#whisper in the wind for sure tho even if it's gonna kick my ass
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eveningalchemist · 2 months ago
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I was tagged by @archmotif (nice username btw) to share some books I want to read next this year!
tagging @fancyhats-and-fennelsbuds @marley-manson @beansterpie @raisingcain-onceagain @ruiniel @saintvoids @erodingsinner and anyone else that has book they are looking forward to! :D
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nahoyaglock · 4 years ago
karasuno x gn!reader, headcanons, fluff
A/N! im so sorry that this is so long hhh + reblogs are appreciated and feedback is too :D i also did not read this over so im sorry if it sucks and theres errors
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Daichi would walk home with you since you lived nearby him
and since it was the weekend he thought he would hang out with you at your place
you two would stop at a nearby convince store, spliting up and searching the aisles for some ramen and chips
you ran over to the chips aisle after grabbing the ramen and saw daichi grabbing multiple bags
he shot you a big smile and you just scoffed and playfully kicked his shin
"we dont need that many bags daichi!"
"of course we do babe"
you left with 4 bowls of instant ramen and 7 different bags of chips
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sugawara had planned this for a whole week
his sweet s/o had a hard week? prepare for some clingy bf sugawara and to be spoiled
he picked you up at 4pm to let you sleep in from staying up studying all night friday
once you arrived at the lake nearby his place, you saw the little picnic blanket
he had brought out a little speaker, playing some soft, relaxing tunes
you guys ate and talked, and even just watched the trees blow in the wind
you would hear a song you like, and you would pull sugawara to his feet to dance to the song
he would twirl you and at the end of the song he would dip you, kissing you softly
"thank you so much suga"
"anything for my sugar~"
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you were a very reckless person, and asahi loved that about you
he would always be by your side for all your adventures, but one day you decided to settle down
you invited asahi over to your small home, your parents out for the day
your small radio played some old tunes as asahi laid on your bed watching you tend to your plants or ramble on as you always did
you cuddled with him a for a few hours until you saw the orange rays come in through your window
"asahi! asahi watch the sunset with me!"
you shot out of bed and pulled your large boyfriend after you
you opened your window and sat on the window sill, swinging your legs around to the other side
being on a second floor, you started asahi
"Hey, be careful"
"get your big ass over here!"
he followed after you, sitting next to you and wrapped an arm around you as the two of you watched the sun set
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fools. you are a pair of reckless fools
tanaka had proposed the idea of a late night hang out
you being just as wild you agreed, and thats how you found yourself with tanaka running around at night, nearly 1am
on your adventure, you found a shopping cart knocked onto its side, you and tanakas eyes meeting with a devious smirk
next thing you knew, tanaka had turned on his speaker and shuffled his spotify playlist as you climbed into the cart
"awe, i wanted you to push me!"
"slow poke! now push!"
he pushed you, running while you two shouted and laughed into the night, doja cat and NIKI playing on his speaker
i just know this mans is a doja cat fan
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nishinoya was a very energetic and fun person, and you were as well, but you just weren't as reckless
as you two walked down the road to your house, nishinoya rambled on and on about practice and his day
you didnt mind, being way less talkative than him, you liked to listen to him
he suddenly jumped into the air, a big happy and excited smile on his face as you could practically see a light buld above his head
"can we take a picture?"
"whats the catch?"
"okay okay, what if we do a handstand!"
you giggled at his request and he looked at you with hopeful eyes
"yes, but if i get hurt your gonna give me a piggy back!"
he sets up his camera against his school bag and sets the timer, running back to where you were
"okay okay, GO!"
you both did a handstand and held it until the timer went off and his phone clicked
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hinata loved going anywhere with you, as long as you were by his side he was already having so much fun
one day you asked him if he wanted to go to the beach, and he practically shouted in excitement
the next day, saturday, you two left in the morning to take a bus to the nearest beach, and hinata brought his bike
when you guys arrived he walked around with his bike as you ran around slightly ahead oh him in the sad
hinata had to watch over his bike so we couldn't run around with you, but then he got an idea
"hey, do you wanna go on a ride along the shore?"
"OH. MY. GOD. YES!!"
he hopped into his bike and you climbed onto the back, and you two ride along the shore at a decently quick pace
the air in your face made you feel free and you lifted your arms up, closing your eyes as you let the air hit you
hinata would take a quick glance back, but it was just long enough to see the beautiful look on your face that made him smile
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even though tsukishima was cold to everyone else, he was slightly less cold towards you, and hed never admit it but you made him soft
i hc tsukishima secretly being a soft boy who enjoys relaxing and reading in his alone time, sometimes even with you
one day you come over to surprise your boyfriend, his brother opening the door for you as you greeted him and his mother.
you made your way to his room and turned the door nob
"oh tsukki!"
you opened the door and saw your boyfriend laying in a pair of yellow and black plaid pajama pants and a navy green sweater, reading as some music played on his speaker
he groaned and closed his book as you walked over to his bed and jumped into his arm
"you had to come over today? you didnt even tell me."
"i like seeing tsukishima kei in his natural habitat"
you pulled a book out of your bag, one that you and tsukishima read together often and he pulled you into his lap and opened to where you had last read
the orange rays of the sun filled his room as you two read the book, soon falling asleep in each others presence
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constantly everyday, this boy was trying to find a way to let you into his life or show his appreciation with more than just holding your hand
one day you guys were chilling on the grass infront of his home, his mothers music playing through the living room window, loud enough for you to hear
the sun was starting to set and a slightly blue hue painted the surroundings
"hey, do you dance?"
you were a bit shocked by that question since you were usually the one to ask random questions like that
"im not that good at it but sure, why?"
kageyama stood up and held out his hand
"may i have this dance?"
you laughed at his question and took his hand, pulling yourself up
"yes you may~"
kageyamas hand rested on your hip, your hand on his shoulder and your other hands were connected at your sides
you guys slow danced, mimicking a waltz, stepping on each others shoes occasionally
kageyamas cheeks were red the whole time as he twirled you and connected his hands with both of yours
he pressed a quick kiss to your cheek and you stared up in awe as your boyfriend shot a wide smile at you, one that you havent seen before
"y-your smiling!"
"what did you do to kageyama!"
"i am kageyama!"
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you and yamaguchi loved to be together, bestfriends and lovers, tsukishima falling victim to third wheeling, not as if he cared much tho
yamaguchi loves flowers almost as much as you do, so when he found this small flower field a few miles past his house he knew he had to take you there
you and yamaguchi walked hand snd hand to this "surprise" place he wanted you to see
when you were close, he covered your eyes and led you past the trees and rocks, placing you in the middle of the large flower field
"ready annnnndd.. open!"
you opened your eyes and froze in awe at the colorful flowers that dotted the field
you turned to your boyfriend and wrapped your arms around his neck, tackling him to the floor
he winced softly as you whispered apologized and peppered his cheek in kisses and he just laughed
"I love you too y/n"
he turned to his side and plucked a daisy, smiling softly as he turned back to face you
he pushed some hair back behind your ear and placed the flower behind your ear, smiling widely as his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink
"i think you're the prettiest flower in the WHOOOOLE world!"
he placed soft kisses to your lips as you laid in the middle of the flower field
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whatifxwereyou · 4 years ago
The Oncoming Storm Part 20: Koi Hitoyo
Liu Kang x Reader and Kung Lao x Reader (gonna do both, two paths!)
Time to commit a little B&E, no big deal... probably.
This chapter is a bit longer than the others, had fun with it tho. Been crunching w/ writing to try and get enough written before I go out of town next week. Should keep me sane while I'm traveling, hopefully! Also all the titles for the Lao chapters (except blackout) are acid black cherry songs. They were my vibe for this part. Back to Liu on Thursday. Miss that guy.
Part 19 Part 21 Chapter Index
Kung Lao carefully shook your shoulder to wake you up. You fluttered your eyes open and wiped the sleepiness out of them. The sky was dark, and the stars were remarkably bright. You admired the way they twinkled, and the subtlety of the colors sprinkled throughout the darkness. You felt a little guilty for falling asleep but also felt much better. Apparently, you’d been exhausted.
“The coast is clear, I think.” Kung Lao whispered. The sneaking had already begun. The silence of the night was overwhelming, and it felt odd to break it. “The rest of the visitors left a little bit after you fell asleep. There’s been no sound or light since then. They put out the lanterns and all is still.”
“Did I sleep too long? I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
“I can be emotionally draining, I’m told, so I figured you needed it.” He shrugged and you nudged him as you had grown to do affectionately. He looked tired, too. Even if he said it was fine, you felt bad for falling asleep. He could have easily woken you up, though. It had been nice of him to let you rest. The confusion that had overwhelmed you earlier could be put aside for the time being. You had work to do. A goal to focus on.
