#which is fine coz i'm not having fun
book-extravagance · 2 years
You mean I had to watch (white) British Twitter go up in flames of indignation over Meghan making fun of her cultural confusion about how to curtsy to the queen?
And ONE EPISODE LATER it turns out she also gently mocks how Americans wave?
It's the same genre of cocktail party anecdote! It's self-deprecating! If she was making fun of anyone, it was Americans, and how gauche we are!
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hi ☺️ you make me happy
Just read your post of Jungkook being the best boyfriend. Can you please make the same for Jimin,,,,?))
Absolutely. It would be my pleasure
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Lost diamond is talking about this post.
We can start with a moment I've never seen until 2day....
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But we already knew this yes? It's not the first time JK has said Jimin treats him the most. Even during one of the unfortunate moments when JK rated Jimin last, the latter was sure to remind him that he's the one who spends on him the most. So Jimin has always been generous with his baby since the very beginning. Which is why our next moment should come as no surprise.
-Jimin travelling across the world in 2019 for JK's birthday and then doing so again in 2023 for JK's solo debute. Anything for the love of his life it seems. #allthefeels 🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍
Next I just wanna bring this back real quick
(Thanks @chicknbunny13 )
It is not an underrated moment by any means whatsoever. In fact you will see this clip every few weeks on twitter on your timeline. Jikookers love this moment. But, we mostly talk about Jimin feeding JK which it's fine. Really. Its sweet and really nice to see. But all members feed eo it ain't a big deal. So what I like to talk about is what happens before Jimin feeds JK.
JK wants pizza. He stands, looks around, they've ran out so he sits back down. He glances at Jimin's one, but its whatever, pizza is finished. But here's the part I like; Jimin without even looking at JK, just knows what he wants and thats when he feeds him a bite from his own. So either a) He was watching JK on his periphery, or b) He is just that in tune with his boyfriend. I'm going with the latter coz it ain't the first time he's come through for JK even without him asking. That's what sets the moment apart from all the other times members have fed eo.
Next moment that proves how much Jimin loves JK applies to both since it also involves a whipped JK. Analysis time guys. 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾
This is so fun guys I highly recommend watching it
I went there for this one moment coz I'm a big fan. BTS countdown Jikookery:
JK is the king
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and other members are supposed to go appeal to him so he can choose one of them. Jimin of course is very eager
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He was adorable saying that. He is calling himself hyung but he's totally baby in that moment 🤭🤭 Suga starts singing this one song and Jimin is the loudest shout-singing how crazy he is for JK
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Wbk 💅🏾😏
He leaves all other members in the dust, in his rush to get to his JK. Eager much? 🤣🤣
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While waiting JK closed his eyes and looked so blissful. I didn't fully understand why he was in this state
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Or why editors put a heart there 😂 so I chose to read that as him praying and hoping his baby gets to him first 😌😌
Since Jimin took off before the others, of course he arrives first
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So now JK has 3 options; suga, jimin or rm
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Suga makes his case
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Jimin wants to make his case with this one thing and JK is ready and waiting
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But Jimin only gets to say one word:
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Before Suga tramples all over his pitch
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So in the end Jimin doesn't even make his case 🤭
RM then makes his case by way of poem
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And now its time for the King to pick his partner
Remember Namgi both had chances to appeal to JK and why he should choose them. While Jimin essentially said nothing. So.... the king makes his choice.
But of course 😌😌😌
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Editors with the hearts thou 🤭🤭
Jimin was really happy that JK chose him. 🥺🥺 However, anyone who really pays attention to JK during BTS games could have predicted who he would choose 🤭🤭 This is definitely a whipped JK moment seeing as Jimin won unfairly. Definitely some boyfriend privilege involved here. He he heee.
Members play the game and Jikook proceed to win
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At some point JK raps and Jimin praises him immediately
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If you've ever noticed Jimin praises JK ALOT. I would say he praises JK the most. He is always telling us how good JK is, how talented, how he's good he is at everything. Even though we already know. Jimin never hesitates to praise JK and I for one love to see it. Most recent being the flying yoga episode when first thing he said was how good JK was gonna be at it
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Even though we all know he was the king of said flying yoga. Jimin seems to be extremely proud of JK's talents and prowess. Here we saw him drooling over JK bungee jumping so yeah... he definitely likes that JK is so good. Jimin has always been super proud to have JK as his boyfriend. Its a shame antis don't care to see it.
Another thing that shows how much Jimin loves JK, is always being there for him when he needs comfort
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What i love about this moment is that Jimin thought JK was puking when he ran over. And yet the first thing he does is grab JK's face to check on him. Vomit be dammed 🥺🥺🥺
Jimin is always there for the members when they need comfort. Yes. But I love love love how soft he's always been with JK. Remember during summer package when JK wrote a letter for Army and then got emotional? I love how Jimin wrote a poem for him after
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"My Jungkook" he said 😭😭😭😭😭
And we haven't even talked about how Jimin has always rubbed the back of JK's neck since time immemorial.
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When JK is in distress, when he makes a mistake, when the rest laugh at him, when he's confused, when the others talk over him and introvert JK can't get a word in. Jimin is always there to rub the back of his head to make him feel better since satellite Jikook are always next to eo.
Emotionally supportive Jimin is a huge dynamic in their rlship
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That last one brings us to our last point since I've ran out of image space; Protective Jimin that one time Suga did the thing. They were reacting to that last concert and JK who as we all know cries the most was being comforted by Jimin. Once again.
Jin is the one who pointed out that JK was crying.
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immediately Suga was like;
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Yeah... Jimin wasn't having it. He was like; bro you'd better shut tf up.
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Pointed a finger at Suga, his hyung and everything. Suga picks on Jimin all the time. It's the most popular Yoonmin dynamic. And usually Jimin doesn't care. But he drew the line at Suga picking on his bae. 🤭🤭🤭 I love this moment sm!!! He seriously wasn't having it and that was so hot of him 🥵🥵
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Look at his adorable worried face 🥺🥺 caught JK right on time too.
These moments are endless really, but i will stop here since there's no room for more imagery. But Jimin really is the best boyfriend and you can tell by JK's loyalty and how JK has always made Jimin his priority. He wouldn't do that, wouldn't be so head over heels if Jimin didn't treat him like a king.
