#which is rlly lovely and makes me feel so much better about myself….. UNLESS he’s flirting
hella1975 · 2 years
putting the game in dnd 😮‍💨
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rweoutofthewoods · 3 months
just saw the ask about someone discussing ur characterisation of James in young blood and how they thought he wasn’t a ‘baddie’ and that he was ‘not cool’ (btw this isn’t like hate to the person who asked this or anything incase u reply to this publicly and they see this, ik they said they don’t mean it as hate, I’m just saying what I was thinking cause I think the difference is interesting I guess🫣 so all love!!! ANYWAYS.)
I just thought it was interesting cause I did not get that vibe at all from James in the story. What I got from it was that James was actually cool in juvie, in a lowkey probably a little shit, who is funny and annoyingly endearing kinda way. I also thought he was a ‘badass’ in his own kinda way. But I don’t rlly think ‘badass’ is the best way to describe him in this fic tho, i think it’s more he is very capable and able at holding his own but he’s not like some intimidating, cool and mysterious typical badass (I’ve written this word too many times I hate it now😔) like what I feel Regulus is more like. And I also did get the impression he was a ‘bad kid’ but in a more ‘ I was a good kid and I’m a good kid in my core but something shit happened to me so now I’m acting out and doing bad things cause I don’t know how to properly deal with what’s happened to me , people expect it of me and this is my coping mechanism plus the whole getting myself hurt makes me feel better in a way kinda way (that doesn’t make sense I don’t think BUT WE MOVE) and he doesn’t come across as supposed to have been some teen who was out here doing all this mega bad boy (ew I don’t like that phrase but I’m using it anyways) crimes, but more like enough to get u in juvie ones and be significantly concerning. I could ramble more cause that fat ass paragraph doesn’t even fully express what I got from the way u wrote James. But just overall I think it’s interesting how ppl can get different things out of the same piece of writing. Also sorry if what I interpreted it as, is not what you were looking for, it probs did come across the way u wanted I’m just shit at explaining well and concisely lol.
ALSO (sorry if u hate me for this 10k essay oopsies) the thing about u worrying that James seems OOC but saying he’s not, ur just portraying the effects of childhood. I PERSONALLY DID NOT READ IT AND THINK HE WAS OOC, PLEASE DO NOT STRESS ABOUT IT UR WRITING IS FABULOUS AND IM VERY MUCH GETTING WHAT UR PUTTING ACROSS. Like u can tell by the way James acts with his friends and his internal monologue that he would be what some people more typically see James as, but it’s his trauma which is preventing him from properly being so. Like it’s just this road block. AND EVEN IF HE DOES GET OOC ITS REALISTIC WHO CARES, ILL FIGHT ANYONE WHO DOES, ITS UR FIC(unless you care then I apologise queen) but it’s so realistic like I went through a rlly shitty thing in my early teenage years and personally I think I’m a completely different person cause of it, and it’s interesting to read the way James changes because of what happens to him. Personally, I rlly like the way u write James (omd especially in EOITV I just want to gush over that fic for a second, it’s chefs kiss I love it so much, thank you for creating it, your mind is a wonderful place) I like how he can be a bit more messy, it’s interesting (also that reminds me another reason why I don’t think he’s spineless in young blood, cause he had a go at Regulus when they were fighting and I was like YEAH I KNOW U CAN SAY UNFAIR THINGS BUT ALSO STANDING UP FOR URSELF AND ACTING OUT AND NOT BEING PERFECT YAY, cause sometimes I do see James written in situations like that where he just takes it (nothing wrong with that I just personally prefer where he can gives just as good as he gets sometimes!:)))).
I need to stfu this is way to long, I’m actually embarrassed and scared u think I’m like some obsessed weirdo, I’m not I promise, it’s just 2:30 am and the most common feedback I get on school essays is ‘stop the waffle’. So long ass pieces of writing tend to be a bit too familiar with me 😔
okay last bit I promise, but THE AMOUNT OF NEW FICS U HAVE AND THE RATE U BANG THEM OUT?!?!, whenever I come to your blog and see a post about a new fic, I’m like wow your insane but in the best way possible cause how is this possible?! How are you able to do this?! This is so impressive ?!😭 Cause ur fics r to such a good writing standard and each one is so unique and different to each other, I run around my room in excitement each time u post a new chapter.
I could go on but I won’t because the fear of appearing a tinsy bit insane is real and idk if this is overwhelming, but yeha sorry, my waffling tendencies can be my downfall 😭
but uhhhhh Yeha overall, your writing and ability to write is very impressive, bye 😗😁
Hello!! I can’t answer you privately bc ur anon so I’ll start by saying: that ask? No lingering thoughts or feelings about it whatsoever and this reply is not even going to be about that, just what you’ve said. I can’t imagine how much time it took you to write all that because it takes me FOREVER to write replies to asks, so I appreciate your time and ofc have to write you a response because I’m honored <33
Just on the subject on Youngblood James. You put it perfectly and I think I said this in my end notes vaguely—childhood trauma changes EVERYTHING. Exactly as you said, I myself had a pretty shitty childhood and I think I’d be an entirely different person if I’d grown up differently. I got BPD out of it (😭) and Youngblood James got some pretty fucked up mental health and coping skills. And it was my hope that seeing James thru Reg’s POV and seeing his relationship with his friends etc. that you’d be able to see there’s still some of that James Potter we know and love, BUT part of James’ canon character (or fanon idk) is that he grew up comfortably, privileged, with two loving parents, getting whatever he wanted. We see it in canon with how cocky and in need of some humbling he was, and Youngblood James got way more than humbled, his life got blown to bits and while he was very, very, young. Before he even would have been Hogwarts age in canon. SO, I don’t think he’s OOC at all, I think he’s exactly who he’d be if those things happened to him. And I put a lot of thought into his character and his actions. So me fearing him seeming OOC is really just that I can put things out into the world but I never have any idea how it will be taken or if my intentions will be realized.
I didn’t intend for him to be badass at all because like… James’ crimes were all really in efforts to self-destruct. Him fighting people he did because he wanted to be hurt. Stealing a car? Well… we know by now how that ended. I also will note I didn’t intend reg to be badass either (tho maybe his character naturally is a little bit) because Youngblood isn’t about that, or how cool it is to commit crimes. it’s about how fucked up the system is, how childhood trauma lingers, how we need to do more to support and help kids in need instead of writing them off. So many kids act out or get in trouble because of much deeper reasons than them just wanting to cause trouble. And I say this as someone who was a kid who acted out, and who also recently as a more straight and narrow adult now, had their car fucking vandalized and literally SHOT AT by a bunch of kids. But I can look at those kids in real life, in my town, and I know the families they come from, I know there’s things going on behind closed doors. And yeah, was I pissed? Ofc, actually I was pretty devastated. I worked 7 days a week to buy that car and it was my first. there being reasons doesn’t make their actions okay, but I can also see that here in real life, children are being failed when they’ve barely had a chance at life yet. And Youngblood is really my attempt to humanize these issues and draw light to how we may be failing children. ANYWAY there was my long winded rant. I lost the plot a bit tbh but I could go on about Youngblood 😭
So in short, James in my opinion is not OOC, and ur right he is not weak either, because trauma and mental health issues doesn’t equate to weak. I think you exactly hit the nail on the head and it’s always appreciated when I feel like someone really gets my characters. My James is my James, and he’ll always be so special to me, every single version, because no matter what universe I throw him in, I always know exactly who he is and what makes him that way.
This is so long, I don’t really expect anyone to read this but you (hopefully), but this is just for you anyway <33 I appreciate all your kind words and interesting thoughts and I love how you said it’s interesting that ppl can read the same thing and get something different out of it. Because the amount of times I’ve written something and realized ppl got something entirely different than I’d expect honestly shocks me. And sometimes it’s sad if ppl miss my point, but mostly I think it’s beautiful that we can all interpret things differently.
Hope you have the best week and life is treating you warmly xx
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I was talking to my psych teacher about biases in experiments and the importance of planning procedures around them when I started telling them about what I'd noticed in journalism and stuff and I finally put words to the thoughts I'd been having:
Biases are inherent to people, like people will be biased it's not something we can change, people can make efforts to be objective but I feel that some amount of bias will always seep through, which is fine! But what I find really really annoying is when people claim to be unbiased and then VERY CLEARLY have biases, which again is pretty common if not annoying, but the thing that pisses me off is when these people expect their audiences to believe that their very biased opinions are fact instead of what they actually are
Like I know its a lot to expect from people nowadays to be able to critically process things without letting their personal feelings cloud any information but it's still irritating
Like I myself am biased towards things but I don't pretend my opinions are anything but opinions unless there's factual data to prove my point
I really appreciate your blog because even when your analysis is pretty fucking filled with actual solid data to back you up your still pretty clear that you have preferences, and that's something I rlly respect
I used to have problems bc I used to take everything too seriously and if I saw even one negative thing someone said I'd start spiralling and internalising shit, like the f1 fandom doom posting would have honest to god actually affected my mental health, but I worked and am still working on it and I regret getting into sports a little but I've loved it soo much for so long I'm like ill just cope fuck it
Blogs like yours and brakeboosted and umm ackshually on twt are super lovely and I really appreciate all you guys so much
Anyways sorry for ranting I just have a lot of feelings about this stuff
Hi, yes I completely agree. One of the reasons for the name of this blog is to hold myself accountable for bias, and also to advertise to anyone who comes upon it exactly where my bias lands. My frustration with the clear bias under the guise of objective reporting in F1 is one of the reasons for this blog to begin with. Got very tired of the way Ferrari and Charles were being reported on. But also just to have a source where is bias is clear and people can choose to take it or leave it. If that makes sense.
I can't get rid of bias, it's a sport we all have favorites. What I can do is try to be aware of it as much as possible and be open about that fact. I do go to a lot of trouble to make sure I am being fair, I always look at what the other perspective is, what the other driver and their fans are saying, how they are interpreting things(naturally through their own bias as well)
I like the facts and data because I can't really lie. Especially with the raw data. I can't make Charles look faster if he wasn't faster etc. It helps ground my own opinions as well to see if what I think I saw is actually reflected in data.
Biases are normal to have, and I think it's important and healthy to reflect on them, try to be aware of the ones we have and take it into account when presenting information and sharing perspectives and opinions. I am naturally always going to be inclined to give Charles the benefit of the doubt. I try to see if that is warranted and see what the other side is saying and if they have a point.
And this issue goes beyond F1. Journalists for other areas often have clear bias but try to present themselves as neutral. It's frustrating and isn't helpful. I'm just doing what I want journalists to do, just come out and admit your bias and we can go from there. It's healthier and more informative that way. It's not possible to have a fully objective opinion with no preferences one way or another. So to combat that I try to make my stance clear. Sometimes I think I could do better, so it's an area I am always working on.
Thank you anon, this is a good topic to bring up and a good thing for people to think about when reading reports and the like.
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diffuserlover · 1 year
🌸 Hiii I’m new here on tumblr so I don’t know how these kind of things work, but I wanted to request ships with the groups Txt,stray kids and enhypen. Oh and also please make the Description private if that’s possible. Also could u add a little description with it if that’s okay.🌸
I'm very shy around people I don't know, but once I'm really comfortable with someone I'm very outgoing and talkative. I think I have a pretty calm personality but my mind is more energetic as I can't really express how I'm feeling even when I'm really happy. When I meet new people I always do a vibe check with them, although I don't consciously do it. I’m not really interested in people that give me bad vibes and I avoid them most of the time. However, I trust the people who give me good vibes right away. I’m the happiest when I get to have some time to myself, but I love going outside with people that I love. Im constantly trying to understand myself better. I think people see me as a reserved and cold person, I think it's because of my calm face and “don't approach me”-attitude. But I'm really generous to the people who are close to me. Im a person that needs Harmony in her life, which means I’m the loudest around quiet people and the quietest around loud people. I used to be very close to a lot of people, but now I'm quite a loner. I have some friends but I'm not really close to them, we're just good friends. Im a optimist and my goal in life is just to be happy and be the best version of myself.
I'm also good with technology and numbers, but I don't do it on purpose, I just do it and somehow it's right. I love music and everything that goes with it because I truly believe that music makes me a happier person and I can't go without it for very long. I prefer upbeat songs to slower ones, unless the lyrics are meaningful. I also love to dance, but only when I'm alone. In general, I would say that I prefer to listen to music alone, simply because I'm not that comfortable with other people. I also love backing especially cakes, even tho I’m rlly messy it somehow turns out to be good. I also like cooking but I don’t like cooking for others because, again, I cook messily and majority of them always complain about the shapes of the food tbh 😭. I also like to work out but like only if it’s in the morning because I don’t rlly have enough time for them afterwards. But like I’m not a sport freak or smth I only really do it for my health and to be fit not because I rlly enjoy it itself. I also like playing games it doesn’t rlly matter if alone or with friends, like you can always count on me that I’m gonna play with you. Also once I’m starting a game I ain’t stopping until somebody doesn’t want to play anymore.
I have a hamster, her name is Megan, she is so fluffy and and cute. My favorite part of the day is probably when I’m doing my night routine especially my skin care routine, because I don’t have time everyday to do it but every time I do I just feel so pretty. I love to wear anything that makes me comfortable but at the same time pretty. Generally you could say that I like every color but my favorites are pink,green,yellow,white,bluish mint. I also love doing makeup, but I don’t wear makeup everyday I only do on special occasions or when I’m going out. I am now at a makeup school and am trying to become a makeup artist in the future.
