night.”
“And the semester before that?” you questioned, slightly teasing him. He moved his eyes over to you and you felt the earth shake beneath you. Both of you were sober, facing one another for the first time since the end of last year.
“I was here every Monday night.” His gaze hardened.
“Why?” Seonghwa twisted his brows, looking the boy up and down. Wooyoung took two steps closer to the table.
“‘Cause,” he started, lowering his chin, balancing his cup in his hand against his bottom lip.
“Chai tea,” you mumbled, and both Seonghwa and Wooyoung looked at you. The boy across from you raised an eyebrow. “And Blend has the honey your mom uses at home.” Glancing at Wooyoung, he watched you. Subtle shock lived in his face, but he wouldn’t show it.
“You remember that?” he asked quietly.
Nodding with a shrug, you said, “Yeah, you told me about it when she called you to yell at you about your psych grade last year.” Seonghwa, in awe, released your hand. Wooyoung took notice.
“Why these specific days though?” Seonghwa shook his head.
You spoke before either of them could. “It means his hardest classes are today…”
It took you a couple seconds to work up the courage to look at Wooyoung again, but you did, and you found him thinking, his brows pointed and his eyes somewhat soft. Parting his lips as if to speak, he bit down on his bottom one instead and turned to walk out the door, telling Theo, “Thanks, Tae, I sent the money.” 
Seonghwa’s eyes were on you, hot. The moment the door was closed and Wooyoung was gone, he started to laugh.
“Don’t start,” you whispered, looking up at him.
“How can I not?” He shook his hair and sat backward. “That was entirely too adorable, Ror. Remembering his order? Remembering why he came here? You’re a real lover girl, aren’t you?”
Averting your eyes to the table, you pushed your drink aside, feeling too sick to drink anymore. “I just remember,” you shrugged. “It’s important to me. Remembering. Especially things like that.” You looked at him. “If you care about somebody, you tend to remember those things.”
At the word care he scrunched his nose.
Your phone buzzed on the table, both of you glancing at the screen that lit up with Tori’s name. Beneath her message was one from Yunho. Picking it up, you opened his first.
[youknow everythin]: Oh my god, I forgot. Rory. I’m so sorry, holy shit.
You flickered your eyes up at Seonghwa momentarily.
“What happened?” he asked.
He went to see Mina tonight.
“Nothing,” you whispered, focusing back on your screen.
[honey sweetie light of my life (no she didn’t make this her own name in your phone)]: get to the house NOW
[honey sweetie light of my life (no she didn’t make this her own name in your phone)]: ryujin losing her shit hurry hurry i cant get her to stop yelling at yeji
[honey sweetie light of my life (no she didn’t make this her own name in your phone)]: isla is gone, no one knows when she left, her stuff is gone
“Seonghwa, I gotta go,” you mumbled, barely giving him another look, leaving him at the table. Not a word was spoken elsewise. He let you go.
It took ten minutes to walk back to ITZ. Placing a hand over your racing heart, you barreled up the stairs and paused. Through the door, through the walls, Ryujins voice echoed into the outside. It sounded like things were being thrown, there were voices on voices and bangs on bangs.
Pushing the door open you’re greeted by a shoe falling to the floor in front of you from the second floor. Shutting the door with your back, you snapped your neck up and found the back of Yeji, standing against the railing with her arms folded over her chest. The shouting was coming from up there, Ryujin.
“YOU NEVER SAID SHIT YEJI! She’s GONE, where the FUCK did she GO!?”
Bending to pick her shoe up, finding many more littered about the floor, a hand grabbed your wrist and stood you up. Tori, eyes wide and brows high, shook her head and gestured toward the upstairs. “Don’t bother, she launches them back down. Yeji’s dodged almost every sneaker she owns, if we bring them back we’re only supplying her ammo.” She pulled you toward the stairs, out of the way of unidentified flying objects.
“What the hell is happening?” you asked, keeping your voice low. Ryujin still screamed, every profanity possible. Turning to Tori, she cringed. She had been crying, her eyes were glassy. Glancing upstairs, the other girls were either in their doorways or on the other side of the staircase, out of the way of Ryujin’s rage.
“Isla’s gone,” Tori whispered, the tears welling up in her eyes. “All of her things are gone, all of her belongings, her furniture, it’s gone. There isn’t a trace of her in that room. Ryujin came home from class and lost her shit.”
“Yeah, no kidding,” you muttered. “No one’s tried to stop her?”
Tori gave you a look. “That’s her best friend, Ror. If this happened to you, and I suddenly disappeared, wouldn’t you freak the fuck out?”
Your heart sank. “Suddenly? What do you mean suddenly?”
She shrugged, a few tears falling down her cheeks. “No one knew, she didn’t tell anybody.”
“Who?” you whispered. Tori gave you another look, her brows meeting in the middle of her forehead. 
“Isla,” she sighed. “She didn’t say anything, she just… left. Quietly, too, no one knows how she did it.”
Gritting your teeth you took a breath and turned your attention to the senior on the second floor telling Yeji exactly what she thinks about her, and the president was unmoving. Still, not frozen, but still, Yeji watched her. Watched her scream, watched her sob, watched her throw whatever she could at her, and she didn’t say a word.
Now you could be sick. Now you could fall to the floor, your knees weak. Grabbing onto Tori, your best friend wrapped a hand around your back, laying her chin on top of your head, sniffling. 
Yeji knew how she did it. Yeji knew how she left. She knew when she left.
And so did you.
september 28th ~ saturday ~ 6:00 p.m.
Twenty five boys stood on the front steps of the ATZ house. Most of them wore smiles, and neatly buttoned shirts and pants, their hair styled to perfection, standing tall as you and your sisters approached the porch. Whispers moved through their group, the boys excited, and hungry. They had outdone you. ITZ was only bringing ten more girls.
Nineteen of you. There would’ve been more, but those girls you met at the party, and some others, didn’t make it past the cut. Turned down, Yeji signed five letters telling them they weren’t eligible for advancement into the sorority. You weren’t even able to protest without exposing to Yeji what you’d done, having attended the party, and met them in the kitchen when you were plastered. As much as you’d love to have those girls here with you, have them add a little more muscle to your sisterhood, this past month has been too much. You couldn’t risk anything at this point.
Tori, beside you in a little white dress, she slid her arm beneath one of yours and smiled. Her boyfriend was on the porch, standing in front with the original nine of ATZ. He’d already spotted her, the way he teetered back and forth on his feet shifting his weight while he waited patiently for her to find him entirely too adorable. They hadn’t seen one another in a few days, none of you have been here for a few days, both houses have been too busy preparing for this moment, and thankfully so.
Yunho stood next to Mingi, his shirt buttoned in totality, unlike his best friend who left the to one undone. The corners of his lips were turned up. A smile of sorts, but he seemed nervous. His eyes gave him away. The text he sent you Wednesday night, before rushing home to calm Ryujin- which you did- you never answered. He’s sent you a message everyday since, only two, you didn’t get one today, but it didn’t matter.
He forgot to meet you, or he was lying like his stupid girlfriend and he went out with her instead, comforting her and her allegedly real situation. For days she’s moped around the house, taking longer to talk on the phone, hanging around Yeji more than she’s ever had. She’s even taken Tori from you on a few occasions, and your roommate would come back in twenty minutes with some sort of update, telling you that Mina wasn’t feeling any better about the situation.
If she was telling the truth, she had every right to be upset. You understood that more than anybody. You’d go days without hearing from your dad sometimes, it was scary, even if you knew they were coming back. Some days it felt like they never were. Since he’s been back from his work trip in Contramano you’ve heard from him twice. A text when he returned, and then the shortest video call so he could see your smiling face.
Some days you wished you could tell him everything, that he’d be the kind of dad who would listen, and understand. Maybe he’d even give you some advice, tell you how to handle the shitshow you were swept inside of, but no. He’s taught you how to wear false emotion on your face and gave you the skill of juggling multiple situationships at once. Like you, your father didn’t know what love was. You like to think he gave you the best he could, that whenever he told you he loved you, that you were his everything, that he was telling the truth.
Maybe that was enough. The two of you trying your best to be the best people you could be for one another, knowing that at the end of the day it was just you and him. He didn’t want anything to happen to you, and though you longed for him to be detained maybe just one more time so he’d change his life, you didn’t want anything to happen to him either. He did try his hardest to be the best dad, and you could admit you gave him too much shit, but he couldn’t blame you for that. Your father has been through hell and back, a hell that he’s somewhat protected you from, a hell that he’s been learning from. Almost.
Old habits die hard.
Hongjoong stepped down from the porch with his head held high, extending a hand toward Yeji who stood at the front of your group. Smiling, his confidence exuding him, he took her hand and shook it, bowing his head as he did. Yeji returned his smile, matching his energy, and smiled. They exchanged a few words between themselves, the presidents moving with poise and juxtaposition. Hongjoong in a dark suit, his jacket buttoned with no shirt beneath it, and Yeji in a baby blue dress, her hair curled and her skin covered properly. Two halves of a whole, their knowing eyes reading one another with a careful tenacity. No one could deny their power, their own energy almost too much for themselves.
Up on the porch on the other side of the stairs stood Seonghwa, a being most of the girls behind you whispered about. A being that could have any girl in this group. All he’d have to do is point to one, and he’d have them crawling up the stairs. But, his eyes were on you, gentle and soft. When you met them he smiled. Trying to return it, your eyes fell to Vernon standing in front of him.
Brows low, his eyes were sharp, on alert, scanning your group from left to right, and back again. He tilted slightly side to side to get a glimpse of some of the girls hiding behind others. He was looking for something. Someone. When he met your eyes he questioned you with a raise of his brows, the action so small it’d go unnoticed by someone out of the know. Shaking your head, pulling your lips into a frown, you could feel the hurt that cracked his usual stoic expression in half.
Quickly composing himself, he glanced away, focusing on Hongjoong who turned back to his house, but then he narrowed his glare and shot it toward Yeji. Beside him, Wooyoung put a hand on his arm and whispered something to him. The boys spoke back and forth for a second while Hongjoong introduced himself to your sisters and new recruits, Wooyoung taking a peek at you every now and again while Vernon whispered to him.
Yeji introduced herself to the boys on the porch, the majority of the newbies visibly drooling over her. Some took their time with each face, marking their prey before it even stepped through their door. Soul was up there, leaning over the railing to the left of Seonghwa, his two freshman friends with him. The cocky one, Jongseob with his eyes set on Tori, and the shy one, Intak, who wore a smirk, eyes set on a girl somewhere behind you. 
Soul had his eyes on you. Smiling at him, his smirk deepend and he stood up straight, ripping his eyes from you to look at your president.
Both houses recited their mission statements for one another, whipping you into shape quickly, pulling your attention off the boys, and then, you were in the house. 
Dinner for the most part went smooth, to plan, as it should have. The boys let you and your sisters into the house first, their greetings respectful and kind, likely the doing of Hongjoong and Seonghwa. It was how they all moved through dinner as well, respectful and kind, treating the nineteen of you like important guests in their home, serving you, proving themselves. Soul had been the one to bring you a drink, something without alcohol in it.
That was for later.
This was all an act.
The recruits with you expressed their shock, their surprise that the frat house wasn’t a mess, not dirty in the slightest, and you wanted to let them in on a secret, but figured they’d see it soon enough. As soon as the clock struck ten the house flipped over.
For the majority of dinner Yunho kept to himself, hanging around Yeosang who gave you nothing more than a smile, though he hugged Tori. The first of many questionable things to happen within the hours before the party started.
Yunho didn’t say hello, he was actively trying to keep his eyes off of you. Finding something else to occupy him if the two of you got too close, usually another boy or a plate to clean up or a drink to fill.
Seonghwa checked in with you, noticing how Yunho avoided any interaction with you. In front of a group of his freshmen following him around, Soul included, he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and smiled. Soul made sure to touch your shoulder, giving you a shake before they walked away.
Vernon hovered in a corner focused on his phone for most of the dinner, his nails finding themselves between his teeth as he tried to listen to people speak, the higher ups giving tours and sharing makeshift speeches with anyone who’d listen. He couldn’t even entertain the ATZ freshmen when they’d ask him about baseball, he was totally disconnected, and he hadn’t been able to get you alone to ask you what had happened, at least not yet.
Tori and Mingi hung onto one another with class, answering the freshmen’s questions of ‘Are you together?’ with smiles and happy nods. Mina found herself beside them often, Mingi now involved in the comfort Mina project.
Wooyoung hung around the outskirts of the dinner, like he would at any of his parties this semester it seemed. A complete change from how he’d act in the past, outgoing, loud, the center of attention. It didn’t click with you until you heard your friends speak about not being able to find him when they’d come here, that he’d hide. Hide, or just know how to not be seen. Even on social media he’s gone quiet, only the occasional post going up to his story, nothing big, not since that first party when he got you in trouble.
Hongjoong walked around with Jongho, the two of them seemingly becoming partners in crime this semester more so than Hongjoong and Seonghwa. The pair were almost comical, the muscle behind the beauty, like a bodyguard, stopping anybody if they got too close to his president. The sophomore did find himself with Yuna at some point, her chocolate brown curls melting his hardened exterior in seconds. Sharing a job, Yuna would often argue, since last year, that they spoke mainly about work, but the eyes never lie. There was something there.
San, well, he was San. A polite dinner party would not stop him from waltzing around the house without a care, taking after his president, wearing no shirt beneath his suit jacket that he unbuttoned as the night drew on and on. Shamelessly flirting with anybody who’d entertain him, not even knowing he was flirting, he accidentally collected a following, boys and girls alike who some would fall victim to later on.
Somehow you collected your own following. A few of the ITZ recruits found it comfortable at your side, asking you questions about the house, about the boys whenever one would pass by you and shoot you a wink. Ryujin accompanied you, lingering close by with a scowl on her face, and rightfully so. She didn’t want to come tonight, but contractually she had too. Avoiding Vernon for now, she unspokenly clung to you.
When the clock did strike ten, however, everybody changed. The entire house flipped over, and it happened fast.
Red cups littered the place within the hour of the party starting. The lights were shut off, the music had been turned up to a volume one had to shout over, and boys jackets and girls sweaters were draped over any furniture in the vicinity. Pong tables were going in the back of the living room, shouts coming from there, Mingi and Tori’s included. Both you and Ryujin didn’t know what to do, sipping your first drinks of the night, gathering some of the girl's belongings that had been strewn about, you weren’t sure whether to chaperone or drink away your sorrows.
As the first hour progressed, Ryujin decided on the latter. Flopping onto a couch amongst the brothers and sisters chattering away, dancing around the living room, she requested a full cup from an ATZ recruit and he obliged. At least you’d know where to find her, but now this meant you were on your own.
september 28th ~ saturday ~ 11:23 p.m.
“How is Yeji okay with any of this?” Vernon said, walking with you toward the living room, dodging drunk recruits wandering to the kitchen latched to one another's arms. Glancing over your shoulder at the boy and the girl laughing, you sighed.
“It’s tradition,” you suggested, giving him a shrug. “But, it’s funny though, right? She can ban us, but then allow everybody to run free tonight. It’s a tease to these new girls, they’re gonna be so disappointed.”
Taking up a spot on the vacant stairs the two of you sat side by side, Vernon sipping from his cup, his first and only of the night. You were on your second, taking your time, not wanting to be delirious for the whirlwind that already was this night.
“You know,” Vernon started, looking over into the archway of the living room. 
San was on the back of the couch, shirtless, with his tongue down an ITZ recruits throat. You believed she was a sophomore so you didn’t feel the need to run in there and put an end to the way her hands ran over his muscled chest without a care. Even if she was, you weren’t Yeji. The fun would commence, but you’d still keep a watchful eye over your sisters, old and new.
Vernon shook his head. “I don’t even remember what I was gonna say,” he turned to you, “I thought this night was gonna go one way, but it’s gone the exact opposite since you guys got here.” 
Twisting your cup around in your hands, you took a breath. “I know,” you said. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, it’s not your fault,” he mumbled, knocking back what was left in his cup. “I just don’t know why she wouldn’t tell me she was leaving.”
