#which is totally different from 'expat'
niteshade925 · 4 months
Combed through the drama and found a few (major) translation errors. Will be putting the worst ones in the post as well.
The thing about shows like these is that how a non-Chinese speaking audience will interpret it almost solely depends on the quality of the translation. When I said the translation for this show is okay, that's compared to other truly bad translations out there, and doesn't mean the translation for this drama is great by any means.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
I do wish a lot of white leftists/communists, for all the time they spend condescending about people not agreeing with them or being far left enough, would take a moment and understand that they're alienating a lot of older POC/immigrants. My dad is from a country that embraced some socialist ideas and they quickly turned into a lot of issues the country still hasn't recovered from (I don't know if it's the result of those socialist ideas, but there is a very real fear regardless), and I imagine a lot of older people who have immigrated here from places like that feel similarly. It's really easy for people who've never had those experiences to look down upon the idea that Bernie or AOC could be radical in any way, but the combination of the way the GOP frames what they're doing and the refusal to compromise on language that feels extreme (but usually isn't, I know, this is just what I've been told by my dad and others who share his views), is a really dangerous one.
My dad found Bernie off-putting because of all the media stuff about how radical he was (which, again, he isn't to most leftists/communists/whatever, but the fact of the matter isn't really the point). Trying to push so far to the left, while may feel like common sense to them, really isn't the magical solution they think it is. Whether they agree with this older generation of immigrants or not, the fear these people have is very real, and I think the refusal to acknowledge it will hurt us significantly.
And it feels really harmful and racist for white young people who were born and raised in the US to look down on these people or call them bootlickers or neoliberals when they have reasonable doubts and trauma backing why idealistic futures of communism or socialism are terrifying.
I mean, yeah. That's pretty much exactly what I've been saying all along, in various posts/rants. Because young white leftist-identified Americans have no experience of living under old-school twentieth-century communism, it's a "grass must be greener on the other side" situation where they figure that it must obviously fix all the problems with late-stage capitalism and be a perfect desirable utopia. When people who actually lived through those regimes (or indeed, long-suffering local historians) try to tell them otherwise, they're scoffed off as being Insufficiently Committed To The Revolution and/or not understanding what it "really" means, all the while as they make absolutely no attempt to educate what they DO mean. Not least, one suspects, because they have absolutely no idea themselves, and because social media, with its insistence on totally binarized, black-and-white, us-or-them positions, is the absolute WORST forum for discussing complex issues or trying to introduce nuance.
As a result, of course it's racist, counterproductive, and totally inefficient in terms of actually building a workable, sustained, and implemented progressive movement. The young white American leftists want to lecture about their lofty moral ideas, but they refuse to take historical context, linguistic baggage, or differing perspectives into account. Obviously, yes, there is a country mile worth of difference between, say, Castro Cuba/the USSR in the 1960s and modern democratic socialist countries such as Scandinavia. But because the word "socialism" has been tainted with such bad historical influences, not just from right-wing fearmongers but from the actual survivors of those regimes, the modern left's insistence on using it without nuance, while scoffing off those who have valid reservations about it and making no attempt to educate or differentiate, is doing nothing but shooting themselves in the foot.
Bernie cratered in Florida because the conservative older Cuban expats wanted nothing to do with him, precisely because they were the ones who fled when Castro, also calling himself a socialist, came to power. Enough of that label stuck to also cause Biden to badly underperform even in traditional Democratic strongholds like Miami-Dade County (which is heavily Cuban Hispanic). I know it sounds mildly unbelievable, considering the full-speed-ahead crash into Fascist Hellhole Land, the Unhappiest Place on Earth, that Florida has recently taken under DeSantis, but Obama won Florida twice. There is, or at least there was, a Democratic constituency that can be mobilized to the point of allowing a Democratic candidate to win statewide. But they fucking loathe the label of socialism and they WILL NOT VOTE for anybody who identifies with it, even if it's not accurate to what they might be thinking. Because the Florida Democratic Party has been shoved so firmly into the lonely, lonely wilderness as DeSantis and his jackbooted thugs run rampant, it might be a long time until another Democrat wins statewide, but this was not impossible and it has happened before. If, you know, you actually work to reach the voters in terms that they understand and are willing to support, and not pretend SJW Pure Ideology that will get you Twitter cred points but nothing else.
Anyway, yes. As I've said before, these people manage the dual consciousness of blaming America for everything bad in the world, while simultaneously not believing that any perspectives, experiences, countries, or people outside America are valid, have any moral agency, or make choices that affect the overall state of things. It's an intensely hypocritical, twisted, navel-gazing stance that takes America as its only point of reference for anything and is sure as hell not going to help us get out of the mess that America has gotten into as an oftentimes-direct result. It is a cosplay ideology wherein they use the memes and the trappings and the exterior design and terminology of "Marxism-Leninism," refuse to learn why that is a terrible idea or why people don't like that, don't engage with history on any level, and then are somehow surprised when they fail and extremist-far right Republicans are emboldened as a result. Which, therefore, they then blame on the Democrats. It is a vicious cycle.
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copperbadge · 2 years
Some Discourse On Fictional Chefs
I collected up all the discussion of Simon’s potential love interest in the Shivadhverse (and one about Twelve Points) and threw it in a post :D 
If it is realistic at all, I’d love to be able to hand 12 Points to my musician daughter when she gets home from college around the 18th of May. That’s also the week after Eurovision. No pressure, I’m just excited for her to read it!
For a second I was like “If the book is realistic? Well, it kinda is, I’m working on that now” and then I realized you meant datewise :D I hope it is -- the book’s in final edits but a few of them are taking some time. I have to finish the edits, typeset, design the cover, upload, order proofs, approve the proofs, and then the thing can go out, which is not NOT doable by May, but it’s slightly iffy only because my April is super hectic. But most of the delay is usually in ordering the proofs (they take longer than they used to, to print and ship) so if I can get shit done BEFORE the hectic, we should be good. 
And now on to the chefs. I was a little amused, admittedly, because I didn’t vocalize clearly what I was asking about when I asked what people would like to see -- I was thinking more in terms of gender, sexuality, disability, race, etc. but I didn’t specify that, so instead I mostly got fascinating ideas for backstories and character aspects. Which is so fandom! I love it, I’m not mad or dismayed, it’s just also really funny. :D 
Are you thinking someone from Eddie's TV Chef circles, or more along Simon's own, more classical background?
A protégé of Eddie's who has taken over his show comes to do a special on the Country that Stole Our Star and had gotten a little big for his britches?
It's probably too close to Eddie's character, but... What about one of those chef's that travel the world cooking the most awful (or best) local dishes with home chef's. Or maybe just a National Geographic photographer in country to do a piece on the 'One Highland' 😁
I’d like them to be a native Shivadh, only because most of the books to date have involved either total foreigners or expats returning, and both Royals/Ramblers and the football novel will as well. I’m hoping for someone who has moved to Fons-Askaz from the rural backcountry, but the idea is that Simon comes into conflict with someone who has a much less “fancy food from a classical background” style -- part of the conflict comes from each of them initially assuming the other has the inferior way of cooking. So -- more on Eddie’s line BUT not one of Eddie’s folks, because whoever this person is, they’re relatively local. 
Mind you, I do like the National Geographic angle. And I do kind of like the idea that someone else took over Truly Tasty. Eddie said that might happen. And that’s something I’d need to work into Royals/Ramblers so hmmm, making a note. 
(Or you could steal from the foodieverse! A classically trained hipster with a Michelin-starred food truck! A chain pizza scion with a flair for molecular gastronomy!)
Actually nicking some from the Foodieverse might be helpful -- maybe taking and twisting around Steve’s plotline from that universe a bit, though that doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be a Hot Male Hipster. But perhaps someone who trained classically and then decided it was all bullshit. 
It's in my brain because it's what I'm writing, but I bet someone who's a little bit New Agey and leans hard into the symbolism of EVERY dish, whether from a "traditional foods of XYZ culture" standpoint or a "historically used for $magickal effect" standpoint, and like, talks about the energy of the kitchen, would be a great and interesting counterpoint to Simon's lack of that. And it's such a GOOD romance trope. (to be clear, I'm writing two different stories right now where no one ever cooks a food because they're hungry and want to eat A Food, it's all "well, basil is good prosperity magic, but cabbage is good prosperity magic and also the traditional food of my people, and...")
On the whole it’s an idea I like, but I’m not sure it’s fitted to this particular plot -- might be something to revisit with another character at some point, though. 
I’m discovering just how difficult it is to write hippie/new-age characters with Royals/Ramblers in part because so much of that mythology eventually traipses around towards anti-Semitism. Not necessarily food symbolism, and not ALL new age stuff is that way, but it really is a razor-fine line at times. 
My first thought was that terrifying lady chef from Ratatouille, she was fantastic. Someone with her personality, maybe? Cactus with a heart of gold who will absolutely stab you anyway.
