#which obvs undersells clown and displays some pretty gross biases overall
dcwnthercbbithcle · 1 year
Send 📝 for a rule you think is important when it comes to role playing
Not gonna lie, I think respect is a HUUUUGE one, but not only for the muns you are writing with, though that in itself should always be a given. But respecting the characters your partners have chosen to portray and have dedicated time to developing, writing and forming their own unique personalities!
Thankfully the fandoms I’ve recently been writing with. Namely DBD and horror as a whole have been amazing when it comes to the amount of respect and interest that’s shown for characters, their personalities and stories.
So this sentiment I’m expressing isn’t being born from first hand experience or anything similar, in fact I do want to thank you all for being so kind and welcoming when it came to me overhauling and reimplementing the characters whose concepts I love, even when the DBD devs don’t always treat them with that same kindness!
But I cannot understate how discouraging it can feel when your character is reduced to a stereotype! Or worse, a joke when you are walking up to love them and work on them! It’s not always meant in bad taste, in fact, it’s often meant lightheartedly! But things like always having your character considered a creep or an uwu baby or a man in need of fixing or a damsel in distress, etc. that stuff can wear on you over time and make you wonder why you’re putting in the effort when people can’t do you or your characters the respect of letting them form an identity in your writing!
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