#which is true! bc it makes me emotional about 5sos
sunflowersometimes · 2 years
hello! the amazing @callouiee tagged me in their post spelling their url with songs they like for me to do the same if i wanted and i thought it would be fun! they made theirs l&h/larrie related but i have such a long url that i think I’m going to use my favorite songs as well! this will also give me an excuse to gush about some of my fav songs
so i wrote the above paragraph and then tried to find and narrow down songs which proved to be very difficult lol. i probably made it harder on myself than needed bc i wanted to choose best and most perfect songs but there are just too many. this is the best list i could come up with, but i feel pretty good with it! if anyone ever wants to talk music, i’m so down i have so many favorites.
p.s. i really truly did gush about every song i’m so sorry for how long this is
s- Satellite (Harry Styles) this song is my baby. i love her with every fiber of my being. i have dance parties by myself in my apartment when this song comes on i literally can’t get enough of it. i honestly thought matilda would be my fav song off harry’s house cause like... it’s matilda, but this is the song i come back to most often from that album.
u- U.N.I (Ed Sheeran) okay so i have so many distinct memories listening to this song on the bus to/from middle school. anything from ed’s + album was my favorite. his stuff from that time used to be my favorite music along with 1D. i thought i was so cool when i memorized the rap part lol
n- No Children (The Mountain Goats) i will admit i did find this song through the tiktok trend but i absolutely loved that trend, i thought it was so cute. i listened to the full song shortly after discovering the song and it shortly became my second most listened to song of last year. w/o getting into too much detail, this song holds a special place in my therapy journey lol 
f- Fine Line (Harry Styles) what is there to say about her? she probably holds the biggest spot in music related to my healing journey. i fully annotated her once through the lens of my own therapy and healing journey. she means a lot a lot to me
l- Like Real People Do (Hozier) i am a hozier slut and i’m not afraid to admit it. i love anything this man puts out. sometimes i listen to his music like i’m a thirsty begger and his music is the only water that’s been offered to me in weeks. i could have put any of his songs on this list and you would have gotten the same reaction out of me. he makes me feel feral and ethereal at the same time.
o- Outer Space/Carry on (5SOS) god this song will never not get me. this song was my fine line of my middle school/high school years. if i ever see this song live i’m pretty sure i’ll die on the spot. i have a half-ish sleeve tattoo planned around this song. there’s like five songs on this list that i have tattoos planned around but none of them as big as this one. everything about this song is just perfect.
w- Written All Over Your Face (Louis Tomlinson) do i even need to say anything about this one? it’s been on repeat since the album came out. it’s literally so good and i know it’s everyone’s favorite but it’s for a damn good reason. have you heard louis’ voice?????? literally perfection absolute bop and i can’t stop listening to it. this is louis’ sound and i’m so proud of him
e- Emotions (5SOS) any time i make a new playlist of things i’m currently listening to to have one shuffle/repeat, i put this entire album on there. i feel like the more i listen to it, the more addicted i get. also, Liz told me this song was very me codded and i feel like that’s so true. i’m always in my emotions lol. also also, that little clap/slap that happens every so often in this song gives me an unnecessary amount of serotonin. 
r- Right Now (1D) i also could have put any one direction song on this list but there’s something about this song that has always had a grip on my brain. immediate performance mode whenever this song comes on. they’re my boys. my babies. i’ve been a fan for a decade now which is absolutely wild. i miss them
s- Spaces (1D) this might have to be in my top 5 favorite one d songs. i don’t know if i even have an actual top 5 but if i did, this song would be in it. i feel like i’m ascending whenever i listen to this song; it’s similar vibes to satellite in dance party mode for me if that makes sense lol i can’t help but move whenever i hear this song
o- Only the Brave (Louis Tomlinson) again, does this need any explanation? there was a while when i couldn’t listen to this song bc it hurt my closeted heart too much. it still makes me sad but also very optimistic. i hope i can hear this song live one day surrounded by fellows queers who’ve also found their family through the boys. it doesn’t make it a solo song anymore then does it? we’re a family; more of a family than any church i’ve been a part of. 
m- Mum (Luke Hemmings) another album where i could put literally any song on this list bc i love them all so much. this song, however, beats the others out ever so slightly as being my favorite. i’m noticing a pattern with my favorite songs: satellite, spaces, mum. they all have a really big build up to an absolute cathartic release later on in the song. mum does give me church song vibes but in the least song ruining way possible. this song actually inspired me to make a playlist of songs that make me feel like im ascending whenever i listen to them
e- Egg and Soldier (Cosmo Sheldrake) okay okay okay i know you’re thinking that this song came super duper out of left field and is really weird and i definitely agree but here me out. all of his songs are super fun and kinda weird but so so cool and unique and unpredictable. i have yet to come across a song of his i don’t love. they all make me feel so connected to my inner child/the creativity i pushed away for so long.
