#which of course leads to rivalry then bonding
secondhandsorrows · 8 months
Some Vital Scenes to Include in a Romantic Subplot, pt. 1
I’ve been in the plotting stages of a novel I’ve been working on for some time now. It’s not a romance novel, per se, but the romantic aspect is very prevalent… dare I say important. Anyway, so as I was working on my scenes and character arcs, I began to realize that I didn’t have enough fleshed-out about romantic arc, nor deepened the protagonist’s love interest or their connection, for that matter. This led me to devise up some scenes that I felt were crucial to the story if I wanted to keep this romantic angle to it, and now that I’ve most of them arranged, I find now that I’m way more excited about my characters’ love story. 
These tips will be unnumbered because, obviously, the sequence of these events and how they will fall into your storyline will probably be different. Also, you don’t have to use only one scene for every suggestion that will be mentioned, as you can have multiple scenes of flirtations or deep conversations, for example. They usually blend all together into the narrative at this point. Just remember that there should be some relevance to the plot at hand in some of these scenes as to not derail completely from the main narrative or other conflicts.
I was going to post this all at once, but decided it was too long and wanted to split it into two parts to go more in-depth and for easy reading. /-\ Enjoy ~
- The meet-cute, or the meet-ugly:
Ah, yes, the first encounter. Or, as we sometimes like to call it: the meet-cute, or the meet-ugly if you’re feeling a little unconventional or perhaps mischievous. Though we may enjoy setting up our star-crossed characters in a whole range of moments from awkward to swoon-worthy, the initial meeting is what’s important (if your characters haven't already met before the beginning of the story, ofc, but this is useful to have in mind). Let us quickly define the two:
Meet-Cute: A charming and serendipitous first encounter between the characters in question that sets a positive, memorable, and oftentimes romantic tone.
Meet-Ugly: An unconventional, awkward, or disastrous initial meeting that adds a unique twist to the start of the romantic connection, often leading to unexpected chemistry and an added intrigue on whether or not they’ll get together.
You don’t have to nail your characters’ first encounter into a label or bubble such as these two examples, but I like bringing these up for a general idea. 
- Bouts of flirting and/or banter:
Just as the title suggests, these are scenes containing the flirtaious communication between the two characters. These kinds of interactions will, of course, develop over time and deepen the bond or relationship. Playful interactions, gazes, and witty exchanges between the characters can create a lighthearted and flirtatious atmosphere that hints at their growing attraction.
The way they might flirt or tease can reveal their personalities. For example, one character might be more sarcastic, while the other responds with quick wit, or quiet bashfulness. There’s an element of subtlety, as flirting lets the characters express their romantic interest without explicitly stating it (unless one of your characters lacks subtlety in general and prefers to shout their undying love from the rooftops, which would make for an interesting dynamic, but I’m only spit-balling). 
Banter, teasing, and romantic tension underscoring heated debates or loathsome gazes suit just as nicely, especially if you’re writing with enemies-to-lovers or rivalry tropes in mind. But be careful! A little goes a long way: too much all at once can repel any growth for the characters or narrative.
- Initial conflict or struggle:
Depending on your story’s big-picture conflict, the introduction of challenges or obstacles can create tension between the characters, adding depth to their relationship and making their eventual connection all the more satisfying. This might include cultural or class differences, opposing goals or values, history of past heartbreak, personality weaknesses such as stubbornness, or external pressures that threaten to keep the characters apart. Even a nosy family or a disapproving mother can be considered. How the characters navigate and resolve these conflicts contributes significantly to the overall emotional impact of the romance subplot, as well as allowing for some exploration of each character's strengths, weaknesses, and resilience. 
- Shared vulnerability:
This kind of scene involves the characters opening up to each other about their innermost fears, insecurities, past trauma, or personal struggles. Shared vulnerability goes beyond surface-level interactions. It involves characters revealing their authentic selves, exposing their emotional vulnerabilities, and allowing the other person to see them in an honest — and sometimes new — light.
This is a symbolic gesture of commitment we’re talking about, here… something that requires trust. As characters share their fears or past traumas, they are entrusting the other person with sensitive information, fostering a sense of trust and emotional intimacy. It might be scary, it could be out from left field, but they will end up learning something new about themselves, their situation, or about the other person, and thus deepen their connection, little by little.
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the-orion-scribe · 1 month
A critique of Northwest Mansion Mystery – how Pacifica nearly upended the show’s narrative
Note: This essay has been in the works some months before the Book of Bill release. But my opinion hasn't changed much, and highlights concerns from other GF fans.
This might be a little controversial. Don’t get me wrong, for first of all, I’m a dipcifica shipper and I like the episode very much. But every time when people ask around in the fandom (particularly on Reddit) what’s the best episode, Northwest Mansion Mystery would certainly be among the top choices. Reasons would, of course, include the darker tone and visuals, the mystery, the backstory, lore and, above all, the hints of a romance that kicked off the fandom’s most popular ship. It certainly scored very well in terms of the mystery and dark elements that are key to its popularity.
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NMM certainly also fleshed out Pacifica a lot more, giving depth to what was initially a rather one-dimensional antagonist. In this episode, we are offered a glimpse of her family’s dark history and her struggle against their expectations. All of that humanized Pacifica, turning her from the stereotypical “mean girl” into a more sympathetic figure. This transformation was one of the episode’s strongest points.
But, unfortunately, as a Gravity Falls episode, it isn’t really the greatest. Truthfully I think the episode also had set false expectations of what was to come, and is rather reflective of the pro-dipcifica reddit side of the fandom and what they wanted more of the show, despite it going against some of Hirsch’s expectations and intentions.
Let me explain.
In my opinion, sometimes the fandom tends to forget what is actually core to the show. Yes, the mystery element is certainly one thing. But there’s another which doesn’t get talked about as often – the sibling bond in the show. What’s sorely lacking in this episode, and what many really overlooked, is the lack of any sibling moments between Dipper and Mabel. Ok, we still have the beginning when Mabel nudged and urged Dipper to negotiate with Pacifica three invites for the party, but after that, the twins went their separate ways.
I understand of course that Pacifica specifically requested for Dipper’s help, and Mabel might not be as attuned to the supernatural. But of all possible things the writers could have done with Mabel and co, they sidelined her to another romance subplot. Really? They could have perhaps made better use of her and her friends at the gala (some fans I've spoken to even suggested she could have joined with Wendy to uncover the ghost backstory). I can get the girls wanting to have fun, but I think it's a bit boring to fall back to some crush rivalry subplot. Especially after what happened in Sock Opera and her trying to move on from failed crushes in Society of the Blind Eye.
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It’s actually a chronic issue not rather unique to this episode, I would add. In much of the first half of S2, while Dipper takes the lead in solving the mystery of the mysterious Author, Mabel takes more of the backseat and becomes goofier. This is quite a change from S1, when in episodes like Headhunters and Irrational Treasure, both twins worked together as the Mystery Twins and Mabel still considerably contributed in both cases. Into the Bunker is what I identify as the turning point where Mabel’s character and role regressed to being that goofy sister that messes things up (mostly by accident – I must add) instead of being the supplementary role to Dipper’s mystery-hunting. And that quite led to much of the fandom overlooking what actually was core to the entire series, and also fuelling a bit of the Mabel hate in the fandom. By pushing Pacifica into the spotlight and hinting at a potential romance with Dipper, the episode diverted the fandom's attention from this central theme.
