#while i'm in the absolute Trenches of trying to write a stupid book 🥲
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sgtjamesrogers · 25 days ago
#for when i finally write that massive post-series tharkay/laurence temeraire fic 👀 very excited to read that when you write it
ahehehe i'm honestly really excited to write it too, i'm doing some forcible self-denial from allowing myself to write any fic right now (i'm desperately trying to finish the first draft of my 'hell is leaking' wip before the end of the year, and i'm soooo slow going with original fiction word counts that i have to keep flexing the muscle of writing original fiction to keep my word count pace on target) especially since that one, in particular, will require lots of fun research and supplemental reading :))))
but! there are roughly fifteen bullet points of general events i'm shooting for, and six bulky paragraphs of planned plot waiting for me in my gdoc for this, along with some research links for me to dive down :) they're going to have to share the groundskeeper's cottage until the weather relaxes enough for workers to come and fix the roof on tharkay's manse :)) they're going to get invited to stay with the ladies of llangollen for a few weeks when spring breaks... because perscita lives with them there now :)) sir walter scott might show up??
there's definitely going to be erotic book reading and a brief/torrid awkward foray into an unspoken 'please tell me what to do and let me fix everything and cook for you and help you with your boots' dynamic, because will Desperately wants to be Of Service.... there's a lot going on lmao and i can't want to treat myself with it
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