#whisper a prayer for peace and healing and confidence I guess
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cultivating-wildflowers · 3 years ago
#queuing this because I know I'm going to need it even though I'm 'on hiatus' (yeah that's working out well)#I would appreciate some prayer today#going through a big change that's been building for a while#and while I'm mentally ready for it it's still a lot emotionally#and I'm kind of bitter#I don't mean to be but forgiveness will be a while in coming#change is hard enough normally and this is...a monumental change#even though it feels quiet#I'm so tired man#tired and angry and bitter and sad (ok a smidge depressed) and overall quite frustrated#this needed to happen for me and mine but in the grand scheme of things? I'm wondering how much it will help#it will help us significantly and the other party isn't my responsibility but (and don't tell my mother) I kind of wish this impacted them m#*more#like 'do you see? do you even care?'#I dunno#whisper a prayer for peace and healing and confidence I guess#mentally I've accepted that I need some time to find my footing and that there's no shame in that#but that doesn't mean I like standing on unsteady ground#mine#prayer request#edit: tacking on a second request#I have an appointment with my doctor where I will hopefully be honest about some minor concerns I've had for a while#and at this point I don't know if these concerns are all rooted in anxiety or if there's an actual physical cause for them#but they're mildly disruptive in my life and I just...want answers y'know?#and I feel like my doctor doesn't really listen to me#not as a person#which is exhausting
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captainsassmanes · 5 years ago
Trissshhhhh I have a dialogue prompt for you from that list, and bc you know I freaking love angst. “Take me instead” for Malex
Warnings: This one is heavy. Tw: violence, descriptions of injuries, torture, cursing, Jesse Fucking Manes.
Alex’s vision blurred and he realized, slower than he would have liked, that he could see nothing out of his left eye. He sent out a quick prayer that it was just swelling, nothing permanent. 
What that meant, either way, was that he couldn’t clearly see the blows before they came anymore. Maybe a small blessing. Maybe really shitty luck.
“Did Max Evans heal Elizabeth Ortecho from a bullet wound?”
The voice of who he’d learned was Staff Sargent Mitchell menaced in his ear. 
Alex was in agony. He’d barely eaten in what he figured was weeks, his stomach twisting in a hunger so severe it ached. He’d been beaten everyday, his injuries never having the chance to begin healing. There was a cut on his arm he was sure had become infected and it sat in the perfect spot to send shooting pains straight up his dominant arm every few seconds.
The first few days, maybe a little longer, of his captivity, he’d fought back: pulled against his restraints, spit in Mitchell’s face, laughed in his father’s. He could still remember reasons to be free again and to keep his mouth shut. 
Michael. Kyle. Isobel. Michael. Max. Liz. Michael. Arturo. Mimi. Maria. Michael.
He’d repeat their names when he was alone in his cell, pitch black with the smell of dampness and mold filling his nostrils. He’d pull up memories of them, his brain filtering through them all to feature only the best ones.
Getting high with Maria and laughing for hours. Study sessions with Liz that were more milkshakes and gossip than anything else. Sparing with Isobel, watching confidence radiate off her. Waking up next to Michael, watching the sun light up his tan skin, watching his chest rise and fall, the feel of his chest hair, wiry and thick. The little snores he let out when he slept on his back. The way Michael’s hands felt on his own skin, callused and so full of love.
He never cried from the pain, from the fear, from the threats.
But he’d cried when he thought of Michael.
Eventually, unable to deny it, the reality of the situation set in. Alex figured he’d been held for about two weeks. The meetings with his father, demented, psychological warfare, evolved to insure Alex knew no one was looking for him. No one gave a shit. No one missed him.
Kyle continued to go to work, date his precious, new co-worker. Liz and Max were rekindling their romance while Rosa, who they’d discovered almost instantly, continued to dance in the shadows. Isobel was event planning during the day and, according to sources, blowing up bigger and bigger things in the middle of the night.
And then there were Michael and Maria.
Jesse never hesitated to keep Alex well informed with that relationship. The dates they went on. The visits to see Mimi. The hand holding. The love making. The laughter and the smiles.
It had been just a couple of evenings ago, Alex lying on his back, arm on fire and bleeding from his head, when the tears finally stopped. He pictured Michael and Maria, arms wrapped around one another, eyes locked with wide smiles painted across their beautiful faces. He imagined ease and comfort and simplicity. Kindness and consideration, dedication and loyalty.
“Keep them safe...happy,” Alex whispered to no one.
From that moment on, he tucked it all away; his emotions, his pain, his reactions. He had nothing to give them and refused to yield even an inch.
His eyes met Mitchell’s and Alex made no effort to move. He didn’t shrug or smirk or blink an eye. He would give them nothing.
“What exactly can Isobel Evans do?”
Alex was unmoved. He took the next hit, breathing in through his nose, out through his mouth.
“Can Michael Guerin move objects with his mind?”
Alex felt a small wave of pride as he remained stoic at the mention of Michael’s name.
The next hit knocked him to the ground, the chair he was tied to coming right down with him. The military issues boots hurt like a son of a bitch, Alex feeling his insides bruising with each kick, until he couldn’t help but let out the vomit he’d been trying to hold back.
“Enough, Mitchell. Stand down.”
The kicking stopped as Mitchell took a few steps back and stood at attention. Jesse came to stand before him, feet still and silence filling the room.
“Pick him up.”
When they came face to face, Alex searched. He searched his father’s features for any indication that Jesse felt something, anything.
It was fruitless.
“This is all you’re gonna give us, son?”
Alex raised an eyebrow, not at the question but at the term of endearment.
With a shallow breath, ribs screaming in protest, he mumbled, “you’ve already taken everything. I’m not giving you shit. Dad.”
Jesse nodded, a familiar look of disappointment in his eyes. “Very well.”
The walk down the long hall felt surprisingly freeing. Alex knew this was it, the end of his journey. Jesse and whoever else was working for him had done what they could to get any information out of him. They must have realized he wouldn’t speak and no one cared enough to try to save him.
So it was time.
He wondered briefly if the stories his mom used to tell him as a boy were true. A great warrior may be able to rest in a peaceful, safe afterlife, or maybe reincarnate as human again to try once more, to live another noble life. Or, perhaps, his sins were too great. He’d end up falling into an abyss for eternity or come back but as a roach or something.
Truthfully, he’d never given much thought to death. Losing his leg had changed that a bit but he still did what he could to focus on the present, moment to moment. Maybe that helped him now. He still felt more curious than afraid.
