#white collar jobs in general feel like they'd make me miserable
vagueiish · 5 months
yknow, i keep thinking 'ugh, i need to get a better paying job' but the shit my mind keeps drifting to, i don't think i'd actually enjoy
i don't necessarily hate retail. outside of having to deal with Customers, bleh, and the social anxiety/feeling like a lonely emo kid dynamic i feel like i have with my coworkers (which is largely on me, but thats neither here nor there) and the general way capitalism makes this kind of job a drag (understaffing, unrealistic expectations, wage isnt the best, etc etc) i actually am kind of okay with it? i like that i'm moving around p much all day and sometimes i get to do planograms (which are like little puzzles, which is fun) and outside of the customer service style shit, it's all pretty okay, if a bit monotonous
my heart kind of wants to do something with computers, whether IT desk shit or coding or something, but then a desk job sounds fucking miserable. plus i'd have to..... learn the stuff, lmao. maybe a trade would be more my speed, at the very least slightly more active, but... again. kind of have to learn a trade first and i feel like getting my foot in the door to learn would be hard. or maybe more scawwy than difficult, idk. job shit is hard, man
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