#which really makes me appreciate specifically my mom and grandma and aunt who always did that when i was a kid
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tea-and-naps · 10 months ago
Love is stored in the preparation of fresh produce
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purplesurveys · 5 years ago
Stage one: Emotions. How often do you take actions you regret? Not super often, but it’ll come up once in a while.
Do you often feel guilty? As someone who was raised in a verbally abusive household and was always blamed, corrected, or shamed for not knowing any better, you bet your ass I feel guilty all the time. ‘Sorry’ is probably in my top 50 most used words haha. Do you have a short temper? A little bit, yeah. I got my mom’s impatience for most situations and I’m also a bit of a perfectionist, so if I’m in work mode and I see that something’s askew I’ll be fussy about it until it’s fixed.
When was the last time you lashed out at someone? This afternoon when I was feeling super stressed and was venting to Gabie, but I had the vibe that she wasn’t all ears. And why was that? Because I would assume anyone would feel shitty when they’re ranting to someone they trust and that person acts like they aren’t listening?
Does it always seem like the entire world is out to get you? I have weeks like this, but it’s not constant. Overall, I think the world is mostly decent with me. Have you ever had a serious mental break down? Yeup, tons. What led up to this? (sadness, depression, fury, confusion, etc) I’m not getting into them lmao? Do you believe it is just natural for humans to feel lonely? Of course. Everyone goes through their own battles that makes them feel this way, and sometimes the physical presence of other people or having a packed schedule wouldn’t be enough either. Do you ever feel lonely, even in the presence of those you know or love? Yeah, that’s what I was just trying to say in the last question. There’ve been a few times I wasn’t feeling my best, and I thought going to Skywalk was going to fix stuff but it didn’t. Do you believe that these are the "best years of your life"? High school and college were, but I'm expecting to stumble a bit in the next few years as I try to navigate adulthood and make the best of my 20s. I think it’s normal though as I know most people feel the same when they’re in their mid-20s, so I’ve come to terms with the fact that it might not be the best years for a while. Or do you follow the "the best is yet to come" philosophy? Yeah, but I also don’t just depend on the future to be great. I’m able to realize when there’s good things happening in the present too. Does it sometimes feel like your life is being wasted or not going anywhere? Occasionally. Nothing good comes out of those thoughts though, so I never entertain them. Tell me about the last time you were truly, truly happy. Sometime in January. I drove my girlfriend to her place and there was no one home, so we used that time to catch up and talk and watch Titanic haha. Being it was the beginning of the sem, I still didn’t have any class requirements or org deliverables so it was really just an evening to spend time with her. I love moments like those the most because it’s when I’m reminded how much I love having her around. Stage two: Relationships. How long was your longest relationship? My current one, which is running at four years. Though we’ve been linked together for much longer than that, so whenever I wanna impress people a little bit more I also sometimes say six years hahahaha How old were you when you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend? I was 16. Do you (or have you ever) had feelings for the SAME sex? Yes, that’s my situation right now. Do you consider yourself gay or bisexual? How strongly do you feel about it? For a while I thought I was bi because I liked Gab and had small crushes on some guys we were friends with in high school. It was also because everyone in school who also liked girls considered themselves bi, so me thinking I was bi was mostly an environment thing and I just thought I was one of them as well, because it was all I heard about. Through the years other orientations were given awareness, and eventually I found that demisexuality is most fitting for me. Have you ever had your heart broken? Many times in a lot of ways. Did you ever honestly believe you were going to marry your high school bf/gf? I mean, I still think that until now. Is it harder to get dumped or do the dumping? I’ve only been on one side of this so I wouldn’t know how to compare. Have you been able to stay good friends with any of your exes? Yes, but it took a while before we could mend our friendship. We couldn’t talk to each other for a couple of months but we patched things up after realizing our friendship was too important to throw away just because of a breakup. If so, is there any tension (sexual or not) between the two of you? There was, after a short while lol. Hence us getting back together anyway. Would you ever date someone that your friend liked or HAD dated? I wouldn’t do that. When was the last time you were kissed? First week of March. Are you a virgin? Do you believe virginity is "sacred"? No and no. How many times have you been in love? Was it always real? Once and yes. Stage three: Friendships. Would you say that you have a lot of friends? Yep. I’m really glad I’ve met a lot of progress when it comes to this. All I wanted in Grade 6 was one friend and now I have more friends than I ever imagined having, so it feels pretty awesome. Have you ever been considered to be a "loner"? Yeah, throughout elementary and some parts of high school. People would only talk to you if you shared the same interests, and back then I couldn’t find anyone who was like me. It made it hard to talk to anyone period because everyone already had their own set of friends. How often do you hang out with your friends? I obviously can’t now, but before the lockdown I would hang out with at least one friend a day. There’s always at least one person at our org lounge so it was easy to find someone to study with, get street food with, have lunch with, etc. Do you have a specific hang out or house that you go to? Yeah, the org lounge that we call Skywalk. It’s habit for anyone in the org to just drop by there when we have free time, or if we wanna hang out together. If my orgmates and I don’t feel like being at Skywalk, we go to a nearby bar called Tomato Kick. I have another friend group that includes Angela, and for that bunch we typically go to another local bar in the area for cocktails and shisha. Have you ever done anything illegal to help a friend? Other than giving them movie files I’ve pirated...no not really lol If not, would you be willing to? What would be your limit? Eh, I don’t like breaking the rules so I probably wouldn’t go all that far to begin with. Who is your best friend? VERY best. Choose. Angela. Have any of your friends ever stabbed you in the back? Yes, but they’re not my friends anymore. Did you forgive them? Are you still friends? No and no. Are your friends the only people that "get you"? I don’t think so. I’ve become pretty flexible through the years and can mostly adjust depending on who I’m with. Do you think your friends know you better than your own parents? They absolutely do. Have you ever lost a close friend because they died? I didn’t count Nacho as a close friend (cause I’m super particular about that title lol), but he was my friend all the same. Have you ever lost a friend because they gained a bf/gf and dropped you? No, this hasn’t happened. Are your friends your support system? =] Yes. Stage four: Family Life Are both your parents alive? They are. Were you raised by your biological parents? Technically I was raised by my grandma for most of my childhood haha, but yeah both my parents were present. Has your family ever been broken? I have an aunt (dad’s sister) who has had a couple unsuccessful relationships, but nothing in my immediate family. Do you think your parents respect your space? My dad does, which I hugely appreciate. My mom doesn’t know the basic rules of privacy and has never even learned how to knock. She just barges in, which puts me in a sour mood literally every single time she does it. Are you close with you siblings, if you have any? I’m a little close with my sister, like we crack jokes together and never fight and stuff, but not emotionally close. For instance I wasn’t able to physically comfort her when her cat died, but I made sure to flood her Messenger with messages to let her know I cared. I don’t have any relationship with my brother whatsoever. How often does your family fight or have big arguments? We don’t normally fight as a family. It’s mostly me and my mom who butt heads. Does your family hold very high religious beliefs? My mom does... we’re just forced to go along with it because she’s a bit of a brat and if we don’t do things her way, she’ll slam doors and bump against us on purpose, petty shit like that to let her know she isn’t happy. Are you the "black sheep" of your household? I used to be. I was a handful to deal with and there was just a lot of angst inside of me; and I attribute that to the abuse I got from my mom early on, which I’ve never gotten a resolution or closure to. Throughout my teen years she was able to twist the story and surface as the wonderful mother while I was the troubled teen that would never amount to anything, so it definitely looked like I was the black sheep. Thankfully I rose above it as I got older. Have you ever in anger told your parent(s) that you hated them? No. How often are you diciplined or punished or grounded? This has only happened a handful of times. Grounding isn’t common here and as mean as my mom was, she liked sticking to verbal abuse than punishment. The worst thing my parents did was take my gadgets and that only happened like twice. Do you feel like you are allowed to express yourself inside your own home? No. I have a whole-ass four-year relationship my parents have no clue about. Are your parents very controlling of the person "they want you to be"? Nope, they give me freedom which I give them credit for. They never told me what course they wanted me to take in college, what career they want for me, none of that stuff. Your family really does love each other, doesn't it? I guess. It could always be a little more, though. Are you planning to move away when you turn 18? I’m 22 now and I’m still here, so.
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theburninglilac · 4 years ago
Journal Entry #1
Okay, so here’s the thing. I'm not good at journaling! I want to be so badly, but I’m just not. Alas, we will power through and I want to tell you all a story. I have had a good life, overall. I love my family, and they love me. I’m surrounded by a great support system that aids me through my everyday life -- I’m content. But, I miss my grandmother.
My grandmother passed away when I was just nearing eleven years old. This isn’t a sob story, trust me. Well, I mean, it really depends on how you look at it. I don’t see it as a sob story, I just see it as a realization that could have been avoided if I tried a bit harder. What does that mean, you ask? Well, let’s chat. 
For real this time . . .
My grandmother used to be my best friend, we were just the same. We both were practically blind, hated country music, and had an undying love for Cherry Garcia ice cream. Basically twins. 