Alex just hoped for peace.
As the small group turned the final corner, he was pushed back as the sound of guns cocking echoed through the space.
He craned his neck, trying to see what had happened, but couldn’t see past the mammoth solider in front of him.
“Stand down. Now. Hands up.”
“Aw, c’mon now, boys. No way to greet a visitor, is it?”
Alex stumbled a bit, head spinning and heart racing. It wasn’t possible. Not now when he was ready.
If he was being honest, there were nights, bitter, lonely, angry nights when he hated his friends, hated Michael for leaving him, abandoning him completely when he needed them most. He wasn’t the best friend but he did what they needed, helped where he could, took the blows he was dealt. And it got him what? Kidnapped. Left to be tortured and die. Alone.
But once he’d rested, once the blood stopped pulsing so loudly in his ears, he knew it was best. It was what he truly wanted. He’d never want Michael or the Evans’ to risk their safety, their secret, for him. And his other friends, they wouldn’t stand a chance against these fucking sadists.
It was best for all of this to end with him.
But now, as Michael stood in the space that was meant for Alex’s last moments, he couldn’t think.
“You’re nothing in here, Mr. Guerin.” His father’s voice was laced with condescension and excitement.
“Take me instead.”
Alex stopped breathing. Michael’s voice sounded calm and even, bordering on arrogant if that was possible with at least six guns pointed at him. Alex tried to speak but Mitchell beat him.
“If you haven’t noticed, asshole, you’re already taken.”
The sound of Michael’s laugh hit Alex’s ears and, beyond all reason, he smiled. That sound was so rare Alex couldn’t help but treasure it every time, even in the most dire of circumstances.
“Am I?” He felt the soldiers in front of him shift, a sudden change in the air. “Tell me, Master Sargent, why are you under the impression that I’m nothing?”
Alex grit his teeth and grimaced with the pain as he stretched as tall as he could. His eyes locked with Michael’s and Alex knew. There had been a plan. Thank fuck Michael had a plan.
The urge to sob and be held against Michael’s chest, wrapped in his strong arms was overwhelming.
“This place is so loaded with powder you won’t be able to shift a paper clip you fucking freak.”
Alex watched as Michael’s curls danced, moving with the nodding of his head.
“Yikes. I guess I didn’t realize. But I do have one more question.” He pointed to himself as he added, “curious by nature.”
He watched the hands of the soldier in front of him begin to shake, fingers gripping his weapon a bit too tightly. Alex smirked. Maybe they were starting to put it together.
With a voice suddenly full of anger and vitrol, Michael asked the room, “how the fuck do you think I got in here?”
In the blink of an eye, a force Alex couldn’t see pushed him against the wall, air leaving him with the strength of it. He gazed in wonderment, as if watching a movie or a perfect moment of a play, as the soldiers firearms all turned to white doves, flying confused and frightened around the space.
Each soldier died without Michael needing to move a muscle, his face unchanged, although his eyes had shifted from a stunning hazel to completely black. Alex thought he’d never looked better.
When the final man fell to the floor in a bloody pile, Michael turned that black, empty gaze to Alex. Jesse floated out of the room, chin lifted and struggling for air, and into the hall, toes barely touching the now stained linoleum.
Alex understood Michael’s silent question.
With difficulty, Alex stood, discovering his restraints had literally vanished. He met his father’s glare, searching one, last time for some semblance of shame, regret, sadness. He found nothing but disgust and hatred.
Cradling his core, Alex stood straight, the Manes man his father had always wanted him to be. He didn’t remove his eyes from his fathers and his voice didn’t waiver as he said, “lock him in and blow it up.”
Jesse’s body flew backward and into the room with his ever-obedient team. He landed on the floor, on his hands and knees, coughing and gasping for air.
Michael had moved to stand beside Alex, eyes now the stunning gold he normally wore, and took Alex’s bloody, broken hand in his.
“Don’t worry, Jesse.” Michael brought Alex’s hand up to his mouth and placed a delicate, gentle kiss to the back of it, mouth coming away scarlet with blood. “I’ll take good care of him.”
Jesse snarled and moved to stand before the door slammed shut and locked, Jesse’s screams slipping under the space of the door.
Alex stood, stunned, that it was finally over, that Michael was here, that Jesse would be gone, that he would live.
“We’ve gotta go.”
Alex nodded but didn’t move.
“Will you, Michael?”
“Will I what, Alex?”
He was too exhausted to keep the break from his voice. “Take care of me.”
Michael smiled as Alex felt his body become immeasurably lighter, moving without making any effort at all. Michael wrapped an arm around Alex and pulled him into his side.
“Forever if you’ll let me.”
Alex never imagined his happy ending would begin with an explosion.
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kricketwritesstories · 5 years ago
Title: Pack Your Bags Cause We’re Getting Married
Fandom: Avengers
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Characters: Bucky, Reader, Steve, Natasha, Sam, and Tony
Summary: Bucky finally gets up the courage to confess his love for the Reader...but she's already engaged?
Bucky felt positively giddy as he left his apartment this morning. After a long bro to bro talk with Steve that lasted until the wee hours of the morning, it was decided.
Today was the day he asked Y/N to be his girlfriend.
From the moment they met, Bucky knew she was the one. It was like he was compelled to tell her everything; he couldn't help but open up to her. Her smile lit up his world and her laugh made his heart soar. For the past six months he'd been trying to get the courage to ask her to be his. Every single time he'd try his mouth would go dry, his hands would sweat, and he ended up asking her, "How about that local sports team?"
He'd done this so many times that Y/N had taken to answering him, "I hear they eat their young."
Rubbing the back of his neck and blushing furiously at his cowardice, she would laugh and so would he because dammit that laughter was infectious!
He took a deep breath as he approached her door. It took him by surprise to find the door open. Stealthily he positioned himself in the doorway. Y/N was sprawled out on her bed curled on her side facing the door. She took no notice of Bucky's presence because her eyes were focused on her phone. Her face was tinged pink and she was grinning like an idiot. Bucky sighed and leaned in the doorway watching her. It was a dreamlike moment until he heard a Scottish voice on the other end of the phone proclaim, "Pack your bags, cause we're getting married!"
Y/N squealed and rolled on to her back, her eyes never leaving her phone. Bucky felt his heart shatter into a billion pieces.