The show quite elevated Pacifica’s character and her importance, to the extent that some in the fandom believed she would play more of a part in the show afterwards. This is rather implied from a few moringmark comics showing her moving in with the Pines. Understandably, this builds from the Bill tapestry at the end of that episode. However, she was never planned to be important to begin with, and she ended up playing very little part in the WMG episodes. It was largely only due to her popularity in S1 that she was given a character arc over two additional episodes. As Hirsch has discussed in past commentaries, he never even planned to develop her in the first place, since she was mainly a foil to Mabel, like how Gideon was to Dipper, but did so for the fan service.
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Sometimes I feel like he cares about what fandom thinks too much. But as we've seen in other interviews, he thinks of himself as a fellow fan in the service of the fandom and not just the fandom god. Nevertheless, It’s great that Hirsch never detracted away from his vision of the show. After this episode, he returned the narrative to its original focus on the core mystery and the sibling bond between Dipper and Mabel, while drawing some parallels with the Stans twins.
This certainly left some fans feeling disappointed, as the character development and relationships they got invested in were not given the resolution or continuation they had hoped for. In many ways, this episode highlighted a conflict between fan service and narrative integrity. I would agree it’s certainly a missed opportunity to give a bigger part for Pacifica after the episode, but we already had a much shorter runway to Weirdmageddon. The remainder of the show barely juggled featuring Ford more, and so there was already no way to feature more of Pacifica or even build a romance the fandom so desired. The only nod to that tapestry in the show in the end is Preston attempting to make a deal with Bill, which, of course we know how that ended up.
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In conclusion, while Northwest Mansion Mystery is undoubtedly a fan-favorite episode, it kind of stuck out as a sore thumb given it nearly disrupted the show’s delicate balance between mystery, sibling bond, and character development. This shift, though temporary, had some impact on the fandom’s expectations and the perceptions of the show’s later episodes. Nevertheless, Hirsch compensated this by featuring Pacifica more in some supplementary material in Lost Legends and as of late, The Book of Bill, to satisfy the fans.
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Ultimately, Gravity Falls remained true to its core themes, but Northwest Mansion Mystery stands as a testament to the challenges of maintaining narrative cohesion while exploring new character arcs and storylines.
Check out more of my essays here! Feel free to comment and reblog!
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yellowhollyhock · 1 month
thinking about how the dynamics would be different if Venus hadn't been separated from the turtles
Raph would be the most similar. He treats her the most the same as how he treats his other siblings. Raph has his circle of people he is extremely protective of and devoted to; he can't have that level of responsibility towards everyone of course so if you're not 'in' you're 'out' (not (necessarily) in a malicious way). When he first meets Venus she's 'out,' but after he sees her fight at the park and realizes she'll put it all on the line for their family, he makes the mental switch to 'she is now my sister and I will care for and protect and make fun of and spar with her' pretty seamlessly. It would be fun though if she'd always been there, they would know each other really well (they're both quite observant about people) and the sort of 'twin' dynamic they have would increase. I can imagine them finishing each other's sentences, probably purposely in a way that derails or contradicts what they know the other was trying to say. It's a fun little game for them and everyone else is so confused
Leo is always trying so hard to impress Venus. He has so much doubt about himself and the way he leads his brothers; I think he's as excited as he is terrified to have an outside perspective. If he had known her forever, though, this aspect of their dynamic would be completely gone. I don't think he'd be as prone to seek her advice. On the other hand, when she gives it anyway he might be more likely to listen. Leo is so full of anxiety, it would be really interesting to see how he is with her if he were as comfortable as he is with his brothers (ie grew up together). He'd be more competitive with her, less performative, and they would definitely bond (more) over dream walking. If we're assuming Venus still learns magic (which I am because otherwise that's too much change for my brain to handle atm), he would learn with her, and even though he'd be more openly competitive, I feel he would also be more comfortable and okay with it being her thing if he doesn't have the same propensity for it. Also because of her encouragement he would lean more into. Idk how to explain. His speeches and catchphrases and just, The Way He Is. Venus is very supportive in general as a person and Leo specifically just really needs pep talks sometimes.
Donnie wouldn't have the same rivalry with her I don't think. Magic vs Science would be more of a fun intellectual debate. Which it often is anyway, but because of the situation there is this underlying bite. Donnie is defensive of his position as the smart one on the team, and also defensive of his relationships with his family. If Venus had been a cohesive part of that group from the start, there'd be no reason for that defensiveness. Venus can also be cutting with him; she misses her old life, it's a lot of change to take in, since he picks on her he's an obvious target for lashing out. I could see them still going at each other just because they are both, well a bit verbally vicious for the fun of it sometimes, but it'd be a very different kind of thing. And considering how Donnie is with Leo and Raph, and how Venus is with everyone ever, I definitely see her being very protective of him and him really appreciating having a Big Sister who does not let the bad guys be mean to him
Michelangelo. If they had been siblings from the start I think these two would get very into each other's interests! They share a lot as is, especially in particular their interest in 1) protecting animals 2) not sure how to explain this, peace? seeing the enemies' pov? social justice in general maybe?
but anyways, Venus would get into media by proxy and maybe even occasionally have a segment on the Sewer Hour. Mikey would be super into magic, and even more into the idea of Venus being good at it. They would dance all the time and make weird foods. I think if they'd grown up together Venus would have more of a soft spot for Mikey, letting him get away with stuff even when she disapproves. On the flip side when she puts her foot down Mikey would take it more seriously compared to how he responds in the show. Where I see their interests diverging is, Mikey would still be hanging out with Donnie figuring out how to make stuff go Faster and watching tv or something like, while Venus is more likely to spend time sparring or practicing other sports with Raph and Leo. Also I don't think Mikey would really like meditating. He might be better at it if he learned it earlier on, but it's definitely not what he'd choose to do with down time
Splinter is interesting. He does favor her in the show and it very much seems to stem from the situation (she lost her family, she's in a foreign country, he also probably has mixed squishy feelings about the idea that she could've been and was in fact this close to being his kid and yet he didn't meet her till she was practically an adult, and for that matter a more mature adult than his children who grew up with him). Same as with Leo (only different), I feel he wouldn't be trying to impress her as much. Other than that, they would still become very close-knit like they are in the show. Like he is with all his kids. It is also interesting to think about how Venus would respond to his insistence on hiding if it had been her whole life, and with her brothers' influence. Thinking about how she responds to Chung I (in the single very brief time we see of them interacting), I feel she would be very similar to Leo where she thinks of it as part of their training and takes pride in it. When they get older I could see her starting to see things Raph's way more, especially since I'm sure her and Raph would talk about it often. But I still feel ultimately she would always try to uphold Splinter's wishes even if she might disagree
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v3nusxsky · 2 years
Can I get a lady lesso X reader where the teachers are doing a group bonding as part of the unification of the schools (aka getting drunk). This leads to everyone sharing their stories of how they were in school and since most of the teachers are of similar ages they'd discuss shared iconic school moments. However since r is much younger than most of them only being 20ish they didn't attend with any of them so nobody knows how r was. This leads to much suspicion as r has been very silent and was very reluctant to talk about it. They get worn down and it is revealed r was secretly a very rebellious punk never student which is a complete 180 from them being a nerdy ever teacher in the present. Everyone is shocked by this especially lesso who wants to know why r changed so drastically and why they pretended to be an ever so confronts r later on when they are alone. R reveals that they have really strict parents who were both very powerful/well known evers and they ended up disowning r and all the people in their friends from when they were a teen ended up dying or in jail so they really don't have anyone so thought it'd be better to reinvent themselves because they know everyone judged them and their friends based on looks and being a never but anyone who actually knew them would know they were really cool people who just had a really fucked up life that for the most part was their fault. Lesso ends up telling r to be themselves for her if not for r's teen self and r agrees to the next day. Everyone is shocked by the transformation and lesso is just over here trying not to die from how hot r looks.
