#which flips a lot of nico and leon in my mind
chocobothis · 2 years
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Tagged by: @thebisexualmandalorian
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Tagging: Whoever wants to jump in!
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rubywithin · 8 months
Guardelia Cloak 5
(Mother) "Fernie breakfast is ready" (Fernie) "Okay thanks mom" I got up earlier than usual! I wanted to go back to Glocelle Park to see if that girl from last night was around. I felt like I should apologize for upsetting her....Nico should also apologize for it since going there was her idea but she is probably too stubborn to. I ate up and started to make my way over to the park....there was a shop along the way so I went in to check if they had any card packs. After that I went back over to the park....it was weird...it was empty! I could of sworn this place was full during the day, (???) "Were you one of the visitors from last night?" I dropped my deck case from the shock, (Fernie) "I um yeah was sorry for that. Wait you weren't there!" (???) "I am a friend of the one you agitated you can call me Leon, hmm so you play that game too?". (Fernie) "Um my name is Fernie and yeah but I only recently started again, I just wanted to apologize to the girl who told off me and my class mate!".
(Leon) "I see, I will tell her you came by to apologize but for now please become my opponent". He took out his own deck....it still felt weird to me how dramatic some people were when it came to challenging others. But then again I tried acting like some hero when I challenged Miguel after he disrespected that nice man who gave me his deck. (Fernie) "Okay I accept" he then flipped a coin, this was my first time not being told which turn I would have. (Leon) "It looks like I get the first turn so feel free to go all out on your attacks". The way he talked to me was weird....was he trying to get me riled up or something? Okay Fernie you can do this....I felt a bit nervous as this was my first time facing someone I only just met, (Leon) "I will bring out Stone Bird as my ace and then place 2 effect cards!". Hmm looks like a defensive start, (Fernie) "I summon Pearl Mage as my ace and then summon a second one, they both attack your ace!" I went for 3 damage on him but he didn't defend....I could of gotten a 4th life darn it. (Leon) "I summon Statue Crow as my new ace and will attack your ace!" I took the hit since I can keep the lead.
(Fernie) "I summon Emerald Mage as my new ace and then I activate Crystal charm to boost Pearl Mage's power for this turn! Both my monsters will attack your ace!" (Leon) "I activate Petrification to stop Emerald Mage's attack!". (Fernie) "Huh? I thought only shields can stop attacks..." (Leon) "It's a conditional effect card, it only works if I have less monsters than you!". I was able to at least get some damage in but he didn't look fazed at all! "I now summon Statue of Gryphon as my ace and I summon a new Stone Bird in the defence line, Gryphon attack the ace!". (Fernie) "I guard with Emerald Shield, Emerald Mage's ability boosts the effectiveness of a gem card!". I felt I had to block as he seemed like he would go for 5 damage. I can get a lot of damage off this turn if I play my cards well, "I summon Sapphire Witch as my new ace then I use her ability to bring Emerald Mage back to the battle line!". I just need one more monster for a new strategy I have in mind, "Emerald Mage will attack Stone Bird while Sapphire Mage will attack your ace!". (Leon) "I activate Forged Stone to power boost my Stone Bird! then Gryphon also gets a power boost when a stone type effect card is used!".
No way...this guy was able to stop both attacks and hasn't even played a shield. I was down 11 stones and only took out 5 of his lives, I almost forgot (Fernie) "Pearl Mage attacks Stone Bird!". That should limit his defence a bit, (Leon) "Good job on remembering that last attack". (Fernie) "Thank you, those defensive plays definitely threw me off for a bit". I don't get what he is going for...but I guess this could maybe be a good experience for me to see a different play style. (Leon) "I summon a new Statue Crow and place 2 effect cards, both my monsters attack your ace!". I took both hit's to save a shield for later...I lost 7 lives, this took me down to 10! This guy is definitely out matching me despite his limited monsters, this is where I have to up my game!
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sparkie96 · 4 years
Morrison and Dante finally go on vacation somewhere far away from Redgrave, but Dante is worried sick about being away from his children for too long. He tries to hide it but he’s texting the babysitter (Nero, Leon, or Vergil) every five minutes.
Leon had apologized profusely when it came to babysitting the demon babies, saying that he and Chris had to go upstate to a convention of sorts for the Bioterrorism Alliance. They would be gone the whole weekend, but Leon said he would be able to come and relieve whoever Morrison and Dante had babysitting Reddie, Greenie and Blue. Dante accepted Leon’s offer, but he still had needed someone to care for the babies over the weekend. 
Nero wasn’t around obviously, him, Nico, Lady and Trish having taken over the Devil-Hunting business while Dante was away. The demons seemed to alway double whenever Dante did go away. Kyrie wasn’t available due to her work at the orphanage and Patty was helping her, and Dante didn’t want to burden them with anymore babies. 
Which left Dante with one last option: Vergil. 
Although they were no longer trying to kill one another due to some difference as to why they existed, they still were not on the best terms. Good enough to still be in the same room as one another, but they weren’t best friends for life. Dante still trusted him enough to watch after them. Though the more paranoid part of his mind kept thinking something bad was going to happen to them. 