My instinct is along those lines, at the least someone who is a trifle confrontational, but I feel like so much of it depends on other aspects of who they are, which is what I’m struggling to pin down. 
it would be funny if Simon's "nemesis" was, like, lactose intolerant or something so they have objections to French cuisine (so heavy on cheese and butter) but Simon doesn't know this at first and is mortally offended
What if Simon falls for a bodybuilder or a ballerina or someone on a really restrictive diet? If they were older and getting ready to retire, he could reintroduce them to good food.
I like both of these -- I think there’s particularly something to the idea of an athlete who has eaten a restricted diet, since that’s something that can alter more easily than allergies. But to make the story work they really do need to be a fellow chef. Which, there’s no reason they couldn’t have dietary restrictions AND be a chef, but I’m not sure I’d do either side of them justice that way. 
Ooh, I just had the thought of Simon’s nemesis as a French chef which was actually an espionage cover. Think Julia Child, Cold War edition. (I also think of Simon as 5-10 years older than Michaelis which may or may not be accurate.)
Man, there is something to the idea of a spy. I’d say from Galia, but I don’t think Ofelia either wants or needs someone to spy on Fons-Askaz for her, she could just like, ask Alanna if she needs to know something :D Might turn this over in my head a bit, although it would again mean someone coming from outside the country. 
Simon is actually a trifle younger than Michaelis -- Michaelis was around 34, 35 when he hired him, and Simon and Hugo were both in their twenties. It still puts him in his fifties -- I do enjoy writing romances for older people, especially because there is something of a dearth of romance novels specifically featuring older men (they do exist but you run face-first into the “daddy” trope a lot, and “older man” in romance-speak often clocks in at “definitely under fifty”). Older women as the POV character are more common, I would imagine because older women are a huge target audience for romances. 
Thinking about the love interest for Simon, someone who Absolutely Does Not Have A Media Presence beyond their cookbooks, and there is a Very Good Reason for that. That reason may be anything from an acerbic personality whenever someone points a camera in their direction to being just not good at Peopleing. Hmm. How international is the idea of Witness Protection Makeovers?
They could also just be crap at social media -- I’ve come to realize that every social platform EXCEPT tumblr is basically incompatible with my brain, and even the ones marginally compatible like Reddit, I just don’t find a ton of value in them a lot of the time. Which would be a nice foil to Simon starting up a recipe blog at the same time. 
I wish for Simon's love interest to be a salt-and-pepper-haired butch woman *shakes the genie's lamp*
There’s definitely a salt-and-pepper butch woman coming into the Shivadhverse at some point. :D I had her set for a later book, and not sure that’d be right for Simon, but I’m not ruling it out -- a fairly mouthy, fairly masc woman about Simon’s age is one of the strong potential characters I’m considering. 
Anonymous asked:
Shivadhverse: Concerning Simon’s love interest: would you consider someone like Catherine Bordey, owner of La Kaz,  from “Death in Paradise”? Or possibly even a French POC like her daughter? I’d really love 💕 to see a character who is both French and a POC. 😊
I’ve seen an episode or two of Death in Paradise but I don’t think I’ve encountered those two characters! I’ll have to see if my folks can educate me on them, they love that show. I am trying to figure out how to work more racial diversity into the books, so that’s a thought. Not necessarily French, but French-Shivadh; they do share a border. 
Anonymous asked:
maybe not a fit but I'll try anyway. what i'd like in a chef character is someone who tried something, really got into it, then backed out of it so hard. like the foraging culture, which could net you a research hole into local greens. what if they believe it's now too polluted to forage safely? and yet they have an encyclopedic knowledge of the seasons and life cycles of sidewalk dandelions. tl;dr cursed knowledge
As an aspect of the character that could work, although it gets difficult because like...the deeper someone is in something, the more I have to learn in order to put it out there :D I was looking at something along those lines, or at least something similar that might make them a bit brusque. Lots to mull on overall, anyhow. 
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gemsofgreece · 2 years
Which old Greek movies from the 50s through 70s are the best?
Based on a combination of film critics' choices and my personal taste, here's a Top 10 + 2 in no particular order:
Η Κάλπικη Λίρα - The Counterfeit Coin (1955)
My all time favourite and always mentioned in the top 5 of film critics, if not first. It's a dramedy of four different stories connected through the creation of one counterfeit coin. A bloody genius, bittersweet film.
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Ο Δράκος - The Dragon (1956)
Drama / Thriller. Starring the great comedian Dinos Iliopoulos in his only dramatic role, it's the story of a quiet, ordinary man who realises he looks a lot like a wanted criminal. When I watched this movie, I felt so much pain for the fact that Iliopoulos did not play another dramatic role... Not that he had any problems, he shone in comedy and is one of our most successful actors but he was SO good in drama. Like most great comedians, actually. I believe you can find the movie on YouTube.
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Της Κακομοίρας - World Gone Mad (1963)
With a title that was never sufficiently translated to English because it's a colloquial phrase meaning something close to a "mess", it is considered the best Greek comedy, which means a lot because this is the Greek cinema's specialty. It is also known by the alternative title Ο Μπακαλόγατος which means something like a colloquial "The Grocery shop man" and it is a story about a grocery shop owner who hired the weirdest person possible as a right-hand. This movie is rated with an 8.8 in IMDb, an insane rating as comedies go. Posting a vid because this scene may kill me someday:
Στέλλα - Stella (1955)
Romantic drama. The volatile relationship between an emancipated and lively woman with a selfish and controlling man and its consequences.
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Ο Θίασος - The Travelling Players (1975)
An internationally acclaimed and awarded film by the famous Greek director Theo Angelopoulos, photosets of which you might see often on Tumblr. It's a long film with the notoriously slow style of Angelopoulos, which is something you either love or hate. It is Greece's history from the '30s through the '50s, as experienced by a travelling music company.
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Η Θεία Από Το Σικάγο - The Auntie From Chicago (1957)
Comedy. Calliope, a Greek expat in Chicago, USA, visits her brother's family in Greece, only to realise her retired colonel brother is a very strict and conservative father, making it very difficult for his four daughters to enjoy their youth and find love. Calliope comes up with wild plans to marry her older nieces and make her brother Charilaos more open-minded with progressively ferocious ways.
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Συνοικία Tο Όνειρο - A Neighborhood Named "The Dream" (1961)
The second movie directed by famous actor Alekos Alexandrakis is now considered one of the best Greek movies with an incredible score, but back in its day it was hated and heavily censored for showcasing the struggles of the people living in a poor neighborhood in Athens, causing debts and dismay to its creator.
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Το Ξύλο Βγήκε Από Τον Παράδεισο - Maiden's Cheek (1959)
Comedy. A young teacher with a humble background gets his first job in a private high school with rich and insufferably spoiled girls. While the rest of the teachers have entirely given up, he is determined to discipline this wild school. In order to save some space here, a movie shot in 1963 with the same protagonists, about a girl willingly dropping the last class in high school to marry but then regretting it, Χτυποκάρδια Στο Θρανίο - Thorbs At The Desk, was also critically and commercially successful.
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Τα Κόκκινα Φανάρια - The Red Lanterns (1963)
On a totally different climate than the above, this one was a drama nominated for Best Foreign movie in the Oscars, about the lives of five prostitutes working in Troumba until the enforcement of a law that was banning the brothels of the area (area in Piraeus, the port of Athens).
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Ευδοκία - Eudocia (1971)
A movie that typically critics love and it was called by the Greek Films Critics Association as the best Greek movie up to the '80s, something that I don't see reflected in IMDb though. Anyway, this is an erotic drama of a surgeant falling in love and quickly marrying a prostitute working near the military camp. The marriage is tumultuous and the surgeant is both very attracted and repelled by Eudocia. The couple tries to resist and rebel against the stereotypes and toxicity of the narrow-minded society, to no avail. The movie is very famous for its score as well, which Greeks genuinely consider "our second national anthem".
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Ιφιγένεια - Iphigeneia (1977)
The ancient tragic tale of Iphigeneia, daughter of King Agamemnon, who was sacrificed in order to appease the gods before the journey of the Greeks to Troy.
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*Note: This list is critic-centered. There are however numerous Greek comedies produced in that period ranging similar ratings and being hugely commercially successful. It's just that I had to stop somewhere and include a variety of themes. But honestly any Greek comedy of the 60s is pretty entertaining to watch, with very talented actors.
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runwayrunway · 1 year
Hello my fellow resident of the world! How did you get into planes, if you don't mind my asking? I've just started my interest in aviation (thank you Admiral Cloudberg) and would love to know how you went about learning what you know. (Also, converted all my friends to PSA lovers this afternoon. I am still a JetBlue stan for the airplane names.)
Joke answer 1: I generally board planes through the aerobridge just like everyone else.
Joke answer 2: When they give you your autism diagnosis they tell you to pick a vehicle.
Real answer: is going to be under a cut, for length (seriously, it's long) and for rambling (seriously, it's incoherent) and also for being my life story rather than blog content proper (seriously, I talk about my grandparents) and also for discussing morbid things like plane crashes, so be advised.
I'm not totally sure. I mean, I moved across an ocean as a young child, my grandfather was a microelectronics engineer who worked in aerospace, I've spent most of my life living directly nearby an airport, but I don't think any of that is it?