t- To Be Alone (Hozier) again, i’m a hozier slut. this might be my favorite song of his but i’m unsure if i can even pick a favorite hozier song. that slide on ‘feeeeeels good’ gets me every single time. i’m weak in the knees i’m obsessed. the grungy, dirty electric guitar???? i can’t it’s too much 
i- If I Could Fly (One Direction) i couldn’t not add this one. it’s iconic and makes me cry maybe half of the time i listen. who let them write, record, and release this song? it’s literally so raw and vulnerable and i know i’ve written some pretty raw poetry but i don’t think i’ve ever written anything on this level. like ?????? i forget this song is a real song they released and not something a fanfic writer made up
m- Matter of Time (Ashton Irwin) god this album destroys me in the best way possible. and this song???? literally speaks to me and my soul. this is another one i want to get a tattoo of. it’s just like a warm hug from an older sibling/older friend. everything’s gonna be okay bud
e- evermore (Taylor Swift) I do love me some good taylor swift, especially folklore and evermore. i don’t think this one is my favorite, that’s probably the lakes, but i do remember hearing it for the first time and absolutely loosing it at the word switch at the end of the song. it still holds a special place in my heart for the hopefulness it’s able to give me whenever i don’t have a lot of it.
s- Sunflower Vol. 6 (Harry Styles) and we’re ending on the song that i wish i could be. if i could have the vibes of any song it would be this one. i’m one of those obnoxious people that make sunflowers their whole personality and whenever harry released this song i went feral for it. i love her so much and i hope i grow up and make her proud.
okay now that i’ve written more than anyone wanted to read, i want to tag some recent mutuals to do this too! Obviously there’s no pressure to do this or to write as much as i did, simply just putting a song is enough lol
@bravetemptation  @lunarheslwt  @primary-wicf​  @flyhometolou28
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bandsanitizer · 3 years
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Happy Birthday, Luke!
wishing you a year of artistic & personal harmony and a whole lot of happiness
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mostpeachy · 8 years
For the ask thingy that's like fkowercrown marble blah blah blah. All of them do all of them
here we go again !!!!
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself? I was singing “Castle on the hill” all night at work!
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know? Shit this is a lot to consider, I’d have to sleep on it tbh
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life? I’m currently duel enrolled in high school and college and thats not like super special but its about the only thing I do lmao
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?  on new years my friends and I sent each other long sappy messages about how grateful we were for each other and I cried for like an hour
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Shit probably, I’d probably graduate early and drop my college classes and after that I really really don’t know
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things? Not written down or anything but off the top of my head 1. I wanna go to disney land 2. more concerts tbh 3. Go out of the country to somewhere cool idk where yet
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail. I’m gonna describe one of my best friend’s because I know I’m gonna talk about the other throughout so I’ll describe the person I’m second closest to. She's really great. She’s funny, often in a pessimistic way, and she’s really good at burning herself and others. She’s also really emotional deep down but surface level she's just kinda like take no shit and don’t give a damn. And she’s v motivated and loves agriculture and she gives good advice and is very un judgmental when it comes to the people she's closest with. 
moldboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood? Definitely
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person? omg I cried in front of @etherealstars on christmas eve in a fucking nail salon on christmas eve and if that’s not the most cliche shit you’ve ever read then damn but also I almost cried on christmas 
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them. I mean tbh probably that stupid ass boy because I like talking and kissing him lmao kill me
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them? probably 
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you? shit probably @etherealstars but it’s been so damn long
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom? It would have to be my mom tbh and I would probably have to go with a long run on sentence about how grateful I was for her
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes? they’re not my favorite but they deserve love !!!
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally. I love this one because I feel things very deeply and I just think this is so important
"Never apologize for how you feel. No one can control how they feel. The sun doesn’t apologize for being the sun. The rain doesn’t say sorry for falling. Feelings just are."-Iain S. Thomas
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far? I’m gonna quote the anon I got earlier and go with “You’re so white and basic” bc yeah
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars? College tuition, new car for fun, new house for my parents and save the rest
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way? I’m v forgiving depending on the person and I have a love-hate relationship with that
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self. no offense but I’m not doing this but I would tell her that she’ll get cuter and more confident and she’ll be okay
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel? PASTEL AF
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain. already answered 
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not? oh fuck yeah I do I wear a full face because I just really love makeup and I love doing it and its really relaxing and I love indulging in me time every day and it just prepares me for the day
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way. This is deep and I don’t know if anything has impacted me that much yet tbh
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them. Tbh basically I would just quote Michelle Obama’s farewell address from last night
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel. 5sos x 2, Tøp, and the 1975. I cried at all except the second time I saw 5sos but that time was literally incredible. 
