#which mk character do you see miguel as?
oharababe · 10 months
mortal kombat miguel... please i am weak on my knees.
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laismoura-art · 1 year
Ok, so someone sent me an ask, but Tumblr's dumbass erased it, so if you're the person who were talking about how they gave Hanzo Kuai's brother, best friend, identity and face model. This post is for you:
With that settled, let's talk about Canon Events:
Let's start with our boy Kuai. I'll start this by saying I don't believe for a second that he is our Scorpion. I've been saying this from day 1, and now that we saw him using fire on story mode and am even less convinced of that theory.
That being said. Plenty of people have been afraid and leaning on that theory because he hasn't made a proper appearance just yet. But here is the thing: he is not supposed to make an appearance yet.
Remember, folks, this is MK1 all over again. And Kuai is an MK3 character. And him showing up only later on is a massive Canon Event:
OG Timeline: he is introduced in MK3 after Bi-Han’s death.
New timeline: He shows up in the 3rd arc of the MK9 (MK3 equivalent) after Bi-Han’s death.
Defenders of the Realms (weren't expecting that one, were you?): It is heavily implied the show takes place after the 1995 movie and is an MK3 equivalent, meaning Kuai also shows up only after his brother's death.
MK Legends: Only shows up in Battle of the Realms, MK3 equivalent, and after guess which event??
MK Movie 1995: We all try to forget, but Kuai was in that godawful sequel "Annihilation" (Also MK3 equivalent)
MK Movie 2021: We don't have a sequel just yet, but Bi-Han’s canon event already happened...
I know it is weird to see Hanzo being the Right Hand Man, but I wouldn’t say he is taking Kuai's place, because that was never his place to begin with.
Kuai, in all these stories, is heavily implied to be a step, a replacement to Bi-Han in case his brother falls (and he always does)
Of course, we, as fans, see him as much more than that, but that's because he earned that respect from us, but let's not forget where he starts.
Hanzo’s presence, as weird as it may seem, doesn’t affect Kuai as a character or the journey he will go through. His Canon Event is due to happen no matter from where Hanzo plays his part in it.
Now, let's talk about Kuai's bestie. Tomas Vrbada.
And for that, we need to talk about Hanzo.
What is the main thing about our boy? He is a family man. It's his Canon Event. Look back at all the other media I mentioned, and see if you find a single one where he fights for anything other than his family! No luck, right?
So what I think is the deal about our Scorpion here: He is adopted.
I joked about it, but I strongly believe that's the case. He was brought into the Lin Kuei when he was little (probably by Papa Zero) and raised here.
And with Smoke being an adoptive brother, it just adds to this theory.
Hanzo being adopted himself would explain his behaviour towards Smoke, be cause he knows what's like to be the outsider, what's like to have to build a family without blood ties to link you to them.
He reassures Tomas the same way he would like to be reassured. He makes sure Tomas feels as included as he would like to be.
Because this is Hanzo Hasashi, and we know him. He lives for his family, he will always do what it takes to be around his family, and if he doesn't have a family, he will build his own.
Now I don't think it is fair to say Hanzo took Kuai’s best friends, because apparently they are all adoptive brothers, and they would have a somewhat similar relationship, because I think Kuai would welcome these two into his family. But as he is on a lower rank and probably someone you would keep secluded and safe to assure he is in position in case something happens and he is needed (and not ready for his Canon Event), he will not be present in the missions with the Grandmaster himself. That's why Hanzo is the one to be there for the reassurance.
And everything here is all very Hanzo coded! I don't believe he has taken that from anyone but himself. That's his own merit as a character and the canonical truth about him!
And that, I believe, will even play a big part in his story. Because his beliefs are very different for the Lin Kuei’s, from Bi-Han’s. Family is everything to him, but he is not everything to his family.
His family will push him to the edge and force him to make a decision that will change their dynamics forever. And from day 1, I've been saying what decision that will be!
Regarding the face model... how can I put that nicely?
My black ass could never find the courage to say two Asian men look alike.
I heard a lot of people say that from day 1. That "Bi-Han and Hanzo looked totally alike" (even before they took their masks off) and even that "they looked like twins"(???) And... I don't think I'm in a position to say anything about that.
