#who I'm pretty sure has completely abandoned her in that 'verse
thewertsearch · 1 year
TG: i will be your server TG: and past me will stay as roses server TG: which is to say present me will TG: the one in the black suit GG: ohh… GG: i guess that makes sense TG: he can keep managing her for a while TG: until she sorta checks out soon and becomes totally useless
Rose is already detached from the party, following unseen orders in service of an unseen plan - but according to Dave, she's going to get worse.
This, I assume, is the point at which she becomes obscured from Kanaya's viewport. Rose is going to keep digging this hole, right up until she reaches some critical point on her timeline - and then, if I'm reading correctly between the lines, she's going to fall apart.
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Final alchemy session, let's go!
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Hey, calm down! Just because it's snowing outside doesn't mean it's Christmas just yet.
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We're certainly getting close...
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STEP OFF. … You decide he can keep the SORD….. though.
Abandoning your best weapon? A poor tactical decision by the Knight.
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TT: Did you do anything on the moon besides rifle through my belongings? TT: Such as remove your shades and turn your gaze Ringward, by any chance? [...] TG: i did TT: What did you see? TG: horrible things [...] TG: when i saw them TG: their voices became clearer TT: What were they saying? TG: i couldnt really focus on anything specific TG: but TG: in totality TG: im pretty sure it was TG: like TT: ? TG: a plea for help
That's a little vague - but then again, they may be so alien to us that they're not able to communicate more clearly. This might be the closest thing to a human-readable message that the Gods can create.
This is probably a good place to put my transcription of the Squiddle song from Jade's nap. Much of it is unintelligible, but the parts we can hear are rather illuminating.
Squiddles are no ordinary friends, they work, and play, and work again. But they have homes, and mommies too; yes, they have mommies just like you.
Firstly, the Squiddles try to explain that they're not completely different from us. They're extraordinary creatures, practically incomprehensible to the Players - and yet, they have a home. They have loved ones. They play.
They repeat this assertion twice, as though they desperately want the Players to understand this.
So let them go to bed right now, so they can rest, and make cute sounds. If they can't rest they won't be strong …and they are really tiny.
They go on to say that they're exhausted. They need to rest, but something is keeping them busy. As a result, they're becoming 'tiny' and weak.
They can't make the 'cute sounds' that they're known for, which I suspect is a metaphor for the advice they normally dispense to Derse Dreamers, but I'm less sure about that.
[Unintelligible] …so let them sleep... …cause they will die if…
At this point, the music begins to fade out - but not before we hear that the Squiddles' lives are in danger. Something out in the depths of space is killing the Noble Circle of Horrorterrors.
Squiddle dee dee, squiddle dee dum. Everyone sing, a Squiddley song. Let's all be friends, And work as a team. Squiddles for you, Squiddles for me.
The final verse is self-explanatory.
It's unclear what, exactly, is happening out in the Furthest Ring, but it's dire enough that the Horrorterrors are reaching out to their neighbors, the Players of Sburb, and asking them to form an alliance.
We're seeing that alliance through Feferi, who has convinced them to blow the Dream Bubbles and link the two sessions. We're also seeing it through Rose, the only human Player willing to listen to the Squiddles' song - but her situation is more murky. I do think I understand her mental state a little better, though.
Rose is acting on Horrorterror advice - which means she's acting on whispers, corrupted images and half-heard fragments of a song. I don't think the Gods are manipulating her so much as they're playing a game of Telephone with her brain. They can't relay direct instructions, so the best they can do is transmit the vibe of what needs to happen, and the Seer has to figure the rest out for herself.
No wonder she's so evasive about her plan - I don't think she understands more than a quarter of it. She isn't nearly as in-control of the situation as she's pretending to be, and if she admits as much to John, she'd probably lose her nerve.
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multicolour-ink · 2 days
I have a couple things to comment on Azolla and Myo:
1) I love the idea of Baby Sonic being placed in a basket on the water to be found by Longclaw, not only does it parallel the beginning of Moses' story, but it could be another, albeit unconscious, reason for Sonic's fear of water, as it floated him away from his birth parents
2) What if Sonic's birth parents raised him on West Side Island? Because of the lizard bandits in pursuit of power, it led to the people of the island believing those who were different brought nothing but trouble, thus leading to the ostracization of one young fox born with two tails…
Azolla & Myo - Sonic's parents (movie verse)
Thank you very much for your kind comments 😊
Yes, exactly! The idea of Sonic having a fear of water because of some childhood trauma that he was too young to remember long term, is a concept I see used a lot, but it's just too good not to! It adds that more depth to the character.
Just to add something else to my own backstory for Sonic: the very earliest nightmares he had as a hoglet was seeing a hazy figure get further away from him, and then fall into the water. To this day he really hates to bring it up.
2. Now, for your question about Tails.
First, I really love your idea of the rumours of Sonic's power reaching Tails' village! I can only imagine the twisted stories that would have been created when Sonic was being pursued. As Longclaw had to keep Sonic hidden (and we see her tree house is pretty isolated) I imagine the two rarely saw anyone in person, if they could help it. If Longclaw desperately needed to go to civilisation for supplies, I imagine she would have left Sonic hidden, or put a disguise on them both so they wouldn't attract attention.
