#white marble sai baba
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Buy the Best Marble Sai Baba Statues - Avinashmoorti
Do you want to buy a Sai Baba statue made with premium quality and reminds you of devotion with its eye-catching look then you have landed on the right page. Avinashmoorti has been trying its best to provide love and passion for Sai Baba through Statues since 1984. Visit our website to learn more.
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ssmoortiart11 · 15 days
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Best White Marble Sai Baba Statues Maker In Jaipur
When we keep the Sai Baba idol in our home, it brings love and the divine presence of Sai Baba. Sai Shradha Moorti Art specializes in crafting white marble Sai Baba statues in Jaipur. We accept customized designs that meet your requirements. Call us now for inquiries! And visit our website to see a beautiful collection of Sai Baba statues.
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harishyamarts · 28 days
साईं बाबा की संगमरमर की मूर्ति को कैसे साफ करें?
सफेद संगमरमर से बनी साईं बाबा की मूर्ति हरिश्याम कला जैसे प्रतिष्ठित ब्रांड द्वारा बनाई जाती है, जो आपके घर या मंदिर में शांति और पवित्रता का प्रतीक है। संगमरमर की मूर्ति को सही ढंग से बनाए रखना और साफ-सफाई करना बेहद आवश्यक है ताकि उसकी सुंदरता और आध्यात्मिक आभा बरकरार रहे। इस ब्लॉग में, हम सफेद संगमरमर साईं बाबा की मूर्ति को साफ करने के तरीके और उसे बनाए रखन��� के सुझावों पर चर्चा करेंगे। साथ ही, एक मंदिर को अनुकूलित करें (Customize) के विकल्प पर भी विचार करेंगे।
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1. सफाई के लिए आवश्यक सामग्री तैयार करें
सफेद संगमरमर की मूर्ति को साफ करने के लिए कुछ विशेष सामग्री की आवश्यकता होती है ताकि उसकी चमक और संरचना बरकरार रहे:
मुलायम कपड़ा: एक नरम, सूती कपड़ा या माइक्रोफाइबर कपड़ा उपयोग करें जो मूर्ति की सतह को खरोंच न करे।
माइल्ड सोप: हल्के, बिना एसिड वाले साबुन का उपयोग करें जो संगमरमर की सतह को नुकसान न पहुंचाए।
गुनगुना पानी: सफाई के लिए हमेशा गुनगुने पानी का उपयोग करें। गर्म पानी से संगमरमर की सतह पर दाग पड़ सकते हैं।
ब्रश या टूथब्रश: छोटे या जटिल क्षेत्रों की सफाई के लिए नरम ब्रश या टूथब्रश का उपयोग करें।
सफाई के बाद सूखाने के लिए कपड़ा: सफाई के बाद मूर्ति को सूखाने के लिए एक अलग सूती कपड़ा रखें।
2. सफाई प्रक्रिया
अब जब आपके पास आवश्यक सामग्री है, तो सफाई प्रक्रिया शुरू करें:
धूल हटाना: सबसे पहले, सफेद संगमरमर साईं बाबा की मूर्ति से धूल हटाने के लिए मुलायम कपड़े का उपयोग करें। धीरे-धीरे मूर्ति की सतह को पोंछें, विशेष रूप से उन क्षेत्रों में जहां धूल अधिक जमा हो सकती है, जैसे कि मूर्ति की जटिल नक्काशी।
साबुन और पानी का मिश्रण बनाएं: गुनगुने पानी में थोड़ी मात्रा में माइल्ड सोप मिलाएं। इस मिश्रण को अच्छी तरह से घोल लें ताकि साबुन पूरी तरह से पानी में घुल जाए।
मूर्ति को साफ करें: इस साबुन वाले पानी में मुलायम कपड़ा डुबोकर हल्के हाथों से मूर्ति को साफ करें। ध्यान रखें कि अधिक दबाव न डालें, क्योंकि इससे संगमरमर पर खरोंच आ सकती है। जटिल नक्काशी वाले क्षेत्रों के लिए, नरम ब्रश का उपयोग करें।
साबुन हटाएं: मूर्ति को साफ पानी से धोएं या एक अलग गीले कपड़े से मूर्ति पर से साबुन को पूरी तरह से हटा दें। सुनिश्चित करें कि मूर्ति पर साबुन का कोई अवशेष न रह जाए।
मूर्ति को सुखाएं: साफ पानी से धोने के बाद, मूर्ति को सूखाने के लिए एक साफ और सूखा कपड़ा उपयोग करें। पूरी मूर्ति को सूखा लें ताकि संगमरमर पर कोई पानी का दाग न पड़े।
3. मूर्ति की नियमित देखभाल
सफेद संगमरमर की साईं बाबा की मूर्ति की सुंदरता और दीर्घायु बनाए रखने के लिए नियमित देखभाल आवश्यक है:
नियमित सफाई: हर हफ्ते मूर्ति की धूल साफ करें। मासिक रूप से हल्की सफाई करें ताकि मूर्ति की चमक और रंग बरकरार रहे।
संरक्षण: संगमरमर की मूर्ति को सीधा धूप, अत्यधिक आर्द्रता, या रासायनिक पदार्थों से बचाएं। यह सुनिश्चित करें कि मूर्ति एक स्थिर और सुरक्षित स्थान पर रखी गई है।
सिलिंग (Sealing): संगमरमर की मूर्तियों के लिए, समय-समय पर सीलेंट का उपयोग किया जा सकता है ताकि उन्हें दाग और पानी के नुकसान से बचाया जा सके। हालांकि, इसके लिए विशेषज्ञ की सलाह लें।
4. एक मंदिर को अनुकूलित करें
हरिश्याम कला के माध्यम से, आप अपनी संगमरमर की मूर्ति के लिए एक मंदिर को अनुकूलित कर सकते हैं। एक अनुकूलित मंदिर न केवल आपकी मूर्ति की सुरक्षा और संरक्षण में मदद करेगा, बल्कि आपके घर के आंतरिक सज्जा के साथ भी मेल खाएगा। हरिश्याम कला में, हम सफेद संगमरमर से बने अनुकूलित मंदिरों के साथ-साथ विभिन्न प्रकार की संगमरमर की मूर्तियाँ भी प्रदान करते हैं।
सफेद संगमरमर साईं बाबा की मूर्ति को साफ और बनाए रखना एक साधारण प्रक्रिया है, लेकिन इसके लिए नियमित ध्यान और सावधानी की आवश्यकता होती है। हरिश्याम कला में, हम आपको संगमरमर की मूर्तियों की देखभाल के साथ-साथ मंदिर अनुकूलन में भी मदद करते हैं। हमारे संग्रह में विभिन्न प्रकार की संगमरमर की मूर्तियाँ और मंदिर उपलब्ध हैं, जिन्हें आप अपने घर के लिए चुन सकते हैं और उन्हें उचित देखभाल के साथ लंबे समय तक सुरक्षित रख सकते हैं।
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stonemart · 1 month
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5 Feet Granite Fountain With 2 Feet Hand Carved White Marble Sai Baba Statue
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boygiwrites · 1 year
The Boogeyman's Daughter P.1
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• John Wick & Daughter.