I honestly think it is kinda irky to say two asian men look like twins or even that they look alike in general, but other than that... if you don't mind... I'll skip that part.
Anyways! That turned out looooong, I'm sorry for not being able to respond to the ask itself, I do hope it reaches you... I think you are @dinainwater, but I wouldn’t know for sure!😭
I'm also tagging @mikka-minns because this covers some things from their latest reply to me!
I do hope you find my reply somehow soothing!💙💛🩵
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tiptapricot · 1 year
brings you a fruit platter XD 🍑 & 🍈 & (blueberries - can't find the emoji, but ur fave underrated thing to write about in ur fandoms)
🍑 —If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
Hmmm this is a tough one because I honestly don’t do/think of crossovers very much? I rly like working within a piece n finding things to expand on inside it. I may unfortunately have to go w the boring answer of I probably wouldn’t JNDBDBD It’s not like I don’t read stuff either but I’m not exactly a literature man in my passions as reading takes a lot of brain power, so idrk any quotes or overarching things id try to tie in? This is honestly kinda interesting to me on its own that I just. Don’t have anything. But ig that’s just how it is fhdhdjbd I’m not rly a crossover or references dude I suppose.
Maybe something with Miguel/2099 stuff and Terry from Batman Beyond? Somth ab future versions of characters n legacies n Terry’s thing of helping an older roughened guy care ab ppl again, and the fact that he had spiderman inspo in his making, idk. But that’s more just a musing more than anything serious.
🍈 —Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions
I have many n don’t have one (I have a super hard time with single favorite characters) so I will not be giving all of them n just give some rapid fire thoughts from across the board.
I love trans Miguel O’Hara and Gwen Stacy esp from the spiderverse movies as I think those readings of them are a very thematically appropriate and fascinating way to explore them, and I love trans people
Comics Steven from MK paints the body’s nails and gets them regular manicures/pedicures/hair care treatments, etc n has an extensive collection of Bath and Bodyworks soaps and scrubs and lotions. They also have semi-sensitive skin and he’s very aware of ingredients and what will work for them
Hera w359 is aLso such a trans woman to me there is so much ab the self and holding it and creating it and breaking from the miles people tell you to stay in and finding the humanity in yourself and creating a new sense of self outside of programming and the literal voice someone forced you to have. I love her so dearly and aUGGH
Show!Steven from MK has a record player and is very careful about taking them out of the sleeves, but not careful about how they end up stacked up. Jake does CDs. Marc downloads random tracks onto their phone or only listens via YouTube (not YouTube music just looking up on YouTube)
🫐—What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
Well this isn’t rly underrated bc stuffs still kicking off but if someone hasn’t already, a timeloop fic for ATSV Miguel would slap absolute ass. I’m also on the (sort of but also not always?) rare train of genderqueer jake, and ofc the very rare train of some-flavor-of-transfem Marc. Also love non binding and non top op trans men/mascs and would lOve to see that around more. I’m also someone who does a lot of inhuman body exploration which while not uncommon in the big scheme I find a way to work into a lot of my headcanons for characters at some point and can be a huge draw (like to Ted n Jack from wwbn, the MK sys with weird Khonshu body effects and differing levels of human connection, or Miguel w his many mutations n differing levels of spider ppl connection).
Send me a fruity writing ask!
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labellerose-acheron · 4 years
MK’s Characters’ Hatter’s Habits
this is way extra but...it was fun, so...putting this here for my ref
Character’s Name: Belle Rose Acheron Drink Order: Earl Grey tea, a splash of milk, a pinch of honey. Habits: When she was working full time at the bookshop she came in like clockwork pretty much every 4 hours (when they first open, around lunch, and about an hour before they closed.) When she was in school she would definitely take up a whole corner table for the entire day and would fight anyone that would  try to sit with her if it was crowded. It is definitely Belle’s Table. Now that her schedule is more sporadic, she definitely still comes in nearly every day, gets the same order, but it’s not as routine. And she also sometimes will eat a sandwich or special cookies or something that is fresh in. Sometimes forgets to tip, sometimes tips way over--it evens out.
