#where to buy discounted Amazon gift cards
seat-safety-switch · 9 months
In Canada, I was raised from birth to be a warrior. My ancestors clashed in battle after battle, drawing blood to retrieve the best deals on home electronics and occasionally near-expiry panettone. Like my grandfather said on the first day he put a charge card in my hand, I was born to win at Boxing Day.
Perhaps you live in a country that does not have Boxing Day, or maybe you call it something else. If this is the case, I would like you to imagine going to the stores and finding a good discount. Traditionally, before the Americans came with their blackened Fridays and good-deal Aprils, going into combat on this day is how we would be able to afford a six-CD changer.
It was always the same sequence. Get up at the crack of dawn with the surviving family members. Drive to the asshole end of the city, after determining which of the stores are likely to have the least attendance and competition for the deal you want. Wait in line in the December morn for more than an hour, eyeing anyone who tries to cut in line. The doors open. There is blood. So much blood. And then, maybe if you were pure of heart and fleet of foot, a deal.
Things have changed now. The internet came from the heavens. The clouds above us sing of algorithmically determined deals that are determined computationally to be the exact discount that will trigger us to buy. 19% off? We scoff. 18.35% off with a free cookie? Some part of our protosimian neurological architecture jams its foot on the gas pedal and won't let go until we've destroyed one entire Bank of Montreal Platinum Reserve® Optimax® MasterCard® in exchange for something we don't need that might arrive at our home late next week by a hungover Purolator employee. There is no honour in this.
Which is why we're going to try out a new thing this year. The mall near us has been empty for decades, except for a short period of time where the CBC filmed a docudrama set in the 1990s there. What we're gonna do is set a bunch of Amazon gift cards down on the floor and let some folks my age kick the absolute shit out of each other in exchange for a chance to buy them for greater than the listed face value. It's gonna be just like the old days. I hope to see you there.
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trivialbob · 10 months
Today we supported the local economy, even as one Amazon box arrived at the house.
Gift shops!
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Some of the stuff is fun, but "gifts" means a wee bit overpriced. I found some drink mixers I would have bought for myself but... They were small Mason jars filled with dried fruits and spices. Add 8 to 12 ounces of your favorite distilled spirit, wait three days, enjoy.
Except they were $25 each.
Using Mason jars I already have I am going to try making my own mixer kits. I'll need to get a food dehydrator but think of the money I'll save by making, not buying, "gifts." You'll love my brief, handwritten notes I plan to put on Christmas cards cut from pieces of discarded office paper! Why waste the side that didn't have any printing on it?
We shopped around South Minneapolis. I love the old brick buildings. If I worked in one of these I'd want to know the history of all the businesses had been there. This one is 104 years old.
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This is one where we ate breakfast. Sheila and I split a large chorizo burrito. Quite tasty, but expensive for counter service, I thought. The bakery had fresh baked green olive bread. It looked crusty and a card said it was "good served with chili."
That made me want chili with green olive bread. I didn't buy any of the fresh bread though because it would be too much for the two of us to finish before it got stale. Maybe when my son and his girlfriend are here later this month I'll buy some.
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A genre of gifts I find tacky. They are like those comedians who can't craft a clever joke and prop up the gag with four letter words.
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That Amazon box had my new Minnetonka Moccasins. They are fleece lined and very comfortable, but only appropriate for dry weather outside. They were discounted 60% for some reason. That makes them feel even more cozy to me! I might sleep in them tonight.
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spiremire · 1 year
its that time of year again
To all the new undergrads out there, here are the best ways I found to save money without completely sucking all the joy out of life, from a current grad student :) (a lot of this advice is usamerican-centric for students that live on/very close to campus because that was my undergrad experience)
Advice under the cut because I wrote too much:
School stuff:
Don't buy the textbooks from the bookstore. Especially don't buy them new. Rent them from Chegg or Amazon, or straight up pirate them from the internet. (I am a huge advocate for textbook piracy)
You can also see if your school has a textbook swap. You can try to start a textbook swap, or coordinate with friends about swapping books if you take the same classes at different times. Maybe talk to your RA about organizing one for your dorm floor/building.
Apple, HP, and Dell all have educational discount programs, if you need a computer with a little more oomph than a Chromebook or a ThinkPad. (I also highly recommend getting anything BUT a chromebook, but I know that's not always in the cards). DON'T get an Apple computer if you are a STEM major. It will cause more headaches than it's worth.
Take advantage of the bus pass your college tuition comes with. Go places. It's not as fast as an uber but it's a hell of a lot cheaper and you've already paid for it. Consider using this service instead of keeping a car on campus, too! Parking passes are also usually pricey.
Some regions have services like ZipCar where you can rent a car by the hour. Universities where this is available often have a deal to make it more accessible to students. (Use this when the bus isn't an option! It's usually also way cheaper than an Uber, and you can get different sized cars for different needs!)
If you get sick/hurt (of the non-emergent variety) badly enough to warrant a doctor visit: try visiting your campus health center first! Students usually get a free visit or two per semester/quarter.