• Two Part Mini Story.  (Here’s P.2)
Summary — When a fatal mistake is made during a mission, a secret is revealed. The Boogeyman has a daughter.
Notes — This is a short one-shot that I wrote a while ago. I found it while digging through my old documents and thought, "Hang on... This isn't total garbage." So here it is!
When John Wick strikes the heel of his palm into the base of the last henchman's neck, effectively cracking it in two, hundreds of girlishly pink beads go flying off his wrist and clatter across the ground noisily. It's so strange, so inherently wrong and out of place that it seems to force the world to suck in a big breath for the longest time. John doesn't move. Marcus doesn't move. The dead man with the severed spinal cord definitely doesn't move. The accusatory, tiny plastic beads roll along the grooves of the sidewalk in all their childish glory. A part of John's innermost life, his secret, his treasure, sprawled out in front of him like a small pile of wrongdoings — the bracelet that his daughter made, no longer safely tucked beneath his black cufflinks. If Marcus' skull wasn't whirling with questions and conclusions, he may have put together the white beads with the letters printed on them to spell out Baba, but of course; he doesn't.
He just stares — first at the beads, and then into John's hardened, marbled eyes.
He knows, and he knows that he knows, and he knows that he knows he knows, and all of a sudden, Marcus knows John's deepest secret.
John Wick has a daughter.
The realization slaps him square across the wind-nipped cheek, and before he can process that hit, there's another one coming his way. In one swift motion, rooted in muscle memory just like breathing and blinking, John Wick unsheathes the pistol from his waistband and points it right at the man he's known for fifteen years without a second thought, and backhands him across the face into the wrought iron fence behind him. There's a spiraling vortex in the depths of John's pupils as he fists Marcus' shirt collar and almost skewers him onto the fence's spears. His jaw is locked tight.
Marcus balks.
"You forget what you saw." John murmurs darkly, an unstoppable force, an instruction. "You forget it."
Or you won't have any brain left to remember with, anyway, he doesn't need to say.
Marcus' Adam's apple gulps against the gun.
The metal spikes begin to pierce through his lower back.
"John, I swear..."
The world is yet to let out that uncomfortable breath. Marcus' lungs seize with suspense. He's drilled into by John's consuming, furious, tangible gaze and he feels as if there's some sort of elastic band between them, now. There's certain pieces of a man's life in this line of work that are never meant to surface. This, Marcus senses as John itches to squeeze the trigger, is one of them. John wouldn't hesitate to end his closest friend's life if it meant burying this jewel of information again — no remorse — and they both know it. It's in the air, strangling him.
Marcus pours all his being into sending John a silent message with just his gaze. Something that conveys, I'll take this to the grave.
John reads it perfectly, but doesn't move an inch.
The Hudson River roars hungrily over the other side of the railing, waiting to swallow Marcus and this secret up for good.
Marcus honestly thinks this is it.
John is going to bury a bullet in his head and dump him backwards into the abyss no matter what he says.
Time ticks by.
There's an understanding that bridges them. A man would do anything to protect what's most important to him.
It wouldn't be anything personal.
He wouldn't blame him.
Quietly, a forlorn groan breaks out from nearby, and without so much as breaking eye contact, John pivots the gun behind him and shoots a downed man right through the forehead with no effort at all; eliminated. Then, the gun is back, trained intently on Marcus' jugular. John is blazing.
Marcus nods in a way that could be mistaken for uncontrollable tremors.
"Already forgotten."
John Wick simmers like smoke and coal and insurmountable anger, before everything lurches, and a fateful decision is made.
The grip on Marcus' shirt is released, and John takes a single step backward.
A parting utterance — "For every word you speak, Marcus, I will slice something off of you."
Marcus almost sags to the ground with relief.
When he looks back up, the November wind ghosting through the streets of New York, the Boogeyman has already vanished.
Please let me know what you think!
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rajasthandevdarshan · 26 days
Sai Dham in Dausa
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Sai Dham in Dausa: A Spiritual Haven Amidst the Aravallis
Nestled in the serene landscapes of Rajasthan, the Sai Dham in Dausa stands as a beacon of peace and devotion, drawing countless pilgrims and tourists each year. This magnificent temple dedicated to Sai Baba is more than just a place of worship; it is a spiritual retreat where one can find solace and a deeper connection with the divine. The temple, located in Dausa district, is a relatively new addition to the rich tapestry of spiritual sites in India, yet it has quickly become a revered destination for Sai devotees.
The Genesis of Sai Dham
Sai Dham, Dausa, was conceived with the noble intention of spreading the teachings and message of Sai Baba. The temple was established by the Sai Kripa Charitable Trust, a body dedicated to social and spiritual causes. The idea was to create a space where devotees could come together to worship and reflect on the teachings of Sai Baba, who is revered across India and beyond for his message of love, compassion, and humility.
The temple's construction was a labor of love, with contributions pouring in from devotees around the country. The architectural design reflects a blend of traditional Indian temple architecture with modern elements, symbolizing the timeless appeal of Sai Baba's teachings. The temple complex is spread over a large area, with beautifully landscaped gardens, meditation halls, and other facilities for visitors.
Architectural Splendor
The architecture of Sai Dham in Dausa is a sight to behold. The temple’s design reflects the grandeur and serenity that is characteristic of traditional Indian temples, yet it incorporates modern elements that make it accessible and appealing to contemporary devotees.
The main temple structure is built using pristine white marble, symbolizing purity and devotion. The intricate carvings on the temple walls depict various scenes from Sai Baba’s life, capturing moments of his teachings and miracles. The sanctum sanctorum houses a beautiful idol of Sai Baba, which is the focal point of the temple. This idol, crafted with great attention to detail, exudes a sense of peace and compassion, drawing devotees into a deep state of meditation and prayer.
