#which! btw! is the same year rhea passed!
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forgaeven · 1 year ago
another stray headcanon about rheowyck. by the way, i do believe that daemon did have the intention of properly introducing rheowyck to new clutches and/or any existing dragons that he could bond with, but as per canon, the war of the stepstones happened, and everybody — i kid you not — forgot.
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cassiebones · 2 months ago
Current Novel ideas that I'm working on (in the loosest sense of the word) (12/30/2024)
Mermaids Young Adult Novel - babies get left at the seaside in a land where the knowledge that any unwanted child will be taken by the sea and carried to safety. Naia (age 16) is one of these babies. She becomes a mermaid and ends up getting caught on a fish hook one day, causing her to have to rapidly take on a human form (too long to explain here) and brought to land. She meets another mermaid-come-human named Rhea, who tries to help her get back to her colony of mermaids while keeping their secret. Meanwhile, she also forms a crush on the teenage worker at Rhea's bake shop, Zoe, who is fascinated by the tales of mermaid society. It's a Queer YA Romance very loosely based on The Little Mermaid.
The Q Word - Juliet Li is a transgender teen girl who has been bounced around the foster system since she was ten years old, after her parents disowned her. She is sixteen and counting down the days until she is out of the system and can be reunited with her older sister, Mae, who is the only person in her family who ever supported her. In the meantime, she is placed in a foster home for LGBTQ+ youth, run by a queer couple (cis-queer mom and trans dad) who already have two adopted children and one other foster child living with them. Juliet is cis-passing and her experience has made her reluctant to be out as trans in her new school, desperate for a new start where nobody treats her differently. This one started as an anthology about eight foster kids living in the same home, but now all the kids attend the same school with Juliet as the main character. Based so loosely on Snow White. Queer YA novel, slightly coming of age, but a little romance and found family.
WLW Romance about two women with MS - this one is kind of personal to me as somebody with recently diagnosed, early stage RRMS. My idea is the two main leads meet in a support group for MS. The first person, whose POV we start with, has just been recently diagnosed with early stage MS, and has been prompted by her doctor to attend the support group. She resists for a hot minute before finally giving in and going. There, she meets another woman with slightly more advanced MS, who walks with an aid (likely a cane). They kind of lock eyes across the room. The woman with more advanced MS uses humor as a defense mechanism, but she's funny and charming and Character 1 is immediately drawn to her. I haven't really come to a conclusion on names yet, but I swear I'm so close to calling them Aubrey and Kathryn (not bc I ship the actresses they're named after, but I legit love their names and would also love them to play these roles if I ever finished the book and got it optioned for a movie like I'm manifesting). Aubrey is definitely the name of at least one of them tbh. I always loved that name. This one would definitely be adult-oriented and kinda smutty I think. I really think the representation of queer women with disabilities is important and this is at least one I know something about.
How Far Does the Stardust Go? - More Queer YA because it's been my favorite genre since I was the target audience. One of my friends and I were spitballing one day while writing together and she kind of helped me come up with this idea about reincarnation and how past lives might work if people remembered them. It's about two girls from two very different living situations who have this great scientific/medical knowledge (none of which I have btw) and they're invited to take a test to see which one of them was a doctor in their past life who was killed just before he could share his research on a cure for a Very Serious Disease that is plaguing their world. The results of the test show that both girls could possibly be the reincarnation of this scientist, which is thought to be impossible because that just doesn't happen in their world. A soul can't split in two. Stardust doesn't carry on like that. Or does it? The girls are put through more tests and both are sure that they are the one that is actually the reincarnation of the doctor. The wealthier of the two, Iris, is desperate to find the cure because her sister has the illness and no amount of money can save her without a cure. The less wealthy, Ximena, is desperate because proving that she is the reincarnation means that she can skip college (and the cost) and go straight into a thriving career with minimal training, which could bring her and her family out of poverty. The girls start as adversaries, but soon they start to realize that they may be two halves of the same soul. Kinda of soulmates-esque. They also share memories of their past life which get clearer the closer they are to one another and soon discover that the doctor may not have fallen due to illness, but rather due to more nefarious causes. Queer YA with a little bit of mystery.
I have ADHD so a lot of this is just planning, but there are so many ideas running rampant through my brain that I just need to get on paper. Hopefully 2025 is the year when I get one of these out there for y'all to read.
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randomnameless · 3 years ago
Musings about Yuri’s benefactor and Nabateans in general.
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It all starts with the question, who was Aubin?
A nabatean, or a human?
Aubin is the same old guy who gave his blood to Yuri to save him when he was young - the only precedent for this is Rhea’n’Jerry.