Long live Jikook ✊🏽
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conkorse · 7 months
Can I ask how you pick your colors? I'm very fascinated by it and how well it works with your style
sure i will try my best 2 explain !!! >_<
typically i start drawing my main subjects on a grey colored background. this makes it so my color range is alot larger than if i sketched and colored on a white/lighter background because the colors that surround your piece will affect how they are perceived. i will attach an example below:
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as you can see the drawing on the left (which is a wip i havent posted this drawing yet lulz) heavys skintone changes to match the context of the colors in the background which when you compare that bg to the bg on the right it is much darker in comparison. i also simply wanted to play around with colors coz i try not to restrict myself in any capacity. coloring is the most fun part of drawing to me and part of that fun comes from imposing zero limitations on myself which is why alot of my art has the most stupid ass color combinations u will eva see #live #laf #lov
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this is what my drawings typically look like once i finish the actual main subject of the piece as you can see scout n pyro are in a grey void gidbles them. i typically do backgrounds last (which is something i should prbably change up sometime soon) because i tend to create them around the main drawing and it makes it easier for me to make everything more cohesive in the end because i can make the background however i want to fit the main drawing. i do not recommend doing this 24/7 becoz then u will struggle with environmental backgrounds/perspective shit and other stuff which is something i want to get better at but struggle with alot hashtag supaaa mega sad hashtag noob lyfeee
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as for coloring itself and choosing colors its really just a combination of experimentation (and by that i mean i go through so much of the color wheel before i decide on something) and intuition. i already have an idea of what looks good together well in mind because well ive spent quite alot of time fine tuning ermmm idk what 2 call it i guess my color sense ??? hallppp but anyways i really recommend not just using bright/neon colors exclusively! the best way to make colors pop is to couple them with more muted ones so the contrast is better evident btwn the two. OH ANDD i tend to try not to use straight up black and white/grey to portray those colors. for example if a character has ermm lets say a white shirt i wont use white or grey colors to depict it but rather maybe a light cyan orrr yellowy green :p
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i also overuse textured brushes and patterns in my art alortttt (see abovee) HALP so maybe try that??? i use clip studio paint and there are so many rly awesome textured brushes that i overuse coz they r SUPAAAA epik. IDK im just rambling but your biggest take away from this should be to GO EXPERIMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!! and have fun anddddd mix "ugly" colors 2gether coz u just can never know what will and wont work unless u try :33
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ALSO I ALMOST FORGOT play around with this feature in csp if u have it coz its another way i create textures (my heavy mii shown as an example) and here is a link to a tumblr post where i link all of the brushes i use in csp 0 .o I HOPE THIS HELPS SOMEWHAT!!!!!!!!! SOZZZ I AM NOT THE BEST AT EXPLANING >_<
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Pleaaaasse do you have any hc for my beautiful wife chopper Dave my sweet little British pilot
(The only British man I love)
Fuck you, I'm British >:( /light hearted
Chopper Dave general headcanons
CW: mentions of alcohol, British
He can and will cause problems on purpose, he finds it funny as hell, and has basically no fear. He's here for a fun time, not a long time.
Buddy buddy with Q-Bert, both bonded over their love for fine whiskey and the fact they're both from over the pond, even if they have petty disputes about whether England or Scotland is better. They have had physical fights over it before, but are still on good terms. Mostly.
Learned to fly just so he could be like his Dad. Plus he totally gets the best views in all of the state. Also the bomber jacket is fly as fuck (pun intended) and he loves sewing neat patches into it.
Has a photo of MPN SQ team that he keeps in his plane, they're his found family and he likes to keep the reminder close to him. He's also got pics of his real family.
Hates American candy, far too artificial in flavour, he deeply misses sweet from his home. You find some imported chocolate and give it to him, he will get misty eyed.
Once asked Chef for fish and chips, got an unbattered fish and crisps and he actually threw up from distress. God what he'd give for a proper pub meal.
Pansexual 100% He's got no preference, if you wanna romance him, he's on board no matter what you identify as, he's just happy for the company and love. Kissing him on the lips makes his knees actually weak, he will fall into your arms.
Starfish sleeper, all sprawled out, covers a mess and pillow has been yeeted to the ground. He snores a bit, but isn't too loud. Doesn't make his bed in the mornings and will probably never learn.
If romantically involved, he likes to have some part of him touching you while you both sleep. A hand on your arm/shoulder, foot on your foot/leg, you using his shoulder as a pillow, just anything to know you're still there with him :)
He's got thick arm hair, and that's about the only body hair he's got. He can't even grow a proper beard or moustache, which is sad coz he wants one of those old fashioned curly pilot ones. Not happening fam.
He's got short brown curls under his hat, which he shaves to a buzzcut now and then when its too long to handle. He has pretty poor self care, but he's happy enough.
Lil bit of chub to him, got that dad-bod vibe going on.
Drinks maybe a little too often, a chain smoker too. We've all got our vices baby, and a pack of cigs will get you all across Nevada with his whirly bird man.
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mwagneto · 9 months
sherlock & co. review from an insane person (me) coz this is like. the 25th? sherlock adaptation i've checked out so ofc i have opinions on everything ever. and ik ppl who work on indie podcasts browse tumblr sometimes so just in case you work on this DON'T click keep reading, this post is not for youuu shoo. thanks x
ok so far it's like. fine? which is lowkey sad coz i wish it was smtg i really liked but it hasn't gripped me yet which is a shame but yknow. early days. i'm giving it time since it's only 15 episodes so far
my main issue is like. i really wish it wasn't so obviously influenced by bbc but it just so clearly is which is a shaaame like it's better than bbc in every aspect but yknow. not a high bar to clear. like it kinda feels like they liked a lot of things abt bbc and set out to fix the bad parts (h&w friendship being nonexistent, the mysteries being shit) but just kept the rest? in some places keeping things that were invented by bbc which is. baffling tbh
i'm not really picky when it comes to h&w personalities like i think it's fine to just do whatever you want w them, i think it's really fun when an adaptation gives them different personalities than what you're used to but, and this is where it feels far too bbc-ish for comfort, i just don't like it when sherlock is a cunt for no reason? like. he's not a mean person he's only mean in bbc coz moffat thought house md was cool and ripped it off. can we stop making him mean pleeeease 😭 he's just some guy..................