Your student health center will often have free safe sex supplies. Sometimes they have the good stuff. They really don't care how often you come in and dig through the condom bowl. My campus had a monthly delivery service you could sign up for (for free). I've managed to get free condoms, lube, dental dams, and gloves this way. (This is a very cheap way to figure out what lube and condoms you like and hate, btw)
Don't say no to ANY of the free stuff. Take all the t-shirts, stickers, pens, mugs, markers, discount codes, reusable shopping bags, temporary tattoos, snacks, and cheap sunglasses they're willing to give you. Even if you won't use it yourself, it all makes excellent branded merchandise for the people in your life supporting you. You can even save on gifts during holidays by passing some of this stuff off to people who will use it. (I was given a free pair of sunglasses in my freshman year that I still use—7 years later—in situations where I don't want to lose/damage my better ones).
Smaller businesses close to campus will probably have a student discount. Ask. It'll probably be less than 20% but take what you can get, because it adds up.
Often your college will have some amount of free software for you to use while you're a student. Typically Microsoft Office, but sometimes others. I've gotten access to Photoshop, ArcGIS, MATLAB, JMP Pro, and a few others this way. (Piracy is an option here, but it's more challenging because these things are more closely guarded.)
Sometimes at the end of the year, people moving out will just leave the furniture they don't want anymore outside. I don't recommend doing this, because someone has to clean it up but take advantage of it when it happens if you see something you want.
Steal food from the dining hall (if it's the buffet kind). Some places you have to be more sneaky about it, but some places you don't. My bestie used to straight up bring in two half-gallon jugs and fill one from the dining hall milk dispenser and the other with lemonade once a week or so and nobody ever stopped her or said anything. Generally dining halls are staffed by students that don't get paid enough to care that it's your fourth stop by the pizza station and you can't possibly have eaten that much pizza in the last thirty minutes. (Bring tupperware in your backpack. If they don't allow backpacks, napkins in a sweatshirt front pocket also work (transfer to tupperware once you get your bag back)
IF YOU QUALIFY FOR WORK STUDY: do it! The WS jobs generally pay better because half the wage comes from the government and half comes from the person who hired you (makes it easier to pay you more because they don't even have to budget for a minimum wage employee).
Go to the activities put on by the dorms and various student groups. I promise you'll have more fun than you think, and they're usually free to very inexpensive. Get a free succulent. Make friendship bracelets and cute soap. Watch a free movie. Go on that kayak tour. See a sports game for a team you don't care about. This is an excellent way to supplement your work-life balance and you might make a friend.
Share streaming service passwords/costs with friends or roommates. If everyone in the friend group comes in with one, you can have the whole shebang for a fraction of the cost. Alternatively, split the cost of one or two that you rotate between every few months (in my experience, this works best seasonally: Autumn is Netflix and Hulu, Winter is HBO and Disney+ etc) Piracy is also an option here as well.
Try to make most of your fun beverages on your own at home. Limit the starbucks coffee or boba to once or twice a week. Take the $15-30/week you saved by not buying starbucks everyday and go to the movies or something. Save up for a camping trip with friends. Idk. I spend $12/every six weeks-ish on the costco-sized container of the coffee I like and that's roughly the same price as two medium lattes. I like having that money for other stuff.
If you have metered internet: do all your big downloads on the free campus network.
Support your on campus artists by going to shows, showings, exhibits, and galleries. They're often a very inexpensive way to see art.
Like reading for fun? Check out your local library. They have the books, but also movies and games. Some libraries have a Library of Things where you can borrow like. Baking pans or a lawn mower. The city library is guaranteed to be quieter than the university libraries, if that's your thing. You also probably won't have to trip a basketball player to beat them to the last available table during finals week.
If you're going on hikes that are less than 10 miles round trip, I'd argue that you really don't need much in the way of specialized equipment* (especially if you have cell service the whole time (for maps/GPS)), which makes it very inexpensive if you already have a couple water bottles, snacks, comfortable shoes, and a backpack. *See the great outdoors section for more recommendations
Live somewhere like Alaska? Like outside? Find someone who knows what they're doing and go foraging. It's very important you bring an expert the first few times ESPECIALLY if you live in an area where you could be ingesting poisonous mushrooms or berries. My roommate and I love going on berry picking hikes.
Like hiking but don't like hiking alone? Join an on-campus club OR a meet-up group. This is an excellent way to make friends (and find a few hiking buddies)
Regal movie theatre is the most expensive. If you have a different one in your area your tickets will likely be a few bucks cheaper. (we only have regal where I am and I am angry)
General shopping:
My personal philosophy is if I don't need it immediately, I don't buy it unless it's on sale.
Get a credit card or two with decent cashback rewards. DO NOT SPEND ANY MONEY YOU CANNOT IMMEDIATELY PAY OFF (this will avoid interest charges AND build your credit score, which will be important later on for things like renting an apartment, buying a car from a dealership, or buying a house). Use the card(s) for all your expenses. Cashback will add up pretty slowly, but it will add up. Discover It is pretty good for students and comes with a quarterly rotation of different things that get higher cash back. Apple Card has good cashback ONLY if you're using actual Apple Pay instead of the physical card (which is harder in less urban areas where cardreaders haven't been recently updated).