Which is why, it’s widely theorised that only Nabateans can pass down their crest through blood transfusions.
Old Man hated his power and blood? Why?
Is it some sort of Aeneid spin-off where the old lizard man resented his blood because it meant he wasn’t “human” and was a monster?
Or, and even sadder, Aubin resented his blood because, hey, his blood and his crest stone are the reasons why people (Nemesis’n’Dudes) want to dissect him, which leads to a very uncomfortable “if only I wasn’t born as X because I don’t want to die but some people really want to erase all X from the surface of the planet”.
And this makes me think, in FE16′s nonsensical SS final boss, Seteth mentions that Rhea is actually the carried of the “Pride of Nabatea”, something he will inherit at her death. Did Aubin resent his condition as a Nabatean, being ashamed of being one or at least hated being a Nabatean, because it paints a giant target on his back?
It might be a reason why Aubin didn’t join Seiros the Warrior back then, if he was too afraid of humans and of being dissected if rains falls and the hair dye vanishes.
Which is even sadder, all things considered because...
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Flayn’s hairstyle is dictated by this need to hide the fact she is a Nabatean.
Seteth likes it when it is “not tied up”, aka the current hairstyle she has, but does he like it because he finds it cute, or because it’s the only one that successfully hides her ears?
Being a Nabatean means those people had to die their hair, hide their ears and hide their true nature from humans. And we know Aubin, at least, hated being “a Nabatean”, resenting his blood.
Rhea apparently takes pride in being a Nabatean, but even proud!Rhea cannot do her hair like she wants, and we know still used hairdye 200 years ago.
FFS, even if the crap S-Support, Rhea wonders if people can truly wish for her happiness after learning she’s a Nabatean 
Can you still say such things to me, even after witnessing my...other form?
No matter how pround Rhea is of her heritage, she still thinks humans/people in general cannot wish her any good if they know she’s a Nabatean
(people who aren’t Willy, apparently)
And I know I joke a lot about this game and its writting, but it irks me to no ends that this issue is... never resolved.
(Save for Tru Piss, but we know what kind of “resolution” Tru Piss brings to the Nabateans even if the lolcalisation team tried to pull a 4Kids).
Will Rhea and Flayn and Seteth be able to show their ears in a future Fodlan? Who knows. Will they be terminated because their ears are pointy? idk.
Will Dimitri welcome them all in Faerghus and give reassurance that no matter the shape of their ears, to him they are still people he would like to befriend/thank/drink tea with?
I wasn’t expecting anything about Nabateans from 3Nopes, but the casual “btw Aubin hated his blood” (thus his own race) made me so sad you have no idea. Seteth’s happy at least in his final moments he found peace, but damn :’(
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dmclemblems · 3 years ago
Oh I meant poor Seteth in a shitposting sense lol
Like when he goes "no Rhea, you can't go" she's all "yes, I have already asked Cyril btw, i don't care about what you say :)."
Or when he's all "I'm not sure it's a good idea to take Shez with us", she looks at him and then goes "ok Shez you can come :) "
To end with the ultimate reason why this super sacred shield is hidden in a mountain "Indech made it for Cichol, but Seiros passed it down to Great Emperor Wilhelm because he was just so awesome" and you can see how done he is with all her antics - it might not be the first time she "borrows" his things but he doesn't care anymore
I actually didn't really like how FE16 portrayed their relationship - maybe to highlight Billy's special status - as not downright antagonistic or negative, but Rhea's keeping things from him to the point where he can ditch her in CF because "she's not the same" anymore and he's ok with letting her die against Nemesis V.2. - something this game changed, as we see him doubt and initially refuse leaving her.
From the moment Shez meets them, we see through their interactions they're on the same wavelength - his words to Cyril about how he knows how Rhea thinks because they often think in similar ways have more weight in 3 Nopes, because here, we see how they interact.
Seteth is her (tired) older (brother?) relative and they have been working together for years !
She's not, like FE16 tried to portray, some cryptid he used to know but doesn't anymore to whom he feels some sort of obligation when his allegeance/bond switched to Billy. For instance, Nopes!Seteth would have rushed with Billy (or even rushed in first) as SS!Rhea was crashing in the cathedral, he wouldn't just be "there" letting Billy be the only one who cares enough to go after Rhea.
Even FeH tried to correct what FE16 tried to portray, Billy and self-insert privilege be damned, when Halloween!Rhea complains that Seteth would surely call her dress "immodest", implying he already made similar comments about her various attires (I think there's a 4 Koma gag too? Where he freaks out because she's in a bikini, but she bullshits him to play with other heroes).