Thinking about that night and Ryujins freak out, you circle back to the day before, when Yeji told you that Isla was withdrawing from Nasara and leaving with her brother. It was supposed to make sense, it should make sense, but for some reason, like the rest of the vague bullshit that occurred around here, it didn’t.
“She didn’t tell you anything at all?” you asked, and he shook his head, his brown curls dancing on his forehead.
“Nothing,” he nearly whispered. “I mean, I get it, she doesn’t owe me anything, we only hooked up once and she leaned on me for help, even though I genuinely wanted to help her…”
Letting him vent, you smiled once it was over. “She was still your friend, Vernon. That stuff hurts, and her not telling you that she was leaving should hurt.” He bobbed his head, letting it hang. “When did you guys… If you don’t mind me asking? I didn’t know you guys were like that.”
“Me either,” he admitted with a huff. “She, uh, showed up at my practice Monday night, and you know my coach keeps me late because of the scouting and wants to make sure I’m ready before I go up to triple A. She stayed and watched me hit, watched me work first base, bullying me the entire time- though she has no right ‘cause her brother is a pitcher and I am not, but whatever,” you both laughed, “It was really late, she helped me get my stuff together, followed me into the locker room which she’s done before, but… Something about this time she just… She got me.”
“I’m going to ask you something, please don’t take it the wrong way, okay?” you said, and he nodded. “Was she sober?”
“Completely,” he spoke fast. “Trust me, Ror. Wouldn’t have let her undress me if she wasn’t.”
“You two were really out there living every high schoolers fantasy,” you said with a giggle. “Sex in the locker rooms after baseball practice.”
He shared in your laugh for only a second. “Yeah, and now she’s gone.”
“You can always track her down,” you offered, bumping him with your elbow. “Instagram? Text? She’s with her brother, work your baseball magic and get her.”
He looked at you, his eyebrows lowering over his big brown eyes. “She’s with her brother?” A tiny spark of nerves ignited in your chest. “How do you know that, you’ve heard from her?”
“No, she hasn’t talked to any of us.”
His tone was slowly turning sharp. “Then how do you know she’s with her brother?”
“Yeji,” you whispered, unable to lie to his pretty face. “No, Vernon, wait!”
Leaping from the stairs, Vernon dropped his cup to the ground and barreled into the living room, ignoring your shouts for him to come back. Following him, jumping onto your feet, a hand landed on your shoulder before you could cross under the archway.
“Let me go,” you spat, turning around in haste. “Oh,” you sighed, and the spark of nerves turned into a flame. “What do you want?”
Yunho parted his lips as you tugged your shoulder from his grip. “Can I talk to you?”
“I don’t think so,” you said, and he scrunched up his face. “Go talk to Mina.” Spinning around to follow after Vernon, Yunho yanked you back again. “Let me go, Yo!” Facing him, he tried to put both hands on your shoulders but you swatted him away.
“Rory, can I just-”
“She said to let her go.”
Shooting a glare over your shoulder, Yunho dropped his hands to his sides and said, “You think you really have room to speak here?” Backing up from between them, you glanced at Wooyoung who glanced at you at the same time before piercing Yunho with his glare.
“A girl just told you to take your hands off of her twice, Yunho,” he said. “You think Hongjoong would be pleased to hear that?”
“Oh, that’s rich coming from you Wooyoung, you really think he’ll listen to you?”
Wooyoung smiled. “Regardless of what my supposed reputation says about me, what all these people will say about me, never once have I ever been involved in a situation like the one you’re presuming I’ve been.” Yunho clenched his jaw. He caught a glimpse of you, but you were locked in on the boy speaking. “Maybe I’ve done some shitty things, but I know basic respect and consent.”
“Wooyoung, it was only this once,” you muttered, and he looked at you, his eyes swallowing you whole.
“It doesn’t matter, Ro,” he said, his tone calm as he spoke to you. “This is how it starts.” Gesturing behind him with his head, telling you to move along, you listened, and heard Yunho protest as you wandered off into the living room.
“Aurora! Aurora!” San shouted at you from the couch he was on, the sophomore in his lap now, waving for you to join them. There were bodies around them, everyone talking over everyone, taking shots they’d pour with any of the multiple bottles of liquor on the table in the center of the furniture, offering you one as you stepped over their bare legs and sweaty bodies.
“How the fuck did this turn into this so fast?” you breathed, taking the cup from an ATZ recruit, flopping onto the sofa beside San who slung an arm around you. Pressing the cup to your lips you gulped down the, you think, vodka, with a cringe.
“You’re not drunk enough,” San said, grabbing the sophomore by the waist, lifting her with him as he reached for the bottle on the table. She yelped and giggled, grabbing onto him in some way to stay on his front. In the extremely dim light you could make out her pretty face and the several purple marks on her neck from San already. “Why are you not drunk enough? There’s no rules tonight, Ror. Look at what’s happening.”
“I’ve seen what’s happening, Sannie, half of our recruits are being corrupted by yours,” you smirked and he laughed, pouring straight vodka into the cup you held out for him. “You’ve taught them well.”
“I haven’t taught them a thing,” he said, giving you a look. “They came that way. It’s not our fault every single one of you is fuckable.” Twisting the cap on the bottle he tossed it to the other side of the couch and settled his hands on his girl's hips, digging his fingers into her curves. “You know, your girls aren’t totally innocent, they know what they’re doing. They want it too.”
Sipping the liquor, you licked your lips and leaned into him, your noses centimeters apart. His breath hitched in his throat, his eyes darting down to watch your tongue. “It’s not our fault every single one of you is fuckable.” With parted lips, he sighed.
“Wanna join us?” he whispered, poking his tongue out to wet his lips. Honestly weighing the possibilities, the liquor doing nothing to keep you logical, it was possible. “Holy fuck, Aurora,” he muttered. San had an unnatural ability to figure you out, to figure anyone out. It’s how he always got what he wanted, most of the time. That and his physical appearance alone.
“Find me after I finish another drink,” you whispered, and he started to smile. Reading your mind, he met you in the middle and kissed you, your tongues moving in between it all. You’ve kissed him before, once on a dare, and then again on your own. It was all purely platonic, a fact he knew as well.
Ryujin, still planted on the couch across from the other with a girl on her lap now, she watched the three of you.
“Wait, are you serious?” he asked, calling after you as you parted from him and rose from the couch.
Sipping from the cup, you shrugged and said, “Don’t know yet, just come find.” Winking at the girl on his lap smiling at you, you spun around and continued your venture through the house, almost tripping over feet and shoes thrown about, giving them their moment back. If tonight went to shit, if you ended up with nobody, which you were somewhat hoping for now that you were on drink number three, you could possibly want to end up with San. For nothing more than just pure fun.
Tonight was a night for that, for fun. Legal, allowed to be having, type of fun.
Approaching the archway into the second half of the living room, you almost froze. Yeji was coming toward you, her eyes on watch, patrolling the property. As you passed one another her smile grew, and it was anything but comforting like your president's smile should be. It was menacing, the liquor twisting it into something to be afraid of.
“There she is, Ror!”
That was Soul’s voice. Escaping from Yeji you turned to follow the freshmans call, finding him holed up in a corner with a few others, his friends included.
“Come here,” he said, waving you forward with his hand not holding a can. Wandering toward him slightly sideways, he laughed and shook his head, holding open an arm for you to tumble into. “Where’ve you been?”
“Around,” you said, sipping your drink. Soul gave a look to Jongseob to his left and smiled.
“What are you drinking, babe?” he asked, taking the cup from you easily, tipping his chin back to take a sip. “Jesus,” he groaned. “Straight?”
“No, gay,” you said, narrowing your eyes and the boys around you laughed. Soul smirked, pressing you into his chest for a few seconds. “Here’s your fuel.” Handing the cup back to you, he watched you take a bigger sip this time around. “Where are you on your way to? Seonghwa?” Two of the boys snickered, Jongseob and Intak. Turning in Souls arms you gave a look to Jongseob, but then took your time with Intak, watching him clam up beneath your interrogation. 
He wore a suit tonight like the rest of the boys, his hair styled neatly on top of his head. His white button up beneath the black jacket was slightly disheveled, a few buttons undone from the top, not like it was hours ago. Holding a drink, he sipped it and blinked feverishly, his cheeks flushing as you pushed yourself out of Souls arms and wobbled over to him.
“Intak, catch her,” Jongseob muttered, and the boy listened, holding open his arms. Latching onto him, you smiled up at his brown eyes. 
“Is this the chick you were telling us about?” An unknown voice said from behind you. One of the boys they were standing here with. Twisting in Intaks arms, pressing your back to his front, giggling at how he tensed, you found the stranger's face and audibly sighed, expressing your contentment with his appearance. Curly ginger hair shamelessly let his eyes roam about your body.
“Who are you?” you asked. “I’ve never seen you before.”
The boy looked into your eyes and smiled, his even more charming than Jongseobs. “Jiung,” he said, and the name flowed off his tongue with grace. His suit was tailored perfectly to his form, showing off exactly what you’d get beneath it.
“Damn,” you breathed, laying your head onto Intak’s chest. “Why are you all hot?”
The boys broke out in laughter, making you smile. Intak slid an arm around your waist, keeping you close to him.
“Yeah, this is the chick you were telling me about,” Jiung said to Soul.
Looking at him, you asked, “What’s that mean?”
Soul faced you, put a hand on your cheek and pinched your skin. “Don’t worry about it.” Sharing a look with his friend that you pushed your ass against, he raised a brow. “Remember what you said about Intak?”
“I do,” you said. “How could I forget, Soul, he’s so cute.”
“He is, isn’t he?”
“Yeah,” you said quietly, with a smirk, “So are you.” Soul’s smile was satisfied. Looking at Jongseob you said, “And so are you, and you.” You added a glance to Jiung as well.
“Aurora, where’s your friend?” Jongseob asked, ignoring your compliment. “The tall one, brown hair, big eyes… Boyfriend.”
Your brows shot up. “Tori?” you snickered, putting your hand over Intaks, sliding it higher on your torso. Soul and Jiung watched it move, both shocked and disappointed you stopped before it reached your chest.
“Yeah, Tori,” Seob’s eyes flashed with something dark.
“Me?” Her voice was heard before she was seen, and in a flash she was glaring around at the boys and snatching onto your wrist, pulling you off of Intak. “What’s going on here?”
“We’re just talking,” Soul said, tucking his hands behind his back. Intak shoved a hand into his pocket quickly. Tori looked him up and down and scoffed.
“You guys are disgusting,” she sneered. “Welcome to ATZ, you fit right in.” Her eyes found Jongseob last, and when he winked at her her entire body reacted, shivering as she held onto you. “I can have Mingi over here in seconds.”
“Do it,” Jongseob challenged, and Tori’s eyes shot open wide.
“Leave me alone, Seob,” she said, her tone packing a punch. “Come on,” she said to you. “How are you messed up already, who’s making you drinks?”
Watching her while the two of you walked toward the back of the living room, rather, while Tori supported your body weight as she walked toward the other room, she didn’t seem all that drunk. She could hold her drinks better than you could, that was a fact, but at this point in the night she’d be a giggling mess under Mingi’s arm.
“Are you drinking?” you asked.
“Of course I am,” she said. “I’m just not drinking fast,” she glanced down at you. “I didn’t think you wanted to get drunk tonight.” Moving around the crowd around the tables focused on the dual games going on, Mingi towering over the crowd around one end, Tori maneuvered you onto one of the leather couches pushed against a wall. A couple of other girls sat close by.
“Not drunk,” you mumbled, and Tori sat next to you with a laugh.
“Okay, then what are you?” Her tone dripping with sarcasm.
“Horny now,” you said, laughing and she slapped a hand to her mouth, holding back her own laugh. “Have you seen all of these boys?”
“I have,” she said. “Jongseob has been flirting with me all night, and unfortunately he’s really good at it. I’m seconds away from telling Mingi to stand in front of me for the rest of the night.”
“Where have you been? In here?” you asked, taking a bigger gulp from your cup, almost finishing the liquor in it. Tori nodded, her eyes scanning the room.
“Me and Mina were playing over here not too long ago,” she said and your stomach sunk. “She’s still upset, I’m trying to keep it fun for her tonight.”
The light feeling your drunkenness was giving you fell flat, like you just crashed through several floors of a building. “She’s a liar.”
Groaning, Tori tipped her chin back. “Don’t start with this, Ror.”
“No,” you said, a little louder. “I think I will start with this, ‘cause it’s all… screwy, Tor.”
“How?” Your best friend pressed her lips together and put her hands in her lap.
Holding up a finger, you said, “First of all, I saw that video, her brother is at home.”
“Okay?” Tori shrugged. “Maybe he was missing that morning, and then he came back home. She can still be upset.”
“For this long, though?” you questioned, twisting on the couch to face her entirely. “Get over it already, man, it’s been a week. I once didn’t hear from my dad for a month, you think I let that hang over me once he came back? No!”
Tori tilted her head, sliding a hand over your leg. Not picking up on her attempt to comfort you, you continued.
“And, not for nothing, but it really seems like she’s milking the whole thing. Her brother had problems, we know this, don’t we all have problems?”
Tori glanced up behind you, behind the end of the couch and sat up straight. “Ror, hang on, Ror.” Grabbing onto a hand she held out to you, you shook your head. “No! She’s, like, using it for attention. Who in their right, conscience mind would use their own brother for their own personal gain? He has problems, Tor, and she’s using them to her advantage. My god, she’s already Vice President, what, does she want to take Yeji’s job? No one wants Yeji’s job. Either way, she’s lying!”
“Aurora,” Tori whispered, her eyes wide. “Stop talking.”
“Everyone wants to shut me up,” you grumbled, messily slipping out of her grip. “Can’t do anything, or anyone in this place without being burned at the stake for it.” Standing to your feet you turned to walk out of the room, but froze in place. 
Her eyes were as wide as Tori’s, but not as full of shock. Instead they were pointed, and angry.
“You think I’m lying?” Mina spoke through her teeth.
Downing the rest of the contents in your cup, you dropped it to the floor and started to smile. “I don’t think you’re lying, I know you’re lying.”
“Aurora,” she said. “You think I would do that?” Nodding without a care, you crossed your arms. “Why?” Breathless, she spared Tori a glance who stood up behind you.
“Because,” you started, then laughed when Yunho conveniently appeared behind her. “Of course,” you threw a hand toward him, “Thanks for showing up.” Looking at Mina you pointed at Yunho. “That’s why.” 
Mina looked at him, her brows screwing up on her forehead. “What!?” She whipped her head back to you, her bob swinging beneath her chin. “You think I would lie for Yunho? He has nothing to do with this.” The boy's eyes shot open, catching on.
“Not for him, Mina, to have him,” you said, speaking slowly, chopping up your words like she was a child. “You need his attention so bad that you’ll lie to keep it, ‘cause you have some sixth sense that tells you that he’s been-” “Aurora!” Tori shouted, taking your wrist, tugging you backward.
Mina grit her teeth. “You’ve been jealous since last year, Aurora.” She threw a hand behind her to touch Yunho’s chest. “He would tell me all about it.” 
You met his eyes, his worried, anxious gaze.
“The complaints, ugh,” Mina rolled her eyes, looking up at him. “Don’t deny it, Yo. Remember in the summer?” She looked at you, her glare hot. “You wouldn’t leave him alone, Ror, it was pretty desperate.” 
You felt like you’d been kicked in the gut. Yunho couldn’t say a word, he could only watch his world burn in front of him.
“I’d have left him alone if he told me he was with you,” you spat, testing your limits in Tori’s grasp, attempting to lunge forward. “Your boyfriend didn’t tell me a thing.” Mina shared a look with him.
“Aurora, don’t you dare say anything you’re gonna regret,” Tori whispered to you. Some people had their heads turned toward you and Mina’s shouting, watching the scene take place. “Don’t be stupid.”
“You know he complained about you too, Mina,” you said, cocking your head to the side. Grinning, you laughed aloud. “Is she why you always needed two rounds, Yo?” Something flashed across her face, but you couldn’t read what. Yunho, though, looked like he’d been shot. “He’s been fucking me since May, Mina,” you curled your lip. Her face went unchanged. Gasps were heard around you. Lunging in Tori’s hold again, you laughed. “He kisses you but he’s inside of me.”
