#which Nico had gotten complete custody over
britney-rosberg06 · 6 months
working on a brocedes post-divorce, non racer AU here’s a snippet, did i cook?
George was looking down at his food, his face unreadable, he squeezed Alex’s hand, which he took as a cue to start speaking “You’re right Lewis you do deser-“
but George cut him off harsh blue eyes staring him down, “I wasn’t the only one caught in the middle of that. It’s funny that you call it the destruction of a relationship. I always thought it was a destruction of a family” 
In his silence George went for the killing shot. Pulling out his wallet and motioning to Alex that he wanted to leave “Where’s Kimi dad?” a beat “Maybe when you can answer that question you’ll be ready for a relationship”
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lonelypond · 6 years
Casual Lunacy, Ch. 52
Love Live, NicoMaki, 5k, 52/?
Summary: We meet some new people and Nico finally escapes her co-stars.
AfterShocks, Part 2
The door opened; Hanayo looked up. She’d gotten bored looking at the utilitarian walls, completely surreal after being in the middle of a reality that was cracking open and trying to grab her. But Hanayo needed a distraction so she didn’t just dwell on how Rin looked as Maki dragged her off, both werewolves burned and bleeding. So here it was, two new problems to deal with: a dark skinned woman, tan hair in an Afro, soft grey suit, followed by another woman, black hair in a severe bun, black pinstripe suit that seemed more suited to a Wall Street office than a police station. The first smiled, and her British accent made the the entire evening even more unreal, “Good evening, Ms. Koizumi. I’m Special Agent Davies and this is my partner, Marshal Tam.”
Hanayo tensed, she’d asked for her phone call, planning to call the Nishikinos, but received no response. And now, these two, obviously not Northwestern police officers apppeared.
“We have a few questions about your evening.” Agent Davies pulled out a chair on the opposite side of the table. Marshal Tam stood at ease by the door, one thumb casually hooked in her vest pocket, an odd gesture for someone so permanent pressed. “We’ve already reviewed the information you’ve given the FCC.” Davies smiled, “That’s actually the reason why we’re here now.”
Tam quirked an eyebrow, “This is when you might want to mention how very classified all this is.”
“Oh right. Silly me,” Davies’ grin got broader, “The Marshal is what you Americans call the ‘bad cop.”” A cough, “EVERYTHING you’ve discovered since you started working with” a quick glance at the file, “Kira, Todo, and Yuki is so top secret Netflix writers wish there were conspiracy theories about it they could steal.”
“Your analogies are fascinating, Mel.” Tam drawled.
“Should I have said Dr. Who?” Davies half turned.
“Always timely.” A flicked finger salute.
“Excuse me. Can I have my phone call now.” Hanayo was tired and sore and not in an indulgent mood. Wasn’t she on the right side of this?
“No.” Two voices, too quickly.
“You have very few rights here.” Tam stated.
“I was trying to stop them.” Hanayo couldn’t believe this.
Davies’ tone was almost sympathetic, “There is an unprecedented and pretty complete cockup here and you are right in the center. Whatever your initial intentions, you are now part of the problem.”
Hanayo lost her last shred of lingering optimism as she looked up into Tam’s unemotional, dark eyes and wondered how long this night was going to be.
The door opened in the small, mirrored room; Anju stared, wondering who was coming through. Erena, tall, hands in the pockets of her borrowed NU Police sweatshirt.
“Hey.” Erena waved, dark hair falling forward as she stooped a little. “Did they feed you? Mind if I sit?”
“Yeah…” Anju pushed her chair a little out from the wall, “Go ahead.”
Erena pulled a chair out from the table, “Did you tell them what happened?”
Anju crossed her arms over her chest, “I didn’t make any sense.” Her mouth tightened, “But it just seemed like I was confirming things for them. They didn’t pressure me.” She stared straight at Erena, eyes cloudy, “I think they actually believed me.”
Erena shrugged, “After the rest of this night, I believe you too.”
“Believe what?”