Surrounding the main temple are several smaller shrines dedicated to other deities, making Sai Dham a comprehensive spiritual destination. The temple complex also includes a meditation hall, where visitors can sit in quiet contemplation, and a large prayer hall that can accommodate hundreds of devotees during aarti (prayer) sessions.
Spiritual Significance
Sai Baba of Shirdi, the spiritual master to whom this temple is dedicated, is venerated by millions across the globe. His teachings emphasize universal love, selfless service, and the importance of faith and patience. Sai Dham in Dausa serves as a focal point for the dissemination of these teachings, providing a space where devotees can engage in prayer, meditation, and selfless service.
One of the unique aspects of Sai Dham is its emphasis on inclusivity. Sai Baba himself welcomed people from all religions, castes, and backgrounds, and this temple upholds that tradition. The temple's doors are open to all, regardless of their faith or social status, embodying the principle of "Sabka Malik Ek" (One God for All), which Sai Baba preached.
Devotees visiting Sai Dham often speak of experiencing a deep sense of peace and spiritual fulfillment. The tranquil atmosphere, combined with the collective devotion of the people, creates an environment conducive to inner reflection and spiritual growth. Many visitors come here seeking answers to their life's questions, guidance in times of distress, or simply to experience the divine presence that they believe pervades this sacred space.
Festivals and Rituals
Sai Dham is a vibrant hub of spiritual activities throughout the year. The temple celebrates several festivals with great fervor, the most significant of which is Sai Baba's Punyatithi (the anniversary of his death). This event draws thousands of devotees from all over the country, who come to pay homage to the saint and participate in the special prayers and rituals organized on this day.
The temple also conducts daily rituals, including morning and evening aartis, which are attended by a large number of devotees. These rituals are a key aspect of the spiritual experience at Sai Dham, as they provide an opportunity for collective worship and the expression of devotion. The melodious bhajans (devotional songs) sung during these aartis create an atmosphere of divine bliss, making the experience all the more enriching.
In addition to religious rituals, Sai Dham is also involved in various charitable activities. The temple trust organizes free medical camps, food distribution drives, and educational programs for the underprivileged. These initiatives reflect Sai Baba’s message of selfless service and contribute to the upliftment of the local community.
The Journey to Sai Dham
Located about 60 kilometers from Jaipur, Sai Dham in Dausa is easily accessible by road and rail. The temple is situated on the Jaipur-Agra highway, making it a convenient stop for travelers visiting other nearby attractions like the Chand Baori in Abhaneri and the Mehndipur Balaji Temple.
The journey to Sai Dham is in itself a refreshing experience, as the route passes through the picturesque Aravalli hills and the rustic countryside of Rajasthan. For those seeking a spiritual retreat away from the hustle and bustle of city life, Sai Dham offers the perfect escape.
Visitors often extend their trip to explore the surrounding areas, which are rich in historical and cultural significance. The region is dotted with ancient temples, forts, and palaces, offering a glimpse into the glorious past of Rajasthan. A visit to Sai Dham, therefore, can be combined with a broader exploration of the cultural and spiritual heritage of the region.
Practical Information for Visitors
Sai Dham is open to visitors throughout the year. The temple timings are from early morning till late evening, with specific hours allocated for the various rituals and aartis. There is no entry fee, and visitors are encouraged to participate in the temple activities, including the aartis and meditation sessions.
For those looking to spend more time at the temple, there are accommodation facilities available within the temple complex. The temple trust operates a guest house that offers clean and comfortable rooms at nominal rates. Additionally, there are several hotels and guest houses in Dausa town that cater to the needs of pilgrims and tourists.
The temple also has a prasad (holy food) counter, where visitors can buy offerings to take back home. The prasad, usually in the form of sweets or snacks, is considered a blessing from Sai Baba and is highly sought after by devotees
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libidomechanica · 9 months
Withdrew a lowly dust
And evening girls gavesty? How     she I was comrades, they were plodding, sweet good fame: in the     elm-tops down to the pale as soon, when the white, he streaming,     upon, made bar of arms in act or someone’s own best     pleased; but for the mercy
it not be amazed with rich is     destroy’d, the baracan tell ten let the wide cloud o’er would     rays far—ye may rage, by a youth, straine; but to recall that     thou brushed the train torment more friends, let affection; but have     best hours told. Bed-dent growth.
You have and after succession     stone, her up, for saw the face of god looks is due from short     of our of rye, Not alone in their ghosts, holy feeble     creep on the faithless most lift on to my true,—sleep. It once,     that Ceres and I expell.
Self, and purpose thunder pression     about thy dead: how lose the only though the Danube’s     long the dun and murmur of rimless his. The blood; he     had done, sure is also would you seek she gate so silver     prayer! Even good praises
in your children most essenger     floated Thou meet not so grew still more? With the lean, because     you were ones with her youth, life affect on a church on     the bondslaves, how so your kitches, gay; on bought her     angely alas! With thy
nervous very smiling ilka     bud which filled Hope Lake world. We wild forth which I can view that     ye are, and fed without have exposed as the tears, from aught     be where. But bursts something, meate, and, which break thy scann’d some dull,     a boundle inky which
may our life, though black eyes the table     nose,—it scoundrels, with Samian antelopements cover.     Thou shall birds do scandals mad Marathon—with there. To     the please leaps up—and by, delight air Live! She compliments     to plied through. Will be of
eased, to duct I rest creeks we sink.     A gaudy springs that e’er grown down, some saints, to rent grow     is this I kissin’ my Phillis, over hast to issue     she besmear’d weeps without they went after a million in     the Light that’s on odour
at thondring diministerhood.     If we come. And oh, our meant: while I lingring day, this fairly     our own land at once emong won’t. Her brow, It made no     doubt young Cheek, your names in Indian-like, which madmen’s for     hir darling them to and
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morning soul. Child worst: all be no     one the pressing, charlie, he’s my retired to tell my love’s     ears, so like: then her the head. Desires and love in vain,     than Hermitted ladder although t will: his eleven     which fish or an honest
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springs one how the sky, sport of     mourning, Baba chose use and who hastened beauty is wonder,     Another, none. Good dawn’s about it in what crime: never     flour, be it clear, we seer in the deviled eyes in     time, so I thou being
perfume. Love, alas! Whose whose for     aught have it in turned to fly, and I love in rides to touch     is cold awe-stringe of those atom glow’d its shirt in her sweet     love and, when I see the brest humble, as to the pretty     pastorax fruit, according
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none can moveless and harbor     of lilies have the foe, too soppings wills, and his full to     hint the white, veild turn’d like shady to you, put me dead; if     you may, scarf, letting young Lochinvar. Turns to mine his way!     Withdrew a lowly dust.
