#which are directed at byleth and lambert
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I think there's a very good argument to be made that Three Houses was meant, most of all, to be a childhood's end/coming of age story.
In Silver Snow, Byleth is the main protagonist. During White Clouds, they went from an emotionless mercenary, able to kill anyone for money, to not just gaining emotions but also a sense of morality. By default, they refuse to side with Edelgard in light of her actions throughout the story thus far, but even then Byleth doesn't want to kill her. It's only at the end, with her reactivating Amyr, that they accept that death is the only way to stop Edelgard cause she'll just keep on fighting. But there's also Byleth taking up leadership of the Church, the resistance faction against Edelgard's empire, which ultimately results in them taking on the responsibility of guiding Fodlan as it's new ruler. Byleth matures and becomes an adult in this story, while Rhea (if you go for that S support) also learns to leave her mother behind and being working to make things better herself.
Then there's Dimitri. After learning to live for himself, he's confronted by a man who was involved with Duscur. That man's lord viewed Lambert and his attempts to reform the Kingdom as tyranny, and if you're familiar with how feudalism works he does have a point. The system promised the nobility their places and privileges in exchange for their loyalty and service, and by taking away their power Lambert was violating his own duties. Dimitri learns to realize people can do horrible things not because they're evil, but because they think they're right. This leads him to having a parley with Edelgard, who exemplifies this. She believes she's doing the right thing but while ignoring the actual costs of her way, hence why Dimitri can't support her. Dimitri is left with no other option but to fight her, and his one last attempt to reach out to her in the end is met with a thrown dagger.
Now take Claude. Going through his supports, Claude's original goal was to unify all of Fodlan and then the world in order to create a world without outsiders. This is after he came from Fodlan to find a new perspective to bring back to Almyra only to find the same issue and blaming the Church for it. Claude, however, ends up disgusted by the lengths Edelgard would go to in order to reform Fodlan to suit her ideals, he can't accept the amount of innocents lost to her methods. He gets over his aversion to the Church, works with them instead, and begins to realize that his initial assessment of Fodlan was wrong. The Church and Rhea don't have to be his enemies, and he can even use them to help change people's minds. After this ends with a big power of friendship speech, Claude decides to leave Fodlan in Byleth's hands and returns home, reforming Almyra into a trading nation in order to help encourage cultural exchange. The border only disappears if Byleth and Claude marry.
Three arcs all about growing up, accepting responsibility, admitting that you were wrong, and that the world can be pretty complicated. Compare this to how Flower depicts Edelgard as a childish conqueror complaining about her responsibilities as emperor. How she subscribes to a very black-and-white mindset, you're either with her or you'll be destroyed, and as a result pushes for the deaths of both Claude and Dimitri (while exploration dialogue and Edelgard's own words make them both out to be good leaders). Edelgard doesn't learn anything, and as a result of joining her Byleth loses their growth from White Clouds.
It kinda makes sense why the Academy stage is pushed so much. It's supposed to be childhood, this time of innocence before the characters grow up. People always long for those sorts of days, but time doesn't move in that direction (albeit, divine pulse can to a limited extent). So, what's better, to cling to those days or accept that they are over and move forward?
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So if it is MEANT to be a villain route...Why are the villanous actions NEVER ADDRESSED by ANY of the characters outside of "Huh. I wonder if there was a better way to do this."
Why did they have Rhea go insane and torch a city? Why make potray Rhea as a villain when you could potray her as the hero whos genuinely trying to do good? Why have a majority of the characters still be able to be recruited regardless of if it makes sense? Why have the ending narration mostly be possible? WHY have Edelgard succeed and somehow turn her tyranny into a society that "ensures a free and independent society fot all."
If it's REALLY a villain route, why is there not a single character ending mentioning things like rebellions and conflict? Hell, the ending narration shows not a hint of villainy and potrays its ending as heroic.
"Embracing her newfound power, Edelgard could at last set about destroying Fódlan's entrenched system of nobility and rebuild a world free from the tyranny of Crests and status."
Again, if it was TRULY meant to be the villain route, it would have been POTRAYED as such. Instead of a villain route, we got "A route where one of the villains is made the protagonist and her views and villainous actions are never questioned OR addressed and outside of the conquest and starting the war, everyone is mostly happy."
Alright so this is going to seem like a nonserious answer, but I'm 100% serious when posting this image as part of a genuine answer to this question:

On CF, your actions are never addressed because of ignorance. On the surface, your actions seem like they've helped Fodlan, but as soon as the player looks any deeper it starts to become evident that something isn't right.
If Edelgard made a free and independent society for all, why are the people spied on in Hubert's ending with Dorothea? Why are rebellions secretly being put down in his ending with Shamir? That's not free, in a general sense or from specifically tyranny. That's a direct contradiction from two of the characters that can only be played on CF, and this is only found on CF.
Rhea is portrayed as a villain because she is Nabatean, and Edelgard hates Nabateans, and you are playing a route that emphasizes her ideals - which include wiping out all of the inhuman, bestial, vile, cruel Nabateans that have been plaguing humanity’s world. Rhea goes insane on CF because unlike all of the other routes, where the player and the lord never go out of their way to trample and spit on their enemies' trauma, that's what you are doing the entire time you play CF to Rhea - for months once Byleth returns, and that’s being extremely generous and not counting the entire war. You help drive Rhea and the other Nabateans away from their homes when taking over Garreg Mach - like Nemesis did to Rhea after the Red Canyon Massacre! You're helping someone try to kill off the rest of her people - like Nemesis did at Zanado! You're trying to kill Rhea with the Sword of the Creator, her mother's mutilated corpse - like Nemesis did! You're doing so with the descendent of Wilheim - spitting on the legacy of the one human Rhea could trust during the War of Heroes! You're literally recreating the single worst moment of Rhea's life, all so that you can help the one who views her as less than human.
Portraying Rhea as "the hero who's genuinely trying to do good" goes against Edelgard's viewpoint of all Nabateans being evil, and you're never meant to question Edelgard or make her change her beliefs. You as the player are actively discouraged from talking back to Edelgard, as she will noticeably get upset whenever you do - many times you will even lose support points with her, and this is especially bad for specifically Edelgard because you have to get to a certain support level with her to enter her route, with you having less chapters to do so because she won't talk to you until after Byleth achieves the Sword of the Creator in Chapter 4.
Look at how Rhea, Dimitri, and Claude are portrayed on CF. Rhea and Dimitri are demonized, while Claude is given some leeway from Edelgard. Now notice who of the three of them always speak their minds over Edelgard's villainy to her face, and which of the three of them bends to Edelgard's view of them as the bad guy. Dimitri and Rhea never allow themselves to bend to Edelgard - they call her out and call her actions evil. Claude, on the other hand, will remove himself from Fodlan and then afterwards make himself out to be a bad guy whom Edelgard managed to take down. He puffs up her ego, and he gets to live, while the two that don't must die. Edelgard is the one always out for the kill, and only by submitting to her is anyone allowed to live - which, I don’t think needs to be said, isn’t very heroic of her.
I've had my fair share of complaints over the characters that can be recruited over to CF, but even with those complaints... look at how those characters behave on CF. None of them are Felix levels of negative character development, but they all act noticeably worse on CF vs how they are on the other routes. To name some notable examples: Ignatz goes from wanting to paint Garreg Mach as it stood five years before to preserve its beauty to wanting to paint the violent downfall of the Alliance, Lysithea wants to abandon House Ordelia, which is in direct contrast to her core character motivation, Ingrid is willing to throw away her lifelong dream of being a knight of Faerghus, which she herself says is her spitting on her dead betrothed’s dreams, Leonie works with Jeralt’s killers, etc. etc.. And mind, CF is the route that locks out the most units - there's the obvious ones like Dedue and Gilbert who were already route exclusive, but then there's Seteth and Flayn, Catherine, Cyril, and Hilda. CF is the only route to have even non-exclusive units be completely unavailable no matter what.
Edelgard doesn't make a society that is "free," like I said above - having a secret police monitor the people's actions, or is ready to put down anyone who tries to rise up against her, is literally the opposite of free. Edelgard can and will ban plays she doesn't like - not free. Edelgard only allows state-sanctioned religion, if she does allow it - not free.
CF is a route that wants to make the player believe the lie that you're not the villain, because you are playing from the perspective of someone who herself doesn't think she's the villain, but like. Look at what you're doing. You're invading two countries for the express, explicit purpose of taking them over and making them your own. You're working with someone who's been trying to reunite Fodlan back under Adrestia as early as the prologue when she tried to have Dimitri and Claude assassinated. You're helping TWS. Your Imperial presence makes Church people flee - which, given that Edelgard wants Rhea and those involved with the Church dead, I don't blame them. You're working with someone who is starving her people so that she can carry on with her war.
CF lies to the player - Edelgard lies, constantly. She says she's willing to let Rhea live, but literally the scene before she says she seeks to fuckin' Exodia Rhea. She lies about Arianrhod. She lies - or is flat-out wrong, which isn't much better - about the Church hoarding wealth and about the Church splitting up the Empire. She lies about not knowing about TWS pre-ts. She helps spread the lie of Duscur being the ones who killed Lambert. She lied about not knowing where Flayn was when she was kidnapped. She lies to her people by making them believe she’s making the orders during the war, not Byleth. There's a student who doubts all of what Edelgard says right before the timeskip happens and who isn't sure about his decision to stay, and then there’s a man who calls Edelgard “a tricksy one” on the last explore section for lying about attacking the Kingdom capitol. She’s wrong about the history of Nemesis and Seiros, calling Nemesis killing all of Rhea’s family a “simple dispute.” She lies to her people about an entire war against a group who just a little bit ago were her allies. Lies and ignorance are staple points to CF as a route, it’s baked into it, so the idea of the CF going “oh no you totally are the good guys” literally as the city burns down around the players doesn’t come from nowhere.
And like... the ending narration “shows not a hint of villainy?” Um.
Her stepping on the flags of the Alliance and Church? Her recreating a painting of Napoleon - that little known imperialist - down to the hand of justice? Her denouncing gods constantly and then being ushered in by a statue with heavy resemblance to Nike, Goddess of victory? Hubert plotting away from the sight of the rejoicing people? Yeah, there’s a lot of hints to villainy.
Again, CF isn’t “portrayed” as a villain route because it’s you falling for the lies of Edelgard. You have a wool over your eyes. You accept everything Edelgard says as fact, even when she actively contradicts herself - sometimes as radically as in back-to-back scenes. You view yourself as a savior to humanity, even when you plunge it into darkness. You don’t think you’re the villain, so your actions aren’t going to be put in an explicitly villainous light - at least, not by anyone on your side.
This post showcases the difference between non-recruited characters fighting non-CF!Byleth vs CF!Byleth. Characters are mostly saddened by having to fight Byleth in the former, while they are mostly betrayed on CF. Byleth is very clearly seen as being wrong for having sided with Edelgard on CF by the non-recruited characters - Edelgard’s actions may not be directly criticized (save for by Dimitri and a few others), but it makes no sense for these characters to be this shocked and betrayed by Byleth siding with her if her actions were so good. Leonie deadass calls you a traitor to Jeralt, Ingrid says that you are not fit to rule Fodlan specifically for siding with Edelgard and the Empire after all she and they have done, and Dimitri questions you as to why you chose Edelgard and her “savage, bloody path,” just to name a few notable examples. You, as the player, are being criticized for siding with Edelgard. You say that the villainous actions are “NEVER ADDRESSED by ANY of the characters,” but what else are these reactions but characters addressing your villainous actions?
And like... “a route where one of the villains is the protagonist” bro that’s a villain route. Like. I’m not trying to be mean, but I am genuinely confused as to what you were trying to get at here.
Like. In a vacuum? I might can get the idea of CF not being a villain route a little better, were it the only route available (though even that is a very big stretch). But you have three whole other routes where there’s no conquest, there’s no working with TWS, there’s no using Demonic Beasts, there’s no killing/exiling the remaining (immediately known) Nabateans, there’s no continuous and long-standing lies that never get outed, the lords never stay flat out wrong about the events of the game, non-recruited characters aren’t shooting Byleth up the ass with accusations of being a traitorous lemming who’d follow Edelgard off a cliff... and they achieve peace. Those endings, with Dimitri Claude and “Rhea” (SS ain’t really her route even though it should’ve been but ye), lack the following in any of their endings:

Spying on the people

Constantly putting down rebels in secret

State-sanctioned religion

(mind, this last one is in direct contradiction to CF’s ending narration that says that Church is destroyed)
None of this happens on AM, VW, and SS. They all have peaceful endings. They all have Fodlan see the light of dawn, and that is never contradicted in their endings. CF is the only route to have all of these things happen in it - I think that’s enough for it to be considered a villain route lol
#ask#anon#anti edelgard#Anti-edelgard#Edelgard discourse#Edelgard critical#just to be safe#Again really hope I don't come across badly and I'm sorry if I do!#like. I do see where you're coming from! A lot of times villain routes acknowledge you to be the big bad meanie bobeenie!#at least more directly than CF does - because CF does! Through the non-recrutied characters and through the subtext!#sure you can miss out on the former if you manage to recruit everyone but the latter is always present!#Fodlan is in a noticeably worse state in CF than on the other routes and you are actively questioned as to why you joined [lord's] side#by some of the characters you CAN'T recruit (Dimitri; Catherine)#which doesn't happen on the other routes - the other character just wish that Byleth chose them or don't want to fight Byleth#plus there's all of the actions you commit/are complicit in on CF vs the other routes#it just isn't flat out in your face with it because like... Edelgard doesn't view herself as the villain. A Byleth who chose to walk with#her doesn't view her as the villain - even while knowing all oft he heinous shit she's been a part of#so if Edelgard doesn't view herself as the villain and this Byleth doesn't view her as the villain and everyone trusts Byleth's word#who on your side is going to call you out?#hope I'm making sense!