“They didn’t even close the gate.” You felt suddenly guilty about this too. Breaking into a sacred place felt wrong but you had to get whatever it was that creature had hidden in the well. If you had just talked to the monks about this like you’d wanted to then you would have likely had permission to take a look but no. Instead, you’d gone with elaborate fake date ruse.
“I don’t imagine they expect to be robbed.”
“Please don’t phrase it that way.”
“I don’t imagine they expect to be respectfully intruded upon.”
Kung Lao’s high spirits helped your mood. You really did enjoy spending time with him even if he drove you completely up the wall. You snuck back inside the gates and Kung Lao slipped an arm around your waist very suddenly.
“Don’t panic.”
“I wasn’t going to, but you do know the fake date portion of this adventure is over, right?”
“I’m just going to get us a bit closer. Lots of flat ground to cover. Easily spotted.” He took his hat off and threw it toward the shrine where it whizzed through the air. Then with a flicker of motion, you felt the floor open beneath you and you were consumed by white light and fell. You closed your eyes tight and when you opened them again, you were popping back up out of the ground with a leap. Kung Lao had jumped right back into his hat. He released your and tucked the strap back beneath his chin. You watched him for a moment with reverence. That was awesome. If you could travel like that then you would never stop. Remarkable. You’d traveled by both lightning and hat today.
You walked up the steps to the shrine, careful to be as quiet as possible. Kung Lao pushed the doors open and winced. They hadn’t locked it. This felt wrong, incredibly morally wrong. You had to remind yourself that whatever that wicked man had hidden there, he had done so with malintent. Removing it would be a good thing for them and the shrine.
There was nary a soul in sight even as you sat and listened within the entry room. There were no footsteps beyond, not even a single candle was lit within. The monks, if they were still awake, were much further within the shrine, leaving this area to them. You slid the door to the next room open. The central corridor. It made the pit in your stomach open back up.
When you closed your eyes, you tried to recall the vision without allowing it to consume you. You blindly grasped for Kung Lao’s hand which he offered you. Then you walked to the point where you recalled the creature walking to before he’d placed the mysterious ringing something into the well. The ground beneath the man was dirt. It seemed so obvious now that it had been built over.
The ringing in your vision began and so you opened your eyes to be free of it. Kung Lao had let you take the lead but had stayed at your side. You were standing right before the dip in the floor that had been cleared out for the evening. There had been a kotatsu there earlier. Now it was just wooden floorboards, and a few rolled up tatami mats.
Kung Lao let go of your hand and then stepped into the dip and crouched, brushing his fingers over the seams in the wood. His fingertips caught a circular latch, and he pulled a sizable hatch upward. You walked around the hatch and helped him set the lid back quietly. You waited for any sign of movement in the corridors branching off but you were utterly alone.
“You’re not gonna like this.” Kung Lao leapt into the hatch. You joined him and sighed. More wooden flooring. Great.
“Well, at least it’ll be an easy fix?” You shrugged. Kung Lao nodded. You appreciated that you were working together to try and justify your actions. Together you pried up the floorboards one at a time, careful of the sound it made. Sure enough, just beneath the boards, was an old, short stone well. It reminded you of something from a horror movie. Worse than that, the air felt wrong. You got the worst feeling in your stomach. Kung Lao shivered as if he could sense something too. You cleared the area of boards and then stepped together onto the dirt surrounding the well. “This is it.” The words made you shiver as they left your mouth.
“It doesn’t look terribly deep. I can see the bottom from here. Little bit of water though which will be gross.”
“I’ll do it. This was my vision.”
“No, you’re too short.” He tapped the top of your head playfully.
“Are you sure? I don’t mind.”
“I’m going to have to insist that you don’t go into the spooky well after almost throwing yourself into the blood lake. Too many horror movie things happening to you today.”
“I can’t argue with you on that.”
Kung Lao grasped the side of the well and then lowered himself inside. He made a face of disgust as his feet slapped into the water, but it barely went up to his ankle. The well was only a little bit taller than he was, thankfully. He could very easily pull himself out of if something went wrong.
He crouched and searched the water. You were grateful that it wasn’t you down there. “I found something” With a heave he pulled it free of the mud. “Heavier than I expected it to be.” He lifted an old, wet, bronze bell about a foot in length. It had intricate carvings all along the sides but was so covered with muck that you couldn’t make any of them out. Kung Lao held it out for you to take. You did and then Kung Lao grasped the edge of the well and began to pull himself up.
But when you picked up the bell there was a hollow, sad ringing. Silence fell very suddenly and quickly, as if all the air had been sucked out of the room. You and Kung Lao had just enough time to exchange a worried glance before there was an earsplitting pop and you were both thrown from the well and the hole that you’d made in the floor. You ducked low and managed to roll back only a few feet from the well, but Kung Lao was thrown ass over tea kettle right through the door that you’d carefully slid closed on your way in.
“Lao!” You shouted but didn’t turn away from the well, holding the bell tight to you.
“I’m okay!” He yelled from somewhere behind you.
There was a sticky sounding thud and you dared to get to your feet and peer over the edge of the dip in the floor and to the well. A huge hand with four claws grasped the side of the well, followed by another. The creature that followed was dripping in something sticky, thick, and brown. It smelled like tar. With a spit-slinging roar, it swung its arms wildly and the tar shifted and stretched before becoming hooked swords that the creature grasped. Oh. A monster. Was this really happening?
“Kung Lao?” You said nervously. “It’s got shang gou!” There was no more sneaking. Clutching the bell, you stepped back cautiously and braced yourself to be ready to dodge. The creature leapt out of the hole and landed with another roar. You leapt out of its range as it sliced toward you. It leapt over you and you ducked and rolled as the blades crashed into the wooden floor behind you. The bell was cradled against your chest. You yelped as the creature smashed its foot into the ground, destroying the wood beneath it and sending you rattling to the side.
This was fine. Everything was fine.
You just had to fight a huge tar monster without any hands.
You ducked beneath the blades as they swung at you again and then kicked the creature but it grasped your foot and lifted you into the air, throwing you clear to the back of the room. You crashed into the wood and smacked onto the floor with a wheeze. The wind was knocked out of you but what was worse was the ringing of the bell.
It rang and rang and rang and it hurt your ears terribly. You shouted to try and drown out the sound but nothing you did helped. You forced yourself to your feet and found that the bell had not only hurt your ears but across the way, Kung Lao was crouched, holding his ears and the tar creature was swatting the air arounds its head to try and chase off the sound.
The ringing began to fade, and you could get up. Your ears felt like they were bleeding. You grasped the clapper within the bell to keep it from ringing again. Then you circled around the creature to get a better angle at it. Kung Lao threw his hat and the blade sliced clean through the creature’s arm and it howled in agony. The hat returned to him, and he twisted and slipped it back on his head then fluidly changed stances and waited for his next opportunity to strike.
As he rushed the creature with a flip through the air, the arm he’d cut off had been replaced with a stretch of tar. Kung Lao ducked but was knocked back and then grabbed and thrown again through the doors to the entryway, through the front door and outside. If you hadn’t been worried about him then you might have laughed.
You hurried past the creature, bell clutched close and tried to rush to his aid. The creature grasped at you, then swung its one remaining blade. You rolled beneath its grasp and tucked the bell beneath your arm and shook out your right hand. You could do this, you just had to not overthink it. Much to your surprise, as if drawing a line with a quill, there was a swell of ink and the jian appeared in your right hand. You swung it at the ready and turned toward the creature, bracing yourself.
It roared again and rushed toward you with its remaining blade. You knocked the blade to the side and twirled out of the way before slicing through the creature’s stomach. Tar bubbled out of the wound and dripped onto the floor in piles of sludge, but the creature wasn’t slowed. You ducked beneath its swing and when you struck again the creature grasped your blade and pulled you closer, your feet sliding against the floor like it was nothing.
The creature yelled in your face and with a yell back, you pulled the blade through its flesh but it swung and backhanded you so hard that you were thrown back. You rolled back to your feet but the creature jumped just in front of you and you lost your balance and kept your desperate grasp on the bell and your jian.
You leapt back but were grabbed around the throat and lifted off your feet. The jian abandoned you and you grasped at the tarry hand to try and pull free. The smell was horrendous and the bell was ringing, muted, beneath your arm. You thrashed and kicked, trying to twist at pressure points, but the creature wasn’t weak the way that people would usually be. Your vision blurred and spots formed before your eyes. You tried to will anything to come of your arcana, anything. Liu had said he thought you could perform mimicry. This would have been a great time for that hat to come whizzing by to save you but there was no sign of Kung Lao.