"If he doesn't think you're the right size because your thighs touch or your curves aren't in the 'right places' fuck that! You're a champion! You're amazing the way you are, and remember size doesn't matter if 90% of your dick is your personality," he continued.
Bucky couldn't stand to hear anymore. He stumbled down the hallway towards the elevator. When he reached the common living room he threw himself on the couch and turned on the TV, Sam, Steve, and Nat stopped talking.
"Buck," Steve said carefully, "how -"
"CAN'T A GUY WATCH," he paused and took a good look at the TV, "JAKE AND THE NEVERLAND PIRATES IN PEACE?!"
"Shit," he thought to himself, "of course it's still on the channel we had on last night while we babysat Clint's kids."
He stared at the TV as he thought back to the night before. For some reason, outside of Nat, Clint's kids loved having Y/N and Bucky babysit them. He let Lila braid his hair while Y/N played pirates Cooper. The ended the night all piled on the couch watching Disney Junior. His heart ached remembering the sight of baby Nathaniel cradled in Y/N's arms. He dared himself to imagine briefly that this was their family, and now all those hopes were obliterated.
Sam leaned over and whispered to his fellow Avengers, "Is Snow Miser seriously watching Disney Junior?"
"Maybe he really doesn't like Captain Hook, that sneaky snook," Natasha joked.
"Something must've went wrong when he tried to," Steve started to muse before he realized he was talking out loud.
His face went beat red and he prayed the other two didn't hear him. Well, his prayers weren't heard but his words sure were.
"Oh my God, did he try and ask Y/N out again," Nat said hopefully.
"Please, I'm pretty sure his balls froze off from all the years in cryo - he's been trying for months and he just can't do it," Sam mocked.
"Come on guys, cut him some slack," Steve pleaded.
"Steve. He's a grown ass man watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates intensely - like he's going to miss a plot point," Sam pointed out.
"Good afternoon everyone," Y/N greeted cheerfully.
"Good woah," Sam stuttered.
Typically Y/N wore oversized fandom t-shirts with zip-up hoodies, ripped up jeans, and a pair of beat up converse. Everyone knew she had confidence issues when it came to her body. It didn't matter that everyone called her 'cute' and 'adorable,' she wanted to be sexy and she didn't think she could be with the body she had.
Today, her confidence was through the roof. She wore a maroon off the shoulder lace top that hugged her curves, a black skater skirt, and open toed heals. Her make up, while usually natural, was done a touch more dramatic. Her E/C eyes were practically glittering with happiness.
Bucky refused to look from the TV, even despite Sam's reaction. He could feel bitterness tighten in his chest.
"Well, well, well," Nat said impressed, "what's the occasion Y/N?"
"Didn't she tell you," Bucky said bitterly unable to control the words that spewed from his mouth, "she's engaged."
Steve spit out the coffee he was drinking, drenching Sam in the process.
"Nice," Sam said curtly as he stood up to go clean himself off.
"I didn't think you were even seeing anyone," Natasha said as she looked cautiously between Bucky and Y/N.
Before Y/N could answer Bucky, still staring at the TV, started ranting, "Oh well it's because it's some Scottish guy she's seeing on her phone with that head seeing thing."
He was silent for just a few moments, but Y/N just couldn't get her words out she was so taken aback.
"Also I'll have you know," he shouted causing everyone to freeze, "that I've always thought your curves are sexy and beautiful. I've never thought they weren't in the right places. Your body, your face, your personality - it's all perfect to me."
Y/N couldn't will herself to breathe let alone move a muscle. Even Sam was stock still with paper towels bunched in his hands, he still hadn't made a move to clean the coffee off of himself.
"And another thing," Bucky shouted louder, his voice cracking, "I'll have you know that my dick is huge - and none of it has to do with my personality - and that it was that size even BEFORE the super soldier serum!"
"What fresh hell," Tony said confused as he walked into the awkward scene, "why is Terminator talking about his gun size?"
"James," Y/N said with a cautious yet amused tone, "were you at my door this morning?"
"I may have been walking by," Bucky admitted grumpily.
"So you heard Daniel -," Y/N started.
"What kind of fucking punk ass name is Daniel," he snapped, voice dripping with jealousy.
"Who the hell is Daniel," Tony said confused.
"Y/N's Scottish fiancé," Bucky spat bitterly.
"Daniel Euan Henderson," Y/N said in a strained voice.
"Y/N Henderson, huh," he said curtly, "well I hope you two are very happy together. I'm sure we'll miss you on the team."
"Y/N's leaving the team," Tony questioned in horror.
"- is a YouTuber," Y/N attempted once again to continue.
"Wow...what an exciting job," Bucky taunted, "someone who films themselves talking about shit is so much better than one of earth's mightiest heroes."
"Y/N is marrying a YouTuber," Tony asked as his confusion kept climbing.
"- who films himself talking to girls," Y/N tried yet again.
"Hmm he sounds real faithful there, good pick," Bucky said stubbornly while his eyes were still glued to Jake.
"- to help encourage them about their body image," Y/N explained as she finally was able to move herself forward.
"Well clearly it's working for you, sweet cheeks," Tony noted winking as he took in Y/N's appearance.
"I've been watching him for months now," Y/N continued ignoring Tony's comment.
"Oh wow," Bucky said hurt, "you've been seeing him for months?"
"Watching," Y/N corrected, "to try and boost my confidence -"
"Well he proposed so I guess it worked," Bucky said sadly.
"So Y/N is getting married," Tony asked.
She stalked over to the TV, turned it off, and faced James Buchanan Barnes. The moment he finally looked at her, he couldn't breathe. All jealousy and animosity flew from his mind and all he could think was how exceptionally beautiful Y/N was.
Steeling her nerves Y/N walked over to the couch. In one swift movement, before she lost her nerve, Y/N straddled Bucky's lap, placed her hands on his face, and kissed him for all he was worth.
Bucky's hands flew, one to hold the back of her neck and one to hold her waist, as he kissed Y/N back with abandon.
Y/N pulled back panting, and leaned her forehead against his. "So," she breathed, "how about that local sports team?"
Bucky's smile threatened to take over his whole face it was so big. "I hear they eat their young," he responded before kissing her again.
Natasha, Steve, and a still coffee soaked Sam all sighed dreamily as they watched the scene play out.
"What sports team eats their young and why do they have young in the first place," Tony cried out in horror, breaking the silence.
Bucky and Y/N broke their kiss because they couldn't stop laughing. They fell sideways onto the couch, still holding onto one another.
