#which does mean that I have already fallen for Remus and Matthew as a couple and now can never let them go
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He was so so right btw
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Young Blood IV -(PB/WITS Crossover)
A/N: Highly tempted to just drop both of our series and continue this one forever -Val & Danny
Words: 3,759
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Final Chapter
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July 1995
“...I always knew Diggory would win, he was always getting the highest marks, can’t say he didn’t deserve it,” Percy finished, sitting down on the couch that was facing his parents. 
The whole group of adults were there, once again celebrating their firstborns’ birthdays.
“Good for him,” Sirius waved a hand as if trying to scare an annoying fly. “What I really want to know is who this mystery guy you went to the Yule ball is, is he attractive?”
Percy smirked, he shrugged a little. “Yeah, I guess he was.”
“He’s Erick’s cousin,” Mel continued, she was absently playing with her cat while Harry was looking at them from his place on the floor with a sweet expression.
“Erick Flint?” Sirius raised a brow, his smile grew. “That’s my boy! So? When are we going to meet him?”
“Why didn’t you invite Erick to stay this time, Mel?” Her mother questioned. “I thought he would like to come...”
“Oh, he decided to go camping with his girlfriend.”
“What?” Remus frowned. “He was a girlfriend?”
“They started dating last week,” Mel smiled. “She’s a muggle, really nice girl…”
“I thought he had a crush on you?” Sirius raised a brow.
“No he doesn’t,” Harry replied with a huge satisfied grin. “They’re just friends.”They’re just friends.”
“Er…” Percy intervened, deciding to save Mel from the awkward questioning. “Erick’s cousin and I… I’m not — it was just for the night, dad, we’re not dating.”
“Oh,” Sirius blinked, quickly forgetting all about Mel. “Yeah okay, you’re a Black, that was expected.”
His son frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean? I don’t fool around with people!”
“It’s in your veins, though,” Sirius taunted.
“Stop trying to corrupt our child!” Persephone pinched his forearm. “He’s not like you.”
“I was just — wait, what did you say?” The man pouted.
“Anyway,” Percy rolled his eyes, “my date wasn’t nowhere near the craziest thing that happened at the ball…”
His little grin reappeared as he turned to look at his two best friends. The effect was immediate, Harry’s head snapped upwards and his eyes widened, Mel dropped the ribbon she’d been twirling around and stared at Percy like a scared cat.
“Really?” Emily, who was sitting next to her daughter, smiled. “What happened?”
“Yeah, what happened?” Remus looked up from the prophet he’d been reading, “I was there and I don’t remember anything crazy happening?”
Mel and Harry weren’t dating yet, after the ball she had decided that Harry needed some time to get his shit together. He had to prove to her that he would not go back to being a prat. The condition was this: Finish their fourth year without any detentions and then it was a deal. 
He’d succeeded (sort of, he’d gotten two detentions only, which was honestly an achievement), but since Matthew was still pretty hostile towards Harry whenever he did anything remotely flirty towards her, Mel was waiting for the start of the next year to actually date him.
Percy tried to stretch the time as much as he could just to see his friends suffer, when he decided it was enough, he looked back at the adults and continued innocently. 
“Someone vomited at the foot of the staircase, no one knows how did they spike the drinks but I believe Snape took care of it, maybe that’s why you didn’t hear, uncle Moony.”
“Talking about school,” Mel was quick to intervene, sending Percy a glare. “We’re starting our O.W.L.s this year. Are they really that difficult?”
Harry groaned, falling back on the carpet. Mel’s cat immediately curled on his chest.
“C’mon, Mel, we just got out of school! Why are you thinking about that already?”
“No, she’s right,” Remus admitted. “You should start to prepare for it, at least mentally, the grades you get after this will decide what kind of jobs you can aspire to have in the future.”
“Have you kids thought about that?” Persephone asked them.