h&w relationship wise it's like... ok so i tend to go into adaptations with a fully clean slate so like i never let my general attachment to them influence how i view them in specific adaptations, the work itself needs to sell me on both the characters and the relationship and like... here neither of those really happened yet which makes me sad coz i think by now it should've but i'm giving it time. at least they're friends and i like that watson is useful for cases/knows things holmes doesn't sometimes coz thats like. such an essential element to sh stories for me and a loooottt of adaptations tend to just completely forget it so that's a win but idk if anything they're too tame? like i dont expect a romance but they can't just be casual friends they need to be bat shit crazy about each other. to me. but like maybe that'll develop over the rest of the podcast we'll see
kinda related to that point but case-wise i think holmes is a bit too ahead of everyone else sometimes which isn't inherently a problem but it does once again smell of bbc which like. noone should ever emulate moffat writing don't do that 🙏 god bles. but i've been able to solve every case along with/before the mcs which is like. thee point of mystery stories for me so yea i really like the stories themselves so far, especially the way they manage to make them solvable even without visuals or narration. OH and i almost forgot but i rly like the soundtrack, i love it when sh soundtracks have a heavy emphasis on violins coz. yknow
howeverr i am on my hands and knees begging them not to give watson a girlfriend tho like please oh myfffucking god . obvs watsonlock doesn't usually factor into my enjoyment of adaptations given that like. y'know. out of the hundreds out there theres only two where either of them is even gay so it's not something i expect nor require but like. to me it is essential that these two ppl are insane abt each other and don't really have anyone else, definitely noone important. like even the rdj movies got this despite ritchie's obsession w the 2 men 1 woman dynamic so idk why i'm constantly having to wage a war against random unnecessary romances for either watson or, god forbid, holmes. when the only interesting relationship either of these men have is with each other. that one granada holmes quote about them choosing not to include mary coz holmes and watson dont need anyone else etc etc. like i seriously dislike it when they introduce anyone else like cmonnnnnn thog dont care
anyway tldr. i guess if asked to pick a short description i'd say. promising? i hope it's gonna be good in the long run. the way they do mysteries is already something i like so. i hope they keep that up and i hope the h&w relationship evolves into something i enjoy coz so far i'm like. i can see the bones of smtg i'll potentially like but it's not there yet. but also like. this is an indie production i'm listening to for free so ion wanna rip into it these are mainly just what i liked/disliked based on the preferences i developed with this one quick trick (grow up completely insane abt sherlock holmes -> consume every adaptation that you can get your paws on -> no profit)
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
So so so many thoughts
1. Oh my god the want they both think of each other in terms of food is so so tender I’m gonna throw up
Tony being Carmys inspiration and him hers
I’m unfortunately the Aperol is cough syrup club coz someone said it to me and ruined it for me forever but Pink Pepper is a yes!!!
The while what did you call him bit was so so cute I love how soft and easy and loving it is they are on the same wavelength and so in love you can feel it even before they realise
The cat metaphor is PERFECT he’s so wet grumpy cat I sob
And the side trip to yell at chef David and Fak Faking is so real
Plus just their whole conversation while the others were uselessly eavesdropping and Marcus was being responsible and shit. Them being cute and kissy kissy I love
ok I’m at woke now so p2 I guess?
IT WAS SO FUN TO DO FOOD STUFF MAN. I'd always tried to dabble more subtly in the way that like all the dishes Carmen makes are very inspired by Tony (Brisket - Her Recipe, Steak - This was more Tony's chance to pair the peach/pinot!, Bruschetta - Her sourdough, her basil, Cherry/Lamb - duh) But this one I was. SIGNIFICANTLY MORE AGGRO with him being an art bitch. It was important to me after seeing season 3 to show that like, Carmen's brain is still very good and not dead, in this universe. His creativity did survive, thanks to fuckin Toner.
APEROL SPRITZ-- I've honestly never had one. I can't imagine liking it if I'm being honest. Carmen I love you but you in drink form probably isn't for me. I'm not a huge fan of fizz and me personally if i can taste the alcohol, unless that's what i'm GOING FOR i'm simply too baby to enjoy. BUT I LOVE PINK PEPPER NOTES~ IN FOOD AND PERFUME!!
these two fucks are so in love in a way they do not fully comprehend i'm DISGUSTED! i love them.
the cat bit was fun to write, I now cannot remove Carmen from being a cat in my brain. which is really problematic for my experience with the show for me honestly because it's . bears.
I love the road trip. I have a better idea NOW finally as to how that road trip actually went, and perhaps in the future I'll do a back in time special abt how that fucking went. Might have to wait for S4 though, because hopefully Richie/Carmy have the talk?? And that would yknow. help me. but we ball. maybe i should just trust my own interpretations of the characters like a brave girl. i am not a brave girl.
i truly think marcus passed everyone leaving the bar to go eavesdrop and was like well. fuck. ig i gotta do this. because if i dont the likelyhood chips tips get robbed SKY rockets.
and how DARE you never send in a p2 after this (literally fine dw I'm answering asks at work rn) thank you for your thots as always :))
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f0point5 · 5 months
Omg I js need to say this rn coz I'm acc dying I have my silver dofe expedition tmrw and its supposed to rain all day and we r canoeing but like we r doing it in the middle of nowhere like last time we had civilisation around us in fact we canoes to trafford centre which fun fact u can do I did not know that but like I have acc trauma from our silver practice I almost froze to death in the tent and to make everything even worse I dislocated the joint in my left ring finger 2 days ago and I'm expected to canoe 💀💀
You don’t knowwww how many arguments that caused in my house 😂 i never did it but my dad thought I should have and he gave me so much shit over it for no reason. He was like oh you’re gonna get fomo. Then went on a sort of DofE-type school trip (the level of UNSAFE that was how did my school not get sued. Ugh like…so bad) and it was so hellish I cried every day. So no DofE for me.
Camping is something I did quite a bit as a kid because my dad was a big hiker, but when I got to about 18 I developed a sense of cold that made camping unbearable for me I don’t know why! After years of just being fine I started waking up in the middle of the night because I was so cold and thought I was actually dying. So understand you ❤️❤️❤️
Idk if you can take those heating packs or try to make a hot water bottle before you go to bed? Honestly just stay safe out there because being in the…nature and shit is like…hardcore.
Also, don’t know you, but I’m proud of you cos wow I’m too fragile 😂😂😂 you’re a gladiator!
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lizhly-writes · 1 year
Lizhly, longtime follower here but going anon coz I'm embarrassed. Help I have 2 weeks to write 3000 words of ANY fiction and that's not a lot TECHNICALLY but it's for a workshop group that will be seeing it every day for a week so it has to be good. I don't know where to start, have too many half baked ideas, and I procrastinate. Share your wisdom?
