#where's my poly ship let's make a sandwich
lelianasbong · 3 months
the feminine urge to romance scout harding and romance taash and also let them romance each other
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here-but-forgotten · 2 years
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rambles | stu, billy, poly!ghostface | pt. 6
period sex/blood kink, discussion of their anger, domestic rambles.
Feral morning thought- convincing Billy to get tied up in some way and making him watch you ride a dildo while you’re on your period. His eyes just cutting into you as you bounce and moan with blood settling at the base.
On blood play note- riding stu on your period as he’s either actually submissive/forced to be still and Billy watching you until you pull off of him, right before stu cums, just for Billy to suck stu off with your blood in the mix. 100% creams his pants without anyone touching him.
Sometimes when stu is in a Mood™️ he becomes the clingiest bitch on earth. He’s grumpy and you don’t GET to leave he’s PISSY and he’s going to CUDDLE you for FUCKS SAKE. you + Billy give him kisses and share some candy with him and he feels better. might go out for a kill to work off some pissy baby attitude
there are days where Billy is needy and it is everyone else’s problem.
this is my little take on Billy + stu jealousy-anger-and such:
Billy- if Billy gets mad at you, it’s because of something that actually happened; any angry delusions are around the idea that someone could make you do the thing and he doesn’t blame you for that. He tries to not take his anger out on you and he tries to be mature about it but sometimes that’s hard. He would never physically hurt you. Only emotionally-mentally enough to make you relent to him.
If Billy gets mad and it’s not at you, it’s hard to tell unless he lets it known or it’s to you and Stu. He just conceals it. bitch would of loved frozen. he’ll go to you to talk about it. he’ll go to stu to talk about how to remove the problem. and he’ll go to both of you to ask for comfort. maybe comfort sex. maybe put him in his place sex. maybe murder.
stu doesn’t like getting mad at you because that’s how his exes ended up dead. but sometimes it’s inevitable. Billy does not let stu be mad at you in isolation. he’ll immediately try to talk to him about it and normally it’s an exaggeration delusion or something that can be talked out. stu doesn’t like being mad at you and he’s open to trying to fix it and he’s less of a Dick™️ to you -reader-Chan-
if stu is mad at not you, you jsut know. maybe others don’t. he’s like the concept of your mom coming home irritated from work and while she’s not mad at you, you can feel it. that’s stu. he really doesn’t want you getting worked up over it though. you’re his princess don’t worry about it. but he will 100% accept comfort kisses and you massaging his scalp.
I need you to know you could do something as simple and domestic as making them something simple like a sandwich and they’re both GONE. they’re both in love. jfc just treat them gently and let them murder and they will buy a ring.
stroke Stu’s cheek gently and call him your good boy and he is dead then and there
Date idea eating an entire xl Sam’s club JIF peanut butter jar with spoons
Have any of you seen that post ab a boyfriend showering with his gf and he cries over her gently washing his body and shampooing his hair? That’s exactly how I write the reader in all of these, that they’re the ones who’ve shown gentleness to be spared.
100% will kill your exes unless you’re explicit in that “were just better as friends/it was just not meant to be” and show that you would be genuinely mad at them if they killed them. If you don’t do that, they’re killing them either out of jealousy or revenge.
Random note: I’ve seen the ghostface - reader - j.d. ship and that’s fine it’s cute id like to be fucked by all three of them but like. J.D. is always their age. He’s like. Math older. 17 in 89, so… he would be 24 in 1996. I mean. Anyway none of that matters I’m just typing out of my ass.
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dragonmuse · 1 year
Ask game! Lucius and Pete! I’m curious about your thoughts on their how relationship is presented in other works. I love how you write them!
My married men! Gladly
when I started shipping it if I did:
Literally as I was writing Baby, I'm Amazed. I hadn't given them much thought, but I knew I wanted to write Lucius' POV (it was only a few weeks post s1 airing at that point) and realized that would require giving Pete some background. Once I started writing them, their charm together became clearer to me and then I was wed to the idea.
my thoughts:
On the show, they are a fun couple! They might be the only canon couple with virtually no drama, but they also don't have very much screen time together. This is a case where background acting does a lot of heavy lifting because their quiet interactions in scenes where they're not even in focus really filled in my perception of them.
What makes me happy about them:
They're just people! I love how 'just dudes' they are. They both learn and change and grow from being in a group situation and also from finding each other. Their love story isn't showy, it's just two dudes looking at each other after a great blowjob and thinking 'yeah, maybe there's more to this guy'.
What makes me sad about them:
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Pete erasure. I will happily read stories where Lucius is paired with someone else, but it does make me a little sad when there is no explanation for Pete at all. Some of my fave Lucius stories have no Pete in them at all, so I don't hold it against anything, but I do prefer when Lucius' polyamory is left intact and Pete is still in the picture, even if he's not featured.
things I look for in fanfic:
Happy poly Lucius and Pete, who have a great relationship. Pete giving Lucius a kiss and a pat on the ass as he goes off to seduce Izzy is the Platonic Ideal. If that sounds familiar, let it be known that I write what I want to see in the world.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
Obviously, I'm a Lucius/Izzy shipper (though I am always down for some Izzy filling in a Lucius/Pete sandwich). And hey Izzy/Pete on their own is hot too. I like either/both of them with Fang.
My happily ever after for them:
Married with a woodworking business for Pete and Lucius 'works' in the shop, but mostly gets to draw and live his best life as a kept man of a mildly successful small business owner.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
They sleep facing each other, not just in canon, but in my heart. Pete's head tucks under Lucius' chin. If they do spoon, I think they take turns, depending on who is chillier in the moment. Pete likes to rub Lucius' stomach if he's big spoon, because it usually means Lucius is under the weather.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
In Leda verse, it's watching HGTV and critiquing everyone's choices (despite having very little happening intentionally design-wise in their room.) In Credit verse, they like board games and Izzy finds himself their unwilling, then very willing if over the top competitive, third player.
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kaes-wonderland · 1 year
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❥ Warning: Haikyuu (Romantic) Rarepair
❥ Finished: April 19, 2023
❥ Kae's Notes: I have no idea what has been going on with me lately with writing, but we’re in a love/hate relationship right now- So, take some Kogayamagoshi headcanons, featuring aroace Tsukishima. Please no hate!! Just trying to have some fun. This is my OTP poly ship, it makes me giddy anytime I think about it, AND THIS SHIP NEEDS MORE LOVE AND CONTENT!!! Please see my Navi for more info♡
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Well, it started with Koganegawa and Tadashi meeting during the practice match between Karasuno and Date Tech (during S4 of anime). Y’know, when Kogane said “Tsukki!!” and Yams got all bent out of shape? Well, Tadashi had a crush on Tsukkishima for the longest time, and when he found out that he had competition when it came to the salty blond’s heart? Kanji unknowingly became more than just rivals on the court. Although, much to their embarrassment, Tadashi found out months later when Kei came out to him as Aroace. Automatically he felt guilty for being a jerk to Kogane, so he asked Tsukki for his number to apologize to him. In true Kanji fashion, he didn’t even realize and explained he lost feelings for the blond and was talking to someone named Goshiki. So, they became friends!! Yamaguchi and Goshiki then met through Kanji, and while things were a bit tense, they soon blossomed into the trio no one knew they needed. ♡
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IN THE BEGINNING OF THEM ALL DATING around the first few weeks, Tsutomu didn’t know that they were dating, just thinking they were all hanging out and stuff. When she found out, she was super embarrassed for not knowing. To make her feel better, Kanji hugged her and refused to let her go, except when Tadashi wanted to give her little kisses.
THEY ALL HEAVILY STAN Lady Gaga and Halestorm. They all flipped out when Halestorm did a cover of Bad Romance
TSUTOMU HAS A HARD TIME expressing her love to her boyfriends, so she shows her love by actions, a.k.a. doing things to make Kanji and Tadashi’s life easier and happier. She does her boyfriend’s chores when their tired so they don’t have to, or make them their favorites drinks after a long day. And to say I love you? Buys them their favorite flowers.
POST-TIMESKIP Yamaguchi always arrives home before their partners, but can always assume Goshiki will be home soon after. So, before he gets home, Tadashi will prepare snacks and drinks for them to share. 50/50 depends if they’ll shower together or Tsu wants their alone time, but regardless it always ends up with them taking about their day, to how they miss their boisterous sunshine boyfriend. They joke about bored they are without him, until Kogane comes home and tackle them with love
WHEN THEY HAVE TIME IN THEIR BUSY SCHEDULES they will go on arcade dates. Tsutomu has a love/hate relationship with those Claw Machine games as they are for “babies” according to them, but he can’t win anything and it infuriates them. Kogane is a whiz at them though, and always tries to win matching prizes for all three of them. He’s skilled at the games where you put the balls in the holes too. Thought, Goshiki is an expert at air hockey, and Yams is a professional when it comes to those coin games or the ones you have to stop at the perfect time.
COFFEE IS A BIG NO-NO for Koganegawa as he get SUPER hyper, but still gets it when them and Tadashi are alone, buttering him up. Goshiki always scolds him for giving them coffee, but Yams just isn’t immune to Kanji’s “puppy-dog eyes” like Tsu is.
CUDDLES ON THEIR HOUSEHOLD consists of Kogane and Tadashi making a “Tsutomu Sandwich”. Different positions are used too, but they use this method when she’s over-working herself. They just drag her to the couch or bed, and once they do, Goshiki knows she’s not leaving anytime soon, and doesn’t even try to fight them anymore.
BEFORE A GAME Yams always gives them foreheads kisses as a “good luck charm” Kanji loves them, and always asks for one, two…seven…more kisses. Tsutomu gets really embarrassed, especially when Tadashi does it around their teammates, so he instinctively moves away a lot. Especially since it’s someone from another school/someone who just got done kissed someone from another team. But Tadashi always acts really sad, which makes the other’s heart wrenching, so she hesitantly gives them a headpat so their love wouldn’t be sad anymore. But it was all an act on Yams part, just to get some type of affection.
A LOT OF THEIR FIRSTS were initiated by Koganegawa as he was just too excited to wait, pumped to share these intimate moments between the two he loves. Although, their first kiss was initiated by Tadashi when they were parting ways after a training camp. He kissed Tsutomu, then Kanji, which lead to her saying “You both get on my nerves…but I love you two.” Which ended them having an extra long group hug.
POST-TIMESKIP Yamaguchi always has sympathy for their two partners after their practices/games. So, he makes sure to give them the full treatment and pamper them, especially if they had a game vs each other. Goshiki gets all embarrassed by it even though they secretly like it and Kogane couldn’t be happier by all the attention.
GOSHIKI IS NOT THE…best at accepting touch. Although, she never did mind Kanji’s arm around her shoulders or her and Tadashi’s pinkies interlocked together. ♡
KOGANE ALWAYS FEELS sooooooo incredibly bad if he accidentally squeezes his partners a little too hard in an embrace as he doesn’t realize his own strength. But no worries, YamaGoshi always makes him feel better in the aftermath <3
THEY ALWAYS HAVE LOTS of movie marathons with tons of different picks. Sci-fi, romance, and surprisingly horror movies. The horror ones are picked actually from Koganegawa as they love when their partners cling onto him during the extra scary parts.
BOTH GOSHIKI AND YAMAGUCHI get really jealous when they see people flirt with Kogane…and the poor baby is so oblivious to flirting he just thinks they were being friendly. They never blame Kanji, so they always send the person flirting with their man death glares.
POST-TIMESKIP When Tsutomu and Kanji have a game against each other, Tadashi is always decked out in both teams merch. Usually Kanji’s spare jersey and hats and pins from Tsutomu. Sure, they get weird looks, but he’s a fan of both of them—their number one fan to be exact. Both of them can’t help but blush when they see Yams in the stands, cheering his heart out for both of them ♡
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©k_kae- 2023 — all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, or repost my works and claim them as yours. But reblogs, likes, and comments are alway welcomed. Thank you, stay positive シ
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delphi-shield · 10 months
push and pull // leon s. kennedy & jill valentine
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Leon x Reader x Jill Smut wc: 2,860 mdni - 18+ read on ao3
the plumber at my house reading this over my shoulder: 😲 this has been in my drafts for like two months, i finally ripped the bandaid off and touched it up. i cant believe people want the jill/leon ship name to be jilleon when 'breakfast sandwich' is right there. ohh nooo i had to cut the scene where they high-five after you cum...... guess i'll have to write more jill and leon......what a tragedy.....
summary: Jill said she'd be home two hours ago. She's stood you up for dinner again. You're so upset, Leon's got to fuck you about it to make you feel better.
content: fem!reader, all porn no plot, piv (reader receiving), some praise from leon & some degradation from jill, spit, crying, hair-pulling, masturbation, blowjob, dom!jill, use of strap-on, established poly relationship, sorry yeah there's more religious imagery, stealing the jill & leon dynamic from this post, fucking your relationship problems away does not work and you should not attempt. very loosely proofread.
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Jill's late.
She promised. You cooked, you cleaned, and she promised she would be here. Bought a special candle and everything, three wick, fresh linen scent. Not your kind of thing, but you know she likes those clean, bright smells.
The first half hour, you’d clung to the idea that her physical therapy appointment was just running late. Forty-five minutes in, three unanswered texts, your hope diminishes. An hour, and Leon’s helping you put the food up and clean the dishes.
Leon’s not exactly happy with Jill. This isn’t the first time she’s done this to you. He hates to see you pout. Even more than that, he hates to see the way you’re trying not to cry in front of him. He does everything he can think of to make you feel better. Watch one of your godawful shows with you, play with your hair for you, give you a nice bath if you wanted - none of his offers made much of a difference. He knows better than to take it personally. He’s not Jill. He can’t fix what she broke.
He can fuck you about it, though. That always seems to take your mind off things, at least for a little while. 
He let you use him however you like, dealer’s choice. You wanted him in the dining room chair, wanted to ride him slow, grind down on that fat cock till you unwound and your pretty tears weren’t because your girlfriend stood you up, and that’s what you’d get. Not his first choice, but he’s not the one who looks so pretty with those big, wet eyes.
The only downside is that you can't hear Jill's key turning in the door when Leon's got his cock stuffed so deep in your pussy you can feel him in your ribs, when you’re too busy rocking yourself to a gradual, slow-built end. You'd missed your ringtone too - and Leon's for that matter. You weren't intentionally being petty, but intentions never did soothe Jill's moods.
"Nice," she drawls, dropping her bag with a thud. "Real nice."
Your head falls back just enough to get a look at her, pouting in the doorway. Maybe it's supposed to be intimidating. Really, she just looks like a dejected cat, all puffed up for attention. The hand splayed on Leon’s chest flops back uselessly, reaching for her.
“Jill -”
Leon’s hips jut up, reminding you he's here, reminding you who's inside you. Whatever you were going to say melts away into a whine so pathetic even you want to roll your eyes.
"Got started without you," Leon says, callous on your behalf. His hand cups the back of your neck, pulling you back to him. It doesn’t take much prompting for you to curl back into his chest, walls fluttering around his cock, gripping him like your life depends on it. "Saved you some dinner. It’s in the fridge."
How can he be so casual? Feels like you’ve got lava running through your blood. His hands settle on your hips again, push-pulling you back and forth to get you to grind again. You oblige, faster than before, mouthing open kisses against his neck. They ought to canonize him for his patience, crown him Patron Saint of Not Plowing You Into The Carpet.
Jill doesn't say a word. She marches off to the bedroom, leaving her boots behind as she goes. Her cardigan gets flung over the couch - poor thing. It didn't do anything wrong.
She’ll come out when she’s ready, you tell yourself. Ignoring the ingrained need to manage Jill’s emotions for her is hard, but not quite as hard as Leon’s dick. Makes it a little easier to forget. You press your moans into Leon’s skin, let him have them for safekeeping.
Her footsteps pound back into the room. You don't know what she's done that's so funny, but Leon shakes with a laugh. You move to look, and his palm pressing against your cheek stops you. Something clatters onto the dining room table, a heavy thunk and buckles. He presses a light kiss to the crown of your head, strokes your hair.
"Go ahead and finish up, baby. Doin' so good. All yours."
It's all the permission you really need. It doesn’t take long - you’re good for him, after all. So good, you don't even need his help. You just need him to hold you up when that slow heat finally expands, spreads like fire through your limbs and leaves you making a mess of his lap, baptizing his cock with your release and moaning hymns for him.
You slump against him, eyes heavy and limbs loose. Your head nestles against his chest, his heart hammering like crazy. Poor guy. So patient. So sweet. You want to offer to take care of that for him - he's still inside you, sitting so still and so good, the stretch all you need. It feels like a bomb went off in your skull, though, scattered all your thoughts around the apartment. You need a moment before you can be considerate, before you can formulate any kind of offer. You reach up, pat his cheek gently to tell him how good he made you feel, lazily kiss at the hollow of his throat.
Jill's got plenty of words, though. She's not the one who just fell apart.
"You so needy you can't wait forty-five minutes?"
"Closer to an hour," Leon counters, and for the first time you hear the strain in his voice. "More like two, actually."
Jill’s irritation boils over. "Shut up. Why don't you go jerk off in the corner?"
After all, he's supposed to be on her side. He's the one who knows what this life is like, the one who knows what their work entails and the stress of it all.
He's also the one who texts when he's running late. He's the one still on active deployment, the one who hadn't been dodging home like the plague. He got over himself a year ago, figured ways to deal with his emotions that didn’t include running as fast as he could, drinking until they drowned, or working himself to the bone.
Jill’s still working on that part. Again - saint-like patience.
“Maybe I will,” he says, casual as he can. He jostles you in his arms. He’d say it’s to keep you awake, but it’s mostly to keep his dick hard. You pulse around him, groan into his t-shirt and drool a little dark patch onto his shirt.
You’re all soft and pliable when her hands slide up your sides, fingers curling in the spaces between your ribs. You lean back to her, longing for the softness of her tits under your head, and you glide back through the air unsupported, like you’ve faded through the ghost of her. Your head lolls back, pretty, pathetic pout on your swollen lips.
“Gonna be good?” She asks, staring down her nose at you, eyes half lidded. You nod your head. Her eyes narrow. “Words.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Shifting you off of Leon's lap is a group effort, one that Leon doesn't particularly care to be too enthusiastic about. His poor dick is lonely, and fucking his fist is a poor substitute for the sticky warmth of your cunt. Jill cradles you in here arms - the first hint of tenderness you've had from her all night - and settles you on the floor in front of the couch. She kicks your legs into position, sways back to appraise your form, and gives you a long-suffering sigh that's a far cry from approval.
"Whatever," she mutters under her breath. "It'll do. Don't move."
She shuffles off to the side. You hear the rustle of fabric. You turn your head to look, and -
"I said don't fuckin' move."
Your head snaps to the front again, hands fisted against the tops of your thighs. No arguing with that tone. Your back is ramrod straight. There's movement to your right, and Leon finally comes into view, settling against the far side of the couch. He's at least kind enough to give you a show, stroking his cock for you in long, slow strokes, massaging his palm over that shiny red tip and sliding his own fluid down to squeeze at the base. Makes your mouth water just looking at him.
Not that you have to wait long for a treat. Jill finishes her prep work, drags herself back over to the couch and drops down in front of you, strap-on making you go crosseyed.
“Go on,” she sighs, waving her hand lazily. Like she’s doing you a favor.
And she is. It’s a privilege to suck her strap.
You rock onto your knees and take too much of her at once, gag yourself right off the bat in your eagerness. They both groan, Jill in exasperation, Leon because holy fuck, if he hears you make that noise again he's going to blow his load immediately. His hand shucks his t-shirt up. He's not trying to stain this shirt with cum. Not his cum, anyway.
"Your mouth is so perfect for this," Jill says, leaning forward and fisting a hand in your hair, "and you're still so bad at it. Do I have to show you how to do everything?"
You nod uselessly, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Jill rolls her eyes, smothers the hint of a smile that threatens to twist her lips up. She guides your head back to the head of her silicone cock and sets an easy pace for you. Lets you take it nice and slow, get accustomed to the weight of her cock on your tongue as if you haven't done this a hundred times - as if she knows you went too hard right off the bat just to get her to guide you like this.
"There you go," she drones, the praise feeling like anything but. You bob your head freely, her hand in your hair just a suggestion now. "Finally figured it out. Not as dumb you look."
You push further, tucking your thumb tight in your fist and gagging only a little when the head of her cock prods at the back of your throat. Leon's hips buck into his fist, quick and rhythmless, swearing under his breath. His leg kicks out, nudges Jill's calf and you swear she's going to snap at him.