Make a throwaway email and sign up for stamp cards, loyalty programs, and rewards programs everywhere you shop (new email is so you don't have to be spammed with all the junk they send you but you can still access the coupons when you want them). Don't sign up for the ones with the credit cards unless they have good cashback (> 1-2%) for places that aren't their store. The Fred Meyer program slaps because it gives you gas discounts. I am currently paying less than $3.00/gallon (current cost in my area is ~$4.30/gallon). Fred Meyer is a Kroger brand, so if you don't have Freds but do have a different Kroger thing, see what they've got.
Check thrift/consignment stores and yard/garage/estate sales for things that you don't necessarily need to be in the nicest condition. Suitcases, dishes for that camping trip, a mat for outside your front door. Be really careful with soft furniture (it could be hosting bugs; if it's from a yard sale, ask the owner where it was stored before the sale. Items in the garage or a storage unit or outside should be extra scrutinized) and give everything you can a good wash/scrub down before letting it live in your house.
Estate sales are fantastic for furnishing an apartment. Usually an estate sale is done when (old) people die and the family wants help getting rid of the stuff they don't want for themselves. Currently, old people generally have very well made, solid wood furniture. It will go for much cheaper than it's actually worth if you buy it at an estate sale (rather than at an antique store). A lot of the time the furniture even matches. They'll also have things like vacuums, kitchen stuff, and maybe garage stuff.
TJ Maxx, Ross, and Homegoods (et cetra) are good for finding inexpensive clothes or home items.
Back to school sales are great for just about everything. Lots of big stuff like good furniture and electronics go on sale for things like labor/memorial day.
Don't buy a mattress just because it's the cheapest one. Buy one you actually like. Buy sheets and pillows you actually like. Having a good night's rest in a bed you are comfortable in is invaluable. It will make the rest of college way less bad I promise.
See if you can repair something before buying a new one. At best, you fix it. At worst, it continues to not work. I was gifted a pair of bose noise cancelling headphones that I use often enough that I've had to replace the foam over-ear pads 3 times and the aux cable once. This has cost me about $40 over 7 years instead of the ~$300 getting a new pair would cost. Replacement parts and patch kits are where it's at.
Some insurance companies give discounts for good grades. Take advantage of that.
Check Buy Nothing groups. I've never done this but I've heard good things.
Some car companies give a small discount to recent graduates who are buying a new car. (I did this, it was only $500.)
IF YOU HAVE THE MONEY TO DO SO!!!! Buy something that is going to last over something that is cheap. You will save money in the long run if you can pay the upfront cost.
IF YOU HAVE THE MONEY TO DO SO!!!! (and the space for storage of the larger package) Buy in bulk. Unit price is always cheaper and one large package is generally wrapped in less packaging than the same amount in many smaller packages (save the earth!)
Keep track of warranties and register products for them if necessary. If something breaks and it's still covered under the warranty, the company may be obligated to replace it (depends on how it broke). Shoot your shot! If you're really lucky, the warranty period will start over with the arrival of the replacement, and if the replacement breaks within the warranty period, it will also be eligible for replacement. (I've managed to take advantage of this on multiple occasions and have saved probably $600 this way.)
The Great Outdoors:
Need to buy seasonal equipment (like snow gear or swimsuits)? Wait until the end of the current season. Prices will drop as stores attempt to clear inventory for the upcoming season's stuff. Buy your kayak and bikini in October or November and your heavy winter jacket and ski goggles in March. Keep an eye out for the sales beginning in the weeks prior if you are a common size, as those will sell out first).
I really recommend getting an REI membership. It's a one-time cost ($30??) that opens up the used website, the garage sale, and extra bonuses like random coupons, member only sale prices, discounts on gear rental and classes, a wider window for returns/exchanges, and free US shipping (I live in Alaska and the free shipping makes this one of the best deals I can get). It will pay for itself probably within your first purchase.
Consider buying open box, but make sure all the parts are there.
Keep an eye on warranties and register products for them when necessary. Trust me, given how expensive outdoor stuff is, it's entirely worth it. Keep receipts, packing slips, and tags if you can as proof of purchase.
On campus clubs for your activity of choice. Make friends, get to go cool(er) places possibly for free/cheap.
Trying a new activity? Rent/borrow some gear to do it a few times before committing to purchasing your own. This will ensure you don't spend hundreds of dollars just to find you hate backpacking. REI has a good gear rental program and a plethora of classes, and your campus may have an outdoor equipment rental option. They may also have lessons or classes you can take about your new activity so you can learn to do it safely. I learned how to ice climb this way in March, and am going to take advantage of my current university's free gear rental and free ice climbing tower until I feel comfortable enough to go out into the wild and do it on my own.
Decided you like your new activity? Check these places (none of this is sponsored lmao I just like outside and have personal experience with all these sites):
Geartrade: Discounted new* and used gear in a variety of conditions. Definitely read all the fine print here. *Geartrade sells things sometimes that are brand new but had some packaging defect; these things are usually half off.
