#which i feel guilty abt saying bc bro3 is still a kid and i need to care for him
sparrowposting · 8 days
What do u mean I have to go to work and do laundry and see my family and I can't simply fast forward to the next friend hangout/ttrpg session/etc
#the duality of fran#SO MUCH GOOD STUFF LATELY#but also. the Horrors (so much family stuff upcoming)#i just wanna. hang out and have fun and talk and just!!!!!#ALSO WHY DISTANCE FAR.#i love parallel play i am a hangout in tbe same room doing separate activities girl. cmon.#anyway. ANYWAY. i dont even dislike my job#i just think 8hrs a day plus commuting is TOO long#shorten the workday or make it a 4 day week i would be much happier and more productive#i dont mind my work! i like some parts of it alot!#i just. want a better balance with the things i care abt#ESP since im also like. cooking. cleaning. running errands#none of which are inherently awful to me. i like cooking sometimes#but limited time and energy!!! and i want to socialize in my silly introvert way!!!#tldr. pf tonight was a super short mini ses and just spend the rest of the time chatting#and im. auwaghbbhbbbhhh#me telling myself im introverted so i need to be alone 24/7#vs me realizing that i DO like hanging out w ppl if theyre the right ppl/trustworthy/NOT MY FAMILY#and i DO like being social and laughing and doing all that#yeah need introvert recharging time#but not complete isolation#complete isolation was simply just. preferrable to my family. ykwim???#which i feel guilty abt saying bc bro3 is still a kid and i need to care for him#but also. NOT seeing my family often has been. so good for me. yall#i know im guilty and my grandparenrs are going to die one day and im wasting time#but also. seeing my parents is like. i am going to kill everyone in this room and then myself.
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