Well, Sundays in my family were extremely important. Not for religious reasons per se (I was religious, but usually that was focused on my father's side.) Sundays were a day of relaxation and good food. And trust me, my great-grandmother knew good food. Great-Grandma was a woman with taste. You didn’t know heaven until you broke off the head of her gingerbread men at Christmas time. She could make something delicious out of nothing. 
She had birthed ten kids. Ten kids, can you imagine? I’m an only child, and sometimes hearing stories about my youth is too much for me. Anyways, nine of her ten children went on to have kids. Some went on to have multiple, and some had one. My grandmother, or meem, (childhood nicknames never cease to amaze me. Like, seriously, ��meem’? What does that even mean? Where in the world did I even get that name?) Anyways . . . my grandmother had one biological child, my mother. But, she had one step-daughter, who was my grandfather’s, “peep” (again, with the childhood nicknames . . . ) biological daughter. My aunt. My aunt was always close with my grandmother. Always. And, so was my mother. My grandmother was a loving woman, who smoked a bit too much and drove an unmistakable green jeep for most of my life.
I always had an issue with her smoking. I hated that she was ruining her lungs because the second you heard that specific cough; the one that would start small and build and build and build, until you never knew if it was going to stop, scared me. I grew up with most of my family on my mother’s side smoking. It was always an afterthought seeing my family gathered on the porch with their lighters and packs of Camels in hand. The smell of cigarettes was never exactly comforting growing up, but it was familiar. 
My mom hated when everyone smoked around me. I was diagnosed with asthma at a very young age. I’ve been to the ER more times than I’d like to admit for my crappy lungs, and cigarette smoke never helped. Well, my grandmother was one of the worst smokers in my family. She would smoke up to a pack or more in a day, and it got to the point where she had to be put on oxygen.
I’m not sure if I have any pictures of her without an oxygen tank strapped to her person.
Anyways, Sundays were my favorite. At my great-grandmother’s we’d all laugh and eat, gossip and smile. Those breakfasts will always be a fond memory in my mind.
Everyone seemed genuinely happy . . . I was genuinely happy. My parents were yet to be divorced, everyone was alive and well, and there was a whole lot of love being spread. 
As much as I love breakfast with my family, after breakfast was my favorite part of the day. Meem and Peep’s house. 
My grandparents lived in a small trailer located on the Hudson River. It was a single wide, molding in some areas, and no appliance was from the 2010s. Nonetheless, it was my favorite place in the world. Because I adored my grandmother. 
She was a painter, and I loved watching her particular strokes on the pieces she worked on. She never was mad at me either, unlike my grandfather. My grandfather is a stern man. He is brute and terribly blunt, but he has a good heart. His passions include hunting and rodeos, which I was never a fan of, so it was hard seeing eye to eye with him all the time.
As an only child, I made my own fun, playing with dolls by myself, making up stories that only I heard, and reading books that I borrowed from the public library. I wasn’t allowed any electronic devices until I was in middle school, so for years, I made my own fun.
One of my favorite activities was having my grandmother lie down with me and make up stories as I napped in her room. I’m sure if she were still alive today she would roll her eyes at the thought, because I asked her to make up story after story . . . but, she always did. 
As a child, I was never “in the know” about my family’s finances. My father is a factory worker, and my mother is a manager at a store, but also ran a babysitting service when a was young. We were your everyday middle-class folk, living in a boring middle-class house, on a boring middle-class street, in a boring middle-class town. I liked boring though because as a child, I didn’t know boring. Boring wasn’t a concept I understood. 
I remember one Christmas I really wanted a doll called “Lalaloopsy.” I wanted it so bad, and that year, they were all the rage for young children between the ages of five to twelve. As Christmas day approached, I remembered opening up the present from my grandmother and shrieking with joy. It was the doll I wanted. The very doll that I wanted for the majority of the year. It was in my hands, and I couldn't have been any happier. 
I hugged my grandparents tightly and thanked them, but as I did, I remembered the smile my grandmother had on her face. It wasn’t happy. It was almost sad . . . but why would that be? It’s Christmas day! We're opening presents! This is fun!
Come to find out, my grandparents struggled financially that year. That present was from my mother and father, with a gift tag that was from my grandparents. They couldn't afford gifts that year. And knowing that after my grandmother’s passing broke my heart. 
It’s not just because of the money, that this news broke my heart. It was the fact that my grandmother was willing to give anyone anything. She went as far as giving her neighbors, a couple who struggled even worse financially, their beautiful faux Christmas tree. I was disappointed, because as a child I had zero concept of money, and thought this completely ridiculous. Instead of their beautiful Christmas tree, my grandparents opted for a small two-foot faux tree that couldn’t fit ornaments. 
As I’ve grown, I can finally appreciate the selflessness of my grandmother and her services to so many people. Will I ever know if she actually wanted to keep her tree? No. But, do I know it most likely made the day of a couple who were more in need of holiday cheer? No doubt.
As the years passed, my grandmother’s health decreased rapidly. And, as this happened, my parents filed for divorce. Most people said it was completely out of the blue -- I thought it was completely out of the blue. But, I grew older and realized just how different my parents were. And just how their differences hurt each other, rather than encouraging each other.
When I was eleven I dealt with a lot. At least in my opinion. My dog died, and being that I had no siblings, this was a difficult loss. She had cancer . . . everywhere. She couldn’t be saved, and when she was put down, it pained me. Secondly, we moved. Not far, sure . . . but, we moved. I didn’t want to leave my boring house, on my boring street. But, we did. And I still miss that house. Thirdly, my parents' divorce. I cried for days because of this news. I loved my parents being together. I really did. The idea of having parents divorce, when I lived in a family (my father’s side) that said divorce was sinful, scared me. I grew up listening to my family a lot, to which I regret. They taught me ideals that I simply don’t hold anymore, thanks to their traditional views and outlooks. But, nonetheless, I needed my parents to stay together. See, here is the thing. I‘d like to believe I’m religious. I think God is real to an extent, but I believe in science. I’d like to think there is something after death, but I'm terrified of the idea of Hell. 
I think that’s what I’ve always struggled with when dealing with religion. I don’t want to be scared to devote myself to a religion, because frankly, I am scared of it. If it wasn’t worse than divorce, I’m a bastard. Yeah, I said it. I was born out of wedlock, and my parents didn’t “tie the knot” until I was eight. They had been together for more than a decade before their wedding, but when they had me, the bible had declared me a sin. Not even my choice. I was a sin the second I was brought into this world. Not that I believe that anymore, but as a child, I doubted my self worth. Though, I didn’t exactly know the concept of “self-worth” as an eleven year old, I did know that sometimes I felt ashamed for no reason. I’d look around at my family, my cousins, and aunts and uncles who lived happily together. I wanted that.
When I had these thoughts I constantly confined to my grandmother, she always knew what to say. She always made me feel like I was worth it. She loved me through thick and thin.
This leads to my fourth reason of, ‘Why I Dealt with A Lot When I Was Eleven.’ 
My grandmother was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer and died, all within ten days. 
I know this isn’t a sob story, but God, I sobbed. A lot. Remember how I said she was a smoker? Well, once she went on oxygen, she quit. She did it! She was the first sibling in her family to quit smoking. But, she was the first to pass away. 
Ironic right? 
Well, as the days went on, my grandmother couldn't speak. It physically hurt her to speak. I remember leaving the hospital on one of her last days on this Earth feeling mad. Little ole’ me, mad at my grandmother because she had cancer. I wasn’t mad at the fucking cancer, I was mad at her. 
I left the hospital with my dad, and she hadn’t said she loved me. It’s not because she didn't want to, it’s because she fucking couldn’t. I called my mom in tears, I just wanted to hear my grandmother. That’s all I wanted. So, my mother put my grandmother on the line with her small flip phone to tell me she loved me. 
Her voice was so scratchy, I knew it hurt. I had to have hurt. But, between the tears and anger I had towards her, I didn’t care about her pain. She said she loved me. But, that wasn’t MY grandmother. That wasn’t the woman I had known for my entire life. That wasn’t the woman who liked orange flavored cinnamon buns, and The Golden Girls. This sounded like a complete stranger.  
I gave the phone back to my dad. I didn’t want to hear her. Because hearing her say “I love you” on repeat felt too painful. I knew that this was going to be my last call with her, and instead of saying “I love you too,”  . . . I cried and handed the phone back to my dad. 
I regret that to this day. 
Because, two days later, she died. I had no grandmother anymore. And, I had been too scared and angry to say “I love you,” because I knew that would have been the last time I did so. 
At the funeral, I couldn’t get out of my mother’s car. I was too sad. My tears had puffed my eyes so much I couldn’t see. And with my parents' fresh divorce, there was tension in the air. Could you imagine? On top of the grief and sorrow, the tension between my parents was so thick it could be cut with a knife.
In the days leading up to my grandmother's funeral, I told my mom I wanted to write a speech. I wanted to speak to the crowd of people in front of me and redeem myself from my last phone call with her. But, when I built up enough courage to walk into the funeral home, I saw everyone. Tears were being shed, people were hugging one another, and suddenly the tiny piece of composition notebook paper in my hand didn’t feel important. 
