#whew this is ~rough~ pls forgive :
ballouheys · 4 years
hey there , i’m libby ( or any of the other many nicknames that come w being named elizabeth ... we’re all pals here . call me what you want to ) and i just spent way too much time trying to write this intro . but this is way to long and way too all over the place ... .. so hit that little like button and i’ll slip n slide into your dms ( i’ll probably slip n slide into ur dms even if you don’t , what can i say ? i’m shameless  ) to give you the low low on gigi so you don’t have to read this mess of an intro rip :/
𝐨𝐨𝟏. 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒  .
𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞: gentry thylane ballouhey . 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬: gigi ,gen . 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡: june 26 . 𝐳𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧: cancer . 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞: los angeles , california . 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧: los angeles , california . 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: bisexual ╱ biromantic . 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬: fluent in english and french . literate in spanish , but is unable to properly articulate the language despite several years of studies . 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐬: a sloppily drawn heart on the side of her right middle finger, a winking and now faded smiley face on the tip of her left index finger, but out of all the unfortunate markings, the most unfortunate of them all was her own signature in girlish print across the inside of her foot. or perhaps the license plate of her first car ( that she had driven through their fence four months after it had been gifted to her )  beneath her left breast. all of which had been inked into her skin by friends, all of which seemed like a much better idea when drunk . 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: three in tight succession on each earlobe . 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜: notes penned in red ink , each individual i dotted with its own tiny heart , scuffed and sullied balenciaga sneakers and ruffled ankle high socks , the cacophonous clink of bulky anklets against one another with each passing step , applying a full face of makeup only to remove it all minutes later , a far too large collection of scrunchies varying in pattern and texture lining the top drawer of her bedside table , a plethora of practiced accents , mascara and tears leaking down the swell of freckled cheeks as the credits to a romantic comedy she could quote word for word begin to roll , long bubble baths in a claw foot tub with a streetcar named desire playing on repeat in another room , sundays spent tangled up in an array of silken bed linens , a collection of shoes that could rival even carrie bradshaw’s , a signature practiced to perfection , hearts varying in size doodled on the palm of her hand , along the underside of her arm , romanticized idealizations , wearing her finest lingerie beneath sweatpants and the hacked hem of t-shirts she cropped herself , strands of hair sticking to overly glossed lips , unsmoked and pink ringed cigarette stubs dropped into an emptied flute of champagne , the wrong number scrawled on a napkin in pink ink to match the stain of puckered lips , unsubtle flirations , a personality akin to bubbling champagne , kisses planted anywhere but on the mouth , meaningful conversations with a stranger , and long nights spent searching for love in all the wrong places .
perhaps the one thing worse than a charmed childhood spoiling with years passed, was a childhood that had been spoiled from the very start. and poor gentry ballouhey had been brought into this world swaddled in cotton and blushing bright pink, held loose within the arms of a mother who didn’t quite want her, as her father stared with disdain at the second little girl he hadn’t quite planned on having. the family of three had already been perfect, she was nothing more than a blemish, a mistake, a pretty, little bandaid doused in alcohol and placed atop a gaping wound ( utterly useless and entirely too painful ). yes, she had been born into the quintessential white-picket fence family, all bright and toothy grins ( perfectly straight, perfectly white ), in their matching white tennis outfits as their matching white poodles gallivanted across the perfectly manicured lawn, but no childhood could be charmed when one spent the entirety of it unloved.
the ballouhey’s outcast, conceived amongst a dreamlike haze of judgement clouded by a bottle of dom perignon shared beneath starlit parisian skies, had been burdened with the expectations to conform when her entire existence stood in stark contrast to their careful ideals. even her conception had been rash and unexpected, much unlike her sister who had been dreamt of from the very moment their parents had married, carefully crafted in a lab after several failed attempts. meryl was wanted, a charming girl who lived a charmed life, and gentry? well, she simply was not. the blonde and bubbling stain on an otherwise perfect family portrait, the odd duckling among long-necked and elegant swans, gentry had felt forced to force her own self into an almost unsettling obedience. another failed attempt to please, to garner but a mere fraction of the attention marlon and madeleine ballouhey smothered their first-born in.