Erena considered, steepling her fingers together, trying to find appropriate words, “That you’re the woman I wanted to get to know, but not the woman I’ve been working with since Halloween.”
“What about the…”
“Magic?” Erena rubbed the bridge of her nose, “I have a feeling THEY will be telling us more about that.”
“Haven’t talked to any actual police; aren’t allowed to call a lawyer. We are obviously an above people’s paygrade problem.”
Anju scooted her chair a little closer to the table, “Then why did you talk to them?”
Erena leaned back, scuffed boots crossed at the ankles. “This is way outside of what I ever intended to do. Those weren’t special effects.” She raised a leg, pointing above her knee, where a rip was scorched in her black jeans, “Every substance had heat and weight and properties. Maybe we broke something.” Legs back to stretched out, eyes staring at the ceiling. “If we did, they might know how to fix it.”
It wasn’t exactly frantic pounding, Dr. Nishikino thought as her very solid front door shuddered, more like very determined. She’d changed into comfortable clothes, not intending to sleep until they’d managed to get Hanayo out of police custody. Both werewolves were cleaning up, Maki in the master bath, Rin in the largest guest room. As she headed for the door, Dr. Nishikino heard a howl, then a thump. She opened the door, Nico stepped inside, said “Where’s Maki?” and got tackled by a soaking wet wolf, snuffling all over Nico’s body. Nico fell with a grunt, but immediately wrapped her arms around Maki, hugging the werewolf so tightly Maki whined a little. Dr. Nishikino stepped around to close the door and went back to the kitchen, where she was making a pot of coffee and warming cookies.
“What happened to you, pretty girl?” Nico let tender fingers lightly trail over the burned fur surrounding Maki’s mouth.
Maki responded with growling, whimpering, and a triumphant howl, which Rin echoed from upstairs, sounding weaker than usual.
“So the bad guys didn’t win. Good.” Nico hugged tighter.
Maki howled proudly.
Nico lying on the floor, arms around the werewolf on top of her, chuckled, as Maki’s amethyst eyes glowed at her. “Yes, Nico is very impressed. Nico will be even more impressed when Maki TALKS and tells her the whole story.”
“Kayo-chin’s stoooopid boss ripped apart everything, burned Maki, stabbed me, made Kayo-chin disappear, cloned herself, then got dragged down a hole by a pit monster.” Rin appeared at the top of the stairs, towelling off her hair, dressed in a pair of sweats and a long sleeve t-shirt. They fit so she must keep clothes here too, Nico realized. Nico also realized that proximity to werewolf fresh out of the bath had soaked through her coat to her clothes.
“Nico needs to change.” Nico let Maki go, sitting up. Maki sprinted eagerly up the stairs, turning at the halfway point to stick her tongue out at Nico.
Rin hipchecked her bff, “Don’t forget about Kayo-chin.”
Maki snorted.
Nico laughed. Cute werewolves being safe and silly was exactly what she needed right now.
Casey Alvarez sighed, glancing at her phone again. Tsubasa was waiting. Everyone else had gone off to change or finish shutting things down for the evening, but Tsubasa had lingered.
“Nico’s not pressing charges, but there are a couple of people who want to talk to you tonight.” Alvarez’s expression was wry, “Things always go better if you walk in voluntarily.”
Tsubasa grunted, “Is that your professional, off duty cop, friend of Nico advice?”
“Nope.” Alvarez hardened her stance and her voice, “That would have been don’t rig dangerous traps in set pieces your co workers have to use.”
“Yeah.” Tsubasa kicked at something. “That’s a point.”
“I don’t know exactly what’s happening” Alvarez rubbed her temples, “Which I always hate. But I talked to somebody at the FCC who talked to somebody somewhere I can’t even know the name of who just texted me that I should escort you to the Campus Police, if you’re still here…”
Tsubasa sniggered, ignoring the opening Alvarez might have left her. “Am I getting shipped to Roswell?”
“I wouldn’t know.” Alvarez’s voice was flat.