Your eyes cut from Jill to Leon, a tear rolling down your cheek, and that’s the final push that has him cumming all over his stomach, head tipped back into the arm of the couch, pretty moans so loud, so perfect that it makes you feel your heartbeat in your pussy.
You don’t have time to savor the way that he looks, paint him in your mind and hang it up on the walls around your skull like a pin-up. Jill lifts you off her cock, stuffing her hands under your armpits like you’re a stray kitten. You would be, for her, if she asked. Let her slip a pretty collar around your neck, hope you’re lucky enough that it’s got a bell.
She doesn’t wait for Leon to recover, just manhandles the pair of you so your back is pressed to his chest, his cum smearing against your skin. Leon’s got that loose limbed laziness that comes with a release that built-up.
“Hold her,” Jill growls. “Stop fucking around.”
Leon's hands curled around the back of your thighs, spreading you wide for Jill. A warm chuckle rumbles through his chest and pours into you. His head ducks down, mouth by your ear.
“She's mad ‘cause I had you first.”
You turn your head, stifle your giggles in his shoulder. The silicone head of Jill's cock slides through your sopping folds, nudging at your clit. Her hips rock agonizingly slow. It’s tough to tell whether she’s teasing you or herself at this point, but your sensitive body twitches and jerks with every pass of her spit-slick cock.
“Gonna make a mess?” Her hand grips your jaw tight, pulling your face from Leon's shoulder. It’s less a question and more a demand. You nod as best you can in her grip, remember too late to try and bumble out words. She taps your cheek twice, hard enough to sting, hard enough to make those pretty eyes water again.
Jill doesn’t wait for you to say it. She enters you in a quick, jerky thrust, no hint of warning, your breath stuttering and back tensing. She rabbits her dick into you, your moans falling as staccato as her pace. Her head bows to spit a fat glob of spit onto your clit. Her fingers rub you frantically, a pace so at odds with the slow push and grind of her hips that it makes you burn. You try to squirm back, the way your blood starts to singe a little too quick for your liking, but there's nowhere to go when you're pressed so tight against Leon's broad chest.
His hand slithers up and over the point of your hip, pressing down firmly just below your navel. Betrayal. You thought he was on your side. Your whining sharpens into a moan that has to have rattled the windows. Jill huffs a laugh, low and cruel. She pulls back just far enough to leave you wanting - and when you claw at her shoulders to drag her back home she's already moving, hard and slow, the light dancing in front of your eyes, her hips driving the breath out of your lungs, your chest caving in. It feels like you've imploded, blood on fire, singeing your bones and leaving the ash to remember it by.
She’s not done. You promised her a mess. Your voice is splintered, her hips still driving into you. You don’t feel yourself gushing around her until it’s already happening. You sniffle, your moans choppy and your tears falling quick, humiliation warming the embers in your stomach. Her pace slows and finally stills, finally lets you find yourself in the pile of ashes.
"Already?" Jill mocks, hands rubbing your quivering thighs soft and sweet despite the way she sneers.
You want to scoff, but you haven’t got the breath. Already, she says, like she hadn’t just ripped that orgasm out of you fast enough that you’ve got cartoon tweety-birds spinning around your head.
“My turn,” Leon pipes up.
“Fuck off. You’re not even hard. I'm just getting started.”
“Shoulda thought about that before you made her cum.”
God, they’re like lions fighting over a piece of meat. You push yourself up on shaky arms, give Jill your best gazelle-trying-not-to-get-eaten pout.
“M’tired,” you slur, your brains thoroughly fucked out. You form a T with your hands, calling for a time-out. “Need a break.”
Jill looks like she wants to bite anyway. But you were good, used your good girl hand signal and everything. She sighs, her shoulders slumping, and loosens the straps around her hips.
“C’mere, pumpkin.” Leon gathers you into his arms easily. “Gonna get you all cleaned up. Tuck your ass in.”
You ache when he moves you, in places you weren’t quite sure could ache. It’ll be worse later. Always is. They always have to fuck you at some weird angle. Can’t ever let your muscles get used to it, like you’re some kind of glorified exercise equipment. At least they wipe you down after they use you. Very polite of them.
Leon hands you your water bottle and settles in behind you, slotting up against your back. He’s got the both of you cleaned off even though he seems just as tired as you, bless him. Say a prayer to the patron saint of the bedroom.
Jill found dinner, apparently. You hear the microwave beeping distantly and share an amused look with Leon. Sure enough, she’s got a bowl of food in her hand when she settles at the end of the bed, legs crossed.
The silence lays somewhere in-between battlefields, landmines hidden all around your bedroom. Everything you want to ask is too loaded, too heavy. You’re not even sure you have the energy to stay up for a serious conversation, much less an argument. Jill looks so soft right now, the bags under her eyes seeming lighter in the warm lamplight of your bedroom. You don’t want to see her eyes sharpen. You don’t want to hear her teeth click together when she bites back her words. You search for some other topic, something that will make the tension evident in her shoulders melt away.
"We should do one of those clone-a-willy kits," you murmur, eyes shut, head tipped into the pillow. You open your eyes just enough to gauge her reaction. Warmth blooms in your chest when you see her eyes crinkle and her smile lines deepen.
"Why?" Jill laughs.
"You don't wanna fuck me with Leon’s dick?"
It’s the first time you’ve heard Jill laugh like that in a while. Pride spreads in your tired little grin. Leon's cock gives a tired twitch against your thigh. He groans, pressing his forehead to your shoulder blade.
“You two are gonna fuckin’ kill me.”
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wwhatev3r · 2 years
hiii it's the chaotic lieb and guarnere anon again 😅 yeah a poly ship, if that's okay :) sorry for not explaining it very well in the original!
Poly Relationship with Joe Liebgott & Bill Guarnere | Headcanons
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Notes: This took me a little so I’m so sorry! Idk if you are a vee or a triangle type of relationship, but i'm going to give my best in making a good balance.
I'm not even religious but the moment I saw your request I started praying for you. 
Lieb and Bill together?? Jeez, good luck. 
I’m obviously kidding, they are very loving but we all know their personalities strike a little bit.
Bill and Lieb get jealous pretty easily
If one of them sees you kissing the other they sprint to go kiss you too. 
They kiss you like you're made of glass, is the cutest thing.
At start certainly they would see it as a competition. 
Who can love you the most? 
If one gives you flowers, the other gives you chocolate. 
It's these little things that actually bring them more together, because the thing that mainly makes them get along is you. 
I mean the three of you are in that relationship because you care for each other and love each other and that's what it matters. 
Is actually a really good lesson for both of them because it gives them the opportunity to try and learn new things. 
Lieb wants to stay home to read his comics with you while Bill wants to go outside and go to a pub.... well, you have to make a decision. 
Or better, they need to make a decision. 
In the end they tend to do something that you three like.
Your relationship will require way more communication, which is a little complicated for these two. 
When there’s a fight Bill tends to get a little impulsive (not in a physical way), and Lieb gets passive aggressive. 
So, you have to create some type of couple session to make them spea, to be more honest and you have to tell them what you need. 
In public Bill holds one of  your hands and Joe the other. 
When you three cuddle is like a sandwich, and you're right in the middle. 
Bill puts his arm around you while you rest your head on Joe's chest. 
Bill gives you that most free and adventurous side of the relationship while Joe is more the family oriented side. 
Bill wants to experience life and Joe wants to settle down and build a family.
If you make a good balance I think you could have the best relationship in the world.
Imagine moving together with them like Joe suggested but close to a more open city where you three can do crazy stuff together. 
Intimacy (Warning: Soft Nsfw) 
In bed they are very gentle with you. 
After they get used to the sharing thing, they work pretty well as a team, let me tell ya. 
But like, if you want it rough you sure will have it. This is Joe Liebgott and Bill Guarnere for fuck sake. 
They still make sure that you're feeling comfortable and you will not leave the bed (or whatever place, they are down for anything) unsatisfied. 
Also, there's a lot of dirty talk and praise.
In terms of aftercare you have the whole package. Bill brings you water and something to eat while Joe cleans you up.
Usually you fall asleep all snuggled but by the middle of the night Bill is on the edge of the bed snoring and Joe probably stole your blanket.
BUT they love you so, so, so much that in the morning they make a race to the kitchen to see which one makes you the best breakfast. 
I hope you like it. It was my first time writing something like this and I just loved it.
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binniesthighs · 4 years
telepatía | reader x binsung
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a/n: hi cuties! hope ya’ll are are staying seggsy and cozy! ;) this piece is 100% self indulgent (hehe) as well as my first time writing a poly r/ship! since i’m new at it, any and all feedback is super super appreciated!! <3 
telepatía | changbin x reader x jisung 
~aka, my love note to binsung~ 
Pairing: self insert, seo changbin x female reader x han jisung 
Genre: fluff n’ smut 
Tags: poly relationship, long distance r/ship au, established r/ship au, inspired by a song au, comfort fic, lil bit emotional but that’s bc they are in looove, idiots in love, softdom!binnie, hardswitch!reader, softsub!jisung, mentions of food, explicit language, masturbation (f), dirrrrty talking, hehe soft love makin’, lowkey size and corruption kink, unprotected sex, oral (m&f), face sitting, penetration (piv and anal), double penetration (f), nipple play (m&f), fingering (f), squirting, marking, multiple orgasms, creampie, ahhh soft n’ intimate body touching, cockwarming, shower aftercare, i am so sorry i got sooooo carried away teehee 
Word count: 7.9k 
Recommended listening: telepatía by kali uchis 
Two months. Two months that had felt like eternity. 
Your pen tapped at the table to your desk as you watched the minutes pass by. To your right, your desk calendar with your little countdown smiled at you with the little doodles had drawn along with the stickers that you had decorated there. 
Five more days! 
The golden hour of the day passed by outside your window upon the city that you had been calling home for the past two months. It was gorgeous. Unreal even. Studying abroad had been harder than you had expected--although it was often exciting at other times too. There was not a day that passed when you had regretting doing it, but there were other days when you had wished you could just transport yourself right back home; even if it meant it would be for only a couple hours of so. 
During nights like these, your cramped little studio felt even more empty than usual. The colors of gold and pink would smear in the skyline along with pale pink clouds that looked softer and lusher than anything else in the world. In the springtime, the budding and green trees lined the outside of the apartment complex and birds twittering past would flutter their wings outside of your window cracked open slightly. As the days went by, the air warmed and became more humid, and smelled of luxurious primrose and hyacinths. 
Your room was dimly lit by your desk lamp, and you hadn’t bothered to turn on any other light. Pages wrinkled, and your sense of loneliness came creeping in like the cold winter that the new season had now just chased away. You didn’t want the feeling to linger, but you couldn’t help but let it. 
The sheets of your bed were cozy, much like the rest of the way that you had decorated your studio. The cream colored covers felt like silk on your legs, but where nothing compared to the touch that you craved. 
Your phone clicked on with it’s blue-white light, showing your screensaver: a beautiful sunset image of that last walk that you had taken of the two of them before you had left. 
If it were possible, you imagined that missing one person was enough to shatter a heart, but two people? 
You hugged your phone to your chest, feigning some semblance of a hug to the two of them. Your nose sniffled as it grew more stuffed, and you let your suppressed sobs fill up the space of the room. 
You were convinced that you must've been the the luckiest or the unluckiest person in the whole world: two loves of your life, two people to share it all with had been like a dream come true. It was finally something that felt like it made sense. But, to be so closely tied to two people, meant that being away from them hurt two times as much. 
You imagined them with you in your room: they loved to sandwich you in the middle of them. This was their favorite place to have you. Nothing had been warmer and safer than that. Arms and legs would be all tied together in a way that made little sense, and both of their quiet breathing would tickle at the skin of the back of your neck and your forehead. If there was anything that you had guessed you missed most, it would be falling asleep with them. “I love you’s” would be whispered, and all space between you dissapear once the down comforter would be pulled to your noses. 
No matter how hard you pretended that they were there, it was never the same. 
[it takes three to make a thing go right] binnie, sungie, me 
binnie: have you had dinner yet? please don’t forget! 
jisung: [see image] this is what we’re having for breakfast! we wish you were here with us! 
With shaking fingers you opened the picture to view Jisung’s attempts at cooking. He had been getting into it these days. You had almost wished sometimes that you had been there to try whatever he had concocted--even if it didn’t taste the best. Today it looked like he had tried to make fluffy pancakes with strawberries and cream...but they didn’t end up as fluffy as they should’ve been. Changbin was in the background of the picture making a couple finger hearts. Undoubtedly Jisung had asked him to do it for the picture: Changbin was more of the no-nonsense and stoic type with somewhat of a goofy edge. You and Jisung always knew how to make him melt. “You two are my weaknesses you know?” 
sungie: don’t stay up too late either! finish strong before you come back, okay? 
binnie: we really can’t wait to see you, five days can’t come soon enough. 
You sniffled, sitting up. Had they been there then, they wouldn’t have liked to see you cry. Although your heart stung with a sharp pain seeing them so happy together, you brought yourself back together. You knew exactly how it would’ve been: Jisung would dry your tears gently, then cuddle right up under your arm to nuzzle into your shoulder. Behind the both of you, Changbin would spread his arms wide so both of you could be wrapped up in him. 
me: i really miss you both. i miss you so, so much. i can’t wait to see you on Friday. don’t have too much fun without me until then :) 
binnie: you kidding? we’re miserable without you!! i think that we’re both going crazy. 
sungie: he’s right!! it feels so weird, it always has been these past months. 
we’re not complete without you, y/n. we miss you too sooooo much. 
and you know that bin gets crabby sometimes. when it’s just me around... 
bin: hey! the hell you mean crabby?! i’m a frickin angel!!! 
The way that you could read each of their messages in their voices brought you comfort, and you giggled a little reading the words. 
sungie: relax! i’m just trying to make her laugh. did i succeed?
me: you did sungie. :) 
bin: you forget that i’m sitting right next to you sung, you’re playing a risky game. 
sungie: ooooh he talks such big talk, are you seeing this y/n? do you see what i mean? plz come back and save me!!! 
bin: HEY 
me: binnnnn go easy on sungie. 
bin: i do!!! 
i only go rough when he asks me too ;) 
sungie: w o w 
While it did make you laugh, it still hurt a little thinking about how even with you missing, their lives still went on, they ate meals together, went to concerts, movies, out to eat, and, at the end of the day, they still had eachother to cuddle up with to sleep. It hurt even more thinking about how they still had eachother to satisfy other comforts. Of course, you were still involved over the phone and video calls too, but with thousands of miles of distance, your hands alone could never feel as mind-blowing as theirs. 
binnie: there will be plenty of that when you get back too y/n ;) sung has maybe had it too easy. 
me: hmm too easy? 
Jisung send a series of emoji stickers that all conveyed about the same message: oh my god i’m in trouble. 
binnie: anyway, jokes aside, we are really looking forward to friday. sungie and i have been talking about it and we think we just want to spend the night in if that’s okay with you? you’ll be tired too. 
As always, your boyfriends were the most considerate people in likely the whole world. You didn’t really want to be anywhere else, but just with the two of them; as close as you possibly could be. 
me: that sounds perfect. <3 
sungie: get some rest tonight!! in the morning get yourself something nice for breakfast, i can send you some money hehe 
binnie: boyfriend of the year award over here ! ! 
sungie: hey, we’re both boyfriend of the year! duh, she loves us the same??? 
me: that’s very true. 
binnie: pffff
sungie: don’t make me tackle you seo changbin, i am sitting right next to you
binnie: is that a promise? 
me: boys, boys stop fighting, you’re both boyfriend of the year. 
binnie: see? y/n, we’re a mess without you. 
sungie: changbin, you’re my boyfriend of the year too. does that make you feel better? 
binnie: maybe. 
sungie: we’re keeping y/n from getting dinner. we should shut up now. 
we love and miss you a lot a lot. take care until friday! we’re almost there!!!! 
sungie: bin, i love you, but please, shut up. 
binnie: i’m joking!! sungie i’m joking. this is an equal relationship obviously. 
By now, their usual antics had left your tearstained face dry, and the corners of your mouth sore from how hard you had smiled. 
binnie: see you soon! goodnight y/n! 
sungie: night y/n <3 
You clicked your phone closed, then let your weight drop down to your pillow that held the smell of the evening air. 
“It’ll be sooner than you think.” You sighed. 
It was much too nice of a night to be doing homework, so you decided to push it off for just a couple more hours, flicking on your dinky TV set to a local station where they spoke in the language that you had been teaching to yourself for the past couple months. Here and there you could recognize a few words, but you mostly liked it for the noise. 
You pulled your thin sheet over your bare legs, merely enjoying the simplicity of the feeling over your whole body. 
there will be plenty of that when you get back home too. 
we love and miss you a lot a lot. 
Two months for imagining...and you had learned to hone your skill especially, even if it didn’t feel the same. Even though missing them hurt, you could still feel the love from them from thousands of miles away. They had said themselves that they didn’t feel complete without you. 
The silky feeling sheets tickled at the hairs on your arms as your hand teased down your stomach, then toyed with the elastic of your panties under cotton shorts. You blamed it on the night being especially pleasant, or maybe it was just what you and needed at that moment. 
You wondered how much they had missed you, if they thought of you when their hands would run over each other, or perhaps even if they would imagine that you were there with them when they hold each other close, tiny gaps and moans stick on their lips while they would pleasure each other too. You in fact had thought of them: Jisung’s pretty moans and the way that Changbin liked to suck little bites into his neck. 
That spring air hushed into your window with the softness of a song, and curious fingers dipped into your folds and twitching bud which was wet to the touch. Your body jolted at the feeling of your fingers on your suddenly needy clit. Your mind ran wild thinking of the way that both of them had looked beside you, one of their hands dipping under the fabric of your panties and the other lightly twisting at your nipples too. Absentmindedly, your own hand reached to mimic the action on your breast while you remembered. Careful kisses would be pressed into your cheek and neck while they whispered adoring little praises in your ears. 
“You’re so beautiful baby, like nothing else.” 
“We love you so much. My princess, such a good girl for me, hm? You like how our hands look on you?” 
Your body shivered at the memory, and you rubbed circles into your clit, gathering your own sticky slick to rub over the sensitive bud. 
“Yes,” You whispered to the empty room. 
The golden setting sun reflected fractals of tiny rainbows into your room--just as your prism had done hanging in the window back at home. It would reflect on the stucco walls, and the colors would streak on the ceiling. You would catch sight of them laying tangled up in scattered sheets with both of their bodies prowling over you in bare skin. You could trace the curves of their shoulder blades like the edge of perfectly crested waves. A faraway warmth swelled over your body, and you rubbed harshly at your bud craving more and and more. Your legs squirmed under the sheets: much like they would when they would bow their heads to tease at your clit with interweaving tongues, sandwiched between your thighs which they would pull back with starving fingertips. You could almost hear it: the way that your slick would drip over your pussy, and how they would taste it too on each others lips in between. 
Your back arched recalling their praise. They would pull you between them once again, and fill your mouth with adoring kisses covered with multitudes of their love. Jisung would mewl little whines into your mouth, shaking from your hand wrapped around his cock, and Changbin kissed you like you were his reason for breathing: slow, languid, purposeful. He’d sigh out watching the way that you marked up Jisung’s body while pumping himself all the while. 
“Binnie. Sungie.” Their names became your anchor while your rubbed wider, then slower, then faster. Your soaked fingers plunged into your pussy while your head danced with the memories of them filling you up, rolling their hips in as deeply as thye could, kissing into your chest or the crook of your neck. You curved your fingers to tease at your g-spot, but your clit was even more impatient. 
“Do you want to cum for us princess?” 
“I’ll cum for you...” Your breath hitched in that room all by yourself. 
Your fingers wiggled back up to your clit, now hypersensitive from its lack of attention. Instantly, your orgasm built violently behind the twitching bud, and you threw your free arm back to grip into your pillow to steady yourself. Sweat had gathered on the underside of your thighs and on your back: it was a feeling so dirty that it only made your head feel lighter. It was as if they were in the room with you and you could see them clearly: enamored eyes dipped in lust that ate up your form until there was nothing left. 
“C-close.” You shuddered, now with pruned fingers encircling until you drew yourself right to the brink.
You came with a forceful heat that swept over your whole body and sent your hips jerking up into the air and toes digging into the bed. Your incisors bit harshly at your lip, and you stifled your unsteady and high pitched moans the best you possibly could. In your apartment complex, the walls were thin enough for there to be little left to the imagination. 
Your chest shook as you came down and you teased your bud, edging on overstimulation for as long as you could take it. Jisung had liked the way that you would convulse like this and Changbin would relentlessly give little slaps to your aching bud. Once you could take no more, you drew your hand back from the elastic, then you let the euphoria sweep over your body for a few moments of silence and tranquility. 