Character’s Name: Onyango “Simba” Lyons Drink Order: Whatever sugary, seasonal beverage is the special. If there is none, he tells them to surprise him. He is always happy with whatever they give him. (Berlioz whispers to them not to put too much caffeine in whatever it is, lmfao.) You can tell if Simba is really haggard by something because he will order just a plain black coffee. Habits: Honestly, Simba doesn’t come in too too much. He will have coffee dates with people there sometimes to catch up or he’ll pop in before/after board meetings, but I don’t think he’s a super frequent customer. Maybe once a week-ish. Always tips super well.
 Character’s Name: Toulouse Henri Bonfamille Drink Order: In the morning: a black coffee with a splash of milk and a spoon of sugar. He puts this in with his body turned towards the counter so no one can see him doing it, lmfao. In the late afternoon/evening: a green tea, he’s not picky about which one, decaffeinated. He will put his own honey in, thank you.  Habits: Whenever he’s hanging around Chapter Three he will stop at Hatter’s and pick something up. He also is usually the designated “get drinks for everyone” person, I feel like, because he has a good memory and the money to pay for everyone. So sometimes, he orders his/Belle’s/Hades’ orders, and if he is feeling generous, the other employees. Doesn’t ever stay unless someone else is with him to get him to stay. He frequents it, but only in an on-the-go sense. Not as a sit-down place. Always tips exactly 20%. During the holidays (so basically the month of December), this increases to 40%.
 Character’s Name: Attina Monroe Triton Drink Order: Cappuccino. She’s very easy. Just a good ole cappuccino. Sometimes she’ll ask for a little cinnamon on it. Or she’ll just get a black tea, depending on her mood. In the summer she drinks like fruit-infused iced teas. (Doesn’t drink a lot of coffee because it dehydrates mermaids.) Habits: Comes in to Hatter’s for lunch dates all the time with her sisters and friends. Since she works down the street she’ll definitely come in a lot of mornings. Hatters is one of the only places she actually feels comfortable getting food from so she will get lunches from there too a lot, though she won’t eat anything that isn’t wrapped up, so no baked goods or anything. 
 Character’s Name: Mei Qin Drink Order: Hot chocolate in the winter! Lemonade (if they have that?? Something fruity) in the summertime. Mei is definitely not a coffee/caffeine person. She’s also not super into tea either. Like, she drinks it because her sisters do a lot, but since going to Hatter’s is like going out, she’ll get a hot chocolate. Habits: Probably doesn’t come in super often. Definitely came in a lot more when she was in high school with her friends and basically reenacted that scene from Rent where they push all the tables together and are generally loud and teenaged hooligans. She’s much more relaxed now. Normally just canoodles with Lock in a corner. Tips about average. 
 Character’s Name: Shannon “Shock” Adamson Drink Order: Prefers [name redacted].  Habits: I don’t actually think she’s ever stepped foot in Hatter’s, tbh. 
 Character’s Name: Thomas Edward Richard Harrington III Drink Order: Black coffee. Sometimes an espresso shot too. Sometimes just an espresso shot. If it’s nighttime and he’s getting off a shift, sometimes he’ll get a chamomile tea. Habits: Comes in at random hours of the day -- usually when he gets his shifts. Always looks like a deadman walking because he’s so tired. Always is polite, though, and always tips well. 
 Character’s Name: Zira Blackwell Drink Order: Hot water with lemon. Habits: Comes in at even more random times than Tom, but always gives them like 10 pounds just for her hot water with lemon. Doesn’t actually drink it. She just wants to keep up the facade of being a patron to local businesses, lol. 
 Character’s Name: Candace Gertrude Flynn Drink Order: Prefers [name redacted] or cafes on campus. Nonfat soy latte, sometimes with a shot of espresso if she’s really stressed. Habits: Comes in occasionally. Is a perfectly average customer. Tips 20%-ish. (Never under, sometimes over if she can’t be fucked to do math.)
 Character’s Name: Miguel Franco Rivera Serrano Drink Order: Black coffee. Black coffee. Espresso shot? Yes. Several espresso shots? When will you cut him off?  Habits: Probably also frequents uni cafes more but does like Hatter’s because I’m sure they have better coffee blends than the uni cafes. Is constantly needing to be caffeinated because he barely sleeps these days. Tips well. Sometimes orders in Spanish if he’s not paying attention. 
