#which is even more interesting cause i feel like his relationship with perona is the only one where he feels like the younger sibling
kacievvbbbb · 1 month
Mihawk just has the vibes of someone that grew up primarily around women. Like his love language is asking if you’ve eaten in such an awkward way it’s obvious he learned it from somewhere.
He very much gives son that’s just a little to much like his mother (cold and unhinged) vibes
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blacklegsanjiii · 8 months
i keep seeing so much content of sanji being raised by a warlord and brought to the meetings and desperately need more abt that. depends on who his parents is, but what are his relationships with the other warlords in one of these aus? how many recognize him, how many are still fond of him, how many turn a blind eye to the boy who used to pester them as a child?
come to think about it- is it possible to have an au where sanji is raised by all of the warlords at once? i have no idea how this would happen, but sanji is just. passed between warlords like a child of divorced parents (fuck he would have to grow up with croc AND mingo oh dear). all of them end up getting attached to him and are conflicted when he becomes a strawhat pirate. his crew mostly just want answers on how all these powerful enemies clearly know their cook, who keeps dodging all their questions cause he doesnt want to face the backlash of the warlords' collective ward becoming an enemy of the wg
So I'm going to answer this ask in two parts because that's so funny. I'm going to skip Donquixote!Sanji just because he has the most interaction and detail in regards to Warlord meetings and Dad!Mihawk never brought Sanji nor did Boa. So unfortunate they don't get time to shine.
1. How the warlords react to a kid being the meetings.
With Fishman!Sanji everyone thinks he's cute and quiet and his snacks are so good. Doffy uses this Sanji to try to sway Crocodile into kidnapping a child with him. Crocodile is just "anything raised by you won't make it to twenty, no." Boa thinks Fishman!Sanji is fine. He thinks she's pretty and says it but Sanji is more interested in the libraries and Marines than anyone there. Crocodile absently pats Sanji as he passes where as Doffy holds him to the sky and Boa is like "ew" for the most part. Gecko Moria is probably disinterested in all of the Sanjis and will avoid him. Perona is interested though and will play with Sanji when she's there too. Mihawk will actually smile at the boy and talk to him about cooking and will bring a bento for the boy sometimes. Kuma doesn't have his humanity so.................................
Croc!Sanji basically says hi to everyone and then reads quietly. Mentions every once in a while how dumb or inefficient something is. If Doffy comes at him he runs for it. The first time Sanji comes to a warlord meeting in a dress or whatever Boa is like "is he making fun of woman?" And Croc is like "my son has no gender" which makes Boa take him shopping properly. Mihawk and Jinbei will leave cook books or something. Perona does Sanji's make up whenever he's in a dress.
Perona stands in for Gecko Moria I feel like. He just seems more interested in zombies than children. Which, I get. Big Sister Perona comes in when she's old enough.
Readmore for divorced polycule parenting. It does get to marineford,
2. The Warlords(Except Kuma, for obvious reasons) all co parent Sanji. Let's start with which warlord finds Sanji!
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I am screaming. OH NO! Mihawk showing up to a warlord meeting, holding a child and apologizing for his delay? Doffy asks what that thing he's holding is and Mihawk is like this my son, Sanji. Everyone is staring at him. Boa asks what the fuck he's doing with a kid.
Mihawk explains he got Sanji and Redleg off a rock and Sanji went with him and the kid is like ten and so small. Doffy somehow cajoles Sanji to be held by him despite his fear and it's like a whole thing and Mihawk is amazed because he's been bitten so hard it draws blood. Everyone is amazed. Crocodile is genuinely concerned about the fucking man holding this kid who is maybe a tenth his size at best. He even gets Sanji calmed down more by moving his coat enough to hide Sanji in it while he holds him.
After the meeting Sanji is properly introduced to all who care, even if Boa is a bit standoffish. Crocodile asks if he'll be a regular attendee to the meetings and Mihawk says yes because he doesn't want to leave Sanji alone on Kuriagana with the humandrills. Jinbei asks Sanji a few questions which they all attentively listen to the answers of. Sanji stutters out about opening a restaurant on the All Blue and being the first to find it.
The next meeting Sanji is gifted cookbooks by the other four warlords and Sanji thanks them quietly with tears in his eyes and ohhh they were not expecting that. Nope.