FE16!Seteth? With the main plot's script alone, no one could imagine he would ask her to put more "appropriate" clothes, given how they are always talking about work, disagreeing on Billy and whatnot.
I wrote about it in another post, but by removing Billy and the doylist "self-insert", the characters still have bonds with others, bond that cannot be artificially thinned to sever them at will should you choose to create a bond between this character and the self-insert instead which is, thanks to "self-insert privilege" be, of course, the most important bond out of all bonds a character can have.
(iirc Seteth doesn't even mention Flayn in his Billy S-support?)
Back to Seteth and the other bonds he has, it's a damn shame Manuela had to join the Bullshit Eagle Sus Force (when she was the one who rescued Flayn and tries to heal Rhea after the Shambala expedition!!) but he had some professional relationship with her, Catherine and maybe the other knights (where's the Seteth'n'Alois support?? Oh right, Alois decided to ditch everything he is to follow Jeralt, because "Jeralt <3" is more important than anything else like his duty and his love for his job as a Knight of Seiros.)
He develops some relationships through the war with other people, and they can even become great friends, but I always disliked how FE16 proper underplayed the preexisting bond between he and Rhea.
At least 3 Nopes managed to correct it (3 Nopes is a wonder when it comes to Nabateans (bar Sothis), they can shine and flourish when they're not limited by the self-insert and their privilege!).
Now, I really wonder, what are Seteth's opinions on Rhea's various actions, like cooking up the lie about crests, the Elites and relics?
While I want to think he agrees it was the only solution to protect Nabateans without condemning the children of the Elites he would have had a lot more reservations about bringing Sothis back - regardless of what Heroes retconned but would have nonetheless understood where Rhea is coming from, if only on the "I just want this continent to know peace" angle.
(with a firmer "no" though on the homonculus projects).
I confess though, my vision of Seteth is partly biased because of his JP!VA, I love Koyasu so hearing Whitten's softer Seteth always feels odd lol
(btw, did you know Jp!Arvis in heroes is voiced by the same person who voices Bleach's Aizen? I'll never cease to cry about no dual audio in heroes)
That was definitely a result of the whole Byleth influence and needing to highlight them as the important main character, so Seteth relationship with Rhea definitely suffered from it. Really you could say a lot of stuff suffered from that relationship wise. I like Byleth as a character but I hate the way all the characters just kind of... get obsessed with Byleth. There are a few exceptions where it’s plausible, but the whole cast is too much for me.
The stuff in CF with them retreating and ditching Rhea if you let them survive I feel was more just kinda forced in because they had to somehow fit in the player sparing them but they still have to fight Rhea. Since it’s on Edelgard’s route, I guess you could also chalk it up to like, if the player lets them survive then they can’t just return to stay at Rhea’s side. In GW I guess it’s the same idea except they choose to retreat on their own, plus they’re well loved characters so I guess the devs figured it wasn’t necessary to have them killed?
I feel like Seteth got some better relationships overall in this game, kind of ironically considering his lack of supports. He doesn’t get as much agency in AM/VW despite being part of your main army. I understand the writers had to focus on the lords for each route, but they did better in Hopes as far as incorporating Seteth into the important talks in AG.
Manuela is definitely placed oddly to me because she hates war and bloodshed. I’d be hard pressed to believe she just went along with Edelgard’s motives (same with Hanneman, regardless that he isn’t playable in Hopes).
Houses imo did give a nice relationship to Seteth and Claude, so I’m sad that was taken away in Hopes. I liked the way they didn’t really trust each other but seemed to respect each other by the end of VW? They were able to put their awkward interactions behind them from the Academy and work together.
My guess on Seteth’s feelings/opinions about what Rhea does regarding Crests and all is that it’s a necessary way to keep things from getting out of control in the future. Kind of like, a necessary evil? I don’t think he would agree to that kind of thing with malice toward anyone else, but if it put Flayn in danger for the truth to be out there, he’d probably just accept it.
In Houses he didn’t know about the Sothis-Byleth connection, but I guess that’s because maybe Rhea expected him to not be okay with it and so hid it from him. I have some other thoughts on it too though.
I also love Koyasu! hurr hurr levin’s voice actor too kEK
Heroes techhhhnically has dual audio, but you have to change the language of the text itself too and play the whole game in JP.
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randomnameless · 3 years ago
Oh I meant poor Seteth in a shitposting sense lol
Like when he goes "no Rhea, you can't go" she's all "yes, I have already asked Cyril btw, i don't care about what you say :)."