I’ve always been uncomfortable around deceased people. This is funny because I live right across the road from a cemetery. But, when deceased people are on display, I can never build up the bravery it takes to approach them. Because they look alive. With makeup done nicely, and a beautiful outfit to go along with the makeup. Seeing a deceased body never felt real, because by all means of appearance -- they looked alive.
It took a lot that day to approach my grandmother. This was the first time I had seen her without an oxygen tank by her side in years, and she wasn’t wearing her glasses. I studied her face for a long time, then I prayed. My grandmother wasn’t intensely religious. I think she believed in God, but to what extent -- I’ll never know. So, as an eleven-year-old kneeling down and “praying” I spoke to whoever was willing to listen. Whether it was a God, or my grandmother, maybe no one, who knows . . . I still spoke. After my praying, I plucked up all the courage I had to hold my grandmother’s cold lifeless hand. I wanted to throw up, that I remember. I was so overwhelmed, but it felt nice in some sense. Because at that very moment, I was in my own world with just my grandmother again. I couldn’t say it was a happy moment, but maybe somber is a good word for it.
I placed the speech I had written for my grandmother in her palm and wrapped her hand around it. It was our secret. One last secret, before I said goodbye. 
The months after her passing were tough for everyone in my family. Arguments were made, feuds were started, and by six months of fighting, Sunday morning breakfasts no longer happened. I had never realized how much my grandmother affected the entire family. Once she was gone, siblings were blaming each other for her death, my grandfather practically fell dormant, and my parents fell into what would become a multiple-year distaste for each other. All because of my grandmother.
I suppose no one in my family had a heart like hers. I never felt the warmth of happiness around anyone, that I had felt with her. She was pure magic. 
I’ve grown up my entire teenage life, turning adult life, without her. There are days where I beg her to give me a sign that she’s watching. Some days they come, some days they don’t. My family was never too tech-savvy when I was a child, so there is a lack of pictures of my youth. This means there’s a lack of pictures including my grandmother.
I miss her. Sometimes I still feel anger at myself, because as I grow older it’s harder to remember what she looks like. 
I no longer can remember the sound of her voice. 
I wish I could hug her once more. Or drive around in her ridiculous green jeep once more. Maybe even make fun of country music together. 
I wish she could have watched me grow older. Maybe watch my graduation. Drop me off at college. Help me decide on my prom dresses. God, the things I wish we could’ve done. But, life moves on. I miss her, but I can’t dwell in the past, because she simply wouldn’t have agreed with that decision. 
I pray she doesn’t hold a grudge against me because of our final goodbye. 
I pray that she watches over me and smiles because of my achievements. 
I just hope she’s happy now.
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sheps-shepherd · 8 years ago
I don’t ever really do things like this so today I decided I wanted to. So here you go.
Tagged by no one and tagging no one, but if you want to do this yourself feel free to say I tagged you so you don’t have the same problem I have. You’re welcome.
1. What is your middle name?
Officially it’s Lynn. Unofficially it’s Kurosaki because when I was in middle school making your middle name on social media the last name of a character was the cool thing to do, and I’m not gonna lie, it’s grown on me.
2. How old are you?
17, soon to be 18.
3. What is your birthday?
July 8th
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Proud Cancer
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What's your lucky number?
7. Do you have any pets?
I have a dog named Bella who is my precious little bean and six nieces and nephews who are pretty cool I guess.
8. Where are you from?
A dinky town that is literally so small it isn’t even on any maps, so good luck tracking it down.
9. How tall are you?
5’ 8”
10. What shoe size are you?
I’m actually an 8 (9 depending on the style of the shoe) but I normally get 10 because I like my feet to have breathing room.
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Four. I don’t get the appeal of owning thousands of shoes.
12. What was your last dream about?
I suck at remembering dreams. The only one that clearly comes to mind is one where my grandma came to visit me and told me she was okay and happy where she was (she passed away a few years ago).
13. What talents do you have?
I can take really good selfies and I’m great at choosing filters to hide how disgusting my face looks.
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I don’t think so, but sometimes when I’m listening to music on shuffle, I’ll randomly think of a specific song and then that song is the one that comes on next. That’s probably not psychic but it’s kinda cool.
15. Favorite song?
Currently it’s Don’t You Go by All Time Low
16. Favorite movie?
Love Actually
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Someone who can make me laugh, makes me feel appreciated, and won’t feel weird about making a picture of the two of us their phone wallpaper.
18. Do you want children?
19. Do you want a church wedding?
Absolutely not
20. Are you religious?
I’m too apatheist for that
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
I’ve only been in the hospital once when I was younger, but my best guy friend has a habit of doing stupid shit and ends up in there a lot so I’ve been in my fair share of hospitals.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
Nope. I’m a good child who never leaves her house.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Not that I remember.
24. Baths or showers?
I love taking baths cause that shit is relaxing, but we have a built-in bathtub that I outgrew ages ago so I have to take showers. Someday I want a big clawfoot bathtub so I can take all the baths I want and also fuck up my future water bill.
25. What color socks are you wearing?
White and red
26. Have you ever been famous?
Previously mentioned best guy friend and I used to be famous-ish on this old kid website called Roblox. We weren’t like the PewDiePies of the site or anything but we were actually pretty well-known and the worlds we built were decently popular.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
I don’t think so? I’d like to try my hand at YouTube someday, but I think I’d be happy with a small little following if I did so.
28. What type of music do you like?
Alternative Rock
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
On my side and curled up into the smallest ball I can manage.
32. How big is your house?
Too big. But it’s cozy.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
A cup of coffee and a toaster waffle if I’m not feeling too lazy.
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
A paintball gun.
35. Have you ever tried archery?
My one friend’s dad is a hunter and he let me shoot a bow one time, and I was pretty shit at it.
36. Favorite clean word?
Fadoodle sticks
37. Favorite swear word?
Shit is probably the one I use the most.
38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?
Four days and three nights. I’m a horrible insomniac.
39. Do you have any scars?
I have one on my palm from when I got stabbed with a pencil in elementary school, and one on my knee from when I was crawling around in the basement and crawled over a nightlight that happened to be prongs-up.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
I think so? But I also have a pretty good idea of who it was so that probably doesn’t count.
41. Are you a good liar?
I don’t make a habit of lying, but I am pretty good at it because I don’t post on social media and out myself to those I’m lying to.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
I like to think so.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
I can talk like Stitch if that counts.
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I never thought so, but my friends from out-of-state always tell me I do.
45. What is your favorite accent?
It’s not really an accent, but my mother’s family is from the city ghettos and they all talk with ghetto slang. I grew up hearing it so when I’m comfortable talking to someone I tend to slip into that kind of talk.
46. What is your personality type?
INFJ if I remember correctly.
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
I don’t really buy expensive clothes, I’m a bargain shopper. Even all my “fancy” clothes I get on sale for decent.
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
An innie.
50. Left or right handed?
Right handed.
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Not especially, but if I see it I have to kill it. I’m sorry I just gotta.
52. Favorite food?
My dad’s homemade garlic shrimp spaghetti. Fuck.
53. Favorite foreign food?
I love ramen and sushi because I’m a shit.
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
What people see as disorganized mess I see as organized chaos.
55. Most used phrased?
56. Most used word?
It’s not even an actual word, I just say the letter F a lot. Eff.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Somehow when I was getting ready for school every morning I could get dressed, brush my teeth, do my hair, and do my makeup all in a half hour. Now that I don’t have much of a time limit suddenly each of those steps requires twenty extra minutes. I’m really not a good time manager.
58. Do you have much of an ego?
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
Biting lollipops should be illegal worldwide you heathens.
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Constantly. Sometimes if I’m zoning out I’ll do it in front of people which is kind of mortifying.
61. Do you sing to yourself?
I sing in the shower if that’s what you really mean.
62. Are you a good singer?
I wouldn’t say I’m amazing or anything but I’m okay. I got a lead in the school musical so I can’t be that bad.
63. Biggest Fear?
Being forgotten. And moths. Fuck moths.
64. Are you a gossip?
65. Best dramatic movie you've seen?
Does G.B.F count as a dramatic movie
66. Do you like long or short hair?
Long, but not crazy long.
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Probably not.
68. Favorite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Ambivert, actually.
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
No but I would love to.
71. What makes you nervous?
Waiting in line for crazy rollercoasters that my friends force me to go on.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
I had really bad sleep paralysis when I was a kid and I would see some shit so yeah the dark freaks me out.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Yes. I’m an asshole.
74. Are you ticklish?
Yeah. I’m also a good kicker and I will nail you in the fucking face if you tickle me.
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
Honestly I probably have at some point.
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
Does being the Mom Friend count?
77. Have you ever drank underage?
I’ve sipped stuff but nothing more than that.
78. Have you ever done drugs?
Nope, and never will.
79. Who was your first real crush?
Probably my ex-girlfriend.
80. How many piercings do you have?
Four, two on each ear. And I still want a few more.
