#which is funny b/c if you chatted her up WITHOUT amnesia right off the bat
slasheru · 2 months
What if the MC and the dateable are dating, but then one day the MC had an accident and got amnesia? The MC couldn't remember anyone, including the dateable. When the dateable heard the news, they were worried and hurried to visit the MC in the hospital. But when they met the MC for the first time after the accident, the MC was like, "Hi cute stranger, wanna date? I can't remember my own name, but I want to remember your phone number. (wink)" And in the next two hours, the MC tries to rizz up the dateable, not knowing they are already dating.
I feel like each dateable's reaction totally depends on who it is, lmao. Sawyer would be 100% Ethics Mode and be like "I can't accept your flirtations until you're totally cognizant again!!", whereas Hex would be like "ok let's jog your memory. Remember this?? :) :) :)" and start showing the Player assorted random items from DIK, like, an old potato or Horsemike's bong
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