Shit! Was he okay? You lifted the bell enough to let it free and cried out in agony at the sound. The creature hashed its maw and swung its free hand to try and rid itself of it. The ringing was horrible and if you didn’t get away soon, you were going to pass out.
Then something tore through the creature’s arm, black and spinning. You fell to the ground with a thud and the hand dripped into a pile of ooze. You scooted back, ears still ringing as you stopped the clapper inside the bell to silence it. You scrambled to your feet and tore the sash around your waist before hastily wrapping it around the clapper to keep it from ringing again.
You stumbled back, still struggling for breath, throat sore but the something that had cut through the arm of the creature now stood in front of you.
Your eyes went wide and you stared, dumbfounded.
Kung Lao.
Except it wasn’t Kung Lao.
You’d made him out of ink and it had saved you. The ink Lao swung his hat deftly and kept the creature at bay in front of you. How had you done it? That was definitely your arcana but it moved with a mind of its own, in a way that was incredibly familiar to you. You had manifested a creature who could mimic what you knew of Kung Lao which was far more Wing Chun than you’d expected. You mentally thanked your father for that.
You backed up with the bell and let the ink construct keep the creature at bay as it tried to get to you. The room had been torn to shreds. Walls ruined, floor cracked. It looked like a tornado had blown through it. You went to search of Kung Lao but he came to you before you got far, right through the floor, twisting with his hat in a haze of white light. He readied his stance but stopped in surprise at the sight of a shadow of him fighting the beast. He turned toward you and you saw blood dripping down the side of his face but he also looked impressed.
“Huh.” He didn’t wait long to jump back in the fray, fighting alongside his shadow self which you allowed to cooperate with him. Or at least you hoped you did. You weren’t familiar with this yet.
You backed up, bell still in your arms and willed the ink to duck and move and found that you could take control of it to better cooperate with Kung Lao. The tar creature was smashing wildly throughout the shrine, jumping at them, and slashing with its remaining sword. Both versions of Kung Lao were fighting deftly against the monster, and you couldn’t help but think that it was just like a scene out of one of those movies you loved.
The ink Kung Lao was grabbed by the creature, but it was enough of a distraction for the real Kung Lao. He kicked the creature back and the ink version escaped and swept the creature’s feet from beneath it. With a deft spin through the air, hat in hand, Kung Lao sliced the creature across its middle and leapt over its head. The ink lifted the creature and threw it back toward the well.
In a spray of light, Kung Lao had teleported to where the creature landed and with a throw and a flourish, his hat tore through the tar monster and exploded out the other side. The creature couldn’t keep up with them both and stumbled between attack after attack. Then it crumbled into a bubbling heap, losing all form. Holding onto the ink form of Kung Lao was exhausting but you did it, making it back up in case the creature took form again.
But it didn’t, instead it swelled and spread, pulsing, throbbing as though a horrible heart lay beneath it. You released your arcana as Kung Lao looked back to you with sudden urgency.
“Run.” He shouted and started toward you. “Run!” He disappeared in a spray of light as you turned to run and emerged right behind you. He grabbed you but you didn’t get to disappear with his magic before the tarry remains of the monster that had protected the bell exploded in a brilliant blast and a spray of tar. You were thrown with such force that you were blown through the remains of the doors and down the steps of the shrine and onto the stone pathway.
You rolled to a stop on the stone, Kung Lao lying on top of you. Tar rained from the sky, splattering you and the surrounding path. You cradled the bell beneath your arm and stared back at the shrine as if waiting for the creature to come after you again but nothing did. You leaned your head back on the stone with a thud.
“You okay?” Kung Lao was out of breath and scraped up all to hell. The cut on his forehead was swollen and bleeding freely. His sleeve and side had been torn to shreds. He had been thrown through several doors, you supposed.
“Yeah.” You laughed in disbelief. “You? You look… worse for wear.”
“I’m okay, I think? Blood is dripping into my eye which is annoying.” His eye was bloodshot and irritated. You wiped the blood away from his forehead carefully with your sleeve, redirecting the flow of it down the side of his face. “Thanks. Is it bad?”
“No. Looks worse than it is.”
He relaxed on top of you and set his hat to the side, resting his forehead against your shoulder with a grunt. “Did you make me out of ink?”
“It appears that yes, yes I did.”
“That is a good and interesting question that I do not have the answer to.”
“Why me? Of all things?” He turned his gaze to the shrine as though worried that thing would come after you again. You had a feeling that it was gone.
“I don’t know. I panicked and realized you weren’t there so… and then you were there except I had made you?”
Kung Lao watched you and you felt suddenly nervous that you’d made him out of ink. You hadn’t thought about it. You hadn’t even considered that you could do anything that dramatic with your arcana! You’d just been grateful that something had knocked you free of that thing’s choking grasp. You had expected him to tease you or taunt you for choosing him to come to your rescue but instead his scraped hand engulfed your cheek and he kissed you. Passionately at that.
You dropped the bell and it thankfully didn’t ring. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders without thinking. Even though he tasted both like blood and sulfur, his lips also felt wonderful. You had so much adrenaline pumping through you after everything, there was no listening to the inner-voice that screamed you had promised to stop kissing them. You laughed against his lips, feeling the split in the bottom of your lower lip. It stung against his lips but you wouldn’t stop him, not for the world.
His hand gripped at the sash on your side, the other lost in your hair and you widened your mouth to invite a much more intimate kiss. Fingers at your side, he adjusted so his knees were on either side of you, straddling you and then suddenly he stopped.
There were feet next to you and suddenly you could hear the rushing of many other feet too.
“Is everyone okay?” The monk next to you yelled and Kung Lao pushed up on his hand, turning to look at the one closest to you.
You turned your gaze too. There were monks running from the other half of the shrine, rushing into the room that you had more than desecrated. You had destroyed it. Standing next to you was none other than the monk who had caught you earlier in the central room. Great. That wasn’t awkward at all.
“What happened here? Are you okay?” It was remarkable that he cared about your wellbeing.
You laughed nervously and looked to Kung Lao who had smoothed his lips out into a thin line. Monks were running past you to assess the damage. The monk offered Kung Lao a hand to help him up which he took. “We were uh… making out?” You gritted your teeth as you leaned up on your elbows. Kung Lao laughed, bending over with his hands on his knees. Even the monk laughed with you. Kung Lao then offered you his hand and you took it and stood, picking up the bell as you went. The monk was looking to you expectantly for the real story of what had happened.
“First of all, we’re sorry.” Kung Lao dusted off your shoulder and you swatted his hand away. There was a scrape on your forearm and your lip was bleeding but otherwise you thought you were okay. Your neck would probably be bruised. All things considered, it could have gone worse. “This is a long story…” You were grateful for Kung Lao’s charm as he explained to the monks why you had come there, sent by Lord Raiden from the Shaolin Order of Light in search of a hidden object they believed to be in their temple. You’d tried not to disturb anyone but the chaos that had come with finding the object was something that took you by surprise.
He said it in a very engaging and interesting way, but you tuned in and out of it. You knew the story and your ears were still throbbing after tangling with the bell. It was soothing to listen to Kung Lao talk and even more so to hear the truth even if he was vague with private details concerning your reasons.
You held out the bell for the monks to examine but none of them seemed eager to touch it. “We have sensed evil here for years. It has been written about in our logs for centuries. We have searched for the source and cleansed often but the evil has persisted. I believe that this is the source of it.” You exchanged a knowing look with Kung Lao. You were suddenly uncomfortable holding the bell. “This dotaku has a heavy curse upon it.”
“Oh, good. I’m glad that I’m holding it.”
Several monks came to you and set down a few cloths, doused in water. They instructed you to set down the bell in the center and then wrapped it up, leaving your torn sash around the clapper. They tucked some of the cloth into the hollow part of the bell. Then they prayed around it before offering it back to you.
“Sorry about the mess.”
“We will rebuild. It is worth it to have gotten rid of the curse lying beneath our temple. We’re grateful.” The monk bowed but most of the other monks were continuing to assess the damage. You had been worried about a few floorboards and instead you’d destroyed an entire section of the temple. So much for discretion.
“We really are sorry.” Kung Lao bowed apologetically.
“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. We’re grateful to be rid of this dotaku. Make certain that it’s kept out of the wrong hands.”
“We will.”
“Also, one more request?”
“Anything.” Kung Lao bowed again.
“Never come back. Please.” The monk looked to you scoldingly. You laughed and then covered your mouth before bowing apologetically. “We’ve arranged for a ride that will take you back to town.”
“We’re very grateful.” Kung Lao offered you his arm and you took it, exhausted. The monk gestured toward the path that would take you away and then waved before turning back to his comrades and assessing the damage. You and Kung Lao walked down the path to the front gates where you could see headlights approaching. Silently you stood, waiting, and the longer you stood there, the more difficult it became for you to keep a straight face.