“Can I file a missing persons report on myself in advance?” Tsubasa’s voice was taunting, her green eyes sparkling at Alvarez.
“Whatever, chica.” Alvarez’s easy dismissal of her tease just amused Tsubasa. “Your friends are there.”
“Yeah.” Tsubasa picked up her coat, “Do you have to cuff me?”
“Nope. Just have to walk my wife to our car, if you don’t mind.”
“Nope.” Tsubasa wrapped a scarf around her neck, “Let’s get this over with.”
Davies pushed the transcript toward Hanayo. “So you’re certain it was a different Anju?
“And the werewolves can confirm this?”
The question was dropped in so casually Hanayo was almost caught, but the habit of more than half a lifetime kept Rin’s secret safe.
Davies leaned forward, “We know about your fiancée. And the Nishikino girl.”
Hanayo remained silent.
“Our branch of the Marshals has been tracking werewolf family lines for centuries.” Tam added, “Like every other American citizen, they have rights, and we can only intervene if they break the law or present a deadly threat.”
Hanayo shrugged with disinterest, picked up a pen and started reading through her typed statement.
“The best way to protect her is from the inside.” Tam continued.
Hanayo frowned, upper lip hinting scowl, “What do you mean?”
Tam answered bluntly, “You’ve been very impressive, picking up the science so rapidly.”
Davies chuckled, “And you can obviously keep a secret.”
“And you seem to have a good working relationship with…”
“That’s not true,” Now Hanayo could start to let some of the anxiety fuel anger. They obviously wanted something from her.
“Whether or not there was friction, the four of you were effective. You basically created and survived your own boot camp. We need women like you in the program.”
“What program?” . “Think of this as a job interview.” The Agent and the Marshall had dropped the topic of werewolves; Hanayo wouldn’t be bringing it up.
Nico had been shoved into Maki’s room by the very insistent werewolf. Maki dripping on her tights, Nico pulled out a few things to change into, then started undressing. Before she could even get out of her skirt, Maki was there, naked, skin cold and damp, with very very human hands, ignoring the usual progression of zippers and other fasteners to rip through fabric to get to Nico. Active as she was, Maki was still chilled and trembling, so Nico guided them both to the bed, raising Maki’s blanket over their shoulders. Once there was a warming cocoon, Nico grabbed one of Maki’s hands.
“Slow down, pretty girl. Nico wants to know what happened.” Nico could see healing cuts, scrapes, and burns all over Maki. What had the werewolf gotten into, a firefight? Were there bullet wounds or something? What exactly had Rin said? Hanayo’s bosses. As the impatient redhead whimpered, Nico ran her hands over Maki’s skin, feeling for open wounds. “Who did this?”
Maki shook her head, pushing into Nico’s shoulder, whining plaintively. Nico wondered if something had happened to Maki’s voice. A growling kiss disrupted her thoughts.
Nico responded, but then she wrapped both arms around Maki again and dropped them both back to the bed, “Maki, what happened? Who did all this? Nozomi said Erena..”
A huge inhale by Maki and Nico’s mouth was full of wet, red hair with metallic smoke taste as Maki flopped into her girlfriend’s side. Her arrival must have interrupted Maki before shampooing, Nico guessed. Now to get some kind of verbal response before Maki stressed back into wolf form.
“Were you in a fire?” Nico wondered.
Whine. Nope not fire.
“Help Nico out here, pretty girl.” Knowing how sensitive Maki was to moods, Nico took care to just enjoy the feel of being close to Maki, not letting worry or impatience interfere with the tactile pleasures of warm, cozy lover. “Talk to me.”
Maki just snuggled closer. Nico could feel her warming up, which was good. A knock on the door; no response from Maki, so Nico answered, “Come in.”
Maki’s mother stuck her head in, staring at her daughter for a moment, then meeting Nico’s glance, “Maki’s father is here so we’re going to take Rin to the police station and meet with the lawyer. She hasn’t been able to talk to Hanayo yet, but is going through some kind of Non Disclosure Agreement before Hanayo signs it.”