I think it's a combination of factors. A major one was my first flight in a propeller plane and realizing that I really enjoyed it. Also major was an interest in air disasters. I'm a huge enjoyer of the Admiral's work as well, I think she has among the best coverage of air disasters out there (definitely in terms of narrative content, at least) and I find her writing style in general very inspirational, but I didn't discover air disasters through any specific media. Rather, I actually was very struck by certain crashes in the news (particularly the 2011 Lokomotiv crash, which I heard a lot about because my family are Russian expats).
I was a morbid kid. I've just sort of always been like that. I'm a second-generation goth who lives across the street from a cemetery with immediate family members who've survived some pretty awful things and aren't shy about it, it might be weirder if I wasn't kind of curious about mass casualty events. Like, one of the earliest things I remember is the Columbia disaster. For a long time I thought I had a weirdly specific and irrational fear of tsunami, nightmares and all, and then I remembered that I lived in Japan until the tail end of 2004. Also, my grandfather thought war stories were appropriate for three-year-olds. So I heard 'awful plane crash' and went 'oh cool. Let's look up what happened'. And then my family got talked to because I didn't own a computer and thus had no choice but to frantically search "Air France 447 CVR" in my school computer lab.
And then I got older than my nebulous age at the time of "child" and became a far different type of person and learned about politics and human people and the like. Frankly, if I were more of an active member of general avgeek communities I would probably spend literally all of my time yelling at people because of my very strong feelings about the callous ways people discuss these crashes, the uselessness of the concept of "pilot error", and pop coverage and 'memeification' of air disasters (again, another reason I enjoy the Admiral's work is that she does not do this). Discussion of air disasters is frequently done by a type of person I will describe, bluntly, as smug racists too afraid to admit that human nature is fucking up and that means they might have crashed the plane too if they were put in that situation.
While I consumed the normal air crash media (Macarthur Job's books, Air Crash Investigations (very hit or miss depending on the episode), Mentour Pilot (recommend) and the like) I'm actually a history student with a focus in archival science, so I like to do these dramatic dives into researching specific things and a lot of the most formative media to me is individual documentaries and books about specific crashes that probably isn't worth listing out unless someone wants a source about something specific, and the same sort of thing about specific models of planes and airlines. My point is that I kind of started just getting wrapped up in it, and it's been an on-and-off fixation ever since.
Like I said, though, I'm a history student, so I wasn't going to limit myself to one area of aviation. Like I mentioned, air disasters are a focus of mine, as are, obviously, liveries and branding, but neither of those are enough on their own to understand aviation as a field, the way it evolved - all of these things, wake-up calls to industries, changes in regulation, the evolution of airline marketing and structure over time, shifts in technology, they're all part of the same broader story. So while I have things I know more about than other aspects, I like to understand at least a little about everything. I like pulling these threads out of the cloud of information I don't know until I've unravelled it as much as possible.
At this point I have a solid working understanding of the physics of flight (though I'm also very interested in astrophysics so I expect that played a part), the history of airlines, the way they developed in the US and in Europe and also in other places that didn't start out with the same infrastructure, the role they play in society and propaganda and the avenues they open. I have a lot of blind spots. I don't really know how engines work and I think it's unlikely I ever will. But I'm always learning and I like that about aviation. It's just a gigantic field. You never run out of reading material. And that's even despite the fact that I simply do not care for military aviation (unless it's really strange/niche things like the SR-71, but I just don't really care about how many missiles you can strap to the Boeing Foreignguyblaster 9000 or the like).
I also sort of have an advantage over most people in that Soviet aviation is an entirely separate and deeply interesting subject that often gets reduced to jokes or 'well isn't that weird' and I have a secret weapon for researching it called "my first language is Russian" and a second secret weapon called "I can ask my grandmother and she'll just tell me about how she remembers the Miracle on the Neva happening and walking past the plane before they got it out of the river because she lived right nearby".
I also just like planes. I think they're pretty. I think it's incredible that they're real machines that humans invented. I don't know anything about computers and I never will so this is sort of the main avenue I have to be awed by the scale of human engineering. We put a giant metal thing in the air and then we painted a smiley face on her nose.
I not only am not a pilot, but cannot be a pilot. I have a seizure disorder and also the potential to get very lightheaded very suddenly, so I cannot fly and that's fine. A lot of people hear this and try to argue with me about how I could get an exemption or find a loophole and I get the idea but it's very misguided. Some people shouldn't be pilots. Causing plane crashes is bad and the reason aviation is so safe is because it refuses to take risks. The thing about being disabled is that you aren't able to do things. And that's fine, I have no choice but to be fine with it. But it gives me a lot more incentive to research and to planespot and to discuss aviation with other people, and I think paradoxically I would probably not know or care as much about the history of airlines if I were spending all this time out there doing figure-eights in a Cessna Whatever.
And I just sort of don't have the capacity to like something a little. I either don't care or I've looked into it enough that I could run some sort of blog about it. Aviation is important to me even though I can't directly participate in it. And I wanted to write about it. And, to be honest, not only is this a niche that's not often covered, but the backstory to this blog is exactly what my intro post is. I was at the airport with a friend and we had this conversation:
Me: oh my gosh, look at that Lufthansa plane. It's basically white. Him: yeah Me: why are all airlines painting their planes such boring things nowadays. This sucks. They're bereft of both whimsy and character Him: yeah Me: I feel like I could complain about this for years Him: yeah Me: has anyone written a blog about this Him: probably not Me: would you like someone to?
Is it the most elegant genesis out there? No. And I'm sorry I don't have a more coherent explanation for how I got super into planes than "I have access to a large library and also an autism diagnosis", but I'm sort of an earnest person and I like thoroughly answering questions.
If you want general recommendations for informative civil aviation content I recommend the youtube channels Mentour Pilot and 74gear, which are both run by actual pilots, and also just digging around at any libraries near you and seeing what you can find. You might be surprised by the depth of the research people have done into very specific topics, and also because you can find some good overviews written by very passionate people. If you want specific recommendations about any defunct airlines or old planes or major historical events, shoot me a DM. Also, if you know any pilots, ask them, because pilots are the only people worse at shutting up about planes than me.
Sorry this got so long. Much like my inability to hold a tepid interest in a subject, I am very bad at answering questions in a way that's not perhaps too forthcoming and thorough. I hope at least some of this feels like a satisfactory answer to some of your questions, though. Thank you as always for reading my silly little blog about airplane outfits.
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psybomb · 4 months
Something’s been bugging me about the I/P war, and after speaking to an Israeli expat today I think I finally put my finger on exactly what that is.
You have to understand something, right now. To the average Israeli, they do not believe there was a safe zone declared in Rafah. They believe, often correctly, that their country is beset on all sides by enemies, and that any response less that total overkill is inviting their immediate destruction, and with it the heart of the worldwide hope of their people in diaspora. The way they fight is predicated on the fact that any enemy is going to attempt to torture and kill them whether the intent is obvious, and that former friends can become deadly enemies without warning or provocation.
This… kind of makes it difficult to take constructive criticism. Especially when the above beliefs have been VERY thoroughly borne out over the past 3,000 years.
And that’s when it struck me. I have seen this pattern before, though not from nation states. Any trauma-bonded community is going to act the same way. Soldiers and police deliberately induce it in training to make sure their people respond in ways that will preserve their lives when threatened (I’ll state for the record that police should absolutely not be doing that). Gangs and mafia families, too. However, my example is going to be way closer to home for most of this site.
You ever wonder why queer communities can be bastions of hope and light with one hand, but infamously drama-filled traps on the other? Why it is taking concerted and often generational effort to heal? Same reason. LGBTQ+ communities never know who their allies are going to be day to day, and find themselves in that community at all usually on the tail end of a lifetime of traumatic experiences. When the attack comes (and it ALWAYS comes), it often comes from people who look a lot like your best friend. Paranoia is a way of life and preservation necessity, often rightfully leading to violent response.
Sound familiar? The only difference is scale.
So how do we fix this? Hah, if it was that easy to explain we would have done it by now. The first thing, though, is that any proposed answer has to have a full and clear endpoint in which their existence is an enshrined right. Jews are indigenous to that land, too, lest we forget. I do not deny that Palestinians are as well, nor that there are a lot of heinous crimes that need rectifying, but without that basic acknowledgement then neither Israel nor any Israeli (yes, including the many non-Jews who call it home) will react any more calmly or diplomatically than the ambassador who shredded a copy of the UN charter on the floor this morning. If you don’t guarantee safety and existence, it’s just genocide with extra steps, from a people who have been on the wrong end of it more than once and who often genuinely believe that their current course of action is the only one that lets them live.
I’m personally a 2-state solution advocate, though with several asterisks. The country was established as an imperial project using desperate people to do evil, and the rest of its history hasn’t exactly been a shining rise out of troubled roots… but then again, the people now living there are in their spiritual home. One they have fought for hundreds or thousands of years to return to. It needs to exist for multiple people to be able to live on the world stage, yet it needs to be reorganized so dramatically that it may not be recognizable at the end of it.
This is where we stand. And Palestinians are dying while we do so.
