yaxaaska · 11 months
Gotta get Izzy hands back somehow
He is the only one able to ask Spanish Jackie with a straight face if she is planning on starting a dick jar when they catch up with Ricky
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vvelegrin · 8 months
strop time 😎
(guy who should not be whittling at their desk instead of working voice)
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chmydarling · 1 year
i’m sorry for all this sappy shit.
quotes [x]
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❛ who are you and what the hell have you done with violet?! ❜
he's messing around. but he knows how big this admission has to be for her. because he knows h e r.
❛ seriously, though. don't apologise. you're feeling. which is a very shitty, but very human thing to do. it means you're a person. with an actual, beating heart. who would have thought it? or thunk it? thunk doesn't seem like it's a real word somehow... it isn't. is it? thunk. thunk... ❜
❛ anywho, i always figured you were a gentle soul, vi. well, underneath all those layers of walker blood, sarcasm and bitterness. ❜
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❛ don't worry. your secret is safe with me. well, relatively. ❜
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skyotters · 6 months
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Two Druids, just chillin' and whittlin' 🦆
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blkdaddie · 1 month
Marry Me A Little
There was a sweetness to the courtship of our southern gentleman and his Dr. Nate I keep coming back to so lets tell more of their story.
One night, I’m sitting on the porch, listening to that soft spring rain on the roof, just watching the sun dip down behind the trees. The air was thick with the smell of wet earth and honeysuckle, and I was takin’ my time, whittlin’ on a rattle I been working on for the baby. But Lord, the way this child been kickin’, I was getting a bit ‘fraid I might slice my own thumb clean off, so I set it down, figuring I’ll finish it later when the lil’ one ain’t so rowdy.
I’m sittin’ there in the quiet, letting the sounds of the night wrap around me, when I feel Nate’s weight settle beside me on the porch swing. He don’t say nothin at first, just leans back, and we sway gently with the rhythm of the rain. Then, outta nowhere, he starts in with his talking. At first, it’s the usual—insurance this, taxes that, practical man stuff like I ain't been running my life and everyone else's too for decades. I’m half-listenin’, half-watchin’ the way the raindrops catch the last bit of daylight.
But then he says something that makes my ears perk up. He’s mumblin’ ‘bout makin’ an honest man outta me. I let that roll around in my head a bit, tryin’ to make sure I’m hearin’ him right. So I turn my head and give him a look. “You askin’ to get married?” I ask, just to be sure. And when he nods, all wide-eyed like I just handed him the biggest piece of fried chicken at Sunday dinner, my answer is obvious.
“Ok,” I say, plain as day.
Now, Nate, he just stares at me for a second, like he can’t believe what he’s hearing. For once, the man who’s always got somethin’ to say is speechless. His mouth’s hangin’ open like a hungry guppy, and I reach over and pat his hand, real gentle. “I’m havin’ your baby, ain’t I? Reckon that means we belong to each other. Ain’t nothin’ better than that.”
Lawd, you woulda thought I done told him he won the state fair, the way he started crowing. I swear, the whole neighborhood musta heard him carrying on, laughing like he hit the jackpot. He grabbed me up in that big ol’ hug of his, swingin’ us both back and forth on that porch swing till I thought we might fly right off.
And there we sat, just the two of us, wrapped up in each other, with the rain steady falling around us. That was the night Nate asked me to be his forever, and I said yes, like it was the most natural thing in the world. ‘Cause it was.
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arctic-hands · 4 months
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blatherblatherskite · 2 years
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He’s whittlin’ something for his boyfriend. :3c
Fanart for @diastrons of her character Mallow and his horse Primrose.
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Hey uhh
watchu whittlin there Izzy boy
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no but really what is that
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blackmouthdog · 1 year
You get your first knife at 4. Small folding knife- 'nough for whittlin' and minor chores. 9 you get your grown knife as well as a slaughter knife you make from black rock. Fuck is y'all doin??
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jooshthepunished · 2 years
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What whittlin can do for you
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mega2wheellife · 2 years
& what do you do?
we’d had a good morning chain sawing
cutting wood for winter the last of the big Ash
we’d dropped beginning of spring
we’d put the tools away then set fire to the brash
to keep the ground clear
we were sitting around the stump
pint of gin n tonic to cut the dust
when the townies walked on up to us
bleach white trainers & deep black sunnies on
do you know where the path is?
smiling we pointed out the sign
nice spot you have here it’s quiet here eh?
we agreed to be polite accept a truth
but tell me: what do you do here?
it seems awfully quiet to us no night life
no café’s bars shopping centres
me & Bob looked at each other slow
well in spring we work up at the farm
y’know sexing chickens & come autumn
we collect they apples for cider for the sellin’
don’t forget branding cattle in summer & winters
there’s always good whittlin’ needing done
& the mrs says we need a new well to be dug
& you? What do you do? Askin’ polite
oh I work in computers that kind of thing
if you know what I mean?
