#whistleblower attorney in Los Angeles
setarehlaw · 1 year
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Whistleblower attorney los angeles
Setareh Law Group is a Los Angeles-based law firm specializing in Whistleblower Law. With a team of experienced attorneys, the firm provides comprehensive legal services to employees and businesses in the Los Angeles area and beyond. The firm provides legal representation to whistleblowers who have suffered retaliation from their employers or other third parties for reporting illegal activities. Setareh Law Group also provides legal advice to employers on how to protect their rights and comply with whistleblower laws. The firm’s attorneys have experience representing clients in whistleblower claims and related matters, such as retaliation and discrimination. Setareh Law Group is committed to helping protect the rights of employees and businesses in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. Visit - https://setarehlaw.com/whistleblower-attorney-los-angeles/
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sethshead · 2 years
The attorney alleges that four LAPD officers were being investigated for the rape of a woman based on notes taken by Officer Tipping. One of the officers accused was involved in this training exercise. Now the criminal complaint seems to have disappeared from LAPD records. Not suspicious at all.
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templardom · 11 days
God’s Whistleblower
The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. Proverbs 15:3 (ESV)
Why has the wicked man renounced God? He says to himself, “You will never call me to account.” Psalm 10:13 (BSB) 
The iniquities of a wicked man entrap him; the cords of his sin entangle him. He dies for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly. Proverbs 5:22-23 (BSB)
If he holds back the waters, there is drought; if he lets them loose, they devastate the land. Job 12:15 (NIV) 
For behold, the LORD will come with fire—His chariots are like a whirlwind—to execute His anger with fury and His rebuke with flames of fire. Isaiah 66:15 (BSB) 
Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you. Apocalypse 3:2-3 (NIV) 
Wealth is treacherous, and the arrogant are never at rest. They open their mouths as wide as the grave, and like death, they are never satisfied. In their greed they have gathered up many nations and swallowed many peoples. Habakkuk 2:5 (NLT)
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Do not be deceived: God is not to be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return. Galatians 6:7 (BSB) 
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ragerandyoon · 4 months
Understanding Your Legal Options After a Wrongful Termination
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Facing wrongful termination can be a daunting experience. It’s not just the loss of income that stings, but also the feeling of injustice. Understanding your legal options is crucial if you are in such a situation. In Los Angeles, wrongful termination attorneys at Rager & Yoon - Employment Lawyers are here to help you navigate through these challenging times.
What Constitutes Wrongful Termination?
Wrongful termination occurs when an employee is fired, violating federal, state, or local laws. This can include discrimination based on race, gender, age, religion, disability, retaliation for whistleblowing, or breach of contract. If you believe your termination was unlawful, consulting with a wrongful termination attorney in Los Angeles can clarify your case.
The Role of a Wrongful Termination Attorney
A wrongful termination attorney in Los Angeles plays a critical role in assessing and pursuing your claim. They will:
Evaluate Your Case: Experienced wrongful termination lawyers in Los Angeles will review your employment history, the circumstances of your termination, and any supporting documents to determine if your dismissal was unlawful.
Gather Evidence: These attorneys will collect necessary evidence such as employment records, witness statements, and any correspondence with your employer that supports your claim.
Negotiate Settlements: Often, wrongful termination cases are settled out of court. A skilled Los Angeles wrongful termination attorney will negotiate on your behalf to secure a fair settlement.
Litigate in Court: If a settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will represent you, presenting your case effectively to achieve the best possible outcome.
Why Choose Rager & Yoon - Employment Lawyers?
Rager & Yoon - Employment Lawyers are renowned for their dedication and expertise in handling wrongful termination cases. Here’s what sets them apart:
Proven Track Record: They have a history of successful outcomes in wrongful termination cases in Los Angeles.
Personalized Attention: Each case is unique, and the team at Rager & Yoon provides customized attention to ensure that all aspects of your case are thoroughly addressed.
Comprehensive Legal Knowledge: Their in-depth understanding of employment law ensures that no stone is left unturned in your case.
Steps to Take if You’ve Been Wrongfully Terminated
If you believe you have been wrongfully terminated, take the following steps to protect your rights:
Document Everything: Keep records of any incidents leading up to your termination, including emails, messages, and other relevant documentation.
Request a Written Explanation: Ask your employer for a written statement explaining the reasons for your termination. This can be helpful evidence if their reasons conflict with the actual cause.