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Blue Lions Translation Chapter 3
Okay, these things take a long time for me to put out, because I mostly get my translation vibe on in the evening. And I work most evenings these days.
If you really enjoy my work and can afford to throw some spare change my way, here is a link to my ko-fi account.
My comments in italics
Starting out with the Exploration Dialogue, cause the mission briefing scene is the exact same for all houses.
Dimitri: Even when there's no chance to win, there are situations where you simply have to draw your sword and fight.
Dimitri: However, this case seems far too excessive... Lord Lonato is not that much of a fool.
Dimitri: … If he had enough allies to make his rebellion a decisive one, it would be a different matter of course.
[Choose: Allies?] and [Choose: What do you mean?]
Dimitri: … Ah, no.... it was an idle thought. It's just, there's definitely something suspicious about this.
Dimitri: Even if we are only dealing with the aftermath, something unexpected can always happen. Please make sure to be thorough in your preparations, Professor.
English has Dimitri refer to some vague preparations already being in place in his first sentence, whereas the Japanese more clearly refers to them only being supposed to be there for the aftermath.
Dedue: His Highness is strong. However, no matter how skilled, if he takes to the front lines, anything may happen to him.
Dedue: … He is a great man that Faerghus absolutely cannot afford to lose.
Dedue: I wonder if the church understands this.
Two things to point out here about how Dedue refers to Dimitri here. First he uses あの方 (ano kata) for him, which is very polite and respectful way to talk about someone in the third person. 方 (person, in this case) is the more polite form of 人 (hito), which can also mean person, but usually in a more human/man/woman kind of way. Now Dedue uses 方 twice in this sentence and that is to refer to Dimitri also as an お方 (okata), which again is a highly respectful term. Suggested translations are often gentlemen/lady, though the connotations obviously don’t fit in this case. Too bad the English translation didn’t incorporate this moment of fanboyism. :(
Felix: … Catherine, huh? Her excellent technique, the sword she wields....
Felix: Hm... Apparently, she hides her past so thoroughly, it seems not even fragments of it are known.
Felix: I suggest you also make her your sparring partner. She is strong... likely stronger than even you.
Ashe: …...
Ashe: Professor, there has to be some mistake. The thought that Lord Lonato would be raising an army is simply...
Ashe: … He didn’t say anything even to me.
Sylvain: Professor, did you see Felix around? He's always had a habit of vanishing the second I take my eyes off him.
[Choose: I saw him at the training grounds] +Support with Sylvain
Sylvain: Well, just as I thought. Sorry, Professor. Thanks for helping me out!
[Choose: I saw him at the dining hall]
Sylvain: Oh, is that so? Sorry, Professor. … At any rate, he must be eating there by himself, I am sure.
English is simple (which just has him go “Right, it’s meal time”), but I feel the Japanese line implies that he was planning on inviting Felix to eat with him and is disappointed to be told he already went ahead.
Mercedes: I heard rumours regarding Lord Lonato. They say he is a very kind and gentle lord.
Mercedes: I really wonder why such a kind man would suddenly raise an army...?
Mercedes: Ah, by the way, Professor. Didn't you work late again yesterday? Pushing yourself isn't good for you.
Mercedes: People who stay up late will have a ghost rise up from the bottom of their well and... Just kidding.
I am sure everyone is familiar with Japanese ghosts and their association with wells. Most famous of the older stories is probably Okiku.
Annette: This time we have to help out the knights, correct? Could that mean...
Annette: … Ah, no, I am sorry! It's just, someone I am looking for might be among the knights.
[Choose: Is he a knight?]
Annette: Yes. If he is here, most likely... it's just a possibility, he might also be among the monks.
Now I am imagining Gilbert with a tonsure.
[Choose: It would be nice if you could meet him] +Support with Annette
Annette: Thank you so much, Professor! I'll definitely catch him someday...!
Ingrid: I simply cannot understand why His Highness would allow someone from Duscur at his side.
Ingrid: 4 years ago, they committed treason by killing the king and slaughtered all of the innocent soldiers and knights accompanying him.
Ingrid: Even if His Highness forgives them, I cannot do so... ever.
Ingrid interestingly uses the term 弑逆し (shiigyakushi) here, which refers to killing your own lord or father. This would imply Duscur was already some kind of vassal state to Faerghus, but from what we know Duscur was independant before the Tragedy. (I checked the books in the library on this in Japanese) Feels like a weird inconsistency.
Scene: Into the Fog
Dimitri: Being able to accompany “Thunder Catherine”, famed for her bravery... haha, it is quite an honour.
[Choose: Thunder?] and [Choose: Thunderbird?]
Okay, this is a bit of a word joke that the English decided to skip out on entirely rather than come up with an alternative. So Catherine's relic is simply named “Thunder” (雷霆 raitei) in Japanese, netting her the nickname “Thunder Catherine”. The first response would simply be Byleth wanting to clarify this. The second response implies they also didn't even listen too closely to Dimitri and heard something different: Thunderbird ( 雷鳥 raichou)... or better known to us as the real life bird species “ptarmigan”, whose Japanese name uses the kanji for thunder and bird. Sadly, this slip up doesn't change any dialogue and the localization didn’t have a joke here..
Catherine: Hm, you don't know? This is “Thunder”... It is one of the Heroes' Relics.
Catherine: A very long time ago, the goddess granted her power to ten heroes... It took the form of these Relics that were passed down to their descendants.
Catherine: Although tempting, there won't be a chance to swing Thunder this time. After all, our duty is to deal with the aftermath.
Sidenote, but Catherine uses the pronoun “atashi” for herself, which is typically considered extremely girly or even childish. It is also written in katakana, which makes it stand out more and implies a “rougher” pronounciation.
[If Ashe is alive]
Ashe: … Why would Lord Lonato start such a reckless uprising?
Catherine: Shouldn't you be the one with more details on this, Ashe?
Ashe: I don't understand. He didn't tell me anything about this...
Dimitri: … I am sure Lord Lonato didn't want you to get involved in his revenge.
[Choose: How are Ashe and Lord Lonato related?]
Ashe: Lord Lonato adopted me and raised me like he would a true son.
Another interesting side note: Japan didn't do what we consider adoption for a big part of it's history. Rather, it was mostly common to do for those without a male heir. One way had them finding a suitable husband for their daughter (usually one without an inheritance of his own), then adopted their new son-in-law into the family, so their name could be passed on. The other way involved adopting a distant relative.
What this means is that Japanese media often handles adoption plots a bit weird from what we know. So Ashe is super formal when talking about and to his ostensible father figure, as well as his role as a commoner being far more emphasized than his adoption by nobility. Japan really isn't as gung ho about “Blood doesn't matter” when it comes to family as the western world is. The relationship between adoptive kids and parents often feels more like a benefactor with his beneficiary.
Ashe: He was also a kind, great man. And yet still... This must have something do with my adoptive brother...
In relation to the above, the term Ashe uses to refer to Christophe here is more commonly seen when adressing one's brother-in-law.
[Choose: Revenge?] or [Continuing]
Catherine: Hey, Byleth. Do you know about the Tragedy of Duscur?
[Choose: I've heard about it] and [Choose: I have no idea]
Catherine: Well, it's the name of an incident from 4 years ago, where the King of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus was killed by the people of Duscur, but...
Dimitri: ...I do not mind. Catherine, please continue.
Catherine: Lord Lonato's son, Christoph, was executed by the church on charges of being involved in the incident.
[Choose: The church executes criminals..?]
Catherine: From the church's perspective, in place of the still chaotic kingdom, we passed judgement that did not exceed the doctrine.
[Choose: Why was the king targeted?]
Dimitri: …......
Catherine: It was known that King Lambert planned to implement large scale reforms and he had a lot of political enemies.
Catherine: … Whatever the truth, since then, Lord Lonato has held a grudge against the church.
Catherine: No... it would be more accurate to say that he has a grudge against the church and the one who handed him over to the church...
Church Soldier: Report! The enemy is drawing closer! There is no way to avoid them!
Church Soldier: The enemy forces were much greater than expected and because of the mist, they managed to slip through the knights' siege on them!
Catherine: Oh... Byleth, our mission has changed. Everyone, prepare for battle!
During Battle
Skipping most of Catherine's dialogue
Dimitri: There's shouting coming from within the fog... it appears the knights have already started the battle.
[Reacting to killing militia]
Ashe: Even the townspeople were sent to battle...!? Lord Lonato... why would you...!
Dimitri: Ugh... I am sorry... This is not something that can be forgiven... !
In English Dimitri seems to target this last bit at the civilians, but to me this here sounds more like he is directing it at Lonato for sending them into battle.
Ashe vs. Lonato
Lonato: Ashe... stand aside. I have to defeat the wicked ones! Without fail!
Ashe: Lord Lonato... please stop this now! Why would you do something so reckless?
Lonato: Rhea is an infidel that deceives the people and blasphemes against the goddess. With a cause this great, we surely possess the divine protection of the goddess.
Ashe: Even if you say that, all of this is wrong. How could you mobilize even the townsfolk!
Lonato: … In that case, turn your blade against me without hesitation! I cannot turn back at this point!
Dimitri vs. Lonato
Lonato: I deeply apologize, Your Highness... To think I would come to cross swords with you...
Dimitri: … Lord Lonato. I sympathize with your resentment to an extent.
Dimitri is being extremely formal here, using the pronoun “貴公" (kikou) to address Lonato. It's a very archaic term (aka. Samurai old), normally used by men to refer to other men that are equal or below them in rank. He is already pretty formal usually, but this shows he turns it up a notch when dealing with kingdom affairs.
Dimitri: I have no wish to take you down, but... I apologize.
Lonato: Your Highness... For my son, for the sake of the people, I simply cannot stop here.
Lonato: If it is your wish to stand in my way, then I can only force you aside...
Scene: A Harsh Reality
[If Ashe is alive]
Ashe: ... Why did something like this happen. Even though Lord Lonato used to be such a kind man.
Ashe: The townsfolk were all such good people too... And yet, these people... I killed them.
Ashe: There was nothing... There was nothing else we could do. I know that, but I... !
Dimitri: ... Please, don't push yourself, Ashe.
Ashe: ... I apologize for making you worry.
Ashe: ... I will take a moment to assess the situation in town. I just hope my younger siblings are okay...
[He leaves]
Dimitri: … For me this was also the first time I fought against citizens. I did it, even though protecting them is my duty.
[If Ashe is dead]
Dimitri: There were militiamen among the enemies. … For me this was the first time I fought against citizens.
[Choose: It was an unavoidable sacrifice] and [Choose: That's just reality]
Dimitri: … These people were neither knights nor soldiers! They were not just people to be... killed.
Dimitri: No... I am sorry. It is not right to blame you.
Dimitri: Indeed, if we had not killed them, many more citizens may have lost their lives in the future.
Dimitri: I can understand this logically. But still... Hey, Professor.
Dimitri: In any era, the people in power always fight and howl at each other for the sake of some greater cause or to avenge the lives that were trampled upon.
Dimitri: Still... can any loss of life be forgiven, so long as you hold up the two words saying “Greater Cause”?
In Japanese, it's 'the two characters' that make up the word 'taigi' (greater cause).
Dimitri: Lord Lonato did not raise his blade out of self-interest, but for the sake of the justice he dedicated himself to.
Dimitri: Maybe if we didn't cut them down like that, we might have found some other way together...
Dimitri: I ... have to think that. Though maybe you’ll just tell me I am downplaying it and laugh at me.
[Switch back to Catherine with some dialogue common to all routes]
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yeah I’m gonna have to hard disagree with you. Dedue solely exists as a plot device for Dimitri. The Tragedy of Duscur isn’t about Dedue’s feelings it’s about Dimitri’s. The genocide of a group of brown/black people solely exists so Dimitri can have some white boy angst. I don’t think people not liking the Dimidue ship is because they don’t want Dimitri to be anything but straight. It’s uncomfortable because of the racist white savior bullshit and I honestly can’t see how you don’t see that.