Naturally, these tales of a being with incredible power spread, and very quickly reached Tails' village. Considering that this village would be isolated (as described in the games - I think), the villagers came up with their own questions: What was this powerful being? Was it still around? Was it evil? Had it cursed the island, fated to strike any unsuspecting village of its wrath?
Then one day (coincidently the same day Longclaw sent Sonic to Earth), a little fox was born in the village. A fox with two tails.
Now, before I continue, I would like to point out that I have seen theories in the fandom that Tails was also abandoned by his parents for having two tails, on top of being bullied by the locals of his village. Whilst I can understand the bullying part, I refuse to believe that Tails' parents would ever treat him that way. Partly because it's too upsetting to think about that. And partly because all I can think about when it comes to Tails' relationship with his parents is the moments they have together in the Archie Comics.
Now just to stress, I have not read the Archie Comics in full, but I am aware of some key moments from them.
In the Archie Comics (SPOILERS AHEAD) Tails is born to Rosemary and Amadeus Prower. Due to circumstances, the then very young Freedom Fighters had to escort Rosemary to hospital, where she gave birth to Miles "Tails" Prower.
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Sonic clearly points out to everyone in the room that the newborn has two tails, but Rosemary doesn't care about that in the slightest 😊 She's just happy that her son is safe 💕
Then not long after, Rosemary and Amadeus are separated from their son and end up on another planet (or dimension I'm not sure which) with no way to get back. This meant that Tails grew up not remembering his parents at all, until one day he was told the full story, and given a message from his parents.
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They are trapped, but there is only love towards their son 💗
And then the family reunites in as wholesome a way as possible 🤗
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Again, nothing is mentioned about Tails' tails! The parents don't care at all that he's abnormal. They never have. He's their son and they love him as he is 💗💗💗
Now, back to the movie verse. Obviously this is a completely different canon. We don't know if movie Tails' parents were similar, or they may have been different. But it's difficult to make judgements because the Archie comics is the most in depth depiction of the main character's parents we have so far.
So with that said, I imagine that Tails' parents in the movie verse would love him dearly as well. In fact, they would fight for him!
Here's my idea so far: If their village believed Tails was a curse, the leader would be the first to convince the couple that their kid was likely a result of a hex from this "destructive being", and the best thing to do would be to give him up so the village could be left alone.
Naturally, the parents are not happy about this. Rosemary (going by Archie names just for convenience) would tell the village leader to stick his curse up his 🍑 and nearly claw his face off.
They stay in their village, but the same bandits who killed Sonic's parents attack one night and destroy it, and Tails' parents are killed in the carnage.
Luckily, Tails survives, because Rosemary hid him in a part of their home that was well concealed from the bandits. He's found by a survivor, wailing with all he has.
He is reluctantly taken to the village orphanage, because as much as the village still blame him for what has happened, no one wants it on their conscious if they disposed of a baby, and besides: if this baby survived, surely that's a sign?
They are still cautious of the fox. And Tails grows up, never understanding why they all look at him different 🦊
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philosophiums · 8 months
there's a conversation happening on tiktok right now about why there has been such a sharp rise in people wanting to watch female-led anime instead of being so focused on shonen and the girl who posted the video listed her reasoning as shonen constantly fucking up "power creep" (her words but i'm pretty sure she meant power scaling).
anyway i'm going to subject you all to my thoughts on this because i refuse to post anything on tiktok. (i'm also putting this under a read more because it got longer than i thought it would SKJDBVKJDBVJ).
now, i don't think complaints of power scaling in shonen is a bad thing, but i also don't think it's actually the problem with shonen (nor do i think it's the reason that there's an increase in interest for female leads bc i think that's literally just people wanting to see more female main characters which is not new or surprising or weird, but that's not the point of this rn).
i think the problem with shonen (most of the time) is the lack of actual story content - like fucking... plots and themes and motifs.
her two examples were mha and jjk because to her they sit on opposite sides of the spectrum in regards to power scaling (in mha the villains are so weak that children can defeat them, and in jjk the villains are so strong that no one can defeat them), so i'm also going to work off of these two examples.
mha's problem is not that the children are the only ones who can fight the big bads, it's that we don't get to see proof that the kids are actually stronger than the adults. sure there's evidence of adults fighting the villains and losing vs the kids fighting the villains and winning, but there's no setup for like a mentor/mentee moment of the mentee finally besting their mentor and us the audience getting to see that they're finally stronger. in fact it's... typically the opposite.
mha shows us multiple times that even the strongest characters in the main cast of kids are not stronger than, say, kids who are two years older than them or their teachers, let alone the best and strongest professional heroes in the verse. and that's not a power scaling issue, that's a storytelling issue. because you can set up stories where kids are stronger than the adults in their verse, and you can write it in a way that makes sense, but mha does not do that.
and of course mha has multiple other storytelling problems, not the least of them being the fact that it set itself up to be one of those "if you believe in yourself and try hard enough you can do anything" stories only to immediately undermine itself by giving the mc the most powerful ability in the verse free of charge, making the entire opening sequence have zero emotional payoff (a problem that continues on and on forever in the anime/manga).