"What the hell, kid? You can't expect us to believe Mihawk is the first person to be nice to you." Crocodile puffs on his cigar and when Sanji doesn't answer Boa grabs Sanji and holds him for the meeting. Afterwards Doffy uses his strings to take Sanji around. Mihawk is frowning the entire time as Boa tries to turn Doffy to stone and Jinbei tells her not to do that for Sanji's safety. Crocodile manages to lure Doffy back with the promise of a meal.
The next meeting Mihawk has to go on a job that will take a few weeks and he doesn't want to take Sanji so Crocodile offers to take him to Alabasta and return him at the next warlord meeting. So Sanji goes with him and at the next meeting Daz and Bon Clay are there and Bon Clay is explaining to Mihawk and Boa that Sanji isn't just a boy. Boa squeals in delight and after the meeting she and Mihawk take Sanji shopping. Sanji is confused because it was just something he thought he could only do in Alabasta but Mihawk is like "Why would I do anything to stop you from being happy?" And Boa is so happy because she has new little person to spoil with fine dresses and stuff and Mihawk is trying to explain that Sanji is training physically and Boa is like "AND???? LET ME SPOIL THEM MIHAWK!!"
The next time Doffy takes them despite Crocodile and Jinbei saying he shouldn't but Doffy just flips them off and basically kidnaps the kid. Sanji comes back with three carton of cigarettes, fifteen bentos and looks like he hasn't bathed in a week despite Doffy and Sanji saying that they just took a bath. Everyone is looking at Sanji and the cigarettes and Sanji is like "Doffy's family gave them to me as a going away present. Baby 5 kept hitting me."
"You gotta hit her back!"
"That isn't appropriate let alone with their trauma." Jinbei says.
"We'll train them." Boa proclaims proudly.
"Oh no." Mihawk whispers to himself.
Jinbei takes him next because everyone but him is on a job and Sanji is marveling at everything in Fishman island and excitedly tells everyone when the next meeting happens. At this point they all stay after the meetings to hang out with the kid and if they're staying the night to get breakfast together. But it's weird for the marines to see the Warlords, some of the most feared pirates on the seas be sweet to this kid.
Boa gets Sanji last. Sanji comes back with so many dresses and skirts some make up and their hair styled. Doffy picks them up and proclaims them as "Cute" while displaying Sanji to the marines around them. Jinbei laughs in agreement. Mihawk is pinching the bridge of his nose and practicing his breathing techniques. Thus begins the rotation because Sanji is just being passed around by the warlords because they all went to spend time with Sanji equally.
Perona eventually finds out about this but instead spends the weeks Sanji is with Mihawk with them and enjoying her time on Kuriagana. She and Sanji play dress up. Sanji cooks all the time too. Perona talks about zombies and Mihawk listens. They all paint nails and Mihawk says they should be doing this on Amazon Lily and not Kuriagana. Both Sanji and Perona stick their tongues out at the man.
Sanji still has set backs and the warlords will have calls to check in on Sanji. Like it is insane how caring they all are for this kid. Sanji's ptsd with bugs? Doffy has someone whip an anti bug cream. Nightmares? Jinbei will tell him stories and teach him some techniques to calm down. Mihawk explains haki and how to hide and use it to his advantage. Crocodile teaches him all about finances and shit. When Sanji is dysphoric Mama Boa is all about taking them out and spoiling them and just affirming their gender and will let the others know.
Sanji is suddenly calling four men variations of "dad" and Boa is "mom" and being taught multiple different fighting styles, languages, and is working on his haki. And when he starts at the Baratie all the Warlords will come visit him and on his birthday? It's a mad house. It's insane and Zeff, Patty, and Carne are looking at the guy calling five different warlords 'Dad', 'Papa', 'Papi', 'Mama', 'Pops' and just watching them cater to the eggplant as if he's so good and when Sanji tells them Zeff won't let them berate women for incidents with food wastage Doffy brings Baby 5 and Perona to Baratie and Sanji fears for his fucking life because this is a no win situation.
When Sanji joins the Strawhat crew on the phone with Crocodile in Little Garden he disguises his voice to the best of his abilities and it doesn't really fool the man who since he knows what's going thanks to Robin being at Whiskey Peak. Crocodile calls the other parents and is like "Guess what our child is doing" Mihawk mentions he let the greenhaired one live when he was at Baratie. Boa screams that Mihawk is dumb and suddenly everyone on the call is yelling at each other except Jinbei who is laughing his fucking ass off.