Maki whiffled, moving even closer to Nico, who could feel the fur against her torso as Maki shifted, changing. Then Maki howled a chiding series of notes at her mother.
Nico glanced down at the russet and cream head now blowing warm, drooling breaths across her chin and wondered how much of a crisis just asking Dr. Nishikino what was going on would cause.
“Ummmm…” it didn’t help if Nico ouldn’t figure out the right question.The shaggy foreleg angled across her diaphragm had her trapped under the covers, which was fine, because Nico needed more clothes before being seen by anybody not Maki.
“Maki was frantic when she arrived, and her wounds were pretty bad.” Dr. Nishikino volunteered information as Nico struggled to phrase a question, “Serious healing takes up a lot of energy. My daughter is much less verbal when she’s exhausted.”
Maki howled at her mother, an annoyed note.
“Sorry. Maki communicates quite clearly, but when tired she tends not to use words.” Dr. Nishikino sounded amused, “Does that answer meet with your approval?”
Maki’s more agreeable howl was quieter than the others had been. Nico could feel the werewolf starting to relax, her breaths slowing. “I’ll take care of things here.” Nico whispered, not wanting to stir up Maki.
A wry smile crossed Dr. Nishikino’s face. Maki had made it quite clear who she intended to be comforted by, “Raid the refrigerator for anything you want, Nico. I hear you had a crazy night yourself.”
Nico was stroking gently Maki’s fur, cheek resting against Maki’s head, only half paying attention to the conversation, “Nico will turn into a great story sometime.”
“I look forward to hearing it. I’ll text you when we know more about Hanayo.” Dr. Nishikino closed the door.
Hanayo was standing, wanting her phone, knowing Rin was there with Maki’s Dad but not able to see her yet. The Nishikinos had gotten in touch with Abril Cohen, a lawyer who actually had the clearances required to negotiate with Agent Davies and Marshall Tam so Hanayo had opted to take a brief break from legal speak as some details were worked out based on the list she’d given Cohen.
The door opened and Erena and the other Anju walked in, Erena striding confidently up to Hanayo, Anju more tentative.
“Koizumi.” Erena extended her hand. Hanayo’s dubious expression didn’t discourage Erena, who refused to pull back, “Look, I’m sorry this happened, Koizumi. I had no idea what she was planning. It was supposed to be data collection. I should have recognized that everything was getting out of control.”
“Tsubasa.” Hanayo nearly spat. Anju glanced confused from one to the other.
Erena raised both her hands in a sign of surrender, “The werewolf hunt thing was completely on her. I say live and let live and I told her that.”
Anju sat down, remembering the evening’s scenes, the two what she thought were dogs, were they werewolves?!?!?...what else was actually real in this world. Erena immediately noticed her discomfort and put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Anju?”
“What’s her deal anyway?” Hanayo knew it was a different woman, but it was hard not to seethe with resentment.
“The other Anju put her in some kind of suspended animation during Pumpkin Prom. I guess she had the ability to make herself look our age and hypnotized Anju into telling her enough details for a start. Magical identity theft.” Erena’s voice warmed with an atypical flare of annoyance. “After that was when we stopped talking about how to measure paranormal activity theoretically and began to build tools.” Erena squeezed Anju’s shoulder, “I’d started designing a few after our Ghostbusters conversation.
Anju smiled, “I started designing better hazard suits. With a little style.”
Watching them flirt, a frowning Hanayo became decisive. “I want to see Rin.” She said as if convincing herself, moving to the door and banging. After several minutes, Marshall Tam stepped in.
“I want to see Rin.” Hanayo repeated.
“You’ll have to wait…” Tam started.
Hanayo’s eyes were feverish and she left barely any space for comprehension between her rushed words. “Bring Rin in here now or you can fight Maki’s lawyer after you put me in whatever deep pit you want because if I don’t see Rin in two minutes, I am never ever helping you.”