Who you truly are|NSFW
*Authors note ~ okay so this is an amazing prompt and so detailed. I am going to bace reader off one of my oc so it's going to link to queen Regina from ouat ever so slightly. I hope that's okay.*
Trigger warnings~ praise overstim kink mistress kink jealousy sex insecurities unable to be themselves alcohol usage
Prompt~see ask^^^^^
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Ever since the schools have merged, there's been tension on both sides. Learning to co exist in ways they hadn't had to before was hard. Some unwilling to try others not knowing what to say or do. That is why a new rule was passed for all professors. The Unification rule was probably one of the best parts of the merger. Strictly adults only and a lot of alcohol. You could quite easily see it becoming your favourite part of the month. Once a month you got to see everyone interact without the usual rivalry.
You were completely tipsy, half way there to that happy drunk state. Pretty much everyone was either drunk of tipsy by now, the conversations flowing effortlessly as you all chattered nonsense really. Clarissa decided you should all share memories of your time at school. The other teachers were a fair few years older than you so the versions they described were quite old fashioned. It was interesting to think of them with back combed hair and drastic makeup. The images your mind was conjuring up was making you giggle hysterically. That seemed to have drawn attention to you. They immediately asked what you looked like, how you acted, if you were always the nerdy Ever that preferred to be buried into a book.
You visibly pealed and tried to bluff your way through and of course Leonora called you out on your lie. Their suspicions looks told you that it wasn't only Leonora that didn't quite buy your tale. You then had to completely tell the truth. Truthfully, you were quite the memorable student in your school days, but not for the right reasons. The gasps of shock and questions seemed to poor from the others. Leonora smirked at your description of yourself and the glint in her eyes told you that she wouldn't be dropping it that easy.
The night trickled on and you were downing alcohol like it was tap water. Truthfully you were two sheets to the wind by the end of the night, slurring absolute nonsense. There was this one Never teacher, she called herself Isadora if you remember correctly, and she was flirting with Lady Lesso. The rage you felt at the sight was overpowered by the instant insecurities you felt. Suddenly everything that was you seemed average. The attributes you usually loved seemed to be nothing in comparison to Isadora. And the way she makes Lady Lesso laugh like no other, yeah you were definitely jealous. You didn't realise just how badly until Leonora placed her hand on Isadoras shoulder and leaned over into whisper in her ear, you were glaring daggers into Isadoras head. If looks could kill she would be dead. And that most certainly didn't go unnoticed by the dean of evil, she quickly dismissed the unaware teacher and made her way over to you watching as you rapidly blinked trying to disguise your jealousy.
"Come pet, you're absolutely out of this world" she purred leading you away from everyone else and back to her chambers. If you were sober you would've noticed however, you were absolutely out of your mind so you followed willingly. And that was how you found yourself tucked up next to her where you passed out instantly. She couldn't help but chuckle and follow suit after making sure there was some water at your bedside for the morning.
The sunlight seeped into the room through the gap in her curtains, stirring you awake with a groan. God your head was pounding, and the sheets too damn comfortable. Wait. Your head was resting on someone? With a small peak from under your eyelashes you saw the one and only Leonora. A blush rose over your cheeks at the fact you were in her bed, the fact you remained in last nights clothes meant nothing other than sleep had occurred. A chuckle next to you roused you from your thoughts. "Awake now are we pet?" God her morning voice. You'd imagined it of course but nothing could compare.
As if she read your mind she reassured you, "nothing happened love, and I know just how badly you wanted it to. But i would never take advantage of such a pretty play thing. However, now you're more or less back to normal all you have to do is ask." You lay there in shock. No way was she offering what you thought she was. Right? "But what about Isadora" you whimpered, your insecurities showing. Her laugh was everything, "Isadora isn't my type darling. I don't want her I want you if you'll let me have you" was all it took for you murmur a simple plead.
"Mistress darling, say it. Say please mistress like a good girl" she taunted you loving how eager to please her you were. "Mistress please I want you" you whined. That was all it took for her to straddle your hips and capture your lips in a possessive kiss. She was claiming you as hers and truthfully you'd never been happier than here and now.
Leonora was a diligent lover, she placed kisses all over your skin as she exposed it, paying almost worship like attention to every part of you. She murmured praises and reminded you just how perfect she saw you to be. The sweet one had to be when she placed her lips directly above your heart and whispered, "this is my most prized possession of you'll allow me to have it pet."
After all her worship like attention everywhere but where you were aching for her, she started to please you in ways you'd never been pleased before. Leonora made your past lovers seem like fools, you were use to one climax and done, but this women brought you over that edge time and time again. Not even stopping to ask for anything in return. Praises were constantly thrown at you as you violently fell over the edge for her. "Mistress! Please can't' no more!! Hurts so good please" you all but whined. You were a complete mess, and she was loving every moment of it. "One more pet, just one more like the pretty girl you are. So good for your mistress" she murmured before bringing her lips back to your clit. It was the feeling of her younger flattening against you that had you coming with a strangled cry. She fucked you through it before moving to clean you up. There you lay with half lidded eyes and completely fucked dumb for the very talented Dean of evil.
Word count ~ 1451
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Revue Starlight Thoughts before I explode, spoilers for movie and series to come.
Under a straightforward reading, Maya Tendo and Claudine Saijo of Revue Starlight together fulfill the narrative roles of setting the standard towards which our seemingly hapless main character must strive, and typifying the power that can be derived from a rivalry dynamic, the most important relational dynamic in sports-tournament-show-alikes such as this one.
However, Revue Starlight is a show that defies expectations as often as it can, and the couple of rivals most revered by the Stage Girls have a series of narrative tricks up their fur tufted sleeves.
The greatest twist, and the gayest, is their final duet. We witness a number of important, symbolic clarifications and twists. Claudine opens the number dressed masculine and calling herself a devil. A tempter and a figure who will lead others astray. She promises Maya to show her a new stage, a new challenge, a new performance that's unlike any other. As viewers, at this point, we know that Maya Tendo has been long considered the most talented and most overwhelming of the Stage Girls, with Claudine her long suffering number 2. At least, that is, until their final battle against Karen and Hikari in the main series.
In that climactic fight, Claudine and Maya were working together, demonstrating that a rivalry between two talented Stage Girls elevates their performance to the nearly untouchable. In that fight, the main little lover girls finally best these Nearly Top Stars. However, Maya falls, and the shame Claudine feels is so overwhelming that she instantly chops off her own star, shouting with a sincerity that is unusual for her that she actually should take the loss. That she can't bear the thought that Maya, her Maya, could ever lose. Her admiration and love for Maya has been her shine, her reason for always performing at the top of her game.