Tori attempted to walk away with you, but your feet dug into the floor. This was entirely too much fun, better than joining San and his latest conquest into his bedroom. She spoke to someone behind you, but your ears were ringing, you could hear your blood pumping.
“Just wait till you get him like that,” you said. “If you ever get over yourself and let a boy touch you.” Stumbling over your feet you headed toward the archway with Tori. “Ask him to get on top, you’ll love the face he makes!”
september 28th ~ saturday ~ 1:10 a.m.
[hbic]: She confessed. Straight up. Word for word.
[seonghwa]: What the fuck, now what? If she outed herself, no sense in us doing it all over again.
[hbic]: Yeji is expecting it from us. I’ll tell her what happened. Will let you know what we’re doing.
september 28th ~ saturday ~ 1:13 a.m.
“Stay here.” Tori’s tone was stern, her hands firm on your shoulders as she propped you in the corner of the empty kitchen. Everybody danced about the living room, or the hallway, even the upstairs. There wasn’t much for them here except for a quiet space. “You’re insane, Ror, insane.” She hurried from the corner, your voice stopping her for a few seconds.
“Where are you going?” you asked, peeking at her from around the fridge. Her hair flipped over her shoulder, her eyes ablaze.
“To clean up your mess.”
Laughing as she walked away toward Mingi waiting in the doorway glaring at you, you attempted to run through what had just happened, what you threw in Mina’s face, what you had done to you and Yunho’s relationship, and you couldn’t comprehend it. You couldn’t figure out why you did it, why you said what you said, but it felt really good to say it to her face. To finally be rid of a secret that was becoming too heavy to carry. Last you heard, he was with her anyway. He could comfort her if she was upset, if she was hurt. Though, she didn’t show much of that.
She didn’t show much of anything.
Sliding down to the tiled floor, your smile dropped, and you took in the quiet. A sound so loud, even with the bumping of the music across the house. Alone with the room spinning, you took a shaky breath and felt the familiar lump in your throat.
“Why am I gonna cry?” you mumbled to yourself, attempting to blink away the tears welling up in your eyes.
Don’t cry, you thought. She deserved it.
You suppose Yunho deserved it, too. This whole time, bouncing back and forth between the two of you, even if he made the whole thing out to be him not so interested in Mina, and very much interested in you. Your closest friend of almost three years now, playing you like a fool. Confused, because it didn’t seem like he wanted to be playing you, you’re reminded of what you thought of when Mina was telling you about how good Yunho was that first week back.
Yes, him.
Yes, Yunho.
You should’ve taken your own advice.
Tears fell steadily now, staining your cheeks, falling onto the sundress you wore. You could’ve stopped it, you had all the power in the world to put an end to you and Yunho, but something kept you going, and you’re not sure if it was him or if it was your own fucked up perception of love. He spoke empty words, and you took it like he was giving you the stars from the sky. Depth didn’t exist. He didn’t remember. He never remembered.
You took his crumbs and were content with starving. For what?
Lifting your head, going dizzy, you tried to wipe your cheeks but it was no use, the tears were replaced in seconds. Blinking, you found Wooyoung making his way through the kitchen, a certain hurriedness in his walk.
“You’re gonna make this worse,” you cried, squeezing your eyes shut.
He paused in front of you, squatting down. “Ro, I don’t want to make it worse, I want to help.” His voice mimicked the way he was just walking, quick and rushed, all while trying to stay calm.
“Why do you want to help me?” Opening your eyes, he wore that face he’d give you months ago.
“Because you’re really drunk,” he said carefully. Reaching out a hand, two of his fingers touched the hem of your dress and tugged it over your legs where your knees were pulled into your chest. “You don’t have to like me, you can hate me all you want right now, but please, just trust me. Let’s go outside.”
Sliding your legs out straight, your feet touched his ankles. Sighing, you shook your head and let out a cry. “It’s because of you.” Wooyoung raised a brow. “You did this.”
He held back his smile. “I got you trashed and on the floor of the kitchen?”
Holding back your own smile, you sniffled and whined. “It started with you, all of this, you’re why it’s a mess, you’re why this is happening. I was trying to get over you, and I made a mess.”
Glancing away for a second, Wooyoung held out a hand and released a breath. “Okay, let me make it up to you then, please. Come outside with me.”
“Why?” Giving him a look, he returned it.
“Because,” he said, looking toward the entrance of the kitchen. “There’s people who aren’t nice in this house.”
“And you are nice?”
Wooyoung sighed, shaking his outstretched hand he wanted you to take. “I’m trying to be nice.”
Scoffing, you shook your head. “Nice for what?”
He took a breath and looked you dead in the eyes. “Because you may have gotten over me, but I am not over you.”
He may as well have sucker punched you in the chest. You couldn’t feel your body. You were drunk, but you were not expecting those words to come out of him.
“I don’t believe you,” you whispered, and he cringed.
“I don’t expect you too, not after what you’ve been through,” he muttered, shaking his hand for the last time. “Not after what they’ve put you through.”
“I told you, Ro,” he said, his voice tiny. “These people will snuff out anything standing in their way of what they want. They will get what they want, that’s why we need to leave.”
“What are you talking about?” Finally taking his hand, he sighed in relief and helped you to your feet, but it was too late.
“Oh, good,” Yeji said, turning into the kitchen with Mina and the rest of the board, from both houses, behind her. Even Tori. Even Yunho, and Mingi. “You’ve got her, good work, Wooyoung.”
He shook his head and moved in front of you. “No, I didn’t get her, I didn’t find her. We’re leaving.” 
Hongjoong, with his hands folded in front of him, laughed. “I don’t think so.”
“Aurora,” Yeji took the attention back. Peeking at her from over Wooyoung's shoulder, you stepped to his side and tightened your grip on his hand. Tori’s tear filled eyes glanced at them, then let out a quiet cry. “Something has been brought to my attention.”
Taking in the other girls, Yuna was in shock, her hands planted to her chest. Chaeryeong and Mina though, they were smiling. Tori clamped a hand over her mouth and looked at Mingi for help. Her boyfriend could only shake his head. In disappointment? In disapproval? You weren’t sure.
“What has?” you asked, hoping to play dumb, but these girls were smarter than that. Yeji was smarter than that.
Towering in the archway, Seonghwa hung his head low, piercing you with his gaze. Jongho stood behind Hongjoong as usual, wearing some form of shock like Yuna. Then Yunho, jaw tight, eyes glassy, he couldn’t look at you.
“Not only have you broken a brand new rule that’s been set into place, you’ve also broken the trust of several members of both houses,” she took a few steps into the kitchen. “Not only that, but it’s been going on for a while. Since we’ve been back, is that right Mina?” She glanced over her shoulder and the sleek brown bob gave her a nod.
“I didn’t mean to,” you whispered, throat tightening. Grabbing onto Wooyoung's arms with your other hand, you pressed your fingers into his skin. A few recruits wandered up behind the board members, curious. “I promise, I didn’t mean to.”
“That doesn’t matter, unfortunately,” Yeji said, a ghost of a smile haunting her lips. “There are consequences.” She shifted her eyes over to Wooyoung and batted her lashes. “Wooyoung, you’re not needed any longer, you can leave.”
Your heart burst into pieces. Tears thickened, you let go of him, but he didn’t let go of you. Looking at you, Wooyoung gulped, then shook his head.
“No,” he said, and Yeji’s demeanor faltered.
“Wooyoung,” she said, her voice dripping with venom. He shot her a look and fully laced his fingers with yours.
Shaking his head again, he said, “No.” Taking a few steps forward with you, he said, “Let us through. We’re leaving.” Jongho stepped around Hongjoong, coming closer to the two of you. Wooyoung looked up at him and snickered. “Come on, man, let us through. I don’t feel like making a mess of anyone's kitchen tonight.”
“Wooyoung,” Yeji snapped. “Let her go, and leave the room.”
He half listened to her. Taking his hands off of you, he clenched his jaw and walked up to her. Entirely vulnerable before all of them, you wrapped your arms around yourself and dug your nails into your skin.
“Good job,” Yeji smiled at him. She lifted a hand to touch the bottom of his chin. “Your work here is done.”
Smacking her hand away before it could touch him, Chaeryeong gasped and Mina narrowed her eyes as Wooyoung opened his mouth. “It is, Yeji. My work here is done. I’m done playing your game. I’m done being a puppet.”
“Wooyoung,” Yeji whispered, her fists clenching at her sides. “Watch it, you know what’s going to happen.”
Looking back at you, Wooyoung shrugged. “I think it’s pretty worth it.”
“You don’t even know if she’ll want you,” Yeji said, her voice never breaking. “You’ll lose all of this,” she gestured to everyone behind her. “You could make it out of this with nothing, or, you could walk out of here with us on your side. You take your pick.”
He smiled at her. Looking at his brothers, he nodded. Hongjoong stared him down, his eyes flickering to Yeji for a few seconds. When Wooyoung turned to come back to your side, you let him take your hand. He was wearing that face again. That I care about you face.
“Wooyoung,” Hongjoong almost shouted.
“You have several other pawns to play with,” Wooyoung snapped at him. Then he looked at you. He made sure you were looking at him when he nodded. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, and you couldn’t feel your knees. “I want you to believe me, but I understand if you don’t, okay?”
“Okay,” you whispered.
“Last semester,” he started, and the nausea must’ve been apparent on your face because he slid a hand over your cheek as tears fell. “What you thought happened? What you think we did? Me and Yeji?” You took a shaky breath and he brushed away tears beneath your lashes. “It didn’t happen. It never happened.”
The boys in the archway whispered to one another, turning into a circle while Yeji, Chaeryeong and Mina watched them, waiting for something.
“What?” you gasped, eyes shooting open wide.
Wooyoung nodded. “It wasn’t real. It was made up, it was a lie. I never slept with her, she made it seem like we did.” Making sure you kept your eyes on him, he squeezed your hand. “Aurora, I was hurting. You were clearly in love with him, and I was watching it happen. I wanted to give you… everything. I’ve never felt like this about somebody, ever, and I barely even had you.”
There weren’t any words you could piece together to give him any sort of answer. Beside yourself, you could only coach yourself to take deep breaths.
“I fell into their game, and it was easy to do, you know what everybody thinks of me,” he said, and that hurt your heart more than it should. “I don’t understand how I’m sluttier than San, but that’s besides the point.”
“What’s the point?” you whispered.
Wooyoung took a breath. “You were supposed to be the president, Ro.” Your legs almost gave out. Moving his arms to your waist, he held onto you. “She paid them off. They wanted you. The others wanted you. When the houses came together to decide who’d move up, who’d get the spot, your name was on the list.” He gestured his head toward the archway. “They still have the fucking papers, I’ve seen them.”
“Tori,” you whispered, and Wooyoung listened. “Tori knew? Yuna?” You both lifted your heads to look their way. Chaeryeong, Mina and Yeji joined the group of boys. Tori and Yuna were against the wall, holding onto each other. They didn’t know. Your best friend pleaded with you with her eyes to believe her. Mingi moved from the group, his own eyes wide, joining his girlfriend who pushed him away.
“Ro, they wanted to get you out,” Wooyoung whispered. “I’ve been watching all of this happen since last semester. I know that makes me not a great person right now, I could’ve told you, but there was a lot at stake. A lot that I’m not afraid to risk right now, because this is ridiculous.”
“What is it? What’s going to happen?”
“He’s done, Aurora,” Hongjoong said, loud enough to cut into the bubble you and Wooyoung were creating around yourselves. “He’s out. No more ATZ for Wooyoung.”
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NU home ✧ nice for what masterlist ✧ talk to me ✧ thank you for reading <3
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you do not have permission to copy or translate my works without my consent.
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hanhonymous · 3 months
The Trainee’s workplace authenticity
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One of my favorite things about workplace TV shows is when the characters actually do work. AND when the details of such work are not only relatively accurate, but also essential to how the characters relate to themselves, the world and each other. So far, "The Trainee" is giving that to me in the first two episodes.
Having interned/been an assistant at a TV production company and later moving to entertainment journalism and managing interns/junior writers there, I can appreciate both Ryan's and Jane's POVs. Here's what I liked so far:
Good Pick's pink tube slide and movie theater seats in the lobby - A lot of these entertainment-adjacent companies take a cue from Silicon Valley and have this frivolous, frat-boy design aesthetic -- bean bag chairs, foosball tables, etc. I worked in an office that had a ping-pong table. The idea is to make it fun enough that people want to stay in the office and work longer, which isn't really all that great. You stop seeing that fun stuff after a while and just want to get home. That said, I'd love to work in a company with a fire pole in it, but that would be too much of a liability.
Ryan's fluke hiring - Baimon totally hearing what he wants to hear from Ryan in that sham interview is hilarious but sadly not all that unusual. What sucks is that this is unfair to the manager who then must work with the unqualified person, and unfair to that person hired also, who isn't the best fit for the position. I've been the person saddled by the unfortunate hire and have had to make do … and sometimes you can figure it out, but often you're left doing extra work to make up for their deficits. If it's just an intern, no problem -- they'll be gone in a few months. I felt Jane's pain!
Ryan's uncertainty & silence - That said, Ryan clearly wants to do well but is out of his depth since this was not even what he was learning in school. I remember the first day as a journalist for a small company where I kind of was on my own, and nobody told me what to do. I was like, "WTF??" Part of you doesn't want to ask questions lest you expose your imposter identity, but you're also wondering just how long you can do nothing before someone notices.
The printer always breaks down -- always. You get pretty good at troubleshooting everything until resorting to calling a technician
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Jane's prickly demeanor - The fact is that in any company, people who are competent can move up, but that doesn't automatically infuse them with good managerial skills. I think workshops, etc. are a must for anyone who gets promoted and suddenly have people reporting to them. Everyone can get frustrated when they're overwhelmed, so I do have some sympathy for Jane. He does have one skill that I think is essential to be a good manager: identifying and acknowledging the strengths of an employee. It really makes all the difference that he finally sees Ryan as an asset, not a hindrance.
Ryan's skills aren't that bad at all - As soon as Ryan tells his family that he's no help to anyone at work, he immediately shows five different ways how much he's relied on by his family. Yes, people who are competent, reliable and can anticipate needs (like how his sister needs to be reminded to charge the battery after using the camera) will be able to apply those skills to other situations and can go far. Ryan just needs to familiarize himself with the industry first in order to know how he can fill in the gaps. (I believe in being able to change careers and taking big pivots in life.)
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The interns banding together - OMG I remember sometimes just being unsupervised while trying to get a project together, and there is a strange bond you have being the youngest and least experienced. And you do have the most stupid conversations.
Being one cog in a bigger machine - I really appreciate how they show all the different departments that have to come together to make one project work -- especially when last-minute changes need to be implemented or a persnickety client has opinions. You complain, you worry, you put in extra late hours and have to make 11th-hour fixes -- but it's so satisfying to see it all come together. Shit goes down, and you fix it.
Hiring extras - The hiring of extras at Good Pick was different from what I've experienced. I actually have been an extra, and what I'm used to is being part of a company or agency that has you in their database, and then you get picked or cast by that company and sent to your gig. But that's in Hollywood and for TV shows & movies. It's probably different for ad houses or in Thailand, but I did like how they showed that it is still a casting process. There are deliberate decisions made, and certain looks sought out. I thought it was hilarious that Ryan's first thought for hiring the salaryman was to get an uncle from the same restaurant as the auntie. If he had his way, everyone in that restaurant would be hired for some gig or another.
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Ryan getting scammed by the extra - I was screaming at Ryan as soon as he offered to pay that scammer extra. Just … no, boy. You had to have known that was shady. BUT despite being duped, he was willing to think on his feet and try to solve a problem by being proactive, and that does happen. And so do mistakes. He just needs to calibrate his radar for what is OK. (I'm glad Jane saw that.) Ryan is lucky that it only cost him 1,000 baht for that lesson.
