#which is true of everything ronnie betty and jughead ever said to archie. therefore.
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tibby · 11 months ago
anyway i've reached a point where i don't think music is good or bad. or i do but i think that the quality of it solely depends on how possible it is to slap a (riverdale cast version) to the end of it. which is why so high school is the greatest song of all time.
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staliasjeronica · 6 years ago
Riverdale 3.02 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- poor Archie... BUT OMG FALICE YESSSS “This feels right doesn’t it?” That’s because it is right ❤️❤️
- Bughead... is cuddling/probably had sex... in Dilton’s bunker? I don’t like kink shaming but uhhhhh their kink is... 😬😬😬
- YES MR. ANDREWS QUESTION EVERYTHING!!! Let Archie see his dad, his two friends have already abandoned him smh but if it’s been three weeks... Archie has been in isolation for three weeks? Bby 😭😭😭
- Awww, V... and although I’m still bitter about Betty being a total bitch and not apologizing to Veronica, I’m glad they’re friends again. Now we just need Jughead and Archie to do the same since it’s always just been the couples who hang out together. ALSO V has a dress code, and imagining Sweet Pea and Fangs in it makes me wanna cry mY SWEET PRECIOUS BABIES
- Jughead: “of course we’re calling it a speakeasy” ummm tf you mean??? That’s because it IS a speakeasy? Jughead is your random hate (or secret love) for Veronica showing? I can’t tell.
- 6-4-2 as the password for the speakeasy? I wonder if it means something. And if Stonewall was close enough... what is the actual password?
- REGGIE!!!! The speakeasy looks fucking amazing. I’m speechless!!! Also Veronica and Reggie bitchessss yeahhhhh!!!! If she hired Sweet Pea and Fangs to serve drinks I’ll scream because I love them with my whole being and if they can finally have a job that gives them money, then it’s different than doing crimes and ultimately a better situation for them. Plus I’ve done this in my Sweet Pea story so it’s cool to see me doing something right lolol but ooh mocktails that’s nice I’m glad we’re not gonna delve more into an unrealistic Riverdale
- AWWW JOSIE IS SO FUCKING CUTE (also Reggie we see that proud smile you cute fuck) SHE’S SO FUCKING HAPPY TO HAVE A PLACE TO FIND HERSELF AND HER SINGING. So hopefully we get apologies for what happened last season with the milkshake and horrible poster... STILL I can’t wait to see this friendship grow because it BETTER if she’s gonna be singing at La Bonne Nuit
- Kevin bby!!! “As long as I can sing every now and then” I fucking love this so much? It’s funny how this is muchhhhhhhh more exciting and entertaining than the stupid cult/farm story... probably because Betty isn’t a part of it (because we all been knew she’s injected into every fucking plot and it’s so annoying and unneeded)
- Penny... get the fuck out of here. Just... no. You came here looking to give her protection? Well then leave bc she has the Serpents ❤️❤️ they love her for giving them a safe haven now that her father took over The Whyte Wyrm. Also I just realized that they covered Penny’s Serpent decal on the back with a Ghoulie one... so they DO have a decal on the back of their coats or whatever but we have never seen them until now.
- NO JOAQUIN!!! LEAVE HIM ALONE. I’ll jailbreak him myself you leave that precious serpent alone!!!!!!!!!
- but what the actual FUCK is the point of this stupid prisoner fighting? Like??? Why can’t anyone be what they actually are? Poor Archie, being once again manipulated into doing what other people want. Please tell Joaquin what he did for him so they can become closer because I just... This is BULL FUCKING SHIT... also Baby Teeth looks a lot like Dane DeHaan lmao
- CHERONI (idk their ot3 name of Cheryl, Toni, and Veronica lol) ALL TOGETHER WOW!!! PRESIDENT BLOSSOM AND FIRST LADY TOPAZ!!!! I don’t care if that’s just because of the recent presidency issue that Veronica gave to Cheryl, I fucking love it and I am HERE for it! “And Sweet Pea and Fangs should definitely be in attendance” I have died. Goodbye. Sweet Pea and Fangs NEED to know that she specifically asked for them okay bye
- wow that was a lot of time without seeing Bughead and it was fucking refreshing. “Evelyn was helping me, she visited me in the hospital.” “Was that her idea, or her dad’s?” See Betty... this is why no one likes you because when someone is in need you skip directly to your agenda (when Cheryl faced her father as the black hood and Betty immediately asked if it was her father instead of asking if she was alright like a normal person). Oddly how do Jughead and Ethel have more chemistry than Betty and Jughead? Also “but just you” after she side-eyes Betty I’m living. OMG “sorry, Betty, but you’ll never be worthy no matter how hard you try” it’s like Ethel is one of us omfg she just fucking obliterated Betty!!! I bet you Shannon is being bullied about this episode too smh 🙄🙄🙄 but I’m surprised Betty didn’t go into unneeded bitch mode on Ethel mmhm... “and I’m in need of some series peer support” IF ONLY YOU WOULD ACTUALLY GET HELP! But you know that if you did they would tell you that you and jug are too co-dependent and need to break up
- SHIRTLESS REGGIE FUCK YEAH THANKS VERONICA! “Reginald” fuck me up mami!! Omfg no Penny get your disgusting Jingle Jangle away from this amazing, non-criminal establishment!!! Of COURSE Sheriff Minetta... but if Reggie is used to selling it surely he knows a way to hide it. Of course not that much but... he should be quick at thinking of getting rid of it, right? Why didn’t V show him around Pop’s first? Like we know she was set up to get caught but like... it would stall
- Sheriff Minetta is making it 2000% obvious that he’s looking through the boxes he knows is filled with Jingle Jangle... like at least don’t act like you’re working for Hiram lmao Jesus you suck. BUT OMG REGGIE’S SARCASTIC ASS SALUTE WHEN HE’S LEAVING I FUCKING LOVE THAT
- If the empty classroom means the “farm needs some time to catch on” then why the everloving fuck would you waste money on pizza, let alone three boxes of pizza?
