#which is expected when his only way of learning ✨human things✨ is stealing books from tsuchi's library lol
chxna-cheeseycake · 1 year
Finally sat down and read the newest chapter of TBHK and somehow that reminded of one of my TBHK AUs that I made. It's an AU where No. 6 (his name is Hakubo right??) accidentally acquires a baby Akane and ends up raising the little dude as his son lol. Honestly it's pretty funny cuz imagine being Hakubo and having this human woman randomly summon you, shoving her baby in your hands and demanding that you take her son as a sacrifice as like an exchange to bring her lover back from the dead? He says yes as he's very fucking confused, socially awkward and hasn't interacted with a human in hundreds of years. So he just... has a baby and doesn't know what to do with it. But then Hakubo gets attached and now he has a fifteen year old human son that's very feral and somehow manages to climb up onto ceilings. Sucks to be Hakubo because Akane Aoi in this AU is a little shit that acts just as wild as all the other random supernaturals that hang around in Hakubo's boundary. Also Akane absolutely bites Teru and calls him a bitch upon their first meeting. Teru hates him immediately but he can't do anything about it since Akane is fully human here. Therefore, Teru just has to deal with Akane's shit and pretty much ends up as his babysitter whenever Akane feels like traveling out of his dad's boundary for the day. Their dynamic is very silly in this AU and I love thinking about it lol.
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