 Character’s Name: Vishaka “Vixey” Chakraborty Drink Order: Either a chai latte or she will try whatever new tea blends that are being promoted if she is feeling adventurous. Sometimes orders it with ice if it is warmer out. Habits: Doesn’t come in a super lot because she doesn’t live in town, but you’ll see more of her moving forward. Is always super nice and will compliment employees on their hard work and tips well when she is able (but never under 20%, she just can’t always spare more.) Honestly the loveliest of my characters as a customer. 
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rlschmaltz · 7 years
The Death of Faith Requires the Absence of Faith: Christian Revelation Lights the Eternal
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November 23, 2017. By Robert Schmaltz. 
“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." (John 20:29)
It is plain to say the strains on keeping with faith are legion. Taking into account the widespread presence of ferocious violence, grinding poverty, severe hunger and thirst, domestic abuse, rape, the human mills of war and genocide, it is in fact an incredible feat to yet believe in the absolute power of love and forgiveness. Though, for the Judeo-Christian traditions the vicissitudes of corruption have gone down the ages. Yet, Christianity in its most basic element continues to build up the church of faith, hope, and love. For Christians, everywhere as well as in the United States, faith is regularly tested by the impulses of personal desires. Scores of church leaders have become willing advocates of social, political and economic movements whose ethics contradict all that God reveals to us through the deeds and words of Christ. Meanwhile, the turn away from Christ’s body (the church) as a reaction to those transgressions follows from abandoning critical theology as the means to living in good faith. 
We all live with contradictions, and none can truly claim to possess the full wisdom and knowledge of God’s divine nature. Though what complicates faith in Christ for so many, is the helplessness that comes with any attempt to morally reconcile the acts of a church that is accessory to policies which encourage the widespread damages of poverty, cycles of warfare, and a political status quo which protects sexual predators, adulterers, liars and thieves.
How can those cruelties which are a virulent part of our social, political and economic disorder, as well as the church which abides by those worldly powers, be reconciled with the Spirit of God and Christ? To be Christian demands settling the soul’s differences with corrupt institutions as well as our own shortcomings through the discerning heat.
It is from within scripture that Paul the Apostle seeks to provide encouragement to all whose faith is strained. With heartening clarity Paul speaks to us both as members of the Christian faith and as citizens. Saint Paul bears the truth that the Spirit of God never moves us to deny the feast of God’s love and mercy which is revealed through all good deeds and acts for all to share. God’s revelation appears throughout the ages in one and every instance of good deed, compassionate feeling, acts of love and forgiveness.
God does not institute divisions in the world, but calls us all especially the outcasts into banquet together. The ministry of Christ does not establish factions in the community of faith (the church) nor uphold divisive attitudes within the commonwealth (I Cor. 11:18-19). In fact, those powers which dominate in any present era through divide and conquer tactics are the enemies of Christ (I Cor. 15:24).
Through to the works of prophet Isaiah, the world has been understood as sinfully laden with iniquity and power dealt corruptly (Is. 1:4). God’s unequivocal revelation makes understandable the kind of life Christians are called to lead. Lives not with hearts that are hardened, callous, greedy, deceitful (Ep. 4:18-19). Not without the spirit of discernment for the common good. We are called to live by example, seeking with passion to put bitterness, wrath, ill-will, and malice away from us. Preferring in good faith to be kind, tenderhearted, forgiving and above all else loving (Ep. 4:31-32). Knowing that even as we continue to struggle to put off the nature of our fallen world, we are forgiven just as we are loved.
Today, members of the Christian faith are sounding the alarm of collapse in the United States. No doubt, the church has proven itself to be pervious to the powers which corrupt. Some members of the faith, struggling to find evidence to support the lasting vitality of the church, have gone as far as to pronounce Christianity in the United States dead. In his recent essay, Baptist minister and social justice activist Miguel A. De La Torre fulminates, “The beauty of the gospel message — of love, of peace and of fraternity — has been murdered by the ambitions of Trumpish flimflammers who have sold their souls for expediency.” (emphasis added)
The sense of loss and doubt that follows from the experience of church leadership falling into line with the political conservatism that is tolerant of racism, promoting of nationalism, and preaching a gospel of wealth is fully appreciable. As a political thinker, as a theological thinker, and as someone who was earnestly socialized by the urban social justice counter-culture in these United States, there are hardly any aspects of the current political order that do not temp my fury. However Christian faith, the moral source which sustains resistance to degenerating into hatred and contempt for persons, even those who preach and act in particularly evil ways, cannot be said to be in decline. This is a lens which focuses the light of God everywhere always, in anyone, in all of us, in me.