- poor Archie... but wouldn’t you want to treat your “tapped” well? So that you can bet on them? Jesus Christ fuck OFF! When Veronica Lodge hears about this... shit will go down. Archie knocked that guy down in two hits holy fuck. ARCHIE GETS POP’S AND SHARES IT WHAT AN ARCHIE THING AWWW
- CHONI BEING CUTE GIRLFRIENDS!!! CHERYL LAUHING!!! PHOTOGRAPGER!TONI!!!!!! CHERONI But I honestly don’t know how I feel about “Serpettes” but since it came out of Veronica’s mouth... suddenly I am in love with it. Cheryl Blossom in the king’s throne... we know who truly deserves to rule over the Serpents 👑❤️ That look between Toni and Veronica hell yeah! Honestly please get into a three-way relationship. In Sense8 they did that and it was the greatest thing — EVERYBODY loved it. Let’s do that here please! “Antoinette” bitch I’m dead
- this team up is so fucking great. Of COURSE Sweet Pea and Fangs we’re right, they’re the (true) KINGS.
- If there are certain levels you need to “attain” to meet a leader... you’re in a fucking cult people. Also then why didn’t Evelyn say anything? And Betty’s face is all like “you traitorous bitch” when she finds out lol.
- They know everything Betty has done? Umm why the FUCK don’t you tell Jughead since that’s the only way he ever finds shit out about Betty? He needs to know that she fucking cheated on him? I mean the cult is creepy af but if they tell Jughead (even though they said they keep everyone’s secrets) he couldn’t possible stay with her... right?
- LMAO JUGHEAD HAS TO KISS ETHEL. But honestly... why does that kiss seem to have more in it than when he kisses Betty? ☠️☠️☠️ it’s probably bc I hate Bughead (and dislike Betty a lot) but still... I feel nothing for this pairing as well but I just find it funny that he has kissed two girls while he’s dared Betty (but both are a part of a game). Oh Ethel tried to kill herself after kissing Jughead... Jesus I know it’s Jughead but come on... also does that mean she could have possibly killed Jughead??? Like??? Imagine how that would have been — instead of dying for the Serpents he died because he was trying to figure out gryphons and gargoyles.
- VERONICA CONFRONTING AND STANDING UP AGAINST HER FATHER FUCK YEAH!!! But Ronnie even if you do have copies... TAKE THEM WITH YOU SO HE CAN’T DO ANYTHING. Your dad is, sadly, smart. You know this.
- aww Archie... HE’S IMAGINING HIS DAD I’M
- damn Betty looks fucking good for the opening of V’s speakeasy! For a sec I thought she was wearing her serpent jacket (😷😷) but turns out it’s just a robe but her hair is bomb. “I trust them more than I trust you, Betty” wow everyone’s attacking Betty lol like I get it bc it’s Betty but damn Alice...
- Reggie is a SNACC bye. CHONI REALLY DID THAT COOL HOT HAND HOLD HUH!!!! V really called Choni her favorite power couple... I’m also gonna take that as low-key shade for Bughead because we all been knew that anyone Choni, and anyone Veronica is with is much better. “THANKS BABE” wow fuck me upppppp Cheryl!!!!
- lol Jughead the manual will probably be gone by tonight bc of plot convenience (also Betty does look good uGH YAS) But Betty your attempt to be cute with Jug isn’t working bc that fresh aid isn’t gonna come off. You should know this???