An old sedan pulled to a stop in front of you. The driver looked at you in surprise and then turned his gaze immediately. Kung Lao burst into laughter. You did the same, burying your face against his shoulder, holding the bell close to your chest. It hurt to laugh but god that had been such a chaotic mess. Kung Lao opened the back door of the sedan for you and you climbed in. He slid in after you.
“…back to town?” The driver seemed both concerned and as though he didn’t want to get involved.
“Folkloro Ominato, please.” Kung Lao managed to stifle his laughter and rested his hat in his lap. Then he leaned his head back against the seat as the driver started down the road. You sat listening to the quiet hum of the talk radio the driver had on. “At least we don’t have to walk six miles back to the hotel.”
“Kung Lao, could that have gone worse?”
“Yes. It could have. We’re alive and clothed, Y/N. That’s a win.” Kung Lao closed his left eye as blood dripped into it again. Poor guy’s forehead was swollen, hair soaked in blood. You tore more of your sash and patted at the blood above his eye. He watched you curiously and you avoided his gaze since he was trying to catch it. You didn’t need another tense moment. You were sore and exhausted. Kung Lao grabbed your wrist and stopped you from dabbing at his wound. You didn’t fight him but turned your gaze down.
He brushed his thumb over the back of your hand, then lifted it to his lips, letting them brush against the back of your knuckles. They were scraped, the back of your index finger bleeding. His lips pressed just next to the wound as the sedan came to a stop just in front of your hotel. Kung Lao didn’t let go of your hand even as the driver got out and opened the door for you.
You pulled your hand back reluctantly. Kung Lao got out of the car and you followed him. You offered some money to the driver for the trip and the late hour. He bowed his thanks and then got back into his car and left. Thankfully, because of how late it was, there were only a few employees in the hotel lobby. You were stared at as you entered the hotel, bloodied and filthy, but no one stopped to talk to you.
Kung Lao redirected you to the elevator instead of the stairs and once inside, you both leaned against the back wall, exhausted. Your rooms were closer to the stairwell, but the trek was still easier than four flights of stairs after the day that you’d had. Your legs were dragging. You probably would have slept in the stairwell if you’d decided to go that way. You stood in front of the doors to your adjacent rooms for a long time. Kung Lao leaned against his door and watched you. You opened the door to your room, both exhausted and wired. It felt weird to be without him after being joined at the hip for most of the day.
“I don’t think I’m going to be able to sleep. Want to clean up and come back to my room? Hang out?” He looked you over, eyes lingering on the torn sash and then the scrape that had ripped your sleeve.
“That depends.” You leaned against the door frame and watched him.
“On what?”
“Whether or not hang out is a euphemism, Kung Lao.”
He laughed. “No, it’s not a euphemism. I may have noticed when we checked in that they have a few martial arts films to rent. Figured we could put one on and just… be. Feeling nostalgic after spending today with you.” Kung Lao’s serious moments were going to kill you. If this was, in fact, a serious moment. It was beginning to feel like another moment of him manipulating the truth. You narrowed your eyes at him but he kept his on your feet. How could you say no to him? Especially when he was bloodied up the way he was. Would you have been able to sleep anyway? It would have been easier if you had just gotten one room with two beds. This was your fault for insisting that you had separate spaces to stay in.
“I’d like that. I just need to clean up a little.” You nodded toward your room.
“Yeah, me too. I’m a bloody mess.”
“You really are.”
“Thanks, Y/N.” He winked and then walked into his room. You heaved a sigh and then did the same. You placed the bell down and cleaned up. Some of the new clothing was ruined already, but it had served its purpose. You checked on your side to make sure it was still closed up tight and thankfully it was. In fact, it looked much better. You were scraped on your shoulder, your lip was swollen, and your throat was bruised, but other than that you’d made it off easy. Changing into some more of your new clothes, you picked up the bell and brought it back with you to Kung Lao’s room.
He had the door still open a crack and you knocked to make sure he was decent. That was all this day needed was for you to walk in on Kung Lao naked or something. You shook off the thought. “I’m clothed.” He called to you as though he could read your mind. You stepped into his room and closed the door behind you. It occurred to you now that you could just return to Raiden’s Temple. But sleep would do you some good and Kung Lao hadn’t mentioned it so you wouldn’t either.
Kung Lao was holding a cloth over the scrape on his side, having changed into clean pants. He offered you a wave as he fiddled with the remote with his other hand. you joined him and took the cloth from his side and tended to the scrape there. “You need to get these looked at.”
“No.” He spoke flatly. “Any preference for these movies?”
“I’m serious, Kung Lao.”
“I’m fine, Y/N. Just wrap it up and I’ll deal with it when we get back to the temple.”
“Why do you hate taking care of yourself so much?”
“Do you have a preference or not?” He yawned. “I’m just picking one.” He put on one of the movies and set down the remote by the television before sitting on the bed. You sat next to him and wrapped the wound up as he had asked. You hoped he took care of it otherwise he could be in trouble. You’d remind him in the morning.
Then Kung Lao laid on the bed on his back, staring at the ceiling. You discarded the cloth and set the bell next to the television. Then you did the same and laid next to him. You sat, listening to the sounds of the movie which was not one you recognized but was still familiar and comforting.
You could feel him watching you again but kept your gaze on the ceiling. If he had something to say then he would say it. Either that or he would just stare at you. You reached for his hand blindly and gave it a squeeze. You’d had one hell of a day. Anything that you’d argued about, left unsaid, or had said too much of could wait for another time. For now, you were at peace. You’d gotten what you’d come there for and that was what mattered.
Holding his hand, you drifted to sleep next to him.
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btswishes · 4 years ago
What we were and what we are
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One Shot/ Random
A/N: Take it as an emotional dump. I will put a keep readying line since I don’t think anyone would want to read this. XD Have fun anyways if you wish to stay friend. Who knows maybe it could be a Yoongi x Reader , friends to lovers story, idk. 
Word count:   2,535
Playlist recommended for this : Jin-Epiphany   Big Bang- Loser  Big Bang- Blue   at the end you can try BTS- We Are Bulletproof The Eternal
Warnings:  dark, anxiety, talk of trauma , be yourself please
  The sky was covered with soft cotton candy like clouds, tinted in the colors of the ending day. Oranges, reds, blues, yellows, you name it it was there. The wind was warm and but a whispering tender sensation over your exposed skin. The grass pillowing your body under the roughly placed cover, as your head moved up and down by Yoongi’s breath. Laying onto him felt like a antidepressant pill to you.Time had stopped. He was leaning onto his left arm as you both were looking up at the sky. His free hand from time to time brushing over your hair. 
“Your mom is calling.” he said taking a glance at your lit up phone screen
“Leave it.” you didn’t even use all the breath in your lungs with this sentence. 
“Shouldn’t you pick up tho? I mean she is your mom.” Yoongi’s eyes now focused onto you 
“Nah man, she is probably mad at me for something. My mom or not, good or shitty relationship, no matter how much parents say ‘i understand you’ or ‘i was your age once too’ .It never works, telling them anything ends up being a pain in the ass later. Asking for help when you fuck up is the same.” you tried following a lonely cloud with the corner of your eye
“I guess them not accepting that something is wrong with their kids is a defense mechanism.” 
“That fucks us up tho. Just because they want to lie to themselves to feel better, leaves their kids untreated and undiagnosed ,messing them up. Years of being bullied and not knowing why, can’t study even if they try, can’t be themselves. Such an easy solution, yet such a hard choice to make to take the first step.” you sighed as you spoke out, a bit of disappointment mixed in with your breath. 
“Ha ha ha.” Yoongi laughed under his nose before laying back down 
“The fuck did I say?” you cut him off, thinking the giggle was a bit displaced in this talk
“And when you take the first step? What then? The so called professionals lie to us too, give us chemistry and tell us all will be ok as they turn us into addicts to fake serotonin. Psychologists? The word comes from Greek meaning the study of the soul, yet those assholes look at us as bags of meat that you can stuff with pills. Yet we would do anything to get that drop of calmness, that feeling of being a bit happy for being alive right now. And when the effect passes? You want more and more, pill after pill, pharmacy after pharmacy. What difference is there between us people with anxiety and disorders and drug addicts? The medical degree probably.” 
  You smirked after his last words “ Not all doctors are bad, but you can feel how genuine they are, the rest are health merchants. I don’t think there was a difference in the first place. Drugs, alcohol, smoking fuck it, even sex, man. It’s all to fill that void with dopamine, serotonin and all the bio crap.” 
“Isn’t that chemistry tho?”
“We learned it in biology class so it’s bio to me. Do I look like a professor to you?” you rolled over and flicked his nose earning a ‘yah!’ “Hey.” 