I don’t like the following things : loud voices/screaming, rudeness, bad manners, wasps, not being honest, making fun of others to look better, being mean for fun,
Thank you so much in advance and I hope ur having a wonderful day.🌸
I’m so sorry if that was too much of information :(
Hi!! So sorry this took so long I hope you like your ships! Thank you so so much for being so patient!!! <3
I ship you with…
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I ship you with Taehyun
I feel like you and Taehyun are similar yet so different but in all the good ways
Genius couple
You guys work out together in the morning before he goes to work
I see you guys doing that tik tok challenge where your boyfriend lifts what you lift(I hope you know what I mean)
Taehyun is a quiet extrovert while your a loud introvert I think that’s so cute
He loves your cooking to death but can’t help but laugh when the cake you made is tilted he loves it
He seems like the type to want to cook you dinner whenever he can but also wants to do it together
He would adore your hamster but he still wants a snake💀
Imagine doing little spa nights with face masks and those big headbands
You guys do your skincare routine together whenever you can
He would always let you practice doing makeup on him
Overall I just think you guys compliment each other:)
Stray Kids:
I ship you with…
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I feel like you would calm him down
He’s kinda dramatic a lot of the time and you would be be the calm sensible one
He was drawn in by your intimidating looks but was too scared to talk to you
You two baking would be so funny and such a mess, imagine flour and batter everywhere
He jokes around and acts scared and disgusted to eat the weirdly shaped food you make but he always loves it
He would cuddle with your hamster more than you💀
Hyunjin always makes sure you do your skin care routine with him
He’s definitely bought matching outfits for the two of you!
He is a hopeless romantic and loves going for a cute nature walk with you hand in hand
He adores your optimism and it helps him a lot on stage
He loves when you do his makeup
Overall, I think you guys are an unexpected pair but work so well<3
I ship you with…
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You guys are the couple that scares people when you walk down the street
You both are the definition of cold on the outside soft on the inside
Sunghoon is your baby hardcore
He doesn’t really know how to cook and kinda follows your lead like a puppy
He looks up to you when it comes to your optimism
He calls you before any big performance for a little pep talk cause you help calm him down
Surprisingly you guys are loud as hell
I can see karaoke every Friday night at your house and it being a complete mess ahaha
You guys have matching pjs it was his idea and they are mint
He prefers his dog over your hamster but will still love it
Another face masks and skincare routine with you
If your tired he will literally do it for you
He loves watching you do your makeup
But also loves doing your makeup and messing it up cause he finds it funny
Hell make it up to you I promise
You guys are so freaking cute:)
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lexacoolfox · 3 years
(I was about to ask you if you can do Nagito with an S/O who’s like Leviathan from obey me but since you don’t know the game, I will just describe his personality for you.)
So basically S/O is an otaku who usually spends most of their time on the internet and doesn’t usually talk to people unless if they really have to. They usually rant about whatever anime or game they’re interested in to their closest friends and they tend to use internet slang even if they’re speaking to someone (ex: “Someone go grab the popcorn lolol”) Despite them revolving their reputation around being an otaku, they don’t think very highly of themselves and is very insecure. Since Leviathan represents Envy in the game, S/O is also easily jealous and often talks about how “unfair” or “lucky” others are. They also like to invite their closest friends to events in video games. They are also a mix of shy and energetic since they have a lack of social skills but they also gets angry when they get jealous or ecstatic when they see something rlly cool happening.
I feel like that sums it all up, I hope the request isn’t too hard.
Thank you for describing the personality in such good detail! I can definitely work with this!
Nagito with a S/O like Leviathan.
You were known as the ultimate otaku! You spent most of your time on the internet. Had very pricey anime merch and manga. Your room look liked an anime paradise. You also played video games.
When you got accepted into hopes peak you weren’t the most excited. You were homeschooled mostly, you hated going out in public and being ‘social’. You were pretty awkward in public.
You knew you didn’t have to go to the school. It wasn’t necessary to attend. But your parents practically forced you to go. They threatened to take away your privilege to buy anime merch and manga for 4 months if you didn’t go. You couldn’t live that long without being able to buy the things you like. So you reluctantly went to hopes peak.
You arrived the first day and you felt extreme social anxiety. You sat in a chair and noticed a girl with a game in her hand. You saw she was playing (insert random game.) you actually really like that game.
“You play (game name)?”
“Yes. I do, I like the story and design of this game.”
“I must agree the story and design are pretty great. I personally like to play games with a story like Kingdom of hearts it’s one of my personal favorites, the first one was good and I like the second one. I can’t wait for the third.”
“I really like that game too. It’s such a fun story and the mystery behind it is so much fun. What’s your name? I’m chiaki nanami the ultimate gamer.”
“Oh I’m f/n l/n the ultimate otaku.”
“So you like anime and manga I’m guessing.”
“Yeah I do. I also don’t do to well with social interactions, unless I’m online. I honestly didn’t want to come but my parents would cutoff my ability to buy merch and manga. So I really didn’t have a choice.”
“You don’t seem to be too bad at interactions. I mean your talking to me just fine.”
“Well that’s because we’re talking about something I’m really into. Normally I have nothing to say that isn’t consider to most people as nerdy or geeky. Sorry for uh wasting your time, I going back to my desk.”
You sat back in your desk and pulled out your phone talking to your internet friends. When somebody walked next to you. You noticed but that’s all.
You looked to see a boy with very white hair and a smile on his face.
“Uh hello…”
“I’m Nagito Komeada the ultimate lucky student! If I may can I know your name and ultimate?”
“Um I’m f/n l/n the ultimate otaku…”
“Oh wow! That’s mean you probably have a lot of anime merch and manga right?”
“Yes I do…Um…not to be rude…but is there something you need?”
“Oh no. I just wanted to know introduce myself even though you will probably forget trash like me.”
“Hehehehe well there’s something we have in common. I doubt you’ll remember a loser like me lol, Ugh it’s so unfair, I can’t believe I’m an ultimate for something so lame. There so many people with such better Ultimates.”
“What! If anybodies ultimate is lame it’s mine!”
“Yeah…totally… being super lucky is so much worse than a loser who just watches ‘cartoons’ and collects figures that super expensive all day.”
Before he can respond you pull out your headphones put them on and started listening to your favorite anime openings. You just wanted to go back home and play video games.
Throughout the day you overhead everyone’s amazing Ultimates, you couldn’t help but think you didn’t belong there. These people had all these amazing skills and what are you an otaku. After a while you walked out of the class and went to a hallway and looked out a window.
You looked over to see Nagito.
“Oh hey.”
“What aren’t you in class with everyone else?”
“Cause I don’t belong in that class.”
“But your an ultimate!”
“So what. My ultimate is so boring compared to the others. I just want to go home and play video games.”
“What kind of games do you play?”
“Oh I play games with a story and good graphics. But I also like games that don’t have a plot like, Minecraft. It extends my creativity. I’ll also watch a random anime while playing. Normally if I’m playing the anime I put on is death note. It’s one my favorites no cap.”
“No cap?”
“Sorry I tend to use internet slang even in real life conversation.”
For the next hour or two, you mentioned the type of games you play, anime you watch, and some merch/figures you have. Nagito was mentioning a game you played very often, you told him that a event of the game was coming up. You invited him to join you and he agreed.
When joined in one the event, you sounded so much more happy and very enthusiastic. He got to see a new side of you, the both you had a quite a bit of fun. He even learned a bunch of new internet slang. (Even thought he probably not going to use it.)
You guys were now really good friends. You two just got along very well. You two would play video games, watch anime, read manga together.
When you two played games with each other online. Sometimes he glad he can’t see your face. Cause you get jealous and angry when somebody beats you. In public if your jealous which makes you mad. You silent rant on the inside of your head. But online, it’s like a explosion of yells. Nagito tries his best to calm you down when you get like that, he’s learned not to say ‘it’s just a game.’ Cause that just makes it worse.
You kinda developed on a crush overtime. You realized you liked him when he gifted you a manga, that you couldn’t get cause you got in trouble with your parents.
You didn’t know how to tell him. There was no way you could do it in person.
You thought how something cute and something he might like. He really enjoyed the game Minecraft. So on Valentine’s Day you texted him to join you in a game. You spent about maybe a week making the little Valentine’s Day confession.
“I know it’s not the most romantic thing in the world. I was also to scared to tell you in person…I really like you Nagito.”
“Aww s/o…this is so thoughtful of you. I really love it! It so you! I would be delighted to be your valentine.”
“Really! Wow! I’m just so…!! How about we meet up at our favorite cafe?!”
“Yeah that’s sounds great!”
You two went on Valentine’s date. It was great. You guys went on more dates after that, and soon became each other’s significant other.
A few relationship headcanons
He is the only one allowed to touch any of your expensive manga’s or merchandise.
You get so easily jealous of other people when they flirt with Nagito.
You and Nagito have anime marathons. Like a movie night but anime.
He loves to see your excited face when new merch for you favorite animes or a new/sequel to one your games comes out.
You and Nagito get matching anime outfits
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Nagito also helps with your insecurities by showering you with compliments while also degrading himself. For example while you were saying how uninteresting you were. You told he could probably do better. he responded with ‘don’t say that, it’s amazes me that someone as worthless as me. Is given the privilege of calling someone as amazing as you my significant other!’
You also give him compliments and shower him with affection. You also do anime classics like a kabedon.
When you did do a kabedon he almost passed out by how flustered he got.
I really hope I got the character right! So komeada-simp37 if I got it wrong or wasn’t really what you were looking! Sorry! Anyway hope you have a nice day!
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
I did my homework and i did my chores, time to tackle on the third book of this series, Son of Ogre
Chapter 1
Okay but the fuck is Baki planning to do if he stops fighting? That's literally all he has, he's not smart
King just went to have a snack. Also FUCK does that meat look tasty FUCKKK
This baby so cute 🥺
I'm so glad Yuji is doing stupid hilarious shit again it had been a while
Congrats on Baki for that mantis
Chapter 2
Who tf is this kid?
Poor kid lmao, i assume he will meet Baki
Look at my boyyy
Imagine Baki actually kills this kid HSJDYSSHCBT
Third comment with a ton of likes is "we do not condone child violence. We do, however, find it hilarious"
Chapter 3
But i like Baki memeing a round a lil
Chapter 4
🥺🥺 that's so sweet...
Yujiro is such a fucking threat to society lmao
I love seeing Baki with his eyes open, he's looking more like his old self
Oh, shadow boxing incoming, alright
Chapter 5
Yuri? 🥺 /j
Chapter 6
I love how there's our silly little mains after every cover LUV em <33
Baki just dissociating his ass out and using it on his favor, the king
Why is Baki eating sour prunes aren't those meant to be sweet?
We all salivating
Chapter 7
Love to see there are even more swears there now
I can put my face next to my foot too tho
Also i would LOVE to see Yuji fight an Orca
I love how everyone in the comments is calling out Rumina for not seeing issue going down to a dark hidden basement with a shirtless man older than him
Chapter 8
"piggy back me" USHSYFLFUDSY
This fight is going to be good
Chapter 9
Imagine Baki dies right here right know against an imaginary mantis lmao
Okay Baki getting damaged makes sense but the WALL?
Ffs it's true Baki COULD create himself a stand 😰
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
This fight is so boring i had to take a 6 hour break
Baki just can't win against nature eh
This reminds me of Garland pulling a suplex on that Anaconda
Chapter 12
I can't wait for the main cast to ACTUALLY appear, instead of just, you know, them in the covers
This fight is slow but cool but slow
To fight a mantis you must think like a mantis 😎
Though it's true in this manga you will most likely win if you steal your opponent techniques so
Chapter 13
This is so dumb i luv it
That mantis be swearing lmao
Love it when Baki goes full Yujiro
Chapter 14
Holy fuck do mantis fly?
Secret Chapter?
Is this how Yujiro got born?
Idk girl i would have killed him if i was you
I might just be sleepy but this is so confusing
Chapter 15
Why is he like this?
Is "he" with us right now?
...gotta admit that IS true...
I love Strydum sksgwhwg
Yujiro really went XD
I don't think my man Arun in the comments is aware how gay what he said is, though maybe I'm wrong
Chapter 16
I can't believe Bush is dead
8 of January? My god he's a Capricorn
I'm sorry, what?
This explains why Baki was in prison clothes in the anime teaser
Chapter 17
That one mf like 😐
Glad Baki is 18 now at least 😌
Love to see Oliva back
Chapter 18
This page not even bothering to charge the pages anymore
I'm sure there were better ways to go to jail, well, actually, no, but still
Toba used to just chew that off
Baki did that mantis hit you in the head too hard?
I. I watched way too many prison movies and shows. I don't like seeing someone as young and pretty as Baki in such a place. I rlly don't.
Chapter 19
Yanagi baby i miss you...