Consult a Los Angeles Wrongful Termination Attorney: Seek legal advice promptly. An attorney from Rager & Yoon can help you understand the strength of your case and guide you through the legal process.
Wrongful termination can be a distressing experience, but you don’t have to face it alone. With the support of experienced wrongful termination attorneys in Los Angeles, like those at Rager & Yoon - Employment Lawyers, you can take informed steps to seek justice. Whether through negotiation or litigation, having a knowledgeable attorney by your side increases your chances of a favorable outcome. If you’re in Los Angeles and believe you’ve been wrongfully terminated, please contact Rager & Yoon to explore your legal options and protect your rights.
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epacer · 4 months
San Diego Unified School District
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San Diego Unified School District hires law firm for ‘personnel' investigation
The San Diego Unified School District has hired a Los Angeles law firm to handle an internal investigation, but the school district won’t say what the investigation entails. The Voice of San Diego reported the internal investigation focuses on Superintendent Lamont Jackson.
NBC 7 contacted SDUSD, and a spokesperson told us in an email, “The district is precluded from commenting on personnel matters.” We’ve also reached out to all school board members and the district’s teachers’ union, but none have commented on the investigation.
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The contract from the law firm, Sanchez & Amador, LLP, states the district retained the firm April 10, 2024, for representation “in sensitive internal investigations” for a rate of up to $540 per hour. At a public school board meeting on April 30, 2024, the school board approved the contract for an anticipated cost of $100,000.
The contract says attorney Lupe Valencia will have primary responsibility for the investigation. According to the law firm’s website, Valencia “directed and/or oversaw hundreds of internal investigations arising from a variety of employment-related claims, including harassment, discrimination, whistleblower retaliation, code of conduct violations, and alleged fraudulent business practices…”
While we don’t know if there is a connection, Jackson is named in a lawsuit filed by 11 police officers with the SDUSD last December. They are suing the district, Jackson and the SDUSD police chief for retaliation claims, negligence, discrimination and sexual assault.
In the complaint, one of the 11 officers, Robert Lozano, says Jackson retaliated by intimidating Lozano’s girlfriend, who is an elementary school teacher in the district. Lozano says Jackson “came in in the middle of class and sat in the back of her classroom while she taught to intimidate her. Notably, the principal of the school where she taught had no idea Jackson was even on campus nor had he ever set foot on that campus in the past. Thereafter, Jackson proceeded to give Lozano's girlfriend an unwelcomed hug and told her class she was amazing, even though the two never met before that day.”
We asked the district spokesperson about this accusation in the complaint and were sent the same response – “The district is precluded from commenting on personnel matters.”
Jackson was hired in 2022. He had served as the interim superintendent before that for nearly a year. Born and raised in San Diego, Jackson attended district schools before ultimately working at them and working his way up the ranks at SDUSD.
As the second-largest school district in the state, SDUSD enrolled more than 95,000 students for the 2023-2024 academic year. The majority of student households, 56%, reported an income below the federal poverty level. Hispanic students made up the largest share of the student body at 45%. Nearly a quarter of SDUSD students are white, 10% are Asian, 9% are multiracial and 7% are Black. *Reposted article from NBC 7 by Alexis Rivas and Meredith Royster       on May 21, 2024
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kingsiegel1 · 4 months
King & Siegel LLP
King & Siegel LLP has built our stellar reputation by being committed to representing the best interests of our clients in a wide range of employment law matters. Our talented attorneys take on sexual harassment, disability discrimination, pregnancy discrimination, and whistleblower cases on behalf of clients throughout Sacramento. Our passionate legal professionals understand that navigating the legal system can be overwhelming. That is why we are here to offer reliable counsel and comprehensive legal services for workers throughout the greater Sacramento area. Get in touch with us today to set up your free case consultation.
555 University Ave # 220
Sacramento, CA 95825
Our Social pages:
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There is NO scenario under which 👺 demonic ⚖️ legal arguments are going to change God's 🔥 VERDICT.
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MUST ⏰ WATCH, x2‼️
"What EXACTLY did your Family 👺 do, to receive THIS 💵 $21 million dollars?"
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MUST 👁️👁️ SEE/react 🙏.
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We WON'T get fooled again.
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🕎✝️🛐 Father, 🥌 remove the IMPEDIMENTS.