- SWEETVEE BITCH. I don’t care what they were doing I love the hand touch, bye. Like I know she was PROBABLY asking about protection or something but yes fuck me up! But veggie thooo
- Hiram we don’t want your probably-wired picture of Veronica from your office. “If only you could see how a legitimate business is run” YES BITCHHH. But don’t let him in!!! VERONICA WHY? I know you probably secretly crave his approval and shit but NO NO NO NO NO
- SWEET PEA’S HOLLER FOR JOSIE! God he’s so into her but she only wants a summer fling 😭😭😭 even thoufh she apparenly has a romance later, which means it’ll be during school and therefor, probably going to hurt Sweet Pea 😭😭😭
- Josie YES we love a queen (and Archie baby... you’re such a sweet person for thinking of everyone but yourself first and I admire it bc same but what is your endgame?) Sweet Pea must be internally screaming at Josie’s movements and the song itself bc I know I am.
- oh no I really hope my theory that Archie breaks up with V bc all of thinks about is Hiram isn’t true... but Archie you could have held onto those glass pieces what the FUCK
- Archie destroying the entire cell is also same because when I get angry I legit turn into the hulk and throw shit around... oh damn mad dog! He hid a weapon, I miss Wells Jaha xD what a smart fucker
- wow it’s almost like I knew exactly that someone would find the manual. Of course I didn’t really expect FP and Alice (Betty didn’t say where it was hidden though, but then again their kids are stupid enough to hide it at Jug’s place) Jesus FP don’t hold Jughead like that
- Betty??? “Why are you here, what are you hiding” why tf do you think
- how about everyone comes clean, Betty? You’re the child so literally stop acting like you’re superior
- I just realized how good Jug looked in that tux. Him with Veronica in that purple dress? Would be so fucking bomb
- Why is she still staying with Hiram? Like because of their feud you’d expect her to leave? Like Fred would probably love the company, or Cheryl. Get away from that manipulative fuckhead!
- Archie wouldn’t escaping be bad? Like yeah you’d get out but you’d also be a fugitive? And watch, if it does happen, it’ll be right before someone magically finds a way to get him out.
- but now Kevin will have more reason not to be with him if Joaquin is a fugitive 😭😭😭 I just want Mevin to die off and Joavin to rise is that so much to ask??? However I am here for this Archie/Joaquin friendship
- Jug... being you, you should know it’s not over. Especially with how things go? Jesus...
- CHERYL YOU’RE NOT DUMB ENOUGH TO READ THAT. We all know Cheryl would look at it with wonder, read the title, and throw it away.
- also just because people have a manual for some random ass game doesn’t mean they’re gonna play it.
- Ethel’s worshipping that little bitch but she tried to kill herself for him... shouldn’t he be mad at her for failing since Jug saved her? How your loyalty to him works is so confusing ugh
- I’m stating now that if Cheryl, Toni, Veronica, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Josie, Kevin, Joaquin, Archie, or Reggie dies I’m sUING! The only children who don’t deserve anything bad happening to them better be left alone (but we been knew that only being Betty or Jughead will magically give you immunity, and everyone else is fucked). Touch my precious children and I’ll kill the devil himself so try me
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bughead-is-riverdale · 8 years ago
Riverdale Imagine: The Game Part 2 (Reggie x Reader)
A/N: Had quite a few requests for Part 2. Don’t worry, I wasn’t going to leave you guys hanging!!
Summary: After the reader discovers that Reggie only asked her out to win a bet, she is heartbroken and angry, promising herself that she would never talk to him again. However, she wasn’t expecting Reggie to try and explain himself the following day at school.
Approx. 1250 words
Part One Here
“Can I kill him now?”
I raised my eyes lazily as Archie stormed into my bedroom, a mixture of anger and concern showing on his face. He had always viewed me as his little sister rather than his twin, perhaps it had something to do with how much taller than me he was, and therefore in his eyes I needed protecting from everything. I smiled weakly, patting the space on the bed next to me to encourage him to join, and shook my head slowly. After he had climbed into bed beside me and put a reassuring arm around my shoulder, just as he had always done when I was upset, I leant into him and sighed.
“To be honest Arch, I think Ronnie has beaten you to it.” I joked.
“I sure do love that girl!” he laughed. Archie and Veronica had been together for a few months now and – although it was weird initially since she is my best friend – I now idolised them as a total power couple, Veronica held all the power of course. “You liked him though, right?” he asked sympathetically.
“Yes” I whispered. “I never thought I would, but I liked him very much. But, now he has shown me his true colours and it turns out that the person I liked never existed. The boy that I liked wasn’t real; he was just a player in a game, trying to win a bet with his friends.” I said bitterly. Archie nodded and rubbed my shoulder comfortingly.