“I’d love to be a Magizoologist like my mum,” Mel smiled. “Or an Unspeakable like dad, but that’s too much work and I don’t know if I’d be able to handle it.”
“Oh, please,” Percy rolled his eyes. “You and Hermione are the top students of our year, shut up already.”
Mel stuck out her tongue, but she smiled afterwards.
“What about you, kid?” Emily nudged Harry’s leg, he sat up, much to Grey’s annoyance who jumped away from him with a short hiss.
“Dunno, maybe I’ll be a stay-at-home parent like my dad,” He smirked.
“Well, do you have the money to be it?” Mel raised a brow. “Because your father’s rich, but you’re not.”
Harry frowned, behind him the group of adults tried their best not to laugh.
“Well okay then, I don’t know, maybe a Quidditch player, or a curse-breaker like Ron’s brother,” He shrugged. “Something cool.”
“I don’t know what I want,” Percy said thoughtfully. “I just know that I’d love to live like my uncle Regulus.”
“Did someone say my name?” 
The dark-haired man entered the room, behind him Lily, James, Jenna and Matthew followed. By the sound of screams in the kitchen, the rest of the children had also returned to the house.
“I did,” Percy smiled. “I was saying that I’d like to have your work.”
Sirius, who had fallen into a silent contemplation when his son spoke, suddenly realized something. 
“Hey, Reggie, what do you do?”
“What do you mean?” Regulus asked politely.
“Your work. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talking about it.”
Regulus smiled, a hint of mystery adorning the gesture. 
“Oh,” He took a short breath and tilted his head thoughtfully, “you know, some of this, some of that…”
He turned around and went back into the kitchen, Sirius looked slightly alarmed. 
“He didn’t answer my question,” He stared at his wife. “Please tell me you know what his work is?”
“Huh,” Persephone tilted her head, “I don’t know... He’s probably just messing with you, you know how he is, I’ll ask him later.”
Sirius nodded, but he didn’t stop staring at his brother for the rest of the day.
The older kids continued to talk about the different professions they could study, Persephone then got a brilliant idea, and she shared it with the rest.
“Hey, Tonks just joined our line of Aurors a week ago,” She mentioned. “I could tell her to come for your birthday and talk to you about all the stuff she had to do to become one, and maybe she could clear up some of your doubts too, Mel, I mean, it’s not the same as being Unspeakable…”
“We’d love that,” Mel beamed. “I already went to mum’s work last week, and I have to admit it’s pretty tough to beat, but I love Tonks, maybe she’ll be able to change my mind.”
“I hope not,” Matthew raised a brow. “I prefer you looking after some nifflers than mingling around with what we have at the Ministry.”
“You know that if you say that it’s only going to make her want to work there more?” James smirked. 
“Mel’s not like that,” Her father frowned. “She’s got enough common sense to know what’s good for her.”
“Sure she does,” Percy mumbled, Harry discretely nudged his ribs.
“Talking about what’s good,” Persephone inched closer to her son with a knowing smile. “How did your plan go, love?”
Percy had talked to his mother about his crush, and Persephone had been extremely supportive, she’d met Hermione a few times during the kids birthdays through the years but she knew her enough from hearing Mel’s stories, Persephone adored Hermione.
“What plan?” Sirius looked at them in curiosity. “What are you two plotting?”
“Don’t worry your pretty, little head, Sirius,” Persephone kissed his cheek. “It’s nothing… is it, Percy?”
The boy smiled tensely at his mother and shook his head shortly, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. The woman frowned, but she didn’t try to insist. If her son needed her, he would talk to her, he always did, if not, she trusted that he’d be smart enough to handle it.
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November 1995
“C’mon, Percy, is not that hard,” Lyra shook him slightly. “Just ask her!”
“So she can reject me in public?” He scoffed, pulling the scarf tighter around his neck and watching as the puff of air turned white in front of his nose. “No, thanks.”