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DO 🔢 the 🔢 NUMBERS 🫂.
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Make opportunities count: DEMAND a 🗳️ RECOUNT.
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From August 10th ⬇️: ⚾ 📻 an audio of frustrations that 2023 Padres diehards have gone through, that poured out AFTER the worst loss of the season.
Followed up by a closed-door meeting and the BEST WIN of the season. Takeaway: God's strength LIVES in you.
On Friday August 11th FROM the 🚖🦇 Batmobile, I went on-air, on the team's flagship station, to talk ⬅️ reverse psychology. Big Papi ⬆️ spoke ⬅️ that way to the Padres last year, and it 👊🏾 sparked our team chemistry.
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
A new report from The New York Times tells of a source confirming whistleblower allegations that constraints were placed on the federal investigation into Hunter Biden, but it takes some digging to find it.
As noted Tuesday by Washington Free Beacon reporter Chuck Ross, the publication waited 20 paragraphs to state the newsworthy tidbit about the source who added credibility to claims of additional charges against President Joe Biden‘s son getting blocked.
The New York Times reported in the 20th paragraph that IRS supervisory special agent Gary Shapley’s whistleblower testimony claimed that a mid-2022 bid by Delaware’s U.S. Attorney David Weiss to pursue charges in Washington, D.C., got rejected by the top federal prosecutor in the nation’s capital.
“A similar request to prosecutors in the Central District of California, which includes Los Angeles, was also rejected, Mr. Shapley testified,” the report added in the 21st paragraph. “A second former I.R.S. official, who has not been identified, told House Republicans the same story. That episode was confirmed independently to The New York Times by a person with knowledge of the situation.”
The reporting about the source could be significant as Attorney General Merrick Garland has denied allegations of political interference in the investigation, which so far has amounted to a plea deal for the 53-year-old Hunter Biden for tax and gun violations. Ross and others called out The New York Times for the low-priority placement.
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msclaritea · 1 year
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She Escaped Scientology in the Trunk of a Car. Her Nightmare Is Far From Over
Valerie Haney opens up about her years-long battle with the Church of Scientology, and how the court is forcing her into “religious arbitration”
MARCH 27, 2023
Valerie Haney, former Scientologist turned whistleblower. VALERIE HANEY
“I’M LITERALLY SHAKING right now as I’m talking to you,” Valerie Haney says, speaking by phone from Florida.
Her 22 years in Scientology’s hardcore elite unit, the Sea Organization, has left her with what her therapist has diagnosed as PTSD, she explains. And a court ruling on March 15 had left her trembling as those years of trauma were stirred up again.
“I was like, am I on another planet? Is this really correct? The court is OK with me having to go back to the place where I literally had to escape in the trunk of a car to get out?”
In November 2016, Haney, who worked casting Scientology’s internal films, crawled into the trunk of an actor’s car during a film shoot in order to get away from Scientology’s secretive international management compound “Gold Base” near Hemet, California. Her unusual escape became the subject of the premiere episode of Leah Remini’s third season of Scientology and the Aftermath, which aired on A&E in 2018.
The episode explained that after Haney made it to Los Angeles, Remini hired her as an assistant, and once Scientology found out about it Haney was allegedly subjected to a frightening campaign of surveillance and stalking.
She also began talking to law enforcement.
“I went to the authorities three months after I got out. I went to the FBI. I was thinking, of course we’re going to court, because this is all illegal!”
No charges were filed, but Haney herself filed a lawsuit against Scientology in June 2019 alleging kidnapping, stalking, and libel, which turned into a legal nightmare that now has her facing the prospect of going to the church to submit herself to an internal “religious arbitration” proceeding.
Haney, like other former Scientologists, finds that the church’s “arbitration” strategy is an impediment to getting a day in court. An exception was the lawsuit filed by Danny Masterson’s rape accusers, who sued Scientology for, they said, harassing them for taking their allegations to the LAPD. That case was also forced into arbitration initially, but then a California appeals court ruled that because the allegations of harassment (including the alleged poisoning of pets) had occurred after the women had left the church, the arbitration contracts shouldn’t apply.
In her first interview since filing her lawsuit four years ago, Haney says she still can’t believe that a Los Angeles court granted Scientology’s arbitration motion, forcing her to take her case to Scientology itself, and without an attorney, or a court reporter, or even a friend by her side.