So, swinging around back to the movie, we know a major theme is the girls realizing their own ambitions, despite the bonds that might need to change, and sacrifices that might need to occur. The first song concludes with Maya Tendo, again, the number 1 to Claudine's number 2. However, that's when position zero is closed over with Claudine's shine driving the gears beneath the stage, and Claudine literally (literally!!!) sticks her tongue out to show the real star resting in her mouth the entire fight.
Maya claims her victory was due to her pure, empty, soulless talent. However, that leaves the door open for Claudine to do two very important, very gay inversions of the situation. 1) Force her most beloved and respected to lose, which we know she abhors and 2) Push herself for her own selfish reasons to strive to be better than Maya, to no longer live in her shadow, as the devil to her angel.
Because, of course, in Revue Starlight, to lose is to win. Win self-respect, or win new motivation, or understand the depths to which they are loved. To understand that they can exist as failures, truly and vividly exist. Claudine shouts at Maya that she thinks she's never been more adorable than when she drops the pretty, polite, professional facade and screams her head off about being the sun in the sky to a bunch of lowly dirt worms.
Because, of course, the shine we are talking about is the girls making fools of themselves, making earnest and deeply sincere efforts to out clown each other, to admit that to which they are most deeply terrified to share and as a result create the most spectacular (and gay) performance possible.
Claudine wins, framed elaborately and with flowers, and having beaten the only person to whom she would ever willingly accept a loss, or even having previously voluntarily lost to, in order to maintain the appropriate order.
However, now they learn that in order to survive, hand in hand, as they fall together and burn, it must be with their entire hearts, filthy with dark passions and no longer lying to themselves.
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fruity four lemonade mouth au
Nancy, resident School Sweetheart who is actually real sick of everyone's perception of her as some small prissy girl - taking the role of the bassist
Robin, a snarky band geek who adores learning languages and sometimes gets a lot of words stuck in her head that she needs to smash out - as the drummer
Eddie as the capital t-Troublemaker of course, who gets into trouble for his lunch speeches and his horrific shirts that depict demons - as the lead guitarist
And Steve who could be the "bad boyfriend with a redemption" role since it fits his canon arc but also there are no rules so instead mash it up with he's a falling King jock that really just wants to take care of people - as the lead singer
First day of school for the sophomores (Nancy and Robin) and juniors (Steve and Eddie, who was only held back once because ☆convenience✧) and they all get detention because:
Robin talked back to Mrs Click for some very obvious favoritism to some very late and loud jocks
Tommy starts a fight with Nancy in the cafeteria after she and Steve amicably break up, Steve defends her and they end up in a brutal scuffle, which ends up pushing Nancy into the principal and their food tray, which ends up on their face because that's a classic
Eddie would get detention for existing, i'm sorry
So you got four kids in detention because it's literally the first day of school who else would be getting detention and they're supposed to be cleaning up the music room but Eddie starts hearing a rhythm and sets them all off into the "Turn Up the Music" groove
Ngl I'm kinda vibing with the idea that Jonathan is the pianist but I'm not sure how I should expand his role in this AU, plus where Argyle fits in because that's my guy
Anyways uh ronance and steddie, nancy and robin have a snarky-turned-friendship-turned-oh-shit-she's-hot and steve and eddie have a snarky-turned-goofy-rivalry-turned-oh-no-he's-sweet
And obviously Robin and Steve somehow manage to soulmate-bond in like the first two days because i adore them
I suppose Jason could take the role as the douchebag jock who's also a singer in his own band and doesn't hesitate to try sabotaging the Fruity Four
genuinely wanna expand on this and figure out how the whole plot works with this cast so...maybe stay tuned?
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altocat · 6 months
In a universe where Sephiroth faces Elfé in battle multiple times instead of just the one time we know about, do they develop a kind of rivalry with each other? Does she try to make more appeals to his humanity, and if so, are they successful? Could the two of them ever develop a friendship?
Sephiroth's multiple encounters with Elfé eventually become something of a routine between them. What starts out as a genuine clash of warriors from two opposing factions gradually develops into something of an almost friendly rivalry. Sephiroth is ceaselessly impressed by Elfé's determination and combat abilities, despite sensing the Materia that is slowly eating her from the inside. Elfé, in turn, is taken aback by the strange juxtaposition of Sephiroth's hidden kindness intermingled with his terrifying reputation. They are mutually fascinated with each other, determined to exploit the other's weaknesses and limitations.
Gradually, they begin to get used to running into each other, their exchanges slowly becoming more familiar and playful. Elfé often questions Sephiroth why he sides with those whose cause he does not truly believe in. Sephiroth, cheekily, questions why Elfé won't join SOLDIER as his personal apprentice. Back and forth, week after week. They revel in increasingly more reckless and risky clashes, excited to push each other's buttons, taking on whatever the other has to throw at them.
Which eventually blooms into something that actually begins to resemble a real friendship. During one of Elfé's more lethargic clashes, Sephiroth actually refuses to fight her, acknowledging that it's just the two of them here--there's no reason he should kill an opponent that isn't fighting at their fullest. This leads to the two of them actually starting to meet up in private WITHOUT having to fight, often engaging in long conversations to challenge each other's rival perspectives. It's a strange burgeoning friendship of sorts. Sometimes, Elfé is surprised as just how soft and genuinely friendly Sephiroth seems to be around her. Sephiroth, in turn, begins to question Shinra more than he ever has in the past thanks to Elfé's prompting. They come to find that they actually fit together pretty well. They're both solitary creatures; powerful, yet different from their peers. An unlikely pair, yet very similar.
GOOD ENDING: The relationship never turns romantic, of course. But it does bloom into something truly real and supportive despite their circumstances. A secret bond. Sephiroth's gradual disillusionment with Shinra gives him more and more incentive to defy orders to continuously let Elfé live, even if he won't join Avalanche. They no longer fight each other unless it's for fun, avoiding any situation that involves a direct confrontation in battle. When Elfé begins to grow weaker from her condition, Sephiroth makes the reluctant decision to temporarily abandon Shinra in order to find a proper place for her to recover, though he knows this act of defiance means it is likely the last time they can ever truly be near each other. He will have to return to Midgar, even if his conflicted heart is beginning to truly understand the life he leads. It's a bittersweet farewell between them, but he makes sure she's safe and well out of harm's way.
BAD ENDING: Despite the two bonding and becoming rather close over time, the mounting animosity between Shinra and Avalanche reaches its breaking point. Pressured under the weight of her leadership, Elfé is pushed into a position where she is forced to take drastic measures against Shinra, resulting in a direct, merciless clash with Sephiroth when he is at his very lowest. With the recent loss of Glenn, Angeal, and the currently-missing Genesis still weighing him down, Sephiroth views the attack as personal and a betrayal of his trust. He nearly kills Elfé in the onslaught, effectively ending whatever trust and affection existed between them. Elfé ultimately survives, but finds that she can't be near Sephiroth ever again. She silently observes him only from a distance just before he is about to leave for a mission. He's bone-thin, exhausted, very clearly ill. But she can't fully come to forgive him. She was a fool to ever let him in. What she doesn't know is that Sephiroth is finally done with Shinra, fully intent on retiring, too tired and emotionally defeated to continue. This will be his last mission. His very last.
He leaves for Nibelheim shortly after.