she was a true oddity, in more ways than one. softness epitomized, all freckles and full cheeks, doe-eyes and blurred edges nestled several steps to the left of her sharp-eyed and sharp-lined family members. an airy spring breeze in comparison to her elder sister’s chilled winter evening. the littlest ballouhey that left all spectators befuddled for she was all her father with a little something else. yet despite marlon and madeleine’s best efforts to keep their youngest tucked away from the public eye by sending her to the most exclusive and private catholic schools, and leaving her at home with the nannies while the rest of the family attended awards shows ( claiming it was simply because she was too young to attend ), gentry was sought out by one of her father’s friends to star in a film at the age of fourteen. the first time she had ever been chosen before meryl, her short lived claim to fame. perhaps an acting career wasn’t truly her calling, but the adoration she had received was.
the attention she received in the years following her debut in the film industry, turned the girl desperate for love into a girl even more hungry for adoration. she began to spent her days striving for perfection to draw her parents coveted attention ( the only thing they had ever left her wanting for ) back to herself. each straight a report card had been put up on the fridge only to go unnoticed, the nanny chauffeured her to all her extracurricular activities and sat in her parents place for all her dance recitals. and when she told her father about her time spent volunteering at the animal shelter she’d been met with a dismissive nod and a clap on the shoulder that was meant to be congratulatory as he left in a hurry to tend to something on set.  her parents immersed themselves in their work, in meryl, and gentry was pushed off to the side for the nannies to deal with even after she was well into her teens.
yet while she began to achieve the feigned perfection her family had always seemed to possess, their decline sputtered to life. at least within their home. she can still remember mornings spent splayed out on her plush queen-sized bed with her romantic comedies to drown out the noise , hair a mess and a pressed private school uniform on - all pink on pink on pink ( her pink cigarettes tucked beneath a pillow, mother’s faux lashes accentuating eyes made vacant by her pink and white pills, and the collar of daddy’s scotch soaked dress shirt stained by pillow lips painted an unfamiliar shade of pink ) as she used the edge of a polished finger to swipe the errant tear that had leaked from a trained tear duct, glossed lips once, twice, thrice before slipping out of their house ( it felt both all too large and far too small for the four of them ) unnoticed by her quarreling parents, glared at by her sister. others could see right through the act, witnessed the slammed doors rattling painting right off the walls, heard the boozy and biting insults, the tumblers hurled, scotch sloshing, ice clattering, glass shattering, and she knew that they knew. but when looks of pity, or rather discomfort, passed across their faces she’d simply smile that deep-dimpled barbie doll beam, and turn the television playing rom coms on repeat up several notches. love gone terribly awry stifled by the picturesque, perhaps that’s where it had come from … her love for love, or more specifically yearning and romance as depicted on the silver screen, when she had been raised in an environment so frosty it should have left her with a block of ice in place of her childish and sputtering heart .
not unlike her parents she loved obsessed in a way that exhausted ( far too much , far too fast ) . ashton had inherited her mother’s insecurities ,  strung her jealousy in a choke around her throat like an emerald necklace , and her father’s flighty heart that sputtered to life for all the wrong souls . it was no suprise that the two who had given new meaning to the term hopeless romantic would spawn a lovely daughter just as unlucky , if not more so , in love . but their hard , cold genes had been muddled together , creating something much worse . she loves love , or rather suffocating adoration , and will latch on to just about anyone who makes her feel a little less hollow . while gentry  is what one would deem a movie buff, it would be difficult for someone to name a movie that she hasn’t seen at least once, she loves to read just as much. tucked away in the valley as her father traveled the world to attend award shows and charity galas, there was very little to do. so she often found herself flipping through novels as she tanned alongside the pool, always the odd one out as her friends gossiped about the boys from their brother school and flipped through gossip rags. 