“Well, I have something that might cheer you up...” he began. Just then there was a knock on the door and Veronica peeped into the room, holding a box of cupcakes.
By the following morning, after I had spent all night spilling my heart out to Veronica and eating my favourite red-velvet cupcakes that my best friend always ordered from New York when I was upset, I had decided that I was done with Reggie Mantle, he wasn’t worth my tears after all. I was sitting in the student lounge during lunchtime, reading a new book while my friends – Veronica, Archie, Betty, Jughead, and Kevin – chatted contentedly around me, when someone approached our table. I wasn’t even going to look and see who it was, nobody ever came looking for me, when I heard two chairs hastily scrape back as two people rose quickly to their feet. I raised my head to see what was going on and to my absolute horror; Veronica and Archie were standing in front of Reggie who was clearly trying to get my attention.
“She doesn’t want to talk to you Mantle. When is that message going to sink into your stupid head?” Veronica spat maliciously.
“Why don’t you let Y/N decide that for herself, Veronica?” Reggie shot back in irritation as he tried to step past her.
“I know, let’s bet on it. You’re good at that” she said pointedly, raising her eyebrows at him questioningly.
“That’s not what happened” he hissed at her, “I’m trying to explain myself to her.”
“She doesn’t want to hear it Reggie, back off” Archie warned as he took a step forwards and put a hand on Reggie shoulder, urging him to leave. Reggie cursed loudly and kicked a soda can that was lying on the floor before he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I bit my lip as I watched him leave, he was clearly upset and that pained me, but I reminded myself of what he had done and returned my attention back to my novel, avoiding the sympathetic glances of my friends.
For the rest of the day I had tried to forget the incident in the student lounge, but I couldn’t. The expression of hurt on Reggie’s face in the split-second that we made eye-contact before he left the room haunted me like a recurring dream as I left class and headed home at the end of the day. I wondered why he had been so upset. If going out with me had just been a game all along then surely he had won, why was he still trying to talk to me? I sighed, cursing my own weak-mindedness as I remembered that I had promised myself that morning that I was done with him. At that moment my phone made its familiar text-sound.
RM: Meet me at Pop’s now? I needed to talk to you. Please?
I clenched my jaw in annoyance as my heart fluttered unintentionally at the sight of his name on my screen. Why couldn’t I just hate him? It would make my life so much easier. I sighed again and I typed out my reply.
Fine. But you’re buying.
Ten minutes later, I was sitting opposite Reggie in my usual booth at Pop’s. I watched, scowling and with my arms crossed, as he tentatively pushed a chocolate milkshake towards me like I was a wild animal that might attack him at any moment.
“You have until I finish this milkshake to give me an explanation as to why you screwed me over” I announced bluntly. He nodded.
“The first time I asked you out, after the football game last month, it was for a bet. Chuck and I made a deal that whoever scored the most points during the game got to ask you out on a date, and I won” he began.
“How delightful for me” I muttered. “I’m glad I refused.”
“That’s just it Y/N! I never expected you to actually turn me down, that doesn’t really happen to me” he said, somewhat excitedly.
“This isn’t really helping you case Reggie” I said, rolling my eyes which made him chuckle.
“You have never made me work harder for a date in my life! That’s why I began to like you, because I had to know you better in order for you to actually accept my offer. By the time you finally agreed to go out with me I was so excited, I never thought you would actually say yes, and I had completely forgotten about the bet with Chuck until he announced it in the student lounge the following morning” he pleaded, looking up at me with his dark eyes, making my heart melt. I bit my lip and looked down at my now-empty milkshake glass.
“You really hurt my feelings, Reg” I whispered, refusing to return his gaze.
“I know, and I’m so sorry Y/N. Please can you give me another chance?” he begged. I smiled slowly and nodded, watching his eyes light up. He jumped around to my side of the booth and slid in beside me, pulling me swiftly into his lap and hugging me tightly as he softly kissed my shoulder where my skin was exposed.
“I have one condition Mantle” I warned, causing him to pull away from me slightly as he nodded.
“Of course Y/N, anything!”
“I want another milkshake” I announced with mock seriousness, making Reggie chuckle. He leant towards me and kissed me sweetly on the mouth, he tasted of the vanilla milkshake that he had been drinking and I smiled into the kiss. Just at that moment the bell on the door chimed as two people walked into the diner, it was Veronica and Archie. Reggie shrank down into the safety of our booth and pulled me down with him in an attempt to hide.
“Oh god” he muttered, “Can I buy you that milkshake tomorrow instead?”
TAGLIST: @kelly27crickett @cjhorseback @rory-is-in-ravenclaw @littlefearsdoodles @happyyjensen @otaku-fangirlse
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