In Impel Down Crocodile Jinbei obviously convinces Luffy to get Crocodile out and when they're all at Marineford Jinbei yells to the other warlords that Luffy is Sanji's captain, Ace is Luffy's brother, and Sanji is missing thanks to Kuma. Mihawk asks if that's why Roronoa is at Kuriagana.
"Probably, so change of plans?" Crocodile asks.
"Change of plans." Doffy nods.
"Boa, you do know Luffy is seventeen, correct?" Jinbei asks her and she's frowning.
"No, I don't read the paper."
"WOMAN YOU ARE LITERALLY A QUEEN NOW LET'S DO THIS BEFORE EVERYONE GETS KILLED!" Crocodile yells and suddenly there's two extra warlords helping in the fight and the Marines are like 'fuck' and Ace and Luffy are confused because no one has mentioned this. At all. So the Warlords take over the fight to get the fleet. Jinbei gets Ace and Luffy out and promises to explain when the other's join them even if they're fading in and out from everything that happened and both of them still taking lava punches.
Shanks shows up and ends the war and finds out on the television that five warlords, two of which were in Impel Down started fighting with Luffy to save Ace and he still ends the war. When he asks them about it they just go "He's our child's captain." Shanks and Buggy are blinking at them confused because what the fuck.
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trashytoastboi · 4 years
Hi!! Can I request I, L, O for Eustass Kid, Ace and Perona from the fluff alphabet list please?
Of course you can! Hope you enjoy :3
Ask box: Currently open
(Gender Neutral)
Kid, Ace, Perona – I, L, O
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Eustass Kid
🛠I - Kid likes to believe that others cannot change him; yet the influence of his partner is near blatantly obvious, considering they make him a bit more ‘feeling’ or at the very least they inspire him to be a bit more controlling of his extreme emotions (Anger and bloodlust) to reign it in a bit more when it’s not necessary, being with them has made Kid a bit ‘softer’ in regard to how he treats his close friends and crew mates. However the change is only noticeable when the presence of his S/O is there, when they aren’t around he is likened to a rebellious teenager that falls back into their rambunctiousness and causes enough trouble 100 times over to make up for their ‘good’ behaviour.
🛠L - In this regard, Kid made absolutely no effort to hide it, pretty much claimed them before it was even official, aggressively pursued his S/O (and wooed them) and told them outright. No mashing words, no secretive glances and certainly no hesitation, just a straightforward confession, of course – considering this is Kid, he would not use words like “I love you” in his confession, it followed more along the lines of “You’re gonna be mine and I’m not letting you go” luckily his S/O was blessed with a ‘Kid translator’ and knew exactly what he meant.
🛠O - Kid makes sure everyone, EVERYONE; knows about his S/O, as a point of pride (he is very proud of his S/O and enjoys showing them off) also gets jealous fairly easily so he ended up kissing them in front of everyone which made the message abundantly clear, Kid in love is an animal fiercely guarding it’s territory from anyone that comes remotely close, but also shares semblance to the comfort and happiness that he gets from his S/O. Generally works on a different speed for his S/O versus everyone else, will drop everything else for them. (So yes, extremely obvious for the angry boi when he is in love)
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🔥I - Ace takes much inspiration from his S/O, in the way they act to the way they see the world and he does the same for them, a fair exchange of inspiring eachother and expanding eachother’s worlds, although on one occasion when Ace was feeling particularly ‘inspired’ his S/O had to stop him from drunkenly getting an extra letter added to his tattoo. His smile and adventurous spirit, inspired a sense of weightless freedom in his S/O, many times this has given them the courage to take the extra step in many occasions. Also due to his inquisitive nature he is always trying new things whether it be places, activities, drinks or food, and always ropes his partner in to join the new experiences.
🔥L - Ace caught onto his feelings early on, but kept putting the confession part off for one reason or another, he came up with intricate plans and idea’s - constantly pestered Marco for advice, as well as Whitebeard trying to see what he could do, when it eventually came time to the real deal, he was cool until he was about to confess, his face turned a bright shade of red, the constant nervous chuckles interrupting what he was going to say until he just said it…well, near shouted it (confession basically became a public declaration of love) his S/O simply replied with the fact that they feel the same as well as the comment ‘I already knew.’ Ace’s smile had enough radiance to rival the sun in that moment.
