#which is kayevelyn
sadaveniren · 4 months
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puckingawesomerecs · 4 years
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by request, a few of our favorite omegaverse fics for bennguin and 1988!
burn our fingers and change our names by linsky (44k | explicit)
“Jamie’s always wanted to end up with a wolf,” Jordie says, and it’s like cold water over Tyler’s head, because that means Jamie can’t end up with him.
untitled seguin/benn a/b/o ficlet by rest (2k | not rated)
Tyler can’t resist temptation. He’s shit at self-control. He can’t stop himself, when they’re out, from going up to the bar and buying two local nine-dollar beers and a basket of the buttery garlic fries Jamie practically creams himself over. Sure enough, as soon as he sets shit down, Jamie purrs at him.
“Good?” Tyler asks.
Jamie nods as he shovels fries into his mouth.
assist by hatrickane (3k | explicit)
Tyler has gone so long without touching an alpha that it's starting to have a negative effect on him. Good thing Jamie is always willing to help him out.
(all my life i’ve been) burdened by the dreams by linsky (30k | explicit)
Patrick has two goals for himself when he comes to Chicago:
Win the Stanley Cup.
And don’t let anyone find out he’s a wolf.
a. i. n. y. (although i need you) by kayevelyn (13k | explicit)
Pat had forgotten to pack suppressants before their last trip and that meant he hadn’t taken his dose in two week. Which… wasn’t great.
(aka Pat goes into an unexpected heat and he needs a hand)
i’ve got a feeling (i hope you’re feeling it too) by aohatsu (14k | explicit)
When Patrick met Jonny for the first time, it was because they'd both just been picked for the same hockey team. When Patrick netted his first goal during practice, Jonny skated over to give him a congratulatory hug and, well, it's not like he didn't sometimes shift on accident, when he was excited or happy, but it hadn't happened at practice in ages.
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themculibrary · 4 years
Steve/Bucky/Sam Masterlist
Links Last Checked: September 6th, 2024
part two
AKA the Greater New York PTSD Support Group (ao3) - triedunture E, 12k
Summary: A story about Bucky coming back to the surface with the help of Steve, Sam, pancakes, video games, the city of New York, assorted Avengers, and beds that--really, let's be honest here--are too soft to sleep on.
before sight, before speech (ao3) - beardsley E, 3k
Summary: If it was up to Steve, he’d just never touch either of them again. He can’t choose. The thing that’s never occurred to him before is that he might not have to choose at all.
Chasing Every Breaking Wave (ao3) - coffeeinallcaps E, 6k
Summary: “Hey, by the way,” Bucky says, “what’s the most times you’ve ever made Steve come in a row?”
Den of Iniquity (ao3) - fiasco_sauce E, 4k
Summary: "Jesus, Buck." Steve is bright red. And, Sam can't help but notice, he's starting to smell really good, his honey omega scent layering over Barnes’ alpha musk. He must be getting slick already just from Barnes’ proximity and obvious interest. "Sam's right there."
Barnes looks up at Sam and licks his lips. "Pretty."
The bolt of heat that one word sends through him is completely unexpected. His hormones must spike hard enough for the other two to smell, because Barnes' eyes go wide and Steve inhales sharply.
Sam's as shocked as they are. He doesn't know if it's the word (no one's ever called him pretty, is that an alpha thing?), the open desire on Barnes' face, or just the way he and Steve are twined together, their scents ramping up and spreading through the den.
"Pretty," Barnes says again, purring it this time. He holds out his free hand. "Sam. C'mere, gorgeous."
decisions made in your absence (ao3) - lucymonster E, 5k
Summary: “This isn’t my area of expertise,” Steve admits through gritted teeth. “The whole...relationships thing."
Or, what to do when your two secret love interests are falling for each other.
Find You In Forever (ao3) - Kayevelyn E, 59k
Summary: Steve is wandering through the 21st century after the Battle of New York. He had friends (if Natasha constantly trying to set him up with every beta and omega couple she can find is friendship - he thinks it is?) and a job, but he still feels lost. Maybe it's because he can still feel the loss of his Bond with Bucky and Peggy. But after meeting Sam Wilson on a run, things start looking up. And even if they do get looks for being an alpha dyad, at least he's happy. But then a new member gets assigned to his squad: codename Winter Soldier.
Keep Repeating Mistakes for Souvenirs (ao3) - matchsticks_p (matchsticks) T, 4k
Summary: Returning to New York means finding out that Sam Wilson has a lot of ex-boyfriends. Steve and Bucky deal. Or, well, try to deal.
(Okay, Steve tries to deal. Bucky is Bucky.)