I wanted to say oh do tell us more
but Bob dug me in the ribs said
let’s not take up this busy fellas day
we smiled good natured goodbyes
as the redneck slowpokes
we obviously were
neil benbow
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reflections-of-mobius · 5 months
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@familylightfox asked:
It was rare to see Harmony on the back porch, leaning against the railing by herself. Her eyes were watching the clouds in the sky, lost in her own thoughts. At least until her ears turned at the approaching footsteps. Emerald eyes turned and she smiled with a wag of her tail before settling back in. “Buddy had his final exam today so I’m waitin’ for him t’ finish and then we’re goin’ on a hike.” The calm around them was comfortable as the teen tilted her head to one side sheepishly, speaking softly. “Can I ask ya somethin’ nom? When did ya realized ya loved pa and dad?”
[Unprompted. | Accepting!]
Node had just finished a drawing, their hands smudged with pencil lead that had managed to work its way into the fur between their right pads. They grinned lightly as Harmony glanced back their way- their walk remaining at its current speed until they were on the railing beside her- hands moving to rest atop its surface.
It wouldn't surprise Node if Buddy had. The kid had a good head between his shoulders- even if he seemed to lose it when it came to impressing Harmony, specifically. Their tail wagged slightly from side to side- but they left out the teasing comment that had crossed their thoughts. This moment...felt like it could benefit from soft comradery, not playful teasing to their daughter.
One of Node's ears flicked, hazel eyes flickering over to the teen.
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"...I'unno...it wasn't any one moment that stood out to me, like a bit in a show where you go 'oh my God, I love this person'...it was just...gradual." Node shrugged their shoulders. "...I realized one day, that Bless and Volt...make me feel safe,...and loved...and then I realized another day, they make my heart flutter...and another, that I wanted to keep them both happy, and safe...and it just slowly snowballed." Node chuckled quietly.
"...but I guess if you want a specific moment...I was just sittin' on the couch, n' your pa was whittlin' away at a block of wood, n' your dad was strumming his guitar...and...I realized, 'I want to spend the rest of my life with them'." A certain sparkle had entered their eyes, even as their vision slowly fell to the garden below. Memories of getting Volt and Bless drinks while they set it all up echoed in their mind- causing them to smile faintly.
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"...so...fine, I guess I had that lil' movie-moment, but...it wasn't anythin' big." They grinned lightly, moving their elbow enough to tap Harmony's arm. "Give yourself time. If y'haven't experienced it yet,....I'm sure you will, one day." And they had one guess as to who it'd be about. But-- they'd wait and see.
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tundrahorse · 9 months
gots this dutch books abouts whittlins for min mor a bits ago so’s she coulds haves a goddamn hobby. i ams sure it ams just wastins away though. might looks at it. i miss the feelins of blade underneath my fingers. guitar strings ams only a placeholder for somethin likes that.
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thecatfortress · 10 months
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mossywhiteraven · 11 months
So there was me, my friend, and two other girls
We were tasked with finding and retrieving a magic pail that never runs out of water for Lord Thumb because the oasis dried up and now there’s no water available for the town
So we venture into the desert (let me just say now that it was only me and my friend up until this point) and find the Temple of Osiris or something (Osiris is the god of the dead/underworld in Egyptian mythology)
And so we go in and we find out that the temple has been taken over by imps worshipping Asmodeus (Asmodeus in this campaign was a giant thing of flesh with eyes and mouthes everywhere [not very lustful if you ask me even if he’s the embodiment of lust-])
When all four of us finally reach the chamber at the bottom of the stairs, we find Asmodeus when my friend tried to HANDCUFF A LITERAL DEMON LORD WITH RUSTY HANDCUFFS WE FOUND ON A DEAD ADVENTURER AND CAMEL WHILE WE WERE TRAVELING (I took rotted food) (also that’s not the funniest part)
After all that we still hadn’t gotten the pail, but Asmodeus got scared by some guy whom called himself the Whittlin’ Man (very important to say whittiln’ not whittling) who was blind but could see(???) and was a fourth wall breaker (when we got the pail he carved one of those funky S’s onto it) and so seeing that we almost got the pail, one of the other girls that were with us at the time decides to try and get Asmodeus to believe that they met before at a BAKE SALE
And when she rolled for persuasion she got a NAT 20 (or at least I believe she did, and if she didn’t oh well it’s funny) and so ASMODEUS THE LITERAL EMBODIMENT OF LUST AND A DEMON KING believed that him and a random guy met at said random guy’s mom’s bake sale and became best buddies (she later tried to dab him up but got left hanging)
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chilewithcarnage · 11 months
why you got all dem knives do you be whittlin
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