First of all, the term “Tragedy of Duscur” in game refers to the assassination of Lambert and his knights by the Agarthans and their co-conspirators, while the genocide of the Duscur people was a separate second event performed in retaliation by Faerghus and spearheaded by House Kleiman. Fandom seems to frequently conflate the two, but it makes sense both in-universe and out why Lambert’s death would take precedent. It plunged the Kingdom, one of Fòdlan’s three large nations, into political instability for nearly a decade, and it’s narratively more significant because of how it plays into the plans of Edelgard and her allies to conquer Faerghus by weakening it from within.
Relatively speaking the Duscur genocide matters only to Dedue, and because he lacks plot armor past Part 1 of AM (at which point he’s killed off by default in service of self-insert romance, i.e. Dimileth - again, interesting that the racist undertones of that writing choice are never brought up...is the game’s most popular ship too big a target?) that can’t extend much beyond his supports and endings. That prioritization is just how lord/protagonist privileges work; Edelgard being experimented on matters more than the same thing happening to Lysithea, Claude’s perspective on Almyra matters more than Cyril’s, Byleth’s reaction, such as it is, to Jeralt’s death matters more than Leonie and Alois’s. That part isn’t even a quirk of FE’s writing like the plot armor and permadeath issues, but standard storytelling - characters that are more important to the plot (and here also gameplay and marketing) get more focus.
The Tragedy hit all of the Lions except Mercedes with some kind of trauma from the people who died or disappeared in its wake, and it is reductive and obviously wrong to suggest that all of Dimitri’s grief comes from the genocide and not also from the deaths of his father (and presumed stepmother), his friend Glenn, his estrangement from the childhood friend trio, and the resulting strife and turmoil this threw the Kingdom into for years afterward and for which he feels responsible...and then the knowledge that his stepsister who doesn’t remember him has allied herself with the people who arranged the assassination in her own bid to seize power. It also ignores why saving Dedue was so important to him in assuaging his considerable survivor’s guilt, making him not so much a plot device as an emotional crutch. The feeling is mutual however, and you can see through their interactions across the game that Dedue is just as emotionally codependent on Dimitri as Dimitri is on him. That’s why he goes on a quest for revenge in VW/SS (alluding back to Finn doing the same for his beloved late lord Quan in the Jugdral games) and is willing to throw away his humanity to protect Dimitri in CF - but just as willing to die peacefully with him should the player defeat him before he can transform ignoring of course that the player kills both of them either way by propping up Edelgard’s conquest - CF is so much more fun if you own the villainy. Calling them a white savior pairing is still a misrepresentation that ignores their actual dynamic and the substantial amount of development they undergo.
(It also presumes the insertion of US racial politics into a game by Japanese developers set on a pseudo-European continent. Tropes derived from colonialism thus poorly capture likely creator intent as well as more likely analogues for Duscur in any number of indigenous European ethnic/cultural minorities. My own headcanons come from my knowledge of such communities in France because Faerghus is loosely pseudo-French, but as it’s also pseudo-Russian with a bit of Celtic flavoring there are other directions one could take it.)
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A Sleepless Night Under the Lone Moon
Summary: Dimitri has trouble sleeping. His wife has a ritual she does not tire attempting.
Rating: T - Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Words: 2000
Notes: Yes, I know I’ve done this one before, but two cakes, I suppose? This one is longer, too.

It was just another chilly night just before the New Year. The King of Fódlan and the Archbishop have recently arrived for their season in Garreg Mach, certainly exhausted from their long trip across the Ogma Mountains.
Nevertheless, if one were to pass through the gardens between the two halls that evening, a tall and well-built figure could be seen standing silently on the Star Terrace, looking up to the sky, searching for something that might as well not be there. The full moonlight hit his face, and one could see he was a very handsome long-haired man. He had a few scars on his face and a missing eye, which strangely only made him look even better. However, he carried a weary expression on his face.
King Dimitri, once again, could not sleep.
The Archbishop sensed this. She could sense very clear that he was not there, right beside her in the large bed.
Byleth woke up in the middle of the night, and searched for him with her hands patting his side of the bed. The fact that he was not there did not make her too startled, as it was common occurrence in these years of marriage.
It was one of those things you might not appreciate about your partner, but you learn to live with. Somehow, she had grown used to the fact that he would often have trouble sleeping. Sometimes, he did not even sleep at all. Nevertheless, whenever it came to be, it would shatter her still heart into a billion pieces.
The Tragedy of Duscur was only but a dark chapter of history. The towns were rebuilt, the people have returned and the province prospered. Felix and Ingrid made peace with their loss, and he knew Lambert and Patricia certainly were not all he remembered them to be. The war was won, Edelgard is dead and one would be hard-pressed to find someone who misses her. He had undergone many therapies and seances, and he was beyond happy with the life he built for himself from the wreckage it once was. Yet, Dimitri still hears the voices.
The fires of that night had taken many things from him. The taste of his tongue and the feeling of his hands, to name just a couple, but ever since then he was also rarely able to have good nights of sleep, something he had loathed ever since the attack.
It was difficult for him to exactly pinpoint what he hated so much about it. Perhaps, it was the fact that the sleepless nights reminded him of how he had been marked with this wretched curse, this burden, for eternity. It also stood for the symbol that he would never taste the warm buns of his childhood nor feel the voluptuous curves on his wife’s body. Losing sleep was plainly annoying as well, as it carries his headaches along. Or, maybe, there was a connection with how Byleth would always stay up to keep him company.
That night was not any different.
Alongside the cool breeze that hit his shirtless body, he felt her warm arms wrapping him in a back hug and her cheek being pressed against him. The combination of cool and warm touches caused shivers to go down his spine. He smiled to himself, but guilt soon started to run in his veins.
“Go back to sleep, beloved.” He whispered. “There is certainly much to be done in the morning, and Seteth will not grant you any reprieve.”
“Not without you.” She responded, petulantly.
“You know I will not be able to sleep tonight.” His voice manifested both frustration and firmness, especially because he did not want her to face the morning to come feeling tired over him. “There is nothing either of us can do about it.”
“History tells I have many magnificent feats under my name. I can always try. Tonight might be your lucky night.” The religious leader leaned back, breaking the comforting connection between their skins.
He chuckled. “Every night you spend with me is a lucky night, beloved. I will not begrudge you sleep to test my own fortune.”
In response to his declaration, her ethereally smooth hands travelled to the sides of his body, and gave them a light squeeze, silently asking him to turn around and look at her. His icy blue eyes, a perennial inheritance from Blaiddyd himself, found her mint greens in a matter of seconds, and a grin suddenly took over her lips. She absolutely adored his eyes and, if given permission, she would spend hours getting lost in them.
While looking at his eyes, she saw deep and beautiful oceans, summer skies, and balmy waves. Dimitri made her feel like she was back in the Blue Sea Star.
“Let me take care of you.” Byleth whispered against his skin.
He slowly gave in to her request, and accepted to be taken care of. With her hands guiding him to wherever she went, she did her best to distract his mind off his frustration and insanity for a little while. She talked about the inane requests that littered her desk, the gossip Mercedes and the maids let her know, and the cute baby she would baptize next afternoon.
Just like that, before any of them could realize, the marble clawfoot bathtub that occupied a corner on their bathroom at the monastery was filled with hot water and aromatic salts. Taking baths together was a pivotal element of their ritual for sleepless nights. They would usually spend quite a long time in the water, she would talk about unimportant things and he would laugh carelessly at her purposefully obtuse observations.
At that moment, both of their bodies were submerged in the temporary alleviation the water offered. Despite being taller and more muscular than his wife, Dimitri had his back leaned against her chest, being extremely careful not to hurt her under his inhumane strength.
Her nimble fingers ran across his molten gold long locks, untying the knots that formed since she last brushed it back in Fhirdiad. Afterwards, she pressed her lips gently on his temples, as an act of silent kindness for letting her share on his company.
“Damn, Dima, you’re packing.” Byleth joked as she nestled closer against his front body.
The vibration of his laugh resonated in her chest, and she laughed along with him, feeling relieved over his relaxation.
“Your significant other must be very lucky, huh?” She continues the silly joke, just so he would feel better about himself. “I bet that, having such a fat cock like that, you are a love machine.”
The monarch grinned wolfishly. “I’m a fuck machine.”
She laughed loudly and even snored a little bit, bringing fresh warmth to his heart. After murmuring he was, actually, ridiculous, she decided it was time to leave the bathtub, due to the falling temperature of the water. He was the first one to stand up, and he offered her his hand as a support for she to stand up as well.
In no time, they were dry and their bodies were covered with fine, cool silks, perfect for the Spring climate in Garreg Mach.
As Byleth stared at her own reflection in the mirror, she realized how her husband looked a bit better. He still carried the same weary expression from before, but he did not look as dreadful as when he looked wistfully out to the empty courtyard.
“I wonder what those stuck-up, annoying Adrestian nobles would think if they saw their king like this.” The blond said, as he sits on the four-poster bed.
“Like what?” Byleth sits next to him and lets an arm snake around his shoulder.
“Like a kept man.” He shook his head to himself, but it was crystal clear he was not upset over anything that was happening then.
It was amusing to whomever was privy to their home life how Dimitri held a somewhat intimidating image and a grievous past, but still managed to be so soft and pliant towards his wife, doing as she says as if direct commandment from the Goddess herself. Which it was, on a roundabout way.
As bad as his moods could be these days, deep down, Byleth could not be anything other than wholeheartedly thankful for his behaviours, for him not blocking her out anymore. Although there were long, dreadful Moons soon after the Millennium Festival when he dismissed her cares, when they first reunited, this is only memories of a distant past. Even when he fell to his low points amongst their better years since the end of the war, he would never last for too long without her.
“I will be right back. I asked for Cyril to leave a pitcher, so I am going to prepare ourselves some warm milk.” She stood on her tiptoes and pecked his lips before leaving the room.
She left him with a bright and calm smile on his lips, which, however, soon faded away into a grimace. There was a clear pang of guilt in his chest, of disgrace over his petulant behaviour, but he could not lie and say he was not feeling any better after sharing a bath with his beloved. Her touch was always so gentle and caring, and she did not seem to be bothered by his situation by any means, but still he hears the voices, and still he sleeps not.
How on Earth had he gotten to be so favoured, even after so many bad events that took place in his life? Even with so many sins on his hands? Should he not have to pay for his mistakes? Is it only a matter of time until the other shoe drops?
A few minutes passed by, and she returned to his presence with two mugs, one on each hand. Her placid face assured him everything was alright, and that she got his back no matter what, a promise she made due countless times over the years. She would be by his side even in the middle of the night, after having an exhausting day of travelling through a perilous mountain pass, or with her heart overwhelmed by her own problems, frustrations and feelings.
She would always be by his side because she loved him, and it was nothing short of shameful how little he offered in return for such unwavering devotion.
“There you go, love.” One of her hands gave him a plain white mug with a steaming liquid inside of it.
Another part of her ritual was to end the night with a mug of warm milk with some drops of honey. She had read Saint Timoteos writings, and he noted that honey could help with sleeping problems, and that stuck with her for a long time, to the point they now kept an apiary both in Fhirdiad and in Garreg Mach. His wife had always eagerly grasped at things that could help him somehow.
Her own mug was taken to her lips as she sipped the drink, and her chest felt full of a sympathetic warmth. Dimitri, on the other hand, did not sip his drink and this did not pass unnoticed by Byleth.
When she was about to ask him what was wrong, his voice echoed in the room first. “Come here.”
She stepped closer to him with a puzzled look on her face, but he only dismissed it with a charming wink. His fingers ran along her jawline, and his hand cupped her face right after it. He pulled her closer to him, his lips soon connecting to hers.
After dedicating one or two minutes to a kiss in which she had to focus on both her lips moving in sync, and mugs being balanced in her hands, the Archbishop broke away. Their eyes found each other once more, and she nuzzled her nose up against his.
He rested his forehead on hers, his next words being softly whispered. “You taste like honey.”
Fire Emblem Masterlist
Three Houses Masterlist
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Looking at Edelgards wiki page, and aside from all the spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and horrible sentence structure, dear LORD is it filled with such vague, unspecific language to make her look better. Saying in "some endings" she passes on the role of Emperor to someone else while in others she "rules for an unspecified time" to support she steps down after the war, completely ignoring Lysitheas ending where she rules for the rest of her life and not clarifying the specific (1/3)
numbers of endings where she retires (I counted, its two, and even then only in her later years). Crimson Flower apparently ends "much faster" than the other routes instead of directly stating its three months faster. Saying she only spoke so harshly to Dimitri before executing him to allow him to "hate her" until the end (how compassionate of her /s, also I cannot find any proof of this in the script so either I'm missing something or the editor is just posting headcanons). (2/3)
All in all, Edelgards entire personality wiki section is a complete joke. The person that wrote it should have their editing priviledges removed. (3/3)
I mean we know who is making all of those edits. It’s our resident contrarian that people were sending a dozen asks about yesterday. It just comes off as another of many poorly thought out arguments, since they keep pointing to specific supports or text in the game when that’s... Not really necessary. We all played the game, you only do that shit when you’re trying to win an argument.