Ariana and Lyra had decided to be Percy’s personal matchmakers, ever since Ariana put two and two together last year when she realized it was Hermione whom Percy wanted, she wasted no time and told Lyra, who was ready to be her brother’s saviour.
He was usually the one with the brilliant plans, so having the opportunity to outdo him in something that was obviously so important for him was something Lyra needed to get right, but her brother was currently being an annoying piece of work.
“She won’t reject you, P!” Ariana pouted, almost running to keep up with the Blacks’ quick steps. “She’s so nice! She’ll love the idea!”
“Girls, it’s sweet that you’re trying to help me but I don’t need this.”
“You spend all your time with Mel and Harry, that can’t be healthy,” Lyra made a face. “I mean they’re fun and all, but c’mon, there’s a reason why people hate third-wheeling…”
“I hang out with the Weasleys too, and Erick as well,” He argued. “And with you…”
“Yeah but that’s only outside the classrooms, during class you’re with Mel and Harry all the time!”
“When there’s no snogging. See? I’m a smart bloke.”
Lyra rolled her eyes. To be honest, she was happy for her friends, but ever since they’d started dating the drama had stopped entirely, and it was sorely missed by the younger side of their friend group.
“One more time, Percy, that’s all we’re asking,” Lyra pouted. “Please? For me? No, no — For YOU! I just want you to be happy!”
“And I think you and Hermione would make a lovely couple,” Ariana beamed. “I think she’s the best girlfriend you could get.”
Percy looked down at the two girls who couldn’t even reach his shoulder and groaned, throwing his head back as he let them drag him into the Great Hall.
“Fine!” He gave in. “But as soon as she rejects me you two will stop nagging alright?”
“Deal,” Lyra smiled.
Ariana let out a cute joyful noise, and she skipped all the way towards the Gryffindor table, wanting to witness the start of a new romance.
“Hey, ‘Mione,” Percy said calmly, sitting down next to her. 
Lyra and Ariana sat at his right and both smiled at him encouragingly, no one was paying attention to them, everyone was submerged in their own conversations. Hermione looked up from her book and smiled at Percy.
“I was wondering,” He looked away and started to pile food on his plate just to have an excuse to not maintain eye contact. “What do you think about going to the last Hogsmeade visit of the year together?”
“Oh,” Hermione raised her eyebrows. “I think that’d be great.”
Percy stopped his movements and stared at her. “Really?”
“Yes,” Her smile grew, she turned around and nudged Mel’s shoulder. “You heard that? Perseus’ asking if we’d like to go all together to the next Hogsmeade visit.”
“Oh,” Mel’s head appeared at Hermione’s left, she was frowning slightly. “You’re sure, Paddie? You’re always saying how you love going to those on your own.”
“Yeah, because it’s the only break you get from all of us and bla bla bla,” Cassia commented from across the table. “Which is honestly insulting, you don’t even hang out that much with Ivy and me.”
“If I did I would lose my mind after half a day,” He raised a brow.
The twins grinned at his comment, he turned to look at Ariana and Lyra for help.
The girls shared a look, Lyra wasn’t expecting this, but Hermione hadn’t rejected him, and maybe they could leave them alone at some point. Yes, she had this under control. The girl smiled confidently and shrugged. 
“Well, I don’t mind spending time with you, and we won’t see Hermione nor the Weasleys during the holidays, so we can seize this opportunity to make our own pre-Christmas party?”
The large -very large- group of friends talked about it for the rest of the lunch hour. Lyra could tell this was deeply bothering her older brother. 
Okay, maybe things had gotten a little out of control, but they could still find a way to fix this.
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So things were going remarkably great for everyone except for Percy.
Harry and Mel were that unbelievable cheesy couple that you see in every Christmas commercial brought to life, the Weasley twins had decided to take the Potter twins under their wing and were now taking them to get some stuff from Zonko’s, even though Cassia and Ivy had already bought half of the store during their first visit last October.