Mfkhsjsys 😳🥴
Eh got my hopes too high
I hope he swears too i want to see a boludo o pelotudo PLEASE
I mean para pelotudos lo veo a Yujiro todo el tiempo pero igual JSGWKEGWG me pone bien argento ver al Che carajo
Chapter 20
I can't take this omfg new fav I'm sorry Doppo but he just said boludo 😭
Pendejo is more used as pibe here but i will let it pass bc idk the lingo in Cuba and he spent some time there so
Why don't i speak like this too ffs? All i do is say eh and call it a day
He's cocky enough to call anybody any age pibe so I'll let that pass too
Por favor no lo hagas che sksgwj
Chapter 21
Che, pibe, it's a good day to die...
Chapter 22
GSHAGSTSG he should have said "no boludo"
I'm falling in love with this boludo myself
That's talented and brutal
Chapter 23
Hm that's, cringe
Honestly i too get pissed off when called American or European, though i won't throw shit to Baki, he's some random 18 yo japanese boy, no way he would recognize latinoamerican lingo lmao
King shit Baki boy
Chapter 24
Oh that's why he's called Jun Guevara, that's fair
I like how they are mixing a bit of truth and a bit of lie it's fun at least
Chapter 25
I like how they are drawing nipples now, occasionally
I can't wait for Viêt to complain about propaganda in the comments
😳 :Y
He's sooo nice 😍
Chapter 26
Only three? You mean the third is... 👁️👁️
I can't believe he works for the USA I'm crying and shaking rn
What a progressive manga, the three strongest and most dangerous men and none of them are white 😍
Chapter 27
Why is this guy sweating sm?
I like how the only time Baki was willing to kill a person was when he thought Sikorsky had hurt his girl
Chapter 28
I feel like Ian will die
Man i love how Baki is drawn in this book
Ffs i called it, i have watched way too many prison things to know how shit goes down
I have seen these three before in fanart but I'm curious to see what they can do
Chapter 29
Their faces remind me of Doyle
I'm gonna struggle to tell em apart but i think I'll manage
Okay I'm not the only one who thinks they look like Doyle, fair
Chapter 30
The mouth vs Yujiro when?
Someone mentioned the have the same vibe as the dudes that worked with Gaia and like 👁️👁️
Chapter 31
Lmao someone in the comments recommended the same thing
These three must be great at sex (sorry)
KSHALDHDKD NEW FAV COMMENT: "go to Japan and look for the word "defeat". That way you won't feel cocky anymore"
Chapter 32
Hehe hello Junnn~
La luna
Chapter 33
Okay that's funny, hocico instead of mouth (hocico is used for animal mouths)
I'm so glad i know Spanish
The two things that drive me insane and make me ramble are Doppo's beauty and this stupid argentinian
Chapter 34
Imagine he's doing that illusion thing Dorian did
With his own blood, that's so cool...
I did that once when i had a terrible nose bleed, didn't go well
Chapter 35
This book is fucking boring NGL
"now that you got no more urine left in you"
Chapter 36
HHH he kinda cute...
Oww :(
God piantao is an old word i had never heard it before
AND he took a piss.
Se me cayó un ídolo y yo que le quería dar 😔
Let's see if he lied to Baki about just liking eh /j
Chapter 37
I luv Oliva lol
I too wonder where the fuck Kozue is
Chapter 38
He is jealous of what you two have, it's normal, el Che just rejected his love after all ;/
Oliva is a king
Oh shit Oliva is like 45?! He looked so young
Te fuiste a la mierda, Che, el chabón estaba siendo re bueno con vos
Baki is just dead
Chapter 39
I love how realistic Che's fear is, he's rather smart, though not this time
I didn't realize Che said "what more, it may be a woman!" but to be fair they ARE in jail so
Chapter 40
I'm feeling kinda bad for him ngl
I feel happy for him tho 🥺
Bruh they added one page after the ending of some naked anime girl tf 😐
Chapter 41
These prisoners having fun is kinda sweet
Bitches be complaining about Maria's looks are just jealous 🥰
Chapter 42
Damn she lorge
He loves fighting naked eh
Only valid person is the one saying Oliva deserves better treatment which tbh true
Chapter 43
Fun fact i wear my jacket like El Che too, unless it's too cold
El che with the hair lose is so cute bro,,,
Something something fingering joke
Sikorski could fold a coin too
I bet the bandana will break
Chapter 44
I would have just fallen on top of him, how is he gonna counter that, eh?
Oh that super fun to know!
Oh the good ol dirty technique, i have seen this one before!
Chapter 45
This fight is super cool tho i love these two characters
Chapter 46
They just keep changing the rules i think Itagaki is just flexing at this point
Baki wants his protagonism back
I'm getting pissed off they keep putting semi naked underaged girls at the end of every chapter 😐
Chapter 47
Bruh just realized, the mouth got so hyped as this new cool villain and they died in their first appearance 😭
His damn bandana...
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crossdressingdeath · 4 years
I know you'll probably disagree with me, but i rlly hate the Cloud recessess ending. It's just....
Those elders killed wwx. The Lans were 100% ready to murder both at Qiongqi path but also at the siege. They see him as the guy who corrupted their precious jade. They all preach righteousness, but the whole madam Lan thing is iffy at best and i do not believe that everyone there fully believes the rules. Hell, i have a special bone to pick with the " do not gossip" rule, seeing as gossip had been the main info route for women in patriarchal societies.
I just don't think that after wwx killed Lans in the siege they'd be all that willing to forgive him and take him in w open arms. The juniors and kids love him, yes, but people who saw the war....
Not to mention the whole " do not speak to WWX " rule. I've seen ppl say it's a joke but it's On The Wall. It's supposed to be followed. Even if it was intended as a joke - which i don't believe - it's very cruel for someone w rejection and trust issues.
I also hate it from a very personal perspective. I see Wwx as ND, and, as an ND myself, all those rules terrify me. From the no running and the proper posture ones, i can pretty well imagine they forbid stimming. The Lan curfew would fuck anyone with insomnia and there's smth deeply ucked up abt the " do not grieve in excess". I get that they're supossed to be a paragon of the best things at all time, and that LJY is very UnLan like, but for someone w anxiety who CAN'T follow those rules, it would be a nightmare.
...Some points:
First, the Lan elders did not kill WWX, nor did they attack him unfairly. They weren’t looking at him as the man who corrupted LWJ, either, or at least that wasn’t their primary concern (I will never forgive CQL for suggesting they were or it was); they were looking at him as a traitor to the sects who was raising an army to destroy them. Remember, that is the information the Lans had. Every source they had except for LWJ (who the people he would have gone to would have known was biased and who presumably everyone knew had recently been in close contact with WWX where he could have been manipulated or enchanted in some way), sources which included multiple sect leaders (one of whom was WWX’s brother) and LXC’s dear friend, swore up and down that WWX was a major threat, and let’s face it, WWX didn’t do much to dissuade people from thinking that! Acting like the Lans were maliciously targeting WWX is doing them something of a disservice, I’d say. They acted based on the knowledge they had available; note how the Lans are the first to offer WWX their help once they’re given reason to believe he may not be a villain! And even aside from that, saying they killed WWX (and not JGS and JGY’s manipulation or JC’s army) feels a bit like scapegoating, honestly. Of the four sects, the Lans are quite possibly the least responsible for WWX’s death. If it would hurt him to live with or around anyone who held any responsibility for his death his only option would be to live as a hermit, which would be far worse for him. And yeah, the Lans aren’t perfectly righteous all the time and some morally dubious things have been done by Lan sect members; they’re human, after all! Some of them will only be as moral as their sect leader demands they be! That doesn’t mean the sect as a whole is bad, especially with LXC, LQR and LWJ in charge. Certainly I’d say they’re still better than the other sects, all things considered. One ambiguous situation that may or may not have involved some members of the previous generation doing some fucked up shit doesn’t mean WWX would for sure be mistreated! 
As for gossip... there’s a difference between sharing information and gossiping. There’s no evidence that the Lan women are blocked from... y’know, freely communicating and sharing information between themselves. We have no reason to believe they are reliant on gossip. Also they presumably go out night hunting just like the men? Men and women are kept separate in the Cloud Recesses, but I get the sense that that’s more like... school stuff than anything else. The women aren’t exactly locked up, they can be cultivators! The society is still sexist, but that doesn’t mean they’re kept from going out and doing things. And I need to make this clear: there is a fair chance that the rule against gossip saved LWJ’s life, because it kept word of him defending WWX from the sects from spreading to people who would not be willing to let bygones be bygones. Gossip sucks! It hurts people! A lot of this story (and more to the point the suffering of the characters within the story) happens because of gossip! The Lans banning gossip is pretty clearly supposed to be a good thing, I’d say.
And yeah, maybe after WWX killed a bunch of their sect the Lans wouldn’t accept him with open arms as if nothing ever happened! And that’s fair! I can’t imagine where WWX could go where that wouldn’t be the case, unless he and LWJ chose to abandon the cultivation world forever. But you know what else the Lans won’t do? Try to execute him. Or from what we see in the extras even dwell on the past that much. No, the Lans aren’t going to immediately forgive WWX and bring him into the fold without a moment’s hesitation, but you know what? They accept his marriage to LWJ! They let him supervise the juniors on night hunts! They consider him part of their sect! Honestly, that is all WWX can really ask and far more than he’d get from any other sect. There are consequences for what WWX did, even though he wasn’t the villain or necessarily trying to hurt anyone, and frankly people not being entirely comfortable with his presence is very much reasonable.
The “do not speak to WWX” rule may not be a joke, but it’s also pretty clearly not a serious rule. No one takes it seriously. The juniors (the only people WWX really talks to anyway aside from LXC and LWJ) only pay it the minimum lip service of talking to him off the path. WWX himself sure as hell doesn’t care! He clearly finds it pretty damn funny. And I don’t think a guy who has never liked him once again proving he does not like him (in a way that is clearly temporary given how later LQR invites WWX to the Lan family banquet with... reasonable amounts of grace, thereby implicitly accepting him as LWJ’s husband and therefore his own family by marriage) counts as a rejection or a breach of WWX’s trust? Like, LQR has literally always hated WWX. He isn’t preventing WWX and LWJ from spending time together or shutting WWX out of the Cloud Recesses or even making a concentrated effort to keep people from talking to him; he’s venting his frustrations, but if he really intended to block WWX from taking part in life in the Cloud Recesses he would’ve done a hell of a lot more than just make a rule who no one WWX likes follows anyway. It’s a temper tantrum, that’s all, and clearly that’s what WWX takes it as. I mean, if nothing else you can’t ban people from talking to the sect heir’s spouse indefinitely. That’s just not sustainable.
As for the rules... banning people from running in the Cloud Recesses and demanding proper posture during lessons doesn’t suggest to me that they wouldn’t allow stimming? ‘No running’ at least is a common rule... most places. It’s distracting, and can be dangerous. And the rule about sitting properly doesn’t mean “Don’t move at all ever”; it means... well, “sit properly”. Don’t slouch or sprawl across the floor. I see no reason why that wouldn’t preclude means of stimming that wouldn’t be disruptive (and given this is in a classroom environment “not disruptive” is kind of important). I mean, those rules certainly don’t suggest that they’re any worse than other sects, and given this is the sect that has magic music for calming people’s minds if any sect would give allowances for neurodivergence it would be this one. Also I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a song to put people to sleep, or medication that can help; this is a world with magic, after all, and if there’s a song that can put spirits to rest there are probably songs for human medicine and care. And of course there’s an element of conflicting needs; maybe the rules would screw you over, but frankly firmly enforced rules keeping people from running around or sprawling out of their seats would’ve been a godsend for me in school, given how much trouble I had focusing with people making noise around me. At the end of the day, is it guaranteed that the Lans would make allowances for people with needs that conflict with the Lan rules? No. But I’d argue it’s more likely that they would than any other sect. This is ahistorical fantasy ancient China, too; you can only expect so much in the mental health department. Still, a sect that literally invented magic music for calming the mind actually seems like the best choice for people with anxiety and such. There’s a reason why there are multiple fics that essentially set the Lans up as mental health experts in the setting!
Basically, a lot of your arguments seem to be issues that WWX would have in any sect. Unless he wanted to give up on the support of a sect altogether, they’re all things that he would have to work through or come to terms with. And of course... the most important point is that WWX is happy in the Lan sect. The extras make that clear. He has a home, duties that he enjoys performing, the love of his family and the support of his sect. He’s happy. I just... I do not understand why people keep feeling the need to try to make it angsty when the novel makes it clear that he genuinely enjoys his life in Gusu, and more than that that if he ever decided he didn’t enjoy it he could leave at any time. You have to remember that: if WWX wanted to leave... he would. He and LWJ would just go, and only come back occasionally so that LWJ could visit his home. Hell, LWJ would insist on leaving for WWX’s sake. So like... the Lan sect wouldn’t suit everyone, but WWX is quite content there and doesn’t want to leave. He’s happy and free to come and go as he wishes; there really isn’t anything to be concerned about there.