“Wasup?” Yoongi pulled his hand from under his head and spread his arms wide like a star in the vast sky. 
“You know that thing where people ask you, if you saw your younger self in front of you right now and they were having the same feelings as you. What would you do?”
“I don’t know honestly, probably give the little guy a hug and some money ,or buy him something to eat. Someone out there for sure has it shittier than me, but I guess one of my mistakes was to undervalue my own emotions and mental state. Fuck, i got myself in such a hole. When people say ‘after you hit the bottom there is no where more to go but up’ , honestly that is straight up crap and bullshit. Some of us keep clawing and digging fearing that there is more to come. “ 
“Ah.” a memory popped up in your head on it’s own “That shit hole. Yeah, either you lose yourself laying there with bloody fingernails and hands, or you start crawling back up like a bug. You know, the blood is gonna stain the walls so next time you fall you will remember and catch yourself...if you make it that far.” lifting your hand, you covered a bit of the sky with it, noticing the colors around it “What about the times we reach out but no one grabs on?”
“Fuck! Y/N! We were supposed to have a nice walk in the park not a whole ass depressing talk session!” Yoongi hissed out, unlike his words his voice wasn’t angry
“Oh come on, you know that somehow we always end up talking about this shit.We are both broken pieces, but I think that isn’t bad at all.” you felt his breath stop under you for a split second “I feel like that is why we fit so well together.”
“Oh for real?” he asked a bit surprised by your words “I always thought it was because we were both hella toxic.” you swung your hand and hit him in the stomach “OOF!” he folded in half, sending you sitting up “I forgot how aggressive you were too.” Yoongi’s voice was coming from between his teeth.
“I am serious! I feel like we went through our hard times and learned to manage, that is why we can talk about all these things like this.” 
“Makes sense, we were each other’s shoulder. You start falling, I pull on you and the other way around.”
 You noticed the contagious smirk on his face that mirrored onto you almost instantly “We fall together, we crawl back up together. Damn we sound inspirational.”
“I told you! We should make one of those vlog channels where people wake up at 5 am looking like damn models, meditate and finish all their work before 11am.” throwing your body back you fell onto the cover, but Yoongi didn’t join you. He staid sitting, letting you focus on his back as he continued “You know we are losers, right?” 
“The biggest losers out there.” 
  He looked towards the sky letting the wind play with his hair, when suddenly you both burst out laughing. Your voices were so loud the birds flew away. “Yeah, we are.”
“Honestly tho Yoongs. Why did we care so much what people thought of us? I mean sometimes I still do but-”
“Same, same.”
“Don’t cut me off stupid!” you kicked him a bit “As I was saying!” you emphasized on ‘saying’ ,when he pinched your leg in retaliation a couple of times “Body types, dudes, girls, genderfluid or no gender at all. Being cute or stylish, pretty or ugly, was a mad waste of time. The nerd is gonna probably become rich, the ugly people will end up becoming better lookin that those basic Karens. I swear, even with all that bulling and people wanting be to be the top. With or without them the Earth keeps spinning .”
 “Did you just discriminate flat earth people!?” he gasped cartoonish “Y/N, i didn’t know you were this type of person.”
“Yah! You really out here trying to cancel your best friend, Min Yoongi!” 
“You don’t need me to do that, you already do it yourself with the stuff you say.”
“Says you, loser.” your words made him lean onto his elbow next to you, eyes focused on your face as the colors of the sky began fading over your bodies and skin 
“I like that word, loser.” he said “It sounds rude, but at the same time no one calls you that if you aren’t different. Different means unique, special. Who tf would want to be the same as others?”
“That was us too stupid, back then.” Yoongi pocked your cheek a couple of times gently 
“Yeah, but it’s not back then anymore Y/N. It’s now. We grew up. With our jaw and fist clenched we fought and made it here. They shot at us, they threw rocks and called us cowards, weirdos. But we made it through the darkness. After all that we are and will forever be bulletproof.” the sudden rustle of the grass under you two signaled him getting up and spinning, hands to the side. His head leaned back and he looked so happy. Yoongi’s eyes were closed, he could fall and not even notice, but he wasn’t afraid no more. Whatever happens will happen. 
“You make us sound hella dope man. I love it.”
“Anxiety, social issues, any kind of mental problems and disorders. They level us up, as long as we try. At the end of the day you lose something to win something.”
“The end of the chapter is the beginning of the next.” you began to notice he was starting to lose balance from all that spinning around “Hey stupid, you will fall and hurt yourself like th-” you couldn’t even finish the sentence when his legs tangled up and he fell onto you “You ok?!That was such a stupid move! Open your eyes next time!”
“Why?” he became serious, his eyes looking into yours. Yoongi crooked his head to the side,as his fingers caressed your cheek “If I was looking I would have been too afraid to fall. At the end of it all i ended up failing and found a little angel. See? Win win to me. You can’t always see where you are going, but you gotta believe that good things are on the other side.”
“You are bleeding, that is what is on this side.”
“I am WHAT!” his forehead was a bit scratched “Damn it! My handsome face!”
“Oh come on! Wait till I glow up like that! I will get the best looking SO out there.” the child in you was pouting at Yoongi
“You know damn well we are too messed up for a relationship with others. We try and try, get used and then we either lose interest, or fall completely out of love for months. By the way...” his fingers found your cheek again, but this time it wasn’t a gentle poke but a sharp pinch. Your hands flew in the direction of his arm to try and make him let go of you. “Who told you you don’t look good?”
“Ow ow Yoongi! Let me go!!!”
“Not until you tell me who said all that crap to you!?” prying yourself from his grip you continued rubbing the now red and warm spot
“People i liked or others in general. You know how shit goes.” 
“You for real need to get your eyes checked! People stare at you when you walk by cus you look TOO good.” his words were like a low growl of a jealous pet
“Nah man, they are either judging me or they want to fight me. There is no middle ground here.” 
“You really!” with all the power in his hand he flicked your forehead 
“Stop inflicting me wounds!”
“Then stop talking shit about yourself! I swear your bodydismorphia needs to join Jimin when he has talk sessions about his day with Hoseok.Plus, people do stare at you when you walk in town in the attracted way. On our way here at least 5 people turned back and continued looking.”
“Ew creepy!” you said “Why do you count them!”
“You little!!!Come here!” your neck found itself in a chokehold in a matter of seconds 
“HYUNG!”Jungkook’s voice echoed through the park reaching your direction “Y/N AND YOONGI ARE BEING THE DEPRESSED AND FLIRTY AGAIN!”
 “This kid I swear I will kill him some time soon!” you hissed at Jungkook
“You two really can’t drop this habit.” the slow and calm footsteps pulled your attention and soon subsided your anger 
“Joon, you know how we are.” you added, leaning back onto you elbows 
“I know, we are all like that.” Joon looked at you two sitting on the ground
“Y/N is right, broken pieces do find each other.” Yoongi added, but Joon sighed and rubbed the back of his head. He squatted down eye level 
“Broken pieces find each other because they fit together and make a beautiful new bottle that they can fill up with happy memories. Our sad and hard pasts make us titanium that can’t be broken. Even if one of us cracks, we are all going to help him become stronger.” he reached his hand out, standing up “ You are not alone Y/N, we are going to be forever titanium. You have us and we have you now. We are not lonely or misérables with you.”
“WE ARE BULLETPROOF GUYS!” Jungkook yelled out again
“Yeah...we are.” with a smile shining brighter than ever ,you grabbed Joon’s hand.He pulled you up as you were holding onto Yoongi. When the chain starts no one can cut the bond. We pull each other up...is what you realized. 
“Oh and.”
“Yes Joons?” 
“Can you two date already or at least go out on a date. It hurts looking at yall like this.”
“What!?” the blanket in your hand turned into weapon as you began hitting him with it in a moment of panic. His words hit a nerve.Yoongi wasn’t the one to rush or to run. With his hands in his pockets he followed you down the hill. His footsteps stopped for a moment to look at the now dark sky. 
 We may not be able to see the stars during the day, but at night they are too many to even count. Nothing is truly hidden forever, even who you are meant to be. It’s ok not to know now or later. When we are young we dont really know. We try to fit in a mold that was created, but we can’t, we just can’t no matter how much we try.
 We end up being labeled by the things we are different. Some come from a darker past, others don’t. Yet everyone is important, the way they feel, their emotions and inner state. If I could, I would grab your hand and show you a bit of the future. Think of this, your future self, the one that did it all finally and continues to dream big, is looking at you through memories. They grab your hand and push you forward towards the good. The tunnel may be dark, cold, lonesome and scary but it always leads to something. Just don’t give up.