“Scientology literally abused me my entire life, I finally escaped, and I’m trying to use the U.S.  judicial system, and now they’re going, oh no, you need to go back and do everything that your abuser says.”
She’s fought back in interesting ways: Since the arbitration requires that she nominate an arbitrator, she’s suggested names like Tom Cruise, Elisabeth Moss, and Jenna Elfman — a total of 19 well-known and less well-known Scientology figures, drawing the ire of the church’s attorneys.
Scientology denies that Haney was held against her will and that she was harassed after she left the church. But it has made assurances to the court that its arbitration rules will provide a fair hearing for her accusations. Rolling Stone sent multiple requests for responses to Haney’s allegations to the Church of Scientology’s spokeswoman Karin Pouw, who has not replied.
Valerie Haney was born to Scientologist parents in 1979, and from ages six to 12 was raised in Scientology’s Cadet Org, a version of the Sea Org for children, at its “spiritual mecca,” the Flag Land Base in Clearwater, Florida.
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setarehlaw · 2 years
Los angeles employment attorney
Setareh Law Group is a team of experienced Los Angeles discrimination attorneys dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals and their families who have been unfairly treated in the workplace. Whether it’s discrimination based on race, sex, age, disability, or any other protected class, they provide knowledgeable and compassionate representation to ensure their clients receive justice. The firm also provides representation in cases of sexual harassment, wrongful termination, wage and hour violations, whistleblower claims, and other labor and employment issues. They are committed to helping their clients obtain the best possible outcome and ensure their rights are fully protected. Visit - https://setarehlaw.com/
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opedguy · 2 years
Snowden Granted Russian Citizenship
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Sept. 26, 2022.--Russian President Vladimir Putin, 69, embroiled in a bloody U.S. proxy war in Ukraine, granted Russian citizenship to 39-year-old “whistleblower” Edward Snowden, former employee of National Security Agency [NSA] contractor Hawaii-based Booz-Allen Hamilton.  Snowden, a computer programmer, copied classified government files proving that the NSA was spying on its citizens, fled from Hawaii in May 2013 to Hong Kong, eluding CIA officials who put an all-points-bulletin but failed to capture him before boarding a flight to Moscow.  Putin granted Snowden permanent Russian residency in 2022, with Russia’s sizable ex-pat U.S. community, where he was granted Russian citizenship today.  Whether Putin granted Snowden citizenship to spike the Biden White House is anyone’s guess.  Considered a fugitive by the U.S. government, there’s nothing the State Department can do now.
Snowden released thousands of government files showing that the National Security Agency [NSA] routinely spied on its citizens.  Pentagon Spokesman Ned Price said Snowden dumped of classified national security documents compromised U.S. national security and should return to the United States and face trial for violation the Espionage Act among other U.S. laws covering secret documents obtained by NSA contractor Booz Allen Hamilon.  Snowden’s answer came out of James Bond film, fleeing U.S. territory and making his way to Hong Kong before boarding a flight to Moscow in June 2013.   “Our position has not changed,” said State Department Spokesman Ned Price.  “Mr. Snowden should return to the United States where he should face justice as any other American citizens,” Price said, knowing that Snowed was gone for good.
Given the abysmal state of U.S.-Russian relations, worse today than anytime during the Cold War, Putin has no problem granting Snowden citizenship, anything to stick it to 79-year-old President Joe Biden.  Biden turned a border conflict with Ukraine and Moscow into a U.S. proxy war against the Russian Federation. Snowden asked 76-year-old President Donald Trump to pardon him under the April 10, 1989 Whistleblower Protection Act.  Many people disagree with the State Department view that Snowden violated the U.S. laws related to protection of classified information.  Can you imagine, Democrats want to charge Trump with violation the Espionage Act for keeping boxes of White House files in the locked basement of his Mar-a-Lago residence.  Before Trump left office, Snowden was not one who received a pardon.  Snowden will no doubt continue the pardon route when feasible.
Snowden’s case involved a passionate 29-year-old who had bounced around various government agencies, including Dell Computer and the CIA.  When exposed at Booz Allen Hamiliton to government spying programs, Snowden decided to copy classified government files under what he thought would be protected under the whistleblower statute.  Whether you see Snowden as an intel criminal violating his NSA contract with Booz Allen Hamilton or not, he claims he operated within his conscience reviewing government spying files.  “After two years of waiting and nearly 10 years of exile, a little stability will make a difference for my family,” Snowden tweeted Monday.  “ I pray for privacy for then—for all of us, including his American wife and two children.  Snowden’s attorney tried to arrest speculation that Snowden is now eligible for Putin’s new 300,000 draft.