Make a Thing Go Right (ao3) - hansbekhart E, 100k
Summary: Sam meets Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes on a Thursday night, at a burlesque show, and how it happens is this:
It's already late, later than he should be out on a weeknight, but the theme of the show was a super hero revue and there was no way he was gonna miss that. It's loud in the venue, which is the back space of what probably used to be a warehouse right near the Gowanus Canal, and Sam's already had a few. He's up at the bar during the break, watching the act. He doesn't hear someone say, "Behind!" so when he steps away from the bar, he smashes right into the guy who'd just done the Captain America routine up on stage, and knocks his drinks to the ground.
No Grave Can Hold My Body Down (ao3) - AlannaLioness T, 25k
Summary: Like every other person on the planet, Steve Rogers was born with a tattoo, (though lovers of semantics and exact language would argue that that tattoo really isn’t the right word, because tattoos don’t grow and adjust like soulmate marks do). And like a fair number of people (approximately 35%) Steve was born with two.
AKA Captain America has the Bucky's and Sam's first words to him marked on his body and his life is complicated because of it. He's not always the best at dealing, but he won't let either of them go.
Of All The Ways I Could (ao3) - Mercia G, 17k
Summary: In a mission gone wrong, a spell hits Steve which reverses the effects of the serum.
Our Omega (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor N/R, 3k
Summary: Steve And Thor have a one night stand at one of Tony's parties, and Steve ends up pregnant. Thor leaves the next day for Asgard without saying a word to Steve, leaving Steve to deal with the mess alone. Except, he's not really alone. He has Bucky and Sam, who step up to take care of Steve and the baby.
outrun my gun (ao3) - biblionerd07 G, 2k
Summary: After Sam gets hurt on a mission, Steve and Bucky spill some truths about how important he is to them.
that's what you get for dreaming aloud. (ao3) - oh_no_oh_dear E, 80k
Summary: Steve likes Bucky (duh.) Bucky likes Steve (double-duh.) Sam likes Steve (kinda duh.) Steve likes Sam (who wouldn't?) Bucky likes Sam (wat)
Sam...likes Bucky? (stop the madness)
The slowest of slow burns. Occasional angst. Much kissing ensues. Maybe more also ensues.
There’s My Territory (ao3) - Dira Sudis (dsudis) E, 29k
Summary: "That's the beauty of this stuff," the salesman said, tilting his head toward the display Bucky had been looking at. "Nobody knows what you're keeping under your clothes. That's between you and yourself."
Three Assholes And Some Mistletoe (ao3) - stevergrsno (noxlunate) M, 3k
Summary: Bucky’s not sure what possesses Sam fucking Wilson to look at him and Steve on Christmas Eve eve and say “You two are coming to my place for Christmas. Don’t argue.”
He’s also not sure what possesses him to respond with “Sure, what should we bring?” but he’s pretty sure it has something to do with the brain damage. That can be the only reason.
In which Christmas happens, mistletoe is used, and Steve, Bucky, and Sam become Steve, Bucky, and Sam.
Two Right Fits (ao3) - hobbitdragon E, 5k
Summary: Steve's heats are as regular as clockwork now, thanks to the Serum. So when the time rolls around, he takes a week off for his heat to be with Sam and Bucky.
What If We Love Like Fools? (ao3) - IndigoNight, paraka T, 29k
Summary: When Sam had said he went where Cap did, he had meant it. Steve, apparently, had not. Steve leaves Sam behind when he goes to look for Bucky, which is just as well, because Bucky comes looking for Sam.
Where the Fire Burns Hot and Bright (ao3) - Dira Sudis (dsudis) E, 42k
Summary: "I'll keep watch," Bucky said, and Steve jumped. Sam could only manage a twitch, but he meant it with every fiber of his where the hell did you come from being. Bucky was just there somehow, standing in the slice of shadow to one side of the room's window. "Sleep, both of you," Bucky repeated. "I've got this watch."
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sourwolfstories · 6 years
Hi! Do you have any X-Men AU's or super power AU's you would recommend?
But Not With Haste by uraneia
It’s been years since Derek escaped from the hunters who killed his family and bound him in his human form. He travels solo, never staying in one place, keeping under the radar–until a skinny, smart-mouthed kid stows away in the back of his truck.
Four months ago Stiles’s first kiss put his best friend in a coma. His dad gave him a couple hundred bucks and a hug and told him to run. By the time Stiles witnesses the cage fighter known as Wolverine take out a shotgun and its wielder with his bare hands, he’s got a plan. He knows there’s a school in New York for kids like him. All he has to do is get there.