81. Can you roll your Rs?"
No, I say to my fuming Spanish teacher. I cannot roll my fucking R’s okay I’m sorry.
82. How fast can you type?
83. How fast can you run?
Not fast.
84. What color is your hair?
My natural color is a dark brown, but the last few years I’ve been dying it a dark red and I absolutely love it.
85. What color are your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
Ranch products. Salad dressing, Doritos, all of it.
87. Do you keep a journal?
Several. I have a habit of buying every cute journal I see and I don’t even use half of them.
88. What do your parents do?
Both my parents are in the casino business, though my mother quit after I was born to be a stay-at-home mom. She was a Blackjack dealer. My dad is a Slot Director at a casino in the city.
89. Do you like your age?
I guess.
90. What makes you angry?
People who bring their babies in strollers on the escalator. Also people who put their baby’s carseat in between the two front seats.
91. Do you like your own name?
I think Brianna is a nice name, yeah.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
Caitlyn and/or Chalice for a girl, and Avan and/or Lucas for a boy.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
As long as I can have a child someday, I’ll be happy.
94. What are you strengths?
I’m really good at dealing with people who don’t/haven’t pissed me off.
95. What are your weaknesses?
Chocolate Brownie Batter ice cream and cute babies.
96. How did you get your name?
I was named after my dad and my aunt.
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
They better not have been otherwise I’ll be pissed I lost my crown.
98. Do you have any scars?
Didn’t we go over this already
99. Color of your bedspread?
I don’t actually have a bedspread, I just sleep with a blanket thrown over me. Said blanket is actually a handmade quilt that my band family made me as a graduation present. It’s got musical notes on it and it’s my favorite thing at the moment.
100. Color of your room?
Pale green and pink.
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lalka-laski · 5 years ago
Have you ever had a really bad haircut? Yeah, like the time I got a lob expecting I’d look like Jennifer Lawrence but I actually looked like fucking Lord Farquaad.  Did you ever order any clothes from the Alloy catalogue? We got those catalogues sent to our house all through my childhood! I loved leafing through them but we could never actually afford those clothes.  What brand, color, and type is your favorite eyeliner? I hardly wear eyeliner but I have a few pencils in my makeup collection of various brands.  Do you wear eyeliner? See above
Was there ever a time in your life when you couldn’t cry? HA, safe to say that has NEVER been a problem for me. 
What’s your favorite type of yogurt? The texture of yogurt skeeves me out. Sometimes I like PLAIN greek yogurt with a little granola on top, but that’s rare.  What posters did you have on your wall as a teenager? I went through a few phases. The earliest poster I remember was a shirtless JC Chasez (from Nsync) posed underneath a waterfall. Not the most appropriate choice for a 7 year old? I also remember once being so excited to win a Spice Girls poster at a fair. I brought it home and a few days later I walked into the living room to find my sister on the floor with a pair of scissors just cutting it into strips. TRAGIC!  What are your favorite type of calendars? I don’t use calendars anymore but growing up I had them of various celebrities and characters I liked. Lots of Disney Princess ones, of course.  Do you have a full-length mirror? The doors to my coat closet are both full-length mirrors  When was the last time you bought stamps? I don’t think I ever have Do you have any overdue library books right now? No, although that’s one of my recurring dreams. (Or are they nightmares?!!)  How often do you do laundry? Usually once a week Do you have a piggy bank? Nope  Do you remember your locker combinations from high school? Funnily enough, that’s another one of my recurring dreams. I’m standing at my locker and completely blank on my combination and then I panic.  What’s your favorite DIY crafts youtube channel? I’ve watched a few here and there but I don’t have a specific channel  Could you spend hours on pinterest? Nah, pinterest annoys me  Do you own plaid pants? Nope Have you ever had to wear a school uniform? No, but I always secretly wished I did. I was so stressed about fitting in and wearing “cool clothes” and a uniform would’ve eliminated that problem for me.  What was your high school’s mascot? Titans What were your high school’s team colors? Blue & gold? I think?
Who were your best friends in high school? I had a few, all of whom are still really good friends of mine to this day
Who was your first boyfriend or girlfriend? His name was J.R. Which is funny because Glenn is also a junior and went by “J.R” occasionally growing up.  Have you ever been to Chicago? Nope but I’d love to. Polski Pride! If yes, what do you like best about it? Have you ever stayed in a hostel? Nope Would you rather sleep on the top bunk or bottom bunk? Hm, that’s tough. I’d really prefer to just sleep on a regular bed if anything.  Do you love camping? I do somewhat. I’m not exactly outdoors-y or adventurous but I have an appreciation for nature.  Would you rather sleep in a tent or under the stars? I’d only sleep anywhere that had zero chance of critters getting to me What insects are you afraid of? Ladybugs gross me out to NO end. I don’t mind many bugs, but ladybugs can fuck all the way off.  Have you ever had a secret admirer that left you notes? Mmm nope. Are you close with your cousins? My cousin Rachel is one of my best friends! Are you close to any aunts or uncles? Kind of. I honestly which I was closer to most of my extended family members. There’s so much weird hostility between everyone and I wish it wasn’t so. Are you close to your grandparents? I have very little memories of my paternal grandfather, although we apparently had a special bond. I was very close buddies with my paternal grandma though, right up until she died. And as for my maternal grandparents, we have a great relationship although I do wish we could be closer. Sometimes. 
Who betrayed your trust? Blah... Who was your first best friend (apart from a sibling)? Sean What was your favorite thing to do at sleepovers when you were younger? I loved ghost stories and all those stereotypical sleepover games like Truth or Dare. Oh, and my friends and I loved doing makeovers! What kind of popcorn is your favorite? SUPER buttery. Popcorn’s one of my favorite snacks and we eat it almost every night Does your town have a big fountain in it? Uhhh not that I know of  What is your town known for? My city has a super high crime and poverty rate so WOOHOO for that. But we also have some really cool history and a fun art/music scene.  Do you currently live in the city you grew up in? Mhm  What’s one way in which you’re behind the times? I don’t understand a lot of modern slang and I avoid using it at risk of sounding like a try-hard.  What’s one way in which you’re still a child? I’m obsessed with Disney princesses, I sleep with a teddy bear, and I’d eat Kraft Mac & Cheese for dinner every night if I could. What’s one way in which you’re old? Well being behind on modern slang as I mentioned above is one thing. I also can hardly stay up past midnight anymore.  Do you feel old or young? Or do you feel both at different times? I certainly don’t feel old enough to be 28, that’s for sure How old are you? ^^ Do you know what you want to do for your next birthday? No clue yet. For one thing, it’s too far away to think about and secondly, who the hell knows what state the world will be in by that time? If yes, what is it? What is the last new thing you discovered that was really good? Glenn & I started watching this make-up competition show that is fascinating. The talent is mind-blowing! What would be the best surprise you could receive right now? If my work could shut down & I could quarantine for months again while still getting unemployment bonuses I’d be a happy camper Do you usually forgive when someone hurts your or try to get revenge? I’m all too forgiving. And I’m not clever enough to plot revenge Were there any subjects in school that were really easy for you? English If so, what? ^^  Did you ever skip a grade or get held back a grade? Neither  What time of day were you born? 5:45 PM What is the best hairstyle you’ve ever had? This is currently the healthiest my hair has ever been. And I really do love the shade of it.  Do you think you look better with dyed hair or natural hair? I haven’t seen my natural hair in ages. It’s a darker, more brassy shade of the blonde I have now. I definitely like my chosen color better.  Do you think your look better with curly hair or straight hair? Wavy  Do you have bangs? Nope. although I did for all of my childhood Do you think you look better with bangs or without? Without. I mean, I think I was a cute looking little kid but my mom definitely kept me in bangs wayyyy longer than I should’ve been. Do you think you look better with long hair or short? LONG, for sure.  What’s your favorite rock band? The Killers Who’s your favorite country singer? I don’t care for it Do you ever listen to Celtic music? Mhm. I mean not regularly but I like instrumentals for studying/relaxing.  Do you listen to Hillsong? Nope  Did you try the unicorn frappuccino, and if yes, were you a fan? Nope and I am so thankful that I no longer worked at Starbucks when that was a thing Have you ever won a contest? None that I recall  Have you ever wanted to be a model, actress, singer, or dancer? I always thought I’d make a decent actress, but anxiety got in the way of me ever venturing into that territory. And I do wish I could sing.  When you look at your baby pictures, do you recognize yourself? Yep  Has your hair color changed since you were a toddler? Actually, my current (dyed) hair color is pretty much the same shade I had as a toddler.  Do you wear matching socks? When I have to wear socks, yes.  How many drawers does your dresser have? Umm... four small ones and I think six large ones? Do you own an American flag shirt? Nope Do you own a British flag shirt? Nope Do you have a seashell collection? I did at one point but I have no idea what happened to it Do you have a rock collection? Actually I have a small collection of rocks I gathered a few months ago with the intentions of painting them and hiding them for others to find. (Spoiler: I did no such thing).  Do you decorate for Halloween? Yep! Well, more for Fall in general but some of my decorations are ~spooky.  What is your favorite thing to do in the pool? Anything! I love swimming and just splashing around.  Flamingos or pineapples? You mean like for a pattern or print? Either one is fun for summer.  Cacti or seashells? Both?  Maple tree or palm tree? Tough! Again, I like both.  Dreamcatcher or wind chimes? Dreamcatcher. The sound of wind chimes always kind of creeps me out for some reason. Have you ever taken a picture at the perfect moment? Yes! Do you have a crush right now? He might be a little more than a crush
What color was your first car? I don’t drive Was your first car used or new? Do you have a car now? What color(s) eyeshadow do you wear the most? I really only wear neutrals. I’d love to learn how to do more exciting things with my makeup but I usually play it safe
0 notes
fivethings5-blog · 6 years ago
Growing up, Christmas was always such a mixed bag for me. It holds some of my sweetest memories, and also some of my hardest. It’s such a supercharged time of year emotionally for me as so many of these memories tend to make an appearance around the holidays.