Honestly if I were in control of the page it’d look more like this:
Edelgard holds herself with a dignified air, but full of melancholy and solemn wistfulness. which can make her appear outwardly cold. As heir of the Adrestian Empire, she is an exemplary student and a natural leader. She keeps a modest stoic front. rarely cutting loose and maintains formality. She rarely cuts loose and maintains formality at all times. Her colleagues classmates (who the fuck calls the people they went to school with “colleagues”?) express great surprise whenever she does relax. While She is generally a private person, she does recognize the importance of her duties and expresses confidence and faith in the abilities of her allies. and she is rarely shown opening up to other people.(the previous line did not make sense, her recognizing the importance of duty has no relationship to being a private person).
She is a capable dancer, having taught Dimitri at a young age and has a talent for drawing portraits, though she is embarrassed to show them to others. (These really belong in a separate “skills” section but whatever the wiki doesn’t appear to have that category for this game). She has a personal nickname, El, of whom which she only allows very close individuals, namely her family, to call her.
Though she tries to keep it a secret, Edelgard is deathly afraid of rats, as they remind her of a past she is uncomfortable with. Edelgard is deathly afraid of rats since they remind her of a past she is uncomfortable with, though she tries to keep this fact a secret. She is also fears afraid of the ocean since because she cannot swim.
Edelgard is far more complex than she initially appears, as she had been scheming to dismantle the corrupt systems of Fódlan, namely the influence of the Church of Seiros, the oppression of the Crest systems, and the hidden machinations of the Agarthans. Driven by her desire to remove these influences, she is willing to sacrifice both her life and reputation as she believes that the only means of achieving her goals is through war and sometimes underhanded tactics. (Such unnecessary fluff). Edelgard will use whatever it takes to achieve her goals, using all three of the aforementioned systems begrudgingly as they are the current means for her to amass any sort of power and influence in order to instigate meaningful change in them. Edelgard is extremely driven, and she is willing to use whatever it takes to achieve her goals. This is evidenced by her willingness to work with Those Who Slither in the Dark, as she believes they are the only ones who can help her amass enough power to achieve her ends.
Edelgard strongly believes that the ends will justify the means if she were to win the war, as she despises the structure of Fódlan society and believes it has to be replaced by a more just system under which humanity can flourish. In the Azure Moon route she states she went to war after weighing all options and determined that it would be much faster with far fewer casualties than to continue on in the continent's current state. This is reflected through the Crimson Flower route that ends much sooner than the other two, albeit a later war is impending against the remaining Agarthians, where she manages to wipe them all out, compared to the other routes where the Agarthans survive to return at a later time. As a result, she does realize the gravity of her orders but chooses to remain steadfast in her belief in improving society for everyone. She also does not desire to remain Emperor for too long as according to a tea time conversation with her, Edelgard states she has no intention of handing the throne to any children she might have, instead planning to pass it on to someone brilliant and kind, which a few endings do, while others she rules for an unspecified time. (Literally this entire paragraph is unnecessary fluff.)
Dimitri has had a significant impact on her life as the two are step-siblings when her mother Anselma married King Lambert under the name "Patricia." In their childhood, neither were aware of their relationship to each other, but they were close nonetheless, with Dimitri affectionately calling her "El" which only those particularly close to her are allowed to call her. Dimitri gifted her a dagger which she held well into the present, which was symbolically meant to tell her to carve out her own ideals and face the numerous hardships she had to endure up until the present. If met at the Goddess Tower during the Academy Phase, she admits that her first love was a Faerghus noble who she cannot recall, implied to be Dimitri. Despite her past feelings towards him, it is heavily implied for most of the game that Edelgard no longer remembers Dimitri nor that he gifted her the dagger, possibly as a result of her trauma from the experiments. In the Azure Moon route, she accepts Dimitri's invitation to parley on a whim. Despite failing to come to an understanding with one another to end the war peacefully, she is nonetheless able to express her gratitude to him for the dagger and the strength it provided her when he reminds her that it was a parting gift from him. (Everything in this paragraph would really be more at home in a separate “relationships” subcategory, which this wiki also does not feature.)
Edelgard's personality and ambitions are a result of tragedies that painted her view of the world. The traumatic imprisonment of her siblings and herself due to the experiments of Those Who Slither in the Dark created her hatred of Crests. Edelgard’s personality and ambitions are a direct result of the suffering she faced at the hands of TWSITD. Her imprisonment and the subsequent experimentation on herself and her family were a key factor in her disillusionment with Fódlan and the Church of Seiros. (Don’t ask me how she got to that conclusion. Also take a shot for every time this dude uses the word “tragic”.) She also despises most nobility, especially the Adrestian Nobles, as they are partially responsible for the circumstances leading to said experiments, but also due to the fact that Crests are used as societal leverage by most nobles as a sign of their prestige. She even shows sympathy and pity to Miklan, whom she praises for becoming a leader despite being disowned and leading a group of bandits, calling his death "a waste". One of her main goals is to dismantle the current nobility system and having the people earn their position by merit rather than birthright, which she achieves in her ending in the Crimson Flower path. (More fluff.)
Edelgard has a complex view of the current Church of Seiros as her tragic history with the Insurrection of the Seven along with the knowledge given by her father regarding the truth of the War of Heroes paints her radical opinion. She bears a large distrust of Rhea due to her withholding of knowledge and context behind the history of the church, even pointing out some of the Church's hypocrisy of remaining neutral across Fódlan, yet allowing the Crest system to flourish that Edelgard despises. She does not fully dismiss the concept of faith however, even allowing it to continue to exist in her rule, though heavily monitored by the Empire. (Oh hey Edelstan is acknowledging her state run religion at least) She even tries to learn more about it from Manuela but does not plan on ever becoming a devout follower by any means. When as an enemy, however, she will cause those who are faithful to be afraid for their lives and flee the Empire. However, during Crimson Flower, several Knights of Seiros that have become unnerved by Rhea flee to the Empire, while those involved with the Church in the Empire flee for the Eastern, but then flee to Faerghus due to lack of a military. (Fluff.)
Despite this, Edelgard expresses fear and anxiety over the consequences of her actions her chosen path should Byleth side with her in Crimson Flower, as she understands that she would be her actions make her responsible for the deaths loss of countless lives. (lmao “the deaths of countless lives”) This is proven further when Randolph and Ladislava die defending Garreg Mach from the Church, and how she laments that another life is lost in the war because of her choices. She mourned Dimitri's death, letting herself be hated by Dimitri to the end by speaking harshly to him to let his perception of her remain, lamenting how she could not save him from Thales's manipulation. (wut) Dimitri's death struck her to the point that Byleth questioned if Edelgard was crying, which she denied, claiming that the Edelgard who cried had perished years ago.
Edelgard's relationship with Byleth greatly affects her personality and fate in the war. Edelgard admits in her support that she feared expresses fear that she would have become "a harsh ruler with a heart of ice" if she had to walk her path alone. In the other routes where she is not taught by them or where Byleth sides with the church against her, this becomes a reality and ultimately leads to her early demise. This is likely expressed in the conversation with Dimitri, where, in the Japanese version, she retorts Dimitri's statement over the lessons he learned with his friends and Byleth with her stating that he can understand that because he has what she lacks, referencing how Edelgard felt Byleth was the only one she could consider an equal that is not bound by status but simply as Edelgard. As her enemy, Edelgard will express regret that the two did not walk the same path and even find some semblance of closure falling to Byleth's sword in the Silver Snow and Verdant Wind paths. Should they choose to support her, she has a far easier time expressing kindness and regret over her actions over the course of the game herself. She will opt to force her enemies to surrender instead of wiping them out, where she even offered to spare Rhea and the Church followers if they surrendered, while the former was willing to sacrifice the city the final battle takes place in. (This doesn’t even make sense, she never forced Rhea to surrender she just half heartedly gave her the option of surrender). She also has several fleeting moments of peace and happiness, such as when she takes to drawing portraits of Byleth, which she is self conscious about due to their lack of quality in her eyes.
That attachment towards Byleth is even perhaps stronger than that of the other house leaders. When they teach the Black Eagles, she makes several attempts to get Byleth to understand her world view, even though Hubert advised her it would not be wise and personally invited Byleth to her coronation. In the Crimson Flower route, Dorothea notes that among the Black Eagles, Edelgard was the most emotionally affected by Byleth's disappearance. Edelgard's fondness for Byleth goes so far as to encourage Byleth to call her El and even let Byleth give her orders on the battlefield despite her dislike of not being in control. Despite her earlier statement that she does not cry, she openly cries at the end of the Crimson Flower route when Byleth supposedly dies after slaying Rhea, but is overjoyed when they are revived. Edelgard's bond with Byleth can ultimately result in the marriage of the two, regardless of their gender. It is in her proposal to them at this level where she asks that they stay close to her and that she will need them for the rest of her life. Regardless of her relationship status with Byleth, in the Crimson Flower route, it is through their influence that she ultimately achieves her goals and is remembered far more kindly than in the other routes where she perishes. (Again, would be more at home in a separate relationships section since it says almost nothing about Edelgard as an individual. You could maybe keep the bit about her disliking not being in control, but I’d combine it with an earlier paragraph since it doesn’t make much sense as its own thing.)
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Pray at Your Altar 1/4, Claude x Byleth Arranged Marriage AU
Summary: When a marriage proposal is answered with the death of the messenger, Claude is sent on a mission to deliver Almyra's revenge. But first, he is going to find out just what the all powerful Archbishop wants from the strange woman he was supposed to marry.The secret revolving around Byleth is something Claude can't leave alone.
Notes: So, I lost 30 pages of outline and world building for History on Repeat. I'm working on trying to recover the doc, but I'm just really blah about touching it. Apparently I'm dealing with it by writing another multi chapter fic, although this one will be much shorter. I love arranged marriage aus where the couple basically falls in love while also developing into a power couple, and it's honestly really surprising to me that I haven't tackled this idea yet for claudeleth.
Pray at Your Altar
Claude stared at the severed head, the mutilated and decaying features barely recognizable as the messenger sent across the border a month ago. Congealed blood stained the silver tray so lovely provided to charter the grisly object back to its homeland. Whatever had become of the rest of the body, they were left in the dark.
The entire court was in an uproar, their shouts echoing off marble walls. The only people not screaming in outrage were himself and his parents. Queen Odette’s fury was clear on her face, her cheeks blushed hot with rage. Her fingers clutched the arm of her husband’s throne in a white knuckled grip.
Where his wife burned hot, King Mahtab was freezing cold. He stared at the head with the same calculation as his son, but where Claude seemed curious, Mahtab was decisive.
One brave, or perhaps stupid, courtier stepped forward, his voice rising above the others. “It was a mistake to think the Fódlani above any other barbaric actions! The Archbishop has reacted to a simple marriage request with an act of war!”
The yells overtook him once more, the crowd engulfing him as he stepped back. But when Mahtab stood, the room went eerily silent at a whiplash pace. It was as if every single one of them forgot to breathe as they awaited their king’s words.
Mahtab descended half way down the dais that left him towering above the court, coming to a stop one step behind Claude. “We will not go to war.” Mahtab held up a hand, holding back the tide of anger that was practically palpable at his words. “But that does not mean we will let such an insult pass. This mission -” Mahtab paused, a heavy hand dropping to Claude’s shoulder, “- will fall to my son. We will use this opportunity to see if he possesses the strength to defend the throne.”
Claude was not sure what his father was planning, but he was not about to fail at something so important. If he succeeded now, he might very well gain the influence he needed to achieve his dreams.
Almost two years had passed since Claude had come to Fódlan. He had been at Garreg Mach Monastery for almost a full month, narrowly avoided losing his life only three days ago to bandits, and had yet to see the woman who had caused this whole mess in the first place.
Well, that wasn’t entirely fair he supposed. As far as he knew, this supposed goddess reborn might not even know what had been done in her name. He doubted that, but as he had barely any data to go on, it was not a conclusion he could yet rule out. Rhea’s word obviously had way more influence than was healthy over these people, especially since the death of King Lambert. She held so much sway over the people of Fódlan it disgusted him. There was blame on both sides of the border for the current hostilities, the hatred that had them both distrusting outsiders, but Rhea seemed to be someone determined to keep the system in place on this side. Doing so would certainly leave her influence securely in place.
The Church’s influence was the entire reason the marriage proposal had gone to this Byleth instead of the Adrestian Princess. And after meeting Edelgard, Claude mentally let loose a sigh of relief. It was no insult to her, Edelgard was a smart and passionate woman, but Claude was certain he would drive her insane. And then her ever present shadow would find some unpleasant way to dispose of him. Claude was glad he had successfully dodged that fate without much effort on his part.
Still, he wanted to meet this mysterious woman his father had attempted to marry him off to. As far as he could tell, she only came out of seclusion for one or two religious ceremonies a year. Otherwise it was deemed too dangerous for Byleth to make an appearance. Not that Rhea phrased it that way, but Claude read between the lines of the lies that fell from her mouth.