jjk, on the other hand, set itself up to be a story about cycles, about the past repeating itself, about the inevitability of curses and hardship and never learning from past mistakes, but all of that was completely abandoned somewhere in the middle of the shibuya arc and was never touched on again.
all of the main characters in jjk have direct mirrors within the main cast - yuji & geto, fushiguro & gojo, nobara & shoko, maki & toji, nanami & mei mei, the list goes on - and it had the perfect opportunity to either be a story about the inevitability of trauma cycles OR a story about breaking those cycles, but instead half the cast is now dead and it's become a manga that's just about cool-looking fights.
the problem with jjk is not that the villains are too strong/unbeatable (i actually think there could have been merit to making jjk a story where the villains win, but that would have required focusing on the theme of cycles which, again, has unfortunately been lost) - it's just that there's no fucking plot anymore. there's no meat. there's no point. even if the goal of jjk from the beginning was to subvert a lot of typical shonen tropes, it's so so hard to care about that anymore because there's no reason. the plot is gone, the themes have vanished, the emotion is no longer in the room with us, and it has absolutely nothing to do with (im)balances of power within the verse.
but of course this is not a new problem in shonen. it's so incredibly rare for shonen to have a good story that maintains from start to finish in a satisfying arc, and that's almost a staple of the genre now - training arcs and a war arcs and lots of fighting and very little actual substance. the ones that do have it are gold mines. but again, this is not a new problem and it's not a new conversation, and i don't think it's the heart of why that girl posted that video or why all those people agree with her.
i truly think the actual reason this conversation is happening is because there's a new set of people who have recently turned twenty-something and are realizing that they don't identify with shonen protagonists anymore because they're no longer teenagers. and i think those people are upset that the characters/stories aren't aging with them and are finally looking at all the shows they like and are realizing that they're constructed around a trope of, essentially, child soldiers fighting battles that the adults in their verses cannot. and these people are realizing that they maybe don't like that anymore.
because when you're a teenager, shonen is escapism or a power fantasy or both. it's more relatable because it's made for that age group. but when you're an adult you start going "hey... where are these kids' parents?" because you realize that it's unfair and unreasonable in real life to put so much pressure on literal children. (i always think of that post that went around tumblr a few years ago that was a gif of this character in a tv show saying something like "i'm 13. i'm practically an adult." - bc when you're a 10 year old watching that, you go Yeah That's Right She's So Old, but when you're 30 watching that, you're just internally groaning because you have been a full legal adult for this child's entire life and they're barely older than a baby to you).
but of course shonen (and YA lit and superhero cartoons/comics and the list goes on) is not meant to be "realistic."
but just because it's not crafted as realism doesn't mean it shouldn't have story elements or themes that can reflect reality and/or be applied to real life. it also doesn't mean it can't have a fucking plot SKJDBVJKDVB
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frontierpodiatrist · 1 year
arven/nemona hc rambling (mostly arven)
back at it again with my "deep in the blorbo pit" (tag someone left on another post of mine; thought it was really funny) type posts about arven and nemona's parallels (and then in comparison to the rest of the quartet) and more about their relationships to their parental figures
i have a sort of fondness for transfem arven hcs, though i have very specific arven hcs and interpretations specific to violet-verse, and parallels with nemona i was thinking about earlier that i want to talk about
smth which i see in a lot of ppl's arven timeskip designs is that he has facial hair, something that i firmly disagree with...bc i feel like he wouldn't want to look like turo. he's already very resembling of him, which after his death, i'm sure would haunt him anytime he looked at himself in the mirror, lending to a sort of disconnect and self-esteem issues about his appearance. i feel like in violet-verse, arven would have a lot of hang-ups about traditional masculinity. turo is very traditionally masculine in appearance, in the behaviour that we witness though perhaps not purposefully (being aloof, uncaring, strict, arrogant, powerful, etc.), and arven has very strong and negative complex feelings towards his parent that abandoned him and he was previously led to believe didn't care about him. even after coming to terms with a narrative that clashes with his own, i feel like this wouldn't necessarily dissipate my personal hc is that juliana is the protagonist, bc i find the juxtaposition of arven being the only boy in the group interesting, especially in violet-verse where he has such negative associations with the only man he really knows (outside of saguaro, who is more "effeminate" in his likes and actions, and is insecure about, something i'm sure imprinted on arven). and i also find it interesting IRT his relationship with penny especially, who i strongly id as transfem herself. while he is most friendly/comfortable with juliana, due to her being a stranger unaware of his father when she arrives, he relates the most to penny on a number of factors. in this disconnect you could interpret that he has with masculinity, or male figures in his life, hearing about her father and her experience would probably be very interesting to him i feel like it's pretty heavily implied arven has identity issues because of his parent's (in this case his father's) reputation overshadowing anything about him as an individual, to the point he feels he needs to become famous of his own accord to wipe away their influence on how people see him. he doesn't really have anything he considers his own, or defining him, up until postgame when he finally settles upon cooking, though previously he thought it only a hobby. if you interpret his relationship with saguaro as very close, it's possible this is him emulating the only adult in his life really that he feels a connection with, as well. i also hc that turo was disillusioned with people, the Robot Autism and disillusioned with being human which is why he was obsessed with the future and the idea of "surpassing humanity" -> passed onto arven who struggles with his own identity as a result That being said, IRT his disconnection to gender as well, arven feels very...big brother-ly (especially in japanese) or mom friend-y, as well as cutesy and having a very strangely cute but also weird way of talking in japanese that is sort of conveyed in english. i feel like arven has a lot of hang-ups on parenting, and family. he feels like the type of person who would want a family, or kids in the future, but that due to his upbringing would struggle with the idea of being a "father", or a "mother" for that matter. but then has anxiety about being a parent at all, or the idea of a traditional family unit. aside from saguaro (who appears very "masculine" like turo, but in personality, is the complete opposite), all of arven's friends are girls. his entire support network now, is mostly girls, the only ones he feels are there for him. growing up all he had was his turbulent father, leading to some sort of complex of boys = bad, girls = good Now, about Nemona.