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thedaddie · 3 years
Hey, I'd like to request a matchup :)
For starters, I am a 5'7 female, go by she/her and have a preference for guys. I have short brown wavy hair with bangs that's usually always messy and brown eyes. i wear glasses but keep them off at home most of the time. I would describe my body type as.. big boned? and skinny. I have a small appetite (kenma kinnie koment lol) and i'm a picky eater so I'm always anxious about eating at other people's houses bc I don't want to offend them. I'm almost underweight and my bones are pretty noticeable so i wear baggy clothes a lot. My favorite hobbies are gaming, watching anime, and spending time on social media like tik tok (anime side lol) instagram and tumblr, though I hardly post anything. I'd rather stay invisible both on the internet and real life, i hardly comment anything either, and i usually ask anonymously except for rn bc there's no option for that heh... but yeah. My primary love language is physical touch but it takes me a while to get comfortable. I'm an INFP 4w5, and a Libra.. a very introverted Libra lol. When it comes to my personality, I tend to be comedic with the people im comfortable with, but exceptionally quiet when im anywhere else but a comfortable space with a close friend. I would say I'm very loyal, trustworthy, and supportive of the people I care about. I have anxious thoughts almost all the time, even when nothing's happening, but i'm fairly good at hiding it. I daydream a lot and have a habit of spacing out randomly without meaning to, and my clise family knows this very well. It gets to the point where when I'm with a group of friends (or more like acquaintances bc i just so happened to be there bc of my one friend) where i just space out and once im back to reality, everyone's laughing and I have no idea what I missed lol. When im in a big group, like at family parties or smth, people don't rlly talk to me, so I usually go by the event without being noticed which is great. Unless when I try saying something I'm ignored. I feel better with a group who would listen to me when I do talk and includes me in the conversation even though I'm not always there mentally. Over text I am more expressive with my sense of humor and emotions. I would rather get to know someone before calling him my boyfriend. If i'm interested I will take a lot of time to get to know someone, and I would appreciate if they did the same, otherwise I would see the relationship as too shallow and distance myself. I dislike fake people and callousness. I don't usually hate people but things like that really throw me off. I don't mind if my match is an extrovert or introvert. Sorry if that was too much heh.. thank you in advance ^^
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hi!! thanks for requesting!! i match you with…
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so this relationship started with you having a crush on him!!
you just really admired him and his abilities!! you attended every game (EVEN THO HE WAS BENCHED MOST OF THE TIME LOL IM SORRY)
plus yknow he’s super cute so that didn’t hurt at all
however, being the introvert you are, it took you forever to build to courage to tell him as you were much more content to admire him from afar
you tried to get to know him as much as you could before even considering confessing
but one day you just said fuck it and went up to him
and you start out with a “hey tadashi ◕ ◡ ◕” BUT HE CUTS U OFF
the poor boy thought u were trying to confess to tsukki 😫
you’re immediately like “no????? i’m here to talk to you???”
he’s legit shocked 😟
and you manage to make it through the confession and tadashi is still like dumbfounded
error 404 yamaguchi not found 😶
he accepts your invitation for a date AND THE REST IS HISTORY
he never really liked video games until you came around!! now you’ve got him into playing all kinds of shit
there are times where y’all will be literally in the same room and send each other tik toks like babe… sit up hes right mf there
when you space out in the classes you share, he always gives you a copy of his notes to make sure you don’t miss anything 🥲
you’d think that being with another introvert would only keep him quiet but no! yams likes getting your attention for doing good things (especially in volleyball) because he likes making you proud 🥰
he used to like being invisible, but being seen by you? incomparable to anything else
he knew just from the few initial dates y’all had that you hated callousness, so he was terrified to introduce you to tsukki
but tsukki knows how much you mean to him so he refrained from being rude to you (they’re bffs he would do anything for yams 😭)
he also introduced you to the rest of karasuno! and they adore you!! they’re definitely the group who will always include you in everything 😍
your love language is physical touch? he’s always down for a good cuddle
his love language is quality time! as long as he’s with you he’ll always be happy!!
so now onto your zodiacs!! a libra and a scorpio!
you both value consistency and commitment
but the only way for your relationship to succeed is for you both to build on yourselves individually
creating a strong sense of self will keep your from getting sucked into the negative emotions that come with relationships :)
and your personality types! INFP and INFJ!
you guys are both introverts and naturally kind, caring nurtures who feel quite passionately
so you guys would work for many reasons
for example, you both are drawn to the same type of people (thoughtful and artistic types) and really desire that long, committed relationship
like every relationship, there can be bumps in the road
you both dislike conflict, which can leave issues in the relationship unaddressed
and since you are both so connected to your values, it can be difficult if you disagree with each other
but all in all you guys really work together!! and i bet your texts to each other are mf crazy ANYWAY
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here you are, yet again sitting silently in the middle of yet another school event.
you don’t even know how you ended up here. one minute you were content in your classroom the next you were in a crowded gym packed so tight you could hardly breathe. curse your daydreaming brain.
people around you are talking so loud, making your brain feel like static. some of them keep bumping into you or standing on your shoes but you don’t have the heart to bring it up. you’re kind of just… stuck.
something taps your shoulder. initially you don’t respond as you assume its just another asshole who isn’t aware of the people around them.
“hey,” a voice whispers in your ear. “cmon.”
“tadashi?” you manage to ask.
your boyfriend doesn’t respond, just takes your hand as you weave through the crowd, which is surprisingly easy. you look up and see tsukki, who towers over most of the people surrounding you.
when you finally get outside, you allow yourself to take a deep breath.
“thanks, tsukki.” yamaguchi says, glancing at his friend.
“whatever. just come to the volleyball gym when you’re done.” he deadpans and swiftly walks off, leaving you alone with yamaguchi.
“i don’t know how i got there,” you admit sheepishly.
“it’s a school wide social thing, doesn’t matter. we were heading to practice when we- i mean, tsukki spotted you in the crowd.”
“thanks for finding me.” you smile and kiss his cheek, watching as blush immediately creeps onto his freckled face.
songs for your matchup :)
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
Anything For Cheesecake - 707
I thought up this idea on October 14, 2020 and am now finally writing it LMAO (it has been 103 days... almost an entire summer vacation)
Warnings: spoilers for 707’s real name!
Summary: everyone’s heard the rumor that if you propose during a meal you get a free dessert. You and Seven really want cheesecake... lots of fluff and this is rlly just silly af
Also just realizing I’ve never been to the Cheesecake Factory and I don’t like cheesecake
A trip to the big fancy mall in the next town over wouldn’t be complete without an extra fancy meal at The Cheesecake Factory. It was always exciting to look at the different sorts of people who went there. If you went on a Saturday night, there was a chance you’d get to see a prom group. There was always a birthday somewhere. And fancy couples going out to eat.
You and Seven were there too.
Were you fancy? Not at this moment, no. You had dropped far more money than you cared to admit at the mall today, between GameStop, Ghirardelli, Victoria’s Secret... and many more.
Seven liked to buy fancy stuff and splurge.
Despite completely breaking your budget, you had to stop at the Cheesecake Factory. It was a factory! Of cheesecake! It was incredible.
You had to wait an hour to be seated, yes, but it would be well worth it for their pasta. And cheesecake. Duh. You sat down and got your menus.
“Woah, Babe look,” Seven prompted you. You glanced up at him. He was pointing to the menu. “Some of these foods have more calories than I have dollars in my bank account!”
You chuckled. He was, of course, exaggerating. Ever since he started working for Jumin and had to make sure Saeran was taken good care of, he had been much more deliberate about saving money. This was the first time he had splurged so much since you had started dating.
“I know you’re kidding, but you did scare me for half a second.” You reached across the table to grab his hand, which he eagerly let you do. “We did go overboard today.”
“Well, Saeran looks so happy when he’s playing games... and I look so happy when you have something new to wear...”
“Are you ready to order?” The waitress asked, surprising you, causing you to jump slightly and let go of your boyfriend’s hand.
You both got sugary beverages. Saeyoung still wasn’t very good with alcohol... neither was his brother. Their mother had really taken a toll on them in that way. You didn’t drink it out of respect for them both unless you were having a sleepover with a friend or something.
You and Seven were one of those cheesy couples that people couldn’t stand. He’d feed you some of his meal, and you’d give him some of yours. Why wouldn’t you share? You were a couple; you shared everything. You’d even bring some home for Saeran to have too; the portion sizes were way too big to eat all at once, and of course, you needed to save room for dessert.
“What do you want for dessert?” You asked. There was an obvious answer here.
He groaned. “Ten dollars for a slice of cheesecake? Are you kidding?”
You rolled your eyes. “Okay. I can pay for it. It’s worth it, trust me.”
“But like... ten dollars? For real?”
There was clapping in the distance. You both tried to see what was the cause of the commotion. Seven’s eyes widened.
“An engagement!” He cheered.
“Oh, yay!” You tried to ignore the fact that eventually you wouldn’t mind if he popped out a ring himself... but you didn’t want to rush him. Whenever the time was right with Saeran and everything.
“Well, I mean, yeah, but..” he glanced to the side to make sure nobody was looking. “Did you see?”
You raised an eyebrow.
“You get free cheesecake.”
“Saeyoung!” You were not going to prank the whole restaurant just for free cheesecake.
“Oh, come on. They gave them like two slices. For free.”
“That’s so inappropriate th-“
“Please.” He was doing the puppy eyes.
“Ugh, fine.” You started fishing in your pockets for a spare key ring or something. “But you owe me.”
“I owe you cheesecake. I’m about to pay you back.”
“I want some of your slice too,” you bartered. You focused your attention back on him, daring him to argue with you.
“Fine,” he huffed.
“But I don’t have a-“
“You think I wouldn’t come prepared!” He chuckled. He grabbed your hand abruptly.
“Darling. You are my best friend. My greatest supporter. Always there for me and my brother; taking care of us and supporting us.” He chuckled. “Sometimes I think Saeran picked you because he knew subconsciously you’d join our family one day. Well anyways, the timing couldn’t be better. I snatched this up when you went to the bathroom. I’ve been kicking myself trying to plot a plan for when I’d do this: at an RFA party? On the beach? At the log cabin? I had no clue. But the opportunity arose now so I’ll take it. Doesn’t make me any less nervous though- and I’m rambling.”
You giggled. People were starting to look. He scooted himself out of his seat and got down on one knee, pulling out a ring box.
“Will you be the cheese to my cake? Will you marry me?”
He popped open the box, displaying a beautiful diamond ring with a large center stone and tiny stones lining the band. It was so... shiny...
“Is this real?” You managed to ask. This was supposed to be a cheesecake ploy but it was making you feel a lot of things instead of hunger.
“It’s real.”
You got out of your seat, kneeling down to get on level with him and hug him. He quickly embraced you back, the whole hug a bit awkward with him still on one knee.
“I do need an answer,” he teased.
“Yes! Of course, yes!”
The ring fit perfectly. It sparkled and caught the light and reflected it all across the walls of the Cheesecake Factory. Maybe Seven’s bank account was equal to the calories in a cheesecake, especially after buying something like this for you.
“Congratulations!” The waitress cheered, bringing over two slices of cheesecake and setting them in front of you. “This is on us. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful moment with us.”
You took a piece of Saeyoung’s cake.
“Really?” He asked, unamused.
“I said I was going to do this,” you defended yourself.
“Yeah... but I thought since I genuinely proposed, you’d change your mind.”
You put the fork into your mouth, closing your eyes to savor the taste of the cheesecake. “Nope.”
“Babe...” he groaned.
“I love you, my fiancée. You know, when we’re married, we really will be sharing everything. Sharing this cheesecake is just the beginning,” you winked at him. He hid his face in his hands out of frustration.
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yellowocaballero · 4 years
ugh what you said about jon just helplessly missing deisha and despite being able to connect, still ultimately grieves alone forced me to think about this one book that said something like “grief is a room you enter alone” and I just ;_; something I love about your metas so much is that you rlly pick apart how it can be true that multiple things can be happening at once - he’s being understood, but he can’t be understood, he’s monstrous, but he’s human etc. basically I adore these essays and just reading how you build and present flaws in characters I think is genuinely making me a better writer
THANK YOU...I think we all grieve alone, just a little bit. With people, and maybe especially with more intangible things - when we move to another city or country, when we live alienated from our home cultures, when our bodies fail us, or when relationships fail. It’s inherently such a solitary thing.
And yeah, so often in life we’re feeling so many contradictory things!! Maybe even ALL THE TIME! I’ve loved and hated simultaneously, I’ve never wanted to see someone again and found myself constantly seeking out contact. You ever never want someone to text you, but you’re sad that they don’t text? I want to go back to my workplace but also I want to keep working from home forever. So it’s a real, legitimate feeling, I think.
But that’s also not why I write it that way. Stories inherently kind of have to work on both a literal and symbolic/metaphorical level. You said that you were interested in the writing bits, so I’ll get specific - I determine what happens in layers. Some things are the most essential aspects of the story, and everything else has to warp around that. Hope Etc is a very weird and bad example because a) I put no thought in this story and b) the nature of daemons is that they literalize the metaphorical. So basically every physical thing that Jon does is metaphorical for something. 
So what a story is ‘about’ is the most important thing, and this can change and shift throughout the story as you realize what keeps cropping up time again and again (which is kind of oxymoronic). I use monster vs human a lot for this specific fandom, because monsters can have whatever metaphorical significance you fucking want them to, but other stories such as hope vs desolation, optimism vs pessimism, wanting to die vs choosing to live, etc, work too. The second thing is tone - which determines the message of the story dramatically. What a story is ‘about’ can’t be pessimism when you have a light-hearted and comedic tone. Unless you’re getting REALLY creative. You can add a lot of additional themes to that, but a bunch of themes together make is what something is about. Also very important is that for me what something is ‘about’ includes genre. 