There was a staring match. Anju and Erena watched curiously, Erena surprised by a Hanayo she thought mild’s fight. Tam turned on her heel without a word. Hanayo kept an eye on the clock and then 97 seconds after Tam left, Rin bounded in, grabbing Hanayo in a hug that lifted her off the floor. “Kayo-chin!”
Mel Davies frowned at her partner as they stood outside the door listening to Rin shout happily. Three years together dealing with Quantum Extra Consciousness hotspots all over the world had not endeared her to Tam’s not rare enough flashes of eccentricity.
Davies cleared her throat, “So you’re going to play this one by something other than the established protocols?”
Tam shrugged, “In love with a werewolf or a dryad or a …” A wink, “We’ve all been there.”
Davies paced. This whole situation was going to rewrite the manual, which would probably be her next tiresome task, “You have never been funny.”
“I have never tried.” Tam leaned against the wall, watching Davies fidget.
“You realize we’re probably going to get a werewolf added to this bloody team.” Davies recognized that smile. It was Tam’s “I’ve won at chess” smile.
“Oops.” said the Cheshire Marshal.
Umi and Honoka exchanged a glance. Kotori was in their walk in closet, removing clothes from hangers and either tossing them in a pile or putting them on a different hanger and then moving them to another part of the closet.
Umi spoke first, “Kotori? Can we assist you in any way.”
Kotori shook her head, ducking it, and making a small, unhappy noise. Two sets of eyebrows shot up, this was serious. Honoka made broad gestures, encouraging Umi to follow her out of their bedroom. Umi finally nodded agreement, but touched Kotori’s shoulder before leaving, “We will return shortly.”
Kotori ‘dropped’ a hanger on the floor, nearly knicking Umi’s toes. Umi skipped back, not taking her eyes off Kotori until she had to negotiate the stairs because Honoka had started dragging her down them.
“Umi Umi Umi, what are we going to do? Kotori’s so mad…”
Umi was puzzled. “But who is she mad at? I got her favorite cheesecake after you texted me. Did you do something”
“Umi…” Honoka winced and Umi felt a little guilty for her doubt.
And then Honoka went into a blaze of motion, orange hair flopping over her bright blue eyes as she shook her hands in front of her, “It was so crazy, Umi. Nico got locked in a coffin, half the cast got dragged into a room with Nico’s cute cop friend, and Kashima and Eli and Deidre and Ami didn’t get out of costume until like 15 minutes ago. And I think Kashima tore off some buttons. And Anju never showed up. And Erena left and…”
Umi grabbed Honoka’s hands, holding them tightly until her extremely excitable girlfriend slowed to silence.
“Who is Kotori upset at?” Umi needed specifics, not a flood of speculation.
Honoka eyebrows furrowed as she tried to work it out, “Mostly Anju I think. I tried to help, but there’s a lot of work.” Honoka flopped on the couch, “You actually have to know where everything goes.”
Umi sighed, “That is to be expected. There are more than thirty people in the cast and most have multiple costume changes. Poor Kotori.” Umi glanced upstairs.
“I think the director fired people.” Honoka scratched her head, “Maybe. Or they were getting arrested. Or Nico was hitting them.”
“What?” Umi’s attention immediately shifted back to Honoka.
“Well, Nico hit Kashima. But it wasn’t a big deal.” Honoka paused again. “But Officer...Alvarez was talking with a real serious face to Professor Asuka and walking one of the stagehands out, Tsubasa, I think.”
That would make sense, Umi realized. Maki’s friends had been worried about Tsubasa’s interest in Nico.
“How can we help Kotori?” Umi sat next to Honoka, hands clasped.
Honoka thought for a moment. “Hang costumes tomorrow if Anju doesn’t show. Too many actors leave ‘em lying around.”
“Perfect.” Umi grasped Honoka’s closest hand, raised it to her lips, and kissed it softly, “We will assist Kotori by taking over the more onerous tasks.” Umi considered. “Or I will.”
“What about me? I can help.” Honoka chirped, happy Umi agreed with her idea.
“We will ask the Professor if there is a job more suited to your talents.”