i'm sure anyone who likes nemona knows the whole nemo = nobody thing, etc. i think it's fairly obvious as well, that she struggles to find an identity outside of battling. unlike arven, her family isn't the only thing to her, but it's as if they were never really there at all. but you know who was? geeta. she follows geeta's advice and beliefs almost exactly, never acting outside of them because she seems so desperate for her approval and acknowledgement, because geeta is in her mind the only person who has ever validated her existence or given her something to work for. even a lot of her personality feels like it was mapped onto geeta, she will remind herself mid-battle how geeta ought to act, how a "champion" ought to act, and model that she's student council president, she's a champion, she's got great grades, she's an overachiever—and geeta is chairwoman of both the "school" and the "league", two things nemona has both, in the eyes of others, conquered. much like arven, i feel that without battling, without geeta's influence, nemona might not have much of a sense of self either, mapping pretty much all of her identity onto hers
in a sort of strange turn of events (aside from the protagonist, who is essentially a blank slate), it feels as if penny has the strongest sense of identity b/w the four of them, she knows what she wants, she has friends and a social circle outside of this group, she carved an identity for herself, she doesn't seem to imprint or map onto any particular adult or person other than herself. and in a way, you might be able to map this to the fact that unlike the other two, she had a loving and guiding parent to help her form her own identity (even in spite of all the bullying and other things she went through), where the other two did not. she had a support network
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jade-of-mourning · 5 months
guess whooooooo
so I don’t want to be agitating and I noticed you said you’ve been busy but I genuinely do not remember if I sent you an ask recently or if that was a dream?? so if I’ve been bugging you pls just ignore me I will not be offended 😭🙏🏼
the reason for my presence in your inbox today is because I was looking thru the mako tag and saw ur avatar mako snippet. I then began to experience Thoughts and decided you might enjoy if I shared them :33
what I’ve been thinking about is the possible dynamics of this au because. tragic backstory x avatar is something we didn’t quite get w korra because all her Avatar Trauma happened during the show. however,,, mako and bolin got that orphan swag
so for one I wanted to reference one of your older posts about mako and lin having a history across each other at an interrogation table. just imagine how she feels seeing the little brat (who she’s almost certain is zolt’s little prodigy) turn out to be the avatar who she now has to tolerate and work with to protect the city that never gave him shit.
and besides the early momboss and detectiveson feelings (linzin reconciliation?? kyalin reveal????) the other dynamic is just mako and republic city as a whole. this was actually kind of touched on in canon w how korra had to acclimate to the entirely different world of a revolutionizing industrial city, but instead it would be mako learning to cherish the streets that had chewed him up and spat him back out.
another reason this would be cool is bcuz it already happens in the show as well. despite mako’s character being completely abandoned after the love triangle, his becoming a cop kind of shows that he has grown to want to protect his city. being a police officer in the atla-verse means you have a real devotion to your city—under a boss like lin, you just get replaced realll quick if you don’t (eg, those two guys who pissed on mako when varrick framed him for domestic terrorism or whatever was going on there).
it also can’t be only for money, because if it was he would’ve gone back to probending; something he was just indifferent towards. anyway, what I’m trying to say is that somewhere offscreen he had that development in view as he grew to want to protect the city for more reason than that it would keep he and his brother safe. so essentially, in the avatar mako au, he goes through that development earlier, when he’s still a kid.
this would probably also affect his personality. if he was taken care of earlier on, he wouldn’t have stonewalled himself away out of distrust for the rest of the world. so basically he’s a snappy, sarcastic little bitch by canon because he never taught himself to bite his tongue or die—it also parallels him to korra (cough and katara cough) a bit more which I thought was nice.
