#while they loved art and wouldve liked to work in that field
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kinokochouchou · 9 months ago
I wonder if my life would be different if I went to an art school instead of dancing school
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ckret2 · 1 year ago
whats one thing that bill loves that absolutely NO ONE wouldve guessed? like not in a TRILLION YEARS cause thats how out-of-pocket it is for him to like said thing???
also love your work <33 :) its one of the very few fanfictions where i can feel the true essence of bill cipher and that is very important to me
Thanks! I've tried to squeeze in as much Bill essence as I can.
"What's the most unexpected thing he likes" depends entirely on what you expect, and I feel like that's subjective. You could argue some of the things he likes in canon are pretty unexpected; while, on the other hand, even the unexpected stuff "makes sense" if you have the reason for it. So here's a list of random things that, while they make sense for Bill, might be surprising if you're trying to think of what would fit the image of an evil chaos party god:
First the canon. I feel like "silly straws" isn't exactly SURPRISING for Bill, but I doubt anyone would have expected him to like them enough to voluntarily bring it up if he hadn't. Like there's a long list of likable things he skipped over specifically to give silly straws a shout out.
Some people headcanon he can't actually play the piano and his little performance for Ford was all magic, but I like to headcanon he actually knows how to play and enjoys it. Which implies an unexpected amount of patience and dedicated practice out of a pretty flighty guy.
I mean I don't think anyone would have assumed that meditation fits his vibe.
Fandom's got a pretty good handle on associating him with brightly-colored busy patterns, but only with traditionally masculine or gender neutral aesthetics. Think bowling alley carpets patterns, lava lamps, Hot Wheels-style paint jobs, fire and lightning and lasers. But there's a tendency to overlook aesthetics that are associated with femininity. He WOULD be into Lisa Frank, decora, intricate neon nail art, magical girls that look like they're wearing hyper-saturated overly-complicated dance outfits covered in 24k gold and jewels as big as your thumb, extravagant hats, extravagant jewelry, girly drinks, girly desserts, glam fashion & decor, bubbles, bouquets, rainbows, and hot pink. To Bill, everything is gender neutral.
I think most people wouldn't expect Bill to be into surreal cerebral art films rather than, like, juvenile slapstick or action. But on the other hand, the line between "this is haunting" and "this is boring" is razor thin for him, so he doesn't always like the cerebral films.
He hasn't discovered this yet but he'd love the beach. Sunshine and swimming. The lake would do too.
I don't think anyone would anticipate that Gravity Falls is, actually, in fact, one of his favorite places in the dimension. He mainly keeps complaining about the town because every time he's there, he's TRAPPED AND CAN'T GET OUT.
He's really into math, just recreationally. He would read a whole book about proving Fermat's Last Theorem. He probably proved the theorem himself by 1700. Told no one. He was just bored that week.
Ford got him into DD&MD. Bill wasn't just humoring his human pawn, he genuinely enjoys it. Gets really into the roleplaying and storytelling. He hasn't had anyone to play with in thirty years. Prefers the 90s edition.
Everyone assumes Bill's just humoring Mabel by letting her put on Color Critters tapes. It's like Care Bears crossed with Rainbow Brite and the morals are twice as heavy-handed. But he actually does enjoy the show, it's just for the wrong reasons.
You'd expect the guy who destroyed his home dimension to hate it. There are books, songs, instruments, cars, plays, hotels, cities, convention centers, dams, field trip destinations, even rocks that he misses dearly and will never see again. He still writes to himself and talks to other shapes in his native language. He still constructs houses without ceilings. He still hugs with one arm and shakes hands sideways. He loves his dead dimension. Few people outside of the other surviving shapes know this.
So you decide which is most unexpected!!
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hyunsvngs · 1 year ago
having had a workplace crush in the teaching environment, here is how i would assign the boys as teachers. given my experience in in elementary but we’ll let it slide. obvi they would all love to be music teacher but i cant pick one.
chan: channie has a calling in math. he’d sit on the floor with kids and use all different kinds of tools to help students find their way of thinking. he wouldn’t force the standard way of math. he’s rarely behind his desk, his class is so hands on, all the kids use different methods to learn and they are the top of the school.
lino: lee know would be incredible in the theatre teacher roll. imagine him helping the quiet kids finding their voices. every year starts off with stage blocking and moving correctly so he gets to joke around and they see that the quiet looming teacher is actually a goofball? and they get to spend a whole year with this guy who quickly showed his colors.
binnie: this man is a p.e. teacher. argue with the wall. also he lives for two things: dodgeball and field day. seeing the kids let out all their energy and laugh their asses off while also exercising? nothing can make him happier. he spends all year planning the best activities for field day and makes sure to ask the kids what they would like.