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say? These questions are too deep for me because I can’t decide things like this but someone I know for sure so its meaningful 
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organized? I don’t but as a whole I’m kinda organized kinda not
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine? I put on pajamas, brush out my hair, put in my retainers, take out my contacts, take off my makeup with a makeup wipe I really should wash my face but I can’t do it, and then I lay in bed and cruise social media until I'm fully tired
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know? omg I desperately don’t want my dad to know anything about my love life especially at the moment bc the guy I’m talking to is a lot like him and its weird so I’m just not gonna do it 
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why? lmao I would dye it blonder bc I’m already gonna do that eventually and I would style it the same bc it didnt say I had to style it different 
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do? I’m p sure I only like exactly five people but like I wouldn’t want to go with all of them cause I think that would be weird so I’ll just go with my two best friends and we would go to Hawaii bc I wanna
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them. Can’t say wishes or they won't come true 
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up. I was a Jack in the Box one year and it was the coolest shit
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high? I’ve never been drunk or high
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars? so many things, like anal or kill someone 
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why? this is fucking dumb bc how do I avoid every other song or person. sorry its 1am and this is dumb but one song I guess
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realize you’re in love. H E L L    N O 
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair? Yeah no I would look bad with short hair 
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone? I don’t like star bucks but I would probs get a caramel latte and either of my friends and my mom would know that
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now? having a memorable senior year and spending time with my friends before they go off to college. 
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reviewkpop · 5 years
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tl;dr, I don’t remember where I was when this first came out because I was on a break from kpop social media but, however, I do remember where I was when I first listened to I Just (the only song to ever exist), as it was an extremely transformative experience for me. This is such a well-rounded, clear, diverse album that keeps Day6′s usual style while adding extra juicy elements for the more hard-rock inspired Japanese market. 
Vara’s rating: ✭✭✭✭✭ 
without further ado here’s why I love ever single song on this album, written like ive been imprisoned inside stan twitter for 5 years and can’t get out unless i review this album
Live Your Life: day6 japanese songs hit differently they really do. this one is an a1 prime rib example. the rolling drum (?) woosh sound right before the chorus is so sos os nice and all of the parts of this song are different feeling but still fit together completely seamlessly as expected. LISTEN, HOW THEY HAVE A GUITAR SOLO? WITH THE WOAHHHs at EVERY chorus. jae’s guitar is the backbone of this album and our society as you will read about further on if you ever get to my review of i just…….. and this song is NO different. also the lyrics are so pure. thank u kings of confidence. i gotta also talk about the outro to this song its so fucking beautiful. all the voices singing together is such a chef kiss mwah
Breaking Down: ive seen a lot of ppl (more than i expected?) cite this song as their fave day6 song and i mean valid. its day6’s harder rock side.. its reminds me a lot of how can i say and its very very good if thats your thing. also everytime mr k does the IM BREAKING DOWWN live its . very lovely thank you. its so so angsty i can feel the angst for miles with this one. when jae says “hearts never break the same” mkmfdnjgajk. yeah. this is one of the songs where u think its over but it ISNT!!!!!!! the guitar muting in the bridge fake outro whatever is so delicious i am a sucker for a good guitar muting rhythm technique can someone pls tell me what thats called im illiterate anyways it STARTS UP AGAIN the hecking guitar solo….. ladies and gentlemen…..
Stop the Rain: instrumental wise, this is a really really fun song… the scale up and down or whatever it is with synth + guitar in the verses and at the end of the chorus… very spicy indeed. i honestly think wonpil is the star of the show in this one bc its a really not aggressive but beat heavy?? song and wonpils softer voice really contrasts it nicely i think. i also love love LOVe the second verse with the minimal instrumental (of course i do) and then it goes into guitar solo mode.. i feel liek this album more than any other day6 album goes the hardest with the guitar solos thank you jae. also this song has wooaahs. guitar solo ✅, instrumental space ✅, woaaaahs ✅ but theres no guitar muting we’re almost there..
Say Hello: this song makes me smile. the punchy guitars, bubbly drums, wait actually the first time wonpil says “my girl” i teared up a little ouch…….. :((((((((((((((( so cute…. the bright lil woo ooooh ooohs in the chorus SO cute… its such a dreamy song and the lyrics are so nostalgic feeling its such a sweet song in general its abt like letting go but finding peace with it and wishing the other person well and its a really beautiful meaning. omg its like the opposite to hi hello njsdfdnkj theory?????