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I’ve spent the last 4ish days in the rural area of Zhangjiajie, in the mountains of Hunan province in south central China.
I flew in from Beijing on Saturday to Zhangjiajie and then it was an hour drive to the town of Yangjiajie. This town is mainly farmland, lots of roosters crowing, and is very warm and humid. I came here to see Zhangjiajie National Forest, which is famous for its over 3,000 sandstone pillars which are on average about 660 feet tall. They were formed about 350 million years ago due to softer rock around the pillars eroding and falling away. I have truly never seen anything like it, I cannot adequately describe how huge these things were or how amazing it was to see.
The owner of the small hotel I’m staying at, Carol, gave me an extensive run down on how to do a self-guided tour of the park; which I was glad I did instead of doing an official tour. My hotel was only about 300 meters from the park entrance, so I could walk there myself. The park itself despite being very intimidating in its sheer size and the fact that most of it is hundreds of meters in the air, was pretty easy to get around in. There is a system of cable cars to get up the mountain, and a series of buses, bridges, and hiking trails to get around the park from there.
China only very recently opened its borders for the first time in over 3 years, and it is notoriously difficult to get a Chinese visa. While in the bigger cities like Beijing there were definitely more foreigners and expats, and people in general were more used to foreigners, I’ve definitely been noticing a difference in Hunan. I think I have seen less than a dozen foreigners total in the time I’ve been here. I get a lot of stares and kids pointing at me going “哪国人!” (foreigner) I even had a family ask to take my picture with their kid because I was the first foreigner she had seen. Its understandable, not a lot of outsiders have really been traveling through here lately. It is honestly pretty refreshing to travel and be around mainly locals and not the crowd of college aged drunk backpackers that tend to frequent a lot of touristy places around the world.
Don’t get me wrong, people have been so incredibly helpful and accommodating and welcoming the entire time I’ve been here. Every single time I have gotten turned around someone has asked if they could help me. People have been so patient with my broken Chinese. And there is definitely a lot of privilege being a white English speaker that has made getting around a lot easier. I have just definitely been feeling very much like an outsider and it gets a bit wearing to have so many stares every time I do anything and even though its not the same at all it has definitely been very eye opening for what a lot of people experience daily that I haven’t experienced to this extent before.
Anyway. I spent most of Sunday exploring the park. It was really incredible. I just could not comprehend the scale of how big the pillars were. It was quite literally breathtaking and jaw dropping. More than once I stopped dead in my tracks because I just could not believe my eyes. At one point we crossed a natural bridge that had formed between two of the pillars. There were also lots of monkeys and at one point there was a gigantic sculpture to someone in the Communist party with a ton of Communist memorabilia around it, idk what that was all about but it was huge. It was super duper hot and humid but being up high in the mountains helped a lot. Once I got back down to the bottom though I realized I’d gotten sunburned despite it being cloudy. I always forget thats a thing. When I made it back to my hotel I was more sweat than person by that point.
Carol’s mom cooks meals for the hotel, so I ate very well the whole time I was in Zhangjiajie. On Saturday night they were hosting a school group from a nearby university, 20 students, a professor named Jin, and his family. I got to talk with the professor for a while. Apparently he had lived in Germany and Switzerland for over a decade while getting his degrees. He asked me a lot of questions about the US election and he honestly knew more about it than I did. He said people in China pay close attention to this because really the results impact the entire world, which is unfortunately true.
On Monday Carol had again given me extensive instructions for a self guided tour of Tianmen Mountain. This was a bit more complicated. First it involved an hour long car ride to Zhangjiajie, then taking a series of buses to get to the bottom of the mountain and a cable car to get halfway up the mountain. Tianmen Mountain (天门山)translates to Heaven’s Door Mountain. It is called this because of an incredible door like natural arch halfway up the mountain that looks like it is leading to the sky. After taking the cable car halfway up the mountain, I hiked up the famous 999 steps to 天门, Heaven’s Gate. It truly looked like we were climbing stairs directly into the sky.
Once at the top of the staircase, we entered a cave into which was astoundingly built a gigantic escalator which took us up the rest of the way to the top of the mountain. I cannot even imagine how all of this was built.
From there, we were a good 4,500 feet up in the air. I could not comprehend how high up we were. And there was a Burger King and a Bubble Tea restaurant at the top somehow. I had some lunch and them took the long winding path along the cliffside. The path was quite literally hanging off the cliff with a sheer drop of 4,500 feet below. I walked along here for about 3 kilometers, one section of the path was even a glass walk which was honestly terrifying. There were lots of little kids with their families doing the hike as well, and they were absolutely not convinced that the glass was strong enough to hold them, which was completely understandable.
I’ve noticed a lot of people visiting places like this in very fancy clothing, even little kids will wear their best dresses or traditional outfits, because people take a lot of pictures and want to look good in the pictures, even though it is very hot and humid and there is a lot of physical activity.
After hiking I arrived to 天门山死, Tianmenshan Temple. Which, again, was incredible that such a huge temple was built so high up. From there I took something similar to a skilift to take me back to the start of the mountain path, and from there took a cablecar all the way back to town. I was told that this last cablecar was one of the longest cablecars in the world, and it certainly seemed like it. It brought us from 4,500 at the top of the mountain all the way back to the ground in the middle of town 30 minutes later. It was really cool. The line to get in it was pretty intense though. The park tries to limit traffic by only selling 3,000 tickets per hour, which is considered very few tickets given the size of the park, but the problem arises when everyone leaves the park at the same time at the end of the day. This resulted in a very enormous line to get down.
From there I took a shared car to get to my hotel. A lot of people live in very rural areas in the provinces and its tough to make the trek into the city from there so whenever someone drives from the city to town or vice versa they try to fill up the car with people. People generally chip in for gas so its like a rural version of uber without the app. People just roll their window down if they see someone standing on the street or walking down the road and ask if they want a lift.
My window in my room had a gap where it wouldn’t shut all the way so it was letting mosquitoes in. I had managed to block it the last two nights and it wasn’t bad at all but because a rainstorm was incoming there were way more bugs tonight than before. I’m talking thirty to forty mosquitos and other giant bugs I don’t know what they were and don’t really want to know. They’d all gotten through the blocked window and were everywhere which was horrible, so I managed to switch rooms for the rest of my stay.
On Monday it was rainy in the morning and while I could have gone back to Zhangjiajie National Park to see more of it, its an enormous park, I didn’t have it in me and ended up spending the whole day sleeping. My big outing of the day was going with Carol to the grocery store to get snacks. On Tuesday I went to the train station to head to my next stop, Fenghuang, which is also in Hunan province and was only about a 2 hour train ride away.
I’ll update about Fenghuang soon, I’ll be here for about 3 more days.
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
I am using being sick as my excuse for this rant
My pet peeve, as someone who's lived abroad for about ten years total, with my fellow expats...
Some people decide to live abroad, by their own personal choice, because they're interested in getting to know another place and way of living. They aren't forced - they aren't desperate for a job or running from war or gang violence. They (myself included) are privileged people who enjoy travel and adventure.
But for those same reasons, some of these people are so entitled! It drives me up the wall. You chose to come to another country, and now all you can do is complain about it. Why don't you go home?
Of course it's okay to talk about things that are difficult or confusing and warn other expats about "foreigner services" which are actually really unhelpful and whatnot. That's not what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about the English teacher who makes fun of their own students for being shy ("Kids in my country are way more assertive and confident!") or for having different boundaries. "In my country it's not like that! These kids are oversensitive!" You're not in your country, genius. You would think that pertinent reminder is all they'd need to realize they're being a jerk - nope! "But I have to understand it!" they say. You have to understand it... to what end? To validate it?? To validate a different culture's way of doing things??? Hon, if that's how you feel, you are not ready to leave your home country. You don't get to decide if something's legitimate based on whether or not you can easily and organically understand it. These are societal norms baked deep into the culture - did you really think you were gonna show up and blow everyone away with your exciting foreignness and they'd all change their ways to be the same as your clearly superior ones???
I know these people don't mean it like that and would balk at such a description, but... what can I say... the shoe fits.
It especially bugs me when it involves kids. Because we've all been kids, so we should all know how confusing it is to be one and how little responsible children are for the cultural norms they absorb. But it makes no more sense when it involves adults either because again... it's their country and their culture.
But there's always some expat who is so baffled that "anyone could think this food tastes good!" or that "anyone actually thinks masks are useful!" Like I get that the food doesn't match your tastes. I get that the information about masks in your home country is very different from here. You're entitled to feel that way... but you're not entitled to make a mockery of the country you CHOSE to go live in for being used to different things.
That is the bottom line. You chose to be here!! No one is twisting your arm. Why would anyone decide to go work and live abroad without any intention of being open to different perspectives? When you travel you experience new horizons, both literal and figurative. You don't have to write over your own background. You simply have to have the basic capacity to appreciate human diversity.