Some of my earliest memories were at Christmas time. We didn’t have any furniture, and probably many other things that we needed, but I remember so vividly my parents getting me the thing that I wanted the most – a talking Cricket doll. It was one of the first of its kind and it has left such a lasting impression on me that my parents somehow made it happen! 
One Christmas, when my brother Johnny was around five years old and I was about four, he had a brilliant idea. He woke me up around two in the morning and told me Santa had come. Since we were both scared of the dark at the time, we turned on every single light in the house, and because neither of us could read at that time, we preceded to open every single Christmas present under the tree! We didn’t know whose gift was whose, so we just opened every. single. one. of them! You can imagine the look on my exhausted parents’ faces as they woke up to this nonsense not long after finishing all the wrapping and finally heading to bed. They picked us up by our pajamas, threw us into my brother’s room, and swiftly locked the door. That morning, when we woke up, every single present had been re-wrapped as if the incident had never even occurred. I don’t know how they made the magic happen, but they weren’t going to let us ruin Christmas for everyone else! As a parent now I just think of how crazy it would be to encounter my kids in the wee hours in the morning, with every single light on in the house and wrapping paper everywhere. I’m glad I’m still alive to tell that story! 
Christmas Eve was always spent at my Grandma Klinko’s house, which later became the Galloway’s (my aunt’s family’s) house, but they kept the tradition going. Once my parents got divorced, this became the most difficult night of the year for me. After spending the evening with my dad’s side of the family he would drop us off at my mom’s house for the night so we could spend Christmas morning with her. My mom always made Christmas really special, but it broke my little heart knowing that my dad was going to be alone for the night and the next morning. I am an ENFJ on the Myers-Briggs scale and that moment always made me feel all.  the. feels! 
Something that I am eternally grateful for about my mom in my younger years was that she had an amazing ability to take an ordinary moment and make it a magical celebration. Christmas was the time my mom would pull out all the stops. It wasn’t that she spent a lot of money, but she was amazing at making the atmosphere special with the lights, the music,  and of course the matching Christmas pajamas. Beyond that, just being around her was special. She just drew you in with her somewhat larger than life personality. My mom was really creative and quite resourceful at times, and she used to make various white chocolate creations and sell them around the holidays as a way of saving for our Christmas presents. She had chocolate molds galore, but on Christmas day she was essentially done for the season, so she would let the kids have at it. We would spend time trying to recreate my mom’s creations, but none of us would eat them because we all hated white chocolate! She was also really creative in that some years she would wrap each of our gifts with a specific color of wrapping paper or ribbon and we couldn’t know which were ours until she woke up in the morning and told us. One Christmas she even put firecracker poppers all over the floor outside of our door so we couldn’t sneak out and see the presents. Now that I think about it, I’m even more impressed that my mom had these ideas before the internet or Pinterest!
If my mom embodied Christmas spirit, my dad was, well, the opposite. Some years we would get a Christmas tree and some years not. Some years we would get Christmas gifts and other years he would tell us we weren’t getting any Christmas presents and then change his mind at the last minute. He was a man of his convictions, and although I appreciate that about him, it also makes it really difficult when you are a kid and you don’t know what to expect during a time that is so centered around traditions. My Dad really wanted to follow his conviction that Christmas was a pagan holiday and that we were going to have no part of it, but he also hated disappointing his kids. My dad was also very much a larger than life personality, which is probably why my parents couldn’t work things out. If there’s something to be said about my dad, it’s whatever he did, he did it all. the. way. I see my own reflection so clearly as I write about my parents – for better or worse.  
Christmas is supposed to be a time of cheer, but it’s not always full of joy for some. My heart goes out to those that are hurting this time of year. The last time I saw my mom before she passed was on Christmas. I wish I knew how little time she had left, but she was only 37 at the time, and who would have guessed? Although she was very sick the last couple Christmases we spent together, when I was a teenager I had no concept of time or mortality. “She’ll get better – we all get better when we’re sick.” I didn’t know that you don’t get better from liver failure. My mom didn’t really talk about her sickness much so I didn’t even know how bad it was, especially because we lived an hour apart and didn’t see each other often at that point. We can’t go back in time to change things, but I’m thankful that as I grow as a parent I get to see life through my moms eyes a little differently and I have far more understanding for her now than I ever could have at seventeen. (You can read more on growing with my mom here: My Glass Castle)
When things get crazy around this time of year, it’s important for me to realize what is truly important to me. I never want my kids to have to experience all the hurt and sadness that I experienced growing up. I hope that is every parent’s wish. Knowing that my kids get to grow up with parents that love them and love each other is a better gift than anything that they will ever find under the tree, and while I have the time, I’m going to make sure they know it!
It’s really so sweet seeing how faithful God has been to redeem Christmas for me by also giving me some of my sweetest, most life changing moments over the years. You’ll have to stay tuned for that post though! 
Thanks for joining me on this journey!
  The Ghosts of Christmas Past: When things get crazy around this time of year, it's important for me to realize what is important to me. #ChristmasMemories #Christmas #parenting Growing up, Christmas was always such a mixed bag for me. It holds some of my sweetest memories, and also some of my hardest.
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I don't own a car so I don't have auto insurance. Visa and Mastercard only seem to cover Collision/Loss Damage Waiver for 15 days. AmEx seems to offer this coverage for 30 days (but I don't have an AmEx card). None of these cards cover liability. Is there a better way to get coverage than buying from the rental car company? Does a homeowner insurance policy cover liability if you damage something or injure someone with a rental car? The Non-owner policies one can buy only cover liability and not LDW/CDW? Any help sorting this out would be appreciated. Please don't reply if you are not knowledgeable on this topic. Thanks.
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Learner drivers, what litre is your car and how much do you pay insurance?""
""I drive a work vehicle 5 days a week, shouldn't I get a low rate insurance for my own car?""
I've started a new job few months ago, where I'm provided with a work vehicle (insured by my work) and I drive this work car 5 days a week (Monday thru Friday) ... I still have my own car and I'm not getting rid of it, but the question is shouldn't I get a lower rate insurance for driving my car only in weekends, if any?""
How do I get auto insurance without getting my parent involved?
I got my license in June and i turned 18 last week. My dad is trying to find a cheap auto insurance plan but the cheapest one he claimed to find was $6,000/6 months and he's not willing to pay that. I'm thinking of getting a part-time job at my college but idk how the process of getting insurance works out.""
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I want to do my full bike test but i dont need the trainng as its expensive and i think im up to test standard. I have my own bike but how do i get insured? the insurance company say they cant insure me due to me not having a full license but other people say they have done it on there bike please help!
Insurance cost...v6 vs v8?
Does it make difference? Is the insurance going to be higher?
Car insurance to help disabled grandparents?
My grandfather is ill in hospital and my nan is finding it difficult to drive to the hospital and back on a daily basis. Aunt has MS so she cares for her too, thus I was wondering if anyone knows of a type of car insurance that will enable me to help out with their daily living. I obviously know that standard insurance would work, but I'm a 21 yo male and don't have the funds to get full independent insurance. Thanks for any help.""
AAA insurance question.?
I signed up for insurance for a home when I bought it 7 years ago. I told them I wanted full replacement which is what you have to have in order to get a mortgage. 7 years ago when I went down there to sign papers I specifically told him that I wanted to make sure everything was at full replacement value and my husband wanted to make sure the roof had full replacement value. I told the insurance guy that he is a roofer so that was a main thing he wanted me to make sure we had. The insurance guy laughed and made a little joke about it. So now, 7 years later we had hail damage and guess what.. my house does have full replacement value and all our property inside has full replacement value everything but the roof. Hmmm..imagine that. So I am sure I signed papers without reading the contract, I just took his word for it. Is there anything I can do? I am going to report this to the local new station. The insurance guy out right lied to me. This is in oklahoma. Is there a district office in oklahoma? I googled it and couldn't find anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.""
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My specs: 25 years old, female car is 1994 lexus sc400 bought it for $2500 has a really good alarm on it with a pager I heard Desjardins and Aviva are good prices.. any other companies I should check out? Thanks""
Still have to pay car insurance after selling the car?