I had a draft to this, you know. tumblr deleted it. we're going off some half-baked wisdom now. anyway! flattered you chose to ask me, disclaimer that i am probably not your best source when it comes to not procrastinating and doing 3k in 2 weeks (track record is not great) but I will do my best!
now. here is how i would do it. here we are, under the cut:
pick the funnest one or the one you're most comfortable writing. if that is not immediately obvious, then i would spend a set period of time brainstorming through each idea. just word vomiting every single thing you think about it onto a page. 5-25 min, depending on your schedule. 1 hr each would be great but who has that kind of time? me, on the weekends, maybe, but that's not important. the important thing is equal amount of time for each idea.
if you find your brainstorming time for that idea has ended and you wish that you could spend more time writing about that idea, congrats! earmark it. you're probably interested in writing it. if you find yourself struggling to come up with anything for the idea, you are probably not very interested in the idea. strike it off.
anyway. finish going through all your ideas. narrow down on the ones that you've written the most for. you probably have the most ideas for those ideas. if you are still not clear as to which idea you'd like from that pool, then present your ideas to the public/your friends and ask what they'd be most interested in. put up a goddamn poll if you have to.
The Writing:
Now. there are three kinds of writers: plotters, pantsers, and plantsers. more verbosely put: those who plot, those who write by the seat of their fucking pants, and those who do both. I'm that last one, so the following advice caters to number 3, which I shall separate into three modes of writing.
the outlining.
Write down exactly what you want to happen. It doesn't need to be neat, it doesn't need to be pretty, it can, in fact, resemble a tumblr rant. See below.
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See, it's not particularly clean. I swear a lot. But the important thing is that I'm covering why I have this chapter, and exactly what kind of beats and scenes I want.
Here, you're figuring out, at minimum, a setting, your characters, and an idea of a beginning, a middle, and end. I like writing a little character profile and setting description here as well, just so I remember what's going on. If you can keep track of it everything in your head, all power to you!
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This is also a pretty good time to figure out if you're writing too much. Like if you outline your entire story and find yourself with 10 fucking chapters? Too much. Figure out where to cut down or switch to a different idea.
2. the ranting
Right, so this is where the BULK of the writing gets done. This is the part where you try to grab as much word count as you possibly can. Ideally you are following your outline (don't be afraid to make changes to your outline, though, if some things aren't working), but if you are anything like me, you are writing outrageously out of order, probably hitting up all the fun scenes first. Do things make sense, read altogether? It would be nice if they did, but ultimately, it doesn't matter. Keep going. Write anything you can think of. Copy some bits of your outline, if it fits. Swear a bunch, if that's what helps. If you don't want to write something, like maybe a transition scene, just say it. That's fine.
The point, as I said, is to get word count. The point is speed, not quality. You can make things nicer later, but you need things there to make nicer, first.
Sometimes, the words don't come. I personally participate in word sprints and games for this. It adds a certain amount of accountability and competitiveness to it, both of which I respond decently well to. It also adds a time limit, which should help with procrastination.
3. the ordering
Now this is where you start putting things into some semblance of order. You have your raw material in abundance -- now it's time to make something out of it. You make things nice. You start rearranging your disconnected scenes and write little bridges connecting them. You fill out scenes and holes you've left in description or whatever. This is the step that makes your mess readable.
This is, for me, the longest part of the writing process. I get bored around here, and also probably lose some motivation here.
I like posting little bits of my writing on Discord, because there are some people that like my writing and are likely to say nice things. Comments! A boost to your ego and likely your inspiration. They keep you going.
(Notice I say three modes of writing, not three phases. This is because I bounce wildly between them. I get bored halfway through outlining, and go to ranting; sometimes, i've run out of things to rant about because I haven't established a stable enough base to continue on, so I go back to outlining or go to ordering to clean up what i have so i can launch off easier. Go back and forth between them when necessary).
Once you finish your draft? Let it sit for a bit, if you have time. Take a break. You need some time away from your work.
Then you go over it with a fine-toothed comb. Grammar and spelling, sure, but truthfully, I don't immediately look for that. What I pay attention to is: would I need more description here? Over there? What about the dialogue, does it read well? Do I have enough dialogue tags? Do I have too many dialogue tags? Does this phrase hits like it needs to? Is the word choice good? Is everyone in character? Does everything make sense? Do you like what you've written? If not, why?
You will probably find your bits to add there.
What I would also do, if you're trying to make it good and you're unsure if what you're written is good, is find a beta reader. Maybe more than one beta reader, if you like. Finish your own editing, yes, but there is a limited amount of improvement you can get through the echo chamber of the self. An outside eye will help. Those questions that I've put up there, if you don't have answers, you're likely going to ask whoever your beta reader is.
Where will you find a beta reader? Ask a friend, if you trust them. Join a writer's discord, where there will probably be a channel for beta readers -- and also, a shit-ton of writers who will probably be happy to help you to find that word that's on the tip of your tongue or sprint against you to gain word count.
annnyway this is how i write. hope it helps! if you have questions, feel free to reply, or, i don't know, send another ask. good luck on your writing, anon!!! hope you get your 3000 words in!
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aajjks · 11 months
TPOLJK! Yn: oh? What did I irritate the spoiled boy? Will you be irritated because the spoiled baby doesn't get what he wants???? What are you going to do if you throw yourself on the floor and start crying???? oh spare me JEON! STOP FOLLOWING ME I WANT A DISTANCE FROM YOU! oh I will never moan your name believe me when I say this! -running away madly Yn FOR NOW manages to escape from JK- … -for now-
-the next day on a sunny Sunday Yn receives a basket of flowers and a basket of breakfast- Yn: mom? what is that? 👩: oh it's a welcome basket, your new boss said it was to make your arrival warm, I'm happy that you got a job at this company and will be able to rest on the weekends Yn: job? boss? -whispers, I'm going to kill him- -new message- --UNKNOWN NUMBER-- JK: Welcome to the company, but don't worry, I won't let my woman waste her precious time working… -Yn realizes that she received a message from her two bosses at her old job firing her- -message- Yn: Jeon Jungkook I'm going to kill you!!!! Who do you think you are? I'm not going to meet you or go to that company, and I'M NOT YOUR WOMAN! JK: Too late for that…. you have two choices either you leave or I will knock on your door, which will it be?
-having no choice Yn ends up going to ''meet'' with JK- Yn: wow I thought you wouldn't be so low, playing with someone's life with a really sick life Jeon… you're worse than I imagined. Let me think…. no, no and no! I'm going to get another job and if you want to stay in this cat and mouse chase I'm not going to waste my time with that… oh I don't know if you remember but my boyfriend(girl please) also takes care of me that's why I'm not worried and my mother loves calling him her son(your imaginary boyfriend?), so as you can see, you're just wasting your time here, yeah… we had fun last night, not that my personal life is of interest to you. (you and... your finger?) -despite JK's hysteria she starts laughing- Yn: really Jungkook.. it's Jungkook right? I don't even remember… look at you, you look like a big baby - you look at him with a evil smile - you grew up with a golden spoon in your mouth and are incapable of seeing the reality in front of you, do you want me? of the whole truth? -she whispers in his ear- you need to do much more than that… do you think that with the snap of a finger I'll be yours? Yeah.. I want you to humble yourself and maybe I'll accept you… like a dessert until then, big boy, let's see who has more resistance… -slaps his ass- 🍑🍑(COZ WHY NOT!)