As part of the continuity of the risen Christ, the companions of Christ (Christians) are charged in their following to carry forth through oppressed peoples’, distressed peoples’, and lost peoples’, cries for dignity and freedom. The charge that Christianity is dead in the United States holds only if there is no longer a voice for the fullness of dignity and freedom for the suffering. This charge holds only if the true image of self which transcends the oppressors’ image has been blotted out. This charge holds only if the liberating truth of Christ’s resurrection has been overcome by the enemy of humanity.
The followers of Jesus know that Christ’s body is very much alive. Our faith is guided by scripture reminds us when we turn to Jesus and ask, “where are you as we suffer? Where are you as we are abused and as we are killed?” God turns to us through Christ saying, “where are you in my suffering? Where are you in the midst of my abuse and in my death?” Christ always returns to us. This is God’s profound gift, Christ’s salvific power made available to through the ministry of Jesus and the cause for which he was crucified.
When Jesus is Resurrected, he does not seek to continue on his ministry of justice and mercy politically. The heads of state, priests, and the mob public put Jesus to excruciating death (Mk. 15:11-15). Meanwhile, the resurrected Christ does not return, fulfilling God’s prophecy with a grand display for persecutors to witness. No, the risen Jesus returns as quietly and intimately as Christ first entered the world. Christ returns to continue the ministry of God through Mary Magdalene, Mary the Mother of James (Mk. 15:40), to Cleopas (Lk. 24), to the apostles. To all of Jesus loved and entrusted with God’s ministry, Christ reproached for their lack of faith and hardened hearts.
As Christians, we are called into a mission to build the kingdom of God, the kingdom of peace on Earth, and the means to the mission is to gather together with all those who hear the call. We are called closer in toward those who have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the hearts to serve God’s power and presence eternal. We are not called to mighty works whose first principal is to overthrow any seat of power. We are called to serve God’s kingdom, accompanying Christ on the mission to mount up lives of dignity with those who are cast out and those who have sinned or turned away from God. We turn our concern not toward the self-righteous, nor the mighty, but toward our mutually shared suffering and joy.
Near the end of her astounding life as one of the truly great contributors to American fiction, Flannery O’Connor wrote a short story titled Revelation. This story located in one of the southern United States, follows a decent Christian woman named Mrs. Turpin. Her worldly character is polite, helpful, giving of her time and kindness. At the same time Mrs. Turpin’s interior dialog is relentlessly judging, disparaging even, while at the same time giving thanks to Jesus. Saying, “Jesus, thank you! Thank you thank you!” Mrs. Turpin is very pleased with who she is as opposed to one of those she envisions as some despicable others. The revelation in O’Connor’s story is a warning that finally strikes at Mrs. Turpin’s conscience. One that suggests we ought to mind less those forces which disturb the body than those which impair the eyes of the soul.
To believe that Christianity may be used toward dehumanizing ends or to perpetuate abuses of social, economic, and political power requires abandoning discernment as a feature to living faith. Accepting of racism, sexism, and the preaching of the gospel of capitalist success follows from a gospel of self which sets aside the saving significance of Jesus Christ’s ministry and cause in the world. This follows from exchanging the truth about God for a lie (Rom. 1:25). Seeing this, theologian James Cone, urges a critical theology “based on the Bible and using tools of the social sciences” as a necessity for participating in God’s work of redemption, even while so many who preach the gospel express disdain for critical theology.
We are sinners - which is to say turned away from our true nature toward a distorted sense of self - called out from the mob condemning Jesus to death, away from the frenzied observers to the abuse of Christ’s body (now the church). First and foremost, Christians are called to be a part of God’s large plan, not any man’s small plan (Mt. 13:47-49). We are all called into companionship Jesus Christ who is present throughout everything in this life that serves eternal wellbeing.