Then what’s kind of wrapped around that is the metaphor. Literal things happen, which have metaphorical meaning, which advance what a story is ‘about’. Not everything that happens is metaphorical - sometimes things have to happen to advance the plot - but things that happen need to advance something. Either plot, or a character arc, or they need to have metaphorical significance. In my opinion the most deft writing is when everything that happens has all three. 
I think over metaphor is character arc and character. When something happens in a story it has to advance the plot and advance the character’s arc. The character’s arc forms a trajectory that spells out the theme. A character arc for me frequently means the relationship between two characters, which often really really work to highlight theme. I think people push each other to change and grow a lot. If it’s a romantic relationship I push that ‘growth instigated by the other’ hard. Also, foils. I think the best romantic relationships are foils. I love foils. I always write foils. Just adore them, they’re so easy to write. Just make someone the opposite of someone else but give them the same theme. It’s great. This is also why I’m always saying that I don’t really sit down and ‘make characters’, characters just happen based on what needs to happen. I don’t decide anything about a character when I start out besides “haha exact opposite of canon character” or “haha amnesiac PI” or “haha roleswap”. And that’s coming from someone who rarely uses canon characterizations and who writes everybody as a thinly veiled OC...and maybe that’s why everybody kind of ends up a thinly veiled OC...
Over that is plot. Plot is what has to happen to make all of these other things happen. I can’t plot. I think I can’t plot because I’m too worried about these other things and I forget ‘oh yeah, Things Have To Happen’. Maybe there’s other people who plot first and then figure out these other things based on what happens in the plot? ....why...
So I kind of made that a gumball, layered thing, because that’s how I build the story. And I shouldn’t have, because these things all feed each other. What a story is ‘about’ is highly dictated by what you’ve decided the character arc to be - highly - and it creates a feedback loop as both of these things get changed and twisted and tangled during writing. A story never ends how I intended, because different things crop up. But there is a ‘priority list’ for me, and that’s kind of the layers - these characters have to act in X way because that’s one of the cornerstones I need to hit for the genre, so I have to have their character arcs match this. Characters can’t act in a certain way just because the plot makes them - granted, sometimes they do, but that means that you have to go back and tweak their character arc to match. You cannot have something metaphorically happen that goes completely against the theme, unless that has repercussions. Plot isn’t the story for me, the about is the story. None of this is hard and fast, and there is nothing that you can’t do, you just really have to view all of these things in a complex interplay that constantly affect each other.
I think of it like gears? They all work together and churn together to make the story work. But if you twist one gear, the others move too. You first imagine it this one way, but then you keep on tweaking and tweaking and tweaking, and then everything else has to change too, so then you’re like why did I even bother to outline, outlining is stupid, and also I have this funny joke so I have to go back and change everything, and...
Wow, maybe that’s why I’m so bad at planning shit..
My...goal? Is to make it so that Everything works on every level. You should be able to read a story completely literally and completely miss the metaphorical meaning and still vibe. But unfortunately the way it turns out for me sometimes is that the symbolism outweighs the literal. When I write absurdist/surrealist stuff it’s just me being lazy and not having to have things be literal, lol. What you get when something only works on a symbolic level and not on a literal level at all is Utena. And I’m writing trashy fanfic so I can’t do that. What normally happens in practice is that things happen literally for a bit, and then I’m like ‘oh I’m Sensing a Theme’ and then I start playing into the theme, and then things happen because it’s thematic. Plot is...plot should be more important to me...
And then of course there’s grounding all of this in human emotion and making sure there’s a climax (me, shaking hope etc: THERE’S NO FUCKING CLIMAX), and dealing with all of that stuff that makes it actually emotional and impactful instead of just abstract and dumb. 
I chose not to use examples for all of that because I wanted it to just be broad writing advice? I can kind of point out there examples of that line of thinking in my writing, and I probably can for Hope, Etc, but it would be a bad example - both because the NATURE of that story is that the literal is INHERENTLY a metaphor so you really cannot view anything in that story as literal, nothing in it is literal - also because I put no thought into it. 
Of course that’s not my process. That’s not my process at all. I don’t sit down and figure this shit out. I didn’t read any of that anywhere, it’s just me bullshitting, that entire thing was just me bullshitting relentlessly I am so fucking sorry. My process is that I joke about ideas with friends, I sit down at a computer and I kind of thump a keyboard for a few hours, I live my life and daydream stuff and kinda make little movies in my heads, I go home and slam the keyboard some more, halfway through I walk up to my beta and go “hey what’s the plot of this?” she helps me figure it out by giving me very bad ideas, I kind of slam my keyboard some more, and then it’s done. And then I kinda edit it a little maybe whatever and then I post it. 
There’s not a lot of thought involved. I really can’t stress enough how I don’t think about all of this when I write. I’m really brain empty. When I do these analyses what I’m doing is that I’m looking back over my story and then I’m like...Oh That’s What I Was Doing! Huh! Neat!
Haha that got long. I’m not a good writer. Thanks for the ask!
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vbee-miya · 3 years
helloo!! I JUST FOUND UR BLOG LIKE 3 DAYS AGO AND I CANT STOP READING UR STUFF HELP,, anyways could i request a romantic aot matchup please?
sexuality: bi with a preference for men(?) 😛👍
pronouns: she/her
i’m an entp/enfp (something in between) scorpio, and for the age range 19+ please
okay so time to describe myself and make it seem like my only personality trait isn’t being rlly s.a.s. (swag AND sexy), thing is i’m not even funny but i use humor to cope with everything, i usually just laugh things off (unless it’s something like actually serious) because i’m really bad at demonstrating emotions even tho i care a lot about the people i love, i always stand up for the others but sometimes find it harder to stand up for myself, not always tho.. idk sorry it’s like 3am. i love drawing and reading, i also usually cant go 1 day without talking abt true crime and things i’m obsessed with,., i’m not shy at all but i’m terrible with dealing with romantic feelings and just physical contact overall.
my love language is a mix of acts of service, quality time and sometimes words of affirmation :)
in a relationship i look for someone loyal, intelligent and that respects my boundaries since i’m not the best at demonstrating affection and stuff,, PRETTY PLAIN IK IK SORRY
posted publicly or privately? public please 😎also thank you so much if you read through this it was cringy as hell
[romantic matchup]
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many thanks to the compliment! loving the energy fellow anon. anyways here’s your results. yell at me if I got something hella wrong or it felt uncomfortable to read.
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best matchup : armin arlert
The energy you give off would give him a serotonin boost and he wouldn’t want that side of you to change.
It’s okay if you can’t show your emotions that well because at the end Armin is understanding and patient.
He’d admire how much you truly care for other people, but would be a bit wary about you as well. Because you’d remind him a little of himself. Which isn’t necessary a bad thing you know?
He’s very much loyal and very smart. Though that’s just a given. Everyone already knew that.
He’d have a great sense of respecting you boundaries and again would have no problem with you not being able to demonstrate your emotions that well. Because this man would know. Or he’d at least have some gist. However mini headcanon Armin is the complete opposite and would show his love right on the plate. He’d give you little gifts that reminds him of you and what not.
incompatible : floch forster
He’d be conflicted with your way of showing affection and might make snarky comments on saying to show em better. He also might get annoyed cause of that.
However everyone is different and if he wants to he’d be loyal to his s/o but he also seems sus
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xianglingslesbian · 4 years
ewbts - my top moments
no i will never stop laughing at that abbreviation it’s beautiful. buckle in because this is gonna be long, and probably don’t read it unless you’ve watched/read kuroko’s basketball and like izuki lmaoooo
chapter 1: hatchling, awaken
Izuki swallows. “Why do you all think I can do this?”
Then Kiyoshi turns to him with steel in his eyes (that must be how he got nicknamed Iron Heart - he seriously never backs down!) and asks him very clearly, “Why don’t you?”
Why don’t I think I can be captain?
“Because nobody thought I could be until now.”
aka “ceru is a masochist”, exhibit 1/???. anyway lets hear it for insecurities!!
chapter 2: liftoff
Predictably, Kuroko drags him aside at practice the next day and says, “I have something to tell you, Izuki-senpai.”
Izuki smiles at him. “Is it about your five evil exes?”
Kuroko looks horrified. “My what?!”
i think im funny
chapter 3: crash landing
As Izuki walks off the court, he looks for flashing glasses and grey eyes.
He curses himself for the heavy sadness that falls over him like a blanket when he doesn’t spot them.
yay for “ceru is a masochist” exhibit 2!
Oh, he [Izuki] watched videos of Aomine, came up with strategy after strategy to corner him, but videos and strategies can only go so far. Aomine in real life is something else entirely, a flash of lightning setting the court on fire with the sheer elegance of his crazy street basketball. All one can do is sit back and watch, awed beyond belief. Nothing can curb the wild madness that is Aomine Daiki – unrestrained, gleeful insanity dancing across the court like it’s his playground.
i also rlly like this line, it has some pretty imagery and we all know im a slut for pretty imagery~
chapter 4: a broken bone grows back stronger
“All right,” Koganei says to himself, moving to stand in front of the hoop. “One more time.”
He jumps, raising the ball to just above his face and releasing it. It misses, and he lets out a cry of frustration.
Can he even do this? Is it worth the time?
Koganei bites back the wave of guilt that washes over him at the thought. Izuki, Kiyoshi, Tsuchida, Rinnosuke, Kagami, Kuroko – he’d be letting them down if he didn’t give this his best shot. They’re all so dedicated to basketball that they each have a special skill honed from years of practice and love for the sport. If he can’t bring anything of his own to the table, what will he mean to this team? Seirin makes him want to be a team player, to add his skills to theirs rather than shining on his own. The change is good, yes, but he doesn’t want to stop there – he doesn’t want to be useless.
He will not be useless.
a bit of context: in this fic, since hyuuga did not return, koga became the SG for seirin :D i think my favorite character to develop, apart from izuki, was koganei - it was so fun to imagine all the ways he could have gone!
chapter 5: spreading new wings
All too soon, the day of judgment arrives, and Seirin convenes in the gym one last time before they head off to the Winter Cup building. No one says anything; not Kagami, fresh from his training trip to America, not Izuki, not Kiyoshi or Riko. They simply stand there, breathing in the scent of cleaner and leather and something else that’s so entirely Seirin, and knowing that no matter what happens this Winter Cup, they will return to the gym different people than they were before.
Different, and better.
Then they head out and off to the opening ceremony of the Winter Cup, not looking back once as they do.
yay for more pretty words!!!
“Oh, no worries. The actual motivational part is coming. Anyway, as I was saying – Tōō was just better than us that day. It’s hard to admit, I know: far easier to blame yourself, say you didn’t give it your all, but you know; we all know. It was their day to shine, not ours. But I think we’ve worked hard enough and are in a good enough mindset to change that, today. We aren’t scared or apprehensive about Tōō and Aomine, because we’ve faced them before. We know what attitude they’ll walk into our game with, and that’s what we’re going to exploit!”
“You’re going to exploit,” corrects Tsuchida. “Unlike you, the rest of us aren’t manipulative bastards.”
That raises a bunch of cackles, which quiet down when Izuki gives his team a glare. It doesn’t work on Riko, however, who sniggers under her breath and smirks at him.
izuki highkey sucks at pep talks lmao
chapter 6: ride the storm
Kagami and Aomine were made for each other. Made for this rivalry, this intense competition that will push them to their very limits and carry them onto a plane that no ordinary human can reach. Neither can defeat the other per se - they’re destined to stand neck and neck forever. However, one has a trump card on his side; and that trump card can make all the difference in the world.
Aomine Daiki may be strong, but Kagami Taiga is just as good. And damn him if the power of Kagami’s determination coupled with Kuroko’s unshakeable support won’t overwhelm the undisputed king of basketball.
Move aside, light bulb, Izuki thinks vindictively. The tube light is here to replace you.
pretty words. gay words. i love them (aokaga + izuki being a salt man lmao).
chapter 7: eagle versus aegis
“So bitter,” he [Izuki] reflects aloud, answering Himuro’s question.
That’s the emotion in his eyes. That’s what I might have become, if I had let my anger grow.
And suddenly he isn’t seeing Himuro Tatsuya anymore, but a version of himself, a version with darkened eyes and a mocking smile and pain and rage bubbling below the surface. Immensely talented, but not able to break the last barrier. Because he’s an ordinary man, and it’s as much as an ordinary man can do.
Strong, so strong. But also so terribly, heartbreakingly weak. Weak in a way that today’s Izuki Shun will never be.
GOD where do i even start w/this scene its literally everything i’ve ever wanted to write ksjfhsfj
chapter 8: clawing through mirages
Izuki’s taken aback for a millisecond before he continues his mad dash towards Murasakibara, letting out a war cry as the center makes to simply toss the ball into the hoop.
“It wasn’t their intention,” says a quiet but familiar voice. “But, this is the result of Kiyoshi-senpai and the other upperclassmen’s tenacity.”
Izuki grins, feeling new strength fill him up.
Together, huh? Okay. Together.
“This is where it ends for you!” shouts the voice, becoming stronger.