“Ooh, good idea.” Honoka mimicked a hand over hand action, “I could open the curtains.”
“I believe that’s automated, Honoka.”
“Oh…” Disappointed, Honoka dropped her head on Umi’s shoulder, “What do we do now?”
“Wait until Kotori wants her cheesecake.���
Rin was back to fidgeting with the Doctors Nishikino in the hall; Hanayo was leaning forward at the table, watching intently; Erena was relaxed, leaning back; Anju was slumping in her chair, exhausted; Abril Cohen was ticking off points with a pen, with Marshal Tam opposite her and Agent Davies observing from a corner seat.
“So this is where we are: you, an intergovernmental task force, are going to sponsor these three plus Tsubasa Kira…”
“I am not signing anything or going anywhere without Rin.” Hanayo insisted stubbornly.
“There isn’t a provision for that.” Tam said simply.
“If I’m a government employee and get transferred, can I take my wife?” Hanayo pressed.
Davies glanced at Tam, who made a grimace, “You don’t have a wife.”
“I will.” Hanayo crossed her arms.
“We could send you to prison. Or just walk you out of here handcuffed between us, Ms. Koizumi.” Davies pointed out.
“For helping you find out about this?” Hanayo’s voice was shrill, but with outrage not fear.
“Yes.” Tam snarled.
Hanayo paled, but didn’t waver, “Rin comes with me. If you want us to recreate what they…” Hanayo glared at Erena and Anju, “were doing and restart the Princeton Engineering Anomalies program…” here Hanayo hesitated, still wary about sharing Rin’s secret, “werewolf senses will help.”
Erena shifted, “She’s probably right. I wonder what all that felt like for…” Erena hesitated, wondering if the room also knew about the redhead, “Hanayo’s fiancée. It would be a useful perspective.”
Although Anju was still wary of Hanayo, she decided to join the consensus, “Koizumi’s fiancée is probably more useful than I am right now.” That admission surprised Hanayo and Erena leaned forward in support as Anju continued to speak, “I understand I’m the only link to this other…”
“Pocket of Quantum Extra Consciousness…” Davies offered.
“You really need a better vocabulary for this.” Erena
Davies and Tam shared a look, then the Marshal spoke. “We don’t disagree.”
“It’ll be part of your job.” Davies stated, then muttered, “if I have any say.”
Anju repeated her statement when the room went quiet, “I understand I’m the only link, but I don’t have any of her practical knowledge.”
“But you can learn.” Erena’s response was quick.
“And…” Anju’s head fell, and she shivered a little, “I want to, so I can...so I can...understand what she did to me. And the werewolf could accelerate our discovery process.”
Davies had her phone out and was typing quickly, “What about Tsubasa? There was a lot of mutual animosity mentioned by both parties during their interviews.”
“Take her out in handcuffs.” Hanayo mumbled. Tam almost let herself seem amused, Davies’ nod was a confirmation of her point.
“I’ll talk to her.” Erena turned to Hanayo, “She’s not really a terrible person.”
“Hmmmpphhh…” Hanayo began to smolder, fingers tapping an angry rhythm. Abril Cohen decided to intervene.
“So my client is not committing to anything unless you agree to also transfer her wife to Princeton University, with status equal to the other parties to this arrangement. Is that correct, Hanayo?”
Hanayo nodded, maintaining eye contact with Tam.
“Do you want me to talk to Tsubasa?” Davies slid her phone into her pocket.
“Yes.” Tam answered, standing, “Come with me, Koizumi, and see if your future wife agrees to this.”
This was not one of Tsubasa’s better nights. When Nico’s girlfriend had landed on top of her, snarling, starting to shift like the characters in Ginger Snaps, Tsubasa had a new, visceral understanding of fear. But then the werewolf had stopped, more concerned with saving Nico than eviscerating Tsubasa. Which was unexpected and confusing and did ABSOLUTELY nothing to cut the complete terror at the thought of being that close to the woman again. Tsubasa fell into a chair, head in her hands, trying to remember how all of this had started. Too many late nights, too many energy drinks, too much Lovecraft, too much imagination, and then the tantalizing thought of knowing things no one else did. But that had all fled with the weight of claws against her throat and very human rage in unnatural green eyes. And with Nico locked in a coffin…
Door banged open, Agent Davies walked in, brows lowered over tiger’s eye irises. “Hello again, Ms. Kira.”