I just totally lost my train of thought but uhhhhh,,, sorry for the long ask. hope you’re doing okay :)
much love
HI SNAILON!! i'm sure you saw my very late response but yeah dw you did not hallucinate that ask kjsdffgkjfsdh
anyway!!! i'm enjoying your avatar mako thoughts so much omg. mako and bolin really do got that Orphan Swag:tm: and i do love a good trauma backstory avatar. (still no one could ever compare to korra but shh we all know she's the most superior avatar of all time in our hearts…)
woah i forgot to think about the potential of lin & mako's relationship in the context of the au as a greater entity. aughhhhafjkhafdhk she's probably be pissed as hell at the start; i feel like tiny avatar!mako is absolutely the stiff bitter kleptomaniac sort specifically designed to get on lin beifong's nerves like no one else and that would agiatate her SO MUCH. but i think that over time as she starts to see him for what he really is and sees a little more of the good in his heart, she'll… actually she'll still treat him pretty harshly because now she doesn't like that she sees herself in him, but she has a greater amount of empathy for him and in vulnerable moments, i think that she would actually turn out to be the adult figure that mako would be most willing to seek out, surprisingly.
also yes i'm really excited to explore how mako rekindles an actually kind relationship with this halfway awful city. i really want to steep it in culture and i think i'll project my experiences in taiwan onto it because it's such a place of all time. the idea of hole in the wall restaurants that could not possibly meeting the hygiene standards and the owners are tough and impersonal but also they're the most natural people to be around, and the food is the best you've ever tasted for the cheapest price possible as you hop from sagging overhang to sagging overhand, never sitting down for a full meal but something about the perpetual motion is so comforting. anyway. republic city taiwan allegory. just really want to write about that, roughly.
i agree about the point of cop!mako :P even though i have complicated feelings about his assumption of a role that had been one of the primary institutions that enforced the system of how he and bolin lived as kids, i also think that he views it as a twisted form of redemption for himself as a child that i frankly think he doesn't have to assume moral culpability for, but i also understand that it's the sort of tangible thing that i think a guy like him would need to ever feel worthy enough of living. i have a lot of thoughts about this that i will have to condense into actual words sometime later…
i'm a big fan of mako actually getting to express his salt. i think that canon mako (and bolin, to an extent) takes a great amount of effort to restrain the Absolute Heathen that he was raised as in order to fit in with this impossible to understand high class society. (it's actually a point i'm going to explore in the fic with this version!) but yeah i feel like there's a lot of carefully trained-out language and habits that must exist in both mako and bolin who are trying so hard to not be perceived as the children they were, because their public images are very dependent on the exterior that they put out to the world. they need to be passably proper to get a fanbase which might land them support from higher up people which might land them a sponsorship which might enable their team to actually rise above as underdog which might lead them to win the pot which might let them finally build a lives for themselves. anyway. honestly avatar!mako would absolutely be hypermonitored by tenzin about his vocabulary and habits (coughing at this excerpt i wrote some time back: "He forces his breath to settle in his chest and forces himself to be grateful that he doesn't have a cigarette that he can lose himself in; he doesn't need Tenzin catching one more of his bad habits to take away from him."). but i think that in the presence of korra who will piss him off SO MUCH he won't have the same qualms about trying to fit into high class society because he'll have settled into this actual protection and stability provided to him by adults for the past several years, and he'll allow himself more to slip back into cussing her out with the vehemence of a Trained Asshole. it'd be funny trust.
i dont think i enunciated that very well but i have also had many thoughts on language and habits that mako and bolin forced themselves to eject for the sake of their precarious position in society. i think that it's also an ingrained part of them that when they're older along in life and have more stability, i like to imagine that they might end up casually incorportating back because their lives don't depend on their manners LOL. older mako would be only half the foul-mouth that his younger self was but asami would still be extremely mortified tbh. and bolin would just be COMEDY ohh
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tarantula-teeth · 9 months
WIP Tag game!!
Tagged by dear @meggie-stardust
I am always working on at least 10 fics at any given time. They cycle around until I finish them and then a new one gets added.
Actively in progress:
Bending Back rewrite (85% complete!!)
Wicked Dreams rewrite (75% written, 50% rewritten)
Fore Majeure : Not safe or sane but very consensual sterek fic
Bonding: cute(?) bdsm fic, sterek
for they don't have trees: teen wolf movie fix-it, stiles and eli team up to resurrect derek
Steve Harrington’s Journey into Marriage and Homemaking: fic about steve's parents dying and leaving him a 12 year old sister to raise
Fics hanging out in the WIP archive for a while I might revisit:
Amnesia!fic: peter gets amnesia and doesn't tell anyone about it, steter
20-something deaton and peter accidentally summon present day stiles: deaton/peter/stiles
the one where stiles uses peter to get revenge on his ex (who is scott's dad)
every box a girl: after finding her sister's remains, betty returns to riverdale on a mandated mental health leave and begins to KILL
babadook fic: has nothing to do with the babadook, stiles accidentally splits his younger self off from his body and has to reconcile with it to be complete
genderswap steter
amnesia chris peacemaker thinks he's dating vigilante
gender weirding peacemaker fic
WIPs I'm pretty sure I will never complete:
Mitch fic: mitch from american assassin gets dropped in beacon hills
stiles wakes up as a vampire
peter accidentally summons his younger self but also body swaps with him (i think being forced to interact with yourself is interesting) (was gonna be lydia/stiles/peter)
witcher au
Not abandoned but idk if it will ever be done:
third part of the space between verse
i think most people have been tagged so if you're doubled just know you're loved. i will tag @dear-massacre @cw0ffeefandomaddict @vmures and anyone else who wants to share. i will come ask questions fs
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lea-andres · 2 years
May I humbley ask for Kid!Bean AU headcannons? It interests me and I would like to hear more about it! Say yes or I’ll throw a Vavok idea at you
Okay, fuck it, I'm mad at Tumblr now, so you're getting the abridged version. *Flips a table*
TL;DR: Bean's been bumped down to Charmy/Cream/Marine's age group in this AU. Bark found him abandoned as a baby and adopted him. Fang's the drunk, irresponsible uncle. Bean got separated from Bark and Fang during a robot fight once, and was found by Tangle and Jewel. They worked hard to reunite Bean with his dad and uncle. Instant sparks between Bark and Jewel, which everyone including Bean notices, and he bullies the two into a relationship by pretty much adopting Jewel as his mom on the spot. 😂😂😂
So, you're caught up now, here's the headcanons:
-This was a suggestion from someone else (I've sadly forgotten who. 😭 If you guys remember who, please remind me!), But Bean has a teddy bear Fang's convinced is possessed. If it gets destroyed or lost, it'll turn back up a couple hours later unscathed. No one else thinks this is a big deal, but the thing creeps Fang the fuck out.