Extras must be on hand and wait - OK this is a scene in the preview for Episode 3, but I was so happy to see it: Extras in Hollywood actually cannot just spend 5 minutes or whatever to do their job, even if that's how much you see them onscreen. There's a ton of hurry up and wait on film sets, and so extras have to stay in Holding -- usually just a designated area with some chairs (sometimes you get tables) -- until you're needed. And production schedules never run on time, so it can be hours or even days. You're lucky if you're there long enough to get a meal, if the temperature is nice, if you're able to make friends with the others and if there's wifi. Sometimes you bring your own clothes for wardrobe based on what you're told, and sometimes the wardrobe department supplements your wardrobe with extra pieces to help complete a specific look. And yeah, you're not able to leave except for the bathroom, so Ryan definitely shouldn't have let that one extra wander off.
"Ryan After Work" - I like these post-credit sequences that give extra insights into the job. And while the first one was more instructional, explaining how the production house differed from an agency, the second was more about the cohort camaraderie (and hinting at Ryan's positive feelings toward Jane). I hope the romance aspect of the show doesn't overshadow the work specificity going forward!
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basketprutas · 7 months
I can't stop feeling, I want her love ♡
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Prompt: Childe, captain of your rival school's soccer team, helps you clear out the soccer field and closes it up with you. Will he stop being an asshole? Probably not.
Characters: SoccerPlayer! Childe x Fem reader
Genre: Modern High School Sports AU, school rivals to something more?
Notes: This prompt was in my mind and I couldn't help but bring it to life. I hope y'all like this!
Now playing... She wants me (to be loved) by The Happy Fits!
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Soccer practice was always fun but sometimes sharing the field with your rival team isn’t the best idea. You had no choice though, both your team and Childe’s booked the same field for the same time slot and now you had no choice but to practice with their team.
You’re not complaining, with the start of the season coming up next week, having a rough practice with his team can prep you and your team for what’s to come. It was a great match, with both teams doing their best until the very end. Though it ended with a tie, you and Childe were fine with the outcome. With both of your teams being the best out of all the other teams, you were expected to meet in the finals anyway.
Now late at night, the cold breeze blows through the field as both you and Childe pick up the balls all over the place. He was moving the cart for the soccer balls while you picked them up. Childe, of course, was being a piece of shit by teasing you as you went around the field.
“You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid.” He laughs as you pick up the balls. “Projecting now, are we?” You replied, not backing down from his usual antics. “Just admit it, you have a stupid little crush on me. You should just leave me alone, you know.” He nudges your shoulder. “While I would love to do so, you and I are unfortunately stuck together while we’re still in season.” You groan.
“You’re annoying, you know that right?” “I’m doing nothing but helping you clear out the field, Jesus.” “Whatever, you just wanna stare at my eyes all night long.” He teases, and your face turns more sour as he continues talking. “It’s funny how you always get upset so easily.” He added.
“And it’s frustrating how you sound like a fucking frat boy that’s desperate.” “Says the girl who can’t take a joke?” He stopped rolling the cart and when you picked up a ball, you threw a ball in his direction, a little harder than you anticipated. Childe grunts as the soccer ball hits his stomach, and you laugh it off. 
“You trying to get me hurt or something?” He complains and you can’t help but feel bad. “Sorry, got caught up.” You say as you pick up more balls and shoot them to the cart. “God I hate you,” He replies. “Yeah of course you do.”
Once you and Childe gather all the soccer balls, both of you sigh in relief. All that’s left to do is to clear out the locker rooms and you can leave the field soon enough. The locker room was a mess, with scattered equipment here and there and some water bottles too. You start clearing the mess by starting with the trash.
“How the hell does everyone, even my own team, leave this place a mess.” You complain as you clean up. “Because we’re tired after training, is what it is,” Childe replies as he sees you struggle a little bit. “Need any help?”
“Just clear out the equipment over there.” You point at the scattered equipment and he nods as he starts to do what you asked. Feeling a little bit of awkwardness, Childe tries to stir up a conversation. “So uh, you going to the game of the other teams?” He asks hesitantly. “The others? I mean, they could never compete against us. Contrary to popular belief, I do believe you and your team are good.” You reply nonchalantly.
“Cocky, but seriously- you’re going?” He says as he puts back the last of the equipment. “Probably. Still need to look out for that one guy from Inazuma, looks promising.” “He is good, though he won’t have a chance to play considering he’s up against me and my team.” He laughs.
“Not unless my team wins first.” You say as you tie the last garbage bag. “Like you’ll actually win. I don’t know why you bother to try, honestly.” He rolls his eyes. “We may have lost last year but I swear this year is promising.” You reply as you remember last year’s finals. 
“And how will things be different this year?” He teases. “You know what, let's make a bet. If your team wins, I’ll do whatever you want.” He adds, and you turn to face him. “I gain nothing from that. No thanks.” You grab your bags and lock up with him beside you. 
“Psh you’re such a coward,” he laughs. “Who’s to say I don’t want something too? Let's just bet, come on captain.” Both of you were now walking out of the soccer field. “Excuse me?” You reply, staring at him in disbelief. “Did I stutter? If I win, have dinner with me. What’s so bad about that?” He smirks. 
“You’re unbelievable, fine! If my team wins you’ll do whatever I want and if you win I'll eat dinner with you.” You say, defeated. He just never seemed to back down even in things as foolish as this. Childe does a little victory dance and you scowl and cringe as you watch him do so. “Oh, you are SOOO on. If you lose, prepare for the best dinner of your life.” “Whatever you say, Ajax. Have a good night.” You reply as you reach the exit of the field. “Goodnight captain!” He says as he runs over to his car.
The night may be over, but things just got interesting.
As you drive back home, you can’t help but laugh off everything that just happened.
Childe was always a tease, and even in previous games you would notice his tenacious energy. Your casual banter with him before and after games was always a pain in the ass, but no one can complain, after all, you and his teams were the best out there. You’d eventually see each other and be the finalists every season. Now with a little bet placed, you can’t help but feel a little motivation to do better than before.
Why did Childe make the bet in the first place? You could only guess.
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Notes: TEEHEE I felt so giddy writing this and I may or may not have another part already in the works... so if you guys actually want me to continue this ill post the next part soon enough >:) (also none of this is probably true to what soccer is but shhh for the sake of the story lets just say soccer does have equipment LMAO)
I recently started writing again; click here to learn more about me ^-^
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cellarspider · 7 months
7/30 germs.
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We return to a movie that disrespects the archaeological importance of roads, Prometheus.
I am still not over that. I will never be over that.
This time, content warnings for continuing frat boy archaeology, cringeful application of racist terms to lily-white androids, me screeching about site contamination some more, and Apollo’s dodgeball striking this movie with a glancing blow about masking.
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So, back in the theater in 2012, I had already lost sympathy for the cast. They were being set up as stock horror movie characters, they were doing their jobs in a way with a certain flair for the incompetent.
And one of them, I suspect, the movie intends to make into a “flawed but you feel for him” kind of guy. Or, I hope they intended to make him “the guy in the slasher movie who you hate and want to see die”. That’s Holloway, one of the two archaeologists. He’s robot racist.
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Like, seriously robot racist. The whole crew is, David literally gets referred to as “boy” here, which isn’t so much a dogwhistle as a tornado siren. No wonder David is quietly starting to show his disdain for the human crew.
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“They're making you guys pretty close [to human now], huh?”
“Not too close, I hope.”
One of the few themes the movie handles halfway competently is the parallel between the humans stumbling all over themselves as they rush to go meet their makers, while David is already experiencing the disappointment of actually meeting his, and finding out they’re a bunch of clueless assholes. Are we supposed to believe the same of the Engineers? I don’t know. They definitely think of humans as lesser, though. More to come on that later.
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Because right now, an expedition is barrelling toward the alien structure–again, driving all over the FCKING ALIEN ROAD–and they’re doing it with only six hours of daylight left, because Holloway literally says “It's Christmas [...] and I want to open my presents.”
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I cannot communicate how heinous this character felt. The actor did a perfectly fine job playing him, but if Charlie Holloway was real, his name would be said with the same venom as that of the man pictured below: Heinrich Schliemann, the man who found the real, actual city of Troy, and immediately dynamited a trench through the royal palace, destroying who knows how many artifacts from the period the Iliad was based off of. Yes, I picked out the most assholish-looking photo of him I could find on purpose.
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Also, Holloway’s an anti-masker, apparently.
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I’m going to step back for just one second and list the one practical, movie budget reason why characters might take their helmets off. The costume designers did an admirable job coming up with something that fits the general requirement of a helmet in major studio releases, prior to The Mandalorian: make the actor’s faces completely visible, because without actors with a strong sense of physical presence and voice acting, you’ll lose connection with the audience.
They did a great job with that. Unfortunately, shiny helmets are a bastard to digitally edit film crew out of. 
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It’s not impossible to place lights and crew so that the audience won’t notice them. Alien certainly pulled it off. Clear plastic elements in helmets also mean other logistical challenges, though: fogging being the main one. This, and cooking your actors in a fishbowl under studio lights.
Both problems can be simultaneously combated by installing A/C fans within the helmets, but because these helmets are entirely clear, you’re limited to hiding them down near the neck, and anybody who’s done similar for a cosplay or suit will know that it’s potentially noisy and not always effective. You can actually see condensate on the helmets in the movie, though whether that’s from the actor’s breath or a deliberate choice, I don’t know.
All this adds up to increased time resetting actors (i.e. cleaning sweat off of them without disrupting their makeup), more exhaustion from said actors, and the worry that the highest-paid, plot-critical actors may decide they don’t want to do a sequel if the shooting experience is too physically unhealthy.
And then there’s also more time spent carefully arranging crew and lights to hide their reflections, or more time making some poor VFX artist erase a transparent, curved reflection from frame and replace it with something else, or make the actors more comfortable by adding the glass in later with CGI, at the potential loss of some realism. The average modern movie studio would choose one of these VFX-driven options and demand it done in a week, which is why VFX artists need to unionize.
So. I understand at least a few logistical reasons why you don’t tend to make actors wear helmets for too many shooting days. But it has to be balanced with the story. It has to feel believable. It has to fit the story. It has to not make your characters look like mud-witted morons.
As soon as they find liquid water and the oh-so-deadly CO2 levels start to drop, Holloway takes his helmet off.
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“Don't be an idiot.”
“Don't be a skeptic.”
Flames on the side of my goddamn face.
Now, this is the moment a lot of people lost sympathy for the human characters, even back in 2012. It was a dumbass idea even then, in the pre-’rona years. Sadly, Millburn the biologist isn’t written smart enough to punch Holloway in the nuts over even thinking of doing this, because we have two problems with what Holloway’s doing here: Biology, and biology.
First, biology.
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Obviously, they don’t know if anything’s in the air. He could find out that humans are deathly allergic to alien dust mites. He could have just caught himself a case of space covid, which he and the lemmings that follow him can then transmit to the entire crew if he’s not kept in quarantine. They can sterilize the sealed suits, but they can’t sterilize the inside of his lungs. Yet.
Second, biology. 
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Specifically, Earth biology. Do you know how carefully modern space agencies sterilize anything that’s headed for Mars, or anywhere else that might have a biosphere of its own? A lot! They sterilize everything a lot! Because microbes are hardy little bastards. We’ve never found extraterrestrial life, only precursor molecules that show the capacity for life to develop in other places. How are you going to verify you’ve found alien life, or even those precursors, if you can’t prove that your samples are uncontaminated? What happens if microbes from Earth manage to survive the trip and establish a foothold somewhere? What if they destroy native life?
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This movie’s characters treat this with only a fraction of the gravitas that the cinematography does, which is part of why this remains so jarring throughout. The practical sets, the art direction, and the camerawork are all excellent. The editing continues to do its best, though it almost feels like things were cut very tight through this to speed things along and to give more time, unfortunately, to what the characters are doing. 
their crimes against my sanity are not done yet
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As a side note, rounding up some discussion from a previous entry: The most excellent artist @noordzee pointed out that the clashing artistic style of the moon and stars slapped onto the carving of Kʼinich Janaab Pakal I. In the previous post, I focused on the link between that carving and its use in ancient aliens conspiracy theories. But let's dig a bit into actual Maya iconography around celestial bodies instead.
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Now, I am not an expert on Classical Maya stuff. Not in the slightest. And there is a lot of information on their art that is linguistically inaccessible to me, as a non-Spanish speaker. But out of the Maya art and writing that survived the book-burning conquistadors, we have some iconography for the moon and stars, and they don’t look like what’s in the movie.
I wasn’t able to find any specific pieces of art that contained stars, but I did find the glyph for star, ek’. 
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I was only able to find depictions of a crescent moon in the context of the moon goddess, where she tends to be sitting on the crescent like a chair, or one part of it is shown behind her, almost like a tail (though I can’t be certain whether that’s due to chipped paint).
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The moon by itself was somewhat harder to find. I couldn’t find any Maya depictions of it with my limited poking around of the spanish internet, but I did find a (much later) Mixtec depiction of the moon, complete with a lunar rabbit! Much like East Asian cultures, the darker markings on the moon are culturally interpreted as a rabbit shape.
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Thanks again to nordzee for pointing out the dissonant art style, because the real mesoamerican art on this subject is phenomenal.
Next time, the movie will hurt me more, so if anybody else has fun facts to share or details to point out. PLEASE. Ease my pain.
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None this time. Many ramblings, though.
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that1fangirrl · 5 months
Dancer!Reader Gets Hurt
CW:kinda angsty, some swearing, blind joke, she/her pronouns, kinda scary(idk tbh)
A/N: You guys voted, so here I am delivering. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did writing it. I feel like Jane Villanueva when I write lol. K bye<3
When you and Matt first met, he made it his mission to protect you at all cost. Whether that be from creepy strangers, the frat boys on campus, or the scary mean girls in your dance class. You had told Matt many horror stories about the “bitches” in your class. They hated you since day one. Something about you being Miss Flynn’s favorite student even though you joined the class later than everyone else. And being the sweet boyfriend he is, he agreed with you. 
During a particular week, Miss Flynn had called out sick with the flu, but encouraged the class to continue using the studio as needed.
You guys were gearing up for a new spring showcase coming up in the next few weeks. You were especially ecstatic about your small classical part in the show. It would be your first time dancing solo. And hopefully the requitors in the audience would ask you to come and dance with them once you graduated. All nerves were out in the open. Most of the girls were super proud of you, knowing it’s a tough position to be in, but knew you could handle it and were definitely gonna kill it. 
Sydney and Madison thought it was stupid. “That bitch came here in sophomore year and thinks she can just kiss ass to the top. I bet she’s sleeping with the choreographer or something.” It was laughable how the two older girls always thought you had to be sleeping with somebody in the arts department to get your solo. Especially because everyone knew you were so obviously dating the sweet blind law student who always sat in the corner of the studio waiting to walk you back to your dorm.
“Yeah. She’s probably cheating on that blind guy. He wouldn’t even be able to see it coming. Poor guy, he’d be better off with someone like me.” Little did they know, Matt was extremely aware of their weird feelings. The two of them would constantly ask him random questions and be in his personal space. As if you weren't a few feet away, practicing with Miss Flynn in the same room. He always chose to just brush them off and go back to whatever it was he was doing before. 
Today was no different. Matt knew your nerves were off the charts, so he volunteered to stay with you the next few days while you practiced extra hours. Unfortunately today, he had been forced to help Foggy study for their upcoming test that was stressing him to hair loss. He sent you a sweet “Sorry about tonight, again. I promise to make it up to you as soon as I can, Rosie. ‘Sad face emoji’ ‘heart emoji’” He was so darn adorable. How could you be mad at him when he acts so sweet? 
Practice went great tonight. You had been there for almost 2 hours working with some of the other girls, too. When it was time to go, you decided to hit up the locker rooms to freshen up before going to your dorm. Thankfully, the room was still clean and empty.