Yes, you had done it to yourself, but without their help, there was no way that you could’ve shown your body the same kind of fervent love. 
It was as if they could make love to you telepathically, even on this night when the sun was setting, and your bed was empty. 
You hadn’t expected yourself to feel nervous meeting them at the airport. Still, your heart pounded in your chest with a ridiculous rhythm. It wasn’t like you had a completely different face or had changed anything about yourself remotely  that would’ve shocked them. Still, a sense of anxiety swelled in you that was unexpected and unwarranted. Perhaps it was because it was so surreal. 
There was something odd about the airport, it was likely how industrial it all felt with chairs that were lined with thin upholstery and carpets that held all kinds of mysterious stains. But, while it was a bit of a undesirable area, it was teeming with excitement. There were patrons at the magazine stands busying themselves flipping through books and laughing at the outrageous titles, people sitting joyously at the little restaurants and several hyper children tugging the hands of exasperated parents with neck pillows clinging to their strained necks. Further down the way, there was the sign illuminated pointing to the pick up area past baggage claim. 
The air smelled overly filtered, but it was still as exhilarating. You took two escalators down and one moving walkway, then the light of the outdoors flooded the area with conveyor belts and the screens above them. 
“Y/n? Y/n!!!!” Jisung’s voice called over the busy sounds of baggage claim filled to the brim with his excitement. 
Before you got a chance to figure out where his voice had come from, your adorable boyfriend came charging at you with arms outstretched and an inhumanly large smile on his face. He scooped you up holding you so tightly that you had to teeter on your tip toes. While Jisung had a bit of a tiny frame, you never would’ve guessed from the scale of his hugs. 
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” He giggled out the words with a sense of disbelief, and he swung your body back and forth. “Oh my god I missed you sososo much.” 
Another set of arms peacefully wrapped around you and Jisung and squeezed you in even tighter. In one of his hands, the cellophane from a bouquet of pink roses crinkled. “It’s so nice to have you back.” Changbin cooed, then reached to pat your head with his free hand. 
 You blinked back your happy tears the best that you could. The three of you broke, and you looked at both of your boyfriends right in front of you for the first time in what felt like forever. Changbin squeezed Jisung’s shoulder while the boy wiped a couple tears for the corner of his eyes. 
You were biased, but they really were the most beautiful people in the world. 
“I-I missed you both too, more than you can imagine.” 
The two boys beamed, then presented you with your flowers. 
“‘Hope you like pink ‘cause that’s the last color that they had left.” Changbin chuckled, and you nodded profusely. 
“They’re gorgeous.” 
You decided, after two months of not seeing the damn loves of your life, you deserved to kiss them--fuck the glares that you would get.
First you grabbed Changbin by the cheeks to press a smiling kiss right into his surprised mouth, and kiss him like you were a high schooler starved for attention that was forbidden to them. Still, your boyfriend grabbed your face back, rubbing tenderly into your own cheeks. 
You winked to an equally shocked Jisung, “You next.” 
You kissed the stutters away on his lips, and then ran giddy lips over his which cracked with a smile so wide it made it a little hard to kiss him. He wrapped both of his arms around you to pull you in close and you ruffled up his caramel blond hair the best you possibly could. Beside you, Changbin chuckled out proudly. 
You had closed your eyes to kiss both of your boyfriends like they deserved. If someone had stared, well...you didn’t see it. 
Jisung was out of breath after your parted, then pushed up his glasses in his surprise. 
“That was....” 
“--Lets get home!!” You shined with a smile, then took off in front of them. “Are you coming or not??” 
Jisung decided not to subject you to his home cooking, regardless of the fact that you had said that you wanted to try it. You had ordered take-out, and ate it picnic style on the floor to your living room in front of the TV playing a movie that none of you payed attention to. Regardless of the fact that your jet lag had hit you like a truck, your pure adrenaline upon seeing them kept your eyes from becoming weary. 
The normal questions had been asked: how are you classes, how is the food there, what are the people like, what is your apartment like, have you made friends etc. You asked Changbin about how his classes were going, and how Jisung’s part-time job at the café was and about the silly little things that you used to do as three, but they now had to as two. The consensus was that doing anything as two was strange and even a little awkward at times because they had gotten so used to having you around. 
Changbin cleared the dishes, making space for you to make up your little pillow fort that you would do at times. “It felt like there was a piece missing from us. It was...really hard sometimes too.” 
“It was for me too. Out there all alone...I had never realized that a bed meant for one person would be like, the saddest thing that there is on this earth.” 
“Small bed no more!” Jisung piped, then proceeded to wrap both his arms and legs around you the best he could. “Also small shower no more.” He nuzzled into your chest. 
One of the selling points of the apartment that you shared was actually the comically large shower that it came with. During the first few weeks after you had moved in, it was as if the three of you were physically incapable of taking a shower without the others being there. Changbin joked that it was as if they had made it just for the three of you in some kind of destined way. 
“Hmmm well, I think that we should make use of that as soon as possible.” 
Jisung let out a happy little hum in agreement then angled himself up to plant a couple quick kisses on your mouth and nose. Changbin threw down your array of pillows and other blankets, draping them over chairs to make a little tent like the three of you were toddlers hidden away in your secret place. 
“Sungie sandwich!!!” Jisung suddenly gasped out, “Binnie come on!!” 
Changbin scoffed, “I guess it has been a while...can’t say no to that.” 
Jisung squealed and the two of you made space for your boyfriend to come slide himself on the other side and make a proper “Sungie sandwich.” He kissed careful lips into the crook of Jisung’s neck which made the other boy giggle out in a tizzy: not only was he sensitive there, but it would tickle him too. You reached your arms over to tangle your fingers up in Changbin’s dark locks which were just as soft as you remembered. 
“This feels so amazing.” You sighed into Jisung who had crept his hands up your shirt. 
“It does.” Changbin agreed. “We’re complete again.” 
Small bed no more was right. 
Jisung patted the middle spot, wearing only a white tee and his boxers. 
“Your spot awaits you princess.” 
“Don’t mind if I do!” 
Changbin sauntered over while he brushed his teeth, abandoning the idea of a shirt all together. 
Your eyes widened, “...Bin--” 
“--What?” He smugly smirked. “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before?” 
Your other boyfriend scoffed, “He certainly knows that he’s hot, doesn’t he?” 
“He sure does.” Changbin dished out a prideful wink. 
With sarcasm laced in your voice, you turned to Jisung to say, “I’m so sorry you had to deal with that while I was gone.” 
Changbin’s voice echoed from the bathroom “HE LIKED IT!” 
Jisung waved him off, settling to beckon you under the thick and cozy comforter that you had daydreamed of more than once. 
“Are you comfy?” He hushed. 
“Mmhm! Comfiest I’ve been in months.” 
Just as he always would, Jisung would wrap you up so tight that it might’ve been a little suffocating--but it wasn’t like you minded in the slightest. The top of his poofy hair smelled like grapefruits somehow, and you hadn’t realized how much you had missed it. The feeling of your bare legs intertwined, and there was nothing that came close to such a perfect feeling. 
Your other boyfriend clicked off the light, then engulfed the both of you with his rather strong and intimidating arms. You knew for a fact that they were nothing but cuddly and harmless. Being like this with them was what you had missed most, and it was finally yours for the taking. 
“Are you guys asleep yet?” Jisung whispered after approximately five minutes of silence. 
“No,” Changbin murmured. “What is it?” 
“I-I dunno, I can’t fall asleep, I just keep thinking...” 
You flopped over to face him, “What is it Sungie? Everything okay?” 
Your adorable boyfriend stammered, then shied under the comforter in the dark of the room. “I-I don’t know if now is the right time, but...” It was noticeable how his tone had changed; you and Changbin knew it well. Jisung’s pitch would raise and his voice would crack when he wanted something. 
Changbin leaned over to click the light back on. “Sung, you don’t have to be so coy about it. I think that Y/n and I know you better than you know yourself.” 
Jisung’s eyes widened in his embarrassment, “You what??” 
Your headstrong boyfriend sighed, “Use your words Sungie.” 
His cheeks turned rosy, then he peeped, “It’s just that it’s been a really long time and I can’t stop thinking about it, and...Bin and I didn’t really do anything for like a week cause--” 
Your head whipped in Changbin’s direction, “What?” 
Changbin nodded solemnly saying, “Let him finish.” 
“--C-cause I wanted us to wait for when you came back so it could be like, extra special? Or...something like that.” He threw the blanket over his head. “It sounds so dumb when I say it out loud.” 
You really didn’t deserve someone like Jisung. Not in this lifetime or the next. You felt your limbs practically turn to jelly to hug your shy boyfriend. 
“It’s not dumb!! Not at all!! I think that it’s so sweet! You wanted to wait for me? Oh, baby...” 
With the blanket pulled back, you held his glistening eyes with yours. He really was irresistible when he would get like this. 
“I’m assuming that you wanna stop waiting, hm?” 
Changbin joined you in leaning over the shiest of you three, then shrugged down the cotton of your loose t-shirt to paint kisses into your shoulder. In the chill of the room, the warmth contrasted beautifully. 
“Yes or no Sungie? Because I defin--” 
“--Yes! Uh--I mean, yes, but--only if you aren’t too tired or if you want to.” 
“Sungie, how can I say no to you?” You bowed your neck to press loving little kisses into his lips which still tasted faintly of mint. He immediately give into you, grabbing out to hold your neck firmly as you did so. His hips squirmed slightly, as did his legs--he always was such an impatient baby. 
Changbin scooched in closer to caress down your back as you filled your boyfriend with every single kiss that you had been waiting months to give him. 
His voice was as soft as velvet, and full of his immense love for the two of you. Seeing both of you like this made him swell with such as sense of admiration, it was as if it was a high for him. “We’ll take care of you Sungie, we’d love to.” 
Even from Changbin’s praises, Jisung’s whole body would shiver, and you could feel it on your tongue too when you had politely asked for him to allow you entrance. 
Jisung set to work pulling your shirt up over your arms once you turned to Changbin to kiss over him roughly. He had liked it more that way: a collision of lips and teeth grazing over the softer parts of your mouth, gasps getting caught in between and the heat of tongues twisting as if you were as sweet as honey. As soon as you were rid of your shirt two sets of hands greedily crept up your body to twist and pull at your nipples which had hardened in seconds. Your head fell to Changbin’s shoulder while they teased and flicked at your sensitive buds until they hurt. 
“She’s so pretty, isn’t she?” Changbin growled, then cradled your head to lay you down. 
“The prettiest.” Jisung agreed, then hooked his fingers under the lacy part of your underwear that you might’ve worn with the purpose of them not staying on you for long. In return, you tugged at both of their waistbands for them to do the same. Cloth hit the bedside floor, and all that was left was Jisung’s shirt which you pulled off yourself. You only had a couple moments to look in the dim lighting of the room, but both of them had already dripped lightly with pearly drips of pre-cum and their hardening dicks throbbed against the mattress. Not only was it a heavenly sight to behold, but you knew that both of them were entirely for you. 
Changbin leaned down to flick his tongue around your hardened bud, then used his hand to kneed at your other breast with his powerful grasp. Jisung pulled your face towards him with hungry little whimpers that tickled your bottom lip, so you returned the favor by pulling his with your teeth. He recoiled beautifully from the feeling, and you saw your prefect window to slither down his body and wrap your hand around his pink cock. At first, you grazed your thumb over his slit roughly. 
“Did you miss my hand on your cock Sungie? Look at you...so hard for me, so worked up...do you want it that bad, baby?” 
“Y-yes, p-please...” 
Changbin kissed his way up your neck from your breasts sparkling from his saliva, then sucked love bites onto your collarbones and the soft parts of your neck. “Angel, I want to see you with Sungie’s dick in your mouth, can you do that?” 
You nodded, reveling in Changbin’s instructions. There was something about being told exactly what to do that made you feel so pliable. Changbin knew it well. You then worked kisses down your boyfriend’s body, pausing for a moment to flick your tongue over his nipples in the way that made his whole chest flush with pink. He laughed out in his pleasure with an airy breath too. You kissed gently at first, teasing your lips over, then sucking harshly with a trailing of teeth. His back arched, and he let out a delightful “ah-fuck!” 
You finished by peppering other little marks on his chest which faded from pink to violet in a matter of seconds. 
“Babyboy, you wanna taste my cock too?” Changbin greedily rose to kneel, then pumped his fist with tiny trailing breaths. 
Jisung’s eyes turned into full moons at the sight, then nodded excitedly while angling himself correctly. You and your boyfriend exchanged prideful little glances over the other’s eagerness. The pads of your fingers traced down Jisung’s thin frame, ghosting over his flaring abs and drawing little scribbles into his ribs. Your perfect position was set between this quivering thighs which welcomed you easily, and you took his deliciously pink cock in your hand to tease at him with thick stripes. You gathered saliva on your tongue so he could feel it, then used another hand to pump at him too. 
Jisung flattened out his tongue to swirl it around his boyfriends angrily red tip and maintained eye contact as Changbin preferred. As the smallest boy dipped his head in closer, Changbin entangled his fingers with those gorgeous caramel trellises. He sighed out at the feeling of his cock hitting the back of Jisung’s throat, and groaned out lowly once he heard the other choke on it lightly. 
“Fuck baby. Just like that..” 
You then took in Jisung’s length as deeply as you could: and it was no easy feat. Where Changbin dominated in girth, Jisung made up for in length. The action sent Jisung whining helplessly on Changbin’s dick, which only drove the other boy further into his passion. 
“You take me so well Sungie.” He cooed, and pulled out for Jisung to catch a few desperate gasps. 
Your saliva gathered in the corner of your mouth, and you licked it up and down the sides of Jisung’s cock-- but only for a few moments. You swallowed him down, pushing down the back of your throat just as you had long learned how to do. Merely feeling the weight of him in your mouth sent your pussy throbbing and your legs twisting for some kind of sensation. Of course, Changbin had noticed. 
“Open your legs sweetheart.” 
You did as you were told, and his thick fingers came journeying through your soaked folds, and he toyed with your clit and slicked his fingers with your arousal. His index and middle finger circled around you: it was a sensation that you had dreamed of endlessly. 
“Mm, Bin...” You moaned onto Jisung’s cock. 
“Pretty pussy of yours must’ve missed this, hm? My fingers fucking your wet little cunt? I missed it too...” 
You tried your best to maintain your strength once you had returned to sucking off Jisung’s dick, but you only seemed to unravel further. He rutted his hips into your mouth needily--an action which teased at your gag reflex, but you were stronger than that. 
Jisung’s own slobber fell down the side of his neck which Changbin held, just so he could feel the way that he filled up his boyfriends throat. With his other hand, he dipped it further inside your pussy, fucking you slowly at first. You knew that he loved the way that your slick sounded on his fingers. In response, your helpless moans vibrated on your boyfriend’s dick. 
“Y/n, I want your mouth too.” Changbin asked gravely with hooded and darkened eyes. You knew what you had to do next. His fingers slipped out from you, and you loathed feeling so empty, but you weren’t one to disobey him either. 
Changbin made space for you to lay on your stomach next to Jisung and then tapped his wetted dick on your lips as well, leaving Jisung gasping next to you. 
“Fucking show me how much you missed me.” 
You took him in, and you had nearly forgotten how sizeable he really was. It was startling, and as soon as you took in his full length, you had to fight back tears over how thick he really was. Regardless, the way that he could stretch you out like this was purely addictive. 
“Oh...fuck--baby...” Your boyfriends voice dropped several decibels. “My babies suck my dick s-so good don’t they?” 
Jisung nodded in his wonder at you, and Changbin dipped his thumb into his mouth afterword. Jisung always did love the taste. 
Changbin caressed your full cheek, “Don’t forget to share.” 
You took a deep breath, then let Jisung take his turn again. As he did so, you resumed your work at jerking off his dripping tip, and he reached to slide between your folds with long fingers. 
With both of your adoring glances, you and Jisung kissed and lapped up the sides of your boyfriend’s dick and his eyes rolled back at the ethereal sight. 
“H-holy sh-shit--” 
Your hips buckled once Jisung let his fingers plunge inside of you and high pitched mewls sent you clawing at Changbin’s hips for balance. 
“W-wait...” Changbin pulled himself away, and you knew that he must’ve been practicing the best restraint he could. “Sungie, you wanna taste her pussy too? Taste how sweet she is?” 
Jisung smiled widely, despite being a bit of slobbery and tear-stained himself. 
“I’ve been waiting for months to!” 
You looked to Changbin for approval. 
“Sit on his face then sweetheart? Wouldn’t you like to ride his face for me?” 
You nodded in your thrill, and the bedsheets crinkled under the sound of the three of you shifting your bodies back into the proper position. 
As it often would, the windows to your room fogged with steam--even though it was a beautiful spring evening. Pillows were strewn everywhere, and some of them nearly fell off the bed. Nevertheless, you had never been cozier wrapped in the clean threads and with your sweating skin pressed against heated bodies.
Jisung firstly kissed at your wet lips, teasing and humming happily into them. He grabbed onto both of your thighs to open you further then pulled your folds apart to kiss directly on your bud--an action which sent you nearly screaming over how intense it all felt. 
“You can be loud for us baby. There’s nothing to be scared of here.” 
It was as if a switch had flipped within you, and each and every lap of Jisung’s tongue felt like the most euphoric sensation you had ever experienced. He looked utterly adorable under you with his pink and juicy tongue running stripes over your clit. Merely watching him like this was enough to bring you to your first orgasm. 
“D-don’t stop S-sung...” You rolled your hips over his lips. 
Changbin had snaked himself farther down Jisung’s body which glistened with a thin layer of sweat. He clicked the bottle of lube, then smoothed it over his length, finally aligning it over the smaller boy. Your hands grabbed out for something to hold onto: one of them within Jisung’s hair, and the other squeezing painfully into the headboard. 
“Rough or slow Sungie?” Changbin laughed out wickedly. 
“R-rough...” Jisung moaned onto your pussy, “H-hard...” 
Changbin entered your boyfriend carefully, and both of them shuddered at the feeling. The room was full of all of your eroticism, and Jisung groaned out loudly at the connection. From the sounds your orgasm drew itself out too, and it was heightened even more when Jisung moved to pump his fingers deeply into you as well. He curved his fingertips in the way that grazed your cervix, and then sent you quivering pathetically over his face. Lower, Changbin dug his fingers into his boyfriends hips slamming into him without pause, and panting haphazardly. 
“C-can yo-you cum for me??” Jisung whimpered in a way that was much too cute for his own good. 
“Yes.” You answered, then fucked your hips over his plush lips and you clenched your teeth hard against your lip “Mm-fingers, Sung--please...” 
Jisung did as he was told, and maintained his pace stimulating your g-spot then, and begging an orgasm out of your body. He himself whimpered like a puppy while he was fucked out. Had you not been focusing on your orgasm, you wished you could see it all happen. 
“Ji--fuck--” Your hips violently shook, and you came with a searing heat that locked your walls tight around his fingers and dripped even further down your shaking thighs and splattered into his delicate features. It didn’t startle him at all, but he merely licked his lips free of your slick. 
“B-Bin--” He gasped out, then you fell down in your aftershocks to watch the way that Changbin spread out your gorgeous boyfriend with sweat dripping down his chest and from his brow. 
“Ride him, baby.” Changbin immediately ordered. “I want you to cum all over his dick, got it?” 
With grabby hands, Jisung pulled you right into his chest once you had straddled him. He played with your nipples for a few fleeting moments as you got situated pushing his cock into your pussy still trembling from your last orgasm. 
It was beautiful how he could fill you up like this. It was intimacy incomparable a closeness that only you had shared with him. In fact, he had actually been somewhat of a virgin when the three of you had met, and both you and Changbin were his first time. Knowing that he had only shared this part of himself with you and your boyfriend felt intoxicating in a way. 
You flicked your hips over his length, and focused your strength on fucking him slowly compared to how relentless Changbin kept his pace at. 
“I love you baby. Jisung, I love you so much.” You held his gaze. 
Two tears fell from his cheeks--not out of sadness, but of his pure love for you. 
He begged with a quivering lip, “Please kiss me.” 
And you did. You kissed Jisung like he was as fragile as flower petals that could break with the smallest tear. You kissed his lips as sweet as candy and you kissed the last bits of your arousal away on the corners of his mouth. 
Still, “Harder...” He begged, and your hips dipped lower and quicker over him. 
“Want me to fuck you harder babyboy?” 