OR, in which Derek is the werewolf version of Wolverine and Stiles is Rogue and the plot of X-Men progresses accordingly, with a few notable deviations.
crusader of the night by allhalethekings
Stiles always comes in like clockwork at seven-thirty in the morning, stands in line with his face solely focused on his phone, mindlessly rubs the sleep out of his eyes every few minutes, orders a large black coffee when he gets to the counter, takes a big gulp as Derek processes the transaction, and then beams at Derek with the light of a thousand suns.
Every morning is the same.
Until one day, it’s not.
Professor Xavier’s a Total Douchebag by Fanhag102
Derek Hale can read minds. If he could have chosen a mutant power for himself instead of being given one by random, genetic happenstance it’s safe to say mind-reading would not have been his 1st, 2nd, or even 96th choice.
Maybe if he’d gotten the power of invisibility he wouldn’t be sitting in a senior Economics class next to a hyperactive kid with a buzz cut who won’t stop thinking about dicks.
excelsior by allapologies
Stiles is a genius billionaire philanthropist, and Derek has breathtaking anger management issues. Mostly, they argue and flirt. But sometimes, they save the world.
Avengers AU.
Open With a Gambit or be Rogue by Kayevelyn
He establishes the school because he needs something safe. (The one where Peter runs a mutant school)
With Great Power Comes Annoying Sidekicks by KuriKuri
“I don’t want to be a superhero,” Derek protests, and he has half a mind to leave right now, ditch Stiles and get back to his life.
“Ah, so you’re going the Peter Parker route,” Stiles says, nodding solemnly. “Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.”
“Who’s Peter Parker?” Derek asks, confused.
“Oh my god, you have so much to learn,” Stiles replies, gaping at Derek.
it’s gonna take a superman by kellifer_fic
Derek figured the Children of Villains support group would at least be full of outcasts like him. How wrong could he be?
coffee housing by kellifer_fic
Stiles kinda likes the way his life has turned out, fighting the righteous fight alongside some pretty kickass individuals.
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
do you have any fics where bucky is a shield agent and works with captain america?
Try these! They’re not all exact matches, but I think they fit the spirit of the ask:
James Barnes, Agent of SHIELD (/others) by Kala_Sathinee
Bucky never fell from the train. When they storm the final HYDRA base, he’s there at Steve’s side. But Steve still goes into the ice,and Bucky is left to deal with a world without him. A world in which he tries to find a purpose.
Our Lingering Frost by eyres
When S.H.I.E.L.D. finally locates the plane Captain America drove into the ocean, Colonel James Barnes drops everything to go bring Steve’s body home at long last. He finds more than he was expecting.
Sforzando by Odsbodkins
Three years before they find Captain America, SHIELD wakes the Winter Soldier and restores his memories of being Bucky Barnes.
Mighty like Love, Mighty like Sorrow by Regann
After freeing himself from the Russians’ mind control, Bucky is left at loose ends, drifting through the decades. Still, he’s in no hurry to take up Nick Fury’s offer to once again fight the good fight – especially not when Fury has the nerve to put some imposter in his best friend’s old suit and send him out to fight against Chitauri.
Énoument (WIP) by Silvials
When Steve first met Sergeant James Barnes during the New York invasion, he flipped Steve off for calling him a civilian, then roundhouse kicked an alien in the face.
They haven’t stopped seeing each other ever since, and Steve thought it was normal for him to latch onto the first person who befriended him after coming out of the ice.
Nope, turns out he was just pining.
Dishonor On Your Cow by mandarou
“Sergeant Barnes?”
“Oh, hell no, don’t call him that, man,” Sam warned.
“Captain Fuck Off!” Barnes shouted over him. “Fight me!”
Steve didn’t know whether to laugh or just slink away. He managed to combine the two by pacing two steps and snorting instead. Like a bull.
“I’m gonna need you to calm your ass, Barnes,” Sam said as he went limp again, obstructing Barnes’s struggling under him. “This is so undignified. That is Captain goddamn America.”
“Captain goddamn America!” Barnes repeated, louder. And angrier.
Steve cleared his throat again. “I’ve been looking for you,” he told Barnes.
“I hope you brought lube this time!” Barnes shouted.
To Hide the Wolves of Sheep by beardsley
SHIELD are the ones to create the Winter Soldier and, in 2013, deploy him to aid the Avengers. Some meetings are inevitable.
Find You In Forever byKayevelyn
Steve is wandering through the 21st century after the Battle of New York. He had friends (if Natasha constantly trying to set him up with every beta and omega couple she can find is friendship - he thinks it is?) and a job, but he still feels lost. Maybe it’s because he can still feel the loss of his Bond with Bucky and Peggy. But after meeting Sam Wilson on a run, things start looking up. And even if they do get looks for being an alpha dyad, at least he’s happy. But then a new member gets assigned to his squad: codename Winter Soldier.