🔥O - Ace in love? Everybody knows about it, the guy is practically glowing with that relationship aura about him, turns down invites by any interested people and graciously brags and boasts about his S/O (if they aren’t already present with him at the moment) when they are together they are glued together. Ace will always ‘casually’ have his arm slung over their shoulder or holding their hand. Everything else but them tends to fall away when he gets caught up in their own little world. (You can practically see the roses and hearts swirling around his head) his crew mates often times poke fun at him for this, but he knows. - They’re just jealous.
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👻I - Perona is not the biggest fan of change and often times can reject it without even realizing it, in certain strides there are ways that her S/O has inspired her, but it takes time and it is not drastic. It appears more in subtle ways, like with her mood and attitude. Perona often times inspires a childish and ‘cute’ side of her S/O. She encourages not only that but they share a experience of trying new things such as baking together (Since Perona loves her tea with sweets and snacks)
👻L - She makes a very roundabout way of confessing and displaying her feelings, it’s not outright and often time she compliments you in the guise of insults or less than obvious remarks. In fact her S/O actually found out from accidentally hearing a conversation she had with Kumashi where she explicitly admitted to being absolutely infatuated and completely in love with them. Knowing her nature, she will never be that obvious unless in a bout of being so flustered the truth accidentally comes out, which initially happened and that’s how her S/O heard it from her directly, though to reassure her, they returned her confession with a confession of their own. She responded by calling them an idiot but they could see the smile she was trying to hide.
👻O - Very doting on her partner, in that sense everybody becomes aware of it, she also grows extremely flustered and shy at mention of relationships (even if its not directed at her) she is shy in this regard but everyone can tell from her reaction, especially in the way her whole demeanour changes around them. She becomes very happy, bubbly, and smiles almost nonstop, she seems to ignore everyone else. Except for her partner, which puts a very apparent spotlight on the both of them; also because she dislikes when her partners attention is diverted away from her.
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follyhodger · 4 years
Haphazard Spitballing
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The concealment of the kings face gave me pause. Highly unusual, makes me feel like somebody’s hiding. Later in the chapter we get Sabo’s lines, which feels like a feasible motive: the king, as some point or other, felt shame, and had his visage scrubbed from the tale? So there’s possibly a character who renounced his royalty (besides Sanji) roaming around the story somewhere.
If only because he’s in the scene showing sympathy to Sabo, my first guess was Dragon! A king-turned-revolutionary sounds kind of interesting...and it would make Luffy a prince? But it seems more likely that Sabo’s bitter relationship with royalty is a foil to Ace growing up as the son of the ‘king of the pirates’? With the destruction (real or alleged) wrought by your forebearers causing a deep sense of shame... Actually that lead me to another thing.
Does it seem relevant that the destruction was wrought by fire, Ace’s eventual fruit? (Nevermind that Dragons breath fire...) I also wonder if Ace is trying to escape his own crimes, through the shame embodied in Sabo. I actually kind of wonder if Sabo is not merely a brother introduced to replace Ace upon his death, but like... I wonder if Ace faked his death, and took up the name of Sabo?
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This seems like dramatic irony, but maybe its a clue?
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Perona is talking about Moria, but if we consider it part of a larger conversation, the question becomes, why would the legend of the paramount war be passed down if Ace wasn’t dead? Which isn’t something I can answer...
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But I can point out that Luffy taking refuge on the Isle of Women is analgous to the circumstances of Ace’s birth? With the island becoming... a womb, I guess. Hide the boy in the woman zone to fool the feds. But if Luffy being on the Isle of Women (or even Hancock smuggling him into Impel Down beneath her dress) is analogous to Ace’s birth, it would sound as though the story of Ace’s birth doubles as the story of his conception...?
No, I really don’t have a lot to go on here. Only my suspicions.
TANGENTIAL: I watched a theory video (x) and learned that Dragon’s face tattoo pattern is also present on the kimono of Ryuma, the dragon slayer from Wano that Zoro fought at Thriller Bark. Which is absolutely fascinating...
...it seems worth noting that the first villain Luffy meets in One Piece, Higuma the Bandit, is coded as a dragon? I wonder what that’s all about...
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