The cool water on your muscles felt like absolute heaven on Earth. Your hands gilded across your body slowly and thoughtfully, massaging every area that had been giving you trouble. Once you were done, you wrapped a towel around yourself and walked back to the locker area. The sound of the door opening and closing took you out of your short daze. “Hello?” You craned your neck around the corner when there was no response. You continued drying off and clothing yourself; taking a seat on the bench. Another loud noise echoed off the walls. This time, you stood up grabbing your things and shoving them in your bag as quickly as possible. Trying your best to be quiet, you headed for the door.
Going down each aisle of lockers, no one was seen. You continued closer to the door, grabbing your phone and earbuds as you reached it. Putting one in and dialing your boyfriend’s number, you stayed cautious. Matt had finally picked up the phone with a cheerful “hello.” “Hey Matty. I’m on my way to your dorm. I think someone’s following me.” He perked up on the other side of the phone, immediately hushing a confused Foggy. “Are you okay? Where are you? I’ll meet you there.” You shook your head, walking down the long hallway. “Um. Arts building by the new locker rooms. The ones on the higher floors.”
You took a quick breath before turning around. Nothing. “I’m really scared, Matty. It’s so fucking dark and quiet over here. I heard someone come into the room, but I couldn’t see anyone.” Matt starts haphazardly putting his shoes on, nerves spiking with yours. “Okay. I’m on my way. Just stay on the phone okay. Foggy and I are coming to get you.”
Another loud bang had you quickening your pace. You started to speed up closer to the stairs, holding your phone and bag close to your body. “Okay. Just hurry cause I think they- ahhhh.” “Y/n. Hello? Y/n”
A/N: Did I spook you guys? Are you guys mad at the cliffhanger? Are you biting your nails off? Well don't! Cause I did write a part 2 that you will be getting soon. hehehehe I deadass was writing this shit like I was A from Pretty Little Liars. Like I literally was giggling my ass off so hard. But I was also low-key scared cause I always put myself in my reader's shoes in my mind(if that makes sense), so I literally was paranoid as hell. Anyways, tell me your guys' thoughts. I hope you liked it
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waywardwindee · 1 month
Hello! I would love to know your headcanons about Gilderoy Lockhart during his time at Hogwarts and beyond!
This is a good one! To start, I think his birthday is the 26th of January 1962, making him an Aquarius (and also in the same year as my headcanon for Prof. Quirrell). This means he's intelligent, independent, and curious, but he's also aloof, opinionated, and stubborn. This fits the version of him we see canonically pretty well.
He had two sisters who were squibs and this is what instilled him with a sense of self-importance, he figured he was better than them because of his magical ability. That being said, I think he still had compassion for them and therefore wasn't blood-prejudiced like many others his age.
The fact that he still found that compassion is what made him a Ravenclaw rather than a Slytherin.
During his time at Hogwarts he constantly wanted to prove how great he was but it turned out he was just alike everyone around him. He struggled with having a simultaneous inferiority and superiority complex, and this made it difficult for him to find any friends at school. So he was a loner and he threw himself into his schoolwork and finding a way to make a name for himself. He was a bit like Hermione in that he wanted to take as many classes as he could and wanted to do everything as diligently as possible. He played quidditch and wasn't bad, but like in all other fields, he didn't excel either.
After Hogwarts he was still set on making a name for himself. At first, he really tried to do good things but all around him was just other people beating him to it. So, he started finding these successful wizards and witches and he erased their memories and claimed their accomplishments as his own. He always boasted about these things he did, but inwardly felt like what he was doing was wrong. Still, that feeling was nothing compared to the rush he got from being told he was great.
He was still always lacking in the friendship department because he was so focused on keeping all of his lies straight. This also applied to anything romantic. He would go out, talk to strangers and boast his accomplishments but was dumbfounded when they rejected him.
He took the job at Hogwarts because he wanted to be known for teaching The Boy Who Lived on top of his other accolades. But he also took it for the little kid within him who still wanted companionship he'd never gotten. ... This is where canon sort of takes over seeing as there's so much of him in chamber of secrets.
In a modern au setting I think the best way to describe him would be "sexually repressed frat boy/finance bro". If the poor guy had just been properly told that he was good just as he came he could have overcome a lot and been a totally different person. Unfortunately, Hogwarts has never actually been a place for helping all students.
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pixeldistractions · 11 months
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Jordan brought the boys back home. “Why don’t you boys head upstairs and play a game. Your mom and I need to talk.”
Colette moaned at the idea of it. She turned off the show she was watching.
“Oh, God, I just paid a lot of money for the best massage. Why do I feel like you’re about to destroy my chill?”
“It doesn’t take much to destroy your chill, to be honest,” Jordan said.
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Colette held her tongue until she heard the boys turn on their video game.
“What is it now? Rumors are you’re messing around with that blonde skank from your work. So gross. Jordan, your bar is set so low it’s in the sewer. I bet she has all kinds of diseases.”
“I’m not sleeping with Ingrid,” he said.
“Who then?”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m leaving.”
“Damn right you are. And don’t let the door hit you on the—”
“I mean, I’m leaving. I told the boys already, we talked about it. I’m moving out west.”
“What? Where?”
“Nevada, probably. It’s not definite yet.”
“Like hell you are!”
“Colette, you can’t tell me to leave, then tell me where I can’t go.”
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“What about your kids!?”
“Yeah, well, what about them? You aren’t giving me many options. I said I’d take them with me some of the time. You told me no.”
“Wrong. I told you not a chance in hell.”
“So what am I supposed to do? You have to let me see my kids. I guess you’ll decide when and where. Don’t you always get the final say about when and how and everything? Well, I’m sick of it. I’m done.”
“God, I can’t believe this. I can’t believe… What was I thinking? Ugh, I used to want to marry you.”
“You didn’t want to marry me,” he said.
They both sat in a minute of silence, pondering those unfortunate truths. She wanted to marry someone—after all, marriage had wonderful economic benefits—but she wouldn’t have picked him if she had any other choice. He didn’t want to marry her, either. They had it right ten years ago when they got knocked up and decided that they should definitely not be a couple.
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“Why couldn’t you just be normal? Why do you have to be such a freeloading loser?”
Colette mused this out loud. Not exactly at him, but almost as if she were speaking it to herself.
“You were supposed to get a real job and find some ambition and stop living like a hobo, and all of this could have been different. How did I get myself into this? What have I done? I’m gonna be thirty-two years old. I should have found somebody else years ago. The boys need a real father in their life. I need a real man in my bed. Not some overgrown frat boy. What woman would want you? I’m sure you can get women to fuck you, but no woman will ever want to keep you.” Then she finally looked him in the eyes. “Just go. Just leave. I mean now. Move!”
He didn’t have anything more to say to her anyway.
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He didn’t take anything besides what he grabbed earlier for the beach. He kept all of his tools and camping gear in his truck, and as it turned out, being the hobo that he was, he didn’t own much else of any great value.
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He had nothing more to say to her, but he still fumed inside.  
He had broken his whole world in half. There was a checklist of people to disappoint, and he was going down the list one by one. 
At some point, he needed to stop by the Inn and give Sharon his notice. She had been a good employer to him, and that Inn had been a happy respite for the past few years, but he couldn’t give her the time she deserved. 
Sorry, not two weeks, I’m quitting now. 
How disappointing, she would say. I expected better from you. 
He got in his truck and he drove, but he had nowhere to go. He belonged nowhere. Maria said to come over, but Colette’s sting still burned inside him, and he wouldn’t go to Maria with that energy. He didn’t want to tarnish their gentle love with so much ugliness. Even if her comfort would make him feel better, even if she would reassure him that he wasn’t all those nasty things that Colette said. 
Colette’s complaints were not entirely wrong, and Maria would see that someday, too. 
He was welcome nowhere, so he drove and drove until he was too tired to drive anymore. He ended up parked next to Ingrid’s rancid camper. 
If nothing else, on some level, he and Ingrid got each other.
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— from “my sweetheart #9: uprooted” (5/5)
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destinyc1020 · 10 months
I have nothing against JE, I just ignore him most of the time and I think hes a decent actor but I find it funny that the focus has been on him and not cailee spaeny for prisicilla and barry keoghan for saltburn
Like the two leads of the respective films were actually really good, but in neither instance did I think JE ovsrshadowed either of them so Im confused as to where all tbis buzz is coming from. All I can say is Barry proved to everyone that he can lead movie , and cailee spaeny who has been great in everything she has done particuarly in mare of eastown and devs has a bright future.
JE also I think has bright future and has reslly shown alot of potential but mans gotta chill, his team really stroking his ego a little too much so lets hope it doesnt go to his head too much or he'll get a quick exit out of hollywood.
The Cailee erasure during this entire "Priscilla" movie press tour and debut is just really sad tbh. 😔
But, it's unfortunately not surprising in a patriarchal society.
Now, with JE and Barry, I think JE just has "Handsome Privilege". You've heard of "Pretty Privilege" I'm sure lol, well, I think there's also "Handsome Privilege". So, Barry might be a good actor, but because JE is super tall, and objectively handsome, he's going to get more attention automatically.
Plus, I think Barry's character is probably a little on the weird side lol...Whereas JE plays the rich, probably charismatic, frat boy (basically) that Barry's character is obsessed with.
Those would just be my theories on why JE is outshining his co-stars.
I've heard he does a good job in both films, so good for him! His team has been working overtime to make him happen lol, so I guess that hard work is finally paying off lol😅
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garoujo · 2 years
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➤ seven minutes in heaven series masterlist.
NEW MESSAGE @WARNINGS : f! reader, college!au, frat party / exhibitonism, aged up!characters, jock / quarterback!itadori, he is the sweetest best boy, alcohol mention, gojo cameo, cream pies, pussy drunk yuuji, unprotected sex, pussy eating, minor marking.
(1) ATTACHMENT @WC : est. 5.5k
NEW MESSAGE FROM EMMIE @GAROUJO : hello ! ! it’s been a week or two since the last update for this series but i was feeling v unmotivated — but ‘ts back n i hope u enjoy this <3
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“pssst—so you’re coming, right?”
the sudden interruption to your note taking makes you jump slightly, raising your head to lock eyes with itadori who is so obviously turned round in his seat to lean across your desk, and you can tell by the stupidly cute pout on his lips that he thinks he’s being quiet.
“coming where?” you hum, you know he’s talking about the frat party on friday — it’s all anybody had been talking about all week. your college football team have a game on friday that you know they’ll win and then the whole school will celebrate at the frat, it was tradition at this point.
but you still feign ignorance because you haven’t had enough time to come up with an excuse to not go yet.
“to the party! you’ll come right, please? it’s not fun if you’re not there, you said you’d cheer for me at the game too.” yuuji replies, enthusiastically and the whispers that he seems to think are leaving his lips are only growing louder with each word.
“i don’t know.. i might be busy.” you grumble, trying so hard to avoid his bright gaze while you scribble down whatever comes to mind — a whole load of stuff that doesn’t make sense while you think of a real excuse because you know that won’t cut it.
“hey, come onnn. you’re lying.” yuuji whines, playfully shuffling at your paper so you’ll look up at him and you regret it immediately when you notice the way his lips are jutted out, in addition to the wide eyes he’s sending you so shamelessly — is he really using puppy dog eyes to get you to go to a frat party?
“please! you can come with me and fushiguro, we can go together—“
“itadori! are you even listening?” your teacher finally hisses, narrowing their eyes at the back of the class which unfortunately includes you also.
“sorry, sensei~” yuuji calls back, but he turns round to pout at you again before he faces forward. “you gotta come okay.”
but unfortunately, like most of the school, you had a soft spot for the quarterback— he was different from the usual douchebags you would expect, the ones in the movies who break hearts and have you swearing to never love again.
itadori yuuji wasn’t like that. he was athletic, your typical jock with rippling muscles and a varsity jacket, bubbly, goofy and in shape. he didn’t do great in studies but he tried and with what he lacked in general knowledge he made up for with spirit.
he knew every one of his classmates by name and stood up for them against bullies (even the ones on his team), he was charming in a sense — like when he’d get flustered after confidently answering a question wrong or when he’d make playful jokes with your teacher back and forth, there was a natural charm to him that made you want to know him.
and you did, you don’t know how it happened — his seat was right infront of yours in class, he’d made a habit of collecting papers for two whenever it came to handouts and if he was ever having trouble with a question, he’d much sooner turn round to ask you than stay behind. you wouldn’t call you guys best friends by any means but what you had felt nice, you walked with him to practice on wednesdays because you went that way home and he invited you to games — always shooting you a bright sort of grin through his helmet whenever he noticed you in the stands.
which makes it even harder to avoid him even after class, because it is unfortunately a wednesday and you’re standing at your desk, packing your things away while said quarterback rambles to you about all the reasons you should come to the party on saturday. his pleas don’t even falter when he’s expectantly grabbing your bag from you and slinging it over the shoulder opposite his own as you both leave, making your way down the hallway that’s now mostly clear from students despite a few stragglers.
“i was being serious, you can come with me and fushiguro! he hates parties but even he’s coming.” yuuji smiles in earnest, you’re honestly surprised that he’s even convinced fushiguro to go — him hating parties was definitely true but you’re pretty sure hes had to deal with the exact same loveable jock that you are right now, so you also can’t really blame him for giving in — most likely just so he’d stop going on about it.
“i don’t want people to think i’m following you both around.” you argue, but there’s no real annoyance to your tone when you nudge into his side — trying and failing to playfully knock his well trained body even a little off balance.
“they won’t think that cause we’re friends, right? it’ll be fun. even gojo and geto will be there and you know them too. i want you to come.” the blushy haired jock next to you grumbles and there’s a real honesty in his tone despite it being spoken through a smile.
although you find yourself mentally cursing the warmth that blooms along your skin when you finally turn to look at him, painted in a warm hue by the swirls of amber in the sky and you feel yourself soften when you realise that yuuji’s eyes were already on you.
but any tension pooling in your mind is quickly broken with a hopeful grin followed by a see you tomorrow and a pat on your shoulder, watching yuuji hand you your bag before he runs to practice and you can’t help the exasperated sigh that falls from your lips when the silence finally settles after he’s gone.
you’re aware your soft spot for the quarterback was probably just as much of a curse as it was a blessing, because now, that same bright grin is staring back at you while you stand in the kitchen during the very frat party that you were trying to avoid — just because itadori had insisted through the remaining days before that he wouldn’t have any fun if you didn’t come.
the atmosphere at the party is as you expected, there’s students littered around the fraternity — an ocean of red cups and gossip, places like this were breeding grounds for rumours and drama.
but you’re with itadori and megumi so you don’t really care, leaning against the kitchen counter and too preoccupied with yuuji’s enthuastic rant about the game while the bass thumps through the walls. but his eyes are on you and his gaze is just as warm as the humid air around you.
although just before he can ask you if you were cheering for him like he was hoping you were, he’s interrupted by a familiar drawl.
“oh? you really came.” you hear a smooth tone echo from behind you, the ragged sound pulling you from your hazed mind before it’s followed by an arm being hooked over your shoulder and you’re being pulled against a hard chest.
“so itadori really convinced you, huh.” satoru hums from where he’s got both you and megumi in some form of makeshift hug, although it feels more like a chokehold given his stature and the way you’re both swaying to look up at him.
“quit it, satoru.” geto sounds from behind him, sighing before hes shifting to stand next to him to send you all a kind-hearted sort of grin - one thats vaguely different from the menacing one on his white-haired counterparts lips, who chooses to ignore his interruption.
“you guys are just in time, we need you for the game. you’re in, right?” satoru goads, but you notice that the smirk on his lips is a lot more devilish than the ones you’ve seen before. even when you make a curious sound, you can see the way his crystalline eyes reflect amusement when he looks at you. he was always one for joking around, more times than not he had you laughing — mostly at him, but his words felt different this time.
you’re not surprised when you watch itadori send him a starry-eyed glance, but there’s a certain thickness in the air that you’re pretty sure goes completely over the loveable jock’s head when the next thing you know, the three of you find yourself squished together on an old worn couch in the living room.
satoru’s situated himself in the middle of the room, like a sort of game-master you guess you’d call him — expected considering he was one of the oldest in the frat, listening to him list out the rules to a game that you’re more than familiar with, and now you understand the sort of amusement that was present in his smirk earlier.
you should’ve known you’d made a mistake as soon as your eyes met his and the soft light was glinting off the playfulness in his gaze, ending up with you being roped into going first — which surprisingly seemed to pull an almost uncomfortable shuffle from itadori at your side as his thigh bumps yours.