“ I know for a fact that you are single OK so stop lying, you are just pissing me off don’t call me a boy because I’m not lying. I am a man and so what if I was born with a golden spoon it’s not my fault that I was born rich doesn’t mean that I have no right to love? Is that what you’re trying to say- o-oh my God did you just slap my ass? DID YOU? OH MY GOD THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING. DO YOU WANT ME TO HUMBLE MYSELF? AM I NOT HUMBLE ENOUGH FOR YOU? Fine fine I am willing to humble myself. THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO BE MINE.”
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lizzybeth1986 · 2 years
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Tagging @choicesfandomappreciation for Day 3 of Choices Spread Kindness Event!
(Again...REALLY sorry for the lateness of this post!!)
I'm a huge huge fan of fanart...often art was what used to draw me the quickest to a book or character and make me more eager to play it! It was also a great way - like fanfic but differently - to incorporate things you wouldn't find so easily in canon. Here are some of my favourite artists!!
@sazanes - She is not only an incredible artist - she is also a ball of enthusiasm and great talent!! We first met when she sent me Hayden-focused asks after finding out we were both Hayden stans 😄 Her art is absolutely gorgeous and packed with so much fine detail. I still remember being amazed by her while running my first Hayden Young Appreciation Week - not only did she make an art piece for every day...she also ensured that if the character was customisable, she did an art piece each for each face (she did this both for Hayden and Liam). And given that some of those faces have less representation even though they're among the best faces (esp bl!Haydens and bl!Liam) I truly, truly appreciate her commitment to representing them. My favourite art work of hers is this beautiful poster of all the Haydens in kimonos, this beautiful picture of kid!Sloane and Kim, Liam helping the Heir plant her tree, Hana with a teasing mile and her signature hot chocolate, and of course this recent one of Kiara experiencing intense secondhand embarrassment 😄
@cassiopeiacorvus - There's an incredible style, attitude and verve about her work. She's done a depiction of every MC she's created thus far and I find them amazing coz she draws them with a body diversity that you won't often find in canon. Some of my favourite artworks of hers include a drawing of Xanthe and the ACoR MC in their "sexy red outfits", a reworking of Kiara's Costume Gala outfit (which is, btw, FAR BETTER than anything PB came up with for her), Jax and Lily with the BB MC and Leah and LH MC being a "black power couple" as Cassi put it 🤗
@toyhenoctus - I absolutely love their cute and vibrant comics, with cheeky and vibrant characters. Whether it's the gun-toting Siobhan or Effie who wants to declare her love for Aurora Emery to the world, it's always a treat to read them!!
@ohmyblues - She was a recent find, and I absolutely loved her Hana drawings! The first one I saw of hers featured Hana by the Valtoria lake, during the lantern festival, and the use of colours was so unbelievable and Hana looked so enigmatic in the picture. But I think my absolute favourite so far was the one they made of Hana at the piano. The texturing of the silver dress was so detailed and sublime, and her expression of being lost in the music was blissful to see.
@shazrystyles - Shaz is an absolute treasure! I've always loved her work but got to meet her personally when a friend bought a commission from her for me as a gift. Her artwork is so soft and delicate and so fun and fresh at the same time. My absolute favourites include this compilation of Hayden Young sketches, this supercute sketch of Zig performing ballet, this amazing one of Liam as a fencer and here is Hana and her MC on their wedding day 🥹
@burnwoods - Their art and style is so beautiful and interesting, and honestly they depict the characters in such a gorgeous, realistic way. I love the watercolor, stepped-right-out-of-a-painting quality of their work. My favourite was one of the entire cast of TRR/H, a picture of Rafael and the OH MC hugging and looking like the giddy reunited lovers that they are, and this cute picture of the entire ITB crew!
@they-callme-ami - Just the fact that they do such incredible art of black characters brings me so much joy 🥰🥰🥰 Here's their awesome commission page! I'm new to their art so I'm really excited to reblog them and have more people see them!!
@ellezelindraws - I absolutely love their drawings of Hana Lee (personal favourite is the one of Hana in a pink cheongsam) and their lovely cartoons of Hana and the MC as a married couple (like this one of the MC dreaming Hana might be bald, Hana gazing admiringly at a sleeping MC, and goth!Hana). They've done some other incredible art of wlw in particular as well, like Sabina, Annabelle, Ava and Kamilah. I can't wait to see more of their art!!
@danniseyebrows - They make incredible art of a lot of characters but the ones I am most familiar with are her TRR MCs (she has one each for each LI!) My favourite of the lot is her Hana MC Valerie, and one of my most enduringly favourite works of theirs is a depiction of the MC reacting to the dress that Hana made for her (in Shanghai) in a way that truly acknowledges these women as being in love with each other 💗
If any of their commissions are open, please do check them out and consider commissioning art from them...you definitely won't be disappointed!
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
To Elliot, Derek, Mars, Tyler: What would your ideal partner be like?
Going feral about vq rn but lemme see if I can answer this
Elliot: "big tits huge ass. Blonde. Or brunette idgaf. Hot. Good meat for fucking. Behaves. Does what I tell her. What else is a woman good for?? She's gotta be here for me and she's gotta be hot as shit. And kinda dumb and slow so I can be the man about it and help her out and shit."
Derek: "Ideal..?" he smiles. "I guess she should be nice. A good person you know... and pretty." He shrugs. "Someone i get along with I guess." He laughs a little.
Elliot: "just nice and pretty really??"
Derek: "okay fine she has to have nice hands and a nice ass and also be good for fucking so I can call her bitch and shit and she'll like it."
Mars: "hahahah. Ideal. Well there's no ideals in this world because everyone kinda sucks about it but... ideal... First and foremost he'd be a really close friend I could trust who'd be excellent to talk to and hang out with as well as good in bed. Good to fuck. Patient with me...." Mars smiles a little and laughs. Shrugs." I guess he'd be smart too... full of ideas... Kind of strange. Big weirdo. Good with kids. Sleepy. Surprisingly cuddly even though he doesn't want to admit it. Big... wide shoulders... squishy tummy... big dick. Good with war and strategy.. good with guns so we can go shooting together... guy who has an edge to him too... who'd kill for me.... who'd KILL period. Mm I love a guy who can kill... and a guy who listens... You know, whenever I talk about pool and poker and all of those more high class court activities he's SUCH a fast learner?? I LOVE that about—" Mars stops mid sentence. "Get the fuck out of here I'm not talking to you." He's blushing a LOT.