Ron and Ariana had strangely grown fond of each other after the ball, however, that was normal in Ariana, what was weird was how Ron would always try to make her laugh and invite her places. 
Percy didn’t know if the others were aware of it, but it was rather obvious that Ron had a huge crush on Mel’s sister.
Lyra and Ginny were doing most of the talking, and Lyra would often throw anxious glances his way that he was blatantly ignoring, there was a package on the inner pocket of his cloak, but he wasn’t going to give it to Hermione in front of their friends.
Luck finally smiled down at him when Harry and Mel entered a small shop to buy some presents for their parents, Ginny and Lyra were the only ones left but they were engaged in their own conversation, not even looking at Percy and Hermione (Ron and Ariana had vanished at some point, saying something about wanting to buy stuff for the party), he decided that it was now or never.
“Hmm?” She looked away from the store’s display and abruptly realized it was only the two of them.
“I… here,” Percy grabbed a hold of the neatly wrapped present and handed it to her. “Merry Christmas.”
“Oh,” The girl looked down at the present, a pink flush painting her cheeks as she took it with a shaky hand. “I… thanks, Perseus. Had I known I would’ve brought your gift with me too…”
“Oh, I just got this,” Percy quickly explained. “I wasn’t carrying him when we left the castle, it’s just… well, open it, I’ll explain afterwards.”
Hermione nodded, suddenly her hands were clumsier than ever, but she managed to rip the paper and quickly found the cover of a beautiful book she immediately recognized.
“Oh my,” She gasped. “How did you know?”
“You told us you wanted to buy it when we were thirteen, but it was too expensive or something,” He shrugged. “I noticed you still hadn’t bought a copy, because you usually ramble to us when you finish a book you really like, and you hadn’t mentioned this one ever since that first time. I figured you didn’t have it, I saw it when we were on our way to the Three Broomsticks and I went back and got it for you. I hope you like it.”
He realized he was rambling until he was done talking, Percy hated rambling, so he was internally scolding himself for that when Hermione took a deep breath.
“That’s so sweet,” She said.
Something snapped in him at the sight of the girl, she wasn’t doing anything that could be considered special, but his heart was still pounding, and he still had the urgent need to hold her close. Enough was enough.
“I’m done being quiet, Hermione,” Percy heaved a sigh. “I like you, definitely not in a friendly way. I’ve liked you since I was thirteen and I don’t think it’ll go away.”
Hermione said nothing, and he rambled for a second time that day.
“I know you think I’m a flirt, and last year Joseph was aware of my crush on you so he just took me in a very unofficial way, so I’m not a heartbreaker either. Merlin, I haven’t even had my first kiss yet!” He exclaimed in a very child-like manner. “All I’m asking is that you at least try to see me under a new light — the real one and not the one others have lead you to believe I am —”
Hermione stood on her tiptoes and pulled Percy’s face down, placing a firm kiss on his lips. She let go of him and stepped back, completely red. 
“That was my first kiss too,” The girl said bashfully. 
Percy stood there unsure of what had just happened, mouth slightly agape as the blood crept up his neck and cheeks.
“Done!” Mel’s voice said behind them. “Time to go back to school, I guess...”
“Mate, you’re alright?” Harry asked, examining his face. “Maybe we should pay a visit to Mel’s grandad so you can warm up… your face looks weird.”
“I’m fine,” He said hoarsely. “I’m brilliant… Hermione?”
He looked at her inquisitively, her smiled was enough to ease his intrusive thoughts.
“Never been better.”
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The private party somehow ended up being a “every-student-above-thirteen” party, luckily for them, the Room of Requirement quickly grew in size, the food was plenty and delicious, and the music was coming from somewhere above their heads, but no one had any idea of exactly where.
Everyone was there, except for the teachers of course, even the prefects, Headboy and Headgirl were having the time of their lives. It was in this party that two things became obvious to the friend group: One, Ron was gone over Ariana, though it was unclear whether she reciprocated or not, and two, Percy only had eyes for Hermione.
