#which is. not normal or expected thats not even crowdkilling
rocals · 1 year
re: your tags about pit etiquette yeah I didnt know that people were getting annoyed by the pitast night, like it opened as early as pinkshift and looked fun! I was pit adjacent before the crowd pushed me further up, and being mildly pushed on the edges because you're too close is just what's gonna happen lol, like if you don't wanna be shoved go stand on the side out of the way . that was definitely the roughest show I've been to (so I'm glad I've been forewarned about vitus) but it wasn't like, rough above expectation for the venue and band? I think the only time anyone around me got annoyed was when 1 wasted guy kept surfing to the front every 5 minutes and kept elbowing his way back to the middle whether there were people in his way or not
yeah, I'm sure there were a few shitty people but from where I was (in the pit) it was fun! I'm not like a super experienced concert goer but if you just try to pick up on the vibe it's not hard. do a minimum of research into hxc if you're not familiar and if you don't want to get pushed go to the very back. it's a small venue and a post hardcore band... people are gonna go for it and shove and thats the fun!! but ultimately what do I know I'm new to the scene 🤷‍♂️
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