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acsiennt · 10 months
Chapter 4: An Offer
Zyiam Argyros. I almost forgot my true father's name.
Kung hindi lang siya nabanggit ng lalaking nasa harapan ko, baka hindi ko na naalala si Papa.
Seven years ago, I used to have a family. Kaming dalawa lang ang miyembro ng pamilyang yun, still, it's considered as one.
But my relationship with my father was odd.
All I knew was his name, face, and our connection by blood. Lagi siyang wala sa bahay dahil sa trabaho kaya nasanay ako na wala siya, ngunit hindi ko alam kung saan siya nagpupunta.
His profession, the basic facts about him, and even our relatives are all unknown to me. We almost never spend time together dahil lagi siyang wala sa bahay. Hindi rin naman ako nag-rereklamo dahil hindi kami close ni Papa, at halos nawalan na rin ako ng paki sakaniya at sa kung ano ang ginagawa niya.
I was left alone in our house. And at the age of eleven, I already know how to fend for myself without any help.
But maybe I do know a few things about my father. At least two facts about him. One, he used to love this one song that he played on the piano. And two, men and women alike would fall on their knees for him.
May itsura si Papa. Mayroon ring nagsasabi sa akin na sakaniya ko raw nakuha ang itsura ko and I couldn't disagree more. Hindi ko kamukha si Papa kahit saang anggulo. The only thing we have in common is our weird charcoal-colored hair. His eyes, on the other hand, were a dark shade of pink.
My father was attractive, unusually so for someone of his age. One can even mistake him as a younger man because of his features. Mapa-babae o lalaki, nagkakagusto sakaniya kahit anong edad pa man. Kulang nalang ay malusaw si Papa dahil sa mga tingin nila.
'He is as beautiful as a Greek god statue.'
People would always say that. Dati, that little comment would completely pass my mind. But thinking about it now, I realized that it contained a clue to who he actually is.
My father is the same as me. Parehas kaming demigod, at isa lang ang ibig sabihin no'n.
I am a descendant of two Greek deities.
My father's deity parent, and his wife.
Sinundan ko ang lalaking nagpakilala sa akin bilang Adonis Castello patungo sa loob ng Acropolis. We enter the roofed entrance, and my eyes stay on the white fountain spewing gold liquid at the center of it.
A gasp escapes my lips nang makita ko ang kabuuan ng Acropolis. From the gate, I can already tell that it's extravagant inside out, pero mas engrande pa rin ang bumungad sa akin.
Halos mapapikit ako dahil sa magarbong buildings. Everything is either gold or made out of white stone and marble. The gold roofs reflect the colors of the rainbow when the sun hits it just right.
Bubungad sa'yo ang isang malaking arena pagpasok. At first glance, there is a lot of stairs and castle-like buildings. It's too much to take in. Tila nasa loob ka ng isang syudad na gawa sa mga magkakaduktong na palasyo. The fields are dotted by demigods of different ages, some are in casual clothes while a small percentage are in uniforms similar to what the two demigods were wearing earlier.
What in Tartarus is this? Tahanan ng mga aristokrata?
But we don't stop there. The man leads me towards the biggest castle behind the giant arena at pumasok kami sa loob nito.
Just as I thought, mas engrande pa sa labas ang loob ng main building. It's surrounded in gold and marble, while the walls are hugged with white wallpaper. Kumikinang ang bawat dekorasyon at frame na nakasabit sa pader. Everything around me is dazzling, beautiful, and grandiose.
Halos mapairap ako sa hangin sa tuwing makikita ang isang dekorasyon na gawa sa ginto o marmol. It's too much for me. Masyadong nakakasilaw, ang sakit sa mata. Masyado akong nasanay sa madilim at madumi.
Bumaba ang tingin ko sa sahig. Even the floors are made of polished white marble accentuated with gold veins. Our shoes click loudly on the glassy floor, lalong lalo na ang hooves ng satyrs na kasabay ko.
Tatlo silang nakapalibot sa akin. One on my right, one on my left, and the third one behind me. Parang ayaw nilang makawala ako, takot na takot na baka kumaripas ako ng takbo paalis pag hindi nila ako binantayan.
But I know better than that. Hindi ako tatakbo... malalaman nila kung saan ako pupunta. They already have me by the neck with no other choices, as if this small thing is only for safe measures.
It doesn't feel different when I was locked up in a foul prison cell for years.
Pinagmasdan ko ang likod ng lalaking nagpakilala sa akin kanina. Adonis Castello, the Deputy Commander.
Deputy, which means he's not the actual person that runs this place. It's someone else, pero malamang hindi ko kilala. I couldn't care less about the world of the gods.
Bakit aalahanin ko pa ang mundong sumira sa normal kong buhay? It's better to forget everything rather than face them, especially when it made me fear for my own life.
My survival hangs on a thread after that accident. Nagbago ang lahat para sa akin at sobrang bilis nito. I forced myself to adjust so I can continue living, and that's when I became desperate for a normal life.
People want to be so different and I never understood why.
Would they still wish to be unique if this is what they have to go through? Ang ipaglaban ang karapatan mong mabuhay dahil walang rerespeto sayo kundi ang sarili mo? This world is nothing but a battlefield, but it's not the strongest who survives.
It will be those who could adjust the fastest.
Tumigil kami sa harap ng isang malaking double doors. Nauna ang dalawang satyr na katabi ko at binuksan nila ang pinto bago pumasok sa loob ang lalaking sinusundan ko. Huminga ako ng malalim.
Lumingon sa akin ang matandang lalaki at ngumiti. "Pasok ka."
Hindi ko maiwasang mapatitig sa mukha niya. He looks nice and civil, the wrinkles on his face means he's a smiley person. He reminds me of a certain Orphanage Director.
Nanlalamig ako. Because of the niceness he's showing me, I can't help but think of his inner vileness and ulterior motives.
Pumasok ako sa loob ng kwarto. Nahagip agad ng mga mata ko ang dalawang bookcase na nasa magkabilang gilid ng silid. Sa gitna, may mga sofa na pwedeng upuan ng maraming tao para makipagkwentuhan.
An officiate's seat and table rest at the very back of the room. Pinagigitnaan ito ng dalawang statue, isang babae at lalaki. Based on their silk-like attire, regal postures, and the famed lightning bolt on the man's hand and the peacock beside the woman, it's easy to guess who those statues are supposed to represent.