I had an accident a couple of months ago, my car was written off so i bought another car which i've now sold because i dont really need a car, but my insurance company wants me to pay the remains of my policy, i take it there's no way to get out of this?""
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I'm 19 and a full time college student and I live in Wisconsin. I have a work study job at school as well as a full time job in the summer. I live with my grandma because I was technically abandoned by my mom while in high school and she is unemployed so I don't think she has insurance. I wrestle in college and earlier this year I sustained a concussion and a few days afterward I got rear ended which made the symptoms a lot worse. Theyre insurance is paying for some of the bills but not all. So what insurance should I try to pursue.
Is there a website where I can use a calculator to get an estimated insurance quote for a car I may buy?
I want to figure in the insurance as part of my outlay in this purchase without a bunch of insurance agents harassing me, calling me, emailing me and so forth. It would help me make the final decision on which vehicle I purchase.""
New Car/ Insurance.?
I just got a new car, and my mom needs to put me on her insurance. We are with State Farm, will she just go in and say what car it is? or will I have to go in with her with the car?""
Non-owners policy auto insurance in NC?
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i'm thinking about getting a motorcycle and i wanna see how much cheaper it is than getting a car and how much it would help
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Wwhat are the characteristics of disability insurance ?
Where can i get cheap car insurance for 20 year old?
hi, im 20 live in liverpool, just bought a ford fiesta flight 1.3 Y reg (2001) 1299cc were can i get insurance for no more than 3000 any tips on what to do aswell had my licence for 8 months""
Do insurance rates always go up after fender benders? even super minor ones?
I was in a minor parking lot fender bender, more like fender TAPPING if you ask me, neither car has more of a scratch, I am pretty sure that she is more at fault in this situation because when we tapped i was all the way out my my parking space and she was only out about half way, hence why our bumpers tapped on both of our rear passenger corners. she has a witness claiming they saw the whole thing and that I hit her, but regardless of if my car tapped hers or her car tapped mine, I was all the way out of my space and she was the one who wasn't looking enough to not hit me. I was about to shift into drive right when we tapped, I had my foot on the brake, which is probably why we didn't hit hard enough to do any more damage than a scratch. ANYWAY she is basically making a huge deal about a small *** scratch on her 1998 honda in which i am sure that she is at fault for. in maryland, I have always been told that parking lot accidents are equal fault cases no matter what. she called me 3 days after the incident and also called my house number(which i did NOT give her!!! creepy) she got mad that I called the police for advice on what to do and said she is going to go through my insurance to get things settled. m my question is, will my insurance go up if she files a claim using my insurqnce info? even though the repair for her tiny scratch couldn't possibly cost more than 200 bucks? It is so small i feel like someone at a body shop could buff it out for even less than 100, maybe even 50. it just baffles me that someone would make such a big deal over a scratch that is less than an inch, especially when my scratches are deeper and longer than hers! you can tell by the direction that my scratch was in that she was the one who hit me, because of where the paint was pushed.""
Are private pilots required to buy insurance for their planes?
Are private pilots required to buy insurance for their planes?
Named driver car insurance?
My dad purchased a car and added me as a named driver. I use the car whenever he doesn't use it but as a majority he covers more miles than I do, some weeks it's 50/50 usage others I use it not as much. My dad is the owner of the car and the policy holder. He received a call from the insurance people and because he said we use it 50/50 some weeks they have now given him 7 days left before they are going to cancel the insurance. He payed this in fully and is only 2 months in. He recieved no terms and conditions, are they aloud to do this? Please help as he is isn't clued up on this and we both need to use the car. We were told that we need separate insurance for the vehicle which seems ridiculous seen as that would be double the price and not make any sense. He has his own other vehicle which he uses for work and I only use the shared car when necessary. Thanks in advance for any help. Ryan""
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What insurance has the cheapest rate for teenagers in California?Is there a company that insures only a driver
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What are some cheap car insurance companies for me?
I know the General offers really low rates, but what other companies offered in Louisiana are cheap?""
Will insurance companies charge Yahoo Answers users more than others due to cheating on the written test?
Before getting a license (or permit), a potential driver is supposed to study a booklet of information about how to drive safety, traffic laws, etc., and pass a test. Many potential drivers post the questions from the test in the safety category on Yahoo! Answers and get the answers that way, instead of actually studying all the information that they are supposed to study. Will insurance companies decide that insuring Yahoo! Answers users (many of whom cheat in this way) is riskier than issuing individuals who do not have Yahoo accounts (and cannot use Yahoo! Answers to cheat on the test), and charge higher rates to Yahoo! Answers users than to individuals who do not have Yahoo accounts? How much different will the rates be?""
""Do professional race car drivers have life insurance and if so, how much does it cost?""
Do professional race car drivers have life insurance and if so, how much does it cost?""
What is health Insurance?
I know it is insurance but what does it cover if so and so happens.
Old DUI and Insurance rates.?
Unfortunately I was a stupid kid and received a DUI in July of 2007 in the state of PA. Now after years of traveling and studying overseas I am living in California and about to buy a car in a few months. I am wondering if anyone knows whether or not this DUI will play a major role in getting insurance?
Cheap insurance for a 95 reg 4.6 litre Range Rover as a young driver.?
I am aged 18, have had my license for over a year & have one years no claims discount. I have recently purchased a Range Rover with cost nothing to transfer over from the car already on my policy, however upon renewal it will cost me a whopping 4K to insure! Does anybody know of any companies which either specialise in this department or will be able to get me a cheaper quote? Currently I have tried both confused.com & comparethemarket.com but was wondering if there are some other cheaper companies which are a little more unknown. Would be really grateful if someone helps me find a cheaper quote as that is just daylight robbery.""
Insurance for ninja vs nighthawk?
I am planning on getting a small 250cc motorcycle either a kawasaki ninja or honfa nighthawk. i am 16 yo and this will be my first bike. will insurance for a ninja be alot more than insurance for a nighthawk? just liability i dont want comprehensive or collision.
Car loans and insurance?
Okay, I recently took out a loan for a car, and I got liability only on the car. The bank just contacted me saying they need proof of insurance. When I take it in, and they realize that it is liability insurance only, what will they do? Because, I heard you need premium insurance when you buy a car with a loan. So am I gonna have to go premium or what will happen? I have a 1990 Nisasn 240sx. My bank is Great Plains Federal Credit Union. My insurance is American Family Insurance.""
Using student insurance?
Does student insurance in Canada or USA pay for insulin pen?
Do you need full coverage insurance to take a driving test?
How does that work? Me and my boyfriend just got a car & I still need to get my license in order to get full coverage insurance, but can I take my driving test without full coverage? I'm in a bit of a pickle here any opinions would be great! I live in California.""
Antique Car Insurance Question?
I own a toyota Camry as my primary vechiale if i am buying a 1983 Dodge ram would that be considered an antique car? if it would is there anything special i would have to do with that car? and how much would i expect to pay per year on insurance? (Pennsylvannia)
Is this good Health Insurance from my work?
I will be paying 182 dollars a month for medical vision and dental coverage. I will have a 50 dollar deductible, 30 dollar copays for primary care visits (50 for specialist) and 80/20 coverage. (They pay 80 percent of the visits and I pay 20 percent, plus the flat co pay. Im new to the whole insurance thing, I just left my parents coverage. Is this considered good? I just think its sorts a lot as I only make 2100 a month.""
Car Insurance For Teens!?!?!?!?!?
I'm about to purchase a used car for $2500. The car will be registered in my name. Do I have to get insurance under my own name or can I get it under my parents name? If I have to do it myself, what is the average rate for 18 year olds. I'll be 19 in December. I live in South Carolina. <When I get the car, do I have to get insurance immediately or do I wait until the temporarily dealer plate expire?""
Where can i find cheap car insurance?
Where can i find cheap car insurance?
Difference between a deductible and co-insurance?
I am shopping for individual health insurance and I do not understand the difference between these terms. Also, if a plan has a $1000 deductible does that apply to the entire 12 month term of the plan or every single time I receive health care services? And what about co-insurance?""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
in Richardson, Texas.""
Cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Where can i get cheap car insurance? I'm now 18, and I did use to drive a 1.2 Renault Clio, but I had to sell it, because the insurance was so high. I've been looking at other cars with small engines, and I have been using price comparison sites, but the cheapest quote I ever got was 3000 (and have done Pass Plus too!!) Is there any way to make insurance cheaper, or is there any insurance companies, that specialise insurance for young drivers with Pass Plus? And is there any other ways to make quotes cheaper? Please help :)""
How much does it cost to insure a landrover defender at 17?
im 17 soon and am looking to learn to drive, i was considering a landrover defender for my first car, any ideas as to how much it would cost to insure? i would by an oldish model. the reason i am considering this car is because we have land and live stock etc so it would be practical. i live in the UK also. and can it be insured cheaper if im a member of the NFU or anything. Thanks for your help in advance :)""
Which of the following might put you in the high risk insurance category?
a. ticket for drinking in public b. ticket for speeding 80 in 55 mph zone c. ticket for jaywalking d. 2.0 grade point average...(ofcourse not!!)