Which was why he was so surprised when Rhea summoned the three house leaders to the audience chamber, and standing beside the Archbishop was a young woman. Despite never seeing her before, Claude knew immediately they were in the presence of the goddess reborn. Edelgard and Dimitri had come to the same conclusion as him, if the open shock on their faces was anything to go by. He should purpose a poker game with them; they would be terrible at it.
Byleth certainly was beautiful. She was decorated in golden ornaments that tinkled softly when she moved. And that dress! Claude did his best not to make his stare obvious, but the cut of her blue dress emphasized Byleth’s alluring figure. But her expression was so blank Claude could not even begin to guess what she was thinking.
“Welcome,” Rhea greeted in her warm voice, a serene smile on her lips. “I know this is unexpected, but as we have never had all three heirs studying with us at the same time, I thought it would be prudent to introduce you all. I can tell by your faces that you have already guessed who this lovely young woman is beside me. Edelgard. Dimitri. Claude.” Rhea paused between each of their names, waiting for their nods of acknowledgement before continuing on. “This is Byleth, the reincarnation of the progenitor god.”
As Rhea turned to Byleth, Claude was caught off guard by the look of...was that greed? It was a fondness that seemed born of knowing Rhea would be rewarded with whatever it was she wanted from the young woman at some point soon. It was so obvious on the Archbishop’s normally guarded features, that Claude felt his skin crawl.
Byleth nodded her own greeting, not saying anything. That blank look was so foreign, Claude could understand why those who had seen her would believe there was something inhuman about the woman. But that blank look, for some reason it made him angry.
What had Rhea done to cause such an effect on Byleth?
Claude received his second shock of the day as he made a nightly stroll around the grounds, dodging the knights on patrol that would lecture him about being out so late. He caught a flash of gold and blue as he circled toward the cathedral.
Looking over a stone railing, Claude saw Byleth standing before a grave. Well, this was certainly a chance Claude was not about to pass up.
“I didn’t think Rhea let you out for strolls.” Claude knew that while his tone was casual, his words were perhaps a bit too malicious. Still, he wanted to see her reaction.
Byleth flinched at the unexpected interruption. He thought he saw her eyes widen for a split second, but in the dark Claude could not be sure. “She doesn’t,” Byleth answered back, her voice even and unconcerned.
Huh. That alone was worth the outing. He had begun to suspect that Rhea had more control over Byleth than he previously thought, and he could very well gain more confirmation if he kept poking. And maybe he would even find out something about Byleth herself. The woman intrigued him. He had not stopped thinking about her since their meeting that morning. Claude wanted so much to unravel her secrets.
Claude flashed her a winning smile, one she seemed to study and pick apart, her eyes narrowingly ever so slightly before easing back to her blank expression. “So, the goddess’ reincarnation has a rebellious streak? Wouldn’t have guessed. But why come to the cemetery?”
“To visit my parents,” Byleth answered easily. She was so straightforward with her answers it was throwing Claude off. He expected to have to pick apart her words to uncover what she truly meant like he was having to do with Rhea. “They both died when I was a baby, but it...it feels right to come visit them.”
“I’m sorry,” Claude said, not hiding his sincerity. He had honestly never even thought about her having parents, but somehow that obvious fact made her seem a bit more human.
Byleth shook her head, the tassels of her crown brushing against the tips of her ears. Those intense eyes refocused back to the gravestone. “I don’t remember them. My mother died giving birth to me. A few months later there was a fire in the nursery where I was. My father was caught in the blaze, but Rhea just managed to save me.”
Yeah, Claude wasn’t buying that. He highly doubted that was all there was to that story. However, before he could think of something to say, both their heads snapped up, bodies tense at the sound of approaching footsteps. They moved together as one, slipping into the shadows cast by the staircase down into the graveyard and huddling together.
Seteth’s voice hissed above them, directing knights in their search. Claude knew it was not for his benefit. They pressed against each other, trying to take up as little space as possible, barely breathing until the torchlight passed overhead. It was only when it was once more dark, Claude’s view illuminated only by the half full moon, and the sound of footsteps had retreated, that the two of them dared to move. Claude dropped his arms, only now realizing they had been wrapped around Byleth to hold her close.
Byleth’s hand lingered on his, seeming to study the feel of it against her own. Claude felt heat on his cheeks, and knew his face was bright red. Not for the first time that night he was grateful for the darkness that surrounded them. He knew Byleth was still studying him, but her reactions were so minimal he could not even begin to guess what she was thinking.
“I do not know when the next time Rhea will be distracted, but I usually go to the Goddess Tower. They never find me there.”
Claude nodded, another smile flashing across his lips. “I’ll have to check it out sometime. Perhaps I’ll see you there.”
Claude could not help but feel pride swell in his chest as he caught the barest hint of amusement in her answering tone, so subtle he never would have caught it if he was not trying to pick apart every piece of her.
After two long years, he was finally making headway with his mission.
#fire emblem#fire emblem three houses#claudeth#claude x byleth#claudeleth#my fic#pray at your altar#fanfic
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Im still bitter how IS could have go with the "important person" for the CYL in terms of outfits, like, Claude in Nader/Judith outfit, Dimitri with his father or Rodrigues's, and Edelgard with her fathers. Lysithea as a gremory was kind of the only option tbh tho
Which always meant they literally couldn’t do that, because the theme didn’t work. In other years they might have different meanings to the outfits because they’re from different games, but this year was entirely Three Houses, and they needed a theme. If anything, harness that disappointment, and vote for someone other than Three Houses characters, because they’d absolutely just do it again if given the chance. Mortal Savant Felix, Holy Knight Marianne, Enlightened One Byleths. Have fun.
Also not to be like this, but if they had gone that direction, the first thing I would’ve thought about all three was “What are these outfits supposed to be?” I couldn’t even begin to tell you what Dimitri or Edlegard’s parents looked like, nor could I really describe Nader at all. I doubt many people would recognize it visually either.
In fact, looking them up? Nader would’ve been distinct, but I can’t say it would’ve been all that fun. Ionius’ outfit definitely looks distinct, but would be more appropriate for a magic class, which would necessitate them switching up weapons for everyone which they were never going to do. Realistically, we all knew, for a certainty, what was going to happen the instant base Lysithea got in the game without Dark Spikes. Lambert...looks exactly the same as Brave Dimitri anyway. Like seriously, I am not the best at eye for detail, but that looks so similar to Brave Dimitri it may as well be the same outfit anyway.
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To Tell
Dimileth Weekday 2 Struggle @dimilethweek
(because I struggled with writing this damn it, I shit you not I was thinking in writing something about Dimitri not being able to take his newborn baby and I got in Ao3 just to see that in a summary hahahahaha, kill me...)
Also, I posted without checking Grammar maybe I'll do later.
It's 10:24 so technically it's Dimileth day 2 still
Words: 900?
Dimitri Finally Revealed his dark past to his kids, he expects them to take it well.
Fodlan has lived almost 20 years of peace after Dimitri killed Edelgard, many things happened in that time, he asked Byleth to marry him, they got the wedding, they had a kid, then three years later twins, and another four years later another one, and right now five years later are waiting for the new baby. As of right now the first, Jeralt has thirteen years and is already training to become King one day, the twins have Nine and studying in the school of Sorcery, Amelie and Lambert those are their names, and the youngest Leo.
Dimitri knew this day will come, he just didn't think it will come so soon.
He was in front of them Seated in a couch sweating, yeah sweating in winter, they may have a fire at the other side and even though it could warm all the room someone shouldn't be sweating like him.
"Father are you alright?"
Lambert asked really Concerned
"I'm fine..."
He felt the warm hand of his wife over top his and she smiled directed at him.
"It's okay, you can do it"
It has a deeper meaning ' I'm right here'
He sighed and finally look at the four.
"Listen, long time ago, even before your mother and I were together" he stopped their eyes were all on him.
"There was a war, it lasted six and something years"
He looked at Byleth and then at them.
"During that time... I..."
He looked at his hands and then at them
"I did things of which I'm not proud, things that when I remember I did I feel gross of myself, I killed people... I killed innocent people and ruined many lives..."
He saw how their faces changed to surprise.
"And I hate myself for it, if I could, I'll change it all, but I can't, I just have to live with all I have done, that's why I been doing my best so that all of Fodlan becomes a better place" he felt Byleth's hand envelop his.
"And I don't want any of you to live with that kind of regret, one of the things I hate myself more for doing was killing my step-sister, I'm sure if she and I had found another way, maybe today she would be here..."
Silence filled the room
"Something you want to say, kids?" Byleth asked finally.
"We had an aunt?!"
They all asked.
"That... wasn't what I expect at all... But yes, her mother was my step-mother."
"What was her name?"
And maybe that what he struggled the most to say.
"Edelgard Von Hresvelg"
Because now everyone was looking at Amelie.
Amelie Edelgard Blaiddyd.
"We named you to honor her" she looked at Byleth and then at him.
"Why did you kill her?"
He sighed and looked down.
"She wanted to change Fodlan, in a good way, but the way to do it was wrong, she wanted to destroy the church and kill Rhea, and she will do anything to do so... But I tried... I tried to give her another opportunity to stop everything and she didn't take it... And again I did it, a way to save herself" he stopped and looked at them
"She stabbed me in the shoulder" Byleth tighten the hand with which she's holding his hand.
"So I give it back to her..."
He now tightens his hand.
"She wasn't the only to die because of me, Felix's Father, Rodrigue, he died saving me too" he took her hand with both his now.
"Had I not been as I have in that time, a girl wouldn't have tried to attack me and he would be alive"
"That's not your fault" Jeralt almost shout
"In a way it is, because I didn't want to hear those around me and for doing so it cost an important life to me, and yet if it wasn't because of it maybe I wouldn't be here... Maybe none of us would be here..." This time he looked at his wife, who smiled deeply at him.
"What I try to say is... I don't want any of you to make a mistake you later regret, be careful, and patient, heard the around you, and if you doubt about what they say Live for what you believe because maybe those are not the voices you need"
There was everlasting silence Dimitri didn't want to live and then Leo goes walking to him.
"We're you sad when she was gone?"
He didn't have to think it was true, he wanted to help her and yet she refused, he wish he could have done more, but Byleth was there if it wasn't him Edelgard attacked it could be Byleth and he wouldn't have forgiven himself had something happened to her.
Then something very beautiful happened, his son opened his arms in a hug gesture, so Dimitri smiled and took him, a hug was exchanged.
He felt relief.
And then Amelie was in front too, getting close to hug him, and then another and another, and he had all his kids hugging him, he felt such relief, they loved him even though he told them that, he couldn't ask for anything else and yet, he looked at Byleth, who tried to be in that family hug, he felt a kick in his lower region from her belly.
He could only think the Goddess give him a hand this day, and that he was able to take it.
She may have thought all he has done was dumb, but right here and now he didn't.
#dimileth week#dimileth#dimitri alexandre blaiddyd#byleth eisner#dimitri x f!byleth#kids#day 2 struggle#yes they have four kids right now and more to come#they're rabbits in love#what did you expect?
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Idk how much sense this makes, but I figure I’d post and see if anyone agrees.
On Dimitri, and whether his change comes too suddenly:
I’ve been giving this a lot of thought, as to how his character is written and whether or not Act 2’s twists and turns are at all realistic.
First, I think it’s important to note that Dimitri’s angry/violent side is definitely visible throughout the entire game and may be a personality trait and not just a trauma symptom (when I first played the game I swear there was a line from Lambert that indicates this - but I haven’t found it again, yet). And he’s usually excellent at controlling it, and probably is capable of doing so throughout the timeline of entire game, but the issue is that giving into it feels cathartic and even good, and the events of the timeskip create an excuse for him to really give into his anger.
While he knows he’s in the wrong, he can kind of justify his actions to himself. The people he’s killing are enemies and thieves. He’s protecting the weak. He’s carrying out his father’s dying wishes.
When Byleth returns - that’s when he really first starts to feel the guilt - but he can’t relent fully just yet, or the guilt would overwhelm him. It’s why he refuses to talk to anyone, keeping his distance, but is why he also doesn’t resist too much, doesn’t run away. Although everyone ultimately ends up following Dimitri to Gronder Field, he doesn’t really push back against Gilbert or Rodrigue when they suggest tactics or allies. He’s definitely gradually beginning to confront his guilt.
Although Dedue (and others) may have died to rescue/protect Dimitri, Dimitri wasn’t fully responsible for their deaths. He didn’t ask for Cornelia to set him up for execution. But when Rodrigue dies it’s as a direct consequence of Dimitri’s actions, and that’s the first time that a loved one has died that way for Dimitri. And that is the one step too far. It’s not that it was the tipping point as to the number of deaths Dimitri witnessed, it’s that it was the first death that Dimitri could feel wholly responsible for. He finally releases his hold on the rest of his feelings of guilt.
So that’s why I can buy that Rodrigue’s death ended up being a catalyst.