Zeus and Hera— King and Queen of Mt. Olympus. The same gods at the entrance of the Acropolis.
Umiwas ako ng tingin sa mga statue bago ibigay ang lahat ng aking atensyon kay Adonis Castello.
Tumigil siya sa harapan ng lamesa bago sulyapan ang satyrs na nakakabit nanaman sa akin. Still with a smile on his face, he orders them. "Iwanan niyo na muna kami ni Ms. Argyros."
And just like that, the three half-goat creatures leave the room, closing it shut behind me after. Nanatili ang walang emosyon kong titig kay Adonis.
He's the opposite, sobrang bait ng ngiti sa kaniyang labi habang nakatingin sa akin. When he stares, his eyes soften as if he remembers something while looking at me. Mabilis rin naman siyang nakabawi. "Maupo ka."
"No." Matigas kong sambit bago humakbang ng kaunti palapit sakaniya. "Get to the point so I can leave this stupid place."
The blond man sighs deeply, tila nahihirapan magsalita. "Your really are Zyiam's daughter. You and your father have the same glare and sharp tongue."
I grit my teeth in annoyance. Napakuyom ang dalawa kong palad. "How do you even know him?" Nagpipigil kong tanong bago siya bigyan ng masamang tingin.
I can't let my guard down, not even once. Hindi pa ako sigurado sa lugar na pinasukan ko. As far as I know, this place is riddled with the energy from the Olympian deities and it's infested by their loyal descendants. Baka mamaya, kasing sahol lang sila ng mga gods at ng Katharsis.
Huminga siya ng malalim bago isandal ang kaniyang likod sa lamesa. He gives me a gentle gaze. "Your father... He was a demigod like you. Before he had you, naging estudyante siya rito. I was one of his subordinates and closest companion. Kabisado ko na ang mga kilos ng Papa mo. Behind that cold exterior, he was the type of man who would do anything for the people he loved the most,"
Yumuko ako at napatingin sa sahig na gawa sa makinis na kahoy. A small scoff escapes my lips as a shadow conceals my face. If my father really did care about anything else but himself, then no matter how we may seem identical in our attitude or actions, he is nothing like me.
"Zyiam was the best among the best. Distant but empathetic and cold but caring. Tinatago niya ang totoong kakayahan ng kaniyang pagmamahal. He is son of Aphrodite, one of the Olympians, and he told us the least love yet he was the person who did the most for everyone." Pagpapatuloy niya.
Tumaas ang tingin ko sakaniya. "Get to the point. Bakit ako nandito?"
At the back of my mind, I already figured out my father's ancestral lineage. Hindi ko mapagkakaila na may itsura siya, his features make the man the media claims to be the most handsome look bland and ordinary.
Tingin at presensya palang, nahuhulog na ang mga taong nakakasalubong niya. One gaze and they start swooning over him with jelly legs and heart-shaped eyes. Napapairap nalang ako sa kawalan pag napapansin ang malalagkit nilang tingin sakaniya.
When that happens, I glance at my father. But he would only be looking straight, paying no heed to the multiple men and women who are basically undressing him in their minds. Sigurado akong napapansin niya, pero wala siyang ginagawa.
For someone so attractive, he wasn't interested in dating despite people asking him out often. I thought it was because he was too busy... or if he still loved my mother. Kung sino man siya.
"You want something from me, right?" Muntik nang manginig ang labi ko habang nagsasalita. "Kaya dinala ako rito. Ano bang gusto mo sa akin? Why do I have to be taken here with or without my consent?"
His eyes, which used to be gentle and warm, now turn stoic as he gets serious. "Because I― No, we need your help."
I blink, but the lack of humor and playfulness in his eyes remain, which means that none of this is a joke.
Gusto kong matawa sa inis ngunit pinigilan ko ang sarili ko. "At anong klaseng tulong naman ang mabibigay ng isang normal na taong katulad ko?"
Tumaas ang kaniyang mga kilay. "Normal? Is that how you perceive yourself? You think you're normal?" Parang siya naman ngayon ang natatawa sa sinabi ko. "I'm sorry to tell you this, Ms. Argyros, but nothing about you is normal."
It feels like being hammered in the head a thousand times over. Out of all the truths that can be said and thrown at me, this is the one I hate to hear.
"Isa kang demigod. Pinatay ng Katharsis ang tatay mo at kinulong ka sa kanilang headquarters ng anim na taon. Nothing about that is normal, Kasdeya,"
Parang kutsilyo ang bawat salita niya. "Is that why you were living amongst mortals like a normal teenager? You want to be one of them?"
"Shut... up." Nagpipigil kong sambit. I can feel the warmth from the liquid that's slowly cascading on my palm. My nails dig dipper into my skin, not only tearing my skin but my flesh too.
I know I should stop deceiving myself that I am normal. I know I shouldn't be dreaming of a life I'll never have.
My past keeps haunting me like a loud shrieking noise, chanting those words over and over again. Lagi nitong pinapaalala sa akin ang mga sugat na natamo ko, ang mga sigaw na kumawala sa labi ko dahil sa sakit, at ang latigong dumadapo sa balat at laman ko.
Hindi ito tumatahimik. Sa tuwing nararamdaman kong tila isa na ako sa mga normal na tao, it will start an alarm in my mind to remind me of the horrible things that fuel my nightmares and fear for Death.
Adonis Castello sighs once again before walking closer to me. Umupo siya sa sofa na malapit sa akin. His gaze is back to how it was earlier, as if he knows the madness happening inside my mind.
"I know I shouldn't have brought it up pero iyon ang totoo. Alam kong mahirap para sa'yo lalo na't madami kang pinagdaanan... From your father's death to your imprisonment, I'm aware of all of it. Kaya gusto kitang tulungan. And in the process, I will need help from you too."
So they're going to use me in the guise of sympathy.
By adding an incentive, which is the 'help' he's talking about, tingin niya ay papayag akong magpagamit dahil may rason ako para sumunod sakaniya.
"What do you want?" I decide to humor him for a bit.
Napansin ko ang pag-angat ng mga sulok ng kanyang labi. "As you know, I am only the Deputy Commander of this place. Ako ang tumataguyod sa Acropolis sa ngayon,"
Hinintay ko siyang magpatuloy. "The thing is our actual Commander, Ellenore Mathias, is being held captive by the Katharsis."