-Jewel is pretty much the only person Bark trusts 100% to watch Bean. Fang and Tangle let him get up to chaotic shit he shouldn't and Whisper will let him shoot her Wispon if he behaves himself, which also makes Bark quite nervous. The only time he will relax 100% with Bean out of his sight is when he's in Jewel's care.
-For being thrust into the 'Mom' role completely out of nowhere, Jewel takes it in stride. She's always got a room prepared for Bean in case he needs to stay the night at her place, and she reassures Bark constantly that she can watch him anytime a sitter's needed. Once she and Bark actually get together, she insists he and Bean should move in with her, saying a stable home life in a safe small town would be better for the kid than being on the move constantly.
-Fang pretends he's totally not invested in the BugBear romance, but guess who pulled Jewel aside to make sure she heard the (definitely embellished lol) sob story of how Bark found baby Bean abandoned in the snow of cold and harsh North Island? He DOES find Bean's blunt matchmaking attempts absolutely hilarious though, and usually doesn't do much more than just kick back with a drink and watch the awkwardness that ensues.
-This is less of a headcanon, and more of a fun fact: This AU is the debut of Patience the BugBear. After a few years of officially being together, Bark and Jewel start bouncing around the idea of having a second kid. They keep putting it off though out of fear they'd make Bean feel like he's being replaced or that he'd fear they'd love their biological child more than him (neither being true, of course, they both love Bean to pieces!). Once they do work up the courage to run the idea by Bean to see how he reacts, he just hears that he'd get to be a big brother and has NO OTHER THOUGHTS EVER. 😂 But anyway, Patience debuted here, and we all just loved her so much she spread to... *checks notes* ...All of my other AUs except the movie verse one. 😂😂😂 (And she's NOT going in the movie verse AU, guys! I'm not interested in exploring that AU to the point where next gen would start popping up... Although Grandma Brenda is a hilarious idea... No one tempt me, I've already tried and failed to ban Bark and Whisper from my movie verse AU. 😭😭😭)
-Bean gets playdates with Charmy (HEAVILY SUPERVISED) and Cream (not AS supervised, but still VERY supervised). They also get roped into the matchmaking scheme, and focus on their efforts on getting Jewel to crack.
-Marine and Bean have not met yet. Bark and Jewel want to keep it that way, from what they've heard about the raccoon. (No, they don't hate Marine, they just clearly see how that combo can go badly.)
-I believe it was @stillafanofsonic who headed the idea that kid!Bean is an absolute TYRANT to Shadow. He drives the poor guy into fits of rage constantly. Rouge and Omega miss all the torture and mind games, and are convinced Bean's the sweetest baby boy ever, infuriating Shadow further. Sadly, Shadow and Fang COULD join forces on the possessed teddy bear front... If Fang didn't get into 'prove your the alpha dog' moods and pick fights with Shadow constantly. 🙄😂 (Which is a constant in ALL my AUs. Fang takes Shadow being the 'Ultimate Lifeform' as a personal challenge, and will try to pick fights with him. This usually ends with someone, usually Bark, having to scrape Fang's stupid carcass off the pavement.)
-This is the only AU where we have an explanation for Bean's "enjoyment" of Hallmark movies. Rouge got him hooked on them to fuck with poor Bark and Jewel. It's unclear if she did this because she wants to see them get together or if it's just to watch the world burn. 😈
-kid!Bean is 1000% this kind of energy always:
This is immediately followed by Bark and Jewel jumping in to coddle the little guy and check him for injuries. (Meanwhile Fang's floating around in the background going "Guys, he's fine! He'd be screaming if he wasn't." 😂) They're both a little helicoptery (Bark's worse than Jewel, but she's also pretty bad), but it's fine. 😂
Okay, that still got long even with it being the abridged version because SOMEONE (Tumblr) DELETED THE ORIGINAL VERSION!
