#while ufotable (as ive noticed) tends to animate 3D spaces.. objects.. and backgrounds more than 3D characters
oh-katsuki · 1 year
im gonna SAY SOMETHING somewhat controversial!!! but it’s my opinion!!! 
when it comes to 2D animated characters in 3D spaces, ufotable runs CIRCLES around mappa. granted mappa is a smaller studio, but that being said.. the way ufotable works it’s 3D rendering of backgrounds and then places 2D characters in it is (imo) leagues better than mappa. that being said... mappa excels way more in ambient lighting than ufotable does. 
neither is bad at what they do at ALL, but my opinion is that ufotable blows mappa out of the water with this new demon slayer season. it works it’s characters into the spaces so well, the colors are fantastic, they’ve got gorgeous textures on their 3D animated subjects and backgrounds so as to not lose the stylistic choices present in the 2D animation. that’s not to say mappa is bad by ANY means. mappa’s animation of both jujutsu kaisen and chainsaw man is NOTABLY good, just in a different way that tends to stick within the 2D animation realm. they’ve got a fantastic handle on their line weight (esp in chainsaw man) that makes the animation feel more “real”, whereas ufotable leans heavily into it’s stylized line work. 
there was really no need for me to compare these two studios since they make different things, but im a big fan of both of them and i am fascinated by thinking about stylistic choices made by studios as part of a pattern. they’re both great in their own right. 
anyway.... ufotable outdid themselves with this new demon slayer season. it’s fucking stunning. i can’t get over how nicely their backgrounds and 3D animated objects work with their 2d animated characters. 
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