REI ReSupply: Used gear in a variety of conditions. Defects are detailed in product descriptions. Even things in excellent condition are usually at least half off the original price.
Sierra(dot)com: brand new stuff from well-known brands at a fraction of the price. It's usually past-season overstock, but it's all perfectly serviceable and the differences between this season and last season's gear is usually negligible. They have sales and clearance as well. Get what you want/need even cheaper if you have time to wait for it to be further discounted.
Costco sometimes has pretty good outdoor gear. I personally know that the bear spray here is NOT a good deal (it's a two-pack, but the can volume/spray-time is smaller than the two-pack at REI and they go for the same price) but their trekking poles are good and I really like their men's merino wool socks. I've heard from reputable sources that the costco snow-shoes suck. Definitely read reviews before committing here.
Facebook marketplace/craigslist: Both can be hit or miss. You'll usually have better luck for equipment that is used for activities that can be done locally (ie. you will probably not find an abundance of skis in desert Arizona) but that's not a hard rule. DEFINITELY read the fine print here, and ask to inspect the item before you hand over any money (people usually aren't weird about this and if they are you might be being scammed). I got a new dog last year and got everything for him for under $100 (two beds, two crates, bowls, harnesses, dog sized sleeping bag for camping, lick mats, the whole shebang)
I'm sure that other people have better advice regarding things like electronics, traveling, and activities that don't fall into the category of Wandering Into The Woods, but this is what I know!
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ghoulishbuck · 10 months
This post is for those who want to know places to get books or where I personally get mine. If you would like to add places please leave them in the comments.
Ways I acquire books:
•Libby- this is an app that connects with your library card(s). 90% of what I read I loan from my library using this as audiobooks and ebooks at times are easier for me to use.
•Kindle Unlimited- I own an old fire tablet that I just got two months of kindle unlimited for free on but personally I won’t continue it after it ends because I have a hard time with ebooks.
•Amazon- I rarely buy things on here now but they do often have a lot of books on sale. I do also browse for deals on ebooks and have gotten a plethora of ones I’m interested in for free.
•Secondhand stores- most of my collection comes from secondhand/ thrift stores. I very rarely buy a book from chain stores or for full price. This also includes antique stores.
•PangoBooks- 98% of the time if I want to buy a specific book I’ll look for it here before I look elsewhere. They also at times do give out coupons like spend $20 get $5 off.
•NetGalley- every now and then I’ll request digital arcs (ebooks and audiobooks that aren’t released yet). As long as you read the books you request and review them (or state you DNF’ed and why) on the site and keep your ratio at least at 80% of all accepted request reviewed you’re golden. But, having another place where you talk and review books does increase your chances. Personally, I have my Goodreads and Instagram account linked to help even though I haven’t touched my Instagram account in awhile.
•Library- I’ve barely checked out any books in person since I got my library card but that’s purely because I’m really trying to read my physical tbr and stay away from adding more to it.
•Gifts- if people ask me what I want for something for example my 21st birthday which is a few months away I’ll either say a certain book, an author, or a gift card to someplace that sells books. Sometimes I’ll say other things depending on the person. Now that doesn’t mean I’m expecting a bunch of books especially new ones in fact when I gave someone a list of books and author names I only gave them things that I thought they could easily find in a thrift store and always remind them that it’s not a list of things that needs to be completely bought but more of a scavenger hunt that they can end at anytime.
•Audible- for awhile I had a subscription mostly due to multiple free trials and it not cancelling even after I cancelled… Anyways, I prefer using Libby.
•Half Price Books- this is both a secondhand store and not. A good chunk of my books have come from here although these days this is mostly only my go to when I’m near one, when I don’t have time for a thrift store (I will look at nearly the entire place), or when I’m hoping to find certain more popular books.
•Barnes & Nobles- I very rarely went to Barnes even when I lived near one but every now and then I would buy some books from there. I do wish I could be near one when they do their 50% off hardcover sale they usually do on the 26th of December.
•Giveaways- I’ve won quite a few e-book giveaways on Goodreads. Personally, I’ve only won one physical giveaway and never received it. Which is pretty 50/50 when it’s the publisher doing the giveaway from what I understand.
•Dollar Tree- this is pretty hit or miss but whenever I go I make sure to check out their book section because they do sometimes have books I am interested in.
•Target- their price on books especially viz manga always gets me. Along with the deals they do every now and then like buy one get one 50% off or buy two get one free.
•Walmart- they also have about the same pricing for books as Target does but the only extra deal they do is for books they put on clearance which they put in cardboard bins.
•Book Outlet- discounted books that are pretty cheap although condition can vary. Not like extremely bad but like I have gotten a book with a small rip in the cover, the cover smushed on the top and bottom of the spine and a broken spine on a hardcover. I just think it’s better to know what the condition could be be before going into it. As long as your fine with the chance of getting that I highly recommend it. They are currently doing a fiction books sale right now where their only $5.99 and everything else is 20% off. Just dropping my referral link below if you use it you get $5 off of a $25 or higher order.