Insurace for a 2001 mustang?
My girlfriend who is 17 is wanting to get her own car. Her parents won't let her put a car on their insurance plan so she wants to get her own. She is looking at a 2001 mustang v6 automatic and wants to know, roughly, how much the insurance would cost her on her own. (she plans on getting esurance).""
""Car insurance, Help!?""
I crashed my car into another car, both card sustained minimal damage, I just payed for my car to be fixed without consulting my insurance, is this illegal? And furthermore could I settle a money agreement with the guy I crashed into? is this all legal? Also if the guy decided to go through insurance would someone come inspect my car or inspect his... Basically what would the whole procedure be? I haven't contacted him yet""
Do your insurance rates go up when you file for bankruptcy?
Do your insurance rates go up when you file for bankruptcy?
Car Insurance Question?
My fiance and I want to buy a new car - and I am the primary buyer, and he is the co-buyer. Can we just add the new car to his auto insurance and list me as a driver of the car? (My current car is not on his insurance, it's on my moms because she helped me get my current car) Or must we be married to do this? I have heard that if you're not married, then I would need to get my own separate insurance policy, but I don't know how true this is. The dealership says that it doesn't matter, as long as the car has insurance. Do they check?""
Cheap car insurer for young driver?
I am a 19 year old male trying to find a cheaper car insurance quote than 1500. Does anyone know the cheapest car to insure? or a cheap insurer?
North Las Vegas Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89033
North Las Vegas Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89033
How much would insurance cost for a Audi R8 tronic quattro?
2009 Audi r8 tronic quattro?? Per year?
Sports car vs. compact SUV insurance?
I currently have a 2007 Pontiac G5, classified as sports car according to my insurance broker and pay quite a bit because I am young. I'm considering buy a 2008 compact SUV Kia Sportage, would insurance be higher or stay about the same?""
What would be the cheapest car to insure for a 23 year old malel uk?
Every car i seem to look at has really high insurance costs, it ricockulous! seems ill never be able to afford to insure a car. Si i have 2kids a girlfriend and a job, im 23, and really need to get on the road. so does anyone have any suggestions as to a few cars i should check out insurance costs on that they think would be the cheapest options>? anuy ideas would be fab, thanks.""
Best car insurance for my age HELP PLEASE?
Hi, I am going to buy a 2005 corsa c in afew days and I was wondering what would be the best insurance company for my age ? I just turned 20 and have had my licence for just about ayear. I could also put my mum and dad on the insurance if that would take it down if so how would I go about this and whats the best company to go with ? its a 1.2 sxi corsa by the way, thanks if you can help and I have cheked compare the market and that but people seem to be getting alot better prices than that is giving me and I dont know what they are doing different, thanks if you can help.""
California Insurance with Arizona license?
If i change my California drivers license to an Arizona one, do i have to tell my insurance company? If i do will this affect my policy in any way? thanks!""
California Temporary Driver's License?
I'm 20 years old and have a valid UK driver's lisence. As I am now living in California, I was given a 'California Temporary Driver's License'. This expired yesterday but I have my behind the wheel test on Monday (12/7/09). Is this expiration going to be an issue? I did mention it at the DMV office, but the woman just ignored my question as if it was stupid and continued to book my test. Surely it means I am not licensed to drive a vehicle on my test date? Also, the car I will be driving is fully insured by someone I live with, and it is her name that is on the insurance documents. The policy insures anybody with a valid license- can I use this for the test providing it passes all their other requirements referred to on their website? Thank you in advance for any help. I have searched through all DMV related sites but this issue is never addressed.""
How much do you pay for your motorcycle insurance?
I just check for a quote for a cbr 600 f4 I wanted to buy and it quoted me $2,200 a year! Does that sound right? I'm 19, live in New york city, male. Whats your state, age, bike model, gender, and insurance rate?""
""Im 16 and need to get cheap insurance, any suggestions?""
Im 16 yrs old, female, very independent and just bought a car; a 2002 chrysler pt cruiser. Im needing to get car insurance and be being 16 I know it'll be expensive so im needing to know where the cheapest place to get insurance for liability coverage in the state of Kentucky.""
What is the most affordable life and health ?
What is the most affordable life and health ?
Would my car insurance covers if paint is sprayed on my car by family member accidentally?
My uncle was spray painting his deck (toner - penetrating oiling formula) and didn't pay attention and it was quite windy that day it got all over my car. Now would my insurance cover this claim or not? What you guys think what should I do? I think it will cost me around $7000 to $8000 and I have full insurance. Thanks for your replies
""Okay, so how much does neutering/spaying a dog cost? Will insurance companies cover it?""
1 - How much does it on average cost to get a female dog neutered/spayed? 2 - I will be buying insurance from the day we get her (8 weeks old) so would my insurance cover the cost? (I know it varies on actual insurance plans, but Im wondering if its a complete 'they never pay for that' sort of thing?) 3 - How long is the recovery time? How long after the op can I take her home? How long will she have the cone of shame? I have googled this but I get a bunch of long winded answers that dont really answer the questions""
Where can I find information about a career in Insurance Sales ?
Where can I find information about a career in Insurance Sales ? Which of the three fields ( life, health, or property ) would be compatible with working from my home office ? How difficult is the California State exam to get licensed ? Is it possible to earn residual income in all 3 fields ? Thank you for your help.""
How much is aaa liability cheapest insurance for a 3rd car?
If I currently have a 2009 ford taurus and a 2003 toyota camry with full insurance for 2000 a year how much extra is it to add insurance for a small, cheap used car (2001 toyota corolla) for just liability rather than full coverage by AAA? Is it going to be cheap as in 200 dollars a year extra or even no extra cost? Thanks""
""I pay more than $10,000 per year for Health Insurance, does that sound reasonable?""
I'm self employed and gross about $105,000 / year. Have wife and 3 small children. (wife stays home) Premium for family is $857.41 / month and increases about 11% per year. M.D. visits have $20 co-pay. Policy through Excellus BC/BS. We live upstate New York and have no health problems.""
How much is it for car insurance for average teenager?
How much is it for car insurance for average teenager?
Insurance company policy?
I was hit in a wreck. They're insurance company quoted me $400 and wrote me a check for it which I did not accept. All they did was look at the external damages. Then I took it to a dealer collision center and they quoted me $1100 and they guessed more damage was done but couldn't say unless they took apart my bumper. I'm not wanting to get it fixed in a shop since my father can fix it for me, but $400 is not going to cover the cost of fixing it. so my question is... Does their insurance company have to give me the money quoted by other body shops or is my only option having it fixed in a shop?""
Question regarding auto mobile insurance company policy?
so i just got with a new insurance company about 2 months ago. Would the insurance company accept a claim and cover all the expenses of a car accident if they didnt withdraw their monthly fee yet, but then i did received their pink slip of the policy number and everything?""
Are there any car insurance companies that you don't have to give your SS# and DOB to get a quote?
If I get a good quote then I will give all of my information to that company.
First time car insurance?
I'm a 25yr old female looking to buy my very first car, which are any good insurancers? What should I be looking for with an insurance company? I'm based in london""
Health insurance for foreigners?
I am from India & I would like to know about the health insurance options for indians working in Malaysia. My husband is working but I am a housewife. His company takes care of his insurance. We are trying for a baby and I would like to know about the health insurance options for foreigners in Malaysia.
How do i sort car insurance out?
okey it might sound a stupid question but ive only just passed and dont know how to go on about it, do i need to get a car first or insurance? how can i compare insurance prices without knowing what car ima get but how can i get a car without insurance :S help pleasee and wheres the best place to get insurance and wheres best places to get a decent cheap car""
How I Know Credit Card Insurance?
I would like to learn Credit card Insurance. Is it available in banks? How do i know, which bank offer very attractive manner? Which are all the bank tie up with insurance company? How to calculate the premium amount, sum assured and relevant details? Please give me detailed query.....""
Insurance ........................?
i m working for a insurance company and doing 100000 rs business(premium collected in regular plans what should be myjustified salary
Whats happens if I don't get car insurance?
I have a speeding ticket on my license, I'm about to go to court for another speeding ticket (19 over) and a reckless driving ticket (for burning tires). I am 18, with a Nissan 300zx (2 seater sports car) My insurance is currently $120 a month for liability (I think) , and will probably go WAY up I was thinking, what if I don't renew my insurance? Will I just get a $200 ticket when I get pulled over for it? $200 ticket >>> $300 a month for insurance More knowledge the better, cuz the 2 tickets I just got are gonna cost me out the ***, and insurance is ridiculous anyways, I have 0 wrecks, I'm considered high risk with tickets even though its just speeding and burning tires. Speeding on old highways with nobody on them, the worst thing I have to worry about is deer. Burning tires in secluded areas on roads nobody drives on really.""
Do you have to have car insurance to legally drive?
Do you? and do you have to have car insurance to buy a used car say from maybe someone on craigslist? can you get a license plate for your new used car if you don't have car insurance?