Tyler: "uhhnnnnnn well first of all I'm unloveable. But! I would hope they're queer as fuck lol! I'd love it if they were trans like me.. and accepting of my pronoun preferences and my identity. Would be cool if they were beastkin like me too. Most wolf people just call themselves werewolves which is such a horribly demeaning term. So an ideal would prooooobably be a wolfkin beastkin wolf person who's trans and queer as fuck. Oh and if they liked horror that would be cool too. Oh and they'd have to be okay that I also kill wolf people. For fun. Coz that's a thing I do lol. But it's just for the money I swear! I derive no pleasure from it. It's just for the money!!" He sits there for a second then says. "God I wish I could get fucked good and hard by a trans girl with a big cock."
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starillusion13 · 5 months
Ok so I am bored to death soo questionnaire ahead:
Birth month
Hav u dated
If u could spend one day with an idol who?
Can u sing
Fav k-pop songs
Fav non k-pop song
Is yuta sexy?
Fav food
Fav drink
Am I annoying
What if I am a 40 y/o uncle?
Kiss marry kill (atz/nct) also me
Ideal date
Fav movie,series,anime,comic
Do u believe in aliens
Why are cows white
Would u date if taeyong was a fat cow
Are u cow?
Assign me an animal/flower/season/thing/colour
Are u checking facts
Ok that's it. If u don't wanna ans anz Q ignore it~
wait some questions are- oh gosh am cracking up!
June (yes I am same month as Haechan Taeil Yeosang)
No (I receive a lot of proposals but no. never felt like to date coz I cant trust anyone)
Taeyong (I am really so into him like i just want to meet him one day just to say Thank you for appearing in my life suddenly back in those days. he has changed me a lot and taught me so many positive things.) Also, Hongjoong, Yunho & Mark
Yes I can sing. (I was in singing and dancing club back in school coz I can do both)
Right now I would say Box-nct dream but (been through, thunder, playboy, heart attack - exo, sun&moon, no longer, lipstick, sit down, lips, -nct 127, inception, arriba, fever -ateez, teddy bear, never goodbye, its yours, rainbow -nct dream, after midnight, poppin love, domino, all for love, no one but you -wayv, wish u were here, line em up - superm, Im unhappy, new world - aespa, sunrise, summer rain -gfriend)
else from kpop (dowtown - allie x, I'm not her - clara mae, eastside - halsey, ciao adios - anne marie, all we know - chainsmokers, i like you so much you'll know it, know me - gemini, on the loose- niall horan, arcade- duncane laurance, 6 feet under -bellie elish, fetish - selena gomez...I listen to non kpop more so if I start with all then it'll be about a post only for songs) I listen to songs almost whole day so theres a big list...sorry but I literally love when someone asks me about my fav songs.
Of course Yuta is sexy...comeon that video of him stretching and his butterfly tattoo peeking beneath his shirt is still imprinted in my head. His whole appearance is what some fans their idol to be.
Food,I'm not a foody person. I often skip meals. but I love cakes and ice cream a lot.
Smoothie (I try those special ones from every cafe, I love it)
of course not. Never, if you ask me 100 asks a day, I will still answer u. I am always online coz my studies r online related so just I take time to answer but u cant be annoying. I love to interact with u so much. you are the sweetest anon. I am glad to be your friend.
It's okay. (If the uncle is feeling uncomfortable to share his age with younger people then fine but if he is sexualizing or making dirty jokes with a younger person who is half of his age then he should feel shame on himself like how are you treating someone of your child's age also I have followers who are almost 40 and I have fun with them in some topics even in real, I engage in a convo with elder people too fast)
sorry love but kill - you coz no one comes before ateez n nct
kiss - NCT (this is literally like choosing btw mom n dad)
marry - ateez (age diff is perfect to marry lol)
to be honest if I could date someone, i would have dated Yunho (caring, soft, a perfect body proportion (im not pervert i swear), passionate about his belongings, a bit dominative but not like those in ffs, romantic, smart, can cook, sassy, cute, gentleman, hot) Taeyong and Hongjoong should not see this
Fav movie - interstellar( i have watched it 7 times not kidding, I love space a lot), I literally watch all youtube videos on space and its history, series- theres few in my language which r too good but I dont think they have translation ver. , if u say drama then (meteor garden, put your head on my shoulder, love o2o, vincenzo, extraordinary you, doom at my service) Im not a anime/comic person but my bestie is.
As I love space so certainly I believe in aliens and some unnatural events happened on earth.
Cows white...but I see cows of different colors, but those white ones who are due to pigmentation reason dw they get pretty privileges lol
Why will I date a cow? oh gosh no. Honestly, he is too thin to be a cow and cow doesnt have those sharp jawlines. he could have been a knife, I would have used it regularly.
If I were a cow then only it would have been possible to date a cow Taeyong.
Animal - fox (dk but I felt like it)
flower - sunflower
season - summer
thing - ribbon
color - red
assign things r very random but I trust my instincts and they told me these all
checking facts (?) check the facts go check that check the stats go check that.
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mwagneto · 2 years
4 6 9 11 19 20 :-)
4. Movie of the year?
honestly almost every 2022 movie i watched sucked ass😭😭😭 has to either be glass onion or uhhhhh. i wanted to say el baile de los 41 but apparently that came out in 2020 which was three years ago i fucking hate time💀 so yeah idk 2022 was rly weak for me on the movie front. could've had sherlock holmes 3 but whatever it's fine !!!!!!!!!!
6. Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
you know it's gonna be our flag means death season 1 episode 9:-( absolutely insane addition to my already insane day, as you know. also the pilot of the iwtv reboot was really fucking good too
9. Best month for you this year?
oh my god i have no idea coz something nice happened pretty much every month but im a very positive person in general so idk. i got to travel in january, i applied to uni in february, march was amazing for every reason ever, i lived with réka my friend réka in april, i got a rly good grade on my finals in may, el my friend el flew to budapest and lived w me for a week in june, we went to Balaton with all my hun mutuals in july, i visited my sister in holland in august, i started uni in september and met a bunch of rly cool people and then october and november are pretty much one big blur so💀💀 but december was great too i finally got to relax a lil. so yeah no way to pick they were pretty much all rly fun
11. Something you want to do again next year?
visiting emilee my friend emilee which i AM doing again in February so😏😏 also going to Balaton with y'all again and hopefully hosting El again if they can make it
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
visiting Emilee!!!! aaoufgdudshsushdu and also ofmd season 2 and being done with my exams and maybe figuring out what the fuck i'm gonna do with my life
20. What’s something you learned this year?
i think in 2022 i finally managed the process of letting myself feel like people genuinely like me and aren't just pretending to like me so they can make fun of me. and also that bleeding myself dry for other people just to make sure they don't leave me isn't necessary because the people i interact with now don't just like me for the things i can do for them. and the biggest lesson of 2022 is that sometimes people will literally just do things for you because they're nice and they like you and it's okay to ask for help with things and to accept help with things. idk just a lot of very necessary emotional growth that I couldn't have had if it hadn't been for everyone i interacted with that year but yeah overall 100% positive mental health progression
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stanleyl · 6 months
Hi, I just stumbled onto your blog and I want to have a little chat. This is going to be long and I hope you bear with me. I am both a T and Z fan but online I engage more with Tom's content (coz it's scarce enough as it is) so I would say I'm more of his fan. I think Tom fans have this thing where you internalise what you percieve (or what the Internet perceives) as his failures and i feel like that's not the most fun way to engange with fandom online. The internet these days is just a cesspool where a popular actor just has to be compared to his peers and right now all of Tom's peers seem to be doing better than him by metrics I think are important to you guys or at least what I've seen from your blog (critical acclaim outside of marvel).
In my opinion, online discourse surrounding Tom has reached peak hate because he's dating Zendaya (please note that I like them as a couple and any casual fans or stans of hers who go out of their way to spread hate are in denial about their parasocial behaviour) and those people are going to use anything in their arsenal to just put negative energy about anything concerning him out there. Look at how they tried to make Francesca dealing with racial abuse about him not speaking out rather than putting assholes like Elon Musk on full blast for allowing that shit in the first place. Logically we could all assume that since Tom is working with this woman everyday he has shown her support in person unless it's proven otherwise and that would have been the case if it wasn't someone twittersphere has a hate boner for. And now I see some fans worried about how that will have him perceived by the public which is a waste of time of atp it is what it is. The play sold out in 2 hours, the extra tickets in less time which is extremely rare in theatre. It shows that the demand is there for Tom's projects he just has to want to do more interesting projects. I know it's hard coz I understand the need to be part of an online community where you see other actors being praised for something you just know someone will nitpick if it was about Tom. But I just wish we as Tom fans would try to inject more positive energy about things that involve him rather than engage with content/ people who's main aim is to get people to dislike him.
I agree with all your frustrations about him pigeonholed as spiderman and him needing to do more roles outside of that but so long as he's not doing anything about it it's just going to be a frustrating conversation that goes round and round. Maybe it's because I'm older than a lot of people that run fan accounts but Tom is still relatively young and i think his career will be fine in the long run because all he really need to do is pick a great script that will guarantee him praise from critics coz as we have seen he can still sell shit. Whether he shoots another spiderman without another project outside of that I promise you he will be fine. I've realised that fans in all types of fandoms want things to happen now or else the conversation is that their faves career is doomed and its just not healthy. Coz if it is actually doomed none of us as fans can change that. I feel like it's magnified with Tom because of the haters I already mentioned but it just feels like the fandom feeds into that energy a little too much. There's too much illogical negativity and it's a bummer coz I join these spaces to have fun, real life is already a big bummer as is. Anyway, I'm glad there's a space for Tom fans on tumblr with your blog and I will be checking it out frequently. If you read this far you deserve compensation.
Actually, I think the majority in this fandom is quite positive (I am talking about the fans on TikTok and Instagram, and the ones in real life too who probably don't have any social media). I started this blog trying to engage with others by posting positive/fun stuff, but also as a place where I can express my own frustrations and complaints as a fan 😂. But as someone who was on Twitter for years, I watched many other fans' enthusiasm slowly dying because there's too much negativity over there (and when I say "fans," I don't mean fans of his Spider-Man, fanfiction writers, Z fans who "stan" him because of their association. I mean the fans of the actor). I know he'll be fine, but when I think abt the other fans, I feel like these days it's hard to follow someone who barely "goes outside," so there is barely any content to focus on when there's too much negativity and hate going on, on a daily basis, lol. I still wanna see him win with critics (not bc of my ego as a fan, but bc I think he genuinely deserves) and get the recognition as an actor, something beyond that character. But right now, unfortunately we don't have any concrete answers about anything 😕 except he's doing a play for three months.
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itreachedthatpoint · 2 years
My Review of the Leaked Songs on First Listen
Nobody asked for it, and it's been done by others at this point I'm sure, but I ended up live reacting to @mediawhorefics while doing my first listen and I thought I'd share, for those of you who wanna listen to the song later (or only CAN listen to the songs later.) Not that this is gonna be helpful to anyone not in my head because I apparently feel music in scenarios.
I've also linked to a few of my Spotify playlist so you can compare the other songs that are there and get a feel for the mood of the song. Here we go:
Medicine: I know I've been asking for a studio version for a (long) while now but I now realise the error of my ways: what I actually want is a clean live version. Sorry Harry, my bad, as you say in a lot of your song through all your albums: you don't know what you have until you don't. Don't get me wrong: The song is still amazing, the fact that he replaced the audience screaming the missing lyrics with a tease to the missing lyrics is perfect, but also please release a clean live version coz that ENERGY. And I'm someone who mostly prefer studio version over live ones. Medicine is different.
Complicated Freak: makes my rock lover heart very, very happy. It feels like dirty jeans and cigarettes. Old rutty couches and a bunch of friends laughing with a beer in hand. Will go in my tiny Rock playlist even though it's softer a bit than the rest I believe the spirit is the same as those already there.
Baby Honey: So many thoughts about this song. It is. Wow. (also the fact that they both have song that say they miss the other/can't get over them I just... insert the "now kiss" meme) It's the kinda song you play loud in the car with one arm burning outside the window half cooking on the metal door, with the smell of warm car fake leather and yelling the chorus at a red light. Kinda has Carolina vibes in its summer intensity. Going into my In the Summertime playlist for sure.
Boyfriends: the reason why HS3 is available as a record is so you can understand the start of this song. "you love a fool who knows how to get under your skin", man... The song feels like watching your life in 3rd person? I really, really love it. It feels very short even thought it stands at 3:12 minutes. It's like a lullaby, but because of the lyrics it's either a lullaby to ignore the problem of your relationship, or a hug to comfort you when you're near breaking point but just not quite there yet.
Cinema: This is DEFINITELY going to end up as an OST at some point for sure. It's the perfect kind of track for that and the lyrics would match a good few movies, too. I love the yelling in the back "Bring me back to the cinEMAA!" Great song to play pool to.