Changbin threw his hands on your shoulders, then ran them down your spine to feel the way that you moved over Jisung’s dick. 
“Want us to fuck you until you can’t say any more?” You tutted. 
“Fuck, Sung, you feel so--” 
“G-gonna make me cum-ngh!” 
Changbin angled the boys hip up a bit further, and the sound of skin on skin filled the room. 
You sang out the phrase, “~I didn’t hear you say it Sungie~” 
Jisung’s face screwed up, and he gasped out loud enough for the neighbors to likely hear, but that didn’t matter in the slightest. 
“Fuck me please.” 
The thickness of the air in the bedroom clouded, and you fucked your beautiful boyfriend with your tightening walls as hard and as fast as you could, right until you brought yourself to the brink of another trembling orgasm, right over his dick. Changbin gifted a stinging slap to your ass then bit kisses into your shoulder right as you came undone for the second time, and Jisung’s eyes rolled to the back of his head once he came inside you at the very same moment. Your velvet walls tightened around his ribbons of cum inside and you collapsed against his gasping chest to warm him after his release. 
Changbin set himself loose, groaning out loudly as he came too, and shook with delighted laughter that was mixed up in his happy little “oh’s.” and the hitch of his breath. His restless hands caressed every inch of your body that he could as he brought himself down, finally bowing down to kiss right into your shoulder blades and back. Jisung called out his boyfriend’s name too while he shook around him. 
You coaxed yourself free of Jisung’s dick and Changbin wondered in the way that Jisung and made a creamy mess of your pussy. He then did the same watching how his seed spilled out of Jisung as well. 
The three of your sweating bodies clambered flat onto the mattress and the room fell quiet, leaving space for your breaths and the way that the spring evening sounded outside of your window: distant car horns, the hush of the breeze, the ebb and flow of the early arrival of cicadas. 
“Are you okay?” Changbin asked the both of you with worried hands running over both of your sweating forms. 
“Y-yeah. I am.” You smiled. 
Jisung shied his flushed face with one of the bedsheets. “Me too.” 
“I think...if you’d like, maybe the three of us could kind of, sorta, I dunno, stay connected for a little bit?” Changbin smoothed down the little hairs on your arm with the gentlest touch. 
“If Y/n wants to?” 
You exhaled peacefully into both of your boyfriends arms, and gave them a little hum to say yes. Changbin carefully wetted his dick with your slick, then guided himself into you pussy with his half hard dick, and it felt like a dream. Jisung too took a bit of lube in his hand as well, then pumped his dick with a shiver to then slide himself into your ass. The two of them swept over your body with light and fleeting kisses to your neck, shoulders, cheeks, nose and lips. You stayed the same: wonderfully full, and so close to them that it must’ve been unreal. While it hurt a little how they had stretched you out, you wiggled your hips still to feel even more of it. Your boyfriends sighed out at the feeling. 
“Sweetheart, you do that any more and you’re gonna make us want to fuck you again.” Changbin scoffed. 
“What if I want you to?” You traced the way that his deep brown hair curved over his ear. “What if I want you to fuck me like this...close...slowly...?” 
“If she wants to, I want to as well.” 
Changbin held your hips firmly under the blanket, then started his slow thrusts into you with his dick that indulgently grew hard once more. 
He whispered the promise over your lips, “We can do that for you baby.” 
You don’t know how long the three of you had remained as such. Time became nothing of your concern as the night slipped on and both of them took every ounce of their time with you, slowly fucking up into your pussy and ass, the sounds of your slick renewed filled up the room. They brought out a couple more shaking orgasms from your core, each of them followed by careful kisses to soothe your shaking body. 
“Such a good girl for us.” Jisung nibbled into your ear. His hand got tangled with the sheets too where he reached around to twist your nipples between his fingers. 
“How do you want it baby? Do you want it inside?” 
Changbin’s skin filled up your palm, then you slung a leg over his hip so he could hit your g-spot perfectly. 
“Of course. Sung?” 
“--Mm-m’ close too.” 
A few more moments of your symphonic moans, and you unfolded between them: one last orgasm that was so encompassing that you had slipped right into a space so safe, that you felt as if nothing in the world could touch you. Changbin finished off with unexpectedly adorable sounding grunt, and he throbbed within you to the tune of Jisung doing the same. 
“Shit.” Jisung giggled, then nuzzled his head right into the nape of your neck. 
“How was that angel?” 
“Do you even need to ask?” 
The three of you found solace in the skin on skin of it all: three people, three bodies that could be closer than two bodies ever could.  
“Ready to clean off in our big-ass shower?” Jisung wiggled you in his giant hug. 
“Small shower no more.” 
“The problem is, who’s gonna get up first to get the water running?” 
Condensation dripped down the windows, and the curtains blew softly with the spring air invading the room and carrying the smell of flowers and the mist  lingering in grass. 
Water dripped like rain over the pink of muscles and intermingled with the iridescent drops of soap bubbles which held little rainbows in and of themselves. Hair slicked to the sides of faces, and transparent streams coursed down the simple breaths on rising chests. Steam filled up your lungs, a reminder that it was all real. 
You were here with them. It wasn’t some kind of dream that you had painted while in that room alone with yourself and the buzzing of a TV speaking in tongues that you didn’t know. 
Even though they said nothing, but rather touched your body down, you could hear their thoughts like a melody. 
They loved every bit of you, and it was written on their faces times two. 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @eunaeiekim @julesinthesoop
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shotorozu · 4 years
how it would be like to be in a poly! relationship with ✨ todomomo ✨
characters : todoroki shouto & yaoyorozu momo
legend : [Y/N = your name] i tried to make this gender neutral,,
fic type : headcanons + drabble [fluffy, just.. fluffy]
notes : i love todomomo, doesn’t matter if you see them as friends, or lovers— i love their duo. they’re my two favorite characters, (and i kin them both, and eri.. im fine.) to make it practical, i’ll just say you have a lava type of quirk. also— i do NOT want to hear any hate about this ship, nope.
there was one mention of anxiety attacks, but don’t worry. it’s not severe, or heavily described.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
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how it came to be
considering how you have a lava quirk
i feel like you hung out with todoroki first
since the both of you have some sort of hot related quirk
your control of your lava was great, and because shouto struggled with controlling his fire since he neglected it
he came to you for advice.
your advice was really effective, and because of this— he found himself hanging out with you more
i also feel like you were the only other person he would let loose around, pre-sports festival that is
and the finals exam came around, and because he was partnered up with yaoyorozu
he also became close with her
which you didn’t mind (after all, you were close with her too)
yaoyorozu would sort out to you, asking certain questions
and you’d come to her if you didn’t understand anything
(you’d also protect her from mineta)
and then suddenly, you found yourself in situations with mostly todoroki and yaoyorozu
and y’all would talk often before class
a silent competition spurred between them, on who can make your eyes sparkle the most
and it didn’t take long for them to confess to you both
both of them agreeing to not lose to each other— but if you wished for a polyamory
they wouldn’t mind
and thats how you winded up with two partners!
in yaoyorozu’s bed, you’d be sandwiched in the middle
it really does depend— if you’re cold (which was rare since.. lava quirk), yaoyorozu would fix up an extra blanket
but she’d go to the store and buy something equivalent, for the economy!
meanwhile, todoroki would be placed to your right, so his left side would be snuggling against you
and if you’re extra hot, momo would get up to make a cold drink if you wanted one
and todoroki would cool you down with his right side.
also, whenever yaoyorozu would be in the middle, you and todoroki would appreciate how supple her skin would be
and if todoroki was in the middle, you and yaoyorozu would appreciate everything
you’d take turns to who’d be sandwiched in the middle, however— you find yourself in the middle a lot
you’d find each other in that classical kiss, where two people kiss your cheek at the same time
momo’s lips are soft asf
and todoroki’s lips are either warm, or cool (depending on your taste.)
you’d feel light headed afterwards (in a good way, don’t worry)
you and todoroki usually pepper kisses down her body, whenever she felt insecure
and you and yaoyorozu would take turns kissing his scar
it’s a soft moment
though, it is a competition to see who can get kisses first
how you guys spend time
skincare/self care nights with meaningful conversations.
they’re a staple of your relationship
momo takes care of her skin a lot, since she’s rich
and that would probably pass down to momo making you and shouto do skin care with her
all of you do hair masks alot (i mean, why do you think shouto’s hair is so soft?)
and during these nights, you guys indulge in deep conversations
if it would be momo rambling about chemical makeup, or if it was shouto talking shit about his dad
then it’s basically a good conversation lol
all of you are drinking tea during all of this, courtesy of momo
if you were injured after training, then momo and shouto would basically go wild
momo would be running back and forth to be getting medical supplies
and shouto is holding you close to him, massaging any sore muscles
if you were to get any anxiety attacks (if any) then momo and shouto would work together to calm down
shouto making you breathe slowly with him, while momo fixed up tea or anything else you needed
if momo was feeling anxious, then you’d distract her from her feelings— while shouto ran his hand up and down her back
if shouto was feeling down, then the both of you would lay him down— and whisper the nicest things in his ear, allowing him to let it go if he needed it
also, at some point— if you get periods, you synced up with momo at some point
and it caused you both to have terrible cramps at the same time
shouto would make you both get comfortable, while he laid his left hand on your stomachs— switching back and forth occasionally
also, if you ever break a bone— you’re in for a treat
overall (and additional things)
10/10, would recommend
your relationship with them is basically a powerhouse relationship
i mean,, you have a lava quirk, and you snagged both TODOROKI and YAOYOROZU? lucky
the best boyfriend and girlfriend you’ll ever have
and you are both treasures in their lives
and it’s a pretty good relationship
also, none of you guys fight a lot
but when you guys do— it’s settled pretty quickly.
please treat them well :)
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
likes and reblogs are appreciate, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing.
do not copy my work :)
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
Hiii!!! I love all of your work sm, I was wondering if you would write more o’Darwin??? What about in the future of them finally getting to live together, no pressure at all though :)))
So, one of my big O'Darwin's HC'S is that it's not necessarily their goal to live together. I feel it's important to depict poly relationships in all their form including those that follow less traditional 'rules'. If you've read some of my other O'Darwin stuff, you might remember I've written Alex with other long-term relationships down in Florida aswell as short-term and hookups. Now, of course there is absolutely no problem if you want to HC them as living happily ever after in their nice little house together, it's just not something I imagine. This was my attempt at writing something that hopefully meets your happy O'Darwin desires. It ended up kind of emosh!
Rating: T
CW: mentions of career ending injury, food, small sexual joke,
Credit for these characters and the sweater weather universe goes to @lumosinlove
"And," Alex drew the word out as he placed the last of his roll necks into the closet. "Done."
"Finally. It only took 3 days." Kasey huffed from where he lay on the chaise-lounge, watching Alex unpack the last of the boxes he'd had shipped from Florida. "Did you and Finn take the whole of fifth avenue when you left the state?"
"I need options, and I don't see you complaining when I'm wearing the clothes."
Natalie scoffed, leaning against the door of the closet. "O'Hara, please. You'd look good dressed in a bin bag and you know it. Come on, I made breakfast."
"She ordered breakfast," Kasey laughed, hauling himself upright.
Parts of Alex had been accumulating in the apartment for years: the toothbrush in the bathroom; the drawer of clothing that held the things he didn't want to keep bringing back and forth, his mug in the kitchen, to name a few. Now though, it felt more permanent, more deliberate. A whole closet. The online shopping list updated to include his personal favourites, rather than just grabbing them on the way from the airport. Finding mail for him in between Kasey and Natalie's letters this morning.
"9 months! I can't believe we get you for 9 months," Natalie grinned, bending to squeeze Alex's cheeks and pressing her lips to his forehead before folding her legs beneath her onto one of the large cushions opposite, Kasey between them.
"You'll be sick of me in a week." Alex chuckled reaching across the low table to grab one of the acai bowls.
"If you keep leaving your dirty underwear on the bathroom floor then we will," Kasey hummed, sipping at his mug of dark coffee. If the steam rising from it was any indication then it was still incredibly hot, but Kasey didn't flinch. He cocked his head, inspecting Alex's face. "Seriously, how are you feeling about it?"
Alex shrugged. "I'm still working through it with Jacob, but mostly I'm focusing on the positives. I get to be here with you two and Finn whilst I finish recovering and I begin coaching at the college almost as soon as I'm back in Florida so there won't really be anytime to wallow in the misery."
"Are you miserable?" Natalie frowned.
"I think the not knowing was the worst part," Alex smiled softly. "Now that I know that I can't play anymore, it feels easier somehow. I always knew there was a possibility of something like this happening. All it takes is one bad hit, an injury that just won't heal -" Kasey rubbed his thigh and Alex reached for his hand reassuringly. "But the thought that maybe, just maybe, if I did everything right, then I could get back on the ice was driving me crazy. I could make a plan once it was final, y'know? I have a plan."
"Do you miss Florida?"
Alex paused, halfway through digging out the passionfruit from its skin. He glanced at Natalie, the tight lines around her eyes revealing the nervousness she rarely showed. "If you're asking whether I miss Kiran, then yes. I miss her. Just like I miss you when I'm there. There's no better. Just different."
"Fuck, I know, sorry," Natalie said, letting out a long breath. "I don't know what came over me."
"Oh no," Alex deadpanned. "She's having emotions. Someone call the press, Natalie Darcy might actually be human."
"Shut up, I hate you," Natalie scoffed, flicking a grain of puffed rice across the table at Alex.
"She loves me, doesn't she?" Alex whispered in Kasey's direction. "I bet she tells you all the time.
"You're both a pain in my ass."
"You wish," Natalie laughed.
"Maybe later," Alex chimed.
Kasey rolled his eyes, taking another bite of his egg sandwich without comment. Alex gave a contented sight. Tomorrow, Kasey would go to practice, Natalie would go to the studio and Alex would have to find some way to entertain himself that wouldn't leave him bored and depressed, but for today he just wanted to enjoy being with the people he loved.
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KiriDeku Relationship HC’s
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Pairing: Midoriya x reader x Kirishima
Warnings: Jus some poly fluff for you here
Author’s Note:
I keep telling myself that I’m going to take a break and go on hiatus, but then I proceed to just keep writing like I’m running out of time.
Anyway, shoutout to @in-this-house-we-stan-izuku​​ for shipping me with these boys earlier! They really are my favorites :) And thanks to anon Neo for sending me this request! Again, it’s taking me an atrociously long time to get through them, but I hope that will change these next few months. I’m really going to work at getting them done and clearing my inbox, I can’t stand leaving my requests closed for so long :(
Enjoy this rarepair! I love the concept so much and I’d like to write a full fic or drabble sometime in the future ♡ ♡ ♡
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● I'd say that y'all were a throuple pretty quick
● Izuku definitely had a crush on the both of you
● Kirishima was so cool to him, and he loved your personality just as much
● And it's likely you had a crush on both of them as well
● Maybe you and Midoriya ended up dating first, but felt like something might have been missing
● You realized that you'd both taken interest in a certain redhead, and it wasn't long until you invited him into the relationship
● And bam;
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● I think of Kiri as being the slightly more dominant one
● He's a little more openly protective of the two of you
● He's definitely the most open about your relationship, and he always wants each of you on one of his arms when you're out and about
● Eijirou and Izuku have a lot of mutual respect for one another
● They both admire the other's manliness and strong wills, and they're pretty good at working and training together
● They like training together, and if you're a hero, they'll train with you too
● Now, of course in the relationship, they treat you like the freaking royal you are 👑
● Respectful kings, we stan
● They're both great listeners and generally give pretty great advice if you need it
● Kirishima likes to tell you how manly you are and Midoriya is literally the sweetest most precious being
● They like pampering and spending time with you
● Eijirou always goes out of his way to shower you with his affection and love. Making you and Izuku smile or laugh is literally his new favorite thing
● He's a pretty big flirt when he wants to be and making the two of you flustered is now a primary goal in his life
● If you're also a flirt, you best believe you and Kiri are going to gang up on Midoriya to see who can get him to blush the most. All in good fun, of course
● Neither of them is the jealous type, so everything's pretty chill
● You're just always there for each other, no matter what
● When it comes to dates, these boys will go all-out in their own way
● Big on picnic dates in the park, or just hanging out at the beach for hours together
● They really like being out and spending time with you
● Y'all have banger movie nights at Midoriya's apartment
● His mom is literally the best and loves both you and Kiri to pieces
● Cooks for the three of you spontaneously, and basically takes you in as her own children
● All of you have fanboy/girl/person tendencies, which lead to long discussions and ramblings about both yours and their current obsessions
● DORKS, the three of you, istg
● You could stay up for hours just chatting, and it doesn't even matter what topics you pick, it's just fun
And now it's time for Sugar to lose her mind over physical affection
● Ok literally snkdnfkabnckjdbs this is super obvious by this point if you've been paying attention, but you've got literally one of the softest, sweetest, fluffiest relationships you could ask for here hajsbbaslksdnfh
● Think about it: Sunshine boi + sunshine boi + you
● Yasss
● I'd say that most of the time, during cuddle sessions, you're going to end up sandwiched between the two boys, in their arms
● They both just want to hold you so freaking much, and who are you to deny them?
● I headcanon that Kirishima is literally one of the warmest people ever (aside from like, Todoroki's left side or somth pfft) and he and Midoriya combined give the best hugs2
● Top tier, can't stress this enough
● Y’all love getting wrapped up in a huge blanket and just having some quality snuggles for an hour or two 👌
● Great time for deep convos
● Or even just taking a quick nap! Lord knows the three of you need it
● Midoriya's not big on PDA, but Kirishima's fine with it
● He will full on give you a good smooch in public if you already said you were okay with that
● And even if you're not, he'll respect that and wait until he can get you and Izuku in private
● Both of them like hand-holding though, no matter where
● Two hands? Two partners? Oh, it's all coming together
● If you try to get out of participating in hand-holding, they'll pout and give you puppy dog eyes
● Cold is the heart of whoever can say no to even one of their faces, let alone if both of them are doing it to you at once
● But don't forget that they'll never force you to do something you really don't want to
● Everyone has their insecurities, but it's hard to get too down on yourself with these two lovely boyfriends at your side!
● They always seem to know what to say, and they're never any less supportive of you
● And you've got their backs just as much. If someone has an icky day, the other two are there with blankets and snacks and kisses for the rest of the evening
● Midoriya tends to be more of a receiver than a giver when it comes to kisses since he tends to get flustered. But even so, his kisses are so soft and sweet
● Loves having his cheeks kissed. Kiss his freckles, play with his hair—do that and he'll love you forever (not like he already doesn't)
● You can fight me when I say that Kirishima loves being super romantic
● Gives some of the best kisses out there
● He's always so passionate and every time he kisses you, it's like he can't stop smiling
● He can't get enough when it comes to make-out sessions
● All in all, I think we need to see more of this
● They just love and cherish you so much and you're the best thing that ever happened to them >:(
● Overall 11/10 relationship, can and will daydream about constantly
Taglist: @basicaegyo​ @fourteenow @iiminibattlehero​ @katsugay​ @nabo39​ @pyrofanatic​​ @sendhelpimstupid​ @xoxopam4​
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shera-dnd · 3 years
It’s here! The ultimate crossover poly ship we’ve all been waiting for!
But wait, there is more! This is a buy one get two deal, so there is a bonus crossover poly ship added there for free!
Also if you’d like your fic ideas to be written by me or just want to help me keep the lights on, consider donating to my ko-fi (rules over here)
alright with that out of the way. It’s time to enjoy some gay shit
“Sato, tell me again why we’re doing this,” Catra asked with a loud groan, shielding her face as best as she could.
It was a beautiful and sunny summer day at the park, and that meant Catra and Asami were suffering like the sad goths they were as they were dragged along by the ever cheerful Korra and Adora.
“Because we love them dearly,” Asami huffed, exhausted from the heat, “and we can’t just keep them inside all summer.”
“Ugh, are we going on a picnic with our girlfriends here, or walking our dogs?” Catra complained.
As if on cue Adora and Korra turned to look at them, energetically waving at them as they finally found a nice place to set up. Their smiles were so bright that Catra was happy she had put on sunscreen earlier.
“Both,” Asami said, adjusting her sunglasses.
Slowly they walked up to the over excited duo. Thankfully the two of them managed to find a nice patch of shade they could set up under, and not have to melt under the sun like a couple of angsty popsicles.
“Blanket?” Adora asked, promptly taking the leading and organizing position she was born for.
“Check!” Catra replied, getting a cheap picnic blanket from her bag.
“Check,” Korra answered, taking several bottles of water from her backpack.
“Check,” Asami said, before adding, “I made them.”