(There’s also the issue that Dimitri literally hallucinates voices (and continues to do so for the rest of his life, as the S-Support with Byleth shows), which is another factor, but one I am less qualified to explore).
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the original blaiddyd and his most famous descendants.
mikhail & his wife, galina — the original blaiddyd. he served in nemesis’ army and received the gift of the blaiddyd crest from the goddess, sothis, herself. he was a dark knight and wielded areadbhar, the lance that was also known as the slaughterer and atrocity. he was the first tempest king and lightning struck upon the ground he walked upon. beautiful and golden, he was half a god himself, divinity mantled upon him like cream and he was the paragon of justice. easily, mikhail could’ve been mistaken for a lion were it not for the great wolf furs he wore draped around his broad shoulders. it was said that galina, his beloved wife, was a wolf herself, a powerful match that resulted in their divine offspring. before loog, founder of faerghus, house blaiddyd was always remembered as a house of wolves.
king koschei & his wife, marya — the firstborn son of mikhail with the major crest of blaiddyd. blood still strong and as a direct descendant from mikhail, koschei was the second tempest king and inherited his family lance, areadbhar. he too would follow in his father’s footsteps and become a dark knight, riding atop a blood-red horse to seek his own wolf bride, marya, who was a heroine in her own right. after overcoming baba yaga’s trials, koschei and marya were wed and fought to protect their territory together. it was said that koschei was immortal as was his queen, marya. their heroic and unheroic tales are recorded throughout history and now serve as fairytales to read to young children at night.
baba yaga — koschei’s twin sister, younger, with the major crest of blaiddyd. while koschei became a dark knight, baba yaga was a powerful gremory. none would surpass her talent. she traveled the realm in a mortar and pestle, residing in the deep heart of the winter forest in a hut standing on chicken legs. like koschei, she has appeared in history and fairytale books as a grandmother, benefactor, friend and villain, but always, she is associated with the forest wildlife.
countess yelena the first & her husband, vladimir — a famous dancer with no crest. so beautiful was she that men would kill themselves for the opportunity to watch her perform. it was said that she was so cold she could hold ice in her mouth and it would never melt. she spent her childhood years living on the street as an orphan, but soon joined a traveling dance company and rose swiftly through the ranks. eventually, yelena stole the hearts of many across the kingdom but ultimately won the attention of count vladimir, a noble with a minor crest from a well-respected family who dabbled in black magic. yelena and vladimir raised several children together, but her firstborn son, morozko, and lastborn daughter, svetlana, became the most famous of all. while her husband was completely forgotten, yelena was remembered for her beauty and dancing, said to inspire countless artists, poets and musicians to this day. today, many academies of art and dance stand in her honor.
morozko, otherwise known as “father frost” — yelena’s firstborn son. a traveling mortal savant said to carry and bring winter with him wherever he goes. it is said that morozko is a demon of winter and he is neither malevolent or benevolent. as legends go, if he is treated with respect, then he will always guide lost travelers home and keep them safe. however, if he is treated poorly, then he will eat their soul and they will never be seen again. morozko has many forms, but the snow is his domain that he shares with his sister, svetlana, otherwise known as the snow queen.
queen svetlana, otherwise known as “the snow queen” & her wife, vasilisa — yelena’s firstborn daughter is a legendary gremory. she is queen of the snow bees, which are snowflakes that resemble bees and she is seen where the snowflakes cluster the most. it is said her first kiss will numb you from the cold, her second kiss will make you forget about your family and friends and her third kiss will kill you. queen svetlana, alongside her beloved wife, vasilisa, ruled her territory for many years with an iron fist and it was said that during her rule, every day was winter and every day was snow until the birth of her first daughter, odette and then the long winter melted into spring.
queen odette, otherwise known as “the swan queen” & her husband, king siegfried — odette’s birth signified the beginning of spring and was widely celebrated throughout the territory after enduring many years of a brutal winter. however, lord rothbart was not invited to her nameday feast and he cursed odette to transform into a swan. as the story goes, siegfried stumbled upon her dancing and saw the lovely maiden that she was and broke the curse, slaying rothbart despite his trickery and married odette, his one true love. theirs was a happy marriage and odette was recorded as a benevolent, gentle queen and greatly beloved ruler. it was said that her dancing was greatly reminiscent of her grandmother, countess yelena.
king radomil, otherwise known as “the rat king” & his wife, marie — radomil will always be remembered to be the most wicked, vile king in all of blaiddyd history. he was a petty man and started wars for every slight, real or imagined and mistook caution for cowardice and dissent for defiance. he was cruel and greedy, a regular womanizer and ordered the gautier family to execute whomever he wished regardless of the crime. he was ultimately executed by the adrestian empire for his crimes committed against the crown, but perhaps most famous and peculiar of all was that the head they beheaded did not belong to a man, but a monstrously sized rat. radomil was the last wolf of blaiddyd and his firstborn son, loog, casted them into a new century — the era of the blue lions.
king loog & his wife, anastasia — the son of the cursed king, radomil, and beloved holy knight with a major crest of blaiddyd, loog and his resistance army sparked a rebellion against the adrestian empire in imperial year 747 and emerged victorious in 751. the church of seiros intervened and house charon served as mediator, resulting in the founding of the independent holy kingdom of faerghus. loog was crowned as the nation’s first king and has been hailed as the king of lions ever since. he remains a popular figure long after his death, with books such as "loog and the maiden of wind”, which recite his many chivalrous exploits and the great love story between loog and his wife, anastasia. while completely lost to history, it was known to a select few that loog actually loved none more than his precious advisor, kyphon.
king klaus the first & his wife, tatiana — an early king of faerghus with a minor crest of blaiddyd. he reigned until his death in imperial year 861. his three sons, princes with competing claims to the throne, agreed to become archdukes and divided the faerghus between them into three separate territories. these were the eastern kingdom, the western kingdom and leicester, the last of which had been annexed from the adrestian empire by faerghus after a rebellion in 801. this arrangement precipitated leicester’s secession from faerghus after the mysterious death of the archduke in 881 and the formation of the leicester alliance in 901.
archduke evgeni & his wife, yuliya — king klaus’ third and youngest son with a minor crest of blaiddyd. after the death of his father, he yearned for the faerghus throne, reluctantly agreeing to divide the kingdom into thirds with his older brothers and ruled leicester until his untimely death in 881.
king lambert & his wife, yelena — as a crest bearer, lambert ascended to the faerghus throne over his older brother, rufus, who did not bear a crest. he loved his queen and wife, yelena, dearly despite the fact that their marriage was arranged ( and rumors surrounding him and his advisor, lord rodrigue — the nature of their relationship was often compared to the legend of loog and his beloved advisor, kyphon ), but lost her to the plague soon after his son, dimitri, was born. around 1168, lambert personally led a campaign to subjugate the peninsula of sreng with lord rodrigue serving as his right hand. the conflict resulted in the kingdom’s annexation of the southern half of sreng. during the insurrection, lambert accepted patricia von arundel’s hand in marriage and welcomed her daughter, edelgard, into the royal household. in 1176, lambert was assassinated in the tragedy of duscur. with crown prince dimitri too young to ascend to the throne, lambert’s elder brother, grand duke rufus of itha, assumed regency over the kingdom.
king regent rufus & his wife, radinka — rufus, lambert’s older brother, lacked the family crest and was passed over in the line of succession as a result. instead, he was given the title of grand duke of itha while his younger brother inherited the crown. when king lambert and various other nobles were killed in the tragedy of duscur, rufus assumed regency over the kingdom. during his regency, however, it was speculated that rufus had taken part in his brother’s assassination. these rumors were never confirmed nor denied. under rufus’ rule, the kingdom declined due to negligent government on supposed account of his womanizing. sadly, he is not close to dimitri and avoids being involved in his life.
king dimitri & his wife, queen byleth eisner — upon the end of the war, dimitri and byleth were married as the newly-crowned king and queen of faerghus and gave the people of fódlan much to celebrate. the two were devoted to the war restoration efforts, improving life for people and reforming the government and church from the inside out. most famously, dimitri and byleth, in particular, devoted their efforts to helping the lives of war orphans and broken families. at times, dimitri and byleth engaged in heated debate, but friends and family remember dimitri and byleth fondly as a couple desperately in love for the rest of their years and raised several children together.
#headcanon: dimitri.#SOME OF THIS IS LIFTED FROM THE WIKI#A LOT OF THIS IS REFERENCED FROM RUSSIAN FAIRYTALES#this is important bc dimitri's beast form takes aspects from all the beasts in his bloodline#ALSO DIMITRI SEES ALL OF THEM AS GHOSTS AND CAN TALK TO THEM#this is the most RIDICULOUS USELESS HEADCANON BUT I NEED IT ON MY BLOG#ik too much blaiddyd lore now i swear
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fe3h blogging 5 because I’ve been posting on discord and I can’t remember what number I was on oct-feb???
So I'm doing another no recruit run and realizing how much planning I need Me: why do I do this to myself Specifically its SS usuing none of the black eaglea So Byleths going to be soloing until I can recruit all the church staff... or flayn comes along...
Lambert and the death knight have the same voice actor. Lambert=death knight. Mystery solved
Loog was only able to gain faerghus independence because the emoire was already weakened from its failed invasion of dagda
Also its part if the seiros canon that a great evil darkness came out of the north. That couldn't posaibly feed into racism
The greatest sin this game has commited was giving gilbert a redemption arc
if only the devs weren’t cowards...
Why does dorothea even have A supports with guys? Her head is filled with only girls. has she ever shown interest in a guy?? Beyond a I want to be financially secure and tolerate your presence. everyone else is bi/pan[ Except caspar Hes just an idiot
I'm gonna post hot takes for the sexuality of each character and yall cant stop me
Edelgard: lesbian Hubert: Edelgard Ferdinand: pansexual Linhardt: grey spec pan but prefers men+ Caspar: too stupid to evaluate Bernadetta: "I want friends" Dorothea: big lesbian Petra: pansexual
Dimitri: confused and repressed Dedue: gay Felix: swords redheads Ashe: pansexual Sylvain: pansexual prefers women Mercedes: pansexual prefers women Annete: lesbian Ingrid: pansexual prefers men
Claude: Demi pansexual/romantic++ Lorenz: ~~noble obligations~~ pansexual and repressed Raphael: grey ace/aro+++ Ignatz: pansexual prefers women Lysithea: pansexual++++ Marianne: pansexual Hilda: pansexual but usually dates guys Leonie: grey ace
+Linhardt feels romantic/sexual attraction but not strongly. He feels romantic love but he doesn't get crushes. ++Claude is the type to fall in love slowly after an emotional connection has already been formed and then get a crush after they've been going steady for 10 years. +++Raphael feels romantic/sexual attraction but not strongly and usually prefers queer platonic relationships ++++more to do with the individual than gender, but girls are cute
Game crashed and I lost like 4 hours of progress TT^TT
I'm on SS (which is the only route I haven't played) and hnnnnng I miss claude its been like 3 months since I played VW. Also I need to write down a time line some time but the stuff the agarthans have been pulling feeds the world builder in me. especially hyrm
as nice as the idea of all the lords getting along and talking things out is, it wouldn’t work out in canon, Edelgard has tunnel vision. Dimitri is irrational and would rather listen to his hallucinations that evidence. And no one trust Claude enough to believe him
Hilarious really how Edelgard will call for Hubert to carry you despite her massive strength and how hubert looks like a gentle wind will blow him over
Macuil/Indech: Shun society. Run off into the wilds. Have vaugue legends be told of you. Be a crpytid
linhardt is such an unrepentant bastard
I had a dream where I could make male units pegasus knights. And then I woke up to cruel reality
Alois is growing on me. At first I was like uuuggg another bumbling idiot. But you know what? Fuck Seteth for not giving Alois more vacation time to see his family
Cavalry units be like: crushes a watermelon with their thighs
Some of the knights were bullying Alois. Who was it. I will bring them untold pain.
Reason #??? to punch Gilbert: he saw this poor child struggling to control his strength and went this boy doesn't need to learn how to control his strength, what he needs is more strength training. I mean absent emotionally distant and all over shitty father to annette is reason number 1. But dimitri is reason number 2. Oh let's make this kid lift rocks and run around the moutains at night in full armor in winter. Instead of being able to pick something up without breaking it and you know be able to perform basic daily tasks. Let's make a human shaped weapon instead of a functional person. Gilbert single handedly ruined AM for me because he just wouldn't stop messing up everyone else's lives
Each character's recruit requirements are what they admire/respect in a person
I forgot hubert becomes unavailable in month 2. and now I'm stuck with his stupis razor
Hot take. BotW Link and part 2 Ingrid have the same haircut
I'm on my last route (SS) but i hate rhea so much...
why do you think maurice/the beast's crest was used to make aymr?