"To be clear," Y/N said seriously, "you're mine now, and I'm yours."
Bucky's eyes darkened at her words. "Also to be clear, I meant everything I said earlier," he said huskily as he glanced downward.
Y/N blushed furiously and buried her head in his neck to whisper, "I can't wait to find out myself."
In a split second, Bucky was on his feet and he threw Y/N over his shoulder. She squealed in delight as he carried her out of the room.
"You may want to invest in some noise cancelling headphones, Stevie," Bucky called back to his best friend and fellow floor mate.
Steve groaned, but couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face. "Well at least my ship has sailed," he sighed.
Sam gasped, "Look at you grandpa, using that young people lingo like a boss!"
"What the actual fuck just happened," Tony shouted as his eyes went wide and his hands shot out as if he was trying to keep his balance.
Nat walked over to him and patted his head sympathetically and promised, "I'll tell you when you're older."
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standingmanintheshadow · 4 years ago
The Gambler
Chapter 3: Time to Pretend
(I hope you enjoy this, I'll try to keep my chapters around this length)
The first thing that Elijah saw when he first woke up was white. As his eyes soon adjusted to the bright light that littered the room, he realized that he saw the world through a blank tint, like something was covering his head. He started to analyze the place he was in; there were file cabinets and a desk that seemed to see some recent use. Elijah kept looking around the room until he realized that the puppet he picked earlier was on his hand. Elijah started to freak out, and the puppet seemed to notice that he was looking at it.
 “ Wait, was that eye contact just now, are you awake ?” the puppet asked as Elijah soon realized that the female voice that was in his dream just a few moments ago belonged to this puppet. Elijah tried to respond to the puppet but could not due to his mouth being stitched shut, so he just opted for a swift nod. “ No, no, no, you are supposed to be out, a zombie, Zonked, I’m supposed to control you completely,” she said worryingly. Still, before she could continue talking, a collection of small screens placed on the wall sparkled to life, showing both of them an image of what Elijah could guess was a puppet’s face that seemed way to close to the camera. This puppet appeared to be wearing a smiling face mask and had two different eye colors, one of being green and the other blue.“ I guess even puppets need to wear a face mask during this pandemic. Geez, what has this world come to?” Elijah thought to himself as he turned his body to pay full attention to the screen.
“Welcome to Puppet, Host Orientation, our purpose is to measure your host control and manipulation,'' the new puppet said as Elijah noticed the rhyme she put in there. “ Wait a minute, I think there’s something wrong with my host,” the puppet on his arm said as the puppet on the screen was getting agitated for some reason. “Rhyme Scout!” the puppet said. “ Oh shit,” Scout said as she tried to think of rhyme as quickly as possible. “What if my host is not working? Could I get one without any jerking…… around?” Scout said as Elijah was starting to get impatient with these two’s antics. “ You had two failed tests in the past, the third one will be your last,” the puppet on the screen said threateningly. Scout looked back towards Elijah “ dammit, look, you are not supposed to be awake right now, so you're just going to have to pretend that I have total control over you, or we are both dead. Elijah only responded with a low guttural affirmative growl. “ Oh right, I forgot Riley stitched your mouth shut, so just keep making those noises, until we find a better way for you to communicate,” Scout said.
“ Did you say something?” the puppet on the screen said as both Elijah and Scout forgot she was there. “ No, no, just talking to myself, I didn't mean to spread the wealth,” Scout rhymed. “ Surprisingly coherent rhyme scout, maybe your future is no longer in doubt,” the puppet replied as the screens turned off, signally to Elijah that she was not watching them, or hopefully not. Elijah used his right hand to feel around his mask on and soon felt what seemed to be a rope tied around his neck. Elijah did quick work of the rope as he untied it and pulled off his mask for him to see the world a bit better than before. Scout saw him do this “ what are you doing? We’re going to get caught,” she said as Elijah swoon focused his attention on the stitches shutting his mouth shut.
 Elijah rummaged through his pockets until he pulled out a playing card “ what are you going to do with that” Scout said questioningly. Scout could only hear a slight chuckle from Elijah’s mouth as the playing card slowly morphed into a serrated combat knife. After the card completely transformed, Elijah began cutting away at the stitches on his mouth. One by one, they slowly fell out as Elijah started to breathe through his mouth again. Once he was done with the stitches, he took a deep breath in and out as the small wounds that were on his face slowly healed and soon there were no visible wounds or scars on his mouth telling that there once was stitches, the only thing left on his mouth was the blood that seemed to be dried up.
Scout looked in absolute bafflement at the events that just happened, she knew that magic did exist in the form of voodoo since they were born from it, but she never knew stuff like this existed. “ What the hell was that” she half yelled since she did not want Riley to notice. “It's magic. Have you never seen it before,” he said. “No, I have seen magic but not that, that’s something completely different,” she said. “ Hmm, well whatever floats your boat, miss,” he said as he raised his left arm so they could look at each other eye to eye. “Alright, the look, can you just put the cloth back on and pretend?” she asked as Elijah quickly turned the knife he had back into a playing card and put it back into his right pocket. “Sure, I’ll play along for now, but if I see anything fishy from you, you’re going to be in big trouble,” he said. Elijah quickly put the piece of cloth back on and put the rope around his neck, loosely tightening it. After that, he gave Scout a thumbs up and walked towards the door in front of them.
“ Hey, see that door with the screen next to it get closer to it so that I can open it,” Scout said as Elijah just nodded and obliged. The door opened to reveal a small room with a gadget in the middle and a camera in the corner of the room with its light on, signifying that they were being watched. “Lets the testing begin,” the voice said as Elijah got closer to the machine seeing two buttons, one of them was smaller than the other. “ Ok, Magic Man, listen up here’s the deal we are supposed to press these buttons at the same time, ok got it?” she whispered. In contrast, Elijah already pressed his button, which resulted in a loud beep, which meant that he messed up. “ what are you doing, host? We’re supposed to press them at the same time, are you trying to get us killed?” she whispered angrily, as they tried again, resulting in them pressing the button together and completing the test. “ That was surprisingly well done; continue forward, let’s see how you fare against the next one,” the puppet said, ignoring their first try. The door in front of them opened, revealing the same room but without the machine before. “Please wait here and do not tread, another test subject is just finishing up in the room ahead,” the puppet said as both Elijah and Scout heard a blood-curdling scream and what seemed to be some growling echoing from the room in the front. “ I’m going to be sick,” Scout said, but Elijah only weakly whispered, “gimme a break.”