  Regret, unsuccessful love, residual feelings for someone who used you. They are all a stepping stone, don’t look at them. Now you know what not to do, EXP( experience points)  come in many forms honey. Be who you want to be, life is yours. Be the main character in your story, not anyone else’s. Even if you fall sometimes, show everyone how amazing you are by standing up. Baby steps turn into miles, whispers become yelling, crawling becomes flying. Breaking the mold becomes you. 
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jootsmcgoots · 5 years ago
Like the Sun and the Sea (Abbacchio x F!Reader) SFW
So of course the first fic that goes up during my Fanfic Writer Appreciation fic-posting spree is, well, the very first fic I wrote for this fandom.
This was my very first work for JJBA and it was based off of a match-up i got from @headoverjojo (Sorry to tag you again Tricia ^^; while i’m here tho, love ur work and all that you do!) It was my very first match-up and I still remember it extremely fondly ;w; So here we are again boys to throw the first baby back onto this blog. 
I’m not gonna repost the matchup because I abandoned my old blog due to personal and safety reasons, but the tl;dr is that I got Abbacchio and I was like “wow that’s neat I didn’t see that coming but hell yeah i’m down to clown!”
And so I wrote a fic based off of it.
I’ve written way more work since and I can see the bits of my style that I kinda miss or feel like I’ve lost in a way, but at the same time I’m proud to have come as far as I have. I don’t really write that much (as I only write on a ‘when i feel like it’ basis), but I can see where I have improved. 
More on that later. We’re here to read cute shit now.
Rating: General
Genre: Fluff
Word count:  2194
Summary: You spend a nice quiet day at the beach with Abbacchio after everything that happened with Diavolo.
Except you’re a big dumb and your boyfriend is a big grump, so things hardly stay quiet.
Banter, fluff, and shenanigans at the beach.
AO3 Link!
The gentle crash of waves, the distant cawing of seagulls, and the wind brushing past you were some of the few noises that you registered as you sat on the beach in relative silence. You absent-mindedly drew some random doodles in the sand with your finger while you waited for Abbacchio to come back from the car with the ice box.
The two of you had decided to take some time off together and decided to spend the day at the beach. It was currently vacant, as the spot you had chosen was a little out-of-the way and not very well-known. But for the two of you, it was perfect. After all, you simply wanted a bit of quality alone time with your lover; he deserved at least that much after what he had gone through with Diavolo.
You recalled the memory with a shudder and shook your head. Pressing harder, you sketched more lines into the sand to distract yourself. Sure, the journey wasn’t pleasant for anyone involved; you’d had a few close scrapes and near brushes with death yourself. But the very thought of Abbacchio’s near-miss with the boss sent shivers down your spine. You didn’t even want to begin to think about what could have happened to him.
Thankfully, your thoughts were interrupted by the soft thump of the ice box against the sand. You looked up to see Abbacchio setting it down and rising back to his full height to survey the scenery in front of him.
“Not too heavy?” you asked, tilting your head at him. He looked back to you and scoffed at your words.
“Of course not.”
“Still, I told you I could help...” Even though you knew Abbacchio was probably the most physically fit member of the gang and could probably handle the ice box just fine, you always felt bad whenever it felt like everyone else was doing all the work.
“I can handle it by myself.” He bent to ruffle your hair a bit, to which you couldn’t help but give soft laugh. “And anyways, I don’t know how much help a little twerp like you would have been.”
“Hey now, I might be littler than you, but you know I’m stronger than I look!” You offered a confident look on your face that made Abbacchio chuckle. While you rummaged around the box for a drink, he looked down and stared at the drawings you had made in the sand.
Abbacchio raised a brow. “What are those? Is that one supposed to be me?” You mumbled out an affirmative as you took a swig from the juice bottle you had selected.
Wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, you responded, “Yeah. I was bored while I was waiting for you. See, that’s you,” you pointed at the grumpy face with long hair that pointed upwards at the ends. “Bruno, Trish, Mista, Fugo, Narancia, Giorno, and me.” You pointed to each drawing as you listed off the names, one by one.
Crouching down, he inspected the crude drawings and hummed. “Do you always do dumb little things like this when I’m away?”
You huffed at him, indignant. “They’re not stupid!”
“They’re stupid and ugly,” he shot back, egging you on.
With a short “Ha!”, you responded, “I’d like to see you do better.”
“Maybe on a proper medium.”
“Ehh? Art is art. It doesn’t matter what medium it’s on. And anyways, art is subjective! I think you’re just being an ass.”
Abbacchio just chuckled in response as he sat down next to you on the towel, staring out at the ocean. Not saying much, he chose to just enjoy this moment with you. Then he felt you plunk your head down onto his shoulder, leaning on him while you puffed your cheeks out in that adorably huffy way. He reached for your hand, which had been resting in your lap, and moved to lace his fingers with yours. Abbacchio smiled to himself when you offered no resistance and in fact eagerly reciprocated the gesture, holding his hand in yours on your lap.
A moment passed before you broke the silence. “Well, it’s fine. It’s not as if my drawing skills are what…drew you to me.” Your face split into a stupid grin as you heard Abbacchio groan in exasperation.
“Ah great, here we go…” You heard him say, and you turned to see Abbacchio tilting his head backwards in annoyance.
“You’re just envious because I’m quicker on the draw when it comes to these things.” The grin on your face grew wider as you returned your gaze back to the sea. You didn’t even have to look at his face to know that he was grimacing now.
“(Y/N). (Y/N) please.”
“It’s not my fault that you’re so draw-matic about it! I’m just having fun!”
The last one earned you an even louder, even more annoyed groan. “Really?” he deadpanned, unamused. You merely flashed him a cheeky smile full of teeth and giggled as he released your hand to pinch his brow in annoyance.
Once you had come down from laughing at your own jokes, you took a breath and continued. “I swear, it’s amazing that you haven’t thrown yourself into the ocean after all of these dumb jokes,” you said with that stupid, cute sunny smile of yours. He both adored it and wanted to smack it straight off your face. “Honestly! I would have expected you to go into one of your fits by now.”
He snorted and began to stand, a wicked idea coming to him. “Why would I do that,” Abbacchio said the words slowly, and suddenly you felt his hands grabbing for you. In a swift movement, he had you hoisted into his arms as you squeaked in response to suddenly being lifted and being much higher up than you were before. “When I can just get rid of the nuisance myself?”
And with that, he began striding towards the shore with you in his arms. You kicked, struggled, and squirmed the entire way while pleading to him in-between your laughter.
“Leone! Leone, no! Don’t! Leone Abbacchio, you wouldn’t dare!”
Alas, your struggle was futile as he kept an inescapable hold on your wriggling form and your complaints fell on deaf ears as your boyfriend waded out into the shallower waters, deemed his position to be a sufficient launching point, and chucked your screaming form into the air. You soared a short distance before plummeting straight into the deeper waters with a large, satisfying splash.
Waves lapping at his shins, Abbacchio stared at where you landed in quiet amusement while you emerged from the water, splashing and gasping for air. Even then, you couldn’t help but give him an incredulous laugh. “What was that for?” You shouted from the waves. He huffed, calling back, “You know damn well what it was for.”
You pouted and made a whining noise. “That’s mean! What if I drowned or something? That would be on your conscience forever, you know.”
Abbacchio merely shook his head at you, a grin of his own forming on his lips. “Well, at least if you drowned, I would never have to deal with your stupid jokes ever again,” he teased. You feigned shock and hurt with a dramatic gasp.
“Yeah? Well, I’d just come back as a ghost and then you’d never ever be free of me.” You wiggled your fingers in a way that was meant to be spooky or creepy. “I would do nothing but whisper puns into your ear all night.”
“Then I would just ignore you and pretend that I never noticed you. Then you would be left haunting me the rest of my life, but would feel alone for the entirety of it.”
“Whaaat!” You drew out the word. “You’re such a mean boyfriend.”
He threw you a somewhat smug look. “Am I?”
You pouted and idly splashed around in the deeper parts of the water for a bit before a dumb idea surfaced in your mind. “Okay, let’s test it then!” you proclaimed in a cheery voice, and put on the highest, cutesiest voice you could muster.
“Oh no, Weone! Pwease hewp me! I’m dwowning!”
You could see Abbacchio tense up in annoyance in response to your antics. It was subtle, but you could see his lips flatten into an expression of irritation. You knew he hated that joke, but you pressed on.
“Pwease Mr. Abbacchio! Pwease hewp! I’m dwowning!” You couldn’t hold back your giggles anymore as you kept pleading to him in an obnoxious, sing-songy voice. “W-Weone! Weone, I’m dwowning! The water is wising! Ub-bwub-gwub! I won’t wast wong!” At this point, your words started to peter out as you had fallen into full-blown peals of laughter that filled the sky as you struggled to keep your eyes open from the tears forming in them.