Also all the nameless backgound characters have brown hair but of the main cast, its only dorothea and claude
Annette’s handwriting: Neat and cute. Linhardt writes in cursive because he cant be bothered to lift his pen Sylvain has nice handwriting. Ingrid's is very functional, felix's is half way to chicken scratch lots of sharp angles. Dimitri cries on the inside at the thought of picking up a pen. as a kid Dimitri has terrible handwriting and breaks a pen every 5 min. He practiced so hard. Most of what people think is his handwriting is Dedue's (neat and pretty) because dedue writes most of his letters for him
me playing azure moon: I want out. get me off this death train
Finally getting alois's support and wow he's like a human shaped puppy in the sahpe of a middle aged man. Always falling over himself. Ridiculously happy. 100% all the time. Running and barking everywhere
Fact of the day: dorothea hates eating fish
Alright. Seteth and Flayn's descriptions of her mom are very different. Where is the truth??? Seteth was like shes demure, quiet, pious, and honest. And Flayn's says she's like Judith
game is forcing me to flirt with Alois? Can I not please!
I keep saying it but Lorenz grows on you like a fungus. He has excellent supports
i want to weave gold thread into claudes hair
Under rated character development: Dorothea. Every one of her lines in part 2 makes me want to cry. "every rose has its thorns" -> "only thorns left on this rose" Her character development is that she just gets worn down by the war and I want to bundle her up in a blanket and give her a cup of warm milk. Dorothea is so full of love. So she feels the sorrows of the war so intensely.
FE3H needs better dads. I mean even jeralt and seteth aren’t great dads. They're just not down right horrible. Jeralt is emotionally distant with an alcohol problem that byleth had to clean up after him. But there are worse dads Alois seems decent but he needs to spend more time at home. Seteth should have given Alois more vacation time. They aren't terrible dads. But they aren't getting medals either. Love their kids but have flaws of their own.
ANNETTE DESERVED BETTER THAN GILBERT Burn him at the stake No wait. He’d want that
My loathing for gilbert is beyond description. He hurts everyone around him, then doesn't listen to what they have to say, and then keeps continuing his existence as a sad sack of shit. 1. Emotionally distant, strict, and often absent father. Clearly cared about his work for than family. 2. He then straight up leaves with out a note or telling his family anything. 3 knows that annette is looking for him and avoids her. 4. Annette just wants her dad back. That's what would make her happy but he denies her that because he's a selfish bastard. 5. Then he goes on and on about his man-pain while not helping anyone. he self flagellates and blames himself a lot but he never tries to change and so he stays there, is this cycle of self pity. "Ohhh I have sinned and can not be forgiven" .and I'm like why not do right by the people you hurt? And he's like "no no I have sinned. I cannot see them" or some other bullshit. He also gets some bullshit redemption arc that I want to scrub clean from my memory because he doesn't deserve it. Annette's support is all about oh i forgive you. And it puts all the emotional labor on annette and just makes me real angry. And i am going to stop thinking about that disgrace of a human now.
Seteth is controlling. Wont let flayn have friends. Boys arent qllowed to talk to her. She can't go out. He has to know where she is 24/7. Seteth really is suffocating Flayn. Early in the game Flayn compares herself to a hot house flower, confined to a green house, doomed to die outside it. It bring up the question which is better, to live a long life in constant fear and isolation (remember flayn is very much a people person), or to live a short fulfilling life. The answer of course is that it should be flayns choice. But Seteth denies her autonomy. Flayn is not quite an adult, but even discounting the decades* that she has lived, even a teenager should have some say in the direction of their life. Time and time again Flayn expresses her will and Seteth ignores her. She is allowed little existence outside of him. Its also hilarious how bad their cover story is. Its true they love each other but Seteth causes Flayn a fair bit of suffering. Its played for comedy sometimes. And Flayn to some degree tolerates it because she understands that he does it for her sake, and she understands the real danger she is in. They just disagree with what is an acceptable degree of risk. Seteth tolerates no risk which at that point can't be called living. Flayn accepts the danger and believes it is worthwhile to enjoy life and help people despite it. the counselor box also reveals that seteth has been stalking her and think her talking to dudes is bad despite that having nothing to do with the danger of the agarthans.
A fun thing to think about is if Flayn was born of 2 nabeteans, she's a human halfie, or someother sothis bullshit. I reviewed the sea nd sky paralogue recently looking for answers and there were some hints? Maybe? nothing definative. all we know for sure is that flayn’s mom died in the nemesis war. Also I have a hypothesis that flayn was in a regenerative coma for most of the 1000 years so she's been active less than 200 years which is why Seteth treats here like a waylaid toddler.
the flayn seteth c support is great Seteth.exe crashes and then reboots right in front of our very eyes
Catherine has such big wlw energy. I didn't quite realize it until I got her supports but hooboy. Saw a lady so pretty she forgot she almost died pfft. And this is just with rhea. The catherine-shamir supports themselves are gold.
Catherine: ever see a woman so beautiful you forget you almost died and decide to devote your whole life to her?
Catherine->Shamir: i get worried when you go out on missions on your own. I'm not there to protect you. I'm scared of you leaving me behind. I never want to leave you side. Between my life and your life i'd choose your life me: ! Shamir: i don't know what the future holds, but let's get married me: !!!!!!!!!!!!
Also catherine/christoph was a thing in the past. Highschool sweethearts. Before she executed him for treason
Ahahahhha this is great! And by great I mean hilarious. Dimitri dies even more offscreen in SS than in VW. Ghost dimitri in ss made me laugh but do we ever get an explanation for ghost dimitri or it like the cf finale? Themetically significant. Sure lets go with that
I'm really starting to see where the parts of vw and ss were smushes together
Embarr has the best night life
Recruiting sylvain into the gd feels mean. I'm taking away the only one with 2 braincells to rub together
Under all the noble bullshit, Lorenz really is a great guy
Do you think every demonic beast looks unique and its only that the devs didnt want to make more models that they dobt look different in game?
Recruiting sylvain into the gd feels mean. I'm taking away the only one with 2 braincells to rub together in the blue lions
Sylvain is warm
I wish we got to explore derdriu
PETRA DESERVES BETTER WRITERS. and give her a fluffy coat. She's gotta be cold in garreg mach
Count Varley is at the top of the hit list
Add alois onto team i'm scared of ghosts (lysithea, ashe, annette)[5:44 PM] That's it. I'm kidnapping alois from the church's clutches and taking him home. The church doesn't deserve him. And he hates his job
W h y i s everyone from faergus so eager to give up their personhood
Does faerghus seem really backwater to anyone else? Faergus reminds me of like 900's europe while leicester and adrestia are more like 1600's europe. they still have that germanic warrior culture thing going. This is deep in the dark ages. I will accept the later half of the dark ages though since its post introduction of christianity. Leicester and Adrestia feel more like 1600-1700s They feel not quite french revolution, but getting there. Yeah like the old institutions (crown and church) are still there but the cracks are showing. Also the clothes
I thinki talked about this before. But when I say dorothea deserves the world. DOROThEA DESERVES THE WORLD. she’s been through so much
I need to go compare this with the verdant wind scene, but I was under the impression that sothis was in a regenerative coma after the war with the agarthans. But nope according to ss she was straigt up dead huh
i know I'm suppose to be fighting but I spent the last 30min exploring shambhala again
Damn it Shamir! Why'd ya have ta crit. I was trying to get dialog!January 2, 2020
gatekeeper > you < gatekeeper's identical twin brother who's on the opposite side of the war Its a sandwich
Oh wow the church really was up to some bloodborne level stuff
I turned every single one of the black eagles into a brigand (except linhardt and hubert). Brigand gang brigand gang
The devs knew Claude and Lindhardt would just be too powerful. They had to be separated. thats why they dont have a support chain. Sylvain and Claude has more energy but Sylvain has the conscious that Lindhardt lacks. I mean Lindhardt singlehandedly lock picks the holy tomb and disables rhea's magic mechs all while complaining he's sleepy. Sylvain can be bullied into doing things and I love him for it. Ah. I want both support chains
After Jeralts death both Claude and Edelgard both tell you that the world will continue spinning regardless of what befalls you personally but they do so in rather different ways. Edelgard phrases it like pull yourself together or the world will leave you behind. Claude phrases it like personal tragedies are such a small thing in the face of the world. You may have suffered a loss but there is so much to the world beyond that. There are still worthwhile things in the world. Both of say the world doesnt stop for you but mean different things. And both are trying to motivate you to pull yourself together. Whereas dimitri is like: you want vengence? You should go for vengence. I'll help you rip them apart. I'll kill for you.
Edelgard is socially awkward and blunt. She's also very practical minded so she doesn't know how to won't say something comforting when she can say something useful. She's trying in her own way To motivate byleth to start picking up their life. Edelgard doesn't get people. Social interaction is a total mystery to her. She's just too stubborn to realize it. At a couple points you can tease her and she thinks you're threatening her. She's not good at the people thing. While she can come off a little rough because she doesn't understand how other people work. Hubert understands other people rather well and is an asshole anyways. List of characters who have threatened byleth: dimitri, hubert, sylvain, jeritza, catherine
Was sothis one of the divine dragon tribe? a lot of the other divine dragons had green hair especially the ones worshiped as gods (duma, mila, naga, tiki). But not fae or nowi. I always got that dragon stones were like a dragon's essence sealed away so that while in human form they could stave off dragon degeneration. But what are crest stones. Were they made by the agarthans (artificial dragon stones) or are crest stones a natural part of the nabeteans and the agarthans just harvested them. Or... ARE THERE BOTH. But the pov characters cant tell the difference. This one group has messed with how many nations now?? SS has an interesting tidbit that's been stuck in my head: In the final map of SS its revealed that all high ranking church officials recieve Seiros' blood and a crest stone shard. WHERE ARE THE SHARDS COMING FROM. DAMN YOU SETETH YOU CANT JUST SAY THINGS LIKE THAT AND LEAVE ME. because if they are seiros crest stone shards that neans crest stones are not an Agarthan invention. But that condridicts VW where rhea says creststones are made of nabateab hearts. tldr: I'm confused. where are those fragments coming from??? Wait. This is all assuming a nabetean needs their heart inside them to live. Given how violently rhea reacts to losing even 1 crest stone I don't think she used the ones of her brethern. Which logically leaves only one weird possible answer. That rhea took her own heart/crest stone and has been giving out fragments. I mean she probably retrives the fragments when the priest dies.... this also means that nabeteans can survive with their heart outside their body... like a litch.... which I mean given sothis isn't too suprising? ??
VW and SS have such wacky endings. Let's go fight the cyberpunk mole people now!. Zombie invasion? : check Weird bloodborne stuff and then we fight rhea?: check
Yeah VW was my first route and whew that was a wild ride. AM is so tame is comparison. but SS and VW lack the setup to pull out twists like that. If this was like Nier: Automata where you get endings sequentially, it might have worked. But on their own the last 2 maps don't have anything at stake
hmmm switching the final battles of verdant wind and silver snow? What would make a better story and why? rhea kinda works because SS is all about rhea and saving her from herself as well as a revival of the church. But Nemesis also brings closure to Rhea's arc. She's been stuck for the last 1000 years to to fight the man who killed her most important person for good is like also really good thematically. VW is all about something new. Doing away with old structures and what better than to kill the pope? But facing the 10 elites also works for VW because that's the begining of the crest/nobility system you are literally killing. I just like recruiting everyone and then killing the 10 elites with their own weapons wielded by their descendants. its symbolic
Byleth is an excellent brigard. Went beigand and then wyvrn and their strength was higher than dimitri's
Claude: Rule? Nah. Gonna go be a scholar in an isolated mountain range. Books
Sylvain is a himbo wannabe
I should recruit annette and let her kill gilbert... The one thing I'm worried about is that it'll hurt her more than it'll hurt him ... can I get crusher in crimson flower? If I were to recruit everyone and then get them all killed, what route would that be best in? Guess I'll be doing a death pact AM run some time in the future
Also koei tecmo and intsys are cowards for gender locking classes. From a gameplay perspecrive too some characters are locked out of their ideal classes (war master for catherine and gremory for lindhardt). And then there's the in lore significance. Let hubert ride a pegasus.
Dorothea spent the entirety of their paralogue hitting on Ingrid. And then the RING at the end??? and they can’t support. Also Ingrid should have gotten an A support with Mercedes. They get along so well
Edelgard got the best designs in the game but Dorothea got the next best
Its canon. Edelgard thinks Claude grew up to be hot. Edelgard acknowledging that Claude is hot but but that she’s going to kill him anyways is just so good ....aaaaand one again I'm a coward who couldn't bring themself to kill Claude. But the completionist in me really wants to. The scene after sparing cluade between him and edelgard has kept me up too many nights. What are the emotions here? My first guess was loss, grief. Someone else has interpreted it as aggtession though. And maybe we are both over thinking this but to me Claude's lines here say "I have failed"
Dorothea deserves a dragon
Caspar is actually real good for bernadetta. Its like talking to a sack of potatoes and doing so forces her to communicate better, firmly express herself, etc. Caspar has such great supports with all the ladies really
I really am just linhardt. I too disregard authority and despise being woken up...
