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dawlsrkute · 2 years ago
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I need these dawls bad
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xon-a-whimx · 8 months ago
where would one find active people on here, asking for a friend!
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saleintothe90s · 2 years ago
482. Seventeen Magazine, March 1996
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(see also: 1994, 1995)
Two things that are sightly upsetting: 1. I barely remember looking through this issue when I was 12. 2. I had to pay $30 for this issue off eBay.
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Unfortunately, the Tendrecils line from Lancome is discontinued. Doesn't stop me from misreading it as "tendrils" though.
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Does Kate know what magazine she's reading. This was Seventeen in 1995/1996, not 'Teen. 'Teen was the girly magazine back then. I don't know about Y/M, never read that one.
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Those Hush Puppies the girl in blue is wearing.
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South Coast Today [archive]
A similar green pair with laces seemed to be everywhere in my magazines for a brief time in 1996. I never saw anybody wearing 'em though. Never saw them at Kinney. I don't see 'em on eBay either, Joel sold 6,000 pairs at his store in 1995, wherearethey. 1
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'Y'all know Cover Girl still makes this?!
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Remember this beautiful "great" packaging Maybelline had. If I had money to throw around to collect old makeup, this would definitely be in the collection.
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The fuzzy trim dress was a classic prom dress (or, at least the teen magazines made it seem that way) for the mid to late 90s.
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Anna's dress is #1. I love the short sequin Hawaiian print dress. That is 1996.
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There's those black and white dresses again! The Chanteuse girls will kick all of our butts.
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I saw a lot more of these pastel dresses in my 1997 issues, which sadly yes, I'm trying to find on eBay right now. No luck.
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If I was allowed to have makeup back then, you better believe I would have worn this look at school the next day.
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I honestly had no clue that self tanner was a thing yet, or maybe just a thing that was sold at like, Saks in the glass case.
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Slick straight hair. That was the thing. I had hair down to my waist back then so suffice to say I was not sporting this look
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I used to get my Sanrio stuff from the My Doll and Toy Shoppe in downtown Hampton, Virginia. If you said the name of the store quick, it almost sounded like "MIDOL toy shop".
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Every time I would see this ad for Kaepa shoes, naive 12 year old me thought "oh my god is that girl going to burn her school down?"
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I had that lava lamp keychain and the 8 ball! I used to get them from either Claire's or Spencers. I had a Cracker Jack keychain too around this time that will just randomly show up in my dreams.
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Did people really have scanners to scan in their handwriting back then? I imagine they were a small fortune back then. I tried doing some research on this software, but nothing came up.
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Mickey was still stuck in 1995.
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Oh, these were SO GOOD in the waining days of the low fat craze.
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I remember when the Backstreet Boys got real big when I was in high school, I thought back to the ad and wondered "wait, haven't they been around for a while?" In 1996, they didn't even have an album in the U.S. yet.
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"our internet address is.."
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Some of these look more like pageant dresses.
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I adore all the short dresses in this issue.
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Is this a freshman dance? They look like freshmen.
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Sharon Stone is a not-g0ing-to-prom icon.
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Man, what happened to Finesse? It's like once 2000 hit, it became bottom shelf stuff.
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There's always one dress that makes me sad in the prom issues, and I think it's this one. It looks so ... mature.
School Zone time, real pics of real kids from a school in Las Vegas:
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The shiny, silky shirts!
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These are the only two things I remember from this issue when I was 12: MaryBeth's amazing outfit--I wanted it so bad--and Jennaia's cat shirt.
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A baby Tobey Maguire.
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Baby Eliza Dushku. Did anybody else other than me think it was totally the norm for a guy to want to wear a bright tuxedo like this to prom?
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I wish my scanner app on my phone got a better picture of this amazing Betsey Johnson dress Kathleen Robertson is wearing.
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ok, a lot going on here on page 230.
-When I was attending Mary Baldwin College, there was this really cheezy store downtown that sold mostly cutesy poo gag gifts. Very cringe store. I'm sure if that store existed in 1996, they would have sold PMS Crunch.
-We're still in the waining days of the low fat craze here, so here are some "healthy" chips. Garden of Eatin' is still around! I think Guiltless Gourmet went out of business?