Which is probably why you hadn’t noticed Abbacchio wading out farther and farther into the water where you were until you noticed your surroundings getting darker and felt him firmly grasp the back of your head. He held you there for a moment, and, without missing a beat, you threw him a sultry look and commented, “Oh. I wasn’t aware you were into…underwater sports.”
Abbacchio scowled slightly at you, muttering, “Ugh, (Y/N), you immature, little…” You could see his brow crinkle further in annoyance as you tittered in sheer amusement at your own dumb joke. Before you could make an inappropriate joke about regular “watersports”, you felt your head being forced downwards. His annoyed expression was the last thing you saw before Abbacchio roughly dunked your face into the water and held you underwater for a moment, watching the bubbles rise up to the surface. After a second, he raised your head up from the water, gave you another second to breathe, and then dunked you once more.
“Aughh--!” SPLOOSH!
“Leo--!” SPLOOSH!
“Come on---!” SPLOOSH!
“It was just---!” SPLOOSH!
“A joke!” SPLOOSH!
Once you had ceased all talking and were reduced to coughing, sputtering, and the occasional giggle, Abbacchio released his grip on your head and settled his hand on your shoulder as you leaned up against him. You were still giggling from your own shenanigans, as well as the sudden rush of playful (albeit somewhat rough) actions from your boyfriend.
He sighed out, “You really are a silly idiot. What am I going to do with you?” Despite the bite in the words themselves, you heard the teasing and loving tones in his voice and smiled to yourself.
You peered up at him, slicking back some of the hair that was covering your eyes. “Apparently you’ll throw me into the ocean like some sort of cursed object, and then dunk me in the water several times. What kind of boyfriend does that? Do I look like a Lebowski? Do you want me to tell you where the money is?” you quipped with an impudent grin that only grew wider when you saw his expression crack into a grin of his own as he shook his head at you once more.
Then you felt the hand on your shoulder dip lower to your back as Abbacchio pushed you close to him, pulling his arms around you into a hug. You shuddered as a pleasant warmth enveloped you, contrasting against the cool water you two were standing in.
“Hmm? Haha, Leone…” you breathed out. “What’s this all about?”
“Don’t ask stupid questions.”
“Pffft. To you, everything I say is stupid. So I get to say damn well what I please.”
“Hmm.” He seemed to ponder your statement. “That sounds about right. So, fair enough.”
“You asshole.”
During your exchange of words, you had wrapped your arms around him and held him tightly in a hug of your own.
“Hey, Leone?”
“I love you. I really do. I’m glad that you’re here.” Your grip on him had grown tighter at these words.
Abbacchio closed his eyes for a moment, committing the feeling of your arms around him to his memory. In those seconds where you two just held each other in silence, the water splashing against him gently, he began to think to himself. After everything that had happened, he was glad to be able to spend this time with you like this, to be able to listen to your silly jokes, to be able to just banter and tease each other like this, to see the corners of your eyes crinkle with mirth and your lips turn upwards into an unashamed, jubilant smile that would give way to a laugh that would cause his heart to flutter and threaten to cause his lips to pull into a small smile of his own (no matter how unamused his reaction seemed to be).
You were a stupid little fool, bright and brilliant. And you loved him.
He hummed affirmatively in response.
His voice came out as a low rumble that you could feel emanating from his chest. “I love you too.” And his heart blossomed with warmth when he opened his eyes to see you smiling widely at him, for him. 
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thewinter-smolder · 8 years ago
back when i gave up on supernatural i wrote how exactly i wanted cas to go (if the writers ever be so dumb to do so). now i’m back watching supernatural and loving it fight me.
i know there’s a lot that doesn’t follow recent canon but bear with me
Summary: It’s the end of the world and no one really knows it.
Word Count: 2930
They pull over and when Sam gets out of the car he spots him on the dock, sitting on a garden chair. Dean's already stomping his way there, cracking his neck on both sides as he violently stretches his arm, he’s been practicing his right hook. He's not that far from him when he calls out "Hey, jackass!" The jackass doesn't seem to move but he smiles. He waits until Dean is next to him -such wrath contained in such tiny body- to break another piece of the bread he's holding and throw it onto the lake. Three ducks swim around but a fourth one gets the crumble. The jackass waits. "What. So you not talking? Is this how's gonna be?" Silence. And then 
"You know... I've always liked you, Dean." The comment throws him off and Dean instinctively looks at Sam, who is a couple steps behind them, for help of some sort. Sam said answers first, then Dean gets to kick ass. "Chuck," Sam is talking to the back of his head. Chuck hasn't really moved since they arrived, just the occasional duck feeding. "You know what's happening, right?" Chuck lets out a hollow laugh and leans back on the garden chair. The ducks have stopped swimming around, they just wait. "That kind of comes with the job," he says with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "I always know". "So? What's the plan? What's next? Chuck,-" Sam restrains himself of taking another step closer to Chuck, "Lucifer left. We prepared to fight and he just...left." Dean thinks the answers are taking a long time. He needs to kick someone's ass right now. "Said he doesn't wanna be here when it happens, so I'm guessing “it” ain't pretty". For the first time since they arrived, Chuck looks at Dean. The sun hits him on the eyes so he has to squint a little. He hides his lips on a smile and nods. Then he feeds the ducks again. Dean is taking none of it. He slams a heavy hand on his shoulder and he really hopes God can feel pain. "You got some explainin' to do.” Next to Chuck's feet there's a cooler. He taps it lightly. And luckily for Dean, God can feel pain but it is not Dean’s hit that hurts him. "Got some cold beers, help yourself". Not Dean nor Sam moves. They just wait. "You know," Chuck follows after a long silence of nothing but wind and quacks. "I didn't make this lake. A couple hundred years ago some people established right there," and he points to the set of houses in front of him across the body of water, "and they just...made it happen. Took them fifteen years-" "The ducks eventually came". The brothers flinch more out of custom than actual surprise. That hoarse voice hasn't scared them in a while. Sam and Dean turn to Castiel, who is standing by Chuck’s side. He doesn't look at them. His focus is on the piece of bread that just fell onto the lake. "They leave for winter. But they always come back." "Stop with the freaking ducks and tell us what's happening already!" Dean roars but only manages to scare Sam. Chuck is toying with a breadcrumb between his fingers. Castiel finally looks at him, and when Dean looks back, all anger has left his body to make room for concern. He takes a deep breath. "Cas?" But ultimately looks back at God sitting between them. "You gon' talk?" "You're not gonna like it." "When have I ever liked anything you've said?" Chucks laughs. And this time the smile reaches his eyes. "Lucifer left. I'm leaving. Castiel," he looks up to the angel and the angel looks down on him gravely, "he's leaving too. All of us." "Why? Got a better party somewhere else?" It's humor but it's dry humor and Chuck appreciates it, but Sam's face tells him it wasn't the time. "It's time for a cleaning." And now there are no quacks and no wind to fill up the silence. Nothing moves. The four men on the dock are like statues but all of them for different reasons. Sam is the first one to talk. "What...what's a cleaning?" Chuck sighs. The Winchesters share a look and try with Castiel, who is giving them less than Chuck if that's even possible. "It means... This world. Needs to be cleaned. It's, uh...dirty." Ok so they got the answers and now even Sam wants to kick God's ass. "You sayin we the dirt here?" Chuck was about to feed the ducks again but that makes him stop and look back to Sam. He shifts a lot in the chair, but he manages. Sam, unlike Dean, can hold more than one emotion simultaneously, so he's angry but he also looks scared. "I've always liked you, Sam," says Chuck with a smile and then goes back to the ducks. "You just...get it." That's not the answer they were looking for but an answer nonetheless. Sam looks at Dean who is looking at Chuck who is looking at the ducks. It's a little bit colder than before. "Wait so what are we talking about here?" Dean thinks that if he makes the right moves he can throw the garden chair into the lake and see Chuck drown or get eaten by ducks (actually, he knows none of these will happen so he’s okay with just knock him off with the cooler and then probably -definitely- steal his beers. God will never fix the problems of the world, so the Winchesters will have to do. As usual.) "A cleaning? Like what... You gon’ clean all our souls now? Make it rain holy water or something?" He entertains the idea but mostly because the thought of stealing God's beers has calmed him down. "What like...," he smiles cheekily and clicks his tongue, "like... Like for forty days or something?" He's laughing now, balancing his weight on his heels, then on his toes. He's funny. He's also very much like Tinkerbell: one emotion at the time. Now, he's just plain satisfied with himself. "Talking bout duck moves, am I right?" He takes a step to Castiel and hits his arm. He's made a joke. A clever joke. Cas should laugh, it was a good one. Castiel turns his head to Dean slowly, he's frowning but he's always frowning, so that doesn't tell Dean