hyune: an art teacher. but he loves stepping in and helping for the ela teachers!! his classroom is filled with his students art (he refers to his students as his kids), he’s been told multiple times to take it down by fire marshals but he’ll take the risk. he loves to see what creations they come up with, and he WILL take things home.
han: han would kill it as a history teacher. every history teacher i had was so carefree and i know that han would love to have kids act things out. he’d have a couch in his room for kids to relax on while working. he’d be super chill with deadlines and things like that. also he’s be open about his anxiety so his kids can see that adults are like them too.
felix: home economics. he spends his weekends coming up with different ways to make recipes accessible for kids with allergies and food restrictions. he makes sure everything is up to standards and is fun for students too. he loves to play videos for the kids so they have fun. also has a food pantry for all the kids on campus just in case they need something to eat.
seungie: seungmin gives off bio or chem teacher energy. but in the best way. most science teachers can be kind of anxiety inducing, but he would make sure to write a joke on the board everyday, he’d wear his pocchaco hairclip on test days to lighten the mood, or go around putting stickers on people papers then denying it just bc he thinks its funny.
innie: language arts. he loves loves loves helping the students write and find their voice. whether it’s essays, poems, short stories, he loves seeing his students grow during the school year. also his kids love story time (yes he does story time and he would never take that from his kids) they love to hear his voices!
sorry for going overboard, i’m a sucker for tropes.💕
victoria baby you ate with this.
also the way im literally gonna be teaching history & english after uni… i’m telling u me n sungie r soulmates
AND AND AND i COMPLETELY agree that bini would be a p.e teacher who would make things fun!!!!! i wouldve actually enjoyed p.e if he taught me LMFOAHSJD
♡ juno
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ravio-rants · 1 year ago
11, 12, and 14 for the OC asks!
-11. Is there a specific physical feature or item that holds special significance to your character? Why is it important to them?
For my twili group: they have a special tree! its a secluded spot where the 4 of them hang out a lot. its in the middle of a field, out of the way of major roads and towns. they found it one day while just wandering around, and decided that it was Their Tree. if one of them isnt around their usual spots, they are probably relaxing at the tree. I'll probably draw it sometime!
adding a hobic option as well because its funny, his staff is probably a very significant item for him. i think he wouldve gotten it when he became a full fledged wizard, which was also around the time he transitioned and came out as gay, meaning its the first magical item he earned, and he earned it as his true self. thats significant to him, even if most other wizards dont get it.
-12. How does your character react to change or unexpected situations? Are they adaptable or resistant?
raide is probably pretty adaptable! shes a very "fuck it, we ball" type guy. whatever happens, he'll probably be fine with it, as long as nobody is hurt by it. they would probably just shrug the change off and continue on with their day.
calen on the other hand.. he would be more resistant. dont get me wrong, he's willing to accept change, eventually, but its Scary! he gets anxious about it! he wont admit that though, at least not to anyone other than raide. unexpected situations are generally Not Welcome when it comes to this boyo. he Will panic about it. (unless its one of his friends asking for help with something. he would give the world for them, even to his detriment.)
kalt.. hm. i feel like he'd be slightly anxious aboutt change and unexpected situations, but he trusts the people around them so they'd accept it. itll probably be okay, right?
vang would probably be very calm and collected about all of it. change? alright, give her a day to plan things around it and everythings fine. she can figure it out. unexpected situations? she can probably work out what to do about it, if you give her a moment. (she's most of the reason kalt is fine woth change.) shes very reliable when it comes to most things.
hobic would rather live in a house that actively hates who he is on a fundamental level than face change or unexpected situations. this is a very literal example. his house hates him, but he's lived there so long that he would rather just Not leave actually. at least the house is predictable about it, you know?
-14. What is your character's preferred method of self-expression? Do they have any artistic talents or creative outlets?
raide loves so many forms of art! if you took a peek into his house, you would find art supplies of every type all over. sewing and instrument playing and drawing and painting and crocheting and embroidery and sculpting and- (his fav is just regular old drawing though.)
calen prefers to play music or write stories! both are very calming and in the moment things, and he can just get absolutely lost in them. his preffered method of self expression is probably his music specifically. he loves how music can explain things without the need for words at all.
kalt likes painting! hes not very good at it, but they dont care. they'll paint whatever the hell they want and if someone doesnt like it? thats their problem, not his. (its usually landscapes.)
vang likes to sing, she loves all sorts of music, but if it has lyrics? you bet she's going to be humming or singing it around the castle randomly. she does write her own lyrics sometimes, and then asks calen or raide to help her add a tune to it. (or vice versa, where one of them makes a song and then asks vang for some good lyrics for it!)
do spells count as a form of art? because if so, thats hobics choice. he also writes but he really just likes casting spells. or coming up with new spells. or fucking up spells-
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tamiddyinyourcity · 5 years ago
it wasnt even 9:30am and i had bitches on multiple accounts trying to "this you?" me; like yes hun if its my username and my caption and my post then there are signs ahead of time on who could have made them.
context was me just tweeting about a casual/funny experience with an ex, and an annoying mutual tried to be like "its been a year and you're still not over them? Sis, move ON" type shit
and i let her know:
1) I have a new crush. I have moved on, it's not as deep as she had made it out to be.