Now hit me with a Vavok idea anyway. 😂😈
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keldae · 6 years
Wordless "I love you" prompts - No 29: Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.
The sound of the front door opening, then sliding closed again made Sorand quirk an eyebrow toward the noise. He relaxed when he recognized the sounds of Mandalorian armour and felt Shara’s familiar Force-presence against his senses. “How was your hunt, cyar’ika?” he called.
“Have I mentioned how much I love bonus pay? Because I love bonus pay.” Shara meandered into the library and deposited her helmet on a chair that only had a few datapads stacked on it. “One less pirate captain and a few less lieutenants roamin’ the hyperlanes now... an’ half a million more credits to my name, which I ain’t sayin’ no to.”
Sorand looked up from the ancient text long enough to lowly whistle in appreciation. “That’s a hell of a bonus,” he agreed with a grin as he brushed a stray lock of dark hair that had escaped the nerftail out of his eyes. “Nicely done, love.”
“I thought so.” Shara beamed as she came around to Sorand’s side of the desk and kissed his cheek, then frowned down at the relic on the desk. “Talos find somethin’ else new an’... okay, not really new, but you know.”
“I may never get Talos to leave Voss at this rate,” Sorand grinned. “I think this text predates Naga Sadow by at least two hundred years. As far as I can tell, it’s one of the earliest inscriptions of the Sith philosophy, and if I’m not mistaken, there’s still trace elements of this mindset in the current Voss culture. Some of the phrasing here looks very similar to other texts found in the Shrine of Healing and...” He paused at Shara’s blank stare. “... I’m not making any sense to you, am I?”
“Uhhh... it’s old and Sithy?” Shara laughed as Sorand shook his head. “This is your forte, Sor’ika. Mine’s shootin’ things an’ beating honour into miscreant newbie Mandos.”
“And you do that well,” Sorand agreed with a smile. He looked back down at the text, gingerly tracing the fragile parchment. “Hells, the fact that this predates paper! This might be as old as the Dark Temple itself.” The wayward lock of hair dangled in front of his eyes again, despite his annoyed huff of air to blow it away.
Gloved fingers caught the offending hair and gently pulled it back behind his ear. “You and your hella ancient relics, dar’jetii,” Shara affectionately teased as she left another kiss on his temple. “Cutest Sith I’ve ever met.” She laughed as Sorand blushed brightly, mumbling something incoherent under his breath, and stepped back. “I’m gonna kit down and get a real shower before dinner. You feel like orderin’ in from that little takeout joint near the enclave--?”
She yelped and jumped at the feel of a light swat from an invisible hand to her backside. When she whirled around, Sorand was smiling entirely too innocently at her, fighting a laugh. “That sounds good,” he mildly said. “Let me finish translating this line of text and I’ll send Twovee to pick it up.”
“You’re a dick, m’lord Imperius,” Shara tossed over her shoulder as she left the library, earning a laugh from Sorand. The Sith shook his head with a grin and looked back down at the text. One more line of the ancient scroll shouldn’t take too long to translate...
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What advice would you give me on creating OC's?(I'm asking because you're really talented and seem to give very good help)
OOC: Aw, thank you nonny! ^_^  I’ll try to help as much as possible with this post generally, but if you have any more specific questions feel free to send them in :)  Also, buckle up, because this’ll be a long post :P
For all intents and purposes, I’m going to restrict this to OC’s in the Descendants-verse, because I’m guessing you want to rp as a Descendant.  So step 1 with your OC is figuring out who they are. 
Disclaimer: I do not claim to the the end all and be all of role playing or character-creation; this is just a process that I usually follow for my OCs/fanfics. If your process is different, that’s fine.  Let’s just all respect each other. :)  Continued under the cut:
1.  Are they a villain or Auradon kid?
       So this question seems simple at the outset…but it’s not.  The whole message of the “Descendants” series is that we are similar to our parents, but don’t have to make the same mistakes.  So with that in mind, don’t just pick your favorite Disney hero or villain, because your OC shouldn’t be JUST like them.  My favorite Disney villain is actually Maleficent (I mean, she curses a whole kingdom because she doesn’t get invited to a party- I just love her drama lol), but aside from the fact we’ve already got Maleficent’s descendant in Mal, the writers already kind of covered any issues that you could explore there.  Like, Maleficent clearly has an ego, thirst of power, and more or less major fear of missing out- and Mal addresses all of those in her character (she shares her mom’s ego, but doesn’t want the power, and doesn’t seem to care about missing out).  You need to pick someone who hasn’t had their background/emotions explored and fixate on it.  With Cora, I originally wanted Queen Grimhilde, because there are SO many issues that could be explored with the Evil Queen’s child- power, preoccupation with beauty, familial relationships (blood versus step), but because Evie’s an only child, I couldn’t make an OC there.  I chose the Queen of Hearts as my OC’s parent because honestly…a completely bloodthirsty serial killer totally off her rocker?  There’s a TON of skeletons in that family closet, and nothing makes for better writing (I write books/fanfiction too, so disclaimer, that’s where most of my experience is coming from) than skeletons.   For what it’s worth, my favorite “human” Disney hero is Esmeralda and princess is Sleeping Beauty.  There’s a ton you can explore with Esmeralda’s child:  racism, classism, “magic,” and as for Sleeping Beauty, you can go anywhere and EVERYWHERE with her child (even though we already have Audrey): fears of abandonment, pressure to find true love, etc.  Basically, figure out whether a villain or hero has more interesting skeletons to you.  That’s your parent.