You don't have to understand. You just don't! When I first moved to Japan, I often said "I never felt more like an American." That was because, at that time, the cultural differences were more stark - things surprised me almost every day. Occasionally there were things that didn't sit right with me. But I knew two things. One, I knew that my at the time very short experience of a couple years in Japan was nowhere near enough time to understand an element of culture, especially to the point of being able to criticize it. And two, I knew that regardless of how I may feel, it's not my culture - I'm the guest - I'm the one who needs to make allowances. In return, the vast majority of people I met also made allowances for my own many cultural faux pas - because they're nice and not idiots and knew they can't expect a foreigner to know the ins and outs of their culture like a native.
Fast forward to now. It's been almost ten years. I no longer feel surprised every day. Things I thought I'd never get used to are part of the daily routine. Things I thought I'd always miss about the US... I don't really miss anymore! The gaps that were made when I moved have been filled with the things I found here. If I ever move back, or to somewhere else, the same thing will no doubt happen again. That's what time does - time, and openness to change.
And many of the things that "didn't sit right with me" in the beginning... I've come to see why they work here. Or why they're valued. Or, at the very least, that even if the Japanese way of doing things may leave something to be desired... the American way I was accustomed to isn't actually any better x'D
I'm not perfect, but I can say I didn't come here with pretensions. I never assumed that because I'm an American, I know the right way of doing things and the people I meet should "learn" from me. I came here fully expecting that I would be the one learning from what I found here.
So these certain chatty expats (only certain people! - many expats are wonderful) just baffle me. It's like, travel is expensive... there have got to be cheaper ways of deluding yourself that you've got everything figured out and everyone else has it backwards haha.
I'm sure I sound rather harsh. It's just feeling a bit fed up from being sick and reading too much nonsense xP But even though most of those people don't have any bad intentions, it's just so weird to me, some of the things they complain about. "Students in Japan aren't like students in the US and I think there's something wrong with them!" No, my dude, they're kids. There's nothing wrong with them. What's wrong with you, the guy who got on the plane to leave the US in the first place?
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hudsonmckenzie · 1 year
Is it possible for expats to buy property in UAE?
The UAE real estate industry offers fantastic opportunities for capital gains and investment. This market has been more accessible as a result of several modifications to the laws governing property ownership, particularly for foreign investors and expats. Foreigners are subject to different restrictions regarding property ownership than domestic owners, nevertheless. An UAE immigration lawyer summarises the applicable laws and numerous Emirate-specific laws for expats interested in real estate investment in the UAE.
In the UAE, foreigners could not purchase real estate until 2001 or 2002. Dubai originally allowed foreigners to purchase 99-year leasehold properties in 2001, and then allowed them to invest in freehold homes in 2002. Soon after, Ras Al Khaimah, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, and Ajman appeared.In some designated regions, freehold and leasehold properties may be owned by expatriates in the UAE. Properties with a lease have a fixed-term possession agreement. According to the leasing agreement, the property is owned by the foreign owner but not the land. Properties that are freehold suggest that the expat owns both the building and the land on which it is situated.
Leaseholder ownership implies that for the duration of the contract, the expatriate only owns the unit and not the land. When the period is over, the agreement may be extended, and the foreigner is only partially liable for repairs. Only the consent of the freehold owner is required for any significant improvements. Additionally, with limitations, the expat may sublease the house or keep pets.
Freehold, on the other hand, grants the owner total authority over both his property and the land. If a project complies with the developer's specifications and local legislation, owners are free to make significant alterations like renovations and remodelling as they see fit. After the owner passes away, the property is given to the heir. The owner can benefit from the high ROI by leasing or selling the property.
Specific guidelines for purchasing real estate in each of the Emirates
It's interesting how different emirates have different property ownership laws. Here is a quick summary of the unique regulations of the various Emirates:
Purchasing a home in Dubai
According to a leading UAE immigration lawyer, expats are permitted to own freehold properties in specified freehold regions and leasehold properties in Dubai. There is no restriction on age to buy real estate in Dubai; the laws are the same for both resident foreigners and non-resident investors. The title deeds are issued by the Land Department.
Article 3 of Regulation No. 3 of 2006 Determining Areas for Ownership by Non-Nationals of Real Property in the Emirate of Dubai applies to freehold properties.
In nine authorised investment districts in Abu Dhabi, foreign nationals are permitted to purchase flats and villas. Al Reef, Lulu, Masdar City, Mariya, Reem, Saadiyat, Sayh Al Sedairah, and Yas Islands are among them. However, Abu Dhabi does not allow foreigners to own or purchase land.
In this Emirate, there are four types of property ownership systems:
Ownership - For 99 years, the expat enjoys complete ownership of the flat or floor, and he or she is free to sell it. The deed does not, however, mention the ground on which the property is situated.
The Musalaha system allows foreigners to purchase residential properties in accordance with the Masataha contract. After the first 50-year term expires, it may be renewed. Owners are free to use the property during the period and carry out upgrades, alterations, constructions, renovations, etc.
Usufruct: For a period of 99 years, the expatriates may own and use the apartment, but they are prohibited from making any changes to the building.
Long-term lease: In Abu Dhabi, foreigners are permitted to lease homes for up to 25 years.
Law No. 19 of 2005 Concerning the Regulation of the Real Estate Sector, which is applicable in Abu Dhabi, sets down the rules governing foreigners' ownership of real estate. A few changes were made to the Abu Dhabi Real Estate Law in April 2019. There were changes to Articles 3 and 4. According to Article 3(i), foreign nationals are only permitted to acquire one of three types of property:
· UAE nationals, whether they be legal or natural individuals.
· Not more than 49% of public holding businesses owned by non-nationals.
·If the President of the Executive Council of Abu Dhabi makes a choice for someone.
Non-UAE nationals are permitted to own real estate properties in the aforementioned defined locations, in accordance with Article 3(ii). Original and in-kind legal rights to real estate are also permitted. According to Article 4, musataha and usufruct owners who have owned a property for more than 10 years are allowed to sell or mortgage it without the landlord's permission. In contrast, the landlord is not permitted to mortgage the flat without the holder of the usufruct or the musataha's consent.
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bestecomever · 8 days
Best IPTV Ever: Your Best IPTV Solution to Stream Around the World
In the fast-paced modern world, everyone wants to have fun at the end of their fingers, and IPTV services have already started achieving it. It allows streaming of live TV channels, on-demand videos, and international channels through the internet connection. For a reliable IPTV service that provides thousands of channels with quality streaming, "Best IPTV Ever" is the ultimate answer.
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globoprime024 · 24 days
Top Challenges in MOFA Attestation in Abu Dhabi and How to Overcome Them
Navigating the process of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) attestation in Abu Dhabi can be a complex and often overwhelming task. There are unique difficulties associated with this crucial stage, which is necessary to validate papers for usage in the United Arab Emirates. Whether you're a resident handling personal documentation, an expat looking to verify your educational credentials, or a company wanting commercial documents certified, it's critical to comprehend these obstacles and know how to overcome them. We'll examine the main difficulties encountered in Abu Dhabi during the MOFA certification process in this blog.
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Being Aware of the MOFA Attestation Procedure         Knowing the MOFA attestation procedure inside and out is one of the biggest obstacles. The process can be complicated, particularly for people who are not familiar with UAE legal procedures. Inappropriate or insufficient documentation       Improper or incomplete document submissions are a frequent problem that may cause your attestation request to be rejected outright or be delayed. Errors that frequently occur include missing signatures, faulty notarization, and wrong formatting.
Delayed Processing Term       It can be annoying to wait a long period for processing, especially if you have deadlines to meet. There may be delays in the attestation process because there are several phases involved, each of which takes a set period of time. Language Barriers   Language issues can be a big problem for foreigners when it comes to MOFA attestation. Errors or delays may arise from miscommunication or misunderstanding of requirements brought on by language barriers. Dealing Regulations and Bureaucracy   For individuals who are not familiar with UAE legislation, the bureaucratic MOFA certification process in Abu Dhabi might be intimidating. Dealing with different government offices, each with its own set of regulations and standards, is a common part of the process.
Overpriced and unexpected fees   Another difficulty with MOFA attestation is its cost, which varies depending on the stage of the procedure. Unexpected fees may also occur, raising the total cost. Handling Last-Minute Needs There are instances when you have to have your documents authenticated quickly due to an emergency. This can make an already difficult task much more stressful.
How to Get Beyond These Obstacles     It takes careful preparation, process awareness, and even expert help to overcome these obstacles. Here's how to deal with each of these problems: 1. Become knowledgeable: To begin with, make sure you fully comprehend the MOFA attestation procedure. Before you begin, do some research on the required steps and make sure you are ready.           2. Double-Check Documentation: Make sure all of your documents are accurate and properly formatted by going over them again. To steer clear of typical pitfalls, think about speaking with specialists. 3. Make a Plan: Start the attestation procedure as soon as feasible to prevent delays. This will assist you in controlling the amount of time needed for each stage. 4. Look for Multilingual help: To guarantee proper documentation and clear communication in the event that language barriers are an issue, think about using a provider that offers multilingual help.