“Can I go home yet?” If you don’t ask you don’t get, Tsubasa told herself.
“No. But nice try.” Davies pulled out a chair, leaned forward, elbows on the table, “How do you feel about werewolves?”
“Terrified.” Tsubasa raised her head, “Why?”
“Want one for a co worker?”
Tsubasa’s expression straddled curious and aggravation. “Is it the one that wanted to gut me?”
“Will agreeing get me out of here?”
“Okay.” Tsubasa dropped her head back into her hands.
“It’s Koizumi’s fiancée.” Davies had her phone out again, checking her notes.
“Oh, that’s why Hanayo was so fond of me…”
“Well spotted.”
“Is she going to gut me?”
“The fiancée?”
“She has, in practice, agreed not to by expressing a willingness, though reluctant, to work with you as long as we agree to her conditions.”
“The werewolf.”
Tsubasa thought for a moment, then repeated “Okay.” Leaning forward, nose over Davies’s phone, “Co-worker?”
Davies grinned and pulled her phone back. “Longer story. What do you think of New Jersey?”
Tam had led them to a room with a couch so Hanayo sat down and leaned against Rin, not saying anything for several minutes. Rin, after her initial sniff through Kayo-chin’s hair, picking up exhaustion, worry, frustration, just enjoyed the sensation of being close to each other. Eventually, they ended up lying side by side, Rin realizing how tired she was but too curious about what Hanayo was holding back to actually drift off.
“I’m glad you’re safe, Rin.” Hanayo whispered.
“Me too.” Rin’s voice boomed, “That was too scary.”
“Too scary?” Hanayo smelled furtive, like she had when she was keeping her job from Rin.
“Only when you told Maki to drag me off.” Rin sat up, proud, leaning back onto her arms. “I can handle anything. Kayo-chin doesn’t have to worry when I’m there.”
“I know.” Hanayo smiled, turning on her side to watch Rin, “I always feel safe with you.”
Rin knew Hanayo so well she didn’t need her nose to tell her that her mate was about to tell her something she was afraid Rin would be upset about.
“Just tell me, Kayo-chin.” Hanayo flopped over, face in her arms, while Rin nudged her, “I know you're nervous. It'll be okay.”
“Marry me.” Hanayo squeaked.
“I already said yes, did you forget? Did something fall on your head?” Rin started sniffing through Hanayo’s hair again, wondering if she’d missed an injury.
“No,” Hanayo giggled, Rin’s quick movements were tickling her. “How’d you like to be a tiger?”
Rin sat back, her face serious, “That’d be cool but people would be scared if I turned into a tiger. Now they think I’m a dog and everybody loves dogs.”
Hanayo laughed, falling into Rin, “I love you.” Then she took both of Rin’s hands, violet eyes determined as she looked over the glasses that had slid down her nose, “We’re getting married Saturday, Rin, and moving to Princeton.”
“You want to be a tiger?” Rin asked, not sure what this was about.
Hanayo forced herself not to glance away. Rin’s eyes were as honest and accepting as always so Hanayo let herself be brave and spoke the truth. “I want to know more about everything that happened tonight. I have an opportunity to do that. And I want you there with me.”
Rin thought quickly. She shouldn’t be surprised. When things caught Hanayo’s attention, she dove right in. At least this time she’d learned enough that she was willing to take Rin with her when the stuff was scary. There was only one answer.
“All right, Kayo-chin. If you go, I go.” Rin bumped forward, glomping onto Hanayo, “I love you.”
Hanayo felt every burden she’d been feeling ease as Rin embraced her, “I love you too.”
A/N: Wow, this chapter.
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