Daydream: It's a fun son, I really liked to PaPaPaPaPa'd to it, but I think it's just going to be a song I like when it comes in the rotation and not one I would put in my most listened playlists.
Daylight: I really like it, but I can't place it. Probably would go in my Sunday Morning playlist, but it doesn't fit the mood exactly. It's definitely a song to step-dance to throughout the flat while singing the lyrics even if you don't know them. It kinda feels like Fine Line, except not at all. Confusing Song. I like it.
Grapejuice: Good song to vacuum to. Or mindlessly listen to while focusing on writing or drawing. Keeps you in. Will go in my Writing Playlist.
Late Night: Is less for me, personally, but it's a definite style of his that I get why people like it. There's definitely other songs that fits this one in his discography. Good radio song choice.
Keep Driving: Cute song, very carefree, I love it. It sounds like a cooking a brunch together. Another song that is definitely going to be a "oh I like this song!" when it comes into the rotation, while not having it's own spot in to overplayed mood playlists.
Little Freak: If this isn't a Lighter Song I don't know what is. It's so soft and spacey? and also very Smoll. Which is very fitting. Will either go in my Late Night Drive or my Low playlists...
Love of my Life: I looooooove this song. It's a great End-of-the-Night slow dance, even though they don't do those anymore, it's like looking at a dance floor once the lights came back on. It's very bittersweet and I just love it.
Matilda: UGH. fuck. It feels like a song you listen to on a stuffy couch with a blanket over you. Not something I would be listening on repeat unless I'm in this kind of "stuck" mood depersonalized or depression, when you stare into nothing and you just need that one song to function But also the LYRICS fuck. yes yes yes. And it WORKS. Great song. This is the found family song and it does strike that chord, which makes it go into rotation.
Music for Sushi Restaurant: PaaaPa PaaaaPa PaaaaPa Paaaa I like it. It's a very fun song, just like it's title. Not summery enough to go in my In the Summertime playlist, but it might go well in my Sunday Mornings, even though it's slightly more active than most of the songs there. Great song to cook pancakes to.
Satelite: This one is definitely going to go on my Late Night Drive playlist, where all the music that goes around you when you're in that weird state of "being tired but awake and focusing on the road but are you?" go. I really love the lyrics as well, they fit with the mood of the music and it's very vivid of a description. Really ties up with the other songs on the same theme.
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Kinnporsche finale(🤧🤧 )thots
1) apo and mile are so fine. And fine actors. And have good chemistry . Like all of that together. Wow.
2) p'tong did a wonderful job in the three brothers scene. And he looks like the elder brother when they're all sitting together. He's taller.
3) but jeff was the one consoling him. I kind of think kim didn't know daddy korn didn't die. Even he didn't think korn would take it so far as to fake his death . It's my feeling.
4) someone make a side by side gifset of that stan lee librarian fight in andrew Garfield's spidey movie , brooklynn 99's gina and kimchay scene. It was fuckin hilarious. But also extremely romantic. Like , kim tried to not break bottles in the beginning. 🥺 So that chay won't be disturbed or even slightly inconvenienced. 🥺🥺🤧 Lovely.
5) the shot of the theerapanyakun crest being shot multiple times during the confrontation scene in the porch🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽
6) Did daddy chan know?? I feel like he may or may not have. His death was cinematic excellence though. It kind of gave off the vibe that he won't be mourned. Maybe bodyguard deaths are not mourned.
7) it's also kind of sweet how the elderly guards like erika and chan may see kinn still as the boy who would play pretend or run through the hallways or mess with them on their duty hours and shit and i dunno it kinda hurt seeing how erika was like get kinn out of here and chan was like they're coming fuckin run I'm sorry i couldn't stop them 😢😢😢🤧
8) also we didn't get MUCH of arm , pol and pete bodyguarding because they were with tankhun and all of us like to make fun of them that they're scaredy cats and all that. But do you think, for even a minute , that Korn would place his eldest heir under the protection of weak men? No no no. Those are the best guards under their payroll. They're also the MOST LOYAL and TRUSTWORTHY ones , which is what tankhun needs. And boy they delivered.
9) bible. The scenes where he breaks down. Acting🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽
10) like if we're gonna mention acting we'd be here all day. Every single cast member did their job. The mother- creepy as hell and made us question if this was really the end , WITHOUT OPENING HER MOUTH EVEN ONCE.
Korn- master deception but gentle and calm hence we're bound to fall into his trap like a snake moves with the charmer
Gun- violent explosive loud so we're less likely to listen to him ,but more likely to suspect him.
Chay- his childlike innocence still there , but clouded by kim' s dark aura which is still shy of leaving him alone
Kim- still can play guitar and hold a gun , won't bat an eye while killing you , and many many things which even the main family spies probably haven't a clue about I'm sure.
Like all these different character portrayed with utmost care and precision. The entire cast deserves a second season.
11) most favourite scene is vegas going "or heart?" And kinn screamed YANG!!! . Like that's love bitch. 😔
12) second fav scene has to be jeff kicking ass while making all of us collectively drool.
13) pete and vegas was the couple i was most scared they'd leave as a cliffhanger or somethin but thank God. Also macau💕💕💕💕. They're a family and i like to believe that prosche protects them from afar which is how he gets the minor family to behave.
14) the rings. They got the matching rings. I'd like to believe kinn's is platinum and prosche's is gold.
15) vegas took multiple bullets. There may have been an alternative ending in my mind for like a few seconds where i thought pete would shoot the last shot to finally kill vegas coz he didn't want vegas to die by another hand.
16) i mean the sight of apo coming in with guns blazing , tits sculpting white tee and all which cut right through his biceps had me moaning so it's no wonder kinn's hand strayed a little far from the gun . 👀👀
17)tankhun had his fun. Like he wasn't afraid to kick ass from afar. Please sniper tankhun in season 2 🥺🥺
18)also people have been saying kinn is stupid and all of that and he's not fit to be a leader . I'd like you to consider .. the gun -porsche-kinn scene. He tried to talk his uncle out of it.
19) in the meeting after korn's supposed death , that's when i felt that kinn was most out of reach. Without porsche by his side his animalistic side has the wheel and that's not good for anybody. But with porsche back at his side , kinn sees reason.
20) and which is why kinn is better than korn. Kinn is not a manipulative violent asshole . He also doesn't trust his father(asks porsche "do you believe that?")maybe we'll get to see kinn finally grow out of his father's mould and be better than him in next season.
all is well..... I guess.
I have certain expectations or theories for the second season and i want them to be real so bad. Maybe another post ..... Hm...
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