Not one, but two hands knock the ball out of Murasakibara’s hands and onto the ground. Kuroko shimmers into vision, smiling at Izuki with all the happiness in the world, just as the final buzzer rings.
i loved writing this match tbh, yousen is super underrated!
chapter 9: catch the updraft
21 - 22, in their favour at long last. Izuki grins at Kasamatsu, who shakes his head wearily.
“Using my own advice against me. What a terrible student you are,” he says, affecting an old man’s voice.
“The true student is the one who beats the master at his own game,” Izuki says quickly, sliding back into their familiar banter. “I swore to myself, my drive would beat your drive today, kitakore.”
“When did you get so wise?” asks Kasamatsu with a sigh, ignoring his pun and receiving the ball from Kobori, who was quick to grab it once Koga scored. Izuki just laughs, not bothering to reply and instead focusing carefully on Kasamatsu’s movements.
Kasamatsu shifts his weight right, left, then right again. Izuki narrows his eyes, trying to figure out what the hell his upperclassman is doing—
But it’s far too late, as Kasamatsu successfully passes through his defence in his moment of distraction, ball clutched tightly in hand. The sound of the scoring whistle is shrill and unpleasant to Izuki’s ears, and his chest stings at the loss.
“What was that about the main course?” Kasamatsu teases, wearing an enormous grin as he comes forward to guard Izuki once more. 
izuki + kasamatsu banter is so so fun to write y’all have no idea
chapter 10: headwinds
This is your fault. If you’d been a better captain, a better point guard, a better everything, none of this would’ve happened. Seirin would have been well in the lead and controlling the game—
Izuki shakes his head violently, trying to get rid of his intrusive thoughts. He knows he’s a good captain, and doing this to himself will do no good for the rest of the team. He has to be strong for them. He has to lead them to victory, he can’t be a weak person overwhelmed by emotion. But it’s so hard to breathe, suddenly, and Izuki’s about to sink when—
“Don’t worry, Captain. I’ll take care of this match today,” says a confident and familiar voice, and a hand claps down on Izuki’s shoulder. He turns, a little surprised by the sudden contact, to find Koganei’s cat mouth set in a determined frown. “You can rest your hopes on me. I’ll be Seirin’s wings for as long as you need me to.”
kogazuki brotp feels man. kogazuki brotp feels.
chapter 11: cliff edge
Riko nods, sobering up a little. “I do know. And… I have to admit, I was a little harsh on you in the early days… I kept comparing you to Hyūga-kun.” She looks at the ground briefly, then raises her head to continue, meeting Izuki’s eyes with no hint of doubt in her own brown irises. “But then I saw how different you were. How you were never willing to give up, even if you were the worst player in the world. That’s what… that’s what made me truly believe in you.” She swallows thickly, taking a deep breath, but not averting her gaze from his.
The honesty and trust in her eyes is what shatters Izuki’s calm.
He steps forward, and she rises too, opening her arms. Then he hugs her tightly, murmuring, “Thank you for having faith in me.”
The “Of course. You’re family,” that she whispers back fills Izuki’s already overflowing heart even further.
Eventually, he lets her go, and she drops lightly to the ground, straightening her sweater and skirt.
“We never speak of this,” Izuki warns her, moving towards the door of the room.
Riko nods, back to her usual haughty demeanour. “Of course. No one can know we’re actually big softies who care a lot for each other.”
“To them, we’re just sarcastic jerks,” Izuki agrees. “And that’s the way it stays.”
anyone said izuriko brotp???? this fic is just platonic feels tbh
chapter 12: overcast skies
What should I do? Someone tell me! the voice cries out in Izuki’s head, a voice he hasn’t heard since the loss to Tōō. It is the same voice that whispers all his insecurities in his ear in the dead of night when no one is around to reassure him, the same voice that gave rise to all his fears and worries. It is the voice of the vulnerable and weak part of Izuki, the one that needs someone to guide him with a gentle hand, and he hates it.
It is a voice that, frankly, he never thought he would hear again. Yet, here it is, crying out for attention, screaming for someone to help.
He thought he had left it behind. It turns out he was wrong.
Izuki shoves it deep into his heart with more effort than he’s exerted all game, breathing a heavy sigh when he succeeds in locking it behind the glass wall that keeps his emotions away.
let’s hear it for “ceru is a masochist” exhibit 3~
chapter 13: nosedive
“I don’t know who you are,” Koganei completes his little speech, anger brimming in every part of his being. “But I know that my captain is Izuki Shun, not Akashi Seijūrō. The coach can bench you if she likes; we can fight without our captain, because we know he wants us to win for his sake. We’ve been fighting without him all the match, and we can continue doing so. We don’t need a player that can’t play with the same passion as us!”
Izuki looks at the ground and doesn’t respond. Somewhere within, something is stirring at Koganei’s words. Something that cries out to fill the gap inside him.
Next to speak is Kiyoshi, standing up and executing much the same move as Koga had by yanking Izuki up by his collar. However, Kiyoshi pulls Izuki into a standing position so that Izuki is half-leaning against him.
Brown eyes meet black, and Kiyoshi simply states, “I didn’t expect this from you, Shun.”
Then he rears his fist backwards and punches Izuki in the jaw.
“ceru is a masochist” exhibit 4!
chapter 14: bird of prey
“I just… I didn’t think you’d give up so easily.”
Koganei’s head shoots up. There’s fury in his eyes, and his face is white. His hands are shaking.
Izuki continues, calm and careless as he always is, “Really… after you gave me all that talk at halftime? I don’t believe this is you.”
Koganei’s jaw clenches, and he cries, “But I have done everything I can! He’s just too good—”
“And when has that ever stopped you?” Izuki keeps his voice quiet and even, but it has the gravity he intended it to - Koga falls silent immediately, eyes wide and riveted on him. “When have you ever backed down from fighting? You don’t know the meaning of giving up. You’ve never cared about whether someone’s better than you. I knew a shooting guard once, just like you, and he had the potential to be the greatest in the world. He was held back because he cared that he was worse than others. But you? You never blinked at it, just practised and practised until you could do the impossible.”
His words are getting louder with pride; he’s unable to keep it steady with the outpouring of emotion in his speech.
“Tell me, who can master Ray Allen’s form in one and a half years? Who can be such a rookie at basketball, yet be able to fight an Uncrowned King and respond to a shot that has left all its previous victims unable to move?!” Izuki leans forward and jabs a finger into Koganei’s chest demandingly. “Tell me, who the hell was that?!”
“Me,” Koga whispers timidly, looking down.
ahhhh yay for more platonic comfort and bonding. *izuki voice* yelling is the way to get ur team to get their shit tgt
chapter 15: born to soar
Izuki finds himself moving, barely thinking as he grabs the ball and bawls for an attack. He’s running faster than he ever has, flying up the court like there are wings on his legs. No one follows at his pace - they’re all too far behind.
No one but Kiyoshi.
The rhythm beats louder than ever, a heavy pulse in Izuki’s head and heart. He can feel Akashi on his heels and knows he needs to do something.
One second left—
Izuki’s hands move on their own, passing the ball to the one person he knows that he will always find.
Kiyoshi catches it and jumps.
The ball leaves his hands.
The whistle blows to end the game. Kiyoshi’s shot hits the backboard and drops straight into the basket. Time stops as a shrill sound screeches into the air and the ref shouts, “124 to 123, Seirin High wins the Winter Cup!”
there we go. the most heartwrenching scene of this chapter ahhhhh
chapter 16: final flight
“We should go. Don’t want to keep them waiting too long,” Kiyoshi says, staring daggers at Hyūga, who to his credit doesn’t flinch but merely stares back.
“Let’s go, then,” Izuki agrees. He looks straight at Hyūga and allows a small, formal smile to play on his lips. Hyūga just nods, accepting the answer.
Izuki nods back, then turns around and starts walking away. But even as he moves toward the exit, something weighs heavily in his tired chest. For the first time in a long time, he isn’t confident in his decision.
Acting on impulse, he turns on his heel and yells out, “Call sometime, maybe!” before walking backwards out the door that Kiyoshi holds for him.
It’s an open-ended suggestion. Hyūga can choose to wallow and ignore it, or he can choose to pick up the phone. Izuki isn’t going to do so either way - he’ll be happy if Hyūga makes that call, but he won’t be terribly sad if he doesn't.
This time, he’s going to be the one that walks forward without looking back.
ahhh okay so this scene means a hella lot to me personally because... i had to grow, the way izuki grew. izuki’s now strong enough to sort of put the olive branch out and say, “take it or leave it,” and if it’s left he’s not gonna be upset. that’s something i really learned with a lot of difficulty and i think that that growth - in both me and him - is a lovely thing.
and there we have it! my favorite moments from each chapter of this story. *cries in a corner* god i can’t believe it’s over...
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thewinterwaifu · 4 years
Can I get jojo part 2-5 male matchup? I’m a 5”1 female who’s very quiet & doesn’t socialize w/ anyone. I’m not special to anyone & Ppl view me as shy since I don’t talk & smile to anyone but I’m most likely reserved & wary, distance myself from ppl to avoid getting hurt. If someone really cares about me & wanted to help me they need to be patience with me because It takes a lot of time for me to trust someone & I keep a lot to myself because no one will understand my struggle but once (1/3)
I feel comfortable & safe w/ someone, I’ll be able to rely them a lot & can possibly tell them about my toxic parents especially daddy issues, I tend to believe what he (or mom) said which it cause me to have a trust issues, made me like I don’t deserve anyone, feeling self-hatred & not believe in myself, I go hard on myself a lot. I’m depressed, hot headed, touch-starved & self-conscious. I’m also compassion, I’m just not very much affection but I do show my concern for others. When it (2/3)
Comes to love I get so flustered. Most people love my brunette curly hair, it’s natural & I fond of curly hair. Abbacchio and I may be quite similar but plz don’t ship me with him for that, yeah sure I can be friendly if I meet someone like abbacchio but it doesn’t mean I fall for them since I prefer someone who has a opposite personality I don’t mind dating introverted 👉🏻👈🏻 since not all introverted are the same & I dislike koichi because I find him annoying, rlly can’t stand him :’) (3/3)
Friendly reminder if you ever need someone to talk to, my dms are open!
I match you with...
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The blonde boy can be very patient and has a sixth sense for this thing, he knows there is more to you than what you may be showing and makes an effort to get closer to you and get to know you!
Giorno also finds the height difference you both adorable and unless you are bothered or offended by it, expect him to tease you about it a lot, calling you shorty and leaning down to kiss your forehead
He can relate to your family issues and would do anything in his power to help you and make things get better for you, as he just wants his s/o to be happy
It doesn't take him long to figure out how flustered you can get and he will try his damn hardest to make you blush at literally every chance he gets, he thinks it's adorable to see you like that!
You are touch starved?Luckily for you the Don is happy to give all the cuddles in the world until you get tired of them!He loves to cover your face with kisses to show you how gorgeous he thinks you are!
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50 questions tag
Tagged by @inevitable-anna
1) what colour is your hairbrush? I have a black comb that i use sometimes, but I rarely brush my hair unless I’m washing it bc it goes frizzy and I’m very lucky to never get knots
2) name a food you never eat. Anything with soy sauce
3) are you usually too hot or too cold? Both, sometimes at the same time
4) what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Sleeping I think
5) what’s your favourite candy bar? Cadburies fruit & nut
6) have you ever been to a professional sports game? Yeah it sucked i hate football, but the local basketball team is pretty cool
7) what’s the last thing you said out loud? Yelling “love you too” down the stairs to my dad as I got ready for bed I think
8) what’s your favourite ice cream? Not a big fan of ice cream but either a 99 or ben & jerries phish food
9) what was the last thing you had to drink? Excluding water bc that’s boring it would have been slightly flat irn bru
10) do you like your wallet? Idk I don’t particularly have strong feelings about my wallet it’s okay I guess
11) what was the last thing you ate? Pizza I think
12) did you buy any new clothes this weekend? No but I bought this case.
13) what’s the last sporting event you watched? Bold of you to assume I would willingly watch sports
14) what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn? Salt is the only acceptable flavour
15) who was the last person you texted? I’m assuming sc messages count so the gc with my sister and my ex-gf-turned-best-friend
16) ever been camping? Many times I love it
17) do you take vitamins? Not particularly i do occasionally though
18) do you go to church every Sunday? Im not Christian so no
19) do you have a tan? Only on my arms
20) do you prefer chinese or pizza? Pizza, but like proper homemade/restaurant pizza not shitty takeaway pizza. If ur getting a takeaway get curry or fish and chips they’re the best.
21) do you drink pop with a straw? If they give me a straw yeah but i wont go out of my way to get one
22) what colour socks do you usually wear? i only replaced my school socks last week so probably still white
23) do you drive over the speed limit? I don’t have a full license yet so I don’t drive
24) what terrifies you? Dead bugs and also Adolphus Huxley’s A Brave New World. And lowkey moomins.