“hey, you okay?” yuuji smiles, his voice low and barely audible but he knows that you hear him — his attention taken with you so casually when your face twists to meet him at the sound, but his question is appreciated and heartfelt.
you nod when you look at him and he blinks quickly at the sudden close proximity before you’re turning to face the room again with a sigh.
but itadori’s gaze is still on you while satoru’s giving you a hooded look thats entirely too perceptive for your liking, a smirk curling at his lips as his brows arch from over his glasses and he’s spinning the empty beer bottle that’s lying in the middle of the floor with a quick twist of his wrist.
you were fine atleast, until that same bottle lands on a man who has bile turning in your stomach when he shoots you a smirk that’s thick with desire, dark and expectant. you didn’t know him, but you knew of him and he was the kind of person who you’d rather smack than be locked in a closet with, especially alone.
he was a playboy and a loser, you’d only ever seen him trailing behind satoru and itadori — kissing their ass and sucking up to the rest of the team, or drooling all over women who definitely did not want him. he was a sleaze and a douchebag, and before he even has the chance to move you’re already curling back against the couch.
“not happening.” you hiss, fingers squeezing against your thighs when you narrow your eyes at satoru, and you watch him raise a brow at you before he’s rising to his feet.
“you agreed to the game, princess.” the white-haired male shrugs, although you can even see the sorry distaste on his features when he notices the hungry grin on the other bastards. but just as your mouth opens to protest a second time, you feel a strong arm wrap around your middle before you’re pulled to your feet.
“i’ll do it, gojo-senpai.” yuuji grunts from beside you, curling his arm around you to press you protectively against his chest and there’s a burning hot rush of blood under your skin where his thick fingers grip at the dip of your waist. “there isn’t a rule against it, right?”
the frown on his face seems almost unnatural when you tilt your head back further to look at him, unfamiliar given the smile you were normally used to, but when you feel his hands squeeze at your restless figure you still can’t help but feel safe. you watch the gears turning in satoru’s mind at yuuji’s outburst though, shooting a glance at suguru from over his shoulder before his dark haired friend shrugs and he’s sighing with a click of his tongue, failing to hide the soft smirk of amusement that’s twitching at the corners of his lips.
“i’ll allow it, yuuji-kun. just you kids behave, yeah?” he drawls and you hadn’t realised your heart was racing until those words leave gojo’s lips and you’re squeezing yourself closer into your.. saviour of sorts, before you’re both ushered down the hall and thrown into a darkened-closet by the same white-haired upperclassman.
but you don’t fail to notice that itadori’s arm never left your figure, even as you strolled down the halls or when you both crowded into the equally small closet — it feeling even smaller giving his broad physique, even now his fingers on your waist were still present and grounding— a feeling you could quickly find yourself yearning for.
“i’m sorry you got roped into this.” you speak first into the shadowy darkness of the small space, the soft light glinting prettily off of yuuji’s eyes when he meets your gaze, and you know you probably look as awkward as you feel when your fingers trace along the lettering on his varsity jacket. but he still grins before he squeezes your waist — like a sort of reassuring touch, like he knows you need it.
“hey! i volunteered you know, and well i was kinda hoping it would be me anyway.. but that guy really sucks.” yuuji’s grinning, a little flushed in the face but you put it down to the stuffiness of the closet rather than anything else when you blink up at him. but you watch him scratch at the back of his neck with another grin when his words finally sink in and you're casting him a wide-eyed glance.
“what did you say?” you reply quickly, something unfamiliar curling down your spine as your hands twist nervously in the fabric of his shirt — fingertips grazing the sharply carved planes of muscle underneath and part of you wants to explore more at the first, almost intimate touch.
“huh? that guy sucks. he’s really mean to girls and it’s always made me mad, even gojo-senpai doesn’t like hi—“ yuuji taps at his chin, his eyes never leaving yours before you cut him off again.
“no before that.” you gape, feeling your fingertips against his chest again when he hums and thinks back to a few moments ago before he’s smiling again.
“oh! i was kinda hoping it would be me anyway.” he grins in earnest, his tone never once faltering and there’s a sincerity to the way he pats down the curve of your spine. “why?” you swallow, and the atmosphere in the closet suddenly feels stuffy with the question.
“because i like you.” itadori answers, voice unwavering, again, and you don’t know if the tingling in your skin is embarrassment or desire when you flutter your eyes back up to meet his and notice the sudden heaviness that stares back.
he doesn’t look nervous at first glance but his hand almost trembles along your back when you press closer against his front, feeling the way his heart is pounding against your palm as his broad chest expands with every exhale he takes, and if you looked closely you’d be able to make out the slight dusting of pink on his ears underneath the soft curl of his hair.
“yuuji, um—“ you start, laughing quietly in disbelief and you watch itadori’s eyes glance down at your lips before he’s swallowing dryly and hugging you closer, “i mean like really like, that’s why i like seeing you cheer for me at games and that’s why i asked you to wear my jacket, even though you said no..”
the last few words of his sentence are said through a pout but when you find yourself patting at his chest at his confession, you watch an earnest, bright grin curl at his lips before he’s sending you a vulnerable sort of look that’s is so handsomely unfair.
“i—just didn’t think of it like that.” you breath, a whispery sort of tone to your voice and you watch itadori’s eyes jump over your features before you hear him gulp and take a nervous breath. but a hardened look of determination comes over him as his cheeks flush deeper, and his fingers twitch against your skin when your hand comes up to rest against his cheek — encouraging him to lean closer.
“would you take it now?” he asks, words almost an exhale across your lips and you don’t realise just how close you’ve become, until you feel itadori’s heart kicking against his impressive chest under your palm. “yes.” you answer quickly, and the closet suddenly feels stuffier when his wide eyes jump from yours to your lips before he’s grazing them with his own.
he’s a little distracted once he sees just how pretty you are up close, so you decide to take matters into your own hands when you twist your hands into the fabric of his shirt — pulling him in for a kiss that feels natural despite how he stiffens at first.
but when itadori feels the way your lips press against his, it’s like something dangerous snaps in his self control and suddenly your body is thumping against the wood of the wall, his hands gripping tightly at your hips as he licks messily into your mouth, drinking you up and groaning at the first, wet glide of your tongue along his.
you curl your arms around his neck as you croak his name, noticing the way his eyes are screwed shut as he pins you to the hard wood behind you, feeling you wiggle against him and he groans before his warmth leaves you.
itadori is breathing hard when he pulls away suddenly, pupils blown wide as they scan over your features with parted lips and desperate pants. “fuck, i’m sorry, is—is this okay?” he gasps and you’ve never answered faster than when you rasp out a yes, kissing him fiercely as he grinds against you — large palms roaming along the new dips of your figure he’s yet to explore until you’re mewling against his panting mouth and hitching your leg around his waist.
“can i touch you? p-please..” it’s messy, rushed the question as you feel him smear spit along your chin as his mouth moves, but he doesn’t pull away — if he had a choice, he never would given how breathless and eager he feels.
“please, yuuji! i want you.” itadori feels blood rush to his thick cock at the breathless plea, his dark jeans suddenly feeling tighter as his arms leave you — in favour of almost tearing off his varsity jacket to throw it on the floor, and you feel your world shift suddenly when your back is pressing against the thick fabric after as you both hit the ground.
“needed you s-so bad, for you so long.” he purrs, voice cracking under the heavy weight of his desire and arousal as his big body pushes its way between your thighs, and you feel dizzy when you melt under the weight of him, letting him rut desperately into you like an animal.
he’s absolutely enamoured by you, panting as he smears kisses along your jawline — sucking at your neck as his hips rub and grind into yours, groaning when he feels you grab at his broad shoulders with each press of his lips.
you feel one of itadori’s rough, strong palms stroke down your thighs — pushing your skirt around your waist as he continues to press kisses along your skin, igniting your nerves along the way as you twist, looking down to meet his wild eyes as he crawls down your body — pushing your shirt up to suckle pink, blooming marks against the skin.
“you’re s-so pretty, ‘s this okay? want you, fuck.” there’s a carnal drop in his tone, a low lull and you feel the sound vibrate against your skin before he’s pulling away with a wet pop — trembling hands moving to quickly pull down your panties only when he hears you gasp out another yes, followed by a tentative swipe of his fingers along your already embarrassingly slick pussy.
itadori smears kisses down your hips, spit coating your thighs before he’s lifting your weak legs over his shoulders — panting like a dog when he gets his first glimpse of your pretty pussy and he lets out a wrecked groan, low and long before he’s immediately shoving his face between your thighs, taking a long taste of your cunt.
your back arches at the sudden stimulation when you feel his tongue flatten against your clit, but it only takes a few seconds before his muscled forearms are keeping you pinned beneath his huge body, your hips twitching as you cry out for him — grabbing at the blush strands of his hair before your thighs and lungs tremble on your next inhale.
everything about how he eats you out is messy and itadori feels lost in his own pleasure as he loses himself in your addictive cunt, the taste feels like fucking heaven on his tongue and he moans; ragged and hungry when his hips instinctively rut into the carpet below him, the sudden stimulation on his heavy, leaking cock causing a pleasured vibration to rumble through your clit.
every swipe of his tongue feels like it sends bliss racing through you, arousal pooling dangerously in your stomach as your eyes prick with pleasured tears — his pace never eases and you feel like you can barely breathe as he showers you in strong licks, panting warm along your glistening folds when he pulls away to admire the way your slick shines when it’s mixed with his spit.
it’s embarrassing how quickly you feel your orgasm, the sight of itadori’s huge frame humping the floor between your thighs as he loses himself in your taste only making it approach faster. you feel his nose knock against your clit as he smacks lewdly, feeling your warm walls flex around his thick tongue when he dips it past your fluttering hole. he’s panting and fucked out, and you’re pretty sure the lower half of his face and cheeks are soaked as you feel your arousal pool onto his jacket below you.
he feels so fucking good, and you feel lost in a dizzy dream when you meet his heavy gaze once more, watching the muscles of his back move through the tight fabric of his white shirt — you would never have thought that your college’s loveable quarterback ate pussy like it was his first meal in days, but you think the realisation might just make you like him even more when you feel his lips close around your clit to suckle lightly.
you feel something dangerous spark along your nerves when his huge palms rock you against his mouth, reducing you to pretty pants and babbles of his name before he’s pulling away with a long whine that makes it sound like it physically hurt him to pull away from you.
“p-please—don’t cum yet, can you make you feel even better—fuck, i gotta feel your pussy ‘round me, baby.” itadori moans, voice tight with need as he rips his belts and pants open — messily tossing them down his thighs until he’s groaning at the sudden freedom from the loss of the restrictive fabric.
even in the darkness of the old closet you can see the thick curve of him in his boxers, he’s huge and you can almost see the way it twitches with carnal need — not that your surprised with how impressive he is. but it only makes your mouth water when you watch him pull down the final layers of fabric between you, the throbbing, silky curve of his cock grazing along your thighs as he looms over you with a growl, letting his cock drag through the messy, glistening folds of your cunt.
“do you think you can take it, baby? i know you’re gonna take it s-so well. oh so fuckin’ good.” itadori chokes, wide eyes meeting yours and your lips part to sound out a sweet uh-huh when his swollen head catches under the hood of your clit, your legs squeezing around him impatiently before he’s breathing hard through clenched teeth and reaching down to grip around the base.
your mouth drops open to moan when you feel him rub against your clit, hips twitching up wildly and needy as you chase the stimulation and he feels so fucking dizzy at the way you moan for him — shameless and uncut and he’s all but forgotten you’re both about to fuck on his varsity jacket, that’s spread out on the floor of some gross frat closet.
the next swipe of his cock through your folds presses it against your twitching hole and itadori tries so hard to keep his eyes on you through the pleasure when he finally sinks in. but you’re so fucking warm and tight, and the way your fisting at his shirt makes an almost animalistic growl vibrate through his chest as you twitch at the thick spread and he’s pulling you in for a sweet kiss — a contrast to the way he’s bullying his cock into your tight cunt.
“too big, yuuji—ah!” you moan brokenly against his lips and itadori can’t help the pride that swells in his chest as his eyes flutter, his grip dragging you across the floor as he pushes himself deeper into the desperate hug of your walls, shushing you as his teeth drag along your bottom lip.
“but you take me so well, baby—fuck, feel so good. you’re doing s-soo good.” he growls and groans like a man possessed with a slow, wet withdrawal of his cock, rolling it back into you a little each time as your pussy squelches lewdly and his hips press tight against your hips with another mewl.
you can barely breathe with how deep it feels like itadori reaches, the pleasurable sting making the room below you spin before you’re caught off guard with the first harsh smack of his hips between your thighs — the sudden quick pace fitting for someone with such an athletic prowess as you dig your nails into his broad back just to keep yourself grounded.
every wet withdrawal of his hips is so fucking loud and each deep thrust of his cock feels like it reaches even deeper as you a moan of his name kicks from your throat, your desperate attempts at keeping quiet being fucked out of your mind with the way your body is crumbling under each of his thrusts, your orgasm already so close as you hear him babble, wet against your cheek.
“never wanna stop..hnnn, you feel so good. need—shit, need more, wanna feel you, baby.” itadori growls against your skin, and you can hear all his need and want for you in the way he moans your name with each exhale — grabbing at your body like he’s afraid you’ll disappear as he splits you open beneath him.
his eyes are hooded when he looks at you, pink hair smeared along the thin sheen of sweat on his forehead as he presses deep into your body — blunt head of his thick cock pressing against the swollen spots inside of you and all you can do is take it. your voice bounces of the walls of the small, darkened closet as you pant and lilt your head back — clawing red marks down the ivory skin on itadori’s back.
it’s almost inhumane the way his quick, intense pace grows heavier — your body jolting beneath him as he digs his cock up inside of your pussy, the bruising grip he has on your hips being the only thing keeping you underneath him or else you would’ve bounced rignt off with each heavy, wet connection of his hips — driven by the brute strength in his muscled body.
your orgasm hits you suddenly, so hard and good that it almost hurts and your toes curl as your fingers move to grab at itadori’s hair, trembling and clawing at his biceps with the other as you cream around his cock. but he doesn’t stop, not when you’re panting and gasping with each shockwave of bliss below him — the vibration of his groans echoing somewhere deep in his chest as his cock thickens inside of your soaked cunt.
“please, baby—lemme give y-you my cum, will look so good. let me, baby.. fuck, gotta hear you say it.” he slurs and you hiccup before you’re moaning out another needy yes, tightening your thighs around his waist in the hopes it’ll keep him trapped inside.
but itadori’s pace stutters at the first too tight, milking compression of your walls, gritting his teeth with a surprised grunt when his jaw clenches and his eyes watch more cream pool around the base of his thick cock, your walls throbbing with every unforgiving push of his hips.
then he looks at you as he cums thick and heavy inside of you with a long, agonised groan, you’re underneath him and fuck—you’re so pretty. his classmate who sits behind him in class and who he walks to practice with on wednesdays — who cheers for him at games and looks so fucking ethereal when they’re cumming around his cock, he’d fucking dreamed of a moment like this.
it’s addictive, you’re addictive, itadori thinks when he pushes his thick load into your tight cunt, babbling out curses and praises as they curl down your skin while he pins you completely. his primitive instincts take over as he continues to fuck into your messy, sensitive pussy until you’re both spent and a mixture of your cum is smeared along your thighs, only following it with a few shallow thrusts to accommodate the thick rush of cum he unloads inside of your puffy walls.
“baby, you with me? does it hurt?” you finally hear him mumble against your cheek, pressing his lips to the skin after as he kisses you back to him, back to where he’s got you pinned to the closet floor while his fingers massage at the probably soon to be bruises on your hips.
you blink slow, hazy before you’re looking up at where itadori is still looming over you, he’s flushing deep as he catches his breath but he’s still quick to scoop you up into his chest — making sure he’s not hurt you as he looks at you with a pouty, sleepy expression.