2.  How do they feel about being an Auradonian/villain kid?
Do they wholeheartedly embrace being a VK, like Uma, or dream of moving to Auradon like Evie?  Do they believe that the Auradonian way is the only right way, like Audrey, or do they think the villains might have something worth teaching, like Lonnie and/or Ben?  More importantly, WHY do they feel this way?  This will lead you to a core character trait.  With Cora, I chose the fact that she wants to get off the isle because she feels like her only path to power lies in Auradon- and she wants power because she feels ruling Wonderland is her birthright.   BUT she doesn’t want to kill people for minor infractions.  So in that, Cora’s actually accepting of her heritage as a VK, but wants to build on it and realizes the only way to do so is to become an Auradon kid- or at least try to fit in there for a bit.  This motivation leads to a core character trait, which in Cora’s case is ambition.  Also figuring out a character’s feelings as to how they recognize their Auradonian/VK heritage can help lead you to a basic background for them. 
3.  Make a mini backstory for your OC.
One of the super fun things that I’ve realized about roleplaying is that your character constantly gets to evolve through their interactions.  HOWEVER, your character also has to have some sort of backstory, otherwise you’re working from a place of nowhere.  It’s kind of like life- we’ve all got childhoods and then change as we become teenagers and adults and interact with others outside our family unit.  Stick to this backstory for most iterations of your character; obviously you can change this for an AU, but keeping some basic traits of a backstory universal helps give your character an actual form as opposed to being a blank slate.  For example, the universal backstory I have for Cora (the bare bones thing that stays the same for her no matter what universe she’s in/who I roleplay with) is that she is the daughter of the Queen of Hearts, completely believes the throne of Wonderland belongs to her and her alone, and that she has “slips” into insanity- and these slips almost always terrify her, yet also entice her.  Keeping these things consistent throughout verses and role plays lets him/her be a character instead of just a Mary Sue.
4.  Do not make your character 100% perfect and/or a self-insert.
This is the kiss of death for characters.  Your character has to have weaknesses.  As tempting as it is to make your character superpowered and awesome at EVERYTHING, if you do this, your character becomes completely uninteresting.  As an audience, there’s no reason to root for the character because they have nothing to overcome; as a roleplayer/writer, there’s no reason to use the character because there is nowhere to drive a plot.  There’s literally nothing to write about.  This isn’t to say that your character can’t have talents- they should!  And they should be unique and special!  But if they’re just wonderful at EVERYTHING, again, you’ve got nothing to write about.  To give an example for Cora, she’s extremely insecure about not having magic, very impatient, and can hold grudges like nobody’s business.  However, she also is amazing at throwing daggers.  As a writer, this gives me a ton of places to go with her because her weaknesses/strengths give me a place of emotion to work from.  If Cora was just wonderful…I’d have zip to write about.  The other thing is (as tempting as this is), do not make the character a self-insert.  Your character can share some traits with you, but they shouldn’t be you.  Not only is that not roleplaying, but it also starts to get really muddied because any emotion from roleplaying comes over into real life (for example, if a character in an interaction says something mean about your OC, and your OC is a self-insert for you, you’re going to feel awful about yourself.  Now, did the other mun try to intentionally hurt you?  No.  But you still don’t feel good, right?).  Having a Mary Sue also tends to result in the character having no written weaknesses because as people, we don’t want to have any weaknesses/admit to our own (which is why I put these two bits of advice together).  Let your character be flawed and talented and different, and also give you some creative space to work.
5.  Pick a face claim for your character before you start writing, and don’t change it midway through role play (if you’re going to change it, do so early on). 
This sounds obvious, but in my experience, it’s easier to write for a character if you know what they look like.  Make sure you like your face claim!  If you suddenly decide you don’t like them and change the face claim, it makes them almost less realistic- a real person cannot change their entire body.  So your character’s face claim should stay the same for you to be able to write them that way.
6.  Make a playlist for your character.  Music really helps inspire me when I write (both fanfiction and roleplay).  I like to make playlists not necessarily based on music the OC would like, but on music that describes the OC/you like/pumps you up.   I have a playlist for Cora.   Some of the music includes “Ways to be Wicked” (from D2), “Castle” (by Halsey), “Paint it Black” (cover by Hidden Citizens), and a nightcore version of “Pretty Little Psycho.” Just go nuts with music and have a ball.
7. Make sure your character is someone you would like roleplaying with/reading about.
The best way to make a character is to have them be someone YOU would enjoy reading about!  If you find a character boring, you won’t want to write for them, and it will show.  Pretend you are making a story for you!  That’s how you make the best characters.
8.  Have fun!
Again, sounds obvious, but seriously, have fun.  Your character and you will be happier. :)
Bonus:  Making face claims for the parents (if they are cartoon). 
I hope this helped!!! Let me know if you need anything else! 
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