#which he’d drag Xena and Sho into
Avoidance isn’t the answer part 4(bonus)
Xena x Leo
Sho sliding in a bit there as well.
Just a fluffy early afternoon
Xena was too warm.
It was like a weighted blanket was on top of her.
She sighed as her eyes shot open as she was about to angrily throw the blanket off of her frustrated as the feeling of being overheated overwhelmed her.
Instead of a blanket she had a very snuggled Leo on top of her, his head slotted in the crevice of her neck, she frowned as she realised he was wearing her hoodie…her favourite hoodie. She just knew that she wasn’t going to get it back, he seemed rather content and cozy in her hoodie…it annoyingly suited him better.
She glanced to the side of her trying to see if there’s a phone or clock beside her, there was a cat shaped clock with the glowing numbers;
What the fuck
She sighed as she gently tapped Leo on the back.
“Leo.” •_•
He let out a dramatic groan as he snuggled deeper, a hand shooting out to grip her own in order to stop her waking him up.
“It’s too warm.” •_•
Leo sighed happily as he proper clasped their hands together, he mumbled something but she couldn’t quite make out what he said.
“Ah you’re awake flower power.”
She snorted at the name as she tried to peek above Leo’s head, seeing Sho towering above the bed looking down at them in amusement.
“Good morning.”•_•
She sighed giving up with getting Leo on her as he seemed to be completely dead asleep and is slightly impossible to move. She wrapped her arm around him, a small huff of happiness came from Leo as he squeezed her hand and nuzzled into her neck.
Sho let out a snort as he watched Leo make himself even more comfier, xena used the hand that was being held to tap the space beside her gesturing for Sho to come sit with them.
“I’m just on a lunch break, thought you guys could use some food.”
he brought two foiled boxes out from the freezer bag beside him and placed them gently on the bedside table.
The smell of miso chicken over rice made her drool and it seemed to activate a sleeper cell in Leo as his head snapped up.
He looked dazed and confused as he looked at Sho, looked at the food and then flopped back onto Xena who let out a loud oomphf as he now huffed in annoyance at Sho.
“He doesn’t wake up very well does he?”
She started brushing through his hair and she felt him melt into her as he sighed in contentedness.
“Especially after a night like yours.”
He smirked at her as he pointed at his neck.
The way Leo was laying on her you could see an array of love bites littering his neck as they peeked out from the hoodie, she was kind of glad he couldn’t see hers not wanting to see his smirk grow bigger as he realised how much they devoured eachother, she could still feel it slightly throb.
She let out a light giggle as she continued stroking Leo’s head who just grumbled even more but seemed to be slowly waking up as he sighed once again.
“I guess it’s been a chaotic night-thank you for bringing us here by the way I kind of owe you.”
Sho shook his head crossing his arms as he looked down at her amused.
“Nah you don’t owe me anything>he does though.”
He pointed at Leo bringing his hand closer as he flicked at the others ear.
“Wake up and eat, Captain wants to spar with all of us later.”
Leo let out a low growl as he flopped off of Xena. He grabbed onto Sho’s finger- biting on it in a dramatic protest as Sho hissed in response retreating his hand as fast as he could as he glared at the little monster.
“Tsk-I need to get back to the truck, Xe I’ll see you later at sparring! You too Leo, Alan said he’d carry you there if he had too.”
Leo flopped back into the bed.
“I wouldn’t mind being carried by the himbo but why does Xena have to spar?”
He held onto her hand possessively pouting at Sho, xena sat up reaching over to grab her box as Sho hastily brought out the utensils he forgot in the bag, tossing her a pair and leaving another on top of Leo’s food.
“She’s a black belt in judo? She also needs to train…just in case.”
The houses have been tense, murmurs from other students claiming it’s teetering back to how it was in the lead up to the clash.
“You’re a black belt?”
Leo sounded astonished as he turned to her confused.
“Yeah?” •_•
Leo eyebrows raised as he seemed in deep thought.
“Honour roll that’s kind of hot.”
Xena tensed shoving a bit of chicken in her mouth as she felt herself burn bright red as Sho just laughed at Leo.
Leo Shot up grabbing his utensils as he leaned over to Xena, stealing a bit of her chicken as he leaned on her shoulder.
He sighed wistfully as he tried to devour Xena’s meal, Sho rolled his eyes as he plopped Leo’s meal onto his lap.
“I’ll see ya later.”
“See ya later Sho~thank you for the food it’s so good.” •_•
Xena was slightly blushing as she devoured her food trying to hold it away from a thieving Leo who tiredly grinned at Sho.
He waved without looking back but just as he was about to exit He took one more glance at the two Leo cuddling up to Xena as he snatched food from her share and her from his. He grinned as the two quietly chattered to eachother, excited for the sparring session later as he continued on to his truck.
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