The door soon opened to reveal the room ahead was a bloody mess on the walls and floors; as Elijah walked more into the room, a body popped from the ceiling, scaring Scout but not Elijah, who was shaking slightly from anger “ what a waste of human life….. A dead body, made into a prop, makes me sick to my stomach,” Elijah thought as he envisioned ways of mutilating the puppet on the voice com. “ That was a test of reflex and reaction, which you barely passed to the satisfaction,” the voice said. “ Test my reflexes when I kick Your ass, Riley! '' Scout muttered under her breath, but loud enough for Elijah to hear it, which put a smile on his face since they had a mutual goal to kick the shit out of this puppet named Riley.
Elijah walked past the body hanging on the wall while muttering some prayers about wishing the man’s soul peace. At the end of the room, there was a machine similar to the one before, but instead of buttons, they had two gears and a grip on the top of it. “ Ok, this time we got to twist these in the same direction, so please don’t fucked this up,” she pleaded to him. Elijah merely nodded here as they both twisted in the right direction resulting in the door ahead to open. “Huh, another test past, which I can suspect is your last'' Riley said with a tone of disappointment. “Hmm, I guess she doesn't like you a lot, right?” Elijah asked as Scout nodded sadly towards him. Like the others, the room ahead was the same, except bookcases filled the room, and the door was one of the touches locks Scout did before.
 “Please hold steady, the next chamber isn’t quite ready,” Riley said in a bored tone. Scout looked at Elijah `` Host, you are killing ourselves out there; you are not passing for a mindless zombie slave at all, and you’re dragging me down with you,” Scout said berating Elijah. “Hey, I think I’m doing pretty good. I think you're just paranoid; we’ll be fine, calm down,” Elijah said. “Yeah, you’re right. I’m just paranoid since we are in a warehouse full of sentient murderous puppets that want to restart their old t.v show and take over the world,” she said sneeringly. “ Yeah, you just paranoid, my friend,” he told her, utterly oblivious to the sarcasm. “Are you serious right now? I don’t think you understand what the consequences are if they find out that you are awake,” Scout said worryingly, as she started to breathe heavily. “Don’t worry, puppet, you’re attached to me, not some pushover who’ll get scared by some haunted toys,” he said confidently. “Look, if we’re gonna get out of here, we need to be a team, so what do you say, teammate?” Scout said as she held out her hand, looking for a handshake. “ Sure, and when we make it out of here, I’ll treat you to lunch,” he said as he shook Scout’s hand with his thumb and index finger. “I always wanted to try host food, now I cannot wait to get out here,” Scout said excitedly as the door ahead of them opened up.
Elijah looked through the door and discovered no light in the hallway, just pitch black. “Hey, host its fucking dark in here; hit me on my head to turn on my light,” she said. “That’s a weird but convenient thing to have, but I’ll take it,” Elijah thought as he hit Scout and her head soon illuminated the hallway in front of them. He walked through the hallway and soon discovered a room with two blue screened monitors sitting on a desk. There was a cassette player on the desk and a tape already inside it; there was also a picture of what looked like Riley dissecting a sock puppet for some reason. Elijah looked at Scout, “ do you want to hear what’s on this tape?” Elijah asked Scout. “ Yeah, sure, what’s the worst that can happen” she replied as Elijah pressed play on the cassette player and let it play its message.
“This is Anthony Pierson; I have to keep my voice down. I think there are puppets nearby…… this is a real fucking supernatural phenomenon, you know the one I’ve been looking for my whole life, and it was hiding here in a run-down warehouse. I can’t believe I almost baled in this place… I got to get pictures of everything, not just for the website, for the world. I must keep my research, so I’ll hide it in hidden compartments around the warehouse with the Vox Veritas symbol nearby; it’s a pyramid with an eye, so it won’t be hard to find. What was that shit!” 
The recording stopped as Scout looked at Elijah. “That guy sounds crazy, and that’s coming from a talking hand puppet, what do you think?” Scout asked while Elijah was looking at the picture next to the tape. “He is not crazy Scout, he just wants to prove to the world that the paranormal exists in our world,” Elijah said as he put the picture and cassette into his jacket pocket and left the room. Elijah continued walking down the darkroom, now illuminated thanks to Scout. Elijah saw a big glass window that showed nothing behind but darkness. Trying to get a better look in, Elijah walked towards the window. When he was mere inches from it, a giant dog-like creature on the other side of the window suddenly popped out and banged its head against the window, instantly startling both Scout and Elijah, but Scout was more vocal about it and screamed.
 “ Rosco, bad dog! Sit my pet, don’t attack them yet,” Riley said.  Elijah was starting to hate Riley more and more by the second but took some deep breaths and started to calm down. They both heard a door open as they walked through the dark searching for it, and when they finally found it, they found themselves in a more well-lit room with some game that was playing carnival music. “ Welcome to visual hand coordination; this custom design handy big ball drop and search device will test your ability to verbally relay information,” Riley droned on as she sounded like she wanted to be somewhere else right now. “ Rhyme Riley,” Scout said smugly, as Elijah looked at Scout weirdly. “INFORMATION RHYMES WITH COORDINATION, DO NOT QUESTION MY RHYME PARTICIPATION,” Riley yelled over the microphone distorting the audio and making it almost impossible to understand.
“ She's just mad because she knew that was a stretch,” Scout said as Elijah responded, “well, I’m no expert on rhyming…. Buuut I think she's right on this one, Scout,” he said honestly. “Are you taking her side? Oh my god, you are such an asshole?” Scout said with bitterness, but Elijah just laughed off the insult she threw at him. They both focused on the gadget ahead of them. “Okay, teammate, I think I remember this one, stick me in that slot, so I can see the balls coming and then press the buttons that correspond to what I say,” she said as Elijah replied with a nod. Elijah put Scout into the small slot, and she turned on the machine “ okay, it’s starting, three two on,e Yellow” she said. Elijah quickly pressed the yellow button, and soon a ball fell where the switch was located. “Red,” she said as Elijah pressed the red button; this continued for a couple of rounds.
 “ Wait a minute, it’s changing, now I see nouns instead of colors Cardinal,” she said, and Elijah responded with a push of the red button and a grunt of accomplishment. This continued until suddenly a string of confetti came out, signaling that they passed the test. “Oh, shit, we did it,” Scout said as the voice came back on. “Hmm, you passed the test you always failed somehow; I’m skeptical but continue for now,” Riley said. Elijah softly chuckled at the voice before becoming serious at her statement, “ I don’t think she thinks I’m awake, but we have to careful just in case,” Elijah thought.
