#which SUCKS not only bc I want to try my new retinol
angelusteal · 1 year
had an (unrelated) allergic reaction this morning so my retinol plan is put on pause until I'm sure it's cleared up D:
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glamopticon · 4 years
okay so i have scarring on my face and because i have to be outside a lot (supply lines here are fucked rn so i go fish in the ocean for food n have a garden & it is sunny every day) what makeup would look good w scars? i feel like some looks need flawless skin. i wear light concealer over spots & i use SA lotion at night as well as toner and SPF 50 every morning. i wanna have more fun w my makeup when i have dates n stuff but i don’t know what to try! I have medium toned brown hair/skin/eyes
ok ok, first i have to say that i am extremely jealous that you have access to the ocean and have a garden rn even if its bc supply lines are fucked up (i am stuck in an apartment 20 minutes from an ocean that i cant even go to and it Sucks)
second, I’ll assume when you say scars you mean acne scars? if so i’ve got a couple suggestions for you makeup wise and also some skincare recs to fade any scarring (this gets Very Long, sorry):
1) the one thing i found that really emphasized my acne scars and texture from scarring and just overall made my skin worse was overexfoliating, so i’d check the percentage of the salicylic acid and if its 2%, maybe cut back on using it from every night to 2-3 times a week. Overexfoliating can irritate any acne you have and in my case, was irritating my skin so much that when acne finally went away, it was leaving more scarring behind 
2) i’d recommend incorporating a vitamin c serum into your morning skincare routine, it works to fade acne scars, dark spots and sun spots so if you’re spending your days in the sun it’ll really help and also help prevent new scars. The Ordinary, Paula’s Choice and Versed all have options at dif price points
3) start using a retinol at night, but start off Super Slow, once a week and then slowly build up to 2-3 times a week over a few months. retinols help increase skin cell turnover so it’ll help to fade acne scars, Scar scars (if that’s also an issue you have) and skin texture from scarring. BUT, it does scare your skin at first and increase sun sensitivity, so i’d recommend waiting on this until you’re not in the sun as much or,, be super super careful w sunscreen and apply any retinol between layers of moisturizer. every brand makes retinols but the cheapest and best are def from The Ordinary
4) makeup wise: honestly, i think your routine of light concealing is the way to go. personally, as someone who also has a lot of acne scarring i’ve found what looks the best and more flawless but in a natural way for me, is keeping things super minimal with just a primer across the face (a blurring one will also help to smooth out any texture from scars), maybe a tinted moisturizer if you think you really need it, and then pinpoint concealing only in the spots you need with a high coverage concealer. it’ll make your skin still look like skin and not a full coverage foundation mask, but like,,, very smooth, texture free and spotless skin. product wise, i’d recommend the elf putty primer and any of the concealers from nyx (they’ve got tons of formulas depending on skin type!)
5) also def hear you on wanting to wear more fun makeup. I’ve gotten to the point where the only thing i do is minimal but still concealed skin and then something fun on the eyes. i think it really makes it seem like you put in the effort, but its Super easy and not basic and boring either! I think a wash of bright colors over the eyes or some fun graphic eyeliner is def the way to go, basically a katie jayne hughes eye. colourpop is the Way To Go for any eye products in my opinion, based on your coloring i think warm colors like mustards and oranges or bright pinks would look Great
6) my other fav makeup look for when i want something fun but not too out there, that i think would be good for you for any dates or things like that is Lots of mascara or individual lashes, glowy skin that’s still concealed, and then a bright red lip stain. i think its super fun and somehow makes you look like,,, healthy and glowing and like you live on the mamma mia island. its a date look but still different from the standard full face of foundation and heavy smoky eye, which i’ve found always i dunno,,, emphasizes any parts of my skin i dont love yanno
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