“yuuji.” you whisper, throat dry and raspy but you watch him smile as he holds you delicately, a hard contrast to his rough grip a few moments ago as he gives you puppy dog eyes.
“you’re alive, baby! you scared me, did i hurt you? you’re okay?” he asks again and there’s a tenderness to his words when they’re not spoken through his usual bright grin. but you look at him again before you’re smiling and snuggling into his strong shoulder.
“i’m okay, it was so good.” you sigh, shaking slightly when itadori pulls you to stand with him — supporting the trembling of your thighs with a strong arm around your waist before he’s grimacing as he picks up his jacket, sending you another cute pout before you’re both laughing at the cum and other fluids that’s soaked into the fabric.
“awww, does that mean you won’t wear it, baby?” yuuji whines, and you smile again before you let him curl you against his chest — pulling you in for a kiss that’s slow, but still a little messy as he presses you close and you let yourself pull him even closer for a moment, not ready for it to be over yet as you wind your arms around his neck.
he squeezes you to pull away, only to help you clumsily smooth down your clothes, making you both look semi-presentable. “does this mean you’ll go on a date with me?” he grins and you scratch your fingers through his still slightly damp hair as his hands smooth along your sides and he tilts his head at you.
“first you gotta clean your jacket so i can finally wear it.” you reply quickly and the sound seems to make itadori’s smile stretch even wider, but just as he leans in again, your lips parting when his brush against them —the door of the closet is abruptly torn open.
“there you are, yuuji-kun! how was the confession?” satoru drawls but his hazy eyes reflect an unfiltered, knowing sort of amusement when they look over your disheveled appearances. but it’s just as charming as it always is when you watch itadori flock to the older student, big warm hands resting on your hips to keep you wrapped up in him.
you listen to them ramble, trying to ignore the teasing gaze of both gojo and geto as they drawl and hum their words — wigging their brows at you when itadori tells them ( while missing a few details ) about how he needs to wash his jacket before you wear it. but your attention is quickly stolen from a certain dark haired, disgusted looking fushiguro from where he appears next to itadori.
“you’re both gross.”
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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pool party and frat!richkid tom with ”They’re hitting on you.” 
You got it babe! Sorry it took me so long, I just needed a little week off but I am back not and more and more fics are incoming. Hope you enjoy, let me know what you thought, love you xxx
First Mate
67 - “They’re hitting on you.”
Pairing: Frat!Tom x Reader
Warnings: Jealousy
Summary: Tom throws a party with special plans for you and him, unfortunately someone else also has their eye on you
Regular Masterlist
Summer of Love Prompts
Summer of Love Masterlist
One of the first things you’d learned about Tom was that he really excelled with coming up with stupid party themes. It would have been a totally useless talent if he didn’t live in a frat, where stupid parties happened every other night. His latest idea was a nautical themed party which he called his ‘Get Nauti’ party, you found it all incredibly cheesy. Nevertheless you agreed to be the first mate of the party, even though you weren’t really sure what that meant. It was just that when Tom looked at you with his big puppy dog eyes you found it nearly impossible to say no.
“(y/n)!” Tom ran out front as soon as he saw your car arrive, he was wearing only a pair of short, teal swim trunks, and a captain’s hat. He looked good, really good, it was always a good day when you got to see Tom parade around shirtless, “There’s my first mate.”
You smiled back at him, “Hi Tom.”
“This is for you,” he placed another matching captain’s hat on your head and looked you up and down. You’d picked up a new bikini for the occasion, white with small blue flowers covering it. You’d felt great when you put it on at the store but his gaze made you nervous and squirmy, “You look great.”
“Thanks,” you adjusted the hat, making sure it was secure on your head, “So what are my duties as first mate?”
“There’s just one actually, you’ve got to help me win the flip cup tournament,” he smiled hopefully at you.
You groaned, “I’ve got to drive home tonight Tom, I can’t get wasted.”
‘You can stay with me,” he grabbed both of your hands, “Please? Haz and I need you, you’re the best flip cup player I know.”
You hummed, pretending to really weigh your options, “Fine, but only because you appealed to my ego.”
He grinned ear to ear, “Thank you darling, I owe you.”
“Yeah you do,” you agreed, “I’m gonna have to steal some clothes for bed though, I didn’t bring anything else.”
“Not even a sweater?” he clicked his tongue and tossed his arm over your shoulders as he walked you inside, “How irresponsible of you.”
“School years over Tom, I don’t have to be responsible again until the fall.”
“Really? Planning on having a totally wild summer love?”
“Yeah, totally,” you laughed, “And guess who has to babysit?”
“Well unfortunately I’m also planning on having a really wild summer so I guess Haz will have to babysit us both,” he waved to Harrison and some other boys as you stepped into the living room, “You got the tournament all set up Haz?”
Harrison nodded, “Yeah, everything’s good to go.”
“Wonderful,” Tom beamed, “Hope you’re both ready to win.”
“It’s about having fun Tom,” Harrison teased, “Let’s not get too competitive.”
“Only losers complain about things being too competitive,” Tom bit back, “You’re with me right darling?”
You nodded, “Always.”
“That’s my girl,” he smiled proudly.
The frat began to fill up quickly, everytime you glanced towards the door more and more people were piling inside. Soon the place was packed and the entire block was lined with cars. Music was pounding and every table, counter, and window sill was lined with beer cans and plastic cups. Tom kept you close to him like always, and Harrison ended up introducing you to some friends he’d invited from work. They were nice enough, but of course Tom was the only one holding your attention.
“Shit,” Tom glanced down at his phone, “Tournaments supposed to start in just a few, I’ve got to slip away for just a moment but I’ll be back alright?”
You nodded, “Yeah, no problem.”
You watched as he grabbed Harrison and they slipped away into the crowd, leaving you alone with Harrison’s friends. You stood awkwardly for a moment, your eyes darting down to the cup of water in your hand. That was when one of the boys, you were pretty sure his name was Hunter, decided to start talking to you.
“So are you and Tom, like, together?” he asked.
“Oh, uh, no,” you flushed, “We’re just friends.”
“Cool,” he nodded, “So you’re single then?” he raised a brow hopefully.
You were tempted to tell him no, because you weren’t interested in getting hit on by him in the least, but you ended up nodding, “Yeah.”
“Cool, me too,” he grinned at you, “I like your hat by the way.”
“Thanks, Tom got it for me,” you pursed your lips, “Hunter right?”
He nodded, “Yeah, and you’re (y/n).”
Hunter was cute enough, a muscular boy with short blond hair and a cocky smile, but he wasn’t nearly as cute as Tom, and you could already tell he wasn’t as charming either.
“That’s me,” you took a long drink of your water, “I should probably go meet up with the boys actually, we’re all on a team together.”
“Too bad, I totally would have had you on my team,” his eyes wandered up and down your body, “Hopefully we’ll end up playing each other.”
“Yeah, hopefully,” you agreed before spinning on your heels.
You scanned the party in search of Tom, Harrison, or any of your other friends. You spotted Harrison just outside of the back door and began pacing towards him. Outside people were gathering around a large folding table where the flip cup tournament would take place, and Tom was attempting to get the first two teams ready to play.
“I can’t believe he set up a whole tournament for this,” you mumbled, crossing your arms as you joined Harrison by the backdoor.
“I think he just did it because he wants to have bragging rights all summer,” Harrison chuckled and glanced down at you, “Couldn’t stay away huh?”
“Actually one of your friend’s started hitting on me,” you explained.
“I see,” he smirked, “Which one?”
“Ah, yeah you’re definitely his type,” he glanced back towards Tom, “But I guess he’s not really yours is he?”
You shook your head, “Definitely not.”
Harrison bit his cheek and smiled knowingly to himself, “He’s got us up next, you ready?”
“Come on Haz, you know I’m never the one dragging us down.”
“Tom hasn’t drank anything today, he should be good to go,” Harrison chuckled, waving to Tom as he blew a whistle for the two teams to start.
Harrison’s work friends came to join you both outside as the boys at the table began pounding back their beers. Hunter moved next to you, standing a way too close for someone who just met you.
“They’re not half bad,” he commented as the second players picked up their cups, “Not as good as though.”
“I wouldn’t plan on getting too far tonight,” Harrison smirked, “We’ve got a pretty unbeatable team lined up, right (y/n)?”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, too busy watching Tom to really pay attention to what they were talking about, “Totally.”
Tom was having fun playing referee, but his eyes kept darting back to you and Harrison. He watched as Harrison’s friends gathered around you two and Hunter leaned in towards you. He was way too close for Tom’s liking, so Tom ran back to your little group and cut between you two, setting a hand on your back as he spoke.
“Hope you two are ready, we’re about to be up,” he smiled at you and Harrison.
You grinned, “I think you should be asking yourself that Tommy.”
“Don’t worry about me darling, I’ll be just fine,” he assured you, “Hunter you should take notes, maybe you’ll actually be able to win a round.”
“A round? I’m planning on taking the whole thing,” he smiled cockily.
“Oh I’m sure you’ll give it your best try,” Tom ran the back of his fingers up your spine before his hand left you. One of the teams playing flipped their final cup and began yelling excitedly, Tom was quick to usher you away, “Come on, come on, let’s go.”
“Calm down Tom,” you laughed, “It’s been like five seconds since they won.”
“Yes well I’m very eager,” he pinched your side playfully as you approached the table, “Now get your game face on darling, they need to know how serious we are about this.”
Tom, Harrison, and you all lined up on one side of the table with you in the middle of the two boys.. Things were tense, you were up against one of Tom’s frat brothers and a set of twins from a local sorority. Each of you set your cup on the edge of the table and filled it with your drink of choice. The entire time you were setting up Tom was watching Hunter watch you, Hunter’s eyes hadn’t left you for even a second, and it was starting to get under Tom’s skin.
“Tom,” you nudged his side when you noticed him staring off at the crowd, “You good?”
Everyone was ready to go, just waiting for Tom to blow the whistle and start the game. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment and he cleared his throat before speaking.
“Yeah, sorry,” he blew the whistle around his neck and yelled, “Go!”
Harrison was up first, he downed his drink and managed to flip his cup in two tries, giving you a decent advantage. You matched his speed, downing your drink and flipping your cup on your second try. Tom was faster than chugging than both of you, but he always fell apart when it came to actually flipping the cup. You bit your lip nervously as he began, watching him flip the cup three times before he came close, finally he got it on his fifth try, just a second before the girl across from him landed hers.
“Yay!” you cheered, holding your hand up to high five both of the boys, “I’ve never seen you get it that fast Tom.”
“I’ve been practicing,” he winked and snatched both of your cups off the table and glanced over your shoulder. Hunter was still watching you, and the last thing he wanted was for you to walk back over there so he could hit on you, “You want to help me referee the next round?”
You shook your head, “That’s alright, you have your fun Tom, I’m happy to wait on the sidelines.”
“Ah, come on love, I’ll let you blow the whistle,” he tried to tempt you, dangling the whistle in front of your face.
“Ew, it’s got your mouth germs all over it,” you laughed and pushed it away.
“Oh what? So now you don’t like my mouth germs?” he grinned.
You rolled your eyes, “No, I’m gonna go wait with Haz alright?”
“Alright,” he pursed his lips, watching you return to the crowd with Harrison.
Hunter was on you in a second, congratulating you on your win and cracking shitty jokes. Tom was happy to see that none of his poor attempts to make you laugh seemed to be working, but he still didn’t like watching you two together. He had plans for how the night was going to go. You would win the tournament together and then Tom would kiss you, prompting a long and loving relationship between the two of you that would eventually develop into a marriage with three, maybe four kids, and a few dogs. Hunter didn’t have a place in Tom’s big life plans, and he certainly wasn’t about to make room for him either.
“You want another drink sweetheart?” Hunter peaked down at your empty cup, again standing too close to you.
You fought your urge to roll your eyes at the pet name and shook your head, “I’m good, I don’t want to get too drunk before the tournament ends.”
“Ah, strategizing,” he nodded, “Good plan, unfortunately I don’t have that kind of self control,” he raised his glass towards you.
“Is that something for you to brag about?” you chuckled.
“I think that was more of a confession than a brag,” he bit his cheek, “I don’t think anyone brags about a lack of self control.”
Tom watched as you started to laugh with Hunter, a real, genuine, heartfelt laugh. That was the last straw for him. He clenched his hands at his side and cleared his throat before he went stomping towards you.
“Hey, Hunter, you and your friends are up next alright?” Tom slapped a hand on his back much harder than he needed to, “You should probably start getting ready.”
“Uh, yeah, totally,” he agreed, “We’ll get up there.”
“Good call,” he waved to him as he walked away and stepped in to fill the spot at your side, “Harrison do you mind reffing this round?” he pulled the whistle from his neck and passed it over to Harrison.
“Sure,” Harrison took the whistle from him with a smirk.
You frowned, “Really? You seemed like you were having fun.”
“I was, but I’d rather hang out with you,” he shrugged, watching as Harrison started blowing the whistle and giving orders, “Having fun with the boys huh?”
You shrugged, “Sure, they’re fine.”
“They’re hitting on you,” he blurted out, his cheeks flushing pink as he waited for you to say something, you just seemed confused so he continued, “Well not all of them, but Hunter is.”
“I know, I’m not totally oblivious Tom,” you stated plainly, giving no indication as to whether you enjoyed the boys flirting or not.
“Well are you into it or..?” he pressed.
You locked eyes with him, he was smiling but he seemed annoyed. It almost seemed like jealousy, but it was hard to tell because you’d never seen Tom jealous before. If he was jealous though, it’d mean he felt the same way as you did. The thought made you feel giddy and hopeful, so you decided to play a little coy to see if you could confirm your suspicions.
“Do you two have beef or something?” you cocked your head innocently.
“What? No, of course not,” he rolled his eyes, making it extremely obvious that there was something more there, “Just, you know, might be a little awkward when he finds out you’re going to be sleeping in my bed tonight.”
You laughed, “Well I wasn’t planning on going home with him or anything, but if I was, I probably wouldn’t tell him that.”
“Well if you were planning on seeing him at all he probably wouldn’t like how close we are just in general,” Tom hummed.
You two both fell silent, but the look in his eyes made you feel like he was interrogating you. Your gut told you it was jealousy, but part of you thought that was just wishful thinking on your part, that you were just seeing what you wanted to see.
“Are you?” Tom questioned after you didn’t respond, lifting his brows while he waited for your response.
“Am I what?” you frowned.
“Planning on sleeping with him?” he continued.
“No, I just told you I wasn’t.”
“Good,” he nodded and crossed his arms and turned back to the game.
You knit your brows and dragged your eyes away from him. Hunter’s team blew the other out of the water, having all three cups flipped before they even finished their second. The three boys jumped and cheered and began high fiving one another before returning to the sidelines. As soon as Hunter approached you Tom’s arm slipped around your waist and drew you closer to him.
“Told you we were pretty good right?” Hunter grinned as he approached you.
“That was pretty good,” you nodded in agreement.
Tom wore a tight lipped smile, his eyes narrowed at the boy in front of him, “It was decent.”
Again it seemed like Tom was jealous, but you wanted to be sure that it was really jealousy and not just him being protective or something. So you decided to play it up, just a little bit, hoping he would do or say something that would confirm your suspicions.
“Hey Hunter, I think I’ll take you up on that drink now,” you smiled up at him and pulled Tom’s hand off of your waist.
Tom’s eyes widened just a tad while Hunter’s lit up excitedly, “Cool, let’s go grab a drink then.”
“Come on,” you nodded for him to follow you inside.
You tried to watch Tom watch you but it was hard to keep your eyes on him with Hunter hovering so close to you. You made sure to giggle extra hard at everything he said and set your hand on his arm while he walked you back outside. You spotted Tom right away, he was watching the door, obviously waiting for you to return. He tensed when he spotted your hand on his arm, his eyes narrowed to a glare as you two approached him. He reached out for you as soon as you were near him, setting his arm over your shoulders and drawing you in close.
“How’s your drink?” he hummed.