25) look to the left what do you see? Cheese
~~~ several weeks later ~~
26) what chore do you hate the most? So long as my brother also has to do chores I’m not fussed
27) what do you think when you hear an Australian accent? Ongoing genocide and systematic oppression of the indigenous peoples
28) what’s your favourite kind of pop? Irn bru
29) fast food or drive in? Neither i can make much better food myself thanks
30) what’s your favourite number? 11
31) who’s the last person you talked to? My mum
32) favourite cut of beef? Mince but u gotta season it with nutmeg and stock and either worcestershire sause or paprika and cumin and be at least 50% carrot or ur doing it wrong
33) last song you listened to? What If Tomorrow Comes (I finally watched Black Friday with my sister)
34) last book you read? The Wide Awake Princess by E.D. Baker (shhhh i loved it as a kid)
35) Can you say the alphabet backwards? lol nah
36) favourite day of the week? Thursday bc it’s D&D day
37) how do you like your coffee? In tiramisu
38) favourite pair of shoes? My comfy red boots, my black low-heeled combat boots, or my nice tan sandals, depending on my outfit and the occasion
39) what time do you usually wake up? 9:30-10:30
40) sunrise or sunset? Sunrise
41) how many blankets are on your bed? One and a duvet but its too hot for either rn
42) describe your kitchen plates. Old and white
43) describe your kitchen at the moment. Smells nice
44) do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? Probably some kind of cocktail but I haven’t been to a restaurant or pub since turning 18 bc lockdown so my opinions are currently limited to “beer and wine/champagne/prosecco suck” and “vodka and cider are ok I guess”
45) do you play cards? You’re not really on holiday unless you play cards at least every other day
46) what colour is your car? Don’t have one but the family one’s grey
47) can you change a tyre? I’ve never even seen anyone change a tyre
48) favourite state/country/provence? Almería! We used to go to a lil town called Huercál and it was great. Especially the restaurant/bar thing just out of town, it was run by a guy called Eneth and there was a big-ass open fire at the end of the room where he cooked everything, and also a bunch of dogs and birds - if ur in the area go see if it’s still there for me 💚
49) favourite job you’ve ever had? The week i spent working at the children’s trust charity in the accounting department (it was work experience dw im not useless enough to get fired after a week)
50) how did you get your biggest scar? idk which is biggest probably the one from where i whacked my head on the shutter of an ice cream stall and had to get it glued back together
Tagging @femmebos @mexicanfairy @clockwork--frog @aveasorae @lilolilyr @showstoppingnumbrr @just-a-side-kick @a-little-slice-of-fandom @sunflowermycelium @mischief-pixie @jane-seemore @lucyisanerd @spiiderbiites @youvebeengnomed @peanutworm @cliyoh @sunrise-designer @isappho @woulddieforkhoward @the10amongstthese3s @bi-owen-harper @writingvenusian @the-quiver-of-aros @dontforgetpluto
(Obviously theres no obligation to fo it its rlly long but like... I love y’all and im interested)
9 notes · View notes
tslasvegas · 4 years
Episode 3: “UGH just rename Luxor to Loser” - Xavier
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Well... that takes care of the Timmy problem... Love Timmy... Just didn’t know how our dynamic would be cus he was runner-up to the last survivor game I played which I won. Hm... Well...
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That went well. There's nothing like a live video tribal to get people together. and stephen didn't react too badly. but i know now he won't work with me moving forward
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I’m sorry I’m terrible at confessionals... So things are going well, I think we have a decent tribe but it is too soon to tell. I’m not a huge fan of creative challenges, at least from my previous game, I guess we will see how that goes. Most of the guys seem nice, still trying to feel everyone out.`
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A 4-2 vote off is interesting. Someone is on the bottom for sure. Also, this next challenge is a creative challenge and when I do these solo I usually do really well. Hopefully I can channel that energy into a win for us here because two tribes are going to tribal. We’ll be down to 17 after this, so I’m not sure if we’d go into a tribe swap yet? Maybe 2 tribes of 8 with one person sitting out? 
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Oh hot dang, two tribes are going to tribal next time. Probably going to be us :( now it is time to make alliance chats!
....five seconds later
I suspect that after this double vote out that there will be a tribe swap. I hope I end up with Mo and Jaiden at least.
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I really like this challenge. I feel confident about it but at the same time nervous that 2 tribes will be going to tribal. I really hope my tribe wins this one since I still don't know how the tribe feels about me. Wish me luck guys!
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My tribe is not going to win this immunity challenge. Our nightclub is due just hours away and we have little nothing done. I am going to have to scramble soon.....I did nothing to help my tribe with the challenge, so if it is me that goes, I would understand 
....five seconds later
Honestly, I want to keep Jaiden and Mo around because I feel closer with them than anyone else. I want to keep Kailyn around because she seems to make time for challenges. Everyone else I am okay with going home, Ben hasn't really done anything soooooo maybe him? Oof
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If we lose, then it's 2/3rds my fault and 1/3 Stephen. We better not be on the chopping block if we do lose. This is a two person Tribe as of now. Bobby Jon and Stephenie.
...five seconds later
UGH just rename Luxor to Loser
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Second we lose Ben finally responded to my pm’s..... hm..... alright....
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Y’all rlly won with a PowerPoint SKDJDJSKLALALL
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Some of these guys have an excuse for not giving input into the challenge. Some do not. If I go home because some americans could be bothered doing some base level discussion, ill be annoyed. If I go home because a tribe threw a challenge because they thought id be an easy vote, ill be pissed.
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All that hard work that went into this challenge really paid off! We scored the best and don’t have to attend tribal!! Which is absolutely exciting! Andrew told me he wanted to work together which is rad. Livingston and I want to work together which is radder. And Joey and i want to work together which is raddest. I haven’t spoken too much with Jeff lately even though we talked quite a bit early on. Pat and I speak occasionally. Stephanie and I didn’t really speak at all until recently but we’ve gotten into a good groove the last few days. I’m feeling pretty good about this game so far. I hope there’s no tribal swap or anything right away.
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So when I get my chip total I'm gonna update Keegan. He is currently at a soap making class but I want him to know I am serious about working with him in this game and I think this is a good gesture. - keegan has let me know he has 4 chips and is willing to pool them over to me when we have enough so that we can unlock the store. I let him know I am okay with doing the same thing to him, whichever. But yes this is looking HOT for me. - "what's in the store?" | all i can really assume is advantages. we need 10 chips to unlock it. This is very similar to the Unnamed Season but the betting cap gives us more control. At this point, I don't think anyone can mathematically unlock without pooling chips. Keegan and I just need 1 more chip between us. Let's just hope we aren't separated by a swap or some shit. I am hoping for a bit more time on this amazing tribe to get that set up so I have a good idea of what the store holds.
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Some of these guys have an excuse for not giving input into the challenge. Some do not. If I go home because some americans could be bothered doing some base level discussion, ill be annoyed. If I go home because a tribe threw a challenge because they thought id be an easy vote, ill be pissed.
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We lost again!?!?!?!?!??! I am so surprised? Nah I'm kidding, but I don't care. I don't blame our team for losing because 3/5 of us were panicking because our president could be a cheetoh. I'm voting Stephen tonight, I hope the others follow suit. It SHOULD be simple, but 9 hours is a long time for Survivor; and if he knows it's him then might run around and create some chaos - which would be funny.
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Rachael (love her she’s probably who I’m closest with along with DeNara and Kailyn) is not being subtle about the fact that she either has a pre-existing friendship with Ben or is currently aligned with Ben. Because Ben, from my knowledge has not been social with anyone, nor has he been super active and in our alliance chat with Kailyn, Rachael seems uncomfortable with the fact that Ben is said to be the vote and is saying she would prefer someone else to go. But like c’mon you can’t deny he hasn’t been social, and even if I had a friendship with somebody before a game, if they aren’t active I’m voting them out. Also I lied to my tribe a couple times this round because I’m lazy.
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UGH. We LOST the challenge!!! And it wasn't even close *grumbles angrily* But it's okay. I'm gonna have to work my pussy out to this entire tribe to make them keep me around! I feel pretty good about this, I believe the target is leaning towards Ben but we'll have to wait and see. I don't think it's possible rn but I'm hoping for a swap soon so I can feel a little more re-energized in this game because my tribe has been super quiet lately... I think people will try to move the vote around so I'm going to use my current lack of employment as an opportunity to make myself stay alive on this tribe lmao
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These guys are being super boring and either Jake is dumber than i thought, or shadier than i gave him credit for. Xavier might be trying to play me but regardless its doubtful ill stay. John seems to have the most chance of winning out of these four as hes not overplaying. Kevin hasnt spoken to me since the colin vote and it pisses me off that I might be going home after being one of two people that worked on the challenge when kevin was taken off the chopping block immediately for playing jeopardy. i hate this tribe.
....five seconds later
Johns out, Jake too by the sound of it. Time for plan B, which never works but might as well try. Fake idol time.
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Oof well the uhh, “obvious friend group” has picked their target and it just so happens to be the only person I’ve made an actual alliance with :/ Poor DeNara. I really didn’t want to have to vote her off this early if I didn’t have to and then the worst part is she didn’t even hear it from me. Nobody is even mentioning game right now and Rachael is acting legitimately surprised to me when I came to her saying “okay this is an easier vote than I thought”.. even tho Ben claimed he had already talked to her..?? Idk man I must’ve done something wrong along the way but these people LEGITIMATELY don’t talk to me. My instant reaction is leaning towards being bitter but bitterness doesn’t really get me anywhere :/ I feel kinda.. out of it rn emotionally just because of everything else I have going on so if I seem more reserved tonight at tribal than usual, that’s why. I just hope that I’m not still stuck on that damn mountain rolling my dumbass rock back up only to get knocked back down again. I’m remaining optimistic for the future.. let’s keep winning some challenges mmkay
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Okay good news, I shouldn't be leaving. But that being said DeNara, you have goT TO PULL. YOURSELF. TOGETHER. She's packing her bags and from my knowledge she's going to be fine tonight. Hopefully it'll be Ben who's going but DeNara giving up like this isn't helPING. 
....five seconds later
Also I am in two alliances which is cool I guess.
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Oops....... and now I'm controlling this vote I think :) It feels good. I don't know what my plan is !! I'm lying to everyone. I basically put myself in a position to be the 4th person in both votes and I love it so much. I keep telling ppl I'm an emotional mess and I think I'll milk that because SOMEONE is going to get betrayed tonight... love that for me. Rachael, Nik, and Ben want to vote out DeNara Mo, Kailyn, and DeNara want to vote out Ben And tbh I would prefer Rachael or Nik!! Since neither of those things are happening I guess it's up to me to decide which way I wanna swing... I hate/love myself for this. I think there are good cases for both people to leave, because I think that getting rid of DeNara strengthens bonds I never had with Rachael and co. while getting rid of Ben just makes me their enemy. Honestly I am starting to lean towards getting rid of DeNara for that sole purpose alone. It'll be messy for sure. Ben provides NOTHING to the game right now and I hate the fact that he announced in his intro that he's just here to backstab people... but villains don't win unless they're sitting next to another villain. He's the goat to me and Rachael right now, but pretty homos like me always win xx I might regret this decision down the road but HOPEFULLY whichever side I take will pay me back in protection down the line. I think I have the charm to smooth shit over w Kailyn and Mo but its up for determination. I think that I have the finesse to beat Rachael in a vote, too, but I don't want to put her back up against the wall just yet..... ;) Anyways... I hope this isn't my last confessional. I wasn't having fun until I found my place. Let's get it on.
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It is me or Ben tonight. Guess we will find out who...
0 notes
My initial impression of Kieran was that he was an anxious, weak nerved kiss-up. I mean he doesn’t make any attempt to fight back when Arthur captures him, even if he stands there and does nothing. Dude’s got a gun. Makes zero attempt to go for it. My initial thoughts was he was too cowardly to even fight back, when in reality Arthur was running for him with a lasso. His hands are literally full. Who Arthur is doesn’t really matter; he doesn’t have a weapon drawn and is clearly trying to take him alive. Unless he’s a massively terrible shot, he could’ve easily shot Arthur. Clearly he’s more afraid of what Colm will due to him than just dying(which makes sense, especially with how he went out : )))) ), so it really would’ve been in his best interest to die trying to kill Arthur instead of being captured, most likely killed, and most likely tortured beforehand. Far as I can figure, reasons for just surrendering would’ve been
Fear (logical, but with his biggest fear being whatever Colm would do to him, doesn’t seem as likely, even if he was straight up panicking)
Pacifism (not saying he’s a pacifist, but he’s definitely not a fighter by nature, despite his will to live) 
Once he’s captured, he holds out for about a month in sh*t conditions. He breaks once they turn their violent attention to him, but even then he still tried to hold out. The only reason I can think of why he wouldn’t just talk is fear of what Colm would do to him if he made it out alive. If he was scared that the Van Der Lindes would kill him after he talked, he could’ve stayed quiet longer, I guess, though really who could hold out when you’re being threatened with castration lmao.
After the fact, I expect my initial impression to be right. It wasn’t. I mean, I was 100% right about him being a genuinely nice person, not exactly cut out for outlaw life, and not a rat or weaselly person. Things I were wrong about were his general demeanor. 