North Las Vegas Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89033
North Las Vegas Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89033
Can I legally drive my mother's car if i'm not on the insurance?
Im a 19 year old with a driver's license and I live in New York. My mother has insurance on the car, but I'm not on her insurance policy. If I get into an accident am I covered at all? Also from a legal aspect, if I get stopped by a cop will I be in trouble\will my mother's insurance go up?""
Why do I have to be added on the car insurance?
Im 17 and I got my license yesterday. I do not own a car, but I will be using moms car occasionally. My question is if she has car insurance, why do we have to pay extra just for me to drive it? Wouldn't the insurance she already has cover me? Dose that mean that every car I drive (that I dont own) I will have to pay for extra insurance? I just dont under stand it. If any one could explain it to me I would be great-full. Thanks""
When was car insurance for teens increased?
I was wondering how long and in what year was car insurance for teens increased? links would be very helpful... Thanks All!
How much money would it cost to have a 1992-1998 BMW E36 1.6l-1.8l for a 17 year old on your parents insurance?
How much money would it cost to have a 1992-1998 BMW E36 1.6l-1.8l for a 17 year old on your parents insurance?
Life insurance question.?
can your family collect it if someone commits suicide. for instance,when i shoot myself in the head and die,will my family get anything for it? honest answers only.""
What is the best company for Maternity Health insurance?
I'm not looking to go on medicaid, I don't want to use taxpayers money if I can afford a reasonable individual health insurance plan. I am very early on in pregnancy and would like to know if anyone knows of a good plan with reasonable rates. I would appreciate it if you had details (plan names). We can afford a deductible of around $4000 or less.""
Best Car Insurance for an 18 yr old?
I stay in Illinois and I just graduated from high school in December. I'm already enrolled in college and I'm taking two courses. In one class i have an A and the other I have a B. My GPA is still higher than a 3.0. I plan on getting a car really soon and I would like to know what is the best car insurance for me right now. I'm 18 years old, I was born in 1991, I do not yet own a license, and I've had my permit every since I was 15. The car I plan on getting is an 2004 honda accord with more than 100k miles on it or a 2004 Monte carlo with less than 100k miles on it. Which would be the best car for me to get? Should I get the Monte Carlo or a Honda Accord? Which car insurance would be the best for me also, because I don't want nothing so expensive!""
What to do with a conditional discharge and a car insurance?
My friend had a court on 25/08/2012, where he has been conditionally discharged for 12 months. His car insurance was due to be renewed on 28/08/2012. He was buying the car insurance ...show more""
What is cheaper in car insurance...?
An old fiat punto or a new fiat punto
Do i Need Car Insurance?
If i drive my moms car and the car has insurance and my parents both do and i don't have my own and i get in a accident or get pulled over. what will happen to me and my parents? and also i am 16 and just got my license. my parents have AAA insurance and we live in Michigan. My parents do not want to add me on the policy, so can i still drive the car or can i get in big trouble?""
I am a new contractor in California (concrete) where do I get liability insurance cheep?
I am a new contractor in California (concrete) where do I get liability insurance cheep?
Does vehicle modifications raise insurance?
Things like new Wheels, body kits, engine swaps and etc. Would modifications raise insurance?""
""If you do not have health insurance, what is the most affordable and safe way to get a knee replacement?""
If you do not have health insurance, what is the most affordable and safe way to get a knee replacement?""
Best Insurance Price I Could Get?
I'm looking at buying my first own car in the next few months/year. I'm currently 17 but will be 18 soon, straight-A student, looking at a 1999 Toyota 4Runner Limited 4WD. Progressive quoted me $147, which seems ludicrous to me (they'll have the value of my car in less than four years!), but I know I'm young - and young drivers get in a lot of wrecks. I'd just like to know what you all think is the best affordable insurance company that still offers pretty good coverage, and if there's anything I can do to further lower my price besides good student and safe driver discounts.""
Auto State Farm insurance almost up?
I just looked at my auto insurance card that it expires next month.....i still want to keep it so do i have to call them to renew it or something, or do they call you ?""
Which insurance to use?
What insurance should one use to cover financial costs of a family if the primary wage- earner of the family dies? A. life B. Liability C. heath
Best health insurance for babies?
Hi everyone I am 24 and kind of new to this. I'm pregnant with my first child and I would like to know what would be the best insurance for my newborn and when I should apply for it. I currently have insurance through my job and its great the only thing is I'm not considered full time so if I put the baby under my insurance there goes half of my paycheck. It is the same for the baby's father. I have a loooong way to go before my due date but I like to be prepared when it comes to things like this because it is very important to me. If there is anyone out there who has a good place to choose I'm all ears!
I need dental insurance...?
Does anyone know of any good places I can get dental insurance through? Thanks
What is Private Mortgage Insurance?
What's an easy definition for Private Mortgage Insurance?
""What if I am not self employed, but I pay for my own health insurance?""
I am employed, but I do not participate in my employers health insurance plan. I choose to buy my own. Do I claim this on my taxes and if so, where?""
Is this a Good Car for a 21 year old college student?
I'm planning to buy a 2005 Honda Civic Sedan, Automatic. How will it be on insurance? I'm also considering Chevrolet Cavalier/ Pontiac Sunfire of the same 2004-2005 year, because I've been told they're better on insurance, and cheaper cars in general, to maintain. I live in Canada. Any suggestions?""
Cost of Auto insurance for 16 year old in North Carolina?
My son will be getting his license in a month. He already owns his own truck (1990). Any ideas about how much liability insurance will cost him?
Can you have your SR22 insurance with a different insurance from you auto insurance?
I have my SR22 insurance with one company andy my auto insurance with another company? Is this OK?
""I'm 17 years old, and I'm going under my parents driver's insurance plan soon for driving, how much is it?""
My parents said I can drive now that I got a job, however I will have to go under their plan, and I'll have to pay the insurance. How much will it be? (:IMPORTANT NOTE: I took $1000 driving classes) So I'm guessing that will reduce the cost? Also I live in the state of PA and my parents are on AllState Insurance. So how much will the insurance be every month if I'm under my parents plan? AFTER I TOOK THOSE DRIVING CLASSES! And how long can I stay under my parents driving insurance? When will I NOT BE ABLE TO stay under my parents driving insurance? Or am I always able to stay under their driving insurance if I want to?""
What cars are listed as sports cars for insurance?
I want a car but it cant be listed as a sports car. And all the cars i like either are or idk. so what cars are sports cars?
North Las Vegas Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89033
North Las Vegas Nevada Cheap car insurance quotes zip 89033
0 notes
mayalshara-blog · 8 years ago
Hey guys, it's me May and I'm back again with another entry for you!  November Entry 1.
 Today I made a dish called "Kusa" which means zucchini in Arabic. I guide you and teach myself at the same time the steps and basics to preparing and making it. It was my first time ever making it and let me tell you, it was probably the most tiring cooking I have ever done. Usually in Syria, you don't learn this dish until you're about to get married so you can cook for your family, because when I told my grandma over the phone that I tried to make Kusa she burst out in laughter for about ten minutes and said she recently taught me aunt who's in her 30s how to cook it. I guess I now have experience for the future? 
If you want to try and make this dish I left the steps down below
 Here are the steps to making it:
 1- Wash your zucchini with just water.
 2- Cut the top lid of the zucchini so you have a hole to carve out the insides of it. Usually in most of the local supermarkets, some zucchini's are sold with the top lid already cut off and carved out which makes it much easier but the ones I bought unfortunately didn't have that.
 3- After you cut the lid off, you have to use a kitchen utensil which is specifically for carving and carve out all of the insides. Make sure you do it really carefully because it is very easy to cut through the zucchini as I did it so many times before I did it right.
 4- Once you're done washing, cutting, and carving. You're going to get your rice and meat and soak it in warm water. After that you take both the rice and meat and start mixing them with your own hands and blending them together
5- While you are mixing the rice and meat you are going to add salt, white pepper, olive oil, and spices. Add a lot of salt, don't be afraid because if you don't the zucchini is going to lack so much flavor. That was one of my mistakes!
 6- After you mix all these ingredients with the rice and meat, you are going to start stuffing them into the zucchini's that you should've already had carved out in the first few steps.
 7- Start placing the zucchini's into your pan and add water for them to soak in while they are boiling.
 8- Cut up very small pieces of garlic that you're going to add to the bowl as it's boiling to give the zucchini a flavor. 
 9-Boil for one hour. 
 10- Get your tomato paste and add one cup of hot water into it and start mixing. You're then going to add the tomato paste into the zucchini that is boiling and then leave it for another hour. 
 After that just take them out and place them into your plate! I had an Algebra party the following day and the rules were if you wanted to participate you would have to bring food to class so what better way to check if my Kusa was tasty then bring it into class and have everyone try it out? I now have a huge appreciation to my mom and grandmothers and even our house maids who cook for us because it is so much harder than what it looks like. Hope you all enjoyed this and I'll see you very soon. 
Song: Ahlam- Ya Lail
Love always, me.
0 notes