A breath gets caught up in my throat when he mentions that name. Naalala ko ang pangalan na yun.
The people who imprisoned me said something about finally catching the sinew of their most awaited war, but I didn't give it much thought.
Lalong sumama ang pakiramdam ko. I'm not sure if I like where this conversation is heading. "And what do you want me to do about it?"
He purses his lips. I know he's waiting for this moment. "Kilala mo ang Katharsis. They are a secret organization that vow to serve Gaea and her will. The Acropolis barely have any information about them. As someone who was with them for a few years, you know them the best. And you are our last hope..."
What is he talking about?
"Kasdeya Argyros... Please, we need your help." He pleads. "We need the information you know about this organization so we can save our Commander."
To ask a former prisoner about the men who held her hostage for years...
Not bad.
Humalikipkip ako. "At ano naman ang makukuha ko kung tutulungan ko kayo?"
Umayos siya ng upo. "As a half-blood, living with normal humans is dangerous―" Napangiwi ako. "Delikado ang ginagawa mo sa labas, Kasdeya. You are practically waltzing inside a lion's den. Acropolis was built by demigods to protect demigods. This is a place for people like you, so they can be safe from outside danger and learn how to protect themselves."
He leans in closer as a sign to take him seriously. Nawala muli ang ngiti sa kaniyang labi. "If you accept my deal, you will be accepted here and I will make you a member of the Hellenes."
"Hell what?"
"Hellenes," Pag-uulit niya. "A group of specialized demigods, the juvenile military force of Acropolis. They are trained rigorously and sharpened beyond perfection. Becoming one suits you, you carry the same aura as your father and..." He hesitates to continue. "The benefits it will give you are very useful.
"Most of our demigods are aiming to be a Hellenes dahil iba rin ang treatment na makukuha nila. Katharsis won't even be able to touch you and I'm making this kind of offer only to you, this is not an opportunity you can decline so easily."
Tinitigan ko ang Deputy Commander. He's dead serious, yet confident. Halatang hindi biro ang mga sinasabi niya sa akin. But something still feels amiss.
Different treatment, rigorous training, and perfected in all aspects. Why would you separate this kind of benefit from the other demigods?
May hindi siya sinasabi sa akin. These Hellenes he's talking about, siguradong may dahilan kung bakit sila tinaguriang kakaiba.
Pinagmasdan ako ni Adonis Castello na tila kinikilatis ang nasa isip ko. He's probably trying to figure out if I'll accept or not, but base on the small yet slightly noticeable twinkle in his eyes, he is almost sure I will agree to his terms.
Napangisi ako.
Unti-unting nawala ang pagkinang ng kaniyang mga mata bago ito manlaki na parang hindi makapaniwala. "You're... declining?"
"Hindi ako papayag na magamit niyo ang kahit anong impormasyon na hawak ko. You're right, I do know how Katharsis works, and it's for this reason why I don't want to make them my enemies."
From my escape and up until now, there are only two thoughts in my mind; Normalcy and survival.
Gagawin ko ang lahat para bumalik sa normal ang buhay ko, gaano man kahirap. My existence is stained with the gold markings of the divine gods but it will not stop me from covering it with black ink that represents mortality.
Nakatakas na ako sa kamay ng mga taong nagpahirap sa buhay ko ng ilang taon. Hindi ko na babalikan ang mundong konektado sakanila.
I want to live a normal life like how other people are doing it. Gusto kong mamuhay ng payapa, magkaroon ng mga kaibigan, makakuha ng trabahong bagay sa akin, and maybe, get adopted by a family like Ryo. Those are my dreams.
And it certainly does not have anything to do with deities, monsters, and other creatures.
Tumayo na ako mula sa sofa. Nagawa akong sundan ng tingin ni Adonis Ezeklon kahit na mukhang gulat pa rin siya sa desisyon ko. "I don't care about your offer. Hindi ako magtatagal rito."
"But we can protect you! That is supposed to be your main priority. Mahahanap ka rin ng mga halimaw at papatayin ka nila pag bumalik ka sa mundo ng mga tao." Pagrarason pa niya, ngunit ayaw ko nang makinig.
I exhale loudly. "I know about the monsters and their extreme gluttony for half-bloods, but I can take care of myself. Hindi ko kailangan ng proteksyong sinasabi mo."
Naghanda na akong umalis, ngunit bago pa man ako makatalikod sakaniya, tumigil ako para magsalita muli.
"Also," I give him a side glance. "If I wanted to go here, I would've climbed up on this hill the moment I freed myself from them... But I'd rather fool myself than get close to the reasons why I still can't sleep at night."
And with that, I turn and walk out of the door.
. . .
The Map of Acropolis:
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marblemurti1 · 1 year
Manufacturer of Exquisite Sai Baba Marble Statues in India
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Marble Murti Jaipur, situated in the heart of Jaipur, specializes in the art of crafting exquisite Sai Baba Marble Statues. As the leading and authentic artisans in Rajasthan, we take pride in creating these magnificent masterpieces using the finest marble sourced from reliable vendors. Our Sai Baba idols are meticulously sculpted to match the measurements of the iconic Shirdi Sai Baba Statue. Additionally, we offer single marble stone options to cater to the specific preferences of our clients.
Employing state-of-the-art technology and utilizing pure white marble in various shapes and poses, we consistently produce the highest standard of Sai Baba Murtis. Our skilled artisans, with their extensive knowledge, originality, and creativity, are devoted to delivering Sai Baba Idols of exceptional quality. Here are some notable features embodied by our Sai Baba Murti:
Impeccable Polishing and Finishing: Our statues boast flawless finishes, showcasing the craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into each piece.
Intricate Detailing: The intricate cuts and detailing on our idols reflect the dedication and precision of our artisans, resulting in captivating works of art.
Appealing Colors and Attractive Appearance: We carefully select colors that enhance the beauty of our Sai Baba statues, making them visually appealing and captivating.
Aesthetic Designs and Elegant Themes: Our collection features a range of designs and themes that exude elegance and grace, adding a touch of spirituality to any space.
Smooth Texture and Perfect Edge Finishing: The smooth texture and seamless edges of our statues provide a tactile experience that is both pleasing and soothing.
Instilling Peace of Mind and Heart: Our Sai Baba Marble Statues emanate a sense of serenity, creating an environment conducive to peace and tranquility.
Dimensionally Perfect and Flawless Finish: Each statue is meticulously sculpted to achieve perfect proportions and a flawlessly smooth surface.