Hence why he was calling Vergil again...just for another check-up. 
“Dante, this is the fifth time you’ve called to check on the children in the last...three hours.” Vergil’s voice informed the Omega, probably pausing to check the clock on the wall, “I may not have had a hand in raising Nero, but I do think I am capable enough to care for three little half-demon, half-human hybrids no bigger than dolls.” 
“Well,” Dante said with a nervous chuckle as he and Morrison got settled in their hotel room, standing on the balcony overlooking the ocean, “I just...miss them, y’know? I’m always around the little buggers so it’s weird when I’m not.” 
“Good-bye Dante.” Vergil said before hanging up the phone, sitting with the babies by the fireplace, reading a story aloud to them. 
Dante looked at the cellphone, giving it a look before sighing. Morrison opened the sliding door, asking if everything was alright with Patty. He didn’t know that Dante had called Devil May Cry again. Dante tucked the phone in his pocket with a faux smile, nodding and informing Morrison that everything was “a-okay”. 
“Are you sure?” Morrison asked as he hugged Dante close, “You didn’t call Vergil again, did you?” 
Dante scoffed and gave a fake look of surprise, “What? No!” He chuckled, “Why would I do that? We just got here!” 
“Because you called Devil May Cry four times already.” Morrison said, “And I know how much you worry about the babies...despite acting like you don’t actually care.” 
Dante waved a hand at him with another chuckle, “I’m fine! All fine! Let’s vacation and get some drinks and all that fun stuff.” 
Morrison smiled and pulled Dante inside, “Good, let’s get settled in and then we can do whatever you want to do.” 
Dante gave a curt nod and a smile, “Right.” 
Though, Dante did anything except relax, constantly calling the shop even when Leon showed up on Monday. During the weekend, Vergil purposely didn’t answer, answering only after several tries and telling Dante to relax or he was going to come to the beach and make him relax. Dante should have found that amusing, considering it took a lot to test his brother’s patience nowadays. Vergil must have been relieved when Leon showed up on Monday. 
“Dante, everything is fine.” Leon reassured, talking to Dante via face-time, “We’re sitting here and having breakfast. Chris even made the babies baby-sized pancakes. Here, Reddie, Blue, Greenie, talk to your Mama.” 
Dante wore a look of relief as Leon turned the screen to the babies, Dante even chuckling as the little demon babies scurried across the table and cooed at the screen in excitement. Reddie sniffed at the camera as Greenie’s little claws reached at it, as if trying to get to Dante. Dante smiled and said hi to his little pups, Morrison chuckling as well as he leaned over at breakfast to see their little ones. 
“They behave for Vergil?” Dante asked. 
Leon chuckled, flipping the screen back to himself, Blue climbing up on to Leon’s shoulder, sitting in the frame as Leon fed him another tiny pancake, “Yeah. Though it was kind of funny. They were speaking whole sentences when we got here.” 
Dante raised a brow at that, “Like...English?” 
Leon nodded, Blue leaning forward and causing Leon to put his hand in front of the little baby so he didn’t accidentally fall, “Yeah. Vergil couldn’t understand their cooing, so he gave them “Magical Cookies” and the elixir they were made with made them speak clear as day. Though, it was like baby talk.” 
Dante’s eyes were wide in horror, “It didn’t do anything to them, did it? They’re okay, right? Oh, I swear I’m gonna-!” 
Leon looked at the screen with a raised brow of his own, exchanged a look with Blue and then both looked back at the screen, “Uh, Dante? You just saw them. They’re alright. He just wanted to understand them so he didn’t accidentally mess up.” 
“Mess up?” Dante asked in confusion once he regained his composure. 
Leon nodded, explaining that Vergil had been nervous about babysitting and didn’t want to mess up doing so for the first time. He was very careful with them and only gave them the elixir so he could ask them what they ate, what they wanted, etc. He didn’t want to let Dante down. 
Dante was quiet as he looked at the screen, feeling almost...touched by the admission. Vergil had been nervous? And he didn’t want to let Dante down? Why would he care? Vergil knew everything and was seemingly confident in everything he did. Dante asked if Leon was sure, and Leon confirmed it, saying that Vergil did have his moments where he wasn’t one-hundred percent confident. He just wasn’t good at admitting it. 
“He wouldn’t admit it in front of Chris,” Leon explained, “Cause he thinks he’s superior to Chris.” 
“Like hell!” Chris called in the background. 
Leon chuckled, “But, he really did want to do good by you. You kind of made him doubt himself with how much you called though.” 
Dante gave another look, looking up at Morrison with a small pout, “Well...if you see him before I do...can you tell him I’m sorry? And that I think he did a good job?” 
Leon smiled and nodded, “Sure thing. Gotta go. We’re taking the little guys to the Aquarium this afternoon. Nero and Kyrie and Patty’s idea, so I gotta give these little ones their baths.” Leon explained, tickling Blue’s tummy, making the baby giggle, “Say “Bye Mama! I love you!”” 
Dante’s heart swooned as the little ones cooed loudly before they hung-up. He didn’t call back as often, only calling once in the morning and once at night. 
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