#while fandom cherry picks who is a 'family' and who is not harasses the chosen target
pageofheartdj · 1 year
I wanted to elaborate on that one post but decided it is too big so Imma post it separately xD
Remember the abysmal reaction to Hunting Palismen and because Hunter licked Luz's hand he is officially her brother and therefore is incest. And if you don't see them as siblings then it's still incest you are just fucked for not seeing OBVIOUS sibling vibes.
Well now almost the exact opposite is happening with King and Collector. Minus the harassment, guess they aren't as popular as lumity. thankfully
Before Collector and King got more screentime I've seen mostly displeasure towards the ship and how they are too young.(even though kids can have kid crushes but what do I want from fandom moralisers)
And after getting all the interactions and showing Collector bonding with Owl fam... suddenly people can't see them as siblings. And they are shipping them. You can throw your hands how it's qpr/soulmate/its own thing all you want, in it's core it's shipping. Putting two characters(or more) together in not familial and not platonic relationship, because what they have is separate and special. and its a you problem if you think that shipping is all about sex and not actually exploring qpr and everything else.
Ah the moralisation that works only on ships you don't like.
In this case fandom. Fandom decided with no actual proof that Hunter and Luz are siblings and started aggressively pushing on it(because if you don't shout in people's face how they are siblings, others won't know, which is pretty telling on the legitness).
But when two characters received way more possible 'family' material but the fandom is more interested in shipping them, then suddenly 'every interpretation matters'.
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