A door across the room opened up, so Elijah walked towards it, in the hope to be done with the tests. When he walked through the door, he was greeted by the same darkness form earlier, but thanks to scouts light, he did not have to worry about tripping over anything. When he was about to turn the corner in the ay they were in, they both heard loud footsteps and a growl that was pretty generic by Elijah standards, but he did not have time to dwell on that. “Quick turn off my light so it can’t see us,” Scout said with fear in her voice. Right after Elijah turned off her light, they saw a shadowy figure walk past them. The only sign that they could identify was the white eyes of the puppet controlling the person. As soon as Elijah could not hear any more footsteps, he slowly walked towards the lit room ahead of them. 
When they entered the room, they could see many washers and dryers littering the place. The only thing that interested Elijah was a triangle with an eye on a wall near them. He immediately recognized it as the Vox Veritas symbol, the guy on the cassette was talking about. He approached the mark, and Scout recognized it too but decided to say nothing about it. Elijah looked around the room to find another cassette player lying on the table. Elijah looked at Scout for a brief second, who just gave him a nod. He then turned his head and pressed play.
“Testing, testing uhh it’s March 4th, 11:30 pm. Okay, start here, uhh, this is Anthony Pierson, co-founder of Vox Veritas. We’re an independent journalist blog. We investigate paranormal phenomena and shine a light where the government and Illuminati don’t want light shown. We’re here at the abandoned Handeemen warehouse, a place that local homeless populations say is haunted. Anyone who wanders in never leaves, what terrible secrets does this place hold?.....Okay, cut there; this place is bullshit; this is a total wash. If I don't get something soon, I’ll get randy here to bang some pipes upstairs and get some reaction shots I don’t know. Photoshop a heat reading, whatever. Just once, I would like not to have to fake this.”
“So Vox Veritas is a paranormal investigation group. I have to research them once we get out of here,” Elijah thought as Scout started to speak. “Hey host, I've meant to ask you something,” she said, suddenly gaining Elijah's interest. “What is it, Scout?” he replied curiously. “When we met, we were in such a rush, and you only learned my name, so I would like to know yours,” she said as Elijah grinned. “ Elijah Adler, but Elijah is just fine,” he said as Scout was speaking his name silently in hopes of remembering it. “Hmm, I thill stick with Host or Magic Man. It suits you better,” she said while Elijah just looked at her and sighed deeply “ Whatever floats your boat,” he said as Scout began to laugh, her laughter was soon joined by Elijah. “You are a truly interesting puppet, Scout,” Elijah thought, while he was still laughing.
When they were done laughing, Elijah walked out into the hallway and saw a room completely covered in mist. “That must be our next test,” he said to Scout “well, Riley was always trying new things to see what works best for testing newer puppets and their hosts, so I guess yes,” she said. “Well, if that's true, then I have to give her respect for the hustle,” he said as he walked toward the room of interest until he accidentally knocked into a shelf that fell over, making a loud bang that echoed through the dark halls of the Handeemen studio.
 Elijah stood still for a minute, not trying to make a single sound; the same could be said with Scout as she did not make a single peep to criticize him for his fault. When the coast seemed to be clear, Elijah started walking again to the misty room, this time being more careful, but soon stopped when he heard a familiar human growl behind him. Elijah turned around and saw the puppet they saw a few minutes ago, but instead of the white eyes he saw earlier, it was an ominous red. Elijah instinctively put Scout behind his back to protect Scout from harm and slowly got into a combat stance, while the puppet ahead only just pulled out a kitchen knife from its pocket.
“Scout, don’t worry, I’ll deal with this quickly,” Elijah said confidently, “ okay…. just be careful,” Scout replied with a taste of fear in her voice. Elijah nodded at her request and focused on the puppet ahead. “So, can we come to some agreement here, or are you too stupid to understand me?” Elijah asked it with a growing grin on his face trying to egg the puppet on. The tool seemed to understand the insult and, as a result, yelled at the top of its lungs and charged like a rabid animal towards Elijah, who just stood there with his grin becoming impossibly wide. Still. Even no one could see it due to the cloth on his head concealing any facial expressions.
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assortedcorn · 7 years ago
I Choose You, Cullen Rutherdord AU Pt.1
I will be posting this on AO3 and will put the link in here!
Also! Trigger warning, I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable!
And, before I post, this is my take on a MGIT fic but instead with cully-wully. Leave some feedback and let me know what you think!
The day had been busy, the now disbanded Inquisition was scattered around Skyhold tending to those in need. Leliana’s scouts had reported that this was the day Solas would be ripping down the veil and destroying the world. Regret and fear hung heavy on the shoulders of all the people involved with the Inquisition, wondering if they could have done more to save their precious world. What more could they do, you ask? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Evelyn tried to stop her old friend, twice now. She had been injured the first time and then gravely injured the second time. Solas had already taken her arm and nearly killed her, all of Skyhold heard of the news during the Exalted Council. Evelyn had changed after that, losing her arm, her confidence and her ability to want to move forward. Of course, Cullen, her love, had given her the strength she needed to continue on. She had tried so hard to change Solas’ mind but he was hell bent on destroying their world, even if he cherished Evelyn’s friendship so. In the time that they all had left together, most of the Inquisition were with their families or friends to spend their last moments together. Leliana and Josie were in Lelianas tower, reminiscing the old day when they were young. Dorian and Bull were together and spending their last moments drinking the finest wine they could get their hands on and loving one another. Cassandra found herself praying, as she was the new Divine, she was in the Chantry praying. Varric had gone back to Kirkwall and was spending the rest of his time writing, as usual. He wrote about the times he had as part of the Inquisition and the amazing people he met, knowing no one would ever read his last story. Vivienne had spent her time with her closest friends and was hosting a farewell party in her salon. Anyone was welcome, as she wanted even the lowest of status to feel comfortable in their last moments. Sera and scout Harding were in Seras room, doing Maker knows what. Probably eating cookies and delighting in each other as they always did since their blossoming relationship started. Thom, AKA Blackwall spent his time with the Wardens and had been with the younger recruits, preparing them for what could possibly come. Even he knew the world ending was scary no matter how old you were, he wanted to help. Even Cole had taken it upon himself to heal the last hurts and ease the minds of those waiting for their imminent demise, he always wants to help. For a moment, people were calm and almost at peace even though the sky was starting to fall.