-I want to see photos and or footage of the Creamette Pasta Party at Tavern on the Green. All I I found was a blip on the New York Times:
On Saturday, about 17,000 carbo-loaders at the annual pre-marathon pasta party at Tavern on the Green will dig into five dishes created by New Yorkers, one from each borough. The dishes were the winners in a contest sponsored by Creamette pasta. The judges included as many weathermen (Storm Field and Mr. G) and sportswriters (David Kaplan of The Daily News) as food experts (Patrick Clark, Bob Lape and Robin Leach).
The meals, which will be served from 4:30 to 8:30 P.M., are free to runners in the New York City Marathon, which will be held on Sunday. The dishes are: baked ziti and vegetables by Martha Katzeff of the Bronx, rigatoni with beef and cheese by Mike Boyd of Brooklyn, spinach-rotini toss by Barbara Shields of Staten Island, creamy macaroni and basil salad by Karin Mackin of Queens and sweet nutmeg kugel by Diane Girer of Manhattan. All the recipes are by runners. 2
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Remember when these Y-Necklaces were popular for about a minute?
1.Parnes, Francine . “Old Dog Trots Out in Trendy Places.” New Bedford Standard-Times, December 25, 1995. https://www.southcoasttoday.com/story/news/1995/12/26/old-dog-trots-out-in/50652285007/. 2.Fabricant, Florence. “Food Notes.” The New York Times, November 8, 1995, sec. Home & Garden. https://www.nytimes.com/1995/11/08/garden/food-notes-021709.html.
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spikeface · 8 months ago
hate when you have a dream where you’re looking at marvelous little items and you wake up and they’re gone #theft #robbed #wherearethey
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sims2casfindsbyck · 8 months ago
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cupcraft · 2 years ago
remember when wilbur soot said superflat hardcore was coming back and also implied there was a sweaterduo mod video coming too. yeahok.
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vamppirr · 3 years ago
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theeyeoftruth29 · 1 year ago
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robots-vs-zombies · 4 years ago
Loud af!!!! It’s so crazy!!! The fact I can’t see them is even crazier, like an unseen army! This is tripping me out. #nature #cicadas #insect #wherearethey #weird https://www.instagram.com/p/CPT3SHmFQfO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ithlammedmypenith · 5 years ago
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Where are the gorls, tumblrbot?
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rollingdesigns · 5 years ago
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Introducing a new little game Rollingdesigns’ FIND TEN! Can you find all 10 ceramic friends( scroll to the second/third image for a character key)? 👀 Comment below and let me know how you did! So here is number 1 : Garden!😁 ———————————————— #rollingdesigns #find10 #scavengerhunt #eyespy #hunt #scavengerhunts #findthem #findthemall #wherearethey #eyespywithmylittleeye #hidden #instagramgame #picturegame #gardenlife🌱 #plantlovers #gardening #ceramic #pottery #gardenlife #plantloversofinstagram #gardenlove #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsplantsplants #potteryplanter #plantsofig #gardendecor #plantdad #surfacedesign #etsyshop #animallovers (at Oakville, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCB-qYDDTGm/?igshid=1sah1xapt1kgc
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orionsces · 6 years ago
Where are my headphones?
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jujusafari · 6 years ago
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Miss my glasses!
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samuelssucks · 2 years ago
where are all of the british people
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i have been laughing at these for the last ten minutes
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susieq4522020 · 3 years ago
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We got to the oval and Jenny was disappointed that her friends weren’t there! She found a ball but this was no substitute for puppies! Rufus and Charlie passed through and she had a quick play! Her patience paid off and soon Jessie and Harry arrived! Let’s play was the order of the day and the three had a good run with Jessie claiming the ball! Soon another friend Jussi the French Bulldog turned up and as the humans had a chat the dogs got to know each other! #jenny #canepastoremaremmanoabruzzese #tripoddog #maremma ##canebianco #wherearethey #jessie #airedaleterriers #harry #offlead #catchmeifyoucan #thechase #frenchbulldog #jussi #dogplaydate #mardi #summer2022 #blueskiesandsunshine #sheshappy https://www.instagram.com/famillebenttail/p/CZIRutWP9Nv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mandylynn500 · 7 years ago
I keep seeing old tumblr threads on Pinterest and WHERE ARE THEY NOW
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