#whereas dean likes to bring up things from YEARS ago that werent really sams faults
theythemsam · 5 years
spn 8x10, liveblog, collected posts (all 15 of them) or as i like to call it: Dean is the worst in this one and I hate him with the raging fire of a thousand lesbian suns and moons. Cool reveal about what’s going on with Cas though!
 Fuck You Dean!!!
Dean is seriously the worst! “Ugh ok since you insist on being a bitch about this and not let it go immediately like you should, okay; I was wrong, I guess, but actually this is your own fault.”
#if I didn’t already hate Dean before this season 8 would have made me hate him #now I just hate him even more
Dean and his shitty fetishizing porn.
#is dean just the worst person this episode? Im 8 minutes in and I think he is!
Ugh, Amelia NO!!!
#youre in a relationship #gross gross gross
We finally get shirtless Sam again and its for this :( For Amelia (who’s the one who came onto Sam!!!) to then throw a hissy fit because she decided to show up at his place and sleep with him?
#ugh sam how dare u ruin my life? #like???? Honey??? It takes two people to cheat??? And you are one of them #like im not saying Sam should have allowed this to happen bc GROSS!!! #but her then putting the blame on Sam is absolutely disgusting #you made that decision!!! #god I wish they had written this differently bc it really makes me hate her character so much rn
“If Sam wanted in, he’d be here.” *Kermit gun meme as I prepare to murder Dean*
#you guilt tripping bastard! #fuck you fuck you fuck you!
I actually feel a little sorry for Samandriel right now
Goooood, Dean Winchester you are the worst person on this planet, I swear to god
#during next years purge Dean Winchester will be publicly executed for crimes of being a creepy fetishizing bastard and I will take his kneecaps home as a trophy #why do people think hes funny? #hes a creepy sexist bastard
I’m glad Cas at least went to Sam because he knows this would also be important to him and the first thing Dean decides to do is to beat Sam down again
#bastard! He is such a bastard!
Dean is also so unfairly mean and I hate that “dean is pissed because his brother wont forgive him his immense betrayal of trust” is treated as bad on the same level as “sam is pissed because his brother made him believe the woman he loved had died just so the vampire they were hunting could escape even though all the signs pointed to the vamp being dangerous”
#the double standard… #Sam has to jump over gigantic hurdles to be treated fairly on this show #whereas Dean is digging and digging under them but in the end he still gets the gold medal bc the judges like him
Hnnggggg The Hatred… its strong….
Dean may have betrayed Sams trust terrible, but he just saved Sam’s life from a hunt he dragged him on. Hero! The best! Brother of the Year award!
#thank you mr hero dean for saving the samsel in distress you are the true MVP #how could I have ever doubted your manly man man judgement #you are always absolutely right in everything you do especially if it hurts the people you claim to love #im gonna throw up I hate how the show portrays shit like that
Cas having a PTSD flashback to Naomi’s torture
#nooooo #please protect my boy!
The dramatic zoom on Crowley’s face asdfh
The reveal that Naomi is controlling angels is so creepy
#poor poor cas #misha plays it so well though like my heart breaks for him!
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