#which might fit better into the xianzhou side of things
cynicalmusings · 7 months
wrote another 500 words today. it’s less than i’d hoped—it’s been quite slow these past few days—so i’m really hoping i can do a lot over the coming weekend to make up for it. i’m also considering rewriting/ making changes to some earlier chapters (the opening two, some of chapter eleven…), which is slightly annoying if i end up doing it, but that’s something for later.
still, the fic’s coming along, which is the main thing.
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sunsettia-sky · 5 months
Hello there! I'm Miya, nice to meet you ^^
This is my main blog. It's not an RP account or a side blog, but my main blog. Although, I could RP with other people in here, of course. But, I might have to place something, like an emoji, to know which character I'm playing as. Also, my RP skills are a little rusty.
Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah! I do have a main OC that I use for roleplaying, and well, I'm still in the process of completing her backstory, of course.
Under the cut is my OC. She's not in HSR or anything like that, as she's my own character, but I will tweak some things to make her fit into the HSR universe.
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Name: Mayla Aila Luizer (you can just call her Mayla or May)
Occupation: Traveler/Adventurer/etc.
Age: No definite age (can be any age, is what I mean)
Pronouns: She/her
Height: 5'4"
Appearance: Shoulder-length blue-black hair tied up in a low ponytail, deep violet eyes with diamond shaped pupils, light tan skin.
Accessories: Amethyst diamond shaped earrings on her ears, black choker on her neck, crystal bracelet on her left wrist, light blue hairband on her hair.
Clothes: Light blue sleeveless romper that has a diamond shaped cutout on her collarbone, dark blue jacket on top of the romper, black belt on her romper belt loops to keep it in place, black leggings inside her romper, dark gray knee high boots with black soles on it, 3 finger gloves on her hands, and light blue thigh band on her left thigh.
Greeting - "Hm? Oh! Hey there! I'm Mayla. Nice to meet you. Oh? New to the Astral Express? Well, looks like it's your lucky day! I'll be your guide for today! Here, let me take you around the train! And maybe we can grab some snacks as well?"
Farewell - "Well, seems like you need to wind down for the day. I hope I didn't bother you too much with me talking a lot. I'll see you around!"
Likes - "Hmmm, if there's one thing that I like doing, is to explore! It's much better to experience it with someone too. Unfortunately, I think everyone's busy, so I do it alone. But, it's okay!"
Dislikes: "Uhmmm...I'm not sure if it's people trying to get in my way, I think? So far, everyone's nice, though..."
Jarilo VI - "We went there to investigate a Stellaron, and how can the people survive in such coldness? It's a miracle, really."
Xianzhou Alliance - "Uhmmm...I'm not sure what to think of that place. It's a bit of a whirlwind, really, with what happened and stuff."
Penacony - "I heard it can be accessed via dreams. It's a little...flashy, for me? I dunno, maybe it's just me that thinks of these things?"
??? (It's unknown where she came from) - "...I don't really know where I came from, Trailblazer, and that's why I travel to find out where I came from."
Path: Adaptive (Girlie cannot choose a path haha)
Combat Type: Lightning
Weapons: Crystalline lance-like sword (like Trailblazer's when they're in Destruction path, possibly even modeled it after them)
Emoji: 🔹
Note: This is one of my own characters. I might do character forms of the other characters soon.
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In terms of RP, I don't really mind if the replies are late, since I'm also busy and I would reply when I have the time.
Please keep asks and, well, everything SFW.
If you put links, please indicate and specify what they are.
Be respectful. Any kind of comments that would be hateful, and anything falling under that umbrella would be not tolerated, and you can expect a block, of course.
Ships are welcome here, my OCs doesn't have a set age on them, as long as it's appropriate and not illegal.
DMs are welcome here as well ^^
Key (for RP):
" " : for dialogue
* * : for movements
** ** : for time skips (if there's any)
( ) or [ ]: OOC
#Sunsettia Sky ��� - Art reblogs
#Night Sky 🌃 - Post reblogs
#Nice to meet ya! 👋 - Any interactions
#Thinking ☁️ - Random thoughts, etc.
#OC - RP (Miya) 🌸 - Roleplays With Me
#Writing 🖋 - OCs or any content about characters
These are the tags I can think of, for now. Apologies for the randomness of my tags.
Thank you! ^^
-sunsettia-sky 🌆
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