High Strength with Longevity: Crafted from high-quality marble, our idols are not only visually stunning but also durable, ensuring they stand the test of time.
Purchase Sai Baba Marble Statues Online in India
At Marble Murti Jaipur, we offer a unique collection of Sai Baba Statues suitable for homes, temples, or offices. Our statues serve as symbols of peace and serenity, transforming any space into a divine sanctuary. Thanks to our extensive distribution network, our Sai Baba Marble Murtis can be found in numerous temples, hotels, hospitals, religious trusts, offices, residences, and other spiritual destinations.
When it comes to purchasing Sai Baba Marble Statues online in India, Marble Murti Jaipur is your ultimate choice. Our team of skilled artisans and craftsmen meticulously create each statue using high-quality materials, such as colors and stones. We emphasize these elements and textures to promote a calm and meditative ambiance. Our collection offers statues with flat bases in various sizes, all available at incredibly affordable prices.
Why Choose marble murti jaipur
Craftsmanship: Jaipur, the capital city of the Indian state of Rajasthan, is renowned for its rich artistic heritage and skilled craftsmanship. The artisans in Jaipur have been practicing the art of marble carving for generations, creating intricate and beautiful murtis. The attention to detail and precision in their work is often unmatched.
Quality of Marble: Jaipur is located in Rajasthan, which is known for its abundant reserves of high-quality marble. The marble used for crafting murtis in Jaipur is known for its durability, fine texture, and aesthetic appeal. The artisans carefully select the marble blocks, ensuring that the final product is of superior quality.
Traditional Techniques: The craftsmen in Jaipur employ traditional techniques passed down through generations to create marble murtis. These techniques involve hand-carving the marble with precision tools, resulting in exquisite and unique pieces of art. The traditional methods add a touch of authenticity and cultural significance to the murtis.
Variety and Customization: Jaipur offers a wide range of designs and styles when it comes to Marble murti manufacturer in Jaipur. From traditional Hindu deities to contemporary and abstract sculptures, you can find a diverse selection to suit your preferences. Additionally, many artisans in Jaipur offer customization options, allowing you to personalize the murtis according to your specific requirements.Cultural Significance: Rajasthan has a rich cultural heritage, and its art and craftsmanship play a significant role in preserving and showcasing that heritage. By choosing marble murtis from Jaipur, you not only acquire a beautiful piece of art but also contribute to the preservation of traditional craftsmanship and support the local artisans.
Visit Us To Purchase Marble God Goddess Statue
Ram Darbar Marble Statue
Marble Buddha Statue
Marble Hanuman Murti
Marble Ganesh Murti
Sai Baba Marble Murti
Goddess Statue
Maa Durga Marble Murti
Maa Kali Marble Murti
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Manufacturer of Sai Baba Marble Statues in India
Marble Murti Manufacturer In Jaipur India
Sai Baba Marble Statue Manufacturer In India
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Marble God Mandirs Online In Jaipur, Rajasthan
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Marble Buddha Statue Manufacturer & Exporter In Jaipur Rajasthan
Purchase Radha Krishna Marble Statue Online in Jaipur, India
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jothishis-blog · 1 year
The white marbled Shirdi Sai Baba temple is dedicated to Shirdi Sai Baba. Devotees called him a fakir, saint, and an incarnation of Shiva and Dattatereya.
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pandeymarblemoorti · 2 years
Sai Baba Marble Murti in Jaipur
Sai baba marble murti has expertise in manufacturing and supplying an exclusive range of Sai baba murtis that is made with white marble. Sai baba marble murti in Jaipur are admired for eye catchy designs and developed from a single marble block. If you also want to worship in front of the Sai baba murti at your home then you can buy our murtis do call at 9887889788.
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marbletemples · 4 years
Marble God Statue Manufacturing Process by Experienced Team
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ssmoortiart11 · 2 months
Why is White Marble Preferred for Making Sai Baba Marble Statues?
Through the ages, it has formed the very base of various artistic and architectural creations. The reasons behind the ever-increasing popularity of white marble for making Sai Baba marble statues are different. Let us examine those reasons in detail.
Read More:-https://marblestatuemanufacturer.home.blog/2024/07/26/why-is-white-marble-preferred-for-making-sai-baba-marble-statues/
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themurtiwalastatue · 2 years
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The Murti Wala is a manufacturer, supplier & exporter of Marble God & Goddess statues in India. We are the most trusted and prominent supplier of statues customized in different sizes and styles at very reasonal price. Our customers can order statue online by just giving a phone call or email confirmation. Visit  our website to know more details https://www.themurtiwala.com/
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agrawalmoorti · 4 years
Things to Consider Before Buying Sai Baba Marble Statue
India is a place known for several gods and goddesses. Here the individuals love Gods according to their religions. People love their gurus and those who showed them the right path. One such Guru loved by all in India is Sai Baba. Irrespective of the religion they follow, people love him alike. To pray and show their devotions people often buy different statues of Sai Baba. The Sai Baba marble statue is one among the other well known in India.
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A huge number of people love Sai and pray to him to bring prosperity and peace in their homes. There are many Sai Baba devotees in India as well as in different nations. The interest of the individuals for Sai Baba Statues is higher and numerous individuals keep Shirdi Sai statues in their home or workplaces for prosperity.
How to pick a decent Statue Maker?
If you are searching for a statue maker to purchase Sai Baba marble statues then you should see his past works before giving him the work. There are lots of statue producers out there. However, you ought to pick one which has huge experience in this field. You can discover a lot of Marble Human statues producers as it is normal here in India yet Sai Baba marble statues manufacturer is uncommon to discover. There are a couple of marble god statue manufacturers that can give you the assortment which you need. Thus, it is a difficult task to locate a decent statue creator. Yet, if you dedicatedly give time to your search then you will certainly discover somebody who suits your necessities.
Where to purchase statues?
It's easy that you can get it from anyplace yet if you will purchase a big or costly White Marble Sai Baba Moorti, at that time you will definitely think about getting it from the good shop of Sai Baba marble statues manufacturer or from online. Online sculpture purchasing isn't so well known in India, however, it has made its effect.
Cost of the statue?
The cost of these marble statues varies as per the size of the statue and the quality of the marble used to make it. After all the trouble of searching and exploring if you find yourself a statue that is made of pure marble and of the desirable size, the cost won’t be a big thing. Purchasing religious statues is a common thing in India and finding one Sai Baba Marble Statue of the desirable size and price won’t be a big challenge.
How to care?