As for Evelyn and Cullen, they were spending their last minutes together in bed. Evelyn was found in Cullen’s tight embrace, their bodies as close together as possible. She was resting in his lap whilst he laid against the headboard of his bed, leaning his head against the stone wall behind them. Cullen rubbed circles on her back, trying to calm and soothe her even though he could barely stay calm himself. The world was ending, Solas had finally done his deed and the sky was tearing. There were so many things Cullen wanted to do with Evelyn, with his family and friends once they had time to retreat to new homes. He wanted kids, he wanted to marry his woman, and he wanted to create a life that would help those with lyrium withdrawal. The same eerie dark green color lit the sky but instead of white clouds and blue sky, everything was dark. It was almost like nighttime had come and stolen the sun. The sounds of people screaming echoed through the keep, crying, and prayers to whoevers gods could also be heard throughout. The sounds of crashing and rumbling clapped throughout the sky like thunder and lightening, oh, if it were only that.
Evelyn wrapped her arms around Cullens neck, burying her face into his shoulder with hot tears running down her cheeks. “We should have gotten married. I’m so sorry, Cullen.” Evelyn cries, regretting her decision to wait.
Cullen had proposed to her during the Exalted Council and Evelyn convinced him to wait to plan a legitimate wedding. Evelyn dreamed of flowers, candles, and all of her friends and family being there to watch her marry the man of her dreams. She dreamed of good food and good alcohol, dancing and singing, being around those she loved to celebrate their hard work as a team. She had assumed they’d have more time but time was now not a luxury they could have.
“Do not mind it, my love. We are together now and that is all that matters.” Cullen coos, trying to calm her more. He kisses her hairline softly and presses his head against hers.
“We will be together. By the Makers side, we will be together there.” Evelyn tried to convince herself. She was Andrastian, her faith unwavering throughout her life, even thriving when she met Cullen. She couldn’t believe she was worthy enough to lead an army for a just cause, let alone being graced with Cullen’s love.
“Of course, that is where all the Makers children will be. We will all be together again at the golden gates and live out eternity there, you and I, Evie.” He whispers, choking back a sob.
“You and I, always.” She cries.
“Until the end of forever, even after that.” Cullen finishes, their promise they made from years ago shining bright in their hearts.
The keep began to shake and break, stone jumbling off the roofs and battlements. Earthquakes rocked Skyhold, the screams of those caught beneath rubble could be heard and made Evelyn shake like a leaf. She wanted to help them, she truly did but her desire to spend her final moments with the love of her life was stronger. The mountains began to tumble and the rumbling of the avalanches barreling around them was loud and horrific. The air around them started to stiffen and get tighter, making it harder to breathe every few minutes.
“Promise me, you’ll love me forever Cullen.” Evelyn sobbed.
“Of course I will, why would you even say that?” Cullen asked, bewildered.
“I just want to hear you say it before..”
“I will love you for the rest of time, for the rest of eternity. I love you now and always Evelyn Amallia Maria Trevelyan, Evelyn Rutherford.” He cries, tears falling off his cheeks and into Evelyn’s hair.
“Thank you.” She whispers. “Let’s get married on the other side?”
“I wouldn’t want to with anyone else, Evie.” Cullen smiled.
It was unbearable, the sounds of the sky made whilst breaking apart. It was deafening now. Cullen and Evelyn could barely hear anything. They were holding each other as tight as their bodies would allow when the violent quakes grew worse and the lighting and loud books from the sky grew. It was time. The atmosphere thinner and the pain from lack of oxygen took their breaths away. Cullen and Evelyn were inseparable in this moment, no matter what fate had in mind, they’d always be together.
All within a moment, the loud crack of the sky coming down had bellowed all throughout Thedas. All Cullen heard was Evelyn’s soft “I love you” before everything was black. Empty. No sound. Nothingness.
Cullen thrashed around like a fish out of water. Strange things were attached to his body, weird sounds echoed throughout his ears, and his eyes searched around the room only making his panic grow stronger. Cullen was having a full blown panic attack. His breathing was shallow and quick, he was sweating and yelling, he couldn’t recognize anything around him. Then again, a slight pain and then he started to fall asleep.
“Will he be okay?” A voice rang through his ears. An angel? Andraste? No, he knew this voice but from where?
“He’s experienced quite a shock, although, after x-rays, he didn’t have any damage to his bone or organs. He doesn’t have any life threatening wounds either, so yes, he will be fine."
“He keeps mumbling about someone and something.”
“Of course, he’s delirious from the shock of being hit and from his medicines. He should come out of it within the next hour or so.”
“Thank you, doctor.”
“You saved his life, miss. He’s lucky you got to him so quickly or else he would have been in more trouble.” Saved his life? Had he truly been brought out of the world ending by a woman? This story sounded all too familiar to him, the story of Evelyn’s arrival in Haven.
“Ah, yeah, I guess.”
“Do not discount your heroic act, it is already all over the news. If you weren’t there to stop more cars from coming, he could’ve been killed.”
“I understand, doc. Thank you for your help.”
“Be careful when he wakes, he will be scared and I’m sure will freak himself out. If you need me, let one of the nurses know. Okay?”
“Yes, thanks.”
Cullen’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he entered a deep sleep once more.
------ Beep.
Cullen could hear weird noises around him, from behind his eyelids he could see faint light. Was he dead? Would he soon face the Maker? He rolled his head to the side and stretched his fingers out. He felt a soft material beneath him, almost like a blanket? He opened his eyes slightly, wincing from the bright lights. His eyes roamed the room he was in and saw white walls and marble floors, a curtain hanging from a metal ceiling and strange contraptions all around him. His heart began to beat faster as he continued to evaluate his surroundings, growing more and more anxious from the unfamiliarity. This is not the golden city. His eyes shot open and he tried to move but his body would not let him. He looked at his arms to see weird things attached to him, coming from his veins. He had weird patches attached to one of the contraptions on his chest. He turned his head to the side when he heard a small noise, almost a light snore. He was stunned by what he saw sleeping in a chair next to him.
She was curled into herself, her head resting on large pillow against the top of the chair. Her legs pressed into her chest so her feet could rest on the arms of the chair while her face, shoulders, and chest were covered by her cascading golden tresses. Who is this woman and why is she dressed funny? The lady wore a strange material on her legs, it was a dark blue color with rips where he knees were. She wore a large knitted sweater that was a light shade of blue, baby blue. She wasn’t wearing any shoes, as it would have most likely been more comfortable to sleep without them. She was lightly snoring, a sound he recognized but couldn’t find the heart to come to terms with his lover being gone. Where is she? Where am I?