He’s a naturally positive and friendly person. Despite being constantly picked on and flat out threatened, he’ll even greet Sadie(who is probably most likely to kill him in the beginning, let’s be honest) with a level of confidence I didn’t expect. He doesn’t slink around her with his head down, but is 100% aware that she hates him, and I’ve never heard him try to change that. He’ll greet her, but goes out of his way to let her know that “I’m here and realize that you hate me so I’m giving you space”. Anyone else who calls him “O’Driscoll”, he’ll get upset and correct them. Sadie straight up tells him to die and he doesn’t say boo. I love that he is aware of her pain and doesn’t try to change her feelings about him just so he can sleep better at night. He plays the long game; respecting her boundaries, and not giving her any other reasons to hate him, hoping that someday she’ll maybe at least not despise him for just being connected to her enemies in the past. He could b*tch and moan about how he had nothing to do with Jake’s murder; he wasn’t there, he didn’t pull the trigger, and he didn’t want that to happen. He really is innocent. But he leaves that and her the f*ck alone, the only contact he initiates is just general politeness. She makes real threats, and he has ever reason to believe her, but he still has the balls to not cower around her. If anyone else in the gang makes any kind of “O’Driscoll” comment, he gets genuinely irritated and corrects them, even if it’s hopeless. Not just the women, who(save for Sadie and Mrs. Grimshaw) aren’t a threat. But he’ll get upset and snap back at Arthur and Javier that he’s not an O’Driscoll. I don’t believe for a second that Kieran thinks he could beat either of them in a fight. He’s not a fighter, and he’s also not stupid. He’s survived about half his life being beaten around. The reason he’s survived could be luck, but also him knowing how far he can press his luck with very dangerous people. I used to find it amusing in the beginning when he’d snap back, because like. Lmao, you really wanna get upset with Arthur? Seriously? Dude. Don’t go there.
He stands up for himself, and is confident enough in himself to be as bold as to say to Arthur’s face, that he’s not a bad person, and that’ll he’ll warm to him eventually. That also caught me off guard, because I was under the general assumption “god this kid is me. anxious af, doesn’t like people, just likes horses”. I projected far too much lmao, because despite him feeling more comfortable with horses, he’s pretty outgoing, in a confident way. If people are just indifferent to him, he has no problem going out of his way to greet people with confidence. When he’s being bullied, he’s ballsy enough to stand up for himself, and when people are genuinely nice to him, he’ll show signs of being flustered/anxious, likely due to the fact he probably has very little experience with kindness. Whatever kindness he experienced outside family was most likely fake and extremely conditional. He never made any comments about having relationships of any kind with anyone. His life has been about survival. He knows how to not press his luck with the wrong people, knows basic social manners(how to be friendly without being overbearing, how to give people space, and even when he helped Molly out of the stagecoach), but I feel like he has the least experience in healthy relationships. Relationships where someone is actually nice to him. That’s also why I’m 1,000% peeved that we didn’t really get to befriend him. Watching him come out of his shell more was so nice. Save for his massive guilt about Jack(which wasn’t even his fault anyway), he was finally starting to feel like he belonged there. Sh*t hurts man.
I think the thing that caught me most off guard was his level of confidence that you really get to see in his fishing side mission.
Arthur says that he’s(Arthur) not that great a fisherman, and Kieran, not missing a beat, comes back with “But I am! *laughs* I’ll teach you something.”, all of which happens seconds after Kieran is done straight up mocking Arthur’s teasing of him. If I hadn’t spent 5,000 years wandering around camp, and getting to see everyone’s personalities that you’d miss if you flew through story mode, that mission would’ve made my head spin. If your impression of Kieran is “soft scared horse boy”, there’s so much that happens in like, a minute that’d throw you off.
Arthur asks Kieran if he’s going fishing
Kieran, likely caught off guard by someone going out of their way to interact with him in a non-hostile way, says yes
Arthur, incapable of just being nice to him follows up with a threatening tone “... or running back to Colm O’Driscoll?”, bc f*ck this guy actually knowing I’m starting to warm up to him, I have to be a Big Tough Outlaw bc I am a Bad Man
Kieran, irritated and a bit nervous now, snaps back that of course he’s not 
Arthur responds by bumping his fist against Kieran’s shoulder/chest, gives an amused chuckle, and responds with “pffft, I’m just joking w/ u lol relax”  (I love this interaction because it really shows, at least to me, that Arthur is genuinely starting to like Kieran. instead of continuing along the lines of “watch yourself”, his tone and body language gestures that “I don’t mean it, I’m just messing with you”. Even if he’s still being an *ss, it’s not like his previous interactions. The playful physical contact, non-menacing laugh, and “I’m just kidding w/ u” comment are all friendly gestures. He wouldn’t do any of those if he actually didn’t like Kieran. Arthur’s not a touchy-feely “I’ll fake like I’m your friend so I can slit your throat later” kind of person)
Kieran’s nervousness instantly melts away and he responds with “wow. ur so funny. hah hah. rlly had me goin there. ur hilaaaaarious.” he’s 100% done and just rolls his eyes at this point.
Arthur just goes “shut up”, and I love the way he says it this time bc he’s more like. Offended/irritated that he’s being sassed instead of actually meaning “shut up or else”. He’s all “>:((( shut up brat” and it’s cute lmao. 
Not two seconds after Arthur tells Kieran to shut up, he absolutely doesn’t and invites him fishing. Like, a genuine “hey wanna go fishing?” and not like, a “desperate for your approval, please give me more opportunities to prove myself to you”.
Arthur says he’s not a great fisherman, and Kieran responds with “Yeah but I am!”, laughs, and says he can teach Arthur something.  I found this part super fascinating, because as someone with severe anxiety, my response would’ve been totally different. I’m confident in a few areas; I know what I’m good at, and what I’d be semi-competent at teaching people, but if someone-- especially someone higher on the social ladder than I am-- said that they weren’t good at something, that I was really good at, I always try and downplay things so as not to make the other person feel like they’re lesser than me. I like to think my art skills are decent, so if that kind of situation came up “I’m not a great artist”, my response would be more like “Heh neither am I, but I know some tricks that have made things a lot easier. I can show them to you!” Kieran straight up told Arthur Morgan that he’s a great fisherman, and could teach Arthur something. Former O’Driscoll, teaching Dutch’s right hand man something. That was a cocky move, even if it’s true. I love that he has the confidence to flat out say that without even backpedaling. Kid knows his worth and isn’t afraid to just blurt it out.
Arthur responds with a friendly “Sure”. Not like an “yeah alright fine”, but more like how he responds to people who considers friends. Come to think of it, other than certain instances where Kieran pushes his luck here, Arthur is friendlier/less hostile and grumpy with Kieran than he is with Sean lmao. Granted, Sean is uhhh, overbearing and obnoxious, but Arthur sees him as a younger sibling, not an ex-O’Driscoll. 
On their way to the beach, Kieran brings up past vs present. “who would’ve thought we’d be going fishing together when it wasn’t that long ago that I was tied up on the back of your horse begging for mercy?” He says it with such a light hearted tone like it wasn’t even a big deal. He could’ve died from dehydration/starvation/the cold, and he’s literally like “isn’t life funny?” Don’t know whether to be impressed that it didn’t leave him with serious trauma and resentment or said that maybe he doesn’t see it as that big a deal because he’s had worse. Either way, the way he says it is interesting to me.
Ofc Arthur has to remind him “how do you know I’m not dragging you away from camp to kill you?” bc again, can’t let this kid know I’m actually starting to like him. He Must Know that I am a Big Bad Threat.  “..because I saved your life”  “ya and every day I don’t kill you I’m saving yours” “you don’t mean that” “yes I do I am Serious so shut it” Kieran knows Arthur well enough that while the threat is still a touch unnerving, he has the guts to point out that he doesn’t mean it. he knows Arthur well at this point, and despite the slight possibility he might actually mean that, he choses to believe it’s just Arthur being... Arthur.
Throughout the trip, Kieran opens up about camp life and his past, and in general Arthur doesn’t have anything that nice to say. Arthur’s genuinely a nice person, but I wouldn’t call him “soft”, so that doesn't’ surprise me. Despite this, he’s not exactly mean to Kieran like he used to be. He’s not remotely sympathetic, but at the same time he wouldn’t be for really anyone else, either. Maybe the women bc women, but. However, towards the end, when Kieran talks about losing his family and being on his own since then, Arthur does comment along the lines of “well, look at it this way, you’ll never be alone again”. I could be misinterpreting it, but I think that’s Arthur’s way of saying “you’re one of us now”. Can’t really say anything nice to him or show sympathy, but “you’ll never be alone again” could’ve been his way of trying to comfort him in an offhand sort of way.
Not what Arthur meant, but I couldn’t help but laugh when Kieran was like “do you think Dutch trusts me now?” me and Arthur both laughed, sad thing is I laughed bc I’m like “yo Dutch don’t even trust Arthur lmaooo, shoot for something actually obtainable Kieran”
This is already five pages longer than I intended it to be lmao, but literally my entire point is that my impression of Kieran had been that he was a soft, nervy person with low self confidence. The way I see it, all the evidence proves that he’s a lot more than a lot of people give him credit for. 
He is a sweetheart by nature; I really don’t think there’s a mean bone in his body. He’ll stick up for himself and get irritated, but I can’t think of a single instance where he did or said anything mean-spirited. He’s helpful for the sake of being helpful, and is grateful for any actual kindness shown to him. He grows to genuinely care about the gang’s overall well being, and goes so far as to flat out state he’d give his life for Jack’s if he could, despite Jack being a brat to him in the beginning. But despite the fact that he’s a kind hearted individual, he will stand up for himself, and if the follower glitch dialog is accurate, he will engage in combat if he has to. A lot of his dialog is pretty snarky too, which I thought was interesting. I thought he’d be a lot more jumpy and nervous during a shootout, but again I was wrong.  To me all evidence points to his anxiety/nervousness all being circumstantial. It really only presents itself when his safety is actively being threatened, and in foreign situations(people going out of their way to be friendly to him; catches him off guard). So yeah, I think you could technically call him an anxious person and it be somewhat accurate, but he’s not anxious like people today are. His anxiety isn’t “across a broad range of circumstances”, as are anxiety disorders. I think it’s more accurate to say that Kieran is a pretty self confident, moderately outgoing person with a bright personality, despite the sh*t he’s been and still going through. And that’s what I love about him.
I started out feeling bad for him, with a touch of amusement, just for the fact that I really did pity him. He just seemed like such an unfortunate person. I felt really bad having to bring him in, because my general impression was that he’s really not meant for the outlaw life and was probably a nice person. Hated having to bring him in, but having read his bio before playing the game, I was at least relived that his position as part of the gang meant that me bringing him in wasn’t going to result in having to be the cause of his demise. Him being tied up for weeks made me feel really bad since I couldn’t do sh*t to help him out any, because Arthur didn’t give a damn. Poor thing didn’t even have shelter when it rained in 40℉ weather, and didn’t even have his coat on. Once he was free to move around, I was a bit surprised at how confident he was in greeting Arthur. Save for Tilly, in my game, Kieran greets Arthur more than anyone else in camp. Always bright and cheery. Seeing as how I spent most of my time in camp on the outskirts doing chores(see also: avoiding Dutch lmao), running into Kieran a lot was unavoidable, especially because Arthur’s morning routine is cooking breakfast by the campfire. Eeeevery morning, there’s Kieran. Literally can tell what hour it is by where Kieran is and what he’s doing, and vice versa. If it’s 2pm, I know exactly where Kieran is. With how much time I spent at camp, it didn’t take any time at all before I was very familiar with him. I never had any negative feelings or suspicion towards him, but other than our shared fondness for horses, I had no real reason to like him(pity isn’t exactly a reason to like someone after all). But I grew fond of him so quickly ever since dragging him down from Colter, especially after he saved Arthur. He was brave enough to stick up for himself, brave enough to risk his life saving Arthur, and brave enough to state that he’s “one of you now”. He does more than his fair share of chores every day, stays out of everyone’s way, and remains bright and friendly despite his sh*t circumstances. Oh and he loves horses. Those are the reasons I grew attached to him, and still am. I thought he was just 1889 me, but now I realize he’s a lot of what I wish I was. I love his confidence, despite the fact that he has no one backing him up. Ever. I have supportive people backing me, and yet if someone says sh*t to my face it’s going to make me seriously question my worth. Kieran Duffy fights back anxiety, plants his feet and defends himself. I’m f*cking proud of that boy.
Oh my GOD this is embarrassingly long lmao, but I f*cking love Kieran Duffy with all my heart and I feel like so many overlook how strong he actually is. He’s not an ~anxious soft boy~. He’s sweet, and kind, hard working and self reliant, open and honest, confident and snarky, and is just overall such a lovable, wonderful person. He’s not a weak little snitch, nor a skittish people-pleaser. He wants to be liked for who he is, and while he’s always trying to prove himself, he plays the long game and lets that happen naturally. He’s not a boot licker like Micah. I hate that a lot of the gang gave him such constant sh*t, and that despite the fact no one liked him, Micah was treated like “one of the gang”, when he said so much sh*t. Motherf*cker made comments about throwing out the women since they were “dead weight who you can’t even f*ck”, and older “less useful” members like Uncle and Swanson. Meanwhile Kieran works himself to death on a daily basis, but all the Big Men of camp pretty much hold his past over him constantly, despite the fact that he didn’t have a choice, and wasn’t even really part of the gang. It’s just really sh*tty and I hate it lmao.
I’m going to shut up now and pray to GOD this doesn’t make it into the tags or so help me I’ll tag it later lmao. 
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