#which meand i can make her personality uo
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miraacleworker · 9 months ago
man i love lesbians
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spitinsideme · 10 months ago
dosent ragatha have some special helish duty’s as the queen. Also does she have anymore powers
this is going to be a long post because i like to explain things in detail and also im going to add little drawings to some, so get ready
she does !!! she has some duties she shoukd be taking care of as youknow the queen of hell !!! like any other royalty in thr world, she does jackshit 👍 she just kind of .. created hell and is in charge of it .. soemtimes she likes to torture them herself for a bit of fun
she does have powers !!! i domt draw them much necause she doesnt really use them, but im going to give you a big list now ...
*shes invulnerable to any human or like world weapon or death, nothing can kill or harm her on earth (except religious stuff like crosses and rosaries and holy water, etc) BUT !! when shes close to someone she cares a lpt aboit (like pomni) she can be harmed and killed and also it significaly slows down her abiloty to heal .. here is a diagram to explain that
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she also is a pussy with pain becausd she is like NOT used to any earth things at all, like yeah she can be knocked around a bit by a demon but bwcause she heals quickly it has never affecred her, shes the tyoe of person to full on cry and refuse to move or do anything becwude she got a papercut
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*she has heightened sense of hearing and smell ! and also eyesight !! she can see in the dark which is very nice
*she can shapeshift oarts of her body into her demonic form. this meand she can grow the fur, have a tail, have sharper and bigger fangs and claws, change her horn shaoe into her demonic form one, and just all that stuff she can do ! she can also shapeshift into different creatures ! but they all have like soke demonic features added to then becaude ragatha is, in facy, a demon. and thehre also usuually way bigger than the original animal. not very good for blending in actually but the animald do look pretty cool and pomni finds it cute (pomni somwrimes asks ragatha to shapeshift to havw like .. the fur her demonic form has because its soft and she likes to sleeo in it, especialy during winter)
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*ragatha is always warm. literally immune to any other wearher or temperature. this isnr exactly a supwepower, this isjust her natural state. shes alwyas warm and whereever she goes she warms uo the place because of it. summer weather ? doesnr bother her, shes hotter than it and shes used to the heat (she likes it, makes her feel at home), winter weather ? canr even feel it because shee so warm, the cokd doesnt bother her or affect her
*shes very strong, shes less agile than the other demons because she relies more on strengtth than anything else, shes not vert fast either because, again, she relies on strength. shes faster than a human obviously, but not as fast as like some animals or a car. also she just doesnr enjly running because shes a cocky little bitch who knows dhe can kill whorver dhe want and whenever she wants
*shes the queen of hell, obviously she controls peoples souls. people still do contracyswith her youknow deals woth the devil are still a thing. she canr take a persons soul unless theyre mesnt to be in hell or theyve signed a contract for her to do so because then a whole fight woukd break our between her and heaven and she donesnt fancy all that. but yeah she can do all that !!
* because shes the queen of hell, she gets a special little power that only she has and no one else !!! she jusr knows what someone secretly desires, thats mosrly how she gets people to sign deals with her bur also shes a bit of a whore really so she mostly has used it for sex reasons, made a lot of peoppe go to hell by accodent because they didnr knkw they doing it woth the devil ! she likes that thoufh she finds it funny shes a bit of a bastard. she doesnt use it on pomni though because pomno told her not to, pomni feels weird about it and ragatha loves her and respecrs her and so doesnt do it. pomni ssys what she wnats anyways (soemtimes) so it works out
*she can control fire !thats soemthing shes able to do actually i decided now because shes like the queen of hell i mean comeon ?? flames of hell !? hell flames ?? it just works ... she cant do many fire tricks when notnin her demon form, but she can make fire appear with her fingers and also control it, she has verg good contrlm of it but soemtimes if she gets toomuch of a feeling she could just, potentially, light something on fire by accident. she needs to be very careful necause most of the times she doesnr want to loght soemrhing on fire by accident ! in her demon form, she can make larger fires appear and control them also. she can also control if they hurt someone or not, soemtimes she likes to start a bit of a fire that wont hurt someone but just scares then because it looks real and, therefore, dangerous. bit of a laugh for her really
*not exactly a power but someone once asked me if shes like hurt by cathokic or religoous imagerg things like crosses and rosaries and all that and yes ! she is !! it does burn her a bit and like a tingly .. stinging sensation ? it feels like if you fell into a pile of stingong nettles and then tried to scrape the skin off with a cactus. the pain is different for each thing !! ALSO !! VERY IMPORTANR !! the pain hurts less when theyre further away from it. for example, demon ragayha is in a chirch a lot because of pomni so shes always arouns relifious things bit as long as she doesnt touxh them or get VERY close to them they wont hurt her toomuch. if she gets really close to them or touches then they will hurt more
from lowest to highest on the pain scale, we have small obkects like rosaries or small crosses. the smaller the obkect, the less harm done. this is the lowest pain for that sort of stuff. overall 3/10 pain
then we have bigger obkects, things like statues or the bible woukd hurt more. this is like a bit more painful. overall 4/10 pain.
holy water is MUCH more painful on the scale. but holy watrr only works if it came from jesus birthplacr itself (nazareth) or if it was blessed from a priest, pope, or bishop. thats a proper 8/10 really painful for demons no matter your status (demon pomni and demon ragatha woukd both be hurt the same and feel the same amount of pain badically, doesnr matter the differences in status or strength for religious objects pain)
anything blessed by a priest or god themselves. also, if a priest, pope or bishop were to say a prayer and say it direftly TO them with intent to hurt (thats important, they have to say ir wirh intent to harm the demon) then this woukd be veryveru painful, proper 9/10 on the scale
i think thats it, tahts all i can think of now at least, if i think of more then ill add onto it !!
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