The students that had been closely following Percy and Ron around the castle in hopes of getting a date were quickly disappointed, but Lyra and Ariana seemed happier than ever. The young Black had no idea if Ari was happy for herself or for Percy, but it didn’t matter much, what was important was that things were finally falling into place.
“What are you watching?” Fred Weasley stood next to her, trying to look in the same direction as the girl. “Hang on — is that your brother?”
“Yes,” She smiled.
“Blimey, who knew he could smirk like that,” Fred snorted. “He’s really trying to charm his way in with Hermione, isn’t he?”  
“Looks like it,” Lyra admitted, taking a sip of her butterbeer. “Your brother’s doing his fair amount of trying with Ari as well…”
Fred laughed, nodding blithely. “Yeah, the git has been drooling about her all summer, asking us if he should write to her or just wait to go back to school.”
“What did you tell him?”
“Told him to shut up or we would glue his tongue to the roof of his mouth,” He smirked. “He didn’t actually need advice, he was just whining… I mean, look at them, does it look like Ariana isn’t interested?”
“Honestly? I have no clue, neither does Mel and that’s saying something,” Lyra raised a brow. “Her crush on Erick’s gone, but we can’t tell if she likes Ron because they were friends before and I think that somehow that helped her, she’s not nervous around him...”
“That or she doesn’t like him and doesn’t want to hurt him,” Fred said, “if I’m honest I think it’s the latter.”
Lyra slapped his chest lightly and he laughed again. 
“Don’t be mean!” She reprimanded, though she was smiling too. “Ron’s really nice, he’s grown out of his annoying ways.”
“Like being a flirt?”
“I believe all Weasleys are flirts,” She grinned. 
“You’re right about that, love,” Fred winked. 
Lyra snorted and walked away to get more food, just as she was reaching the table, Percy and Hermione also arrived, and the girl was laughing at something the boy was saying.
“You’re ridiculous, you know?” She shook her head, grabbing two butterbeers and handing one to the boy.
Percy’s grin was an exact copy of his father’s. Lyra had heard before all about his dad’s charm when he was younger, and she’d seen pictures too. Percy wasn’t a copy of the man, but he was damn close to it.
“Well, I made you laugh,” He winked, taking a sip of his drink in a swift, casual movement. “It’s worth it — Did you know you have the prettiest laughter in this castle?” 
Lyra rolled her eyes, but she laughed under her breath, she really liked watching her brother being all confident and talkative, it was a nice change.
It was hard to tell whether if Hermione had blushed at his compliment or not with the dim ilumination of the room, but she was definitely enjoying the attention. 
“You know,” Lyra spoke, leaning over the table. Percy and Hermione looked at her, abruptly reminded that they weren’t the only two people in the room. “I know the whole point of the party was to celebrate Christmas with you and the Weasleys because we wouldn’t be able to see you during the holidays, but I bet my mum would love to have you around? Dad as well.” 
Percy’s eyes widened in surprise, he was about to speak when Hermione responded. 
“I would love that!”
His head moved so fast for a moment Lyra thought he’d hurt himself.
“You would?” He asked. 
“I would have to talk to my parents, but I’m sure they wouldn’t mind, they wanted to go skiing, and I’m terrible.”
Percy laughed, he was beaming. “I’ll write my parents then, I’m sure they’ll be happy to take you in… but I warn you, my dad will tease us endlessly.”
“You can stay in my room — Oh! We can make a sleepover with the twins, Mel and Ari! That’d be fun…”
“Of course,” Hermione responded, but her eyes were still on Percy. 
“Okay…” Lyra say, taking the hint. “I’ll go see if I find someone in this bloody room that’s not trying to get in someone else’s pants…”
“That’s brilliant, Ly,” Percy responded, grabbing Hermione’s hand and guiding her towards the opposite side of the room.
By the time the party ended, Percy and Hermione were oficially dating.
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Next Chapter —>
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