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stoookes · 4 months
Look at this! Baby VK being a rude brat, like always 🥰😆this happened during the 2011 WC match between India and Bangladesh, which incidentally was the very first match of the 2011 world cup (nothing like starting off a marquee event with some sledging, eh? 😅)
The Bangladesh bowler, Rubel Hossain, glared at VK, and aimed the ball at him, which got him fuming for some reason, and obviously VK retaliated with some choice Delhi-special expletives.
What VK says is, "kya dekh raha hai bhosdike, teri maa ki chut, chal bowling kar!" Translated to English, this goes like, "what are you looking at you cunt, your mother's cunt, just go and bowl!" 😐
VK scored a century in that match, so looks like he got the last laugh, but Rubel got back at him in the next WC, in 2015, and dismissed him cheaply. According to Rubel, his rivalry with VK traces back to the 2008 u-19, where VK was allegedly abusing the Bangladeshi players in the match, and Rubel stepped in to give a few words back.
Considering VK is an omega, how is this received in o-verse? by his teammates as well as his opponents? especially if Rubel is also alpha.
(also, not to open a can of worms, but another hatesex ship for VK? 🫢)
I can definetly see VK being like this in overse because he’ll be like “don’t you dare underestimate me because I’m omega.” So he’ll pick fights, finding the biggest alpha on the opposition and he’ll target them giving zero shits about any repercussions.
It’s actually these kinds of actions that lead BCCI to wanting him bonded.
The alphas, of course, will not take kindly to it, and off the pitch they’ll be wanting to show this little omega who’s boss…
His teammates will try and dissuade him from picking on them or even try and cool the opposing alphas down to prevent it getting out of hand off pitch. Sometimes they’re successful, sometimes they’re not.
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
rewatching ridonculous race and I just came up with the wildest 'crack' thought that would prob be single-handedly genius or The Worst Thing Ever.
as usual I’m making it everyone’s problem lmao
a Dave & Keith duo team participating in the race. And their team name is ‘liked the same girl’ or smth like that idk
some extra details:
Sky definitely forced them into it as a ‘Bonding Experience’ bc of the complaining and arguing (and plus she was tired af of how annoying they are). I like to think after PI, Dave approached her and genuinely actually apologized for his actions, like he finally realized how unhinged he turned into and regretted it, and she apologized too for leading him on and not handling the situation better, and they respected the ultimate decision to not date but remained a weird combo of acquaintance-friends. there was a lot of apologizing, crying (bc of course there is), words said, and it took a while but they overcame that massive hurdle.
naturally, Keith isn’t so quick to trust the guy though, and Dave still has bad memories abt him so the tension between them still remains thick.
them arguing legit the entire time they’re on, and live to make each others lives more annoying while facepalming at the others stupidity. (they're a hit among the viewers btw, bc of course they are)
“says the girlfriend-kisser!” “for the last time, I didn’t know you two were dating or else I wouldn’t have kissed her!” “pfft. yeah that’s what you’d like to think.” “uh, yeah, I do think that. because her lips have touched yours and who knows how disgusting your lips are and where they’ve been.” “excuse me, you take that back right now!” “I don’t hear you denying it, bad kisser.” “is that the best you’ve got, Mr. Not Getting Any?” "that's not what the girl you thought liked you was thinking when she kissed me--oh, too soon?" "I will fucking murder you."
everyone else, hearing this go down: what the fuck
homoerotic tension but no one rlly knows whether that tension is due to them actually having underlying emotions other than ‘deep dislike’ or whether that’s just an add-on to their rivalry and they’re just dumb enough to say stuff with double meanings
similar to the point above, no one rlly knows whether to consider them ‘dating but doesn’t know it yet’ or simply enemies
Dwayne Sr. and Dwayne Jr. watching Pahkitew Island on the plane rides and bombarding Dave with questions abt his time there, and making fun of certain parts of the show. Keith is happy to indulge if it means making fun of Dave’s worst moments (“which are like all of them!” “at least I had guts to audition for that damn show.” “are you calling me a coward?” “congratulations. you’ve connected the dots.”)
idk whether they’d end up having a rivalry with another team or if they’re so invested in each other that no one else wants to get between that lmao
it’s funny bc they waste no time rubbing each other the wrong way, but for the sake of winning challenges they’d set aside their rivalry temporarily and work together (and ironically, they make a pretty good team). idk how they’d react if another team made fun of either of them—probably not the most positive; I feel like they’d be the type to laugh at the others misery/frustration at first, but if a certain line is crossed, intervention occurs.
I’ve this silly hc that Noah and Dave are family friends, so interactions between them and the occasional Keith ones are bound to be interesting
I literally don’t know what Keith would look like. When I was younger, I imagined him looking like a sort-of Duncan without the dyed hair (yeah, idk either). But now I’m like ‘would Sky rlly date a guy like that? she’d want to be with someone more sporty and athletic and competitive, probably.’ and now I’m stumped on trying to imagine Keith looks-wise 😭
perhaps he's a combination of the two?? bc I also can't see Sky dating the jockest jock to ever jock lmfao
they have to go through the sewage system in the prison episode, and Dave gets flashbacks from Pahkitew and he's all 'nope, not happening. I'm not touching that disgusting water, do you know how many germs and bacterias are in there?', so Keith's like 'ffs you dramatic shit' and has to carry Dave or piggy-back him until they reach the exit while Dave's alternating between clinging to him like a koala and leaning as far away from him as possible without falling off. (I'm sensing potential bonding over Dave's germaphobia and stuff).
Keith def kept up on the Pahkitew Island season so he knows exactly what Dave is talking abt when he refers to certain episodes.
The Haters/Daters love them, they're all like "those two know what's up. they're exactly like us" and Keith & Dave are like "...no we're not??" and the Haters/Daters are like "you're not dating?!"
Keith doesn't lose his shit easily, he's actually pretty chill and patient--which makes sense given in most sports, you gotta be patient. (Dave's the one who gets all emotional tbvh.) But, naturally, Dave's the only exception when it comes to the whole 'not losing shit easily' deal
"he's your boyfriend. you calm him down." "he's YOUR family friend though?! and for the last time, we're not dating!" -- a Noah and Keith interaction
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3llix · 2 years
Hi! I really love your crystal/homeworld gems redesigns, but I have a question. What color is pearl's skin? It looks really pretty tho.
(also can you tell me more about your pearl/Jasper ship? I really love the concept of them bonding due to their emotionally traumatic experiences).
Ah thank you! Pearl skins is supposed to be a desaturated teal, as I based her more on a peacock pearl, which I thought suited her personality haha, as she's pretty dramatic and theatrical xD
Oh yeah, this is a bit of an AU/Heavy Headcanon post, with the main idea of Jasper and Pearl knowing each other very early on xD
Ive definitely thought way too much about Jasper and Pearl getting to be parallels, devoted soldiers completely enamoured with their diamond. Definitely some heated rivalry, though maybe Jasper is the first to pick up on Pearls desires to pick up sword fighting to protect her diamond. Pearl maybe admitting she does want the skills to protect her diamond, and Jasper kinda bitterly saying that's her job.
Because my idea is that both want what the other has, Pearl wants to be strong enough to protect Pink, and be treated more that just a delicate accessory. And Jasper... maybe wouldn't mind being treated as something a little more delicate...