I feel like we should all appreciate dorothea more. Death to the haters
ingrid equipping the duscar cavalry battalion is like "I can exploit their labor so it’s alright"
I found felix was my solace in AM just because everyone else goes full death cult. despite how much i wanted to punch him when he told ingrid to go get a husband. Also I should note I'm not sure felix whole heartesly believed what he said to Ingrid. I got the impression he said the thing he knew would upset her the most. Not necessarily what he believed. That said he may actually believe it too. Ingrid and felix remind be of squabbling siblings just saya the worst stuff to each other. Unless felix has actively confronted the notion of faerhgus patriarchy he probably has internalized some of the beliefs. We all do. Thats why theyre so hard to dig out
Since we talk a lot about dads. Let's talk margrave edmund. tldr: complicated and interesting relationship with marianne. What we know: he adopted marianne some time after her parents died, before she enrolles into the officers academy. Marianne says he's usuing her as marriage bait to marry up and increase the standing of house edmund. This tracks with what others say about edmund: he's politically ambitious. And he's good at it enough to have gotten house edmund a seat at the round table. In pretty much all her endings, he tutors mariannne until she's a political savant. He forbid her from leaving the monestary in part 1. Now let's go in between the lines. In part 1 marianne seems nervous of margrave edmund, but she also seems nervous of everything is part 1. In part 2, along with being more comfortable with herself she seems more familiar with him. After the end of part 1 she likely returned to house edmund despite the attack being the perfect cover to disappear. We don't get get much on edmund's personality buy he comes across as ruthlessly practical. The sort that goes "I can and will use everything to get what I want". He likely adopted marianne not out of charity or compassion but so the house could have a crested heir and so he could use her as a bargining chip to other houses. But he sees enough potential in her to train her to be the next head of house. I think what started out as "ah another piece i can use" transitioned into a more friendly relationship as marianne began to assert herself and margrave edmund came to acknowledge her as more than how she could benefit him. I don't think he ever got over the "how can i use this" mentality but I'd like to think that after some years they came to get along. Ah yes I meant to do a hyrm thing and put it off for months. The Agarthans had long been infiltrating the empire and slowly increasing their influence on the government. In an attempt to stop this emperor ionius ix attempted to gain more power for himself to counter them by centralizing the government and taking power away from the nobles. House Hyrm attempted to defect to the leicester alliance with the help of house ordelia. In retaliation the Agarthans under the guise of the empire killed the members of house hrym and took control of hrym and ordelia. Also in response to ionius' move, the top ministers of the empire backed by the Agarthans began the insurrection of the seven where all political power was taken from the emperor. The Agarthans than experimented on ordelia and the royal family to implant crests while usuing hrym as a base of operations. After Emile killed that scrumbag baron bartels as well as the rest of the bartels family. Edelgard thought he could be useful as a piece not already controled by the Agarthans, and with their helped fabricated him a new identity as jeritza von hrym since hrym was a puppet for the Agarthans. Lord Arundel (Thales) then ensured jeritza a spot at garreg mach so he could act as an inside agent.
Anyone know the significance of rhea's mech's names (wilhelm, iris, etc.). past friends? lol would it be messed up or what if its powered by his corpse
Jeritza really is an acquired taste... wow
... I wonder sometimes if I like making things hard for myself... like I'll make rules like 4+ units have to attack an enemy before I kill them... or certain units can't be next to each other or just other abitrary rules. Anyways I'm just complaining because I did all this on the final map while under leveled last night (?) and am now just going "...why" at myself
Also, I wish we got the option of keep class headgear. Some of it looks really cool and some of the classes (bishop??) look incomplete with out it. Let me have my little hats! Like mortal savant gets an oni mask which looks rad. And warlocks get flowery witch hats! Just finished crimson flowers again with warlock and then gremory dorothea and was like hmmmm.... she needs flowers in her hair
Also if you look up dimitri's dancer skirt you'll see he's wearing black short shorts
Team heretic: edelgard, hubert, petra, claude, leonie, linhardt in the closet: lorenz
So for those of you that keep up with my rambling... remember how i said the funal cf cutscene makes no sense? Did sothis self terminate? If she dud than why arent there records of other crest stones disintigrating? Or is it a sothis specific thing? Its possible sothis’s consciousness is stored in her creststone/heart but then how can you still s support her in CF? i've been trying to logic and reason this for several months and i cant get it to all fit. But on a symbolic level its like the coming of a new age, sothis' hold on the world (and her influence on byleth) disappears. Live on without dieties (literally in byleth's case). The new age of humanity and all so byleth becomes a normal human, no god powers yada yada. I think claude is the only one that knows byleth has no heartbeat?? (Maybe? I cant remember) since claude reads jeralt's diary. Thematic significance > narrative consistency. There's also that rhea goes beserk in SS and not VW, when the same stuff happens to her in both. Which doesn't add up for me. And Nemesis ...is he still sitting there in the other routes... Where did he get an army anyways? I assumed the agarthans just had a whole army frozen...But then why didn't they use it earlier? And can you imagine just a whole city of cryo pods underground. Just there.
Anyways I'm off to kill all the blue luons and solo with dimitri on maddening! Can I get gilbert killed in AM or is he too plot important. I've been playing on casual like a coward so far
Ah ashen wolves shadow cinders looks edgy. I wonder why they have 4 kids in a dungeon. Theres that npc that talk about hiw garreg mach needs the abyss to survive. I wonder why they keep this system
I dont keep up with english VAs but it'd be funny if yuri was voiced by yuri lowenthal
anyone with a crest has less of a chance of demonic beasting than someone with no crest in lore. In gameplay you can use any crest weapon as long as you have any crest. You just wont get the added benefits of that specific crest
Yuri is very pretty and I’m weak for beautiful long haired men. But i kinda wish the nintendo would let us have BEEF
If only i could have 300 save files...
Yuri really just is Leon with amnesia. Down to the red eyeliner...
Who let balthus into a highschool
I have that insistent desire to punch the writers for putting dorothea and mercedes through all that
Manuela. Has. So. Much. Love! And her line about how [as teachers] we cant lose the students to violence or cowardice
The head of felix plopped onto a generic brawler body will always be funny to me
Yeah... sylvain really treats you different when male. There was a reason were many reasons I really wanted to punch sylvain when I first started playing. namely the misogyny
male Byleth just looks really good as a swordsmaster
From a gameplay perspective I think divine pulse should have been removed for maddening. From a story perspective they did a pretty good job integrating time mechanics as god powers
I wonder if Jeralt reminded Rhea of Wilhelm
i love giving bad advice for the advice box
why is tea time is the hardest part of the game
Seriously. How does garreg mach even work? Fail school and you get sent to the dungeons for life. What.
Sylvain would totally be one of those dudes with too much money dolling out patronages
Let hilda be warmaster
Hmmm edelgard... fatalism....
Please mod gilbert out of the game Lorenz has got a good heart. But the words that come out of his mouth sometimes...
Oh yeah you know that rainbow flash dream sequence right at the begining of the game? Is it me or did I see skyscrapers in it
The inside of byleth's head is a smash tournament
Seteth can die and I'll kill him. (Ok ok I don't actually hate the guy. But I don't like him either. He's the type I'd tolerate working with but want nothing to do with outside of the professional setting)
Caspar and linhardt really are THAT comedy duo. I need a whole book dedicated to their paired endings
Sylvain's dick is still the funniest joke on the internet
The weirdest part of part 2 felix's hair isn't even the aggresive side sweep. That can be explained by having stiff straight hair. Its the limp pony tail. If your hair is that stiff, any ponytail that length is going to stick straight out like as anime character. I have this hair type. I've succeded in replicating the side sweep, the ponytail doesnt work
give mercedes a gun cowards
Marianne with a cute bob. Marianne with short hair. very home of phobe of intsys not to make marianne like an actual werewolf or something
devs should have let Bernie learn how to beat her dad to death with her bare fists
I've returned home to my boy. I love Claude!
Mortal savant ignatz. I mean strength in swords and budding talent in reason. Youre going to ba a magic samurai ignatz!
I had forgotten how much gd plays like a mystery game. Also, whatever I said earlier I take it back. Lysithea has a crush on Leonie
I keep trying to imagine an adrestia that isn't tropical (because why else would they wear heavy coats), and failing...
I really love raphael. He's so good
Claude's this interesting mix of cynical and idealistic yeah. He has a number of strong ideals and believes in the potential of humanity to do good, to grow and learn, to come together and built. But he also struggles because at the same time he also believes humans will usually choose the easier path of ignorance and hate. People are cruel and don't care.[5:30 AM]He's really cynical about what people are actually going to do
Sylvain's just layer upon layer of unhealthy coping mechanism
I don’t really like the ingrid/claude ship. ingrid tends to fixate on one shallow quality in a person and then ship them shit about it. and that’s the support. and the writers don’t have her ever acknowledging the rest of the character’s personality or admitting her first impression might have been incorrect. that especially doesn't pair well with Claude who hides so much of himself. Out of all the characters Claude can A support Ingrid's the only one I where I went "whyyyyyyy"[10:02 AM]It really felt like the typical C-B support. Of i cant stand you because of 1, 2, and 3. To hey maybe you aren't so bad
i can't help but think the empire and alliance are incredibly stupid for making lorenz a cavalier. He's terrible at it.
Hold the phone. Was jeralt a soldier in the leicester independwnce war? (On thw faerhgus side). But thats 300 years ago. All we know is that hexs older than 100. The almyra unvasion is another option. Its also possible that jeraly wasnt involved in any war
So I'm trying to get rhea killed on the last chapter of part 1 for GD and wow its really hard to lose the fight this way. Enemies will avoid her like the plague. I cant believe I'm struggling to lose a fight Rhea is unkillable. I have taken no actions for 15 turns are she is still not dead Starting to think its impossible to lose by rhea death in this battle Turn 31. Its only raphael and hilda left Yeah as long as you have 1 unit to keep enemy infanty out of the pink squares this map is inpossible to lose on hard mode 60 turns. All of Rhea’s spell and weapon uses are gone and she still wont die. I give up
I've been thinking of hilda dimitri hypothetical supports recently and i think they"d be halfway between her lorenz+ferdinand supports and her marianne supports.[1:48 AM]Hilda is the QUEEN of suckering people and dimitri is the biggest sucker in the game[1:51 AM]But like marianne's clumsiness, dimitri can't do basic tasks well so hilda hoisting her chores on him is sure to backfire hilariously. He also has that kicked puppy pitifulness that part 1 marianne has so hilda will end up feeling sorry watching him struggle and help out[1:52 AM]But these 2 are both deeply compassionate so they could actually get along. You know... i can see ferdinand and claude hating each other's guts. But there's such potential for personal growth...
Why is it that the agarthans have the most named npcs out of any factionJump
If gilbert is what it means to be an "exceptional knight". Then i dont want it. I dont want knights and i especially dont want execptional knights
I like playing on hard because i never have to worry about winning a fight only about how many style points I can rack up.
Why does fodland new year start on month 3. Look i get that the japanese adopted the chinese calendar system of new year in early spring before adopting the gregorian calendar so "new years" events ended up split between month 1 (new years celebration) and month 3/4 (start of school). But that makes no sense for fodlan. In universe it doesnxt make sense. Why not have month 1 start in spring or have the new year in winter. Ok let's be real. The real reason its like this is that due to globalization and post ww2 american influence not to mention european colonialism, the gregorian calander is the one the world runs on. So its for us players benefit that month 1 is in winter and month 6 is summer. But in universe it doesn't make sense! Not unless you start making really convoluted excusrs[4:00 AM](Sorry southern hemisphere No representation for you today) This only works for chinese new years because its 2 different calender systems being used at the same time. Which doesn't make sense in fodlan because why would rhea allow a new calander system in given her isolationist policy. Or if its a remnant of an old calender system, there's no way it lasted 1000 years
If jeralt hadn't been killed by kronya, he would have been consumed by the hivemind in SS and you would have been forced to kill him
The devs really went out of their way to give jeritza a unique class huh. He's a dark knight+swords. You can say it. He's just a dark knight. Yet they really went and slapped death knight on him[2:49 PM]Also as a pc his crit rate in underwelming
The s suport cgs are more stylized and its a little jarring
Is it only me than. Who get ways too many support points thant hey know what to do with.
We need a cats remake but its called rats and is dimitri in every role
I want a lysithea hilda a support[5:48 PM]Hilda's the only ine lysithea likes from the start[5:48 PM]They have mutual respect for each other[5:48 PM](Also side note. Wow lysithea is mean to ignatz. Poor baby)
Reminder that its Marianne who title drops vw
Did I miss something? Felix becoming the top advisor for all of fodlan seems like a bad idea. The only thing that comes close to showing he's competant is his ingrid support where it shows he's decent at tactics. Reason number 76 for why I'm worried for fodlan post AM. Along with ... ya know .. the Agarthans still running around.
One part of vw i didn't like was when the merchants went woohoo no regulations and free trade yay!Jump
I'll be honest. 7 year old me would have swindled dimitri out of his good halloween candy
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