“And sodas?”
Korra shoved her arm back into her backpack and began yanking all the soda cans out with far too much enthusiasm. The three of them stopped and glared, getting her to stop before she could slam the cans down...again. As hilarious as it would have been to watch Korra accidentally spray herself again, they actually wanted to drink their sodas this time.
Adora gave them all a satisfied nod, before proudly declaring, “and with that, our picnic date is ready to start!”
“Wow, so romantic, Adora,” Catra rolled her eyes, “nothing makes a girl feel more special than a bunch of checklists.”
“Well I appreciate it when a girl comes prepared,” Asami countered, giving Adora a kiss on the cheek for support.
“Of course you do, Sato,” Catra shook her head and rolled her eyes.
The two of them stuck their tongues at each other for a bit, in what their girlfriends could only assume was their more...unique approach to flirting.
Deciding now was a good time to change the topic away from those two dorks, Korra approached the trio with her arms behind her back.
“Hey, Adora,” she called, earning a glare from Catra, who had nearly patented that line, “you sure we aren’t missing something?”
Adora checked her list a second time, even rereading the things she brought there herself, “I don’t think so?”
Korra smiled as she brought her hands forward, revealing the football she had been hiding behind her. Adora’s hands flew to her mouth to contain a gasp, and looked up at Korra as if she had just whipped out a wedding ring. Catra and Asami were extremely unimpressed.
They barely got to finish setting up before those two darted off to go run around and throw that ball like the pair of adorable goofballs they were.
“Looks like it’s just the two of us again, Applesauce,” Asami commented, sitting comfortably in the shade.
“Yup,” Catra nodded, sitting next to her. She allowed a long pause to pass by before adding, “wanna makeout?”
“Thought you’d never ask,” Asami replied, scooting closer and hooking her arms around Catra’s neck.
Catra leaned in, lips slightly parting as they came closer to Asami’s… before being so rudely interrupted by Korra clearing her throat. The two edgy idiots looked up at her, seeing her and Adora standing over them with crossed arms.
“Don’t we do this every day at school?” Korra asked, brow raised in annoyance.
“Yeah,” Catra replied, refusing to move away from Asami, “your point?”
“This is a date,” Adora added, hitting them with her most powerful puppy dog eyes, “can’t you guys please play with us for a bit?”
Both of them groaned and looked at each other. Asami looked ready to give in at the slightest hint of that adorable face, but Catra had years of experience with saying no to it.
“Yeah, I’m not doing that,” Catra answered.
“Oh well,” Adora sighed, “you asked for it.”
They were barely given a moment to process what that meant, before Korra and Adora hoisted them up, and tossed them over their shoulders like sacks of potatoes. Asami yelped loudly, but accepted her fate. Catra, on the other hand, kicked and screamed the entire way, nearly punching Adora in the face more than once.
“I’ll fucking kill you!” She shouted, “put me down, or I fucking swear!”
Adora simply laughed as she carried her girlfriend along to the nice open space where they were playing just a moment ago.
“Only if you promise to play with us,” she replied.
“Fine!” Catra yelled, “just put me down!”
Adora gently put her down and shot her a beaming smile. Oh she was lucky she was so cute, or Catra would have kicked her ass right now. Instead she just adjusted her clothes, fixed her hair so it would be the correct kind of messy, and huffed.
“So what exactly are you making us play?”
“We don’t need to play an actual game,” Korra answered, “we just wanted to have fun with you guys.”
Catra seemed unconvinced. They should have known she wouldn’t participate if she couldn’t make a competition out of it.
“Okay, how about this,” Adora offered, “we split into teams of two, and we try to just toss the ball between team members without letting the other two catch it. Whoever keeps the ball with their team the longest wins. Sounds fun for you?”
Catra pondered for a moment, seeming satisfied with these terms of engagement she declared, “I’m on team Korra!”
“What!?” Adora exclaimed, her expression one of utter and absolute betrayal, “why?”
“She’s the tallest one here,” Catra explained, casually, “it’s an obvious tactical advantage.”
“By an inch!” Adora countered, still stunned that Catra would ever abandon her like this...again.
“Don’t worry, Adora,” Asami said, putting a hand on her shoulder for reassurance, “we’ll make sure she regrets that”.
Oh no. Korra and Adora looked at each other as they both realized that they may have made a terrible mistake.
What followed was easily the most intense game of keepaway any of them had ever played. Though intensity was just about the only thing Catra and Asami were providing for this match up. Not that the other two minded much - they were genuinely just happy to play with their girlfriends for once - but they were starting to worry one of them was gonna end up doing something stupid.
It wasn’t long until they were proven right. Catra caught a ball meant for Adora and instead of throwing it to Korra, she decided the best strategy was to just run for it. The three of them watched stunned as she bolted off into the park like she was being chased by the hounds of hell. Asami gave chase soon after, so the assumption wasn’t all wrong.
Korra and Adora just stood there, watching as their girlfriends ran after each other, shouting insults at one another.
“We should have known that was gonna happen,” Adora commented with a defeated sigh.
“Well, at least we got them to exercise for once,” Korra offered.
“Yeah,” she nodded, watching those two for just a bit longer before adding, “wanna make out?”
“Sure,” Korra shrugged, “not like they’re gonna be back any time soon.”
Korra leaned back and closed her eyes, allowing herself to enjoy the cool breeze that blew past their little spot. She took a nice, long sip of her soda and let out a satisfied sigh. Yeah, this picnic was just what she needed.
“Water,” groaned the mostly dead girl to her side.
Catra laid there, sprawled face down on the picnic blanket, barely able to do anything but groan, and complain after completely draining herself like that. She couldn’t help but laugh a little, playing with her girlfriend’s hair before handing her the much needed cold water.
The poor girl groaned something sounding almost similar to a thank you, before chugging the whole bottle down in record time and then flopping back to her sprawled position.
“So what did we learn?” Adora asked, with that particular tone she had at times that made Korra wonder if she ever considered becoming a teacher one day.
“Never to exercise again,” Catra answered.
“No,” she corrected, “don’t over exert yourself
“Also don’t wear all black to a picnic,” Korra added, “I’m surprised you two didn’t cook alive.”
“We did,” Asami replied.
“And that’s why we brought all this water,” Adora said proudly as she handed Asami her own water bottle.
“What would we do without you?” Asami praised.
“We wouldn’t have gone out in this fucking heat that’s for sure,” Catra complained.
“Can you do something other than complain?” Asami asked.
“No,” she replied without a second of hesitation, “also scoot over, you’re hogging all the shade.”
“Sorry, Applesauce, but I won. I hold all the shade privileges now,” she proudly declared, earning a weak little kick from a completely burned out Catra.
“Don’t be like that,” Adora sighed and crawled closer to her girlfriend. She ran her fingers through Catra’s hair, scratching her in this very particular way that only Adora knew how to do, and soon it was like angry asshole Catra had never been there, now replaced with just soft asshole Catra.
“Asami is right,” Catra said, sounding so content with everything, “what would we do without you?”
“Oh, are we showing her some love now?” Korra asked, scooting closer and hugging Adora from behind, “mind if I join in? ‘Cause I got plenty.”
Following her example the other two joined in the PDA, Asami leaning against her shoulder, and Catra resting her head on her lap. Adora looked like she was on the verge of tears.
“Y-You guys,” she whined, trying not to crumble into an emotional mess, “I love you so much.”
“We love you too,” Korra answered, kissing her cheek. The others hummed in agreement.
“This means a lot,” she replied, sniffing loudly, “but you’re all really sweaty and it’s way, way too hot for PDA right now.”
Korra and Asami muttered some agreements and promptly moved away, fanning themselves a little to help cool down. Catra, on the other hand, refused to move and in fact even pressed a little closer.
“Are you gonna move?” Adora asked, amused.
“Nope,” Catra replied, “you’re too comfortable.”
Not wanting to disturb this rare moment of peace, Adora accepted her fate, and returned to her duty as Catra’s primary source of scratches.
After that initial burst of energy the rest of the day was surprisingly peaceful. Well, besides a small argument over who had the worst taste in music, and who should or shouldn’t be allowed to have the aux cord. But other than that it was a calm and peaceful day.
Slowly but surely, the shade grew a bit longer and the day grew a bit colder. Night was about to fall, and it was time to move to part two of their wonderful summer date. Milkshakes at the diner. Korra’s kinda sorta aunt Kya ran the place with her wives, so she let Korra and all her friends - and girlfriends - hangout for as long as they wanted.
The four of them greeted Kya before taking their usual table. Catra did not waste a single second trying to sit like a normal person, she promptly tossed her legs over Adora’s lap, and leaned back against the wall, phone already in hand.
“Hey, look at that,” she commented, “Blight dyed her hair purple.”
“Maybe she decided green hair was too straight for her,” Korra joked, “I’m surprised she didn’t go with blue.”
“Well, I think purple works really well for her,” Adora commented, “I mean, all her clothes are already black and purple.”
“All of your clothes are white or red, but I don’t see you dying your hair,” Catra commented, archiving the mental image of redhead Adora for later.
Adora opened her mouth to argue, but was interrupted by Asami, “babe, your hair is wonderful, don’t let her bully you into doing something stupid with it.”
Catra looked ready to throw her phone, “hey, I aint bullying anyone!”
“I see you kids are as cheerful as ever,” Castaspella greeted as she reached them, putting their food on the table, “here are your milkshakes, and the fries are on the house.”
“We really don’t mind paying for it, aunt Casta,” Korra assured her.
“Nonsense, let us spoil you kids a little,” Casta replied, with a wave, “besides, consider this a little thank you for helping our niece get a date.”
“Wait!” Catra interrupted, very confused for a moment, “Amity is your niece?”
“No, silly, I meant Luz,” she chuckled, “she was so in love with that Blight girl that she wouldn’t stop talking to Lilith about how amazing she was. It was adorable.”
Adora blinked a couple of times as she realized that meant that Luz and Glimmer were technically related now. She then vowed to herself to neverr let them find out, their power and chaos combined would be far too much for the world.
“Uh, glad we could help I guess?” Korra offered with a weak smile, completely unaware of the small crisis going on in Adora’s head. Aunt Casta laughed a little at the awkwardness, before leaving to tend to the other tables.
And now that they were left alone it was time to dig in. As usual Adora practically inhaled her food, and had to be stopped by Catra before she choked on something. Also as usual they were all dipping their fries in their milkshakes, with the sole exception of Asami.
“I still don’t know how you guys manage to eat that,” she commented.
Adora loudly swallowed a whole portion of milkshake covered fries in one go - earning an exasperated sigh from Catra - and answered, “it’s good!”
“Is it though?”
“What? Is this unsuitable for your refined palate, princess?” Catra teased.
“It’s…weird,” she replied.
“Hey, I’m weird, and you still love me,” Korra commented, leaning a little closer to her.
“You know what I meant,” she complained even as she leaned back against Korra.
“Don’t you wanna at least give it a try?” Korra asked, offering one of her own fries, “for me?”
That was a cheap trick, and Korra knew it, but it worked. Asami leaned in and took a bite of those fries without even taking them from Korra’s hand. There was a certain romance to eating food from your lover’s hands, or at least there would be if her two other lovers weren’t being little shits and snickering the entire time.
Asami glared at the two of them as she slowly ate her fries, trying to properly savor them, to fully grasp their flavor profile. Adora did a little heart with her hands and blew her a kiss in an attempt to mitigate her annoyance.
It worked better than she would like to admit.
“So how is it?” Korra asked.
Asami swallowed and paused, seeming to ponder her answer for a moment. “It was...better than I expected.”
Korra laughed and shot her a beaming smile, “told you it was good.”
Asami couldn’t respond for a moment as she was too busy being reminded that Korra was a blessing to humanity, and that she was so lucky to be able to call her her girlfriend.
“Well uh...thanks for making me try it,” she mumbled. Trying her best to save herself before Catra and Adora - especially Catra - could make any comments on her loss of composure, Asami dipped one of her fries on her milkshake and offered it to Korra, “here.”
Korra eagerly and happily took a bite off of it.
“That’s so fucking gay,” Catra commented.
“Catra, we’ve all been dating for months,” Adora countered.
“Yeah, your point?” She asked, sticking her tongue out at her.
“You’re the worst, you know that?” Asami replied.
“Complain all you want, princess. You all love me, and you know it.”
The table collectively groaned - Asami burying her head in her hand - all fully aware that she was completely right.
Eventually the conversation died down. It was late and they had spent all day with each other, but they all knew they’d have to part ways eventually. They all knew they’d probably see each other tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and every day for as long as they could. But that didn’t mean they enjoyed bringing the date to a close.
Adora especially seemed extra clingy today as she gave all three of her girlfriends tight, rib-crushing hugs. The others were far more subtle about it, but it was still there. In the lingering touches after a hug, the yearning looks after a kiss. It was that unspoken want to stay just a little longer, to never let go.
Maybe one day they’d all walk together to their own home, and cuddle together in their own bed, but today they all had different places to return to and they had to go their separate ways. In the end only Korra was left standing in front of the diner.
“Hey, kid,” aunt Kya called, “you want a ride back to your parent’s place?”
“You really don’t--”
“What did Casta say about letting us spoil you?” She interrupted. There was no arguing with her.
Next thing Korra knew she was in Kya’s car, watching the lamp posts pass by them as she took her home.
“You should bring them over more often,” Kya commented.
“I’ll try,” Korra replied.
“I’m serious,” she insisted, “you know we all love when you bring the girls over. It reminds us of the good old days.”
“The good old days?” Korra asked, somewhat amused.
“Back when we were your age,” she explained, “back then it wasn’t exactly okay for a girl to want to be with another girl, let alone two. But even then we knew we wanted nothing more than to be together, just the three of us, for as long as life would let us.”
Korra thought back to that idea of sharing a place with them, living every day with them, making days like this the norm. It all sounded so wonderful.
“Yeah,” she replied, “I think I get it.”
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cascadingsorrows · 4 years
creation-is-chaos said:
Ship Bias (Qing, Xichen, Wuxian)
Wen Qing 
1) CorQing | Qingvus | Corvus x Qing - @creation-is-chaos. I love them, absolutely love them and the fact that Corvus took the Wen siblings in after Wen Chao fucked them over. The love is respect, private affections (via words and simple actions) neither are ones who are over the top. AND THEIR SON?! gosh this ship is my holy grail. 
2) StefCorQing | @creation-is-chaos​ + @wickedandtrue​ | OT3. Where to begin? this is like the power poly of the world. Beautiful and classy, They work well together as stated above its all about respect and understanding. Although their not the average couple they are a wonderful family in their own way. 
3) StefQing | @/wickedandtrue. This is something I wanted to poke around with. Like these ladies are a whirlwind, so badass and strong and ksdfjksdjf I may have thought about from time to time.  *wink wink*
Lan Xichen
1) XueChen | @cxndybxstxrd | OTP. Where to start omg when I first wrote with this lovely mun and muse I didn’t think Xichen would fall so hard and so fast and he DID. Let me tell you XueChen is the ONE TRUE PAIRING of RAREPAIR kdsjfkjdsf They’re so soft that sometimes I wonder what is going inside of Xichen’s head, Xue Yang is a criminal but he will have none of that and if Wangji stood up against the world for Wuxian then Xichen will stand up against the universe for his Xue Yang. 
2) Xiade | @ajadedflame​ | OTP. Dragon Xichen is head over heels for his fae queen and would burn the world down for her. Even in their idol verse or modern verse, Xichen just orbits around Jade in a beautiful dance.  Sometimes, Xichen wonders how lucky he is to even have Jade in his life. ;~; I will go down with this ship!!!                                      
3) Xitus | @bloomingascension | OTP. Let me tell you, this love is still blooming but Elf Xichen will fall head first when he sees Lotus. He would protect her and just say screw it to the rules of his fellow elves. ):< They both deserve all the love and happiness and even though this will be angst (cause hahaha knowing me LOL) but def is one of my top ships of all time <3
4) Xichen x Chun’er x Mingjue | OT3 | @dreams-of-fate. Do you know how lucky she is to be in the middle of that sandwich??? Haha they just easily complete the circle in their love life with love and understanding that it’s genuinely a beautiful tale.... Until the events of Mingjue’s death still happens and Chun’er goes down the dark path :) let the angst reign supreme here!! Honestly all my ships with Chun’er is beautiful. I swear tho, this angst?? *chef’s kiss*
5) XiYao | @unbrokenpride - When I first created this blog I was convinced that I will not ship Xichen and Yao but my dear friend, she got sucked into the glorious world of the untamed and my fellow angst partner we just created this beautifully painful ship. Exclusive to only this Yao, Xichen is oblivious and blind. Darkness is easy to cloud one’s kind heart and this ship is all of that. Now matter what au they’ll be in together there will be pain and by now everyone knows I love to hurt my muses LMAO.
Wei Wuxian
1) Wangxian | OTP - The holy grail of the Untamed, the light in the dark and stormy night. The first breath of spring in the air. I can go on to describe how much I love this ship, It can be fluffy, it can be sweet, it can be gut wrenching angst. Although I do have a few Wangji’s I’m writing with and my Xianxian is simping for each of them so let me give a shout out to them <3 @ofwindsweptpines , @chordbound , and @heavensbright. BEautifully written Wangji’s and I’m blessed to be able to write with each of them <3
2) WuLeb | Caxian | @ruthlessnessisyourdesire - OTP OF MY CROSSOVERS like any ship of mine with Caleb is in for a roller coaster ride LOL, They perfectly blend with each other and their love is just a forest fire on crack. Uh bad example but still, it makes sense hahaha. Once again, Ash and I love to put our muses into pain and laugh as they suffer. But at the end of the day our boys would cuddle and just be blissfully in love. This ship is the cruise ship of my ship fleets lOL
3) WangXianLeb | @/ruthlessnessisyourdesire | OT3 - To add to the the ship above, we thought what if Wuxian is engaged to Wangji but sees his ex again? Then bam this love child was a born. Just imagine Wangji, the most quiet and calm person in a relationship with not one but two firecrackers. He’s literally in between two hurricanes and he wouldn’t want it any other way. It’s a delicate yet beautiful dance between them.
5) CorXian | Platonic Ship unless *smirks* | @creation-is-chaos - Be it cross over or demon au, Wuxian fully thought he would die in the hands of Corvus but no it’s more. No matter how annoying Wuxian is, Corvus still lets him be around him (bless his dark heart :’) ) even in the demon au where Wuxian helps their dark lord infiltrate the heavens above and in return gets to have a second chance with his lost love, EVEN be an uncle of sorts to his son. Better watch out cause my boy is going to spoil the future destroyer of worlds with candy and toys :D but no matter if this is just a platonic or romantic, Wuxian has a deep respect and loyalty to Corvus (fear too but shhh) LOL
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galahadwilder · 5 years
$21 to buggachat! If you felt like adding something to Sin Ship or continuing Sweethearts a little bit (maybe Adrien and Marinette get back to find out their ice cream has melted to Andre gives all three of them a shared cone to make up for it?), that would delight me to no end.
A sequel to Sweethearts, and part 2 of “Kagami Has Two Hands.” Like that fic, this one was written to help raise money for @buggachat’s laptop repairs.
Sponsored by @art-deco-shrimp (the ask above is from their main account).
She’s only been dating Adrien for two weeks now, and already she’s gained a newfound respect for Alya for not going berserk and throwing him and Marinette into a closet together and slamming their faces together until they admit their feelings. Two weeks of this bullshit is driving her insane. She keeps dropping hints, bringing up the confusion of the ice cream flavors, sending him articles about polyamory, commenting on Marinette’s beauty, and he simply agrees that Marinette is indeed gorgeous, that poly relationships are cool, that the ice cream is a mystery—and then refuses to think any further. Marinette, meanwhile, continues to stubbornly insist that her feelings for Couffaine are romantic when even Kagami, who is notoriously bad at reading social signals, can tell that Mari is just relieved at finally having someone who lets her relax.
She swears, if she hears Adrien call Marinette “just a friend” one more time, she’s going to leap on a butterfly and light the school on fire.
They’re having another double date—neither Adrien nor Marinette seems to have figured out why she keeps insisting on those, though to his credit Luka seems to be growing suspicious, based on the looks he keeps giving her—and Marinette and Adrien are absolutely crushing the high score at the arcade’s Dance Dance Revolution machine. Their synchronization is, quite frankly, insane: they’re matching perfectly step for step, every footfall landing at just the right moment, to the point where they’ve begun to gather a crowd. As Marinette gains confidence, they’re even starting to show off a little, swapping pads back and forth mid-song without missing a single beat. Kagami is mesmerized.