gentry  has an extensive vocabulary, contrary to what most might think. its a product of her extensive reading and film viewing, but she always seems to get a weird glance when she drops a big word into her sentence littered with valley girl lingo.
while she certainly isn’t a ditz, she doesn’t necessarily dispute the assumption most people make when they glimpse the spacey look that her features take to a bit too often.  perhaps she likes being underestimated, but she doesn’t typically do much to prove those who do underestimate her wrong. 
gentry  loves nothing more than spending all day in her pink silk pajamas, buried beneath sheets and duvet with her persian cat, holly golightly ( dubbed holly ) as she watches a rom-com she’s already seen at least ten times. she isn’t lazy per se, she just much prefers a night in with a bottle of champagne and her box of tissues ( if she’s planning on watching 13 going on 30 she has to be prepared for a few leaked tears ) to a night out. 
gentry is almost a bastardized version of cher horowitz, plucked right from the screen and loosely translated to fit reality. she’s a bit selfish and undeniably herself, yet yearns for, needs if one were to be dramatic, admiration. any semblance of attention that strokes her large ego and keeps her confidence from wavering a much appreciated gesture. but despite being far too self absorbed for her own good, she gives off some guise of selflessness - though her ample acts of kindness always tend to benefit her in return. and while she’s often concerned with how people perceive her, desperately wanting for everyone to find her desirable, she’s a bit too idealistic, a bit too stubborn to simply settle for people. with a collection of romance novels and romantic comedies still lining the shelves of her room that hadn’t change much since girlhood, it’s no secret that she has an insatiable love for love.
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ryo-hirakawa · 3 years
alright the much anticipated, at long last-
my thoughts on berlin 2020 round 6:
why are the top 6 in points in the last 6 places fjshfksk what conspiracy is going on
stoffel pole :o
nelson with a calculator lmao
lap 1 of formula e is a different kind of anxiety i swear
sergio is actually settling into fe so well. like im just ambivalent about him but i gotta give him credit where it's due
edo's overtake was whew
eyes forward...one last time :')
why do they have the viewer cam it's just ppl staring at their computer screens. seeing dilbagh gill looking dead serious in his hotel room is so funny
comms a little confused today but they got the spirit
the black merc really makes the halo pop when it lights up i love it so much why did they have to change back
why is no one other than the top 3 taking attack mode
nyck taking second attack mode already...interesting tactics...
feel like merc baited seb with the strat. well played
the way so many people in the paddock thought it was gonna be seb vs rene. merc boys knocking it outta the park
robin gave lucas a BONK straight up
p16 to 24 all in attack mode at the same time paint the timing sheets red boys
ollie rowland's front wing just chilling by the racing line
wait where is the safety car
nico with 10% more energy than the rest of the field sfjsjjfksf pls
could've sworn i saw a piece of debris fly past
yo that camera angle for the lucas vs robin scrap. rip that camera
he missed the send with his fanboost but he did it anyway!
rip robin's steering wheel. and then his tyre. and then max as well. butterfly effects huh
stoffel you've killed my ears but i forgive you
lmao he can't hear comms
it's been 4 years! he had a rough time but now he is a race winner again :)
"a monkey coming off my back" nyck you dork i love you
stoff p2 in the championship by a singular point
alex did 6 races and is already just right behind jerome and in front of pascal. whoa
podium time!