Or when he's all "I'm not sure it's a good idea to take Shez with us", she looks at him and then goes "ok Shez you can come :) "
To end with the ultimate reason why this super sacred shield is hidden in a mountain "Indech made it for Cichol, but Seiros passed it down to Great Emperor Wilhelm because he was just so awesome" and you can see how done he is with all her antics - it might not be the first time she "borrows" his things but he doesn't care anymore
I actually didn't really like how FE16 portrayed their relationship - maybe to highlight Billy's special status - as not downright antagonistic or negative, but Rhea's keeping things from him to the point where he can ditch her in CF because "she's not the same" anymore and he's ok with letting her die against Nemesis V.2. - something this game changed, as we see him doubt and initially refuse leaving her.
From the moment Shez meets them, we see through their interactions they're on the same wavelength - his words to Cyril about how he knows how Rhea thinks because they often think in similar ways have more weight in 3 Nopes, because here, we see how they interact.
Seteth is her (tired) older (brother?) relative and they have been working together for years !
She's not, like FE16 tried to portray, some cryptid he used to know but doesn't anymore to whom he feels some sort of obligation when his allegeance/bond switched to Billy. For instance, Nopes!Seteth would have rushed with Billy (or even rushed in first) as SS!Rhea was crashing in the cathedral, he wouldn't just be "there" letting Billy be the only one who cares enough to go after Rhea.
Even FeH tried to correct what FE16 tried to portray, Billy and self-insert privilege be damned, when Halloween!Rhea complains that Seteth would surely call her dress "immodest", implying he already made similar comments about her various attires (I think there's a 4 Koma gag too? Where he freaks out because she's in a bikini, but she bullshits him to play with other heroes).
FE16!Seteth? With the main plot's script alone, no one could imagine he would ask her to put more "appropriate" clothes, given how they are always talking about work, disagreeing on Billy and whatnot.
I wrote about it in another post, but by removing Billy and the doylist "self-insert", the characters still have bonds with others, bond that cannot be artificially thinned to sever them at will should you choose to create a bond between this character and the self-insert instead which is, thanks to "self-insert privilege" be, of course, the most important bond out of all bonds a character can have.
(iirc Seteth doesn't even mention Flayn in his Billy S-support?)
Back to Seteth and the other bonds he has, it's a damn shame Manuela had to join the Bullshit Eagle Sus Force (when she was the one who rescued Flayn and tries to heal Rhea after the Shambala expedition!!) but he had some professional relationship with her, Catherine and maybe the other knights (where's the Seteth'n'Alois support?? Oh right, Alois decided to ditch everything he is to follow Jeralt, because "Jeralt <3" is more important than anything else like his duty and his love for his job as a Knight of Seiros.)
He develops some relationships through the war with other people, and they can even become great friends, but I always disliked how FE16 proper underplayed the preexisting bond between he and Rhea.
At least 3 Nopes managed to correct it (3 Nopes is a wonder when it comes to Nabateans (bar Sothis), they can shine and flourish when they're not limited by the self-insert and their privilege!).
Now, I really wonder, what are Seteth's opinions on Rhea's various actions, like cooking up the lie about crests, the Elites and relics?
While I want to think he agrees it was the only solution to protect Nabateans without condemning the children of the Elites he would have had a lot more reservations about bringing Sothis back - regardless of what Heroes retconned but would have nonetheless understood where Rhea is coming from, if only on the "I just want this continent to know peace" angle.
(with a firmer "no" though on the homonculus projects).
I confess though, my vision of Seteth is partly biased because of his JP!VA, I love Koyasu so hearing Whitten's softer Seteth always feels odd lol
(btw, did you know Jp!Arvis in heroes is voiced by the same person who voices Bleach's Aizen? I'll never cease to cry about no dual audio in heroes)
If you're a fellow Seteth lover, I can't wait to see your reaction during his paralogue. Poor guy.
I actually did it already! Ngl I got excited when Rhea said she was coming with the group I was like YEET IMA BE ON THE BATTLEFIELD WITH RHEA
and then Cyril came along too and I was like YEET IT'S THE BOI
but also poor Seteth talking about all the saints and stuff and Flayn saying they were close friends... It really puts into perspective that besides for Flayn and Rhea, he really has no nobody else prior to the start of Houses/Hopes. It makes the war even more bitter knowing yet another one could take away the last things he has.
It's also possible for Flayn to die on classic mode and I read the conversation you can get from that online, how Seteth has one about her and Garreg Mach if she died prior to you retaking it.
It always makes me sad how just because some people don't like some things Rhea does, the whole Church gets blamed for it and Seteth has to deal with it too. He's a good guy and doesn't deserve to go through more than he has already. ;n;
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