Marinette as she laughs and Adrien lifts her, swinging her onto his pad. It’s a stunning display of trust and athleticism, and Kagami’s heart starts beating faster at the sight—and then, next to her, Luka reminds her that he’s there as he sighs in lovesick delight. “She’s incredible,” he murmurs, staring at Marinette.
Instantly, Kagami’s shoulders shoot up to her ears and her spine practically folds in on itself as she reaches for a sword she’s not even wearing. She grinds her teeth. “Yes,” she says, letting her hand drop to her side and forcibly relaxing her muscles. “She is.”
The worst part of this is that, much as she wants to, she can’t hate Luka Couffaine. He’s a good person, and he seems to genuinely have feelings for Marinette. More than that, he’s genuinely good for her. But Kagami has seen the way Mari looks at Adrien, and the way Mari looks at her, and… well, Marinette doesn’t feel the way about Luka that he does about her.
If circumstances were different, Couffaine would be exactly the kind of person Marinette needs as a friend, especially given how rough her life has been for the last few weeks. But they’re not. And right now Luka Couffaine is an obstacle.
The game finishes, and Marinette cheers with delight at the perfect score. Adrien, Kagami, and Luka are all staring at her.
Kagami is the only one who notices how the other two look at Marinette.
Kagami doesn’t usually spend lunch in the cafeteria—her mother sends a car for her every day, but she’s managed to convince her that she’s working on a group project (another of Marinette’s generic “sneak away” suggestions). Waiting in line is a bit uncomfortable, and the only thing on the menu that doesn’t fill her with revulsion at the thought of a horrible texture in her mouth is the soup, but it’s worth it when it takes her only a few moments to find her target.
“Césaire!” she hisses, sliding in next to her and carefully lowering her soup to the table. “I need to speak with you.” She glances around, lowering her voice. “Privately.”
Alya looks up from her sandwich, and Kagami doesn’t miss the momentary distaste that flits across her face. “Tsurugi,” she says, her voice carefully controlled as she waves away a curious Nino. “What do you want?”
Kagami swallows. “Marinette tells me you have been… assisting her with her love life.”
“I was,” Alya snarls, keeping her eyes locked on Kagami as she places her sandwich back on her tray. “Why? Do you have a problem with that?”
Kagami shakes her head. This is going downhill rapidly—there’s a reason she rarely interacts with Césaire. “Actually,” she says, trying to keep her voice from trembling, “I could use your help.”
Alya blinks. “Help? With what?” she says. “You already have Adrien, what do you want my help for?”
“Adrien…” Kagami swallows. She looks down at her bowl, stirring her soup uncomfortably. This is proving to be much more difficult than she expected—she’s having trouble finding the right words. “He is in love with Marinette.”
Alya glares at her, then rolls her eyes. “Tough shit,” she says. “You knew that going in.” She turns back to the table, producing her phone and beginning to scroll through a website Kagami doesn’t quite recognize. “You made this bed,” she says. “Not my fault you’re not ready to lie in—”
“You do not understand!” Kagami snaps, sloshing soup out of the bowl and onto the table. She berates herself for a moment for letting her temper get the best of her again, focusing on her breathing to calm down. She’s never quite understood Alya’s dislike of her, but given how she’s reacting now… well, it’s starting to make a certain amount of sense. “I am not… jealous,” she grinds out. “I want to help.”
Alya raises an eyebrow without looking up from her phone. “What, you’re gonna make him forget all about her?” she says. “I’m not helping you plan that.”
Kagami clenches a fist, breathes in, unclenches. Then she twists her head, glancing around the cafeteria, making sure nobody is looking before leaning in. “I have feelings for her as well,” she whispers.
Alya’s head snaps up. “What,” she hisses, her eyelid twitching.
Kagami immediately finds herself doing something she has rarely done, even in the face of Akuma—she starts retreating. She folds into herself, ashamed of her own weakness but unable to stop herself from withering under Alya’s glare.
Alya reaches forward, snatches Kagami’s tie. “If you’re planning on cheating on him—”
Kagami gasps. “Absolutely not!” she hisses, slapping Alya’s hand away.
Alya narrows her eyes. “Explain,” she says.
Kagami compulsively smooths out her tie. “Adrien and Marinette are in love with each other,” she says. “And I am… interested… in both of them.”
Alya blinks, and then the corner of her mouth twitches upwards. “You’re angling for an as well as,” she says, her voice suddenly much lighter and more playful, “not an instead of.”
Kagami blinks. “I’m not sure I understand,” she says. That sounds right, but… maybe not? She can’t be sure.
Alya rolls her eyes, but this time it’s fond instead of cruel. “You want to date both of them,” she says, “and for both of them to date each other.”
“Yes!” Kagami cries. Alya finally gets it!
Then her entire body locks up as she realizes that her voice has carried across the entire cafeteria, and now everyone is looking at her.
“Hey,” Alya says, her voice soft. “Look at me. Don’t look at them. Look at me.”
Kagami does, sees the kindness in Césaire’s eyes, and feels her heartbeat begin to slow.
Alya smiles. “Mari does the same thing,” she says, standing up and snatching her sandwich from her tray. “Come on. Let’s go somewhere more private.”
“Ughhh,” Alya groans after Kagami finishes explaining, slamming her face into her desk. “They’re getting worse.”
Kagami’s lips twist into a wry grin as she slurps the last of her soup straight out of the bowl. “I am glad you appreciate my predicament,” she says, carefully placing the bowl on top of the pile of paper towels Alya provided so as not to muck up Mari’s desk.
“Right, okay,” Alya says, placing her glasses back on her face. “So you need them to realize they like each other, and that you want them to… what, share you?”
Kagami nods, sweeping some droplets from the desk. “Approximately,” she says.
Alya nods. “Okay,” she says. “I’m going to give you the same advice you gave Marinette at the ice rink. Don’t hesitate.”
Kagami looks at her with a raised eyebrow. “I don’t understand,” she says. “I’m… not?”
Alya tosses her hair. “You kind of are,” she says. “It’s the same problem Marinette has—she’s scared, so she goes indirect and it gets misinterpreted.” She rubs her chin, bracing her elbow against the desk. “When you started dating Adrien, did you wait for him to make the first move?”
“Of course not,” Kagami says, then—“Oh. Oh I see.” Trying to get the two of them to figure it out on their own…
Alya grabs her shoulder. “You have to be direct with those two,” she says, smiling. “Otherwise they’ll never get it.”
Kagami smiles back, and this one feels a little more comfortable than her previous attempts. “I doubt they would understand it if I dragged Adrien to Marinette’s house while naked and covered in cheese,” she says.
Alya snorts, covering her mouth. “Marinette was right!” she says. “You are funny.”
“Adrien,” Kagami says as fencing practice begins winding down. “Can I speak to you once we’re finished with the showers?”
“Yeah?” he says, casually ripping his helmet from his head, releasing the tumbling golden curls. “Everything okay?”
Kagami bites her lip, which she’s glad is hidden behind the mask. “Yes,” she croaks. “Fine.” Marinette is one hundred percent correct—the boy is unfairly attractive, and she swears on Longg the kindness in his eyes makes her weak.
He turns, walking towards the shower, and she feels her knees wobble a bit at the sight of his shoulder blades. Jean snickers, jabbing her with his elbow, and she responds by punching him in the shoulder.
“What’s up?” Adrien says, pulling on his shirt.
Kagami braces her elbows between her knees, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath. Be direct. Don’t hesitate. “You’re in love with Marinette.”
Adrien freezes, one empty sleeve still hanging off his shoulder. “Gami?” he says, weakly.
She doesn’t really have a plan for how this conversation is going to go, so she’s not quite sure what to do next. She’s made the first move. Let him take the next.
“I—I don’t know why everyone… keeps saying that,” he says, pulling his arm through his remaining sleeve. “I’m—Marinette and I aren’t… anything.”
Kagami leans back on the bench, crossing her legs at the knee. “You know that’s not true.”
“Gami, please,” he says. He drops to his knees in front of her, taking her hands in between his own. “I don’t know what Alya told you, but… I’m with you. And you’re the one I want to be with.” He purses his lips. “I don’t—”
She presses his cheeks between her hands. “Adri-kun,” she whispers. “I love her too.”
Adrien’s eyelids quiver. “What?”
Kagami presses her forehead to his. “Even before we moved away from Osaka,” she says, “I never really expected to have friends. Okaasan never let me do anything with people my age. And then I met you… and her.”
“I don’t… understand,” Adrien whispers. He’s tearing up. Trying not to cry. “Are you… breaking up with me?”
Kagami can’t help it: she laughs. “Of course not!” she says. She loosens her grip on his face, cupping his cheek, and he leans into her touch with a soft mewl. “I wouldn’t give you up for anything, Adrien.”
He melts at her words, his face collapsing into her lap with a wordless whine of relief. She smiles, stroking his hair.
“I love both of you, Adrien,” she murmurs. “And you love both of us. So can we not… share?”
Adrien stiffens. “I—what?” he says, then her words seem to process in his brain and he gasps. “The ice cream!” he says. “You—you knew.”
Kagami nods. “Monsieur Glacier can see triads,” she says, “but only if he knows to look for them. That’s why he was so confused the first time you took me to him. That why I asked.”
“Marinette’s cone was both of us…” Adrien mumbles. He blinks. “Blue eyes. You said… ‘neither of us has blue eyes’.”
Kagami nods, resumes stroking his hair. “And Marinette does.”
Adrien crawls up onto the bench next to her. “But the strawberry chocolate chip,” he says. “That’s���”
“You called her ‘Everyday Ladybug,’ did you not?” Kagami says.
He looks at her in confusion, and she turns back to the lockers. “She told me,” she admits. “I… wasn’t happy about that, at first.”
Adrien groans. “Oh, my god,” he says. “I am in love with her.”
Finally! Kagami wants to leap up, to dance, to cheer, but that’s not how a Tsurugi acts. Instead she schools her reaction down to a smile and her quivering palms.
But then his face falls. “Let’s say I do want a…” He trails off. “It doesn’t matter,” he mumbles, looking at the floor. “She doesn’t like me like that.”
Kagami freezes. “Who told you that?”
He chuckles mirthlessly. “She did.”
And suddenly a whole bunch of things fall into place, like an icepick through the front of her brain. Why Adrien seems to have been so oblivious to Marinette’s feelings. Why he thinks she’s been rejecting him all this time. Why, despite all Marinette’s signals, he’s never made a move.
“Adrien,” she says, laughing. “She—she was…” She can’t get a breath out, can’t stop laughing, can’t stop crying over how ridiculous this all is, how in love with these two dorks she is, how perfect they are for each other and how stupidly painful they’ve made everything and how, if they hadn’t, she’d have never had a chance. “She was lying!”
Adrien states at her, his face knit with confusion.
“Why do you think I disliked her so much at first?” Kagami chuckles. “She was competition.” She reaches out, flicks his nose. “She said you gave her an umbrella, and that was it for her heart.”
Adrien splutters. “But she—I don’t…” He throws his head into his hands and moans. “Why didn’t she say anything?”
“She is frightened,” Kagami says, rubbing his back. “Which means it’s up to us to make the next move.” She smiles, and she can tell her practice is paying off—it feels more natural than she can ever remember. “If this is what you want.”
Adrien swallows, nods. “I—I think I do,” he croaks, beaming back at her.
“The next move” ends up being taking Marinette back to Sweethearts Ice Cream. This time, with Luka.
“Luka,” Marinette says, clutching at her wrist as they walk. “Have I been… using the wrong pronouns for you?”
Adrien, whose arm is resting on Kagami’s opposite shoulder, glances sidelong at her. She simply nods in response. Be patient.
Luka chuckles. “No?” he says with wry confusion. “I’m very definitely cis. He/him is fine.”
“Oh.” Marinette’s voice falls. “It’s just… last time I was here…”
As she and Luka continue their conversation, Adrien buries his nose in Kagami’s hair. “You’re incredible, you know that?” he murmurs, just low enough that Marinette and Luka can’t hear them.
Her whole body warms, and when she tries to suppress her giggle, it comes out as a squeak instead. She’s starting to understand why Marinette is such a mess around Adrien sometimes. All her composure is evaporating, and to be honest, she’s more excited about that than scared. It’s freeing.
“Mari?” Adrien calls. “Are you sure he’s around here today?”
“Um,” Marinette responds. “Adrien… you’re looking right at him.”
Kagami raises an eyebrow. “I told you,” she says, squeezing her boyfriend’s side. “You need glasses.”
They approach André Glacier’s ice cream cart, and Kagami feels her feet and fingers begin to buzz. If she’s right about this… this is the moment. There’s no going back.
“Hello again!” André says. “Back for more Sweethearts?”
“Marinette was right,” Kagami says. “It is the best in Paris.”
André beams, quickly setting about serving Kagami and Adrien the same cone as last time. Kagami shoots Adrien a knowing look, and Adrien rolls his eyes.
André smiles, then turns to Luka. “For you…” he says, tilting his head. He glances at Marinette, then back to Luka. His mouth twists downward. “Oh.”
Luka raises an eyebrow, glancing at Kagami with suspicion. Marinette only looks confused.
“Not everyone likes every flavor,” André says, sorrow in his eyes. “And some mixes don’t find favor.” He sighs. “I can offer you a couple’s cone, but I fear you’ll wish I left alone.”
Marinette and Luka look at each other, and Luka swallows. “Goddammit,” he whispers.
“Luka?” Marinette says. “It’s—it’s just ice cream, it doesn’t… necessarily mean anything…” She trails off, looking at Adrien. “Right?”
Adrien’s mouth moves like a fish, and Kagami does not envy him. She’s watching Luka, watching grief play out across his face.
He steps forward. “Two cones, then,” he says, resolute.
André nods, reaching into his cart. “The Lady first,” he says, all the music gone from his voice. “Peach for the lips, mint for the eyes, and blackberry hair.”
Luka takes the cone, looks at Adrien and Kagami, and gently presses it into Marinette’s hand. “For you, my melody,” he whispers.
Kagami feels her chest twist at the endearment. Maybe if things were different…
“Birthday cake, fudge, and Dutch chocolate,” André says as he hands over Luka’s cone. “I’m sorry. I know you were hoping.”
Luka swallows. “I know,” he says, taking the cone. “I know.”
Adrien turns away, burying his face in Kagami’s hair. He’s shaking. She can’t blame him.
She’s only a little surprised when Luka texts her later that evening. She gave him her number when they first started double-dating; this is the first time she’s heard his text tone.
She glances at her door, then silences her phone, even cutting the vibration so her mother can’t hear her getting “distracted” from her work.
Luka: u knew
Kagami: I suspected
Kagami: for what it’s worth, I am sorry
Luka: wondered y u hated me
Luka: I’ve seen the way u 2 look @ her
Luka: and her @ u
Luka: take care of her?
Kagami: of course
Kagami: though I do not understand half of what you just said
Kagami: ah. “Txting speek?”
Luka: …
Luka: never talk like th@ again pls
Kagami: it did seem ridiculous when I typed it, yes
Kagami: when are you going to do it?
Luka: already did. Dragging it out wldnt b fair 2 her
Luka: she’s gonna need u tmrw
Kagami: I’ll be there. And so will he
Luka: thx
Kagami locks her phone and gives herself a moment to feel guilty. If she hadn’t taken them to André’s, this would never have happened.
Or maybe it just would’ve happened later, after they were too involved to not be hurt by it. Maybe she saved their friendship.
She still feels guilty.
When she sees Marinette the next morning, the guilt gets worse. She looks despondent, listless, and though Juleka seems to be doting on her, trying to cheer her up after the breakup with her brother, most of Marinette’s energy—both her joy and her nerves—has bled out of her.
Kagami’s heart corkscrews into her stomach. She can feel the acid eating at it.
She gets updates from Adrien and Alya between classes throughout the morning. She won’t tell anyone what happened, but the whole class seems to be rallying behind her, trying to cheer her up, and things are getting… well, a little better. She’s still heartbroken, it seems, but at least she’s laughing again.
When class lets out for lunch, Kagami charges to Mme. Bustier’s class, heedless of the people in the hallways between her and her target. She bursts through the door, ignoring the confused stares of the rest of the class as she snags Marinette’s wrist. “Come on,” she says. “Okaasan thinks we have a group project.”
Marinette blinks. “What?” she says.
Kagami smiles, a fully-natural one now. “We,” she says, glancing at her boyfriend, “are taking you to lunch.”
Lunch is… quiet. And awkward. Kagami and Adrien sit across from a despondent Marinette in the quiet cafe, watching her pick apart her salad and meet nobody’s eyes. Kagami feels awful.
Adrien glances at her, nervously licks his lips, and she knows he’s not going to do anything. He’s going to wait for Marinette to talk. And she isn’t going to.
Don’t hesitate.
Kagami clears her throat. “Luka texted me last night,” she says.
Marinette chokes, her fork slipping out of her hand and clattering onto the table.
“Marinette?” Adrien says, his gaze soft. Kagami can see him straining not to reach out to her—how did this boy ever think he wasn’t in love?
Marinette’s eyes close, and she sniffles, wiping her nose. “I ruined it,” she whispers. “I ruined everything.”
Adrien reaches out to take her hand. “I’m sure it wasn’t your fault—”
“You don’t understand!” she cries. “He—I… I tried. I tried so hard.” She slumps into the wooden back of her chair. “I wanted to be in love with him… I really did.”
Kagami swallows. “What happened?”
Marinette sobs. “He… he asked if he…” she begins. She glances up at Adrien, then her eyes flick away just as quickly. “If… he was the one… I really wanted to be with.”
Kagami’s hand clenches around her croissant, digging trenches into the flaky crust.
“I tried to say yes,” Marinette whispers. “But I just…” She sobs again, burying her face in her hands. “I ruin—I ruined everything.” Her shoulders are shaking. “How stupid am I?”
Kagami is frozen. She wants to help, but deep down she knows that no matter what she does, what she says, it’s only going to make things worse. She has no idea what to do.
Luckily, Adrien does. “The heart wants what it wants,” he says, reaching out to squeeze Marinette’s shoulder. “You’re not stupid for feeling.”
Marinette shakes her head with a whimper. “I’m stuck on someone who doesn’t even want me,” she whispers. “Why—why can’t I let him go?”
Adrien glances at Kagami. She nods.
Adrien turns back to Marinette. “Marinette,” he says, his voice soft. “What makes you think I don’t want you?”
Marinette freezes.
A chill rockets across Kagami’s skin as all her hair stands on end at once. She can see the warring emotions in Marinette’s mind—guilt and shame and hope and elation—and for the moment, nobody moves.
Then Marinette lifts her head. “How—” she squeaks. “How did you know it was you?”
Adrien smiles. “Gami told me,” he says. He glances at Kagami, licks his lips. “I wish you’d told me earlier.”
Marinette frowns. “It… doesn’t matter anymore, anyway,” she says, looking at Kagami. “You—you’re together now, and…”
“And your ice cream flavors mentioned two people,” Kagami says, laying her hand on top of Marinette’s. “Blackberry, mint, and peach.”
Marinette’s eyes go wide.
“I have black hair.” Kagami says, then nods at Adrien. “He has green eyes.” She breathes in, interlacing her fingers with Marinette’s. “And we both have two hands.”
Marinette’s mouth drops open. “Are you…” she whispers, her eyes flicking between them both. “I don’t—I don’t understand.”
“Kagami and I are both in love with you,” Adrien says, taking her other hand. “We were hoping… that you’d be okay with sharing.”
Marinette’s mouth opens, closes, opens again. She turns to Kagami. “I—You said…” she says, her eyes narrowing. “You told me you’d be okay with losing my friendship… if it meant you could be with him.”
Kagami blinks as the bullet of Marinette’s words strikes her right in the gut. “I—I only said that to Ladybug.” She swallows. “And I said it as Ryuuko.”
The table is utterly silent for a half-second, the only sound the chatter of the cafe around them. They’re in a bubble of time when everything around them has sped up, and they are frozen as the world zips by unimpeded.
Then Adrien drops his fork. “Oh my gods,” he gasps. “My Lady?”
Marinette’s head snaps around to him. “Chaton?” she hisses.
For the second time in less than a minute, Kagami’s brain catches fire. Adrien kept speaking about a girl he liked who didn’t like him—it wasn’t Marinette who was turning him down (except it was, sort of). The two of them disappearing every time an Akuma arrived. Ladybug’s choice to call on Ryuuko whenever Marinette was with Kagami.
Oh, sweet gods, she’s fallen in love with Ladybug and Chat Noir.