“Fine,” you swirled your cup and took a small sip, “Did you know Hunter’s on the water polo team?”
“Wow water polo? Really? How fascinating,” he stated plainly.
You were sure he was jealous now, he had to be, there was no other reason he’d be acting so rude to one of Harrison’s friends.
“Tom I need you to take over man,” Harrison came jogging to you, shoving the whistle back into Tom’s hands, “I need a bathroom break before we’re up again.”
Tom’s cheeks tinted pink and he nodded, “Come up with me darling, everyone likes having a pretty judge,” he pulled you away with him before you had a chance to answer, promptly ending your time with Hunter.
You were smiling as he dragged you back over to the table where the game was being plaid. On the table there was a small clipboard with a list of the different teams and rounds that were supposed to be played that night. Tom plucked it off the table as people began lining up for the next round. He started scribbling away on the board, blowing the whistle without even glancing upwards. You frowned and tried to peek at what he was doing.
“Why are you changing things now?” you questioned.
“Well I just thought you might like to play against Hunter’s team next round,” he smiled bitterly at you, “Since you two are just best pals now.”
You frowned, “Best pals? I just grabbed a drink with him.”
“And you said you weren’t planning on sleeping with him,” he scoffed.
“I’m not,” it was hard not for you to smile or laugh, “I’m planning on sleeping in your bed remember?”
He locked eyes with you for a moment, “Good, you can tell him when we play each other, we’re heading up next.”
“Next?” you raised a brow.
He nodded, “Yeah, I’m really eager to go again,” he set the clipboard down and turned his attention to the people playing, “Come on Josh! I know you can drink faster than that!”
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms before you started to cheer for some of the boys with him. It wasn’t like you were trying to piss him off or something, just figure out if he was jealous or not. A wave of guilt hit you and you began to worry that you might have seriously upset him.
“Tom,” you grabbed his arm, “When Harrison gets back I need to talk to you for a second, privately.”
He hummed and shook his head, “No can do love, we’re playing next round.”
“Tom come on, just leave the roster how it is,” you attempted to take the clipboard from his hands but he wouldn’t budge, “People are gonna get mad if you start changing it now.”
“Too bad, my party, my rules,” he smiled smugly at you
“Throwing the party doesn’t give you an excuse to be a dick,” you bit back.
“Oh yeah, I’m being such an asshole,” he rolled his eyes, “I’m not the one who’s been flirting with some douche all night.”
“So?” you knew you should probably drop it there but you didn’t, you wanted to hear him say it out loud, “What’s wrong with a little harmless flirting?”
His eyes narrowed to a glare, “You already know what.”
“No I-”
“Great job guys!” Tom cut you off and clapped Josh on the back as his team one, “Amazing really. Okay next up it’s gonna be me, Haz, and (y/n), against Phil, Travis, and,” he cleared his throat, “Hunter.”
Harrison frowned at him from the sidelines, “Uh, I thought there were still a couple groups ahead of us.”
“Well you know, things change Haz, we’re up now,” he gave a tight lipped smile, “Come on boys, we don’t have all night.”
Everyone that was gathered to watch the game seemed confused, and your face flushed with embarrassment as you stepped up to the side of the table. You were in the middle of Tom and Harrison again, with Hunter standing right across from you. He winked at you as he topped off his cup.
“Hope you aren’t too crushed when we beat you sweetheart,” he purred.
“Shove off Hunter,” Tom scoffed, “Everybody ready?”
“No, everyone’s still filling their cups Tom, calm down,” Harrison looked him over and raised a brow in concern, “You alright mate?”
“Yes, I just want to win,” he huffed.
“Right…” Harrison glanced at you and then back to Tom, “You just seem a little tense.”
“I’m good,” he replied dryly.
“We’re all good over here,” Hunter spoke up again once his teammates had both topped off their cups, “So we’re ready whenever you guys are.”
“Great. Haz are you ready?”
Harrison nodded, “Sure.”
Tom blew the whistle without another word, and watched silently as Harrison chugged his glass. He drank faster than the boy across from him, but took three tries to flip his cup, so you were only a second ahead when you lifted the glass to your mouth. You chugged as fast as you could and managed to flip your cup on your first try. Tom was able to start far before their final teammate, and while he chugged fast, you could tell right away he was going to slip up when it came to actually flipping his cup. He always did when he got too competitive or drunk, he’d tense up and end up flipping the cup way too hard. Normally it was funny, but he seemed genuinely angry now, and you felt awful. You watched as he flipped his cup again and again, he wasn’t even close by the time the boy across from him finished chugging his glass, losing any advantage you had.
They ended up beating you, right away they started to cheer and tease. Harrison high fived them all but Tom didn’t. Normally he was a good sport, but tonight he had no interest. He just passed the whistle over to Josh and declared him the new referee before disappearing inside the house.
“Tommy…” you sighed as you watched him leave, debating whether you should go after him. Of course you wanted to, but you were worried he wouldn’t want you around if he was upset with you.
“You did great,” Hunter complimented, “Too bad Tom blew your lead, but good for me so…”
You rolled your eyes and shoved right past him to go find Tom. He was retreating up the stairs when you entered the house, undoubtedly heading for his bedroom. You followed after, pushing through the crowd as quickly as you could.
“Tom?” you rapped gently at his door, “Can I come in?”
For a second it was quiet, then he swung the door open, “Look I’m not feeling great (y/n), I’m just gonna call it a night okay?”
“Tom please don’t, you were super excited about this party, you shouldn’t miss it,” you tried tugging him out of his room, “Come on, I’ll go home if you don’t want to see me.”
He furrowed his brows, “I don’t want you to go home I-” he stopped himself mid sentence and cocked his head, “I’m not upset with you (y/n).”
You blushed again, “It’s okay if you are Tom.”
“I’m not, of course I’m not,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “Tonight’s just not going how I thought it would.”
“Well, do you want to talk about it?” you tried stepping closer, but he didn’t open the door for you.
He stared at you for a minute, his mouth hanging open before he finally nodded, “Yeah, kind of. I’m sorry I snapped at you back there, you’re a grown woman, you can flirt with whoever you want, I just…” he trailed off and sighed, “I just get protective.”
“Just protective?” you pushed, “It kind of seemed like maybe that wasn’t all you were feeling…”
He let out another deep sigh, his eyes darting away from you as he spoke, “I mean what do you want me to say here (y/n)? I think I made it kind of obvious.”
You were both quiet for a moment. He had nothing to be jealous about, and you wanted to tell him that, but actually spitting out was harder than you thought it would be.
“Maybe we could just sit down for a minute?” you suggested softly.
He nodded and opened his door the rest of the way so you could follow him inside. Sitting on his night stand he had two water bottles and a couple of snacks.
“I wanted to be ready in case we both got hammered,” he explained as he sat on the edge of his bed, “So I brought some stuff up here earlier.”
“That’s really sweet,” you smiled as you sat beside him, “Tom I’m really sorry.”
“I don’t want you to be sorry (y/n),” he groaned, “You’re my best friend, I just want you to be happy okay?”
“I know, but I shouldn’t have done that…” you bit your cheek, “I shouldn’t have flirted with him, I didn’t realize it would make you so upset. I was just trying to figure out if you were, you know, jealous.”
“I was very jealous,” he popped his knuckles nervously, “I had this whole plan for tonight. I wanted to have that stupid tournament so we could win and then I could kiss you and it’d be this whole big thing,” he chuckled, “It sounds sort of stupid when I say it out loud, I was just trying to be romantic.”
“That’s really cute Tom, I would have liked that a lot,” you fiddled with your hands nervously, “I hope you know that I’m not into him, like, at all. I was just trying to figure out if you were jealous or not so I would know if you felt the same way as I do.”
“(y/n) I am totally crazy about you,” he slipped a hand over yours.
“I’m crazy about you too,” you squeezed his hand and your eyes darted to his lips, you wanted to kiss him but you weren’t sure if you should, “So what now?”
His tongue darted out over his lips while he stared down at yours. Without another word he set his hand on your cheek and leaned in towards you. He pressed his lips to yours gingerly, they were soft and he was gentle. He tasted like cheap beer, something that would have disgusted you if he were anyone else, but you were so happy just to be kissing him you didn’t care.
Finally you separated, Tom hovered close though, keeping his lips just centimeters from yours, “I want you to be my girlfriend, you know, if that’s cool with you.”
“That depends,” you bit your lips, “Is there gonna be more kissing involved?”
He nodded and gave you another quick peck, “Loads.”
“Well in that case, I’m in,” you wrapped your arms around his neck to draw him even closer, “You wanna go be the annoying couple that makes out in the middle of the party?”
He hummed, “As fun as that sounds, I think I’d rather spend the rest of the night up here, just you and me.”
“That sounds nice. We could throw on a movie, snuggle a little,” you agreed, “I still wanna steal some of your clothes though, it gets chilly up here.”
“Sounds perfect,” he pecked your lips again with a smile, “I’ll grab you a sweater, but keep the hat on, I think it’s sexy.”
You laughed as he rose from the bed, “Alright, whatever floats your boat captain.”
@spideyssunshine​ @niallsvirgosun​ @roseke​ @outshineallthestars​ @namoreno​ @thevery-firstpage​ @collywobbl​ @zspideyy​ @emistrash​ @tomsirishgirlx​ @andreagf956​ @peachyafshawn​ @agbspidey​ @sleepybesson​ @nj01​ @misshale21​ @prancerrparkerr​ @raajali3​ @ellabellabus07​ @xoxomaterialgirl​ @mayal0pez​ @belovedholland​ @minjix​ @blankspaceblankday​ @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah​ @graciexmarvel​ @secretsthathauntus​ @lnmp89​ @negasonic-teenage-asshole​​ @rednights @mcushvft @maytemurillo @s-we-e-t-t-ea @akalilexanna @liltimmyst @gloomynigvts
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surftrips · 2 years
love at second sight — part one.
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pairing: jj maybank x reader (they are baristas! how cute!)
series summary: when jj is hired at the cafe y/n works at, memories of a night they spent together arise and so do their feelings for each other.
word count: 1354
author's note: this was originally going to go in a completely different direction and be an angsty oneshot but then i stumbled into writing this meet-cute and i had to make this a series. i promise i'll have the strength to publish some angst one day, but alas, that day is not today. i hope you all enjoy and lmk if you want to be tagged for part 2!
"Hey, Y/N, heads up, we have a new hire coming in today. Mind showing him the ropes?" 
Great, you thought. Just another thing to do that I’m not getting paid for. "Sure, of course," you said to your manager, in your best customer service voice. 
The thing about working at the local cafe was you often got new hires for the summer, who left as soon as school started or their vacation ended. You didn't mind training new employees, but you felt like you were wasting your time knowing most of them would quit in a few months. 
"Don't sound too excited," your manager joked. You had been working there (legally) ever since you turned sixteen, and before that under the table. He knew your family came from the cut and you could use the extra money, plus you were always a hard worker. 
"Sorry, but it's not my fault you seem to purposely hire people with no work ethic!" 
"Listen Y/N, some people just need a temporary job. No one stays at a place like this for long."
"Except me." You wouldn't admit this out loud to anyone because you knew they would judge you, but you didn't mind working at the cafe. Your dream was to open your own place one day, but even in your head it sounded silly to you. There was never much room to dream on this side of the island. 
"Yeah, that's why you've been employee of the month for the past two years. Now get back to work, the coffee isn't going to brew itself!" 
You were finishing up a latte for a customer when you heard the bell ring at the register. "I'll be with you in just a second!" 
"Take your time," the voice responded. You smiled to yourself, making a mental note to take some extra time perfecting whatever drink this customer would order. You always appreciated it when customers let you work at your own pace. 
Wiping your hands on your apron you walked over, only to be greeted by a familiar face. You faltered for a second, not sure if it was actually him. The last time you saw him was when you got wasted at a frat party. You weren't sure that he even recognized you, and not just because you were in your work clothes. (It was really dark in the back of your Jeep). 
You decided against asking him if you've met before. "Hey- what can I get started for you today?"
"I'm actually the new hire. The manager said to speak to Y/N?" He glanced at your name tag. "Which I assume is you?" 
"Are you sure you picked the right profession? The FBI could really use someone like you," you smiled at him.
"Oh, I checked with them first but unfortunately they didn't have any openings."
"It's okay, being a barista is basically the same thing. Half of the customers expect you to be able to read their minds and the other half complain about problems that are out of my jurisdiction."  
He laughed, "Damn, I thought you guys just made coffee." 
"Oh, trust me, this job is much more than that. Come on, let's get you a name tag.... Speaking of, what is your name?"
"If you're really as good as you say you are, shouldn't you be able to guess, detective?" 
You chuckled, you had some idea of what his name was but you didn't want to run the risk of being wrong and embarrassing yourself. Jay? JB? It was something along those lines. 
“Actually, it's agent. Detectives work for the police, not the FBI."
The boy put his hands up, "Oh, my bad. Didn't know I was speaking to an expert on law enforcement here." 
"It's alright, it's your first day. You'll get the hang of things soon...?"
"JJ. That's my name." You were relieved that he didn't make you try and guess his name because that would've put you in a very awkward situation. 
"Oh, cool. What's it short for?" you asked.
"Nice try, agent. It's going to take some military-level torture to get that information out of me." 
You laughed, it was rare that you hit it off with people this quickly. You were known to be a little overbearing and too sarcastic at times, but JJ didn't seem to think so. You wondered if he knew you two had met before, but didn't want to hurt your own feelings by asking. 
Instead, you led him to the back where the extra name tags were. You handed him one and a marker and watched as he carefully wrote his name down. You couldn't help but admire his features, his strong arms and the way his blue eyes darkened when focused. 
"Quit staring at me!" You blushed, not knowing that he could feel your eyes on him. 
Still, you regained your composure enough to make a snarky comment. "Sorry, am I making you nervous?" 
"Yes, I am feeling a lot of pressure right now and I haven't even started behind the bar yet." 
"Come on, it's just a name tag. It doesn't have to be perfect." You looked over his shoulder to see him drawing... something. As cute as he was, he was not the best artist. "What are you drawing?- Sorry what are you attempting to draw?" 
"A coffee cup! You really can't tell?" 
"Oh...." you said in the same tone as you would be speaking to a child who had just handed you their art project. "Sure, I can see it. If I hit my head against the wall and squint really hard." 
"Stop! It cannot be that bad." 
"I just hope that you're better at making coffee than art." 
You spent the rest of the day training JJ in between serving customers. Luckily, it was a weekday so you weren't super busy and as it turns out, JJ was a quick learner and he was in fact better at making latte art than whatever he was doing on his name tag. 
"Wow! That looks like an actual heart this time!" you complimented his work. 
"Thanks, made it just for you," he winked, looking up at you. Despite only (really) knowing each other for a few hours, JJ was already comfortable flirting with you. You hated that you felt butterflies rising in your stomach. 
That night at the frat party, you were wasted because you found out your ex had cheated on you. Ever since that day, you vowed never to let your guard down again. Well, ever since that night, because technically, you had let your guard down with JJ. You couldn't remember much, apparently not even his name, but there was definitely some making out and second base stuff, all of which you chalked up to being drunk and not the result of actual feelings.
However, for the next few weeks, he was all you could think about. Your friends kept trying to get you to see him again, but you had no desire to leave your house, let alone get back in the dating scene. All you wanted to do was admire him from afar, where it was safe. 
Besides, the more time you spent with JJ now, the less convinced you felt that he remembered any of it himself, so bringing it up would simply be self-sabotage. 
Even so, meeting him again felt like fate in a way. Like love at first second sight. 
"Hellooooo? Earth to Y/N?" JJ was waving his hands in front of your face. Shit. You didn't realize you had spaced out. You didn't want him to see you flustered so you tried to pull yourself together as quickly as possible. 
"Sorry, it's been a long day. Let's wrap up, shall we?" 
He stayed later to help you close the store that night. As you turned the lights off and shut the door behind you, you couldn't help but feel like something had changed. Like the universe had given you a second chance for a reason. Maybe, just maybe, it was time to let your guard down again.
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TAGLIST: @severa-kane (let me know if you would like to be added!)
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