The Blind Leading bySkyisGray
Steve is specifically told not to fraternize with the independently contracted Winter Soldier.
If anyone would like to make another recommendation, please let us know!
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Fanfiction Writer Appreciation Day: Sterek
 Hey, belatedly for fanfic Writer Appreciation, here are some of my Sterek favourites from Teen Wolf (my latest fandom). In no particular order:
What I Did On My Summer Vacation by missingsun: I love this au’s mythos. Beacon Hills and the townspeople really get fleshed out, as does the role of the Hale Pack.
a mountain to climb by grimm: One of my favourite ABO fics of any fandom. Mpreg, unplanned teen pregnancy angst.
Sell your Body to the Night by Dira Sudis (dsudis): Probably the best sex worker au I’ve ever read. It’s explicit, so do check the tags. The author is one of my faves of any fandom, and handles grim subjects really well, so know you’re in good hands.
Really, Derek Hale? by relenafanel: A Lizzy Bennett diaries au. Everything by this writer is great, so it’s well written and funny. Derek is adorable, bless him.
Bogarted by HalfFizzbin: This is genius. Derek is cursed to narrate his thoughts like a Noir detective. It’s so great.
Play it Again by metisket: Parallel Universe fic! Stiles maybe verges on Mary Sue territory, but it’s so well done, I don’t care.
Come with Me and Walk the Longest Mile by Devildoll: Zombie Apocalypse AU! Also ABO, in case that’s a deal breaker for anyone, but it’s not super important to the plot. Devildoll has written a lot of excellent stories, so check out their other work.
By Any Other Name by entanglednow: Derek and Stiles are hit with magical amnesia and go on the run, essentially. Seeing them try to figure out their identities and their relationship with each other is very interesting. Poignant.
Fly a Little Faster by mirrorkill: Awww. Time travel fic and it is adorable. I just love Stiles interacting with Teen Derek. It is too cute.
Little Wild Animal by DiscontentedWinter: A 'Werewolves took over the world’ AU, in which humanity is thought to be extinct, but the Hales find feral (human) Stiles and adopt him. It’s heartwarming, sad and sweet, and has an excellent spin-off series focused on Derek’s OC trans sibling.
Safety in Silence by survivah: Possibly my favourite fanfic of all time. Soulmate Sterek au, in which only Derek is aware of the bond. Cue unrequited love that actually made me cry. The author also packs in lots of fandom staples, like demonic possession, love spells, incubi, truth telling enchantments and more! Plus a Supernatural Conference, which was just great. The author also wrote A Simple Life, which is a very cute fox!Stiles fic.
I’ve Got a Sure Thing by skoosiepants: Mpreg, right at the beginning. Also Stiles is a Fox were. (It seems to be a normal part of this universe.) And has an adorable Fox baby! It’s adorable. (As a child care professional, I’ve got to say, the author writes babies well.)
Wolf In the House by JoeLawson: Wolf!Derek moves in with the Stilinskis, cue lots of family feels. Also, wolf!Derek PoV alternates between being cute, funny and tragic
Untamed by rosepetals42: Hogwarts AU and it is great. Transfer Student Stiles contends with Slytherin Prejudice and Luddite Hogwarts. Gryffindor!Derek tries to help. It is adorable.
Agent Halewinkle and the Stilinski Cheer Initiative by WhoNatural: Hella cute. And funny. Awww. So much awww. Derek is a Santa’s Elf and he is bound and determined to make Stiles’ Christmas Dreams come true.
Hide Of A Life War by Etharei: One of my fave BAMF Stiles fics combines with Stilinski Family Feels. It’s quite the cocktail.
Cross our bridges when we come to them by RemainNameless: Awesome Derek character study and extra-awesome bonding with the Sheriff and Stilinski Family Feels. I cried.
Discovery Channel by Kayevelyn: Stiles is bitten instead of Scott. It’s excellent.
tie your napkin ‘round your neck, cherie by magneticwave: Disney Beauty and the Beast AU where Stiles is a teapot and Derek is a wheel barrow. It’s wonderful.
The Road to Self-Actualisation is Littered with F-Bombs by blue_fjords: Stiles and Derek go Undercover at a Couples Retreat. It is hilarious, well written and very entertaining.
I could probably come up with loads more, but I am tired. These are some of my fave fics, writers and tropes, though! Honestly, look these guys up. They’re great writers and have written some heartwrenching/warming, adorable, hilarious and extremely well written fic for this and other fandoms.
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