“Mari-chan,” Kagami says, squeezing her hand. “The first thing I said was that I couldn’t bear to hurt you.” She looks at Adrien. “And… I said I wouldn’t give him up for the sake of our friendship.” She rubs her thumb on Marinette’s palm. “You never asked me to.”
Marinette—Ladybug—looks at her with watering eyes. “I don’t—” she begins, choking on her words. “I don’t know what to do.”
Kagami swallows. They’ve gone so far off anything she’d planned for, anything she’d prepared for, and she doesn’t know either. But she knows where to start.
“Marinette,” she says. “Don’t hesitate.”
Marinette blinks, then grabs Kagami’s lapels and yanks them both toward each other over the table, their lips mashing together with a burning heat that flashes across Kagami’s skin, followed by the feeling of every hair on her skin standing straight up, every nerve in her body sparking like she’s turned into a lightning bolt. (She has to check to make sure she’s not wearing her Miraculous—she swears she’s discorporating.)
Marinette breaks the kiss first, gasping. Kagami drops back into her chair, all her muscles loose—she’s kissed Adrien before, but she has never, in her life, been kissed the way Marinette just kissed her. She wants—she needs more.
Marinette turns to Adrien. “I’ve been in love with you since the day you gave me your umbrella,” she says.
He reaches out, takes her hand, presses her knuckles to his lips. “I’ve been in love with you since you first stood up to Hawkmoth.”
Marinette’s face glows pink. “You never really hid that,” she giggles.
Adrien nods, his own face growing steadily redder. “I—this is a lot,” he says. “I think I’m going to explode.”
“Me too,” Marinette whispers.
Kagami would concur, but she’s still speechless from the whirlwind that was Marinette’s kiss.
She looks at Kagami. “So… are we…?”
Kagami swallows, shakes herself loose. “We are... whatever you want us to be,” she says, taking Adrien’s hand. Smiling is coming easy now. “What do you want, Marinette?”
“I want you,” she says. “I want both of you.”
“You have two hands,” Adrien says, holding up his free palm. “Why not use them?”
Marinette grins. “Why not?” she says, taking both of their hands. “Mon Chaton. Ma Dragonne.”
“My Lady,” Adrien responds, melting.
Kagami’s pulse is squeezing her ears, but she has enough brainpower left to whisper one more word. “Mushi-Chan.”
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alilbihh · 5 years
spaced out — (prologue)
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summary: "take me to your leader.“ you couldn’t believe it. this man was otherworldly in all sense of the word. "well I hope you’re hungry, my dude, we’re going to visit the king of burgers.”
Planet A3022 is on the brink of extinction. with little to no females there to repopulate and its king not interested in any one of them, he assigns one of his most trusted men to retrieve a female suited to his tastes willing enough to take his hand in marriage. things go haywire once the man in question crash lands into the considerably non technological Planet EA4728 with you there as witness.
genre: fluff, humor (??), angst, highkey crack, poly!au, alien!au
pairing: alien!taehyung x reader x alien king! ??
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The man curses in his native tongue, careful not to raise his voice, his temper. He has to remain cool-headed if he is to survive. He grips the rotational controls tighter, palms sweaty as is his back and forehead and shit shit- he's just sweaty all over he's just gross and could really just use a shower.
He jerks the rotational joystick in his grasp to the side just in time, laser beams firing overhead. They hit the comets and/or asteroids instead, resulting in a rain of heavy masses of metals and rocky material drilling holes into the spacecraft made by hand by a group of his kind's top engineers, yet despite that the man is almost sure it's barely even dented its heavy walls. It was made to sustain large amounts of damage. It was made for war, not for speed.
He hadn't raced in a while. And when he had, it had been for fun, back in his training days. This time he couldn't afford to lose. Though with a spacecraft of this size, it didn't seem like he was going to win, either.
He curses again when a particularly massive chunk of rock hits the front of his ship, red warning signs blaring at him immediately from all sides, robotic voices warning him of danger, danger, danger. It's not a big problem, he reassures himself. He doesn't have time to fix it, anyway, not when he's being chased. Though the chase being partly his own fault to begin with. He was being careless, falling asleep when he wasn't supposed to. The ship had been set to auto-pilot, its destination already inputted into the system, but that doesn't mean he was free from danger.
Stupid, stupid. Now he will never gain his king's trust again. He won't have much need for it if he's dead, though.
His breath catches in his throat as he approaches a considerably no-name planet. He'd bought time by firing at his pursuer's viewfinder, but it would only be a matter of time until they find him again. Chewing at his lower lip, he releases a breath as he rapidly inputs a code, praying to whichever higher deity that might be listening for him not to die- for him to please, please not die or, even worse, be found by the civilization he’s literally about to crash into.
"Emergency landing set to planet EA4728."
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"Any fives?"
"Go fish."
Jin grumbles mutely, passive aggressively snatching a card from the deck spread over the floor. You snicker, even as he kicks your shin, not discreet in the slightest. The man beside him snorts, so he kicks his shin, too.
Jungkook looks smug from where he sits beside you, raking a hand through his hair with his empty hands. Cardless hands, in fact. You were still stuck playing this mind numbing game with Jin. "Nines?"
"Go fish."
You grin when you end up picking up a nine, leaving Jin to whine at your cheeky expression. You were never good at the whole poker face thing. Jungkook likes to boast that he's won because of his mastering of it, despite this game being entirely based on luck. You curse him inwardly.
Jin clears his throat. "...got any fives now?”
"Still no."
A large intake of breath, followed by a yell of indignation— "This-" Jin starts, slamming his cards onto the pile on the floor, "-Is dumb." You watch in odd fascination as the older man goes to stand up, ending up hitting his head on the counter before letting out a yelp and then, only then do you remember where the three of you are. Shuffled, cramped, hidden under the check-out counter of Jin and his boyfriend’s shared flower shop, away from the customers' prying eyes.
Jungkook is straight up cackling beside you as the other male falls on his bottom, holding his head in his hands, and you're laughing even as your hand ends up brushing against the mustard-stained paper on the floor that once held Jin's sandwich. But you're happy and they're happy, so you wipe your hands on Jin's apron without hesitation.
You stand up, eyeing your surroundings, thankful for Jin's sake that there were no customers around to witness the unfortunate occurrence. You eye the poppies and roses and flowers you don't know the name of, the low hanging vines that grow along the ceiling, the smell of comfort and familiarity. You'd draw this if you could. Exactly this, an awash of greens and blues and oranges.
"Hyung how much longer until your shift ends?" Jungkook asks as he stands up beside you, placing a delicate finger over the bobby headed maneki neko on the counter. "I'm hungry and had to watch you eat your sandwich and it was, quite frankly, the worst experience of my life."
"You ate half of my fries." Jin says at the same time you say, "You ate half of his fries."
Jungkook's doe eyes that already scream innocence are now gleaming in betrayal. Why did his eyes have to be so big and open and honest. As if he doesn't already attract the attention and the protective instincts of anyone within a fifteen foot radius of him.
"I did not." Jungkook whines as you and Jin exchange looks. "I don't wanna hang out with you two anymore. I'll get a boyfriend, surely he'll appreciate me more."
"The whole gremlin vibe you have going on doesn't exactly give you much sex appeal." You say with a snort.
Jungkook makes a noise of indignation before, promptly, punching at Jin's stomach, the man letting out an unappealing oof before yelling—"What did I do?!"
The moment is (thankfully) interrupted by a tired Hoseok trudging out the backdoor, scratching at his chest. You step out to greet him, turning your back to the chaotic duo, immediately regretting it as you hear Jin mutter a "I dare you to put your hand in there."
The man, his arms already spread out in greeting, squeals out a "Y/nie!" the same time you squeal out a "Hoseokie!" before you promptly wrap your arms around his back, squeezing the life out of him, as he deserves. The man has it hard enough already.
When you two separate Jin and Jungkook are already behind him, Jin whining out a "Y/n, stop hogging my boyfriend" as he presses a kiss to the man's cheek. Jungkook is just hovering beside them with a look that screams ew, when will my dads get a room. Three seconds later he says "Gross, not in front of the baby."
"I thought you said you were an adult?" Hoseok mutters, amused.
"Not me, dumbass, I'm talking about Y/n!" 
You could barely even open your mouth to argue before Hoseok continues with a playful sort of warning to his voice, "That's dumbass-hyung to you, brat." Jin shakes his head, patting his boyfriend's chest reassuringly, or maybe he just wanted to feel up his pecs. Pilates has been treating Hoseok well. Jungkook moves to pat the other (platonically, as all bros do). Hoseok doesn't move at this point, unfazed.
Your voice is flat, eyes narrowed at the scene. "Are we gonna, like, go or something?"
It takes a while for all four of you to clamber into the car, Hoseok in the drivers seat and Jin beside him, you and Jungkook on the back seats like children being taken on a road trip by their two chaotic dads. Hoseok had to have closed up shop first and foremost, saying goodbye to the flowers and kissing the ones he likes the most, particularly the peonies. Jin had only stared, used to it after working and (almost, you’re still waiting for the talk), living with the man for so long, occasionally checking the time on his watch for comedic effect.
Now you're all in a comfortable silence, the radio sometimes going from soft and relaxing music to Fergie or something but you don't mind, only watching the world go by from your window. Hoseok's voice cut through the silence only twice, first to ask if you were all going to his and your shared place and the second to ask Jin if he was gonna cook or if he should order pizza or something. (The first ended up being a firm yes, the second with Jin saying something along the lines of "Jungkook has a semi-healthy lifestyle and Y/n asked me if i wanted to grab dinner at one in the morning. I'm making spaghetti.")
You don't know how that agreement led to you being sprawled face-down on their couch, no food in sight. Hoseok and Jin disappeared a while ago and Jungkook suspected it was for less than innocent purposes but that can't be right, Jin never makes out with an empty stomach; Hoseok has said it, Jin himself has said it, it's a well known and not very interesting fact. You should have left with Jungkook for kebabs. What were you thinking. Damn Jin and his really good spaghetti sauce.
You sit up so quick it gives you whiplash, opening the door to your and Hoseok’s comfy apartment resolutely. "I'm leaving!" You don't expect much of a response, but you hear a thump somewhere around the bathroom area, so you take that as answer enough.
The brisk air hits you all at once as you walk outside, and you shiver before aggressively rubbing your arms for some kind of warmth. You didn't really think this through. You decide to walk forward with no jacket and no destination, letting your feet take you to wherever your heart desires.
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The man stays strapped to his seat as he goes through the planet's atmosphere, fingers digging into the armrests. He grits his teeth, watching as the blur of shapes and colors starts gaining form into trees and cities and life, and with the force of gravity pushing him back, he can't even lift his arms to steer the spacecraft into a space further away from the cities, for both their safety and his own.
He can only watch helplessly as he gets closer and closer, hoping and wishing and praying that he doesn't end up hurting someone, that he doesn't end up dying, himself. He's about to make a risky decision, he knows.
"My king-" he draws in a breath, squeezing his eyes shut, all too familiar faces coming into view, even from so so far away. "Forgive me."
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"Hoseok- oh! ah!"
"Sit still, you moron." Hoseok rolls his eyes, a fond smile creeping upwards against his will. "The kids are waiting on us."
"But i'm in pain." the younger male's massages turn into pinches at that, and Jin sits up startled with a yelp.
Hoseok pats the older's back, "Feeling better?"
“Yeah, thank you.” Jin says with a sigh, relieved his muscles aren't aching anymore. “I wonder what else you can do with those hands, ey-”
Hoseok slaps him upside the head as he passes by, searching the hallway with furrowed brows. "Where'd they go?"
"Huh? they're gone?" the older hums, creeping up behind the other with wide eyes, rubbing behind his head with a barely contained pout. "Maybe they finally collapsed from hunger?"
Another slap upside the head. "They're fine."
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You were not fine.
You were cold and hungry and, quite frankly, lost. Nothing around you looked familiar, and you could barely see anything with how dark it was. Not only were you cold and hungry and lost, but you were also stupid, not knowing from which direction you came from. You squint at the dimly lit streets, lampposts flickering as you walked past.
This was, like most things, probably Jungkook's fault. But he was with kebabs and you were in the middle of nowhere, so there was not much you could do except curse at the skies.
The Seoul skies are dark and cold and there are never any stars to be seen, just pitch black, airplane lights tiny and bright flickering across it deceiving enough for you to think it's a star, and you watch with dull eyes as the light flickers until it disappears from sight.
You reminisce on the days back at Busan, tiny Jungkook and tiny you climbing onto the tree in the backyard to get to the roof, arms spread and back pressed uncomfortably to the tiles, the stars and the moon so close, as if you could touch them if you were to reach out. You'd sit there and talk about nothing and everything and sometimes you'd laugh and sometimes you'd cry and there was this one time you straight up fell off roof (you were fine, but he'll never let you live past that), and sometimes Jungkook would sing even past the occasional puberty cracks in his voice.
You sigh at the empty sky, figuring it's late enough to be considered dangerous and that you should at least attempt to find your way back to Hoseok and Seokjin's until a Definitely Not an Airplane flickers in your peripheral vision.
You squint, eyeing the little light in the sky as it flies across your vision. A gasp catches itself in your throat, small smile twitching up your features, the thought of seeing a shooting star for the first time in so long enough to have your heart beat faster. As you're about to close your eyes and make a wish (despite your consciousness telling you how lame it is), your brows furrow as the shooting star continues flying through the sky. Or rather, straight down, getting continuously bigger and brighter as it approaches.
Your eyes widen as the light slowly growing closer gains shape, not one of an airplane or a meteor or anything explanatory that could have fallen from the sky, but something you couldn't possibly identify, even as it grows closer and closer as the seconds tick by. You're left to watch, dumbfounded, as the unidentified flying object is only seconds away from hitting you, and in a split second decision you’re shielding your arms in front of you in a meek attempt to protect yourself, eyes shutting tightly. Oh god. You’re going to die.
When you manage to peel your eyes open again, a few ways away is a pod of some sort, floating only inches off the ground. A metal container, taller than the average person, spacious enough to fit the average person. And there was indeed a person- a person- inside of it, sitting in a suspiciously comfortable looking armchair, hands gripping the armrests and his eyes closed.
Let's set the scene: you're in a deserted one-way street, the flickering of the lampposts above only serving to creep you out even more, an unknown yet oddly handsome man that just fell from the sky only a few ways away, in the middle of the street.
The pod's door slides open.
You jump, eyes and brows comically wide and you would have laughed in any other situation. Against your own volition, you eye the man, nearly forgetting to think beyond breathing at his appearance. He's very much the picture of otherworldly you're starting to suspect he is, jaw sharp and hair still well maintained despite what it looks like it's been through (going through the atmosphere, you remind yourself). His clothes look to belong to someone of importance, despite the torn and dirty shape it's currently in, all perfectly cut and fitted garments and expensive looking fabrics.
You don't have time to think about much beyond that before the man's eyes snap open, flickering towards you almost immediately. Your breath hitches.
With a large yet shaky step, the man steps out with his hands gripping at the pod's walls for balance, not breaking eye contact for even a second, staring with half lidded eyes. He steps out. One foot, then the other. You can do nothing but stare, blinking rapidly to ensure this is all real, that Jin didn't finally snap and poison your food to have you hallucinate. He's about three large steps away from you before he speaks.
"Earthling!" he starts, pointing an accusing finger at you, and you're more than aware of how deep his voice is. "State your gender and sexual preference!"
You feel like you've made some sort of terrible mistake.
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a/n: hello lads!! this is the first installment of this series, feel free to tell me your thoughts! lmk if there are any mistakes lmao,, thanks for reading!!
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aphrodites-law · 5 years
My Favorite
Trope: Soulmate marks.
Twist: Lexa doesn’t have one. Clarke does.
2/? - (Part 1)
A week passed at the hotel, but while Lexa glanced into the sitting room each time she walked by it, she never saw Clarke again. She went back and forth between the hotel and her apartment, putting her boxes away while the windows remained opened wide and the smell of paint slowly faded. Eventually she checked out of Griffin Hotel, where Jake gave her a cheery look before sending her off with a basket of fresh fruit from the breakfast buffet - a welcome gift, he’d said.
With her first classes to plan and organize, Lexa spent most of her time with her nose in her books and binders. She used the rest of it to familiarize herself with Polis, where she picked up a few habits in a matter of days. There was the grocery store with the peanut-butter pretzels that melted in her mouth, the bicycle path that cut through the park, and the coffee shop owned by Raven Reyes.
Raven ran a tight ship and was as welcoming as she was fascinating. Her two loves were space and food, and evidently she had combined them with great success. Her shop, Coffee on the Moon, was exactly what it sounded like - the best damn coffee Lexa had had in a uniquely decorated setting. The coffee machines were themed like space crafts, which Lexa had noticed were wildly popular with kids (and perhaps even more adults); the walls were painted in swaths of silvers and dark blues; and the art hung up was courtesy of local artists. In the display case, well-garnished sandwiches made with local produce rarely lasted the day, if even the rush of lunch hour.
Raven seemed to know everyone and everything, an unsurprising fact given her infectious energy. One morning, Raven had come into her shop without her prosthetic leg on account of the pain, she had shared casually, but not once in the following hour had Lexa heard her complain. She was an admirable woman, and Lexa was particularly fascinated by how quickly she had charmed Anya.
Anya, who wouldn’t admit to feeling lonely while her daughter was at summer camp, had surprised Lexa with a visit that had turned into a week-long stay. She’d met Raven quickly enough, and immediately Lexa had noticed the change in her demeanor. Usually always on her guard, Anya had seemed to... soften around the edges in a matter of minutes. It was clear to Lexa that Raven had caught Anya’s eye, not only with her wit but also her ability to run such a good business.
Unfortunately for Anya, who didn’t like to be surprised by her own feelings, she dealt with attraction rather poorly. That is, she’d be ready to snap if Lexa so much as implied there was something there. Lexa, however, could understand her need for caution: Anya was a working mother who would soon leave back to her home, hours away. It was hard to envision this relationship having a future.
And, surely, it would have remained that way had Raven not suddenly noticed the tattoo on Anya’s wrist and shown off her own: a depiction of the moon with the logo of her coffee shop covering the words she’d had since birth.
“Got it at twenty-five when my boyfriend of ten years dumped me for some chick he didn’t even know,” she explained.
When Lexa looked toward Anya then, she knew her friend’s interest was piqued for good. It was rare to meet anyone who had willingly tattooed their mark like Anya had. 
“A decade gone to dust because some skinny redhead told him what he’d always hoped to hear,” Raven revealed with a snort.
“So you don’t believe in the mark?” Anya asked cautiously.
“Oh, I do.”
As equally confused as her best friend, Lexa invited Raven to sit with them at their table. 
“I just don’t think the way we go about it works,” Raven elaborated. “Just because you meet - it doesn’t have to mean you’re right for each other at that exact moment, you know?”
“Or at all,” Lexa muttered.
“Well, I do think there’s truth to it,” Raven admitted. “It’s fucking beautiful, really, if we just see it as it is, but we have a messy approach.”
Lexa shook her head. “It’s just always seemed like... Do you love the person because of who they are, or do you love them because the words on your wrist tell you to?"
Raven smirked, like she had asked herself the same question a hundred times before. To do so aloud, however, was bold. “The way I see it? Just because your souls are bonded, doesn’t mean the relationship doesn’t need work. Sure, most movies show us it's happily ever after once the first words are uttered, but in reality the words are just the beginning. It's not easy to go from perfect stranger to soul-tied, you know?"
Anya rolled her eyes. "Cry me a river."
Raven shrugged. "If it weren't so taboo to admit you're unhappy with your soulmate, maybe some would realize it's because they're taking it for granted. My friend, Bellamy - his soulmate was this broody chick who straight up punched him for sleeping with her friend. Insulted the shit out of him; word for word the string of insults that wrap around his wrist four times. Anyway, she didn't give a shit when he showed her. Took them three years to meet again, and then another three to even like each other. Now they're expecting their first kid. But I think the best thing they did was to grow as people. The mark showed them the possibility for something life-changing was there - but they'd have to work for it first."
Lexa glanced at Anya, who had yet to look away from Raven.
"Look, I know it's fucked how you're treated," Raven continued, "but I don't think the mark itself is to be blamed. I mean, I think it was designed as a way to make life a little easier, that's all. But then… I don't know, most civilizations blew it out of proportion and turned it into something else. Decided that those who have it are better than those who don't - and backed up their points by turning the exceptions into the rule. That people without a mark are going to steal your jewelry or murder your kids one day, just because this one markless dude some thousands of years ago happened to be an ax murderer. Everyone loves to forget that ancient Egypt worshipped the Markless. They believed that they were in control of their own fate - freer. And don't get me started on the Greeks! They had whole temples dedicated to them. There's a reason the statues of their Gods didn't have marks, but nobody likes to bring that up.”