•Rightstuf (rip now is under Crunchyroll)- they had some great deals on manga, graphic novels, anime figures, and anime. I sadly didn’t take part in the birthday sale even though I really wanted to but I did make one or two purchases from them and had a good experience.
•Book of the Month- I’ve been getting books from them for just about to be a year and one month. I personally have really enjoyed it but I also will read anything that interest me and usually even if I don’t care for the months picks after watching people react to them and talk about them I want to pick up at least one of them. Book of the Month referral below.
•Aardvark- I got this one month with the discount code they always have where you get your first book for $4. There’s been a few books I wanted that they have but it’s been too rare for me.
Other ways that I haven’t yet done:
•Library sales- every now and then libraries will sell the books they no longer plan to keep in circulation and the profits go directly to the library.
•Little Free Libraries- these are strictly take a book leave a book deals. Most of these are run by a book lover who just wants to make books more accessible to people but they have to take the money out of their own pocket to keep it filled.
•Asking Publishers for physical arcs- this is the one I’m most anxious about and know the least about. From what I heard you have better chances of getting accepted for physical arcs if you have a big following. And it’s better to wait until you have had a book blog be somewhat regularly active (every week or two minimum) for six months. After that point you have to send an email to the publisher specifically asking for a certain physical arc(s), link your blog, make it professional sounding and just cross your fingers.
•Independent bookstore- I live in the middle of nowhere so the closest one to me is over two hours away (this is actually the closest bookstore period) and it’s also pretty much in the middle of nowhere. I just have a hard time paying full price so even though I love browsing through a bookstore the drive just for the bookstore that’s full price isn’t worth it.
•ThriftBooks- I like to know the condition I’m buying books in so I’ve never bought something from here as new could actually mean good condition depending on the person.
•SciFier- this is what a lot of people especially in the UK use especially for manga. It’s like a Rightstuff but from what I’ve seen better.
•eBay- I feel more comfortable with Pango’s system of just incase the seller screw’s you over than with eBay’s so I’ve never bought anything from here.
•Facebook Marketplace- I don’t have Facebook so I’ve never used this but I have seen some good deals.
•Garage/Yard/Estate Sales- I haven’t been to any of these in quite some time but when I did go things were quite cheap because they just wanted to get rid of things.
•Illumicrate- special edition book subscription service
•Fairyloot- special edition book subscription service
•Owlcrate- special edition book subscription service
•Broken binding- special edition book subscription service
•Forbidden planet- Manga, books, comics and figures store
•Indigo- Canada’s verison of Barnes & Nobles
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financecomedy1 · 11 months
MaxRebates Promotion and $50 Signup- Bonus 2024
If you are an online shopping enthusiast, you might want to learn about MaxRebates promotion and cashback program. MaxRebates is a reliable online platform that offers cash backs on your purchases. You can earn huge discounts and bonuses by signing up, referring your friends, or shopping through this website. There are several methods to earn cashback, and we will discuss them in detail in this blog. We will also answer frequently asked questions about MaxRebates' legitimacy and how to sign up for this website.
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MaxRebates is an online platform that helps customers earn cashback on their online purchases. It partners with famous online retailers such as Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Best Buy, and many more. Whenever you make a purchase through MaxRebates, the company receives a commission from the retailer. MaxRebates then shares this commission with the buyer in the form of cashback rewards.
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Signing up for MaxRebates is a straightforward process. Users need to visit the official website, provide their email address, and followed by a password. Once you have signed up, you can start browsing the deals from preferred retailers and shop via the platform to start earning your cashback.
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MaxRebates is a legitimate company that offers cashback rewards for online purchases. It has partnerships with top online retailers and ensures that the cashback offered is genuine. The platform uses strong encryption software and follows HIPAA-compliant data security standards to ensure that users' personal information is safe and secured.
MaxRebates is an excellent platform for online shoppers to earn cash back on their purchases. It offers several rewards, such as a generous sign-up bonus and referral program. The platform is user-friendly and has partnerships with top online retailers. With fraudulent activity on the rise, we understand people skepticism in trusting online platforms. Nonetheless, MaxRebates has a fantastic track record in rewarding its users. Finally, we suggest you give MaxRebates a try and enjoy the benefits it delivers!
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raiyanraisha · 1 year
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How to get Instant $100 Google play gift card ? Just click here
to To obtain a Google Play gift card, you can follow these steps:
Physical Retailers: Visit stores like supermarkets, electronic retailers, and convenience stores. Look for the gift card section where Google Play cards are usually available in various denominations. Just click here
Online Retailers: Visit online marketplaces such as Amazon, Walmart, or eBay, and search for "Google Play gift card." You can purchase both physical and digital gift cards. Just click here
Google Play Store: Open the Google Play Store app on your device or visit the website. Go to the "Gifts" or "Redeem" section, where you can buy and send digital gift cards.
Gift Card Websites: Some websites specialize in selling various gift cards, including Google Play. Make sure the website is reputable and trustworthy. Just click here
Promotions and Offers: Keep an eye out for special promotions, discounts, or bundles that might include Google Play gift cards.
