deadmothwalking · 9 months
I really hate how as you grow older, the spaces to meet trans and other queer folk dramatically drops unless you want to go to a bar and get felt up by an old man who has internalized homophobia and a wife. Im transmasc, 21, and it's been years since I met someone also transmasc and in my area(Washington state)and im so LONELY. Do I just not get to have that sense of community because im an adult now and all the spaces I used to love are flooded with baby gays? Who I can be around to provide support, but who are of course way too young for me to really get too close? I'm not just talking romantically i mean friendships too, all my friends are cis, sometimes bi women, and I love them don't get me wrong! But the DYSPHORIA. It's getting to the point that I'm losing hope in ever finding someone like that you know? I think the last time I met a transmasc person who was my age was like. 2019. Other Washington state residents please please give me some advice. I'm not doing so hot and I feel really alone right now. Could just use a flash of hope that my fellow transmascs are out there. I'm not trying to complain, I know we have it a little better now than in the past, and of course I love the rest of my community. All of you, no matter what you identify, the queer community is my community and anything that is outside of cisgendered hetromantic and hetsexual(even w all the new terms im pretty sure that's the same right? Correct me if I'm wrong)is part of my community. I'm a loving person. I just. I don't know I hope this comes off as im intending it, im just looking for a sense of kinship I guess. And yeah relationship stuff too, I like men but I have some past stuff with the pp that makes it hard for me, plus it's hard to find men that are cis that still see me as a man too. I've always preffered dating someone that understands. I'm really not trying to have any ill intentions here. i just see a severe lack of spaces for queer people my age in this area where theres actually other people the same age. i hope im making sense.
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