There is isolation, broken relationships, poverty, violence, social fragmentation, hate, and violence in our unjust world. None of these deficiencies are God’s making. Cruelty and even death itself is not of God’s making. The Christian faith compels us to conscientiously allow the soul to follow the anguish, the sorrow, and even the shame we experience in the desolation of these injustices in order to grow closer to Jesus. We follow our compassion to receive God’s offering, the power of love and forgiveness. Pope John Paul II put into words, “Christ has made suffering the firmest basis of the definitive good, namely the good of eternal salvation.” The pain of cruelty and corruption is there to turn us not away from Jesus Christ but always to draw us closer to Christ’s ministry, the presence of God in the world.
The truth of the resurrected Christ the redeemer is inconsistent with notions of a church grown obsolete or the death of faith. The power of Christ’s ministry inspires a positive attitude toward creation and provides a propulsion for continued transformation through faith, hope and love in the living. “In the living,” Jesus tells us, “I will give you all the light you will need for the ages to come.” (Jn. 6: 44-49) Through every age to the present and into the future, despite vicious corruption the truth of God ceaselessly repairs, amends, intervenes in life, across the expanse of all creation, with care. Through Christ, we are called into profound relationship with one another, one that corruption and death has no power to undo.
Image: Rembrandt, The Raising of Lazarus. Oil on panel. 37 15/16 x 32 in. (96.36 x 81.28 cm). Late 1620s or 1630-32. Los Angeles County Museum of Art
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tiptapricot · 1 year
🍊🍍🥝🍇 ~ fruits for my favourite fruit <3
Ty my favorite bird <3
🍊—Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo)
Layla and Jake from MK auGHh! They both have sm n I have several fic ideas to go more in depth on Jake specifically, but in most of what I have now they’re often relegated to interaction or side appearances even tho they give me sO MANY THOUGHTS!! I think that’s part of the issue bc most ideas would b longer and more involved n I rly only am doing short stuff atm. I rly gotta do some stuff with them soon tho!
🍍—What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
Honestly I’m not much of an AU man, I more like stuff that plays with small tweaks or missing pieces of canon over drastic changes, as for me at a certain point it doesn’t feel like the characters I want to explore anymore. There are exceptions ofc but yeah, generally. Overall I like role swap AUs? I think they can give a good look at how characters got to where they are and how they address issues differently, but again that’s sort of playing in canon sandbox as well. Idk if timeloop counts as an AU or a trope but I like that as well, as well as stuff that’s more… switch around pieces but general universe is the same.
Beef wise, I don’t like no power aus for super heroes if there’s nothing else interesting or it’s not exploring like “this isn’t how it should be” type stuff. Same for modern Star Wars stuff w no aliens or paralleling structures like those? Are just guys now? Those are not the same guys? Both make a lot of conflicts feel less there and changes a lot of fundamentals. Also not a big fan of fantasy AUs for non fantasy properties? But that’s my personal issues w not being as much of a fantasy guy unfortunately 😭 Idk. I’m just not rly an AU guy haha.
🥝—What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
Ig nonsexual (but also sometimes sexual) intimacy and 5(or however many)+1’s.
For the first it’s something about exploring people physically, and seeing the ways they find connection and boundaries with touch and contact, it’s just rly fun for me. I loVe sense of self exploration and how sensory input is felt and wanted is a huge part of that. Also has a lot of good descriptors, with warmth and rough/softness, hair texture, eyes and noses and stomachs. Good stuff. Can be gentle or sad or sexy or sweet and I always find at least a bit in all of my stuff.
For the second it’s similar in an examination sense, but more abstract, about seeing the space the character(s) take up and the reactions they have under certain circumstances. It can explore a swath of themes and moments, give a net cast if the characters life and how they’ve moved through it, and it’s relatively bite sized depending on how you go at it, making it perfect for the writing momentum that keeps me going.
🍇 —Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
Honestly probably a lot but I am sO bad at rmring stuff so this is kinda more like? Topics? From the top of my head: Miguel and Gabriella stuff from ATSV, Moon Knight stuff to do with the duat and with Gus, Miguel holding Mayday briefly, uhhh honestly just all of moon knight actually but JDHBDB that’s to be expected. Also post canon W359 but that’s less canon n more the whole shebang.
Send me a fruity writing ask!
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