always fun to hear new anthems
i love nyck's energy he is bouncing
and the iconic smashed bottle of course
hugs all around :)
the failed fistbump fhsjfjd
ok time for the championship awards
at least stoff gets another bottle of champagne fbshfbd
mark preston doing his own rendition of the "you're doing amazing sweetie" meme
trophy toss :D
do their championship trophies reflect which track they won it on? that's neat
that's a wrap! thank u for bearing w me :)
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kuroosweakness · 4 years
🤡🤡🤡,,,, a ha ha,,, ha bonjour my lovely wife😃 i have disassociated with the world for like a month lol what a laugh. 🍜 is,,, haha back whoops. i’m sorry for disappearing uwu i sometimes forget time is a thing and by the time i know it,, whew it’s been a whole month🤡
complete and utter clown shit,,, anywho i came back to tumblr and ofc the first thing i did was check ur account bc i luv u (side note wtf is up with everyone on their period too you can clump me into that group damn, and i feel u with the inconsistent periods, i’ve had mine for like what 8 years now?? holy shit,,, i promise i’m not old i was just cursed w/ an early period😔 and i gotta say bc helps with getting it regulated if that’s something ur okay with trying out i would suggest it :)) anyways tangent done)
and i see you aren’t doing awesome..? :( i wanna let you know that you are super super appreciated and if you need to take more time for requests!!! you don’t owe us any explanation!!! and if anyone tries to say otherwise send em to me😡 bc you are such a precious kind person so pls do what you need to stay healthy!!!!!🥺💖
now to make up for my lost time here are some kuroo headcanons bc i know you will always accept those and if you’re having a hard time i hope these will cheer you up :,)))))
will definitely take you to build-a-bear for a date and you would make each other stuffed animals and he would make you keep it a secret and you swap at the end
would want you to meet third gym + kenma bc he want the people he cares about to get along and would be so happy when you do
ngl dear lia,,,, he would totally make fun of your height but not in like a bad way he thinks it’s so cute and he loves that he could literally just carry you everywhere but he’ll like call you shorty and names like that but the second anyone else makes fun of ur height he is out for BLOOD
and if you ever feel insecure abt your height or he takes things tooooo far he’s right there wrapping his arms around you and whispering comforting words telling u how much he loves your height,,,, ugh my heart
also !! he gets so excited when he talks abt things he loves like volleyball, or if he learned a new chemistry fact he’s such a nerd asjfhdh
also if he ever gets any news you are the first person to hear about it,, he loves to call you and hear you be as excited as him when he tells you
also he is so good at comforting people and being able to tell when you’re feeling off even if you hide it well, and when he notices he just picks you up, plops you in bed, and puts on your fav movie and comes and cuddles with you
SO,,, i hope these cheered you up babes i missed you lots, pls forgive me🤠
lots and lots and lots and LOTS of kisses bc i missed so many days :((((
how’d u not pass the character limit, this is a whole post 😭i luv and appreciate this so so so much :’ i already read it all the night before and slept in tears. GOOD tears, happy tears. but also sad tears because he’s not real 
was the month break good?? i’m so glad ur back hehe <3  🥺welcome back to my blog bubs! (not that u ever technically left)
🥺🥺🥺<3 i’ll try my best to stay as healthy as can be. you better be doing the same >:) 
riiight so many of my followers on their period the same time as me 😳inconsistent periods are scary bc you never know when they’ll come :(( aw getting ur period early must’ve been rough :’( 
ahhhh kuroo headcanons!!!! u really came through :’) 🥺
- i’ve never been to build-a-bear and has always dreamed of going every time i passed it in malls ... i shall go make myself a black cat plushie and buy him t-shirts and shoes and- :’ 
- it’s the fact that i’ll be hugging his stomach for me 😔if he slept on my bed, his feet would be sticking out lmaooo 😭am i the only one who occasionally likes being teased about my height...? it makes me feel kinda special knowing people are at least talking to me- 
- i- <33 
- i’ll be excited along with him 🥺what do i get excited about? kpop...i don’t think kuroo would be too happy with me talking about other guys with a grin on my face 😭
- thank you for giving me a new scenario to think about when i sleep >< (am i the only one who makes up scenarios in my head in order to fall asleep. i look forward to sleeping so i can close my eyes and just daydream in peace) 
these hcs pained my heart in a good way :’) thank uu so much for all of these and please come back to talk to me sometime or when you have more kuroo headcanons. u are now obligated to give me kuroo hcs whenever u think of some >:) 
more and more and MORE kisses (with future ones to come) <33 
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