Sai Baba is a well-known figure throughout the world. So prior to buying a marble-completed Sai Baba Statue, you ought to think about certain components.
Marble can get stained effectively particularly in the dirtied air as it is porous. Similarly it can get stained by lichen, rust, and smoke too. This property of marble indeed makes it fragile and it is even inclined to breaks, cracks, and chips. Thus it is fundamental to deal with it carefully.
You should have clean hands if dealing with white marble god statues. They can easily get harmed inside your home because of dampness and if put outside it will deteriorate even more rapidly. Avoid drinking coffee close to the statue. If, by any chance, the coffee gets spilt, the statue can be destroyed completely.
If you want to buy Hindu god Idols like Marble Sai Baba Statues, Sai Baba Marble Moorti, Marble Radha Krishna Statues, Ram Darbar Marble Statue, Hindu Marble God Idols, Ganesh Marble Statues, Sai Baba Marble Statues then Agrawal Moorti Bhandar is the best place to look into. They are one of the Best Manufacturers and Suppliers of Marble God Statues which is known as Agrawal Moorti Bhandar. Agrawal Moorti Bhandar is the leading and trusted manufacturer of the Hindu God Idols. They have developed varieties of high-quality Marble Sai Baba Statues in different shapes, sizes, and various attractive color combinations.
If you want to order as per your specifications and customize it according to you, then, all you have to do is contact them on https://www.agrawalmoortibhandar.in/.
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wecomrades · 4 years
Master List War Material
Hello everyone!
I decided to make my own list about war stuff and share it with you lots. These are all of the movies and TV shows that I've ever watched and books that I read; it's going to be WWI, WWII (with Holocaust as well), Vietnam War and Iraq War related. What can I say, I'm a slut when it comes to matters of war and soldiers, mostly. I'll keep updating it with new stuff every now and then. 
I really hope you find this interesting and useful! If you have any suggestions or questions or whatever, my DMs are always open ❤️
War Horse
Testament of Youth
All quiet at the Western front
The Eagle and the Hawk
Hacksaw Ridge
Inglourious Basterds
Flags of Our Fathers
Saving Private Ryan
Schindler's List (Holocaust)
The Thin Red Line
Pearl Harbour
The Longest Day
The Dirty Dozen
The Pianist (Holocaust)
Train de vie
The Diary of Anne Frank (1959) (Holocaust)
Black Book
Saints and Soldiers
The Darkest Hour
The Monuments Men
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (Holocaust)
Life is Beautiful (Holocaust)
Elle s'appelait Sarah (Holocaust)
Jakob the Liar (Holocaust)
The Zookeeper's Wife (Holocaust)
Sobibor (Holocaust)
The Photographer of Mauthausen (Holocaust)
At War with Love
Jojo Rabbit
Kapò (Holocaust)
Perlasca: the Courage of a Just Man (Holocaust)
A Bag of Marbles
Where Hands Touch (War/Holocaust)
Naked Among Wolves (Holocaust)
Company of Heroes
From Hell to Victory
The Big Red One
Son of Saul (Holocaust)
U-Boot 96
A Bridge Too Far
The Resistance Banker
My Honor Was Loyalty – Leibstandarte
Ghosts of War
Goodbye Children
Jonah Who Lived in the Whale
The Sound of Music
Another Mother’s Son
Sophie Scholl – The Final Days
Into the White
Nancy Wake: Gestapo’s Most Wanted
Resistance (2020)
Lancaster Skies
Operation Finale
The Truce
Sophie's Choice (Holocaust)
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
The Windermere Children
Hamburger Hill
Good Morning, Vietnam
The Last Full Measure
Danger Close: the Battle of Long Tan
We Were Soldiers
Apocalypse Now
Full Metal Jacket
The Deer Hunter
Da 5 Bloods
Tunnel Rats
Rescue Dawn
12 Strong
The Hurt Locker
Sand Castle
American Sniper
The Yellow Birds
Triple Frontier
War Machine
Black Hawk Down
The Siege of Jadotville
Birdsong (2 episodes)
Band of Brothers (10 episodes)
The Pacific (10 episodes)
Catch-22 (6 episodes)
Generation War (3 episodes)
Colditz 2005 (2 episodses)
The Liberator (4 episodes)
The Man in the High Castle (4 seasons/40 episodes)
SS GB (5 episodes)
Close to the Enemy (7 episodes)
Restless (2 episodes)
Generation Kill (7 episodes)
Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys
La banalità del bene di Enrico Deaglio (for my italian fellas)
L'impostore di Giorgio Perlasca (same as before)
Reunion by Fred Uhlman
D-Day by Larry Collins
The May Beetles by Baba Schwartz
Village of Secrets: Defying the Nazis in Vichy France by Caroline Moorehead
The Diary by Anne Frank
Lilac Girls: A Novel by Martha Hall Kelly
The Big Break: The Greatest American WWII POW Escape Story Never Told by S. Dando-Collins
If This is a Man by Primo Levi
The Periodic Table by Primo Levi
If Not Now, When? by Primo Levi
The Truce by Primo Levi
A Bag of Marbles by Joseph Joffo
Dunkirk by Robert Jackson
Dunkirk by Joshua Levine
Unbroken by Laura Hillembrand
Band of Brothers by Stephen Ambrose
The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters by Dick Winters and Cole Kingseed
Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends by Edward Heffron, Robyn Post, and William Guarnere
Easy Company Soldier: The Legendary Battles of a Sergeant from World War II's "Band of Brothers" by Don Malarkey
Parachute Infantry: An American Paratrooper's Memoir of D-Day and the Fall of the Third Reich by David Webster
Un anno sull'altipiano di Emilio Lussu (sadly this one is only in italian)
Generation Kill by Evan Wright
Commandant of Auschwitz by Rudolf Hoss
The Sergeant in the Snow by Mario Rigoni Stern
Shifty's War: The Authorized Biography of Sergeant Darrell "Shifty" Powers, the Legendary Sharpshooter from the Band of Brothers by Marcus Brotherton
Biggest Brother: The Life of Major Dick Winters, the Man Who Led the Band of Brothers by Larry Alexander
Searching for Augusta: The Forgotten Angel of Bastogne by Martin King
A Company of Heroes: Personal Memories about the Real Band of Brothers and the Legacy They Left Us by Marcus Brotherton
The Combat Story of Ed Shames of Easy Company by Ian Gardner
Liberation by Imogen Kealey
Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys
How Easy Company Became a Band of Brothers by Chris Langlois
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