The machine monitoring his heart rate had started to beep louder and louder, waking the woman sleeping in the chair. She slowly propped her head up and turned to face Cullen, a look of surprise written across her features. If Cullen was still alive, he was sure his heart stopped as his breath caught in his throat. Her hair moved around her as she shifted in her seat, causing it to fall down her back and the loose hairs fell down the sides of her face. She tilted her head to look at him and her blue eyes, color akin to lyrium, pierced Cullen’s heart. His heart was pounding in his chest as he stared at the woman who looked identical to his lover. She had the same soft, pale skin and beautiful rosy pink lips. The only difference was the color of her hair. Evelyn’s hair was red and shoulder length, she was a warrior so she cut her hair for efficiency. This woman had long blonde hair. She leaned over towards his bed and gently placed her hand on his, tenderly squeezing it and nearly sending Cullen through the roof. She felt just like Evelyn, Cullen thought the Maker was mocking him. Playing with his emotions, he thought. What kind of hell would he wake up in without his love?
“You’re awake, how are you feeling?” She asked, knitting her brows together to examine his reaction. Makers breath, she even has her voice! Cullen decided this was punishment from the Maker himself, for something he did. Maybe it was for his actions towards mages from when he was young. Maybe it was punishment for stopping his lyrium intake? Something must have caused the Maker to pursue his wrath upon the man.
“I, uh, who are you?” He asks, starting to sweat from his nerves.
“Ella.” She smiles, making Cullen’s heart ache worse than it did before. “Do you remember what happened?”
“I’m not exactly sure. I don’t think you would believe me if I told you, I’m having a hard time believing it myself… I was so sure I...died.” Cullen breathed, his chest pinching.
“You were hit by a car.” Ella reminded him.
“A car? What in the void is that?” He questioned.
“The thing that hit you?” She asked, confused as to why he was asking what a car was. “I’ll, be right back…”
Ella wandered out of the room they were in and she found one of the nurses, she asked them to find the doctor for her. After about five minutes of waiting at the desk, the doctor found her and asked how Cullen was. “Are you sure you scanned everything?” She asked.
“I’m one hundred percent sure. Why?” He asks.
“He has no memory of what happened nor does he know what a car is.” Ella says skeptically.
“I’m sure he’s just suffering from amnesia since he’s coming off the anesthesia and because he hit his head when he was struck. I’m sure he’ll come around.” The doctor states, checking his clipboard full of papers.
“A-Are you sure?” She asks.
“I’m very sure. He can be discharged soon, so let’s make sure he finds a relative or a friend to stay with.” The doc suggests before waving goodbye and tending to another patient.
Ella walked away and went back into the room with Cullen. He was just laying there with his eyes closed and his hands over his face. He looked like he was shaking but Ella couldn’t be too sure. She got close to him and stood next to the bed “hey, are you alright?”
Cullen pulled his hands away from his face and revealed a face covered in tears and anguish. Ella had no idea what had gotten into him since she left but she was sure he was okay before! Why was he crying? Such a beautiful man crying before her, broke her heart. Ella had such a strong desire to help people and it was her calling. She was there at the right time and place when Cullen wandered out into the middle of the road and was struck. She wanted to help him so badly, her heart cried out for him, it was strange but Ella couldn’t help it.
“Oh, no, no, what’s the matter? Are you in pain? Should I go get a nurse?” She scrambled, ready to leave before Cullen grabbed a hold of her forearm to stop her.
“I am sorry. I am very confused by this world and my surroundings. I told you, you wouldn’t believe me..” He sobbed.
“I don’t understand… this world? Don’t you have any family or you know.. a girlfriend or a wife to stay with? Unless you’re not.. that’s cool, too.” She stuttered, trying to find the right words as she watches the handsome man fall apart before her eyes.
He was rather large with large muscles, his arms were littered with scars and so was his chest. He had sort of long, honey colored curls that hung down the base of his neck and above his forehead. His eyes were the color of amber and they were certainly a sight you could lose yourself in, the type that fictional characters only have. He observed her, his eyes raked over her whole body as he examined the woman in front of him. The feeling of his eyes made Ella think awful things and she doesn’t even know the guy! Of course, she was no stranger to the wandering eyes of men but his did not seek what most did. His eyes were looking for familiarity, he was looking for someone in her.
“My family and friends, along with my fiance died.” He whispers, almost looking like the words died was still new and foreign to him.
“I am so sorry… I had no idea. I’m an imbecile, I shouldn’t have asked. I only asked because the doctor told me to ask you.” She sighs, running her hands over her face and through her hair, letting out a groan of embarrassment.
“It is still a new pain to me but you are not at fault for asking.” Cullen said, trying to smile. He noticed the girl before him was flustered easily, something Evelyn was not. Ella had grown red in the face and neck and Cullen was sure it was because she was embarrassed. Evelyn was a wild spirit, she said whatever she wanted and did whatever she wanted to and when she wanted to. Although, the woman next to his bed seemed like a sincere creature, he barely remembered the conversation he heard while asleep and recognized she saved his life. Well, he had died and thought this was all an illusion but now… Now he’s sure it’s all real and that he has woken up in a different world. The guilt of being alive instead of all those poor people, instead of Evelyn, plagued his mind. Why me? He wondered why he was the lone survivor, would he ever cross paths with his friends or family again?
“I never got your name, the doctor needs it for your discharge papers.” Ella questioned.
“Cullen, Cullen Rutherford.” He replies, a sigh falling from his lips as he observed the line of fluid tucked into his hand. He watched as the liquid moved along from the little baggie hanging above his head into his skin. It was strange but he imagined it would not be there unless it was to help him and he did not have much fight left in him so, he laid his arm back down.
“Okay, Cullen, do you have anywhere to go once you’re discharged?” Ella asked, sitting back down in her chair.
“If I’ve no friends nor family, then no.” He responds, coldly.
“I apologize.” She sighs, hanging her head low before pulling out a new invention he’s never seen before. She fiddles with it, tapping on its surface a few times before holding it up to her ear. Is she communicating with that thing?
“Anna, hi, yeah it’s me, is my sister available?” Ella asks into the device. “Yes, thanks.”
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