2) People can positively talk about their past experiences in life without it meaning that they'd want someone back.
Surprisingly, I hit the point of not wanting Patrick #1 back; I still of course love and value the memories though. (And I love that summer in general, since it was like..... After so long without feeling happy, I felt free to do whatever, and actually managed to be surprising cool calm and collected while I dated around.)
Had that Rihanna energyyyyy. Gossssh i wanted a Part 2 so fuckin bad, gah damnnnn that summer was good. Having two sweet ass boyfriends who were really interesting people and polar opposites? Both schlangin and taking me out? Bitch, yes. Beautiful. Work of art.
The girl that commented was like "Hm. Ok. Best of luck."
And maybe its my PMS kicking in, but I do not like her f u c k i n g t o n e.
I may or may not have said something about how if she can disrupt my IG Live just last month to cry over a guy she wasn't even dating or anywhere near, then I can tweet about who I want, and to keep the "best of luck" comments for the guy that ghosted her.
(Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally not the nicest thing to say to a girl.)
Not really caring though, since she's not really that close to me either way.
Aaand she basically kept trying to DM me from her other accs or have people try to message me. Is it that serious? At all?
anyway now bitches are tryna be like "this you? crying over your e"- its on a public account, course its me. my name and face on it, thats that.
moral of the story, mind the business that minds you. all she had to do was not say shit, wouldve been fine! i was already in a bad enough mood earlier in the night with all the news of the young homeless activist that got murdered, nonstop colorist shit on the TL, and overall my own late night demons. So if I wanna reflect on the humorous element to a guy pulling a fuckboyish "im just looking to play the field, yknow? not looking to like, settle down or commit, yknow? i wanna keep my options OPEN, and like, im too young to commit to something serious you feeeeel meee?", then being the one to fall first and end up suggesting monogamy.... I can! Since it's fun to look back on.
(Dudes saying one thing and doing another is hysterical, which is also why I chuckle and occasionally reminisce on Zack going from hating me on a daily basis to being the one blowing up my phone with heart emojis and shit, or P2.... doing anything he's ever done, ever.)
And long story short, not a fan of the shade being thrown at me like "wow, its been a year and you're still thinking about him?" I don't just forget people???? It's not like people just vanish from my memories at random you know?.........
(Excluding Jacob. And Tom. And Edwin. Still, the point stands.)
Then me saying that I have moved on (shoutout to Kieran, homie is cool,) and how it wasnt a year since we last talked, it was a year since we *met*.... I talked to him a few months ago, and that I was just positively reminiscing..... had her still shady.
Since what else could that "best of luck" have meant? I don't need your passive aggressive luck? If I..... have moved on, and was just thinking of something funny from my past to boost my mood a bit? (Ironically as i thought "i should be more positive on the TL", you know?) Plus, anyone who knows me knows I just enjoy reflecting on good moments of the past to propel me forward. Just the other day, I was telling Kieran about the dude with the Evangelion tattoo on his back and the sheeps heart in a jar under his bed. For a laugh. Doesn't mean I wanna fuck sheeps-heart-evangelion-spine guy, yknow? :)
I just hate little shady hoes, yknow?
Since yea, I can't even vibe and tell a story without bitches trying to assume "wowwww you're not over your ex???? you havent forgotten his existence???? shame on you" like.... so yes, Thuyagedi, dont shame me for casually reminiscing about a funny point in time for me without 1) trying to assume I'm clinging for dear life onto the past [not in this day and age, trust me] and 2) being all shady as if im lying (u thot hoe) when I tell you the forreal forreal situation...
That's like seeing a dog with a bone and going "THERE HE IS OFFICER THATS THE MURDERER" and whole time its just a random bone from dinner..... like no honey, im just vibing and ur trying to press me out by jumping to conclusions.
I hope she still manages to enjoy the rest of her day, knowing I'm not even glancing at the essays or paragraphs people she sends to me try to write me and simply blocking them. I hope the steam from her ears doesnt scald her too badly. Aaaaand she's extra mad since she knows Maxwell still hasn't added her back on snap.
I was outta pocket for bringing that up since it was a "first love" situation for her, so I do feel sorta bad. (But hey, sis should take her own advice and move on then. Instead of hopping on my IG Live, as I'm in the middle of telling stories and having a great active live, to derail and start talking about how the guy she cursed out and blocked everywhere for ghosting her still isn't messaging her back....)
But eh, shit would have never been said on my part if she never started with hers. Thats all. Peace out.
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