Snowden’s attorney Anatoly Kucherena said Snowden was exempted from the call-up because he has no combat experience.  Men in Russia with combat experience can be called up until their 65th birthday. Snowden’s the most high-profile U.S. ex-pat discussed in the news since WNBA star Brittney Griner’s attempt to get out a Russian penal colony.  Price said the U.S. government is doing everything possible to pull off a prisoner swap to get Griner out a Russian jail.  But given the state of war between the White House and the Kremlin, Snowden has a better shot of getting a Russian passport than Griner does of getting out of Russian prison.  Snowden never got any reassurance from the State Department that he would not spend a good portion of his life in U.S. prison.  Russia offered Snowden a way out of his dilemma knowing he’s considered a criminal like Trump in most legal circles.
Snowden back in the news shows that the Justice Department’s case under the Espionage Act against Trump is worthless.  If they wanted to go after someone like Snowden they’d have a far better case, even though many people in the U.S. think that Snowden falls under the 1989 Whistleblower Protection Act.  Whether that’s debatable or not, he fled the U.S. in 2013 for a safe haven in Hong Kong and Moscow.  Now that he’s a new Russian citizen, the State Department can do nothing but whine about his situation.  When it comes to comparing Trump to Snowden, 70-year-old Atty. Gen. Merrick Garland, has an open-and-shut case. Trump did nothing to violate the Espionage Act worthy of criminal indictment.  When it came to Snowden, he outfoxed the U.S. government, eluding the vaunted CIA in Hong Kong, before fleeing to his safe have in the Russian Federation.
About the Author  
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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cummingsandfranck · 6 years
Representing Whistleblower Retaliation Law in Los Angeles
A whistleblower is anyone who exposes activities that could be unethical, illegal, or inappropriate and then reports that activity to authorities. No employee should suffer retaliation for opposing unlawful conduct in the workplace. Cummings & Frank P.C, ONLY Represent Employees!
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We are the best firm in Los Angeles that is committed exclusively to employee rights. Our lawyers specialize in cases of retaliation, sexual harassment, and wrongful termination, and class action lawsuits. Cummings & Frank P.C firm is known for its personal service and each case is presented with complete evidence. We move with each case as if it's proceeding to court, and because of that status opposing lawyers know that we're going to make every effort to protect your rights when they understand that you've retained us. Our experts are here to assist you recover damages from your employer! We offer free consultations and a wide range of options at our office in Los Angeles. Call Now at (310) 295-2195 & (310) 295-2180. We Turn Employer Wrongs into Employee Rights! Representing Wrongfully Fired & Retaliation Cases in Los Angeles. We manage claims under a variety of Whistleblower Retaliation Law in Los Angeles.
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Don’t push yourself on safety violations at your workplace & report the whole concern to a Whistleblower Attorney Los Angeles at Cummings & Franck. Our experienced law personnel carefully investigate the elements affecting safety measures in your company. Get a Free Case Review!!
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yes-svetlana-world · 3 years
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FBI Investigation Of Gloria Allred Lisa Bloom Tom Girardi and Federal Employees now officially open!
Dear Madam Deputy Attorney General (Lisa O. Monaco)
I understand that your call to action is to purge white collar crime for which I applaud you.  And what better place to start than the business of the Law itself!
I would like to bring your attention to the FBI’s Investigation of Gloria Allred, her daughter Lisa Bloom and co-conspirator, Tom Girardi.
The investigation was recently started by the Investigative Squad at the Mission Services Branch in Los Angeles.
As the FBI never comments on an ongoing investigation, I have attached a screengrab of the initial email exchange between myself and the most senior officer at the FBI in LA.  If you wish to have the unredacted details I would happily hand them over with the appropriate non-Disclosures.
Under different circumstances divulging communications with an FBI Agent would be an incredibly inappropriate thing to do, however the situation as it demands immediate action, and a lack of media gives even greater importance to this message.