anything. He still sobers up. "Cas-?" "Oh! Dick move! I get it now!" Chuck says after a short while with such a vigurous laugh he startles everyone including the angel. "Yeah because the Flood was..." the laugh dies down, "yeah..." Chuck looks up to the sky. It's all clear now but not for long. And then it won't be clear again for a very long time. However, he feels the sky is really beautiful that day so he gives himself a pat on the back for that. Small victories. "Hey, sorry about that," he scartches his head. "And this. Don't know what happened to me back then when I decided to...you know..." "-Wipe off humanity with a flood?" Sam snarls. Chuck nods. It's uncomfortable. "I'm less angry now tho. I do yoga." Out of all the things God has said to the Winchesters that's probably one of the weirdest. Sam looks like someone who is trying to imagine God on a yoga mat while someone is instructing him to breathe. Dean is back to upset mode. "Chuck, listen to me. You gon take your hippie ass to your hippie control room and just...undo whatever it's coming to clean us or so help me-" "Sorry. I- I can't." "You can't?" Sam snaps. "Or you won't?" Chuck looks back to Sam one more time and it hurts a little to think the Winchesters have that impression of him. "Wh- You-? Can't, okay? I can’t, can’t." "But you're God." "Back when I made that rule," he's calmed but the type of calm that you only achieve in resignation. "I was God too. And that was my word." The little bow Castiel makes it's probably automatic but nothing has offended the Winchesters more. "What rule?" He's talking to Chuck but he's looking for answers in Castiel. And Castiel knows this, and that is why he can't look at Dean. "For after seven more days," Chuck recites in a sigh, "I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, and I will destroy from the face of the earth all living things that I have made." Dean looks at Castiel mouthing something like it better not be an Amen because God's wrath is nothing compared to Dean Winchester's. Chuck takes from the cooler a can of beer and opens it. "I was much more formal back then. Don't know why," and he takes a sip, "Maybe I took this more serious back then. Like...it was something personal, you know?. Your sins. What was I expecting, tho? That's what happens with free will," he shrugs, "I brought this on me, but I blamed you still. And now," he takes another sip and it's bitter and cold, "you pay for my mistakes." "Wait, so because we sin, we all die now? No warnings?" Sam walks up next to Castiel so he can finally see Chuck. He needs to be sure that he's regretting this. He wants to see God miserable. "Little heads up would've been nice, don't you think?" Castiel turns to him but Chuck isn't moving. "Like 'Hey, I know I gave you Free Will but that's a load of bullshit so if you keep doing whatever you want I'm gonna kill you' maybe?" Chuck is sinking on his garden chair. Good. "Sometimes, men talk so loud," Castiel says and it's a whisper but with such intensity it has the power to mute the entire world, "they can't hear God speak." And that should have made Chuck feel better, but he's still sinking. With a voice of someone who has bet two grand on his favorite team and is watching them lose he says "I've always liked you, Castiel." And that should've made Cas feel better but he just looks down. He stays like this for a while, everything in silence, until he sees a hand reaching up to him, handing him a piece of bread. He looks at Chuck who is smiling painfully, and takes the bread. He throws a crumb. "No." Dean's voice is the voice of a fighter. Of a weak being who refuses to believe his weakness. Who has nothing to win but everything to lose and he still gives a fight. Humanity, thinks Chuck, is nothing but that. Davids in land of Golliaths. And, thank himself, they always win. But they can't win this one. "No. You talking about Old Testament here. No. It's not the same-" "S'worse." "No. Shut the hell up, no. It's not. And listen, don't know what those people did to make you snap like that back then, but we're not that bad now-" The face of the three others looking at him make a really convincing point. "No. No. Ok, so? Yeah we're the bad guys but we don't deserve that crap." "Sorry." "Oh, go to hell, Chuck," says Dean with a grimace and takes another step so he makes sure Chuck is seeing him. "You listen to me. If you don't undo this, we will find a way anyways so we don't need you." Chuck looks up. But not to Dean. To the sky. The first cloud has appeared and it's black. And not exactly like the color black, but the color of nothingness, the color of sorrow. It's almost time. "It happened then. It should've happened two thousand years ago. It happens now." "Yeah, but it didn't." Sam smiles. Grins. Like the law student who got into Stanford that found a loophole on a contract and it's about to win his first case. "It didn't happen 2000 years ago so there must be a way-" "Yeah, well." Chuck considers. The ducks are considerably closer now that Castiel throws them bread constantly. They are swimming in circles, dancing around. "Someone sacrificed back then. You know. My son and stuff." "I'll sacrifice" Sam shrugs as if he's been asked to be the Bank in Monopoly. Just another Tuesday in the office. "No." Dean points to Sam. "No, Sammy, shut up. No. I'll sacrifice." Here we go again. Sam takes a deep breath, "Dean-" "You are nothing but men." Castiel spits back, like a general talking about military tactics with civilians. Chuck has to look at both Winchesters to see if they're okay because wow that has to hurt. And yes, Sam looks hurt. But Dean is angry. Tinkerbell. "Fine. Then we'll find another way."  He's clenching his fists, his neck carries all his tension again, his eyes are spitting fire. "You don't wanna be here? Fine. Run. Who gives a damn? We'll fix your crap. We don't need you, we don't need you either," Chuck feels the daggers stabbing at him but he remains still, the beer is now warm  and the can has lost his shape due to his firm grip. "Leave." "Your kind," Castiel lowers his shoulders as he stares at the ducks fighting for the last piece of bread. For some reason he thought they would share. "Can't do anything." He looks up at the sky, a black cloud covers the sun and it's so dark it's suddenly night. And now Dean is yelling. There's a lot of swearing, hand gestures, finger-pointing, and Sam can sense all of that, but at some point he looked back to where they parked and a girl is standing there with a man on a suit next to her. Dean is a background noise to the sight of the old woman who just appeared. And a group of teenagers walking in silence to the group which, at some point, became a rather big crowd. Castiel is still looking at the sky. Dean probably hasn't realized yet is nighttime because everything he sees is red. Chuck doesn't move. Sam thinks there are now probably a hundred people from all ages and races behind them. They're aligned in ten columns, looking straight, in silence. A squad waiting for orders. Another one just like that appeared next to them, making the exact formation. Two hundred. They keep coming. "Dean?" Dean is about to snap at Sam but then he looks and the anger leaves so it can make way to pure and utter confusion. Castiel looks back but doesn't move from Chuck's right side. Although he didn't need to look, he felt them a while ago. The troops are still aligning but they're quick, there's not a lot of time left. "My kind, perhaps," the ducks fly away at the sudden coldness, the dark almost consumes everything. It feels...humid. "Cas, what are you doing?" Dean's voice betrays him because he wasn't supposed to sound that lost. He takes a step closer to nothing but he still feels them close. Heat. He knows they're still there. "Who are those creeps?" "Soldiers," he explains and he sounds...proud. Not happy. Just proud. "Willing to die for a just cause." "Cas," Sam pleads, "no." "No, listen,” Dean's voice is shaking, “there must be another way." "All of them," the angel lets out a breath because he’s seen humans do it, "are volunteers." "Huh." Chuck smiles. "Free Will." The sky looks like death is about to strike and total darkness surrounds them for a short while until a light glow coming from the angels lights them up, and it reaches the four men on the dock. They can barely see each other and it's the last time they will so they should make it count. "Cas, no." Dean's eyes plead until the last second Castiel holds his look. There's a small rumble, a noise coming from afar or maybe below them, like an earthquake getting closer. The rumble increases and Dean suddenly realizes it's dark. The noise comes from the sky and the ground and even the light of every angel on that lake is making a noise. Like when your ears ring. Multiply that noise for every angel there. And the rumbling is getting heavier, it's everywhere. The ground shakes and it occurs to Sam that a dock is probably not the safest place to stand right now. Still, they can hear Castiel. "Cover your eyes." The light intensifies and with it the ringing. The dark sky, illuminated from below looks as sinister as the kid telling ghost stories on the fireplace with a flashlight under his chin. From above it sounds like a bowling alley, or a couple fighting, God's wrath and blind injustice. "Father," no one listens except the one who is supposed to, "forgive them. For they have sinned." Chuck smiles. With all that light coming from behind it feels like daytime again. He's always liked Cas. And the Winchesters. And Earth in general. He nods. Then light. Everywhere. Then nothing. For a long time. Nothing. Sam and Dean got on the ground to take cover. When they raise their heads they see no one. They get up in confussion. The garden chair is still there, the cooler next to it. They look around. From across the lake they see people getting out of their houses, pointing up. But there's nothing up, just blue skies. "Cas?" Dean calls. Since there’s no more bread, the ducks swim away.
*black screen* *cuts to credits*
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