#white zombie and soad and ministry yk
r0zzk1ll · 6 months
hello hi i seen that tempting ask button n it dared me to ask you something so have some random questions for you to enjoy (feel free to not answer any/srs /gen) hope ur havin a good day
what is ur favorite type of music? (country, pop, hard rock, etc etc)
favorite restaurant?
have you ever fallen off a swing as a kid?
do you believe in ghosts?
favorite vine? (if you don't know what vines are, ignore this question)
HIII HEELLAAWW ^_^!!1 omg i answered this and then i accidentally closed out tumblr so i have to do ti all over Again!! Sigh >_<'
my favorite type of music is definitely jungle/electronic music like prodigy and the run lola run/the matrix soundtrack kinda stuff. i also very much enjoy late 80s/early 90s hip hop like das efx and a tribe called quest. i could literally go on forever abt music i loveMusic i love listening
my favorite resturant is probably this local thai place that's near me, they make probably the best fried rice i've ever had
i'm not sure if i remember falling off a swing, but i have gotten a lot of face plants in my time idk how i haven't broken My nose yet HELEPEM
of course i believe in ghosts My doors creak open sometimes at the middle of the night and sometimes i hear the floor creaking like footsteps when my family isn't home (which is msot of the day). like Sid wyd get outta the bathroom! :/
favorite vines will always be tyler the creator's. my motto in life is.. if u doodoo on urself.. .. and i live by thag :)
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