5. Make Use of Professional Services: Assist a reputable attestation provider with knowledge of managing the red tape environment. They are able to manage the procedure more skillfully and prevent needless difficulties. 6. Budget Wisely: Recognize all possible expenses related to the attestation procedure and set aside funds appropriately. You can efficiently control your spending if professional services have transparent pricing.            7.Take into Account Expedited Services: Using an express service can speed up and save tension during urgent necessities.         Use a reputable firm like Globoprime Document Clearing Services for a seamless and trouble-free attestation process. It offers all-inclusive solutions that tackle the aforementioned issues, guaranteeing accurate and timely attestation of your documents. Globoprime is a trustworthy partner for handling your paperwork because of their proficiency with MOFA attestation in Abu Dhabi.
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citynewsglobe · 3 months
[ad_1] In an more and more globalized world, authorized paperwork usually have to cross borders, languages, and authorized techniques. It may be a posh and daunting course of for companies and people in Dubai. Enter skilled authorized translation providers in Dubai, the unsung heroes that guarantee your authorized paperwork are precisely and reliably translated.Dubai is a melting pot of cultures and languages, and professional authorized translation is essential.Understanding Authorized TranslationIt's not merely the method of changing textual content from one language to a different; it includes a deep understanding of the authorized techniques, terminologies, and nuances of each the supply and goal languages.Authorized paperwork, together with contracts, agreements, patents, and court docket paperwork, have to be translated exactly to keep up their authorized validity and keep away from potential misunderstandings that might result in critical authorized repercussions.Why Skilled Authorized Translation Issues?Skilled authorized translation issues as a result of it ensures the exact and correct translation of complicated authorized paperwork, which is essential in sustaining the integrity and intent of the unique content material. Inaccurate translations can result in misunderstandings, authorized disputes, and important monetary losses. Skilled translators with experience in authorized terminology and ideas perceive the nuances of various authorized techniques.They will present translations that aren't solely linguistically correct but in addition culturally and legally applicable. This accuracy is crucial in authorized contexts the place even minor errors can have extreme penalties, making certain that every one events concerned totally perceive their rights, obligations, and the authorized implications of the paperwork.Authorized Translation in Dubai: Bridging Language and Authorized System GapsAuthorized translation in Dubai is extraordinarily vital to attach completely different languages and completely different authorized techniques. Dubai is a global enterprise heart and a web site for world corporations and expats, so it particularly wants high-quality authorized translation providers — contracts, court docket orders, legal guidelines and so on.They take the time to craft this doc appropriately to respect linguistic nuances and authorized terminology, which is why authorized translators in Dubai can be found. This promotes the unhindered decision of authorized issues and the execution of codification and strengthens the bonds of belief and readability between worldwide practices and native administration.Why Select a Skilled Firm for Authorized Translation Companies?In relation to authorized paperwork, even a minor error in translation can result in important authorized points. Government translation providers in Dubai provide a number of benefits that make them indispensable:1. Experience and SpecializationGovernment authorized translators possess in depth information of each the supply and goal languages and are well-versed in each authorized techniques' authorized terminologies and ideas. They usually maintain authorized levels or certifications in translation and have years of expertise within the subject.2. Accuracy and PrecisionTranslation requires an distinctive degree of accuracy. Skilled translators perceive the significance of each phrase and phrase in authorized paperwork and make sure the translation is exact, leaving no room for ambiguity.3. Confidentiality and SafetyAuthorized paperwork usually comprise delicate and confidential info. Skilled translation providers in Dubai adhere to strict confidentiality agreements and make use of strong safety measures to guard your information.4. Licensed Translations for Official UseLicensed translations are important for official use as they supply legally acknowledged translations that meet particular requirements, making certain accuracy, authenticity, and acceptance by authorities businesses, courts, and establishments.
5. A Huge Vary of Authorized Paperwork TranslatedSkilled authorized translation providers cowl a various array of authorized paperwork, together with contracts, court docket paperwork, patents, immigration papers, and extra, making certain exact and dependable translations throughout varied authorized fields.The Function of Authorized Translation in Dubai’s Enterprise PanoramaDubai is a hub for worldwide enterprise, attracting corporations and traders worldwide. Town’s authorized system, which is a mix of civil, Sharia, and customary legislation, provides one other layer of complexity to authorized documentation.Government translation providers are important in facilitating enterprise transactions, making certain compliance with native laws, and enabling easy communication between events from completely different linguistic backgrounds.1. Facilitating Worldwide ContractsWorldwide contracts are a standard facet of doing enterprise in Dubai. All events concerned should draft and perceive these contracts, no matter their native language. Skilled authorized translators be certain that contracts are precisely translated, serving to to forestall misunderstandings and disputes.2. Supporting Multilingual LitigationMultilingual litigation can turn into crucial in authorized disputes involving events from completely different international locations. Authorized translators present essential assist by translating court docket paperwork, proof, and different authorized supplies, making certain all events can entry the identical info of their native language.3. Guaranteeing Regulatory ComplianceDubai has particular authorized and regulatory necessities that international companies should adhere to. Skilled authorized translators assist corporations perceive and adjust to these laws by precisely translating authorized paperwork corresponding to licenses, permits, and compliance experiences.How Selecting the Proper Authorized Translation Firm?Choosing an exemplary authorized service is essential for making certain the standard and reliability of your translated paperwork.Listed below are some elements to think about when selecting a authorized translation associate in Dubai:1. Skilled Authorized Translators, You Can Rely OnIn relation to authorized translations, expertise issues; decide for an organization with seasoned authorized translators you may depend on. Their experience ensures precision and confidentiality, offering a reliable answer on your authorized doc necessities.2. Deep Understanding of Authorized TerminologyA deep understanding of authorized terminology is crucial for correct translation. Select an organization with translators who possess this experience, making certain exact and dependable interpretation of authorized paperwork.3. Expertise and CredentialsSearch for a translation service with a confirmed monitor file and expertise in translation. Examine for credentials corresponding to certifications from acknowledged translation our bodies or authorized qualifications of their translators.4. High quality Assurance ProcessesA good translation service may have strong high quality assurance processes in place to make sure the accuracy and consistency of its translations. These processes might embrace a number of rounds of assessment and modifying by completely different translators and authorized specialists.5. Shopper Testimonials and CritiquesShopper testimonials and evaluations can present useful insights into the reliability and high quality of a translation service. Search for suggestions from purchasers who've had comparable translation must yours.When going through authorized issues in Dubai, guarantee your paperwork are understood with correct felony translations.Search for corporations specializing in authorized translation Dubai providers to ensure acceptance by official entities. Their specialists will meticulously translate your paperwork whereas preserving authorized terminology and adhering to UAE laws.It ensures clear communication and avoids problems throughout your authorized proceedings.
With their assist, official our bodies will acknowledge your paperwork, saving you time and frustration.The Way forward for Authorized Translation DubaiAs Dubai grows as a worldwide enterprise hub, the demand for skilled translation providers is predicted to extend. Technological developments, corresponding to machine translation and synthetic intelligence, are more likely to play a big function in the way forward for translation. Nevertheless, the human contact will stay important, particularly for complicated authorized paperwork the place context and nuance are important.1. Embracing ExpertiseWhereas know-how can assist within the translation course of, extra is required to switch the experience and judgment of professional authorized translators. Machine translation instruments may help with preliminary drafts and repetitive duties, however human translators are crucial to make sure the accuracy and appropriateness of the ultimate doc.2. Continued Skilled ImprovementThe sphere of translation is continually evolving, and professional translators should sustain with adjustments in authorized techniques, terminologies, and greatest practices. Ongoing skilled growth and coaching are important for sustaining excessive translation high quality requirements.Navigate the Complexity of DubaiWithin the dynamic and multicultural surroundings of authorized providers, they're indispensable for companies and people coping with authorized paperwork. Whether or not you're drafting a global contract, concerned in multilingual litigation, or making certain regulatory compliance, a trusted translation associate could make all of the distinction.By selecting knowledgeable firm with the proper experience, you may be certain that your authorized paperwork are precisely translated, legally sound, and culturally applicable, providing you with the arrogance to navigate the complexities of Dubai’s authorized panorama. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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riseconsultancy · 5 months
Study, Work, Live in Australia
Australia is the ultramodern, diverse and unique country well known for its panoramic sites and coolest culture. This southern nation is an ideal destination to live in for those who want to spend their lives in a cosmopolitan country with expats having different ethnic backgrounds.
It is a young country with a stable economy encountering incredible opportunities in every possible field of employment. According to the new global study, Australia is ranked in the top four countries to be an immigrant. All these traits of Australia tempt numerous expats to settle in Australia every year and so far granted citizenship to over 3,00,00 Indians.
Big University
Student Visa
Expert Help
Benefits of Living in Australia
Australia is a multicultural country taken over 28% of the total population by immigration from nearly 200 different nations
Australia offers lucrative employment opportunities at a higher pay scale
Australia is an expat friendly country with flexible immigration laws
Qualify to gain Australian citizenship in at least one year of receiving Australian PR
Australia has an internationally recognized standard of education
How to apply Australia PR
Access your eligibility
Score minimum of 65 points in IELTS to qualify for the process
Choose an occupation from the skilled occupation list (SOL/CSOL)
Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) on skill choose
Apply online for Australia visa within 60 days of receiving ITA
Pathways to land into Australia
The Australian visa authority has drawn several Immigration programs to permit the entry of immigrants in the country subject to the category of a potential applicant, the purpose of immigration, investment needs, and skills across the various territories of Australia.
Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)
Skilled nominated visa (Subclass 190)
Skilled Regional Visa (Subclass 489)
Pathways to land into Australia
The Australian visa authority has drawn several Immigration programs to permit the entry of immigrants in the country subject to the category of a potential applicant, the purpose of immigration, investment needs, and skills across the various territories of Australia.
Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)
Skilled nominated visa (Subclass 190)
Skilled Regional Visa (Subclass 489)
Documents Required
Documentation is one of the significant parts of the Australia Visa process. Below mentioned is not a comprehensive list of all documents required and are subjected to change but consist of a provisional set of documents which are expected to be required while filing visa application.
Proof of Education
Employment Record
Income Proof
Character Certificate
Medical Certificate
Marriage Certificate (If needed)
Divorce Certificate (If needed)
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thomascarterpd · 5 months
Moving to Dubai from Australia: How to Navigate Your International Relocation with Ease
If you are planning on moving to Dubai from Australia, then you need to give yourself enough time for planning and preparation to ensure your international relocation goes as smoothly as possible. Located in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai is geographically and culturally quite different from Australia, so getting ready for your big move involves a combination of logistics and education.
At Overseas Packers & Shippers, we are international removalists who are committed to helping Australians move to prominent cities all around the world — including Dubai. With the ever-growing employment opportunities in this part of the world, more and more Australians are choosing the UAE as their next place of residence. If you are thinking of moving to Dubai from Australia in the near future, then you can trust in our experienced overseas removalists to help with this major relocation.
Passport, Visa, and Working Permits
As an Australian expat who is moving to Dubai, you will need several key documents before you are allowed into the country. The first of these is your passport, which is required for all forms of international travel. Dubai also requires that you have a residence visa and work permit before you can live there — which is often sponsored by your employer.
We recommend that you get your visa and work permits reviewed by someone from the UAE’s embassy in Australia. This way, you can have total confidence that you are ticking every box before the big moving day comes around.
Financial Planning
Every time you move overseas, you need to ensure your budgeting is as watertight as possible. There are naturally going to be expenses involved on both ends of your relocation, so ensuring you are well prepared for these costs is the key to reducing financial stress throughout the process of moving.
Here are some of the main financial costs you should be aware of when moving from Australia to Dubai:
Dubai’s lack of income tax means more disposable income, though it’s wise to budget for the city’s higher living expenses.
High rental prices in Dubai highlight the importance of searching to find accommodation that aligns with your financial plans.
Setting up a bank account in Dubai and informing your Australian bank of your move ensures seamless financial management abroad.
Dubai’s premium healthcare services justify the investment in health insurance to manage costs and ensure comprehensive medical coverage.
Prior to living in Dubai, you also need to budget appropriately for the move itself. This includes hiring a storage facility for any belongings you plan to leave behind, the plane tickets, and a trusted overseas moving company.
Read the full article to know more about Moving to Dubai from Australia: How to Navigate Your International Relocation with Ease
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[ad_1] Navigating Mexico's Actual Property Market: Suggestions for Expats and Traders Mexico is a well-liked vacation spot for expats and traders seeking to buy actual property. With its stunning landscapes, numerous tradition, and reasonably priced value of residing, it is no marvel why so many individuals are drawn to this nation. Nonetheless, navigating Mexico's actual property market could be a daunting activity, particularly for many who should not conversant in the authorized and cultural nuances of the nation. Listed here are some ideas for expats and traders seeking to purchase property in Mexico. Perceive the Authorized Panorama One of many first issues that expats and traders ought to do earlier than diving into the Mexico actual property market is to grasp the authorized panorama. Mexico has its personal set of legal guidelines and laws in the case of buying property, and it is essential to concentrate on these earlier than making any investments. Working with a good actual property lawyer might help guarantee that you're following all the required authorized procedures and may keep away from any potential pitfalls. Select the Proper Location Mexico is a big nation with a various vary of landscapes and cultures. When contemplating buying property, it is essential to rigorously think about the situation. Components similar to proximity to facilities, security, and native infrastructure ought to all be taken into consideration when choosing the proper location in your actual property funding. Work with a Native Actual Property Agent Navigating Mexico's actual property market might be made a lot simpler by working with an area actual property agent. An area agent may have a deep understanding of the market, in addition to the power to speak successfully with sellers, which might be extremely helpful for expats and traders who could not communicate fluent Spanish. Moreover, an area agent might help you discover one of the best offers and negotiate in your behalf. Take into account the Price of Dwelling One of many main appeals of Mexico for expats and traders is its reasonably priced value of residing. Nonetheless, it is essential to think about the price of residing within the particular space the place you might be contemplating buying property. This could embody components similar to property taxes, utilities, and the price of groceries and different necessities. Taking these prices into consideration will assist you higher perceive the monetary commitments related along with your actual property funding. Be Ready for Cultural Variations Lastly, expats and traders ought to be ready to come across cultural variations when navigating Mexico's actual property market. Conducting enterprise in Mexico could also be totally different from what you might be used to in your house nation, and it is essential to be adaptable and open-minded when approaching actual property transactions. Constructing relationships and understanding native customs can go a great distance in making certain a profitable funding in Mexico. In conclusion, navigating Mexico's actual property market could be a rewarding expertise for expats and traders. By understanding the authorized panorama, choosing the proper location, working with an area actual property agent, contemplating the price of residing, and being ready for cultural variations, you'll be able to profit from your funding in Mexico's actual property market. With cautious analysis and planning, shopping for property in Mexico could be a fulfilling and profitable alternative, whether or not you might be on the lookout for a trip house, retirement property, or funding alternative. [ad_2]
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mysgprop-cstee · 8 months
泰国曼谷. Rhythm Ekkamai Estate @Bangkok
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泰国曼谷. Rhythm Ekkamai Estate @Bangkok
• Situated in the heart of Ekkamai, neighboring the Thong Lo lifestyle destination • Nestled in Upper Middle Class, Japanese & Expat Professionals Enclave • An experience of “Hi-Society” • Easy access to major Sukhumvit, Phetchaburi and Rama 4 Roads • Upcoming MRT Grey Line in Thong Lo • Only floating lobby in the whole of Ekkamai • Size is reasonable and low density • Winner of 14 Awards including Thailand’s “2018 Best Developer” ATTRACTIVE PRICE 1 BR (34 sqm) – From THB 6,380,000 ~ SGD 239K 1 BR Plus (39 sqm) – From THB 8,220,000 ~ SGD 308K 2 BR (79 – 86sqm) – From THB 16,700,000 ~ SGD 626K Duplex (65 – 68sqm) – From THB 14,110,000 ~ SGD 529K - ʟᴜxᴜʀʏ ʜɪɢʜ-ʀɪsᴇ ғʀᴇᴇʜᴏʟᴅ ᴄᴏɴᴅᴏ - ɪɴ ᴇᴋᴋᴀᴍᴀɪ-ᴛʜᴏɴɢʟᴏʀ :ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʀᴇɴᴅɪᴇsᴛ ᴅɪɴɪɴɢ, ʟɪғᴇsᴛʏʟᴇ & ᴇxᴘᴀᴛs' ᴄʜᴏɪᴄᴇ ᴅᴇsᴛɪɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ - ᴏɴʟʏ 2-ᴍɪɴs ᴛᴏ ʙᴛs ᴇᴋᴋᴀᴍᴀɪ sᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ - ᴛʀɪᴘʟᴇx ʀᴏᴏғᴛᴏᴘ ғᴀᴄɪʟɪᴛɪᴇs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅɪɴɢ 360 ᴅᴇɢʀᴇᴇ ɪɴғɪɴɪᴛʏ ᴇᴅɢᴇᴅ ᴘᴏᴏʟ - ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴇxᴄʟᴜsɪᴠᴇ 303 ᴛᴏᴛᴀʟ ᴜɴɪᴛs - ʟᴇss ᴛʜᴀɴ 150 ᴜɴɪᴛs ғᴏʀ ɪɴᴛᴇʀɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴᴠᴇsᴛᴏʀs ᴏɴʟʏ - ᴏɴʟʏ 20% ᴅᴏᴡɴᴘᴀʏᴍᴇɴᴛ + ᴅᴇғᴇʀʀᴇᴅ ᴘᴀʏᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴛɪʟʟ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛɪᴏɴ  Checkout the pricing NOW! https://youtu.be/sxCiGmf-k78 Experience the Feeling, Just like Home Rhythm Ekkamai Estate is a luxury condominium complex in Bangkok, Thailand. It is located in the Khlong Tan Nuea area of the Watthana district, close to Ekkamai BTS station. The complex consists of a single 32-story tower with a total of 303 units. Units range from one-bedroom to three-bedroom condos, and penthouses are also available. The project was completed in May 2022. Rhythm Ekkamai Estate offers a wide range of amenities, including a swimming pool, gym, sauna, steam room, garden, BBQ area, playground, and 24-hour security. The building also has a "Floating Lobby" on the 7th floor, which features a social zone and a quiet zone. The Rhythm Ekkamai Estate is in a great location, close to a number of restaurants, bars, and shops. It is also within walking distance of Ekkamai BTS station, which provides easy access to the rest of Bangkok. TypeDescriptionsProject Name 泰国曼谷. Rhythm Ekkamai Estate @BangkokDeveloper Name AP ThailandLocation Soi Sukhumvit 63 (Ekamai), Khlong Tan Nuea, Watthana, Bangkok 10250, BangkokTenure of Land FreeholdExpected Date of Completion (T.O.P.) CompletedSite area 2-0-84.1 RaiTotal No. of Units 303 + 1 Shop Unit in High Rise Condo 32 floors 1 building (Residential Units from 8th Floor Onwards) Green Area – 3,400sqm  