Jasper decides to humour her and and teach her a little combat. Under the guise of telling herself, seeing as Pearl is always by Pink's side, maybe it's a good thing if Pearl's capable of a little defensive combat.
Tho at this point I imagine Pearl and Jasper are definitely becoming closer in a "I hate you, but we're both so devoted to the same person that the feelings are crossing over!?! for each other?!" bonding over a common goal.
Especially since both have admitted their feelings are wanting more that just what they were created for, and obviously that's a big no-no in gem culture. So as much as they hate each other they both have someone who knows how they feel.
Maybe... after a particularly heated combat session... there’s a moment where they nearly fuse. Both are pretty shocked about it, and definitely worried in case anyone saw. But convince themselves that it was nothing more than a heat of the moment rush, that it was bound to happen at some point, since fusion is used for battle after all.
Pearl still has one up on Jasper tho, as she's left in the dark about Pink's moonlighting as Rose. And I can't help but feel Pearl would be super smug about it.
Although after "Rose" eventually shatters Pink. This would definitely come to bite her in the ass pretty hard when Japer returns to earth, to see the Pearl she taught to fight and essentially help in Pink Diamond’s “demise”, the gem they were both was so intent on protecting. I imagine jasper's feelings of betrayal would be pretty immense and that would be one of the key feelings of her developing an obsession of taking Rose down at any cost (and of course, sacrificing her own wellbeing in the name of revenge.) I feel like this could could lead to some pretty fun battles, confrontations between the two, that old rivalry heating up again, when Pearl is fighting with new, maybe even dirty techniques, and Jasper commenting how she doesn't remember teaching Pearl those moves.
I still imagine this all ends in Jasper's corruption, but maybe Pearl is there to witness it too, maybe it's a little more devastating since Pearl is still unable to tell the truth, torn between her last promise to Rose... and her "Rival" whose last thoughts about Pearl are only of anger and pain.
Anyway I am super sorry this turned into like, an ESSAY but I have many thoughts. I dunno I just, I felt like having Pearl and Jasper know each other would have been a fun exploration of relationships again, and could have even added something to the Lapis and Jasper dynamic too. We know it was Lapis taking out her hurt on Jasper, maybe Jasper let it happen, as a punishment for what happened to Pink. 
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toomanylegos · 9 months
If one of your characters were to have a scene where they have a rival that they’re secretly crushing on, who would it be? How would it go?
If possible, choose someone other than David because we already know how that goes for him. (Kissing his rival after slamming him into a wall 👀)
The only other person I can think of for this situation is Shane, which makes sense cause we've kinda did something like that with him before. I also thought of Simon cause of the one time we did a hate-to-love thing with him and Jude. Silas might be good for this situation too, mostly because of his personality and how I see him viewing competition.
Okay, one at a time...
Shane is a bit of a bastard when it comes to going against somebody; we both know that. Of course, this depends on the version of Shane we go with as well, but I'm not gonna get into that for the sake of being concise.
OG Shane would be more likely to treat a rivalry as healthy competition -- depending on the rival. If the rival is a friend of his parents, he'd be more cold towards them and likely engage in Alice-level antics against them, sneakily of course. If the rival is not associated with his parents, he'd forgo the antics. In either case, he'd be his usual silent and observant self which can easily be mistaken as being aloof or giving a cold shoulder. In reality, he's just studying his rival -- seeing where their strengths and weaknesses lie; watching how they improve themselves and make up for their weaknesses; calculating how he can improve himself to match or better them.
The crush would start with admiration. He'd come to admire his rival in their skills (no matter how mundane they be) and maybe even acknowledge them verbally to ask about their skills so he can learn them too. This, obviously, leads to bonding and Shane becoming more open. Eventually, this closeness leads to a very big and very gay crisis. He'd likely try to maintain a professional distance between him and his rival; continue to act as if nothing has changed and like he totally isn't thinking about how they'd feel in his arms. All the while, he has become more distracted in his daily life -- being more clumsy and less careful about injuring himself.
Shane, the "perfect soldier" who towers over his siblings and is among the most skilled members of his family, is reduced to a clumsy giant with a blushing habit whenever he faces his crush.
Simon is like a worse version of David when it comes to developing a crush on a rival. He loves competition, but hates losing. Simon would talk himself up; boast in his rival's face and try his best to talk down or sneer at them for even attempting to be on his level. And when that rival beats him? Oh boy, does he explode with jealousy and fury. He'll taunt, tease, and jeer at his rival. His rival may think Simon will do anything to win -- except one thing: cheat. If there's one thing Simon hates, it's winning unfairly. It's the one thing he won't compromise on.
Heck, if Simon gets upset enough, he may even attack the rival! However, this may be avoided if said rival returns this animosity with kindness or a level of understanding.
Simon is the runner-up in his family -- a lost cause, a lap dog, a try hard, etc. He's used to losing in everything, so he tries to prove himself in anything. If his rival -- someone he would view as an automatic enemy -- were able to level with him, he'd panic and lash out in his confusion. He doesn't understand how someone who is clearly better than him would understand how he feels and why he behaves the way he does. After realizing that though, Simon would became quiet with contemplation -- no taunting or glaring (okay maybe some glaring) but deep thinking.
Of course, when Simon asks about his rivals traits/skills after he cools down, he merely wants more data so he can take his rival down. Simon would sooner die than admit his weak points that need polishing that he definitely doesn't need his rival's insight on.
A sort of normalcy and calm will settle between the two. Simon is still harsh and rude, but he's not violent or verbally abusive. One could even say he's tentative friends with his rival -- although he'd never admit it. The more they learn about each, the closer they become. Simon doesn't even realize he has a crush until he's hit with the urge to be held by his rival; to hold their hand; to run a hand tenderly over their arm; to kiss their alluring lips.
It destroys him.
His crisis is...not pretty. What would his parents think? He can't possibly feel that way towards his enemy! Right?
Simon would shrink back. He would stop being as friendly -- talk less with them, don't smile, don't take their advice, snap at them to keep them away. If the rival pushes for answers -- catches Simon at a time when they're alone -- Simon would get defensive. He'd refuse to explain; possibly even physically shrink into himself. He doesn't want his friend to hate him...
Simon would do one of two things: he'd run or he'd take a leap of faith.
Simon is a paper man who tries his best not to crumble, but emotions have never been his strong suit...so I can see him doing both -- he'd kiss, then run in a blind panic.
Too scared to see the consequences of his actions...
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 years
❤️ foxy and Bonnie.
❤️ (Red heart) for a romantic ship!
Seabunny is a fun one! And since neither of them appear in canon, you can really just do whatever with these two.
There's a lot for these two to bond over and I have a feeling while Bonnie was gushing about Foxy, Foxy was just kinda biding his time, slowly figuring out how he felt before gradually working out what he wanted to do with these feelings. Bonnie fawning over Foxy while Foxy admires him from afar...
Bonnie's a total flirt though. He's smooth like butter and somehow Foxy is immune to it. Sure, it makes his heart flutter but he's able to keep a cool face and tease him or brush off whatever he said like it was nothing. This just leads to Bonnie thinking he doesn't stand a chance but Foxy just thinks he's like that with Monty too it's nothing special.