Everybody Rock: we are now in the ROCK zone everybody now . now COME ON keep it going now !!!!!!! 1 2 3 go!!!!! i absolutely adore the way the guitars fade out in the verses when the vocal lines start and its just a lil bass a lil drum. if theres one thing i love more than guitar muting its silence in music.. it really really makes songs great when theres some space left over i truly believe that. anyways this song has both thank u kings. jae’s prechorus with differnet members joining in is so nice as it gradually builds up more and more. extra important detail all the lives i can find of this they look like theyre having so much fun. also dowoon….. i truly believe i can be a rockstar bc of him. im in tears. the ending just lets it all sink in the extra 8 bars or whatever of extra instrumental very very nice addition thank you
I Just: i am truly sorry in advance for this im not gonna stop talking. musically,, this song is pretty simple (except for the guitar in the chorus, i’ll get there) but tonally, vibe-wise, on the feel good scale, this song is a 35 million absolutely fucking fantastic song. i love this song perhaps a little too much. i would like to speak briefly on jae’s guitar fill. if i could name my firstborn child after a sound byte it would be that one and you all know it very well. if i ever meet jae im gonna personally thank him for this and ask if i can get his guitar’s autograph. the fact the guitar gets louder in the last chorus with the vocals overtop of it too yum.. this song makes me miss a lover i nevr had or something but also feel like im falling in love and rolling down a grassy hill and staring into a sunset at the same time its like every single possible positive emotion for me. THE HEYYYY AHHHS . make me so inexplicably happy i love them with all my heart. ALSO you know how i said i love silence this song has it too!!!!!!!! with the faded guitar right before the last instrumental break !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also again not to be a young k stan but u know i need to plug the 18125 i just nagoya young k fancam its in my genetics i will not apologize. he looks so happy i love . i listen to this song on a daily basis and you cannot stop me from doing so. if i get cloned and u have to figure out which charlie is the real one see which ones heartbeat starts getting faster by hearing the guitar riff then youll know.
Nobody Knows: the beginning of this song is the true modern mona lisa. i could listen to the guitar and drum before any vocals hit forever i am not gonna lie. this really reminds me of old 5sos in a way and i really like it.. gives me a lot of nostalgia from being a 14 year old (no i’m not a 5sos stan but listen to their new album it’s really good). absolutely very fun but probably also really sad if the lyric “please i dont wanna cry” says anything … yep ok. i forgot how much i love the bridge of the song listening to it now its really different to the rest of it its so so nice. very very good. i dont listen to this one as much as some from the album but i still love it a lot,, theres something about it thats a little haunting in a good way its like that buzzfeed unsolved episode where the ghost named apple tater visits them.
Falling: this song gets you because you think its gonna be a full soft ballad but it still has a rock heavy influence! this album is a LOT of more hard or classic sounding rock and i really like the direction they took it in! can i please talk about the bass riff RIGHT before the end of the verse its those little extra bits that are added in that make a song so much better and thats prime example. I’m not the biggest fan of the chorus of this song for some reason i feel like theres a little bit of something missing but the haunting synth that kicks in and gets more prominent all the way through the song is very very nice and adds to the whole acoustic rock (somehow??? they have the Range) vibe.
If ~また逢えたら~: this song was their debut japanese song and she has a very special place in my heart. it reminds me of a very specific time in my life. also its a fun one bc i always try to guess whether its the instrumental or the original version when it comes on shuffle (i have both saved lol). i love love LOVe the guitar at the between vocal lines in the chorus its so fucking juicy… you know what else we have is rapper k which as u know i go crazy over.. the instrumental version is young ks rap karaoke version. very very good. i think this passage from my old review of this (if you know, you know) sums it up ladies: and i honestly think youngks rap part just brings the song back to day6′s style!! like i dont think many other bands would have brought it down to that u know??? and i love it…. the instrumental in this is also so crunch !! its so aggressive but like the type of aggressive that snowstorms are on a weekday… bc they basically just showed up without warning, rendered us immobile,, but all in all we’re PUMPED that it happened.
Baby, it’s okay: this song is not my favourite song of day6’s, i think it’s lacking in some oomph for my ears, HOWEVER !! and this is a big however I really love the bridge and the lyrics and that makes up for it. also the “i want you to be happy” and “ill always be here for you” is so adorable truly.
anyways we all know this day6 has no bad songs, unlock is no exception.
- vara  
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