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Rhythm Ekkamai Estate, brand new freehold condominium by AP Thailand convniently located at Bangkok’s Hipster neighbourhood, Ekkamai, with minutes walk to BTS Ekkamai Station alond Sukhumvit Line that leads to Tong Lo Station (1-stop) and famous Asoke-Terminal 21 Station. In close vicinity within Ekkamai-Thong Lo  neighbourhood favor by many expats and locals, Rythm Ekkamai Estate is well supported with abundance of lifestyle amenities – Big C, cineplex, international school, health care, pubs, fine international and local restaurants. Rhythm Ekkamai Estate is Strategically located in Ekkamai, widely known as Thonglor’s sister neighborhood. Ekkamai, along with Thonglor, is home to Bangkok’s hip & trendy lifestyle and gastronomic destinations. It is a highly popular residential area among Bangkok’s expat population, especially the Japanese expats. Yet, as compared to Thonglor, property prices in Ekkamai are much more affordable, contributing to the increasing interest among investors. AP Thai (เอพี หรือ เอพี (ไทยแลนด์) จำกัด (มหาชน)) is a well-established and reputable developer behind Rhythm Ekkamai Estate. Here's some information about them: Background: Founded in 1991, AP Thai is a leading real estate developer in Thailand, boasting over three decades of experience. The company focuses on residential properties, developing both single-detached houses and condominiums across different price segments under multiple brands, including: Life: Affordable condominiums in convenient locations. Aspire: Mid-range condominiums with modern designs and facilities. The Crest: Luxury condominiums in prime locations with premium amenities. Nirvana: Luxury detached houses in exclusive neighborhoods. AP Thai is known for its strong focus on design, innovation, and sustainability. They often collaborate with renowned architects and designers to create unique and functional living spaces. Performance: AP Thai is a publicly traded company listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. They have a strong financial track record with consistent revenue and profit growth over the years. The company has received numerous awards and accolades for their projects, including design awards and sustainability certifications. What AP Thai brings to Rhythm Ekkamai Estate: Proven track record and expertise: Their extensive experience in developing high-quality condominiums ensures quality construction and thoughtful design at Rhythm Ekkamai Estate. Financial stability: Their financial strength guarantees the project's completion and minimizes risk for potential buyers. Focus on location and amenities: AP Thai is known for choosing prime locations and providing comprehensive amenities, both of which are evident in Rhythm Ekkamai Estate. Brand reputation: Choosing a reputable developer like AP Thai provides peace of mind and potentially increases the property's resale value in the future. Overall, AP Thai's involvement in Rhythm Ekkamai Estate adds another layer of trust and assurance to the project. Their extensive experience, financial stability, and focus on quality are significant factors to consider when evaluating the development.
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1. Prime Location in Bustling Ekkamai: Immerse yourself in a vibrant neighborhood brimming with trendy cafes, international restaurants, and chic boutiques. Explore bustling Thonglor, all within walking distance. 2. Effortless Connectivity: The Ekkamai BTS station sits right at your doorstep, granting seamless access to Bangkok's extensive public transportation network. Explore the city and beyond with ease. 3. Luxurious Condominiums: Spacious and elegantly designed units cater to your lifestyle. From cozy one-bedrooms to expansive penthouses, each residence exudes sophistication and comfort. 4. Unparalleled Amenities: Dive into the infinity pool overlooking the cityscape, unwind in the serene spa, or energize at the state-of-the-art fitness center. A plethora of leisure and lifestyle amenities cater to your every need. 5. "Floating Lobby" Oasis: Escape the ordinary at the unique "Floating Lobby" perched on the 7th floor. This social and quiet zone offers stunning views and a haven for relaxation or socializing. 6. Lush Green Retreat: Immerse yourself in the tranquility of the landscaped gardens. Soak up the sun by the pool, unwind in a shaded alcove, or let the kids play in the dedicated areas. 7. Impeccable Developer: Renowned developer AP Thai, known for their focus on quality, design, and innovation, stands behind Rhythm Ekkamai Estate. This ensures a project built with meticulous attention to detail and lasting value. 8. Sustainable Living: Eco-conscious features like rainwater harvesting and energy-efficient systems minimize environmental impact, promoting responsible living. 9. Investment Potential: Rhythm Ekkamai Estate's prime location, high-quality build, and sought-after amenities translate to strong potential for capital appreciation, making it a worthwhile investment. 10. A Sense of Community: Foster connections with like-minded neighbors in the communal spaces. The residence fosters a welcoming atmosphere where you can build lasting friendships. Nestled in the heart of Bangkok's trendy Ekkamai neighborhood, Rhythm Ekkamai Estate offers the perfect blend of vibrant city life and tranquil green spaces. Step outside and you're immediately immersed in a scene of trendy cafes, chic boutiques, and bustling nightlife, particularly in the nearby Thonglor district. Yet, venture off the main road and the project itself sits on a quiet side street, a peaceful haven from the city's energy. Benjasiri Park and Phumiphon Adulyadet Park add further green escapes, providing pockets of serenity right at your doorstep.
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Convenience reigns supreme here. The Ekkamai BTS station sits right beside the development, granting instant access to the city's public transportation network. Nearby shopping malls, a future MRT station, and major arterial roads further enhance your connection to all Bangkok has to offer. Families will appreciate the proximity of international schools and hospitals, while everyone will enjoy the ease of grabbing groceries at nearby supermarkets. Rhythm Ekkamai Estate truly delivers the best of both worlds, placing you in the heart of the action while ensuring you can always find your own slice of peace and quiet.
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Thonglor, in Bangkok’s middle Sukhumvit, is home to Thai celebrities, VIPs, Japanese businessmen, and sophisticated expats. The locals call Thonglor “Hi-So”, as in “High Society”.  Dotted with upmarket restaurants serving high-quality Thai and international cuisines, hipster cafes, special speakeasy and hidden cocktail bars, dance clubs, trendy community malls, fashion boutiques, luxurious spas, and luxury residences, Thonglor is widely dubbed the “hippest district” in all of Asia.  When local residents talk about the Ekkamai neighbourhood, usually its being referred to the commercial activity and residential condos located along Sukhumvit 63. Sukhumvit 63 runs parallel to Thong Lo (Sukhumvit 55) and is connected via Thong Lo Soi 10/ Ekkamai Soi 5. This proximity has led to the commercial activity from bustling Thong Lo to spillover into Ekkamai. As a result the area has developed a vibrant range of leisure options that appeal to a young working professional crowd. Ekkamai is where mom-and-pop-style shop-houses meet a new wave of chic eateries. It is home to some of Bangkok’s most charismatic pubs, with plenty of upscale bars, cafes and restaurants serving Bangkok’s hip youth culture. A cool Japanese concept mall, Gateway Ekkamai is located right next to the BTS. The relaxed and trendy living experience offered by the neighbourhood has inevitably driven demand for residential units upwards. This popularity is the result of convenient travel options, great leisure venues and a central geographical location.
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- 1.2km to BTS Ekkamai (15mins walk) - 1.1km to Tops Market Thong Lo (13mins walk) - 1km to The Commons (12mins walk) - 900m to J Avenue (11mins walk) - 900m to Ekkamai International School (4mins drive) - 800m to Eight Thong Lo (10mins walk) - 130m to Donki Mall Thong Lo - 300m to Big C Supercenter
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1st Floor: Lobby Area, Shop, Mail Room, Restroom, Juristic Office, Control Room, Generator Room, MDB Room, Parking Area 2nd – 6th Floor: Parking Area, Multi-storey Social and Quiet Zone 7th Floor: Lobby Area, Tea Pavillion, Flexible Feature Lobby, Theatre Pavillion, Garden, Sunken Seats, Residential Units 8th – 30th Floor: Residential Units 31st – 32nd Floor: 3600 Infinity Length Swimming Pool, Pocket Deck, Sky Lounge, Sky Fitness, Sky Wellness Spa Rooftop: Garden Floor Plan: Having difficulties getting floor plan from agent without registration? No worry you can get a copy HERE without leaving your contact with us. We are transparent in giving out information and ready to assist you whenever you need us!
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Unit Mixes:
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Unit Provision: Fully-fitted with Aircon, Built-in Kitchen Cabinets, Sanitary Fittings, Cooker Hood and Hob.
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