The end up together at the most bizarre time possible. Like they're caught up in a slime prank or something and Foxy will randomly just blurt out something like "will ya go out wi' me?" and boom. They're a thing now. Or maybe they were just chatting about their types and Bonnie was like "hey you just described me pretty well. You wanna give it a shot?" and they're a thing! It's so fucking chill with no planning or anything, they just wind up stumbling into the perfect opportunity to ask the other one out and it works.
And they could be so sweet together! Foxy definitely has the braincell though. No way in hell he doesn't. When Bonnie has it he just uses it to commit crimes or bust Roxy, Chica or Monty out of the consequences for their crimes so yeah Foxy has custody of it. He also gets private bowling lessons which is a fun date night. Bonnie's flirting would either become unbearable once they're a thing or toned down significantly since Foxy asked him to chill with it. He's considerate like that.
They're both pretty physically affectionate and super cuddly too. They're just super wholesome and soft even when Foxy has to drag Bonnie out of whatever pit of bullshit he's gotten into with Monty and Roxy. Foxy is often referred to as Bonnie's Babysitter and Bonnie finds it hilarious.
Oh and of course, Bonnie gets to play all the important roles he wants to in Foxy's plays! The roles he's best at are the villain roles so he and Foxy get to have a totally not gay pirate rivalry on stage and it's amazing.
They're the kings of doing little things for each other. They mostly just try to make each other's lives just a bit more manageable, though Bonnie is often making Foxy new jackets and stuff while Foxy is known to swipe the occasional item for him when no one is looking.
But really, since neither of them have a canon appearance, you could take them in literally any direction you want, the potantial is endless. And Foxy saying "Won't ye sail the seven seas wi' me forever?" would be so good okay, it's so cheesy and he would say it so genuinely and Bonnie wouldn't know what to fucking do lmao
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
please ramble about goro akechi 🙏🙏 /nf
he is so ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ i used to. really not like akechi. i never understood why people liked him so much in the og game, because i just didn't feel connected to him at all. he felt very. one note. i think it is, at part, my own fault, as when i played through for the first time, i picked up on the pancake comment instantly, so my walls were instantly up around him. it was hard to see any interaction with him (as sparse as they were) as anything but a lead-up to some betrayal, or otherwise evil twist. it didn't help that shido's entire palace and the corresponding arcs are extremely rushed, so akechi kind of has a full 180 in under like, 10 minutes, depending on how fast you play it. akechi's interactions with akira and the thieves were always awkward and antagonistic, although more in the rivals sense than in the true nature, so i didn't think there was really a personal connection to him deciding to save them and not himself. basic human compassion, yes, but akechi wasn't one for that in the first place, so without any lead-up to him previously (honestly) expressing a want for companionship, it felt very rushed. it made sense in-universe, as a self-inflicted psychotic breakdown would cause his worldview to be quickly skewed, but it felt like a crutch more than anything.
i am very glad with what royal did with his character. he's finally given a TRUE connection with akira!! akira felt bad for what happened with akechi because he's empathetic, and of course anyone would feel that way after witnessing what he did. but it didn't feel personal. it is now. we've seen akira genuinely bond with akechi, going out for drinks and cafe dates and feeling as if akechi has opened up to him. seeing their rivalry go from a fun cops-and-robbers game of evading his detective skills as a thief to a life-or-death scenrio is SO cool and adds SO much to the emotional impact of the final confrontation. the thing that really got me was akira bringing back up akechi's glove, because it just solidifies what they had, and what they could've had, if only times were different. they did him really good in royal, because he doesn't feel just like an obstacle. he feels like a character, an actual confidant, and not just forced cutscenes that automatically level up as the story progresses. i really love him now, which is something i NEVER thought i'd say lol
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erikalentz · 2 years
Half Moon Datas #5
While Emmet, Hilbert and Hilda are in Hisui to search and stop the culprits behind the space-time rifts incidents (and bring back Ingo and Lucas home, of course), Althea and Dawn investigated on another mystery on their side: the circumstances of Lucas’ disappearance. Why did Arceus chosed him of all people to send into the past? Lucas said to Hilbert that it wanted him to record the first original Pokedex, but why giving this task to a kid from the future and not a native of that time like Akari?
Maybe something in Lucas’ life could’ve make Arceus chose him as its “chosen one” rather than another sinnohian.
Dawn has known Lucas since practically birth; they share many of their memories together and have a deep bond. However, the young girl doesn't know much about her boyfriend's family. He wasn't very talkative about it - and hasn't been since they were kids - and she's never seen him with any other family member besides his mother, Leila. She has never seen or heard about his father. Moreover, Lucas used to spend a lot of time at his friend's house, while Dawn rarely went to his house. The teenager never asked him about this because she suspected it must be something difficult for him... That said, if the reason Arceus sent Lucas to Hisui was hiding in that grey area, then she had to talk to Leila.
Dawn then went to Lucas' house. The poor woman hardly goes out since her son's disappearance except to run errands or by invitation from Dawn's mother Johanna. She continues to maintain the house with great care and to smile at others, but the dark circles under her eyes and her shaded irises show her lack of sleep due to her grief. The champion knew from her mother that Leila was approached by quite a few journalists following Lucas' disappearance, some of whom were more interested in sensationalizing the case than in being truly sympathetic to her, although she was less exposed to the media than Emmet (and Dawn to a lesser extent). That's why it took her a while to tell Leila the reason for her visit... To which Leila reassured her that she could ask her whatever she wanted because she knows that Dawn is a kind and caring girl. She has known her since she was a child, after all, and she considers her a member of her family.
Relieved by these words, Dawn then asked Leila what life was like in the house. Leila replied that her husband Logan mysteriously disappeared sometime after Lucas was born, when he was doing archaeological research at Mont Coronet. The police searched the mountain for a long time to find him, but the case was eventually closed due to a lack of clues and leads. Leila had to raise her son alone, and although neither she nor Lucas felt any resentment towards Logan (sinnohians know the dangers of the mountain), his absence left a mark on the family. Although Lucas didn’t show it in front of his loved ones, he sometimes felt sad about not having a father, expressing this feeling when he was alone in his room. This is why the young man appreciates Dillan, Dawn's father; he is the only adult man in his immediate circle whom is a father figure to him.
Learning this, combined with Althea's research about the myths and legends of Sinnoh’s deities, the mystery dissipates: in Hisui's time, the rivalry between members of the Diamond and Pearl clans was causing trouble in the region, which wasn’t helped by Kamado's paranoia, the archaic beliefs of the population, and the fear of humans towards Pokemon. Seeing this, Arceus decided that a new wind had to blow in Hisui to give birth to the region of Sinnoh as we know it today. It then looked for a candidate for this task and its attention gradually turned to Lucas; as God, it was easy for it to discover his past. Since he was a teenager from the future, a time when humans and Pokemon live together in peace and who turned out to be a kind-hearted person as well as an excellent trainer, Arceus considered him the perfect candidate and sent him to Hisui with the official mission of "recording the Pokemon of the region", with the aim of taking him around Hisui and helping the population to open up to others as well as the rest of the world, although he involuntarily lost his memory during his space-time transportation.