The investigation is based on criminal and civil complaints filed by me and other individuals including Steve Wynn the Vegas hotelier and the actor Rose McGowan. There are many other victims too. Many thousands of lives that have been harmed irreparably by these people whose wholesale perjury, bribery and corruption, obstruction of justice and trafficking of victims, has caused massive destruction to society as whole and it is time for it to stop.I have filed multiple criminal complaints in Switzerland against the individuals concerned that include the gang of racketeers I have dubbed as Crime Inc.  Already Courts in Switzerland have ordered Crime Inc. to pay my court costs. Their criminality extends over 40 years of insurance fraud and straight forward thuggish shakedowns.With my teams of lawyers over five years, all the evidence that is needed to incarcerate these individuals has been collected and will make it easy for the investigative bodies all over the World to bring these people to Justice. And as lawyers and judges are involved in this crime syndicate it is obviously the Government’s responsibility to seek justice for the victims.My exact complaints are attached herein. Obviously, there is much more documentation that both my lawyers and I are providing to the FBI, and we continue to collaborate in good faith that these individuals are brought to justice.My road has been long. I have spoken to many senior lawyers in Los Angeles.  There is a federal Whistleblower too! Everyone is in agreement that it is time for this perversion of justice to stop.Yours Sincerely Alkiviades “Alki” DavidMalibu, Calif
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My Sister is Suing the ACLU SoCal
And Other Reasons It’s Time to Demand Organizations That Are Authentic, Transparent, Humane, and Just
By Reza “Rites” Clifton
Authentic. Transparent. Humane. Just.
In an era where social movements and corresponding capitalistic capitulation are moving at light speed paces, it is important to pause then go beyond the public statements, appearances, and displays of an all-too-easy to exhibit slogan. It isn’t just me noting and asking for this. Thank goodness this is also an era in which the 7AM news broadcast and online video links can report on another multinational company releasing a statement in support of “Black Lives Matter”- only for said statement to be found farcical merely hours later as whistleblowers, savvy keyboard activists, and second and third shift reporters uncover the same companies’ white-washed boardrooms, employee demographics, and executive leadership teams. It isn’t another press release that will save these types; it is time to be...
Authentic. Transparent. Humane. Just.
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These qualities being demanded of companies, city council leaders, police departments, college campuses, etc. will be as enduring as the cries of “Power to the People,” “Black Power” and “Black Lives Matter.”
Authentic. Transparent. Humane. Just.
It is with these sentiments in mind, that I share the following piece of personal news: my sister is suing the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California (ACLU SoCal). Below are a few excerpts from the June 11, 2020 Los Angeles Times article about the case; I can say very little beyond what is captured there, as this is a current/pending case. However, I do know it will come as a shock, to some, to hear that an organization so well-known for policies seemingly protecting communities of color would mistreat or act so contrary to what appears to be its own mission. If the shock does not wear off quickly, though, I suggest you befriend more Black women, for my sister’s experience is hardly hers alone. Working while Black, leading as a woman, and standing in excellence - or sometimes just in normalcy - are the mines wrapped in ordinary that we tip-toe over daily, even in Progressive nonprofits. For goodness sake, I have stories too! But to the cut to the chase: empty statements, hidden records, disparate treatment, and systemic oppression have no home here anymore. On the contrary, it is time for policies and day-to-day practices that are...
Authentic. Transparent. Humane. Just.
Organizations, institutions, leaders, gatekeepers, powerbrokers, corporate CEOs - for-profit and nonprofit, alike - be warned: Come authentic, transparent, humane, and just. Or pack it up. Or pay up.  
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Excerpts from June 11, 2020 article by By Matt Hamilton, Staff Writer, Los Angeles Times 
In a lawsuit filed Tuesday in Los Angeles Superior Court, Sarah O. Clifton contends she was labeled as “angry” or “aggressive” for raising racial equity issues, endured an angry outburst from the ACLU’s executive director at a staff meeting, and that to compensate, she had to act “overly polite” in dealing with a boss who was seemingly afraid of her.
In her lawsuit, which also names executive director Hector Villagra, Clifton accused the ACLU of “using the plight of Black folks purely for self-interested gain” and “allowing flagrantly racist policies and procedures to reign supreme.”
At an ACLU National Conference in 2019, a speaker exhorted delegates to root out “white supremacy.” Clifton said she gathered with Black women from other ACLU offices who attended the conference and said she “was shocked to learn that all of them had experienced some form of systemic or institutionalized racism.”
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