#where you been coughing elliott🫵🤨
the-woild-is-y-erster · 11 months
sorry hello very random question lol but i saw your recent cosplay photo post and was wondering if your cane was a knob cane? and if so, how does it feel to like- hold it? like is it uncomfortable on your wrist or anything hkshsdjkeh i looked into them a while back but heard they were more for fashion than mobility. unless you are using it solely for fashion in which case, feel free to disregard this lol.
yes my cane is a knob cane, i got it at an antique store, yes it is super uncomfortable on your hand, and yes i am using it for mobility!!
i have a shitton of knee and leg pain like. all the time. something something i have plica syndrome in both knees, and the rest of my legs just hurt.
i went to the doctor to see why tf my legs were hurting and she literally just told me it was because i was doing too much choreo in theater and that it would go away over the summer: spoiler alert! it didnt and there actually something wrong with me.
but i dont think its just the plica syndrome, because that mostly only affects the knee area, and i get shooting pains through my shins and thighs whenever i stand or crouch or move. at all.
if i could i would get forearm crutches, but alas, the ableism runs strong in this family.
im planning on finding an actual cane sometime soon, or crutches if i can.
i am realizing now that because of the cosplay im wearing in that photo, it really does look like im just using it for fashion, but i promise i do actually have something wrong with me lmao
i picked that one out of the giant bucket of canes at that antique store because it looked like spot conlons lmao and i needed a cane, but if you have the option i would say to not get a knob cane unless youre only using it for short periods of time.
for instance, i used it with that cosplay on friday walking around the zoo for four hours straight, and yeah it helped my knees not hurt like a bitch but it cramped my hand a ton and my wrist is still sore.
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