Mobile Carriers or Retail Chains: Check with mobile carriers or retail chains, as they might offer Google Play gift cards as part of their offerings.Just click here
Always purchase from authorized sources to avoid scams. Once you have a gift card, follow the instructions on the card or the retailer's website to redeem it in the Google Play Store and add the credit to your account for purchasing apps, games, movies, books, and more.
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bumareviewblog · 4 months
Top 5 Most Trusted Websites for Game Gift Codes
Collection of the most reputable websites providing game giftcodes today G2A G2A is a popular marketplace where gamers can buy and sell game keys, gift cards, and other digital products. While it's not an official retailer, G2A offers a wide variety of games and gift codes at discounted prices. However, there have been some controversies regarding the legitimacy of some keys sold on the platform, so it's important to exercise caution when making purchases.
Website: g2a.com
Amazon Amazon, the e-commerce giant, is a reliable source for purchasing game gift cards and codes. The website offers a wide range of digital game codes for various platforms, including PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo. With Amazon's reputation for customer service and secure transactions, you can be confident in your purchase.
Website: Amazon.com
Green Man Gaming Green Man Gaming is a dedicated online game store that specializes in selling digital game keys and gift codes. They frequently offer attractive discounts and bundles, making it a popular destination for gamers looking to expand their game libraries at a lower cost. The website has a solid reputation for reliable service and prompt delivery of codes.
Website: Greenmangaming.com
Humble Bundle Humble Bundle is a unique platform that offers game bundles and individual game keys, with a portion of the proceeds going to charity. In addition to supporting a good cause, Humble Bundle is known for providing legitimate game keys from reputable publishers and developers. The website has a strong track record of customer satisfaction and transparency.
Website: Humblebundle.com
Bumareviews Bumareviews is a website specializing in providing gift codes, free game codes, and discounts for players. This website is regularly updated with the latest codes from leading game publishers, helping gamers save money and experience special features and items in the game.
Website: Bumareviews.com Address: 13401 JESKE NEEDVILLE TX 77461-6618 USA
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businessupdatetoda · 8 months
Referral Marketing Examples
Referral marketing is a powerful strategy where businesses encourage their existing customers to refer new customers to their products or services. This word-of-mouth marketing technique relies on the trust that existing customers have with their friends, family, and network. Here are some examples of successful referral marketing programs:
Strategy: Dropbox offered extra storage space to users who referred friends. Both the referrer and the new user received additional storage, creating a win-win situation.
Incentive: Free storage space.
Strategy: Uber offers referral bonuses to both the person referring and the new user. The referral code system has been successful in growing its user base.
Incentive: Ride credits for both referrer and new user.
Strategy: Airbnb encourages users to refer friends by offering travel credits for both the referrer and the new user.
Incentive: Travel credits for both parties.
Strategy: Tesla has a referral program where existing Tesla owners can refer friends to buy a Tesla vehicle. In return, they can earn rewards such as free Supercharging miles or exclusive accessories.
Incentive: Supercharging credits and exclusive rewards.
Amazon Prime:
Strategy: Amazon Prime allows users to refer friends, and both the referrer and the new user receive a discount on their next Amazon order.
Incentive: Amazon credit or discounts.
Strategy: This men's grooming brand implemented a referral program where users could earn free products for referring friends who make a purchase.
Incentive: Free grooming products.
Strategy: Evernote's referral program offers users additional premium features for free when they refer friends who upgrade to the premium version.
Incentive: Free premium features.
Dollar Shave Club:
Strategy: Dollar Shave Club has a referral program where users earn credits for referring friends. These credits can be used to purchase shaving products.
Incentive: Shaving product credits.
Google Workspace (formerly G Suite):
Strategy: Google Workspace encourages users to refer others to use their collaboration tools. Both the referrer and the new user receive a credit.
Incentive: Google Workspace credit.
Strategy: ReferralCandy itself is a platform that helps businesses create and manage referral programs. Their own referral program rewards users with cash or gift cards for successful referrals.
Incentive: Cash or gift card rewards.
These examples showcase the diversity of referral marketing strategies, ranging from discounts and credits to exclusive features and products. The key is to provide valuable incentives that motivate customers to share their positive experiences with others.
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[HOW-TO] Best Buy Code Generator 2024 wITHOUT HUman Verification
Best Buy Code Generator 2024 No Survey Without Any Verification.Best Buy Gift Card Generator 2024 No Human Verification.Free Best Buy Rewards Gift Cards Codes Generator.With BestBuy Gift Card you can buy a lot of items in BestBuy and this gift card never expired Get Free Best Buy gift card, redeem code, discount code. Following are the sources from where you can get paid and free Best Buy Gift Card. We are also running Best Buy free Gift Card giveaway contest where you can participate and win free Best Buy Gift Card
🔴✅ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ👉 https://techplaneter.com/bestbuy
SERVER 2🔴 🅶🅾️ 🅷🅴🆁🅴 👉 https://epicplayloft.com/bestbuy
What is Best Buy gift card generator?Best Buy gift card is an online tool that produces codes precisely like Best Buy gift card codes but thse are not valid Best Buy gift card codes, we created this tool just for data testing and education purpose.