“Moral superiority is one hell of a drug,” Anya shrugged.
Raven chuckled. “I don't think anyone is better than anyone; it's just a bunch of people trying to be happy."
"Well, you're definitely an exception,” Lexa sighed. “I’ve been reminded of my place in the world enough times to know that.”
Raven was about to reply when the door to the shop opened. When Lexa saw that it was Clarke who had just walked in, her heart jumped in her throat.
“You’re back!” Raven exclaimed before getting up to pull Clarke into a hug. “How was it? How’s your mom?”
Clarke grinned in the embrace before pulling back to sign something. Lexa watched with rapt attention, trying hard to follow the movement of Clarke’s hands, but understanding none of her language in the end. She watched as Raven tipped her head back and laughed.
“Classic Abby Griffin.”
Clarke then pulled out a heavy paper bag from her backpack and gifted it to her friend, who immediately looked inside.
“Yes!” Raven turned to Anya and Lexa. “Best goddamn blueberry pierogi in the country!”
Clarke looked toward them as well and gave Lexa a small wave.
“You’ve met?” Raven asked. 
Clarke quickly signed something. Raven blinked, then burst out laughing.
“Oh fine, just go, you idiot.”
Clarke bit her lip before dashing toward the coffee shop’s restroom. Anya got up as well.
“I’ll be right back,” she excused herself.
Alone with Raven, who was now counting the pierogi in the bag, Lexa’s curiosity got to her.
“Are you good friends?”
Raven turned to her and nodded. “Clarke and I got each other through everything. There wouldn’t be a Coffee on the Moon without her.”
Lexa found incredible strength in Raven’s ability to be so open. “I wouldn’t be here without Anya,” she admitted in turn.
“How long have you known each other?”
“Since college. Anya... just helped me believe that I was more than the missing part.”
Raven’s face fell. “Shit. I’m really sorry."
Lexa shook her head. “It’s fine. Just made me who I am today.”
“No, it’s not fine. You know - Polis doesn’t tolerate that. We have each other’s backs here, mark or no mark. I think you’ll notice when you start teaching the kids. They really give me hope.”
Lexa smiled. “I look forward to it.”
Clarke and Anya came back from the restroom together, not exactly chatting but... Lexa could tell they’d communicated something to each other by the small smile on Clarke’s face. Anya sat back down at the table while Clarke signed something to Raven.
“Oh okay,” Raven answered. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Clarke nodded before she glanced once more at Lexa, mouthed ‘bye’, and left the shop. 
Raven turned to the table. “Okay, well, I need to put the pierogi in the fridge and make some calls, but let me know if you need anything.”
Lexa sat back in her chair with a sigh. She watched Anya pick up her cup of coffee and then smirk.
“She doesn’t have one.”
Lexa frowned slowly. “What?”
Anya chuckled, then took a sip of her coffee. “You’re so obvious, you know? I figured I’d check when she washed her hands.”
Lexa immediately sat up, hope blossoming dangerously in her chest. “She... doesn’t have-”
Lexa worried her bottom lip before grabbing her phone. Anya didn’t seem fazed in the least.
“Are you buying a hundred books on sign language?”
Lexa swiped something on her screen. “Yep.”
Part three
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betheflame · 5 years
Fennel Root & Super Soldiers
Stuckony Fill for @star-spangled-bingo​ & @marvelpolyshipbingo
Title: Fennel Root & Super Soldiers Ship: Bucky/Steve/Tony Square: G3 “Getting Kissed to Keep Quiet” in SSB and O5 in Poly. Rating: E Words: 3k Summary: Peter hasn't stopped crying for weeks and Tony is nearly at his whit's end. Thankfully, Steve and Bucky have a plan. Read on A03 ----
“Is it colic?” 
“According to the journals I can access, Sir,” Jarvis replied calmly, “colic typically ends in infants around their sixth month. Master Peter is well into his seventh.”
“Well, I suppose my kid has to be exceptional,” Tony muttered. 
“Sir, if I may be so bold.”
“Literally has never stopped you before.”
“I took the liberty of contacting Dr. Cho who consulted with several of her colleagues and they recommend introducing fennel root to Master Peter’s diet.”
“Fennel root.”
“Yes, Sir.” 
Tony started laughing uncontrollably. Two straight months of Peter screaming and fussing had been survivable, but the idea that fennel root might be the cure was his breaking point. 
Finally, Peter cried himself to sleep - and if patterns held, he’d sleep for about three hours and then be up screaming again, so Tony simply strapped Peter to himself and headed for the workshop. There were suits to test and he was woefully behind since Peter had come home. 
“Hey Jarvis?” Bucky called as he looked around Tony’s floor. “Where’s Stark?” He and Steve were just back from a month-long mission in South Africa and were anxious to have some much-needed conversations. 
“Sir and Master Peter are in the workshop, Sergeant Barnes.” 
Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply. “And when was the last time that Tony slept in his own bed for more than two hours?”
“Only twelve days, sir.”
“The existence of ‘only’ in that sentence is deeply troubling,” Steve cut in. 
“Quite, Captain,” Jarvis replied. “Sir was able to sleep for two rounds of eleven hours each when Agent Hill secured a babysitter for Master Peter.” 
“Hill did that?” Steve looked at Bucky with slightly wild eyes. “He wouldn’t even let us babysit, but he’ll let -”
“Captain, if I may interrupt, Agent Hill first employed Agent Barton to shoot Sir with a tranquilizer dart and then removed Master Peter to Thor’s floor, which is currently unoccupied.” 
Bucky and Steve stared at each other for several beats before they burst out laughing. After a few minutes, Bucky wiggled his eyebrows at Steve and said, “I say we go see if we’re more effective than a tranq.” 
Steve blushed slightly, but nodded. 
“Frosty! Capsicle! Welcome back! Jarvis, did you know they were back? Of course you did, why didn’t you tell me the Super Soakers were back. Hey! Boys! Do you know what fennel is? Because evidently that may be the only thing that restores my son to being a human instead of a wailing mandrake but all I know is that it kind of tastes like licorice so do you think I could just melt down some Jelly Bellys and put them in his bottle and it would be the same thing?”
It was a true testament to how well Steve and Bucky knew Tony that they not only followed the hyper-speed monologue, but ignored it completely. 
“Tony, give me Peter,” Steve stepped right in front of Tony and held out his hands. 
“Cap, we’re fine he’s just a little fussy, honest,” Tony deflected and waved Steve’s hands away. 
“Jarvis,” Bucky said in a slightly menacing tone. 
“Yes, Sargeant.” 
All of a sudden, the entire workshop shut down. The holograms disappeared, the bots froze, and the lights dimmed to 35% of normal output. Tony squinted his eyes at Steve. “Jarvis, why are we at nighttime protocol?”
“Because you need to sleep, Tony,” Steve answered. 
“You do a terrible Jarvis impression,” Tony replied. “And I’m fine. I slept last week. Jarvis, turn everything back on.”
“No, Sir, I don’t believe I will.” 
Tony was too busy gaping at Jarvis to notice that Bucky had started unfastening Peter’s carrier, but when the baby’s weight shifted, Tony swatted at Bucky’s hands. “Buckybear, hands off the kid.”
“No,” Bucky said simply as Steve reached into the loosened carrier and lifted a sleeping Peter away from Tony. As soon as Steve had Peter, Bucky dipped himself down and got Tony into a bridal carry. 
“What the living fuck is happening?” Tony growled as Bucky carried him to the elevator. 
“You and Peter need to sleep,” Steve said. “Bucky and I don’t. So once Buck deposits you on your bed, we’ll take Peter to our floor where he can make all the noise he wants and tire himself out and you can rest easy knowing that he’s safe.”
“He’s safe?” 
“Of course he is,” Bucky snorted. “We love him.” 
Tony seemed struck dumb by that statement and his eyes darted wildly between Steve and Bucky. “Why do you love my kid?”
“We’ll talk about that after you sleep,” Steve responded as Jarvis slowed the elevator and he stepped off on the super soldier’s joint floor. “Good night, Tony.”
Tony wiggled enough in Bucky’s arms that Buck released him and let Tony stand on his own two feet. With all the crazed energy of a man who hadn’t properly rested in nigh on a decade, Tony backed Bucky into the corner of the elevator. “I have only barely functional anxiety, Buckaroo, so the ‘we need to talk but we’ll do it later’ is truly the worst, and I need an answer right now. Why do you love my kid?”
Bucky pursed his lips and sent a mental apology to Steve. “Because we love you.” 
“You what now?”
Bucky shrugged and curved his lips into a smirk. “Have for a while now, evidently, both of us individually, but we had a lotta time to chat in Pretoria - mission was a fucking joke, but we’ll tell you the story later - and it came out that we both kinda have a thing for you. You’ve made enough jokes about super soldier sandwiches that we kinda hoped you’d be into it, too, and we had this whole thing planned, but then we got back here and Jarvis told us you hadn’t slept. You know Mother Hen Rogers, he couldn’t function at that idea, so now he’s with the kid and I’m in charge of putting you to bed.” 
“I’m so tired, I’m hallucinating,” Tony responded. “That is literally the only explanation I’ve got here. Because there is no way that you said -”
Bucky cut him off with a gentle and brief kiss. “I didn’t stutter, Stark.” 
Before Tony could respond to the kiss or the statement or any of it, Bucky once again gathered him into a bridal carry as Jarvis stopped the elevator at the penthouse. Tony was uncharacteristically silent as Bucky padded to the bedroom and helped Tony strip out of the greasy workshop clothes and curl up into bed. 
“I’m gonna go check on the boys,” Bucky whispered and ran his metal fingers over Tony’s cheek. “We’ll see you when you wake up.” 
“I’m confused,” Tony whispered as he roused himself from sleep several hours later and saw Bucky and Steve both sprawled on the couch in his bedroom. 
“Peter’s sleeping,” Steve responded, gesturing to the floating hologram of Peter that Jarvis had projected next to the men. 
“Since there aren’t any banshee screams filling the air, I assumed that he was dead or sleeping and Buckaroo tells us his murder puppet days are in the past, so I went with option two,” Tony mumbled slightly as he stretched himself awake. “How long was I out?”
“Six hours,” aforementioned former murder puppet responded. 
Tony closed his eyes again and started to calculate how much lost productivity time that was, when he felt the mattress dip a bit. 
“Why are you confused?” Steve whispered from behind him. 
Tony opened his eyes to see Bucky laying in front of him. Upon seeing Tony’s eyes open, Bucky shifted a bit so their foreheads were touching. “I jumped the gun a bit,” he confessed. 
“Oh Jesus, Buck,” Steve groaned, and Tony could imagine Steve’s face of disappointment. “We had a plan.”
“Well,” Bucky responded, “I amended the plan, Stevie. I’m allowed to take liberties.” 
“Yeah you are.” The flirty statement was out of Tony’s mouth before he could stop it and he knew it had landed by the way both men drew a quick breath. 
“So you told him?” Steve asked. 
“He’s here,” Tony replied, but let himself melt back into Steve a little bit. “And confused. You two have a good thing going, I thought.”
“We do,” Bucky responded. “But there’s always room for improvement.”
Tony was quiet at that, so Steve started explaining. “Buck and I have been us for, what, nearly 90 years, and that’s wonderful, but we’re also different people than we were then and even different than when we came out of the ice and out of cryo.”
“And we both realized,” Bucky picked up the narrative, “over the last year or so, that part of that difference was that we wanted our lives to be bigger than just the two of us.”
“And then we both realized that you were already the reason both of us were functional enough to find each other again,” Steve continued. 
“You rehearsed this, didn’t you,” Tony whispered, smiling at their patter. 
“Stevie made me do drafts, Daddy Warbucks, please just let him finish,” Bucky pleaded and Tony snorted. 
“It’s important to be prepared,” Steve protested and Bucky started humming ‘Star Spangled Man with a Plan’ and Tony laughed. 
“Fuck you both,” Steve responded. 
“That’s what we’re trying to get to here, Stevie, if you could hurry up,” Bucky replied and Tony’s heart stopped for a second. He loved everything about these men - how they worked together, how they loved each other, how they made him laugh, how they pissed him off, how they… 
Tony’s brain stuttered as it executed a quick catalog flip through memories of the last year of their lives. 
He loved how they loved him. 
He loved how they loved Peter. 
Holy hell on wheels, this was happening. 
“Confusion over,” Tony interrupted Steve, who had started back into his well-rehearsed lines. 
“Yeah?” Bucky grinned wolfishly and Tony was unable to help himself. He tipped his head down and met Bucky’s lips. A whine let out from behind him, and his hand went back to grip Steve’s hip, to let the man know Tony remembered where he was and who he was with. When his hand hit fabric, Tony briefly pulled away from Bucky’s mouth. “Super Soldiers must be naked. New bedroom rule.” 
“Yes, Mr. Stark,” Steve whispered. Tony wiggled a little to let Bucky and Steve roll down his pants before he kicked them off completely, and soon all three men were divested of their clothing. 
“We’ll be exploring more uses of that name later,” Tony replied and heard both Steve and Bucky chuckle as they settled back into their places. 
Then Steve pressed tighter into Tony, letting Tony feel his erection snuggled in the crack of Tony’s ass, and reached his hand around to grasp the length of Tony’s rapidly hardening cock. Tony gasped into Bucky’s mouth, giving the man the opportunity to deepen their kiss. 
While Steve’s hand was busy, his mouth went to work on Tony’s neck, sucking and nipping a bruise that sent shockwaves down Tony’s spine and he pushed back into Steve’s dick. 
“I don’t... I’m out,” Tony ripped away his mouth from Bucky’s and panted. “I’ve been using lotion.”
“Yeah, that doesn’t go in my ass either,” Bucky chuckled. “We got some in ours, but wild horses could not drag me away from here.” 
“Peter screaming would barely do it,” Steve confessed quickly and went back to work on Tony’s neck. 
“Hands, then, this time,” Tony breathed. 
“This time,” Bucky confirmed and shifted himself slightly so that he could curl his metal arm under both Tony and Steve. As they all pulled together, Steve widened his grip so that he could take both Bucky and Tony’s dicks in his hand at the same time. A year of fantasy meant that no one was holding out for long and soon both Bucky and Tony came all over each other. 
Bucky shifted after a few moments, but Steve was quicker. “You guys just lay there, I’ll go get a washcloth.”
“Second drawer on the left side of the sink,” Tony mumbled and snuggled into Bucky’s neck. When Steve returned, he lovingly washed both of their bodies and then rearranged himself back onto the bed. 
Tony quickly scrambled and arranged himself between the v of Steve’s legs. Without any warning, he licked a stripe up the underside of Steve’s erection, causing the man to let out a cry of pleasure that had Tony’s heart skipping a beat. 
“Tony, are you sure?” 
Tony rolled his eyes. “I just had a mind blowing orgasm, not heart surgery, and I have been dreaming of this for… oh…. Five years? I want your dick in my mouth, Captain. Any complaints?” 
“Fuck no,” Bucky breathed. 
Steve laughed. “He wasn’t asking you, Trouble.” 
“If we’re talking about fantasies, this is one ‘a mine, so lay there like a good boy and let Tony suck you dry,” Bucky ordered. Without letting Steve reply, he addressed Tony. “He likes a bit of slow torture at the beginning, and some fingers, but when the show gets going, don’t break rhythm.”
Tony lazily saluted and got to work. He licked and sucked and made slow progress down Steve’s length. Steve’s dick was large, no surprise there, both in length and girth and Tony was pleased he’d gotten rid of his gag reflex somewhere around 1994. He let his fingers trail over Steve’s sack and perineum, before letting one circle Steve’s hole. Once Tony’s finger touched the puckered skin, Steve canted his hips right into Tony’s face and Tony figured it was time for the 2nd part of the act. 
He swallowed Steve whole immediately and heard Bucky encourage him. “That’s it, Tony, sweetheart, he loves it just like that, oh fuck you two are so gorgeous I’m tempted to ask J for a picture. God fucking dammit, I love you two.”
Tony swallowed as much of Steve’s come as he could - but he could feel some dribble out of his mouth towards the end. As he let go of Steve’s softening cock, Tony felt himself lifted by his shoulders and soon Bucky’s mouth was on his, licking up Steve’s come and Tony’s spit. 
“Oh, yes, more of that in the future,” Steve huffed. 
Once Bucky deemed Tony sufficiently kissed, they rearranged themselves into a comfortable cuddle pile. They laid quietly, letting hands explore and caress, before a wail cut through the room. Tony moved to go get him and Bucky pressed a hand to his chest. “You’re not alone anymore. I got him.” 
If Tony was a man who cried with joy, his face would be wet. 
He was, however, a man with an infant and therefore exhausted, so he simply rolled into Steve and fell back asleep. 
Three Years Later
“There’s Papa,” Steve pointed to three-year-old Peter as Tony came into view. Peter wiggled out of Steve’s grip and went running across the lobby and straight into Tony’s waiting arms. 
“Thanks, Stevie,” Bucky said, his voice warm with affection as he stared down at the bundle of blanket in his arms. With Peter now safely with Tony, Steve could hold their daughter. 
In the three years since he’d gotten up the nerve to talk to Bucky about adding Tony to their relationship, most of Steve’s wildest dreams had come true. The dreams he’d taken into the ice but never thought he’d have the chance to see - dreams of domesticity and quiet mornings with cartoons and blanket forts built by the fireplace to play in and lazy Sunday mornings in bed - they’d all come true. 
Plus, having blanket forts built by Tony and Bucky were something else - Peter and Steve were always in charge of decorations and rules. Peter was very particular that no shoes be allowed in the fort. The fort, he informed them all the time, was for snuggles with Papa, Abba, and Athair. 
The debate over what names Peter should use for the three men had been long enough that Nat finally intervened. 
“For fucks sake you idiots,” she said one morning when they were bickering about it at the breakfast table. “Just use papa for Tony, abba for Buck, and athair for Steve. Italian, Hebrew, Irish. This is not hard.” 
They stared at her and then each other like she had just handed them the holy grail. She rolled her eyes at their glee. They were such charming ding dongs, really. 
When Peter turned two, he began begging for a sibling. 
“But, Abbaaaaaaa,” Peter whined when Bucky told him to stop asking out of sheer frustration. “I need a secret partner.” 
Bucky must have looked completely confused, because Jarvis chimed in that the concept of a sibling as someone to share secrets with had been a plot point on a recent episode of Sesame Street. And even though Peter was only biologically ½ Stark, he was emotionally 100% Tony - so once the kid had an idea in his head, that was the end of it. 
Out of sheer self-preservation, the men had begun talking to surrogates. Peter’s biological mom, a lovely woman named Allison that Pepper had found for Tony when he was ready to have Peter, was open to two more children and so plans were set in place. Since their kids would all have the same dads, emotionally though not physically - and the ‘Stark’ last name because Tony’s lawyers told them it was all just easier that way - they liked the idea of all having the same mom. 
First into the world was Abigail Winnifred Barnes Stark and if there was a baby on the planet more fiercely loved by her four men, it would be hard pressed to find her. 
“Papa, is that my Abby?” Peter said in a loud whisper from Tony’s arms as he peered down into the bundle in Bucky’s. 
And Steve nearly swooned right on the spot. 
“Hi you,” Bucky ignored Tony and Peter for a moment - whose conversation was continuing at the traditional seventy miles per minute - and leaned in to kiss Steve. “Wanna meet our girl?” 
Tears fell unbidden as Steve accepted the tiny, squirming infant. He remembered when Tony brought Peter home - how small Peter had been, how much Steve wanted to make sure nothing ever hurt him, but it was magnified a million times by holding the girl he knew from the start would call him hers. 
“I know, pal,” Bucky whispered as he wiped tears from Steve’s cheeks. “I know.” 
“Athair! Abba!” Peter’s voice transformed their moment from a smaller bubble to their full one, as Tony wrapped himself around his partners and let Peter lean down to kiss Abby’s forehead. “Can we take her home now? Please? She needs to meet Auntie Nat, and Auntie Pepper, and Uncle Clint, and Uncle Bruce, and oh, when is Uncle Thor coming back? And can Miss Maria come visit soon?”
“You know,” Bucky said quietly to Steve as Tony fielded Peter’s questions, “considering I eliminated the chance any of our kids had for an extended family, we’ve done a pretty good job of giving them one anyway.”
“Since when does family have anything to do with biology, Buck?” Steve smiled and kissed his temple as they walked to where Happy had the limo ready to take them home for the first time as a family of five.
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