However, as ancient, powerful, omniscient and omnipotent as it was, Arceus remains a Pokemon... A deitiful one, but nonetheless a Pokemon. It understands the concept of emotions, morals and human relationships, but as an immortal being, it doesn't really understand why humans value their relationships with others, whose life expectancy isn’t as long as its own. Arceus thought he gave Lucas a new and happier life by taking him to Hisui, even without his original memories... Without suspecting that Lucas himself didn’t want to change his life, even less living in an archaic time where danger could jump at him at any moment. Sure, he is sad not to know his father, but he is genuinely happy to live with his mother, his girlfriend Dawn and his best friend Barry. He wouldn't trade this happiness for anything in the world, even for an adventure beyond time... But Arceus somehow forced his hand. Not becauce it is evil or out of malice, but out of unwitting ignorance.
A mistake that led to Dawn and Leila’s grief, the estrangement between Dawn and Barry and the withdrawal of the two of them.
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pkmngame-fankids · 2 years
can you... perhaps... tell us more about kendrick?
Sure thing! Please note that all information in this post is subject to change though!
As I mentioned earlier, he was a member of Team Phoenix. He starts out as... well, he’s not very nice to start out with. He’s cold and uncaring and only wants the best for Team Phoenix. He’ll stomp out any rebellion that he has to and doesn’t really care who gets hurt in the process.
That’s how he meets Zaid, actually. Kendrick is running an operation for Team Phoenix and Zaid is there to try and stop him. They fight, Kendrick messes up the operation, and Zaid has vanished by the time another higher up of Team Phoenix arrives. Of course, this starts a rivalry and by the next time Zaid, Kendrick knows who he is travelling with, who his family is, and what kind of Pokémon he has. 
Despite all this information, Kendrick still ends up failing any task assigned to him whenever Zaid and his group of friends appear.
Of course, eventually, Kendrick and Zaid get into a fight just before a blizzard hits, which separates the both of them from their respective groups and forces them to work together. Kendrick gets injured sometime during this time, and Zaid, instead of abandoning him like he had thought, keeps him safe and as well cared for as one can expect while being trapped in a storm. During this time, they get to talking about why Kendrick joined Team Phoenix and why Zaid is so opposed to it, and come to a sort of understanding and a shaky bond. 
After the storm passes but before Zaid’s travelling group finds them, Zaid makes the offer to Kendrick to join them, which he refuses. And when Zaid’s friends do find them, Zaid makes the offer again, which Kendrick refuses again. After that, Zaid leaves and Kendrick starts slowly making his way back to Team Phoenix. 
At this point, Team Phoenix had given up on the search for Kendrick and assumed that he had died. So when Kendrick does reappear, still injured but breathing, there’s no warm welcome and he’s put back to work after a doctor gave a very brief look at him. And he’s not entirely sure why he’s surprised by this, but he is. Which kind of leads him to re-evaluate where he is in life, because if an enemy showed more care to his well-being than the people who were supposedly on his side, was he really doing the right thing?
His redemption is slow, and his acts of rebellion against Team Phoenix start out as small things, like adding pins on his uniform and breaking curfew, but eventually he starts giving information to Zaid and his friends about Team Phoenix under an alias. When he and Zaid next meet up, he reveals that he’s the double agent and gives him more information to work with. And when Kendrick is found out to be the spy, he is able to send a message to Zaid just before he is captured asking for help.
When Zaid and his friends do rescue him, Kendrick has been beat up quite a bit. He’s probably got a few broken bones at best (at worst, maybe a mix of blunt force trauma, penetrating trauma, and broken bones) and even though he’s pretty badly injured, he still refuses treatment. He knows that a lot more people got hurt (or worse) while he was waiting and hoping for rescue, and he’s quite insistent that those people get medical treatment first. 
It ends up being one of Zaid’s travelling companions, likely Caleb or Shara, that practically drags a doctor to see Kendrick because he wasn’t going to one on his own, no matter how desperately he needed one. It takes months for Kendrick to heal properly, mainly because he's trying to make sure that he doesn't visit the doctor when he thinks he doesn't need to, and when he doesn't visit the doctor, it's Zaid that drags him there. And when Zaid insists that Kendrick actually start taking care of himself, he slowly starts taking his advice seriously.
Kendrick's still cold and distant with strangers, but he's different around Zaid (and his friends, but mostly Zaid). He's warmer, happier, and far kinder with him than he is with most others, and no one really understands why until they start dating years later.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
Brick beloved! So glad you are not immune to the goodtimes😘
But also, ideas for your au s!
The spy au!
Is there a possible rival agency doing the same thing? Maybe the rival agency are like anti tinies, so they disguise themselves as pest control after finding out what areas(?) the tiny spies are.
This could lead to another scenario of Tommy knowing better and saving Techno🤔
Vamp au!
Are the sbi like making money? If they have some, and bonded with Tommy, do they build him a room? Buy a dollhouse and tiny furniture? Maybe those cat walkways, so they can use them in bat form as well, i think🤔🦇
I am so immersed in the mcyt tumblrsexyman, i need scar to win😭 even funnier if he founf oit only at the end
Hope all has been going well!
yeeee !! never watched him a day in my life (changing that soon i promise. that's if he wins, of course. i made a promise to myself edjf) but i think he def deserves to win from what i've gathered on the sidelines :]
ahh yippeee au time :D
oooo i could see it, i definitely could!! like the protestors in tiny workers but worse :0 it is definitely a possibility, especially given how new the whole thing is, i can see people being unhappy with it!
spies for the spies, i am in love !!! i will say if the two of them ever cross during a tinies stakeout that would be the perfect opportunity for the alleged criminal to escape 😭😭
i can also see this for a playful rivalry! like with the deans in community but more friendly. maybe puffy vs like schlatt or smth 👀👀
OHH yes totally, tommy's instincts would FLARE up at the sight. i can see an argument between the two discussing over why they're there (to get rid of the borrowers bc the human is suspicious vs the "pest control" is here to disturb their stakeout") but they both collectively agree they need to leave DJFDS
vamp auuuu !!
okay i remember this question like very vividly. i swear i've answered this question before but i don't remember if it was with you nor which au (if any) it was for,,, something with phil pawning things to get money. i know it was in a fic i read but i remember making that up for some au asw,,,, right ?????
ah well wtv maybe it'll come to me. anyways! they don't rlly have jobs because 1. sunlight and 2. there's no reason to when they can pickpocket the people they kill to feed! so there's your answer! and occasionally phil or techno may volunteer for something that pays just in case.
also totally irrelevant (kinda) but wilbur is broke asf bc of the fact that he never/rarely kills. so he steals the stolen money for his own fdfjejsd
ohh that idea is adorable ohhh
lmao with that bat thing i can imagine them getting him that 3 ft barbie dollhouse so they can hang out with him LMAO
anyways i might follow the borrower thing from arrietty where they don't use dollhouses or anything,, BUT, tommy is a rule-bender and phil is really really convincing. they come up with a compromise and tommy ends up with new furniture for his home in the walls, plus freedom over the opening so he doesn't need to be so hidden anymore!
ahh so am i was in shambles yesterday watching scar vs techno. i mean i redid my entire blog too FJDSJ as soon as it went 50/50 i had a lot of hope but DAMN that was STRESSFUL. and now i feel all bad for not voting techno after technodad posted that thing but um. this is war.
all is pretty good! i started swapped au so that should be fun! it won my poll (i tooootally didn't rig it whaaat ??) so i'll be posting that on ao3 soon :D hopefully it'll be long enough to be ao3 material,,,,)
thank you for the lovely ask as always beloved <3
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