We found that lot’s of online Best Buy gift card generator force you to fill survey to see the full giftcard code that’s why we created this free Best Buy gift card generator where you can generator Best Buy gift card just in single click with $5, $10, $25, $50 and $100 value.
How to generate Best Buy gift card code free?Using out free online Best Buy gift card generator tool you can easily generate completely free Best Buy gift card code by following below steps.
Step:0- GoTo Best Buy Gift Card Generator Page.Step:1- First select device form above select device dropdown.Step:2- Select Country this is optional.Step:3- After that select amount for your giftcard like $5, $10, $20,$25,$50 or $100;Step:4- Finally Click on Generate Generate Now button. it will take few seconds to process the Best Buy gift card and then you can copy the Best Buy gift card.
What is Gift Card & How does it work?E-Gift cards stand for electronic gift cards. This means you won’t have a physical gift card when you buy an E-Gift card. Instead you will typically be emailed an E-Gift card number or bar code when you purchase from sites like Zeek, Amazon or cardpool. If you have ever looked at a traditional physical gift card, you have probably noticed the string of numbers. These numbers are the exact same as the numbers you will get for your E-Gift card. Advancements in technology have just made it so that we can step away from being forced to have a physical card to swipe.
When you are shopping you will use your E-Gift card the same way as you would a traditional gift card. If you are making a purchase online, simply enter the code in the appropriate field, the same way you would if you had the physical card sitting in front of you. If you are in a store, you can ask the salesperson to either scan the barcode or show them your E-Gift Card number from your email.Reply allReply to authorForward
Introducing the Best Buy Gift Card Generator: Unlock Limitless PossibilitiesAre you a tech enthusiast, always on the lookout for the latest gadgets and electronics? Look no further than Best Buy, the go-to destination for all your tech needs. And what’s even better? We have an exciting offer for you — the Best Buy Gift Card Generator!
With the Best Buy Gift Card Generator, you can now enjoy the ultimate shopping spree at Best Buy, without worrying about your budget. Whether you want to upgrade your smartphone, buy a new laptop, or get your hands on the hottest gaming console, the possibilities are endless with this incredible tool.
Why Choose the Best Buy Gift Card Generator?
1. Best Buy Gift Card Giveaway: We believe in spreading joy and making dreams come true. That’s why we often organize Best Buy Gift Card Giveaways, where lucky winners can grab a chance to win free gift cards. Keep an eye out for these exciting opportunities to win big!
2. Best Buy Money Generator: Imagine having a tool that generates free money for you to spend at Best Buy. Well, your wish has come true! The Best Buy Money Generator allows you to generate virtual funds that can be used to purchase anything your heart desires from Best Buy’s extensive range of products.
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Best Buy Free Gift Card Generator ∑GET Now Free NO Human Verification 2024
Best Buy Code Generator 2024 No Survey Without Any Verification.Best Buy Gift Card Generator 2024 No Human Verification.Free Best Buy Rewards Gift Cards Codes Generator.With BestBuy Gift Card you can buy a lot of items in BestBuy and this gift card never expired Get Free Best Buy gift card, redeem code, discount code. Following are the sources from where you can get paid and free Best Buy Gift Card. We are also running Best Buy free Gift Card giveaway contest where you can participate and win free Best Buy Gift Card
🔴✅ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴇ👉 https://techplaneter.com/bestbuy
SERVER 2🔴 🅶🅾️ 🅷🅴🆁🅴 👉 https://epicplayloft.com/bestbuy
What is Best Buy gift card generator?Best Buy gift card is an online tool that produces codes precisely like Best Buy gift card codes but thse are not valid Best Buy gift card codes, we created this tool just for data testing and education purpose.
We found that lot’s of online Best Buy gift card generator force you to fill survey to see the full giftcard code that’s why we created this free Best Buy gift card generator where you can generator Best Buy gift card just in single click with $5, $10, $25, $50 and $100 value.
How to generate Best Buy gift card code free?Using out free online Best Buy gift card generator tool you can easily generate completely free Best Buy gift card code by following below steps.
Step:0- GoTo Best Buy Gift Card Generator Page.Step:1- First select device form above select device dropdown.Step:2- Select Country this is optional.Step:3- After that select amount for your giftcard like $5, $10, $20,$25,$50 or $100;Step:4- Finally Click on Generate Generate Now button. it will take few seconds to process the Best Buy gift card and then you can copy the Best Buy gift card.
What is Gift Card & How does it work?E-Gift cards stand for electronic gift cards. This means you won’t have a physical gift card when you buy an E-Gift card. Instead you will typically be emailed an E-Gift card number or bar code when you purchase from sites like Zeek, Amazon or cardpool. If you have ever looked at a traditional physical gift card, you have probably noticed the string of numbers. These numbers are the exact same as the numbers you will get for your E-Gift card. Advancements in technology have just made it so that we can step away from being forced to have a physical card to swipe.
When you are shopping you will use your E-Gift card the same way as you would a traditional gift card. If you are making a purchase online, simply enter the code in the appropriate field, the same way you would if you had the physical card sitting in front of you. If you are in a store, you can ask the salesperson to either scan the barcode or show them your E-Gift Card number from your email.Reply allReply to authorForward
Introducing the Best Buy Gift Card Generator: Unlock Limitless PossibilitiesAre you a tech enthusiast, always on the lookout for the latest gadgets and electronics? Look no further than Best Buy, the go-to destination for all your tech needs. And what’s even better? We have an exciting offer for you — the Best Buy Gift Card Generator!
With the Best Buy Gift Card Generator, you can now enjoy the ultimate shopping spree at Best Buy, without worrying about your budget. Whether you want to upgrade your smartphone, buy a new laptop, or get your hands on the hottest gaming console, the possibilities are endless with this incredible tool.
Why Choose the Best Buy Gift Card Generator?
1. Best Buy Gift Card Giveaway: We believe in spreading joy and making dreams come true. That’s why we often organize Best Buy Gift Card Giveaways, where lucky winners can grab a chance to win free gift cards. Keep an eye out for these exciting opportunities to win big!
2. Best Buy Money Generator: Imagine having a tool that generates free money for you to spend at Best Buy. Well, your wish has come true! The Best Buy Money Generator allows you to generate virtual funds that can be used to purchase anything your heart desires from Best Buy’s extensive range of products.
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prizewheel90 · 10 months
Amazon Gift Card
Amazon, one of the most preferred shopping platforms in the world, is becoming a subject of curiosity and research due to the Amazon gift card. Amazon, which is a platform where more and more people shop every day and allows shopping in many different areas, offers various gift cards to its users, allowing them to shop at a more discounted rate. In addition to offering advantages in many different aspects, if you want to buy the products you dream of and need at more discounted prices, you can also take advantage of Amazon gift card opportunities! In this way, you will have a shopping opportunity that is both fun, safe and economical. It would not be wrong to say that gift cards are advantageous in many ways and are completely safe.
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makyajloji · 10 months
Amazon Gift Card
Amazon, one of the most preferred shopping platforms in the world, is becoming a subject of curiosity and research due to the Amazon gift card. Amazon, which is a platform where more and more people shop every day and allows shopping in many different areas, offers various gift cards to its users, allowing them to shop at a more discounted rate. In addition to offering advantages in many different aspects, if you want to buy the products you dream of and need at more discounted prices, you can also take advantage of Amazon gift card opportunities! In this way, you will have a shopping opportunity that is both fun, safe and economical. It would not be wrong to say that gift cards are advantageous in many ways and are completely safe.
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haber4-24 · 10 months
Amazon Gift Card
Amazon, one of the most preferred shopping platforms in the world, is becoming a subject of curiosity and research due to the Amazon gift card. Amazon, which is a platform where more and more people shop every day and allows shopping in many different areas, offers various gift cards to its users, allowing them to shop at a more discounted rate. In addition to offering advantages in many different aspects, if you want to buy the products you dream of and need at more discounted prices, you can also take advantage of Amazon gift card opportunities! In this way, you will have a shopping opportunity that is both fun, safe and economical. It would not be wrong to say that gift cards are advantageous in many ways and are completely safe.
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kripto-son-dakika · 10 months
Amazon Gift Card
Amazon, one of the most preferred shopping platforms in the world, is becoming a subject of curiosity and research due to the Amazon gift card. Amazon, which is a platform where more and more people shop every day and allows shopping in many different areas, offers various gift cards to its users, allowing them to shop at a more discounted rate. In addition to offering advantages in many different aspects, if you want to buy the products you dream of and need at more discounted prices, you can also take advantage of Amazon gift card opportunities! In this way, you will have a shopping opportunity that is both fun, safe and economical. It would not be wrong to say that gift cards are advantageous in many ways and are completely safe.
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guzel-haberle · 10 months
Amazon Gift Card
Amazon, one of the most preferred shopping platforms in the world, is becoming a subject of curiosity and research due to the Amazon gift card. Amazon, which is a platform where more and more people shop every day and allows shopping in many different areas, offers various gift cards to its users, allowing them to shop at a more discounted rate. In addition to offering advantages in many different aspects, if you want to buy the products you dream of and need at more discounted prices, you can also take advantage of Amazon gift card opportunities! In this way, you will have a shopping opportunity that is both fun, safe and economical. It would not be wrong to say that gift cards are advantageous in many ways and are completely safe.
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itibarefrasiyap · 10 months
Amazon Gift Card
Amazon, one of the most preferred shopping platforms in the world, is becoming a subject of curiosity and research due to the Amazon gift card. Amazon, which is a platform where more and more people shop every day and allows shopping in many different areas, offers various gift cards to its users, allowing them to shop at a more discounted rate. In addition to offering advantages in many different aspects, if you want to buy the products you dream of and need at more discounted prices, you can also take advantage of Amazon gift card opportunities! In this way, you will have a shopping opportunity that is both fun, safe and economical. It would not be wrong to say that gift cards are advantageous in many ways and are completely safe.
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